The Exporter Magazine Issue 6 - Culture Creativity and Climate Change

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Issue #6 | OCTOBER 2018

CULTURE CREATIVITY & CLIMATE CHANGE Sustainability Of Our Ocean By Nikola Simpson

Renewable Energy from Sugar Cane

Creativity In Business

T h e T r a d e i n S e r v ic e s M a g a z i n e o f t h e B C S I

24 08 21


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Don’t miss Services Weekend 2018!

Services Weekend is designed to bring awareness to the various sectors in the services industry, elevate non-traditional services through networking, export development and promotion and create linkages between sectors through informative and networking events.

Entrepreneurship : Capitalizing on the Cultural, Creative, and

Minister’s Message

Climate Change Industries.

I wish to begin by commending the efforts

idea of the Small Business Development

of the Barbados Coalition of Services

Centre (SBDC) model as a tool for

Industries (BCSI) on the production of

strengthening the growth of enterprise in

such an important publication on the

Barbados. The Trust Loan Fund Initiative

business opportunities that are open to

is another example of a novel response by

entrepreneurs particularly within a number

Government to provide local entrepreneurs

of emerging industries linked to the Blue,

with easy and cheap access to finance.

Green and Orange economy in Barbados. I

The Government also plans to partner

am pleased to see that emphasis is being

with the private sector and other Non-

placed on the importance of creating a

Governmental Organizations (NGOs) to

sustainable environment and the role

establish a Financial Literacy Bureau

entrepreneurs can play through their

to ensure that the entire population,

creativity, innovation and hard work in

regardless of educational background

contributing to this cause. It is important

or career intent, is financially savvy and

that we continue to educate Micro, Small

capable of sound decisions for the future.

and Medium-sized Enterprises (MSMEs) on pursuing excellence, generating income

We need to be more efficient and effective

and building sustainable futures for

in our efforts to measure, support, finance

themselves and for this nation.

and monitor the impact of the activities of our entrepreneurs through every stage

The Government of Barbados, through

of their development from start-up to the



exporting stage, and to ensure that the

Entrepreneurship and Commerce (MSBEC)

business environment is enabling and

is committed to the development of

conducive to their success.




these industries and to building a culture of entrepreneurship among our people


that will help us to navigate the serious

contributors within this edition of THE

economic challenges we are facing as a



country at this time.





entrepreneurs have






services ways of operating successful Specifically,




committed to the expansion of the small business sector in Barbados and to the

businesses in and around the climate change industries.

Hon. Dwight Sutherland M.P.

Minister of Small Business, Entrepreneurship and Commerce



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EDITOR’s notes

Change in the world around us is occurring

of the new technologies we must also build

at an alarming rate, leaving the tortoises

an enabling environment for our youth

and laggards of innovation far behind.

especially to be creators and producers

The 4th industrial revolution as Professor

of these technologies that will drive our

Klaus Schwab suggests is upon us-

economy forward. Our ability as a nation

“It is characterized by a range of new

to compete internationally relies heavily on

technologies that are fusing the physical,

the innovation and capacity of our service

digital and biological worlds, impacting

industries to embrace and evolve with the

all disciplines, economies and industries,

technologies of tomorrow –today!

and even challenging ideas about what it means to be human”.

In this issue of the Exporter we seek to highlight


Graham Clarke is a Chartered Marketer and Current Executive Director of BCSI




As a Small Island Developing State we sit at

the emerging blue, green and orange

the cross roads of this global phenomenon

economies. From waste-to-energy using

and on the cusp of the emerging industries

by-products from sugar to bespoke mobile

of the future. We are surrounded by a

apps in agriculture and horticulture to

rich marine ecosystem and are blessed

sustainable composting techniques to

as a Caribbean island with year-round

policy initiatives related to the setting of

sunshine and tropical trade winds which,

energy standards for the region. These and

if well nurtured and managed can provide

other exciting projects are all happening

tremendous opportunities for growth in

right here on our shores.

our economy and reposition us to be on the leading edge of change. And let’s not

Join us as we highlight and discuss

forget our greatest resource – people!

how our service industries are growing

The potential for cultural and creative

and changing to take advantage of

exchange across the globe is exploding

opportunities in the Green (environment),

and Barbados and the region are uniquely

Blue (marine and coastal) and Orange

poised to exploit the opportunities within

(creative) Economies. We can truly be a

this growth industry.

leader in the change necessary to move our country and region forward towards a

But we cannot rest on our laurels. The

more sustainable future.

time is now ripe for service industries in Barbados to make full use of emerging technologies and find ways to adopt digital processes that will help to transform business and traditional industries like agriculture and education. But not only do we need to be early adopters or consumers

As a Small Island Developing State we sit at the cross roads of this global phenomenon and on the cusp of the emerging industries of the future

Contents CULTURE, CREATIVITY & CLIMATE CHANGE 03 Minister’s Message 04 Editor’s Notes GREEN ECONOMY 06 SolaGrow - Alicia Rogers 08 Renewabe Energy from Sugar Cane- Professor Tinto 10 Energy & Performance Standards - CROSQ 14 Red Diamond Compost- Joshua Forte Orange ECONOMY 16 Entrepreneurs and the Cultural Creative & Climate Change Industries - Dr Marcia Brandon 18 Capitalizing of the Cultural and Creative Industries- Steve Maximay 21 Creativity in Business: The Best of Both Worlds - Israel Mallett BLUE ECONOMY 24 Sustainability of Our Ocean - the Lifeblood of the Planet - Nikola Simpson 26 The Barbados Sea Turtle Project UNTOLD STORIES 30 Intellectual Property - Smiley in-house news 34 Global Services Forum 2018 35 Health & Safety Week 2018 36 A Taste of Danfort

Capitalizing on the Cultural, Creative & Climate Change Industries




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Solagrow Incorporated (Solagrow) is a not-for-profit company established in April 2013 in the island of Barbados. Their sole objective was to conduct research into the development, and use of high-tech and low life-cycle cost protected agriculture (PA) systems, for horticultural

an 18,000-gallon rainwater harvesting tank is utilised for all irrigation and fertigation purposes within the greenhouses. This technology in conjunction with the use of a hydroponic system, not only reduces water consumption required for crop cultivation but minimises the reliance on municipal water supply.


