WHAT WE SUPPORT Since its inception, BCU Foundation has provided funding for a number of important endeavours in Canada. We support a wide array of worthy undertakings, including:
Historical and cultural endeavors
Educational institutions and exhibitions
Documentaries and multimedia projects
Concerts and music recordings
Athletes, youth and sports
Medical and humanitarian projects
Community events and conferences
Relief of poverty
WHO WE ARE BCU Foundation was granted its charitable status in December 2002, when Canada’s largest Ukrainian-Canadian credit union, Buduchnist Credit Union (BCU), made a donation to initiate the creation of a charitable institution. BCU Foundation was established as a permanent means of sustaining the Ukrainian community in Canada for generations to come. The official public launch of BCU Foundation took place in Toronto in 2006. The Foundation’s first significant grant was an inaugural donation of $100,000 in support of the Ukrainian Canadian Care Centre in Toronto. To date, BCU Foundation is the only charitable foundation in Canada initiated by a Ukrainian-Canadian financial institution.
DID YOU KNOW? Since its establishment, BCU Foundation has supported countless projects in our community. Working together, BCU Foundation and Buduchnist Credit Union provide over $1 million in sponsorship funding annually for a multitude of organizations and activities. These include charity fundraisers, scholarships, concerts, youth camps, churches, cultural festivals, art exhibits, scholarly research, publications, genocide-awareness projects, community media, and many other worthy community initiatives. BCU Foundation is a growing and dynamic institution. We are a thriving charitable foundation — organically linked to the current and future needs of our community. The projects we support reflect our forwardlooking vision.
HOW WE PROVIDE COMMUNITY SUPPORT BCU Foundation is able to provide grants to a wide array of projects and activities in Canada and beyond. Our charitable institution cooperates with other Canadian foundations, enabling us to support important initiatives in Canada and internationally. Grants are provided to charitable causes utilizing two channels of support:
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DESIGNATED FUNDS Designated Funds are donated by individual Canadian donors or by BCU, on behalf of its members. These funds are earmarked for a specific purpose, cause, organization, or area of interest designated by the fund’s founder or donor.
GENERAL FUNDS General Funds, received from broad-based donations or fundraising events, support a wide spectrum of community initiatives which fall within the Foundation’s general mandate.
The creation of a Designated Fund allows a Canadian individual, family, organization or institution to leave a personal legacy, by making a meaningful, sustainable, and perpetual contribution to our community’s development. A Designated Fund can be created in memory of a loved one or dear friend. The beneficiary of the fund can be a community organization or institution, a specific cause or project.
WHY CREATE A DESIGNATED FUND? The annual income earned from investing the capital of a Designated or Memorial Fund is disbursed according to the instructions of the donor. Anyone can create a Designated or Memorial Fund, including individuals, families, or organizations wishing to make an enduring contribution to our community for generations to come.
BCU FOUNDATION DESIGNATED FUNDS STANLEY PETERSON FUND Stanley Peterson Literary Award The award is designated for authors of literary works, including fiction, non-fiction, poetry, drama, and literature for young people. Stanley Peterson Translation Grant The award is designated for translators of literary works of fiction and non-fiction, considered to be of significant importance to the Ukrainian community in Canada, Ukraine, and internationally. Stanley Peterson Writer’s Award The award is designated for authors of non-fiction work, written in English or Ukrainian, who are publishing their first book. The Stanley Peterson Awards recognize literary works that are deemed to promote a positive image of Ukrainians, both as individuals, a community, and a people, including their history, culture, and other subject matter. The recipients are authors from Ukraine, Canada and the diaspora whose works are written in Ukrainian or English.
YURIJ SKRIPCHINSKI FUNDS Yurij Skripchinski Holodomor Education Fund The fund supports research and education projects that raise awareness of the Holodomor FamineGenocide in Ukraine. Yurij Skripchinski Ukraine International Fund The fund is designated for young diplomats and the promotion of a positive image of Ukraine. Yurij Skripchinski Learning for Advancement Fund The fund supports orphaned and underprivileged children in Canada and Ukraine. No Child Left Behind Fund The fund supports the improvement to the quality of life of orphaned children in Ukraine. Historical Truth Fund The fund supports educational and research projects, conferences and publications advancing truth and historical accuracy as they relate to past and contemporary Ukrainian history.
