Sprit of Giving Fall 2014

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Fall 2014

Spirit of Giving and Donor Report 2013-2014


EDITOR Tom Hoopes G’10

Opportunities Abound


DESIGNER Hayleigh Diebolt

WRITERS Andi DuPré ’09 Steve Johnson G’12 Paula Moss Rosemary Wilkerson

CLASS NOTES Kathy Garrison

PHOTOGRAPHERS Richard Bennett Hayleigh Diebolt Kelly Elias ’85 Kady Weddle

WAYS TO GIVE COPY EDITORS Mary Asher GIVE BY MAIL Kathy Garrison Gifts made by check should be payable to Benedictine College and mailed to: OfficeTO of Advancement WAYS GIVE 1020 North Second Street GIVE BY MAIL Atchison, KS 66002-1499 Gifts made by check should be payable to Benedictine College and mailed to: OfficeBY of Advancement GIVE PHONE 1020 North Street 1-800-766-0078Second ext. 7416 Atchison, KS 66002-1499

ONLINE GIVING GIVE BY PHONE Visit http://my.benedictine.edu/bcannualfund. 1-800-766-0078 ext. 7416

GIFTS OF STOCK ONLINE By donating GIVING appreciated securities or mutual fund Visit http://my.benedictine.edu/bcannualfund. shares, you can provide a lasting contribution while receiving tax benefits, such as capital gains tax savings.


By donating appreciated securities or mutual fund shares, you can provide a lasting contribution while REAL ESTATE receiving tax benefits, such as capital gains Your gift provides a convenient way for youtax to enjoy a charitable deduction based on the current fair savings. market value of your property, and it can reduce the size and complexity of your estate.


Your gift provides a convenient way for you to enjoy a charitable PLANNING deduction based on the current fair ESTATE market valueBenedictine of your property, canestate reduce the Remember in yourand Willit or size of your estate. plan.and Wecomplexity also offer life-income gifts that provide income and immediate tax benefits. Please contact Tim Andrews, ’88 at 913-360-7363 or tandrews@ ESTATE PLANNING benedictine.edu. If you already have named Remember Benedictine in your Will or estate Benedictine College in your estate plan, contact us plan. We also offer life-income gifts that provide so we can welcome you into the Benedictine Legacy income and immediate tax benefits. Please contact Society. Tim Andrews, ’88 at 913-360-7363 or tandrews@ benedictine.edu. If you already have named Benedictine College in your estate plan, contact us so we 2 can welcome you into the Benedictine Legacy Society.

I believe that a large part of fundraising is looking for opportunities and matching those opportunities with people who want to make a difference. I love watching the hopes and dreams of donors become a part of our campus enriching our students’ lives. A few examples: Rick and Kathie Weishar Dalzell ’80, who have a deep love for the Music Department and Kathie’s former professors, added their support to that of The Westerman Foundation to provide Dr. Ruth Krusemark D.M.A ’73 and the Music Department with two brand new pianos for teaching and student practice. Burt Huerter ’60, husband of the late Colette Diederich Huerter ’62, funding the St. Juan Diego Chapel in the Our Lady of Guadalupe Residence Hall in memory of his beloved bride. The 2014 Family of the Year, Corky ’55 and Molle Stueve family, sent seven of their eight children to Benedictine College. When asked why he thought it was important to send so many of his children to Benedictine College, he said, “I felt it was an extension of my family responsibility to put them in a place that would strengthen our traditions and Catholic values, and a place like Benedictine College did that.” Bob ’72 and Janet Wholey and their four daughters provided funds for a Benedictine College clock tower, which has become a beloved college landmark. The eldest son of a Benedictine College alumnus from the class of 1985 recently made the decision to attend in the fall 2015 as a beginning freshman. This is a proud moment for a Raven, to become a Raven Dad with the dream that the five siblings will follow in their big brother’s footsteps. I am always moved by individuals and families who set up endowed scholarships to honor their loved ones or create their own legacy in making this Benedictine College education possible through financial aid and scholarships for generations of Ravens to come. And the college would be a very different place without the thousands of alumni, donors and friends of the college who give generously each year through the Benedictine College Fund. Those folks often insist on hearing the Fight Song from a phonathon caller each and every year. Benedictine College is filled with opportunities and loyal Ravens who respond and take advantage of them. For their generosity, we are forever grateful Ravens. For Benedictine,

Kelly J. Vowels ’85 Vice President for Advancement

Cover: This year Benedictine has 128 legacy students. A group of these students took the time for a photograph this fall.

Benedictine College • Spirit of Giving • Fall 2014

Remembering Newest Chapel Commemorates St. Juan Diego — And More


The Saint Juan Diego Chapel in the newly-opened Our Lady of Guadalupe Hall was dedicated on October 3, 2014 in the honor and memory of the late Colette Diederich Huerter ’62. “This chapel is one dedicated to family, and who better to represent that notion of family than the late Colette Huerter,” said Benedictine College President Stephen D. Minnis. “Thanks to the generous support of Burt ‘60, Colette’s husband, and Colette’s brother Dean Diederich ’57 and his wife Mary Curran ’58, we are able to dedicate this chapel. Colette was a Mountie and had very strong ties to the college. Burt and Colette were married on June 17, 1961 and were married for 46 years. Colette passed away on November 3, 2007 after a difficult but courageous battle with colon cancer. She had two uncles, Francis Schroll ’17 and Michael Schroll ‘23, who graduated from St. Benedict’s College. She had an aunt, Mother Alfred Schroll ’30, who served as prioress at Mount St. Scholastica from 1950 to 1962. Sister Agnes Claire Schroll ’33, who graduated from the Mount was also a member of the community. They are the namesakes of the Schroll Center at McDonald Hall and they began the succession of generations that have attended Benedictine College and its founding institutions.” Colette’s daughters Lisa Huerter Andrews ’87 and Nancy Huerter Otott ’91 represent the third generation of the family to attend Benedictine College. Lisa and her husband Tim Andrews ’88 are also the parents of fourth-generation Joe Andrews of the class of 2016. “Today is the 56th anniversary of my first date with Colette, October 3rd 1958, so this is quite meaningful to me,” said Burt. “I want to thank Steve Minnis and Kelly Vowels for the opportunity to honor the memory of Colette. She was a very special lady.”


NEW MACHINE MAKES ENGINEERS Alumnus Donation demonstrates department’s success — and needs


Benedictine College • Spirit of Giving • Fall 2014

Thanks to Ed Ciarniello, Benedictine College’s engineering department just replaced its manual typewriter with a word processor — or that’s one way to think of it. The department’s newest machine will help engineering students learn what they need for success in the job market. Ciarniello, a mathematics and physics alumnus from the Class of 1970, came to Department Chair Darrin Muggli with a plan to donate the department’s first computer controlled milling machine. The Engineering Department at Benedictine College is one of the fastest growing areas of the college. With classrooms and labs housed on the lower level of Westerman Hall, the program is bursting at the seams with 185 students. Available floor space in the labs is so restricted that the department has actually turned down donations of equipment. But the department really needed a CNC mill — a “computer numerical controlled” device that executes designs. The equipment would put Benedictine on a level with other notable engineering programs, and Ciarniello wanted to see that happen. “I love Benedictine College and I’m glad they started this engineering program,” Ciarniello said. “Darrin (Muggli) has constructed something that is very Benedictine. It just works 100% in the environment that we have here.” Ciarniello had donated the very first piece of equipment to the department in 2009. That was a hardness tester that didn’t take up a lot of space and cost about $850. This time, he was stepping it up with a major piece of machinery that was worth more than $14,000, plus electronics and other peripherals that added another $10,000 to the total. “I think my involvement here is evidence of the Holy Spirit at work,” he said. “I just happen to be an alumnus who just happens to have 30 years

of industrial working experience the Engineering Department needs, and I’m committed to it, and I’m not anywhere near finished yet.” The Westerman Foundation donated the money to pay for the mill itself. So Ciarniello covered the cost of the electronics and also gave tremendously of his time and expertise in getting the machine set up. “I have spent about 40 days on campus this year working on this project, because everything that could go wrong went wrong,” Ciarniello laughed. “But these things don’t stop me. Like the old abbot, it’s ‘forward, always forward.’ If there’s an obstacle, we get over it or we work around it, but we get through it to get to the end point.” Ciarniello noted the problems in just getting the equipment into the building, much less finding floor space in the lab. Narrow halls and low ceilings in Westerman Hall did not allow for the use of a forklift, so the movers had to use a pallet jack. On top of that, the machine had to be partially dismantled to get it through the doors. Ciarniello could easily see how a new engineering facility, designed specifically for that purpose, could be a great advantage to the college. “I’ve talked with Steve Spencer, faculty advisor on the facilities committee, and right now, I think we have room for one more machine, which shows the growth limitations we are facing,” he said. Ciarniello is excited to see the growth and can directly see the need for space, both for equipment and for students. He is anticipating yet another gift of an even larger machine, a computer controlled lathe, and he said this new equipment will attract even more students. He is committed to the department and committed to the college and he is glad that, as an alumnus, he is not connected to Benedictine only by his past.

“This project has allowed me to interact with not just the present, but the future of the college,” said Ciarniello. “My education started here and this is a way to come back and give something. I never planned that it would be this much time or this much money, but it just seems right to me. And it has actually enriched my life.”


Meet Me at the

Clock Tower

Wholey Family Provides Campus Landmark


Benedictine College • Spirit of Giving • Fall 2014

Janet and Bob ’72 Wholey

The sound of bells can be heard on campuses from the venerable Ivy League schools to small private colleges throughout America. In every case, clock towers signify the presence of a treasured campus landmark. Alumnus Bob Wholey ’72 and his wife, Janet, had always dreamed that Benedictine College should have a clock tower as a majestic signature like so many college campuses. “When Steve Minnis became president and I was on the board, I continued to tell him that Benedictine needed a clock tower somewhere. It could be a freestanding one or one that was connected to something. Janet and I wanted something that would be distinctive on campus, something great that would be a gathering place for students,” said Wholey. After nearly a decade, Wholey’s dream was not forgotten as President Stephen Minnis had been waiting for the perfect place. The clock tower had to identify with Benedictine College and be a symbol of history and pride as well as an activity center for students and community members alike. When plans were drawn up for renovations to be made to the campus cafeteria, President Minnis recognized the ideal location for the campus clock in the dining hall’s tower. “The original design was to have the new dining hall and Our Lady of Guadalupe Hall designed like a turn-of-the-20th-century building with a tower reminiscent of Elizabeth Hall,” explained Minnis. “The circles on the four sides of the tower were going to hold seals of the college, but the more I looked at it, I thought it would be a great place to put a clock, so we went to the Wholeys.” With artists’ renditions of the tower and the Verdin Company selected to build and install the tower clock, Vice President of Advancement Kelly J. Vowels called Bob to talk to him about his original idea. “When Kelly Vowels calls you and says, ‘I have an opportunity for you and your family to consider’ be careful,” joked Wholey. Bob talked to his wife Janet and their four daughters, Amy, Erin, Katie, and Molly about making this gift to Benedictine College. What they found interesting was that the Verdin Company that was selected to manufacture and install the clock was the same one that had placed a clock at Miami University in Oxford, Ohio, where Wholey’s daughters had graduated. “They saw the connection and thought it was a great idea. We do things like this as a family,” said Wholey. As the sentinel leading the way to the dining hall, the Wholey clock will soon keep schedules while enhancing the beauty of the campus. “Meet me at the clock tower” will become a commonly heard phrase shared by generation after generation of Benedictine Ravens.



Stueve Ravens

Family With Student Legacy Named 2014 Family of the Year

The Stueve family stood in the center of O’Malley Field in Larry Wilcox Stadium and the crowd cheered. The Stueves have sent their own crowd to the college over the years. Each year during Family Weekend, Benedictine College recognizes a family that has been particularly active as alumni, as legacies, and in service to the college. This year Benedictine honored the Leo “Corky” ’57 and Molle Stueve family with the 2014 Family Award. The family has sent more than a dozen students through Benedictine College and its founding institutions, Mount St. Scholastica College and St. Benedict’s College. The family was recognized during halftime of the Raven Family Weekend football game, October 4. It all started with Corky, who graduated from St. Benedict’s College in 1957 with a degree in economics. Corky and Molle, who have been married for 59 years, then sent seven of their eight children to Benedictine. Today, one of their grandchildren is a current Benedictine student. When asked why he thought it was important to send so many of his children to Benedictine College, he said, “I felt it was an extension of my family responsibility to put them in a place that would strengthen our traditions and Catholic values, and a place like Benedictine College did that.” Corky was very active in the alumni association and


is a charter member of the first Board of Governors of Benedictine College after it was created in the merger of Mount St. Scholastica College and St. Benedict’s College in 1971. He went on to serve as Chairman of that board in the 1980s. He has been a longtime agent for New York Life Insurance Co., where he has been a member of the Million Dollar Round Table and still serves as a mentor to new agents. Corky and Molle are active in St. Anne’s Church in Prairie Village, Kan. They received the Cross of the Order of St. Benedict in 1987 and Corky was honored with the Kansas Monk Award, Benedictine’s annual award for an outstanding alumnus, in 1983. Their children were students at Benedictine through the late ’70s and early ’80s, with Michael graduating in 1978, Michelle in 1979, Therese in 1980, David in 1983, Patrick in 1984, and Bernadette in 1985. And another daughter, Jeanne, attended for a year in the same timeframe. Two of their sons, David and Patrick, married alumnae Ravens. David is married to Carlene Letcher ’85 and Patrick married Janna Crowley ’85. Corky and Molle are still represented on campus by their grandson, David Maddock, Bernadette’s son, who is a sophomore on the Raven Baseball team.

Benedictine College • Spirit of Giving • Fall 2014

Giving FROM THE BRAIN Young Alumnus Gift Was a Lecture in Physics and Chemistry When the young K-State doctoral student stood in front of a classroom of Raven scientists in Westerman Hall, his lecture was a long time in the making. Jeffrey Powell ’10, decided it was time to fulfill the longstanding offer Dr. Doug Brothers, Professor and Chair of Physics and Astronomy, had for him: “Come back to campus and give a lecture.” It hasn’t been all that long since Jeff was sitting in the same classroom in Westerman Hall where he recently gave his lecture. Jeff is a current Ph.D. candidate in the Physics Department at Kansas State University. He wanted to offer a lecture as an educational opportunity and as a chance for students to gain a better understanding of graduate school. He presented a talk entitled, “Nanoparticles: Exploration in Physics and Chemistry.” Nanotechnology has the potential to bring many new advances in almost every branch of science and revolutionary technological wonders. By investigating both their chemical and physical properties, valuable and intriguing research can be done. Currently, Jeff is studying gold nanoparticles. Remarkably, a fine powder, or dust, can be 1,000 times larger than the nanoparticles Jeff makes. K-State’s website features his article, “Measuring the Solubility of Ligated Gold Nanoparticles in Hydrocarbon Solvents.” Freshman year, inspired and directed by Dr. Brothers, Jeff decided to try a few physics classes. After meeting his lab partner and now wife (Jacqueline Garvey Powell ’10) in a chemistry class and enjoying the hands-on classroom approach, he chose to major in chemistry as well as physics. “Basically, Dr. Brothers got me started in science and I have never looked back.” Jeff made lifelong best friends at Benedictine. From living at Third and Laramie to playing rugby, the experiences he had were priceless. He remembers moments with the Benedictine College community, including the Abbey and especially Fr. Meinrad and Br. Leven. He was also part of the Newman bed-race championship team of 2007. It wasn’t until his senior year that he decided to apply to graduate school for his doctorate in Physics. “Benedictine College definitely made an impact in the direction that I have gone,” Jeff said. “Without the professors at Benedictine, I would not be successful in graduate school. Coming from a small liberal arts college certainly does have advantages.” After earning his doctorate, Jeff aims to work either in private sector for an industry or continue in government-funded research. “The lecture was a great way to give back to the school that gave him so much”, he said.


Ravens at the Royals

Let’s Meet Up

Find out Where Ravens are Gathering Near You Dear Alumni, The favorite part of my job is keeping in contact with all of our alumni, but it isn’t always easy. Life “gets in the way” sometimes, if not all the time. But that is okay. It’s supposed to. We all experience life after our time here in Atchison: first jobs, second jobs, marriages, third jobs, successes, failures, carpools, games, volunteering, joy, and sadness. Each one is the stuff of life. Even so, Benedictine College enjoys one of the most loyal and supportive alumni communities in the country. I get calls and visits all the time from other colleges and universities asking us “how we do it.” As I have written before, I have no doubt our success is deeply embedded in the roots of Benedictine spirituality. That spirituality, coupled with the overwhelming sense of community that is developed on our campus over four short years, is the secret. That is what creates our loyal alumni community. It’s who we are that makes the difference, not what we do. Regardless of where you are in your life, Benedictine College is here for you to come home to. We want all of our alumni and friends to always find a reason to come back to campus (and please let us know when you do!). But you can “come home” when you connect with your fellow Ravens right where you live. And, we will continue to try to help make that happen. We have several Christmas gatherings planned again for 2014. Tentative dates are listed below. These are great events for you to see old friends and make new ones. I hope you can attend if there is a gathering in your area. If there is not, and you would like to help make one happen, just call our office 913.360.7414 and we will help get the ball rolling. In fact, we would love to help you organize any type of event: professional networking, potluck event, meet up for a Sunday Mass, community service, or happy hour. I am always amazed at how easily and deeply our alumni connect with each other. Our Benedictine DNA is the tie that binds and is the catalyst for our community. Our challenge as an institution is to extend our sense of community after graduation and well into the future of our alumni, regardless of what life throws in your way. Contact our office if you would like to help us! For Benedictine,

Christmas Parties Tim Andrews ’88 Executive Director of Alumni & Donor Relations/Planned Giving


12/7 12/15 12/16 12/16 12/17 12/17 12/21 12/22 TBA

Dallas – alumni and admission St. Louis – alumni only Omaha – alumni and admission Wichita – alumni and admission Denver – alumni and admission St. Louis – admission only Albuquerque – admission only Kansas City – alumni and admission Washington, DC.

Benedictine College • Spirit of Giving • Fall 2014


DY A E R GET Something big is about to land on the Benedictine campus! Get out your passport. Pack your bags. Because you will not want to miss the launch of our new program –

RAVEN FREQUENT FLYER We can’t wait to show you the itinerary. It is all happening this December. Check your email, mail, Facebook and Twitter to learn all the details on how you can





Giving to the Benedictine College Fund Frequently Asked Questions Why does Benedictine need my support every year? The Benedictine College Fund is one of the most important ways that alumni, parents, and friends support the college. Gifts made to the fund support the growing need for scholarships and financial aid; help attract and develop outstanding faculty; and support vital campus programs like ministry, student services, and athletics. Annual Fund gifts are expended in the same fiscal year they are received. If I contribute early in the year, will I still receive other mailings? Yes, for two simple reasons: First, many individuals like to make more than one gift in a year. Second, each of the mailings contains important Benedictine information that keeps you updated on what is happening at the college. What are matching gifts? Matching gifts enable some donors the ability to increase the size of their gift to Benedictine by simply filling out their matching gift form from their company and sending it along with the donation. Check with your company’s human resources or benefits department to see if you qualify. Who gives to the Benedictine College Fund? Everyone! Okay, maybe not everyone, but last fiscal year we had a recordbreaking number of donors …. over 3,000 including 1,200 new and reactivated donors. These donors include alumni, current parents, past parents, young alumni, students, faculty, staff, friends, and businesses. We hope to add you to the list this year! It seems like you are having great success already. Will my gift make a difference?

Benedictine College has grown in enrollment over 85% in the last 10 years. This is very exciting, but obviously the demand for scholarships and financial aid continues to grow as well. It takes the combined effort of all our donors, big and small, to help meet these needs. Did you know that last year 65% of the unrestricted gifts to Benedictine were $150 or less? Every gift matters! How do I become a Loyal Raven? It is easy. Stay connected by updating your contact information, become engaged with Benedictine by attending an event on campus or in another community, show your pride by networking with your fellow alums through social media or display your degree or the Spirit of Giving in your office and of course, show your support with a gift to the annual fund! How do I make a gift to the annual fund? You choose what works best for you. •Mail your gift to: Benedictine College Advancement 1020 North Second Street Atchison, KS 66002 •Go online to: my.benedictine/annualfund You can make a one-time gift or sign up for monthly giving. Interested in donating stock or just have questions about your gift? Then, please call James Kew at 913-360-7416 and he will be happy to assist you with your gift. Thank you to everyone who made a gift to the Benedictine College Fund last fiscal year and we hope you will join us once again as we work very hard to surpass our goal of $1,500,000 for the current fiscal year July 1, 2014-June 30, 2015.

Remember, Every Gift Matters! 11


Tomorrow’s TEACHERS

Educators’ Scholarships Help Others Follow Their footsteps Teachers In the Making Jim & Peggy Andra Scholarship Jim and Peggy Andra of Overland Park, Kan., created The Jim and Peggy Andra scholarship to honor their rewarding careers as educators and to provide a legacy to ensure future generations of Catholic educated teaching professionals. Jim graduated in 1969 with a Bachelor of Arts degree in mathematics from SBC and a Master of Science degree in Secondary Counseling from UMKC. His career spanned 44 years, including teaching math (1969—1974) at Meadowbrook Jr. High in Prairie Village, Kan., counseling (1974—2004) at Shawnee Mission Northwest High School in Shawnee, Kan., and counseling (2003—2013) at Blue Valley West High School in Overland Park, Kan. Peggy (Lanham) Andra ’69, graduated from Mount St. Scholastica College in Atchison with a Bachelor of Science degree in education and from the University of Kansas with a Master of Arts degree in special education. Peggy is a first grade teacher at Oak Park-Carpenter Elementary School in Overland Park, Kan., in the Shawnee Mission School District. The 2014—2015 academic year marked her 46th year in public education. James and Peggy have two children, Jeffrey, and Kelly.

Teaching Soccer Peter L. Clevinger Soccer Scholarship


Peter L. Clevinger was an accomplished Benedictine College soccer player and an Air Force Battlefield Airman. The son of Ralph and Kathy Clevinger, Peter was the youngest of the four Clevinger children, which includes Aaron, Monica, and Kaylan. He was a 2006 graduate of St. Thomas Aquinas High School in Overland Park and a 2010 graduate of Benedictine College. Peter was a four-year starter on the Raven Men’s Soccer team named third team All-Conference in 2009. Head Men’s Soccer Coach Rob Herringer ’00 G’04 noted, “Peter was the kind of player that was the reason why I coach. The world will never get to have someone like that again.” Peter passed away unexpectedly January 20, 2013, at the age of 25. Peter’s service was attended by more than 2,700 people. His loss was felt by many. Eric Mooney ’12, a former teammate and close friend said, “Peter lived life to the fullest and that was something that was contagious with everyone he crossed paths with.” The new Benedictine Men’s locker room was dedicated in Peter’s name and a mural can be found near the John Casey Soccer Center. Pete’s time on earth was cut short, but his family wants his legacy to live forever in the Peter L. Clevinger Soccer Scholarship, which was created to assist Benedictine College soccer players in need.

Benedictine College • Spirit of Giving • Fall 2014

2+2=4 Baskets Rosemary J. (Mattas) Dlabal Scholarship Rosemary J. (Mattas) Dlabal, the youngest of Emil and Betty Mattas’ four children, grew up in a small farming community in Wilson, Kansas. As a student at Benedictine College, Rosemary was a four-year starter on the women’s basketball team. By her senior year, she finished with a career record of 1,361 points, 34 points in a single game, and 803 rebounds. She was posthumously inducted into the Raven Athletic Hall of Fame in 2007. In addition to her athletic ability, Rosemary was also dedicated to her school work. She graduated cum laude in 1988 and pursued a career in education. Rosemary shared her knowledge and love of mathematics for more than 15 years as a teacher at Wilson High School, where she also coached track and basketball. She was an amazing, intelligent person who had the ability to take a math concept, break it down, and explain it in a wonderful way for others to understand. Following a lengthy battle with cancer, Rosemary passed away in July 2007. Her legacy continues to live on through her husband Jim and their four children: Joshua, Justine, Aaron, and Ethan. The Rosemary J. (Mattas) Dlabal Scholarship is awarded to a Benedictine College student majoring in secondary education or mathematics.

From Small Beginnings Barbara S. McGuire Memorial Scholarship Barbara “Barb” McGuire grew up on a small family farm in Sherry, Wisconsin. She was the second oldest of eight children. Her father was a Wood County sheriff’s deputy and her mother was a teacher. Barb graduated from the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire in 1980 with a degree in special education and elementary education. She received her Master’s from the University of Wisconsin-Stout in 1987. Barb married Mark McGuire ’77 and they had two children, Lorryn, a current student at Benedictine and James. Barb was a dedicated educator who spent many hours creating lessons, writing reports and making contact with parents while fighting thyroid and breast cancer for 16 years. During her last year of teaching, Barb broke her C-2 vertebrae due to her cancer and was placed in a halo; and she continued teaching. In June 2013, Barb made the decision not to return to the classroom. She lost her battle with cancer in October 2013. The Barbara S. McGuire Memorial Scholarship, created by Jim ’71, and Linda McGuire in her memory, is awarded to a Benedictine College student who has declared elementary, secondary, or special education as his or her major.


CLASS NOTES June 2, 2014 – September 3, 2014 Class notes are condensed. Please refer to http://my.benedictine.edu for full stories and photographs. Dr. Frances Flanagan, Ph.D. ’43, St. Joseph, Mo., in May 2014 was the Grand Marshal for the St. Joseph, Mo., Apple Blossom Parade. In 1980, she retired as an English professor from Missouri Western State University. Frances enjoys traveling, photography and writing. She has written “Missouri Western State College: a history 1915-1983,” and “St. Francis Xavier Parish, St. Joseph, Missouri, 1890-1990.” In May 2014, the family of the late Edward Jaraczewski ’42, and his wife, Rosemary Rost Jaraczewski ’43, donated their father’s 1940 winning game football to Benedictine College. The football, on display in the Amino Center, contains player signatures and the game score, SBC 38, Rockhurst 19. Sanford “Sandy” Gibbons ’54, Phoenix, Ariz., was unable to attend his 60th alumni reunion anniversary at Benedictine College in June 2014, but did send a note about his career: “I’ve been in over 59 major motion pictures and television productions, including: Tombstone, Tin Cup, Little House on the Prairie, and Redemption. Plus, I’ve written a book, “Show Biz: Voice and Talent Work Anywhere,” which details my experiences with many major stars and what they taught me about show biz.” Thomas A. Anderson ’55, Albuquerque, N.M., is completing his 12th year as New Mexico State Representative, House District-29. His service will end Jan. 20, 2015. Clinton “Buddy” Lord ’55, Leawood, Kan., in June 2014 was inducted into St. Patrick’s-Archbishop Bergan High School Athletic Hall of Fame, as an athlete in basketball, baseball and football. Ken Hartnett ’56, New Bedford, Mass., remembered his late friend and St. Benedict’s College classmate, Alfonso Greco, ’55, in a memoriam published in SouthCoast Today. Ken is editor emeritus of The Standard-Times. Jim Enneking ’64, and his wife Charlene Enneking, Basehor, Kan., celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary July 25, 2014. Gary McGrath ’64, and his wife, Fran McGrath, Pittsburg, Kan., celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary, Aug. 17, 2014.


John Van Dyke ’66, Atchison, Kan., retired in August 2014 after a 46-year career with State Farm Insurance. His wife, Mary Cochran Van Dyke, ’75, retired in 2011 after 36 years teaching in public and private schools. The couple also celebrated their 54th wedding anniversary May 28, 2014. Gerry Mills ’71, Oklahoma City, Okla., retired May 30, 2014, from the United States Department of Defense. His career began in 2002 as a civilian with the government. Tom McGuire ’73, Castle Pines, Co., said that meeting Benedictine College classmate Teri Hosty ’76, at the old Wharf bar in 1972 was the best thing that ever happened to him. The McGuire’s celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary Oct. 5, with a European trip. Dr. Mary F. Temm, D.Sc., MHSA ’81, Phoenix, Ariz., President of Temm & Associates, Inc., received her Doctor of Science in Administration - Health Services from the University of Alabama at Birmingham in 2013. Her dissertation was entitled “Patient-Centered Medical Homes: Analysis of the Effects of Practice Capabilities on Costs.” Mary, through her company, provides consultative services related to integrated health care service delivery models for Medicaid, Medicare and commercial health care programs. Dr. John Dolan, Ed.D. ’82, became the new Vice President for Enrollment Management at Simmons College in Boston, Mass., July 1, 2014. His position focuses on the ever-changing enrollment landscape in higher education and responsibilities include undergraduate admission, graduate admission, and student financial services. John previously was Vice President for Enrollment Management at Le Moyne College in New York. He earned his doctorate degree in May 2013 from Drexel University. Rev. Duncan E. Teague, M.Div. ’89, Decatur, Ga., was ordained a minister of Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Atlanta in Sept. 2014. Ramona Farris ’90, EMBA ’99, Kansas City, Mo., is the Director of Business Development at WellMatch, a transparency company owned by Aetna. She is responsible for the Midwest and West regions and sales to Fortune 500 companies in these markets; and has more than 18 years of experience in the health insurance industry. On Aug.

Benedictine College • Spirit of Giving • Fall 2014

2, 2014, Ramona and fellow Raven and college roommate, Sherri Williams Ingui ’90, completed the Rocky Mountain Half Marathon in Estes Park, Colo. Todd Nugent ’92, Kansas City, Mo., in Sept. 2014 celebrated his second year of being cancer free! In June 2014, Todd earned his Triple Crown Status with Team In Training of the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS) by completing an Olympic triathlon in Boulder, Colo. He is an Independent Insurance Agent in Kansas City; and the father of two sons, Carter and Cooper. Dr. Richard P. Wurtz, M.D. ’94, in April 2014 was a guest speaker sponsored by the Pre-Med Committee at his alma mater. Richard is one of four physicians at Holy Family Medical Associates in Lincoln, Neb., which provides a full range of care to families while following the teachings of the Catholic Church. He and his wife, Sarah, are parents of seven children. Jeff Bryan ’97, Inverness, Fla., in July 2014 was recognized by the Florida Press Association at its annual awards banquet. Jeff, who assumed the duties of Riverland News editor in 2010, captured first-place honors in five categories, including Spot News, Feature Story Non-Profile, Spot News Photography, Sports Photography and Best Front Page Design. Wyatt Coen born to Wendell Snodgrass ’97, and Jaime Snodgrass, Yakima, Washington, May 20, 2014. Maj. Donald R. Neal Jr. ’01, along with his wife, Moira Perryman Neal ’01, and their three children, Donald, Payton, and Carmella, in July 2014 relocated to Grafenwohr, Germany, where he is stationed with the U.S. Army. Brian Dunn ’98, EMBA ’02, was recognized in the April 2014 issue of Kansas City’s Ingram’s Business magazine as one of the “40 Under Forty.” He is a Senior Project Manager at J.E. Dunn Construction Company in Kansas City. Brian and his wife, Lynn, are the parents of three children, Ella, Max, and Charlie. Jamie Calcara Warren ’99, Overland Park, Kan., in March 2014 joined Staples Promotional Products as a Senior Accounts Services Manager.

Sarah Rademacker Schinstock ’00, lives in Lincoln, Neb., with her husband, Jeff Schinstock, who works for the Catholic Diocese of Lincoln. Sarah stays home with their six children, Regina, Thomas, Libby, Madeline, J. Michael and Benedict. James Richard born to Josh Ervasti and Chrissy Dixon Ervasti ’01, Aug. 31, 2014. He joins older brother, John, at the family home in West Des Moines, Iowa. Ryan Thompson ’01, Arvada, Colo., is the owner of Somerset Marketing with coverage of Denver, Dallas, and Los Angeles areas. Stacy Niedbalski ’02, Atchison, in August 2014 was re-hired as the Annual Appeal Coordinator for the Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas. Colleen White Wysong ’02, Overland Park, Kan., a certified culinarian and pastry chef, is the owner of “Cookies by Colleen.” The eight-year-old business now has a Facebook page for display of her creations, as well as where you can place orders; Colleen plans to build a blog or website in the future. The cookies are custom-made for special celebrations, holidays, gifts or just because. The cookies are $24.00/dozen or $30.00/dozen individually wrapped; orders may also be placed by email, wysongc21@gmail.com. Colleen and her husband, Cecil are the parents of two sons, Cecil, IV and Maxwell. John Elias born to John Harden ’03, and Meghann Mundie Harden ’03, June 5, 2014. He joins siblings Thomas, Joseph, Maria, and Louis at home in West Chester, Pa. Andrew Dunehoo ’04, Greeley, Colo., is the new Art and Heritage Manager for the Town of Windsor Museum. He previously was Library and Museum Services Director of the Fort Morgan Library and Museum. Andrew and wife Emily are the parents of two children, Clayton and Hazel, and are expecting their third child in January 2015. Mary Elizabeth born to Luke Cairney ’05, and Cate Laska Cairney, M.D. ’05, Aug. 31, 2014. She joins older sister Margaret Grace at the family home in Holton, Kan.


Grace Luella born to Dan Hogan ’06, and Kerry AnnHogan, July 15, 2014. The family resides in Mount Juliet, Tenn.

Stephanie Hefel ’14, wed Ryan Boh ’14, August 1, 2014, at Saints Peter and Paul Catholic Church, Loretto, Minn.

Halle Marie born to Kylie Klenda Schneider ’06, and Christopher Schneider, May 13, 2014. She joins older sister Adelade Jo at the family home in Overland Park, Kan.

Erin Hunninghake ’14, Atchison, Kan., is the Assistant to the President of Maur Hill-Mount Academy. Prior to her position at the Catholic Prep boarding school she was employed by Exchange National Bank & Trust as a part-time teller in Atchison.

Amelia Marie born to Zach Lancaster ’07, and Jenny Meerpohl Lancaster ’07, July 6, 2014. She joins older brothers Dominic and Bennett at the family home in Holton, Kan. Benjamin born to Anda Rounds Rusnak ’07, and Jim Rusnak, Colorado Springs, Colo., March 19, 2014. Hannah Dumpert Hasselquist ’11, Westwood, Kan., in August 2014 joined National Multiple Sclerosis Society: Mid America Chapter, as their Public Relations Specialist. Hannah was recently appointed to the Centurion Leadership Program through the Greater Kansas City Chamber of Commerce, a highly competitive program that spends two years exploring the opportunities and issues of the metropolitan area. Rebekah Anne born to Rusty Lueger and Gina Sanders Lueger ’11, April 2, 2014. The family resides in Beloit, Kan., where Rusty and Gina are teaching at St. John’s Catholic High School. Humam AlMukhtar ’12, MBA ’14, Buffalo, N.Y., is the Digital Media Manager for Ivoclar Vivadent, Inc., in Buffalo. Leslie Naden ’12, wed Andrew Gasper ’14, May 31, 2014, at St. Benedict’s Parish in Atchison. They reside in Lenexa, Kan. Christine Daly ’13, wed Chris Lyons, June 28, 2014, at Holy Trinity Catholic Church in Lenexa, Kan. Currently, Christine teaches third grade at St. Benedict’s Catholic School in Atchison. They reside in Platte City, Mo. Sean Romero ’13, Fort Collins, Colo., is President of Excelerated Advertising Solutions Inc., a marketing firm in Ogden, Utah. Lt. Case M. Tierney ’13, graduated from United States Marine Corps/TBS, June 25, 2014. He was posted to Camp Pendleton, Calif., and attached to the “Dark Horse” infantry battalion: 3rd Battalion, 5th Marine Regiment, 1st Marine Division, and then deployed to Pacific Fleet operations in the East China Sea. Case is the son of Ann Stegeman Tierney ’72 and Robert Tierney ’70, Quincy, Ill.


St. Louis area members of Benedictine College class of 1975 met recently to plan their 40th reunion. The All-Alumni Reunion Weekend in Atchison will be held June 12-14, 2015. Pictured back row L to R: David Tornetto, Nancy Wetta Klapp, Jim Corkery, Rick LaGrotta, George Fuchs and Rosemary Wilkerson (Benedictine College Staff Class Liaison); front row L to R: Colette Capesius Hunsucker, Phil Miceli and Maureen Haddon Buscher. Other Class of 1975 committee members include: Linda Timmons Bonett, Charlie Gartenmayer, Maureen Ryan) Hoffman, Suzie Tjaden Klosterman, Ron Lehmann, Pam Hundt O’Donnell, Jeanne Perconte Skahan and Jim Skain. All alumni classes ending in 0 and 5 are being recognized at the annual reunion. If you want to help plan a gathering for your Class or contact class members, please contact the Office of Alumni at 913.360.7414.


Joseph Hill, Newman, Calif., passed away Aug. 31, 2014. Among the survivors are his two sons, Dave Hill ’84, and Mike Hill ’84, daughter-in-law, Joan Sullivan Hill ’83, and two grandsons, Matthew Hill, who attended Benedictine College from fall 2009 to spring 2010, and David Hill Jr., a current student at Benedictine College. The family has directed memorials to Benedictine College Football, c/o Larry Wilcox, 1020 North Second Street, Atchison, KS 66002.


To view the complete class notes for the following deceased alumni, as well as friends of the College, please visit http://my.benedictine.edu and under Keep In Touch, click on Search Class Notes. Betty A. Hammond Heintzelman ’43 Mary Oberlin Shrack ’44 Mary Virginia Church Welch ’49 Ferdinand G. Castrop ’51 Anne Robben Nagle ’52 Mary Jo Kocour Park ’52 Thomas L. Ravins ’52 James E. Klene ’53 William B. “Bernie” Madden ’55 Mary Ann Georgie Sniezek ’55 Ann P. Gyulay Sullivan ’55 Sister Mary Ann Fessler, OSB ’56 Gerald F. Haverkamp ’57 William M. Kryger, Sr. ’57 Wilbert C. Junk ’58 Mary Carol Haegelin Shey ’58 Daniel George Sevcik ’63 Thomas F. Farrell ’65 Mary Jo Mier Laincz ’70 Lt. Col. Harold Tanner ’70 Bootstrapper Sister Sharon Holthaus, OSB ’72 Michael Payne ’76

Benedictine College • Spirit of Giving • Fall 2014

You Are Invited…

To Help Us Make History Scholarship Ball

February 28, 2015 Overland Park Convention Center Last year was a record-breaking year for the Benedictine College Scholarship Ball – over 800 attended, and the college raised over $600,000! It is time to mark your calendars because we want to break those records again in 2015. We are going back to the Overland Park Convention Center for one of Kansas City’s leading events. The black-tie gala opens in early February with an online auction premiering trips, jewelry, and many unique Benedictine items. During the night of the gala we feature a Mass, outstanding student entertainment, the presentation of the prestigious Cross of the Order of St. Benedict awards, and conclude with a live band and dance. Every year many alumni, parents, and friends attend this great event to reconnect and most of all, help raise needed funds for scholarships and financial aid. “The Ball is such an exciting event,” President Stephen D. Minnis said. “I am always amazed and thankful for the many alumni and friends who give so generously through sponsorships, Fund-a-Raven and the auction to support our growing student body. You feel Raven pride all night long!” This year Benedictine is honoring Steve ’77 and Peggy McBride and Dr. Jim, DDS ’77 and Linda Bongers as Cross of the Order of St. Benedict honorees. The McBrides and Bongers will be recognized for their dedication and faithful support of Benedictine College. Join us for this year’s Scholarship Ball as a sponsor or donate an auction item. For more information: (913) 360-7452 or www.benedictine.edu/scholarship-ball.

What do you think of our Spirit of Giving? Send your comments, suggestions and story ideas to bcadvancement@benedictine.edu. 17

Donor Report 2013-2014 Message from the President Every year when we send you the donor report, I am at a loss for how to express the enormous gratitude we have to each and every name on this list. You are the lifeblood of our mission. You understand Benedictine community, and you know it is so much more than just being a student here. You understand the thriving faith the monks and sisters imparted to us as a solid foundation. And you understand the importance of scholarship — the intellectual heritage and life lessons we impart to our students. Your success has been astounding: • We have once again set a new enrollment record with more than 1,800 students, and opened our ninth and tenth new residence halls in 10 years: Lemke Hall and Our Lady of Guadalupe Hall. • The athletic programs you helped build had a banner year, finishing last spring as HAAC champions in football, men’s and women’s soccer, and men’s basketball.

• We have seen enormous blessings in our faith life on campus, having opened the first two new chapels on campus since St. Martin’s Memorial Chapel. We led the March for Life in Washington, D.C., and added a beautiful new statue of St. Scholastica to celebrate our heritage. • We were honored to be named a top 20 Midwest Regional school by U.S. News & World Report, and were named one of “The Best 100 Colleges by State” by BestSchools.org. But the real story of Benedictine College is the story of our students. We are so proud of our students, they are doing amazing work on campus, and then finding great jobs after leaving Benedictine. Last year’s graduates are among the accountants at Deloitte and other leading firms, engineers in Kansas City and elsewhere, nurses at top hospitals, and graduate students at Notre Dame Law School, University of Texas Medical School and other leading institutions, as well as teachers, seminarians, and sisters. So, I truly can’t thank you enough for what your contributions have done and continue to do on our campus. You are ensuring that your experience of Benedictine College will be shared with more students than ever before, and thereby changing the world for the better. It’s a Great Time to Be a Raven,

Stephen D. Minnis ’82

Table of Contents: Donors by Class Year, 19 Beanie Society, 30 Faculty and Staff, 48 The Legacy Society, 49 Endowment Gifts, 52


In Memory Of, 53 In Honor Of, 54 Organizations, 55 Matching Gifts, 56 1858 Society, 56

President’s Circle, 62 Cornerstone Society, 62 Summit Society, 63 Gifts-in-Kind, 64


Each year Benedictine College is rated by such organizations as U.S. News & World Report, and alumni giving percentages are noted and factored into the ranking process. Alumni participation is used as an indicator of alumni satisfaction in this rating and by some college guidebooks and foundations. Alumni who participate at any level are helping Benedictine’s standing for student recruitment, fundraising, and overall reputation. Benedictine College’s undergraduate alumni participation rate was over 24 percent for fiscal year 2013-2014. We recognize these donors by class year.


Participation: 33.33% Total dollars: $410.00 Bernard Kirk, M.D.


Participation: 10.00% Total dollars: $12,309.83 Edna Grainey Moore †


Participation: 12.50% Total dollars: $100.00 Benjamin Nicks


Participation: 8.33% Total dollars: $300.00 Mary Wallerstedt Schwab


Participation: 11.11% Total dollars: $95.00 Nadine Devlin Hickey Helen Sarg Naughton


Participation: 18.75% Total dollars: $1,325.00

Herbert Barber Marie Demmer Esselmann Frances Flanagan Mary Curry Garvert George Lucas, M.D. Mariellen Cunningham Sabato


Participation: 17.86% Total dollars: $440.00 Dorothy Childers Cline Elizabeth Wack Doyle Margaret Ellis Everts Elizabeth Smith Hanna Ida Swiderski Richardson


Participation: 25.71% Total dollars: $18,825.00 Nona Dieckman Bacon George Baumgartner, Ph.D. Delbert Ehret Leonard Hannapel, M.D. William Markey Charles Parcell Joseph Peters James Pretz, M.D. Donald Wolters, M.D.


Participation: 5.88% Total dollars: $110.00 Eleanor Schmitt Sheehy Margaret Stohr Betty Glenski Wirtz


Participation: 20.00% Total dollars: $1,400.00 Jeanne Jordan Carroll Anne Lachowsky Cusick Janice Clark De Gisi Richard Ibarra, M.D. William Sheehan


Participation: 16.07% Total dollars: $2,200.00 Patricia Thorne Bumgarner Bertrice Daldrup Elizabeth Goodwin Geiger William Hafeman Doris Scheidt Hampton William Matzeder Marilyn Slief Morales Dolores French Tannehill Mary Klene Winslow


Participation: 20.73% Total dollars: $4,100.00 Elizabeth Breting John Delphia, Ph.D. Mary Cummins Donovan Mary Walker Dutton Louis Ellis Joseph Fisher, Ph.D. Valeta Brown Guthrey Frederick Hagen Ethel Stessman Heller Celeste Leary Klebba Theodore Kozan Mary Ketter Landon Jerome Schmidt, Ph.D. Norbert Schmitz Francis Whitesell Julia Hepburn Wirtz William Wolters, Jr.


Participation: 19.23% Total dollars: $11,478.42 Lee Arensberg Charles Buhler Wallace Dal Santo Harold Dawson, Jr. Doreen Harris Donovan Franklin Donovan, D.P.M. Mary McCormick Farrell Robert Fraser Donald Giese Elizabeth Griesemer Hendricks Richard Hilts Joan Brey Millington † Charles Moritz Don Palermo

Richard A. Pirotte, M.D. Charles Schmitz Frank Solari, Jr. Patricia Peterson Sweeney Mary Bergman Winterscheidt † Mary Alice Weir Ziegler †


Participation: 24.81% Total dollars: $17,190.00 Roland Abel Anonymous George Blodig Lucille Fontana Brennan Dorothy McManus Burns Arthur Catrambone Jo Ann Corless Rita Coupe Suzanne Sydow Davis Ruth Link Deuschle Edward Hardey Delbert Leiker Dorsey Lightner Mary Ellen Quinn McKain Eileen Halpin Monteil Natalie Schroeder Moritz Mary Coffeen Murphy Walter Nelson Louis Normandin William Pivonka, Ph.D. Lillian Fisher Quigley Teresita Breitenbach Ruotolo Jeanne Culivan Shackleford Richard Silha Katherine Smith Margery Laughlin Smith Rev. Francis Stanfield Jeanie Ryan Stiles Jack Teegarden † William Todhunter Trudy Seifner Twenter Anthony Waite Richard Wood


Participation: 27.20% Total dollars: $9,215.00

Barbara Jackson Babcock Eileen Dever Barbe Beverly Reinkemeyer Beam Joseph Belden Frank Benanti Pius Chao Anthony Cordie John Delaney Leo Demmer Elizabeth Dobel Donald Doemling, Ph.D. Robert Dytrych Marion Martin Ehret James Fraser Charles Garrett Leon Gaschen Ambrosia Michalicka Geffre Peter Green Rosina Baumgartner Halpin James Jackson Marilyn Jansen William Joyce Mary McBride Kucera Ann Hennessey LeFevers Rev. Robert Mahoney, Ph.D. Robert Mandeville, Ph.D. James McCoy Richard McGovern Anne Robben Nagle † Francis O’Malley Eileen Murphy Orlet Irma Pittroff Mary Kreuzberg Wichert Schroer Ralph Settle Rev. James Solari, O.S.B.

Richard Terrell John Zook


Participation: 21.97%

Total dollars: $47,255.00 Anonymous Barbara Stotts Baumgartner Barbara Meyer Benanti Edward Birzer Dale Bremmer, Ph.D. John Carroll, Jr. Leo Cavanaugh Berdene Schaeffer Collins Dolores Nehl Dempsey Damian Enneking Mary O’Connor Garrett Donald Hagen Dolores Kenning Harkins James Heili Imogene Gregory Mazur Lou McAvoy Lillian Rome McGrath Robert Morin Joyce Tolle Nash Mary Cleary Oeff Rev. Patrick Rearden Thomas Regnary Robert Reintjes Rose Mary Strathman Riley Barbara O’Rourke Ritz Carl Robst William Smith, Ph.D. Ellen Walk Lionel Young


Participation: 18.75% Total dollars: $83,002.00 Mary Richardson Berkin James Carroll P. Jean Ho Chang Dolores Breitenbach Coady Robert Cunningham Marjorie (Rupp) Dampf Paul Drees, Ph.D. Theresa Grosdidier Fitzgerald J. Dale Harrison Joan Gleeson Kahn Roger Knapp Gene Lazzo Edward McShane, Jr. John O’Connor Charlie O’Reilly Eugene Peters Rita Gages Phillips Stephen Podry Marilyn Redetzke Rose Mary Schmiedeler Reinig Mary Boeding Rice Ellen Lister Roach Robert Slater Mary Ellen Kuhlman Welsh


Participation: 33.33% Total dollars: $227,886.61 Suzanne Swann Adams William Agnew George Arkfeld Mary Ann Zehrung Arnone Frank Bichlmeier, M.D. Edward Bott Cecelia Christophene Brunner John Clinton Arlene Volk Cordaro Virginia Sullivan Day Barbara Moebus Doyle Robert Feldmann Mary Ellen O’Mara Fitzgerald Gerald Ford


Henry Forge, Ph.D. Joan Caraher Galli Paul Giller John Gladbach Fr. Albert Grendler Patrick Harper Doris Higa Charles Kamp Stephen Kelly Richard Krolak Ronald Krupp Theodore Lacina Bernadine Law Lanzano Rita Leonardi Clinton Lord Jo Ann Karl Malita Dorothy Ernzen McDermed Richard McNally Josephine Bremmer McQueen, Ph.D. Barbara Dennison Morgan Jerome Oidtman Dorothy Osborne Podry Viola Moeder Prosser Donald Rettenmaier Patricia Dorney Sasenick Stephen Sasenick Fred Schmiedeler Catherine Costa Schultz Theodore Schultz John Sheehan, M.D. Clarence Synakiewicz James Tank Byron Thompson Margaret Moslander Thull Betty Becker Timmerman


Participation: 26.80% Total dollars: $17,522.40

Patricia Pascoe Agnew June Fuller Anderson Angela Ferrari Baker Diane Mealy Barber John Beck, M.D. Anthony Bianchi George Boddy Matilda Wohletz Bona Joseph Boutte Patricia Whalen Bullinger Louise Venard Clinton Anna Demmer Richard Dooley James Gampper Margaret Schumacher Gladbach Thomas Harrison Justin Hein Richard Heinisch Gerard Huerter Rev. Leonard Kenkel Shirley Farnan Laughlin Janelle Knoedel Lazzo Eugene Leise John Luebbe John McCarthy, Jr. Patrick McDonnell John McGovern Patricia Graham Messbarger Ellen Daldrup Newman Elmer Rottinghaus Anne Gleason Russell Marlene Haverkamp Sinnott Charlene Nelson Slater Elizabeth Monahan Smith Benedict Stefanek Marlene Merten Strauss Elizabeth Marshall Thompson Mary Coppersmith Torline Patricia Kelly Tower Margaret Goehl Trujillo Marcene Zimmerman Twark



Participation: 25.15% Total dollars: $651,534.61 William Berberich Leroy Blasi Rev. Marvin Boes William Brooke, Ed.D. Joan Carvalho Culbertson Joan Kuhlman Demel Dean Diederich Dennis Diederich, M.D. Joseph Dolan John Dooling, Sr. Donald Eilert Elmer Fangman Robert Geist Marlene Rapalino Graham Edmund Grewe Joseph Hattrup Robert Hunter Theodore Kelly Albert Kocour Patrick Kramer Josephine Lee Lo Gary Morgan David Moritz Marlyn Morrison Yvonne LeMoine Muller Joseph Nerney, Jr. James Nordhus John O’Gara, M.D. Stephen Penny Adele DeFeo Perkins David Perkins, Jr. Edward Pillar Margaret Gulde Rettenmaier Mary Hill Riedel Maureen Gibbons Sadowski James Scheid Patrick Schmiedeler Jerome Seeger Leo Stueve Glenn Torline Robert Trocke Catherine Van Compernolle Van Ryckeghem


Participation: 28.29% Total dollars: $54,640.00

Sr. Rose Ashour, O.S.B. Norman Beat Lois Muenchrath Berberich Evelyn Rack Boutte John Burke Mary Anne Ginaine Burke Thomas Burke Richard Cordero Maurice Cummings Dolores Isaacson DeAndrea Theodore DeBauge Fred Dice, Jr. Alice Milacek Diederich Mary Curran Diederich Mary McNeive Dougherty Robert Doyle Dorothy Schmedding Fennewald James Fern, Jr. Richard Forge Duane Fortin Eddie Gall Mary Heuertz Gall Joseph Geist, Ph.D. Virgil Goracke Gerald Gregory Yvonne Dank Grewe Elizabeth Hess Hugger John Huml Barbara Flaherty Jensen

Jerry Johnston Grace Haverkamp Junk William Karduck Ronald Kelly Phillip Kobett Richard Kutlas Ralph Lowder William Luff, Jr. Joan Horan Madgett Mary Ellen Tobin Mahr Martina Sanchez Márquez Thomas McCarthy Gary McGrath Thomas McKnew, Jr. Patricia Kappler McNulty Joan Melancon Patricia Wolters Melching Robert Nadeau Keith Nevins John O’Sullivan, Jr. Patrick Peddecord Jeanne Hupf Pillar Michael Pufall, Ph.D. Joseph Reiter Tom Robinson Richard Robl, Ph.D. Emmett Rottinghaus Margaret Bisbee Schmiedeler George Schroeder Emmett Schulte, Ph.D. James Simecka Rev. Eugene Sitzmann James Stephan Sally Doyle Stricca Eileen Sweeney Robert Swoboda Margaret Jurschak Thielen Anthony Torchia Milton Trujillo Mark Vincent Anita Siebert Weber Carol DeNeen Willett Joseph Willett Robert Yanics


Participation: 27.06% Total dollars: $682,789.88 Joseph Bergman Joanne Schlitzer Berry Albert Beuerlein Judith Bock Carol Lysaght Burke Thomas Carey, Ph.D. Clarita Hampton Casey John Casey William Charron, Ph.D. Joan Copenhaver DeBauge Edward Dyer Frederick Finder Timothy Fink Mark Flynn † Mary Wickersham Fortin Rudolph Gallegos, Jr. Marilyn Sawyer Graybill Joseph Grennan Janet Melvin Hansen Vincent Harrington Louis Harris Thomas Heier Ruth Hogan Theodore Keeley Robert Kelly, Ph.D. Betty Heiman Lane Barbara Benavides McCarthy Theresa Wolters Miller Patricia McHenry Mitchell Charles Moos Rebecca Reichenberger Moritz Margaret Ferkenhoff Myers

William Myers James Napier Martha Sellmeyer O’Keefe Leland Ostdiek Dominic Paolucci Charles Pecora Janice Benda Pelster Desmond Powers Phillip Quo Lewis Real Daniel Riley Cora Kuhn Ryan Mary Ann Zavadil Schulte David Scyoc Francis Smith Rita Struewing Staab James Stover Innes Villalpando William Vossman Catherine Devlin Waller Thomas Waller Leo Wapelhorst Donald Weise Franklin Woodbury Dominic Yang, Ph.D. Frank Zook Lawrence Zukel


Participation: 22.51% Total dollars: $140,436.45

Gerald Allen Rev. Thomas Barnes Jane Tangeman Bergman Mary Volkert Bowes LeRoy Brungardt Larry Buessing Deacon Benedict Cruise Mary Carey Dahlin Beatrice Burns Dissett Mary Frances Keating Fulton Patrick Giebler Kathleen Glaser Dorothy Griffith Sue Lash Guilford Gerald Harrington James Hoover Burton Huerter Rosemarie Mayer Hunninghake Suzanne Bergmann Jessup, Ph.D. Darrel Kelsey Kenneth Klenke Jerome Knapczyk Barbara La Forge Sherry Mefford Lange Sr. Mary Leeker Francis Lewis James Madden Robert Mallon Donald Marx, Ph.D. Charles McLaughlin Robert Merz Rosemary Moran Thomas Nerney Ronald Nieto † James O’Brien Thomas O’Brien Cathryn Coldwell Paul Mary Randolph Pope William Putthoff Barbara Dorney Ramirez David Rasure Tom Reichenberger James Rezac Charles Rogers Paul Ruff, III Rose Erpelding Schultz Mary Haldorsen Smith Donald Strothkamp William Sublette

Francis Thissen Marianne Lash Tobias Richard Vogt Mary Willett White Lawrence Widlowski James Wilson Norman Youngberg


Participation: 25.30% Total dollars: $143,275.50 Robert Albers, Ed.D. Tony Berger Larry Brandon Linda Doohan Brungardt Jerome Buckley, M.D. Mary Elsken Burford James Burival Elizabeth Cooke Burke Thomas Burke Paul Carroll Theresa Lee Chu Ellen Devoy Cleary Annette Meissen Ernst Ada Georgie Frazier Robert Frazier Lawrence Gallagher Charles Gampper Geraldean Doyle Grennan Sue Stewart Grosdidier Benedict Habiger Clarence Haley Kathryn Skalsky Hirsch Elizabeth Anderson Johnson Mary Ellen Hayob Kanak Bernard Kelly Patrick Kelly Timothy Kenealy James Klenke Shirley Stengel Kobett Robert Lawson, D.O. Robert Mainey Lawrence McHugh Rose Farnan Merchant Kathryn Wallmark Meyer Joan Whelan Milani Sylvester Morris Lawrence Muff Norbert Muhlbauer Mary Kay Murphy-Bright James Nass Katherine Prohaska Nilles Robert O’Gara Richard O’Herron John O’Leary Ronald Parr Robert Pavlu, M.D. Joseph Reznik Richard Romero Loretta Downey Ross Angela Hickman Roth Robert Roth Jo Anne Lammert Ruether William Schneider H. Edward Smith Sarah Rietman Stanley Deniss Swenson Becky Kendrick Thomas Anthony Tremmel Steven Vilvens Edward Weishaar Raphael Wendling John Whitehead Earlene Carlow Wilson Rita Kelly Wurtz


Participation: 23.44% Total dollars: $1,052,101.00

Paul Allen, Ph.D. Richard Andra Vincent Aniello, Ed.D. Robert Bright Mary Jo Browne Bullis Sonya Tolmachoff Cavazos Karen Barrett Caylor Fermin Cortez Carolyn Loerwald Dolle Elizabeth Gillespie Ferrell Kathleen Childers Flanagan Mary Ward Ford Charles Gerber Joseph Gronniger Paul Gruenbacher Joan Hammond David Herne Gerald Horgan John Hurley Fred Jehle, Ph.D. John Kearney, Ph.D. James Kelly, Ph.D. Julie Kurzdorfer Kocour John Landon Anthony Liang Gary Lipe, Ph.D. Rev. Donald McCarthy Gary McGinness Pauline Robl McGreevy Joseph Mitchell Cecilia Palmer Muff Carole Gibbons Nahlik James Nicholson Margaret Meara Niles Nancy Henley Nowatzke Robert Nowatzke Michael Nuschy, Ed.D. Robert O’Connell Robert Oborny Patricia McCormick Olson Richard Palazzolo Anthony Paolucci Linda Price June Gross Prom Peter Pufall, Ph.D. Michael Purslow Constance Reichart Barbara Meyer Reilly John Reilly, M.D. John Ritter, Ed.D. Leann Wolters Romero Charles SanPetro Fred Schellenberg Mary Erpelding Scheopner Richard Stallbaumer John Steichen Juanita O’Connor Thornton Rosalie Wurtz Timlin George Underwood Raymond Van Dyke, Jr. Valery Wahbeh Gerard Wickey Frank Young, Ph.D. Bernadette Roth Younger


Participation: 20.07% Total dollars: $58,504.52 Mary Horigan Andersen Mary Martinez Aragon John Barry Raymond Becker Marguerite Flynn Bennett David Betzen Dennis Bieker Paul Blum John Boos Donald Bozich Edmond Burgan Karen Jenkins Carroll, Ph.D.

