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Dear Friend of BCM, What a calling is on us to go into all the world and share the Gospel. Our missionaries in 50 countries around the world are spreading the hope of Jesus to children and adults, and we are inviting you to reach out and join us. Throughout this Christmas Gift Catalog, you will read the real stories of the needs of those who are working to share the love of Christ in their area of ministry. In places like Sri Lanka, India, North and South America, the Philippines, and through disaster relief, Jesus is changing lives. When that happens, there is a new kind of love and a fresh way to live. You can be involved in sharing the Gospel by reaching out with your gift to help a world in need. Please prayerfully consider how you feel led to be a part of our efforts. Perhaps you’d like to provide support as a family project, or give as a meaningful special occasion gift for someone special to show mutual care for those who need hope. Dr. Martin D. Windle President, BCM International
We thank you for your prayers, and for partnering with us to reach out so that the Good News of salvation can be shared all over the world. May God bless you,
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Grab a pen, read through the Gift Catalog and become acquainted with the work BCM is doing around the world, and our present needs. On each page is a card. As a reminder, you can check the box noting the country and the amount of your special Christmas gift to support the work of BCM in that geographic area.
After checking the support countries & amounts on the desired pages, pull out the response card in the back and revisit each page, transferring your notes onto the card. Include desired amounts of support, personal information and gifting preferences. Detach the reply card from the envelope and place inside along with your gift.
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Drop your completed envelope package in the mail to BCM, and PRAY over the people and projects you have committed to support. Your prayers will avail much as we continue, with your help, to share the gift of God’s love around the world.
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It is often the most innocent and vulnerable who suffer the most. Children are indicators of a community’s social health, and when they are fed, sheltered, schooled, protected, valued and loved—a community thrives. When they hear the Good News of Jesus, it can change their lives forever and has a positive impact
Youth Camps Camps will help young people grow to become influential leaders in Sri Lankan society. Each year, $4,500 is needed to make these camps reality:
Cost of Camps: $4,500 Cost to Send One Child: $12
for everyone in their lives. BCM Sri Lanka’s Hope for Children’s Ministries provides sustainable development in the areas of vocational and leadership training, counseling, tangible donations and the hope of Jesus Christ. All across Sri Lanka, we are bringing new
Vacation Bible School VBS gives children strong Biblical teaching and relationship development opportunities, building the foundations for faith, leadership, and community.
Cost of VBS: $3,500 Cost to Send One Child: $12
hope and caring support to thousands of young disadvantaged lives.
Toys & Supplies Gift Bags Throughout Sri Lanka, we are able to provide needed school supplies and educational toys through gift bags that bring joy to the children who receive them.
Cost of Gift Bag: $12 Ten Gift Bags: $120
Above are examples of how your gift
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Pastoral Support
Putting their own lives, comfort and safety at risk, pastors and
In order to survive, each ministry leader in Sri Lanka needs at least $130 per month to feed their family and have decent shelter so that they are able to continue doing Kingdom work there.
ministry workers in Sri Lanka are existing in dangerous living
Food & Shelter: $130 per mo.
country to keep vital ministries moving forward, not just in their
conditions in order to continue bringing healing and hope to the vulnerable communities they serve. The needs are great in this
own lives but through necessary infrastructure as well.
Organized infrastructure The gift of Jesus can have a very practical face. Support is needed for medical treatments, transportation, bricks & mortar maintenance, and various governmental fees that arise.
Infrastructure: $2,700 per yr. Share the Cost: $225 per mo.
Your support can do much to help spread the good news of Jesus by allowing the ministry leaders in Sri Lanka to focus on their ministry instead of struggling to meet the basic necessities of living. The gift of Jesus can make a huge and practical difference when both material and
Family Camps Family Camps unite believers together to educate, strengthen, and encourage as well as plan for church growth. Full funding ensures the success of these camps.
spiritual needs are met.
