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Student Handbook PREFACE This handbook is designed to assist graduate students with necessary information required by the Graduate School, Kasetsart University. It is very important that all forms are completed and processed appropriately. It is the graduate student’s responsibility to ascertain the deadline dates published in the Graduate School timetable each semester, plus the proper procedures, policies, rules, and regulations. The Graduate School February, 2003

FOR MORE INFORMATION, please contact The Graduate School P.O. Box 1104 Kasetsart University Chatuchak Bangkok 10903 Thailand Phone: 662-942-8445 to 50 Fax: 662-561-1410 Website:

2 CHAPTER 1 REGISTRATION The Graduate School will issue an announcement of the enrollment schedule well in advance of the opening date of each semester. Students should enroll in person. However, in cases where the student is unable to do so, someone else can register on his/her behalf. The enrollment form (Form KU1) and course schedules are available for sale at the Registrar Office. Each student is required to complete the enrollment in accordance with the announcement of the Graduate School. Recording Information Instructions: 1. Enter your information at the Graduate School website (, according to the schedule below. 2. Enter your eight-digit student identification number as your password. 3. Complete all fields correctly; you can edit your information on specified dates only; in the case where you are unavailable to edit or record your information on the specified dates, you should wait for further announcements of additional dates. 4. Print one copy of the data recorded, and attach a photograph.

Schedule Table Date

Campus / Faculty

20 February – 4 March 2007

Bangkhen and Kamphaeng Saen / Interdisciplinary program, Agriculture

5–17 March 2007

Bangkhen / Humanities, Forestry, Agro-Industry, Economics, College of Environment

18 – 30 March 2007

Bangkhen and Kamphaeng Saen /Science, Veterinary Medicine, Social Science

31 March – 12 April 2007

Bangkhen and Kamphaeng Saen / Engineering

13 – 27 April 2007

Bangkhen and Kamphaeng Saen / Education, Sports Science, Liberal arts and science, Business, Fishery

Registration 1. Students purchase Form KU1 at the Registrar Office on the designated date. Presentation of the student identification card is required in the transaction. 2. Students consult with their advisors on the courses to be enrolled in, fill out Form KU1 accordingly, inspect the form for correctness and completeness, and then secure the signature of the advisor. 3. Students bring Form KU1 together with their ID cards to the Office of Computer Service for enrollment on the designated dates and times. The other copy goes to their advisor.

3 4. Students inspect the correctness on the computer before payment. 5. Students pay the tuition and other fees and receive Form KU2 as supporting evidence for the enrollment. 6. New students undertake the necessary steps for acquiring the student ID card, while continuing students renew the student ID card. If the student desires to change any course after enrollment, he/she is required to purchase Form KU3 from the Registrar Office, have his/her academic advisor and the major department/discipline sign for consent to the change, and complete the other steps required. It is important to fill out the registration form with extra care to avoid course changes as the enrollment fee will only be refunded only if such a course is cancelled. Student’s Advisory Committee The student’s Advisory Committee consists of at least three members of the graduate faculty of Kasetsart University, two from the major department/discipline (one serving as chairman and the other as committee member) and the other from the minor department/discipline. For doctoral program students with two minor disciplines, one member from each discipline is required. In case the chairman is not a full-time faculty member of Kasetsart University, there must be at least one full-time graduate faculty member of Kasetsart University in the committee. If the faculty member whom the student would like to have as chairman of his/her Advisory Committee is not in the graduate faculty of the university, the major department/discipline chairman has to undertake the necessary steps to make this faculty member past of the graduate faculty. In such event, the request for appointment of the Advisory Committee will have to be withheld until the approval is made. The Advisory Committee holds the following responsibilities: (1) To help plan courses in the study plan, (2) To specify degree program requirements, and (3) To supervise and monitor the fulfillment of all requirements for graduation, especially courses and research requirements. Each student is required to have an Advisory Committee before the end of the second semester. The appointment process requires submission of a formal written request to the Dean of Graduate School which requires the name and signature of each committee member selected and of the chairman of the major department or discipline. Prior to appointment of the Advisory Committee, the major department/discipline chairman or a faculty member in the major department/discipline may serve as temporary advisor of the student. Classification of the Enrollment GC (Graduate Credit) Graduate Credits are courses acceptable for credit in the graduate study program, i.e. those courses with the last three digits of the course in the 400 series and above, and with letter grades of A to F designating the level of performance of the student in the course. GA (Graduate Audit) Graduate Audits are courses not counted for credit in the graduate study program, i.e. those courses with the last three digits of the course in the 400 series, and with grades of S or U for designating the level of performance of the student in the course. UC (Undergraduate Credit) Undergraduate Credits are courses acceptable for credit in an undergraduate study program, with grades of A to F designating the level of performance of the student in the course. UA (Undergraduate Audit) Undergraduate Audits are undergraduate courses not counted for credit in the study program, with grades of S or U designating the level of performance of the student in the course. Graduate Courses A graduate course is basically a course with the last three digits in the 500 series and above (e.g. 001597). Undergraduate courses with the last three digits of 400 to 499 are considered as graduate courses if consented by the major department/discipline. It is necessary to indicate the classification of enrollment clearly for each course appearing in the enrollment form (KU1) and the study plan of the

