Spirit of Giving - Summer 2010

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Summer 2010

SPIRITof GIVING You’re never too young to start giving back... We asked young alumni: what motivated you to give to the Benedictine College Fund?

’05 Luke Cairney

’07 Peter & Tessa (Leach) Piscitello

’09 Tim Nowak

Hometown: Atchison, KS

Hometown: Overland Park, KS

Major: Political Science

Major: Accounting

Current job: Director of Student Activities, Benedictine College

Current job: Certified Public Accountant at KPMG, LLP.

The current students remind me of the great times I had at BC. I like to think that my gift will impact their lives like so many other benefactors’ contributions impacted mine.

’06 Lindsey Brake

When I decided to make a pledge last year I had the idea that even a small donation helps the College come closer to achieving its goals.

Hometown: Overland Park, KS

Hometown: Augusta, KS

Major: Business and Education

Majors: Political Science, Spanish

Current job: Executive Director of Johnson & Wyandotte County CYO and Stay-At-Home Mom.

Current Job: Apartment Complex Manager, Weidner Properties

Benedictine is a special place for us, we are thrilled to be able to support its students and the continued growth of the college’s stewardship to those students.

’08 Heidi Fisher

I understand the importance of scholarships and helping out those who are not able to afford college. The smallest thing you can do for one person could be the biggest thing that was ever done for them.

Hometown: Saint Louis, MO

Hometown: Olathe, KS

Major: Business Administration

Major: International Business

Current job: Graduate Student at Southeast Missouri State University.

Current job: Legal Secretary

I hope my gift impacts BC in whichever way it will benefit the college the most. Whether it be campus repairs or a scholarship, I know BC will be a stronger institution due to my gift.

’10 Katie Adams

For more donor profiles go to www.benedictine.edu/giving

Working with phonathon, I have had the opportunity to see the generosity of our donors. I know that my gift, along with the gifts of others, will help better the experiences of incoming students just as the gifts of previous alumni did for me.

Benedictine College


A Message

from the Vice President for Advancement, Kelly J. Vowels ’85 Benedictine motto: Ora et Labora, prayer and work. The two go hand in hand here at Benedictine College. Everyday. And we continue to see the fruits of our labor and the blessings poured upon us from above.

This issue marks the end of another fiscal year and as you can read to the right, we were successful in meeting our fiscal budget goals. We had a “stretch goal” that was even higher, but the money we did raise shows the generosity of so many who hold Benedictine dear. Being able to repeat and build on that success each year is what will allow us to be one of America’s great Catholic colleges. Our lives are so much more, however. The CFO keeps me focused on the bottom line, but my heart lies in building relationships with people who share in this Benedictine experience. Alumni Reunion 2010 saw many people returning to campus, some with spouses and families. They found a new and improved Benedictine College with regard to the campus facilities. For some it was overwhelming. I know for some of my classmates, it was almost unbelievable, as the campus was in pretty bad shape in the mid 1980s. But what they found unchanged was the spirit that is Benedictine. Perhaps it was a richer, deeper spirit, but one that was familiar and drew us all closer to one another, whether we were close in college or not. Something special happens at Benedictine, and we see it in our relationships with each other. The Class of 1960 realized this more than ever when each of them took turns at the microphone at their class dinner and shared their reflections of their time together. The money is important. It provides us with the resources we need in order to fulfill our mission. But we must never lose sight of the people. You’ll find their stories on these pages and why they choose to share what they have with us … and ultimately you, who also shares in this spirit that is Benedictine.

Join Us! Benedictine College Legacy Society 2010 New members inducted October 2, 2010 during half-time of Raven Football, Family Weekend.

Summer 2010

Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank you to all of our donors! You have demonstrated your love for Benedictine College by providing critical financial support. During the past fiscal year, which ended June 30, 2010, the Benedictine College Fund received $1,150,963.88 from 3,258 donors. The 2010-11 fiscal year has already begun and we have set new goals. We invite you to join us as we work toward reaching the milestone of $1,150,000 and 3,500 donors to the Benedictine College Fund. Donations, large and small, from July 1, 2010 to June 30, 2011, will enable us to provide more students the opportunity to attend and graduate from Benedictine College.

Thank You!