SEMEN AND OLHA BIDA FUND The fund supports projects promoting Ukrainian history and with the focus on Ukraine’s struggle for independence.
UKRAINIAN CATHOLIC SOBOR OF THE HOLY PROTECTION DEVELOPMENT FUND This endowment fund is designated to support the Ukrainian Catholic Sobor of the Holy Protection in Toronto and its affiliated non-profit organizations. The fund was established by Buduchnist Credit Union to celebrate the joining with St. Mary’s (Toronto) Credit Union.
THEODOSIJ BUYNIAK YOUTH LEADERSHIP FUND The fund supports projects that engage Ukrainian-Canadian youth and help develop leadership skills.
RT. REV. DR. MYRON STASIW SEMINARY FUND The fund provides scholarships and bursaries to seminarians and students of theology. The fund was established by Buduchnist Credit Union upon joining with St. Mary’s (Toronto) Credit Union.
WIRA AND ALEX KANAREISKY FUNDS Wira & Alex Kanareisky Holodomor Fund Wira & Alex Kanareisky Cultural Education Fund The funds focus on cultural and educational projects and support projects enhancing public awareness of Holodomor, 1932-1933 Famine-Genocide of the Ukrainian people.
ILYA PUDLAK KAMENYARI FUND The fund was established by the League of Ukrainian Canadians (LUC) in honour of Ilya Pudlak of Calgary, Alberta who left a bequest to the LUC. The fund supports projects that nurture Ukrainian-Canadian identity and advance information about all aspects of Ukrainian history.
DMYTRO BYCYK FUND Books: Our Pathway to Knowledge Fund The fund supports publications for Ukrainian children and youth.
SHORES OF FREEDOM FUND The fund was estabilished by the League of Ukrainian Canadian Women and supports the collection of interviews, publications, films, commemorative activities that help document, preserve, or disseminate information on the experiences of post-World War II Ukrainian immigrants who passed through Pier 21 in Halifax to build a new life in Canada.
JOHN & NADIA YATCHEW FUND AND EUGENE IVASHKIV FUND The two funds assist children and youth-oriented projects.
OREST AND IRENE KOSTRUBA FUND The fund is designated for programs for youth to “build our future leaders”, including, but not exclusively, leadership skills and team building programs.
KATERYNA AND MYCHAJLO SERBENIUK FUND The fund was established to support the rehabilitation needs of wounded Ukrainian soldiers of the war in eastern Ukraine.
DNIPRO CULTURAL CENTRE OSHAWA FUND The fund was established to support the Ukrainian-Canadian community and assist with the needs of Ukrainians in Ukraine.
JULIA WERBOWYJ FUND The fund was established in memory of Julia Werbowyj.
ROMAN MEDYK FAMILY FUND The fund is designated for projects which support the development of a free, sovereign and democratic Ukraine and the organizations that work for this cause.
ANDRIY & LUBA TARAPACKY FUND The fund is designated for initiatives and organizations which support Ukraine’s freedom, democracy, and social development.
DMYTRO & MARIA HULEY EDUCATIONAL FUND The fund supports educational projects, research and publications focused on the history of Ukraine in the 20th century and Ukraine’s struggle to achieve independence.
WILLIAM WASYLYK FUND The fund was established from the Estate of William Wasylyk and is designated to support youth in need and programs for youth development.
DESIGNATED FUNDS ESTABLISHED THROUGH FUNDRAISING OR BROAD-BASED DONATIONS EUROMAIDAN FUND The fund is designed to assist Euromaidan activists and victims of Euromaidan attacks. The fund also helps other NGOs and community organizations that fight corruption and support reforms, growth and the development of civic society that was born on the barricades on Kyiv’s Independence Square.
NEBESNA SOTNIA (HEAVENLY HUNDRED) FUND The fund was created in the immediate aftermath of the bloody and horrific events of the Euromaidan. The fund’s objective is to provide financial support to the families of the over one hundred fallen “Nebesna Sotnia” heroes - victims of the attack on civilian protestors which took place in February 2014.
UKRAINE HUMANITARIAN AID FUND The fund is designated for supplies and humanitarian initiatives and is designed to assist in providing treatment and medical support for injured soldiers of the war in eastern Ukraine.
