Set Rep Meeting Minutes of the School of Transportation, Construction & the Environment Thursday, February 16, 2012
Chair: Brian Harvey, Chair of the School of Transportation, Construction and the Environment
Set/Tech Reps: Trevor Doyle Andrew Franklyn David Gordon Wendelin Jordan Maya Korbynn Ben Senior Marc Thorup Paul Zasitko Mike Van de Water
James Wong Alison Walker Chris Yeung Steve Peck Ben Plasche Erica Rutley Daniel Smith Matt Dick
Olesea Zadoinova, BCITSA Clubs & Program Coordinator, 5.1 Meeting called to order The Chair person, Brian Harvey, calls meeting to order at 5:30 pm 5.2 Guest Speakers Set Rep were inquired regarding speakers which they would be interested to see on Set Rep meetings. Students shared their ideas: speakers who can provide information regarding the dental cleaning, Student Benefits Plan, Bursaries and etc. 5.3 Set Rep Forum ďƒź One of the Set Rep sends a newsletter every night to students. I am wondering if we supposed to do something the same. Newsletter is a good way to share information with students. However, it is up to you to decide how you would like to inform your class what is going on Campus. Set Reps expressed their ideas how better to do it.
3700 Willingdon Avenue, Burnaby BC | Bus: 604.432.8600 Fax: 604.434.3809 | |
The quantity of Sales Representatives in the Great Hall was more excessive than usual this week. They contacted students and tried to sell their stuff. Can we limit it somehow? Brian will investigate. It very hard to get an appointment for a massage on Campus. Students have an opportunity to do it just in case they call at 6:00-7:00am in the morning. Set Reps shared their experience regarding this. 5.4 Unfinished Business BCITSA Pool Tournament. The BCITSA Pool Tournament, organized by the School of Transportation, Construction and Environment, was very successful. Most of the Schools and BCIT Campuses had participated. Brian thanked everybody for their involvement and in particular volunteers who were helping with its organization. Set Reps shared students’ feedback with Brian. 5.5 New Business Elections Set Reps were explained the role and responsibilities of the position of the Chair of the School of Transportation, Construction and the Environment. It is re-elected each year. The position is 500 dollars per month and gives discounts in the Stand Central, Gear Up stores and the Professor Mugs Pub. The candidate will be required to be actively involved in student and campus Life, to have a lot of meetings, to organize events and etc. Brian will apply for the position this year as well. Set rep awards Set Rep were reminded about the $500 dollars Set Reps award, which the Students Association proposes to the most outstanding Set Rep from each school. The Nomination form can be found on the BCITSA website. Forms should be submitted by April 5, 2012. Nominees may be nominated by Faculty, fellow students or fellow Reps. A minimum one Letter of Recommendation must be submitted along with the Nomination Form. Questions: Is the award offered to every School? Yes, it is provided to the Set Reps of every BCIT school. Whom should we give the form? Please give the nomination form to Bev, the BCITSA Administrative Assistant, or to me. 5.6 Notices Construction Start Notice Facilities & Campus Development - Replacement of Washbasins at NE2, NE4, NE6, NE12, NE16, NE18, NE20, NW6 from: Wednesday, February 15, 2012 to March 1, 2012. BCIT Open House 3700 Willingdon Avenue, Burnaby BC | Bus: 604.432.8600 Fax: 604.434.3809 | |
BCIT Open House is coming on Campus on April 13, 14, 2012. Program displays that are studentled are entered to be judged by BCIT panel for the chance at $5, 000 in graduation and achievement awards. BCIT needs about 250 volunteers to make Open House a success (to greet guests, give tours, help with set up and etc.). Please email at for any further information. Go Beyond BCIT staff is invited to attend a Lunch and Lean on Friday 17, 2012 centered on sustainability education. The Go Beyond Campus climate Network is composed of over 20 Colleges and Universities across the province. On March 5-17, 2012 faculty members in all disciplines will facilitate class discussions about sustainability and how it relates to their program/class. CCW Annual General Meeting CCW invites students to register for the CCW Annual General Meeting which will take place on February 21, 2012 from 5:30pm - 8:30pm at Water Street Café. There will be introduced and discussed the roles of each of the board members; membership and membership fees, a sneak peak of the event topics for 2012 and etc. Please email at for more information regarding this event. The 2012 Student Innovation Challenge Set Reps were encouraged to apply for the Student Innovation Challenge. The 2012 Student Innovation Challenge is open to all BCIT students, full time or part time, in any program. This is an ideas contest, which means student’s idea can be anything from a new product or business or service or website. Students who enter will have to fill out a word doc online ( then submit it before Monday, March 12 at 10pm PST. The winner will get $5,000 cash and the runner-up will receive $1,000 cash. The Challenge also offers free lunch and learning sessions, where students can learn business skills like market research and pitching. The dates are posted on the Student Innovation Challenge website. Questions: Will the idea belong to BCIT? I think no, but better to clarify it with the organizers of the Student Innovation Challenge. 5.7 Next Meeting Next Meeting is scheduled for Thursday, March 15, 2012, from 5:30pm-6:30pm in Council Chambers. 5.8 Adjournment The Chairperson, Brian Harvey adjourned the meeting at 6:30pm.
3700 Willingdon Avenue, Burnaby BC | Bus: 604.432.8600 Fax: 604.434.3809 | |
SoT,C,E Set Rep Meeting Agenda Thursday, February 16, 2012 5:30pm -6:30pm 5.1
Meeting called to order
Guest Speakers
Set Rep Forum (opportunity to voice issues)
Unfinished Business
ďƒ˜ BCITSA Pool Tournament 5.5
New Business
Next Meeting (Scheduled for Thursday, March 15, 2012)
Meeting Adjourned
3700 Willingdon Avenue, Burnaby BC | Bus: 604.432.8600 Fax: 604.434.3809 | |