As inaugural Marianne D. Short, Esq., Dean of Boston College Law School, Odette Lienau has charted a dynamic and ambitious vision for the school. Support for BC Law enables it to achieve its goals in promoting academic excellence, supporting the whole student, and advancing diversity, inclusion, and belonging. Ranked among the top law schools nationally, BC Law is on the rise and committed to building an exciting future grounded in the school’s history of social justice and care for the public good.
Support for the Law School Fund boosts the school’s ability to attract and retain top students. In fact, 97 percent of Eagles receive financial assistance, and finances are regularly cited as a critical part of the enrollment decision process. Donors like you are making a real impact on the next generation of extraordinary BC Law lawyers.

Your support also enhances the academic experience of our students by fortifying our faculty. Faculty research funds are crucial to attracting and rewarding excellent faculty who flourish in their disciplines and in the classroom and allow faculty members to advance and develop their research and scholarly work.

Thomas W. Mitchell joined the Law School faculty in 2022 as the Robert F. Drinan, S.J. Chair at Boston College and director of the Initiative on Land and Housing Rights Property. A renowned scholar, professor, legal reformer, and dean, Mitchell’s areas of expertise include property and land use law, estate planning, minority property ownership, legal reform, and race and inequality. He received a 2020 MacArthur Fellowship for the impact he had in assisting disadvantaged farmers and rural and urban property owners. The recognition made Mitchell a top contender for positions at many universities, but he found BC Law to be the best fit. “There’s great overlap between BC’s values and my values, especially in the area of commitment to social justice—both in Massachusetts and beyond,” Mitchell says, adding that BC Law’s administration understood his passion for teaching and research.
But the true impact of these faculty members greatly exceeds their scholarly output. They welcome Law School Eagles for conversation and mentorship, and they foster a spirit of camaraderie among students in and out of the classroom— the hallmark of BC Law.
So often financial assistance becomes the deciding factor in whether or not a bright, deserving student like Javon Davis ’23 is able to attend BC. Yet his scholarship, courtesy of Lois J. and James A. Champy, JD’68, has empowered him to pursue his calling post-graduation— advocating on behalf of the most vulnerable and disadvantaged through public interest law—rather than being pushed into a line of work he finds less fulfilling just to pay off loans.
Working in the Public Service Scholars program, Davis received indispensable
formation and developed strong bonds with likeminded students. “[BC Law] is one of few places where people this smart and mission-driven work so collaboratively and are so intentional about building lasting relationships,” says Davis.

“Because of donors like you, I get to follow my dreams immediately…You are changing lives, allowing us to chase our dreams and answer our callings.”
#16 Top Law Schools for “Big Law” (National Law Journal)
#29 Best Law Schools (U.S. News)

#8 Best Professors (Princeton Review)
95% Bar Passage Rate (First-time Test Takers, MA)