Robert Chenoweth Shirley Von Harz Chenoweth Victoria Vallejo Cortez Patricia Swope Croat Thomas DeCoster, Ph.D. James Drotar Michael Easterday Sharon Watkins Ells William Federhofer Daniel Ferry William Fitzpatrick Joseph Froehle Jay Gerber, Ph.D. Dianne Hennes Gill Mary Jo Doyle Gross Lawrence Hesse Patrick Hurley Clarence Jacobs, Ph.D. Lawrence Kaminsky Don Kassing Jeanne Falke Kobler Russell Kraeger, M.D. Francis Kram Ron Luchtefeld John Majerus Phyllis Brooke McClard Daniel McGrath William Mealy Eugene Meiners Charles Murrell Marilyn Malnar O’Keefe Robert Ringel Betty Thompson Rolling Betty Schroeder Rita Umscheid Smith Patricia Farrell Strohmeyer Colette Chang Sun Helen Brentano Wack Richard Wiederhold, Ph.D. John Witsken James Wood George Yender Donna Meyer Zeller


Participation: 24.85% Total dollars: $77,765.49 Roger Bacik George Bain, Ph.D. Sheila Catrambone Barrett Eugene Baumhover Rev. Henry Baxa Alan Beemsterboer Michael Bird Kathryn Haegelin Boos Susan Cruise Boos William Brady Loretta Gueguen Broker Brian Cincotta Susanne Brooke Cussen John Diggins Joseph Dingman Kathleen Boeding Dowd Walter Dowd Ronald Dunphy Maryann Montgomery Egan James Enneking Anita Auer Farnan Steven Feder Joyce Stark Federhofer Gunther Fischer Michael Fitzgerald Charles Flowers Bo Fraser Karla Shea Gamble Joan Hahner Greene Arthur Gregg Jean Wuellner Haley Michael Harris Rebecca Heidlage, Ed.D.

Edward Hoban, Jr. Carolyn Law Hood John Horan Denton Hoy Thomas Hutchison Sue Seaborn Kane John Kern, Ph.D. Charlene Armijo Knipfing Joseph Kobos, Ph.D. Frank Kodell Shoko Shiga Komaya Karl Krchma Sandra Feld Kreikemeier Ellen Lawson-Gilgovan Earle Layman Donna Mitulski Leinen Michael Leinen J. Philip Magers, Jr. Grace Fukuyama Mahr Michael McReynolds Patrick Moran Stanley Munson, Jr. Winifred Lundy Nass Mary Russell O’Mara William Oakes Mary Dunn Ordway Janet Andra Patterson Robert Penka Carl Pratt James Quick Patricia Randall Mary Darby Reiter John Rogers John Ryan Florence Conrad Salisbury Carolyn Brendel Schiele Patricia Murphy Sheets Barbara Powers Sidders Richard Sims James Sinner Michael Sitzmann Carolyn Bergman Slaughter John Smith John Suholaski Marilyn Traffas Frances Lopez Valdez Mary Ann Sudrla Wolcott David Wulff Carol Godell Yorke


Participation: 19.87% Total dollars: $117,680.00 Dolores Stiefermann Andra Anonymous Kathleen Erker Ast Clark Burnett Thomas Caspari James Chappell James Clavin Margaret Richardson Conley Barbara Benes Daughton Jean Gallagher Decker Patricia Meaney Diggins Donna Werling Dombrow Felix Dreher, Ph.D. Stephen Edmonds Beverly Emge Eggering Darlene Devereaux Feder Eugene Federhofer Elizabeth Geritz Fischer Frances Young Gallagher William Gill Thomas Haase Mathias Hagovsky, Ph.D. Delores Schieber Heitman Michael Heslip William Hickman Karen Thompson Indra Kathi Kreikemeier Jacobs


Ivan James James King George Learned Margaret Redmond Lister Irene Rottinghaus Malone James Mattea, Ph.D. Marilyn Melkus McCluskey Daniel Meara Daniel Mercure James Meyer David Murray Donald Navinsky Michael Neenan Tom Nickel Robert O’Connell Patricia Euler Oyerly William Pearson Robert Purschke, Jr. John Reidy Charles Rogers Peter Rubinelli, Jr. Susan Floyd Rupp Robert Sidman Frank Simonich Julian Slowinski, Psy.D. Margaret Heininger Stallbaumer John Wagner James Weiland Gerard Weishaar Edward White Patrick Whitehead John Yasinsac


Participation: 22.22% Total dollars: $87,174.00 John Altman Carl Berkhout, Ph.D. Karola Warren Buysse Bernard Carroll, D.D.S. Musette Stinson Castle William Castle Paul Chopp Ann Nester Cleeland Sharon Weber Colombe Leona Bogner Cooper William Culton Patricia Windholz Doane Mary Dorais James Drury Phillip Farris Anita Stock Fitzekam David Fitzekam Daniel Fuhrman John Gottschalk John Gould, Jr. Michael Hammontree Dennis Harrington Dale Hartung Daniel Hebert Michael Hermesch Oscar Isabelle, Jr. Alice Lincoln Jacobs Lydia Moya King Carolyn Fetko Kobos James Kottwinkel John Leland Rita Zeorlin Leland Joseph Ley, Jr. Sue Jaeger Ley Maryann Sieckhaus Luchtefeld Kenneth Martin James McKenzie Jo Ann Schaefer Meara Warren Murray William O’Connor Thomas O’Leary Joseph Ozbolt Doris Boehm Painter Martin Peters, II


Patrick Ramsey Mary Mayo Roeseler, Ph.D. Gerald Runyan Karl Schuele James Schultz, Jr. Jean Grosdidier Scott James Smith Edward Spence Michael Tueth, M.D. John Van Dyke Sharon Quirk Walbran Thomas Wessels Mary Gladbach Witthar Lyle Woita


Participation: 25.10% Total dollars: $106,508.35 Anonymous John Baker Mary Kier Becker Steven Bettlach George Boos William Boyce, M.D. Rita Lampen Boyd Patrick Brady, Ph.D. Cecilia Overbey Carpinelli Patrick Carrigan John Cowell Gerald Curry Carmen Maldonado Decker David Decker Edward Dillon Michael Dingman John Dugan Patricia Moran Dulac Jacqueline O’Neill Evans Robert Evans Jay Eveler Donna Halloran Fuhrman Nicholas Gaspers James Georgie Virginia Ahlert Georgie Alberta Schatzle Germann Cheryl Lutz Haase John Hall Daniel Himmel Rita Randolph Hunter Gladie Elting Irwin Luther Jackson John Keller, Ph.D. Ralph Kramper, M.D. Gerald Lammers David Laughlin Kathleen McKelvy Kathleen Eckart McKenzie Jane Froning McNassar Mary Ellen Mercer, Ph.D. Ronald Morley Kathleen Moss Munson Kathleen Holbrook Murray Dennis Newman Mary Noonan Newman Sandy Glavin Nickel Leo Orth John Owens James Paunovich Wilfred Peltier Richard Purschke John Pylilo Raymond Ring, Ph.D. Charles Riordan Loretta Spaeth Rost Fred Sachen, M.D. James Schwartz Gary Seib Mattie Boone Snell Marjorie Tansley Michael Tharp Stanley Thibault

Bernard Tonquest Philip Wegman Lois Armstrong Welliver Thomas Welsh Melvin Werner Thomas Whalen Mary O’Connor White Gerald Williamson Angeline Ohlinger Wingert LaVern Younger


Participation: 21.11% Total dollars: $38,708.90

Leo Abels Alfred Alvarez Jon Arguiarro Francis Bain, M.D. Leon Behrens John Behrmann Raymond Beller Michael Buser Daniel Carey, Ph.D. Mark Catanzaro Kenneth Coffee, Jr. James Crossley Brian Crowe Vincent DeGreeff Timothy Dempsey Henry Diekmann John Dockery Christine Filla Dothage Edward Drummond Robert Dwyer Jacqueline Brown Eastburn John English Susan Steinke Farmer John Flynn Frank Galmish Mary Nagel Gaudette James Gerst, M.D. Gregory Glore Joan Benoit Hadden Jane Gilbert Haeger Margaret Harding James Harrington Franklin Harsh Robert Hashagen Daniel Healy Norma Musslyn Herring Charles High, II Thomas Hoenig Ronald Horvath Richard Hug John Hughes, Jr. Darryl Jones Therese Rottinghaus Kenkel John Kilker John Klebba Carol Widman Koch Jim Leibrecht David Leininger David Luetkenhaus Daniel Lykins Carolyn Boone Mahoney, Ph.D. Michael Manly Stephen Markley Janet Hilger McEvoy Thomas McEvoy Thomas McNassar Harry Meinhardt Frank Milik Charles Misko John Murphy, IV Janice Jarchow Murphy Thomas O’Brien Norma Boschert Pardieck Stephen Rau Virginia Barron Rau Bernadette Hieger Riordan

Kathleen Winter Rottinghaus Judith Sternhagen Sachs Sylvester Schieber, Ph.D. Joseph Schleicher Daniel Schuetz John Severin Jeanne DeWitt Smith Mary Claussen Smith Joseph Spillane Carol Chopp Stamm Andrea Meyer Staudenmaier Alan Thibault Thomas Tueth John Vernon Gregory Vitello Kathleen Meaney Vitello William Vonderhaar Michael Waltemath Katherine Reynolds Watkins Martha Walsh Weber Lynda West, Ph.D. Stephen Wyatt Alice Boyle Yanow Richard Young John Zugschwert


Participation: 21.88% Total dollars: $68,621.43

James Andra Margaret Lanham Andra Rita Winkeler Andres George Bechtel Robert Bitter Michael Bobka Berneice Haegelin Burke Joseph Carpenter Judith Duval Catanzaro Marcia Thies Conley Frances Wright Daglen James Daglen, M.D. Marcia McMillan Damiano Delano DeGeneffe Diane Furlong Delaney Joseph Deters Ned Digh Christine Huebner Dockery Mary Luebbe Drummond Michael Dugan Thomas Dunphy Dorothy Meiners Easterday James Easterday Patrick Erwin, Jr. Joseph Evans, Ph.D. Robert Farmer John Ford James Franek Michael Gangel Susan Conrow Gangel Lois Prohaska Gardner Bert Gates Ruth Wenzl Gerber, Ph.D. Joseph Grindel, Ph.D. Diana Haegelin Patricia Haegelin-Hiatt Michael Haeger Michael Haire Patricia Thomas Halladay Thomas Halpin, Jr. Terrance Hanson Mary Boudreau Hashagen Judith Badstieber Hemberger, Ph.D. Rebecca Agniel Herbert Ronald Hindman Dennis Horn Mary Fran Schramp Horton Judith Dana Horvath Dorothy Snyder Hughes Mary King Jarmon Clyde Jones

Ronald Jones Paul Kenkel Elizabeth Demay Kilian Joseph Laffleur Francis Levy Robert Lewis James Lyke Michael McClain Bernarda Reavis McCormick Lynn McCormack Michael McDonald James McGauley Jay Meyer Jean Clark Milik James Moorman Michael Nagle Mary O’Donnell Carol Ramaekers O’Hearn Jerome Paluka Michael Reding, M.D. Ronald Rizzo, Ph.D. Francis Rogan, Jr. James Ryan Kenneth Schlipman, Jr. Karen Gormley Severin Gerald Sheehan Mary Jane Turner Spradley Francis Stevenson William Thorne Ellen McCaskey Tonquest Elizabeth Vrabac Barbara Sullivan Weaver James Weaver Benjamin Wilson, Ph.D. MaryKay Hall Wright Thomas Wright H. Edward Wulkopf, Jr. Suzanne Donnelly Wulkopf Jeannine Kiehl Wyatt James Yates


Participation: 19.12% Total dollars: $100,131.00 David Ackerman C. John Baricevic Aileen Sullivan Batistich Raymond Bauer Cindy Franco Berard Michel Berard Edward Berns Timothy Bersch Carol Haug Birkel Joseph Brickner, D.Mgt. Warren Cawley Robert Chisolm Edmond Ciarniello, Jr. Michael Dallavis Robert DeGostin, Jr. Arthur Dobbelaere, Ph.D. Janet McGuire Eischen Steven Eischen Linda Pearson Fuehne Joseph Garavaglia Patrick Gardner, Ph.D. Michael Gear G. Michael Gent James Giessel † Donald Gudinas Jane Toler Haas Theresa Asher Haire James Halling Patricia Cannon Hanson Elizabeth Stark Harmon Karen Haslag Donald Heim Mary Syer Ibrahim John Jacob John Jones Lucy Enneking Jones

Jerome Kaczmarek Marc Kane George Keller Rebecca Adam Kellerman Rebecca Anne Kolb Kennedy Robert Kennedy Marjorie Hammond Kinzer William Lange Robert Lanham Michael Lause Ruth Lewis R. Lee Lottes Patricia Louko James Lynch Sandra Kriegshauser Mackley Mary Alice Galbreath McBain Margaret Beilein McGauley Michael McGuire Mary McNerney James Mizeur Robert Montoya James Mount Carol Keith Murphy Larry Murphy Dennis Murray Jack Newman Steven Northcraft David Ochs Patricia Frawley Ochs Stephen Park, Jr. Thomas Quinn Mary Milleret Ring, Ph.D. Alyne Robino Celestino Rodriguez Donald Ruskauff Jack Schafers Matrice Willerding Schafers Brenda Smith Shaw William Shaw Rose Ann Sittler Robert Steiner Deborah Carrabino Stocker William Strathman Richard Sullivan Gerva Sunneberg Cass Thompson James Toplicar Joan Moone Toplicar Patrick Walsh David Waltemath Peggy Whitehouse


Participation: 19.59% Total dollars: $90,210.72 Deacon Charles Adams Linda Grote Anderson John Barry Jack Bower Edward Brophy John Burns Michael Clark Mary Conley Michael Costello Patrick Cummings Donald Dallao Leonard Damiano Bruce Daniel Kathleen Duff DePhillips Lyle Dreher William Duggan Dolores Rottinghaus Engel Robert Fitzgerald Victoria Gregory Fitzgerald Katherine Gould Franek Katherine Hertzler Gent Michael Gillick Carl Grantham Patricia Nelson Gruenke Paula Thixton Hall

Michael Harmon Jesse Ivy Larry Janacaro Janice Dohr Keenoy Barbara Latz King James King, III Helen Kneib Catherine Hawes Krebsbach Donald Kreimer John Kreipe Janet Doughty Lange George Laslo Robert Lueger, Ph.D. Dorothy Heiberger Lynch Elizabeth Coxen Mancini William Marstall Lawrence Masters Steven Maune Bernard Mayse Patrick McGee James McGuire Elaine McNeill Juan Mejia, Ph.D. Ronald Miles Joyce Schachtner Murphy Michael Murray John Mutchek Paul Ohlendorf Annette Fick Poettgen Jane Kennedy Proctor Robert Rockett Elizabeth Hirsch Rogan Carol Rogers Paul Scherer Ralph Schramp Patricia Klaus Schreihofer Carol Shomin Jean Bailey Smith James Soloperto Mary Montgomery Soloperto Elizabeth Wendell Sommerhauser Edwin Spicka, Ph.D. Rosemary Beckman Spillane W. Patrick Sterner Timothy Thompson Robert Vanselow Alberta Vasarkovy Margaret Sampson Warnusz Walter Weglarz Michelle Ferraro Winfield Kenneth Winkelman Colleen Hoban Wisda


Participation: 23.77% Total dollars: $84,803.08

Nancy Alberts Margaret Wilkes Anderson William Anderson Anonymous David Baltuska Dennis Baricevic Robert Barker Virginia Scherer Barker Joseph Bayer Daniel Beattie Mark Becker Stephen Beggs Cynthia Davis Boldridge June Melcher Bower Michael Boyce James Brady Robert Brooks Kevin Browne Jean Hawes Byrne Sue Ann Witous Castline-Noonan Salvatore Ciluffo Milas Curl, Jr. William Dana, Jr. Janice Harris Davis

Anthony Drummond Nicholan Murphy Dunphy Cynthia Jones Durham Daniel Ervin John Fagan Thomas Fawcett Joseph Fingerhut, Jr. Julie Fingerhut Michael Fitzgerald Richard Fritz Jeanne Hoffman Gear Deanna Myers Giessel Daniel Gilg Stephen Graff William Haegelin Ruth Ann Abels Hager Patricia Welek Hall Robert Hall, Sr. Terrance Hodges Lawrence Hoff Donald Horan James Howe Leroy Hunold William Januszewski Amelia Wagner Kaczmarek Michael Kilian Jane Kohake Kreimer Jane Macke Charles Malloy Richard Mathews Marie McCullough McAdams Ronald McAdams Theodore McCaleb Sylvia Schorn McGee Stephen Menke Leo Miceli Linda Slack Mizeur Barbara Shores Mutchek Patricia McCann Neis Eileen Marquez Nielson Elaine Holthaus O’Connor William O’Connor Nancy O’Keeffe Constance Lohmann Passaro Timothy Pickett, III Thomas Putz Michael Radetic, D.D.S. Jo Ann Feltmann Radetic Karen Bell Reilly Patrick Reilly Mary Cole Rutherford Kathleen Higley Schmidt Stanley Schmidt Daniel Sedlacek Constance Ertz Siefken G. Diane Slater Patrick Sly Paul Smith Dorothy Davidson Spicka Daniel Stack Loretta Stamp Fielder Catherine Moore Stauss Susan Sweeney Richard Tedoni John Wertin, D.C. Mark Wetta Robert Wholey Lawrence Wilcox


Participation: 16.27% Total dollars: $30,803.08 Michael Barry Dorothy Howard Beattie Joseph Beilein Katherine Rule Beilein Elizabeth Berger Gregory Betzen Robert Blancett Jean Wetter Bornhop


Laurie Neusel Brady M. Allison Turner Colson Robert Croll Michael Crulcich Douglas Curran Carol Patterson Dressel William Duff Jane Walsh Ebel Thomas Fahrner David Farrell Patricia Powell Fawcett Julia Croghan Fitzgerald Dennis Flanagan James Flood Marc Garcia Thomas Gaumé T. Bernt Gronstal Mary Hennes Hanan Jeannette Vanecek Hisek David Hockett Randall Hockett Ruth Krusemark, D.M.A. Michael Landon Mary Kierl Latenser Robert Lepp James Lueger, D.O. Raymond Malospiriti Yvonne Voelkerding Maune Leanna Cimino McCully Terry McGeeney, M.D. Thomas McGuire, III William Nebel Daniel O’Neill Augustine Riolo Lawrence Rolwes Neil Saettele James Scherer James Schier Mary Kramer Schier Harry Schillinger, III Gregory Schmidt Christopher Schottel Mary Holle Schramp Leo Sebus Richard Seidl John Stander Milton Steward Anita Betzen Thomas Pete Tulipana Leo Vorwerk Rene Walker Michael Weicher Barbara Bellows Wetta


Participation: 24.74% Total dollars: $80,352.84

Marilyn Megli-Busche Albright Richard Baker, Jr. William Bing George Boldridge Mari Pat Siedhoff Brooks, Ed.D. Kathryn Pusch Byrd Linda Buehrig Camacho Karen Duda Cannon Timothy Cannon Kevin Carril Daniel Cashel James Christoph James Clemens Mark Cook Kenneth Cors Craig Cox John Creen Mary Fendler Crulcich Terrence Cullen Victor Custardo Gregory Daly Daniel Didde Mary Ann Teegarden Didde


David Dover Joseph English Barbara Heine Everard James Feltmann, Jr. Joanne Klaus Galbrecht Thomas Gates Jean Feldkamp Gerstner Bonnie Leather Haghirian Theresa Weitkamp Healy Edgar Henry Gabriel Hudson Gerald Hunninghake Nancy Bolte Jackson Kim Keutzer Donald Klosterman Anne Nottbusch Klump William Kolb Jean Applegate Loughran Kathleen Maguire Robert Maziarz Robert McCormick Richard Meier Thomas Melichar Thomas Metzger Karen Miller Morrison Janet Ketter Pankau Michael Parrino William Pedley Jane Van Garsse Pickett Charles Raplinger Wilson Ray Kathleen Yeado Renner Ann Sandhorst Maureen Dwyer Sebus † Rebecca Landwehr Shrimplin Frederic Simmens Donald Snapp Charles Tentinger Terence Thomas, Ph.D. Thomas Thompson, Ph.D. Stephen Timmons Daniel Tweedy Thomas Van Ampting Mary Reichenbach Wavada Robert Weed Janet Wengert Mary Leroy Woodruff


Participation: 21.67% Total dollars: $72,092.00 John Adams Jon Anderson Mary Landwehr Baker Julie Green Baltuska Roland Boeding John Bohon Gary Burton Mark Camacho Janna-Lou Kocher Connolly Timothy Crowley Emily Wolfe Davis Gary Fitzgerald James Flanagan Francis Fox George Fuchs Charles Gartenmayer Richard Gerding Don Germano, Ph.D. Timothy Hannon Richard Hermesch Colette Capesius Hunsucker Michael Hurley Beth Gurnon Jacobs John Jacobs Thomas Jones Charles Klapp Nancy Wetta Klapp Timothy Kloppenborg, Ph.D. Kathleen Tjaden Klosterman

Patricia LeRoy Korkowski Elizabeth Nickel Korte Keith Korte Rick LaGrotta Ronald Lehmann Diane Eckert Liebsch Charles Lottes Frank Luke Marcia Munro MacLennan Michael Mapes Nancy McCarthy Mark McGinn Richard Melichar, D.D.S. Philip Miceli, Jr. Mary Kreifels Morris Pamela Hundt O’Donnell Sean O’Donnell Joseph Pajor Philip Poplaski Victor Raskovsky Michael Renner Maureen Mathews Schmidt Sharon Smart Shaw Clement Sheridan George Shomin James Skain David Soloperto Deborah Huninghake Stallbaumer James Stejskal John Szczepanik Mary Cochran Van Dyke Mark Vinciguerra Beverly Mayrose Wells Howard Westerman Rhonda Behlmann Westerman Victoria Bokina Williams Marilyn Libel Young Ralph Zitzmann


Participation: 18.84% Total dollars: $26,312.00 Jane Amrein Baker Kenneth Berresheim Patricia Watkins Buergler Thomas Buergler Diane Engelken Carbray James Chapman Marilyn Miller Chapman Mary Couri-Burton Catherine Dal Santo Dennis Debrecht, Ph.D. Constance Gorman Decker Karen Witte Duros James Ebel, M.D. Nancy Prybyloski Etzwiler Kathleen Schillinger Fernandez Mary Cook Filpovich Matthew Filpovich Bruce Fisher Thomas Fitzmaurice Janice Bergman Flanagan Eleanor Thum Folsom Nancy Baker Heideman Stephen Heideman Kathryn McLaughlin Herriage Deborah Palermo Holterman Joan Jacobs Huston Thomas Jacobs Barbara Mack Johnsen Marie Cassilly Kaemmerer Robert Kaemmerer A. Charlene Kreul Kaminski James Kaminski Margaret Hendricks Kleine Craig Klos Suzanne Galli Koenen Nancy McCann Lahey Thomas Lahey, Jr. Diane Reicks Mahoney

Patrick McBride Mary Hosty McGuire James McInerney Paul Mosbaugh Ferd Niemann, III Lois O’Halloran Mark Radetic Martha Latz Raplinger Tom Reinhardt Brenda Weber Royer Neil Schulte Mary Schulte Maul Richard Summers Pamela Peterson Summers Patricia Mohatt Szott David Tornetto Donald Vogt Charles Wavada Christa Moll Weisbrook, Ph.D. James Weisbrook Michael Ziesel Patricia Kreifels Ziesel


Participation: 19.26% Total dollars: $300,862.82 Martin Asher Dennis Ayer, D.D.S. Virginia Baumgartner Steve Becherer James Bongers, D.D.S. Olin Brown Mary Kay Carey Debrecht Mary Langer Dover Michael Edwinson Ann Gleason-Ernst Thomas Gorczyca Jerome Graney Gordon Guzenski Helen O’Connell Guzenski Laurie Decha Hannon Michael Hannon Bernard Hickert Richard Hunninghake Kathleen Baker Johnson, Ph.D. Phillip Johnson Michael Koenen Linda Komornik Joseph Lawhon James Lewis Donald Lueger Stephen McBride Mary McCann-Sanchez Robert McCarthy Mark McGuire Joan Teegarden Metzger John Mundy Sandra Horvath Myers Kurt Nolin Patrick O’Malley Kim Osterhaus Joan Baker Pawlowicz Joan Muckley Peters Paul Reilly Duane Rueb William Sanford John Schindler, Jr. Thomas Schnurr, M.D. William Shields Thomas Shriwise, M.D. David Szott Robert Tumberger Terese Orlet Vargo Paul Wacker Deanna Schoenfelder Wagner Paul Westerman Stanley Westhoff Alfred Yem


Participation: 17.91% Total dollars: $25,250.00 Mary Sachse Alford Mary Jo Capodice, M.D. Kevin Flynn Leo Gensweider Mary Latz Gorczyca Kathleen McCarthy Graney Mark Hayek Joseph Hovanec Elizabeth Jacobs-Fitzgerald Clarence Kast William Keehn Shawn Kelly James Ketter Anne Kolarik Margaret Gregar Landon Philip Landon Jacquelyn La Noue Liebenthal Elaine Mader, M.D. Kenneth Martz Kathleen Kennally McGrew Roxanne Didde Netemeyer Susan Norris Nolin Antonina Brennan Osterhaus Christopher Pawlowicz Irene Spitsen Pollard Donna Block Price Thomas Price Matthew Radetic John Riffle Stephen Schmidt, Ph.D. Robert Simanowitz Martha Clark Skain Kent Steinbrueck Barbara Stinebaugh Symns Floyd Williams Janice Vonder Haar Wilson


Participation: 21.17% Total dollars: $119,562.58 Patricia Kimbrough Brown Gerard Brungardt, M.D. Nicholas DiCarlo Sharon Ward Dooley Mary Whitesell Doyle David Drey Daniel Droste Ruth Brooke Droste Beverly Sullenger Dunn Paul Durkin Ruth Miller Eckert Colleen Mohan Enger Norma Carter Ewbank Matthew Fenley Michael Fitzgerald Mary Timmons Flynn Patrick George Teresa Hannon Patrick Harkins Lawrence Havranek Keith Hertling Margie Amrein Holben Frederick Holley, III Steve Kipp Mary Cooney McBride Jeanne Langenfeld Mikesell Brenda Cantwell Miller Michael Mullican, Ph.D. Rebecca Baker Mullican David Nickel Kathleen Burdiek O’Brien Jimalee O’Connor Kevin O’Malley Nancy Vienhage Petersen Jean Robison Cindy Bryant Rubaie

Mary Trujillo Schaefer Christine Zeller Schuetz Cary Shaw Charlotte Landon Shaw Peter Smith Patricia Stanley Soltys Marisue Kuzila Stoll Phillip Stoll Duncan Teague, M.Div. Jean Wetzel Vickers Timothy Weishaar


Participation: 13.24% Total dollars: $37,537.50 James Anderson Patricia McDonald Anderson John Asher Mary Asher Rick Bailey Stephen Baldwin, Ph.D. Kathryn Weishar Dalzell Lynne Yelton DiCarlo Lee Easterday Sandra Gaul Kathy Gellings James Gorman Mary Adele Greer Terence Grewe, D.O. Monica Blogin Harden Richard Harden Joseph Hickert James Lang, Jr. Mark LaNoue Thomas Latz Lee Roesel Luechtefeld Michael Maurer Pamela McCann Susanne Voda Metzler Barbara Engelken Montoia Margaret Hughes O’Malley Mindy Krupinski Pollock Mark Ryan Mark Schieber Jeanne Keith Schnurr Daniel Stewart Patricia O’Hanlon Sutterer David Thornton Alan Vickers Michael Walsh Mary Seibold Warnack


Participation: 18.95% Total dollars: $166,433.00 Matthew Anthony Kevin Bachkora Laura Felts Bachkora Stephen Bardot, M.D. Michael Boland, M.D. William Bowler, III Karen Mueller Brotherton Thomas Brotherton Julie Bruns Susan Koenig Cahill Thomas Comfort Gerard Einig Richard Feierabend Catherine Fetter Karen McClain France Mary Frances Wutich France Amy Duffy Goodner Kurt Gruenbacher Sylvia Viveros Gruenbacher Gerald Henry Linda Becker Henry, Ed.D. Gail Ritzdorf Hickert Rev. Timothy Hickey Andrew Hoedl

Maria Pace Jonas Teresa Mersinger Kelly Theresa Ellis King, M.D. Virginia Latz Knox Jeannette LaGue Kowalewski Kirk Kowalewski Gerald Kuckelman Martin Landon Colleen Kelly Lee Joanne Kolich Mayfield Matthew McAvoy Terrence McBride Jay McCauley John McGreevy Timothy Milford Teresa Corrigan Miller Timothy Morrison Carol Lauriski Murphy Colleen McGraw O’Malley Joyce Ketter Partin Jerry Rellihan Rex Rezac Maureen Sheehan Russo Peter Russo Barbara Engelmeyer Ryan Paul Sachs Patricia Ritchie Stanley Lillian Muldoon Stewart Leo Vitt Janet Munro Wilcox


Participation: 21.01% Total dollars: $249,164.67 Dorothy Walsh Agnew Anonymous Scott Befort William Berberich, Jr. Gary Bouchard, Ph.D. Elizabeth Dobbs Brandon Karl Brondell Mark Broski, Ph.D. James Browne Debra Mannion Campbell Michael Campbell Pat Curran Sean Doherty Daniel Fangman Mary Radetic Feierabend Sharon Hall Fenley Thomas Fennessy, M.D. Mary Ellen Spitsen Gordon Margaret Grace Green Stephen Harrington Jon Heit, D.V.M. Edwin Hemberger Teresa Beye Hendricks William Hendricks, M.D. Robin Krupinski Hennigh Barbara Glavin Hickert Michael Higgins Jeffrey Kellen Joanne Henneberry Klasinski William Klasinski Olaf Linman Ann Matz Deborah McAuliffe Senner Kevin McDermed Stephen Minnis, J.D. Michael Murphy Elaine Pivonka Navickas Mary Niemczyk, Ph.D. Lisa Neumann Nigro Steven Pahls Eugene Palsmeier D. Gregory Peter Monica Sherman Peter Michael Rieker Geralyn Grote Sachs Denise Hoffmann Schieber

Mark Sullivan Regina Austin Thornton Michael Torline, D.V.M. Joseph Voda Jon Wilson Dianne Witwer Karen Emmendorfer Wolken Susan Baker Zubradt


Participation: 18.94% Total dollars: $198,299.04 John Agnew David Daly Eileen Droste Daly Symona Downey Dunleavy Lynne Baerveldt Fogarty John Gioia, II Jane Feltmann Glastetter Joan Sullivan Hill Mary Fales Hodges Soheila Nazarian Holley Constance Desch Hund Martin Huss, Ph.D. Lisa McGillin Ibarra Daniel Iseman Ruth Hund Jones Thomas Kemlage, D.D.S. Peter Klebba James Knox Mary Mariani, D.D.S. † Addison Marquart Mary Rose Koechner Marquart Kathleen McCarthy Minicky Susan Nordin Motley Theresa McPhee Murphy Thomas Niemann Mark O’Connor Michelle LaNoue O’Connor Karen Leahy Oswald Laura Erbs Paszkiewicz Alison Quinn Reliford Sanders, Ph.D. Dennis Schmitz Joan Fangman Schuster Susan Pfeifer Shammo Andrew Shinn Justin Stanley Laura Taube Linda Steele Thom Br. Luke Turner, O.S.B. Maureen Brophy Turney James Warhurst Hardy Washington, Jr. Theresa Viveros Whiteside


Participation: 21.94% Total dollars: $70,993.33 Maureen Murphy Abkemeier Paul Barry Annette Lichtenauer Becker Julia Dwyer Beckerjeck Mary Engelmeyer Befort Margaret Becker Blevins Bettina Michaelis Boller James Brozovich Sharon Drouhard Brozovich Yvonne DeKeyser Colgrove Gretchen Brady Donovick John Dornhoffer, M.D. Mary Scherrer Dornhoffer Michael Downey Arnold Eilert Kathleen Weides Eisenhour John Fechter Melanie Smith Fechter Susan Cucchi Gallagher Judith Gregar


Edward Halpin Patricia Henneberry Maureen Hickert, M.D. Michael Hill Richard Hourigan, M.D. Mark Isley Donald Johnston, M.D. Pamela Heit Keenan Stephen Kelley Patricia Hogan Klinglesmith Philip Klump, D.D.S. James Kopfensteiner, D.D.S. Jonathan Lawless Daniel Leach Therese Kobe Linman Angela Ellison Loch Barbara Doherty Loughman Steven Mandeville James McCabe Amy Kohake Minnis Ann Patterson, Ed.D. Jean Lankenau Phillips Brian Preiss Kelly Ayer Preiss Polly Purslow-Holmes Charles Ramsey, III John Ross James Ryan Valerie Gully Saiz Joseph Schaefer Phillip Scheerer John Schuster Jane McBride Sullivan Lori Swymeler Sullivan Paul Taylor Marion Thornton Joseph Turney Joseph Valenti, Jr. Patricia McCullough Voda Rose Zahner Warhurst Rev. Patrick York

Joan Moyer Kemlage Monika Middleton King Maureen Bayer Klump Paul Koller Matilda Burns LaPlante Carol Kramer Leach Elizabeth Burke Lentz Edward Letourneau, M.D. Lisa Ludwig Letourneau Gustavo Lopez Stephen Loughman, O.D. Molly Malone Cayetana Maristela M. Alexander Masotti Marlene Cook McCabe Christopher Miller John Mulvey Mary Norick Sharon Liwski O’Keefe Michael Piontek Jane Grosdidier Regan Manuel Rios Rev. Richard Rocha Michelle Oswald Sak Thomas Sak Deanna Haddad Sanders Carla Schaefer-Dovey Ann Taphorn Schroeder, M.D. Jeffrey Schwaner Marie Montgomery Schwaner James Seeberger Roger Steiner Rev. Anthony Viviano Kelly Boland Vowels Michael Weber Lené Westerman Michelle White-Heon Wendy Wiedemann-Hudson Jennifer Willis Andrew Zook

1986 1985

Participation: 28.03% Total dollars: $54,798.00 Angela Pawlowski Albee Victoria Velasquez Artzer Paul Asher Melissa Wingard Bentley Karen Boland Steven Bolin Denise Griefenberg Bradford Daniel Browne Monica Blaise Browne Daniel Bruns Stephen Buhler Mary Baronovic Bulte Raymond Bulte Anne Anderson Carlson Joni Brophy Colwell Terrance J. Coots Elizabeth McFarland Cornejo Kevin Darrar Beverly Weishaar Domann Todd Drouhard Patricia Kearney Elder Kelly Johnson Elias Laura Quigley Farson Sean Farson Lucy Reilly Fitch Patricia Muller Forman John Fraser Kathleen Wetzel Gallagher Timothy Gallagher Kathryn Befort Gray Jane Heideman Joseph Heit, M.D. Thomas Jensen Julie Gutschenritter Justice


Participation: 18.50% Total dollars: $15,269.00 Kathryn Branch Abernathy Gregory Barry MaryJo Muckey Barry Laura Borserine Baumgartner E. Carol Lackey Breneiser Jacqueline Larkin Crider Joseph Crider Mike Dalton Julie Zook Doherty Lisa Ruffin Edmonds Alice Hockensmith Ergovich Cristina Hernandez Feldewert Michael Feldewert Shawn Fitzgibbons George Frank, M.D. Barbara Staab Galusha Saralinda Brown Gebo Elizabeth Asher Gruenbacher Thomas Hosty Jeffrey Hovorka Susan Fangman Husting Elizabeth Perkins Kennedy Patrick Kennedy James Kew Kathleen Miller Lind Timothy Nelson Dale Olberding Paula Lange Olberding Anne Wurtz Passino, Ph.D. Jean Scanlon Peck Colleen Harris Price Rita Lundstrom Quintana Kennan Reinert Ann Rheinberger Rood Jerre Baker Rush Byron Scott

Kelly Higgins Sickafoose Samuel Verslues Bonnie Winkler Wetzel John Wood Karen Grosso Wood Robert Yarnell


Participation: 15.68% Total dollars: $20,845.00 Carla Cihal Alves, Ph.D. Lisa Huerter Andrews Cindy Bartels-Graham Michele Westerhaus Buhler Susan Cameron Coder Thomas Curry Beth Dankert Babb Alicia Eiler-Ordonez Matthew Ellis, M.D. Brian Evans Teresa Carroll Hartman Teresa Becker Heimann James Hintz, III Herman Hodes, II Craig Husting James Lauterwasser Mary Radetic Lauterwasser Dennis Lawlor Jolene Sarraillon Lawlor Bridget Broker Masotti B.J. McKinney, II Timothy Mullane Albert Narvaez Mark Poelzl Rhonda Leonard Rydberg Tina Hoynacki Schrimpf William Schrimpf, Jr. David Sherman Kelly Kovac Starkey James Tennant Paul Torline Brian Wagner Rebecca Wolfe Walsh Kathryn Morrissey Walter Renee Kohake Washburn Dennis Wetta Kay Gerhardt Willis


Participation: 13.10% Total dollars: $17,842.64 Timothy Andrews Douglas Berhorst Kathleen Carroll Kathleen Cyr Corrigan-Toews Kevin Devanney Mary Mertes Ferraro Michele Quigley Gress Lisa Brox Hirsch Patrick Hirsch Paul Howe Daphne Jones-Condé Phillip Klevorn Pamela Schaefer Kramer Mary LaNoue Ann Mooney Leonard John Liljestrand, M.D. Christina Umscheid Long Douglas Long Paul Miller Larry Minner James Mueller Mary Bush Mueller Mary Sanduski Narvaez Tarren Bartlett O’Brien Christopher Ross Kelly Mullins Russell Scott Russell Anne O’Donnell Smith

Roxane Mueting Stec Lisa Schneider Sullivan Marie Cathers Tennant, Ph.D. Kelly Kraft Williams Daniel Winston


Participation: 14.09% Total dollars: $10,143.97 Susan Andrade Robert Asher Nancy Bernhard Bade Claudia Berdugo Adam Buhman-Wiggs, Ph.D. Anita Buhman-Wiggs Sharon Leikam Evers William Evers Claudio Ferraro Patricia Convery Geisinger Michelle Jansen Goacher Lynda Linnebur Hermes Ivan James, IV Julie Branch Keithline Kevin Kramer Angela Elliott Larocca Mathew Leonard Vera Sanchez Liljestrand Marie Carroll Martinez Padraic Murray Deborah Griffin Poelzl Andrew Riedel Gina Ronnebaum Jeffrey Schneider Daniel Shead, D.P.M. Anne Pinkelmann Smith Rose Meinhardt Spicer Francis Vitt, Ph.D. Amy Batliner Wagner Delia Madruga York Michael York


Participation: 10.05% Total dollars: $17,755.04 Danny Adelhardt Michael Brox Joan Koechner Charbonneau Jennifer Allen Cole Velvet Meissen Dorrell Ramona Farris Teresa Hall Jacobs Jerold Keithline Ernest Krogmeier Michele Baker Markham Aimee Tonquest Mehl Robert Moyer Christopher Parker, D.O. Mary Hegarty Perkins Suzanne Brom Schmidt Stephanie Herman Schmitz Timothy Spurgeon Julie Stoddart Thompson Sean Thompson Michael Winn J. Mitchell Wurzer


Participation: 15.98% Total dollars: $17,955.04 Austin Braithwait Brian Brinker Kimberly Gallagher Brox Karen Carlson Stephen Charbonneau Christopher Cole Rev. Andrew Cozzens John Cruciani Shanda Heenan Cruciani Amy Eckert

Dora Giboney John Graham, Jr. Michael Heimos Mark Jacobs Eric Klingele Stephanie Grewe Krogmeier Karen Martin Litschgi David McClain Matthew McIntosh, Ph.D. Maureen O’Brien-Tchang, Ph.D. Christine Smith Pierce Christine Ronnebaum Bradley Sameshima Andrew Schmidt James Schreffler Julie Lester Schreffler Michael Stang Stephen Stone Jennifer Gill Taylor Kimberly Wohlgemuth Taylor Lisa Griffin Willie


Participation: 10.42% Total dollars: $4,490.00 Robin Norris Begley Kolin Bernardoni Steven Bettlach Janice Bunck Marcia Bartel Conley Benjamin Demel Anthony Fangman Patrick Giller Corey Herron Sandra Hindelang-Boyd William Joyce Mark Leland Tracy Graboski Massey Joseph Matisek Michael Nieto Irma Pokorny John Reid Janet Hunt Slocombe Patricia Suellentrop Valerie Lickteig Wilkus


Participation: 17.95% Total dollars: $21,540.35

Gregory Bower Rhonda Petry Bower Alicia Pettey Brown Kathleen McClard Carr Carolyn Diederich Dalton Timothy Dalton, M.D. Gwyn Felder Michele Saladrigas Giem Jeff Grada Andrea Chase Guetterman Jennifer Johnson Suzanne Klenke Philip Lombardi Micah Purslow Lutz Radu Oprea David Parker Martin Radetic Brian Roder Joseph Ross Rev. Joseph Taphorn Cari Baughman Taylor Stephen Torline Aman Udani Margaret Bigelow Vaslow, Ph.D. Mary Urevich White Bryan Willie Jason Wyrick, Ph.D. David Younger


Participation: 14.44% Total dollars: $10,961.66 Monica Barry Brentano Seth Brown Patrick Carr Matthew Cook Brett Cott Jack Doan Jennifer Beckman Hoheisel Jeff Humburg David Klenke Tiffany Opsahl Klenke Joseph Koechner Marisol Perido Lewis Amy Smith Lomshek James Mahoney Kendall McGibney John Minnis Michael O’Hara Timothy Oakeley Susan Pouliot Denise Pratt Kathleen Jones Roder Denise Koetting Salanski David Sellinger John Stiver Christopher Unnerstall Christopher White, M.D. Stacy Grazier Younger


Participation: 12.79% Total dollars: $5,542.02

Jean Feigley Aker Elizabeth Moore Bernardoni Jodie Muhlbauer Brady Heather Armstrong Brennan Clara Vervaecke Cruise Amy McKelvy Folsom Timothy Henningsen Kristine Hilger Brandon Hoheisel Tracy Van Anne Hoye Kimberly Arlt Hundley Joseph Jerabek Patrick Kirwan Chanda Morrow Koechner Carol Krowell Macierowski Terrence Malloy, Ph.D. Brian Meerpohl Nicole Klinginsmith Meerpohl, O.D. Dione Wilson Mispagel Keith Mispagel Karen Pratt Winsky Charles Zuptich


Participation: 10.71% Total dollars: $7,935.00

Kelly Cannavan Bjork Gregory Boucher Amy Brooks Nathaniel Cairney Christen Jones Cota Marla Thompson Daugherty John Delaney, M.D. Kevin Easterday Philip Faulkner, Jr. Joshua Herold Donald Hrebec F. Joseph Janacaro Dana Lobmeyer Keys Jennifer Porter Kirwan, D.D.S. Lisa Lancaster Brandon McKibben Carrie Rolling Miller Stevan Nasche Gretchen Ploehn Schmitz Eric Strathman

Gina Rodriguez Thomas


Participation: 12.89% Total dollars: $4,093.85 Amy McGuire Blanchard Andrew Brady Michele Beerman Clancy Megan Masur Fassero Marie Sheldon Fiebach Todd Gould Matthew Hall David Harris, Ph.D. Diane Rziha Herron Margaret McGuire Johnson Daniel Kenney Luke Meyers Maria Meyers Rebecca Block Meyers Ryan Moody Trisha Hackmann Pashik Nathan Poell Wendell Snodgrass Jason Suelter Sherri Shonka Suelter Roxana Bradley Tosterud Daniel Van Anne Christopher Weber Dawn Weston, Ed.D. Joshua Zaroor


Participation: 9.25% Total dollars: $5,757.80 Sarah Hogan Ambariantz Kevin Archer Jeffrey Blanchard, Ph.D. Brian Dunn Matthew Fassero Jacqulene Pick Harris Margaret Hebert Angela Schneider Hunter Julia Tonquest Johnston Sara Flax Kramer Joseph McClorey Matthew Ramsey, Ph.D. David Robinson Ryan Roseberry Linda Deters Schieferecke Misty McBride Stephenson


Participation: 13.43% Total dollars: $9,276.13

Maureen Flanagan Blount Anthony Brandt Ryan Brown Nicholas DiCarlo John Dickinson, M.D., Ph.D. Kristi Pospichal Fogarty Charles Hill Justin Howe Michael Imig Rev. Joseph Irwin James Jansen Kyle Kramer Jaclyn Lehman Laffleur Mark Lange Beth Klingele Lange Megan Hasenohrl Laufenberg Michelle Youngman Madison Steven Pickert Connie Pike Roseberry C. Jamie Smith Elizabeth Schlueter Sri Matthew Stallbaumer Joshua Stephenson Claudia Vazquez-Puebla Jamie Calcara Warren

Rick Weber Joseph Wurtz, Ed.D.


Participation: 11.11% Total dollars: $7,302.77 Micah Baughman Brian Becker Melissa Phelan Diggins Ryan Disbrow Maureen DeFazio Fesker Ryan Fesker Steven Freenor Allison Gorman Cymbre Costello Herringer Robert Herringer Aaron Hill Allison Lidolph Hogan Kimberly Nebgen Jansen Christopher King Emily Suelter Lopez Davyeon Ross Mary-Claire Sobieck-Howe Michael Tabor Thomas Wright


Participation: 17.16% Total dollars: $12,550.00 Karoline Putnam Alfaro Kathryn Crawford Archer Julie Martin Argenziano Nathan Bauer, D.D.S. Brian Bettlach Jaron Bromm Kelly Walsh Bruns Brendan Diggins Catherine Dooley Kirk Duncan Andrew Fent Ryan Henningsen Jennifer Santo Hill Mlada Voboril Hill William LaFavor David Lopez Luke Oberley Sarah Harris Peitsch Daniel Raplinger Cory Schrick Gary Shelby Rosemary Hughes Sumpter Maria Vigliaturo Tabor Patricia Gosche Tavares Kyle Van Dyke Ellen Ziegler Weiner Elizabeth Didde Winkelbauer Jeremy Winkelbauer Thomas Wurtz


Participation: 13.74% Total dollars: $8,745.00 Matthew Bohm Theresa King Bohm Amanda Freeman Bonino Catherine Krstulic Cheshire Kurt Cheshire Vincent Cox Janelle Kroll Edge Diane Galbrecht, O.D. Lindsey Hansen Brett Herbers Sarah Moore Horinek Tara Huels Houvenagle Jonathan Konrade Matthew Madison Brandon Martin Reed McCrory Michael Nations


Stacy Niedbalski Adrian O’Hara Jessica Macias Perjes Shannon Augustine Rasmussen Jon Ross Christopher Roth Chris Small Tambi Spitz Rebecca Sudtelgte Staab Roseanna Rohaus Trout Samuel Voss Andrew Werring


Participation: 11.01% Total dollars: $6,745.00 Jill Hellmer Ahlers, D.D.S. Luke Baker Mary Quinn Baker Michiel Bridges Jason Carlin Benjamin Clark David Dillner Jennifer Kreher Dillner Andrea Vanderfeltz Dohlman Darin Hansen Kara Mark Hansen Jennifer Keberlein Henggeler Julie Jueneman Douglas Kerr Chad Kramer Grant Latta, D.O. Michele Gamboa Latta Ryan Lovill Jill Hentzen Martin Sharon Stallbaumer Nations John Peer Jamie Lambrecht Raftery Jaci Hermesch Riddell Tiffany Cope Rogers Sara Beien Van Dyke


Participation: 11.37% Total dollars: $10,321.82 Bryan Adams Christina Garrison Adams Cole Ahlvers Michael Carrington Chris Clements David DiNuzzo Sarah Dorst Funke Ashley Glidden Jeff Gorczyca Ryan Haverty Chad Henningsen Jason Heppler Kara Hueftle Herrman Joy Cross Kramer Jon Krebsbach Rev. Brian Lager James Lewis, III Kathleen Voboril Lewis Anne Loethen Jordan Marx Michelle Roach McCrory Thomas Morris Alexandra Mainelli Pries Brock Schwartz Sara Singer Nathan Stanley Andrew Swafford Sarah Henry Swafford Lucas Tappan, D.M.A.