4Â Â student. Late Registration Late registration shall have the following consequences: 1) A late-registration fine at the rate of 40 baht per day, inclusive of non-working days. 2) Graduate student status will be terminated if enrollment is not completed by the end of the 15-day period from the beginning of classes in each regular semester*. For the summer session, the enrollment must comply with the rules for the summer session. Changing, Adding and Dropping of Courses 1. Form KU3 is to be used when the student desires to change courses in the enrollment (Form KU1). Course changing or adding can be made within three weeks, while dropping of courses is to be done within 60 days from the beginning date of classes in each semester. (Consult the academic calendar of the university for the various deadlines pertaining to course enrollment in each semester). 2. Any course change in the study plan requires the consent of the Advisory Committee, the chairman of the major department/discipline and the Dean of Graduate School. It is necessary that the student files a written request for such changes. Grade Point Average Improvement Students with grade point average below 2.50 for the fundamental undergraduate courses or below 3.00 for graduate courses may enroll in other courses related to the major discipline, minor discipline, or thesis for improving the grade point average. A student must file a written request through the Advisory Committee, the major department/discipline chairman and the Dean of Graduate School in advance. The practice of securing the necessary consent and approval after having enrolled should be avoided. Cross Enrollment Graduate students desiring to cross-enroll courses in other universities are required to file a written request to the Dean of the Graduate School via the chairman of their Advisory Committee and major department/disciplines, including the level, title in Thai and English, and number of credits of each such course, plus the names of the department and university offering the course . Upon approval of the request, the Dean of the Graduate School will contact the authority of the university for the necessary cooperation. Course Re-enrollment The student is required to re-enroll in each mandatory course in which his/her performance is unsatisfactory (failure) or below standard. Such performance will be included in the computation of cumulative grade point average. Each doctoral student is required to have a grade point of above 2.00 for every course taken. Otherwise, he/she is required to re-enroll for that course. Registration for Maintaining Student Status 1. Students who have satisfactorily completed course requirements but are still not eligible for graduation are required to pay the tuition fee while those with thesis requirements, must enroll for at least one credit of thesis in each regular semester. 2. Students who shall graduate in the summer semester are required to pay the tuition fee for the summer semester. 3. Any student who takes leave of absence during a regular semester but has not yet completed the course requirements has to pay the tuition fee for that semester in order to maintain his/her student status. 4. Any student in a thesis program, who has already passed the thesis defense examination, but is not able to submit the thesis manuscript in time for the semester concerned is required to pay the tuition fee for every regular semester thereafter until graduation. 5. Registration for maintaining student status must be completed within 15 days from the beginning date

5Â Â of classes in the regular semester. Otherwise, the student will automatically be deprived of his/her student status. Fees The fees are in accordance with the corresponding announcement of Kasetsart University and may be subject to change without prior notice.