UKRAINIAN CULTURAL CENTRE FUND The fund was established to provide funding for a new community facility under the direction and management of the Ukrainian Cultural Centre Toronto.
CANADA 150 FUND The fund provides scholarship opportunities for Ukrainian-Canadian graduate students and young scholars in commemoration of Canada’s 150th anniversary of Confederation.
BCU FINANCIAL GROUP FUNDS NATION BUILDERS FUND The fund supports projects and events that celebrate, promote, commemorate and share the story of the first and second waves of Ukrainian immigration to Canada.
OUR CULTURAL TREASURES FUND The fund supports all aspects of the visual and performing arts, including Ukrainian music, painting, sculpture, dance, theatre, photography, and other forms of artistic expression.
PRESERVATION OF UKRAINIAN IDENTITY IN CANADA FUND The fund supports research, publications and films that capture the Ukrainian experience encompassing many generations, comprising several waves of Ukrainian immigration to Canada.
YOUTH DEVELOPMENT FUND The fund is designated for the Ukrainian Youth Association of Canada (CYM) and the Ukrainian Youth Association PLAST, by supporting conferences, seminars, courses, jamborees and exchange camps organized by both of these Canadian youth organizations.
BCU INSURANCE COMMUNITY ASSISTANCE AND WELL- BEING FUND The fund responds to needs that develop in the community in the area of health, social assistance, disaster relief and provides assistance to support the welfare of others.
BCU FOUNDATION GOLF TOURNAMENT HALLMARK OF EXCELLENCE FUND The fund promotes athletic excellence, sportsmanship, and fair play in the spirit of friendship, by supporting organizations that use sports to strengthen the Ukrainian identity in Canada and around the world.
BCU FOUNDATION NEWS BCU FOUNDATION INVESTS IN CANADIAN MUSEUM OF HISTORY In celebration of Canada’s 150th anniversary of Confederation, BCU Foundation recently donated $100,000 to the Canadian Museum of History’s new signature exhibition, the Canadian History Hall. The Hall will be the largest, most comprehensive and engaging exhibition about Canadian history ever created. It opened on July 1, 2017 as Canadians celebrated the 150th anniversary of Confederation. The Canadian History Hall presents Canada’s story as it’s never been seen before. Visitors will encounter Canada’s national history, as told through the diverse experiences and perspectives of the real people who lived it, bringing together a collective story of conflict, struggle and loss, and also of success, achievement and hope. This new signature exhibition illuminates the enduring legacy of Canada’s past – a legacy that is alive, relevant and continually unfolding in the Canada we know today.
“The generous support of BCU Foundation will help the Museum tell the remarkable story of Canada and its people to present and future generations. This will be an important and enduring gift to all Canadians.” - Mark O’Neill President and CEO of the Canadian Museum of History
BCU Foundation’s gift honours the generations of Ukrainian-Canadians who have helped shape our nation, from the first wave of Ukrainian-Canadian immigrants who settled the Canadian West from the 1890’s, to the subsequent waves who worked in the mines and lumber camps of Northern Ontario, Quebec and the Maritimes. BCU Foundation is proud to make this significant investment in the Canadian History Hall. We are honoured to be a part of telling the Ukrainian-Canadian story as we prepare to celebrate Canada’s 150th anniversary of Confederation. Our contribution to the Canadian Museum of History will honour the generations of Ukrainian-Canadians who helped build, enrich and shape this country, and will provide a lasting legacy for all Canadians to celebrate our rich diversity. - Roman Medyk, BCU Foundation Chair
ABOUT OUR NEWEST BCU FOUNDATION DESIGNATED FUNDS Canada 150 Fund: Building the Ukrainian Story DONOR: UKRAINIAN-CANADIAN COMMUNITY Designation: The Canada 150 Fund: Building the Ukrainian Story is the newest funding initiative launched by BCU Foundation. It commemorates Canada’s 150th anniversary of Confederation. This fund will provide scholarship opportunities for Ukrainian-Canadian graduate students and young scholars to pursue research in science, technology, business, finance and other disciplines. It will help to continue building the Ukrainian-Canadian story and to make a visible impact on the multicultural landscape of Canada. BCU Foundation is committed to fostering the development of future generations of scholars and young professionals who will flourish in their careers, give back to their community, and continue the tradition of excellence set by Ukrainians in Canada. Together we are building the Ukrainian story and creating a legacy.