Participation: 12.01% Total dollars: $13,291.00


Sara Canseco Becker Timothy Becker Sarah Farmer Beying Beth Jones Bigelow Catherine Laska Cairney, M.D. Luke Cairney Richard Carlson Angela Ruby Carrington Sarah Kluesner Conway Kevin Cotter Lisa Augustyn Cotter Susan Flanagan Cox Michael Faucett Nicole Kozeny Gorczyca Ryan Haman Rev. Nathan Haverland Brett Herrman Clinton Horinek Chad Johnson Rosemary Kasten Christine Brown Kissling Rachel Hunninghake Krebsbach Sarah McCort Joseph Price Michelle Rioux Jessica Fayette Schneider Matthew Schneider Matthew Sciba Mikki Tibaldo Sciba Elizabeth Hruska Slobodnik Kelly Smilie Catherine Sigle Tappan Jason Tharp Zachary Werner


Participation: 5.41% Total dollars: $8,783.10 Bryan Bachkora Joshua Beying Lindsey Brake Catherine Shaw Bustillo Felipe Bustillo, IV Aaron Cairo Stephen Cole Emily Bruna Dragastin Theresa Kerby Earleywine Kelly Gartenmayer Dorothy Herring Ellen Mangimelli Hillebrand Clayton Kaiser Lucas Krusemark Mark Lehner Justin Long James Losey Sarah Gresham Mattler Kristen McBride Kyle McMillian James Neuhoff Mark Nielsen John Palsmeier, Ph.D. Abigail Perdue Julie Reiff Perkins Matthew Perkins Daniel Reynolds Molly Brown Reynolds Kara Schuetz Cody Shaw Sarah Korkames Tharp


Participation: 6.87% Total dollars: $2,255.00 Jeffrey Bell Sarah Thorup Bell Nicholas Boyle Jessica Brophy Eric Buyle Lindee Corkins

Michelle See Coury Courtney Edmonds Patrick Egan Christina Green Bradley Griffin Hiliary Turnbaugh Harden Paul Harden Katherine Hatch Matthew Holt Diamond Anthony Howell Theamos Howell Shaw Leach Christine Linck Courtney Pflugradt Katherine Brynac Pflugradt Peter Piscitello, Jr. Tessa Leach Piscitello Derek Powell William Ramsey Kolbe Scheetz Charles Sprouse Joseph Terick Craig Thorpe Angela Whenry Steven Whenry Theresa Wismer


Participation: 5.60% Total dollars: $3,236.00

Anonymous JD Benning Whitney Bradley Kelly Werner Dunn David Gorbea Katelan Cronin Haden Laura Hendricks Alissa Mehmert Juelich William Juelich Christina King Bret Kotrba Jill Reiff Kotrba Megan Buddenbohm Krusemark Maureen Rielley Leach Sarah Leesman Alena Cooney Lindsey Joshua Lindsey Sara Figoni Lugo Kathryn McDowell Scott McEvoy Matthew Schulte David Seefeldt Lisa Cawthra Sheley Jonathan Spencer Allison Brancato Stuhlsatz Alissa Kluesner Ward Thomas Welsh


Participation: 7.72% Total dollars: $14,670.00 Elizabeth Anders Nancy Bechel Alicia Brozovich Candace Walker Buyle Aaron Caskey Erin Conry Angela Kopp Cronister Andrea Miller DuPrĂŠ Anne Freudenberg Faucett George Fuchs Katherine Gartenmayer Jonathan Givens Julie Vogel Gonzales Stephanie Kepley Gramer Michael Greer Stephanie Howell Haschke Theodore Henry Beth Hoffman Andrew Hummel

Andrew Huppe Thomas Joerger Kasey Klenda Kyle Latz Madeline Coldren Laun Anthony Mancinelli Laura Cotton Mancinelli Anthony Martinez Michelle Kerschen Mazzarelli Erika Deniger-Hagman McDonnell Meghan Kelly McEvoy Joseph Montgomery Zachary Pinaire Josh Pound Mallory Pickman Seckman Kristin Hingula Seefeldt Daniel Sheley Keith Starr Matthew Stillwell Erin Tappan Michelle Collins Thacker Christopher Thacker Elizabeth Watkins Autumn Werner Alan Westhoff Abigail Winder Daniel Young


Participation: 6.62% Total dollars: $5,193.59 Lauren Carrigan Benning Alexander Binder Alison Volker Binder Kristina Brandl Katherine Burghart Kevin Callahan Christopher Corless Bryce Cronister Karmen Bower Darwin Sarah Daszczuk Kelly Dineen Jason Durbin Jennifer Kopp Frederickson Kelly Gallagher Dara Alexander Gregor Abigail Hausmann Lauren Jackson Chelsea Jaramillo Nicoline Kuadzem Alexa Duval Lang Robert Lang Sean Lewis Samuel Mazzarelli Tara McClanahan Lauren Fajardo Montgomery Abigael Novak Timothy Nowak Carlos Pacheco Dominic Paolucci Ellen Parker Keith Parkhurst Eric Raplinger Christina Reischl Kristie Ritter Anne Schafer Margaret Schopp Patrick Stoops Megan Klump Tay Emily Thomas Matthew Weaver


Participation: 6.67%

Total dollars: $7,954.48

Gregory Bell Rachel Ruhl Bennier Rachel Birkel Michela Brooks Adam Carter Mary Evans Caskey Margaret Ruppert Clement Zachary Collett Carolyn Crosson Holly Culver Cynthia Do Elizabeth Jones Engert Nicholas Engert Justin Flor Matthew Halpin Victoria Hamblen Hannah Dumpert Hasselquist Nicole Hendershot Joseph Humphrey Erin O’Connor Joerger Holly Lancaster Tyler Lueckenhoff Gina Sanders Lueger Katherine Bohl Maly Andrew McKeegan Lucas McNeely Katherine Mendenhall Molly Milana Alex Miller Matthew Minnis Randall Nill Marisa Spain Parkhurst Francis Petruccelli Esther Pistek Katherine Reynolds Nick Rudolph Matthew Scheipeter Marcus Schoch Heidi Schultz Nathan Stone Meredith Stoops Kaela Stratman Maggie Vettel Katherine Zackary


Participation: 7.13% Total dollars: $10,095.00 Humam AlMukhtar Jessica Ast Christine Baehr Kevin Bailey Amanda Amthor Bell Sarah Bender Rachel Bieker Andrew Billion Angela Nelson Bohovic John Bohovic Eric Bossler Katie Brady Courtney Danze Brandee Falk Drew Fitzpatrick Stacie Cook Fitzpatrick Lauren Linton Flor Linnea Frank Katelyn Garrett Meghan Gray Abraham Gross Joslyn Marko Hegarty Peter Hegarty Emalie Hoar Allyson Klaus Laura Klein Rachel Malinauskas Drew Maly Andrew Marsh Maria McDonough Hope Metzgar

Eric Mooney Katherine Moore Mooney Anne Muenks Emily Pellarin Andrew Pucinski Joyanna Deniger Rodriguez Paul Rodriguez Kristen Rosser Katharine Bachkora Rowland Michael Rowland Emma Sawin Jacob Schaad Laura Lynn Schneller Lauren Sherf David Sullivan Rachel Toner Sarah Volkmer Rachelle Adrian Waddle Brendan Whatley Francine Wolfe


Participation: 8.62% Total dollars: $9,053.77 Thomas Anderson Anonymous Michael Bechina Christina Buches Robert Burns Katlin Clancy Shaun Clyncke Kelley Cofield Kelley Farson Kathleen Friess Michael Godin Christopher Goedken Joseph Head Maria Heffron Blaise Hockel Carolyn James Joshua Kuestersteffen Zakary Larsen Jacquelyn Lawless Alex Lawrence Marissa Lueger Christine Daly Lyons Keenan Martin Kelsey Martin Mary Katherine Pecha Minnis Andrew Nistler Emily Perser Celina Pinedo Jenna Prather John Prost Addrianne Stinson Raplinger Cassandra Rockers Hannah Sayre Mary Toates Schaad Kimberly Scott Ashton Stephens Alexander Urban Matej Voboril Gregory Waddle Nicole Walz Jeremiah Wassmer John Woldum Crystal Young


Participation: 8.62% Total dollars: $9,053.77 Anonymous Kirsten Antonacci Jenna Bruegger Mary Butler Peter Del Castillo Taryn Dennis Patrick Earhart K. Jacob Fischer

Teresa Graybill Melanie Hane Stephanie Hefel Kristen Herber Erin Hunninghake Max Husting Katherine Kennedy Maree Lehman Catherine McDonough Sean McGuire Mary Ellen Ostrowski Regina Paolucci Michael Pesely Michaela Pezza Naomi Popp Joseph Sbarro Katherine Schnoebelen Kaitlyn Schulte Katelyn Schultz Michelle Tranckino Ashley Washburn Anne Marie Whitehead Rebecca Zander


Participation: 9.09% Total dollars: $40.00 James Krone


Participation: 10.00% Total dollars: $40.00 Rebecca Wolfe Walsh


Lynn Myers, IV Germain Pickman Eric Rittenhouse Mark Tighe


Participation: 12.82% Total dollars: $1,870.00 Christopher Archer Brian Dunn Clay Johnston David Sutley Janet Munro Wilcox


Participation: 3.92% Total dollars: $250.00

James Filley Eric Walker


Participation: 16.67% Total dollars: $720.00

Giovanni Brescia Janice Bunck Justin Copeland Dawna Burns Edmonds Nancy Tudor Griffin Robert Herringer Wendell Snodgrass Rick Weber


Participation: 12.20% Total dollars: $1,285.00

Participation: 10.53% Total dollars: $105,307.00 Stephanie Griffin Hundley Kevin O’Malley

Eric Berry John Peer Matthew Ramsey, Ph.D. Sara Beien Van Dyke Claudia Vazquez-Puebla



Participation: 21.62% Total dollars: $1,090.00 Gary Bedigrew Andrew Brady Joshua Herold Richard Hunninghake Joyce Schachtner Murphy Kathleen Ptasnik Noel Rueb Eric Strathman


Participation: 15.38% Total dollars: $815.00 Jeffrey Caudle Ramona Farris Brandon McKibben Gregor McLeod


Participation: 20.69% Total dollars: $1,335.00

Participation: 19.35% Total dollars: $2,800.00 Bryan Adams Bryan Bachkora Joshua Beying Lindsey Hansen Deborah Marchand Susan Scalard


Participation: 14.29% Total dollars: $2,575.00

Lucas Krusemark Douglas Longstaff Sandra Morgan John Muehlberger Mark Nielsen James Neuhoff Matthew Schneider Piper Wentz


Paola Banchero Jack Bower Jeff Humburg Keith Mispagel Robert Pritchett Dawn Weston, Ed.D.

Participation: 7.50% Total dollars: $4,690.00


Participation: 19.51% Total dollars: $3,250.00

Participation: 26.92% Total dollars: $415.00 Kevin Archer Jeanne Powers Bankard John McClaflin

Michael Faucett Amy Halling Potts Cody Shaw


Anonymous Greg Doring Michael Dunn Thomas Joerger


Joseph Price Jessica Fayette Schneider Mallory Pickman Seckman Steven Whenry


Participation: 9.68% Total dollars: $811.25

George Fuchs Thomas Hoopes Michelle Collins Thacker


Participation: 19.05% Total dollars: $240.00 Craig Farnham Abigail Hausmann Kimberly Klein Steve Rufino


Participation: 9.80% Total dollars: $4,715.00

Matthew Fassero Anne Freudenberg Faucett Robert Lang Allison Brancato Stuhlsatz Keith Washburn


Participation: 18.18% Total dollars: $1,615.00 Anonymous Tim Hegarty Monika Middleton King Addrianne Stinson Raplinger Anne Schafer Kaela Stratman


Participation: 85.71% Total dollars: $1,265.00

Humam AlMukhtar Charles Burke Aaron Cairo Melinda Coffman Charissa Crawford Mark Folsom Kristen McBride Mark McDaniel Patricia Meier Margaret Norman Matthew Patterson Stephenie Price Kathleen Reid Gordon Reiz William Short Chengny Thao Br. Luke Turner, O.S.B. Morgan Waller


Young alumni (10 years or less) who give to the Benedictine College Fund between July 1 through June 30, with gifts of $500 or more become members of the Beanie Society. Lindsey Brake ’06 Luke ’05 & Catherine Laska, M.D. ’05 Cairney Stephen Cole ’06


Ryan Haverty ’04 Brett ’05 & Kara Hueftle ’04 Herrman Anthony ’09 & Laura Cotton ’09 Mancinelli Andrew Marsh ’12 Kristen McBride ’06 Katherine Mendenhall ’11 Matthew ’11 & Mary Katherine Pecha ’13 Minnis Andrew Morris ’08, G’09 Matthew ’06 & Julie Reiff ’06 Perkins Joseph Price ’05, G’09 Jeremiah Wassmer ’13


Every gift makes a difference. Participation from alumni, parents, faculty, staff, and friends at all gift levels demonstrates endorsement by the Benedictine community for the many exciting initiatives taking place at our great College. The following individuals have made a gift during the fiscal year 2013-2014. We are grateful for their support. $1,000,000 and Above

Anonymous Elizabeth (Zibbie) Gillespie ’62 & James Ferrell Michael & Marlys Haverty

$500,000 to $999,999

David ’57 & Rebecca Reichenberger ’59 Moritz

$100,000 to $249,999

August Bergman, M.D. Cloud Cray, Jr. Lawrence ’61 & Frances Young ’65 Gallagher Kevin ’79, G’97 & Colleen McGraw ’81 O’Malley Frank Potenziani Byron ’55 & Joan Thompson Paul ’77 & Kathleen Westerman

$50,000 to $99,999

Anonymous Larry ’60 & Tresa Buessing Bernadine Law Lanzano ’55 David ’67 & Sheryl Laughlin Mary Boeding ’54 & James Rice Thomas ’66 & Linda Wessels Howard ’75 & Rhonda Behlmann ’75 Westerman

$25,000 to $49,999

Anonymous James & Mary Ellen Ascher Douglas, Ph.D. & Mary, M.D. Brothers Matt & Patty Gorges Kim Keutzer ’74 Lou ’53 & Sue McAvoy James ’71 & Linda McGuire Stephen, J.D. ’82 & Amy Kohake ’84 Minnis James ’59 & Mary Napier

N. Nelson & Marcia Newcomer Jack ’70 & Kathleen Newman James ’60 & Kathleen O’Brien John ’61 & Janice O’Leary Ladd & Karen Seaberg Patrick ’72 & Mary Margaret Sly Emmett & Mary Jo Tangeman Stanley ’67 & June Thibault Lené Westerman ’85 Norman ’60 & Shirley Youngberg

$10,000 to $24,999

Anonymous Matthew ’81 & Ann Anthony Marguerite Flynn Bennett ’63 Michael, M.D. ’81 & Debra Boland Jim, D.D.S. ’77 & Linda Bongers Edmond Ciarniello ’70 Ralph & Kathy Clevinger Kathryn Weishar ’80 & Richard Dalzell Richard & Cindy Dickason Dean ’57 & Mary Curran ’58 Diederich Dennis, M.D. ’57 & Alice Milacek ’58 Diederich Joseph ’64 & Carol Dingman Paul Drees, Ph.D. ’54 Michael & Donna Egan Bo ’64 & Terry Fraser Michael ’69 & Susan Conrow ’69 Gangel Joseph & Sandra Haverty Judith Badstieber Hemberger, Ph.D. ’69 Tony & Anita Horinek Kathleen Schmiedeler Howe Michael & Deborah Hundley Lamar & Rita Hunt Larry ’71 & Patricia Janacaro Lawrence ’63 & Linda Kaminsky H.B. & Carol Keithline Ronald ’58 & Judy Kelly Peter Klebba ’83 Betty Heiman Lane ’59 Michael ’70 & Ann Lause Earle ’64 & Ellen Layman R. Lee Lottes ’70 Donald ’77 & Diane Lueger Robert, Ph.D. ’71 & Susan Lueger Edna Grainey Moore ’38 † Daniel & Elizabeth Muzyka James Pretz, M.D. ’45 Charles ’74 & Martha Latz ’76 Raplinger Robert ’72 & Janet Wholey

$5,000 to $9,999

Anonymous Rita Baker Frances Broderick James ’82 & Terri Browne Thomas ’76 & Patricia Watkins ’76 Buergler Thomas ’58 & Carol Lysaght ’59 Burke Stephen ’91 & Joan Koechner ’90 Charbonneau Joseph, M.D. ’69 & Frances Wright ’69 Daglen Arthur Dobbelaere, Ph.D. ’70 Sean ’82 & Julie Zook ’86 Doherty Wayne & Carolyn Dondelinger Kelly Herne Duncan, M.D. Stephen & Anne Dunn Terrence & Peggy Dunn Michael ’63 & Mary Alice Easterday James Flood ’73 J. Jeff ’93 & Nicole Grada Michael Heimos ’91 John & Debra Herber David ’62 & Judith Herne Rev. Timothy Hickey ’81

Mark ’84 & Mary Isley William & Kimberle Jackson Thomas, D.D.S. ’83 & Joan Moyer ’85 Kemlage Richard & Mollien Koenig Larry Lady David ’68 & Jenny Leininger James ’77 & Dunrie Lewis Phyllis Lieb Jacquelyn La Noue ’78 & David Liebenthal Anthony ’09 & Laura Cotton ’09 Mancinelli Stephen ’77 & Peggy McBride Patrick ’71 & Sylvia Schorn ’72 McGee Thomas ’74 & Joan Teegarden ’77 Metzger James ’93 & M. Catherine Bush ’88 Mueller Michael, M.D., Ph.D. ’71 & Catherine Murray H. Charles O’Reilly ’54 Christopher ’78 & Joan Baker ’77 Pawlowicz Robert ’64 & Carol Penka Joseph ’45 & Laura Peters Stephen ’54 & Dorothy Osborne ’55 Podry Robert ’53 & Carolyn Reintjes Florence Conrad ’64 & Alan Salisbury Charles SanPetro ’62 Sylvester, Ph.D. ’68 & Vicki Schieber Ralph ’71 & Mary Holle ’73 Schramp Richard ’70 & Sandra Sullivan Jeffrey & Elizabeth Thiede Glenn ’57 & Mary Coppersmith ’56 Torline Aman ’93 & Chellie Udani James & Carla Unnerstall

$1,000 to $4,999

Rolland ’51 & Ginger Abel Maureen Murphy ’84 & Daniel Abkemeier Deacon Charles ’71 & Susan Adams Celeste Westerman & John Ahern Gerald Allen ’60 Susan Andrade ’89 Vincent Aniello, Ed.D. ’62 Anonymous David ’72 & Julie Green ’75 Baltuska C. John ’70 & Marti Baricevic Michael, M.D. & Suzanne Barnthouse Doug & Kimie Bax Daniel ’72 & Dorothy Howard ’73 Beattie Raymond ’63 & Mary Jo Becker Samuel & Ana Beckett William ’57 & Lois Muenchrath ’58 Berberich Douglas ’88 & Gail Berhorst Kenneth Berresheim ’76 Stephen & Deborah Betts Joshua ’06, G’06 & Sarah Farmer ’05 Beying Dennis ’63 & Marsha Bieker Michael ’64 & Kathleen Bird Joseph & Michelle Boland Richard & Doris Boland Sara Bongers Mary Bosanatz William ’81 & Katherine Bowler Larry ’61 & Ann Brandon Jaron ’01 & Michelle Bromm Karl ’82 & Melissa Brondell Patricia Kimbrough ’79 & Robert Brown Jenna Bruegger ’14 LeRoy ’60 & Linda Doohan ’61 Brungardt

Adam, Ph.D. ’89 & Anita ’89 Buhman-Wiggs Brian & Susan Cairney Luke ’05 & Catherine Laska, M.D. ’05 Cairney Mary Jo Capodice, M.D. ’78 & Dennis Phillips Daniel, Ph.D. ’68 & Terri Carey Cecilia Overbey ’67 & Francis , Ph.D. Carpinelli Patrick ’94 & Kathleen McClard ’93 Carr Paul & Janine Carson Wayne Carter Thomas ’65 & DeDe Caspari Arthur ’51 & Terri Catrambone Robert ’63 & Shirley Von Harz ’63 Chenoweth Robert Chisolm ’70 Matthew & Tamara Christoff Charles Clifford Todd & Laura Clyncke Katherine Colwell Thomas ’81 & Judy Comfort Donald, Ph.D. & Lynne, Ph.D. Connelly Mark ’74 & Kathie Cook Timothy & Susan Costigan Darryl & Connie Couts Patricia Swope ’63 & Thomas Croat Ray & Jan Cullings John ’82 & Carolyn Curran Kathy Curry Thomas, M.D. ’87 & Rachanee Curry Salvatore & Carolyn Cusumano William ’72 & Kay Dana Janice Clark ’47 & Sabino De Gisi Thomas, Ph.D. ’63 & Patricia DeCoster John, M.D. ’96 & Lisa, M.D. Delaney John Denton Kevin ’88 & Michelle Devanney Daniel ’74 & Mary Ann Teegarden ’74 Didde John ’64 & Patricia Meaney ’65 Diggins Edward Dillon ’67 Michael ’67 & Marcia Dingman Franklin, D.P.M. ’50 & Doreen Harris ’50 Donovan Richard ’56 & Charlotte Dooley Felix, Ph.D. ’65 & Mary Dreher John Dugan, M.D. ’67 Edward ’59 & Sharon Dyer Kevin ’96 & Laura Easterday Ruth Miller Eckert ’79 Lisa Ruffin ’86 & W. Bentley Edmonds James ’64 & Charlene Enneking Alice Hockensmith ’86 & William Ergovich Marie Demmer Esselmann ’43 Robley & Joan Evans Elmer Fangman ’57 Phillip Farris ’66 Fred & Nora Faucett Michael ’05, G’08 & Anne Freudenberg ’09, G’12 Faucett John ’84 & Melanie Smith ’84 Fechter James ’58 & Mary Fern Daniel ’63 & Eleanor Ferry Matthew ’76 & Mary Cook ’76 Filpovich K. Jacob Fischer ’14 Robert ’71 & Victoria Gregory ’71 Fitzgerald Drew ’12 & Stacie Cook ’12 Fitzpatrick Louis & Patricia Flaim Mark Flynn ’59 † Scott & Sally Follett Rodney & Laura Franey Timothy ’85 & Kathleen Wetzel ’85 Gallagher

Joseph ’70 & Victoria Garavaglia Jeffrey & Donna Garrett Charles ’75 & Sheila Gartenmayer Bert Gates ’69 Edward, M.D. & Jeanne Gatz Joseph Geist, Ph.D. ’58 Edward & Marlene Gellings M. Kathryn Gellings ’80 Leo ’78 & Regina Gensweider Patrick ’79 & Lori George Don, Ph.D. ’75 & Nancy Germano Daniel ’72 & Deborah Gilg Patrick Giller ’92 Gregory Glore ’68 Virgil ’58 & Linda Goracke Thomas ’77 & Mary Latz ’78 Gorczyca John ’66 & Theresa Pike ’66 † Gould Marlene Rapalino ’57 & James Graham Jerome ’77 & Kathleen McCarthy ’78 Graney Terence, D.O. ’80 & Jill Grewe Joseph, Ph.D. ’69 & Cecelia Grindel T. Bernt ’73 & Joan Gronstal Wayne & Denise Hammersla Lindsey Hansen ’02, G’06 Michael Harris ’64 Stephen ’76 & Nancy Baker ’76 Heideman Peter & Melissa Helgesen William, M.D. ’82 & Teresa Beye ’82 Hendricks Gail Hendrix Ryan ’01 & Melissa Henningsen Gerald ’81 & Linda Becker, Ed.D. ’81 Henry Maria Heroux Brett ’05 & Kara Hueftle ’04 Herrman Keith ’79 & Kelly Hertling Joseph ’80 & Gail Ritzdorf ’81 Hickert Ronald ’69 & Karen Hindman James, III ’87 & Dawn Hintz Kathryn Skalsky Hirsch ’61 Patrick ’88 & Lisa Brox ’88 Hirsch Thomas ’68 & Cynthia Hoenig Clinton ’05 & Sarah Moore ’02 Horinek Paul ’88 & Virginia Howe Burton Huerter ’60 Constance Desch ’83 & Joseph Hund Diane Hunninghake Mike Ismert Kristina Johnson Donald, M.D. ’84 & Lisa Johnston Julia Tonquest ’98 & Jake Johnston Darryl Jones ’68 Thomas ’75 & Tamara Jones William Joyce ’52 Don ’63 & Amelia Kassing William ’78 & Susan Keehn Jerold ’90 & Julie Branch ’89 Keithline Jeffrey ’82 & Mary Kellen Theodore Kelly ’57 Bart & Jerri Kinney Craig ’76 & Georgia Klos Roger ’54 & Joan Knapp Joseph ’94 & Chanda Morrow ’95 Koechner Vaughn & Katarzyna Kohler Terrence & Debra Kopp Chester Kozak & Linda Dolsberry Kevin ’89 & Pamela Schaefer ’88 Kramer James & Kelly Krapes Gerald ’81 & Patricia Kuckelman John & Vicki Kuefler John ’62 & Ann Landon Martin ’81 & Denise Landon Mary Ketter Landon ’49 Michael ’73 & Angela Landon Philip ’78 &

Margaret Gregar ’78 Landon Karen Lane Danika Lang Thomas ’80 & Colleen Latz Joseph ’77 & Lu Ann Lawhon Daniel ’84 & Carol Kramer ’85 Leach John, Ph.D. ’66 & Rita Zeorlin ’66 Leland Anthony Liang ’62 John & Suzie Liljestrand Gustavo ’85 & Valerie Lopez Ryan ’03 & Katy Lovill Sara Figoni ’08 & Eduard Lugo Craig & Karen Lundgren James ’70 & Dorothy Heiberger ’71 Lynch Andrew Marsh Donald, Ph.D. ’60 & Barbara Marx Otoniel Maxwell ’14 Matthew ’81 & Sheryl McAvoy Terrence McBride ’81 Dennis & Janet McCarthy Marian McCarthy Thomas ’58 & Barbara Benavides ’59 McCarthy Reed ’02 & Michelle Roach ’04 McCrory Cloyd McDaniels Paul & Marianne McDonough Lillian Rome McGrath ’53 B.J. ’87 & Liz McKinney Mary McNerney ’70 Aimee Tonquest ’90 & Stephen Mehl Thomas ’74 & Diane Melichar Craig & Melissa Miller Paul ’88 & Rebecca Miller Richard Miller Theresa Wolters ’59 & Raymond Miller Joan Brey Millington ’50 † Larry ’88 & Simone Minner D. Douglas & Marjorie Minnis Hilary, D.V.M. & Elizabeth Mohr Lawrence ’61 & Cecilia Palmer ’62 Muff John ’77 & Denise Mundy Reed & Martha Murphy William ’59 & Margaret Ferkenhoff ’59 Myers James Nicholson Mark ’06, G’07 & Janda Nielsen & the Marvine Family Randall Nill ’11 Robert ’62 & Edeli O’Connell John, M.D. ’57 & Marilyn O’Gara Adrian ’02 & Dominique O’Hara Michael O’Hara ’94 Thomas ’66 & Diane O’Leary Ronald & Peggy Olinger Francis ’52 & Bobbie O’Malley Steve Otto Dominic ’59 & Marilyn Paolucci Jean Scanlon Peck ’86 Matthew ’06 & Julie Reiff ’06 Perkins Richard, M.D. ’50 & Mary Pirotte Karen Pomes Susan Pouliot ’94 Alexandra Mainelli ’04 & Steven Pries Peter, Ph.D. ’62 & Ann Pufall Jamie Lambrecht ’03 & Colin Raftery William Raymond, Ph.D. Allen, D.D.S. & Sara Reavis Jane Grosdidier ’85 & Kerry Regan Michael & Suzanne Richards Manuel ’85 & Gloria Rios John, Ed.D. ’62 & Kathleen Ritter Ronald, Ph.D. ’69 & Linda Rizzo Carol Rogers ’71 Ryan ’98 & Connie Pike ’99 Roseberry Davyeon Ross ’00 & Shani Tate Ross Peter ’65 & Mary Rubinelli

Teresita Breitenbach ’51 & Anthony Ruotolo Peter ’81 & Maureen Sheehan ’81 Russo Carla Schaefer-Dovey ’85 & Dennis Dovey Mark ’80 & Denise Hoffmann ’82 Schieber Jerome, Ph.D. ’49 & Pamela Schmidt Fred ’55 & Ann Schmiedeler Katherine Schnoebelen ’14 Thomas Schnurr, M.D. ’77 Bruce & Sheila Schofield Randy & Mary Schrick Neil ’76 & Marsha Schulte Donald & Kimberly, Ph.D. Shankman Cary ’79 & Charlotte Landon ’79 Shaw Daniel Shead, D.P.M. ’89 Carol Shomin ’71 Robert ’54 & Charlene Nelson ’56 Slater Stanley & Karen Sluder C. Jamie ’99 & Jesse Smith Steven & Mary Beth Smith Steve & Sandy Spencer Timothy Spurgeon ’90 Roger ’85 & Lisa Steiner Daniel ’80 & Lillian Muldoon ’81 Stewart Allen & Maureen Stone Stephen ’91 & Susan Stone Robert Strathman Ernest & Susan Straub Patricia Farrell ’63 & Gerald, M.D. Strohmeyer Clarence Synakiewicz ’55 Patricia Gosche ’01 & Christopher Tavares Richard ’72 & Janice Tedoni William & Dorothy Tennant Paul J. Thompson David ’80 & Regina Austin ’82 Thornton Stephen ’74 & Clara Timmons Bernard ’67 & Ellen McCaskey ’69 Tonquest Michael Torline, D.V.M. ’82 Stephen ’93 & Michelle Torline Eileen Trujillo Milton ’58 & Margaret Goehl ’56 Trujillo Pete ’73 & Mary Anne Tulipana Robert Tumberger ’77 Scott Turicchi John ’66 & Mary Cochran ’75 Van Dyke Steven ’61 & Zildete Vilvens Matej Voboril ’13 Kelly Boland Vowels ’85 Alexander Vu Helen Brentano Wack ’63 Anthony ’51 & Laura Waite Michael ’80 & Lisa Walsh Christopher Weber ’97 Blake & Christine Wells Mark ’72 & Barbara Bellows ’73 Wetta Thomas ’67 & Carmen Whalen Jim Widhalm Lawrence ’72 & Janet Munro ’81, G’02 Wilcox Gerald ’67 & Donna Williamson Daniel ’88 & Deborah Winston Richard Wood ’51 Jason, Ph.D. ’93 & Che Wyrick Richard ’68 & Margo Young Thomas & Joanne Young Donna Meyer ’63 & Daryl Zeller Mary Alice Weir Ziegler ’50 †

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John & Betsy Abegg Jim Abellanosa Leo ’68 & Carolyn Abels Kathryn Branch ’86 & Robert Abernathy Jane Achenbach Andrew & Emily Achziger David ’70 & Judy Ackerman Jennifer Adam Bryan ’04, G’06 & Christina Garrison ’04 Adams John Adams ’75 Suzanne Swann ’55 & Charles Adams Mary Addie Danny ’90 & Debi Adelhardt Owen & Judy Adrian John ’83 & Dorothy Walsh ’82 Agnew Kenneth & Mary Agnew William ’55 & Patricia Pascoe ’56 Agnew Bill & Roberta Aguirre Jill Hellmer, D.D.S. ’03 & Justin Ahlers Cole Ahlvers ’04 Keith & Jennifer Ahonen Jean Feigley ’95 & Daniel Aker Lydia Akers Boyd & Frances Akins Angela Pawlowski ’85 & Kevin Albee Katherine Albers Robert, Ed.D. ’61 & Elizabeth Albers Charles Alberts Nancy Alberts ’72 Marilyn Megli-Busche ’74 & Jack Albright Karoline Putnam ’01 & Norman Alfaro Marilyn Alfers Mary Sachse ’78 & Edward Alford Mark & Jean Alft Karen Allaman Cecilia Allen Michael & Kimberly Allen Nolan & Geralyn Allen Paul, Ph.D. ’62 & Judith Allen Douglas & Jennifer Alles Madeleine Alles Humam AlMukhtar ’12, G’14 Joseph & Elizabeth Altenhofen John ’66 & Cindra Altman Rob Altman Alfred ’68 & Florence Alvarez Carla Cihal, Ph.D. ’87 & Luis Alves Sarah Hogan ’98 & Zach Ambariantz Jennifer Amerin Ray & Jennifer Amerin Jeffrey & Christina Amos Margaret Amundson Elizabeth Anders ’09 Mary Horigan ’63 & Ronald Andersen Anna Marie Anderson Bryan & Amy Anderson Carla Anderson Douglas & Ami Anderson Gail Anderson James ’80 & Patricia McDonald ’80 Anderson Jeanne Anderson & Anthony Nelson Jon Anderson ’75 Joseph & Jeanne Anderson June Fuller Anderson ’56 Kathleen & Anthony Anderson Larry Anderson Linda Anderson Margaret Wilkes ’72 & Fred Anderson Martin Anderson Mary Anderson Mike Anderson Thomas ’13 & Kalen Skubal ’13 Anderson William ’72 &


Linda Grote ’71 Anderson James ’69 & Margaret Lanham ’69 Andra Richard ’62 & Dolores Stiefermann ’65 Andra Rita Winkeler ’69 & Terry Andres Kurt & Laura Andrew Shirley Andrews Timothy ’88 & Lisa Huerter ’87 Andrews Anonymous John & Diane Antonacci Kirsten Antonacci ’14 Linda Antonacci Marie Antonacci Bernice Anzek Most Rev. Samuel Aquila Mary Martinez ’63 & Juan Aragon Christopher G’02 & Lara Archer Kevin ’98, G’01 & Kathryn Crawford ’01 Archer Vincent & Margarita Arduini Lee ’50 & Luetta Arensberg Peter & Barbara Arensberg Julie Martin ’01 & Matthew Argenziano Jon ’68 & Anita Arguiarro George Arkfeld ’55 James & June Armer James & Ann Armstrong Madeline Armstrong Adam & Connie Arnold Mary Ann Zehrung ’55 & Edward Arnone Janice Arth Victoria Velasquez ’85 & David Artzer Christopher & Cynthia Ascher John ’80 & Jeannie Asher Martin ’77 & Aggie Asher Mary Asher ’80 Paul ’85 & Dianne Asher Robert Asher ’89 Sr. Rose Ashour, O.S.B. ’58 Carol Ashwood Lea Assink Jessica Ast ’12 Kathleen Erker ’65 & Theodore Ast C. J. & Lisa Atencio Charles Atkins Keith & Dorothy Atlakson Ron & Jeanne Aubuchon Eugene & Claran Aug Charles Austin Troy & Lisa Axelson Raymond & Camerina Ayala Dennis, D.D.S. ’77 & Virginia Ayer Barbara Jackson Babcock ’52 Bryan Bachkora ’06, G’06 Kevin ’81 & Laura Felts ’81 Bachkora Roger ’64 & Margaret Bacik Gregg & Jeannine Backstrom Nona Dieckman Bacon ’45 Nancy Bernhard ’89 & Brian Bade Christine Baehr ’12 Warren & Mary Baehr Kevin ’12 & Daria Bailey Rick ’80 & Deena Bailey Francis Bain, M.D. ’68 George, Ph.D. ’64 & Nancy Bain Scott, Ph.D. & Victoria Baird Angela Ferrari ’56 & Robert Baker Bryan & Lois Baker Bryon & Allison Baker James Baker Jane Amrein ’76 & Melvin Baker John ’67 & Doris Baker Larry & Christine Baker Lucille Baker Luke ’03 & Mary Quinn ’03 Baker Mary Baker Richard ’74 &

Mary Landwehr ’75 Baker James & Patricia Baldwin Robert & Mary Baldwin Stephen, Ph.D. ’80 & Elizabeth Baldwin David & Colleen Ball Terry & Mary Ball Thomas & Hazel Balsiger Paola Banchero G’00 Bryce & Carolyn Banion Jeanne Powers G’01 & David Bankard Carl Banks Justin Banning Barbara Barak Eileen Dever ’52 & Lewis Barbe Diane Mealy ’56 & Paul Barber Herbert ’43 & Mary Ella Barber Stephen, M.D. ’81 & Phyllis Bardot Dennis Baricevic ’72 Ryan & Marilyn Barilleaux Kathy Barker Robert ’72 & Virginia Scherer ’72 Barker William & Sharon Barkley Gail & Diane Barnard Karen Barnes Rev. Thomas Barnes ’60 Bobby & Janet Barnett Harold & Nancy Barnett Martha Baronovic Robert & Mary Baronovic Ginger Barr Leonard Barr Thomas & Mary Barr Sheila Catrambone Barrett ’64 Gregory ’86 & MaryJo Muckey ’86 Barry John ’63 & Beverly Barry John Barry ’71 Michael Barry ’73 & Margaret O’Malley Paul ’84 & Rebecca Barry Rhonda Barry Rosalie Barry Cindy Bartels-Graham ’87 Patricia Bartolone John & Alane Bartush Mary Bartush Gary & Ronda Bash William & Marihelen Bassett Aileen Sullivan ’70 & Frank Batistich Eric & Angela Bauer Herman Bauer Nathan, D.D.S. ’01 & Sara Bauer, D.D.S. Raymond ’70 & Marcia Bauer William & Marsha Baugh Micah ’00 & Tiffany Baughman Michelle Bauman Tara Bauman Thomas & Mary Baumann Dean & Susan Baumberger Rev. Frank Baumert Patricia Baumgart George, Ph.D. ’45 & Barbara Stotts ’53 Baumgartner Laura Borserine ’86 & Douglas Baumgartner Virginia Baumgartner ’77 Eugene ’64 & Janet Baumhover Bruce & Ann Bax Elmer & Pauline Bax Rev. Henry Baxa ’64 Bruce & Janice Baxter Jared Baxter Joseph ’72 & Stavra Bayer William & Annette Bayer Felix & Mary Ann Baz-Dresch Beverly Reinkemeyer Beam ’52 Norman ’58 & Barbara Beat John & Elizabeth Beaudoin

John & Kathe Beauvais Nancy Bechel ’09 Steven ’77 & Nancy Becherer Michael Bechina ’13 George Bechtel ’69 John, M.D. ’56 & Mary Beck Marilyn Beck Annette Lichtenauer ’84 & David Becker Brian Becker ’00 Judith Becker Mark Becker ’72 Mary Kier Becker ’67 Timothy ’05 & Sara Canseco ’05 Becker Julia Dwyer Beckerjeck ’84 Elaine Beckett Charles & Laure Beckman Thomas Bedard Gary Bedigrew G’98 Robert & Susan Bednar Alan ’64 & Francine Beemsterboer Scott ’82 & Mary Engelmeyer ’84 Befort Stephen Beggs ’72 Tamara Beggs Michael & Teresa Begler Mike & Margie Begley Robin Norris Begley ’92 Scott & Lindsey Behrends Leon ’68 & Diane Behrens John Behrmann ’68 Michael Beich Joseph ’73 & Katherine Rule ’73 Beilein Katherine Beims Alvin Beiriger Joseph Belden ’52 Karen Belk Alexis & Helen Bell Allison Bell Gregory ’11 & Amanda Amthor ’12 Bell Jeffrey ’07 & Sarah Thorup ’07 Bell Stephen & Marnie Bell Raymond ’68 & Janice Beller Stephanie Benalcazar Frank ’52 & Barbara Meyer ’53 Benanti Sarah Bender ’12 William Benne Bryan & Janet Benner David & Jane Bennett Gregory & Diane Bennett Leroy Bennett Rachel Ruhl ’11 & David Bennier John ’08 & Lauren Carrigan ’10 Benning Lee M. Benson Robert & Marianne Benson Thomas & Eleanor Benson Melissa Wingard ’85 & Douglas Bentley Michel ’70 & Cindy Franco ’70 Berard William ’82 & Susan Berberich Claudia Berdugo ’89 Robert & Teresa Berfanger Barbara Berg Elizabeth Berger ’73 Richard & Sally Berger Tony Berger ’61 Jane Tangeman Bergman ’60 Joseph ’59 & Athla Bergman Ken & Mary Ann Bergman Tom & Constance Bergner Eric Bergren Michael Bergsieker Timothy, M.D. & Yadira Berigan Carl Berkhout, Ph.D. ’66 Mary Richardson ’54 & Alexis Berkin Kolin ’92 &

Elizabeth Moore ’95 Bernardoni Mark Berner Edward ’70 & Susan Berns Eric G’05 & Ledeen Berry Joanne Schlitzer ’59 & Bruce Berry Judy Berry Timothy Bersch ’70 Janet Bertelsen James & Kristi Bertrand Mark & Janet Betsch Brian Bettlach ’01 Steven ’92 & Laurie Bettlach Steven ’67 & Martina Bettlach Robin Betz David ’63 & Ann Betzen Gregory Betzen ’73 Albert ’59 & Jean Beuerlein Larry & Susie Beying Anthony ’56 & Rebecca Bianchi Victoria Bianculli Frank, M.D. ’55 & Caryl Bichlmeier J. Elaine Bieberly Kent & Susan Bieker Rachel Bieker ’12 Beth Jones ’05 & Barry Bigelow Steven, D.D.S. & Debora Billings Andrew Billion ’12 Stephen & Catherine Billion Alexander ’10 & Alison Volker ’10 Binder William Bing ’74 & Judy Panek-Bing, M.D. Gilles & Jennifer Bioche Carol Haug ’70 & Michael Birkel Rachel Birkel ’11 Lois Birkey Paul & Patricia Birkey John & Roberta Birmingham James & Susan Birt Edward ’53 & Louise Birzer Lois Bishop William & Jeane Bishop Robert ’69 & Luana Bitter Brad Bittiker Kelly Cannavan ’96 & Kent Bjork Christopher Black Brian Blair R. James & Mary Blaise William & Elaine Blaise Robert ’73 & Mary Blancett Jeffrey, Ph.D. ’98 & Amy McGuire ’97 Blanchard Jeff & Anna Blanchat John Blaschke Keith & Rita Blaschke Leroy ’57 & Helen Blasi Daniel & Patricia Blaskowski Matthew & Barbara Blattler Jerry & Julie Blazer Retha Blecha Margaret Becker ’84 & Timothy Blevins John & Mary Block George ’51 & Dorlene Blodig Maureen Flanagan ’99 & Mickey Blount Paul Blum ’63 Ken & Kathryn Blundell George & Glenda Boban Michael Bobka ’69 Judith Bock ’59 Neil & Rhonda Bock George ’56 & Joan Boddy Elaine Boeding Philip & Barbara Boeding Roland ’75 & Mary Boeding Rev. Marvin Boes ’57 Mark & Julie Bogner Patrick & Diane Bohlig Matthew ’02 & Theresa King ’02 Bohm John Bohon ’75

John ’12 & Angela Nelson ’12 Bohovic Karen Boland, M.D. ’85 George ’74 & Cynthia Davis ’72 Boldridge Kevin Bolend Steven ’85 & Patricia Bolin Bettina Michaelis ’84 & Tom Boller Angela Bolt Karen Bombardier Matilda Wohletz ’56 & Robert Bona Anne Boner Amanda Freeman Bonino ’02 Rick & Donna Bonnel Shayne Boodoo Jean Boone Joseph Boone Pauline Boone Robert & Laurie Boorigie George ’67 & Jane Perkins Boos John ’63 & Kathryn Haegelin ’64 Boos Susan Cruise ’64 & Gerald Boos Nancy Bopes Wendy Bopp David & Margie Bordovsky Gloria Bordwell Steven & Ann Borgschulte Susan Bormann Jean Wetter Bornhop ’73 Marla Borton Chau Bosgraaf Eric Bossler ’12 Daniel, D.O. & Melissa Bosso Barbara Bott Edward Bott ’55 Gary, Ph.D. ’82 & Donna Bouchard Gregory ’96 & Holly Boucher Alfred Boulay Daniel Bourk Sr. Mary Arleen Bourquin Joseph ’56 & Evelyn Rack ’58 Boutte Geoffrey Bowder Gregory ’93 & Rhonda Petry ’93 Bower Jack ’71, G’00 & June Melcher ’72 Bower Matthew & Mariana Bower Larry & Marla Bowers Mary Volkert ’60 & David Bowes Michael Boyce ’72 William, M.D. ’67 & Susan Boyce Karen Boyd Rita Lampen ’67 & Charles Boyd Nicholas Boyle ’07 John & Shenee Boyle Dixon Boyles & Cordie Lyon Donald ’63 & Patricia Bozich Dennis & Marcia Bradfield Denise Griefenberg ’85 & Russell Bradford Harold & Kathryn Bradley Whitney Bradley ’08 Robert & Janet Bradshaw Andrew ’97, G’98 & Jodie Muhlbauer ’95 Brady David & Michelle Brady James ’72 & Laurie Neusel ’73 Brady Katie Brady ’12 Michael Brady Patrick, Ph.D. ’67 & Rose Michelle Brady William ’64 & Bea Brady Austin ’91 & Janna Braithwait Lindsey Brake ’06 Bernard Brakel John & Nancy Braman Donald & Nancy Bramble Mario & Laura Brancato Kristina Brandl ’10 Elizabeth Dobbs ’82 & Scott Brandon Dennis, D.D.S. & Joanne Brandstetter

Anthony ’99 & Kelly Brandt Robert & Margaret Brandt Brian & Debora Branecky Rich & Carolyn Branstetter Michael & Deborah Braun Peter & Sandra Braun Susan Braun Jeffrey & MaryAnne Bredemann Stephen & Lisa Bredensteiner Dale, Ph.D. ’53 & Jean Russell Bremmer E. Carol Lackey ’86 & Daniel Breneiser Jason Brenna Carl & Judy Brennaman Heather Armstrong ’95 & Conor Brennan Lucille Fontana Brennan ’51 Robert, M.D. & Joan Brennan David Haug & Kathy Brennan-Haug Monica Barry ’94 & Joe Brentano Giovanni Brescia G’04 Elizabeth Breting ’49 Alyse Brewer Anthony & Jeanne Brick Joseph, D.Mgt. ’70 & Constance Brickner Bob & Janelle Bridges Linda Bridges Michiel ’03 & Jessica Bridges Robert ’62 & Mary Kay Murphy ’61 Bright Brian ’91 & Michelle Brinker Marie Brinkman Rosina Brinkman Timothy Brinkman Angelo & Joan Brisimitzakis Virginia Broadbent Bob & Lora Louise Broady Patricia Brock Andrew Brockish Stephen & Mary Brodersen Loretta Gueguen ’64 & Michael Broker Lisa Bromschwig William Brooke, Ed.D. ’57 Amy Hogan Brooks ’96 Michael & Mary Jane Brooks Michael & Kathleen Brooks Mari Pat Siedhoff, Ed.D. ’74 & Michael Brooks Michela Brooks ’11 Robert Brooks ’72 Edward ’71 & Ann Brophy Jessica Brophy ’07 Mark, Ph.D. ’82 & Mary Broski Thomas ’81 & Karen Mueller ’81 Brotherton Michael Broughton James Broussard Gretchen Brown Jane Brown Kenneth & Becky Brown LeRoy & Carol Brown Olin Brown ’77 Ryan ’99 & Colleen Brown Seth ’94 & Alicia Pettey ’93 Brown Theresa Brown Daniel ’85 & Monica Blaise ’85 Browne Kevin Browne ’72 Gerald & Dorothy Brox Michael ’90 & Kimberly Gallagher ’91 Brox Alicia Brozovich ’09 James ’84 & Sharon Drouhard ’84 Brozovich Judi Bruegger Hildegarde Brulé Dave & Patricia Brull Renae Bruna Gerard, M.D. ’79 & Cassandra Brungardt

John & Rebecca Brungardt Gregory & Beth Bruning Cecelia Christophene ’55 & William Brunner Daniel Bruns ’85 Julie Bruns ’81 Kelly Walsh ’01 & Matthew Bruns Larry & Kristi Bruns Rebecca Bryan Veronica Brynac Dan Bucci Christina Buches ’13 Philomena Buchholz Jerome, M.D. ’61 & Susie Buckley Barbara Buckwalter Leonard & Katherine Buddenbohm Michael & Donna Buell Charles Buhler ’50 Stephen ’85 & Michele Westerhaus ’87 Buhler Jacob Bullinger Patricia Whalen Bullinger ’56 Audrey Bullington Mary Jo Browne ’62 & Raymond Bullis Raymond ’85 & Mary Baronovic ’85 Bulte Patricia Thorne Bumgarner ’48 Timothy Bunce Janice ’92, G’04 & Joseph Bunck Michael & Dana Burch Alex Burden Mark Burdolski Phillip & Lori Bureman Mary Elsken Burford ’61 Edmond ’63 & Paula Burgan Katherine Burghart ’10 Paul Burghart Cecelia Burgwald James Burival ’61 Berneice Haegelin ’69 & Joseph, M.D. Burke Charles Burke G’14 John Burke ’58 Mary Anne Ginaine Burke ’58 Thomas ’61 & Elizabeth Cooke ’61 Burke W. Michael & Rhonda Burke Clark Burnett ’65 Dorothy McManus Burns ’51 James & Carol Burns John Burns ’71 Robert & Cathryne Burns Robert Burns, II ’13 David Burroughs Richard & Kimberly Burrus Annette Burton Gary ’75 & Mary Couri ’76 Burton Peter & Christina Buschbacher Joseph & Rosa Buser Michael ’68 & Christi Buser Alan Buss Felipe ’06 & Catherine Shaw ’06 Bustillo Mary Butler ’14 Eric ’07 & Candace Walker ’09 Buyle Karola Warren Buysse ’66 Kathryn Pusch ’74 & Michael Byrd Dorothy Byrne Jean Hawes Byrne ’72 Nora Byrne Patrick Byrne Paul Byrne, M.D. Thomas, M.D. & Anne Byrne Rachel Cady and the Cady Family Michael & Mary Ann Caffrey Susan Koenig Cahill ’81 Terry & Michelle Cain Nathaniel ’96 & Turi Cairney Patrick & Anna Cairney Aaron Cairo ’06, G’14


Jill Caldwell Paul & Margaret Caldwell Barbara Callaghan Jerome & Anne Callaghan Nicholas Callaghan Patrick & Carolina Callaghan Daniel & Molly Callahan Kevin Callahan ’10 Anthony & Sandy Calvello John Calvello Augustine Calvino James Calvino Mark ’75 & Linda Buehrig ’74 Camacho Linda & William Cameron Benjamin & Nicole Campbell John, Ph.D. † & Jane Campbell Michael ’82 & Debra Mannion ’82 Campbell Sharon Rhodes ’64 & Patrick Campbell Brian & Bridget Canaday Chuck Caniglia Patricia Caniglia Jordan Cannella Stephen & Lucille Cannella Timothy ’74 & Karen Duda ’74 Cannon Sal Capra John & Joan Carbone Diane Engelken ’76 & John Carbray Kathleen Cardinal Alice Carey Robert & Colleen Carey Thomas Carey, Ph.D. ’59 Rev. Scott Carl Jason ’03 & Abby Carlin Anne Anderson Carlson ’85 Carrie Carlson Elena Carlson Karen Carlson ’91 Richard Carlson ’05 J. Clarkson Carpenter ’69 Ann Carrigan Charles & Janelle Carrigan Gere Carrigan Patrick ’67 & Kathryn Carrigan Kevin ’74 & Donna Carril Michael ’04 & Angela Ruby ’05 Carrington Bernard, D.D.S. ’66 & Judy Carroll James ’54 & Teresa Carroll Jeanne Jordan Carroll ’47 John ’53 & Marilyn Carroll Kathleen Carroll ’88 Paul ’61 & Carol Carroll Wallace & Karen Jenkins, Ph.D. ’63 Carroll Robert & June Carson Adam Carter ’11 Gary & Sheron Cartwright John ’59 & Clarita Hampton ’59 Casey Judith Casey Daniel Cashel ’74 Aaron ’09 & Mary Evans ’11 Caskey James & JoEllen Caskey William ’66 & Musette Stinson ’66 Castle Sue Ann Witous Castline-Noonan’72 & Maurice Noonan Leslie Castro Mark ’68 & Judith Duval ’69 Catanzaro Jeffrey G’99 & Tracie Caudle Roger & Janie Caudle Alietia Caughron Leo ’53 & Judith Cavanaugh Patrick, D.D.S. & Kerry Cavanaugh Sonya Tolmachoff Cavazos ’62 David & Therese Cavin Warren Cawley ’70 Julie Gulig Caylor


Karen Barrett ’62 & Eugene Caylor David & Eileen Chalk Michael & Maribeth Chambers P. Jean Ho Chang ’54 Pius Chao ’52 David & Noelle Chapin David & Linda Chapman Donald & Antoinette Chapman James Chapman ’76 Marilyn Miller Chapman ’76 James Chappell ’65 Larry Charbonneau William Charron, Ph.D. ’59 Andrew & Sarah Cherry Kurt ’02 & Catherine Krstulic ’02 Cheshire Anthony & Gerry Chiarello Kenneth Chism Anne Chonka Della Chonka Paul ’66 & Marcia Chopp Luna Chou Dolores Christensen James ’74 & Janice Christoph Theresa Lee Chu ’61 Rose Churchley Teri Cieciorka Michael & Kaye Cillessen Salvatore Ciluffo ’72 Cheryl Cincetti Brian Cincotta ’64 Mary Cink Dale & Kathleen Cinotto Katlin Clancy Michele Beerman ’97 & David Clancy Curtis Clarizio Mark Clarizio Roger & Mary Clarizio Benjamin ’03 & Allison Clark Christina Clark Michael ’71 & Laura Clark Philip & Tina Clark Jeffery & Jan Clary Catherine Clasen James ’65 & Kristin Clavin Makena Clawson Mark Clawson Wanda Clawson Jerry & Cecelia Clay Ellen Devoy Cleary ’61 Michael & Jeanne Cleary Ann Nester ’66 & Norman Cleeland James ’74 & Debra Clemens Norma Clemens Donald & Kathleen Clement Margaret Ruppert ’11 & Alex Clement Christopher ’04 & Andrea Clements Dorothy Childers Cline ’44 Jerry & Rosemary Clinton John ’55 & Louise Venard ’56 Clinton Gertrude Cloud Shaun Clyncke ’13 Dolores Breitenbach Coady ’54 Diego Cobo Sara Cochrane Susan Cameron G’87 & Richard Coder James & Mary Cody Ben & Alberta Coe Kenneth ’68 & Eileen Coffee Melinda Coffman G’14 Kelley Cofield ’13 Kevin & Jacqueline Coldren Abe & Shannyn Cole Christopher ’91 & Jennifer Allen ’90 Cole Eugene & Patricia Cole Helen Cole Stephen Cole ’06 Elizabeth Coleman Yvonne DeKeyser ’84 & Dirk Colgrove

Bridget Collart Jon & Julie Collett Zachary Collett ’11 Travis Collier Barbara Collins Berdene Schaeffer Collins ’53 Sharon Weber ’66 & Chuck Colombe M. Allison Turner Colson ’73 Joni Brophy ’85 & Thomas Colwell Trudy Compton James, M.D. & Molly Conahan Diane Confer Craig & Ann Congrove Marcia Bartel ’92 & John Conley Marcia Thies ’69 & Raymond , D.C. Conley Margaret Richardson Conley ’65 Mary Conley ’71 William Conlin Joe & Carla Connealy Noema Conner Janna-Lou Kocher Connolly ’75 Ellyn Connor Erin Conry ’09 Eduardo Contreras Gerald & Barbara Convery Pete Conway Sarah Kluesner ’05 & Kyle Conway Brett Cook Matthew ’94 & Barbara Cook Scott & Gina Cook Lisa Cookson Leona Bogner ’66 & Kent, M.D. Cooper James & Antoinette Coopersmith Terrance Coots ’85 Justin ’04 & Shannon Copeland John Corbisiero Arlene Volk Cordaro ’55 Steven Corder Richard Cordero ’58 Anthony Cordie ’52 Lindee Corkins ’07 Christopher Corless ’10 Daniel & Mary Corless Jo Ann Corless ’51 Elizabeth McFarland ’85 & Robert Cornejo Thomas & Catherine Cornell Matthew & Victoria Cornitius Richard, Ph.D. & Cathy Coronado Patrick & Mary Corrigan Kathleen Cyr Corrigan-Toews ’88 & Reagen Toews Kenneth ’74 & Connie Cors Fermin ’62 & Victoria Vallejo ’63 Cortez Daniel & Christine Costanzo David & Dessie Costello Michael ’71 & Sharon Costello Christen Jones ’96 & Robert Cota Brett ’94 & Tess Cott Kevin ’05 & Lisa Augustyn ’05 Cotter Rita Coupe ’51 Gary B. ’75 and Mary Couri ’76 Burton Charles & Florence Courtney Edward & Robin Courtney Michelle See ’07 & Justin Coury Cathy Coward John ’67 & Mary Cowell Kevin & Karen Cowperthwaite Craig ’74 & Theresa Cox Steven G’70 & Roseanne Cox Susan Flanagan ’05 & John Cox Vincent ’02 & Lyndi Cox Carol Coyle Most Rev. Andrew Cozzens, S.T.D. ’91 Mary Crabtree Bryan & Pam Crawford Charissa Crawford G’14 Darrin Crawford

John ’74 & Patti Creen Joseph ’86 & Jacqueline Larkin ’86 Crider Nicholas & Lylea Critelli Linda Crockett Robert ’73 & Joan Croll Jerome & Aileen Cronan Margaret Cronin Ruth Cronin Bryce ’10 & Angela Kopp ’09 Cronister Diana Crook James ’68 & Judy Crossley Carolyn Crosson ’11 Gary & Sandra Crouch Lenora Crowder Brian ’68 & Patricia Crowe Timothy ’75 & Robin Crowley John ’91 & Shanda Heenan ’91 Cruciani Deacon Benedict ’60 & Clara Vervaecke ’95 Cruise J. Michael ’73 & Mary Fendler ’74 Crulcich Joan Carvalho ’57 & Glen Culbertson Terrence ’74 & Sandy Cullen Moira Cullings William Culton ’66 Holly Culver ’11 Maurice ’58 & Melva Cummings Patrick Cummings ’71 Forrest & Jo Cunningham Jeffrey & Joanna Cunningham Marla Cunningham Robert Cunningham ’54 Victoria Cunningham Marva Cunningham Torres Milas ’72 & Ann Curl Judith Curn Douglas ’73 & Margaret Curran Cassandra Curry Gerald ’67 & Heather Curry Timothy, D.D.S. & Susan Curry Paul & Nancy Curti Anne Lachowsky ’47 & Charles Cusick Susanne Brooke Cussen ’64 Victor ’74 & Karen Custardo Jon & Molly Cyphert Lloyd & Noreen Cyr Mary Carey Dahlin ’60 Thomas D’Aiuto Catherine Dal Santo ’76 Wallace ’50 & Melba Dal Santo Bertrice Daldrup ’48 Donald ’71 & Margaret Dallao Michael ’70 & Barbara Dallavis Matthew & Mindy Dalton Mike ’86 & Stephanie Dalton Timothy, M.D. ’93 & Carolyn Diederich ’93 Dalton Christine Daly ’13 David ’83 & Eileen Droste ’83 Daly Gregory Daly ’74 Michael & Mary Daly Leonard ’71 & Marcia McMillan ’69 Damiano Marjorie (Rupp) Dampf ’54 Jerry & Barbara Danahy B. Douglas ’71 & Sharon Daniel Don & Denise Daniels Beth Dankert Babb ’87 & Tom Babb William & Mary Ann Dankert Margery Danner Courtney Danze ’12 Kevin ’85 & Marie Darrar Karmen Bower ’10 & William Darwin Sarah Daszczuk ’10 Debbie Daugherty Marla Thompson ’96 & Ben Daugherty Barbara Benes ’65 & David Daughton Pamela Davidson

Vaughn Davidson Lea Davidson-Mansfield Greg & Kelly Davied Beverly Davies Craig & Leslie Davis Emily Wolfe ’75 & Daniel Davis Gregory & Sharon Davis Janice Harris ’72 & Richard Davis Katherine Davis Leonetta Davis Randall & Patricia Davis Sharon Davis Suzanne Sydow ’51 & Edward Davis Diana Davis-Schiltz Harold ’50 & Margy Dawson Jeffrey Dawson Fina Day Virginia Sullivan Day ’55 Cindy De Rocher Lisa De Ruyter Lenore Dea Dolores Isaacson ’58 & James DeAndrea Richard Dear Matthew & Denise DeBartolomeis Theodore ’58 & Joan Copenhaver ’59 DeBauge Dennis, Ph.D. ’76 & Mary Kay Carey ’77 Debrecht Kevin & Denise Debrick Constance Gorman ’76 & R. Neil Decker David ’67 & Carmen Maldonado ’67 Decker Jean Gallagher Decker ’65 Teresa Decker Ruth Deering Delano ’69 & Dorothy DeGeneffe Robert ’70 & Lucille DeGostin Vincent ’68 & Kathleen DeGreeff Robert Dehaemers † Darryl & Christine Dehn Steve & Mary Beth Deines Dawn Deitelhoff Daniel & Elaine Deiter Amy Deitz David & Michelle Deitz Andre & Elisa Del Curto Diane Furlong Delaney ’69 John Delaney ’52 Jason Dellaert Joseph & Janice Dellasega John Delphia, Ph.D. ’49 CatherineMarie DeMarais Benjamin Demel ’92 Joan Kuhlman Demel ’57 Anna Demmer ’56 Leo Demmer ’52 Dolores Nehl Dempsey ’53 Timothy ’68 & Barbara Dempsey Robert & Lynne Dempster Ellie Den Braber Sara Den Braber Terry & Mary Denker Janet Denman Michael & Lauren Denning Edward & Dawn Dennis Taryn Dennis ’14 Harold & Mary Denny Charles, M.D. & Wilma Denton Kathleen Duff ’71 & John DePhillips Michelle DePizzol Jerry & Cindy Deree Anya Berezina Derrick ’57 William & Lynette Dery Valmont, M.D. & Tehseen Desa Mark Deschaine Thomas Deschaine Rose Desio Jeff & Mary Desits