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CHAPTER 2 EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM General 1. The educational system is the credit-hour system. 2. One credit-hour is equivalent to one hour per week of lecture and/or problem discussion of problem, or two to three hours per week of laboratory work throughout a regular semester. 3. One academic year consists of two regular semesters, first and second semesters, each having a total duration of no less than 15 weeks. There is also an optional summer semester at the end of the second semester with the same credits for each course as in the regular semesters. 4. Any student who attends less than 80 percent of a course without permission of the instructor shall be not be allowed to take the final examination and automatically receive a failure grade for that course. Curriculum 1. For a Master’s degree program, a minimum of 36 credits is required. Two options are offered: Plan A. This plan emphasizes research work with a thesis of two options. Pattern A (1), thesis with a minimum of 36 credits. The major discipline/department may prescribe courses and/or other activities for the student to undertake with satisfactory performance but without any credit. Pattern A (2), thesis with a minimum of 12 credits and prescribed courses in the major and minor disciplines of no less than 15 and 9 credits, respectively; or a minimum of 24 credits of major with no minor disciplines. Plan B. This plan emphasizes course work with no thesis. The student must take courses in the major and minor disciplines of no less than 30 and 6 credits respectively; or at least 36 credits of major in the case of no minor disciplines with a minimum of 6 credits of independent study. 2. For a doctoral program, the emphasis is on a research work aimed at development of high-level academicians or professionals. Four plans are offered: Plan 1(1) Thesis concerning research for creation of new knowledge equal to at least 72 credits. The major department/discipline may prescribe courses and/or other activities for the student with no credit. Plan 1(2) Thesis concerning research for creation of new knowledge equal to at least 48 credits. The major department/discipline may prescribe courses and/or other activities for the student with no credit. Plan 2(1) Thesis having a minimum of 48 credits with a nature of research that significantly promotes the advancement of knowledge plus no less than 24 credits of course work. Plan 2(2) Thesis having a minimum of 36 credits with a nature of research that significantly promotes the advancement of knowledge plus no less than 12 credits of course work. Theses in all plans must be up to the quality and standard required by the Graduate School. 3. Any curriculum deviating from that stipulated in item 1 or 2 requires the formal endorsement of the Dean of Graduate School and approval of the Council of Deans of the University. Study Plan 1. Major and minor courses in the study plan must be in accordance with the curriculum advised by the Advisory Committee with consents of the chairman of the major department/discipline and the Dean of Graduate School. Courses in the minor discipline are to be clearly specified by the minor department/discipline. 2. A student must submit his/her study plan approved by the Advisory Committee and chairman of major department/discipline to the Graduate School before the end of his/her second semester of enrollment. Otherwise, he/she shall not be allowed to enroll in the succeeding semesters. Duration of the Study

7 1. Each doctoral student must satisfactorily complete the requirements in order to graduate within five academic years from the date of his/her admission. Otherwise, his/her graduate student status shall be automatically terminated. In order to qualify for graduation, he/she must enroll as a doctorate student for a minimum of four regular semesters, no less than three at Kasetsart University. 2. A Master’s degree student must complete the course requirements in order to graduate within 4 academic years from the date of his/her admission. Otherwise, his/her graduate student status shall be automatically terminated. 3. A graduate diploma student can register not over 15 credits in each semester and must complete the course requirements within 2 academic years. 4. Students who resume enrollment after a temporary suspension of their study program must satisfactorily complete requirements for graduation within an overall duration (i.e. the duration of enrollment prior to the suspension, the estimated additional duration of enrollment needed upon resumption, and one additional school year combined) specified in item 1 or 2. 5. Students who change major discipline must satisfactorily complete all of the requirements for graduation of the new one, within an overall duration (i.e. the duration of enrollment in the former major discipline, the estimated duration of enrollment needed for graduation in the new discipline, and one additional academic year combined) specified in item 1 or 2.