In using these technologies, Solagrow seeks to create

Solagrow is also the recipient of grant funding from

sustainable methods of agriculture which would

technologically driven and environmentally friendly

the Global Environmental Facility (GEF) Small Grants Programme (SGP); being implemented by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) for its community-based Solar Cooled Greenhouse research project. Their research focuses on the use of Renewable Energy (RE) technologies, such as solar photovoltaic (PV) panels and solar thermal systems, as a means of cost effectively cooling and dehumidifying the microclimate within a fully enclosed greenhouse space. The key RE technologies being employed include the use of a 20 kW grid photovoltaic solar system which powers all electrical devices and equipment at Solagrow’s main project facility. In addition to the photovoltaic generated electricity, Solagrow also employs the use of hybrid solar thermal DC inverter air conditioning units to provide the necessary cooling power in its greenhouses. To further promote the company’s sustainability efforts,

improve and enhance horticultural production systems within Barbados and the Caribbean. To further enhance this process, Solagrow and its team have developed a bespoke energy monitoring system for all electrical devices and equipment throughout its operations; ranging from the irrigation and cooling systems to its surveillance cameras. The entire energy management system is capable of being monitored and manipulated in real-time via a mobile application designed specifically for use within the climate controlled greenhouse. At present Solargow partners with the Barbados Renewable Energy Association (BREA), which serves as the lead lobbying and advocacy agency within the region. BREA focuses on issues pertaining to energy efficiency and renewable energy. Through this partnership, Solagrow has been able to conduct a series

create technologically driven and environmentally friendly sustainable methods of agriculture

of workshops within secondary schools and among farmers in Barbados to spark interest and highlight the benefits of using renewable technologies within the agricultural sector. Solagrow’s short to medium term goal is to upscale its current research to commercially viable farming operations. They intend to accomplish this through the development of the medium-sized community farming clusters: consisting of several quarter-acre backyard greenhouse operations; as well as a vertically integrated 4-acre commercial greenhouse and agro processing facility. Each initiative will be fully powered by a range of commercially and economically viable RE technologies. Fig1: Solar PV array system at Solagrow’s main project site in St.Andrew.

Fig2: Solar Thermal Air-Conditioning Unit at Solagrow’s main project site in St. Andrew.

Fig4: Crops growing in a vertical benched layout. Crops Include: cabbage, kale, lettuce and broccoli.

Fig3: Crops growing vertically in Solagrow’s community-based Solar Cooled Greenhouse. Crops include: thyme, marjoram, parsley, Chinese cabbage, head cabbage, carrots, kale and Asian greens

Fig5: Crops growing vertically in climate resilient greenhouse at Solagrow’s main project site in St. Andrew. Crops include, lettuce varieties.

Fig6: Lettuce growing vertically in climate resilient greenhouse at Solagrow’s main project site in St. Andrew.

contributor profile Alicia Rogers E-mail:- Solagrow Incorporated Tel:- (246) 425-3207 E-mail:-

Alicia Rogers is one of the founding members of Solagrow Incorporated and serves on the company’s management team. She has knowledge of the biochemical effects of various plant pathogens on local food crops within Barbados’ horticultural industry. Her interests are mainly science-based, with a special focus on ways of utilising the advances in science which can benefit and reinvent the agricultural field. Especially with respect to protected agriculture, plant tissue culture and plant pathology




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Renewable Energy From


Increasing concerns related to energy security, global warming and climate change, depleting petroleum oil reserves and the fluctuating price of oil have led to a demand for renewable energy resources. Plant biomass has emerged as an abundant, low-cost, renewable, green energy option for conversion to fermentable sugars from which biofuels can be derived. Of particular interest are agricultural plants such as wheat, corn and sugarcane. Currently, The USA and Brazil are the top two producers of biofuels in the world. Cornstarch is the major biofuel feedstock in the USA, while Brazil uses sugarcane juice. Together they account for 80-90% of biofuels produced globally. Despite this, they have received heavy criticism for direct utilization of food resources for this purpose. Alternatively, non-food agricultural waste material such as bagasse generated from milling and processing of the sugarcane crop can be used for the production of biofuels. Bagasse is composed of approximately 80% sugars, which when broken down, can be used to make biofuels. Additionally other chemical compounds can be produced from the process inclusive of sugar alcohols, and carboxylic acids among other compounds that have market value. These are used as chemical building blocks, where they can be converted to a number of high-value bio-based materials. One of the more environmentally friendly and low energy methods used to derive fuels and other products from bagasse relies on biotechnology. Bacteria in particular, are useful for these purposes. This approach opens avenues for the realization of an environmentally friendly and economically feasible strategy to convert sugarcane bagasse to bioethanol and other bio-products.

DR. Winston F. Tinto Professor of Organic Chemistry Department of Biological and Chemical Sciences University of the West Indies

The use of bagasse as a renewable resource to generate marketable bio-products is important.

Sugarcane is Barbados’ main agricultural and export crop where millions of tons of bagasse are accumulated annually. However, Barbados has not implemented any specific plan to convert the bagasse component to fermentable sugars for production of biocompounds, inclusive of biofuels and other value-added compounds from which revenue can be generated. Nevertheless, Barbados is considered to have high potential for biofuel from bagasse. The use of bagasse as a renewable resource to generate marketable bio-products is important to the diversification of the sugarcane product. The sugarcane industry can be further expanded to create not only sugar for local and international use, but also for the production of biofuels for domestic use and specialty chemicals for export. Domestic production and supply of biofuels can help in reducing the cost of importing fuels by supplementing local fuel demands as several models of vehicles are designed to carry an ethanol fuel mix. Specialty chemicals derived from renewable resources are in demand world-wide. This therefore presents a unique opportunity for a sugarcane producing country to such as Barbados to take advantage. Such chemicals are used in the pharmaceutical and polymer industries among others. Our research efforts are focused on the utilization of sugarcane bagasse as a substrate for bacteria isolated from bagasse, to produce fermentable sugars and other bio-compounds. This type of research is necessary in Barbados in order to explore production of biofuels and commercially significant bio-products from bagasse.