Joseph ’69 & Joyce Deters Nicholas & Dianne Detmer Ruth Link Deuschle ’51 Steve & Judith Dewell Doug & Debora Dibben Nicholas ’99 & Kara DiCarlo Nicholas ’79 & Lynne Yelton ’80 DiCarlo Fred ’58 & Frances Dice Shane & Melissa Dick Mike Dickerson Laura Dickey John, M.D., Ph.D. ’99 & Mary Dickinson Angela Didde Connie DiDonna Terrance & Rosemary Diebolt Karen & Michael Diehl Henry Diekmann ’68 Eugene & Karen Dieringer Kenneth Dieringer Timothy Dieringer Brendan ’01 & Melissa Phelan ’00 Diggins Ned ’69 & Esther Digh John Dillard David & Karen Dille Brian & Susan Dillner David ’03 & Jennifer Kreher ’03 Dillner Steven & Peggy Dillon Kelly Dineen ’10 Daniel & Corinne Dineen Ted Dingmann David ’04 & Catherine DiNuzzo Ryan ’00 & Amy Disbrow Bertha DiSchino Beatrice Burns Dissett ’60 Glenda DiStefano James, O.D. & Jennifer DiStefano John Dixon Cynthia Do ’11 Jack ’94 & Margaret Doan Patricia Windholz ’66 & Peter Doane M. Elizabeth Dobel ’52 Annette Dobihal Charles & Catherine Dobihal Charles & Mary Lou Dobihal Michael & Lorna Dobihal Steven Dobihal Thomas & Monica Dobihal John & Catherine Dobrynski Robert & Mary Dobsch John ’68 & Christine Huebner ’69 Dockery William Dodd Clif & Catherine Dodge Donald, Ph.D. ’52 & Marjorie Doemling Kathleen Doetsch ’15 Paul & Jeanette Doetsch Andrea Vanderfeltz Dohlman ’03 Joseph ’57 & Barbara Dolan Carolyn Loerwald ’62 & Donald Dolle Robert & Esther Dollerschell Beverly Weishaar ’85 & Christopher Domann Donna Werling Dombrow ’65 David Dondlinger Robert & Teresa Donnett Evelyn Donohue Mary Cummins Donovan ’49 Gretchen Brady Donovick ’84 Catherine Gerst Dooley ’01 Cynthia Dooley Sharon Ward ’79 & Kevin Dooley John ’57 & Ann Dooling Mary Dorais ’66 Carol Doring Gregory G’09 & Adrienne Doring Jane Dorman Gellert & Elizabeth Dornay

John, M.D. ’84 & Mary Scherrer ’84 Dornhoffer Velvet Meissen ’90 & Michael Dorrell Christine Filla Dothage ’68 Mary McNeive Dougherty ’58 Betty Doughty Terry Doughty David ’74 & Mary Langer ’77 Dover Walter ’64 & Kathleen Boeding ’64 Dowd Joseph & Sherry Downey Michael ’84 & Melinda Downey Robert & Susan Downey Barbara Moebus ’55 & Francis Doyle Daniel Doyle ’78 Elizabeth Wack Doyle ’44 Kevin & Brenda Doyle Mary Whitesell Doyle ’79 Robert Doyle ’58 Emily Bruna ’06 & Justin Dragastin Mike & Debbie Drake Craig & Katharine Drath Linda Drees Lyle Dreher ’71 Craig & MaryAnn Dreiling Carol Patterson ’73 & Richard Dressel David ’79 & Mary Drey Jerry & Sharon Dreyer Richard Driscoll Daniel ’79 & Ruth Brooke ’79 Droste George Droste James Drotar ’63 Francis & Lori Drouhard Todd ’85 & Shirley Drouhard Wayne & Diane Drouhard Anthony ’72 & Theresa Drummond Edward ’68 & Mary Luebbe ’69 Drummond James Drury ’66 William ’73 & Barbara Duff Linda Duffy Michael Dugan ’69 William ’71 & Mary Jo Duggan Jewel Duke Patricia Moran ’67 & James Dulac Gary & Margaret Dulek Kirk Duncan ’01 Symona Downey ’83 & Michael Dunleavy Beverly Sullenger Dunn ’79 Brian ’98, G’02 & Lora Dunn John, M.D. & Mary Dunn Kelly Werner ’08 & Casey Dunn Robert & Amy Dunn S. Michael G’09 & Melinda Dunn Nicholan Murphy Dunphy ’72 Ronald ’64 & Dorothy Dunphy Thomas ’69 & Charlene Dunphy Andrea Miller ’09 & Sean DuPré Daniel & Joan DuPré Jason Durbin ’10 Larry & Linda Durbin Cynthia Jones ’72 & Thomas Durham Paul Durkin ’79 Susan Durkin John & Suzanne Durnford Karen Witte ’76 & David Duros Louis & Joan Dusil Mary Walker ’49 & M. Dean Dutton Frances Duty Robert & Katie Dwyer Kathleen Dyblie Michael & Debra Dycus Joseph & Deborah Dyer Charles & Kristi Dygert Roger & Mary Dykmann Robert ’52 & Georgiann Dytrych Patrick Earhart ’14 Theresa Kerby ’06 & Matthew Earleywine

Elizabeth Early John & Mary Jane Earnshaw Jacqueline Brown Eastburn ’68 James ’69 & Dorothy Meiners ’69 Easterday Lee ’80 & Janice Easterday Robert Eaton James, M.D. ’76 & Jane Walsh ’73 Ebel Michael & Becky Ebelhar Gina Eberhardt Megan Eberle Jessie Echavarria Amy ’91 & Michael Eckert Janelle Kroll Edge ’02 Courtney Edmonds ’07 Dawna Burns G’04 & James Edmonds Stephen ’65 & Ann Edmonds Timothy Edwards Michael ’77 & Cindy Edwinson Barbara Egan Dennis & Pamela Egan MaryAnn Montgomery Egan ’64 Patrick Egan ’07 Gary & Emily Eggen Connie Egger Beverly Emge ’65 & Frank Eggering Janine Eggers John Eggers Paula Egging Delbert ’45 & Marion Martin ’52 Ehret James & Carletta Eifler Alicia Eiler-Ordonez ’87 Arnold Eilert ’84 & Jan Eilert Donald ’57 & Dolores Eilert Gerard ’81 & Kathi Einig Steven ’70 & Janet McGuire ’70 Eischen Kathleen Weides ’84 & Brett Eisenhour Lawrence Eker Patricia Kearney ’85 & Bradley Elder Kevin & Jennifer Eldredge Kelly Johnson ’85 & Michael Elias Brad Ellenz Louis Ellis ’49 Matthew Ellis, M.D. ’87 Patricia Ellis Sharon Watkins Ells ’63 Richard & Mary Elms Theodore Elo Van Emery Thomas & Phyllis Emmel William & Lisa Emmerson Dolores Rottinghaus Engel ’71 Kevin & Cindy Engelkamp Clarence & Lillian Engelken Colleen Mohan ’79 & Thomas Enger Nicholas ’11 & Elizabeth Jones ’11 Engert John ’68 & Angeline English Joseph ’74 & Joan English Richard & Jeanne Enna Damian ’53 & Geraldine Enneking James Ens Jack & Kathleen Enyeart John, M.D. & Deborah Eplee Annette Meissen ’61 & John Ernst Christine Ertl Daniel ’72 & Deborah Ervin Robert & Donna Ervin Patrick ’69 & Barbara Erwin Amy Eschelbach Brendy Esmond Tania Espinosa Donald & Theresa Essner Kirk & Krista Estee Bill & Sue Etling Dale, Judy & Todd Etter Daniel O’Neill ’73 & Nancy Prybyloski Etzwiler ’76


Brian Evans ’87 Joseph, Ph.D. ’69 & Shirley Evans Robert ’67 & Jacqueline O’Neill ’67 Evans Sarah Evans Jay ’67 & Maureen Eveler Barbara Heine ’74 & Michael Everard William ’89 & Sharon Leikam ’89 Evers Margaret Ellis Everts ’44 Norma Carter ’79 & James Ewbank David & Sarah Faber John Fagan ’72 Bob & Loree Faherty V. J. & Linda Fahnlander Thomas Fahrner ’73 Ethan & Kerry Fahy Brandee ’12 & Rick Falk William & Mary Fallon Anthony Fangman ’92 Daniel Fangman ’82 & Dolly Duffy Gary & Mary Faragher Robert Farmer ’69 Susan Steinke ’68 & Michael Farmer Anita Auer ’64 & Curtis Farnan Richard & Vickie Farney Craig G’11 & Kimberly Farnham David ’73 & Laurie Farrell Mary McCormick Farrell ’50 Michael & Lois Farrell Ramona Farris ’90, G’99 Kelley Farson ’13 Sean ’85 & Laura Quigley ’85 Farson Matthew ’98, G’12 & Megan Masur ’97 Fassero Philip ’96 & Beth Faulkner Phillip & Patricia Faulkner Thomas ’72 & Patricia Powell ’73 Fawcett Fred & Julie Faxvog Steven ’64 & Darlene Devereaux ’65 Feder Eugene ’65 & Karen Federhofer William ’63 & Joyce Stark ’64 Federhofer Gip & Cheryl Fehring Yelonda Feickert Richard ’81 & Mary Radetic ’82 Feierabend Ethel Felder Gwyn Felder ’93 Michael ’86 & Cristina Hernandez ’86 Feldewert Robert ’55 & Mary Feldmann James ’74 & Donna Feltmann Matthew ’79 & Sharon Hall ’82 Fenley Mary Fenlon Thomas, M.D. ’82 & Janelle Fennessy Dorothy Schmedding ’58 & James Fennewald Jeffrey Fennewald Andrew ’01 & Courtenay Fent Kathleen Schillinger ’76 & Mark Fernandez Mitzi Fernandez Claudio ’89 & Mary Mertes ’88 Ferraro Jo Ann Ferris Ryan ’00 & Maureen DeFazio ’00 Fesker Richard Fessenbecker Catherine Fetter ’81 Tim & Vee Feuerborn Lawrence Fick Mary Lou Fickel Ann Ficken Marie Sheldon ’97 & Gary Fiebach Forrest & Karen Fielder Clarissa Fierro-Cheda Betsy Fifield Maria Figueroa James G’03 & Patricia Filley


Jonathan Fincher ’15 Frederick ’59 & Carole Finder Dorothy Finegan Jean Finegan John Finegan Joseph ’72 & Julie Mayer ’72 Fingerhut Jeff Fink Timothy ’59 & Rebecca Fink Ingrid Finn Peter Fiorini Daniel & Michelle Fischer Gunther ’64 & Elizabeth Geritz ’65 Fischer Jeffrey, D.D.S. & Doreen Fish Bruce ’76 & Tina Fisher Don & Irene Fisher Joseph, Ph.D. ’49 & Kay Fisher Jared & Sarah Fisher Scott & Tawnya Fisher Robert & Kimberly Fiss Lucy Reilly ’85 & David Fitch David ’66 & Anita Stock ’66 Fitzekam Gary Fitzgerald ’75 Kathleen Fitzgerald Mary Ellen O’Mara Fitzgerald ’55 Michael ’64 & Julie Fitzgerald Michael Fitzgerald ’79 & Elizabeth Jacobs-Fitzgerald ’78 Michael ’72 & Julia Croghan ’73 Fitzgerald Theresa Grosdidier Fitzgerald ’54 Shawn ’86 & Diane Fitzgibbons Thomas ’76 & Sandra Fitzmaurice Bernadette Fitzpatrick Daniel & Kim Fitzpatrick William ’63 & Mary Fitzpatrick Dennis Flanagan ’73 Frances Flanagan, Ph.D. ’43 James & Mary Flanagan James ’75 & Janice Bergman ’76 Flanagan Kathleen Childers ’62 & James Flanagan Michael & Kara Flanagan Barbara Fleming Barbara Fleming Joseph Fleming Robert Fleming, M.D. Thomas & Mary Fleming Todd & Debra Fleury Kathy Floersch Mark & Stacey Floersch Emmet Flood & Maureen Chiapetta Justin ’11 & Lauren Linton ’12 Flor Lawrence & Karen Flournoy C. Dale ’64 & Karen Flowers Peggy Flucke John Flynn ’68 Kevin ’78 & Susan Flynn Mary Timmons ’79 & Sean Flynn William & Susan Flynn Kristi Pospichal ’99 & Daniel Fogarty Lynne Baerveldt ’83 & Kevin Fogarty Steven & Michelle Fogarty Robert & Michele Foguth Leslie Foiles Patrick & Sandra Foley Amy McKelvy ’95 & Chad Folsom Eleanor Thum ’76 & Richard Folsom Mark Folsom G’14 Linda Fontaine Gerald Ford ’55 Gordon & Helen Ford John ’69 & Rita Ford Mary Ward ’62 & Gerald Ford Victoria Ford William Ford Henry, Ph.D. ’55 & Donna Forge Richard ’58 & Kathryn Forge Thomas & Pat Forge

Paul & Patricia Muller ’85 Forman Duane ’58 & Mary Wickersham ’59 † Fortin Pamela Foss Rebecca Foster Kim Fowler Stephen & Mary Fowler Thomas & Lorraine Fowler The Red Hats Francis ’75 & Kathleen Fox Karen Fragale Karen McClain ’81 & David France Mary Frances Wutich ’81 & Peter France Christopher & Anne Francescon James ’69 & Katherine Gould ’71 Franek David & Debra Frank George, M.D. ’86 & Anne Frank Linnea Frank ’12 Ronald Franzen Michael & Cynthia Frase James ’52 & Gloria Fraser John Fraser ’85 Robert Fraser ’50 Joseph & Barbara Frates Robert ’61 & Ada Georgie ’61 Frazier Ashlyn Frederick Elizabeth Frederick Jennifer Kopp ’10 & Joe Frederickson Justin Fredian Laurence & Susan Freeman Steven ’00 & Kimberlee Freenor Bud & Nicole French Marcus & Barbara French Roger & Katherine Freudenberg Alan & Lara Freymuth Judith Fridell Steven Friedman Michelle Friedrichsen Gerald Friend, D.D.S. Kathleen Friess ’13 Lorraine Fritch Daniel & Mary Lou Fritts Alice Fritts-Kenney Richard ’72 & Judy Fritz Thomas Fritzlen, M.D. Joseph ’63 & Patricia Froehle Lennet Froelich Rodney & Kimberly Fry George ’75 & Cathy Fuchs George Fuchs, ’09, G’10 Linda Pearson ’70 & Bernard Fuehne Annie Fuentes Daniel ’66 & Donna Halloran ’67 Fuhrman Mary Frances Keating ’60 & James Fulton Christopher & Sarah Dorst ’04 Funke Chris & Celeste Furey Christine Fuss Debra Gach Theresa Gach Hires Gage, D.V.M. Lisa Gaggiano-Shalgren Diane Galbrecht, O.D. ’02 Joanne Klaus ’74 & Frank Galbrecht James & Donna Gales Matthew & Juanita Galindo Eddie ’58 & Mary Heuertz ’58 Gall Kelly Gallagher ’10 Susan Cucchi Gallagher ’84 Mark & Cynthia Gallatin Rudolph ’59 & Patricia Gallegos Joan Caraher Galli ’55 Frank ’68 & Jean Galmish Barbara Staab ’86 & Richard Galusha Alex & Linda, Ph.D. Galyon Karla Shea ’64 & John Gamble Charles ’61 & Susan Gampper

James ’56 & Shirley Gampper Keith & Martha Gann Mike Gans Colleen Garcia Lupe Garcia Marc ’73 & Linda Vazquez Garcia David & Joy Gardner Patrick, Ph.D. ’70 & Lois Jean Prohaska ’69 Gardner Charles ’52 & Mary O’Connor ’53 Garrett Katelyn Garrett ’12 Julie Garrison Kathy Garrison Ronald & Katherine Garrison Therese Garrity Katherine Gartenmayer ’09 Kelly Gartenmayer ’06 Ricky & Lois Gartman Mary Curry Garvert ’43 Leon Gaschen ’52 Thomas & Teresa Gasper Nicholas ’67 & Janice Gaspers Thomas ’74 & Patricia Gates Mary Nagel ’68 & George Gaudette Brett Gaughan Thomas & Denise Gaughan Sandra Gaul ’80 Thomas ’73 & Kathy Gaumé Corey Gaunt Drew & JoAnn Gaydos Michael ’70 & Jeanne Hoffman ’72 Gear John & Saralinda Brown ’86, G’02 Gebo David & Terry Geenens Patricia Geerling Ambrosia Michalicka ’52 & Sebastian Geffre Timothy Gehris Elizabeth Goodwin ’48 & William † Geiger Patricia Convery ’89 & Joseph Geisinger Colleen Geismann Kurt & Christine Geissler Robert Geist ’57 Lisa Gellings Mike Gellings Richard E. Gellings Craig & Jolene Gengler G. Michael ’70 & Katherine Hertzler ’71 Gent Christopher & Lisa George Robert George, Ph.D. Lowell & Mary Georgia Theresa Georgia James ’67 & Virginia Ahlert ’67 Georgie Charles ’62 & Connie Gerber Jay, Ph.D. ’63 & Ruth Wenzl, Ph.D. ’69 Gerber Richard ’75 & Sandra Gerding Jack & Kelly Geringer Mark & Sylvia Gerlach Alberta Schatzle Germann ’67 Yoshiko Gerner James Gerst, M.D. ’68 & Mary Helen Gerst Jean Feldkamp ’74 & Daniel Gerstner Ronald & Sharon Giangreco Mark & Sandra Gibbons Dora Giboney ’91 Robert & Laura Gibson Janet Giddings Patrick ’60 & Terri Giebler Jeanne Giellis Michele Saladrigas ’93 & Christopher Giem Donald ’50 & Mary Giese

Deanna Myers Giessel ’72 Douglas & Elaine Gifford Tamara Gigstad Dianne Hennes ’63 & Jerry Gill Kevin Gill William ’65 & Marilyn Gill Paul Giller ’55 Tom Giller Nancy Gillespie Cynthia Gillham Michael ’71 & Linda Gillick Thomas Gills Bradley & Rebecca Gilmore Roy Gilstrap John Gioia, II ’83 Bradly & Catherine Girton Jonathan ’09 & Jessica Givens Steven & Susan Givens John ’55 & Margaret Schumacher ’56 Gladbach Kathleen Glaser ’60 Ron & Cindy Glaser Gina Glass Jane Feltmann ’83 & Mark Glastetter Sheila Gleason Ann Gleason-Ernst ’77 & William Ernst Jerry & Lori Glenn Daniel & Karen Glennon Grace Glesinger Ashley Glidden ’04 Todd & Jennifer Glosemeyer Jeanette Gloudeman Michelle Jansen ’89 & Scot Goacher Roseanne Godbout Joel & Lori Godin Michael Godin ’13 Jonathan & Cynthia Goding Holly Godsey Steven & Janet Godwin Becky Goedert Christopher Goedken ’13 Martin & Lisa Goedken Matt Goedken Mark & Marlene Goenner Roger & Theresa Ann Goerke Robert & Sharon Goetz George Goff Charles & Rebecca Golba David & Virginia Golden Steve & RoxAnne Golus Joseph Gomes Jerry & Connie Gomez Julie Vogel ’09 & Daniel Gonzales Sandra Gonzales Arthur Good Daniel & Lori Goodman Amy Duffy ’81 & James Goodner Virginia Goodson Bruce & Karen Goracke David Gorbea ’08 Jeff ’04 & Nicole Kozeny ’05 Gorczyca Mary Ellen Spitsen ’82 & Terry Gordon Evelyn Gore † Allison Gorman ’00 James ’80 & Diane Gorman Daniel & Marie Gorrell Stephen & Linda Gosche Daniel & Julie Goshey Debora Goshey Lawrence & JoAnn Goshey Samantha Goshey Mark & Denise Gossman Matthew & Amelia Gottsch John Gottschalk ’66 Phil & Diane Gould Robert & Marlo Gould Todd Gould ’97 Frank & Lisa Govednik Brian & Beth Gowasack Kevin & Melody Gradin

Stephen Graff ’72 John Graham ’91 Tim Grahn Daniel & Stephanie Kepley ’09 Gramer Janice Grant Carl Grantham, Sr. ’71 Trudy Graves Kathryn Befort Gray ’85 Meghan Gray ’12 Rodney & Maria Gray Marilyn Sawyer Graybill ’59 Teresa Graybill ’14 Tom & Robyn Grazda Richard Grebenc Dorothy Greek Christina Green ’07 John Green Margaret Grace ’82 & William Green Michael & Julie Green Peter ’52 & Cathy Green Joan Hahner ’64 & Robert Greene Mary Greenslade Brian & Deborah Greenwood Roger & Deborah Greenwood Mary Adele Greer ’80 Michael Greer ’09 John & Jennifer Greffet George & Wanda Gregar Judith Gregar ’84 Arthur Gregg ’64 Dara Gregor ’10 Gerald ’58 & Gail Gregory Louise Greim Rev. Albert Grendler ’55 Duane & Barbara Grenier W. Joseph ’59 & Geraldean Doyle ’61 Grennan Michele Quigley ’88 & Larry Gress Edmund ’57 & Yvonne Dank ’58 Grewe Thomas, M.D. & Denise, M.D. Gribbin Bradley Griffin ’07 Nancy G’04 & William Griffin Dorothy Griffith ’60 Elizabeth Griffiths Richard J. Grindinger Phil & Cathy Grosdidier Joseph Gronniger ’62 Sue Stewart Grosdidier ’61 Abraham Gross ’12 Mary Doyle ’63 & Patrick Gross Ruth Gross Travis Grossman Jennifer Grotelueschen Phillip & Kelley Grothus Dorothy Grove Daniel & Helen Gruber Ann Gruenbacher Doug & Shelly Gruenbacher Elizabeth Asher ’86 & Dave Gruenbacher Grace Gruenbacher Kurt ’81 & Sylvia Viveros ’81 Gruenbacher Paul ’62 & Margie Gruenbacher Patricia Nelson ’71 & Roger Gruenke Steve & Antoinette Gruenwald John & Margaret G’Sell Teresa Guaglianone Donald ’70 & Patricia Gudinas Heidi Guenther Ryan Andrea Chase ’93 & Thomas Guetterman Sue Lash ’60 & Richard Guilford Andrea Gumbko Valeta Brown Guthrey ’49 James & Kay Guyot Gordon ’77 & Helen O’Connell ’77 Guzenski Hugo & Anita Guzman

Jane Toler ’70 & Robert Haas Thomas ’65 & Cheryl Lutz ’67 Haase Benedict ’61 & Barbara Habiger Russell & Carolyn Hackmann Joan Benoit Hadden ’68 Katelan Cronin ’08 & Daniel Haden Julianne Haecherl James Haedrich Diana Haegelin ’69 William Haegelin ’72 Patricia Haegelin-Hiatt ’69 & Roger Hiatt Jane Gilbert Haeger ’68 Michael Haeger ’69 & Nancy Conley Keri Haenni William ’48 & Wayona Hafeman William & Bernadette Hafner Donald & Cheryl Hagedorn Kathryn Hagedorn Donald Hagen ’53 Frederick ’49 & Darlene Hagen Ruth Ann Abels ’72 & Joseph Hager Bonnie Leather Haghirian ’74 Diane Hagner Matt, Ph.D. ’65 & Marion Hagovsky Charles & Jane Hahn John & Margaret Hahn Debbie Haines Richard Hair Michael ’69 & Theresa Asher ’70 Haire Tom & Julie Halberg LaVonne Hale Yvonne Hales Clarence ’61 & Paulette † Haley Jean Wuellner Haley ’64 Michael & Maria Haley Thomas Haley John ’67 & Margaret Hall Margaret Hall Matthew ’97 & Robin Hall Michael Hall Paula Thixton ’71 & Robert Hall Robert ’72 & Patricia Welek ’72 Hall Patricia Thomas Halladay ’69 James Halling ’70 Katherine Hallman Edward ’84 & Lisa Halpin Mark & Kimberly Halpin Connor ’11 & Cristen Morrison ’12 Halpin Rosina Baumgartner ’52 & Joseph Halpin Thomas ’69 & Victoria Halpin Harriet Halsell Ryan Haman ’05 Victoria Hamblen ’11 Steve Hamel Marcy Hamilton Gayle Hamlin Bob & Felicia Hamm Michael Hammett Rev. Joan Hammond ’62 & Rev. Edward Leis Michael ’66 & Martha Hammontree Doris Scheidt Hampton ’48 Mary Hennes ’73 & John Hanan Derek & Rebecca Handley Melanie Hane ’14 Mark Hanis Lauren Hankes Ted & Michelle Hankes Elizabeth Smith ’44 & Edward Hanna Patricia Hannah Leonard, M.D. ’45 & Phyllis Hannapel Michael ’77 & Laurie Decha ’77 Hannon Teresa Hannon ’79 Timothy ’75 & Anne Hannon Darin ’03 & Kara Mark ’03 Hansen Janet Melvin ’59 & Thomas Hansen

John Hansen Joseph & Kathleen Hansen Wendell Hansen Melanie Hansman Jeffrey & Anne Hanson Lorraine Hanson Robert & Fran Hanson Sandra Hanson Terrance ’69 & Patricia Cannon ’70 Hanson Peter, D.D.S. & Michele Harb Paul ’07 & Hiliary Turnbaugh ’07 Harden Richard ’80 & Monica Blogin ’80 Harden Edward Hardey ’51 Margaret Harding ’68 Dolores Kenning Harkins ’53 Patrick ’79 & Allyson Harkins Gary & Barbara Harless Larry Harless Sherman & Geri Harlow Michael ’71 & Elizabeth Stark ’70 Harmon Scott & Jimann Harmon John Harmyk Francis Harney & Judy Richmeier-Harney Cathy Harper Patrick ’55 & Rose Harper Dennis Harrington ’66 Gerald ’60 & Anne Harrington James ’68 & Andrea Harrington Stephen Harrington ’82 Vincent ’59 & Nancy Harrington Byron & Mary Harris David, Ph.D. ’97 & Jacqulene Pick ’98 Harris Louis Harris ’59 Michael & Georgian Harris J. Dale ’54 & Rita Harrison Jeremy & Laura Harrison Peter Harrison Richard Harrison Robert Harrison Thomas ’56 & Susan Harrison Franklin ’68 & Linda Harsh Hank & Becky Hartman Mary Hartman Teresa Carroll ’87 & Michael Hartman Dale ’66 & Deedra Hartung Stephanie Haschke ’09 Robert ’68 & Mary Boudreau ’69 Hashagen Karen Haslag ’70 & Roger Hurlbert Hannah Dumpert ’11 & Maxwell Hasselquist Katherine Hatch ’07 Richard & Elaine Hatch Joyce Hatcher Robert Hatfield Joseph ’57 & Janice Hattrup Abigail Hausmann ’10, G’11 Gretchen Haverkamp Rev. Nathan Haverland ’05 Ryan Haverty ’04 Lawrence ’79 & Joan Havranek James & Anita Hawes Jake Hawk Robert & LaVon Hawkins Edythe Hayden Mark ’78 & Laurie Hayek Joseph Head ’13 Scott & Cynthia Heady Daniel ’68 & Theresa Weitkamp ’74 Healy Laura Heath Robert, M.D. & JoAnn Heath Dorothy Heberlein Daniel ’66 & Margaret ’98 Hebert


Daniel Heckman, II Robert Heddinger Roger & Elizabeth Hedrington Kathleen Heenan Jeffrey & Angela Hefel Stephanie Hefel ’14 Maria Heffron ’13 Charles & Schevaun Hegarty Peter ’12 & Joslyn Marko ’12 Hegarty Tim G’13 & Stephanie Hegarty Jane Heideman ’85 Robert & Eleanor Heideman Sharon Heidersdorf Ron & Betty Heidesch Rebecca Heidlage, Ed.D. ’64 Thomas ’59 & Pat Heier James ’53 & Barbara Heili Donald ’70 & Gerrianne Heim Bradley & Kathleen Heiman Thomas & Jeanne Heiman Teresa Heimann ’87 & William Heimann Justin Hein ’56 Renee Heinemeyer Richard ’56 & Barbara Heinisch Anna Heintz Art Heinze David & Mary Heise Craig Heisserer Wilma Heisserer Jon, D.V.M. ’82 & Karen Heit Joseph, M.D. ’85 & Terri Heit Catherine Heither Mary Heither Thomas & Joyce Heither Delores Schieber ’65 & Richard Heitman Douglas & Stephanie Helfrich Alvin Heller Ethel Stessman ’49 & Alvin Heller Jerome & Susan Hellmer Tony & Beth Hemann Edwin Hemberger ’82 Nicole Hendershot ’11 Paul & Eileen Hendershot Cameron & Terra Henderson Christopher & Jacqueline Henderson H. D. & Joyce Henderson Elizabeth Griesemer ’50 & James Hendricks Laura Hendricks ’08 Russell Hendrix Jennifer Keberlein Henggeler ’03 & Geoff Henggeler John & Mary Jo Henik Tom & Patricia Henjum Patricia Henneberry ’84 Michael ’77 & Karen Hennigh Robin Krupinski ’82 & Dan Hennigh Patrick & Anne Henning Chad ’04 & Lacey Henningsen Timothy Henningsen ’95 David & Nancy Henry Edgar ’74 & Sally Henry Richard Henry Rita Henry Robert Henry Theodore Henry ’09 John & Jennifer Hense Harry & Cathy Heppler Jason Heppler ’04 Kristen Herber ’14 Brett ’02 & Laura Herbers Rebecca ’69, G’07 & Randy Herbert Ronald & Kellee Hercules Cheryl Herman Kathryn Hermes Lynda Linnebur ’89 & Raphael Hermes Norbert & Marlene Hermes Paul & Janice Hermes


Raphael & Lynda Hermes Michael ’66 & Patricia Hermesch Richard ’75 & Deborah Hermesch Gustavo & Lisa Hernandez Raymond Hernandez James & Monta Hernon Joshua ’96, G’98 & Jenny Herold Michael & Susan Heroux Kathryn McLaughlin Herriage ’76 Kathleen Herrin Dorothy Herring ’06 Norma Musslyn ’68 & Joe Herring Robert ’00, G’04 & Cymbre Costello ’00 Herringer Judith Herrmann Corey ’92 & Carla Herron Diane Rziha ’97 & James Herron Craig & Debora Hertzenberg Michael Heslip ’65 Kerry & Constance Hesse Lawrence ’63 & Jane Hesse Douglas & Stacy Hettinger Lisa Heule Holly Heyda Helen Hibschman Beatrice Hickert Bernard ’77 & Barbara Glavin ’82 Hickert William Salomon & Maureen Hickert, M.D. ’84 Stephen & Jody Hickert Nadine Devlin Hickey ’42 William ’65 & Patricia Hickman James & Katharine Hiera Brian & Amy Higa Doris Higa ’55 Michael ’82 & Judi Higgins Charles ’68 & Joretta High Nannette Hight Marion Hilbig Nancy Hildreth Kristine Hilger ’95 Aaron ’00 & Jennifer Santo ’01 Hill Charles ’99 & Mlada Voboril ’01 Hill James & Kathleen Hill Jeff & Cathy Hill Melinda Hill Michael ’84 & Joan Sullivan ’83 Hill Ellen Mangimelli ’06 & Michael Hillebrand Richard Hilts ’50 Daniel ’67 & Jean Himmel Sandra Hindelang-Boyd ’92 & Douglas Boyd Michele Hinds, Ph.D. Dwayne Hines Kara Hines Robert & Nancy Hines Kaitlin Hintz Jeannette Vanecek ’73 & Dennis Hisek Brandon Hoang Emalie Hoar ’12 Richard & Elinor Hoar Edward Hoban, Jr. ’64 Donald & Carol Hobbs Paula Hobelmann Blaise Hockel ’13 David ’73 & Patricia Hockett Randall ’73 & Elisa Hockett Herman ’87 & Ann Hodes Mary Fales ’83 & David Hodges Terrance ’72 & Ellen Hodges Andrew ’81 & Rhonda Hoedl Ryland & Beverly Hoeft Mike Hoesch Lawrence ’72 & Teresa Hoff Bernard & Marion Hoffman Bill & Anne Hoffman Beth Hoffman ’09 Kenneth Hoffman

Kim Hoffman Allison Lidolph ’00 & Colin Hogan Ruth Loehr Hogan ’59 Brandon ’95 & Jennifer Beckman ’94 Hoheisel Riley & Linda Hoheisel Jeff & Kendra Hoing Gerald & Julie Hoisington Margie Amrein ’79 & William Holben Donald & JoAnn Holdener Ashley Holland David Holland & Mary Markey Kathy Holland Frederick ’79 & Soheila Nazarian ’83 Holley Guy & Deborah Hollowood Mark & Cheryl Holmberg Kirk & Tamara Holmboe Kenneth Holmes Jason & Martina Holmes Bryan & Tara Holt Matthew Holt ’07 Randall & Donna Holt Deborah Palermo ’76 & Gary Holterman Allen & Vickie Holthaus Jeanne Holthaus Mark & Nancy Holton Carolyn Law ’64 & William Hood Thomas G’10 & April Hoopes James J. ’60 and Elizabeth Hoover Philip & Carol Hoover Scott Hoover Donald ’72 & Kathleen Horan John ’64 & Kathleen Horan Chuck Hord Gerald ’62 & Sharon Horgan Dennis ’69 & Helen Horn James & Suzanne Horner Karl & Zina Hornick Theodore Horrell Mary Frances Schramp ’69 & Michael Horton Ronald ’68 & Judith Dana ’69 Horvath James & Mary Ann Hosier Thomas ’86 & Julie Hosty Robin Houghton Richard Hourigan, M.D. ’84 James Houska Kathryn Houston Tara Huels ’02 & Jason Houvenagle Joseph Hovanec ’78 & Judy Devoe-Hovanec Mary Hovanec Jeffrey Hovorka ’86 Ilene Howard Janyce Howard James ’72 & Helen Howe Justin ’99 & Mary-Claire Sobieck ’00 Howe Theamos ’07 & Diamond Anthony ’07 Howell Denton ’64 & Jody Hoy Donald, J.D. & Mary, Ph.D. Hoy Tracy Van Anne ’95 & Greg Hoye Donald ’96 & Kristine Hrebec Peggy Hruska Susan Hruska Theresa Hubbard Delores Hubert Rev. Mark Huberty Donald & Anne Marie Hudson Gabriel ’74 & Nan Hudson Gerard ’56 & Jo Ann Huerter Darrell & Debbie Huff Rev. Tom Huff Bud & Nancy Huffman Richard ’68 & Karen Hug Elizabeth Hess Hugger ’58 Dorothy Snyder ’69 & William Hughes

Doug & Nichole Hughes John ’68 & Patricia Hughes Roseann Hughes Jeff ’94, G’00 & Angela Humburg John ’58 & Jacqueline Huml Andrew ’09 & Andrea Myers ’10 Hummel Chris & Bridget Hummel Gordon Hummel Joseph Humphrey ’11 Stephanie G’97 & Dave Hundley Kimberly Arlt Hundley ’95 William & Linda Huninghake Erin Hunninghake ’14 Gerald ’74 & Joanne Hunninghake Mary Hunninghake Richard ’77, G’98 & Ginger Hunninghake Rosemarie Mayer Hunninghake ’60 Sherrie Hunninghake Leroy ’72 & Cindy Hunold Colette Capesius Hunsucker ’75 Angela Schneider ’98 & Steven Hunter John & Anita Hunter Robert ’57 & Rita Randolph ’67 Hunter Patrick & Teresa Hupfauf Andrew Huppe ’09 Mark & Maureen Huppe Mary Huppe John ’62 & Kathleen Hurley Michael ’75 & Susan Hurley Patrick ’63 & Patricia Hurley Martin, Ph.D. ’83 & Betsy Huss Craig ’87 & Susan Fangman ’86 Husting Max Husting ’14 Joan Jacobs ’76 & Mark Huston Terry & Nancy Huston Dawn Hutchcraft-Vargas Dennis & Mary Hutchinson Douglas Hutchinson Thomas ’64 & Shirley Hutchison Chandler Hynek G’14 Lisa McGillin ’83 & Mark Ibarra Richard, M.D. ’47 & Elia Ibarra Mary Syer Ibrahim ’70 Phyllis & Emmanuel Idun Wayne & Kimberly Ignowski David & Roberta Imig Michael Imig ’99 Karen Thompson ’65 & Donald Indra Anthony, D.D.S. & Joan Ingino John Ingram Joseph & Rae Intfen Gladie Elting Irwin ’67 Rev. Joseph Irwin ’99 Oscar ’66 & Deirdre Isabelle Daniel ’83 & Teresa Iseman Philip Isserman Jesse ’71 & Sally Ivy James ’52 & Virginia Jackson Lauren Jackson ’10 Luther Jackson ’67 Nancy Bolte ’74 & Danny Jackson John ’70 & Marilyn Jacob Alice Lincoln ’66 & Ronald Jacobs Amy Jacobs Caroline Jacobs Clarence, Ph.D. ’63 & Kathi Kreikemeier ’65 Jacobs Gary & Rosemary Jacobs John ’75 & Patricia Jacobs Mark ’91 & Teresa Hall ’90 Jacobs Thomas ’76 & Mary Gurnon ’75 Jacobs Gerald Jacobson John & Cynthia Jacobson Jay & Cindy Jadlowski Garrett Jahn Susan Jakubowski

Carolyn James ’13 Daniel & Amy James Ivan ’65 & Grace James Ivan James ’89 Joe ’96 & Lori Janacaro Denise & Craig Janes Timothy & Ann Jansen James ’99 & Kimberly Nebgen ’00 Jansen Marilyn Jansen ’52 Paul & Barbara Jansen Timothy Jansen Jane Janssen William Januszewski ’72 William Jaques & Darlene Brister Anthony Jaramillo Chelsea Jaramillo ’10 Daniel Jaramillo Rev. Peter Jaramillo Brad & Vicki Jarchow Mary King ’69 & Robert Jarmon, M.D. Michal Jarzab DiAnn Jass Margaret Jeffries Fred, Ph.D. ’62 & Kay Jehle Robert & Deeann Jenkins Barbara Flaherty Jensen ’58 David & Heidi Jensen Thomas ’85 & Sheila Jensen Joseph ’95 & Cheryl Jerabek Suzanne Bergmann Jessup, Ph.D. ’60 David Jewell Gregory & Jacqueline Jirak Mark & Theresa Jirak Thomas ’09, G’09 & Erin O’Connor ’11 Joerger Joseph & Gail Johll Barbara Mack ’76 & Don Johnsen Carolyn Johnson Chad ’05 & Lamanda Johnson David Johnson David & Janice Johnson David & Leota Johnson Dean & Bonnie Johnson Elizabeth Anderson Johnson ’61 Elliott Johnson Eric & Lori Johnson Erica Johnson Jennifer ’93 & Ted Johnson Jennifer Johnson Kevin & Sherry Johnson Margaret McGuire ’97 & Justin Johnson Mark & Kristine Johnson Mark & Susan Johnson Paul Johnson Phillip ’77 & Kathleen Baker, Ph.D. ’77 Johnson Scott Johnson Thomas Johnson Truman & Leola Johnson Jerry ’58 & Marianne Johnston Clay G’02 & Amanda Johnston Gabriel & Mandy Joiner Maria Pace ’81 & William Jonas Andrea M. Jones Clyde ’69 & Catherine Jones David Jones Gary & Patsy Jones James † & Marilyn Jones John ’70 & Lucy Enneking ’70 Jones Martin & Mary Jones Michael & Nora Jones Richard & Pauline Jones Ronald ’69 & Alice Jones Ruth Hund ’83 & Donald Jones Daphne Jones-Condé ’88 & José Condé Jerome Joseph Maria Joseph

William Joyce ’92 William ’08 & Alissa Mehmert ’08 Juelich Julie Jueneman ’03 Mary Lou Juettner Scott Julian Miriam Jump Grace Haverkamp ’58 & Sam Junk John & Rita Jurcyk Donald Jurgens Julie Just Margaret Just Julie Gutschenritter ’85 & Eric Justice Jerome ’70 & Amelia Wagner ’72 Kaczmarek Robert ’76 & Marie Cassilly ’76 Kaemmerer Warren & Florence Kaemmerer Joseph Kafka Glenn & Nancy Kahler Joan Gleeson ’54 & Melvin Kahn Clayton ’06 & Anna Kaiser Thomas & Teresa Kaiserski Ann Kalis Robert & Christine Kalis Dan & Joyce Kallenberger James ’76 & A. Charlene Kreul ’76 Kaminski Cody Kammeyer Charles ’55 & Donna Kamp Mary Ellen Hayob Kanak ’61 Marc Kane ’70 Sue Seaborn Kane ’64 Jeffrey & Bernadette Kaplan Albert, M.D. & Mary Karam William Karduck ’58 Gerard Karlin Deacon George & Etta Karnaze Mary Beth Karnes Jesse & Betty Kasler Clarence ’78 & Shirley Kast Rosemary Kasten ’05 Eleanor Kaufman John & Amy Kavanaugh Philip Kean Noel & Linda Keane Mike & Susan Kearins John Kearney, Ph.D. ’62 Karl & Sharon Keas Katrina Keat Genevieve Keefer Theodore ’59 & Norine Keeley Pamela Heit Keenan ’84 Janice Dohr ’71 & Michael Keenoy, D.V.M. Kimberly Keesey Kristie Keeton Annette Keller George ’70 & Jo Keller John, Ph.D. ’67 & Katherine Keller Rebecca Adam ’70 & Mark Kellerman Thomas & Donna Kellerman Charo & George Kelley Stephen ’84 & Milinda Kelley Ardyce Kelly Bernard Kelly ’61 Brett Kelly Dennis & Mary Ellen Kelly James, Ph.D. ’62 & Catherine Kelly Kameron Kelly Michael Kelly Patrick & Maria Kelly Patrick ’61 & Sally Kelly Robert, Ph.D. ’59 & Sherry Kelly Shawn ’78 & Teresa Mersinger ’81 Kelly Stephen Kelly ’55 Timothy & Margaret Kelly William & Theresa Kelly Darrel ’60 & Marion Kelsey

Tom & Susan Kendrick Timothy ’61 & June Kenealy Cindy Keneipp Krystyna Kenig-Leary Rev. Leonard Kenkel ’56 Paul ’69 & Therese Rottinghaus ’68 Kenkel Jerry & Linda Kennedy Katherine Kennedy ’14 Patrick ’86 & Elizabeth Perkins ’86 Kennedy Rebecca Anne Kolb ’70 & Patrick Kennedy Robert ’70 & Mary Kennedy Daniel ’97 & Teresa Kenney James Kenney Terry & Brenda Kent John Kerber William Kerber Robert & Kristi Kerian John, Ph.D. ’64 & Bonnita Kern Bernice Kerr Douglas ’03 & Sarah Kerr Greg & Colleen Kerschen James ’78 & Sharon Ketter Mildred Ketter James Kew ’86 Dana Lobmeyer Keys ’96 Robert & Marilyn Kharouf Larry Kibler Scott & Jill Kielty Virginia Kierl Charlotte Kilgore Michael ’72 & Elizabeth Demay ’69 Kilian Don Kilkenny John ’68 & Maria Kilker William & Marianne Kilroy Micah Kimball Susanna Kimbell John Kindel Christina King ’08 Christopher King ’00 Glory King James ’71 & Barbara Latz ’71 King James ’65 & Lydia Moya ’66 King Jeanne King Monika Middleton ’85, G’13 & Stephen King Raymond & Linda King Theresa Ellis King, M.D. ’81 Wendy King Marjorie Hammond ’70 & Gary † Kinzer Linda Kiolbassa Steve ’79 & Patricia Kipp Kurt & Julia Kippes James & Patricia Kirchner Bernard, M.D. ’37 & Lila Kirk Patrick ’95 & Jennifer Porter, D.D.S. ’96 Kirwan Charlie & Christine Brown ’05 Kissling John Kite William Kitusky Gary & Kay Klamerus Norman & Susan Klamm Charles Klapp ’75 Nancy Wetta Klapp ’75 William ’82 & Joanne Henneberry ’82 Klasinski Allyson Klaus ’12 William & Brenda Klaus Celeste Leary Klebba ’49 John ’68 & Carolyn Klebba Ellen Klein John & Anne Klein Kimberly Klein G’11 Laura Klein ’12 Steven & Brigetta Klein Virgil & JoEllen Klein

William Klein Margaret Hendricks ’76 & Bill Kleine Peter & Karol Kleine Kasey Klenda ’09 David ’94 & Tiffany Opsahl ’94 Klenke James ’61 & Kathleen Klenke Kenneth ’60 & Mary Klenke Suzanne Klenke ’93 Phillip ’88 & Denise Klevorn Stanley & Janet Kliesen Walter & Mary Kliethermes Jonathan & Elaine Klincik Michael & Leslie Kline Eric ’91 & Sarah Klingele Eugene & Joyce Klingele Patricia Hogan ’84 & Greg Klinglesmith Daniel Klinkner Tim, Ph.D. ’75 & Elizabeth Kloppenborg Alvin & Elaine Kloss Donald ’74 & Kathleen Tjaden ’75 Klosterman John & Mary Kluesner Marybeth Kluesner Anne Nottbusch Klump ’74 Philip, D.D.S. ’84 & Maureen Bayer ’85 Klump Jerome ’60 & Satsuki Knapczyk David & Joan Knapp Robert & Barbara Knapp Helen Kneib ’71 Duane & Regina Knight Charlene Armijo ’64 & Richard Knipfing Kenneth & Judith Knobbe James ’83 & Virginia Latz ’81 Knox Phillip ’58 & Shirley Stengel ’61 Kobett Jeanne Falke Kobler ’63 Joseph, Ph.D. ’64 & Carolyn Fetko ’66 Kobos Brian & Michelle Koch Carol Widman ’68 & Stanley Koch Carol Koch, Ed.D. Daniel & Lisa Koch Albert ’57 & Barbara Kocour Julie Kurzdorfer Kocour ’62 Frank Kodell ’64 William & Mary Koederitz Bette Koehn Chester & Leola Koehn Lyle & Joyce Koehn Rebecca Koehn Alexander & Mary Kay Koenen Michael ’77 & Suzanne Galli ’76 Koenen Clare Koezly ’15 Ed & Monica Koezly Albert & Patricia Kolarik Anne Kolarik ’78 Mary Anne Kolb William ’74 & Loretta Kolb Marilyn Kolbeck John & Joan Koller Paul ’85 & Debra Koller Barbara Kolner Shoko Shiga ’64 & Yoshiaki Komaya Linda Komornik ’77 Jonathan ’02 & Laura Konrade Richard & Debra Konzem James, D.D.S. ’84 & Elizabeth Kopfensteiner Charles Kopke Matthew Kopp Monica Kopp Stephen & Gabriel Kopp Therese Kopp Paul & Rita Koppes Richard & Connie Koppes Thomas & Carol Koppes Patricia LeRoy Korkowski ’75 Kathleen Korpieski


Leo Korsick Keith ’75 & Elizabeth Nickel ’75 Korte Lori Kosek Bret ’08 & Jill Reiff ’08 Kotrba James Kottwinkel ’66 Albert Kovac Edward, Ph.D. & Martha Kovach Kirk ’81 & Jeannette LaGue ’81 Kowalewski Theodore ’49 & Thelma Kozan Russell, M.D. ’63 & Betty Kraeger Peter & Monique Kraemer Philip & Laurie Kraemer Francis ’63 & Elizabeth Kram Chad ’03 & Joy Cross ’04 Kramer Kyle Kramer ’99 Patrick ’57 & Sandra Kramer Sara Flax ’98 & Jeff Kramer Patricia Kramper Ralph, M.D. ’67 & Carol Kramper Larry Kraus Lawrence & Roberta Kraus Thelma Kraus William & Debra Krause Karl ’64 & Phyllis Krchma Sue Kreamer Marty & Beth Krebs Catherine Hawes ’71 & James Krebsbach Jon ’04 & Rachel Hunninghake ’05 Krebsbach Sandra Feld ’64 & Kraig Kreikemeier Donald ’71 & Jane Kohake ’72 Kreimer John Kreipe ’71 Steven & Kathleen Kreitner Sue Ella Krenger Douglas & Kristi Kretchmar Lori Krey Russell & Suchitra Krishnan Myjak Lisa Krivachek Ernest ’90 & Stephanie Grewe ’91 Krogmeier Richard ’55 & Mary Krolak James G’92 & Sharon Krone Rita Kropp Joe & Mary Krstulic William & Lydia Krueger Daniel and Susan Kruessel Ronald ’55 & Betty Krupp Janmaarten & Maria Kruseman Elaine Krusemark Lucas ’06, G’07 & Megan Buddenbohm ’08 Krusemark Ruth Krusemark, D.M.A. ’73 Nicoline Kuadzem ’10 James Kubik Mary Margaret McBride Kucera ’52 Kristopher & Jami Kuckelman Jerome & Mary Kuehl Joshua Kuestersteffen ’13 Michael & Christine Kuestersteffen George & Mary Kuhlmann Jeffrey & Teri Kuhnert John & Mary Kurt Dave & Mary Ellen Kutchback Richard Kutlas ’58 Susan Kuwitzky Barbara La Forge ’60 Philip & Nancy Lacey Theodore ’55 & Peggy Lacina William ’01 & Nina LaFavor Brian ’00 & Jaclyn Lehman ’99 Laffleur Joseph ’69 & Karen Laffleur William & Christine Lafser Rev. Brian Lager ’04 Ronald & Linda Lager Rick ’75 & Eileen LaGrotta Thomas ’76 & Nancy McCann ’76 Lahey Anne Lamansky


Bernice Lambert Brett Lambert Gerald ’67 & Anna Marie Lammers Holly Lancaster ’11 Lisa Lancaster ’96 Donald Landoll Grant & Mary Landry Roger & Doris Landwehr Rex & Elizabeth Lane Paul & Teresa Lanfermann James Lang ’80 Robert ’10, G’12 & Alexa Duval ’10 Lang Mark ’99 & Beth Klingele ’99 Lange Sherry Mefford Lange ’60 William ’70 & Janet Doughty ’71 Lange Gene & Tricia Langel Albert Langsenkamp Sara Langsenkamp Robert ’70 & Shirley Lanham Tina Lankas Lisa LaNoue ’88 Mark LaNoue ’80 John & Gina Lanz Matilda Burns ’85 & Gregory LaPlante Elizabeth LaPorte Dennis & Jean Larkin Angela Elliott ’89 & Jayme Larocca Zakary ’13 & Anna Pavlovich ’13 Larsen Eric & Lori Larson George ’71 & Martha Laslo Robert Lastelic Mary Kierl ’73 & John Latenser Grant, D.O. ’03 & Michele Gamboa ’03 Latta Kyle Latz ’09 Paul & Barbara Laubacher Siegfried & Barbara Laubenstein Megan Hasenohrl Laufenberg ’99 Shirley Farnan Laughlin ’56 Madeline Coldren ’09 & Brandon Laun John Laurie, IV Lance Laurie Rick & Sophie Lausman James ’87 & Mary Radetic ’87 Lauterwasser Gary & Patricia Lavezzi Eugene & Jean Lawhon Catherine Lawler Jacquelyn Lawless ’13 Jonathan ’84 & Sharon Lawless Dennis ’87 & Jolene Sarraillon ’87 Lawlor Linda Lawlor Alex Lawrence ’13 Paul & Debbie Lawrence Robert Lawson, D.O. ’61 Ellen Lawson-Gilgovan ’64 & Gary Gilgovan Thomas Laylock Gene ’54 & Janelle Knoedel ’56 Lazzo Robert & Jeanette Le Pique Shaw ’07 & Maureen Rielley ’08 Leach Patricia Leahy George ’65 & Edrea Learned Robert & Alberta L’Ecuyer Johna Leddy Colleen Kelly Lee ’81 Jon & Colleen Lee Shong Sai and Yer Lee Thomas & Cinthia Lee Sr. Mary Celine Leeker ’60 Sarah Leesman ’08 Ann Hennessey ’52 & William LeFevers Joy Legault Robert & Leann Legault Gregory & Margaret Leger Seth & Lana LeGrand Maree Lehman ’14

Ronald Lehmann ’75 Brian & Jacquie Lehner Mark Lehner ’06 James ’68 & Sandra Leibrecht Patricia Leiding Lucy Leighton Thomas & Jeanette Leighton Delbert ’51 & Dolores Leiker Mark & Angela Leiker Michael ’64 & Donna Mitulski ’64 Leinen Eugene ’56 & Jeanette Leise Helen Leise Mark ’92 & Tamhra Leland Nikki Lemen Bud & Mabel Lemke Lindon Leners Elizabeth Burke ’85 & David Lentz Marc Lenzini Mathew ’89 & Ann Mooney ’88 Leonard Rita Leonardi ’55 Robert ’73 & Patricia Lepp Sandra Leroux Edward, M.D. ’85 & Lisa Ludwig ’85 Letourneau James Levandoski Francis ’69 & Barbara Levy F. William Lewis ’60 Geraldine Lewis James ’04 & Kathleen Voboril ’04 Lewis Marisol Perido Lewis ’94 Patrick & Cathleen Lewis Robert ’69 & Gilda Lewis Rosalyn Lewis Ruth Lewis ’70 Sean Lewis ’10 Joseph ’66 & Sue Jaeger ’66 Ley David & Carolyn Lickteig Diane Eckert ’75 & Richard Liebsch Michael Liedtke Randall Lieser Dorsey ’51 & Virgina Lightner John Liljestrand, M.D. ’88 Vera Sanchez Liljestrand ’89 Marilyn Lillie Christine Linck ’07 Richard & Jo Ellen Lincoln Kathleen Miller ’86 & Tracy Lind Patricia Lindell Walter & Mary Lou Lindeman Joshua ’08 & Alena Cooney ’08 Lindsey Rita Lindsey Leland ’82 & Therese Kobe ’84 Linman Kent & Lori Linnebur Mark & Michelle Linnebur Wayne Linnebur Michael & Penny Linscott Gary, Ph.D. ’62 & Judy Lipe Martin Lipic Brigid Aileen Lipinski James Lipovac Robert & Susan Lippert Margaret Redmond Lister ’65 Karen Martin ’91 & Rick Litschgi Zane Littlefield Josephine Lee ’57 & Ignatius Lo Joseph & Trish Lobb Mary Ellen Lobb Tara Lobb Angela Loch ’84 & David Loch Jay & Vicki Lock Kathleen Lockwood Anne Loethen ’04 Gerald & Tammy Loew Emily Lofy Kara Logan Stephen & Kristen Logan

Stan & Leslie Logsdon Larry & Trudy Lohman Leann Lolli Philip ’93 & Jennifer Lombardi Amy Smith ’94 & Edward Lomshek John Londoff Andrew Long Christina Umscheid Long ’88 Dennis & Patricia Long Doug & Donna Long Douglas Long ’88 Justin Long ’06 Marilyn Long Douglas G’07 & Anna Longstaff Maridell Loomis Mario, M.D. & Donna Loomis Bruce & Brenda Loosbrock Florian & Mary Ann Loosbrock Stephen Loosbrock David ’01 & Emily Suelter ’00 Lopez Manny & Vivian Lopez Matthew & Barbara Lopez Clinton ’55 & Carol Lord Bernice Lorimer Donald & Debra Lorsung James Losey ’06 William & Carol Losey Charles Lottes ’75 Daniel & Carolyn Loughman Stephen, O.D. ’85 & Barbara Doherty ’84 Loughman Jean Applegate ’74 & John Loughran Patricia Louko ’70 Ralph ’58 & Trudy Lowder Barbara Lowe Kimberly Lowe Linda Lowe Gregory Lower Stuart & Twanda Lower Terri Lower Vaughn & Sharon Lower Kathleen Lowman Daniel & Julie Loya Steve & Mary Loya Steven Loya Trinie Loya Christopher & Kelli Lubbers Cathy Lubovich George Lucas, M.D. ’43 Ronald ’63 & Maryann Sieckhaus ’66 Luchtefeld Rev. Kenneth Ludescher John, D.D.S. ’56 & Leona Luebbe Joseph Luebbert Michael & Bobbi Luebbert Lee Roesel ’80 & Harry Luechtefeld Tyler Lueckenhoff ’11 Gina Sanders ’11 & Russell Lueger James, D.O. ’73 & Joan Lueger Marissa Lueger ’13 David ’68 & Diane Luetkenhaus William Luff ’58 Maria Luis Amy Luke Frank Luke ’75 Paul Lukosi Bryan Lundgren Ralph, Ph.D. & Nancy Lundgren Jean Lunt John & Darci Lunt Joan Lus Michael & Kathleen Lutito Barbara Lutz Greg & Marci Lutz Micah Purslow ’93 & Michael Lutz Norman & Doris Lux James ’69 & Carole Lyke Daniel ’68 & Judy Lykins Marcia Lykins James & Christine Lynch

