inward journey Student formation at Boston College
chestnut hill, massachusetts 02467
annual report 2010
Morine Cebert ’12 in gargan hall, Bapst Library.
produced by the office of marketing communications 9/10 editor: Maureen dezell, managing editor: maria palomino, writer: William Bole art director: Christine Hagg, designer: Lee Allen Kreindel photography: Gary Wayne Gilbert, printed by rr donnelley, bedford, Ma
b o s t on c ol l ege a n n ua l r ep or t 2 010
in wa r d jour ne y
Student formation at Boston College
table of con ten t s
from the president William P. Leahy, S.J.
o introduc tion Fostering student formation
illuminating the middle east Al-Noor
take-off 48 Hours
a joyful noise Liturgy Arts Group
theory & pr ac tice The PULSE Program
harmonic convergence Arts and Social Responsibility Project
o from the chair William J. Geary ’80
year in review
financial report
statistic al and financial highlights
board of trustees
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from the president
tudent formation, the focus of this year’s annual report, is rooted in Boston College’s mission and heritage as a Jesuit, Catholic university. Critical to it are intellectual inquiry, personal reflection and integration, and exploration of religious faith and the place of God in our world. For centuries, faculty and administrators in Jesuit schools have placed a high priority on personal care and genuine interest in each student inside and outside the classroom, and that remains true at Boston College today. We strive to help students identify their strengths, vulnerabilities, and deepest desires. We encourage them to grow in self-knowledge, compassion, and integrity. We urge students to use their talents to assist others and strive for the greater good. As St. Ignatius reminds, love is expressed more in deeds than in words. Student formation is about assisting students to integrate the intellectual, religious, social, and affective dimensions of their lives, and calls them to be more whole, human, and free. St. Paul exhorted his listeners to be strong, loving, and wise, and so do programs of student formation.
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As envisioned by Boston College, student formation is an intentional program—not an accidental byproduct of the educational experience. It draws upon all features of university life, including the classroom, residence halls, volunteer service, and relationships with peers, families, faculty, and staff. We are mindful that the faith component must always be part of discussions and activities, though never through coercion or indoctrination but the invitation to consider Jesuit, Catholic perspectives on life, spirituality, and moral/ethical behavior. We believe that each human being has value and dignity, and must be treated with respect. To be faithful to our educational and religious tradition, we must be an academic community where people from all faiths and backgrounds work to advance Boston College and its mission, where teaching, inquiry and debate, research, learning, and student formation flourish. As is evident in these pages, the education and formation of students here has many aspects, and it will undoubtedly continue to evolve in coming years as Boston College responds to new challenges and opportunities. May we always live up to our motto of “Ever to Excel.”
william p. leahy, s.j. President
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center for student formation staff (from left) bartomeau barcelo, assistant director; jennie purnell, director; burt howell, associate director; and katie o’dair, associate director.
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introduc tion
Fostering student formation
want people to be more intentional and deliberate about formation,” said Purnell. “Wonderful programs pop up here and there, in different schools and departments, but often in isolation from each other, when they could learn from each other’s experiences.”
Integration of the intellectual, social, and spiritual dimensions of each student’s life has long been an educational aim at Boston College, a goal manifest in a broad spectrum of programs. These include religious and developmental retreats, service efforts such as Appalachian Volunteers, academic programs such as “Faith, Peace, and Justice,” a six-course interdisciplinary minor that features academic inquiry into the conditions that make up a just society, and engagement in projects that serve the poor and underprivileged. In 2008, the University extended this commitment to the Jesuit ideal of cura personalis—care for the whole person—by declaring “student formation” one of seven “strategic directions” that would be supported by the $1.5 billion Light the World capital campaign. In announcing this, the University said it would develop and implement “a student formation program that will be a contemporary model for colleges and universities.” In the fall of 2009, the University established the Center for Student Formation, which is spearheading the systematic fulfillment of this mission.
The center—which is also administered by associate directors drawn from the Division of Student Affairs and University Mission and Ministry—will encourage and support experimental initiatives as well, and is currently planning two pilot efforts involving freshmen. One is a program to create “core communities” of students who will take three courses together. One such planned community, for example, called “Living on a Dynamic Planet,” will feature a geoscience course, a writing course on the theme of environmental stewardship, and a course that will help students link the academic themes to their values and faith traditions. A second initiative, the Common Room Faculty Retreat, is a three-day discussion of the role of a religiously diverse faculty in student formation in the Jesuit tradition. One such retreat has been held, and two more are planned for the coming year.
Noted Jennie Purnell, a member of the political science faculty who’s been appointed the center’s inaugural director, large contemporary research universities are characterized by specialization that fragments not only academic disciplines but also aspects of the undergraduate experience. The key question for the center, she said, is: “How does a modern research university educate the whole person?”
While not dismissing the difficulties involved in developing projects that work across disciplines, schools, and administrative divisions, Purnell pointed out that Boston College, though itself a research university, “still sustains a culture that places undergraduate education at the center of its concerns, and supports a lively array of formation programs, some of them very recently innovated.”
One of the center’s responses will be to recognize current, successful Boston College initiatives, and encourage faculty to learn from these initiatives and incorporate student formation principles into new academic initiatives. “We
Five such programs—old and new—that illustrate Boston College’s commitment to the formation of students are profiled in this edition of the Boston College Annual Report. 5
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illuminating the middle east
o Al-Noor
n a summer-like day near the end of winter, nine student editors plow line by line through an article slated for the next issue of Al-Noor, the undergraduate student journal of Middle Eastern and Islamic studies. They are debating whether the author chose exactly the right word—“perilous”—to describe the state of feminism in Iran. The editor who handled the piece, Ian Fitzmorris ’12, who wears a green T-shirt (this is March 17) emblazoned with the message “God is Love” in Arabic, speaks up for the writer.
al-noor editorial staff (from left) michael weston-murphy ’10, alexander guittard ’11, brooke braswell ’12, and ryan folio ’12
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i l l u m i n a t i ng t h e m i ddl e e a s t ~ Al-Noor
“She wants to convey that it’s dangerous” to be a feminist in Iran, Fitzmorris, a double major in political science and Islamic civilization and societies, tells the group. “People go missing.” Al-Noor, which literally means “the light” in Arabic, asks illuminating questions about a vexing region of the geopolitical map. Its mission is to facilitate nonbiased, nonpartisan conversation, within the Boston College community and beyond, about a fraught and fractious area of international studies. As far as anyone seems to know, it is the only undergraduate publication of its kind. Al-Noor, the Boston College Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies Journal, premiered in spring 2008 and has since published three more editions. Its volumes are substantive (one ran 111 pages) and elegantly designed, printed on high-quality stock with full-color photographs and illustrations. The editors are sharply aware of the contentious nature of their subject. “That’s part of the reason why we’re careful about word choices,” says Michael Weston-Murphy ’10, a cofounder of the journal. Careful does not mean shy of controversy, however. Al-Noor has run articles about such volatile subjects as the Israeli use of cluster munitions during the 2006 Hezbollah-Israeli War and the proposed admission of Turkey to the European Union. What marks these as Al-Noor articles is the scholarship— which the editors monitor closely. “We make sure that all the claims are substantiated. Everything has to be well cited and done in a scholarly manner,” says WestonMurphy. The journal’s nonpolemical stance is illustrated by the opening sentence of an article about Israel’s use of cluster bombs: “The background of the Hezbollah-Israeli War of 2006 is multifaceted, involving deep-rooted hostilities related to humanitarian crises, territory, culture, power, religion, and history.”
