Benedictine College - Programs of Distinction

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B enedictine C ollege

P rograms of D istinction Presidential Scholars Program Honors Program Gregorian Fellows Leadership Program

P residential & D ean ’ s Eligibility

scholars program


Each year, 15 outstanding students are awarded with superior merit scholarships to be used toward their undergraduate tuition at Benedictine College.

Apply and be accepted for undergraduate admission at Benedictine College.

H ighlight s

 Demonstrate a minimum high school GPA of 3.5 and minimum ACT score of 27.

Application Process RSVP for the Presidential Scholars Weekend by January 27, 2012.  Attend Presidential Scholars Weekend, Friday and Saturday, February 3 and 4, 2012.

Campus Ambassadors Presidential and Dean’s Scholars serve an active role on campus as ambassadors of Benedictine College in collaboration with the Office of the President.

Service to the Common Good Presidential and Dean’s Scholars contribute to the surrounding culture through ongoing projects within the local community. Merit Scholarships

Discovery Research Project Presidential and Dean’s Scholars participate in a yearly collaborative research project through the Discovery Research Program to promote the liberal arts identity of Benedictine College. Influential Works Forum Presidential and Dean’s Scholars host an Influential Works forum each semester in which faculty from a variety of disciplines discuss a piece of literature that has influenced their career and life.

Presidential Scholarship The 10 Presidential Scholars are the recipients of a $21,475 scholarship, renewable for four years, for a total of $85,900 over four years.* Dean’s Scholarship The 5 Dean’s Scholars are the recipients of a $16,100 scholarship, renewable for four years, for a total of $64,400 over four years.* *Scholars must maintain a minimum 3.4 cumulative GPA in order to renew their scholarships each year.

B enefit s The Presidential and Dean’s Scholars act as official ambassadors of Benedictine College. The primary goal of the program is to bring exceptionally talented students together to collaborate in promoting the liberal arts on campus. Scholars should expect to come to an understanding of and dedication to the benefits of a liberal arts education. The program offers Scholars both academic and leadership opportunities beyond the classroom. Scholars work closely in a cross-disciplinary fashion, collaborate on undergraduate research, and bring faculty and students together in the Influential Works Forum, all to promote the liberal arts at Benedictine College. Through these events, Scholars gain the ability to see the importance of communicating across a variety of disciplines. Students accepted into the program will be identified as Presidential or Dean’s Scholars and will be given specific distinction as Discovery Scholars during the commencement ceremonies to highlight their involvement in the Discovery Research Program. Students who are accepted into the program will also

receive either a Presidential or Dean’s Scholarship, the highest merit scholarships offered by Benedictine College. Presidential Scholars Weekend All eligible students are invited to attend the Presidential Scholars Weekend, February 3¬ - 4, 2012. All student participants will write an essay and have an individual interview with two Benedictine College faculty, board members, or staff members. The essay will be written from a set of 3 - 5 prompts. In addition to the competition, participants will have the opportunity to experience Benedictine by visiting the campus Friday, February 3. Although this is an optional visit day, we strongly encourage you to attend the scheduled activities. A dinner will be hosted for students and parents to meet other participants and to meet Benedictine College personnel from 7:00 – 8:30 p.m. Student participants are invited to stay overnight Friday, February 3, in the residence halls with a current student.

FAQ Is the Presidential and Dean’s Scholars Program a scholarship program? Yes. The Presidential and Dean’s Scholars Program has 15 renewable merit scholarships associated with it. How are the Scholars selected? Scholars are selected through review of each participant’s essay and interview. How many Scholars are there? There are 10 Presidential Scholars and 5 Dean’s Scholars selected each academic year. How do I sign up for the Presidential Scholars Weekend? Eligible students may electronically submit their RSVP by visiting Is there a deadline to sign up for the Presidential Scholars Weekend? We ask that eligible students submit their RSVP by January 27, 2012.

When will the students selected to receive the scholarships be notified? We attempt to announce the results of the competition within three weeks. However, we ask students for their patience if we are unable to reach a decision in this time frame. Students will receive both a phone call and a letter informing them of the results. What does the competition consist of? All student participants will write an essay and have an individual interview with two Benedictine College faculty or staff members Saturday, February 4. The essay will be written from a set of 3 - 5 prompts. Students will have one hour to write. We will provide bluebooks and pencils for the essay. Students do not need to submit an essay prior to attendance and will be notified of their essay and interview times and locations at check in on Saturday. Is there an alternative to participating in the on campus competition to be eligible for the scholarships? No. Participants must attend the on-campus weekend to be considered for a Presidential or Dean’s Scholarship.

H onors P rogram Eligibility

Requirements Apply and be accepted for undergraduate admission at Benedictine College. ď ˇ Demonstrate a minimum high school GPA of 3.75 and minimum ACT composite score of 29.