Grading System 1. Final grades for courses and points in the computation of grade point averages and symbols used are as follows: A 4.0 B+ 3.5 B 3.0 C+ 2.5 C 2.0 D+ 1.5 D 1.0 F0 I Incomplete S Satisfactory U Unsatisfactory N Grade not reported P Pass W Withdrawn 2. Implications of pass, fail and incomplete grades 2.1 Master’s degree and graduate diploma students with grade point of zero in any undergraduate and below 2.0 in any graduate courses must re-take such course until the grade point is above zero or above 2.0 for undergraduate and graduate courses respectively. 2.2 Doctoral students with grade point of less than 2.0 in any course are considered as below standard and must re-take such course until the grade point is above 2.0. 2.3 Students with an Incomplete grade in any course must fulfill the remaining course requirements and have the Incomplete grade changed to the final grade within the immediately succeeding semester. Otherwise, the Incomplete grade will be automatically changed to the zero grade point. 3. Cumulative grade point average 3.1 All courses already taken by the student shall be included in the computation of his/her cumulative grade point average, while undergraduate courses shall be treated separately. 3.2 Cumulative grade point average for the specified undergraduate courses must not be below 2.50. 3.3 In the event of the cumulative grade point average of undergraduate courses remaining below 2.50 despite repeated enrollment in those courses with zero grade point, the student must keep taking such courses or take other undergraduate courses (with consents of the chairman of the Advisory

8 Committee, the chairman of the major department/discipline, and the Dean of Graduate School) until the cumulative grade point average is above 2.50. 3.4 Repeating enrollment in any graduate course to improve the cumulative grade point average is not allowed. 3.5 To qualify for graduation, each doctoral, Master’s degree and graduate diploma student must have a grade point average for graduate courses of a minimum of 3.0. Make-up Examination In the event a student misses an examination with adequate justification, he/she has to file a written request for a make-up examination to the faculty member responsible for the course within 7 days from the date of the missed examination. It is entirely at the discretion of such faculty member to grant or not to grant the request. Once the request is granted, the student must take a make-up examination within 30 days from the given date of the original examination. Taking a make-up examination later than 30 days from such date requires prior approval of Dean of the Graduate School. Foreign Language Proficiency Examination Student’s in each graduate program are required to have adequate English proficiency, especially reading, comprehension and general usage of the language. 1. A graduate student, in any degree program, must take a foreign language examination as required by the Graduate School. The choice of foreign language is at the consent of the chairman of the Advisory Committee of the student, the chairman of his/her major department/discipline, and the Dean of the Graduate School. 2. New graduate students may take the required foreign language examination during the first semester of enrollment. The students with satisfactory performance shall be considered as having fulfilled the requirement specified in item 1 and exempted from the enrollment requirement specified in item 3. The fee for foreign-language examination is to be paid to the Graduate School in advance. 3. Graduate students must take a graduate foreign-language course administered by the Department of Languages. An enrollment in the Graduate School English course, whose code is 355501, with satisfactory performance is equivalent to having fulfilled the graduate foreign language examination requirement. 4. The Graduate School honors the level of English language proficiency certified by TOEFL and IELTS. For tests from other institutions the Graduate School and Department of Foreign Languages will consider each case individually. 5. Foreign language examination for doctoral students Doctoral students are required to take a foreign-language examination under the following guidelines: 5.1 Written examination will be arranged 3 times each year. 5.2 Oral examination is administered for one student at a time, however the student must pass the written examination before taking oral examination. 5.3 There shall be an examination committee appointed by the Dean of Graduate School consisting of two faculty members from the Department of Languages (i.e. one Thai and the other foreigner) and one Graduate School representative, who is a graduate faculty member from the student’s major field. 5.4 The test concerns proficiency in reading, comprehension, translation, and conversation. Each student about to take a foreign language examination needs to submit a written request to the Dean of the Graduate School with consents of the chairman of the major department/discipline and the Advisory Committee. The foreign language chosen is to be clearly indicated in the request. Comprehensive and Qualifying Examinations Comprehensive and qualifying examinations are primarily intended to ascertain whether the student is adequately knowledgeable in his/her major and minor disciplines and how well he/she can make proper use of the knowledge gained from the study. Students must fulfill the foreign-language requirement prior to taking the comprehensive or qualifying examinations. Each student should apply to take the required examination as soon as he/she is eligible to do so. Such application is to be made in writing with consents of the chairman of the Advisory Committee, the chairman of the major