Family Camps: $4,500 per yr. Share the Cost: $375 per mo.
will make a difference in Sri Lanka.
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Over a half century ago, BCM founder Bessie Traber carried the Gospel to the Philippines, establishing Bible Clubs in an area
Church Planting
and its aftermath has prevented the establishment of a church
Help establish a long-awaited church planting in an area of the Philippines that so desperately needs the continued Gospel witness. Your gift will help meet the yearly cost to support the Phillipine couple who have committed themselves to this work, so they can do full-time ministry.
planting in this area—until now!
Church Planting: $3,600 per yr.
desperate for the hope and peace of Jesus Christ. World War II
Share the Cost: Ten $360 Gifts
A national Philippine couple has answered the call to share the gospel to their own people. Your support is needed to make their desire for full-time ministry a reality, giving believers there spiritual encouragement and unsaved Philippine people the opportunity to hear the good news.
Bessie Traber Founder of BCM
Shown are examples of how your gift will make a difference in the Philippines & Southern Africa.
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Orphan Care Your support will bring care and comfort to “the least of these.� We partner with organizations that provide for the physical, material, and spiritual needs of children whose lives have been turned upside-down because of the effects of HIV/AIDS.
Monthly Orphan Care: $75 per Child Yearly Care: $900 per Child
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We partner with organizations whose primary focus is to minister the gospel and provide for the physical and material needs of those who have been victims of the HIV/AIDS pandemic. Children continue to suffer, being orphaned by parents dying from the effects of HIV/AIDS. Many are abandoned by their families, in orphanages, or are being raised by grandparents who have low or no income. 29% of expectant mothers in Southern Africa are HIV/AIDS infected. At 5.9 million, it has the largest HIV/AIDS infected population of any country in the world. In the past year a church baptized 25 people, 19 of whom were HIV/AIDS positive.
Support BCM online at bcmintl.com. Click on the DONATE button.
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A critical part of the work in India is the equipping and training
Pastoral Support
Conference. This meeting focused on encouraging and equipping
In order to survive, each pastor in India needs at least $75 per month to feed their family and have decent shelter so that they are able to continue sharing the gospel and ministering to their flock.
pastors and covered training in such topics as stewardship,
Support a Pastor: $75 per mo.
of pastors in the ministry. This past year saw the gathering of more than 200 supervisors (pastors) for the India 2014 Pastor’s
discipleship, record keeping, reporting systems and statistics. Pastor’s Conference
Supporting this type of training, equipping and encouraging of Indian pastors, is an effective way of helping spread the gospel in an environment that is many times
Support the necessary training and equipping that is so critical to spreading the gospel in India. Your gift will strengthen and encourage pastors who face many difficulties.
Conference Cost: $15.000 Share the Cost: Ten $1,500 Gifts
hostile to the good news of Jesus. As these pastors are trained and encouraged, their work bears much fruit.
Above are examples of how your gift
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Pastoral Support Each pastor in Nepal needs at least $75 per month. This support is used to feed their family and have decent shelter so that they are able to continue sharing the gospel and ministering to their flock.
Support a Pastor: $75 per mo.
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Sometimes the best support we can give a worker for the Lord is something to meet their practical, everyday needs. Items we take for granted that allow us to meet the needs of our families are precious gifts to the pastors and ministry workers in Nepal. Food, shelter, transportation, medical care and clothes are basic needs that, sometimes, unfortunately these workers do without.
New Motor Bike Transportation allows pastors to travel and spread the gospel. A reliable form of transportation is a necessity. Imagine trying to do your job without it.
Motor Bike: $4,000 Share the Cost: Ten $400 Gifts
Your Christmas gift can make a real difference in their lives. Imagine these pastors not having to worry about how to feed their families, but instead focusing on the many opportunities they have to
Church Planter Support
share and spread the gospel.
New churches are the lifeblood of the growth of Christianity. Help support these workers who are on the front lines of establishing churches in Nepal.