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Energy Performance Standards and Where We Are by the CARICOM Regional Organisation for Standards and Quality

contributor profile The CARICOM Regional Organisation for Standards & Quality (CROSQ) is a network of the National Standards Bodies with the 15 CARICOM Member States. With its Secretariat headquartered in Barbados, CROSQ is the regional centre for promoting efficiency and competitive production in goods and services, through the process of standardisation and the verification of quality. In this regard, CROSQ aims to support international competitiveness for the enhancement of social and economic development of the region

The realities of just how much our CARICOM Region spends on fossil fuel to produce energy for our individual countries is forcing governments to reconsider exactly how countries utilise energy and as a consequence, allocate spending. Certainly, at the level of the CARICOM Council for Trade and Economic Development (COTED), there has been a general feeling since 2016 when the go-ahead was given to create a Regional Energy Efficiency Strategy, that electricity and fuel cost-effectiveness were central planks towards creating a sustainable energy strategy. What that has led to, as of April this year is the approval of a Regional Energy Efficiency Building Code (REEBC). Work is currently being done to create Minimum Energy Performance Standards (MEPS) for non-residential buildings; air conditioners, refrigerators and freezers; and lighting, namely compact fluorescent lamps (CFL) and light emitting diodes (LED). There are also future plans to include solar water heating systems and solar photovoltaic (PV), pumps and motors for commercial and industrial applications. More precisely, a MEPS (Minimum Energy Performance Standard) is a specification, containing a number of performance requirements for an energy-using device that effectively limits the maximum amount of energy that may be consumed by a product in performing a specified task. The idea behind creating MEPS is to have these quantitative specifications fit within the context of an overall Energy Efficiency Building Code for the region. This sets out specifics in terms of the basic acceptable measures of performance for everything, from how cooling systems should operate; what should constitute and be expected of our PV panels and heating systems, as well as best practices for lighting buildings of a certain size and use of purpose and the equipment populating these spaces. The CARICOM Regional Organisation for Standards and Quality (CROSQ) has been at the forefront of the drive to create these MEPS for the Region, after completion of the REEBC, with substantial assistance from the CARICOM Energy Unit, and counterpart funding from various sources. In fact, the Energy Unit’s Programme Manager, Dr. Devon Gardner posited in documents detailing CARICOM’s need to move toward a Regional Energy Efficiency Strategy, that electricity consumption in public buildings for some countries accounted for as much as 9% of total national consumption. Consumption in commercial accommodations, however, could be as high as 41% in tourism-dependent economies. The fact too that residential consumption of energy accounts for 33% of national consumption and transportation utilises approximately 50% of all imported fuels, paints a picture of why a minimum level of performance should be set, Dr. Gardner also pointed out.



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Setting MEPS for the region will set a basic requirement

lessons learnt documented for wider regional application

that should be met by the appliances and applications

across the board.

in question before they are deemed acceptable to be implemented or installed in commercial properties, and residences. Given the sheer volume of energy consumed, and the constantly fluctuating cost of fossil fuels, it is in the region’s best interest to consider where it can reasonably cut costs and demand higher efficiency from our buildings’ output. As of this month, the MEPS for lighting, air conditioners and refrigerators are being discussed in the CARICOM Member States, with a view to finalisation before yearend. Thereafter, attention will turn to solar PV panels and systems. The standards will detail the specifications,

1. A Bureau of Standards Jamaica demonstration of the capacity for testing varying voltage, current and frequency for refrigerators and air conditioners. Jamaica is going to be a testing country for appliances.

labelling and issues of conformance to the standard, namely testing and measurement methods that should verify that the detailed energy consumption levels are met. So as a region, this is a progressive approach to take and one of the keys will be educating the public and main stakeholders, and phasing out incandescent bulbs which are the least efficient of the lighting options available. For example, according to energy experts’ data, a 60 Watt (W) incandescent bulb can produce the same brightness (lumens) as a 7W to 10W LED bulb or a 13W to 18W CFL; but by comparison that same incandescent bulb has a lifespan

2. An air conditioning unit being tested in Jamaica. This will be a testing facility for the region.

of 1,200 hours versus a CLF’s about 8,000 hours and an LED’s 25,000 hours. Additionally, over the lifespan of one LED, a consumer would need to change that incandescent bulb about 21 times and the CFL about 3 times. MEPS, therefore, can also ensure that those less efficient appliances and equipment are ruled out as possibilities for importation, thereby creating benefits even to the smaller residential properties not initially covered by the standards. By year-end, it is intended that piloting of these standards will begin in select countries, with the best practices and

3. Examining the monitoring infrastructure for energy efficiency of appliances currently being tested.




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creating a range of organic and biologic crop protection and soil treatment products. JOSHUA FORTE

contributor profile

Founder & CEO of Red Diamond Compost

Joshua Forte the founder and CEO of Red Diamond Compost. He is an entrepreneur and independent researcher in agricultural science and technology for environmental management; with a special focus on organic and biologic soil treatment & crop protection solutions. Joshua is also an advocate and educator of regenerative agriculture & ecosystem restoration. Most recently he was a finalist of the TIC Americas Caribbean Innovation Competition 2018 in Lima, Peru

The story behind my decision to start Red Diamond Compost

soils, and poor crop production results; I saw it as my responsibility develop these solutions and share what I had learned.

can actually be credited to a series of small events which equipped me with much-needed insight and direction. In

With my mission and goals set on bringing new life and

the summer of 2011, I started a job attachment at the

vitality to the soils across the region, and improving our

Ministry of Agriculture. This was not my preferred option,

food and nutrition security, I committed to the research

and I was placed in the planning unit mainly working with

and development of the methodologies and new

the statistician. However, I had the opportunity to attend

technologies used in organic and biologic soil treatment

multiple meetings involving industry stakeholders. I

across the globe. Then, I sought the mentorship of a Soil

tapped into my interest in Business, which I had as a

Scientist and compost facility owner and operator from

child; listened carefully and took notes of the several

Texas who has over 20 years of experience in the field.

issues faced in the industry as well as the countless

He got me off to a strong start on my journey of research

opportunities in Barbados’ agricultural sector.

and as they say the ‘rest is history’.