9 department/discipline, and Dean of the Graduate School. The chairman of the major department/discipline will also specify the type(s) of the examination (i.e., written or oral, or both). It is the responsibility of the student to make the necessary arrangements with each member of the examination committee, including the Graduate School representative, concerning the date, time and venue of the examination. The examination should be taken within 30 days from the designated date of the Graduate School representative. 1. Master’s degree students 1.1 Those taking Pattern A (1) of Plan A are required to take the qualifying examination after enrollment for two semesters and no less than six months before taking the final examination. 1.2 Those taking Pattern A (2) of Plan A are required to take the comprehensive examination after having satisfactorily completed no less than 3/5 of the graduate-level course requirements, exclusive of the thesis. 1.3 Those taking Plan B are required to take the comprehensive examination after having satisfactorily completed all of the compulsory graduate courses and no less than ? of other courses in the study plan. 2. Doctoral students 2.1 Those taking Plan 1(1) and Plan 1(2) are required to take the qualifying examination after enrollment for two semesters and no less than six months before taking the final oral examination. 2.2 Those taking Plan 2(1) and Plan 2(2) are required to take the qualifying examination after having satisfactorily completed no less than 2/3 of the graduate-level course requirements, exclusive of the thesis. 3. Types of examinations 3.1 For Master’s degree program, the examination may be either written or oral, or both. 3.2 For doctoral program a) Plan 1(1) and Plan 1(2), the examination may be either written or oral, or both. b) Plan 2, the examination consists of both written and oral examinations. 4. Written examination 4.1 Master’s degree program a) Pattern A (1) of Plan A, the student is to choose the disciplines related to his/her thesis for the examination with consents of the chairman of the Advisory Committee, major department/discipline, and the Dean of the Graduate School. The examination shall be administered by the representatives of the disciplines chosen, as appointed by the department/discipline chairman, with the coordination of the chairman of the Advisor Committee. b) Pattern A (2) of Plan A and Plan B, the examination is administered by a committee proposed by the chairman of the major department/discipline and approved by Dean of the Graduate School. Such committee must include members from the related departments/disciplines. 4.2 Doctoral program a) Plan 1(1) and Plan 1(2), the student is to select the disciplines related to his/her thesis for the examination with consents of the chairman of the Advisory Committee, the chairman of his/her major department/discipline, and the Dean of the Graduate School. The examination shall be administered by representatives of the disciplines chosen, as appointed by the department/ discipline chairman, with the coordination of the chairman of the Advisory Committee. b) Plan 2(1) and Plan 2(2), the examination is administered by a committee proposed by the chairman of the major department/discipline and approved by the Dean of Graduate School. Such committee must include members from the related department/ disciplines. 5. Oral examination 5.1 Master’s degree program a) Pattern A (1) of Plan A, the student is to select the disciplines related to his/her thesis for the examination with consents of the chairman of the Advisory Committee, the chairman of his/her major department/discipline, and the Dean of Graduate School. The examination shall be administered by the representatives of the chosen disciplines appointed by the Graduate School and chaired by the chairman of the Advisory Committee.