Floyd & Theresa Lyssy Leota Maag Mary Machado Edward, Ph.D. & Carol ’95 Macierowski Jane Macke ’72 Douglas & Denice Mackey Sandra Kriegshauser Mackley ’70 Marcia Munro ’75 & Ronald MacLennan James ’60 & Loretta Madden Elaine Mader, M.D. ’78 Joan Horan Madgett ’58 J.D. & Carol Madigan Joseph & Eileen Madigan Matthew ’02 & Michelle Youngman ’99 Madison Toinette Madison Lisa Madsen Julie Magaña J. Philip ’64 & Kathleen Magers Stephen Magoc Carolyn Maguire Kathleen Maguire ’74 & Tom Fritts Mary Maguire Robert & Julie Maguire Kevin & Allyson Maher Robert Mahon Carolyn Boone Mahoney, Ph.D. ’68 Diane Reicks ’76 & Stan Mahoney James ’94 & Marea Mahoney Rev. Robert Mahoney, Ph.D. ’52 Stephanie Mahoney Grace Fukuyama ’64 & William Mahr Mary Ellen Tobin Mahr ’58 Craig & Julia Mahurin Jack Mahurin Martha Mai Peggy Mailen James & Julie Mainelli Robert ’61 & Nancy Mainey John ’63 & Geraldine Majerus Judi Maker Rachel Malinauskas ’12 Jo Ann Karl ’55 & Charles Malita Antonio Malkusak & Diane Slusarski-Malkusak Robert ’60 & Mary Mallon Charles Malloy ’72 Mary Ann Malloy, M.D. Terrence, Ph.D. ’95 & Kristen Malloy Irene Rottinghaus ’65 & Joseph Malone Molly Malone ’85 Mary Maloney Raymond Malospiriti ’73 Francis & Virginia Malouff Drew ’12 & Katherine Bohl ’11 Maly Christopher Mancinelli Elizabeth Coxen ’71 & Paul Mancini Nicoleta Manciu, M.D. Robert, Ph.D. ’52 & Alma Mandeville Steven ’84 & Debbie Mandeville Anthony & Heather Manganaro Pinky Mangold Michael ’68 & Vicki Manly Thomas & Kathleen Mann Jeanne Mapes Michael ’75 & Jody Mapes Curtis & Judith Marchand Deborah G’06 & Jim Marchand Mary Mariani, D.D.S. ’83 † Edwin & Anita Marin Cayetana Maristela ’85 William ’45 & Betty Markey Michele Baker ’90 & Michael Markham Nancy Markley Stephen ’68 & Elizabeth Markley Addison ’83 & Mary Rose Koechner ’83 Marquart

Alvin Marquart Martina Sanchez ’58 & George Márquez Alexander & Patricia Marrack Jill Marshall William ’71 & Joan Marstall Barbara Martin Brandon ’02 & Jill Hentzen ’03 Martin Catherine Martin Gerald & Janette Martin James & Mary Martin Jeffrey & Lee Ann Martin Keenan Martin ’13 Kelsey Martin ’13 Kenneth ’66 & Emilie Martin Michael & Clara Martin Ray & Luella Martin Steven & Rebecca Martin Anthony Martinez ’09 Joseph & Esther Martinez Juan & Nancy Martinez Marie Carroll ’89 & Orlando Martinez Phillip Martinez, D.C. Richard & Anne Martinez Kenneth ’78 & Teresa Martz Dennis & Susan Marx Jordan Marx ’04 M. Alexander ’85 & Bridget Broker ’87 Masotti Patti A. Masotti Tracy Graboski ’92 & David Massey Lawrence ’71 & Ingrid Masters Richard Mathews ’72 Jeanne Mathy Joseph ’92 & Amy Matisek Montgomery & Patricia Matlock Dan & LouAnn Matous Grace Mattaliano James Mattea, Ph.D. ’65 Laura Matthews Morris & Bridget Matthias Sarah Gresham, Ph.D. ’06 & Kevin Mattler Robert & Christina Matulis Ann Harrity ’82 & Fred Matz William ’48 & Betty † Matzeder Steven ’71 & Yvonne Voelkerding ’73 Maune Michael ’80 & Joan Maurer Stephen & Catherine Maurin John & Karen Mauro Amy May Michael Maybee Joanne Kolich ’81 & John Mayfield Bernard ’71 & Carol Mayse Robert ’74 & Virginia Maziarz Imogene Gregory ’53 & Joseph Mazur Samuel ’10 & Michelle Kerschen ’09 Mazzarelli Ronald ’72 & Marie McCullough ’72 McAdams Jeffrey & Maureen McAnarney Kristin McArthur Deborah McAuliffe Senner ’82 & Scott Senner Mary Alice Galbreath McBain ’70 Dorothy McBride Kristen McBride ’06, G’14 Patrick ’76 & Mary Pat Cooney ’79 McBride J. Michael ’84 & Marlene Cook ’85 McCabe Judith McCaffrey Theodore ’72 & Judith McCaleb Bill McCallum Pamela McCann ’80 Mary McCann-Sanchez ’77 & Jose Sanchez Colleen McCarthy Daniel & Patricia McCarthy

Rev. Donald McCarthy ’62 John ’56 & Kathleen McCarthy Mary Ellen McCarthy Nancy McCarthy ’75 & Colin Cohen Robert ’77 & Krislyn McCarthy Matthew & Elizabeth McCartney Roger & P. A. McCarty Jay ’81 & Kirsten McCauley James McChesney John G’01 & Leslie McClaflin, D.D.S. David ’91 & Mary McClain Michael ’69 & Lucinda McClain Tara McClanahan ’10 Phyllis Brooke ’63 & Theodore McClard B. Joseph McClorey ’98 Marilyn Melkus McCluskey ’65 Daphne McConnell, Ph.D. Janice McCorkle Lynn McCormack ’69 Bernarda Reavis McCormick ’69 Robert ’74 & Michele McCormick Russell & Sharon McCort Sarah McCort ’05 Cynthia McCown James ’52 & Kathleen McCoy Wallace & Maureen McCubbin Leanna Cimino McCully ’73 Mark McDaniel G’14 Dorothy Ernzen McDermed ’55 Kevin ’82 & Theresa McDermed Michael McDonald ’69 & Anita Cooper Erika McDonnell ’09 Patrick ’56 & Marie McDonnell Catherine McDonough ’14 Maria McDonough ’12 Nathaniel McDonough Nick McDonough Patrick & Pamela McDonough Randy & Carol McDonough Thomas & Mary McDonough Gary & Kay McDowell Kathryn McDowell ’08 Tom & Terry McDowell Scott ’08 & Meghan Kelly ’09 McEvoy Thomas ’68 & Janet Hilger ’68 McEvoy William & Jo Ellen McEvoy Robert & Theresa McFarland Mae McFarren James ’69 & Margaret Beilein ’70 McGauley Terry, M.D. ’73 & Susan McGeeney Kendall ’94 & Melissa McGibney Thomas & Lucille McGibney Mark ’75 & Carolyn McGinn Gary ’62 & Judy McGinness John ’56 & Mary McGovern Richard ’52 & Lucille McGovern Timothy & Anne McGovern Joseph & Valerie McGrail Brenda McGrath Daniel ’63 & Margaret Ann McGrath Gary ’58 & Frances McGrath John ’81 & Teresa McGreevy Pauline Robl McGreevy ’62 Kathleen Kennally ’78 & Kevin McGrew Joy Regan Wright McGuire † Mark ’77 & Barbara † McGuire Matthew McGuire Michael ’70 & Debbie McGuire Sean McGuire ’14 Thomas ’73 & Mary Hosty ’76 McGuire Lawrence McHugh ’61 James McInerney ’76 Thomas & Diane McIntee Matthew McIntosh, Ph.D. ’91 Mary Ellen Quinn ’51 & Jerry McKain Andrew McKeegan ’11 John & Theresa McKeegan Dolan McKelvy

Kathleen McKelvy ’67 James ’66 & Kathleen Eckart ’67 McKenzie Kevin & Kelly McKeough Brandon ’96, G’99 & Christy McKibben Thomas ’58 & Janet McKnew Charles ’60 & JoAnn McLaughlin Annie McLeod Gregor G’99 & Ashley McLeod Jeanne McMahon Kyle McMillian ’06 Richard ’55 & Margery McNally Bernard McNamee Thomas ’68 & Jane Froning ’67 McNassar Lucas McNeely ’11 Elaine McNeill ’71 Patricia Kappler ’58 & James McNulty Celine McPeck Jim McPhetres Josephine Bremmer, Ph.D. ’55 & Hugh McQueen Michael ’64 & Ginger McReynolds Edward ’54 & Ann McShane William & Anne McSweeney Kevin & Colleen McVaney Steve & Nancy McWhirter William ’63 & Diane Mealy Daniel ’65 & Jo Ann Schaefer ’66 Meara Larry & Connie Mears Peter & Francine Meatte Beverly Medina-Valdez Kevin & Angie Medow Brian ’95 & Nicole Klinginsmith, OD ’95 Meerpohl Doug & Jody Meier Leonard & Sondra Meier Patricia Meier G’14 Richard ’74 & Renae Meier Eugene Meiners ’63 Harry ’68 & Mary Meinhardt Dan & Mary Meisinger Daniel & Laura Meixner James & Mary Meixner Juan Mejia, Ph.D. ’71 Joan Melancon ’58 Patricia Wolters Melching ’58 Richard, D.D.S. ’75 & Denise Melichar Anne Mellesmoen James, Ed.D. & Denise Mello Genievie Melott Jack & Danette Melott Vincent Melvin Judith Menden Katherine Mendenhall ’11 Steven & Roberta Mendenhall Robyn Mendiola Barbara Menke Stephen ’72 & Barbara Menke Ted & Cindy Menzel Gregory & Lucy Menzia Ione Meoska Richard, Ph.D. & Mary Ellen Fischer, Ph.D. ’67 Mercer Rose Farnan Merchant ’61 Daniel ’65 & Lorraine Mercure Larry & Adele Merkel Eline Merten Robert ’60 & Rita Merz Patricia Graham Messbarger ’56 Alan & Lynne Mestdagh Hope Metzgar ’12 Matthew & Kim Metzgar Susanne Voda ’80 & Thomas Metzler Darla Meyer James ’65 & Jo Ann Meyer Jay ’69 & Barbara Meyer Kathryn Wallmark Meyer ’61


Patricia Meyer Luke ’97 & Rebecca Block ’97 Meyers Maria Meyers ’97 Leo ’72 & Kathy Miceli Philip ’75 & Marie Miceli Harold & Deidre Michael John & Pamela Michels Gary Mick Jeanne Langenfeld Mikesell ’79 Lonnie Mikkelson Molly Milana ’11 Joan Whelan ’61 & Ken Milani Ronald ’71 & Valerie Miles Timothy ’81 & Rita Milford Frank ’68 & Jean Clark ’69 Milik Alex Miller ’11 Barbara Miller Brenda Cantwell ’79 & William Miller Carrie Rolling ’96 & Joe Miller Cheri Miller Christopher ’85 & Dawn Miller C. James & Linda Miller Clifford & Kathy Miller Edwin & Lina Miller Judy Miller Matthew Miller Michael & Carolyn Miller Raymond & Joan Miller Richard & Shelly Miller Ronald & Anita Miller Teresa Corrigan ’81 & George Miller Kenneth Mills Leland & Theresa Miner Kathleen McCarthy ’83 & John Minicky Alan & Gloria Minnick John ’94 & Angela Minnis Matthew ’11 & Mary Katherine Pecha ’13 Minnis Steve Mirarchi Lorraine Mischke Charles ’68 & Joann Misko Keith ’95, G’00 & Dione Wilson ’95 Mispagel Joseph ’62 & Vicki Mitchell Patricia McHenry Mitchell ’59 Sara Mitchell James ’70 & Linda Slack ’72 Mizeur Barbara Mizik John Mlinar John & Jeanne Modlin Andrew & Jeanne Moeder Carl Moeller Leo Mohrman David & Carol Moline Anna-Allyce Mollman Gregory & Juli Mollman Matthew & Janis Mollman Joseph & Jo Ellen Monahan Michael & Laura Monares Eileen Halpin Monteil ’51 Patricia Monteverde Joseph ’09 & Lauren Fajardo ’10 Montgomery Lonnie Montgomery Mary Montgomery Barbara Engelken ’80 & Ted Montoia Robert ’70 & Marilyn Montoya Ryan ’97 & Lisa Moody Bertha Mooney Dee Mooney Eric ’12 & Katherine Moore ’12 Mooney Pete † & Kathy Mooney John Moore Mary Moore Susan Moore Timothy Moore Victoria Moore James Moorman ’69 Richard Moorman


Charles ’59 & Marjorie Moos Marilyn Slief Morales ’48 Anna Moran Michael Moran Patrick ’64 & Nancy Moran Rosemary Moran ’60 Jacqueline Morano Michael & Wendy Morano Barbara Dennison ’55 & Harold Morgan Bruce B. Morgan, Ph.D. Gary ’57 & Carol Morgan Rev. James Morgan Sandra Morgan G’07 Eugene Morin Robert ’53 & Rose Morin Charles ’50 & Natalie Schroeder ’51 Moritz Ronald Morley ’67 & Petrina Krimm-Morley David Morphew & Theresa Mally John & Sue Morris Jon & Linda Morris Kristen Morris Mary Kreifels Morris ’75 Roger Morris Sylvester Morris ’61 Thomas Morris ’04 Jody Morrison Karen Miller ’74 & Ralph Morrison Marlyn ’57 & Alice Morrison Timothy ’81 & Theresa Morrison Travis Morrison Amy Morton Ruth Morton Thomas & Priscilla Morton Michele Morton-Best Joseph & Debra Mortus Paul ’76 & Anna Mosbaugh Jennifer Moser Scott & Susan Moser Craig & Paula Moss Susan Nordin ’83 & Marvin Motley James Mount ’70 Orvis & Virginia Mowery Tom Moxley Paula Moyer Robert Moyer ’90 Marcus Muallem Sharon Muckey John G’07 & Joan Muehlberger Victoria Muehlebach Greg & Wendy Mueller Iva Mueller Linda Mueller Marguerite Mueller Anne Muenks ’12 Patrick & JoAnn Muenks Thomas & Audrey Mueting Darrin, Ph.D. & Dina Muggli Norbert ’61 & Marlou Muhlbauer Thomas & Christine Mulcahy Joel & Megan Mulder Edward & Valerie Mulholland Timothy ’87 & Silvia Mullane Yvonne LeMoine ’57 & Cleo Muller Michael, Ph.D. ’79 & Rebecca Baker ’79 Mullican Randy & Maureen Mullis John Mulvey ’85 & Gay Miller Michael & Connie Mumford William & Kathleen Mundie Kevin & Carol Munroe James Munsey & Denise O’Connor-Munsey Peggy Munson Stanley ’64 & Kathleen Moss ’67 Munson Richard & Beatrice Muraski Bertha Murphy

Briana Murphy Carol Lauriski Murphy ’81 Dennis & Cheryl Murphy James Murphy John ’68 & Janice Jarchow ’68 Murphy Joyce Schachtner ’71, G’98 & Dennis Murphy Larry ’70 & Carol Keith ’70 Murphy Mary Coffeen Murphy ’51 David ’65 & Kathleen Holbrook ’67 Murray Dennis ’70 & Patricia Murray Padraic ’89 & Lila Murray Warren Murray ’66 Charles ’63 & Barbara Murrell John, Ph.D. & Mary Margaret Murry John ’71 & Barbara Shores ’72 Mutchek Benjamin Myers Lynn G’01 & Bernadette Myers Margaret Myers Sandra Horvath Myers ’77 Gordon & Susan, Ph.D. Myers Carol Nabelek Robert ’58 & Jo Ann Nadeau Robert & Ellis Naegele Anne Robben Nagle ’52 † Michael ’69 & Jeannie Nagle Carole Gibbons ’62 & Charles Nahlik Suzanne Naiman Tom & Tonia Nance Albert ’87 & Mary Sanduski ’88 Narvaez Jay & Jane Narverud Stevan ’96 & Katie Nasche Joyce Tolle Nash ’53 James ’61 & Winifred Lundy ’64 Nass Helen Sarg Naughton ’42 Most Rev. Joseph Naumann, D.D. Elaine Pivonka ’82 & Timothy Navickas Donald ’65 & Shirley Navinsky William ’73 & Lynne Nebel Michael ’65 & Linda Neenan Patricia McCann ’72 & Thomas Neis, M.D. Julie Nelson Kathy Nelson Kirsten Nelson Michael & Denise Nelson Patricia Nelson Timothy Nelson ’86 Walter ’51 & Mary Jo Nelson Joseph ’57 & Jane Nerney Thomas ’60 & Maryanna Nerney Roxanne Didde ’78 & Mark Netemeyer James Neuhoff ’06, G’07 Robert & Andrea Neuhoff Mary Neuman Keith ’58 & Marilyn Nevins Staff of Newbery, Ungerer & Hickert Lynn Newkirk Dennis ’67 & Mary Noonan ’67 Newman Ellen Daldrup Newman ’56 Lillie Nguyen Reynaldo Nicasio James ’62 & Mary Nicholson Anthony Nickel David ’79 & Kathleen Nickel Terry Nickel Thomas ’65 & Sandy Glavin ’67 Nickel Benjamin Nicks ’40 Joseph & Karen Nicoli Stacy Niedbalski ’02 Eileen Marquez ’72 & Lloyd Nielson Kathy Nieman Eric & Lois Niemann Ferd ’76 & Barbara Niemann Thomas ’83 & Meleia Niemann

Mary Niemczyk, Ph.D. ’82 Louise Nieters Michael Nieto ’92 Patricia Robl Nieto ’60 Damaris Niewald Lisa Neumann ’82 & Salvatore Nigro Margaret Meara Niles ’62 Randy & Diane Nill Katherine Prohaska Nilles ’61 Shiela Ninowski Andrew Nistler ’13 James Nistler Joseph & Roxie Nistler Steve & Rose Nistler Werner & Colleen Nistler Yvonne Noggle Daniel & Joyce Nolan Mark & Catharine Nold Kurt ’77 & Susan Norris ’78 Nolin Joseph & Cheryl Noonan James Nordhus ’57 Larry & Ellen Nordhus Mary Norick ’85 Margaret Norman G’14 Marcel & Helen Normand Richard & Nancy Normand Tyler & Caryn Normand Louis ’51 & Irene Normandin Gary & Patricia Norris Kendra Norris Steven Northcraft ’70 Karen Norton Peter & Kristin Norville Abigael Novak ’10 Michael & Susan Nowak Timothy Nowak ’10 Robert ’62 & Nancy Henley ’62 Nowatzke Betty Nunnink Michael, Ed.D. ’62 & Maurine Nuschy Ray & Pauline Nuss Kim Nuxoll Kent & Beverly Nye Timothy ’94 & Louise Oakeley William ’64 & Susan Oakes Daniel & Nancy Oates Dan & Carie O’Banion Luke ’01 & Elise Oberley Steve & Lisa Obermeier Kellie Obermueller Robert ’62 & Julia Oborny Paul O’Boynick Dennis & JoAnn O’Brien Edward & Connie O’Brien James & Jane O’Brien Kathleen Burdiek ’79 & Dan O’Brien Tarren Bartlett O’Brien ’88 Thomas ’68 & Barbara O’Brien Thomas ’60 & Doreen O’Brien Maureen O’Brien-Tchang, Ph.D. ’91 & Michel Tchang Erin Occena Luis & Kathleen Occena David ’70 & Patricia Frawley ’70 Ochs Kenneth & Diane O’Connell Michael & Julie O’Connell Robert ’65 & Arline O’Connell Danny & Katie O’Connor Jimalee O’Connor ’79 & Loren Ross John O’Connor ’54 Mark ’83 & Michelle LaNoue ’83 O’Connor William ’72 & Elaine Holthaus ’72 O’Connor William ’66 & Jeanne O’Connor Jeff & Karen Oddo Mary O’Donnell ’69 Sean ’75 & Pamela Hundt ’75 O’Donnell Michael & Christina Odrowski

Mary Cleary ’53 & Warren Oeff Robert O’Gara ’61 Michael & Barbara O’Grady Lois O’Halloran ’76 James & Kathleen, Ph.D. O’Hara Carol Ramaekers ’69 & Edward O’Hearn Carolyn O’Hearn Richard ’61 & Mary O’Herron Paul Ohlendorf ’71 Jerome Oidtman ’55 William & Diane Ojile Gayle O’Keefe Marilyn Malnar ’63 & William O’Keefe Martha Sellmeyer ’59 & Maurice O’Keefe Robert and Gayle O’Keefe Sharon Liwski ’85 & Patrick O’Keefe Nancy O’Keeffe ’72 & Frank Thomas, M.D. James & Carolyn O’Laughlin Dale Olberding ’86 Paula Lange Olberding ’86 Rita Oldani Peter & Julie Oliver Thomas & Joan Oliver Thomas & Margaret Oliver Timothy & Rosalie Olmsted Timothy & Amy O’Loughlin Patricia McCormick ’62 & Victor Olson John & Jackie O’Malley Patrick ’77 & Margaret Hughes ’80 O’Malley Mary Russell ’64 & Kevin O’Mara Teresa O’Neil Shawn O’Neill Lynch Radu Oprea ’93 Mary Dunn ’64 & William Ordway Lori Oriatti Arthur & Marianne Orkin Jana Orlando Eileen Murphy Orlet ’52 Karen O’Rourke Bethany Orr Michael & Anita Orrick Jennifer Ortega Leo Orth, Jr. ’67 Charles Osburn Joseph Oser Brent Osland Leland ’59 & Irma Ostdiek Kim ’77 & Antonina Brennan ’78 Osterhaus Craig & Jeri Ann Ostertag Carole Ostling Mary Ellen Ostrowski ’14 John O’Sullivan, Jr. ’58 Juanita Oswald Karen Leahy ’83 & Robert Oswald Steven & Joyce Oswald Carl & Paula Ott Melissa Ott Theresa Ott Thomas & MaryLynn Ott Fay Overfield Carolyn Overstreet John Owens ’67 Mark Oxler Patricia Euler Oyerly ’65 Joseph Ozbolt ’66 Carlos & Teresa Pacheco Carlos Pacheco, III ’10 Lawrence & Mary Pacheco James & Anne Packard Brian Paden Keith & Christy Paden Pamela Paden Kathleen Pagan Kevin, Ph.D. & Susan Page Sergio Pagés

Steven ’82 & Tina Pahls Doris Boehm ’66 & Richard Painter Joseph ’75 & Terryl Pajor Ray Palacios Richard Palazzolo ’62 Don Palermo ’50 David & Lorene Palm Eugene ’82 & Darlene Palsmeier John Palsmeier, Ph.D. ’06 Ted & Lillian Palsmeier Jerome Paluka ’69 Carmen Palumbo Janet Ketter ’74 & Mark Pankau Stephen & Joyce Ann Pankiewicz Lu Ann Pankratz Russell & Gail Panza Anthony ’62 & Patricia Paolucci Dominic ’10 & Kelly Paolucci Regina Paolucci ’14 Steven & Madeleine Paolucci Nancy Paradise-Donaldson Charles ’45 & Alice Parcell Norma Boschert ’68 & Howard Pardieck Stephen Park ’70 Christopher, D.O. ’90 & Rozina Parker David ’93 & Lisa Parker Ellen Parker ’10 Keith ’10 & Marisa Spain ’11 Parkhurst John Parkos Thomas & Lisa Parnow Ronald ’61 & Darlene Parr Michael ’74 & Margaret Parrino Joyce Ketter ’81 & Bill Partin Trisha Hackmann Pashik ’97 Craig Pasquinelli Constance Lohmann ’72 & Henry Passaro Anne Wurtz, Ph.D. ’86 & Kevin Passino Laura Erbs ’83 & John Paszkiewicz Ann Patterson, Ed.D. ’84 Janet Andra ’64 & Horace † Patterson Matthew Patterson G’14 Michael & Paula Patterson Tim Patterson Tom & Katie Patterson Cathryn Coldwell Paul ’60 Timothy & Cynthia Paul Kenneth & Margaret Paumen James ’67 & Mary Ellen Paunovich Michael & Mary Pavelko Robert, M.D. ’61 & Cynthia Pavlu Alana Payne Karen Payne Margene Pearce Eloise Pearson William ’65 & Joan Pearson Seth & Lindsay Peattie Charles ’59 & Joyce Pecora Patrick Peddecord ’58 William ’74 & Edith Pedley Dominic, M.D. & Bernadette Pedulla John Pedulla Maria Pedulla John Peer ’03, G’07 Philomene Peete Sarah Harris ’01 & Charles Peitsch Daniel & Lisa Pelikan Emily Pellarin ’12 Janice Benda ’59 & Raymond Pelster Wilfred ’67 & Cecelia Peltier Stephen ’57 & Molly Penny Robert & Carol Pennycuick Abigail Perdue ’06 Gordon & Suzanne Peredo Jessica Macias Perjes ’02 David ’57 & Adele DeFeo ’57 Perkins Mary Hegarty ’90 & Joseph Perkins Morris & Valerie Perkins Jason Perry

William & Carol Perry Emily Perser ’13 Patricia Person Michael Pesely ’14 D. Gregory ’82 & Monica Sherman ’82 Peter David & Laurie Peterman Eugene ’54 & Mary Peters Joan Muckley ’77 & Joseph Peters Martin ’66 & Catherine Peters Sam & Sharon Peters Nancy Vienhage ’79 & Joe Petersen Terry & Cheryl Petersen Andrew & Mary Ann Peterson Christy Peterson John & Susan Peterson Stephen Peterson Wayne & Susan Peterson Francis & Gladys Petesch Nancy Petroske Francis Petruccelli ’11 Joseph & Mary Ann Petruccelli John & Patricia Pettey Michaela Pezza ’14 Don & Mitzi Pfannenstiel James & Sharla Pfeifer Cody Pflugradt Courtney ’07 & Katherine Brynac ’07 Pflugradt Christine Pham Vera Pham Jeffery & Virginia Pheatt Megan Phelps Theresa Phillippo Gregory & Maria Phillips Jean Lankenau ’84 & Stephen Phillips Michael & Susan Phillips Rita Gages ’54 & Norbert Phillips Alexa Phillips-Corr Steven & Christine Pick Daniel Pickert Steven Pickert ’99 Timothy ’72 & Jane Van Garsse ’74 Pickett Germain G’01 & Shannon Pickman Christine Smith ’91 & Kirk Pierce Donnie & Loretta Pierce John & Mandy Pilla Edward ’57 & Jeanne Hupf ’58 Pillar Barbara Pinaire Zachary Pinaire ’09 David & Eileen Pinedo Steven & Ann Pink Michael ’85 & Kris Piontek Peter ’07 & Tessa Leach ’07 Piscitello Esther Pistek ’11 Francis & Elaine Pistek Leonard Pistek, Sr. Leonard & Cindy Pistek Paul Pistek Irma Pittroff ’52 William, Ph.D. ’51 & Darlene Pivonka Ann Place Leonard & Patricia Plank John & Mary Ploehn Robin Plohr Robert Poeling Nathan Poell ’97 & Megan Phelps JohnPaul & Alouisette Poelman Mark ’87 & Deborah Griffin ’89 Poelzl Annette Fick ’71 & Steve Poettgen Irma ’92 & Jim Pokorny Irene Spitsen ’78 & Jim Pollard Mindy Krupinski ’80 & Mick Pollock Mary Randolph Pope ’60 Kathleen Popelka Philip Poplaski ’75 Don Popovic Peter & Ange Popovich Chuck Popp

Naomi Popp ’14 Thomas & Ruth Popp Joseph Porretta Ron & Amy, Ph.D. Posey Richard & Sharon Post Alexander Potthast Thomas & Genevieve Potthast Adam & Amy Halling G’08 Potts Josh ’09 & Amy Pound Derek Powell ’07 Lloyd & Cindy Powell Desmond ’59 & Gretchen Powers Dean & Rozanne Prather Jenna Prather ’13 Carl Pratt ’64 Denise Pratt ’94 Brian ’84 & Kelly Ayer ’84 Preiss Nathan & Jeni Prenger Greg & Heidi Preslicka Colleen Harris ’86 & Robert Price John & Jan Price John Price Joseph Price ’05, G’09 Linda Price ’62 Patrick, M.D. & Cyndy Price Robert & Daryn Price Stephenie Price G’14 Thomas ’78 & Donna Block ’78 Price Robert G’00 & Terry Pritchett Jane Kennedy ’71 & Charles Proctor Michael & Barbara Proffitt June Gross ’62 & Tony Prom Ronald Proodian Francis ’51 & Viola Moeder ’55 Prosser John Prost ’13 Warren & Deborah Prost Kathleen G’98 & Paul Ptasnik Andrew Pucinski ’12 Michael, Ph.D. ’58 & Candace Pufall Michael & Karen Pulk Stanley & Kristin Purdy David Puricelli John, Ph.D., D.D.S. & Patty Purk Michael & Peggy Purkerson Richard ’67 & Barbara Purschke Robert ’65 & Denise Purschke Michael ’62 & Norma Purslow Polly P. Purslow-Holmes ’84 and Mark Holmes Patricia Purtill Matt & Margret Pustejovsky John Putnam William Putthoff ’60 Thomas ’72 & Janette Putz Dennis & Amy Pyle John ’67 & Elissa Pylilo Peter & Mary Quense James Quick ’64 Lillian Fisher Quigley ’51 Alison Quinn ’83 Richard & Patricia Quinn Robert & Mary Quinn Thomas ’70 & Mary Quinn Timothy & Laurie Quinn Rita Lundstrom ’86 & Jon Quintana Phillip Quo ’59 Michael & Sarah Rabbitt Jo Ann Feltmann Radetic ’72 Mark ’76 & Mary Radetic Martin Radetic ’93 Matthew ’78 & Sharon Radetic Michael, D.D.S. ’72 & Linda Radetic Luis Raez, M.D. & Aida Chaparro Bobbi Rahder Matthew, Ph.D. & Jennifer Ramage Cheryl Rambour Barbara Dorney Ramirez ’60 Paula Ramirez Paul & Mary Ramm Samuel, D.D.S. & Edith Ramos


Charles ’84 & Margo Ramsey Matthew, Ph.D. ’99, G’05, Henry & Olivia Ramsey Patrick Ramsey ’66 William Ramsey ’07 Patricia Randall ’64 Dean Randash Marlene Rankey Daniel ’01 & Addrianne Stinson G’13 Raplinger Eric Raplinger ’10 Victor ’75 & Salam Raskovsky Shannon Augustine ’02 & John Rasmussen David ’60 & Agnes Rasure Jeanette Rau Stephen ’68 & Virginia Barron ’68 Rau Keith & Lucille Rawson Wilson ’74 & Barbara Ray Richard Raymond Michael & Barbara Rea Tammy Reach Lewis Real ’59 & Lucinda Sachs Rev. Patrick Rearden, O.P. ’53 Karen Reaves Rosalia Redelsperger Marilyn Redetzke ’54 Mark & Barbara Reding Michael, M.D. ’69 & Hanna Reding Jolene Reeh Thomas Regnary ’53 David & Shirley Regonini Constance Reichart ’62 Donald & Joan Reichenberger Tom ’60 & Kathleen Reichenberger Jennifer Reick John Reid ’92 Kathleen Reid G’14 Nate & Judy Reid John ’65 & Ellen Reidy Michael & Melanie Reidy Jim Reiker Connie Reilly Edward Reilly John, M.D. ’62 & Barbara Meyer ’62 Reilly Patrick & Patsey Reilly Patrick ’72 & Karen Bell ’72 Reilly Paul ’77 & Brenda Reilly Barry & Karen Reindl Kennan ’86 & Meredith Reinert Mary Ann Reinert Tom ’76 & Linda Reinhardt Rose Mary Schmiedeler Reinig ’54 Christina Reischl ’10 Benjamin Reisner Joseph ’58 & Jane Reiter Mary Darby ’64 & Robert Reiter Gordon Reiz G’14 Bonita Rekucki Jerry ’81 & Kerrie Rellihan Connie Remetch Marcia Renken Albert & Mary Renkey Michael ’75 & Kathleen Yeado ’74 Renner Donald ’55 & Margaret Gulde ’57 Rettenmaier Greg & Maureen Reuter Daniel Reynolds ’06 Katherine Reynolds ’11 Mark & Ann Reynolds Molly Reynolds ’06 Daniel & Gina Reynoldson James ’60 & Virginia Rezac Rex ’81 & Chivonne Rezac Steven Rezin Joseph Reznik ’61 Donald & Mary Jane Rhea Sandra Rhea


Joel & Debbie Rhein Rhonda Rhoades Ruth Rhoades Andrew Ribbing Wayne & Lisa Rich Ida Swiderski Richardson ’44 Jack Richardson Diane Richter Ralph Richter Regina Ricker Chris & Diana Ricketts Zachary Ricketts Jaci Hermesch Riddell ’03 Glenn & Colene Ridder Joseph & Christine Rider Andrew ’89 & Tracy Riedel Mary Hill ’57 & Robert Riedel Mildred Rieke Michael ’82 & Sandra Rieker Mark & Judith Rielley John ’78 & Maureen Riffle, M.D. Daniel ’59 & Sandra Riley Rose Mary Strathman Riley ’53 Raymond, Ph.D. ’67 & Mary Milleret, Ph.D. ’70 Ring Mary Ringel Robert ’63 & Joyce Ringel Edna Ringhofer Wanda Ringhofer Augustine ’73 & Kathleen Riolo Charles ’67 & Bernadette Hieger ’68 Riordan Robert & Maureen Riordan Michelle Rioux ’05 Carol Rippe Robert & Amy Riscoe Beatrice Risvold Johnny & Renee Riter Eric Rittenhouse G’01 Kristie Ritter ’10 Tom & Martha Ritter Barbara O’Rourke Ritz ’53 John & Kathy Ritz Dana Rivard John Rivard Marlys Rivard Stephanie Rivard Ellen Lister ’54 & Richard Roach Joseph & Margaret Roach Jason & Judy Robbins Harold Roberts Richard & Jeannie Roberts Robert Roberts Susan Roberts Theodore & Suzanne Roberts D.J. & Vickie Robertson Steve & Susan Robertson Tracey Robin Carrasco Alyne Robino ’70 David ’98 & Anna Robinson Michael & Elsa Robinson Tom ’58 & Frances Robinson Jean ’79 & Thomas Robison Richard, Ph.D. ’58 & Candace Robl Lincoln Roblee Francisco Roblees Carl ’53 & Agnes Robst Rev. Richard Rocha ’85 William & Margaret Roche Joshua & Kelly Rock Barbara Rockers Cassandra Rockers ’13 Christopher & Judith Rockers Robert Rockett ’71 Rudy & Judith Rockey Brian ’93 & Kathleen Jones ’94 Roder Celestino Rodriguez ’70 Paul ’12 & Joyanna Deniger ’12 Rodriguez Diane Rodts

Bill & Donna Roe Bruce & Susanne Roeder Mary Mayo, Ph.D. ’66 & John Roeseler Francis ’69 & Elizabeth Hirsch ’71 Rogan Charles Rogers ’65 Charles ’60 & Anita Rogers David & Mary Rogers John ’64 & Kathy Rogers Susan & Lauren Rogers Tiffany Cope, D.O. ’03 & Eric Rogers Dean & Cynthia Rohm Zachary Rohm Mary Rohn Betty Thompson ’63 & Joseph Rolling Dustin Roloff Lawrence ’73 & Karen Rolwes William & Penny Rombach Alan & Constance Ronnebaum Christine Ronnebaum ’91 Gina Ronnebaum ’89 Ann Rheinberger ’86 & David Rood Michael & Janyce Rooney Robert & Kelly Roper Lorne & Kathleen Rosand Raymond & Leanne Rosato Harvey & Vicky Roseberry Linda Rosenberg, D.D.S. Julia Roskos Christopher ’88 & Carolyn Ross Christy Ross David & Linda Ross David Ross Gary & Marcia Ross John ’84 & Madelyn Ross Jon ’02 & Danielle Ross Joseph ’93 & Angela Ross Loretta Downey ’61 & J. Michael Ross Robert & Kelly Rossato Kristen Rosser ’12 Thomas Rossini Irene Rossmeisl Loretta Spaeth ’67 & James Rost Peter & Barbara Roszel Christopher Roth ’02 Robert ’61 & Angela Hickman ’61 Roth Wilmetta Roth Susan Roth-Allen Teresa Rotkowski Elmer ’56 & Delores Rottinghaus Emmett ’58 & Kathleen Winter ’68 Rottinghaus Kevin & Donna Roush Paul & Carolyn Rowden Michael ’12 & Katharine Bachkora ’12 Rowland Randy & Vicki Rowland Brenda Weber ’76 & David Royer Cindy Bryant ’79 & Malik Rubaie David & Christine Rudeen Nick Rudolph ’11 Thomas Rudolph Duane Rueb ’77 Noel G’98 & Jeannette Rueb Jo Anne Lammert ’61 & Dennis Ruether Paul ’60 & Elizabeth Ruff Steve G’11 & Amy Rufino Gerald & Betsy Ruiz Daniel Rujawitz Gerald ’66 & Nancy Runyan Sandra Rupp Susan Floyd ’65 & John Rupp Nicholas & Jenny Ruppert Heather Rush Jerre Baker ’86 & Daniel Rush Jolene Rush Donald ’70 & Sandra Ruskauff Anne Gleason ’56 & Daniel Russell Scott ’88 & Kelly Mullins ’88 Russell

Michael & Juliann Russo Mary Cole ’72 & Mike Rutherford Brent & Joy Rutledge Demby & Phyllis Rutledge Tom Rutledge Cora Kuhn Ryan ’59 James Ryan ’69 James ’84 & Dorothea Ryan John ’64 & Mary Ryan Mark ’80 & Barbara Engelmeyer ’81 Ryan Rose Ryan Christina Ryburn Rhonda Leonard ’87 & Matthew Rydberg Ray Ryland Robert & Michelle Rysavy John, Ph.D. & Jeanne Rziha Charles & Michele Saad Robert & Rebecca Sabata Michael & Cynthia Sabatini Mariellen Cunningham Sabato ’43 Fred, M.D. ’67 & Barbara Sachen Judith Sternhagen Sachs ’68 Paul ’81 & Geralyn Grote ’82 Sachs Maureen Gibbons Sadowski ’57 Neil ’73 & Susanne Saettele Thomas Saeugling Benjamin Safranski Valerie Gully ’84 & Richard Saiz Thomas ’85 & Michelle Oswald ’85 Sak Denise Koetting ’94 & Chris Salanski Maribeth Samenus-Chambers Bradley Sameshima ’91 Shari Samuels Diane Sand Stephen & Janice Sander Deanna Haddad ’85 & Andrew Sanders Reliford, Ph.D. ’83 & Karen, Ed.D. Sanders Ann Sandhorst ’74 & Robert Lederman Diann M. Sandridge James & Constance Sanduski William Sanford ’77 Rose Sapelli Thomas & Linda Sarmo Stephen ’55 & Patricia Dorney ’55 Sasenick Timothy & Susan Sasse Pedro & Maria Saucedo Deborah Sauer Thomas & Diane Sauter Paul & Pauline Savageau Emma Sawin ’12 Hannah Sayre ’13 James & Maria Sbarro Joseph Sbarro ’14 Susan G’06 & Douglas Scalard Joseph Scarola Frank & Stephanie Scavuzzo Jacob ’12 & Mary Toates ’13 Schaad Mary Schaap Joseph ’84 & Joyce Schaefer Mary Trujillo ’79 & Mark Schaefer Maureen Schaefer Patrick & Jeannine Schaefer Robert & Mary Schaefer Robert Schaefer Shannon Schaeffer Anne Schafer ’10, G’13 Deborah Schafer Gordon Schafer Todd & Elsbeth Schafer Jack ’70 & Matrice Willerding ’70 Schafers Melanie Schaller Craig & Kate Schannuth Lynn Schaper

Paul Schaus, M.D. Phillip Scheerer ’84 Edward & Loretta Scheetz Kolbe Scheetz ’07 James ’57 & Wendy Scheid Matthew Scheipeter ’11 Theresa Schekirke & Charles Dixon Fred ’62 & Margaret Schellenberg Mary Erpelding ’62 & Harold Scheopner James ’73 & Patricia Boos ’73 Scherer Paul ’71 & Gerry Scherer Martin & Denise Schermoly Alvin Schettler Ralph & Laurette Scheve Rev. Brian Schieber Keith & Alison Schieber Ronald & Stephanie Schieber Linda Deters ’98 & Mark Schieferecke Carolyn Brendel ’64 & P. Carl Schiele James ’73 & Mary Kramer ’73 Schier Patrick Schille Harry ’73 & Donna Schillinger John ’77 & Vicki Schindler Leon & Karen Schlangen Barbara Schleicher Joseph ’68 & Mary Schleicher Joseph & Diane Schletzbaum Kenneth ’69 & Karen Schlipman David & Cynthia Schluender Edward & Ann Schlueter Patrick & Valerie Schmalz Joseph & Rebecca Schmid Andrew ’91 & Suzanne Brom ’90 Schmidt Delbert & Rosanne Schmidt Donald & Carol Schmidt Gregory ’73 & Maureen Mathews ’75 Schmidt James & Cecelia Schmidt Jacob Schmidt John & Elsa Schmidt John & Jennifer Schmidt Stanley ’72 & Kathleen Higley ’72 Schmidt Stephen, Ph.D. ’78 & Zsuzsanna Schmidt Patrick ’57 & Margaret Bisbee ’58 Schmiedeler A.J. Schmieder Daniel & Angela Schmieder Jim Schmieder Joe Schmieder Rob Schmieder Mary Schmitt Thomas & Janet Schmittgen Benedict & Stephanie Schmitz Charles ’50 & Elaine Schmitz Charlie Schmitz Dennis Schmitz ’83 Giles & Roxie Schmitz Gretchen Ploehn ’96 & Jake Schmitz Norbert Schmitz ’49 Stephanie Herman ’90 & Benedict Schmitz Caitlin Schneider Cameron Schneider Cathy Schneider Irene Schneider Jeffrey Schneider ’89 Mark & Susan Schneider Marvin & Marietta Schneider Mary Claire Schneider Matthew ’05, G’07 & Jessica Fayette ’05, G’09 Schneider Nancy Schneider Paul Schneider Ralph & Leota Schneider Roy & Cynthia Schneider Thomas Schneider, M.D.

Todd & Tracy Schneider William Schneider ’61 Lawrence & Patricia Schneier Laura Lynn Schneller ’12 Randall & Caroline Schnoebelen Jeanne Keith Schnurr ’80 Marcus ’11, G’00 & Kelsie Redinger ’12 Schoch Sam & Patricia Schoenfelder Matthew Schofield Stephen & Joyce Scholten Trevor & Kristie Scholz Margaret Schopp Christopher ’73 & Janet Schottel Melvin & Susan Schrader Donald Schramm James ’91 & Julie Lester ’91 Schreffler Harry & Diane Schreiber Patricia Klaus Schreihofer ’71 Cory Schrick ’01 William ’87 & Tina Hoynacki ’87 Schrimpf Ann Taphorn, M.D. ’85 & Patrick, M.D. Schroeder Betty Schroeder ’63 David Schroeder George ’58 & Anna Schroeder Mary Kreuzberg Wichert ’52 & Joe Schroer Stephen & Dolores Schroff Martha Schuckenbrock Karl ’66 & Jane Schuele Christine Zeller Schuetz ’79 Daniel ’68 & Linda Schuetz Kara Schuetz ’06 Deborah Schulte Emmett, Ph.D. ’58 & Mary Ann Zavadil ’59 Schulte Jon & Nancy Schulte Joseph & Mary Schulte Kaitlyn Schulte ’14 Matthew Schulte ’08 Mary Schulte ’76 & Thomas Maul Terry & Trish Schulte Andrew & Melanie Schultz Heidi Schultz ’11 James ’66 & Dorothy Schultz Katelyn Schultz ’14 Randall & Kristine Schultz Rick & Mary Schultz Rose Erpelding Schultz ’60 Theodore ’55 & Catherine Costa ’55 Schultz Jackie Schumacher Mark & Ann Schumacher John ’84 & Joan Fangman ’83 Schuster Theresa Schuster Richard Schutte Mary Wallerstedt Schwab ’41 Brent & Patricia Schwab Arlene Schwabenbauer C. Frederick Schwaner Jeffrey ’85 & Marie Montgomery ’85 Schwaner Brock Schwartz ’04 James Schwartz ’67 Jeanette Schwartz Catherine Schweiger Susan Schwein Matthew ’05 & Mikki Tibaldo ’05 Sciba Mark & Susan Scieszinski Byron Scott ’86 Cecilia Scott Dan & Jennifer Scott Jean Grosdidier ’66 & Arthur Scott Kimberly Scott ’13 Larry & Kathleen Scott Jeffrey & Joan Scovell David ’59 & Carol Scyoc

Lynne Seashore Leo ’73 & Maureen Dwyer ’74 † Sebus Mallory Pickman ’09, G’09 & Michael Seckman Daniel ’72 & Vicki Sedlacek Sandra Seebeck James ’85 & Kathryn Seeberger David ’08 & Kristin Hingula ’09 Seefeldt Raymond & Julie Seefeldt Jerome Seeger ’57 Scott & Ann Seele David & Janet Seeman Gary ’67 & Gloria Seib Richard ’73 & Nancy Seidl John & Reine Seiler Antonia Seitz William Selenke David Sellinger ’94 Patricia Selzle Rosanne Selzle Thomas Selzle Thomas Selzle, IV Dorcie Semones Howard Semones Robert Senecal Paul Seppel Judy Serbousek Marilyn Serge Robert Serra John & Brenda Serrano Frank & Delores Serrone Larry Servaes Gerald & Robyn Setter Ralph ’52 & Shirley Settle Dominick & Ashley Severance Joan Severance John Severance Marion Severance Sarah Severance John ’68 & Karen Gormley ’69 Severin Mary Sevigny Terrence Sexton Amelia Sextro Christopher & Karen Seymour Jeanne Culivan ’51 & John Shackleford, Ph.D. Abe Shafer Joy Shaker Robert & Robin Shalz Robert & Becky Shamess Margie Shamess Tracey Shamess-Fish Susan Pfeifer Shammo ’83 Lyle & Louise Shattuck Cody ’06, G’08 & Kim Shaw Sharon Smart ’75 & Brian Shaw Sheila Shaw William ’70 & Brenda Smith ’70 Shaw Travis & Katie Shaykett Frances Shearer Gerald ’69 & Patricia Sheehan John, M.D. ’55 & Karen Sheehan William ’47 & Frances Sheehan Eleanor Schmitt Sheehy ’46 Patricia Murphy ’64 & Robert Sheets Clifford Sheffield Gary Shelby ’01 James & Mary Sheldon Alan & Eva Sheley Daniel ’09 & Lisa Cawthra ’08 Sheley Lauren Sherf ’12 Clement ’75 & Barbara Sheridan David Sherman ’87 William ’77 & Karol Shields Don Shiffermiller Andrew Shinn ’83 Tom Shippy Erin Shirey Larry Shirk

Tim & Theresa Shmidl George ’75 & Joyce Shomin William Short G’14 Thomas Shortell, D.D.S. Rebecca Landwehr ’74 & Thomas Shrimplin Thomas, M.D. ’77 & Celina Shriwise Russell & Laura Shupe Kelly Higgins ’86 & Michael Sickafoose Barbara Powers Sidders ’64 Robert ’65 & Mary Sidman Constance Ertz Siefken ’72 Madeline Sikora Richard ’51 & Anna Silha Robert ’78 & Susan Simanowitz James Simecka ’58 Frederic ’74 & Lori Simmens Jon & Cindy Simmons Frank ’65 & Judith Simonich Raymond & Paula Simonich Dorothy Simpson Michael & Amy Simpson Richard ’64 & Sheila Sims Marilee Sinclair Sara Singer ’04 James ’64 & Patricia Sinner Marlene Haverkamp Sinnott ’56 Thomas & Paige Sipp Pat & Judy Siracusa Rose Ann Sittler ’70 Rev. Eugene Sitzmann ’58 Michael ’64 & Aracely Sitzmann William & Catherine Skaggs James ’75 & Martha Clark ’78 Skain John & Sara Skees Pamela Skroch Thomas & Johnette Skubal G. Diane Slater ’72 Mary Slattery Carolyn Bergman Slaughter ’64 & Jim Kurtz Shawn & Julie Slaven Jodi Sledd Marilyn Sliman Carol Sloan Elizabeth Hruska ’05 & Paul Slobodnik Janet Hunt Slocombe ’92 Gene Slone Stella Slot Julian, Psy.D. ’65 & Betty, Ph.D. Slowinski Najla Sluder Sandra Sly R. Christopher ’02 & Saundra Small Bruce & Kathy Smilie Kelly Smilie ’05 Addie Smith Anne Pinkelmann ’89 & Mark Smith Anne O’Donnell Smith ’88 Bethany Smith Bradley & Julie Smith Clara Smith Cynthia Smith Edward ’61 & Rita Umscheid ’63 Smith Elizabeth Monahan ’56 & Philip Smith Francis ’59 & Geraldine Smith Gary & Ann, M.D. Smith Jacquie Smith James & Debra Smith James ’66 & Louanne Claussen ’68 Smith Jean Bailey ’71 & Stephen Smith Jeanne DeWitt ’68 & Daniel Smith Jeffrey & Charlene Smith John ’64 & Rita Smith Katherine Smith ’51 Kirk Smith Margery Laughlin Smith ’51 Mary Haldorsen ’60 & Ernest Smith


Michael & Susan Smith Miles Smith Paul & Tami Smith Paul ’72 & Jewell Smith Paul Smith Peter ’79 & Cheryl Smith Ronald & Juanita Smith William, Ph.D. ’53 & Joyce Smith William & Leah Smith Donald Snapp ’74 Mattie Boone Snell ’67 Wendell ’97, G’04 & Jaime Snodgrass Alvin & Aireen Snyder Brian & Pam Snyder Frank ’50 & Joan Solari Rev. James Solari, O.S.B. ’52 David Soloperto ’75 James ’71 & Mary Montgomery ’71 Soloperto Patricia Stanley ’79 & Damon Soltys Elizabeth Wendell ’71 & Gary Sommerhauser Lynn Sommerstad Daniel & Kathleen Sonnek Larry & Shirley Spain Natalie Spalj Daniel & Shawna Spangler James & Anna Spargo Joseph & Samantha Spargo Jim Sparrow Joe & Elizabeth Specht Lois Speer William & Denise Spelic Randall & Kimberly Spellins Edward Spence ’66 Jonathan Spencer ’08 Rose Meinhardt ’89 & Alan Spicer Edwin, Ph.D. ’71 & Dorothy Davidson ’72 Spicka Daniel & Terri Spilde Joseph ’68 & Rosemary Beckman ’71 Spillane Jo Ann Spitsen Tambi Spitz ’02 Kellie Spoerl Mary Jane Turner ’69 & Calvin Spradley Charles ’07 & Patricia Sprouse Chuck & Sonia Sprouse Elizabeth Schlueter ’99 & Edward, S.T.D. Sri Terrence & Christina St. Hilaire Norine Staab Rebecca Sudtelgte Staab ’02 Rita Struewing ’59 & Ronald D.D.S., Staab Steve & Trish Stacey Daniel ’72 & Dil Stack Richard & Karen Stadler Diana Stadtler Robert & Claudia Stagg Joe Staggenborg Ann Stahlschmidt Rev. Gary Stakem, O.F.M. Cap. Robert & Joan Staley Deborah Huninghake ’75 & Thomas Stallbaumer Matthew Stallbaumer ’99 Richard ’62 & Margaret Heininger ’65 Stallbaumer Robert & Judi Stallbaumer Carol Chopp ’68 & Gary Stamm Loretta Stamp Fielder ’72 John ’73 & Patsy Stander Rev. Francis Stanfield ’51 Michael Stang ’91 Gregory & Susan Stanich Justin ’83 & Patricia Ritchie ’81 Stanley Nathan ’04 & Lauren Stanley Sarah Rietman Stanley ’61


Craig & Lori Staples Ronald & Patty Stark Kelly Kovac ’87 & Kevin Starkey John & Kelly Starman Keith Starr ’09 Andrea Meyer ’68 & William Staudenmaier Catherine Moore ’72 & James Stauss Susan Stawaisz Roxane Mueting ’88 & Michael Stec James & Ellen Steele Judie Steenberg Benedict Stefanek ’56 Sandie Steffes John ’62 & Mary Steichen Kent Steinbrueck ’78 Sarah Steindl Robert ’70 & Susan Steiner Julie Steinkamp Timothy & Mary Beth Steinkoenig James ’75 & Sue Stejskal Karen Stenger David & Sandra Stepanovic James ’58 & Rosemary Stephan Rosemary Stephen-Hassard Ashton Stephens ’13 Joshua ’99 & Misty McBride ’98 Stephenson W. Patrick ’71 & Nancy Sterner Debra Stetina Francis & Jane Stetson Mary Stevens Francis ’69 & Kathryn Stevenson Rita Stevenson Milton ’73 & Roberta Steward Stephen & Elizabeth Stewart Robert & Kathryn Stewart Jeanie Ryan Stiles ’51 James & Irma Stillwell Matthew Stillwell ’09 John & Janet Stine Matthew & Stephanie Stinson Hugh & Catherine Stirts John Stiver ’94 David & Abbie Stockard Deborah Carrabino Stocker ’70 Margaret Stohr ’46 Christina Stokman Maria Stokman Paul & Lisa Stokman Phillip ’79 & Marisue Kuzila ’79 Stoll Edwin and Mary Stolte Cecilia Stoltman Harvey & Mary Stone Nathan Stone ’11 Paul & Jane Stone Tona Stone Meredith Stoops ’11 Morris & Celeste Stoops Patrick Stoops ’10 Janice Storey David Storla Paul & Michele Storment James ’59 & Frances Stover Eric ’96, G’98 & Patricia Strathman William Strathman ’70 Kaela Stratman ’11, G’13 Katie Stratman-Shiffermiller Marlene Merten ’56 & Joseph Strauss LaVern & Teresa Strecker Michael Strecker Sally Doyle Stricca ’58 Valerie Stromquist Donald Strothkamp ’60 Deborah Strunk Rev. Andrew Stueve Judy Stueve Leo ’57 & Molle Stueve Allison Brancato ’08, G’12 & Jacob Stuhlsatz