Al-Noor prides itself on examining lesser known subjects— in an article on clan politics in Uzbekistan, or a photo-essay on physical spaces that represent different aspects of Jordanian identity, for example. Boston College undergraduates write most of the articles, and a Boston College alumnus or student from another institution contributes at least one piece per issue. Putting out the journal requires a high level of intellectual skill and agility, particularly on the part of the editors. “They face the challenge of speaking to two opposing sides in a way that establishes them as objective observers,” says Donald Hafner, an adviser to the journal who is vice provost for undergraduate academic affairs. In meeting this challenge, the editors have taken on the role of public intellectuals, adds Hafner. Al-Noor has also helped showcase the best work by students emerging from the interdisciplinary Islamic Civilization and Societies Program, established in 2008. The journal has been well received, with praise coming from readers as far away as Sydney, Australia, and Beirut, Lebanon. (All articles are available online at alnoorjournal. org.) A high school teacher in Saline, Michigan, is using the articles as source material in a college-level expository writing class that focuses on the topic of the Middle East. Al-Noor enjoys a circulation of approximately 2,000, with half that number distributed on campus. Editors have lugged copies to more than a dozen countries, including Israel, Iraq, Yemen, and Afghanistan, where they have studied abroad. Closer to home, an Al-Noor table drew lively interest at the November 2009 annual meeting of the Middle East Studies Association, a nonpolitical organization of scholars and teachers founded in 1966, which met in Boston. “For [the editors], it’s not a soap box,” says Hafner. “It’s a commitment to a broader public understanding of contentious issues in the Middle East. It’s public service in the finest tradition.” 5
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al-noor’s spring edition included stories on islamic feminism in iran, education in turkey, and the coptic “digital diasporas.”
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take - off
o 48 Hours
ust before the 2010 Easter break, Jon Rodriguez ’13 visited the campus mailroom where he found a letter addressed to him in familiar handwriting—his own. It took him a minute to remember that he had penned the letter back in November, when he took part in a 48 Hours Weekend Experience for first-year students at Boston College.
(from left) stephanie mui ’13, jayne croteau ’13, heather giblin ’13, christian harrington ’10, amy maret ’13, and hannah camilleri ’13 (back to camera) share stories at a recent 48 hours weekend experience.
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take - off ~ 48 Hours
The missive is a staple of the weekend retreat program, which is designed to help students negotiate the sometimes fraught passage from high school to college life. Program sponsors collect the letters and mail them out months later to remind students of their aspirations in their first months as Boston College students. Rodriguez had voiced hope in the dispatch that he would become more involved in service. And so he had. A premed student, he had recently returned from a service trip to the Dominican Republic. The letter also expressed his desire to continue keeping a journal for self-reflection, another 48 Hours staple. That prompted him to take the journal out of the drawer and resume his daily entries. “It was a grounding moment,” Rodriguez says of receiving the unexpected message from his recent past. Some 1,050 students (roughly half the freshman class) signed up for one of the nine 48 Hours sessions, which are held in November and February of each academic year. Sponsored by the Office of First Year Experience, the purpose of the program—now in its 19th year—is to help freshmen reflect on their new lives at Boston College, away from the cell phones and dormitories, in scenic locations removed from campus. It’s more often referred to as the 48 Hours “experience” than as a retreat. “It’s about transitioning, from who you are at that time to who you want to become,” says Carroll School student Erica Navarro ’13, who attended a November weekend program in Ogunquit, Maine. The experience led her to make a few “restarts,” as Navarro describes it. She resolved, for one, that she would never “close myself off ” to someone experiencing a personal trial.
During each 48 Hours weekend, freshmen hear from a team of 10 seniors who negotiated the same academic and social pressures the freshmen are now facing. Boston College faculty and administrators are also on hand to describe their vocational paths and pursuits. Each senior tells a personal story that steers clear of facile reassurance that everything will be okay. “These are the biggest problems in the world now for these students,” says Kate McAuliffe ’10, a psychology major who helped lead the weekend sessions, “and you don’t want to belittle that.” On Saturday afternoon, the stage is set for the freshmen, who perform skits dramatizing 48 Hours themes such as freedom and responsibility, and friendships and relationships. In the evening, members of the group volunteer for “fishbowls,” stepping up to talk about what they’re going through as fledgling undergraduates. In addition to the journal keeping and letter writing, storytelling is a primary tool of formation at 48 Hours, notes Fr. Joseph P. Marchese, First Year Experience director. In one way or another, the stories seniors and others tell describe a place they have left temporarily, and a new space of freedom that they inhabit, in Chestnut Hill, says Marchese. The freshmen are encouraged to reflect: “What’s my responsibility in this space? What am I called to become?” He says, “It’s a ritual process that’s meant to be transformative” and to cultivate “a new consciousness about what it means to be a student at Boston College, a member of this community.” 5
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journal keeping, letter writing, storytelling, and self-reflection are part of the 48 hours experience for first-year students such as jayne croteau ’13.
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a joyful noise
Liturg y Arts Group
ome 30 members of the Liturgy Arts Group stand in a prayer circle inside St. Joseph’s Chapel in Gonzaga Hall, offering up their intentions. One petitions on behalf of the people of Poland, who lost their president and 95 others in a plane crash in Russia just days before. A self-described “only child” asks for prayers for his parents; he’ll be on the Heights all summer, and that “will be tough for them.” Another student prays for the safety of the Boston Marathon runners who will be charging up Heartbreak Hill, beside the Boston College campus, in less than a week.
liturgy arts group members rehearse at st. joseph’s chapel in gonzaga hall. (first row, from left) bryan cardillo ’11, ted dillon ’10, max racine ’12, will brown ’12, mike sodic ’12, and meghan monahan ’12 (back to camera); (second row, from left) alanna o’grady ’11 and natalie thomas ’12.