10 b) Pattern A (2) of Plan A and Plan B, the Graduate School shall appoint a committee of at least four members consisting of the Advisory Committee and one graduate school representative, with the chairman of the Advisory Committee to chair the examination. 5.2 Doctoral program a) Plan 1(1) and Plan 1(2), the student is to select the disciplines related to his/her thesis for the examination with consents of the chairman of the Advisory Committee, the chairman of his/her major department/discipline, and the Dean of the Graduate School. The examination shall be administered by representatives of the chosen disciplines, appointed by the Graduate School and chaired by the chairman of the Advisory Committee. b) Plan 2(1) and Plan 2(2), the Graduate School shall appoint a committee of at least four members, consisting of the student’s Advisory Committee and one Graduate School representative with the chairman of the advisory committee to chair the examination of the student. 6. Following first failure in the examination 6.1 Master’s degree program : Each student is given a second chance to take the examination within 60 days after the first examination date. Failure in the second attempt will result in automatic termination of the graduate-student status. 6.2 Doctoral program : Each student is given a second chance to take the examination within 90 days after the first examination date. Failure in the second attempt will result in automatic termination of the graduate student status. 7. Unanimously favorable opinion among members of the examination committee is required to pass the student in the examination. Thesis 1. Prior to submission of the thesis proposal, the student must complete the registration as follows: 1.1 A doctoral student is entitled to submit a thesis proposal as soon as he/she is granted the regular doctorate student status, provided that his/her thesis proposal is approved no less than 365 days prior to the final oral examination. 1.2 A Master’s degree student is required to take the graduate courses for at least 1 regular semester before he/she can submit a thesis proposal, and his/her thesis proposal must be approved no less than 120 days prior to the final oral examination. 2. Each graduate student in a thesis program is required to submit his/her thesis proposal, favorably endorsed by the Advisory Committee and the chairman of his/her major department/discipline, to the Graduate School by the end of his/her fourth semester of enrollment at the latest. Otherwise, he/she shall not be allowed to enroll in the succeeding semester. 3. Submission of thesis proposal 3.1 Master’s degree program: The student is to consult the Advisory Committee concerning his/her thesis proposal. Once the committee approves the proposal, the student is required to submit two copies to the Dean of Graduate School through the chairman of the major department/discipline. 3.2 Doctoral program: The student should consult the Advisory Committee concerning his/her thesis proposal followed by a seminar. Once the committee approves the proposal, the student is required to submit two copies to the Dean of Graduate School through the chairman of the major department/discipline. 4. Any change of the approved thesis proposal, requires written consent of the Advisory Committee, the chairman of the major department/discipline, and Dean of the Graduate School. In such an event, the start of the 120-day or 365-day duration indicated in item 1 is to be changed to the date of the latest thesis proposal approval. 5. The preparation of the thesis manuscript is to be in accordance with the pertinent rules and guidelines stated in the Thesis Manual of the Graduate School of Kasetsart University. Final Examination The Graduate School shall appoint a committee of at least four members, consisting of the Advisory Committee and a Graduate School representative or the outside scholar with the chairman of the Advisory Committee to chair the examination.

11 1. Master’s degree programs following Pattern A(2) of Plan A and Plan B, the examination committee consists of the Advisory Committee and an outside scholar or a Graduate School representative who is a member of the regular graduate faculty. 2. For Master’s degree program, Pattern A (1) of Plan A and doctoral programs, Plan 1 or Plan 2, the examination committee consists of the Advisory Committee and a highly regarded outside scholar nominated by the major department/discipline and subsequently appointed by the Graduate School. 3. A student must submit his/her thesis manuscript to each member of the thesis defense examination committee no less than one week before the date of the examination. 4. Thesis manuscripts submitted for the thesis defense examination must comply with all rules and thesis guidelines of the Graduate School. 5. Unanimously favorable opinion among members of the examination committee, including the Graduate School representative shall pass the student in the examination. 6. Upon satisfactory performance in the thesis defense examination, the student is required to fully execute the improvements to the thesis manuscript as recommended by the examination committee. If the student can not graduate within the next academic semester, this final oral examination is to be terminated. A student in a non-thesis program shall be eligible to take the final examination only after having satisfactorily completed course requirements with a cumulative grade point average above 3.0. Each eligible student is required to submit a written request for the final examination to the Graduate School and the conditions stipulated in item 3 and 5 shall prevail. Change of Major Discipline 1. Changing the major discipline may be permitted if it is adequately justifiable. It requires consents of the former major department/discipline, the new major department/discipline, and Dean of the Graduate School. 2. To be eligible for a change of major discipline, the student must have enrolled in the former major department/discipline for no less than one regular semester and have obtained a cumulative grade point average above 3.00 in all courses taken. The period of study spent starting from the first day of graduate student status is also be considered.

