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Set/ Rep Meeting Minutes of the School of Energy Wednesday, April 20th, 2011

Chair: Andrew Io, Chair of the School of Energy Set/Tech Reps: Bajwa Tejpaul

Stepan Brian

Eric Clegg

McWhirter Nick

Denis Dobrozdravich

Vince Rafer

Amy Erskine Stansfield Davin Staff: Olesea Zadoinova 4.1 Meeting called to order The Chair person, Andrew Io, calls meeting to order at 2.30 pm 4.2 Unfinished business 

New Chair Elected

Andrew introduced to the Set Reps Amy Erskine, the new chair of the School of Energy, for the 2011-2012. 

Mentorship Program

The BCITSA wishes to continue to provide students with a mentorship program which collaborates with BCIT schools and the BCIT Alumni Association. The end aim continues to be the creation of a culture of mentorship throughout the BCIT community, thereby providing the students with an exceptional advantage for their career development. Andrew explained to the Set Reps the benefits of the Mentorship program. He emphasized that graduated professionals from the field are ready to share their skills and experience with participants and to answer to the students’ questions. Andrew invites every student from the School of Energy to participate

3700 Willingdon Avenue, Burnaby BC | Bus: 604.432.8600 Fax: 604.434.3809 | |

in the program. For any further information, please contact Amanda Spear at 4.3 New business It was declared the following: 

SW9 and SE16 closure from April 23, 0700 to April 24, 1600

As life safety systems will be impacted, the buildings SE16 & SW9 will be locked down and entry restricted from Saturday, April 23, 2011 07:00 hrs. to Sunday, April 24, 2011 16:00 hrs. 

Gateway Project – substantial completion by end of April

Several monumental milestones for the Gateways project will be achieved over the next couple of weeks including installation of the 20-metre beacon sign. By the end of April the building is expected to be substantially complete winding-up the noisy and disruptive stage of the project. 

Appreciation from the part of SA

SA expressed its appreciation to the Set Reps for their active engagement during this year by giving each a little gift. 4.4 Feedback Period There were no issues discussed by the Set Reps. 4.5 Next Meeting Next Meeting is scheduled for the next fall. Further details will be emailed to the Set Reps. 4.6 Adjournment The Chairperson, Andrew Io, adjourned meeting at 3:30pm.

3700 Willingdon Avenue, Burnaby BC | Bus: 604.432.8600 Fax: 604.434.3809 | |

Set Rep Meeting Wednesday, April 20th, 2011 AGENDA 4.1

Meeting called to order

4.2 Unfinished Business  New Chair Elected  Mentorship Program 4.3

New Business  SW9 and SE16 closure from April 23, 0700 to April 24, 1600  Gateway Project – substantial completion by end of April  Appreciation from the part of SA


Feedback Period


Settling Next Meeting Time.

4.6 Meeting Adjourned

3700 Willingdon Avenue, Burnaby BC | Bus: 604.432.8600 Fax: 604.434.3809 | |

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