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a jo y f u l noi s e ~ Liturg y Arts Group
After each intention, the group recites together, “Lord, hear our prayer.” This is how rehearsals begin each Wednesday afternoon for the Liturgy Arts Group, an 80-member organization formed in 1983. The group provides singing, instrumentation, and artistic accompaniment at Sunday night liturgies throughout the year and special campus events such as the Mass of the Holy Spirit and the Baccalaureate Mass. Members of the group also go forth from Chestnut Hill to sing and play Masses at destinations such as MCI-Framingham, a state prison, and a Boston children’s home. Making music is an expression of faith for these young musicians, who gain an evolving sense of their roles and potential roles as lay leaders in faith communities. Ask what they like about the Liturgy Arts Group, and the students will invariably talk about the community. “They minister to each other. They take care of each other. There’s a lot of friendship and camaraderie,” says Margaret Felice ’02, a former member who is now an associate director of the group, as well as a master’s student in the School of Theology and Ministry and the liturgical music director at Boston College High School. “This group has opened my eyes to what ministry is really about,” said Michael Morton ’11, an A&S communication major and treasurer of the Liturgy Arts Group, taking a break from the rehearsal with Clare Sweeney ’10.
A human development and English major in the Lynch School who is the group’s president, Sweeney added, “You don’t have to be a priest to be a leader at Mass. You could be anyone. You could be a singer.” Indeed, the Liturgy Arts Group aims to help students acquire skills that allow them to “plug into parishes back home” and elsewhere as liturgical arts leaders, says campus minister and group director Meyer Chambers. Catholic leadership today is open to increasing numbers of lay people, volunteers, and professionals who have different gifts to offer, he points out. “We give them the platform,” says Chambers, referring to the training and experience gained in liturgical ministry, “and they step up to it.” Sweeney stepped onto the platform while she was studying in Spain, in the fall of 2009. The church she attended in Madrid, which attracted a large international congregation, featured a choir that sang “so beautifully it made me cry,” she recalled. After one Mass, she mustered the courage to ask for an audition, and promptly took her place in that church’s music ministry for the remaining months of her stay abroad. Now Sweeney is ready to lead. She plans to do graduate study in speech pathology at the University of Virginia in her hometown, Charlottesville. She has already arranged to volunteer as music minister at the Dominican church that serves the university. 5
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joining hands in prayer before rehearsal are (from left) julie visk ’10, meyer chambers (director), margaret felice ’02 (associate director), mike sodic ’12, and bridget germain ’11.
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theory & pr ac tice
The PULSE Program
itting in a circle in a small classroom, 15 students talk about people they’ve come to know while at Boston College: an immigrant mother who dreams that her son will simply learn to read and write; a 16-year-old boy who wants to join the Marines because it’s his only way out of the inner city; and a nine-year-old girl who has discovered the pleasures of reading chapter books. A member of the class who grew up in an inner city attests that in such a place, “It’s hard to hope.”
pulse student hannah cole ’13 works with new immigrants at the educational development group, inc. in boston.
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t h e or y & p r a c t ic e ~ The PULSE Program
The students, most of them sophomores, meet weekly for discussions such as this, which are a feature of “Person and Social Responsibility,” the two-semester core course offered through Boston College’s pulse Program for Service Learning. Founded in 1969, the program’s mission is to educate students about society’s needs and the roles they might play in addressing those needs. Some 370 students were enrolled last year in 14 sections of the 12-credit “Person and Social Responsibility,” which fulfills the undergraduate philosophy and theology core requirement. “Person and Social Responsibility” is a demanding course that comprises readings by authors from Plato to Augustine to Dorothy Day and Jonathan Kozol, lectures, and at least 10 hours a week of volunteer service in one of more than 50 Boston schools, homeless shelters, and community agencies. In its required discussion groups, students reflect on their experiences among the marginalized, and consider the encounters in light of their readings of classical and contemporary texts. David J. McMenamin, a philosophy professor and director of pulse, points out that the program is in no small part about “life after pulse.” One important goal is to help students make choices about academics and careers that are informed by a developing sense of what they could offer to the world, McMenamin observes.
pulse shapes the life decisions of some, like Gabrielle Heru ’12, while they are still enrolled in the course. Last year, Heru spent 10 or more hours each week working with Commonwealth Tenants Association, which runs an after-school center at the Commonwealth Housing Development in Brighton that is geared to children considered at high risk of dropping out of school. pulse students serve as mentors to approximately 25 young people at the housing development, where they tutor and provide “companion time” to kids in their charge.
Heru, who was paired with a nine-year-old girl named Cynthia, helped her with homework and frequently took her bowling or to the movies. She often read picture books out loud with Cynthia, and tried to interest the girl in chapter books as well. It took awhile, says Heru, but Cynthia started gliding through chapters in between Heru’s visits. Rather than reading aloud with her mentor, the girl preferred to read quietly by herself. Cynthia changed Heru at least as much as she changed the child, Heru says. “I realized I’m good at working with children. It’s one of the talents I have,” she explains. As a result, last April, she added a minor in secondary education, with a view toward teaching at an inner-city school after college. She also decided to continue as an English major after considering a switch to biology. (Her father is a physician.) Heru, who has always loved literature, says she made her decision under the formative influences of two particular pulse readings: an essay on vocation by Boston College Theology Professor Fr. Michael Himes and Plato’s Republic. (Next year, Heru will be a member of the pulse Council, a leadership group of 18 students.) In these ways, pulse has already shaped Heru’s “life after
pulse.” The purpose of pulse is not to turn budding accountants into social workers, if that’s not where their thoughts lead them, says McMenamin. Rather, it is to “get students thinking about career choices and directions consistent with who they understand themselves to be, rather than what they might be expected to be.” 5
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pulse student maximilian hartman ’12 helps new immigrants to improve their english and job acquisition skills.
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harmonic convergence
Arts and Social Responsibility Project
n the stage of Robsham Theater, student musicians and vocalists huddle around the acclaimed jazz pianist and composer Geri Allen. They are rehearsing for that evening’s concert celebration of the 100th birthday of Mary Lou Williams, the African-American pianist and composer who was known as the “First Lady of Jazz” back in her day. Allen, at the piano, leads a half-dozen students through her arrangement of Williams’s “Black Christ of the Andes,” a haunting 1964 hymn in honor of St. Martin de Porres.
guest soloist geri allen and matthew gibbons ’11 at the piano with (standing, from left) alexander stewart ’10, jeannette hall ’10, james ladner ’11, and gregory fortunato ’11 prepare for the concert celebration of the 100th birthday of mary lou williams.