Transfer of Credits 1. Transfer of credits previously earned by the student from any department/discipline of Kasetsart University is permitted with the consent of the Graduate Education Committee, the chairman of major department/discipline and Dean of Graduate School. That is, 1.1 Any course/group of courses in the graduate curriculum or equivalents certified by the Ministry of University or Governmental Authorities. 1.2 Any course/group of courses with content(s) covering at least ? of transferred course/group of courses and taken no more than 5 years previously. 1.3 Each course/group of courses having already passed the examination with a grade point 3.0 or grade B or the equivalent or grade S. 1.4 Transfer of credits is not allowed in the following cases: 1.4.1 Transfer of thesis credits. 1.4.2 Transfer of any course already conferred. 1.5 Only one-third of the overall credits of the transferred program are allowed to be transferred. 1.6 Transferred courses will not be included in the computation of the cumulative grade point average. 1.7 A transferred student must spend at least one academic year studying at Kasetsart University. Master’s degree students must take at least 12 credits of required courses or of thesis of the selected program, while the doctoral student must enroll thesis credits in accordance with the program requirement. 2. Transfer of credit under joint-university project. 2.1 Only 50 percent of overall credits are allowed to be transferred from joint-universities inside or outside the country.

12Â Â 2.2 Transfer of credits is not allowed in the following cases: 2.2.1 Transfer of fundamental course credits. 2.2.2 Transfer of credit of courses already registered in other programs. Cross registration under the joint-university project still holds the student, as full-time and of graduatestudent status, to be responsible for paying tuition fees at either one of the joint universities. Leave of Absence 1. Any leave of absence requires consent of the Advisory Committee, the chairman of the major department/discipline, and the Dean of the Graduate School. 2. The duration of a leave of absence must not exceed two consecutive regular semesters and the student is required to pay the tuition fee for each semester of his/her leave of absence in order to retain the graduate student status. 3. Newly admitted students are not eligible for leave of absence during the first semester of enrollment. Termination of Graduate-Student Status Graduate-student status is automatically terminated in any of the following cases: 1. Death 2. Request for the degree approved. 3. Giving false information or hiding the truth in the supporting documents for admission. 4. Having conditional status upon admission and subsequently being unable to fulfill a minimum cumulative grade point average requirement as stipulated earlier. 5. Failure for a second time in the comprehensive examination. 6. Voluntary resignation approved providing that the resignation does not taken place while awaiting the result of an examination. 7. Failure to complete enrollment within 15 days from the first day of classes in each semester. 8. Failure to pay the tuition fee for retaining the graduate-student status within 15 days from the first day of classes in each semester. 9. Failure to fully complete the requirements for graduation in time. 10. Being sentenced to imprisonment, offences of light penalty and offences due to negligence being exempted. 11. Having been discharged or expelled for disciplinary reasons. This list is inclusive of cases in which falsification exists in any of the supporting documents for admission. Readmission 1. Those whose graduate-student status has been suspended for any of the reasons previously stipulated must file a written request for readmission which requires consent of the Advisory Committee, the chairman of the major department/discipline, and the Dean of the Graduate School. The Dean of the Graduate School shall also prescribe the condition(s) to be observed by the student. 2. Special request for readmission If a student has already spent the maximum time given for each degree but has not yet taken the final oral examination, the following steps must be taken: 2.1 Make a special request to re-enter using the general application form (for another 1 year) and the same ID. 2.2 When approved, the admission procedures are to be followed by paying thesis fee as well as other fees and complete thesis registration. 2.3 Readmission can be made only once. 3. Resuming the graduate student status The steps taken will be as followed: 3.1 Fill out the general application form requesting the resumption of graduate student status. 3.2 Prepare working schedules for the Advisory Committee approval 3.3 When approved, pay the graduate student status fee (faculty fee exempted) and execute the enrollment in order to maintain the status.

