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Set Rep Meeting Minutes of SoT,C,E Tuesday, March 22nd, 2011 5:30-6:30pm

Chair: Brian Harvey, School of Transportation, Construction and Environment

Set/Tech Reps:

Aaron Kool

Ben Plasche

Daniel Smith

Katrina Smith

Alison Walker

David Gordon

Dylan Toothill


Olesea Zadoinova

Guest Speakers: Christina Batstone, Advocate Coordinator, Maggie Ross, Director of Student Judicial Affairs,

3.1 Meeting called to order The Chair person, Brian Harvey, called meeting to order at 5:30 pm. 3.2 Acceptance of the Agenda It was moved for the acceptance of Agenda provided by Brian. 3.3 Guest Speakers

3700 Willingdon Avenue, Burnaby BC | Bus: 604.432.8600 Fax: 604.434.3809 | |

Guest speakers Christina Batstone and Maggie Ross introduced to the Set Reps general information about BCIT Students Rights and Responsibilities, safety and security, the difference between non- academic Conduct Codes and Academic Conduct Codes. Moreover, it was explained to the Set Rep that BCIT has started a review of the Non-Academic Misconduct (Code of Conduct) policy which deals with things like fighting, theft, vandalism, threatening or disruptive behaviour, harassment and bullying etc. Maggie shared that a key part of the review is gathering student feedback. The set reps shared their experiences and opinions on the following questions (see attached document for complete information):  To what extent are student’s aware of BCIT’s non-academic conduct expectations?  What are the strength /gaps in BCIT’s response to student non-academic misconduct?  What are the most important things to include in a revised Student Non-Academic Conduct Code? The following was mentioned by the Set Rep:  Non-academic Codes of Conduct is not known by the students (in most cases the students don’t read, or don’t have access to policies etc.),  the ways policies are communicated makes them hard to read, Set Reps expressed their opinions about       

BCIT policies of changing instructors, style of evaluation of students work, advantages and disadvantages of high medium passing level, advantages of being treated as students and not as customers in BCIT; people throwing the garbage, litter in the library and around the Campus, smoking on Campus They proposed to BCIT to evaluate the instructor more often by an independent party.

Over the summer, Maggie will use this information, as well as feedback from faculty and staff, to shape the new policy. In the fall, Maggie and Christina will follow up with the new set reps to get more input. Set Reps are asked to present the questions to their sets and have feedback forwarded to Maggie or Christina. For any further information or for feedback regarding Code of Conduct please contact Maggie Ross at or 604-431-4972, or Christina Batstone at at 604-456-1161.

3700 Willingdon Avenue, Burnaby BC | Bus: 604.432.8600 Fax: 604.434.3809 | |

3.4 Set Rep Forum (opportunity to voice issues)  The Set Rep explained that the position of the Set Rep is misrepresented to students. That is why students are not interested in becoming the Set Reps, not taking in consideration the fact that the role of the Set Rep is very important for the students. The Set Rep proposed this position to be better promoted to students; possible, in the more professional manner.  The Set Rep proposed to do concrete actions for the environment (to pick up the garbage on Campus or in the park, to set up more garbage cans on Campus). 3.5 Unfinished Business  

The situation with the printers didn’t change from the last Set Rep Meeting. For the further details or questions please contact Leo de Sousa from IT Services at The Set Rep complained about Garbage and Smoking Problems on Campus.

3.6 New Business 

Brian invited Set Rep to participate in the Toon-In Campaign from March 28th-April 1st. The campaign raises money for the BCIT Foundation’s Student Endowment Fund which creates bursaries for students in need.

 Sign up to participate by e-mailing Ciara Hamagishi at  Come by to collect your donation can on Thursday March 24th, Friday March 25th or Monday March 28th in the Uconnect (SE2) or the Great Hall registration booth.  Starting March 28th, collect toonies and other donations over the week by simply shaking your donation can, or get creative to raise money through bake sales or other fund-raisers. Funds can be raised both on and off campus.  On April 1st, drop off you donation can by 6pm to the Uconnect or the SA Council Chambers in SE2 (upstairs from Professor Mugs)  The individual prizes for the top 4 students will be:  

1st $1500 Tuition Voucher 2nd $700 Tuition Voucher!

3700 Willingdon Avenue, Burnaby BC | Bus: 604.432.8600 Fax: 604.434.3809 | |

 

3rd $400 Tuition Voucher! 4th A pair of tickets to BCIT’s DAA!

 All participants will be eligible for a random drawing of prizes, including a helicopter ride, BCIT merchandise, gift certificates and more. 

Brian proposed to Set Rep and all BCIT students to apply for the 2011- 2012 Students Executives Nominations for the position of chair of the School of Transportation, Construction and Environment, position of President, VP Finance and Administrations, VP External, VP Student Affairs etc. To be eligible for nominations all candidates must fill out the nomination form and be

 Members of the Association  Full-time students based on BCIT criteria  In good standing with the Association  With a minimum of sixty-five percent (65%) previous term standing GPA. Completed nominations packages must be submitted to the CRO by March 25th, 2011. Nomination packages will be available online March 14th or in the SA main office. For further information please contact Bev Dosen, administrative assistant of the Student Association at, or 604-432-8600.

3.7 Next Meeting Next Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, April 12th, 2011 Council Chambers. The precise time will be emailed to the Set Rep.

3.7 Adjournment The Chairperson, Brian Harvey, adjourned meeting at 6:45 pm.

3700 Willingdon Avenue, Burnaby BC | Bus: 604.432.8600 Fax: 604.434.3809 | |

SoT,C,E Set Rep Meeting Agenda Tuesday, March 22, 2011 5:30-6:30pm 3.1

Meeting called to order


Acceptance of the Agenda


Guest Speakers 

Christina Batstone (Advocacy)


Set Rep Forum (opportunity to voice issues)


Unfinished Business 


Printers New Business  

Toon-In Elections


Next Meeting (Tuesday, April 12, 2011, School of Health)


Meeting Adjourned

3700 Willingdon Avenue, Burnaby BC | Bus: 604.432.8600 Fax: 604.434.3809 | |

3700 Willingdon Avenue, Burnaby BC | Bus: 604.432.8600 Fax: 604.434.3809 | |

3700 Willingdon Avenue, Burnaby BC | Bus: 604.432.8600 Fax: 604.434.3809 | |

3700 Willingdon Avenue, Burnaby BC | Bus: 604.432.8600 Fax: 604.434.3809 | |

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