The following year, while I was studying at the UWI Cave

Red Diamond Compost’s solution is to create a range of

Hill Campus, I became seriously ill and subsequently

organic and biologic crop protection and soil treatment

withdrew. After recovering in 2013, I still was not feeling

products such as fertilisers, bio-stimulants, and soil

like my best self and became curious about how I

conditioners. What makes our products so special is that

could improve that feeling. Interestingly, I discovered

they are made primarily from organic waste materials

information nutrient-dense foods, while searching online

that would otherwise be dumped in the landfill or may

for ways to grow different foods for my pet iguana.

be causing other environmental hazards. We take these

Although I had never heard the term ‘nutrient-dense’

materials and convert them into valuable end products

before, I began learning all I could about human nutrition,

to boost long-term agricultural productivity and remove

the history of the global agriculture industry and the

toxins from the food supply. The practices we teach

rise of organic and more importantly, regenerative

also support this ecosystem. Not only do we get an


improvement in agricultural productivity, but major environmental benefits as well, including resiliency

I was able to see the negative impact which past

against climate disruptions. We believe creating healthy

decisions made had on current human health, the

soil, creates healthy plants, which in turn creates

environment, and the effects of climate change; not

healthier people, all of which are the key to building a

only on a global level but also on the ground in my own

strong nation.

country and region. I then began looking for solutions to these problems in Barbados and other Caribbean islands, but none were readily available; so, I decided I would need to develop them myself. Looking at the rise in chronic degenerative diseases, degraded agricultural



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Entrepreneurs and the Cultural, Creative and Climate Change Industries for a Sustainable Barbados

Doing Good, Making Profits.

The Triple Bottom Line Approach.

Barbados is facing great challenges, very similar to the rest of the world. These challenges include high unemployment rates, climate change, resource shortages, water scarcity, waste, and pollution. However, these challenges present numerous opportunities for entrepreneurs, SMEs, and other innovators to consider the future of Barbados and create products and services to ensure the sustainability of our island. There is an urgency for people who create products and services to include higher levels of creative thinking to produce new ecologically sound products and services for long term solutions to people’s needs. The cultural and creative industries in Barbados have some 300 individuals and businesses registered in official databases. This data suggests that there is a large number of people and quasi-businesses operating in the grey economy. It also indicates that the creative and cultural industries in Barbados are viable or can become viable. Entrepreneurship is about innovation which is critical to future continuity. Companies cannot grow unless they innovate, societies cannot grow unless they innovate. With the focus on cultural, creative and climate change in Barbados, this presents a great opening for entrepreneurs, SMEs and others within these sectors to develop new and viable products and services to change the needs and consumption of their communities but also lifestyles and drive the sustainability trajectory and market in Barbados.

There may not be a quantifiable sustainability market for

Unfortunately for the businesses in the cultural and creative

‘green growth’ in Barbados as yet, but the sustainable market

industries, their operations will not be the same in the next

for ‘green growth’ in the UK was recently estimated as a

coming years. They will need to re-haul and revamp their

$3.2 trillion business opportunity - and growing. It was also

approach, content generation, style, materials, suppliers,

estimated that UK consumers spend more than £36 billion

knowledge, skills and even collaborators. These will happen

on sustainable products, even more than the combined sales

because climate change and other challenges including the

of alcohol and tobacco products. Whereas, in Barbados, it

need to preserve the environment are changing policies,

is estimated that the overall aggregated turnover for the

disrupting consumption patterns, influencing buying habits

Barbados creative and cultural industries sits at BBD$164m .

and living conditions. Entrepreneurs and BSOs including BCSI and COESL will need to work to:

Sustainability is about meeting the present needs of the people of Barbados, from an ecological, social, financial,

Educate SMEs in the cultural and creative industries on

technical, political, societal, or behavioural perspective,

doing good and making profits, the triple bottom line,

without compromising the future needs of the next

and the importance of IP to drive profits.

generation. For this to happen, the government and people

for Barbados and for themselves.

of Barbados must practice sustainable development. Sustainable development is the dynamic process by which

Assist entrepreneurs with innovation across sectors which will assist greatly in reducing the silos.

sustainability is achieved, enabling all people to realise their potential and improve their quality of life in ways which

Help entrepreneurs use technology to build sustainability

Show entrepreneurs the value of promoting and

simultaneously protect and enhance the Earth’s life support

inspiring the public by sharing their stories for continuity


and public awareness.

contributor profile Dr. Marcia Brandon Founder & Managing Director Caribbean Centre of Excellence for Sustainable Livelihoods

Dr. Brandon has been lauded as a pioneer in youth entrepreneurship development in the Caribbean. She is a social Entrepreneur with expertise in entrepreneurship and people development strategies. She is the founder and Managing Director of the Caribbean Centre of Excellence for Sustainable Livelihoods (COESL). COESL is the hub for the World Bank’s regional green tech project, Caribbean Climate Innovation Centre(CCIC).



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Capitalising on the Cultural, Creative, and Climate Change Industries.

A coalition or amalgamation of service industries can be a powerful tool in the arsenal of Small Island Developing States (SIDS). Three industries that hold promise for such an amalgamation are those surrounding Culture, Creativity, and Climate Change. A notable feature of these industries is their limited reliance on an expansive landmass, a scarce resource in all SIDS. The cultural industry includes products and services that are based on the shared experiences or “ways of being” of a group and may incorporate music, dance, publishing, radio, TV, cinema and video games. Creativity usually involves original ideas in design, performance, architecture and advertising while adaptation or mitigation activities are at the core of the Climate Change industry. The most significant way to capitalise on service provision in these industries is through the use of the “expressed creations of the human mind”. These expressed creations of the human mind constitute one’s intellectual property (IP). The creations can be expressed in many ways, hence the different types of IP. If you have ever created anything ‘from scratch’, such as an original essay, poem or report, then you would have created IP. Even the modification of an existing tool, creation of a new product, and ‘how to’ manuals are all legitimate forms of IP. Original photographs, videos, artwork, recipes and software are also included alongside new plant varieties. The two most common branches of IP


are collectively referred to as Copyright and Related Rights,

Agricultural Scientist

and Industrial Property. Unfortunately, in many underdeveloped countries, the

contributor profile Steve Maximay is an agricultural scientist and climate change expert. He was a member of the Cabinet-appointed committee that drafted the Intellectual Property Policy of Trinidad and Tobago. As a WIPO consultant he wrote the IP Strategy for Trinidad and Tobago. He is an Author, IP Asset Locator, Climate Change Advisor, Training Manager, and IP owner. Steve has shared his experiences in Europe, Africa and the Americas

protection of IP Rights is seen as a legal imposition rather than an economic imperative. Intellectual property can be as valuable as the more traditional types of tangible property like land, buildings, inventory, vehicles and machinery. Every service provider owns intellectual property! Regrettably, very few providers have ever audited, appraised, leveraged or monetised their IP. A thorough explanation of, and methods

