Volunteer Registration Form
Whyy Volunteer??
Networking N Boost your reesume Fun! F Friendship! F Free F stuff Recognition R
Full Nam me: Phone Number: N Email Ad ddress (required):
The Ucon nnect Resou urce Centre can c help you u locate a vollunteer role in your areaa of interest. We have som me great on and a off campus recommeendations. SSome examp ples of voluntteer roles th hat many stu udents get in nvolved in arre Septemberr Orientation n, Toon-In C Campaign, C Career Fair, B Big Info, etc. a we will be sure to coontact you aabout related d opportunitties. Please lisst your areass of interest and
Please reeturn your completed c form f to: Uconnecct Resourcee Centre SE2, Roo om 286 604-451--7087 or uco onnect@bciitsa.ca
3700 Willin ngdon Avenuee, Burnaby BC,, V5G 3H2 | Bu us: 604.432.86600 Fax: 604.4 434.3809 | ww ww.bcitsa.ca