Benedictine College


Summer 2010

Calling all Ravens…. It’s time to Fund-A-Raven Perhaps you or a child received scholarship assistance to attend St. Benedict’s College, Mount St. Scholastica College, or Benedictine College. If so, now is the time to give a monetary gift that will assist our current students. The Fund-A-Raven Phonathon begins again this fall. Our student callers make a commitment to devote their time and talent to contacting alumni and friends … may we count on you? This year’s Phonathon goal is $200,000 and we hope 2,500 or more donors will answer our call to donate to student scholarships through the Benedictine College Fund. If you would like to give but do not have time to talk to one of our callers, you may make your gift now and be removed from our fall calling list.

Ways to give: Online: www.bcconnect.org/phonathon Phone: 1.800.766.0078 ext. 7416 Mail: Benedictine College, Office of Advancement 1020 North Second Street, Atchison, KS 66002 Please make checks payable to Benedictine College. Thank you!

Fund-A-Raven student caller


LaBarbera ’13 Hometown: Hickory Creek, TX Major: Mass Communications

"I feel truly blessed to have worked with such an amazing and dedicated group of people as part of Phonathon. Being at Benedictine on scholarships myself, I feel I am given the opportunity to earn the support I have been granted as well as help BC extend a helping hand to other students to make their college experience as exciting as possible. Talking to alumni about their Benedictine days and receiving noteworthy advice from those wiser then myself comes along with the package. Pushing forward as a team behind our passionate boss Hayleigh was incredible, as well as forming bonds with our senior managers, Jenna and Katie. You see the support of benefactors making a difference in students' lives and college decisions every day, and I could never be more truly grateful. God Bless and GO RAVENS!" -Lailee LaBarbera (Phonathon 2009-2010)

Benedictine College

Summer 2010


Class of ’55

2010 Alumni Reunion Special anniversaries for classes ending in 0 or 5

Offeramus Medal Recipient: Sherry (Mefford) Lange ’60

Class of ’60 - celebrating their 50th Anniversary. Class of ’84

Kansas Monk Recipient: Bill Thornton ’80

Jerry ’49 and Pam Schmidt

Class of ’70 raised $41,000 towards the Academic Center.

Class of ’85 raised $56,000 towards the Raven Walk.

Save the date: Alumni Reunion June 3-5, 2011.

Benedictine College


Summer 2010

Academic Center Groundbreaking

Carla Schaefer-Dovey ’85 and Steve Bolin ’85 leading the Raven Fight Song.

As golden shovels turned up the dirt in the lawn between St. Benedict Hall and Westerman Hall, confetti fluttered through the air. Balloons drifted into the sky. A crowd of onlookers cheered, then chanted the Raven Fight Song. The June 11 Groundbreaking ceremony for Benedictine College’s new Academic Center in Atchison, was a rousing rallying cry for what President Stephen D. Minnis ’82 called “a new signature building that will sit on the bluff overlooking the Missouri River and address our needs for classroom space, faculty space, and meeting space for years to come.”

Poised and ready.

Alumni on campus for the Alumni Reunion Weekend were in attendance, along with the Board of Directors attending their June meeting, new students on hand for orientation and well-wishers from Atchison, St. Joseph, Mo., and Kansas City. The new center will house the School of Business and the Departments of Education, Theology and Philosophy. It is a major undertaking that Minnis said is crucial after more than a decade of enrollment growth.

Children of Jeff ’94, MEA ’00 and Angela Humburg.

Lené Westerman, of the 25th anniversary class of 1985, spoke at the event as a representative of Benedictine alumni. Dr. Dian Henderson ’85, co-chair of the Education Department, represented the faculty. Jack Newman, a 1970 graduate of the college, spoke as a representative of Benedictine College’s board of directors. Those who wielded shovels with President Minnis included current chairman of the Benedictine College Board of Directors Jim O’Brien ’60, Michael and Marlys Haverty and David ’67 and Sherri Laughlin represented major donors to the building, Dick Tilghman and Denton Nichols of Treanor Architects designers of the building and Steve Dunn of J.E. Dunn Construction. The last shovel went to Andrew Werring ’02, mayor of Atchison and Benedictine College alumnus.

New Academic Center Cake

A more comprehensive story on the groundbreaking will be in the fall issue of the Raven Review. You can also go to www.benedictine.edu/news to see the video and picture gallery.

Benedictine College


Spring 2010

FORWARD. ALWAYS FORWARD. Great Goals Mean Great Needs

Exciting new expansions are a reason to celebrate and dig deep The Benedictine College motto “Forward. Always Forward.” has helped the campus set high goals. But when your goal grows, your needs grow with it. For President Stephen D. Minnis, that means he doesn’t have a “wish list” for Benedictine College - he has a long list of needs. He said, “When we prioritize that list we ask: What do we need to become one of America’s great Catholic colleges?”