Euromaidan Fund DONOR: UKRAINIAN-CANADIAN COMMUNITY Designation: The Euromaidan Fund was created in February 2014 in support of Euromaidan a peaceful student demonstration in Ukraine, born on Kyiv’s Maidan Nezalezhnosti (Independence Square), which grew into Ukraine’s Revolution of Dignity. The protesters, who supported joining the European Union, were met with violence by government forces. The Euromaidan movement had spread across Ukraine and was supported by Ukrainian and non-Ukrainian communities worldwide. The Euromaidan Fund was initiated by the Ukrainian-Canadian community in the GTA and is designed to assist Euromaidan activists and victims of Euromaidan attacks - wounded peaceful protesters and their families. The Euromaidan Fund also helps other NGOs and community organizations that fight corruption and support reforms, growth and the development of civic society that was born on the barricades on Kyiv’s Independence Square.
Humanitarian Aid Fund DONOR: UKRAINIAN CANADIAN COMMUNITY Designation: The Humanitarian Aid Fund was established as a response to rapidly rising needs for humanitarian assistance due to the Russian occupation of, and the war in, eastern Ukraine. The fund, initiated by the League of Ukrainian Canadians, was strongly supported by the Ukrainian-Canadian community at large from the beginning of the war. The fund supports non-profit, humanitarian initiatives and is designed to assist in providing treatment and medical support for injured soldiers of the war in eastern Ukraine. The fund also assists with the delivery and distribution of necessary medical equipment and supplies to hospitals and rehabilitation centres across Ukraine, as well as humanitarian aid and other necessities for civilians and their families.
Nebesna Sotnia – Heavenly Hundred Fund DONOR: UKRAINIAN-CANADIAN COMMUNITY & BUDUCHNIST CREDIT UNION Designation: Initiated by the Ukrainian-Canadian community in the GTA, the Nebesna Sotnia – Heavenly Hundred Fund was created in the immediate aftermath of the bloody and horrific events on the main streets of Kyiv on February 18-20, 2014 during the Euromaidan movement. Donations large and small started to pour in from people of goodwill, stunned by the horrific developments in Ukraine. The fund’s objective is to provide financial support to the families of the fallen Nebesna Sotnia heroes - on whom they were financially dependent as, often, the Nebesna Sotnia hero was the sole financial provider in the family. Buduchnist Credit Union donated $38,000 to the fund in order to bring the total to $150,000.
Dmytro & Maria Huley Educational Fund Designation: The Dmytro & Maria Huley Educational Fund supports educational projects, research and publications focused on the history of Ukraine in the 20th century and Ukraine’s struggle to achieve independence. The fund supports the distribution of such publications to universities, colleges and libraries, and also provides research assistance by young scholars. Dmytro Huley and Maria Chornyj were born in Ukraine. They survived the Polish, Nazi and Soviet occupations of Ukraine, witnessed the horror and devastation of WWII, and suffered through the hardship of the working camps in Germany. Dmytro Huley lived for a free, democratic, and independent Ukraine. From a young age, he was active in Ukrainian youth organizations. Later, in Canada, his analytical articles about the past, present, and future of Ukraine often appeared in Ukrainian-Canadian newspapers and periodicals. Throughout her life, Maria Huley tirelessly worked in many Ukrainian-Canadian community organizations for the good of her beloved Ukraine.
No Child Left Behind Fund DONOR: HALYNA SKRIPCHINSKI Designation: In memory of her late husband, Yurij Skripchinski, Canadian benefactor, Halyna Skripchinski, established a new BCU Foundation Designated Fund, “No Child Left Behind�. The fund is focused on improving the quality of life experienced by children in Ukraine who do not have the support of parents and family to foster their success. Through social, educational and cultural programming, children living as orphans in Ukraine will have an opportunity to develop essential skill sets and nurture a sense of belonging, inspiring hope and encouraging them to reach their full potentials in spite of the challenges they confront.