Mark Stuppy, M.D. Twila Stutz Gaston & Kristi Suarez William ’60 & Lina Sublette Patricia Suellentrop ’92 Jason ’97 & Sherri Shonka ’97 Suelter John ’64 & Patty Suholaski Joseph & Paula Suhr David Sullivan ’12 Jane Sullivan Katelyn Sullivan Lisa Schneider ’88 & Tim, D.V.M. Sullivan Lori Swymeler Sullivan ’84 Mark ’82 & Jane McBride ’84 Sullivan Mary Sullivan Michael & Mary Sullivan Mike Sullivan Tim & Connie Sullivan Richard ’76 & Pamela Peterson ’76 Summers Rosemary Hughes Sumpter ’01 Colette Chang ’63 & Shan Sun Gunnar & Deborah Sundby Gerva Sunneberg ’70 Curtis & Margaret Supalla Edward & Kathy Surbrugg Meredith Surbrugg Richard & Karen Surbrugg Todd & Carol Surdez Devia Surma Ken & Dawn Surmeier David G’02 & Debby Sutley Patricia O’Hanlon ’80 & James Sutterer Larry Sutton, M.D., Ph.D. & Sophia Yu Andrew, S.T.D. ’04 & Sarah Henry ’04 Swafford Larry & Anna Swafford Don and Jean Swanson Meg Swearingen Eileen Sweeney ’58 Patricia Peterson Sweeney ’50 Susan Sweeney ’72 Dennis ’61 & Victoria Swenson Jane Swenson Msgr. Stuart Swetland Jeff & Laura Swift William & Barbara Swift Mark & Patricia Swiney Robert ’58 & Marilyn Swoboda Rodney & Lois Symmonds Barbara Stinebaugh Symns ’78 George & Suzanne Sypher Paulette Szczepaniak John ’75 & Connie Szczepanik David ’77 & Patricia Mohatt ’76 Szott Michael ’00 & Maria Vigliaturo ’01 Tabor John & Claire Tacka Carolyn Tacy Dale Taff Kevin & Denise Taggart Janice Taliaferro James Tank ’55 Dolores French Tannehill ’48 Marjorie Tansley ’67 Rev. Joseph Taphorn, J.C.L. ’93 Erin Tappan ’09 Lucas, D.M.A. ’04 & Catherine Sigle ’05 Tappan Joshua Tatz Laura Taube ’83 Raymond & Isela Tautges Megan Klump ’10 & Jeremy Tay Betty Taylor Cari Baughman ’93 & Mike Taylor James Taylor Jennifer Gill ’91 & Todd Taylor Kimberly Wohlgemuth ’91 &

Christian Taylor Michael & Loretta Taylor Paul Taylor ’84 Duncan Teague ’79 Jack Teegarden ’51 † Dan & Janet Teets Terrence & Barbara Tekip Marjorie Tello Robert W. Temm Robert & Brenda Tener James ’87 & Marie Cathers, Ph.D. ’88 Tennant Charles ’74 & Jo Ann Tentinger Corazon Tenza Janet Teran Joseph Terick ’07 Patrick & Judith Terick Richard ’52 & Teresa Terrell Richard & Gloria Terrill Christopher ’09 & Michelle Collins ’09, G’10 Thacker Phillip & Rebecca Thacker Chengny Thao G’14 Jason ’05 & Sarah Korkames ’06 Tharp Michael ’67 & Shelley Tharp Vincent Tharp Randy & Mura Thatcher Douglas & Catherine Thayer Edmund Theis Duane Theisen Alan ’68 & Cynthia Thibault Frank & Marie Thibodeau James & Darline Thiede Richard & Dianna Thiede Margaret Jurschak Thielen ’58 Francis ’60 & Nancy Thissen Louis & Nadya Thole Michael & Linda Steele ’83 Thom Becky Kendrick ’61 & Thomas Thomas Billy & Lisa Thomas Brian & Rose Thomas Emily Thomas ’10 Gina Rodriguez ’96 & Christopher Thomas Jacqueline Thomas Jane Thomas Joe & Nancy Thomas Mike & Ann Thomas Terence, Ph.D. ’74 & Anita Betzen ’73 Thomas Beverly Thompson Cass Thompson ’70 Elizabeth Marshall Thompson ’56 Leonard & Sylvia Thompson Reed Thompson Sean ’90 & Julie Stoddart ’90 Thompson Teresa B. Thompson Thomas Thompson, Ph.D. ’74 Timothy ’71 & Susan Thompson Timothy Thompson Tom & Susan Thompson Kevin & Colleen Thoresen William ’69 & Cynthia Thorne Juanita O’Connor ’62 & James Thornton Lawrence & Teresa Thornton Marion ’84 & Denise Thornton Craig ’07 & Angela Thorpe David & Joan Thrash Bob & Karen Threlkel Michael & Cheri Throop Margaret Moslander Thull ’55 Allen & Jacqueline Tibbs James & Joan Tidball David & Janice Tidmarsh Patricia D. Tierney Matthew & Brenda Tietema Mark G’01 & Kelly Tighe

Rosalie Wurtz ’62 & Thomas Timlin Betty Becker Timmerman ’55 Douglas & Catherine Timpe Arkom, M.D. & Libda Tivorsak Russ & Blair Toates David & Lucille Tobben John & Tamela Tobia Mary Ann Tobia Marianne Lash ’60 & George Tobias Richard Todd William ’51 & Beverly Todhunter Kathleen Cyr Corrigan-Toews ’88 & Reagen Toews Pamela Tokerud Clark & Nancy Toner Rachel Toner ’12 James ’70 & Joan Moone ’70 Toplicar Anthony ’58 & Virginia Torchia Paul ’87 & Karen Torline David Tornetto ’76 Roxana Bradley Tosterud ’97 Brandon Tosti Patricia Kelly Tower ’56 William & Virginia Toyne Elizabeth Tracey John & Susan, Ph.D. Traffas Marilyn Swoboda Traffas ’64 Tu & Anne Tran Michelle Tranckino ’14 Mary-Ruth Traver Julie & Dennis Treacy Jacquelyn Treco Anthony ’61 & Mary Tremmel Robert ’57 & Judith Trocke Steve & Suzi Troester Edward & Debra Trompeter Michael & Dona Trotter James & Carol Trouba Roseanna Rohaus ’02 & Lance Trout Michael, M.D. ’66 & Linda Tueth Thomas ’68 & Rita Tueth Robert & Beverly Tumberger Gina Tupy Edwin & Melissa Turbyfill John Turek Jean-Claude Turgeon Thomas, M.D. & Anne Turnbaugh Br. Luke Turner, O.S.B. ’83, G’14 Mary Turner Philip & Lisa Turner Phyllis Turner Joseph ’84 & Maureen Brophy ’83 Turney Marcene Zimmerman ’56 & Richard Twark Daniel ’74 & Nancy Tweedy Trudy Seifner ’51 & Earl Twenter Robert & Cynthia Ulin Daniel & Diane Ulmer George ’62 & Delores Underwood Christopher ’94 & Kelli Unnerstall Paul Unnerstall Jason Untrauer Alexander Urban ’13 Jerry & Bernadette Urban Ralph & Joanne Urevich Benedict & Elizabeth Ursanic David & Lynn Vaillancourt Alex Valdez Alex Valdez Frances Lopez ’64 & Gilbert Valdez Maria Valdez Joseph ’84 & Laura Valenti Mario Valenti Sheila Valentino Thomas ’74 & Colleen Van Ampting Daniel ’97 & Sheryl Van Anne Kyle ’01 & Sara Beien ’03, G’05 Van Dyke Mark & Terri Van Dyke

Raymond Van Dyke, Jr. ’62 Edward Van Hercke Janet Van Keulen Fred & Terry Van Nahmen Catherine Van Compernolle Van Ryckeghem ’57 Craig & Jill Van Wey Malleson Van Wyngarden Richard & Kathleen VanDorn Robert ’71 & Patricia Vanselow Samuel Varghese Terese Orlet ’77 & David Vargo Alberta Vasarkovy ’71 Margaret Bigelow, Ph.D. ’93 & Joel Vaslow, Ph.D. Claudia Vazquez-Reyes ’99, G’05 & Jose Vazquez-Puebla Victor & Marjorie Velasquez John ’68 & Nancy Vernon Herbert & Theresa Verslues Samuel Verslues ’86 Stephen Vertin Christopher Vettel Maggie Vettel ’11 Timothy & Sherri Vettel John Vialpando Mark Vialpando Maryellen Vialpando Alan ’80 & Jean Wetzel ’79 Vickers Pamela Vigil Innes Villalpando ’59 Mary Villim Mark ’58 & Doris Vincent Mark Vinciguerra ’75 Jodi Vinnage Gregory ’68 & Kathleen Meaney ’68 Vitello Francis, Ph.D. ’89 & Luz Elena Vitt Leo Vitt ’81 Rev. Anthony Viviano ’85 Joseph ’82 & Patricia McCullough ’84 Voda Barbara Vogan Patricia Vogel Joseph & Susan Vogliardo Donald ’76 & Ann Vogt Richard Vogt ’60 Iulia Voica John & Barbara Volk Sarah Volkmer ’12 William Vonderhaar ’68 Leo ’73 & Linda Vorwerk Samuel Voss ’02 William ’59 & Jacqueline Vossman Garrick & Bernadette Vouk Elizabeth Vrabac ’69 Sandra Vrbas David, M.D. & Marilyn Wachs Paul ’77 & Linda Wacker Daniel & Angela Waddle Gregory ’13 & Rachelle Adrian ’12 Waddle Brian ’87 & Amy Batliner ’89 Wagner C. Michael Wagner Deanna Schoenfelder ’77 & Thomas Wagner Fay Wagner John & Sue Wagner John ’65 & Lois Wagner Robert & Anna Wagner Darrell & Barbara Wagoner Valery ’62 & Judith Wahbeh Elena Wahbeh-Foster Edward & Jane Wahl Sharon Quirk ’66 & Joseph Walbran Derek Waldbillig Joseph & Melinda Waldron Michael Waliczek Ellen Walk ’53 Eric Walker G’03

Mark & Teresa Walker Nancy Walker Rene ’73 & Denise Walker Gloria Wall Kevin & Clare Wallace Katarina Waller Morgan Waller G’14 Thomas ’59 & Catherine Devlin ’59 Waller Gregory & Sheryl Walseth Patrick Walseth Andrew & Suzanne Walsh Brendan Walsh Patrick ’70 & Nancy Walsh Rebecca Wolfe ’87, G’96 & David Walsh David Waltemath ’70 Michael ’68 & Bonnie Waltemath Kathryn Morrissey ’87 & Joe Walter William Walter Steven & Randi Walters Nicole Walz ’13 Francis & Susan Wang Leo Wapelhorst ’59 Samuel Waraksa Becky Ward Kelly Ward Matthew & Alissa Kluesner ’08 Ward Stephen & Karen Ward James ’83 & Rose Zahner ’84 Warhurst Richard Waris Mary Seibold ’80 & Mark Warnack William & Denise Warneke Anne Warner Margaret Sampson ’71 & Gregory Warnusz Jamie Calcara Warren ’99 Ashley Washburn ’14 Keith Washburn G’12 Vincent Washburn Hardy ’83 & Carol Washington Seyon Washington Leon & Susan Wasinger Jeremiah Wassmer ’13 Kevin & Barbara Watamaniuk Marion Watamaniuk Elizabeth Watkins ’09 Katherine Reynolds ’68 & Richard Watkins Richard & Lori Watkins Barbara Watry Anna Watson James & June Watson Linda Waugh Debrah Wauzynski Charles ’76 & Mary Reichenbach ’74 Wavada Catherine & Jerry Wayman James ’69 & Barbara Sullivan ’69 Weaver Jeffery & Kathryn Weaver Matthew Weaver ’10 Pamela Webb Anita Siebert ’58 & Thomas Weber Barbara Weber David & Cheri Weber Gerald & Cindy Weber Katherine Weber Martha Walsh ’68 & Nicholas Weber Michael ’85 & Bonnie Weber Richard & Karrie Weber Rick ’99, G’00 & Karin Weber Sandra Weber Robert Weed ’74 & Anita Wygal Connie Weedin Norine Meyer Weekly John & Adele Weeks Bill Wegener Walter ’71 & Christine Weglarz

Philip ’67 & Judith Wegman Mary Wegmann Kenneth Wegner Vernon Wehage William Wehrman, III Michael ’73 & Deedee Weicher Thomas & Sheila Weiford James ’65 & Carol Weiland Ellen Ziegler ’01 & Ed Weiner Thomas, M.D. & Donna Weiner James ’76 & Christa Moll, Ph.D. ’76 Weisbrook Donald ’59 & Donna Weise Edward Weishaar ’61 Gerard ’65 & Jane Weishaar Timothy Weishaar ’79 Jonathan & Judith Weisiger Janet Weiss Terri Weiss Chelsea Welch Darryl & Deanna Wellbrock Catherine Weller Peter & Janice Weller Richard & Judith Weller Russell Weller Lois Armstrong ’67 & William Welliver Beverly Mayrose ’75 & James Wells Mary Ellen Kuhlman ’54 & Robert Welsh Thomas Welsh ’08 Thomas ’67 & Roberta Welsh Raphael ’61 & Mary Kay Wendling Janet Wengert ’74 Piper Wentz G’07 Beth Wepplo Autumn Werner ’09 Melvin ’67 & Judith Werner Zachary Werner ’05 Andrew Werring ’02 Mary Werring Charles & Margaret Wert John, D.C. ’72 & Karen Wertin Eric, Ph.D. & Lara, D.M.A. West Jack & Maria West Lynda West, Ph.D. ’68 Sandra West Thomas Westerman Alan Westhoff ’09 Stanley ’77 & Marikay Westhoff Gary Westhusin Dawn Weston, Ed.D. ’97, G’00 Nancy Wetherell Dennis ’87 & Carolyn Wetta James ’83 & Bonnie Winkler ’86 Wetzel Lindsay Wewel Hugo & Rita Weyrens Catherine Whalen Brendan Whatley ’12 Stephen, D.C. & Teresa Wheatley Carol Wheeler Jackie Wheeler Steven ’07, G’09 & Angela Landon ’07 Whenry Amelia White Brian & Michelle White Christopher, M.D. ’94 & Mary Urevich ’93 White David & Gretchen White Edward ’65 & Janet White Joe White Katherine White Margaret White Mary O’Connor ’67 & James White Mary Willett ’60 & William White Richard, Ph.D. & Mei-Ling White Steve & Lisa White Anne Marie Whitehead ’14 C. Patrick ’65 & Charlene Whitehead John ’61 & Linda Whitehead


Michelle White-Heon ’85 Peggy Evans ’70 & Robert Whitehouse Francis ’49 & Mary Whitesell Theresa Viveros ’83 & John Whiteside Ray Whitmer Mike & Sherry Whitmore Gerard ’62 & Mary Wickey Lawrence ’60 & Jelene Widlowski Robert Widman Joslyn Wiebelhaus Wendy Wiedemann-Hudson ’85 & Robert Hudson Richard, Ph.D. ’63 & Jane Wiederhold Bradley Wiedmann Paul Wiegand John & Rose Wiese Victoria Wiese Michael & Rosanne Wiester Robert & Jackie Wiester Jerome & Beverly Wiggs Ronald & Debra Wilczak Donald & Frances Wiles Jerry Wiles Paul Wiley Donald & Mary Ellen Wilhelm Rosemary & Les Wilkerson Valerie Lickteig ’92 & William Wilkus Aloys & Mary Willenbring Joseph ’58 & Carol DeNeen ’58 Willett Janice Willey Charles & Alisa Williams Lonnie & Sharon Williams Floyd Williams ’78 James Williams Kelly Kraft ’88 & Breck Williams Mark & Arlene Williams Stephanie Williams Thomas Williams, Ph.D. Thomas Williams Victoria Bokina ’75 & Michael Williams Rolland Williamson Bryan ’93 & Lisa Griffin ’91 Willie Richard & Colleen Willie Jennifer Willis ’85 Kay Gerhardt ’87 & M. Scott Willis Wendell & Kathleen Willis Mark & Noreen Willms Maury & Mary Wills Paul & Belinda Willy Roger & Anne Wilson Barbara Wilson Benjamin, Ph.D. ’69 & Patricia Wilson Carolyn Wilson Clare Wilson James ’60 & Earlene Carlow ’61 Wilson Janice Vonder Haar ’78 & John Wilson Janis Wilson Jon Wilson ’82 Mary Wilson Mary Beth Wilson Stacy Wilson Abigail Winder ’09 Lester & Mary Winder Kathy Windsor Mark & Cyreesa Windsor Winifred Windsor Michelle Ferraro ’71 & Robert Winfield Angeline Ohlinger Wingert ’67 Jeremy ’01 & Elizabeth Didde ’01 Winkelbauer Kenneth ’71 & Sally Winkelman Michael & Sherre Winkle Michael & Jacqueline Winn Michael ’90 & Laura Winn Karen Pratt ’95 & Dan Winsky Mary Klene ’48 & William Winslow Stuart & Karen Winternheimer Robert & Cindy Winters Mary Bergman Winterscheidt ’50 †


Robert & Ollie Winzer Judy Wipper Betty Glenski Wirtz ’46 John & Christine Wirtz Julia Hepburn Wirtz ’49 Colleen Hoban ’71 & Thomas Wisda Michelle Wisdom Clinton & Janet Wiseman Theresa Wismer ’07 John ’63 & Joyce Witsken Mary Gladbach ’66 & Jerry Witthar Dianne ’82 & George Witwer Paul & Mary Witwer Gary & Peggy Wohlgemuth Lyle ’66 & Patricia Woita Mary Ann Sudrla Wolcott ’64 John Woldum ’13 Mark & Martha Wolf Nancy Wolf Randy & Kay Wolf Francine Wolfe ’12 Philip & Mary Wolfe Karen Emmendorfer ’82 & Tony Wolken Donald, M.D. ’45 & Mary Wolters William ’49 & Edna Mae Wolters David Wood James ’63 & Patricia Wood John ’86 & Karen Grosso ’86 Wood Norma Wood Franklin Woodbury ’59 Ruth Woodland Patricia Woodrick Mary Leroy ’74 & James Woodruff Dina Wool Chanel Worderski Theresa Worman Charles & Sue Wozny James & Eileen Wraith Adrienne Wright Lindsay Wright Philo Wright Thomas ’00 & Jill Wright Thomas ’69 & Mary Hall ’69 Wright Thomas & Veronica Wright William Wright David ’64 & Karen Wulff H. Edward ’69 & Suzanne Donnelly ’69 Wulkopf Joseph, Ed.D. ’99 & Megan Wurtz Rita Kelly Wurtz ’61 Thomas ’01 & Kate Wurtz J. Mitchell ’90 & Katherine Wurzer Stephen ’68 & Jeannine Kiehl ’69 Wyatt Michael & Deborah Wykowski Joseph & Mary Yakamavich Dominic, Ph.D. ’59 & Kyoko Yang Robert ’58 & Patricia Yanics Richard & Janeen Yankowski Alice Boyle ’68 & Harold Yanow Robert ’86 & Brenda Yarnell John ’65 & Margaret Yasinsac Brad & Pat Yates James ’69 & Deborah Yates Marlys Yawarsky Han Ye Jerry & Christine Yeargain Alfred ’77 & Marva Yem Saba Yemane George ’63 & Gail Yender Marie Yoakum Brian Yockers Elizabeth Yockers Ward & Angela Yondo Michael ’89 & Delia Madruga ’89 York Rev. Patrick York ’84 Roger York Carol Godell ’64 & John Yorke Helen Yosten

Hanna Younce Allen Young Crystal Young ’13 Daniel Young ’09 Frank, Ph.D. ’62 & Mary Young Lionel, M.D. ’53 & Florence Young Marilyn Libel ’75 & William Young Mark Young Bernadette Roth ’62 & Thomas Younger David ’93 & Stacy Grazier ’94 Younger LaVern ’67 & Patty Younger Donald & Teresa Youngstrom Jessica Yurgelaitis Katherine Zackary ’11 Thomas & Carol Zackary Helen Zagar Christopher Zajdzinski Julius & Mary Zander Rebecca Zander ’14 Bernard & Betty Zarda Joshua ’97 & Chris Zaroor Mark, S.T.D. & Julia Zia Ronald & Alice Zielke Stan & Connie Zienkewicz Michael ’76 & Patricia Kreifels ’76 Ziesel Theresa Ziesel Thomas Ziesel Ralph & Angie Ziesmer Brian & Lori Zimmerman Michael, D.D.S. & Janet, D.D.S. Zingale Ralph Zitzmann ’75 Andrew ’85 & Liz Zook Edward & Joan Zook Frank Zook ’59 John Zook ’52 Virgini Zordani Susan Baker ’82 & Doug Zubradt John Zugschwert ’68 Michael & Gayle Zuk Lawrence Zukel ’59 C. Joseph & Susan Zuptich Charles Zuptich ’95 Bradley & Carol Zwick Jacqueline Zwirner


The College recognizes members of our community who gave this past fiscal year. We are grateful for their generosity and their continued commitment to the mission of Benedictine College. Humam AlMukhtar ’12, G’14 Thomas Anderson ’13 Timothy Andrews ’88 Anonymous Mary Asher ’80 Robert Asher ’89 Scott Baird, Ph.D. Amanda Amthor Bell ’12 Jane Bennett Ledeen Berry J. Elaine Bieberly Donna Bonnel Douglas Brothers, Ph.D. Alicia Brozovich ’09 Adam Buhman-Wiggs, Ph.D. ’89 Anita Buhman-Wiggs ’89 Charles Burke G’14 Debra Mannion Campbell ’82 Stephen Cole ’06 Lynne Connelly, Ph.D.

Richard Coronado, Ph.D. Kathleen Cyr Corrigan-Toews ’88 Michelle See Coury ’07 Andrea Miller DuPré ’09 Sean DuPré Susan Durkin Kelly Johnson Elias ’85 Rick Falk Lois Farrell Matthew Fassero ’98, G’12 Megan Masur Fassero ’97 Anne Freudenberg Faucett ’09, G’12 Michael Faucett ’05, G’08 Mary Timmons Flynn ’79 Chad Folsom Judith Fridell Kimberly Fry Kelly Gallagher ’10 Kathy Garrison Charles Gartenmayer ’75 Katherine Gartenmayer ’09 David Geenens Travis Grossman Daniel Haden Lindsey Hansen ’02, G’06 Larry Harless David Harris, Ph.D. ’97 Jacqulene Pick Harris ’98 Peter Helgesen Linda Becker Henry, Ed.D. ’81 Kathryn McLaughlin Herriage ’76 Robert Herringer ’00, G’04 Judi Higgins Michael Higgins ’82 Michele Hinds, Ph.D. Beth Hoffman ’09 Thomas Hoopes G’10 Donald Hoy, J.D. Angela Humburg Maureen Huppe Michal Jarzab Clay Johnston G’02 Carol Keithline Charo Kelley James Kew ’86 Sara Flax Kramer ’98 Jon Krebsbach ’04 Ruth Krusemark, D.M.A. ’73 Patricia Kuckelman Jeffrey Kuhnert Rex Lane, J.D. Phyllis Lieb Donna Long Tyler Lueckenhoff ’11 Eduard Lugo Sara Figoni Lugo ’08 Marci Lutz Edward Macierowski, Ph.D. Terrence Malloy, Ph.D. ’95 Daphne McConnell, Ph.D. Sharon McCort Kathryn McDowell ’08 Darla Meyer Linda Miller Rebecca Miller Amy Kohake Minnis ’84 Stephen Minnis, J.D. ’82 Steve Mirarchi Ryan Moody ’97 Bruce B. Morgan, Ph.D. Paula Moss Darrin S. Muggli, Ph.D. Edward Mulholland Randy Mullis Dennis Murphy Lynn Myers, IV G’01 Stacy Niedbalski ’02 Lois Niemann Ronald Olinger Jeri Ann Ostertag

Kevin Page, Ph.D. John Peer ’03, G’07 Amy Posey, Ph.D. Josh Pound ’09 Jenna Prather ’13 Jennifer Ramage Matthew Ramage, Ph.D. Matthew Ramsey, Ph.D. ’99, G’05 William Raymond, Ph.D. Lincoln Roblee Donna Roe Gary Ross Kristen Rosser ’12 Randy Rowland Noel Rueb G’98 John Rziha, Ph.D. Anne Schafer ’10, G’13 Kolbe Scheetz ’07 Diane Schletzbaum Jennifer Schmidt Kristie Scholz Martha Schuckenbrock Jane Schuele Kathleen Scott Mallory Pickman Seckman ’09, G’09 Abe Shafer Kimberly Shankman, Ph.D. Elizabeth Hruska Slobodnik ’05 Steve Spencer Charles Sprouse, III ’07 Tona Stone Devia Surma Larry Sutton, Ph.D., M.D. Andrew Swafford, S.T.D. ’04 Sarah Henry Swafford ’04 Michael Throop Roxana Bradley Tosterud ’97 Susan Traffas, Ph.D. Kelly Boland Vowels ’85 Gregory Waddle ’13 Keith Washburn G’12 Piper Wentz G’07 Andrew Werring ’02 Eric West, Ph.D. Lara West, D.M.A. Richard White, Ph.D. Janet Munro Wilcox ’81, G’02 Lawrence Wilcox ’72 Rosemary Wilkerson Karen Grosso Wood ’86 Joseph Wurtz, Ed.D. ’99 Katherine Zackary ’11 Mark Zia, S.T.D.

The Legacy Society

Benedictine Bottoms Research Endowment Patrick W. Mullins ’93 Benedictine College Endowment Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas Thelma E. Hess† Mary Kay Rochford McAllister ’56† Clement P. Schmelzle ’36† The Wessels Family Fund Laura Jane Westerman†

Cloud L. Cray Center for Entrepreneurship Cloud L. and Sarah† Cray, Jr. MGP Ingredients, Inc. Richard B. Sr.† and Laura A. Cray The Evah C. Cray Residual Trust

Luisa Garcia-Flood Scholarship James Flood ’73 Forster-Powers Trust Scholarship Forster-Powers Charitable Trust Cyril S.S. Fountain Scholarship

Kathryn Weishar Dalzell Music Scholarship Richard L. and Kathryn Weishar ’80 Dalzell

Frankenhoff, Wolters & Mother Lucy Dooley Memorial Scholarship Nona Frankenhoff†

Benedictine Raven Soccer Booster Endowment Benedictine Raven Soccer Boosters

Edith and Harry Darby Scholarship Edith and Harry Darby†

Biology Endowment

Father Eugene Dehner OSB Scholarship Dr. Daniel ’49 and Mary Alice Weir ’50 Ziegler†

Gallagher Family Scholarship Lawrence ’61 and Frances Young ’65 Gallagher

Anna S. Berezina Derrick Scholarship Anya Berezina Derrick ’57

Helen Jane and John Gaschen Music Scholarship John E. Gaschen ’50†

George and Genevieve Dierenfeldt Endowed Scholarship Genevieve Dierenfeldt†

Edward and Marlene Gellings Scholarship Edward and Marlene Gellings

Discovery College Mary Kay Rochford McAllister ’56†

Gilligan Family Scholarship Peter Gilligan ’40†

Discovery College High School Program Mary Kay Rochford McAllister ’56†

Walter F. and Elsa G. Gorges Scholarship Kay Gorges Schill

Rosemary J. (Mattas) Dlabal Endowed Scholarship Betty J. Mattas

Mary E. Graboski Scholarship Byron Scott ’86

Boeding Rice Family Scholarship James W. and Mary Alice Boeding ’54 Rice Louis H. Borserine Jr. Scholarship Edwin G. Borserine William T. and Patricia Bowler Jr. Scholarship Broderick-Devling Scholarship Fund Robert ’61† and Frances Devling Broderick Sister Mary Cyril Busenbarrick, OSB Scholarship Larry and Tresa Buessing Scholarship Larry ’60 and Tresa Buessing Joan Bergman Buser Scholarship August Bergman, M.D. Paul H. and Louise M. Byrd Scholarship Louise M. Byrd Catlett† Dan and Terri Carey Family Scholarship Dan, Ph.D. ’68 and Terri Carey Class of 1997 Carrigan-Fitzgerald Scholarship

Mother Lucy Dooley OSB Scholarship

Marshall V. and Beulah M. Hall Scholarship Marshall V. and Beulah M. Hall†

Paul and Evelyn Drees Family Scholarship Paul J. Drees ’54

Raleigh and Lucille Hays Endowed Scholarship Lucille S. Studer and Raleigh Hays†

J. Ernest Dunn Memorial Scholarship Rose M. Dunn†

William Randolph Hearst Endowed Scholarship The William Randolph Hearst Foundation, Inc.

Elizabeth Hall Endowment Elizabeth (Zibbie) Gillespie ’62 and James E. Ferrell

E-I-E-I-O/John Casey Endowed Scholarship

571st Dustoff Medics Scholarship David J. Ewing† and Kenneth C. Nokes†

Chemistry Scholarship Chicago Scholarship Mary Kay Rochford McAllister ’56†

John and Grace Adair-Exchange National Bank Foundation John and Grace Adair† Exchange National Bank Foundation

Thomas E. Alsop Scholarship Thomas Alsop ’62†

Peter L. Clevinger Memorial Endowment

Father Colman Farrell, OSB Library Fund

Bartels-Exline Scholarship Endowment Fund

Tom Colwell Sr. Scholarship Stephen D. and Anne Dunn

Farrell-Umscheid Family Scholarship Patrick T. Farrell†

Ray and Mary Jo Becker Scholarship Ray ’63 and Mary Jo Becker

Corbett Scholarship Fund Vincent ’41 and Betty Pierik ’42 Corbett†

Patrick and Estella (Umscheid) Farrell Scholarship Patrick T. Farrell†

Arthur and Terri Catrambone Scholarship Arthur ’51 and Terri Catrambone

Joseph H. Gronstal Scholarship Joseph H. Gronstal ’42†

Abbot Brendan Downey, OSB Scholarship

The following named scholarships and funds represent a minimum investment of $25,000 in the Benedictine College Endowment.

Peter Cathers Scholarship

Bo and Terry Fraser Scholarship Bo ’64 and Terry Fraser Boone County National Bank

Gilbert R. Estrada Endowed Scholarship Excellence in English Endowment

Jeanne Marie Heath Scholarship Father Alcuin Hemmen, OSB Scholarship Mother Celeste Hemmen, OSB Scholarship Thomas M. Hoenig SIBC Endowment M & T Foundation The Anthony Family Foundation Holy Family Endowment Tony and Anita Horinek S. Bernice and Michael Horan Scholarship Michael Horan, Jr. ’32† Owen E. and Genevieve A. Horner Scholarship Owen E. Horner ’34†


Charles Lyman ’30† National Edowment for the Humanities Scholarship Henry and Mary Hunninghake Memorial Scholarship Professor Fran Jabara Leadership Award Fran Jabara Family Foundation, Inc. Kaminsky-McArthur Endowed Scholarship Lawrence ’63 and Linda Kaminsky Keithline Family Scholarship Herschel B. and Carol J. Keithline Kemlage Endowed Biology Travel Fund Thomas F. ’83 and Joan M. Moyer ’85 Kemlage Keutzer Scholarship Kim ’74 and Jane Keutzer Josephine and Katherine Kiefer Memorial Scholarship John W. Kirwan Family Scholarship Fund Louise Kirwan ’28† Klopf Family Memorial Scholarship Ethel Klopf†

Justin Martyr Institute for Philosophical Inquiry Fund Mary Kay McAllister Endowment Fund Mary Kay Rochford McAllister ’56†

Ann McLaughlin Bell Newton† Ralph Nolan Scholarship Father John P. O’Connor Memorial Scholarship

Tensie Oldfather Scholarship Hortense Oldfather†

James W. and Dorothy L. McBride Scholarship James ’51† and Dorothy McBride Stephen ’77 and Peggy McBride

O’Leary Family Scholarship John Patrick ’61 and Janice O’Leary

Charles Schaff Scholarship Charles Schaff†

Wini Shaw O’Malley Scholarship

Schandler Steichen Scholarship Beatrice “Tucky” Hickert

Dennis J. McCarthy Memorial Scholarship

Vern Ostdiek Memorial Scholarship Vern J. Ostdiek, Ph.D. ’75† Estate and Family

Edwin and Helen McAnany Scholarship Edwin ’29 and Helen McAnany†

Abbot Cuthbert McDonald, OSB Scholarship John J. McGrath Priesthood Scholarship John J. and Mae M. McGrath† Barbara S. McGuire Memorial Scholarship McGuire Family Joy Regan McGuire Endowed Scholarship Fund Joy Regan Wright McGuire†

Ann and Jack O’Sullivan Scholarship Peter J. Gilligan ’40† Sister Elizabeth Overton, OSB Scholarship Piazza Family Scholarship Father Conrad Pillar, OSB Scholarship

Pretz Family Scholarship Fund James B. Pretz, M.D. ’44

Kohake-Nemaha Scholarship Frank and Elizabeth Kohake†

Leo McIntyre Scholarship Amrette McIntyre†

Priesthood/Formation Scholarship

Judge Jay A. and Sadie W. Kyle Business Scholarship Sadie W. Kyle†

McKeever Family Scholarship Donald J. McKeever ’41†

Donald Prouty Scholarship

Mid-Mo Ravens Scholarship

Michael J. Puricelli Memorial Scholarship

Dorothy (Joyce) Miller Nursing Endowed Scholarship Richard W. Miller

Josephine E. Rambour Scholarship Josephine E. Kramer Rambour†

James L. Miller Endowed Scholarship William Miller ’51

Walter Rambour Scholarship Walter E. Rambour†

Landon Family Scholarship

Bob and Pat Latz Scholarship Mary Latz ’78 and Tom ’77 Gorczyca Robert ’73 and Jeanie Latz Marty Latz ’76 and Chuck ’74 Raplinger Philip Lawlor Education and Capital Fund Philip T. Lawlor† Charles and Ernestine Linck Scholarship Charles Linck, Jr. ’51† William F. Lindquist Scholarship Charles J. Berkel† Alvin J. and Leona M. Lueger Scholarship Robert ’71 and Susan Lueger Donald ’77 and Diane Lueger Charles G. Lyman Scholarship


Frank Scheetz Scholarship Frank Scheetz† Donald E. and Roselyn Schmidt Endowed Scholarship Fund Donald ’57 and Roselyn Schmidt Rita and Jerry Schmidt Scholarship Jerome Schmidt ’49 John L. Schmiedeler Scholarship Fund Father Sylvester Schmitz, OSB Scholarship

Maj. Gen. H. Conger Pratt Award

Mary Frances Kochevar-Miller Scholarship

Father Bertrand LaNoue, OSB Scholarship

Joseph M. and Agnes Magrane Schaefer Scholarship Agnes C. Schaefer† Victor A. and Agnes E. Schaefer Scholarship Hugh V. Schaefer Joseph L. Schaefer Michael T. Schaefer

Laurence R. O’Donnell Memorial Scholarship

Frances McIntyre Memorial Scholarship Amrette McIntyre†

G. Lawrence Lane Memorial Scholarship G. Lawrence ’57† and Betty Heiman ’59 Lane

von Sauer Memorial Scholarship Angelica Morales von Sauer†

Stephen and Amy Minnis Scholarship Steve ’82 and Amy Kohake ’84 Minnis

George P. Reintjes Memorial Scholarship Robert ’53 and Carolyn Reintjes Robert J. Reintjes Scholarship

C. M. and Betty Moore Scholarship Betty La Galle Moore ’43† James P. Moroney Scholarship James P. and Beatrice Heibel ’10 Moroney† Moyer-Lazzo Scholarship Mark J. ’83 and Mary A. Moyer ’83 Lazzo Michael J. Murray Chemistry Scholarship

Orin and Ann Newton Endowed Scholarship Orin I. and

Williford-Reiss Memorial Richie Restivo Music Scholarship Fund Mamie Robl Endowed Fund Mamie Robl† Bertha Roche Scholarship Herman J. Rome Scholarship Herman J. Rome† George L. Ross Priesthood Memorial Scholarship George L. Ross† Dan Rupp Scholarship Franz A. and Angelica Morales

Lee Schneider Memorial Scholarship Nancy L. Schneider Mary Domatilla Schober Scholarship Jean M. Schober McConachie† Sisters of Mount St. Scholastica Scholarship Fund Harold and Eunice Cole Schorn Scholarship Herman and Catherine Corpstein Schuele Scholarship Catherine Corpstein Schuele† Sisters Mary Faith and Scholastica Schuster Scholarship Jack Shay Scholarship John P. “Jack” Shay ’37† John and Annalene Sheda Scholarship Floyd Slief and Julian Morales Scholarship Marilyn Slief ’48 and Juan ’46† Morales Dr. William F. Smith Memorial Scholarship John L. Speier Jr. Endowed Scholarship Fund John ’41 and A. Louise Speier† Father Joseph Staudinger OSB Memorial Scholarship Henry ’65 and Karen Staudinger

H. Guy and Alma Stinson Music Scholarship Robert ’42 & Mary Jane Stinson ’43 Martin† Mike and Marlene Stovall Endowed Scholarship Arthur Michael Stovall ’58† Phyllis Sturm Scholarship Sister Helen Sullivan Scholarship Symon-Whitaker Memorial Scholarship Technology Fund Mary Kay Rochford McAllister ’56† Stanley and June Thibault Family Scholarship Stan ’67 and June Thibault Bucky Thompson Memorial Scholarship Thull Family Scholarship Frances K. Thull† Kathryn Tonquest Senger Scholarship Bernard G. ’67 and Ellen McCaskey ’69 Tonquest Glenn and Patricia Torline Endowed Scholarship Glenn J. ’57 and Mary P. Coppersmith ’56 Torline Lionel G. and Eileen E. Trujillo Scholarship Lionel ’55† and Eileen Trujillo Dana Allan Villeme Memorial Scholarship Donald and Charlotte Villeme Charles L. Visnic Memorial Scholarship Helen K. Volk Scholarship Helen K. Volk† Wahbeh Family Endowment Scholarship John Waldman Memorial Scholarship John and Elizabeth Waldman John T. Waldron Scholarship John T.† and Jean Leary ’48 Waldron Howard Sr. and L. Jane Westerman Memorial Scholarship L. Jane Westerman† Leo and Aileen Wetta Scholarship Kelley Wilson Soccer Scholarship Father LaVern Wingert Scholarship Wakonda Prayer House Norm and Shirley Youngberg Scholarship Norm ’60 and Shirley Youngberg

Anthony Zaleski Priesthood Scholarship Anthony Zaleski†

The following individuals have placed Benedictine College in their will or estate plan: Thomas E. Alsop ’62† Leo Altenhofen† Victor Amino† Thomas Anderson ’55 James ’69 and Margaret Lanham ’69 Andra Richard ’62 and Dolores Stiefermann ’65 Andra Rev. Daniel R. Andrews ’93 Susan M. Andrade ’89 Anonymous Matthew D. ’81 and Ann M. Anthony Emil A. Babinger ’16† John H. Bacher ’57 Richard, Jr. ’74 and Mary Landwehr ’75 Baker Catherine A. Baska ’55† Kitty Belden ’63 Frank G. ’55 and Caryl A. Bichlmeier H. E. Blocker† Edwin G. Borserine ’25† Jack ’71 and June Melcher ’72 Bower Lucille Bradley† Mary Glancy Bragg ’15† Larry ’61 and Ann Brandon Marie E. Brannick† Carrie Nelle Bremmer ’48 Margaret Brenner† Mary Ann McManus Brewer ’52 Joe ’70 and Connie Brickner Robert ’62 and Mary Kay Murphy ’61 Bright Robert R. ’61† and Frances L. Devling Broderick Drs. Mary and Douglas Brothers Dr. Bernard A. Brungardt ’43† Dr. Gerald Brungardt, M.D., ’79 James T. Buckley ’60 Jerome M. ’61 and Susie Buckley Larry J. ’60 and Tresa Buessing James L. Burival ’61 Joseph and Katie Buser† Louise M. Byrd Catlett† Patrick ’70 and Mayetta Cahill Rosalia Calderwood† James and JoEllen Caskey James H. Chapman ’76 Rev. Msgr. Michael Chonko, O.S.B. ’39† Edmond R. Ciarniello Jr. ’70 Florence L. Cochran† Neal D. ’63 and Mary B. Murphy ’63 Colby Charles A. Combs ’56† Anthony J. Cordie ’52 Mary Costello† Mary Lou Farrell Cox ’36† Petronella C. Culivan ’46† Josephine Curtis† Robert J. Dehaemers† Doris E. Dershimer ’50 John J. Diebolt† George & Genevieve Dierenfeldt† Thomas Di Marco ’55† John M. ’68 and Christine C. Huebner ’69 Dockery Mary Ellen Donegan ’46† Anna M. Scott Doran ’48† Edward J. Draney†

Mary Draney† Edward ’68 and Mary Luebbe ’69 Drummond Richard ’62 and Katherine Drummond Michael J. ’63 and Mary Alice Easterday David B. Engstrom ’58† J. Robert Erickson ’41† Patrick M. Erwin Jr. ’69 Susan Edinger ’86 and Steve Evans Patrick T. Farrell† Phillip F. Farris ’66 Jerold V. ’69 and Nancy Schieber Fennell ’71 Catherine F. Ferguson† James ’58 and Mary Fern Nona Finnegan† Gerald W. Foley† Margaret Foley† Marie Foley† Nona Frankenhoff† Bo ’64 and Terry A. Fraser Jean Frederick† Herbert J. Funk† Michael G. ’69 and Susan M. Conrow ’69 Gangel Henry F. Gardner ’42† John E. Gaschen ’50† Genevieve Gehling† Joseph E. Geist, Ph.D. ’58 Edward A. and Marlene R. Gellings M. Kathryn Gellings ’80 Rev. W. J. Goldman† Agnes Grady† Katherine Greiner† Anna B. Gronniger† Joseph H. Gronstal ’42† Joan Benoit Hadden ’68 Grace Huguelet Hajicek ’40† Charles F. Hales ’45† Marshall V. and Beulah M. Hall† Louis L. Harris ’59 William S. Haskey ’71 Karen C. Haslag ’70 and Roger W. Hurlbert Henry Haverkamp† Lucille S. Studer and Raleigh Hays† Susan Hearst† Cloyd E. Heim ’31† John Hemmen† John F. Herbst ’49 Elizabeth Hermesch† Thelma E. Hess† Bernard J. Hickert ’77 Rev. Timothy Hickey ’81 Himpler Estate† James ’53† and Marilyn Hinkefent LTC (R) James V. Hintz III ’87 Terrance Hodges ’72 Thomas M. Hoenig ’68 Margaret H. Hoffman† Wilhelmina Hoffmans† Thomas P. Holton ’49† Michael J. Horan Jr. ’32† Gerald M. Horgan ’62 John M. ’68 and Patricia M. Hughes F. Lawrence Janacaro ’71 Cyrus R. and Frances R. Jones† Lorraine A. Jones† Michael P. ’71 and B. Lynn Delehant ’73 Jones Margaret M. Jurschak† Elizabeth M. Kaifer† Lawrence S. ’63 and Linda J. Kaminsky Merle Freudenberg Kelly ’58† Ronald V. Kelly ’58 Rosa T. Kelly† Josephine Kiefer† Katherine Kiefer†

Rev. Msgr. Fred J. Kimmett ’29† James F. ’71 and Barbara A. Latz ’71 King Louise E. Kirwan ’28† Ethel B. Klopf† Eleanor A. Kohake† Frank Kohake† Clement Koons† Evelyn L. Korbelik† Patricia LeRoy Korkowski ’75 Wanda Maguire Kosec† Francis Kratschner† Eugene G. Kristof ’49 Andrew and Connie Krohn Rev. Msgr. George Kuglmeier† Sadie W. Kyle† G. Lawrence ’57† and Betty A. Heiman ’59 Lane George ’71 and Martha Laslo John D. Lawlor† Philip T. Lawlor† George L. ’65 and Edrea J. Learned Ann C. LeFevers ’52 David M. Levitt ’65† Rev. Msgr. Stanley J. Loncaric ’32† Luvena Luckett ’61 Charles Lyman ’30† Leo R. Marlatt† Frances Wuerth Marsolais ’48 William Q. Martin Jr. Andrew B. Matzeder† Mary Kay Rochford McAllister ’56† Lou ’53 and Sue McAvoy Donald W. McConachie Patrick F. ’71 and Sylvia A. Schorn ’72 McGee Gary L. ’62 and Judy K. McGinness John L. and Mae M. McGrath† Joy Regan Wright McGuire† Amrette McIntyre† Donald J. McKeever ’41† Charles P. McLarney ’64 John J. McLaughlin† T. Kevin ’60 and Mary C. McNicholas Rosella Meiners† Dr. Richard P. ’75 and Denise M. Melichar Thomas ’Mel’ Melichar ’74 Douglas A. Merrifield† Allan A. Meyer ’59 Rev. Francis X. Miller ’31† Robert G. Miller, Jr. ’51† Joan Brey Millington ’50 Edna Grainey Moore ’38† Eleanor Glancy Moore† Charles M. ’50 and Natalie Schroeder ’51 Moritz Ronald Morley ’67 Marie Mortko† John G. Mullis† Mary O. Murphy† James V. Napier ’59 Jack Jr. ’70 and Kathleen Newman Orin I. and Ann McLaughlin Bell Newton† Susanna T. Nolan† Walter K. Nugent ’54 James T. ’60 and Kathleen D. O’Brien Thomas J. O’Brien ’60 Anna O’Connor† Rev. John P. O’Connor† Laurence R. O’Donnell† Vern J. Ostdiek, Ph.D. ’75† Edmund L. Page† Barbara A. Page-Stocks ’53 Richard F. Palazzolo ’62 Dominic N. ’59 and Marilyn A. Paolucci Bernard J. Pappert ’71 Joseph L. ’45 and Laura E. Peters Benedict C. Pfeiffer†


Bertha G. Mock Pierce† William F. Pleier ’68† James B. Pretz ’44 Josephine E. Kramer Rambour† Walter E. Rambour† Clara M. Reedy† David A. ’63 and Linda J. Reichert Marcelline Reynolds ’35† Rev. Msgr. Vincent W. Richards ’27† Mamie A. Robl† Celestino Rodriguez Jr. ’70 Michael and Jan Rooney George L. Ross† Anna M. Ryan† James J. Ryan† Nellie V. Ryan† Angelica Morales von Sauer† Agnes C. Schaefer† Charles Schaff† Albert Schenk ’22† Clement P. Schmelzle ’36† Rev. Gerhardt Schmidt† Jerome Schmidt ’49 Emmett E. ’58 and Mary Ann C. Zavadil ’59 Schulte Henry C. Schumann† Clara J. Senecal† John F. ’69 and Janet Settich John Shay ’37† Francis X. Shea ’25† Annalene E. Sheda† Irma Shelley† Carol M. Shomin ’71 Edward F. Shortall ’45† Constance M. Siefken ’72 Lawrence J. ’72 and Paula J. Vanston ’70 Simon Sylvester A. Skoch† Nicholas Spainer† Mary Spanier† I. Richard Spann† John L. ’41 and A. Louise Speier† Arthur Michael Stovall ’58† Bernard A. Stover† Henry J. Stover† Rev. Joseph C. Taphorn ’93 Katherine M. Tenner† William Todhunter ’51 Cecilia Torline† Rev. Msgr. Arthur J. Trompeter ’29† Edith E. Underwood† Julia Valentine† Van VanDyke Helen K. Volk† Dunstan J. ’40† and Helen M. Brentano ’63 Wack John J. Wack† John Waddell† C. Michael Wagner Frances A. Walter† Jo Ann Ross Walters ’48† Marvel P. Watson† Josephine C. Welsh† Lené Westerman ’85 Rev. Msgr. John H. Westhues ’44† Francis ’49 and Mary† Whitesell John M. Williams ’30† Rev. LaVern Wingert ’53† Ted Winter† Eugene J. Wirthman† Carolyn Riechoff ’42 and Scott Wisner† Norbert Wolters ’22† Richard C. Wood ’51 Anthony and Clara Zaleski† Dr. Daniel M. ’49 and Mary Alice Weir ’50 Ziegler† Lawrence C. Zink ’41†


ENDOWMENT GIFTS A strong endowment fund is a hallmark of a great college. Gifts to the endowment strengthen the quality of a Benedictine education by funding scholarships, supporting academic programs, and providing ongoing support in many ways. The College recognizes those individuals who made gifts to the endowment in fiscal year 2013-2014. The gifts are invested and only the income is used. John and Grace Adair Exchange National Bank Foundation Adair/Exchange Bank Foundation Becker Endowed Scholarship Fund Raymond ’63 & Mary Jo Becker Benedictine College Endowment Fund Adam, Ph.D. ’89 & Anita ’89 Buhman Wiggs Thomas ’65 & DeDe Caspari Yvonne DeKeyser ’84 & Dirk Colgrove Richard, Ph.D. & Cathy Coronado Joseph ’66 & Sue Jaeger ’66 Ley Joseph Reznik ’61 Celestino Rodriguez ’70 Frank ’65 & Judith Simonich Boeding Rice Family Scholarship Mary Boeding ’54 & James Rice William T. and Patricia C. Bowler Scholarship Fund William ’81 & Katherine Bowler Broderick Devling Scholarship Fund Frances Broderick Brothers Physics Scholarship Mary, M.D. & Douglas, Ph.D. Brothers

Dale Olberding ’86 Kevin & Anne Wurtz, Ph.D. ’86 Passino James ’87 & Marie Cathers, Ph.D. ’88 Tennant Arthur and Terri Catrambone Scholarship Arthur ’51 & Terri Catrambone Peter L. Clevinger Endowment Peter L. Clevinger Memorial Foundation, Inc. Ralph & Kathy Clevinger Tom Colwell, Sr. Endowed Scholarship James & Patricia Baldwin Donald & Antoinette Chapman Joni Brophy ’85 & Thomas Colwell Katherine Colwell Stephen & Anne Dunn Thomas ’58 & Barbara Benavides ’59 McCarthy Darren Couts Endowed Scholarship Fund Kevin ’98, G’01 & Kathryn Crawford ’01 Archer Ryan ’99 & Colleen Brown David & Dessie Costello Darryl & Connie Couts Brian ’98, G’02 & Lora Dunn Aaron ’00 & Jennifer Santo ’01 Hill Christopher King ’00 Kyle Kramer ’99 William ’01 & Nina LaFavor Matthew ’02 & Michelle Youngman ’99 Madison Gary Shelby ’01 Ellen Ziegler ’01 & Ed Weiner Lawrence ’72 & Janet Munro ’81, G’02 Wilcox Fr. Eugene Dehner Scholarship Fund Anonymous Boeing Company Charitable Trust Thomas, M.D. ’87 & Rachanee Curry Jay, Ph.D. ’63 & Ruth Wenzl, Ph.D. ’69 Gerber Thomas ’68 & Jane Froning ’67 McNassar Mary Alice Weir Ziegler ’50 †

BRSB Scholarship Fund Benedictine Raven Soccer Boosters

George and Genevieve Dierenfeldt Scholarship Fund Genevieve Dierenfeldt Revocable Trust

Joan Bergman Buser Scholarship August Bergman, M.D.