to identify the various types of IP are beyond the scope of this article but the BCSI continues to offer relevant workshops. The cultural and creative industries are replete with opportunities to utilise copyright and related rights, industrial designs, trademarks and traditional knowledge as vehicles for wealth creation. The most genuine growth area involves climate change and the harnessing of copyright and related rights, patents and utility models, trademarks, industrial designs, geographical indications, plant variety protection, and trade secrets. As a service provider your operations have been stymied if you are unfamiliar with the IP forms previously mentioned. As per other forms of property, IP must be identified, listed as assets, verified as owned, appraised and then sold, leased or used directly by the owner. Therein lies the sequence of activities to monetize your IP. Diligently document everything you do in the provision of your good or service, EVERYTHING! You must identify every instance where you add value to your intellect. Update that IP asset list and verify that you indeed own the property thus identified. Realistically attempt to ascribe a value to your property using cost recovery, replacement cost, market value, or earning potential. Using it yourself, endorsing someone else’s operations, franchising or outright sale are all effective means of monetising your intellectual property. Lest you think the tenets of this article are “pie-in-thesky” or academic musings, take a look at the Caribbean’s contributions to copyrighted music, franchised culinary offerings, patented use of pollutants and seaweed, and trademarked climate-smart agriculture tools. When land space is limited headspace must be expanded; intellectual property is a function of human ingenuity, not natural resource abundance.

in many underdeveloped countries, the protection of IP Rights is seen as a legal imposition rather than an economic imperative




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contributor profile Israel Mallett is a creative consultant, entrepreneur and part-time tutor with an interest in technology integration, innovations for the future and keeping active through long-distance running.

ISRAEL MALLETT Chief Creative IDS Creative Inc.

Creativity in Business: The Best of Both Worlds Navigating creativity in business can sometimes be a balancing act. From handling client communications, meeting deadlines, the dreaded multi-tasking (read my article ‘The Myth About Multitasking’), generating new business and writing proposals, sleepless nights, looming deadlines, too much coffee and a lack of sleep can lead to life being somewhat of an emotional roller coaster. How can creative professionals find a happy place amidst this organised chaos? Here are a few tips that can help.

Don’t take it personally Client feedback isn’t always what we want it to be. We pour our heart and soul into what we produce, and we are sure that what we send is going to be a winner. And then the reply comes to the email and it is everything you didn’t think it would be. You missed the mark on one or two things and the client’s feedback feels like a knife to the heart. What do you do? At times like this it is important to take a step back and realise that while you are the expert in your industry, your client is the expert in their business and creative output can be disparate to preconceived ideas clients may have, no matter how much research you’ve done. Research and getting to know your client are mandatory, and will always soften the blow, but inevitably it will come, and when it does, no matter how scathing or harsh the feedback may be, they didn’t kill your cat. They are just giving what should be their honest feedback to help you represent their baby better. Strip the emotion away, take yourself out of the equation and evaluate what is said with unbiased eyes.




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Take it personally

that you give as much of your creative juice as you can to

No, I am not trying to run you in circles chasing your tail.

making the client a success. Which in turn speaks volumes

While you don’t take every harsh word said in critique as a

for your integrity as a designer.

permanent stain on your soul, conversely you have to love what you’re doing every day and to do that you have to take it

Go beyond as a designer, you are not just a yellow pencil

personally. By ‘it’ I mean the work you are doing. Feel it, love it,

churning out artwork at the clients’ behest. The days of

remember your passion for it and give your hundred percent

conventional ‘strictly design’ are fading fast. Develop your

in every project you do. Even if it means not taking certain

knowledge base and design intelligence to become a

projects. Young designers, guilty as charged in my day, tend

creative consultant to your clients; being the conduit for their

to take on projects willy-nilly to get their name known, and

creative expression. Read widely, in marketing and business

then, oh, right, make money. Our passion for design itself

development, read up on strategy and how design fits in the

can sometimes blind us to the projects that may not make

new world of blended disciplines of technology, architecture,

the best use of our talents. We are so gung-ho to get the job

science and energy. Be able to lead your clients in making

done that we don’t realise that that particular job is not the

decisions and make suggestions for the way forward; rather

right fit for our skill sets. Believe it or not, it is ok to say no. It

than being a pawn, be able to be a trusted advisor. It will

shows that you have a mastery of your craft that allows you

build your credibility and earn you the respect that will speak

to understand what you are doing and how, and to take on

louder than any amount of advertising.

projects that best showcase your style. What that does in time, it allows you to have a rock solid portfolio, and ensures


let’s talk. 1 (246)

547 8419 idscreativeinc




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Sustainability of Our Ocean the Lifeblood of the Planet

The world’s ocean is essential to life on our planet. It is the largest source of oxygen providing approximately 70% of the air that we breathe and absorbs around 25% of our carbon dioxide emissions. It is a source of food and sustains billions of livelihoods globally. It also provides coastal protection and is a vehicle for international trade while regulating weather and mitigating impacts of climate change. Unfortunately, human activity is putting the health of this natural resource in peril. From habitat degradation caused by nutrient, chemical and plastics pollution, overfishing and unsustainable fishing to impacts of climate change such as rising sea levels, increased frequency and severity of extreme weather events, our ocean is suffering. However, there are many international, regional and national campaigns and initiatives that are placing the ocean at the forefront. Much of Nikola’s work revolves around promoting sustainable fisheries management and reduction of plastic pollution in the context of the Blue Economy. From chatting with youth to fisherfolk and other stakeholders, Nikola acts as an intermediary between the people and politics. She is inspiring society to make small changes that have big impact towards an environmentally sustainable and conscious Caribbean.

Nikola Simpson

With the creation of the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and the

Sustainable Caribbean

Blue Economy* in Barbados in mid 2018, Nikola is hopeful of the action that Barbados and the Caribbean region will take to sustainably manage our Ocean resources.

contributor profile Nikola, a passionate environmental sustainability changemaker and ocean advocate uses her voice to speak for the environment while inspiring individuals to make small changes that create big positive impact towards an environmentally sustainable and conscious Caribbean.

[*The Blue Economy is generally described as the sustainable use of ocean resources for ocean ecosystem health, economic growth and improved livelihoods and jobs (adapted from EU). It covers established oceans-related sectors such as fisheries, maritime transport, shipbuilding and tourism as well as new and emerging industries, including renewable ocean energy and biotechnology].