Kateryna & Mychajlo Serbeniuk Fund DONOR: KATERYNA SERBENIUK Designation: The Kateryna and Mychajlo Serbeniuk Fund was established to support the rehabilitation needs of wounded Ukrainian soldiers. The fund helps to provide treatment and medical support for wounded service men and women who were injured defending Ukraine. Mychajlo Serbeniuk was born in 1923 in Sadzhavtsi, Ukraine. From an early age, Mychajlo dedicated his life to fighting for Ukraine’s independence. He lived in both Germany and England before immigrating to Halifax, Canada in 1954 and settling in Toronto in 1958. Kateryna Serbeniuk was born in 1925 in Nadezhdivka, Kharkiv, Ukraine. She worked in Germany during the war and immigrated to Hamilton, Canada and later settled in Toronto. Mychajlo and Kateryna Serbeniuk supported their respective families in Ukraine their entire lives and travelled to Ukraine many times. Mychajlo and Kateryna continued to stay abreast of current events in Ukraine and supported initiatives which assisted Ukraine in its struggle for independence, sovereignty and democracy. Mychajlo and Kateryna Serbeniuk dedicated their lives to supporting initiatives and projects that helped Ukraine prosper. In honour of her husband, Mychajlo, Kateryna Serbeniuk created a lasting legacy to support the needs of the brave servicemen and women who continue to fight for Ukraine’s freedom and liberty.
Dnipro Cultural Centre Oshawa Fund DONOR: DNIPRO CULTURAL CENTRE MEMBERS Designation: The Dnipro Cultural Centre (Oshawa) Fund is a legacy fund which was established to continue the tradition of supporting the Ukrainian-Canadian community and assisting with the needs of Ukrainians in Ukraine. The Dnipro Cultural Centre was the centre of the vibrant Ukrainian-Canadian community in Oshawa. There, the work of many organizations took place and the cultural centre became a home – a home for the Ukrainian Youth Association, The League of Ukrainian Canadians, League of Ukrainian Canadian Women, Sokoly Dance Ensemble, Dnipro Men’s Choir, Kalyna Women’s Choir, Yatran CYM Choir, Mandolin Youth Choir, Lisova Pisnia Quintet, Dnipro Waves, Tryzub Soccer Club, baseball and hockey teams, CYM Brass Orchestra, and the wider Ukrainian-Canadian community in Oshawa. The Dnipro Cultural Centre Oshawa Fund pays homage to the important role that all of these organizations played in the wider Ukrainian-Canadian community. The fund will continue to support all the initiatives that these organizations fostered, including: the support for an independent, sovereign, and democratic Ukraine; support for the development of Ukrainian-Canadian culture in Canada; support for educational, historical, literary, recreational, athletic, religious, charitable, humanitarian, medical, and cultural projects; and support for Ukrainian-Canadian media and various significant community initiatives. The legacy of the Dnipro Cultural Centre will live through this fund and provide opportunities for younger generations to continue fostering the values of its founding members and the UkrainianCanadian community in Oshawa.
HOW YOU CAN CONTRIBUTE YOU CAN SUPPORT THE IMPORTANT WORK OF BCU FOUNDATION IN VARIOUS WAYS: • make a cash donation • make a bequest in your will • donate securities or property • leave a legacy by creating a Designated or Memorial Fund honoring a loved one, cause, or organization
LET US ANSWER YOUR QUESTIONS Are you interested in supporting current or future charitable initiatives? Would you like to learn more about the many tax benefits of supporting BCU Foundation? Are you interested in creating a Designataed or Memorial Fund? We invite you to learn more about how you can make a lasting contribution to our community’s development.
CONTACT US BCU FOUNDATION 2282 Bloor Street West Toronto, Ontario M6S 1N9 Lada Kozak Managing Director | BCU Foundation T: (416) 763-3388 E:
FORUM TV T: (416) 572-8255 E: Forum TV is a weekly, one-hour-long current affairs program broadcasting on OMNI, featuring news interviews, special reports on politics, culture, youth, sports, business, and topics of interest to Ukrainian-Canadians. Forum TV is an independently produced program sponsored by BCU Foundation – a Canadian, member-supported, non-profit foundation. All episodes are online! Visit FORUM TV ONLINE: FORUM TV ON YOUTUBE:
Contribute to our community’s development. Support a cause. Assist charitable organizations. Remember a loved one. Make a meaningful gift for future generations.