13 3.4 Resuming graduate student status can be done only once and not over a year later Regulations and Penalties Regulations applied to the graduate students are the same as those for undergraduate students as stipulated in Kasetsart University Regulations Pertaining to Undergraduate Study. Any of nine procedures and penalties can be taken as follows: (1) Verbal or written warning as per case (2) Promissory statement (3) Reprimand (4) Payment for damage (5) Suspension from enrollment from one semester up to three academic years (6) Withholding degree conferment, transcript of records, or other certifying documents for no more than three academic years. (7) Dismissal from the university with the word “Dismissed” boldly printed on the transcript of records. (8) Expulsion from the university with the phrase “Dishonorably Expelled” boldly printed on the transcript of records. (9) In cases of examination cheating the penalties are: a) To be considered as having performed unsatisfactorily in all courses taken in that semester, i.e. a grade of F for each credit course, except thesis, and U for thesis and each audited course. b) Dismissal as in item 7. c) Expulsion as in item 8. In the case of each offence, the Dean of the Graduate School shall appoint a committee to investigate the matter. The committee shall recommend the procedures and penalties to the Dean of the Graduate School who shall, in turn, recommend them to the President of the University.

Miscellaneous 1. The President of Kasetsart University is in charge of compliance with the regulations. 2. The University may amend any portion of the regulations at any time as necessary by issuing an official announcement of such aamendment. 3. Other regulations not included herein shall be in accordance with the Kasetsart University Regulations Pertaining to Undergraduate Study. 4. The President of Kasetsart University is authorized to prescribe pertinent rules, procedures, guidelines, and other implementation details as necessary.

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Thesis Program Requirement Candidates enrolled in any semester are required to submit the complete thesis manuscript and CDROMs to the Graduate School within 3 weeks from the thesis defense examination date. The deadlines for defensive examination are as follows: Semester 1 1 October Semester 2 1 March Summer Session 1 May Failure to meet the deadline for thesis manuscript submission means the student has to pay the tuition fee for the succeeding semester. Students who satisfactorily complete the thesis defense examination within the enrollment period and before the first day of classes of any semester will have to pay tuition and other fees for that semester. Non-thesis Program Within 2 weeks from the examination date, candidates are required to submit the report of the examination committee on their final examinations together with the written request for graduation to the Graduate School. The deadlines for final examination are as follows: Semester 1 12 October Semester 2 12 March Summer Session 12 May Failure to meet these deadlines, means the student has to pay the tuition fee for the succeeding semester. Graduation in Summer Semester Enrollment guidelines for students who desire to graduate during a summer semester are as follows: Students in non-thesis programs do not need to enroll for credit but are required to pay the tuition fee in order to maintain their graduate-student status during the summer semester. Students in thesis programs need to enroll the remaining credits for thesis and concurrently pay the fee to maintain the graduate student status. If all thesis credits have already been enrolled in the preceding school semesters, the student is still required to pay the fee for that summer semester. Application for Degree Conferment 1. During the final semester of enrollment when all the requirements for graduation have been completed the student shall submit to the Graduate School an application for degree conferment and pay the fee within the time announced by the University. 2. To be eligible for degree conferment, the student must possess the following qualifications:a) Have fully complied with all of the pertinent provisions of the Graduate School. b) Have fully paid all debts incurred with the University and/or other university institutions, agencies, or organizations. c) Have shown proper conduct. Approval of Degree Conferment The Graduate School confers degrees once a month. Those who have submitted the complete thesis manuscript on the thesis defense examination report together with the application for graduation no later than the first day of the month will be included in the proposed list for degree conferment of that month. Those who submit the required documents later than the first day of the month but on or before

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