Application Process Submit a response to the following statement: The four pillars of Benedictine College reflect its nature as a Catholic, Benedictine, liberal arts, and residential college, all within the mission of educating men and women within a community of faith and scholarship. The honors program seeks to foster in our most exceptional students a deeper experience and understanding of these principles, with the end goal of graduating men and women capable of utilizing that experience and understanding to transform the lives of those they encounter. Envision yourself as a new honors graduate of Benedictine, and tell us how these pillars and values would influence you as an agent of transformation, wherever you might find yourself.

Each year, Benedictine College admits 24 exceptional students to enroll in the Honors Program. These Honors Scholars participate in a challenging curriculum that academically distinguishes them from their peers.

H ighlight s Honors Curriculum Honors Scholars are educated from a distinct curriculum that builds upon Benedictine College’s general education requirements and draws from its liberal arts heritage. The curriculum is divided into an honors core, special foundations classes, an honors track within each academic discipline, and a capstone course. Honors Portfolio Students will assemble a required portfolio of their Honors Program work in an ongoing manner, including responses to Great Works List items,

personal reflections on progress and growth, and other program-related content. This portfolio will be reviewed annually by the Honors Committee. Experiential Component Honors students are expected to become active participants in the life that should follow from a liberal arts education. The experiential component of the Honors Program provides Honors Scholars the opportunity to apply themes discussed in the classroom to experiences in the life and culture around them, enriching both the campus and broader community.

B enefit s The Benedictine College Honors Program draws upon the four pillars of Benedictine College to offer a unique education to exceptionally talented and motivated students. The Honors Program will provide an academically enriched experience through intensive seminar classes as part of its core experience. The main outcome of the Honors Program its Scholars should expect is personal development: greater knowledge, a greater love for learning, and a set of skills that will serve them

well in graduate school and in further career development. Students accepted into the Honors Program receive a challenging and rigorous education that academically distinguishes them from their peers. Honors Scholars are given specific recognition during the commencement ceremonies. Scholars who are accepted are eligible for a $2,000 stipend for an approved project if they maintain a cumulative 3.5 GPA.

C urriculum Great Works List Honors Scholars are provided a master list of seminal works significant to all disciplines of study. This list includes books, works of art, films, and other means of conveying ideas. The Scholars are responsible for responding to two works each semester as part of their portfolio. Core Honors Scholars take part in distinctive courses that fulfill specific components of Benedictine College’s core requirements. Scholars Retreat Honors Scholars will fulfill the Benedictine College Experience requirement through a mandatory weeklong academic retreat prior to the beginning of classes. Honors English Honors Scholars are required to complete Honors English, an advanced expository writing course with emphasis on research writing. This will fulfill the English Composition requirement.

Christian Moral Life Honors Scholars will take an honors-specific section of Christian Moral Life. Philosophy of Nature Honors Scholars will take Philosophy of Nature in lieu of Logic and Nature. Foundations Honors Scholars fulfill at least three general education foundation requirements through unique Honors Foundation courses. Honors Track within Majors Honors Scholars will take part in a major-specific track consisting of nine hours of course work beyond the general requirements for the major. Capstone Course Honors Scholars complete their undergraduate studies with the capstone course. Drawing from discussion on themes and topics previously studied from the master list, this course focuses on integrating and synthesizing the four-year honors experience.

FAQ To what purpose can the Honors stipend be used? This special fund can be spent on any approved educational endeavor. Study abroad, internships, service learning projects, or special research opportunities are examples of the many ways this stipend can be used to help Scholars pursue the experiences that will enable them to develop their fullest potential. How are the students selected? In selecting Honors Scholars, we look for evidence of academic talent, ability and desire to have an impact on their surrounding; an understanding of the pillars, values, and mission of the College; and a strong appreciation for the importance of lifelong learning and intellectual culture. When is the deadline to submit the essays? The deadline to submit the essays is March 2, 2012.

You may submit your materials electronically or hard copy, as appropriate to the format. Submit electronic copy to: Alicia Brozovich, Assistant Director of Admission Submit hard copy to: Alicia Brozovich, Assistant Director of Admission Benedictine College 1020 N 2nd St Atchison, KS 66002 When will the students selected to be Honors Scholars be notified? The 24 students selected to participate in this unique opportunity will be notified by April 15, 2012.

Eligibility Requirements Apply and be accepted for undergraduate admission at Benedictine College.  Demonstrate a minimum high school GPA of 3.2 and minimum ACT score of 27. Consideration will be granted if you do not meet the academic requirements but have an extensive leadership résumé.