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harmonic convergence ~ Arts and Social Responsibility Project
A Catholic convert who said she offered her music as “a prayer for others,” Williams, who died in 1981, broke social barriers as a woman in the jazz world and as a jazz musician in the Catholic world, according to Peter F. O’Brien, S.J., her close friend and business manager, now the executive director of the Mary Lou Williams Foundation. Today, she stands as a model of a socially engaged artist whose life and work illustrate the essence of the Boston College Arts and Social Responsibility Project, sponsors of the Williams centenary celebration. A two-year-old effort, Arts and Social Responsibility engages students’ passion for arts and culture and pairs it with social responsibility to create new endeavors. A key premise of the project is that students’ volunteer service need not be “separate from what they’re already passionate about,” particularly if their passions run toward music, theater, dance, and other performing arts, says Associate Professor of Theater Crystal Tiala, who chairs the Arts and Social Responsibility Project. That appeals to a number of BC undergraduates. “Up until now, theology and music for me have been separate. They have come together in this concert,” said Alexander Stewart ’10, a theology and music major and trombone player who performed with BC bOp!, the Boston College jazz ensemble, at the Williams tribute concert. The production helped connect his passion for music with his interest in ethics and social concerns, which he believes Williams epitomized. Her Harlembased foundation reached out to substance abusers and ran music-education programs for schoolchildren. The Arts and Social Responsibility Project fosters creative and social engagement in three ways. It collaborates with
performing arts organizations to produce events like the Williams celebration, which featured the Boston-based Aardvark Jazz Orchestra, BC bOp! under the direction of BC Bands Director Sebastian Bonaiuto, and the Mary Lou Williams Centennial Choir of Boston College, directed by Associate Campus Minister JoJo David. The organization facilitates arts projects proposed and carried out by students, such as a film documentary on human trafficking and an eight-foot-tall mural with depictions of diversity, created in connection with Hispanic Heritage Month last fall. Its five-member student advisory board evaluates these proposals. Arts and Social Responsibility also sponsors creative outreach efforts such as astep@bc, a 60-student chapter of the New York-based Artists Striving to End Poverty that was founded by Mary Mitchell Campbell, the 2008–09 Monan Visiting Artist in the theater department. astep@ bc members work with children at community centers in South Boston, Roxbury, and Jamaica Plain, engaging them in theater games, improvisation, and other arts projects that nurture underprivileged children’s creativity, knowledge, and self-esteem. “I’ve been so blessed to find an organization where you can learn how to use your passion, what you love to do, your talent, to help those around you,” Maria Alejandra Rivas ’10, a theater major, says of the Arts and Responsibility Project. As Bonaiuto sees it, the Arts and Social Responsibility Project helps humanities as well as fine arts. They help nurture the heart and mind. When combined with other Boston College offerings, he adds, “I don’t know of a more complete formation you could have.” 5
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patrick andrea ’13, on tenor saxophone, rehearses for the mary lou williams centenary.
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from the chair
t is my pleasure to share with you Inward journey: Student formation at Boston College, the University’s annual report for 2009–10. The stories in this report highlight a number of deliberate initiatives on our campus and their transforming effects on students. At Boston College, student formation takes place in the classroom, in the residence halls, and in scores of co-curricular and service activities that lead students on a personal journey to discover how their talents and abilities can best serve the world’s most pressing needs. Central to the University’s mission and one of seven “strategic directions” articulated in its academic strategic plan, an expanded formation program is also a priority of the University’s $1.5 billion Light the World Campaign. The campaign aims to further the University’s goal of establishing a national model for student formation. Additional campaign goals seek to expand the financial aid endowment; increase research initiatives and faculty ranks; effect significant campus improvements, including new buildings and residence halls; and increase annual giving from alumni and friends. As Boston College nears its 150th anniversary, another of its central strategic goals is within reach—that of world leader in Catholic higher education. I am honored to serve the University at such an exciting time in its history. On behalf of the Board of Trustees, the University’s faculty and professional staff, our gifted students, and devoted alumni, I invite your ongoing interest and support.
william j. geary ’80 Chair Boston College Board of Trustees
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y e ar in review
ac ademic affairs
The University named four faculty to endowed chairs: James Bernauer, S.J., as the Kraft Professor of Philosophy; Mary Crane as the Thomas F. Rattigan Professor of English; Alan Marcus as the Mario J. Gabelli Professor in Finance; and Jeffrey Pontiff as the James F. Cleary Chair in Finance.
The University conferred 2,261 undergraduate degrees and 1,834 advanced degrees, including 185 doctorates. Jeffrey Immelt, chief executive officer of General Electric, spoke at the 134th Commencement, where he received an honorary doctorate of business administration. Honorary doctorates were also awarded to Anthony Bryk ’70, John Harrington ’57, M.B.A. ’66, Sister Mary Hart, R.G.S., Joy Haywood Moore ’81, and Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O’Connor. U.S. Senator Scott Brown, J.D. ’85, addressed the Law School’s 275 graduates.
The University appointed David Quigley dean of the College of Arts & Sciences and named Mark S. Massa, S.J., dean of the School of Theology and Ministry. Founders Professor of Theology James Keenan, S.J., was appointed director of the Presidential Scholars Program.
Seventeen Boston College undergraduates won Fulbright Grants this year. Erin Eighan ’10 was one of only 16 students nationwide to receive a Lilly Graduate Fellowship in the Humanities and the Arts.
Nine hundred and forty-four undergraduates majored in communication. Economics was the second most popular field of concentration, with 806 majors. Setting new records, the College of Arts & Sciences enrolled 6,137 students and the Connell School of Nursing enrolled 330.
U.S. News & World Report ranked Boston College 34th among 262 national universities in its annual review. In its “America’s Best Graduate Schools” edition, U.S. News & World Report ranked the Lynch School of Education 19th among graduate schools of education, and its specialty concentrations in elementary education and student counseling and personnel made the top 20. The Carroll School of Management’s full-time graduate program ranked 39th, and its part-time program ranked 20th. In the same issue, Boston College’s organic chemistry program moved up two places to 16th in the sciences specialties ranking—tied with Yale— and the Boston College Law School ranked 28th among U.S. law schools. Business Week ranked the Carroll School 9th in its top undergraduate business programs, and the Financial Times put the Carroll School in 47th position in its global M.B.A. rankings. The Princeton Review’s 2010 edition of The Best 172 Law Schools included Boston College Law School, ranking it number 7 for “best career prospects.”