Church Planter: $135 mo.
will make a difference in India & Nepal.
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Training students to be church leaders and evangelists is an Myanmar Student Scholarships
effective way to spread the gospel. Because of student scholarships, 21 Bible Institute students are currently being trained. Your support can make a profound difference in preparing believers to minister to the lost and hurting in Myanmar.
Your support provides scholarships for the 9 month training program at the BCM Bible Institute. Students are being trained for ministry and evangelism.
4 Year Program: $55 per Student
Another ministry area that is active includes the work of translating the “Footsteps of Faith” BCM curriculum into the language of the people. Orphan care is also a pressing concern. A pastor in Myanmar has
Translation Work The BCM “Footsteps of Faith” curriculum is being translated into the Myanmar language. This will provide valuable training material.
Translation Support: $15,000 Share the Cost: Fifty $300 Gifts
taken in 49 orphaned children, providing housing and care. He is in desperate need of monthly support to meet this need.
Myanmar Orphan Support A pastor in Myanmar desperately needs monthly support to house and care for the 49 orphans he has taken in to live with his family.
Orphan Needs: $50 mo. per Child
Above are examples of how your gift will make a
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Disaster can come from many sources such as earthquakes, volcanos, floods, hurricanes, and tornados. Whatever the cause, we are there. And whatever the culture or religious affiliation, when disaster strikes, we provide rescue and immediate support to people as well as giving local churches the ability to reach out to their hurting community with help and aid. When we are able to meet the disaster relief needs, it helps to lay the groundwork for future evangelism and enables our churches to have an open door of trust and opportunity to minister.
Support BCM online at bcmintl.com. Click on the DONATE button.
difference in Myanmar & with Worldwide Disaster Relief.
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The work in Peru has been energized by the addition of a new
Missionary Support
seeking missions training.
With so many unreached people groups, the need is great. But a renewed effort to recruit and train Peruvian missionaries is bearing fruit. Your support will build and continue this outreach.
The BCM Bible Institute in Lima offers the potential for the
Couples Support: $850 per mo. Singles Support: $400 per mo.
director who is recruiting a team representing all age groups. Many younger couples are being drawn to this ministry and
exponential expansion of home-grown missions outreach in Peru. Specifically, a young couple that has Mattresses for Bible Camp
recently graduated from the Institute is going forth with this mission. Your support will ensure their success in spreading Jesus’ love.
The Bible Institute Camp has a very practical need for mattresses. Your gift will provide mattresses so that camp attendees will be able to have a good night’s sleep.
Mattresses: $45 each 100 mattresses: $4,500
BCM is also sending teams up the Amazon from the northern city of Iquitos to establish churches in unreached villages.
Jungle Camp Missionary Teams are being sent up the Amazon to establish outreach camps to minister to children and their families. Your support will enable this exciting ministry to flourish.
Couples Support: $670 per mo.
Above are examples of how your gift
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Camp Equipment An important aspect of a successful Youth Camp is making sure appropriate equipment is made available. Your support will ensure the ability of the camps to keep kids engaged active.
Equipment: $2,800 Share the Cost: Ten $280 Gifts
Camping is a powerful tool for outreach in Brazil. Over 240 campers per year hear the message of Jesus and receive a personal invitation to receive Him into their lives. This year, the World Cup in Brazil has opened the door to many opportunities for ministry, highlighting our work and attracting more young people into our fold who need help and hope.
Lessons for Bible Clubs BCM staff are preparing lessons to be taught in public schools in slum neighborhoods. They are training teachers to work with children living in slum housing conditions.
Bible Lessons: $350 Share the Cost: Ten $35 Gifts
One such connection was a 10 year old boy who came to us from a dangerous neighborhood and difficult family situation. He heard the Gospel and excitedly shared it with his family. Your support enables
Office Renovation Suitable facilities are undergoing essential renovations to provide a place for quality orientation and training programs for camp staff and Bible Club teachers.
more children to hear and share the Gospel.