As a country, Barbados has the potential to make our fisheries more sustainable, designate marine spaces as marine managed areas and to look towards marine biotechnology and renewable offshore energy which will help us to continue to build resilience to changes in climate. As individuals, we can also play our role in sustainably using the ocean’s resources. Here are some tips on how you can help: 1. Make sustainable seafood choices - choose lionfish, dolphinfish and flying fish and avoid shark and marlin! 2. Reduce your plastic use and choose to reuse! 3. Reduce use of fertilizers, pesticides and other chemicals that enter our water sources and damage our coral reefs 4. Reduce energy use - switch to renewable! 5. Get involved with a local NGO that is acting to protect our ocean such as Slow Food Barbados, CORALL or the Future Centre Trust. If we protect the ocean, it will continue to support and protect us.

Unfortunately, human activity is putting the health of this natural resource in peril




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The Barbados Sea Turtle Project 1) Why was the Barbados Sea Turtle Project conceptualized? “The Barbados Sea Turtle Project was conceptualized by Professor Julia Horrocks. At the time she was doing a Post-Grad degree and she was at the Barbados Research Institute. She started receiving calls for turtles because people didn’t know who to call whenever there was a problem, so that got her interested in it. At the time there wasn’t an organization on the island for people to contact or doing any research on turtles so there as a huge need and she started to figure out a way that (this) need could be filled”

2 ) Tell us about the work of the BSP. “Ok, so the work of the Barbados Sea Turtle Project is primarily based around the hawksbill sea turtle which is critically endangered. We have a 24hr sea turtle hotline that we operate 365 days a year and people will call us if they see nesting turtles, if they see hatchlings that are in danger, exposed eggs or even just turtle tracks on the beach and we respond to those calls. We rescue hatchlings, we record data from nesting females, tag them, read their tag numbers, record the nesting activity and we also relocate eggs that are in danger. So for example, if there is a storm surge and eggs are being exposed we would relocate (those) eggs. If there is construction we would need to move eggs as well. So that is the 24hr hotline, however during the nesting season from the 1st of June to the 15th of November, we also have a number of volunteers (who) form our patrol staff. (They) operate the hotline so they (will) respond to calls but they also patrol beaches. One team is on our index nesting beach and this beach is patrolled all night long, every night from the 1st of June to the 30th of September. This is possibly the most important nesting beach for sea turtles in the Caribbean and it’s definitely the most important for hawksbills nesting in Barbados. Sorry when I said important for sea turtle nesting I meant for hawksbill nesting, not sea turtle nesting in general because only hawksbills nest there. Now in addition to that we have teams that patrol the West Coast and the South Coast as well, these patrols are primarily to gather data. To gather data on nesting, to record nests so that we have an idea of how many nests are occurring so that nests that need to be relocated are relocated. Often we discover turtles in trouble or hatchlings that need rescuing through our patrols because if you think about it, our beaches aren’t very active at night only a few and after a certain time of the night there is typically no one around.” “The project also works closely with some government agencies (like) Town and Country Planning, NCC (and the) Coastal Zone Management as well. We provide data to the Government on sea turtle nesting to hopefully inform policy and decision making and we also lobby for change. For Example, things like adequate disposal of litter, the reduction in the use of single use plastics, against fires on the beach and driving on the beach etc. We also lobby for environmentally conscious infrastructure development as well because we are losing our beaches. We do a number of research projects also, so we recently did a project on temperature because sea turtle sex is

determined by temperature. We need to know how warm

It was very ill, we took it to the Vet and before it could be

our beaches are so (that) we have an idea of whether

treated it passed away. When we did the necropsy we

we are producing any male hatchlings at all or if only

found pieces of plastic bags, rubber bands, hair etc in its

female. We also wanted to know whether there were any

stomach. In addition to that, we have found hatchlings

mitigating factors and we discovered that vegetation,

trapped in plastic bags. We have found a hatchling dead,

shade to be exact, can mitigate the temperature of the

the little plastic wrapper that you normally get the forks

sand. We have done lighting assessments in the past and

and so on in, (the hatchling) had crawled towards the

we do pre-lighting assessments for properties as well as

building and its head had gone through the plastic, as

sea turtle friendly assessments. We try to work closely

it struggled it managed to somehow wrap (the plastic)

with hotels and other costal property owners in making

around its neck and it died. We have found hatchlings

their beach fronts more sea turtle friendly. We do public

in plastics cups as well. I have found situations where

hatchlings releases and walks in an effort to educate the

crabs have been eating Styrofoam which is definitely a

public and we also do talks for schools, organizations

problem. Also you know Styrofoam when it gets hot and

like The Youth Service as well as sometimes community

when it’s really exposed to the elements it can produce

groups and business places as well.

some toxic chemicals. So I believe the ban on Styrofoam will definitely have a direct positive impact on our marine

The project is based at the University currently, it has

life and of course sea turtles in particular. The ocean is a

been there for a few decades and it’s a project out of the

very big place and we have seen on numerous occasions

Department of Biological and Chemical Sciences. The

a lot of plastic washing out to sea. The banks of Long

hotline number that was mentioned previously is 230

Pond you often find lots of bottle caps and things that


have washed down the river. After the passage of tropical storm Kirk and the rain that fell, there was so much

3) How do you foresee the upcoming ban on Styrofoam and single use plastic affecting our marine life?

plastic garbage just washing out of the gullies onto the

“We are hopeful that the upcoming ban will have a

help to change mindsets. So perhaps people will use

positive impact. While people might be saying turtles

fewer disposable items and make the switch to reusable

only live out in the sea, Barbados only contributes a

items. Things like reusable water bottles for example and

small amount to the plastic and other waste that’s in the

reusable straws. So bamboo straws or stainless steel

sea, the truth is that there is a more direct impact. Last

straws instead of even using the biodegradable or paper

year I would have performed a necropsy on a turtle that

straws, the reusable option is the best option.”

washed in to the mouth of the Careenage.

beach and out into the water. So I am hopeful that not only will the ban have a direct impact, but that it will