The only Boston-area university and one of 30 in the United States selected by the German embassy to take part in the 20th-anniversary commemoration of the fall of the Berlin Wall, the University presented a month-long series of events that included a film series, lectures, and art installations. Boston College faculty and students created and constructed a 12-by-40-foot full-scale replica of a section of the wall, which was on display on the Campus Green during the commemoration. The Slavic and Eastern languages and literatures department offered courses in Farsi-e Dari, Tajik, Persian, and Turkish. Novelist Ann Patchett, winner of both the PEN/Faulkner Award and Orange Prize for Fiction and author of the Boston-based novel Run, gave the keynote address at
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y e ar in review
executive committee of the board of trustees (standing, from left) John L. LaMattina, Rev. Nicholas A. Sannella, John F. Fish, Marianne D. Short, R. Michael Murray, Jr., Robert J. Morrissey, T. Frank Kennedy, S.J.; (seated) William P. Leahy, S.J., William J. Geary, Kathleen M. McGillycuddy.
the University’s annual First Year Academic Convocation in September. The University was awarded a record $60 million in external funds for research and sponsored projects. The Institute for Scientific Research was awarded a three-year, incrementally funded, $3.4 million contract from the U.S. Department of the Air Force for its “Space Weather: Measurement, Models, and Predictions” project. The Center for Retirement Research received $3 million in first-year funding from the Social Security Administration to establish the Center for Financial Literacy to produce educational materials and programs to help Americans plan for retirement. The biology department received a total of $2.5 million in first-year funding for five projects funded by the National Institutes of Health under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. The Graduate School of Social Work’s National Research Center for Participant-Directed Services received $980,000 from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and $791,000 from the Atlantic Philanthropies. The center will assist states in the development of consumer-directed programs for senior citizens and individuals with disabilities. In addition,
the Graduate School of Social Work’s Center on Aging and Work received $1 million from the Sloan Foundation to support the Sloan Center on Aging and Work. Other major grants included $2.3 million from the U.S. Department of Energy to support integrated sciences infrastructure projects; $933,000 awarded to the Lynch School of Education from the National Science Foundation to encourage careers in science and technology through the Lynch School’s College Bound academic enrichment and support program for urban high school students; $1.5 million awarded to the Lynch School of Education’s Center for Child, Family, and Community Partnerships from the New Balance Foundation for continuation of the “Boston Connects” project; and $991,000 awarded to the Irish Institute from the U.S. Department of State to provide an educational exchange program. Among special honors to faculty, College of Arts & Sciences Assistant Professor of Psychology Sara Cordes was awarded an Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellowship, given to outstanding early-career scientists, mathematicians,
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y e ar in review
and economists. Connell School of Nursing Professor Katherine Gregory was named the inaugural Haley Nurse-Scientist at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston. The American Academy of Nursing named Connell School of Nursing Professor Emerita Marjory Gordon a “Living Legend,” and the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching and Council for Advancement and Support of Education named Lynch School Associate Professor Audrey Friedman “Massachusetts Professor of the Year.” Monan University Professor of Higher Education Philip Altback received the Lifetime Contribution Award from the Higher Education Group of the Comparative and International Education Society. Assistant Professor Dominic Doyle of the School of Theology and Ministry won a Templeton Award for his book on St. Thomas Aquinas. And at the Carroll School, Assistant Professor of Information Systems Gerald C. Kane received a National Science Foundation Career Award for his research on social media.
A campus-wide response to the h1n1 pandemic included “flu kits” for students containing masks, reusable thermometers, and instructions for self-care. University Health Services reported that educational outreach efforts were successful in reducing overall transmission rates on campus; in all, 559 students were diagnosed with influenzalike illness. A fall public service campaign to educate all students in the signs and symptoms of alcohol poisoning included enhanced training for resident advisers and informational wallet cards for students. The University held more than 150 “Nights on the Heights” programs— alcohol-free, weekend evening events—featuring music, recreation, comedians, movies, and social programs.
A team of professors from the biology, chemistry, and physics departments taught a new seminar on nanotechnology, the first integrated science course offered in the University’s strategic push to link science across disciplines. Camera Mouse, a program co-created by Carroll School Computer Science Professor James Gips that helps people with physical limitations use a computer without manipulating a standard mouse, was downloaded for the 100,000th time since the technology was made available free online.
The Boston College community responded to the Haitian earthquake by holding fundraisers, including a dining services point drive, and taking collections at Eagles sporting events and campus liturgies. Student affairs established a Haiti Relief website as a resource for the Boston College community. More than 600 students volunteered at 32 sites throughout Appalachia during the Appalachian Volunteers of Boston College spring trip. The organization is the largest spring break service organization in the United States.
Forty-eight faculty members joined Boston College in 2009–10, nearly half of them in Arts & Sciences with others distributed among the professional schools. In the spring, the president announced 15 faculty promotions.
The Asian American Scholarship was named in honor of Benigno and Corazon Aquino. Awarded annually since 1995, the scholarship benefits a senior who demonstrates a strong commitment to the University’s Asian American community. The first Graduate Scholarship Symposium, a university-wide, interdisciplinary graduate and professional student conference held during the spring, included topics such as globalization, mentoring, language and identity, literature and philosophy, and technology and ethics. The symposium is expected to become an annual event.
Vice President for Student Affairs Patrick Rombalski established a student advisory group to review new student affairs policies. One of the group’s first assignments was to respond to a draft student organization event policy implemented in the spring.
student life A yearlong University celebration marking the 30th anniversary of the ahana acronym kicked off in October and ran through May. Coined in 1979, ahana denotes individuals of African American, Hispanic, Asian, and Native American descent.
