School of T, C & E Set Rep Meeting March 22, 2012

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Set Rep Meeting Minutes of the School of Transportation, Construction & the Environment Thursday, March 22, 2012

Chair: Brian Harvey, Chair of the School of Transportation, Construction and the Environment

Set/Tech Reps: Debbie Feusse Andrew Franklyn Maya Korbynn Emily Pawluk Marc Thorup Mike Van de Water James Wong Alison Walker

Laura Waterer Michael Wilson Chris Yeung Steve Peck Ben Plasche Erica Rutley Daniel Smith


Olesea Zadoinova, BCITSA Clubs & Program Coordinator, Guest Speakers: Karl Tegenfeldt, the BCITSA Advocacy Coordinator, Aaron Kool, the BCIT Geomatics Club President 6.1 Meeting called to order The Chair person, Brian Harvey, calls meeting to order at 5:30 pm 6.2 Guest Speakers ďƒ˜ The guest speaker Karl Tegenfeldt The guest speaker Karl Tegenfeldt reminded Set Reps regarding the Mental wellness week coming up during the week of April 16-20. The Wellness Week is being designed to create space within the BCIT community to increase awareness about, participate in and engage with issues related to mental health and wellness. A slogan for this event is Speak Up/Speak Out. It will happen in combination with Zen Lounge, which is on Tuesday/Wednesday April 17-18.

3700 Willingdon Avenue, Burnaby BC | Bus: 604.432.8600 Fax: 604.434.3809 | |

Student Planning Committee would like to create a short video clip, where students will stay in front of the camera and say “Speak Up/Speak Out”. Set Reps were invited to participate and encouraged to sign-up for volunteering on this event. The BCITSA has designed T-shirts for students who want to support Mental Health Awareness Week.  The guest speaker Aaron Kool The guest speaker, Aaron Kool invited Set Rep to come to the Pool Party in the Professor Mugs Pub, which will happen on Friday, March 30, 2012 at 5:00pm. The party is organized by the BCIT Geomatics Club: 10 dollars per ticket include two drinks and burger, free pool tournament and chance to participate in the Open Mike. It is a great opportunity for students to gather together and meet students from other classes. . 6.3 Set Rep Forum  What is going on with the Open House? Are we supposed to do anything? Talk to your Program Head about this.  “ABET”- they would like to remove the word “engineering” from its name. It is under review right now.  Can we get student parking closer? Brian will investigate.  Can we replace NE1? BCIT is looking for renovation and expansion of NE1.  We are waiting four weeks to get our marks. Can we have them on time? Do you mean project marks or final marks? Brian will investigate.  ehPOD shut down at 1pm. Most of the computers shut down from 1:00pm till 4:00pm. Brian will investigate.  Female washrooms in NE1 always have an “Out of Order” sign on the door. 6.4 Unfinished Business  24 Hour Access to Required Labs Set Rep were advised to collect the list of the students who would like to have a 24 hours access to the Required Labs (drafting tables) and submit it to the Program Head. Security will be notified by the department. 6.5 New Business  Elections The following positions are available for students’ nominations: President, VP of Campus Life, VP Student Affairs, VP Public External, Chair of School of Transportation, Construction and the Environment and etc. The duties are manageable; in addition, trained staff is always ready to support. Student can apply for any position by submitting their application before Friday, March 30 at noon. Please find more details at No applications will be accepted after the deadline. Brian will apply for the position of the Chair of the School of T, C &E this year as

well.  How much you get paid? About 600 dollars per month. 3700 Willingdon Avenue, Burnaby BC | Bus: 604.432.8600 Fax: 604.434.3809 | |

 Do you have to be a Set Rep to be eligible to apply? No

 Set rep awards Set Rep were reminded about the $500 dollars Set Reps award, which the Students Association proposes to the most outstanding Set Rep from each school. The Nomination form can be found on the BCITSA website. Forms should be submitted by April 5, 2012. Nominees may be nominated by Faculty, fellow students or fellow Rep. A minimum one Letter of Recommendation must be submitted along with the Nomination Form. 6.6 Notices  Beat the Heat Contest Students were encouraged to participate in the “Beat the Heat Contest”: to create a plan to optimize natural gas use for a greener BC. Submission deadline is July 1, 2012/register by May 1, 2012. The first prize is 10, 000 dollars/second prize is 5, 000 dollars. Please find more details at  BCIT Open House BCIT Open House is coming on Campus on April 13, 14, 2012. BCIT is looking for the volunteers for the Welcome tent SoCE Display, SoCE Team Spirit Award Judging, Alumni Industry Reception, to assist with Pizza and Refreshments Distribution and etc. Please email Sarah Campbell at for more details.  Legacy Club Set Reps were informed that the Submission Deadline for the photography contest is March 23, 2012 at 5:00pm. Please email your photos to 6.7 Next Meeting It was moved forward that next Set Rep Meeting to be one week earlier. Next Meeting is scheduled for Thursday, April 12, 2012, from 5:30pm-6:30pm in the Council Chambers. Set Rep were reminded that next Meeting will be combined with the School of Health Sciences Set Rep Meeting. 6.8 Adjournment The Chairperson, Brian Harvey adjourned the meeting at 6:30 pm.

3700 Willingdon Avenue, Burnaby BC | Bus: 604.432.8600 Fax: 604.434.3809 | |

SoT,C,E Set Rep Meeting Agenda Thursday, March 22, 2012 5:30pm -6:30pm 6.1

Meeting called to order


Guest Speakers


Set Rep Forum (opportunity to voice issues)


Unfinished Business


New Business




Next Meeting (Scheduled for Thursday, April 12, 2012)


Meeting Adjourned

3700 Willingdon Avenue, Burnaby BC | Bus: 604.432.8600 Fax: 604.434.3809 | |

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