A Kinder, Softer World
My heart would never be broken My soul not worn down by time
In a kinder, softer world I wouldn’t be so hesitant To raise my voice when it’s needed I wouldn’t be afraid Of the sound of my own voice When it matters, if I speak
In the softer, kinder world I sometimes see in the corner Of my vision
Fatima Islam
In the softer, kinder world Of my dreams My hands wouldn’t strike hurt In the wake of my anger My fingers wouldn’t shake With the force of it In a softer, kinder world That doesn’t exist I wouldn’t be afraid to step into The depths of my feelings That I don’t hesitate to drag Others beneath In a softer, kinder world That sometimes I can’t help But long for My skin would stay unscarred
My shoulders would not slump With exhaustion My eyes would remain clear with time In a softer, kinder world I once wished for My smiles did not change I could look you in the eye I could speak when I wished too Morning comes and goes as it pleases This is not a soft, kind world This is life as we know it We make due with what we have I carve a step and walk Forward. Never once do I look back
“Don’t Be Such a Crochead” Photo by R. Santos