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universit y advancement and alumni The Light the World campaign made significant strides toward its $1.5 billion goal. The drive, which continues through 2015, supports academic program development, faculty expansion, endowed undergraduate financial aid, student formation programs, capital projects, and efforts to advance Boston College as the leading global Catholic university. By year’s end, Light the World had generated $717.7 million in gifts and pledges from 91,180 donors. Major campaign commitments included $20 million from Peter ’65, LL.D. ’95 (Hon.) and Carolyn Lynch D.H.L. ’09 (Hon.) to create the Lynch Leadership Academy at Boston College, a new flagship program at the Lynch School of Education that will be the first in the nation to train and support new principals from Catholic, public, and charter schools. Patrick ’64 and Aja Stokes increased their $13.5 million campaign commitment by nearly $9 million to support the construction of Stokes Hall, which is expected to begin in October. Barbara and Patrick Roche ’51, D.B.A. ’01 (Hon.) made a $20 million commitment to endow the University’s Center for Catholic Education. The center is a signature program of the Lynch School and its mission is to advance the quality and impact of Catholic schools in the United States. Annual giving from undergraduate alumni rose for the second time in two years with nearly 26,800 gifts to the Boston College Fund, increasing overall alumni participation to 27.8 percent. Life income and bequest gifts increased throughout the year, with membership in the Boston College Shaw Society totaling more than 1,300. The Alumni Association presented Susan Power Gallagher NC ’69 with the William V. McKenney Award, its highest honor, at its September Alumni Awards of Excellence ceremony. A past president of the Alumni Association (2005–06), Gallagher is the fourth woman and first graduate of Newton College recognized with the McKenney Award, which is given to an alumnus who has made outstanding contributions to service, industry, and Bos-
ton College during his or her lifetime. At the same event, the Alumni Association presented the Ignatian Award to Elizabeth F. McCartney ’94, cofounder and director of the St. Bernard Project, a community-based nonprofit organization that helps families trying to return to their homes and communities damaged by hurricanes Katrina and Rita in St. Bernard Parish, Louisiana. Timothy J. Burke ’02 received the GOLD Award for his leadership in advancing education for disadvantaged youths in New York City and East Palo Alto, California. Henry I. Smith, M.S. ’60, Ph.D. ’66, was recognized with the Professional Excellence Award for his lifetime of work in electrical engineering. More than 1,000 members of the University community gathered on Veterans Day for the dedication of the Boston College Veterans Memorial on the Burns Library lawn. The 70-foot-long granite memorial wall, made of the same Weymouth granite used to build the exteriors of many of Boston College’s signature buildings, is engraved with the names of 209 alumni who lost their lives in military conflicts since World War I. The annual Wall Street Council Tribute Dinner on April 22 raised more than $2 million to support the Presidential Scholars Program. More than 800 alumni, parents, and friends attended the event, and Francis C. Rooney, Jr., D.B.A. ’86 (Hon.) chairman, H.H. Brown Shoe Company, Inc., the evening’s honoree, received the President’s Medal for Excellence. Some 5,383 alumni and guests returned to campus for Reunion Weekend in June. Overall, 56,449 alumni, parents, and friends participated in alumni events during the year.
management Despite a slowed economy, the University benefited from improved equity markets, continued low interest rates, and an increase in freshman applications. The fiscal 2010 budget maintained the University’s commitment to needblind admission, faculty recruitment, and implementation of academic, student formation, and capital improvement
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plans in accordance with its strategic priorities. A limited hiring freeze continued for a second year and a one-time financial retirement incentive was offered to eligible, nonfaculty employees.
collects information on the academic and co-curricular experiences of freshmen and seniors. Seven administrative departments participated in administrative program reviews initiated by the University’s strategic plan.
Tuition for the 2010–11 academic year was increased by 3.5 percent to $39,880—one of the lowest increases in 35 years—and undergraduate financial aid was increased by 7 percent, to $79.3 million. At its March 12 meeting, the Board of Trustees approved an $807 million budget for the fiscal 2011 year (June 2010 to May 2011). The University appointed Michael J. Bourque vice president for information technology.
New software that creates audio and video recordings of classroom lectures, demonstrations, and multimedia presentations was installed for faculty use in classrooms on the Chestnut Hill and Newton campuses. A new course offerings system allows students to search and review courses online and provides information on required textbooks and course materials. The University implemented a new web content management system to ensure more robust and reliable websites.
A cross-functional team from the College of Arts & Sciences and central administration designed and is set to launch a pilot service center to provide a range of support services for the college, including financial reporting, budget management, web services, and sponsored programs and human resources support. The University participated in the National Survey of Student Engagement, which
Construction on the Weston Jesuit Community Housing project on Foster Street was completed. Plans were finalized for Stokes Hall, a 180,000-square-foot building on the western edge of the Campus Green, which will eventually house the English, philosophy, history, theology, and classics departments as well as classrooms and a range of academic
boston college vice presidents
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(standing, from left) James P. McIntyre, Senior Vice President; James J. Husson, Senior Vice President for University Advancement; Joseph A. Appleyard, S.J., Vice President for University Mission and Ministry; Daniel F. Bourque, Vice President for Facilities Management; Patrick J. Keating, Executive Vice President; Michael J. Bourque, Vice President for Information Technology; Patrick H. Rombalski, Vice President for Student Affairs; Thomas P. Lockerby, Vice President for Development; Thomas J. Keady, Vice President for Governmental and Community Affairs; William B. Neenan, S.J., Vice President, Special Assistant to the President; (seated) Mary Lou DeLong, Vice President and University Secretary; Peter C. McKenzie, Financial Vice President and Treasurer; Cutberto Garza, Provost and Dean of Faculties; Leo V. Sullivan, Vice President for Human Resources.
y e ar in review
boston college deans (standing, from left) Thomas B. Wall, University Librarian; Richard J. Clifford, S.J., School of Theology and Ministry; Andrew C. Boynton, Carroll School of Management; David Quigley, College of Arts & Sciences; Joseph M. O’Keefe, S.J., Lynch School of Education; (seated) Susan Gennaro, Connell School of Nursing; James A. Woods, S.J., Woods College of Advancing Studies; John H. Garvey, Boston College Law School. (Note: Alberto Godenzi, Graduate School of Social Work, is absent from photo.)
and co-curricular services and programs. The O’Neill Library opened a new level-one entrance that allows students to enter from the fourth floor of 21 Campanella Way. A number of smaller renovations took place throughout the year, including Merkert and Higgins Laboratory upgrades, accessibility modifications to campus bus stops/shelters, and Braille signage in various locations throughout the University. The University reduced energy consumption by 7 percent since the start of its “Get Green” energy conservation campaign.
jesuit, c atholic mission John T. Butler, S.J., was named vice president for university mission and ministry, succeeding Joseph A. Appleyard, S.J., who has been named adviser to New England Provincial Myles Sheehan, S.J. Rev. Anthony Penna ’70 was named director of Campus Ministry, the first non-Jesuit to hold that position. In April, 875 members of the University community (including alumni and guests from 26 states) gathered for “Living the Journey: Spirituality for the Second Half of Life,” an interdisciplinary conference featuring AARP President
Jennie Chin Hansen ’70 as keynote speaker. The conference examined the spiritual and psychological challenges facing women and men as they age and the resources faith offers in responding to these challenges. The Church in the 21st Century Center organized more than 60 lectures, panels, and workshops and brought speakers to campus to address the yearlong theme, “Growing in Faith: The Journey of a Lifetime.” The center launched “The Art of Believing,” a series of webcasts showcasing the power of various art forms in expressing and strengthening faith. The C21 website attracted visitors from 96 countries and added more than 200 audio and video programs to its webcast collection. The center’s biannual publication, C21 Resources, now in magazine format, expanded its readership to more than 175,000 households. Two Centuries of Faith, the latest title in the C21 Book Series, commissioned to mark the bicentennial of the Archdiocese of Boston, inspired an extensive exhibit at the Thomas P. O’Neill Library and a virtual online exhibit. Prophetic Witness: Catholic Women’s Strategies for Reform earned the first-place award in the gender category from the 2010 Catholic Press Association—the latest accolade for a C21 title.