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4) Swimming with the turtles is quite a popular tourist attraction in Barbados and the Caribbean alike, without them this activity of course would not be possible, how do you think this would affect tourism? Before I get into the meat of that question, swimming with the turtles did play an important role in bringing sea turtles to the attention of people in Barbados because it started accidentally. It started around the time when the moratorium was put in place on sea turtles which was in 1998, this is when you could no longer legally harvest turtles and it really put a value on turtles aside from for their meat. It put a value on them alive and that was very important at that point. It is a great educational tool because people get to see them up close, they get to see them in their natural environment and they really get to form an appreciation for the animal. However, it is also very important that interactions with the turtles are well managed. So that the animals are not overfed, (so) that people don’t chase them, hold them or touch them at all really. That impact can be quite negative so there are both positives and negatives to swimming with the turtles. However, it has become a major tourist attraction so I believe that it is something that people look forward to. If you look at the sheer number of catamarans, glass bottom boats etc that partake in the activity you can see that over time they have only grown. I talk to tourist on a daily basis and these are random tourists, most of the time they will mention either going on a catamaran cruise or going snorkeling to see turtles. So I do think turtles are very important to tourists in Barbados. I think it makes us stand out from quite a bit of our competition and one of the pluses is that it’s not a situation where they are animals in captivity or you are going to swim with trained animals but you have opportunity to see things as they are naturally, so to see animals in the wild. Swimming with the turtles in Barbados isn’t only possible through the kind of formal activities but you can simply go snorkeling in Carlise Bay or in Folkestone and see turtles behaving naturally. You can

stand on almost any beach in Barbados and see turtles coming to the surface to breathe while foraging in the near shore waters. You can see hatchlings at night; you can see adult females coming up to nest in the nesting season. So they are quite a lot of interactions that tourists can have with turtles outside of these formal swim with the turtle activities and I do believe that interacting with the turtles in Barbados can take you holiday from good to extraordinary. It makes a difference between you just commenting to your friend that you had a good time in Barbados and telling them your stories and encouraging them to go experience it for themselves because It was a life changing experience seeing turtles, seeing something that you might have only seen on National Geographic or The BBC and being able to experience it for yourself.

5) How has the response been to your 24hr emergency hotline? We have had a very good response to the hotline; I think they are unfortunately quite a few Barbadians who don’t know the sea turtle hotline number but most of them are aware that there is a turtle project and will endeavor to find the number. Barbadians call, tourists call, hotels and restaurants call as well, so people have bought in (to the hotline). The hotline has existed for a very long time at this point and we get thousands of calls every season, actually I think we get over three thousand calls each nesting season. I have also had calls for things like birds, tortoises, dogs, dolphins. I had a call once for a sea creature which turned out to be a really large nudibranch which is a type of sea slug. So yea, regardless of what they call us about we will offer advice or point callers in the right direction but people have been very willing to call and while I do think we do need to do more to get the number out there which by the way is 230 0142, Bajans have definitely embraced the concept of a sea turtle hotline and tourists do as well.

You can stand on almost any beach in Barbados and see turtles coming to the surface to breathe while foraging in the near shore waters.




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untold stories

Paying close attention to the protection of their Intellectual Property (IP) is an important skill that all entrepreneurs should know. The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) defines IP as “… creations of the mind, such as inventions; literary and artistic works; designs; and symbols, names and images used in commerce. There are four types of IP

• • • •

Trade Secrets Patents Copyrights Trademarks

Many entrepreneurs simply do not take the steps to safeguard their IP and can end up losing in the long run. Why protect your IP? Protecting your IP will allow you to:

• • •

Set your business apart from your competitors. Create an additional revenue stream by allowing you to sell or license your IP. Use your IP as collateral for loans.

In an unlikely avenue, a local entrepreneur is taking full advantage and protecting his IP. Known by his alias “Smiley”, a local snow cone vendor and his son Marlon are bringing innovation to their field. With his background in engineering, he designed more than the typical snow cone cart. Fully designed with a solar panel which supplies power for the motor, light, charging ports and thermostat, he has found a way to incorporate renewable energy while he serves the island with one of our favorite treats. Smiley conceptualized the idea and built both the “Wallah1” and the “Wallah2” himself. Taking his idea further and patenting the design of the cart was something he decided to do in order to set himself apart from all of the other snow cone vendors on the island. The positive response that he receives daily from locals and tourists alike has made the journey well worth it according to him. The Exporter was able to catch up with Smiley’s son, Marlon, who answered a few of our questions and gave an insight into the thought process behind the construction of this cart. Q- When did you both get into the snow cone vending business? A-Since last January.



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Q- How long did it take you to build it & where did you source the materials? A-It took a about a month and a half to make. The materials we bought from Barbados Hardware and the electrical motor we brought in from overseas. The solar panel and the radio and stuff like that we brought in (from overseas) Q- Why use renewable energy? A-“There are no snow cone carts built in Barbados using the solar panel and it helps you a lot. Less stress on your body, in terms of the peddling all the time so you know, it’s really efficient” Q- Was it expensive to set up? A-“Yes, and money doesn’t grow on trees so if you want to go forward you have to put something aside to do more things. It costs us around $8000. People would be like nah boy that cost $8000 but of course it was worth it. Another thing too, working for yourself you get the experience of talking to people who (have) never seen a cart with an electrical motor and solar panel, they are very excited to see the cart, asking if we are going to make anymore” Q- Are you both interested in building more carts to sell to other vendors? A-Well we have patented the design so no one else can make them. Some people would be like “oh I came up with that design too, it’s not you alone”. But they never go forward with it. So I (went) forward with it, I patent it and make it my exclusive design” Both Marlon and his father are exploring the possibilities of building more of these carts but they remain a bit hesitant due to the rising cost of materials. Licensing the patent to other vendors both locally and regionally is something they have also considered but are not quite sure this is where they are at right now. Currently, they are enjoying their exclusive design are not afraid to take legal action against anyone who uses their IP without permission.

in-house news




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Global Services Forum 2018, REDLAS Conference Our Executive Director, Mr. Graham Clarke recently

the direct and indirect effects of services on inclusive and

attended the Global Services Forum, REDLAS Conference

sustainable development, and to promote and strengthen

in Buenos Aires Argentina. The conference was held from

partnerships between stakeholders

September 13th-14th.

A number of organizers were

responsible for the execution of this event. They Included:

Globally, services accounted for 68 per cent of output (2016), 59 per cent of jobs (2017), and 50 per cent of

United Nations Conference on Trade and

Development, UNCTAD

responsible for 56 per cent of output and 54 per cent of

United Nations Economic Commission for Latin

America and the Caribbean, ECLAC




employment in developing countries. Although these major contributions already confirm the central role of


Ministry of Production, Argentina

• • •

investment (2017). In the same years, services were

services for development, the importance of services goes well beyond their direct weight in the economy.