Mother Lucy Dooley Scholarship Edna Grainey Moore ’38 †

Larry J. and Tresa A. Buessing Endowed Scholarship Larry ’60 & Tresa Buessing

Paul and Evelyn Drees Family Scholarship Linda Drees Paul Drees, Ph.D. ’54 Karen Lane

Dan and Terri Carey Family Scholarship Carey Family Foundation Alice Carey Daniel, Ph.D. ’68 & Terri Carey Carrigan Fitzgerald Scholarship Ann Carrigan Gere Carrigan Patrick ’67 & Kathryn Carrigan Kathleen McKelvy ’67 Patricia Klaus Schreihofer ’71 Peter Cathers Memorial Scholarship

Gilbert Estrada Memorial Endowed Scholarship J & J Drywall Claudia Vazquez Reyes ’99, G’05 & Jose Vazquez Puebla Excellence in English Endowment Fund Cecilia Overbey ’67 & Francis, Ph.D. Carpinelli Joni Brophy ’85 & Thomas Colwell Edward ’59 & Sharon Dyer

Joseph Geist, Ph.D. ’58 GSH Tulsa Charitable Fund James ’68 & Sandra Leibrecht Jay ’81 & Kirsten McCauley Aimee Tonquest ’90 & Stephen Mehl Francis ’69 & Kathryn Stevenson Susan Sweeney ’72 Bernard ’67 & Ellen McCaskey ’69 Tonquest Ellen Walk ’53 Mark ’72 & Barbara Bellows ’73 Wetta Patrick and Estella Farrell Scholarship Patricia Farrell ’63 & Gerald, M.D. Strohmeyer Farrell Umscheid Family Scholarship Patricia Farrell ’63 & Gerald, M.D. Strohmeyer Luisa Garcia Flood Scholarship James Flood ’73 Forster Powers Charitable Trust Scholarship Forster Powers Charitable Trust Frankenhoff, Wolters and Mother Lucy Dooley Memorial Scholarship Nona Frankenhoff Trust Bo and Terry Fraser Scholarship Bo ’64 & Terry Fraser Gallagher Family Scholarship Gallagher Family Foundation Lawrence ’61 & Frances Young ’65 Gallagher The Edward and Marlene Gellings Scholarship Edward & Marlene Gellings Lisa Gellings M. Kathryn Gellings ’80 Mike Gellings Richard E. Gellings Diann M. Sandridge Walter F. and Elsa G. Gorges Endowed Scholarship Matt & Patty Gorges Mary E. Graboski Scholarship Byron Scott ’86 Joseph H. Gronstal Scholarship Fund T. Bernt ’73 & Joan Gronstal Hickert Family Scholarship Chris & Celeste Furey Bernard ’77 & Barbara Glavin ’82 Hickert Joseph ’80 & Gail Ritzdorf ’81 Hickert Stephen & Jody Hickert Staff of Newbery, Ungerer & Hickert Thomas Hoenig SIBC Endowment Matthew ’81 & Ann Anthony M & T Foundation Frank Potenziani

Holy Family Endowment Cecilia Allen

Clinton ’05 & Sarah Moore ’02 Horinek Tony & Anita Horinek Owen E. and Genevieve A. Horner Scholarship James & Suzanne Horner Henry and Mary Hunninghake Memorial Scholarship Christopher Hunninghake Diane Hunninghake Rosemarie Mayer Hunninghake ’60 Sherrie Hunninghake Kaminsky McArthur Scholarship Lawrence ’63 & Linda Kaminsky Keithline Family Scholarship Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas Colgate Palmolive Company H.B. & Carol Keithline Jerold ’90 & Julie Branch ’89 Keithline Keutzer Scholarship Kim Keutzer ’74 Mother Evangelista Kremmeter Professorship of Traditions and Values James ’59 & Mary Napier Landon Family Endowed Scholarship John ’62 & Ann Landon Mary Ketter Landon ’49 Michael ’73 & Angela Landon Danny & Katie O’Connor Cary ’79 & Charlotte Landon ’79 Shaw The G. Lawrence “Larry” Lane Memorial Endowed Scholarship Betty Heiman Lane ’59 Fr. Bertrand LaNoue Fund Carol Shomin ’71 The Bob ’45 and Pat ’47 Latz Endowed Scholarship Thomas ’80 & Colleen Latz Artie Long Scholarship Larry Lady Alvin J. and Leona M. Lueger Scholarship Robert, Ph.D. ’71 & Susan Lueger Northwestern Mutual Foundation Mary’s Grotto Anonymous James W. and Dorothy McBride Scholarship Fund Stephen ’77 & Peggy McBride Dennis J. McCarthy Scholarship Fund Dennis & Janet McCarthy Marian McCarthy Barbara S. McGuire Memorial Scholarship James ’71 & Linda McGuire Joy Regan McGuire Endowment Scholarship Joy Regan Wright McGuire † Mid Mo Ravens Endowed Scholarship Fund

Michael ’84 & Melinda Downey Rebecca Anne Kolb ’70 & Patrick Kennedy Mary Anne Kolb Constance Reichart ’62 Joseph ’84 & Joyce Schaefer Patrick & Jeannine Schaefer Carla Schaefer Dovey ’85 & Dennis Dovey

Stanley ’67 & June Thibault

The Dorothy (Joyce) Miller Nursing Endowed Scholarship Richard Miller Ronald & Anita Miller

Lionel G. and Eileen E. Trujillo Scholarship Eileen Trujillo

Minnis Family Scholarship Stephen, J.D. ’82 & Amy Kohake ’84 Minnis Michael J. Murray Chemistry Scholarship Michael, M.D., Ph.D. ’71 & Catherine Murray O’Leary Family Scholarship John ’61 & Janice O’Leary Vern Ostdiek Memorial Scholarship Timothy ’85 & Kathleen Wetzel ’85 Gallagher Pretz Family Scholarship Fund James Pretz, M.D. ’45 Daniel G. Rupp Memorial Scholarship Thomas ’58 & Barbara Benavides ’59 McCarthy Sandra Rupp Schandler Steichen Scholarship Fund Beatrice Hickert Bernard ’77 & Barbara Glavin ’82 Hickert Joseph ’80 & Gail Ritzdorf ’81 Hickert Rita and Jerry Schmidt Scholarship Jerome, Ph.D. ’49 & Pamela Schmidt John L. Schmiedeler Scholarship Fund Michael Barnthouse, M.D., P.C. Michael, M.D. & Suzanne Barnthouse Kathleen Schmiedeler Howe William Joyce ’52 Kathryn Tonquest Senger Endowed Scholarship Fund GSH Tulsa Charitable Fund Julia Tonquest ’98 & Jake Johnston Aimee Tonquest ’90 & Stephen Mehl Bernard ’67 & Ellen McCaskey ’69 Tonquest Shomin Family Scholarship Carol Shomin ’71 Saint Kateri Tekawitha and Saint Marianne Cope Scholarship Kelly Herne Duncan, M.D. David ’62 & Judith Herne Karen Pomes

Stanley and June Thibault Scholarship

Bucky Thompson Scholarship Cass Thompson ’70 Tom & Susan Thompson Torline Scholarship Glenn ’57 & Mary Coppersmith ’56 Torline

Wahbeh Family Endowment Scholarship Valery ’62 & Judith Wahbeh Norm and Shirley Youngberg Scholarship Norman ’60 & Shirley Youngberg


The following individuals made gifts to commemorate deceased family members, friends, and loved ones. Margaret Baker Ronald & Anita Miller Terry Baker Ronald & Anita Miller Betty Bauer Robert & Kathryn Stewart Jerry Braun ’84 Timothy ’85 & Kathleen Wetzel ’85 Gallagher Fr. Francis Broderick, OSB ’33 David ’62 & Judith Herne Robert R. Broderick ’61 Frances Broderick Thomas H. Broderick Frances Broderick Fr. Gervase Burke, OSB ’23 Rita Baker Thomas ’58 & Carol Lysaght ’59 Burke S. Celine Carrigan, OSB ’70 Kathleen McKelvy ’67 Patricia Klaus Schreihofer ’71 John J. Casey ’74 Gordon ’77 & Helen O’Connell ’77 Guzenski Peter Cathers Anne Wurtz, Ph.D. ’86 & Kevin Passino S. Sara Marie Chagollan, OSB ’52 Ann Hennessey ’52 & William LeFevers Richard C. Chu Theresa Lee Chu ’61 Class of 1952 Ann Hennessey ’52 & William LeFevers Peter L. Clevinger ’10 Peter L. Clevinger Memorial

Foundation, Inc. Ralph & Kathy Clevinger Thomas G. Colwell ’58 James & Patricia Baldwin Donald & Antoinette Chapman Joni Brophy ’85 & Thomas Colwell Stephen & Anne Dunn Thomas ’58 & Barbara Benavides ’59 McCarthy Darren Couts ’00 Kevin ’98, G’01 & Kathryn Crawford ’01 Archer Ryan ’99 & Colleen Brown David & Dessie Costello Darryl & Connie Couts Brian ’98, G’02 & Lora Dunn Aaron ’00 & Jennifer Santo ’01 Hill Christopher King ’00 Kyle Kramer ’99 William ’01 & Nina LaFavor Matthew ’02 & Michelle Youngman ’99 Madison Gary Shelby ’01 Ellen Ziegler ’01 & Ed Weiner Lawrence ’72 & Janet Munro ’81, G’02 Wilcox Thomas L. Danler ’73 Steve & Judith Dewell Robert J. Dehaemers Anonymous R. James & Mary Blaise Joseph ’56 & Evelyn Rack ’58 Boutte Annette Burton Robert ’63 & Shirley Von Harz ’63 Chenoweth Genevieve Keefer Judy Miller Betty Nunnink Clara Smith Edward Van Hercke Fr. Eugene Dehner, OSB ’37 Jim, D.D.S. ’77 & Linda Bongers John Dussault ’51 Imogene Gregory ’53 & Joseph Mazur James A. Fenlon Mary Fenlon Luke J. Flaherty Susan Sweeney ’72 Luisa Garcia Flood ’72 James Flood ’73 Betty D. Friend Malleson Van Wyngarden Mary E. Graboski Byron Scott ’86 Jerry Gray Ronald & Anita Miller Kevin M. Gray ’82 Anonymous Nellie Jane Gray Eleanor Kaufman Richard F. Grennan ’61 John ’61 & Linda Whitehead Robert L. Haas William Joyce ’52


Edward L. Hampton Doris Scheidt Hampton ’48

Raymond A. Krupinski ’60 R. Lee Lottes ’70

Rev. Otho Sullivan David ’62 & Judith Herne

Terry Hanson ’69 Rene ’73 & Denise Walker

Fredrick M. Hanis ’42 Mark Hanis

Leo T. Landon ’45 Michael ’73 & Angela Landon Danny & Katie O’Connor Cary ’79 & Charlotte Landon ’79 Shaw

Donald E. Tabor ’52 Michael ’00 & Maria Vigliaturo ’01 Tabor

Michael Haverty Thomas & Sheila Weiford

Elizabeth (Spangler) Haug ’53 Larry ’60 & Tresa Buessing Virgil & Viola Haug Carol Haug ’70 & Michael Birkel Eugene C. Hegarty Tim G’13 & Stephanie Hegarty John H. Henningsen ’62 Ryan ’01 & Melissa Henningsen William J. Henningsen ’75 Ryan ’01 & Melissa Henningsen Fr. Regis Hickey, OSB ’39 David ’62 & Judith Herne

G. Lawrence Lane ’57 Betty Heiman Lane ’59 Fr. Bertrand LaNoue, OSB ’49 Carol Shomin ’71 Artie “Zeke” Long Larry Lady Rebecca Lueke Richard & Beatrice Muraski Dennis J. McCarthy ’51 Dennis & Janet McCarthy Marian McCarthy

Brian J. Hoffman ’97 Gretchen Ploehn ’96 & Jake Schmitz

James McCormick, D.D.S. ’52 Hampton Family Practice, PLLC

Colette Diederich Huerter ’62 Dean ’57 & Mary Curran ’58 Diederich

Barbara S. McGuire James ’71 & Linda McGuire

Henry Hunninghake Diane Hunninghake

Rev. Gerald Mesmer, OSB ’39 David ’62 & Judith Herne

Mary A. Hunninghake Diane Hunninghake

Patricia (Hix) Moore ’55 John Moore

Norbert J. “Jack” Kanak, Ph.D. ’61 Mary Ellen Hayob Kanak ’61

Art Moser Scott & Susan Moser

Melvin Ketter ’50 Patrick ’71 & Sylvia Schorn ’72 McGee Margaret Kew Marilyn Megli-Busche ’74 & Jack Albright Anonymous Richard ’74 & Mary Landwehr ’75 Baker Larry ’60 & Tresa Buessing John, M.D. ’96 & Lisa, M.D. Delaney Susan Durkin Dale, Judy & Todd Etter Norma Carter ’79 & James Ewbank Thomas ’76 & Sandra Fitzmaurice Kathy Garrison Evelyn Gore † Mark & Theresa Jirak Elaine Krusemark Larry & Trudy Lohman Gordon & Susan, Ph.D. Myers Eric & Lois Niemann P.E.O. Sisterhood Chapter J Carol Rippe Rebecca Landwehr ’74 & Thomas Shrimplin Jeffrey & Charlene Smith Vincent Tharp Leonard & Sylvia Thompson Eric, Ph.D. & Lara, D.M.A. West Les & Rosemary Wilkerson Kay Gerhardt ’87 & M. Scott Willis Margaret Koechner Alvin Marquart Gerald Kramer Joseph & Sandra Haverty


Kate Muldoon ’86 Timothy ’85 & Kathleen Wetzel ’85 Gallagher Patricia Hattendorf Nerney ’60 Thomas ’60 & Maryanna Nerney Robert O’Keefe Robert and Gayle O’Keefe Adolph Jr. and Georgia Pahls Steven ’82 & Tina Pahls Emma Ann Palmer Lawrence ’61 & Cecilia Palmer ’62 Muff R. W. and Genevieve Pavlu Robert, M.D. ’61 & Cynthia Pavlu Abbot Owen Purcell, O.S.B. ’53 Carol Shomin ’71 Thomas Ross ’79 Robert & Jeanette Le Pique Daniel G. Rupp ’58 Thomas ’58 & Barbara Benavides ’59 McCarthy Sandra Rupp Shannon J. Schieber Delores Schieber ’65 & Richard Heitman

Jack E. Teegarden ’51 Larry ’60 & Tresa Buessing Angela Didde Daniel ’74 & Mary Ann Teegarden ’74 Didde Robert & Mary Dobsch John, M.D. ’84 & Mary Scherrer ’84 Dornhoffer David ’74 & Mary Langer ’77 Dover Kim Fowler Charles ’75 & Sheila Gartenmayer Tim Grahn Mike & Susan Kearins Cayetana Maristela ’85 Roxanne Didde ’78 & Mark Netemeyer Dorothy Wyrick Jason, Ph.D. ’93 & Che Wyrick


A gift “in honor of” someone is usually made while that person is living, often for milestone occasions such as a graduation, promotion, birth of a child or grandchild, or retirement. James and Dorothy Brophy Joni Brophy ’85 & Thomas Colwell Catherine (Shaw) Bustillo ’60 Mary Ketter Landon ’49 S. Mary Blaise Cillessen, OSB ’48 Gary & Kay McDowell Most Rev. Andrew H. Cozzens, S.T.D. ’91 Stephanie Herman ’90 & Benedict Schmitz Mary Catherine Crisp Mary Ketter Landon ’49 S. Jeremy Dempsey, OSB ’47 Joni Brophy ’85 & Thomas Colwell Mary Adele Greer ’80 Abigail Drath Paul & Mary Witwer Patricia Kearney Elder ’85 Robert & Christina Matulis Shannen Freeman Laurence & Susan Freeman Patrick Gallagher, Ph.D. ’85 Timothy ’85 & Kathleen Wetzel ’85 Gallagher

John L. Schmiedeler ’52 William Joyce ’52

Edward A. Gellings Lisa Gellings M. Kathryn Gellings ’80

S. Mary Faith Schuster, OSB ’36 Joni Brophy ’85 & Thomas Colwell

Mike Gellings Diann M. Sandridge

B.J. Hickert ’77 Staff of Newbery, Ungerer & Hickert Wendell Snodgrass ’97, G’04 Thomas M. Hoenig ’68 Matthew ’81 & Ann Anthony S. Thomasita Homan, O.S.B. ’70 Joni Brophy ’85 & Thomas Colwell Denise Hunninghake Sherrie Hunninghake Diane Hunninghake Sherrie Hunninghake Donald B. Hunninghake Sr. ’55 Diane Hunninghake Donald B. Hunninghake, Jr. Sherrie Hunninghake Marian Karam ’11 Albert G. Karam, M.D., P.A. Albert, M.D. & Mary Karam Cecil and Margaret Ann Koechner Stephen ’91 & Joan Koechner ’90 Charbonneau Carol Ann Kritzmire Mary Ketter Landon ’49 Steven Kritzmire Mary Ketter Landon ’49 Ruth Krusemark, D.M.A. ’73 Elizabeth Dobbs ’82 & Scott Brandon Angela Landon Mary Ketter Landon ’49 Denise Landon Mary Ketter Landon ’49 Jennifer Landon Mary Ketter Landon ’49 Margaret A. Landon ’78 Mary Ketter Landon ’49 Mary Ketter Landon ’49 Danny & Katie O’Connor Michael E. Landon ’73 Mary Ketter Landon ’49 Patrick Landon Mary Ketter Landon ’49 Philip J. Landon ’78 Mary Ketter Landon ’49 Fr. Bertrand LaNoue, OSB ’49 Timothy ’88 & Lisa Huerter ’87 Andrews James ’82 & Terri Browne Bert Gates ’69 Teresa Hannon ’79 Thomas ’68 & Cynthia Hoenig Christopher ’78 & Joan Baker ’77 Pawlowicz

Roger ’85 & Lisa Steiner Thomas ’68 & Rita Tueth S. Maria Larkin, OSB ’57 Daphne McConnell, Ph.D. Brandon Martin ’02 Johnny & Renee Riter Mathematics teachers of SBC ’62 math majors James, Ph.D. ’62 & Catherine Kelly Rev. Denis Meade, OSB ’52 David ’62 & Judith Herne Richard W. Miller Ronald & Anita Miller Ed Mulholland Bernard Brakel Deacon Dana and Deborah Nearmyer Prier Products, Inc. Katie O’Connor Mary Ketter Landon ’49 James and Kathleen O’Hara Adrian ’02 & Dominique O’Hara Dr. Jean Rioux Jaron ’01 & Michelle Bromm Charles SanPetro ’62 Pat & Judy Siracusa John L. Schmiedeler ’52 Michael Barnthouse, M.D., P.C. Michael, M.D. & Suzanne Barnthouse Kathleen Schmiedeler Howe Fr. Gerard Senecal, O.S.B. ’51 Harold & Deidre Michael John F. Settich, Ph.D. ’69 Francis & Virginia Malouff Cary Shaw ’78 Mary Ketter Landon ’49 Charlotte Landon Shaw ’79 Mary Ketter Landon ’49 Byron G. Thompson ’55 Platte Valley Bank of Missouri Lori Tillman Mary Ketter Landon ’49 David Trotter Michael & Dona Trotter Charles Wallrapp ’14 Nancy Paradise-Donaldson Howard G. Westerman Jr. ’75 Cloyd McDaniels Lené Westerman Timothy ’85 & Kathleen Wetzel ’85 Gallagher


The college recognizes the many businesses and organizations that provided support in the fiscal year of 2013-2014. Abcor Partners, LLC ACT1 Adair/Exchange Bank Foundation Susan Devroy Adams and Charles M. Adams Living Trust Advanced College Solutions, Inc. Advanced Tax Solutions All-Star Painting American Boiler Company American Endowment Foundation American Family Insurance Amino Brothers Co., Inc. AMSTED Rail Product Solutions Anderson Dental, P.C. The Andover - Green’s Fund Angels Among Us, Inc. Anonymous Appraisal Direct AppraisalSmith of Kansas City, LLC Aramark Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas Armed Forces Insurance Exchange Artco Fabricating USA, LLC Artistic Cabinetry, LLC James J. and Mary Ellen Ascher Charitable Foundation ASKSteve, Inc. AT&T United Way/Employee Giving Campaign Atchison Dental Associates, PA Atchison Eye Center, LLC Atchison Fire Extinguisher Dennis C. Ayer, DDS B & B Etching Products, Inc. Bald Mike’s, Inc. Bank CBO Bank Midwest Bank of Atchison, USB BannerGator, LLC Michael Barnthouse, M.D., P.C. Chuck Bartush Jr., PC The Basilica of Saint John Parish Bell Construction, LLC Benedictine Convent of Perpetual Adoration Benedictine Raven Soccer Boosters Benton Properties Berns Charitable Foundation S & R Betts Construction, Inc. Big D’s Transport, LLC Biggie’s, Inc. BKD, LLP Blessed Sacrament Church Blish-Mize Company BlueCross BlueShield of Kansas Foundation M.P. Boland & Associates Bottaro Morefield Kubin & Yocum, P.C. Bottorff Construction, Inc. Bradken, Ltd. Bukaty Companies Bullis Family Farms, LLC C R Vineyard, LLC C&K Enterprises, LLC Wuse H. Cara, D.D.S. Carey Family Foundation Carmelite Sisters DCJ Carmelite Sisters of the Most Sacred Heart Catholic Christian Women of Duelm Catholic Diocese of Dodge City Catholic Foundation for the Roman Catholic Church in Northern Colorado

The Catholic Foundation of Northeast Kansas Central Bank of Kansas City Chief Farms, LLC The Church of St. Augustine Church of St. Jerome Michael S. Clawson, PLLC Clayton Paper and Distribution The Clements Agency Peter L. Clevinger Memorial Foundation, Inc. Colorado Trading & Clothing Company Columbia Tool and Machining, Inc. Commerce Bank Commerce Bank of St. Joseph Constant Communications, Inc. Conway for State Representative Copeland Insurance Agency Counsel of Catholic Women Country Carpet, Inc. Country Club Bank Cox Transfer, Inc. The Cloud L. Cray Foundation The Cloud L. Cray Jr. & Sara J. Cray Foundation The Evah C. Cray Charitable Trust Curé of Ars Catholic Church D. O. Software Dane G. Hansen Foundation Daniels Fund Dave’s Diesel Service, Inc. Janice K. Davis Charitable Fund Deer Run Properties, LLC Delaware Valley Acres, LLC Design Plus of Milwaukee, Inc. Deware Enterprises, LLC Dick & Dotte’s Property, LLC Genevieve Dierenfeldt Revocable Trust Dillon Company Ryan Disbrow Agency, LLC Disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ Dominicans - Province of St. Albert the Great Dugan Family Foundation J. E. Dunn Construction Dycus Painting Dyer Law Office Dynamic Fastener E.D.L., Inc. Easterday Charitable Foundation Eisenbarth Plumbing Ellison-Auxier Architects, Inc. EMC Insurance Companies Engineering Computer Systems Nancy Etzwiler/Dan O’Neill Family Fund of the Minneapolis Foundation Exchange National Bank & Trust Co. The Family of the Good Shepherd, Inc. Family Wellness Chiropractic Farmers State Bank J. David Farris Law Office Fern Charitable Fund Fiat Insurance & Risk Management Fish & Sons Logging, Inc. FOCUS Forster-Powers Charitable Trust Franciscan Sisters of the Poor Nona Frankenhoff Trust Frankfort Area Sanitation, Inc. Bob Hamilton Plumbing, Heating & A/C Gallagher Family Foundation Garrity and Kuckelman Richard D. Gatewood, Inc. Gerber Electric, Inc. Don and Nancy Germano Charitable Fund J. Jeffrey Grada Family Foundation Great Lakes Trading Company, Inc. Greater Kansas City Community

Foundation and Affiliated Trusts Greater Kansas City Sports Foundation GSH Tulsa Charitable Fund Guetterman Brothers Family Farms, LP H. A. Just Waterproofing Hampton Family Practice, PLLC Pearl M. and Julia J. Harmon Foundation Hasbrouck Chiropractic Office Hausman Metal Works & Roofing Michael and Marlys Haverty Family Foundation Fund Heartland Health Heller, Gallagher & Finley, LLP Hercules Industries Holy Family Altar Society Holy Family Catholic Church Kellie K. Hoover, DC, PC Hope Family Clinic Hudson Liquor, LLC Michael S. Hundley Construction, Inc. Hundley’s Liquor Store Husch Blackwell, LLP Hy-Vee, Inc. Independence International, Inc. J & J Drywall J.S.B. Insurance, Inc. JLC, LLC Joe’s Auto Service Johnson Refrigeration JT’s Automotive, Inc. JustGive.org Kaizen Football Academies New Zealand Kansas Independent College Fund Albert G. Karam, M.D., P.A. The Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation Kearney Construction Thomas F. Kemlage, D.D.S., P.C. Kilkenny’s Backhoe Service KMG Holdings, LLC Knights of Columbus Knights of Columbus Council No. 1529 Knights of Columbus Council No. 9771 Knights of Columbus Council No. 10408 Knights of Columbus Council No. 12804 Knights of Columbus Council No. 14385 Knights of Columbus St. Lawrence Council No. 1251 Fred C. and Mary R. Koch Foundation James Kopfensteiner DDS, LLC Kreifels Family Farms, Inc. Kuckelman Torline Kirkland & Lewis L & L Construction L. P. Miceli, Inc. Landoll Corporation Martin J. and Denise D. Landon Family Foundation Lario Oil & Gas Company Latimer, Sommers & Associates, P.A. Engineers Lawhon Construction Company Daniel P. Leach Family Charities Legacy Bank of Colwich John E. Leland Fund Leo’s Lawn Service Lewis Chevrolet Buick Liberty Diversified International Little Flower Foundation Fund Little Sisters of the Poor Lynette’s Dance Studio M & T Foundation Madison Insurance Group


Magellan Barter & Import, LLC The Marian Sisters of the Diocese of Lincoln Mariner Wealth Advisors Marriage Missionaries Martin’s Trash Service, Inc. Mary Mother of God Catholic Church Maur Hill-Mount Academy Maurer Development Company McCarthy Construction Medtrak Services, LLC Catherin V. Merrill Foundation MGP Ingredients, Inc. Midwest Bus Sales, Inc. Milford Supply Company Missouri Builders Service, Inc. MJJ Partners, LP Mo-Kan Transit Mix, Inc. Mollman’s Culligan Water Ronald and Petrina Morley Charitable Gift Fund Mount St. Scholastica Muchnic Foundation The Walter G. & Mary Jo Nelson Charitable Giving Fund Network for Good Newcomer Family Foundation Nelson and Marcia Newcomer Family Fund Joe and Jane Nerney Endowment Fund Newman Catholic Student Center NHB, LLC Nill Brothers Sporting Goods, Inc. Notre Dame Catholic Church Welfare Fund Nuss Engineering, LLC Linda A. Oliva, D.V.M., P.A. Omaha Foot & Ankle Specialists O’Malley Beverage, Inc. One Stop CPS The Ormond Company, Inc. The Orthopedic & Sports Medicine Center Our Lady of Guadalupe Seminary Our Lady Of Perpetual Help Church Our Sunday Visitor, Inc. P.E.O. Sisterhood Chapter J Paolucci Restaurant & Lounge Passionist Nuns Peltier Investments Perf Etc Steel Corp. Perf-Tech Wireline Services, Inc. PGAV Architects Pickett Group, Inc. Pickman Electric Platte Valley Bank of Missouri Preferred Health Professional, LLC Prier Products, Inc. Professional Financial Concepts, LLC Don P. Quint & Associates Samuel Louis Ramos, DDS, PA Razoo Foundation Redgate Disposal, LLC Regsafe, LLC Reinert, LLC Resort Investments, LLC Ricoh-USA RLM Foundation Dr. A. Roy Roberts and Dr. Jeff S. Janasek, Optometrists Roberts Roofing Co., Inc. Robinson Calf Ranch RS Electric Corporation RS Electric Resource Group Foundation Fund Runyan Jewelers Ryan Chiropractic Clinic, P.A. The Saint Eustace Foundation


Saint Mary’s Church Alan B. & Florence C. Salisbury Fund James T. Scherer, CPA Mark A. and Denise Schieber Donor Advised Fund Schmidt & Associates, PC School Sisters of Christ the King Schwab Charitable Fund Scott Rice Office Works Servants of the Lord and the Virgin of Matará Service Stars, LLC Shelton Travel Service, Inc. Shumaker Family Foundation Shyne & Associates Sister Servants of Mary Sisters in Jesus the Lord, C.J.D. Sisters of Charity of Leavenworth Sisters of St. Francis Sisters of St. Francis of Perpetual Adoration Sisters of St. Francis of the Martyr St. George The Sisters of the Third Order of St. Francis The Sisters of the Society of Our Lady Soener Foundation Specht Turf and Tree Sports Rehabilitation and Physical Therapy Spyglass Holdings, LLC St. Benedict’s Abbey St. Charles Borromeo Ladies Sodality St. John Cantius Church and Sts. Peter & Paul Church St. Kathryn Church St. Mary’s Cathedral St. Patrick’s College Old Boys Association St. Thomas More Church Staley and Brungardt Sterner Family Charitable Fund Stevenson Family Pharmacy Stinson Leonard Street, LLP Stockton Clipper Strata Tech, Inc. Straub Construction Co, Inc. Strong Body Shop, Inc. John J. Sullivan Jr. Charitable Trust The Sunderland Foundation Syard Group, LLC Tab’s Unlimited Tanner’s Bar & Grill, Inc. Target Insurance Services, Inc. Tate Plumbing & Construction TBC International, LLC Therapeutic Touch Wellness Center Thomas McGee, L.C. The Tobore Scholarship Fund of the Lutheran Community Foundation Gini L. Toyne & Associates, Inc. Treanor Architects, P.A. Trinity Interests, Inc. Truist Trusted Care Chiropractic, LLC Turf Masters, Inc. The Courtney S. Turner Charitable Trust Anthony Twyman and Bank of America, Trustees UMB Bank, n.a. Unipro Graphics, Inc. United Way of Central New Mexico United Way of Greater Kansas City UPS Foundation USA Kansas Wrestling USA Kids Wrestling District 1 USA Wrestling - Kansas, Inc. Van Dyke Grocery Verite, Inc. Villafana Sales Group, LLC

Village Villa, Inc. Vinciguerra Jewelry Wagner Plumbing, Inc. Wal-Mart Stores George Weber Chevrolet Wells Fargo Community Support/ United Way Campaign Werring Law Office, LLC The Westerman Foundation Western Beverage, Inc. Stephen W. Wheatley, D.C., P.A. Willie’s Family, Inc. Word of Mouth Catering, Inc. Lawrence C. Zink Trust


The college recognizes the following companies who match the gifts their employees make to Benedictine Collge. The impact of corporate matching is substantial with over $69,000 donated by the following companies matching the gifts made to Benedictine College by their employees. The college recognizes these companies. 3M Foundation A. O. Smith Foundation Ally Amerada Hess Corporation American National Bank Ameriprise Financial Anonymous Aon Foundation Archer Daniels Midland Co. AT&T Foundation Bank of America Foundation BNSF Railway Foundation Boeing Company Charitable Trust BP Foundation, Inc. Cameron International Corporation Caterpillar Foundation Chevron USA, Inc. Colgate-Palmolive Company ConAgra Foods Foundation ConocoPhillips Company Costco Wholesale Corporation DCP Midstream Del Monte Foods Emerson Electric Co. EPR Properties Ericsson, Inc. ExxonMobil Foundation Farmers Group, Inc. Fidelity Foundation First Data Resources, Inc. Hallmark Cards, Inc. Humana Foundation, Inc. IBM International Foundation ING Foundation Intuit Foundation ITW Foundation Johnson Controls Foundation Kansas City Southern Macy’s Foundation Masco Corporation McDonald’s Corporation Medtronic Foundation Microsoft Matching Gifts Program Monsanto Fund Mutual of Omaha Insurance Co. Nestlé

Northwestern Mutual Foundation Occidental Petroleum Corporation OGE Energy Corp. Foundation, Inc. PepsiCo Foundation, Inc. Raytheon Company SBL Charitable Trust Scottrade, Inc. Shell Oil Company Foundation Spectra Energy Corporation Sprint State Farm Companies Foundation State Street Foundation TIAA-CREF Employee Giving Campaign Toyota Motor Sales, U.S.A., Inc. United Technologies US Bancorp Vulcan Materials Company Webroot Wells Fargo Xcel Energy Foundation Xerox Foundation

1858 Society

Throughout Benedictine College’s history there have been many generous and loyal supporters. We recognize below some of the college’s most loyal and dedicated donors, who have provided annual support for five or more years in a row. Lifetime Level: 20+ years

Adair/Exchange Bank Foundation Deacon Charles ’71 & Susan Adams Charles Alberts Anonymous Matthew ’81 & Ann Anthony Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas Mary Ann Zehrung ’55 & Edward Arnone Kathleen Erker ’65 & Theodore Ast George, Ph.D. ’45 & Barbara Stotts ’53 Baumgartner Norman ’58 & Barbara Beat Daniel ’72 & Dorothy Howard ’73 Beattie Roland ’75 & Mary Boeding Larry ’61 & Ann Brandon Larry ’60 & Tresa Buessing Mary Anne Ginaine Burke ’58 Clark Burnett ’65 Ann Carrigan Gere Carrigan Pius Chao ’52 Joni Brophy ’85 & Thomas Colwell Richard, Ph.D. & Cathy Coronado Joseph, M.D. ’69 & Frances Wright ’69 Daglen Wallace ’50 & Melba Dal Santo Diane Furlong Delaney ’69 Richard & Cindy Dickason Dennis, M.D. ’57 & Alice Milacek ’58 Diederich Franklin, D.P.M. ’50 & Doreen Harris ’50 Donovan Mary McNeive Dougherty ’58 Felix, Ph.D. ’65 & Mary Dreher J. E. Dunn Construction Elmer Fangman ’57 Farmers State Bank David ’73 & Laurie Farrell John ’84 & Melanie Smith ’84 Fechter

Eugene ’65 & Karen Federhofer Michael ’86 & Cristina Hernandez ’86 Feldewert Lynne Baerveldt ’83 & Kevin Fogarty Francis ’75 & Kathleen Fox Bo ’64 & Terry Fraser James ’52 & Gloria Fraser Robert Fraser ’50 Mary Frances Keating ’60 & James Fulton Charles ’52 & Mary O’Connor ’53 Garrett Joseph Geist, Ph.D. ’58 Edward & Marlene Gellings M. Kathryn Gellings ’80 Alberta Schatzle Germann ’67 Don, Ph.D. ’75 & Nancy Germano James Gerst, M.D. ’68 & Mary Helen Gerst John Gioia, II ’83 John ’55 & Margaret Schumacher ’56 Gladbach Jane Feltmann ’83 & Mark Glastetter Janet Melvin ’59 & Thomas Hansen Jane Heideman ’85 Robert & Eleanor Heideman Elizabeth Griesemer ’50 & James Hendricks Bernard ’77 & Barbara Glavin ’82 Hickert Andrew ’81 & Rhonda Hoedl Thomas ’68 & Cynthia Hoenig Richard, M.D. ’47 & Elia Ibarra Fred, Ph.D. ’62 & Kay Jehle Kansas Independent College Fund Shawn ’78 & Teresa Mersinger ’81 Kelly Thomas, D.D.S. ’83 & Joan Moyer ’85 Kemlage Paul ’69 & Therese Rottinghaus ’68 Kenkel Kim Keutzer ’74 Joseph, Ph.D. ’64 & Carolyn Fetko ’66 Kobos Keith ’75 & Elizabeth Nickel ’75 Korte Francis ’63 & Elizabeth Kram Catherine Hawes ’71 & James Krebsbach Gerald ’67 & Anna Marie Lammers Betty Heiman Lane ’59 Bernadine Law Lanzano ’55 Gene ’54 & Janelle Knoedel ’56 Lazzo Karen Martin ’91 & Rick Litschgi Jeanne Mapes Martina Sanchez ’58 & George Márquez Lou ’53 & Sue McAvoy Stephen ’77 & Peggy McBride Patrick ’71 & Sylvia Schorn ’72 McGee Gary ’62 & Judy McGinness Mark ’77 & Barbara † McGuire Thomas ’58 & Janet McKnew Charles ’60 & JoAnn McLaughlin Jay ’69 & Barbara Meyer Theresa Wolters ’59 & Raymond Miller Stephen, J.D. ’82 & Amy Kohake ’84 Minnis Sylvester Morris ’61 Mount St. Scholastica, Inc. Muchnic Foundation Norbert ’61 & Marlou Muhlbauer David ’65 & Kathleen Holbrook ’67 Murray William ’59 & Margaret Ferkenhoff ’59 Myers James ’59 & Mary Napier Thomas ’60 & Maryanna Nerney Mary Niemczyk, Ph.D. ’82 Katherine Prohaska Nilles ’61 James ’60 & Kathleen O’Brien

Martha Sellmeyer ’59 & Maurice O’Keefe John ’61 & Janice O’Leary Thomas ’66 & Diane O’Leary Eileen Murphy Orlet ’52 Joseph Ozbolt ’66 Dominic ’59 & Marilyn Paolucci Joyce Ketter ’81 & Bill Partin Anne Wurtz, Ph.D. ’86 & Kevin Passino Cathryn Coldwell Paul ’60 Joseph ’45 & Laura Peters Stephen ’54 & Dorothy Osborne ’55 Podry Robert ’65 & Denise Purschke Patricia Randall ’64 Charles ’74 & Martha Latz ’76 Raplinger Constance Reichart ’62 Donald ’55 & Margaret Gulde ’57 Rettenmaier Michael ’82 & Sandra Rieker Raymond, Ph.D. ’67 & Mary Milleret, Ph.D. ’70 Ring Ronald, Ph.D. ’69 & Linda Rizzo Jerre Baker ’86 & Daniel Rush Peter ’81 & Maureen Sheehan ’81 Russo James & Constance Sanduski Mark ’80 & Denise Hoffmann ’82 Schieber Charles ’50 & Elaine Schmitz Neil ’76 & Marsha Schulte James ’66 & Dorothy Schultz Theodore ’55 & Catherine Costa ’55 Schultz Byron Scott ’86 Daniel Shead, D.P.M. ’89 Carol Shomin ’71 Rebecca Landwehr ’74 & Thomas Shrimplin Thomas, M.D. ’77 & Celina Shriwise Robert ’65 & Mary Sidman Rev. Eugene Sitzmann ’58 Michael ’64 & Aracely Sitzmann James ’75 & Martha Clark ’78 Skain Robert ’54 & Charlene Nelson ’56 Slater Patrick ’72 & Mary Margaret Sly Margery Laughlin Smith ’51 Paul ’72 & Jewell Smith James ’71 & Mary Montgomery ’71 Soloperto St. Benedict’s Abbey Robert & Joan Staley Patricia Farrell ’63 & Gerald, M.D. Strohmeyer Thomas Thompson, Ph.D. ’74 Michael, M.D. ’66 & Linda Tueth UMB Bank, n.a. George ’62 & Delores Underwood John ’66 & Mary Cochran ’75 Van Dyke Catherine Van Compernolle Van Ryckeghem ’57 Anthony ’51 & Laura Waite Thomas ’59 & Catherine Devlin ’59 Waller Philip ’67 & Judith Wegman Mary Werring Thomas ’66 & Linda Wessels Robert ’72 & Janet Wholey Lawrence ’72 & Janet Munro ’81, G’02 Wilcox Angeline Ohlinger Wingert ’67 Donald, M.D. ’45 & Mary Wolters LaVern ’67 & Patty Younger Mary Alice Weir Ziegler ’50 †

Milestone Level:

10-19 years 19 years

Timothy ’88 & Lisa Huerter ’87 Andrews Kevin ’81 & Laura Felts ’81 Bachkora Steven ’67 & Martina Bettlach Michael Boyce ’72 Patrick ’94 & Kathleen McClard ’93 Carr John ’55 & Louise Venard ’56 Clinton Michael ’72 & Julia Croghan ’73 Fitzgerald George, M.D. ’86 & Anne Frank Thomas ’77 & Mary Latz ’78 Gorczyca Michael Heslip ’65 Kathleen Burdiek ’79 & Dan O’Brien Robert O’Gara ’61 Janet Ketter ’74 & Mark Pankau Irma Pittroff ’52 Joseph Reznik ’61 Joseph ’84 & Joyce Schaefer

18 years

John ’66 & Cindra Altman George, Ph.D. ’64 & Nancy Bain Diane Mealy ’56 & Paul Barber Emily Wolfe ’75 & Daniel Davis Susan Cucchi Gallagher ’84 Gerald ’81 & Linda Becker, Ed.D. ’81 Henry James, III ’87 & Dawn Hintz Lawrence ’63 & Linda Kaminsky Theodore Kelly ’57 Tim, Ph.D. ’75 & Elizabeth Kloppenborg James G’92 & Sharon Krone David ’57 & Rebecca Reichenberger ’59 Moritz Timothy ’87 & Silvia Mullane Mary Boeding ’54 & James Rice Reliford, Ph.D. ’83 & Karen, Ed.D. Sanders Mary Schulte ’76 & Thomas Maul Soener Foundation Anthony ’61 & Mary Tremmel Stephen Vertin Kelly Boland Vowels ’85

17 years

Stephen, Ph.D. ’80 & Elizabeth Baldwin Michel ’70 & Cindy Franco ’70 Berard Mary Jo Browne ’62 & Raymond Bullis Edward ’59 & Sharon Dyer James ’74 & Donna Feltmann Joseph ’72 & Julie Mayer ’72 Fingerhut Gunther ’64 & Elizabeth Geritz ’65 Fischer Bruce ’76 & Tina Fisher Saralinda Brown ’86, G’02 & John Gebo Patricia Convery ’89 & Joseph Geisinger Judith Gregar ’84 Rosina Baumgartner ’52 & Joseph Halpin Jeff ’94, G’00 & Angela Humburg James ’61 & Kathleen Klenke Patricia Hogan ’84 & Greg Klinglesmith David ’67 & Sheryl Laughlin James ’77 & Dunrie Lewis James Nordhus ’57 Louis ’51 & Irene Normandin Paul Ohlendorf ’71 Carolyn Bergman Slaughter ’64 & Jim Kurtz Rose Meinhardt ’89 & Alan Spicer Richard ’72 & Janice Tedoni

Jack Teegarden ’51 † Francis ’60 & Nancy Thissen William ’51 & Beverly Todhunter Steven ’61 & Zildete Vilvens Howard ’75 & Rhonda Behlmann ’75 Westerman David ’64 & Karen Wulff

16 years

C. John ’70 & Marti Baricevic John & Roberta Birmingham Rev. Marvin Boes ’57 Edward ’71 & Ann Brophy Cecelia Christophene ’55 & William Brunner Charles Buhler ’50 Trudy Compton David ’83 & Eileen Droste ’83 Daly Terrence & Peggy Dunn Paul Durkin ’79 Daniel Fangman ’82 & Dolly Duffy Robert ’71 & Victoria Gregory ’71 Fitzgerald Leo ’78 & Regina Gensweider James & Anita Hawes Richard ’75 & Deborah Hermesch Bernard & Marion Hoffman James ’72 & Helen Howe Robert ’76 & Marie Cassilly ’76 Kaemmerer Thomas & Donna Kellerman William Kitusky Eugene & Joyce Klingele Joseph ’94 & Chanda Morrow ’95 Koechner John & Suzie Liljestrand Kathleen Miller ’86 & Tracy Lind Alvin Marquart John ’94 & Angela Minnis Margaret Meara Niles ’62 Leonard & Patricia Plank John, M.D. ’62 & Barbara Meyer ’62 Reilly Bill & Donna Roe Harvey & Vicky Roseberry Constance Ertz Siefken ’72 Roxane Mueting ’88 & Michael Stec Ralph & Joanne Urevich Charles ’76 & Mary Reichenbach ’74 Wavada Bryan ’93 & Lisa Griffin ’91 Willie Richard & Colleen Willie

15 years

Blish-Mize Company Bottorff Construction, Inc. Edmond Ciarniello ’70 Michael & Jeanne Cleary Yvonne DeKeyser ’84 & Dirk Colgrove Country Club Bank Arthur Dobbelaere, Ph.D. ’70 John ’57 & Ann Dooling William & Susan Flynn Deborah Palermo ’76 & Gary Holterman Mark ’91 & Teresa Hall ’90 Jacobs Marilyn Jansen ’52 Ronald ’69 & Alice Jones Donald ’71 & Jane Kohake ’72 Kreimer Joseph & Esther Martinez John ’56 & Mary McGovern Mary McNerney ’70 Robert ’62 & Julia Oborny Patrick Peddecord ’58 Charles ’60 & Anita Rogers Duane Rueb ’77 Jack ’70 & Matrice Willerding ’70 Schafers Donald & Carol Schmidt Susan Pfeifer Shammo ’83


Jeanie Ryan Stiles ’51 Patricia Peterson Sweeney ’50 David ’77 & Patricia Mohatt ’76 Szott Vincent Tharp Byron ’55 & Joan Thompson Bernard ’67 & Ellen McCaskey ’69 Tonquest Robert Tumberger ’77 Helen Brentano Wack ’63

14 years

Dennis, D.D.S. ’77 & Virginia Ayer Cindy Bartels-Graham ’87 Joseph ’56 & Evelyn Rack ’58 Boutte Daniel, Ph.D. ’68 & Terri Carey Ann Nester ’66 & Norman Cleeland Marcia Thies ’69 & Raymond, D.C. Conley Salvatore & Carolyn Cusumano Jean Gallagher Decker ’65 Dean ’57 & Mary Curran ’58 Diederich Stephen & Anne Dunn Exchange National Bank & Trust Co. Phillip & Patricia Faulkner Richard ’58 & Kathryn Forge Mary Ellen Hayob Kanak ’61 Patrick ’86 & Elizabeth Perkins ’86 Kennedy Sara Flax ’98 & Jeff Kramer Philip ’93 & Jennifer Lombardi James ’61 & Winifred Lundy ’64 Nass Mark ’76 & Mary Radetic William ’87 & Tina Hoynacki ’87 Schrimpf Treanor Architects, P.A. Marcene Zimmerman ’56 & Richard Twark

13 years

Anonymous Kevin ’98, G’01 & Kathryn Crawford ’01 Archer Bank of Atchison, USB Eileen Dever ’52 & Lewis Barbe Dennis Baricevic ’72 John Behrmann ’68 Eric G’05 & Ledeen Berry LeRoy ’60 & Linda Doohan ’61 Brungardt William ’66 & Musette Stinson ’66 Castle Mary Carey Dahlin ’60 Matthew ’76 & Mary Cook ’76 Filpovich Keith & Martha Gann Leon Gaschen ’52 Donald & JoAnn Holdener Burton Huerter ’60 Karen Thompson ’65 & Donald Indra William ’78 & Susan Keehn Mary Kierl ’73 & John Latenser Daniel & Carolyn Loughman Frank Luke ’75 Thomas ’68 & Jane Froning ’67 McNassar William ’63 & Diane Mealy Aimee Tonquest ’90 & Stephen Mehl Mary Ellen Fischer, Ph.D. ’67 & Richard, Ph.D. Mercer Karen Miller ’74 & Ralph Morrison William & Kathleen Mundie Michael ’82 & Theresa McPhee ’83 Murphy Constance Lohmann ’72 & Henry Passaro Emmett, Ph.D. ’58 & Mary Ann Zavadil ’59 Schulte Donald & Kimberly, Ph.D. Shankman Rev. Joseph Taphorn, J.C.L. ’93 Union Pacific Corporation


Joseph ’82 & Patricia McCullough ’84 Voda

12 years

John ’63 & Beverly Barry Raymond ’63 & Mary Jo Becker Kelly Cannavan ’96 & Kent Bjork Michael, M.D. ’81 & Debra Boland Jim, D.D.S. ’77 & Linda Bongers James Chapman ’76 Theodore ’58 & Joan Copenhaver ’59 DeBauge Robert Dehaemers † Ruth Link Deuschle ’51 John & Mary Jane Earnshaw Fred & Nora Faucett Elizabeth (Zibbie) Gillespie ’62 & James Ferrell James ’75 & Janice Bergman ’76 Flanagan Charles ’75 & Sheila Gartenmayer Marlene Rapalino ’57 & James Graham Michael & Marlys Haverty Kathryn Skalsky Hirsch ’61 Bud & Nancy Huffman Roseann Hughes Rosemarie Mayer Hunninghake ’60 Alice Lincoln ’66 & Ronald Jacobs Darryl Jones ’68 James † & Marilyn Jones Legacy Bank of Colwich Jacquelyn La Noue ’78 & David Liebenthal Irene Rottinghaus ’65 & Joseph Malone Thomas ’74 & Diane Melichar Thomas ’74 & Joan Teegarden ’77 Metzger William ’73 & Lynne Nebel Michael ’65 & Linda Neenan Ellen Daldrup Newman ’56 Patricia Euler Oyerly ’65 William ’65 & Joan Pearson Patrick, M.D. & Cyndy Price Lillian Fisher Quigley ’51 Tom ’60 & Kathleen Reichenberger Rudy & Judith Rockey Mary Erpelding ’62 & Harold Scheopner James ’73 & Mary Kramer ’73 Schier Daniel ’72 & Vicki Sedlacek Larry & Shirley Spain Eric ’96, G’98 & Patricia Strathman Clarence Synakiewicz ’55 Timothy ’71 & Susan Thompson Marianne Lash ’60 & George Tobias Dianne ’82 & George Witwer William ’49 & Edna Mae Wolters

11 years

Carl Berkhout, Ph.D. ’66 John & Nancy Braman Frances Broderick Mark ’68 & Judith Duval ’69 Catanzaro Eugene & Patricia Cole James ’68 & Judy Crossley Maurice ’58 & Melva Cummings Sean ’82 & Julie Zook ’86 Doherty Carol Patterson ’73 & Richard Dressel Marie Demmer Esselmann ’43 Marie Sheldon ’97 & Gary Fiebach Frances Flanagan, Ph.D. ’43 Michael ’69 & Susan Conrow ’69 Gangel Joseph ’70 & Victoria Garavaglia Patrick, Ph.D. ’70 & Lois Jean Prohaska ’69 Gardner Patrick ’60 & Terri Giebler William ’65 & Marilyn Gill

Kathleen Glaser ’60 Daniel & Karen Glennon William ’48 & Wayona Hafeman Matthew ’97 & Robin Hall William, M.D. ’82 & Teresa Beye ’82 Hendricks Martin, Ph.D. ’83 & Betsy Huss Jeffrey ’82 & Mary Kellen Richard & Mollien Koenig John, Ph.D. ’66 & Rita Zeorlin ’66 Leland Angela Loch ’84 & David Loch Ann Harrity ’82 & Fred Matz Matthew ’81 & Sheryl McAvoy Rev. Donald McCarthy ’62 Gary ’58 & Frances McGrath James McInerney ’76 Rose Farnan Merchant ’61 Frank ’68 & Jean Clark ’69 Milik Robert ’62 & Nancy Henley ’62 Nowatzke Thomas ’60 & Doreen O’Brien Irene Spitsen ’78 & Jim Pollard Mary Hill ’57 & Robert Riedel Robert ’63 & Joyce Ringel Christine Ronnebaum ’91 Christopher ’88 & Carolyn Ross Emmett ’58 & Kathleen Winter ’68 Rottinghaus Stephen ’55 & Patricia Dorney ’55 Sasenick Joseph ’68 & Mary Schleicher Jerome, Ph.D. ’49 & Pamela Schmidt Christopher ’73 & Janet Schottel Ralph ’52 & Shirley Settle Sharon Smart ’75 & Brian Shaw R. Christopher ’02 & Saundra Small William, Ph.D. ’53 & Joyce Smith Kelly Kovac ’87 & Kevin Starkey Randy & Mura Thatcher Joseph ’84 & Maureen Brophy ’83 Turney Mark ’58 & Doris Vincent William Vonderhaar ’68 Sharon Quirk ’66 & Joseph Walbran Anita Siebert ’58 & Thomas Weber Mary Ellen Kuhlman ’54 & Robert Welsh Stanley ’77 & Marikay Westhoff Jeremy ’01 & Elizabeth Didde ’01 Winkelbauer Rita Kelly Wurtz ’61 Joseph & Mary Yakamavich Susan Baker ’82 & Doug Zubradt

10 years

Bill & Roberta Aguirre Peter & Barbara Arensberg Robert ’69 & Luana Bitter Leroy ’57 & Helen Blasi Robert ’63 & Shirley Von Harz ’63 Chenoweth Katherine Colwell Daniel ’74 & Mary Ann Teegarden ’74 Didde Terrance & Rosemary Diebolt Thomas & Phyllis Emmel Damian ’53 & Geraldine Enneking Sean ’85 & Laura Quigley ’85 Farson James G’03 & Patricia Filley David ’66 & Anita Stock ’66 Fitzekam Mary Timmons ’79 & Sean Flynn Deanna Myers Giessel ’72 James ’70 † & Deanna Myers ’72 Giessel Stephen & Linda Gosche Terence, D.O. ’80 & Jill Grewe Elizabeth Asher ’86 & Dave Gruenbacher Timothy ’75 & Anne Hannon

Norma Musslyn ’68 & Joe Herring Ronald ’69 & Karen Hindman Ruth Loehr Hogan ’59 Denton ’64 & Jody Hoy Anthony, D.D.S. & Joan Ingino Nancy Bolte ’74 & Danny Jackson Joan Gleeson ’54 & Melvin Kahn Mary Margaret McBride Kucera ’52 Joseph ’69 & Karen Laffleur R. Lee Lottes ’70 J. Philip ’64 & Kathleen Magers Joseph ’92 & Amy Matisek Thomas & Lucille McGibney Catherin V. Merrill Foundation Brenda Cantwell ’79 & William Miller James ’62 & Mary Nicholson Kevin ’79, G’97 & Colleen McGraw ’81 O’Malley Leland ’59 & Irma Ostdiek William ’74 & Edith Pedley Richard, M.D. ’50 & Mary Pirotte Robert G’00 & Terry Pritchett Richard ’67 & Barbara Purschke Michael, M.D. ’69 & Hanna Reding William & Margaret Roche Gina Ronnebaum ’89 Denise Koetting ’94 & Chris Salanski Larry Servaes Julian, Psy.D. ’65 & Betty, Ph.D. Slowinski Elizabeth Schlueter ’99 & Edward, S.T.D. Sri Staley and Brungardt Roger ’85 & Lisa Steiner John ’64 & Patty Suholaski Target Insurance Services, Inc. Sean ’90 & Julie Stoddart ’90 Thompson Stephen ’93 & Michelle Torline Edward & Debra Trompeter Terese Orlet ’77 & David Vargo Steven & Randi Walters Renee Kohake ’87 & Richard Washburn Lené Westerman ’85 Julia Hepburn Wirtz ’49 Karen Emmendorfer ’82 & Tony Wolken Thomas ’69 & Mary Hall ’69 Wright Carol Godell ’64 & John Yorke

Charter Level: 5-9 years 9 years

Barbara Barak Beth Jones ’05 & Barry Bigelow Carol Haug ’70 & Michael Birkel BKD, LLP R. James & Mary Blaise Richard & Doris Boland Gregory ’93 & Rhonda Petry ’93 Bower William ’81 & Katherine Bowler Olin Brown ’77 Veronica Brynac Stephen ’85 & Michele Westerhaus ’87 Buhler John, Ph.D. † & Jane Campbell Thomas Carey, Ph.D. ’59 Cecilia Overbey ’67 & Francis, Ph.D. Carpinelli John ’53 & Marilyn Carroll Timothy & Susan Costigan Vincent ’02 & Lyndi Cox Joseph ’86 & Jacqueline Larkin ’86 Crider Terrence ’74 & Sandy Cullen Fred ’58 & Frances Dice David ’03 & Jennifer Kreher ’03 Dillner John Dixon

Paul Drees, Ph.D. ’54 Brian ’98, G’02 & Lora Dunn Robert & Katie Dwyer Michael ’77 & Cindy Edwinson Alicia Eiler-Ordonez ’87 Sharon Watkins Ells ’63 Phillip Farris ’66 Alex & Linda, Ph.D. Galyon Thomas & Teresa Gasper Don and Nancy Germano Charitable Fund Steven & Susan Givens Stephen Graff ’72 Arthur Gregg ’64 Gordon ’77 & Helen O’Connell ’77 Guzenski Donald & Cheryl Hagedorn Stephen ’76 & Nancy Baker ’76 Heideman Robert ’00, G’04 & Cymbre Costello ’00 Herringer David ’73 & Patricia Hockett Tracy Van Anne ’95 & Greg Hoye Gabriel ’74 & Nan Hudson John ’68 & Patricia Hughes Craig ’87 & Susan Fangman ’86 Husting Thomas ’64 & Shirley Hutchison Rev. Joseph Irwin ’99 JustGive.org Noel & Linda Keane Greg & Colleen Kerschen Stanley & Janet Kliesen Alexander & Mary Kay Koenen Richard Kutlas ’58 Lario Oil & Gas Company Thomas ’80 & Colleen Latz Michael ’70 & Ann Lause Dennis ’87 & Jolene Sarraillon ’87 Lawlor Lee Roesel ’80 & Harry Luechtefeld Marcia Munro ’75 & Ronald MacLennan Kenneth ’78 & Teresa Martz James Mattea, Ph.D. ’65 Imogene Gregory ’53 & Joseph Mazur Patrick ’76 & Mary Pat Cooney ’79 McBride Marian McCarthy Lynn McCormack ’69 Kevin ’82 & Theresa McDermed William & Jo Ellen McEvoy James ’71 & Linda McGuire Brandon ’96, G’99 & Christy McKibben Gregor G’99 & Ashley McLeod Edward ’54 & Ann McShane Harry ’68 & Mary Meinhardt James Mount ’70 Helen Sarg Naughton ’42 Daniel & Joyce Nolan James & Kathleen, Ph.D. O’Hara Stephen Park ’70 Robert, M.D. ’61 & Cynthia Pavlu Mary Hegarty ’90 & Joseph Perkins Germain G’01 & Shannon Pickman William, Ph.D. ’51 & Darlene Pivonka Mindy Krupinski ’80 & Mick Pollock Robert & Daryn Price Peter, Ph.D. ’62 & Ann Pufall Rose Mary Strathman Riley ’53 Manuel ’85 & Gloria Rios Francis ’69 & Elizabeth Hirsch ’71 Rogan Richard ’61 & Leann Wolters ’62 Romero Loretta Downey ’61 & J. Michael Ross Dennis Schmitz ’83 Thomas Schnurr, M.D. ’77 John ’84 &

Joan Fangman ’83 Schuster Mary Wallerstedt Schwab ’41 William ’70 & Brenda Smith ’70 Shaw Elizabeth Hruska ’05 & Paul Slobodnik Francis ’59 & Geraldine Smith Carol Chopp ’68 & Gary Stamm Justin ’83 & Patricia Ritchie ’81 Stanley Andrea Meyer ’68 & William Staudenmaier Catherine Moore ’72 & James Stauss William Strathman ’70 Sally Doyle Stricca ’58 John ’75 & Connie Szczepanik William & Dorothy Tennant Arkom, M.D. & Libda Tivorsak David & Lucille Tobben Fred & Terry Van Nahmen Mary Seibold ’80 & Mark Warnack Barbara Wilson Mary Klene ’48 & William Winslow Alice Boyle ’68 & Harold Yanow Thomas & Joanne Young Frank Zook ’59

8 years

Robert, Ed.D. ’61 & Elizabeth Albers Gerald Allen ’60 James & Ann Armstrong Keith & Dorothy Atlakson Harold & Nancy Barnett Raymond ’70 & Marcia Bauer Virginia Baumgartner ’77 Joseph ’72 & Stavra Bayer John, M.D. ’56 & Mary Beck Robert & Susan Bednar James & Kristi Bertrand Anthony ’56 & Rebecca Bianchi Paul Blum ’63 Mary Bosanatz Dale, Ph.D. ’53 & Jean Russell Bremmer Kevin ’74 & Donna Carril James & JoEllen Caskey Dale & Kathleen Cinotto Ben & Alberta Coe Kenneth ’68 & Eileen Coffee Margaret Richardson Conley ’65 Leona ’66 & Kent, M.D. Cooper Bertrice Daldrup ’48 Dolores Isaacson ’58 & James DeAndrea Thomas, Ph.D. ’63 & Patricia DeCoster Anna Demmer ’56 Terry & Mary Denker Daniel & Corinne Dineen William Dodd Elizabeth Wack Doyle ’44 Lisa Ruffin ’86 & W. Bentley Edmonds James ’64 & Charlene Enneking Donald & Theresa Essner Gwyn Felder ’93 James ’58 & Mary Fern Mary Ellen O’Mara Fitzgerald ’55 Michael Fitzgerald ’79 & Elizabeth Jacobs-Fitzgerald ’78 Rudolph ’59 & Patricia Gallegos Robert Geist ’57 Patrick ’79 & Lori George Jay, Ph.D. ’63 & Ruth Wenzl, Ph.D. ’69 Gerber Donald ’50 & Mary Giese Martin & Lisa Goedken Jerome ’77 & Kathleen McCarthy ’78 Graney Sue Stewart Grosdidier ’61 Benedict ’61 & Barbara Habiger Michael ’69 & Theresa Asher ’70 Haire David, Ph.D. ’97 & Jacqulene Pick ’98 Harris Michael Harris ’64