Three needs on the list stand out. The Academic Center Above all, one of America’s great Catholic colleges has to have more than adequate academic space. “The Academic Center is absolutely crucial to taking us to the next level,” said Minnis. He described how the building will: •Become the signature building on campus, architecturally “quoting” other key buildings. •Feature state-of-the art facilities giving an edge to our school of business, education department and theology and philosophy core requirements. •Showcase our commitment to the environment in its LEED-certified ecological design. Construction has already started though the building is not yet paid for, and everyone can help by donations or by joining the Memorare Army prayer campaign (click on the building icon at Benedictine.edu to learn more).

a result, it has an extensive collection of hard-to-find books of theology, philosophy and literature. However, as the college passed through lean years and then into its renewal phase, the library has not been able to grow and update as the college would have liked. Minnis wants to change that. “We are looking for donors who have a passion for this critical foundation-stone of Benedictine College’s inspiring scholarship,” he said. The Raven Walk One key campus improvement has already seen major funding from alums. The Class of ’85 has taken the lead, raising more than $56,000. Others have joined in for a total of $116,000, but more is needed to complete the project. The long brick walkway to St. Benedict Hall from the Student Union is in great disrepair, with uneven bricks and crumbling concrete. Hundreds of students, faculty and staff walk this pathway every day; and each year, over one thousand visitors to our campus. “If there’s one experience that we all share at Benedictine College, regardless of when you attended, it’s the Raven Walk,” said Lené Westerman, class of ’85 and 2010 Reunion Class Agent. “When the discussions of repairing the walkway came up, I jumped at the chance to help. I am so proud of my classmates for their leadership with this project. Everyone remembers the long trek to the Ad building and we wanted to see the bricks preserved.”

Library Holdings Another focus is the library. “The library holdings of one of America’s great Catholic colleges should be up to date and extensive,” said Minnis.

The project is currently underway; the bricks and concrete have been removed, along with some of the trees that were discovered to be diseased. The final project cost will be $165,000 and will include a plaza area for gathering outside of the Student Union.

Benedictine College’s library was given a big boost years ago by adding collections from St. Benedict’s Abbey. As

To see the progress and assist in this project, log on to www.bcconnect.org/ravenwalk.

Benedictine College

Spring 2010


Your support helped make this moment possible. From their freshmen through senior year at Benedictine College you provided $7,478,622 in donations for student scholarships.

Congratulations Class of 2010

Ways to support the Benedictine College Fund:

Your Support Buys... $25

2 cultures of Amoeba proteus for General Biology


Gifts made by check should be payable to Benedictine College and mailed to: Office of Advancement, 1020 North Second Street, Atchison, KS 66002-1499

GIVE BY PHONE 1-800-766-0078 ext. 7416


5 Molecular Model Kits for Organic Chemistry


clean one classroom for a month


You may make a gift securely online using your debit or credit card. Visit www.bcconnect.org/bcannualfund.


By donating appreciated securities or mutual fund shares, you can provide a lasting contribution while receiving tax benefits, such as capital gains tax savings.



one computer in the computer lab


security scan access for one door on campus (average cost)


annual cost for journal subscriptions in the library

Your gift provides a convenient way for you to enjoy a charitable deduction based on the current fair market value of your property, and it can reduce the size and complexity of your estate.


Remember Benedictine in your will or estate plan. We also offer life-income gifts that provide income and immediate tax benefits. For more information, please contact Tim Andrews, Director of Planned Giving, at 913-360-7363 or tandrews@benedictine.edu. If you already have named Benedictine College in your estate plan, please contact us so we can welcome you into the Benedictine Legacy Society.

Benedictine College Office of Advancement 1020 North Second Street Atchison, KS 66002 913-360-7414 www.benedictine.edu/giving

We are streamlining the way we talk to you. Benedictine College donors will receive our giving community publications: Spirit of Giving Arriving four times a year, this newsletter will feature alumni, giving and campus news.

Class Notes Will appear in each Spirit of Giving issue, and include careers, education, weddings, births and obituaries.

Wall Calendar Our yearly “Donor Report� will arrive in the form of a Raven calendar each November.

Alumni, parents and friends of Benedictine College will receive our college community publication: Raven Review Magazine Featuring the impact our faculty, alumni and students are having on the world.

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