University of Buenos Aires, Argentina Konrad Adenauer Stiftung

Services provide many intermediate inputs, are bundled

University of Chile

with goods, have a coordination role of production processes and are central activities within manufacturing

The Global Services Forum was first launched back in 2012

firms. Through these effects, services are responsible

and has since then been held in cities all over the world such

for two thirds of total productivity growth in developing

as Beijing, Doha and Nairobi. The forum welcomes high

countries and a key avenue for diversification and

level policy makers, business leaders, service regulators

upgrading. Trade in services is growing more than trade in

and many other stakeholders from across the Globe to

goods, is more resilient and is growing more in developing

discuss freely strategies and approaches to strengthen

countries. When the indirect effects are considered,

the development impact of services.

including services activities within manufacturing firms, the contribution of services to overall exports was

Main Objective of the Forum:

close to two-thirds. International trade in services, by

“The Global Services Forum (GSF) of the United Nations

allowing access to foreign services and to inputs and

Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) is

factors that support domestic services, can strengthen

convened to advance the development agenda connected

services’ contribution to the whole economy, to structural

to the services’ economy and trade, to raise awareness on

transformation and shifts in comparative advantages. The

importance of trade for services is supported by the higher productivity of exporting services firms, than of non-exporting services firms, in low income countries. Knowledge-based services - services that use high technology and/or have the relatively highly skilled workforce that is required to benefit fully from technological innovations - are instrumental in these pro-development effects. They create formal, qualified and high-quality jobs, can have a good export performance and have an intermediation role in the diversification and upgrading of productive and export capacity.� (Global Services Forum 2018, REDLAS Conference) Mr. Clarke was honored to be a guest, presenter and representative of the Barbadian Services Industry at such an important conference.


The BCSI has successfully hosted its first Health and Safety Week (HSW) August 27th-30th, 2018 held at the BCSI Secretariat. This initiative was birthed out of the objective to ensure that BCSI and the other organizations who occupy the same building have a safe and healthy work environment. A safe and healthy work environment is necessary for improving the culture and productivity in the workplace. To demonstrate the importance of this, the BCSI will launched a number of activities which would improve the current state of the infrastructure and physical health of the employees. Day 1: Occupational Health and Safety Seminar Day 2: Fire Drill Day 3: First Aid Training Day 4: Fitness Session Each of the sessions were tailored to the staff and other employees to maximize conductivity. By the end of the week’s activities the participants became certified first aiders and the more aware of their personal health as it relates to mind, body and spirit. The BCSI will continue to host this initiative on an annual basis, to ensure continuity of workplace safety and expand its reach beyond the BCSI but will also including other organizations.



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DANFORTH Barbadian artist and former performer at Firefly, Leigh Phillips had the opportunity to participate in the Danforth street festival , The BCSI was pleased to sponsor Leigh with airfare to attend this event and showcase her talents. Here are a few words from Leigh on the festival . “(The) Taste of the Danforth is a massive street festival held in Toronto, Canada. The opportunity to perform at the festival came to me as a direct result of my participation in The Club One New Releases tour in March and April 2018. Today, the Festival has grown to approximately 1.6 million visitors during the course of three nights and two days. They come to enjoy food, free entertainment and culture. The Taste of the Danforth is one of Toronto’s signature events, showcasing the best of what our multicultural city has to offer - music and the arts, sports and -- of course -- food. The Festival is a tourist magnet: 38% of attendees (608 000) travelled 40 kilometres or more to attend the Taste of the Danforth last summer. The primary reason for visiting the Toronto region for 97% of visitors was the Festival. For a significant 38.5%, their sole reason for coming to Toronto was the Festival. Equally important to the province’s economy is the fact that 86% of out-of-towners plan to return this year. People continue to love the Festival – 97% rated it as Good, Very Good or Excellent.” I departed for Toronto on Monday Aug 6th to facilitate rehearsals with Reflex the Band in Canada. Their booking management, Tony Eno, had connected me with the band, comprising Ernie Trelfall (Keys), Steve Persaud (Guitar), Chris Mclymont (Bass) and Noel Record (Drums). For the price of booking the band he also offered me a free photoshoot. This was a wonderful addition as I always need fresh content for my brand. On the day of the show I went to the NXNE office where I reconnected with Jen and met Michael Hollett, President of NXNE, and Matt White in Operations for NXNE. I presented them all with


#loveleigh t-shirts and expressed my gratitude

for the opportunity. After my 40-minute set I didn’t even

In conclusion, participating in Taste of the Danforth

have to ask for their feedback they were all ecstatic about

has been massively beneficial to my development as

my voice and the way I interacted with the crowd. I gave

an artist and an individual. It has actively allowed me to

away #loveleigh tees and Barbados merchandise while I

export my brand to different markets, make international

was onstage. A clip of my performance of Burn, which is

connections and friendships, and has opened the door to

an original song, was also shared on the Instagram story

further performance opportunities in 2019. It has allowed

of one of Toronto’s major radio stations Chum 104.5 FM.

me to network and, through the assistance of the BCSI,

Chum FM is a part of the iHeart Radio group and they

take my brand to new levels. Despite great uncertainty at

do the Breakfast in Barbados contest/concert. I spoke

the beginning, I was fortunate to be met with unexpected

to one of their representatives after about my music and

support and enthusiasm from my family, friends and

gave them my business cards and drop cards so that they

associates which I can never truly repay. I found strength,

could pass them on to the relevant staff members for me.

resolve and inspiration under pressure which will

Before leaving the event, I spoke to the NXNE team about

undoubtedly propel me to take on bigger projects and

performing for NXNE 2019 and was met with a resounding

greater opportunities with more zeal than ever. I am truly

yes. I promised Jen that I would keep in contact with her

grateful for the assistance that was provided to me by the

over the coming months regarding my progress as an

BCSI and would like to thank all involved in making this trip

artist and any new music projects. Mr. Tony Eno has also

possible for me from the bottom of my heart.�

offered to work with me to get me more bookings in the US, Canada and the Caribbean.

I am truly grateful for the assistance that was provided to me by the BCSI



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Without change there is no innovation, creativity, or incentive for improvement. Those who initiate change will have a better opportunity to manage the change that is inevitable. William Pollard

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Barbados Coalition of Service Industries (BCSI) Building #3 Unit 2B Harbour Industrial Estate Telephone: 1 (246) 429-5357 Fax: 1 (246) 429-5352 E-mail: Website:

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