Robert & LaVon Hawkins Rebecca ’69, G’07 & Randy Herbert Ronald & Kellee Hercules Randall & Donna Holt James & Suzanne Horner Hundley’s Liquor Store Christopher Hunninghake Diane Hunninghake Wayne & Kimberly Ignowski James ’99 & Kimberly Nebgen ’00 Jansen Paul & Barbara Jansen Johnson Refrigeration Thomas ’75 & Tamara Jones James ’76 & A. Charlene Kreul ’76 Kaminski Rosemary Kasten ’05 Pamela Heit Keenan ’84 William & Theresa Kelly Darrel ’60 & Marion Kelsey Rebecca Anne Kolb ’70 & Patrick Kennedy Celeste Leary Klebba ’49 Virgil & JoEllen Klein Kenneth ’60 & Mary Klenke Anne Nottbusch Klump ’74 Patricia LeRoy Korkowski ’75 Barbara La Forge ’60 Shirley Farnan Laughlin ’56 Douglas G’07 & Anna Longstaff William Luff ’58 James ’69 & Carole Lyke Daniel ’68 & Judy Lykins Jane Macke ’72 Francis & Virginia Malouff Robert, Ph.D. ’52 & Alma Mandeville Michael ’75 & Jody Mapes James & Mary Martin Steven & Rebecca Martin Dennis & Susan Marx Dorothy McBride Terrence McBride ’81 Russell & Sharon McCort Kyle McMillian ’06 Ted & Cindy Menzel Jeanne Langenfeld Mikesell ’79 Eileen Halpin Monteil ’51 Charles ’59 & Marjorie Moos Timothy ’81 & Theresa Morrison Robert Moyer ’90 Larry ’70 & Carol Keith ’70 Murphy Daniel & Elizabeth Muzyka Nelson and Marcia Newcomer Family Fund N. Nelson & Marcia Newcomer Jack ’70 & Kathleen Newman Patricia Robl Nieto ’60 Jerome Oidtman ’55 Marilyn Malnar ’63 & William O’Keefe Kim ’77 & Antonina Brennan ’78 Osterhaus Ted & Lillian Palsmeier Steven & Madeleine Paolucci Janice Benda ’59 & Raymond Pelster Patricia Person Lloyd & Cindy Powell Thomas ’78 & Donna Block ’78 Price David ’60 & Agnes Rasure Lewis Real ’59 & Lucinda Sachs Thomas Regnary ’53 Mildred Rieke John, Ed.D. ’62 & Kathleen Ritter Barbara O’Rourke Ritz ’53 Ellen Lister ’54 & Richard Roach Jean ’79 & Thomas Robison Alan & Constance Ronnebaum Peter ’65 & Mary Rubinelli Teresita Breitenbach ’51 & Anthony Ruotolo Michael & Juliann Russo

Maureen Gibbons Sadowski ’57 Bradley Sameshima ’91 Susan G’06 & Douglas Scalard Sylvester, Ph.D. ’68 & Vicki Schieber Linda Deters ’98 & Mark Schieferecke Stephanie Herman ’90 & Benedict Schmitz Mary Kreuzberg Wichert ’52 & Joe Schroer Christine Zeller Schuetz ’79 Alan & Eva Sheley Ronald & Nita Smith Ronald & Juanita Smith Edwin, Ph.D. ’71 & Dorothy Davidson ’72 Spicka Joshua ’99 & Misty McBride ’98 Stephenson Andrew, S.T.D. ’04 & Sarah Henry ’04 Swafford Larry & Anna Swafford Emmett & Mary Jo Tangeman Lucas, D.M.A. ’04 & Catherine Sigle ’05 Tappan Marjorie Tello Phillip & Rebecca Thacker Cass Thompson ’70 Margaret Moslander Thull ’55 John & Susan, Ph.D. Traffas Thomas, M.D. & Anne Turnbaugh Benedict & Elizabeth Ursanic Daniel ’97 & Sheryl Van Anne Mark & Terri Van Dyke John ’68 & Nancy Vernon Patrick ’70 & Nancy Walsh Kathryn Morrissey ’87 & Joe Walter Margaret Sampson ’71 & Gregory Warnusz Melvin ’67 & Judith Werner Victoria Bokina ’75 & Michael Williams Wendell & Kathleen Willis Brad & Pat Yates Marilyn Libel ’75 & William Young

7 years

James ’80 & Patricia McDonald ’80 Anderson Margaret Wilkes ’72 & Fred Anderson Susan Andrade ’89 Lee ’50 & Luetta Arensberg Luke ’03 & Mary Quinn ’03 Baker Rita Baker Beverly Reinkemeyer Beam ’52 David & Jane Bennett Ken & Mary Ann Bergman Edward ’70 & Susan Berns George ’51 & Dorlene Blodig John Bohon ’75 Robert & Margaret Brandt Rich & Carolyn Branstetter Kenneth & Becky Brown Michael ’90 & Kimberly Gallagher ’91 Brox Adam, Ph.D. ’89 & Anita ’89 Buhman-Wiggs Luke ’05 & Catherine Laska, M.D. ’05 Cairney John & Joan Carbone Patrick ’67 & Kathryn Carrigan Karen Barrett ’62 & Eugene Caylor P. Jean Ho Chang ’54 James Chappell ’65 Stephen ’91 & Joan Koechner ’90 Charbonneau Brian Cincotta ’64 Christopher ’91 & Jennifer Allen ’90 Cole Mark ’74 & Kathie Cook Jo Ann Corless ’51 Rita Coupe ’51 Craig ’74 & Theresa Cox


Deacon Benedict ’60 & Clara Vervaecke ’95 Cruise Marva Cunningham Torres Douglas ’73 & Margaret Curran Susanne Brooke Cussen ’64 Victor ’74 & Karen Custardo Kathryn Weishar ’80 & Richard Dalzell Leonard ’71 & Marcia McMillan ’69 Damiano Harold ’50 & Margy Dawson Kevin & Denise Debrick David & Karen Dille Joseph ’64 & Carol Dingman John & Catherine Dobrynski Carolyn Loerwald ’62 & Donald Dolle Mary Walker ’49 & M. Dean Dutton James & Carletta Eifler William ’89 & Sharon Leikam ’89 Evers Robert ’55 & Mary Feldmann Kathleen Schillinger ’76 & Mark Fernandez John ’69 & Rita Ford Mary Frances Wutich ’81 & Peter France Robert ’61 & Ada Georgie ’61 Frazier Linda Pearson ’70 & Bernard Fuehne Lawrence ’61 & Frances Young ’65 Gallagher Patrick Giller ’92 Mary Ellen Spitsen ’82 & Terry Gordon Christina Green ’07 George & Wanda Gregar Dorothy Griffith ’60 Joseph, Ph.D. ’69 & Cecelia Grindel Andrea Chase ’93 & Thomas Guetterman Jane Gilbert Haeger ’68 Thomas ’69 & Victoria Halpin Daniel ’68 & Theresa Weitkamp ’74 Healy Jerome & Susan Hellmer Harry & Cathy Heppler David ’62 & Judith Herne Diane Rziha ’97 & James Herron Stephen & Jody Hickert Lawrence ’72 & Teresa Hoff Jeanne Holthaus Tara Huels ’02 & Jason Houvenagle Richard ’68 & Karen Hug Chris & Bridget Hummel Michael & Deborah Hundley Michael S. Hundley Construction, Inc. Kevin & Sherry Johnson Staff of Newbery, Ungerer & Hickert Albert, M.D. & Mary Karam Ronald ’58 & Judy Kelly John, Ph.D. ’64 & Bonnita Kern Peter Klebba ’83 Helen Kneib ’71 Marty & Beth Krebs Philip ’78 & Margaret Gregar ’78 Landon Mark ’99 & Beth Klingele ’99 Lange Sherry Mefford Lange ’60 Robert ’70 & Shirley Lanham Latimer, Sommers & Associates, P.A. Engineers Rick & Sophie Lausman John E. Leland Fund Lindon Leners Anthony Liang ’62 Ralph ’58 & Trudy Lowder Donald ’77 & Diane Lueger David ’68 & Diane Luetkenhaus Greg & Marci Lutz Norman & Doris Lux Juan & Nancy Martinez Marie Carroll ’89 & Orlando Martinez

Yvonne Voelkerding ’73 Maune Ronald ’72 & Marie McCullough ’72 McAdams Lillian Rome McGrath ’53 Thomas ’73 & Mary Hosty ’76 McGuire Josephine Bremmer, Ph.D. ’55 & Hugh McQueen Timothy ’81 & Rita Milford Teresa Corrigan ’81 & George Miller D. Douglas & Marjorie Minnis Rosemary Moran ’60 Yvonne LeMoine ’57 & Cleo Muller Michael, M.D., Ph.D. ’71 & Catherine Murray Gordon & Susan, Ph.D. Myers Lynn G’01 & Bernadette Myers Michael ’02 & Sharon Stallbaumer ’03 Nations Benjamin Nicks ’40 Nill Brothers Sporting Goods, Inc. William ’66 & Jeanne O’Connor Ronald & Peggy Olinger Thomas & Joan Oliver Kevin, Ph.D. & Susan Page Joseph ’75 & Terryl Pajor Anthony ’62 & Patricia Paolucci Perf Etc Steel Corp. Joseph & Mary Ann Petruccelli Annette Fick ’71 & Steve Poettgen Alexandra Mainelli ’04 & Steven Pries William Putthoff ’60 Matthew, Ph.D. ’99, G’05, Henry & Olivia Ramsey Wilson ’74 & Barbara Ray Donald & Joan Reichenberger Jerry ’81 & Kerrie Rellihan Eric Rittenhouse G’01 Bruce & Susanne Roeder Mary Mayo, Ph.D. ’66 & John Roeseler Noel G’98 & Jeannette Rueb Nicholas & Jenny Ruppert Mary Cole ’72 & Mike Rutherford Ronald & Stephanie Schieber Raymond & Julie Seefeldt John & Reine Seiler George ’75 & Joyce Shomin Raymond & Paula Simonich Dorothy Simpson Timothy & Mary Beth Steinkoenig Allen & Maureen Stone Strata Tech, Inc. Gerva Sunneberg ’70 Patricia Gosche ’01 & Christopher Tavares Kimberly Wohlgemuth ’91 & Christian Taylor David ’80 & Regina Austin ’82 Thornton Michael & Cheri Throop Betty Becker Timmerman ’55 Robert & Beverly Tumberger Aman ’93 & Chellie Udani Samuel Voss ’02 Elena Wahbeh-Foster James ’65 & Carol Weiland Paul ’77 & Kathleen Westerman Edward ’65 & Janet White Michael & Jacqueline Winn Lyle ’66 & Patricia Woita John ’65 & Margaret Yasinsac

Mary Sachse ’78 & Edward Alford Shirley Andrews Vincent Aniello, Ed.D. ’62 Anonymous Robert ’72 & Virginia Scherer ’72 Barker

Sara Bauer, D.D.S. Brian Becker ’00 Dennis ’63 & Marsha Bieker William Bing ’74 & Judy Panek-Bing, M.D. George ’56 & Joan Boddy Stephen & Mary Brodersen William Brooke, Ed.D. ’57 Mark, Ph.D. ’82 & Mary Broski Douglas, Ph.D. & Mary, M.D. Brothers John & Rebecca Brungardt Julie Bruns ’81 Thomas ’76 & Patricia Watkins ’76 Buergler Raymond ’85 & Mary Baronovic ’85 Bulte John Burke ’58 W. Michael & Rhonda Burke Dorothy McManus Burns ’51 Bernard, D.D.S. ’66 & Judy Carroll Sonya Tolmachoff Cavazos ’62 Michael ’71 & Laura Clark M. Allison Turner Colson ’73 Mary Conley ’71 Gerald & Barbara Convery Anthony Cordie ’52 Steven G’70 & Roseanne Cox Nicholas & Lylea Critelli Joan Carvalho ’57 & Glen Culbertson Patrick Cummings ’71 Thomas, M.D. ’87 & Rachanee Curry William & Mary Ann Dankert Virginia Sullivan Day ’55 Timothy ’68 & Barbara Dempsey Disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ Mary Cummins Donovan ’49 Robert Doyle ’58 Jacqueline Brown Eastburn ’68 Stephen ’65 & Ann Edmonds Beverly Emge ’65 & Frank Eggering Louis Ellis ’49 John ’68 & Angeline English Jack & Kathleen Enyeart Mary McCormick Farrell ’50 Gip & Cheryl Fehring Shawn ’86 & Diane Fitzgibbons John Flynn ’68 Mark Flynn ’59 † Pat & Thomas Forge Patricia Muller ’85 & Paul Forman Joseph ’63 & Patricia Froehle Gallagher Family Foundation Joan Caraher Galli ’55 Karla Shea ’64 & John Gamble James ’56 & Shirley Gampper Jeffrey & Donna Garrett Ronald & Katherine Garrison Sandra Gaul ’80 Michael ’70 & Jeanne Hoffman ’72 Gear Craig & Jolene Gengler Douglas & Elaine Gifford Daniel ’72 & Deborah Gilg Ron & Cindy Glaser Mark & Marlene Goenner David & Virginia Golden Rodney & Maria Gray Kurt ’81 & Sylvia Viveros ’81 Gruenbacher Donald ’70 & Patricia Gudinas Donald Hagen ’53 Charles & Jane Hahn Richard ’80 & Monica Blogin ’80 Harden Dolores Kenning Harkins ’53 James ’68 & Andrea Harrington Louis Harris ’59 Dale ’66 & Deedra Hartung

Steven ’71 &

Nathan, D.D.S. ’01 &

Robert ’68 &


6 years

Mary Boudreau ’69 Hashagen David Haug & Kathy Brennan-Haug Karen Haslag ’70 & Roger Hurlbert Michael and Marlys Haverty Family Foundation Fund Justin Hein ’56 Peter & Melissa Helgesen Paul & Eileen Hendershot Timothy Henningsen ’95 Robert Henry William Salomon & Maureen Hickert, M.D. ’84 William ’65 & Patricia Hickman Terrance ’72 & Ellen Hodges Carolyn Law ’64 & William Hood Donald ’72 & Kathleen Horan Tony & Anita Horinek Theamos ’07 & Diamond Anthony ’07 Howell Theresa Hubbard Constance Desch ’83 & Joseph Hund Michael Imig ’99 Daniel ’83 & Teresa Iseman Larry ’71 & Patricia Janacaro William Januszewski ’72 William Jaques & Darlene Brister Phillip ’77 & Kathleen Baker, Ph.D. ’77 Johnson Michael & Nora Jones Jerold ’90 & Julie Branch ’89 Keithline Mildred Ketter Jeanne King Steve ’79 & Patricia Kipp Nancy Wetta Klapp ’75 Margaret Hendricks ’76 & Bill Kleine Phillip ’88 & Denise Klevorn Jeanne Falke Kobler ’63 Karl ’64 & Phyllis Krchma Ruth Krusemark, D.M.A. ’73 Gerald ’81 & Patricia Kuckelman Lisa LaNoue ’88 Dennis & Jean Larkin Joseph ’77 & Lu Ann Lawhon Daniel ’84 & Carol Kramer ’85 Leach Daniel P. Leach Family Charities Robert ’73 & Patricia Lepp James ’04 & Kathleen Voboril ’04 Lewis Phyllis Lieb Anne Loethen ’04 George Lucas, M.D. ’43 Robert ’60 & Mary Mallon The Marian Sisters of the Diocese of Lincoln Michael ’80 & Joan Maurer Kristen McBride ’06 John ’56 & Kathleen McCarthy Daphne McConnell, Ph.D. Mark ’75 & Carolyn McGinn Elaine McNeill ’71 William & Anne McSweeney Richard ’74 & Renae Meier Matthew & Kim Metzgar Clifford & Kathy Miller Paul ’88 & Rebecca Miller Pete † & Kathy Mooney Brendan & Ellen Moran John ’68 & Janice Jarchow ’68 Murphy Anne Robben Nagle ’52 † Carole Gibbons ’62 & Charles Nahlik Joyce Tolle Nash ’53 Patricia McCann ’72 & Thomas Neis, M.D. Thomas ’83 & Meleia Niemann Gary & Patricia Norris Thomas ’68 & Barbara O’Brien John, M.D. ’57 & Marilyn O’Gara James & Carolyn O’Laughlin Radu Oprea ’93

Karen Leahy ’83 & Robert Oswald Our Lady of Guadalupe Seminary Michael ’74 & Margaret Parrino Terry & Cheryl Petersen Steven & Ann Pink Denise Pratt ’94 Brian ’84 & Kelly Ayer ’84 Preiss Thomas ’72 & Janette Putz Richard & Patricia Quinn Charles ’84 & Margo Ramsey Marlene Rankey Marilyn Redetzke ’54 Tom ’76 & Linda Reinhardt Robert ’53 & Carolyn Reintjes James ’60 & Virginia Rezac Rex ’81 & Chivonne Rezac Daniel ’59 & Sandra Riley Charles ’67 & Bernadette Hieger ’68 Riordan Carl ’53 & Agnes Robst Brian ’93 & Kathleen Jones ’94 Roder Carol Rogers ’71 Gary & Marcia Ross John ’64 & Mary Ryan Florence Conrad ’64 & Alan Salisbury George ’58 & Anna Schroeder Kara Schuetz ’06 James Simecka ’58 Sisters of St. Francis Rose Ann Sittler ’70 G. Diane Slater ’72 Jean Bailey ’71 & Stephen Smith Norine Staab John ’73 & Patsy Stander Harvey & Mary Stone Stephen ’91 & Susan Stone Leo ’57 & Molle Stueve Patricia Suellentrop ’92 Gunnar & Deborah Sundby Jennifer Gill ’91 & Todd Taylor Michael & Loretta Taylor Margaret Jurschak Thielen ’58 Becky Kendrick ’61 & Thomas Thomas Juanita O’Connor ’62 & James Thornton Paul ’87 & Karen Torline Thomas ’68 & Rita Tueth Pete ’73 & Mary Anne Tulipana Unipro Graphics, Inc. Kyle ’01 & Sara Beien ’03, G’05 Van Dyke Raymond Van Dyke Jr. ’62 Barbara Vogan John ’65 & Lois Wagner Robert & Anna Wagner James ’69 & Barbara Sullivan ’69 Weaver Martha Walsh ’68 & Nicholas Weber Walter ’71 & Christine Weglarz Timothy Weishaar ’79 Lois Armstrong ’67 & William Welliver John, D.C. ’72 & Karen Wertin Lynda West, Ph.D. ’68 The Westerman Foundation Thomas ’67 & Carmen Whalen John ’61 & Linda Whitehead Wendy Wiedemann-Hudson ’85 & Robert Hudson James ’60 & Earlene Carlow ’61 Wilson Daniel ’88 & Deborah Winston Mary Bergman Winterscheidt ’50 † John ’63 & Joyce Witsken Richard Wood ’51 Stephen ’68 & Jeannine Kiehl ’69 Wyatt Richard ’68 & Margo Young Joshua ’97 & Chris Zaroor Stan & Connie Zienkewicz

5 years

Susan Devroy Adams and Charles M. Adams Living Trust Douglas & Jennifer Alles AMSTED Industries Foundation Elizabeth Anders ’09 Mary Horigan ’63 & Ronald Andersen Anonymous Martin ’77 & Aggie Asher Robert Asher ’89 Warren & Mary Baehr Bald Mike’s, Inc. Herbert ’43 & Mary Ella Barber Gail & Diane Barnard Gregory ’86 & MaryJo Muckey ’86 Barry William & Annette Bayer Timothy ’05 & Sara Canseco ’05 Becker Raymond ’68 & Janice Beller Benedictine Raven Soccer Boosters Richard & Sally Berger Robert ’73 & Mary Blancett Jeffrey, Ph.D. ’98 & Amy McGuire ’97 Blanchard Michael Bobka ’69 Robert & Laurie Boorigie John ’63 & Kathryn Haegelin ’64 Boos William ’64 & Bea Brady Lindsey Brake ’06 Jaron ’01 & Michelle Bromm James ’82 & Terri Browne Kelly Walsh ’01 & Matthew Bruns James & Carol Burns Robert & Cathryne Burns Nora Byrne Anne Anderson Carlson ’85 Karen Jenkins, Ph.D. ’63 & Wallace Carroll Thomas ’65 & DeDe Caspari Sue Ann Witous Castline-Noonan ’72 & Maurice Noonan Roger & Janie Caudle Robert Chisolm ’70 Todd & Laura Clyncke Donald, Ph.D. & Lynne, Ph.D. Connelly Arlene Volk Cordaro ’55 Robert ’73 & Joan Croll Catherine Dal Santo ’76 Timothy, M.D. ’93 & Carolyn Diederich ’93 Dalton Barbara Benes ’65 & David Daughton Janice Clark ’47 & Sabino De Gisi Karen & Michael Diehl Ned ’69 & Esther Digh Edward Dillon ’67 Velvet Meissen ’90 & Michael Dorrell David ’74 & Mary Langer ’77 Dover Barbara Moebus ’55 & Francis Doyle Anthony ’72 & Theresa Drummond Symona Downey ’83 & Michael Dunleavy Ronald ’64 & Dorothy Dunphy Kevin ’96 & Laura Easterday Lee ’80 & Janice Easterday Ruth Miller Eckert ’79 Delbert ’45 & Marion Martin ’52 Ehret Kelly Johnson ’85 & Michael Elias Robley & Joan Evans Philip ’96 & Beth Faulkner Thomas, M.D. ’82 & Janelle Fennessy Lucy Reilly ’85 & David Fitch Theresa Grosdidier Fitzgerald ’54 Henry, Ph.D. ’55 & Donna Forge Paul Giller ’55 Joel & Lori Godin Virgil ’58 & Linda Goracke Robert & Marlo Gould Edmund ’57 & Yvonne Dank ’58 Grewe Jane Toler ’70 & Robert Haas

Mark & Kimberly Halpin Teresa Hannon ’79 Hausman Metal Works & Roofing Helen Hibschman Joseph ’80 & Gail Ritzdorf ’81 Hickert Nadine Devlin Hickey ’42 Michael ’82 & Judi Higgins Kristine Hilger ’95 Herman ’87 & Ann Hodes Ryland & Beverly Hoeft Thomas G’10 & April Hoopes Gerald ’62 & Sharon Horgan Gerard ’56 & Jo Ann Huerter Elizabeth Hess Hugger ’58 Dorothy Snyder ’69 & William Hughes William & Linda Huninghake Angela Schneider ’98 & Steven Hunter Mark & Maureen Huppe Mark ’84 & Mary Isley James ’52 & Virginia Jackson Clarence, Ph.D. ’63 & Kathi Kreikemeier ’65 Jacobs Barbara Mack ’76 & Don Johnsen Gary & Patsy Jones William ’08 & Alissa Mehmert ’08 Juelich Jesse & Betty Kasler John Kearney, Ph.D. ’62 Bernard Kelly ’61 Timothy ’61 & June Kenealy Monika Middleton ’85, G’13 & Stephen King Marjorie Hammond ’70 & Gary † Kinzer Steven & Brigetta Klein Suzanne Klenke ’93 Roger ’54 & Joan Knapp Charlene Armijo ’64 & Richard Knipfing William & Mary Koederitz Jonathan ’02 & Laura Konrade Michael & Christine Kuestersteffen William ’70 & Janet Doughty ’71 Lange Jon & Colleen Lee Mark ’92 & Tamhra Leland Leland ’82 & Therese Kobe ’84 Linman William & Carol Losey Stephen, O.D. ’85 & Barbara Doherty ’84 Loughman Paul Lukosi Kathleen Maguire ’74 & Tom Fritts Christopher Mancinelli Michael ’68 & Vicki Manly Addison ’83 & Mary Rose Koechner ’83 Marquart Robert ’74 & Virginia Maziarz Mary Alice Galbreath McBain ’70 Phyllis Brooke ’63 & Theodore McClard Michael McDonald ’69 & Anita Cooper Patrick ’56 & Marie McDonnell Thomas & Mary McDonough Pauline Robl McGreevy ’62 Kathleen Kennally ’78 & Kevin McGrew Medtrak Services, LLC Brian ’95 & Nicole Klinginsmith, OD ’95 Meerpohl Robert ’60 & Rita Merz Susanne Voda ’80 & Thomas Metzler MGP Ingredients, Inc. Joan Whelan ’61 & Ken Milani Ronald ’71 & Valerie Miles Barbara Miller Richard Miller Ronald & Anita Miller Joseph ’62 & Vicki Mitchell John & Jeanne Modlin Marilyn Slief Morales ’48 Gary ’57 & Carol Morgan Patrick & JoAnn Muenks Thomas & Audrey Mueting

Darrin, Ph.D. & Dina Muggli Reed & Martha Murphy John ’71 & Barbara Shores ’72 Mutchek Robert ’58 & Jo Ann Nadeau Elaine Pivonka ’82 & Timothy Navickas James Neuhoff ’06, G’07 Randy & Diane Nill Timothy Nowak ’10 Robert ’62 & Edeli O’Connell Richard ’61 & Mary O’Herron H. Charles O’Reilly ’54 Michael & Anita Orrick Steven & Joyce Oswald John Owens ’67 James & Anne Packard Russell & Gail Panza Charles ’45 & Alice Parcell Passionist Nuns Jessica Macias Perjes ’02 Wayne & Susan Peterson Rita Gages ’54 & Norbert Phillips Philip Poplaski ’75 Linda Price ’62 June Gross ’62 & Tony Prom Warren & Deborah Prost Michael, Ph.D. ’58 & Candace Pufall Michael ’62 & Norma Purslow Thomas ’70 & Mary Quinn Barbara Dorney Ramirez ’60 Jane Grosdidier ’85 & Kerry Regan Joseph ’58 & Jane Reiter Chris & Diana Ricketts Robert & Maureen Riordan RLM Foundation John ’64 & Kathy Rogers Betty Thompson ’63 & Joseph Rolling Ann Rheinberger ’86 & David Rood Paul ’60 & Elizabeth Ruff Valerie Gully ’84 & Richard Saiz Charles SanPetro ’62 Paul ’71 & Gerry Scherer Kenneth ’69 & Karen Schlipman Stanley ’72 & Kathleen Higley ’72 Schmidt Fred ’55 & Ann Schmiedeler Margaret Schopp Betty Schroeder ’63 Schwab Charitable Fund Larry & Kathleen Scott Ladd & Karen Seaberg Gary Shelby ’01 John ’64 & Rita Smith William & Denise Spelic Deborah Huninghake ’75 & Thomas Stallbaumer Sterner Family Charitable Fund W. Patrick ’71 & Nancy Sterner Daniel ’80 & Lillian Muldoon ’81 Stewart Matthew & Stephanie Stinson Margaret Stohr ’46 Jason ’97 & Sherri Shonka ’97 Suelter John J. Sullivan Jr. Charitable Trust Mark ’82 & Jane McBride ’84 Sullivan Todd & Carol Surdez Patricia O’Hanlon ’80 & James Sutterer Cari Baughman ’93 & Mike Taylor Paul Taylor ’84 Richard ’52 & Teresa Terrell Terence, Ph.D. ’74 & Anita Betzen ’73 Thomas Emily Thomas ’10 Thomas McGee, L.C. Elizabeth Marshall Thompson ’56 Tom & Susan Thompson Rosalie Wurtz ’62 & Thomas Timlin Clark & Nancy Toner David Tornetto ’76


Truist Joseph ’84 & Laura Valenti Gregory ’68 & Kathleen Meaney ’68 Vitello Daniel & Angela Waddle Steven ’07, G’09 & Angela Landon ’07 Whenry Jerry & Christine Yeargain George ’63 & Gail Yender Frank, Ph.D. ’62 & Mary Young Norman ’60 & Shirley Youngberg Lawrence Zukel ’59


The President’s Circle is a group of individuals, who, through their outstanding leadership, vision, and dedication to Benedictine College, have made a generous financial commitment to assist the president in moving the college forward in community, faith, and scholarship. The President’s Circle recognizes alumni and friends who demonstrate leadership through an annual gift, July 1 through June 30, of at least $20,000 or more to Benedictine College. James J. and Mary Ellen Ascher Charitable Foundation Mark & Nancy Bauman Larry ’60 & Tresa Buessing Kathryn Weishar ’80 & Richard Dalzell Dean ’57 & Mary Curran ’58 Diederich Michael & Donna Egan Michael & Marlys Haverty Judith Badstieber Hemberger, Ph.D. ’69 Tony & Anita Horinek Jerry ’77 & Bonnie Kelly Bernadine Law Lanzano ’55 David ’67 & Sheryl Laughlin Catherin V. Merrill Foundation Stephen, J.D. ’82 & Amy Kohake ’84 Minnis David ’57 & Rebecca Reichenberger ’59 Moritz Michael ’82 & Theresa McPhee ’83 Murphy James ’59 & Mary Napier N. Nelson & Marcia Newcomer Jack ’70 & Kathleen Newman James ’60 & Kathleen O’Brien Frank Potenziani Emmett & Mary Jo Tangeman James & Joan Taphorn Byron ’55 & Joan Thompson Howard ’75 & Rhonda Behlmann ’75 Westerman Lené Westerman ’85 Paul ’77 & Kathleen Westerman Robert ’72 & Janet Wholey



The Cornerstone Society is a group of individuals, who, through their annual financial commitment to Benedictine College, provide the cornerstone for us to build one of the great Catholic colleges in America. The Cornerstone Society will serve to honor alumni, parents, and friends who support Benedictine College through annual leadership giving. Membership in the Cornerstone Society is obtained through annual giving, July 1 through June 30, of at least $1,000 to the Benedictine College Fund. Rolland ’51 & Ginger Abel Maureen Murphy ’84 & Daniel Abkemeier ACT1 Susan Devroy Adams and Charles M. Adams Living Trust Deacon Charles ’71 & Susan Adams Celeste Westerman & John Ahern Gerald Allen ’60 Amino Brothers Co., Inc. Susan Andrade ’89 Matthew ’81 & Ann Anthony Aramark Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas Bank Midwest Doug & Kimie Bax Daniel ’72 & Dorothy Howard ’73 Beattie Marguerite Flynn Bennett ’63 William ’57 & Lois Muenchrath ’58 Berberich Dennis ’63 & Marsha Bieker Michael ’64 & Kathleen Bird BKD, LLP Blish-Mize Company Joseph & Michelle Boland Michael, M.D. ’81 & Debra Boland Richard & Doris Boland Jim, D.D.S. ’77 & Linda Bongers Sara Bongers Mary Bosanatz Larry ’61 & Ann Brandon Karl ’82 & Melissa Brondell LeRoy ’60 & Linda Doohan ’61 Brungardt Larry ’60 & Tresa Buessing Luke ’05 & Catherine Laska, M.D. ’05 Cairney Daniel, Ph.D. ’68 & Terri Carey Paul & Janine Carson Stephen ’91 & Joan Koechner ’90 Charbonneau Robert ’63 & Shirley Von Harz ’63 Chenoweth Robert Chisolm ’70 Thomas ’81 & Judy Comfort Commerce Bank Donald, Ph.D. & Lynne, Ph.D. Connelly Mark ’74 & Kathie Cook Timothy & Susan Costigan Country Club Bank John ’82 & Carolyn Curran

Salvatore & Carolyn Cusumano Kathryn Weishar ’80 & Richard Dalzell Janice Clark ’47 & Sabino De Gisi Thomas, Ph.D. ’63 & Patricia DeCoster John, M.D. ’96 & Lisa, M.D. Delaney Kevin ’88 & Michelle Devanney Richard & Cindy Dickason Dean ’57 & Mary Curran ’58 Diederich Dennis, M.D. ’57 & Alice Milacek ’58 Diederich John ’64 & Patricia Meaney ’65 Diggins Edward Dillon ’67 Joseph ’64 & Carol Dingman Michael ’67 & Marcia Dingman Arthur Dobbelaere, Ph.D. ’70 Sean ’82 & Julie Zook ’86 Doherty Wayne & Carolyn Dondelinger Franklin, D.P.M. ’50 & Doreen Harris ’50 Donovan Richard ’56 & Charlotte Dooley J. E. Dunn Construction Stephen & Anne Dunn Terrence & Peggy Dunn Edward ’59 & Sharon Dyer Kevin ’96 & Laura Easterday Ruth Miller Eckert ’79 Lisa Ruffin ’86 & W. Bentley Edmonds Ellison-Auxier Architects, Inc. James ’64 & Charlene Enneking Alice Hockensmith ’86 & William Ergovich Marie Demmer Esselmann ’43 Robley & Joan Evans Exchange National Bank & Trust Co. Elmer Fangman ’57 Phillip Farris ’66 John ’84 & Melanie Smith ’84 Fechter Fern Charitable Fund James ’58 & Mary Fern Elizabeth (Zibbie) Gillespie ’62 & James Ferrell Daniel ’63 & Eleanor Ferry Robert ’71 & Victoria Gregory ’71 Fitzgerald Mark Flynn ’59 † FOCUS Francis Family Foundation Bo ’64 & Terry Fraser Timothy ’85 & Kathleen Wetzel ’85 Gallagher Joseph ’70 & Victoria Garavaglia Jeffrey & Donna Garrett Charles, M.A. ’75 & Sheila Gartenmayer Bert Gates ’69 Patrick ’79 & Lori George Don and Nancy Germano Charitable Fund Don, Ph.D. ’75 & Nancy Germano Gregory Glore ’68 Virgil ’58 & Linda Goracke Thomas ’77 & Mary Latz ’78 Gorczyca Marlene Rapalino ’57 & James Graham Jerome ’77 & Kathleen McCarthy ’78 Graney Terence, D.O. ’80 & Jill Grewe Joseph, Ph.D. ’69 & Cecelia Grindel Wayne & Denise Hammersla Michael Harris ’64 Michael & Marlys Haverty Michael and Marlys Haverty Family Foundation Fund Joseph & Sandra Haverty Stephen ’76 & Nancy Baker ’76 Heideman Peter & Melissa Helgesen Heller, Gallagher & Finley LLP Judith Badstieber

Hemberger, Ph.D. ’69 William, M.D. ’82 & Teresa Beye ’82 Hendricks John & Debra Herber Rev. Timothy Hickey ’81 Ronald ’69 & Karen Hindman Kathryn Skalsky Hirsch ’61 Burton Huerter ’60 Constance Desch ’83 & Joseph Hund Michael & Deborah Hundley Lamar & Rita Hunt Husch Blackwell, LLP Mike Ismert William & Kimberle Jackson Darryl Jones ’68 Thomas ’75 & Tamara Jones Lawrence ’63 & Linda Kaminsky Kansas Independent College Fund Don ’63 & Amelia Kassing William ’78 & Susan Keehn Jerold ’90 & Julie Branch ’89 Keithline Jeffrey ’82 & Mary Kellen Ronald ’58 & Judy Kelly Bart & Jerri Kinney Craig ’76 & Georgia Klos Roger ’54 & Joan Knapp Joseph ’94 & Chanda Morrow ’95 Koechner Richard & Mollien Koenig Vaughn & Katarzyna Kohler Chester Kozak & Linda Dolsberry Kevin ’89 & Pamela Schaefer ’88 Kramer Gerald ’81 & Patricia Kuckelman Kuckelman Torline Kirkland & Lewis John & Vicki Kuefler Latimer, Sommers & Associates, P.A. Engineers David ’67 & Sheryl Laughlin Michael ’70 & Ann Lause Lawhon Construction Company Joseph ’77 & Lu Ann Lawhon Earle ’64 & Ellen Layman Daniel ’84 & Carol Kramer ’85 Leach Daniel P. Leach Family Charities John E. Leland Fund John, Ph.D. ’66 & Rita Zeorlin ’66 Leland Lewis Chevrolet Buick Anthony Liang ’62 Jacquelyn La Noue ’78 & David Liebenthal John & Suzie Liljestrand Little Flower Foundation Fund Gustavo ’85 & Valerie Lopez R. Lee Lottes ’70 Ryan ’03 & Katy Lovill Craig & Karen Lundgren James ’70 & Dorothy Heiberger ’71 Lynch Madison Insurance Group Anthony ’09 & Laura Cotton ’09 Mancinelli Mariner Wealth Advisors Andrew Marsh ’12 Donald, Ph.D. ’60 & Barbara Marx Maur Hill-Mount Academy Lou ’53 & Sue McAvoy Matthew ’81 & Sheryl McAvoy Stephen ’77 & Peggy McBride Terrence McBride ’81 Paul & Marianne McDonough Lillian Rome McGrath ’53 B.J. ’87 & Liz McKinney Mary McNerney ’70 Medtrak Services, LLC Thomas ’74 & Diane Melichar Thomas ’74 & Joan Teegarden ’77 Metzger MGP Ingredients, Inc.

Michael S. Hundley Construction, Inc. Craig & Melissa Miller Paul ’88 & Rebecca Miller Theresa Wolters ’59 & Raymond Miller Stephen, J.D. ’82 & Amy Kohake ’84 Minnis David ’57 & Rebecca Reichenberger ’59 Moritz Mount St. Scholastica, Inc. Muchnic Foundation John ’77 & Denise Mundy Reed & Martha Murphy Michael, M.D., Ph.D., ’71 & Catherine Murray William ’59 & Margaret Ferkenhoff ’59 Myers James ’59 & Mary Napier Nelson & Marcia Newcomer Family Fund N. Nelson & Marcia Newcomer Jack ’70 & Kathleen Newman James ’60 & Kathleen O’Brien Robert ’62 & Edeli O’Connell John, M.D. ’57 & Marilyn O’Gara John ’61 & Janice O’Leary Thomas ’66 & Diane O’Leary Ronald & Peggy Olinger Kevin ’79, G’97 & Colleen McGraw ’81 O’Malley H. Charles O’Reilly ’54 Dominic ’59 & Marilyn Paolucci Jean Scanlon Peck ’86 Robert ’64 & Carol Penka Perf-Tech Wireline Services, Inc. Matthew ’06 & Julie Reiff ’06 Perkins Joseph ’45 & Laura Peters PGAV Architects Richard M.D. ’50 & Mary Ann Pirotte Stephen ’54 & Dorothy Osborne ’55 Podry Susan Pouliot ’94 Professional Financial Concepts, LLC Peter, Ph.D. ’62 & Ann Pufall William Raymond, Ph.D. Allen, D.D.S. & Sara Reavis Jane Grosdidier ’85 & Kerry Regan Robert ’53 & Carolyn Reintjes Michael & Suzanne Richards Manuel ’85 & Gloria Rios Ronald, Ph.D. ’69 & Linda Rizzo Teresita Breitenbach ’51 & Anthony Ruotolo Alan B. & Florence C. Salisbury Fund Florence Conrad ’64 & Alan Salisbury Charles SanPetro ’62 Mark A. and Denise Schieber Donor Advised Fund Mark ’80 & Denise Hoffmann ’82 Schieber Sylvester, Ph.D. ’68 & Vicki Schieber Fred ’55 & Ann Schmiedeler Thomas Schnurr, M.D. ’77 Ralph ’71 & Mary Holle ’73 Schramp Randy & Mary Schrick Schwab Charitable Fund Scott Rice Office Works Donald & Kimberly, Ph.D. Shankman Robert ’54 & Charlene Nelson ’56 Slater Stanley & Karen Sluder Steven & Mary Beth Smith Soener Foundation Timothy Spurgeon ’90 St. Benedict’s Abbey Daniel ’80 & Lillian Muldoon ’81 Stewart Robert Strathman Straub Construction Co, Inc. Ernest & Susan Straub Richard ’70 & Sandra Sullivan

Clarence Synakiewicz ’55 Emmett & Mary Jo Tangeman Target Insurance Services, Inc. Richard ’72 & Janice Tedoni Jeffrey & Elizabeth Thiede Thomas McGee, L.C. Byron ’55 & Joan Thompson Stephen ’93 & Michelle Torline Treanor Architects, P.A. Milton ’58 & Margaret Goehl ’56 Trujillo Pete ’73 & Mary Anne Tulipana UMB Bank, n.a. United Way of Greater Kansas City John ’66 & Mary Cochran ’75 Van Dyke Verite, Inc. Steven ’61 & Zildete Vilvens Helen Brentano Wack ’63 Anthony ’51 & Laura Waite Christopher Weber ’97 Blake & Christine Wells Wells Fargo Community Support/United Way Campaign Howard ’75 & Rhonda Behlmann ’75 Westerman Lené Westerman ’85 Paul ’77 & Kathleen Westerman Thomas ’67 & Carmen Whalen Robert ’72 & Janet Wholey Gerald ’67 & Donna Williamson Richard Wood ’51 Richard ’68 & Margo Young Thomas & Joanne Young Donna Meyer ’63 & Daryl Zeller


Individuals who have donated continually and substantially through the years to Benedictine College are recognized as members of the Summit Society. The College recognizes the following donors who are listed by lifetime contributions. $1,000,000 and Above

Anonymous Atchison Hospital Association Jim, D.D.S. ’77 & Linda Bongers Cloud Cray Jr. Michael & Marlys Haverty Michael and Marlys Haverty Family Foundation Fund Kresge Foundation David ’67 & Sheryl Laughlin J.E. & L.E. Mabee Foundation The McDonnell Foundation, Inc. Jean Weitkamp ’71 & Thomas McDonnell MGP Ingredients, Inc. David ’57 & Rebecca Reichenberger ’59 Moritz Mount St. Scholastica, Inc. James ’59 & Mary Napier St. Benedict’s Abbey Byron ’55 & Joan Thompson The Courtney S. Turner Charitable Trust Anthony Twyman and Bank of America, Trustees Howard ’75 & Rhonda Behlmann ’75 Westerman

$500,000 to $999,999

Anonymous Benedictine College Foundation The Evah C. Cray Charitable Trust The Cloud L. Cray Foundation Gallagher Family Foundation Lawrence ’61 & Frances Young ’65 Gallagher Kansas Independent College Fund Bernadine Law Lanzano ’55 Muchnic Foundation Paul ’77 & Kathleen Westerman

$250,000 to 499,999

Anonymous Matthew ’81 & Ann Anthony Blish-Mize Company Larry ’60 & Tresa Buessing Country Club Bank Kathryn Weishar ’80 & Richard Dalzell Michael ’63 & Mary Alice Easterday The Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation W. M. Keck Foundation Ronald ’58 & Judy Kelly William T. Kemper Foundation Knight Foundation M & T Foundation Lou ’53 & Sue McAvoy T. Kevin ’60 & Mary McNicholas Catherin V. Merrill Foundation Stephen, J.D. ’82 & Amy Kohake ’84 Minnis Jack ’70 & Kathleen Newman James ’60 & Kathleen O’Brien O’Malley Beverage, Inc. Platte Valley Bank of Missouri Frank Potenziani Robert ’53 & Carolyn Reintjes Patrick ’72 & Mary Margaret Sly The Sunderland Foundation The Teagle Foundation, Inc. Lené Westerman ’85 Robert ’72 & Janet Wholey

$100,000 to $249,999

Adair/Exchange Bank Foundation Deacon Charles ’71 & Susan Adams Anonymous James & Patricia Asher Daniel ’72 & Dorothy Howard ’73 Beattie Benedictine Raven Soccer Boosters August Bergman, M.D. Michael, M.D. ’81 & Debra Boland Bradken, Ltd. Douglas, Ph.D. & Mary, M.D. Brothers The Cloud L. Cray Jr. & Sara J. Cray Foundation The Arthur Vining Davis Foundation Dennis, M.D. ’57 & Alice Milacek ’58 Diederich Farmers Group, Inc. Forster-Powers Charitable Trust Bo ’64 & Terry Fraser Michael ’69 & Susan Conrow ’69 Gangel Helen Cozzens ’88 & Tim Healy The William Randolph Hearst Foundation, Inc. James, III ’87 & Dawn Hintz James ’52 & Charlotte Humphrey Mike Ismert Kansas City University of Medicine and Biosciences Little Flower Foundation Fund Robert, Ph.D. ’71 & Susan Lueger Stephen ’77 & Peggy McBride William G. McGowan Charitable Fund

Marilyn Slief Morales ’48 Moritz Interests, Ltd. Robert & Andrea Neuhoff N. Nelson & Marcia Newcomer Thomas ’66 & Diane O’Leary Francis ’52 & Bobbie O’Malley Kevin ’79, G’97 & Colleen McGraw ’81 O’Malley Patrick ’77 & Margaret Hughes ’80 O’Malley Joseph ’45 & Laura Peters Charles SanPetro ’62 SBC Communications, Inc. Harold ’59 & Judith Sheahan Carol Shomin ’71 Thomas, M.D. ’77 & Celina Shriwise Emmett & Mary Jo Tangeman Treanor Architects, P.A. T-Village Fund UMB Bank, n.a. Donald & Charlotte Villeme Wakonda Prayer House The Westerman Foundation Lawrence ’72 & Janet Munro ’81, G’02 Wilcox Norman ’60 & Shirley Youngberg

$50,000 to $99,999

George I. Alden Trust Anonymous The Anthony Family Foundation William Anton ’42 Rita Baker Raymond ’63 & Mary Jo Becker Mary Bosanatz Frances Broderick Guy I. Bromley Charitable Trust Arthur ’51 & Terri Catrambone Stephen ’91 & Joan Koechner ’90 Charbonneau Edmond Ciarniello ’70 The Coleman Foundation Richard & Cindy Dickason Dean ’57 & Mary Curran ’58 Diederich Joseph ’64 & Carol Dingman DLM Investments Sean ’82 & Julie Zook ’86 Doherty John Dugan, M.D. ’67 Stephen & Anne Dunn Terrence & Peggy Dunn Easterday Charitable Foundation Exchange National Bank & Trust Co. Daniel Fangman ’82 & Dolly Duffy Jerold ’69 & Nancy Schieber ’71 Fennell First Hand Foundation James Flood ’73 John Gages ’50 Edward & Marlene Gellings Don, Ph.D. ’75 & Nancy Germano Thomas, Ph.D. ’79 & Amy Guarr Tim and Helen Healy Charitable Fund Judith Badstieber Hemberger, Ph.D. ’69 Thomas ’68 & Cynthia Hoenig Tony & Anita Horinek Frank ’58 & Kitty Hug Frank ’85 & Debbie Hug Michael & Deborah Hundley Michael S. Hundley Construction, Inc. IBM International Foundation Fran Jabara Family Foundation, Inc. The Bill and Carolyn Karlson Charitable Fund William E. Karlson Kearney Wornall Foundation H.B. & Carol Keithline Kelly Family Foundation Jerry ’77 & Bonnie Kelly Theodore Kelly ’57


Thomas, D.D.S. ’83 & Joan Moyer ’85 Kemlage Kim Keutzer ’74 James ’71 & Barbara Latz ’71 King Peter Klebba ’83 Koch Foundation Richard & Mollien Koenig Kevin ’89 & Pamela Schaefer ’88 Kramer Betty Heiman Lane ’59 Michael ’70 & Ann Lause Earle ’64 & Ellen Layman George ’65 & Edrea Learned John, Ph.D. ’66 & Rita Zeorlin ’66 Leland Phyllis Lieb Jacquelyn La Noue ’78 & David Liebenthal R. Lee Lottes ’70 John Lynch ’69 Matthew Twenty-Five Foundation Dorothy McBride Patrick ’71 & Sylvia Schorn ’72 McGee Jay ’69 & Barbara Meyer Midamerican Bank & Trust Co. n.a. David ’60 & Mary Pat Gueguen ’62 Miller John ’62 & Cheryl Mize Jonathan & Shannon Mize Martha Krauland ’68 & Joseph Monello James ’93 & M. Catherine Bush ’88 Mueller Patrick Mullins, M.D. ’93 R. Neuhoff Properties LLC Nelson and Marcia Newcomer Family Fund Newcomer Family Foundation John, M.D. ’57 & Marilyn O’Gara John ’61 & Janice O’Leary Robert ’64 & Carol Penka James Pretz, M.D. ’45 Mary Boeding ’54 & James Rice Sylvester, Ph.D. ’68 & Vicki Schieber Donald ’57 & Roselyn Schmidt Jerome, Ph.D. ’49 & Pamela Schmidt Nancy Schneider Byron Scott ’86 Soener Foundation Southwestern Bell Co. Henry ’65 & Karen Staudinger Patrick ’84 & Janna Crowley ’85 Stueve Judith Ferrell Taggart ’53 James & Joan Taphorn Stanley ’67 & June Thibault Bernard ’67 & Ellen McCaskey ’69 Tonquest Glenn ’57 & Mary Coppersmith ’56 Torline TRW Foundation Tynan & Company Matthew ’87 & Peggy Tynan UPS Foundation Kathleen Gammon Vader ’56 John ’66 & Mary Cochran ’75 Van Dyke Ralph ’63 & Jerrilynn Voss Joseph, M.D. ’65 & Betsy Williams

$25,000 to $49,999

Susan Devroy Adams and Charles M. Adams Living Trust Gerald Allen ’60 AMSTED Rail Product Solutions Anheuser-Busch Companies, Inc. Anonymous James & Mary Ellen Ascher James J. and Mary Ellen Ascher Charitable Foundation AT&T Foundation


Atchison Home Health Equipment, Inc. Atchison Products, Inc. Sean Bauer ’86 Catherine Belden ’63 William ’82 & Susan Berberich John Bestgen Boone County National Bank Bottorff Construction, Inc. Larry ’61 & Ann Brandon Carrie Bremmer ’48 James ’82 & Terri Browne Jerome, M.D. ’61 & Susie Buckley Thomas ’58 & Carol Lysaght ’59 Burke Capital Electric Line Builders Cecilia Overbey ’67 & Francis, Ph.D. Carpinelli Robert ’63 & Shirley Von Harz ’63 Chenoweth Consumer Oil Co., Inc. John & Judith Cozzens Cloud L. Cray Fund Joseph, M.D. ’69 & Frances Wright ’69 Daglen Janice Harris ’72 & Richard Davis Delray, LLC Anya Berezina Derrick ’57 D. Thomas Diedrich ’54 Margaret Diedrich Genevieve Dierenfeldt Revocable Trust Beatrice Burns Dissett ’60 Franklin, D.P.M. ’50 & Doreen Harris ’50 Donovan Dow Corning Foundation DST Systems, Inc. Marie Demmer Esselmann ’43 Jay ’67 & Maureen Eveler ExxonMobil Foundation Farmers State Bank John ’84 & Melanie Smith ’84 Fechter Ferrell Family Fund Ferrellgas Nona Frankenhoff Trust Raymond Fritz ’67 Charles ’75 & Sheila Gartenmayer Joseph Geist, Ph.D. ’58 Gregory Glore ’68 Stephen ’77 & Catherine Godfrey Thomas ’77 & Mary Latz ’78 Gorczyca Matt & Patty Gorges John ’66 & Theresa Pike ’66 † Gould Marlene Rapalino ’57 & James Graham Dennis Gremillion Terence, D.O. ’80 & Jill Grewe Guarr/Kincaid Memorial Fund Edward ’84 & Lisa Halpin James, M.D. ’70 & Aleda Haug Mark & Kathryn Haug Joseph & Sandra Haverty Beatrice Hickert Joseph ’80 & Gail Ritzdorf ’81 Hickert Rev. Timothy Hickey ’81 Holy Family School of Faith Richard ’58 & Mary Lou Homan Burton Huerter ’60 Hug Chevrolet Buick GMC Darryl Jones ’68 William Joyce ’52 J-W Operating Co. Lewis ’46 & Margaret † Kew James ’83 & Virginia Latz ’81 Knox Joseph ’94 & Chanda Morrow ’95 Koechner Charles ’47 & Teresa Kraft Eugene Kristof ’49 Robert ’73 & Jeanie Latz Dennis, M.D. ’82 & Carol Walker ’82 Lawlor Lawlor Family Trust Mark ’83 & Mary Moyer ’83 Lazzo

Daniel ’84 & Carol Kramer ’85 Leach Daniel P. Leach Family Charities John E. Leland Fund Edward, M.D. ’85 & Lisa Ludwig ’85 Letourneau James ’77 & Dunrie Lewis John & Suzie Liljestrand Lyllis Ling ’56 Lockheed Martin Corp. James ’70 & Dorothy Heiberger ’71 Lynch John Massman Contracting Company Betty Mattas Maxus Energy Corporation Matthew ’81 & Sheryl McAvoy Michael ’69 & Lucinda McClain McGee Foundation James ’71 & Linda McGuire C. Patrick ’64 & Martina McLarney Medtrak Services, LLC Thomas ’74 & Joan Teegarden ’77 Metzger Richard Miller Theresa Wolters ’59 & Raymond Miller William ’51 & Jacqueline Miller D. Douglas & Marjorie Minnis Bruce B. Morgan, Ph.D. Walter ’51 & Mary Jo Nelson Mary Heinen Noth ’42 Orscheln Industries Foundation Our Sunday Visitor, Inc. Dominic ’59 & Marilyn Paolucci Christopher ’78 & Joan Baker ’77 Pawlowicz Pepsi Cola Bottling Co. David, M.D. ’63 & Linda Reichert Jeanne Bolenbach ’61 & Noel Rietman Peter ’65 & Mary Rubinelli Thomas ’85 & Michelle Oswald ’85 Sak Alan B. & Florence C. Salisbury Fund Florence Conrad ’64 & Alan Salisbury Eduardo ’69 & Anne Sardiña Hugh Schaefer Joseph Schaefer Michael Schaefer Carla Schaefer-Dovey ’85 & Dennis Dovey Mark ’80 & Denise Hoffmann ’82 Schieber Gus & Kay Schill Paul ’70 & Kathryn Schneider Thomas Schnurr, M.D. ’77 The Servicemaster Company, LP Shell Oil Company Foundation Jerome Siegel ’64 Robert ’54 & Charlene Nelson ’56 Slater Stanley Associates, Inc. Patrick and Janna Stueve Family Foundation John J. Sullivan Jr. Charitable Trust Clarence Synakiewicz ’55 Taphorn Family Foundation Target Insurance Services, Inc. B. Christopher & Julie Thompson Eileen Trujillo Rosemary Tynan Aman ’93 & Chellie Udani Valley State Bank Stephanie VanDyne, D.D.S. Vulcan Materials Company Helen Brentano Wack ’63 Wal-Mart Foundation Carolyn Connor ’76 & Dennis Watley Laura Jane Westerman Management Trust Mark ’72 & Barbara Bellows ’73 Wetta Richard Wood ’51

Lionel Young, M.D. ’53 & Florence Young


Celeste Westerman & John Ahern Kenneth Berresheim ’76 Thomas ’76 & Patricia Watkins ’76 Buergler Edmond Ciarniello ’70 Engineering Computer Systems Phyllis Lieb Magellan Barter & Import, LLC Stephen, J.D. ’82 & Amy Kohake ’84 Minnis Ron & Amy, Ph.D. Posey Dustin Roloff David ’80 & Regina Austin ’82 Thornton John & Susan, Ph.D. Traffas Mark ’72 & Barbara Bellows ’73 Wetta

DONOR REPORT GUIDELINES, 2013-14: This year’s Donor Report lists individuals, organizations, corporations, and foundations. New to the donor report this year are sections listing class giving, legacy society, consecutive year giving, and lifetime giving. Please note that actual gifts in support of Benedictine College’s fiscal year of July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2014 are identified in this booklet. The gifts could have been in the form of cash, securities, real estate, bequests, insurance, gifts-in-kind, matching gifts, or others. This report has been compiled by the Office of Advancement. Please note the following guidelines before reviewing the list of benefactors: • All names are listed in alphabetical sequence in each section, no middle initials are used, and alumni with graduate degrees from Benedictine College are indicated with a G in front of the class year. • For alumni listed individually, names appear e.g., John Smith ’81; individual alumni with academic doctorates, names appear e.g., Jane Doe Smith, M.D. ’71. • For married alumni, the class year will appear as follows: John ’81 & Jane Doe ’71 Smith; an exception will be for alumni with doctorates, e.g., John, Ph.D. ’71 & Jane Doe, M.D. ’71 Smith. • A cross (†) indicates the donor is deceased. • Legacy Society listing is all members. New Donors in 2012-2013 are in italics. • Matching gift amounts are used in determining gift level placement for individuals. Please note: Every attempt has been made to include all of our contributors. If your name is omitted from this list or the information is in error, please help us by contacting Kathy Garrison, administrative assistant, at garrison@benedictine.edu or by calling 800.766.0078, extension 7427. Thank you for your generosity!



Are you a Loyal Raven? Being a Loyal Raven is all about being involved, giving back, feeling a connection and proudly showing your Raven pride to those around you.

Is your company at matchmaker? When you make a gift to your favorite charitable organization or private college will they match your gift?

What do I need to do to become a Loyal Raven? 1. CONNECT: Stay connected to the college and update your information. 2. ENGAGE: Attend a Benedictine event, host a gathering, encourage a prospective student, hire a graduate. 3. SUPPORT: Make an annual gift to the Benedictine College Fund. 4. PRIDE: Show your Raven pride through social media, display your degree, wear your favorite Raven gear or download a screensaver or ringtone for your phone! Then go to my.benedictine.edu/loyalraven to let us know and you will receive a special gift in the mail.

You might be able to double or even triple your gift instantly with your employer’s matching gift program! Some companies even match gifts from retirees or spouses. It is easy‌ 1. Go to your human resources or benefits department and ask for a matching gift form. 2. Fill out the form and mail it along with your gift to: Benedictine College Advancement 1020 N. Second Street Atchison, KS 66002 3. We will do all the rest. Yes, it is that simple. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call James Kew at 1-800-766-0078.



BENEDICTINE COLLEGE OFFICE OF ADVANCEMENT 1020 North Second Street Atchison, KS 66002 913-360-7414 www.benedictine.edu/giving

Save the Date February 28, 2015

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Scholarship Ball

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