Application Process Submit a leadership and community involvement résumé.  Write and submit a 3 paragraph essay on each of the following questions (The deadline to submit completed essays is April 2, 2012): In your life up to this point, what person, event or experience (i.e. class, book, travel, museum) has had the greatest impact on you? Why? Describe a time when you had to motivate others to accomplish a shared goal. How do you see yourself advancing or contributing to the mission of Benedictine College as a community of faith and scholarship? What do you hope to gain from the Gregorian Fellows Leadership Program in order to advance or contribute to the promotion of Catholic identity in public life?

G regorian F ellows L eadership P rogram Each year, the Gregorian Fellows Leadership Program provides 25 exceptionally motivated students with unique educational and leadership opportunities intended to advance the Catholic culture on campus, in America, and in the world.

H ighlight s Retreat Gregorian Fellows take part in a Fellows-only retreat that consists of academic and practical components. Presidential Roundtable Gregorian Fellows meet with the President of the College for luncheon discussions of key issues of the day and the Fellows’ role in shaping American culture. Campus Involvement Gregorian Fellows are required to join a campus club or organization for the year to both observe peer leadership and to serve an active role on campus and/or in the community. Fellows Forum Gregorian Fellows meet monthly with a facilitator to discuss classic and contemporary texts that shed light on enduring questions and significant aspects of the human experience. Fellows Workshops Gregorian Fellows learn specific competencies to assist them in their effectiveness as leaders in society and for the Church.

Discovery Research Project Gregorian Fellows attend Discovery Day to be exposed to peer research and observe and critique oral forms of communication. Later in the program, Fellows conduct their own collaborative research project through the Discovery Program, Benedictine College’s undergraduate research opportunity. Gregorian Stipend Gregorian Fellows receive a $2,000 stipend that can be spent on any approved educational endeavor. Distinguished Speaker Series Gregorian Fellows attend on-campus lectures delivered by accomplished scholars and leaders who are experts in their fields or organizations. Summoning the Fellows for Counsel Gregorian Fellows exclusively meet and converse with the distinguished speakers to delve deeper into the presenter’s topic or area of expertise. Service to the Common Good Gregorian Fellows participate in ongoing service projects within the local community.

B enefit s Named for St. Gregory the Great, the first Benedictine to become Pope, the Gregorian Fellows Leadership Program is a unique educational opportunity for students to advance Catholic culture on campus and in the world. The purpose of the Gregorian Fellows Leadership Program is to graduate students of character and competence who are committed to greatness. Gregorian Fellows should expect to grow in knowledge, love for learning, and skills that will serve them well in preparing for graduate school or a career.

The offerings of the program consist of both academically-themed components, such as the Fellows Forums, Retreat, and Distinguished Speaker series, and also practical components such as oral presentation skills, persuasive writing, and team management. Students accepted into the program are identified as a Gregorian Fellow and are given specific distinction during the commencement ceremonies. Fellows who are accepted are eligible for a $2,000 stipend for an approved project if they maintain a cumulative 3.2 GPA.

FAQ Is the Gregorian Fellows Leadership Program a scholarship program? The Gregorian Fellows Leadership Program does not now have a scholarship associated with it. However, it does grant a $2,000 stipend to eligible participants who maintain a 3.2 grade point average after their freshman year. To what purpose can the Gregorian stipend be used? This special fund can be spent on any approved educational endeavor. Study abroad, internships, service learning projects, or special research opportunities are examples of the many ways this stipend can be used to help Fellows pursue the experiences that will enable them to develop their fullest potential. How are the students selected? In selecting Gregorian Fellows, we look for evidence of academic talent, leadership ability and desire to have an impact on their surroundings, and a strong understanding of the importance of promoting Catholic identity in public life. If I am not Catholic, is this program for me? Students do not need to be Catholic to participate. Though there is a strong Catholic viewpoint in several modules, the majority of the modules provide a broad perspective on leadership. How many members will there be? Twenty-five outstanding students are given this opportunity each academic year.

What can Gregorian Fellows expect to gain from their participation? The main outcome Gregorian Fellows should expect is personal development: greater knowledge, a greater love for learning, and a set of skills that will serve them well in graduate school and career development. When is the deadline to submit the essays? The deadline to submit the essays is April 2, 2012. To whom should I submit my essays and rĂŠsumĂŠ? You may submit your materials electronically or hard copy. Submit electronic copy to: Alicia Brozovich, Assistant Director of Admission Submit hard copy to: Alicia Brozovich, Assistant Director of Admission Benedictine College 1020 N 2nd St Atchison, KS 66002 When will the students selected to be Gregorian Fellows be notified? The 25 students selected to participate in this unique opportunity will be notified by April 15, 2012. Visit the official website of the Gregorian Institute at:

B enedictine C ollege

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