Renovation Cost: $1,700 Share the Cost: Ten $170 Gifts
will make a difference in Peru & Brazil.
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A young man from Mexico who attended the Bible Institute in Peru is back in Mexico to serve as a church planter. Half of his monthly salary has been raised. Your support will close the gap and enable him to plant a church and create a ministry, reaching out to his own people.
Church Planter Support A young man who has graduated from the Peru Bible Institute desires to plant a church in Mexico. Half of his salary has already been raised. Your support will help close the gap on his needs and move this work forward.
Support & Church Planting: $600 per mo.
Another important aspect of ministry development is training pastors to enable them to be as effective as possible. A one week Pastoral Training Conference needs to be
Pastoral Training Critical to ensuring success of church planting efforts is providing proper training for pastors. This training conference provides a variety of teaching, training, fellowship, and encouragement opportunities to these workers. Full support will fund all attendees.
One Week Training Conference: $5,000
funded. Shown are examples of how your gift will make a difference in Mexico and with Camp Ministry.
Support BCM online at bcmintl.com. Click on the DONATE button.
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BCM International began as Bible Club Movement by establishing Camp Scholarships Many of the children who attend camp cannot afford to do so without help. Your support enables needy, atrisk children to attend camp for a week of fun and spiritual input.
Week of Camp: $300 per Camper
children’s ministries in the Philadelphia area. From this grew our summer camp program, now with locations in Michigan, Montana, New York, Pennsylvania, Ontario and Nova Scotia.. Through scholarships totaling $52,120, BCM 2014 summer camps gave thousands of kids in North America the opportunity to enjoy a week at Christian camps. Making friends, having fun, and hearing
Staff House Renovations
the good news of Jesus continue to change and impact young lives.
Camp Mandaville in New York needs to complete renovations on their staff house. A $1,000 matching fund has been offered against a need of $5,000.
One of our campers accepted Christ as his Savior. He returned
Renovations: $4,000 Share the Need: Eight Gifts of $500
home to Philadelphia and then led his parents to the Lord. They have all become active in a local church and are together influencing their community with the hope and love of Jesus.
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Europe, for all of its apparent sophistication, is a spiritually France Ministry Center
dark place. Missionaries and ministers labor for years to make small breakthroughs. In southern France, a church, camp and conference center is being renovated to complete a center of outreach to reach a local community that is lost and hurting.
Efforts are focused on completing renovations to reach the community. 10% of the need has already been provided by a Pennsylvania church.
Renovations: $100,000 Share the Cost: Twenty Gifts of $5,000
In Ukraine, BCM is caring for orphans in a very unstable area. The orphanage has had to move several times recently in response to changing and dangerous conditions. Support is needed not only for their care and housing, but for continual moving costs. Giving these precious children a sense of stability provides an opportunity to share God’s love with them.
Above are examples of how your gift will make a difference in France & Ukraine.
Ukrainian Orphans Areas of unrest has increased the number of orphans needing care. Your support will provide food, housing, living needs, and the opportunity to share God’s love with them.