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Close to 1,000 people signed up for one of C21 Online’s learning opportunities, which offered 14 different courses in 24 sessions throughout the year. Meanwhile, 8,789 visitors took part in one or more of three free mini-courses offered this year.
An estimated 16,500 attendees from the Boston area turned out for the 12th Annual Arts Festival held April 29 to May 1. Playwright and screenwriter Bill Cain, S.J., ’70 received the Arts Council Alumni Award for Distinguished Achievement at the festival, which showcased work by more than 1,000 student and faculty performers, writers, and visual artists.
arts athletics
Student musicians, vocalists, and acclaimed jazz pianist Geri Allen paid tribute to a legendary jazz musician with “A Mary Lou Williams Centennial: from Swing to Sacred Music, a Journey of Faith.” The BC Bands, the Arts and Social Responsibility Project, and the Church in the 21st Century Center organized the special spring evening performance in the Robsham Theater.
The Eagles hockey team captured the ncaa Division I Title championship for the third time in a decade. The Boston College coed sailing team won its fourth national championship at the 2010 Intercollegiate Sailing Association Coed Conference Championship, where it was named team of the year for the second time in three years. Three Eagles medaled in the Vancouver Olympic Games. Seniors Kelli Stack and Molly Schaus brought home silver in women’s ice hockey and Brooks Orpick ’01 took silver for men’s hockey.
The Lowell Humanities Series, now in its 53rd year, brought poet Anne Carson, classical composer and conductor James MacMillan, and author and National Humanities Medal recipient Maxine Hong Kingston to campus.
The University named Steve Donahue head basketball coach. Seniors Kelly Henderson, an all-American defender for the women’s soccer team, and Ben Smith, an assistant captain on the ncaa championship men’s hockey team, received the Nathaniel J. Hasenfus Eagle of the Year Award, which recognizes outstanding citizens, leaders, scholars, and athletes.
The McMullen Museum of Art was the exclusive traveling venue for Asian Journeys: Collecting Art in Post-war America, which was on exhibition through the spring semester. Organized by the Asia Society Museum in New York, the special exhibit comprised works from the museum’s renowned Mr. and Mrs. John D. Rockefeller iii Collection.
Twenty-one Eagles sports teams earned perfect Graduation Success Rate scores of 100 from the ncaa , making Boston College number one in graduation success rates within the Intercollegiate Division I athletics program. 5
Assistant Professor of Music Ralf Gawlick’s cantata Kinderkreuzzug, commemorating the 70th anniversary of the outbreak of ww ii and based on German playwright and poet Bertolt Brecht’s poem Kinderkreuzzug (“children’s crusade”), premiered April 10 at St. Ignatius Church. Three youth choirs, including one from Germany, performed the work.
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financial report
overview Fiscal 2010 marked a very sobering year of economic retrenchment in the world’s economies—financial markets remained irregular, unemployment trends reflected only modest improvement, and depressed home values persisted in many parts of the country. The University, like many of its counterparts in the corporate sector, used this year to improve its liquidity position and identify areas for cost savings—reprioritizing its academic, student formation, facility, and fiscal priorities in the process. For Boston College, fiscal 2010 presented an opportunity to rebound and retool. As a result, the University generated a stronger balance sheet, created a balanced operating budget, increased financial aid funding, and avoided faculty and staff layoffs. However, we realize now is not the time to become complacent, as the economy remains fragile and a sustained economic recovery is not assured. With continued economic uncertainty, careful planning is a priority for any organization. Last year’s report stated, “our goals were to develop a measured and conservative response to the new economic climate, and to extend academic momentum.” This approach remains at the forefront of our planning. During fiscal 2010, the administration and the Board of Trustees spent considerable time reviewing all long-range fiscal, facility, and academic plans. Fiscal 2011 budgets were approved with large increases in both financial aid and strategic planning funds, and modest increases in faculty and staff compensation. The fiscal 2011 capital budget was completely reworked to fit within the context of the revised financial parameters and in line with the University’s strategic plan.
fisc al 2010 financial results As noted in the accompanying “Growth in Net Assets” chart (page 36), the University’s net assets increased by $177 million, an increase of 9% over the prior year. Strong market performance and fundraising were the key drivers of this increase. In fiscal 2010, new contributions totaled nearly $77 million. Our primary liquidity ratio, “Expendable Resources to Debt” (see chart on page 36), improved to 1.6 times coverage; however, it remains below our target of 2.0. The University’s endowment fund increased by over $156 million, to nearly $1.65 billion, which includes investment gains of $179 million, contributions of $52 million, and net assets reclassified or released of $8 million, which were offset by assets used in support of operations of $83 million. The portfolio return on the endowment fund was 13.5% versus the S&P 500 return of 21.0% and the Barclays Aggregate Bond Index of 8.4%. Over the past 10 years, the endowment fund has generated an annualized return of 5.3% versus the S&P 500 return of
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-0.8% and the Barclays return of 6.5%. The University’s endowment portfolio is well diversified, with 42% in domestic and international equities, 7% invested in fixed income securities, and 51% invested in alternative strategies, including absolute return funds, private equity funds, and real asset funds. While many of the largest endowments had severe liquidity pressures during this recent market downturn, the University is well positioned with over 55% of its portfolio invested in securities that can be redeemed in 30 days or less. In fiscal 2010, gross plant assets increased by $44 million. During August 2009, the University completed the renovation of 9 Lake Street on the Brighton campus for the new School of Theology and Ministry, which was the largest capital project. Major laboratory renovations continued in Merkert Hall and Higgins Hall, while annual repair and maintenance projects exceeded $11 million. Strong enrollments and sponsored programs led to overall revenue growth of 1.2%. Tuition and fee revenues exceeded budget amounts, and while the related student receivables remained low, we continue to carefully monitor tuition receipts. We increased financial aid funds to assist returning students and their families. Expenses grew by 1.2%, which matched overall revenue growth. As previously noted, expense savings were achieved in many areas of the operating budget. As an example, energy conservation efforts throughout the campus helped us bring our total utility costs under budget by more than $1.8 million. Careful management of open positions saved nearly $4 million.
