Set/ Rep Meeting Minutes of the School of Transportation, Construction & the Environment Thursday, November 17th, 2011
Chair: Brian Harvey, Chair of the School of Transportation, Construction and the Environment
Set/Tech Reps: Trevor Dean Pravdeep Anda Emily Steve
Doyle Fischer Sekhon Madaras Pawluk Peck
Ben Erica
Daniel Kevin Marc Clayton
Plasche Rutley
Smith Smith Thorup Uhlig
Olesea Zadoinova, BCITSA Clubs & Program Coordinator, Guest Speakers: Karl Tegenfeldt, BCITSA Advocacy Coordinator, Monica Kay, BCIT Campus Mediation Service, 3.1 Meeting called to order
The Chair person, Brian Harvey, calls meeting to order at 5:30 pm 3.2 Acceptance of the Agenda
It was moved for the acceptance of Agenda provided by Brian. 3.3 Guest Speaker
ďƒ˜ The Guest Speaker Monika Kay introduced her role to the Set Reps and asked students to direct their opinions, suggestions and/or concerns regarding BCIT Harassment &Discrimination Procedure. It was explained that students have right to a respectful, harassment-free learning environment while at BCIT. Information regarding H&D applies to both School environment and work place. It was enlightened the meaning of Harassment and some of its protected characteristic (race, place of origin, family status, sexual orientation, colour, sex, religion, marital status and etc.). Some of the examples of Harassment: are racist remarks sent via email and etc., unwelcome touching, offensive
3700 Willingdon Avenue, Burnaby BC | Bus: 604.432.8600 Fax: 604.434.3809 | |
remarks related to sexual orientation, refusing to hire based on the protected characteristics, unwelcome, offensive behaviour off campus that impacts the learning environment and etc. It was explained the difference between legitimate feedback and harassment, the theory and examples of conflict, communication and professionalism. Students were advised to contact Monica as early as possible to resolve a problem through the mediation. There were provided examples of “not harassment”. The main resources at BCIT are Campus Mediation Services (604-451-6721), Instructors, Program Heads, BCITSA advocate, Student Judicial Services. Questions: Is the general information about the Harassment and Discrimination available on BCIT website? Yes, just type “harassment”. The guest speaker Karl Tegenfeldt has asked Set Reps if they had heard about any situations or issues on Campus, where the complaint Procedure could be implemented. It was declared that the Advocacy Office on Campus is dedicated to protect students’ interests. The office is located in the Uconnect Resourse Center, SE2 building, and is opened for students from 8:00am till 4:00pm every day from Monday to Friday. Questions: Who do you work for? I am employed by BCITSA. Does BCIT have a policy to read and take into consideration students’ comments about the Instructor? It was proposed that a third party and not an instructor himself/herself should check students’ comments for avoiding the conflict of interests in this situation. 3.4 Set Rep Forum Can we have a sanitizer in SW3 2980 for the reason that the bathroom is far away. Brian will investigate. Can we have a sanitizer in printer stations in SW3? Brian will investigate. NE1- heating issue. It is very cold, can we somehow improve it? Brian will investigate. Can we have a recycling bin in the lecture hall 331 in NE1? Brian will investigate. 3.5 Unfinished Business BCITSA Pool Tournament: Set Reps were asked for the contacts of the bands or DJs which they would like to have on the Pool Tournament. The budget for the music is approximate $200 dollars. Brian will invite as many students from other campuses as possible. The tentative date is Friday, February 10, 2012. First Aid Classes: First aid classes, such as CPR, CPRC, and etc. will ideally start in January. The BCITSA will have a certain answer early next week. It is being discussed two options for students: to have the classes on Campus or near students’ home. BCIT is not a provider of this class, but BCIT students will get a discount rate. 3700 Willingdon Avenue, Burnaby BC | Bus: 604.432.8600 Fax: 604.434.3809 | |
3.6 New Business BCIT students were proposed to tag their pictures on the BCITSA events photos and to win prizes. More information can be found online at 3.7 Notices Upass: Students will not be able to receive their January Upasses earlier, due to the BCIT and Translink special requirements. For students information: the upass distribution will be interrupted from Friday, November 18, 2011 till Sunday, November 20, 2011 due to a system upgrade. Flu Shots: Flu shots will be available at Student Health Services SE16 Room 127 on a walk in basis, from Monday to Friday, from 9:30am till 3:30pm. (Exception: Tuesday, November 29th, 2011 from 1:00pm till 2:30pm. Price for students is $20 dollars. Everyone must remain in the building for 15 minutes after receiving the flu shot. CCW Christmas Social and Gingerbread House Competition: Canadian Construction Women Christmas Social will take place on November 22, 2011 from 5:30pm till 8:30pm on Revel Room 238 Abbott Street. More details can be found at Duck Hunt: On November 24 & 25 between 10:00am & 2:00pm BCITSA will be holding a Duck Hunt Competition in NES of the Great Hall. Prizes for the top score will be provided.
Eurovision: Friday, November 18, 2011- The Eurovision Song and Food contest event in the Pub from 4:00pm till 7:00pm. The students will be representing their home country and competing in 4 different categories: Country Costume, Talent, Food, and Canadian Surprise Contest. Students are welcome to comply and enjoy the fun. Set rep awards-Set Reps were reminded about the $500 dollars Set Reps award, which Students Association proposes to the most outstanding Set Rep from each school. Whistler trip for ABET students: ABET students are encouraged to register for the Whistler trip. Please contact Brian for more details.
3.8 Next Meeting Next Meeting is scheduled for Thursday, January 19, 2011, from 5:30pm-6:30pm in Council Chambers. 3.9 Adjournment The Chairperson, Brian Harvey adjourned the meeting at 6:30pm.
3700 Willingdon Avenue, Burnaby BC | Bus: 604.432.8600 Fax: 604.434.3809 | |
SoT,C,E Set Rep Meeting Agenda Thursday, November 17, 2011 5:30-6:30pm 3.1 Meeting called to order 3.2 Acceptance of the Agenda 3.3 Guest Speakers 3.4 Set Rep Forum (opportunity to voice issues) 3.5
Unfinished Business
BCITSA Pool Tournament First Aid Classes 3.6 New Business 3.7
Next Meeting (Scheduled for Thursday, January 19, 2011)
Meeting Adjourned
3700 Willingdon Avenue, Burnaby BC | Bus: 604.432.8600 Fax: 604.434.3809 | |