Orphan Support: $75 per mo. per Child $900 per yr. per Child
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We provide several easy ways to give online to the ministry of BCM. obal the gl o You can give directly to BCM through our website at www.bcmintl.org (click on t y l t irec e: d n i l e v n i o G the DONATE NOW button) or by making a purchase at www.smile.amazon.com. of BCM rg. work o . l t n i to bcm W Here is more information about AmazonSmile: Log on TE NO A N O t D p o e h r t Click a gift o make d n a n rly. What is How do I select BCM International to support when butto regula M C B t por p u AmazonSmile? s shopping on AmazonSmile? o t AmazonSmile is a simple and On your first visit to AmazonSmile, you need to select BCM automatic way for you to support BCM International International to give donations from eligible purchases before you every time you shop, at no cost to you. When you shop at begin shopping. Amazon will remember your selection, and then every www.smile.amazon.com, you’ll find the same low prices, selection and eligible purchase you make on AmazonSmile will result in a donation. convenient shopping experience as Amazon.com, with the added bonus How much of my purchase does Amazon donate? that Amazon will donate a portion of the purchase price to BCM. The AmazonSmile Foundation will donate 0.5% of the purchase price How do I shop at AmazonSmile? from your eligible AmazonSmile purchases. To shop at AmazonSmile simply go to smile.amazon.com from the Can I receive a tax deduction for web browser on your computer or mobile device. You may also want to amounts donated from my add a bookmark to AmazonSmile to make it even easier to return and purchases on AmazonSmile? start your shopping at AmazonSmile. Donations are made by the AmazonSmile Foundation and are not tax deductible Which products on AmazonSmile are eligible for by you. charitable donations?
Log on to bcmintl.org. Click the DONATE button and make a gift or opt to support BCM regularly.
Tens of millions of products on AmazonSmile are eligible for donations. You will see eligible products marked “Eligible for AmazonSmile donation” on their product detail pages.
Supporting BCM International through AmazonSmile is easy: 1) Log on to www.Smile.Amazon.com. 2) Select BCM International as your charity of choice. 3) Make a normal purchase. BCM International will receive a gift of .5% of your purchase total.
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The Rev. Dr. Vararuchi Franz Dalavai served his Lord in Christian Dr. Dalavai Memorial Fund In Dr. Dalavai’s honor, your support of this fund will support churches and train Christian Leaders throughout India.
“Reach India” Fund: Your gift will support the work in India
ministry for more than 40 years after having left a lucrative career in business. By just riding a bicycle through the urban and tribal areas of India, he worked tirelessly to develop Bible clubs and plant churches. From this ministry he appointed pastors, planted more than 17,000 churches and baptized more than 100,000 believers during his lifetime of ministry. Before his passing to glory he served as Senior Executive Vice President of BCM International. To honor his service, the board of BCM India has developed this fund to plant more churches and train Christian Leaders throughout the nation of India.
Rev. Dr. Vararuchi Franz Dalavai
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Remember BCM International in your will. You will “pay it forward” to a new generation of missionaries. We can help you explore a variety of financially wise deferred giving ideas. • Life Insurance and IRA’s make great gifts to BCM by: 1) Including BCM as a beneficiary
2) Making BCM a final beneficiary
3) Creating a new policy to benefit BCM
• Charitable Gift Annuities can provide: 1) Income for life
2) Charitable deduction for the gift
3) Non-taxable income for a period of time
3) Savings on Capital Gain Tax • Charitable Trusts can provide: 1) Income for life to yourself, family members, friends, or support for your missionary 2) Charitable deduction for the gift
them, o t d i d e sa And h all the worl el o t sp “Go in laim the go c .” o and pr hole creation w to the 16:15 Mark
3) Savings on Capital Gain Tax
4) Savings on Estate Tax
The Development Staff of BCM International is skilled in helping you to move your gift planning to a new level of understanding and fulfillment. Call us at 717-560-9601, ext. 201 or email: rweidman@bcmintl.org
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trust in Jesus Christ as their Savior this PRAY for the children who placed their faith and gh personal Bible study and prayer. past year that they would grow in the Lord throu Christ even though they have little or no PRAY for the pastors in Sri Lanka who are serving income to support their ministry and their families. t graduates of the Bible Institute and are PRAY for the young couple in Peru who are recen River. sharing the gospel in villages along the Amazon war and famine that their faith in God PRAY for those who suffer from national disasters, will remain strong. make use of every opportunity to share PRAY for those in peaceful areas that they would the gospel of Christ. PRAY for new opportunities within the ministry surrounding.
throughout southern Africa and regions
may speed Finally, brothers pray for us, that the word of the Lord 2 Thessalonians 3:1 ahead and be honored.