conclusion While challenging in many respects, fiscal 2010 witnessed a vibrant University campus brimming with gifted students, faculty, and staff. Athletic events, lectures, concerts, forums, meetings, and any number of other social and academic events continued at an ever-hectic pace. While direct evidence of the recession’s impact on campus life remained minimal, we continue to see a growing need to assist students and their families. With this in mind, we have tried to keep tuition increases to the lowest level possible. We have asked faculty and staff to shoulder the burden of small, if any, pay increases while absorbing more deductibles in benefit programs. We continue to turn off lights and research new measures to improve sustainability and conserve resources. We have reduced our facility expansion program to better reflect the reality of our future financial resources. Throughout every academic and administrative unit, we have sought operating efficiencies and savings, and redirected resources to important strategic priorities. The years ahead hold significant promise for Boston College and significant challenge in terms of managing University resources in a prudent and efficient manner. Our goal continues—Ever to Excel.
peter c. mckenzie ’75 Financial Vice President and Treasurer The University’s fiscal 2010 financial statements are available at
o 35
Expendable resources to debt
Growth in net assets (1992 base year) 1,600
1,400 1,200
1,000 800 600 400
200 0
fy2006 fy2007 fy2008 fy2009 fy2010
fy2006 fy2007 fy2008 fy2009 fy2010
real infl ationary
total expendable resources total oper ating debt
Operating and nonoperating revenues investment income, net
private gifts
sponsored research, gr ants, and financial aid
realized and unrealized investment gains, net
auxiliary enterprises, gross
tuition and fees, gross
Expenses academic support
student services
auxiliary enterprises
gener al administr ation
student aid
b o s t on c ol l e ge a n n ua l r e p or t 2 010
statistic al and financial highlights
9,567 3,221
9,471 3,132
9,505 3,152
9,512 3,308
9,599 3,414
Faculty Staff
679 2,154
675 2,193
679 2,228
708 2,316
725 2,293
Total full-time employees
Chestnut Hill Campus Newton Campus/other
5,471,989 1,060,689
5,481,081 1,092,075
5,481,766 1,313,008
5,481,766 1,317,818
5,493,499 1,301,227
Total gross square feet
Total assets Total liabilities
$2,669,140 (736,871)
$2,945,213 (736,218)
$3,153,053 (824,404)
$2,898,500 (888,269)
$3,092,938 (905,514)
Total net assets
$1,520,296 15,897
$1,752,760 18,162
$1,849,801 13,866
$1,491,158 11,487
$1,647,653 10,768
Land, improvements, and purchase options Buildings (including capital lease and purchase option) Equipment Library books/rare book and art collections Plant under construction
$152,582 807,349 154,713 134,479 18,209
$154,518 843,733 163,403 140,657 17,629
$215,049 873,603 178,015 147,812 35,852
$232,822 962,539 179,000 155,814 38,242
$234,200 1,004,623 191,622 164,739 17,564
Physical plant, gross Accumulated depreciation and amortization
1,267,332 (412,729)
1,319,940 (452,953)
1,450,331 (498,998)
1,568,417 (530,929)
1,612,748 (573,137)
Physical plant, net
$533,289 533,204
$567,157 567,066
$600,684 600,587
$621,018 620,916
$628,354 628,247
$94,519 7,532 8,734
$100,900 7,900 9,879
$107,229 8,330 6,313
$113,752 8,571 5,299
$123,315 10,579 4,005
Full-time equivalent enrollment Undergraduate Graduate/professional Total full-time equivalent enrollment Full-time employees
Campus facilities (gross square feet)
(fiscal years ending May 31) In thousands of dollars
Statement of financial position*
Endowment and similar funds* Net assets Investment income Realized and unrealized investment gains and (losses), net Physical plant*
Statement of activities* Total operating revenues Total operating expenses Total nonoperating activity Student aid University scholarships, fellowships, and prizes Federal/state programs (including Pell grants) Student loans granted by the University Total student aid
*2008 amounts adjusted to reflect Weston Jesuit School of Theology affiliation.
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board of trustees
o officers william j. geary ’80 Chair
kathleen m. mcgillycuddy nc ’71 Vice Chair
t. frank kennedy, s.j., ’71 Secretary
kathleen a. corbet ’82
janice gipson ’77
Founder and Principal Cross Ridge Capital, LLC New Canaan, Connecticut
Beverly Hills, California
leo j. corcoran, esq. ’81 Co-Owner Autumn Development Company, Inc. Boston, Massachusetts
mary j. steele guilfoile ’76 Chairman MG Advisors, Inc. Rowayton, Connecticut
kathleen powers haley ’76
Coral Gables, Florida
Manager Snows Hill Management LLC Wellesley, Massachusetts
robert m. devlin
michaela murphy hoag ’86
Chairman Curragh Capital Partners New York, New York
Interior Designer Treasured Designs Atherton, California
francis a. doyle ’70, m.b.a. ’75
t. frank kennedy, s.j., ’71
President and CEO Connell Limited Partnership Boston, Massachusetts
Rector Boston College Jesuit Community Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts
cynthia lee egan ’78
john l. lamattina ’71
President of Retirement Plan Services T. Rowe Price Owings Mills, Maryland
Senior Partner PureTech Ventures Boston, Massachusetts
john r. egan ’79
william p. leahy, s.j.
Managing Member Carruth Management, LLC Westborough, Massachusetts
President Boston College Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts
john f. fish
peter s. lynch ’65, ll.d. ’95 (hon.)
President and CEO Suffolk Construction Company Boston, Massachusetts
Vice Chairman Fidelity Management & Research Company Boston, Massachusetts
keith a. francis ’76
t. j. maloney ’75
Supreme Court Justice State of New York Bronx, New York
Intelligence Analyst Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives Washington, D.C.
President Lincolnshire Management, Inc. New York, New York
charles i. clough, jr. ’64
mario j. gabelli
Chairman and CEO Clough Capital Partners, L.P. Boston, Massachusetts
Chairman GAMCO Investors, Inc. Rye, New York
Provincial Jesuits of the Missouri Province St. Louis, Missouri
juan a. concepcion, esq. ’96, ’97, j.d. ’03, m.b.a. ’03
william j. geary ’80
robert f. cotter ’73
trustees drake g. behrakis ’86 President and CEO Marwick Associates Lexington, Massachusetts
matthew j. botica, esq. ’72 Partner Winston & Strawn LLP Chicago, Illinois
cathy m. brienza nc ’71 Partner WallerSutton 2000, L.P. New York, New York
john e. buehler, jr. ’69 Managing Partner Energy Investors Funds Mill Valley, California
patrick carney ’70 Chairman and CEO Claremont Companies Bridgewater, Massachusetts
darcel d. clark ’83
Associate Nixon Peabody LLP Boston, Massachusetts
john m. connors, jr. ’63, d.b.a. ’07 (hon.) Chairman The Connors Family Office Boston, Massachusetts
Partner North Bridge Venture Partners Waltham, Massachusetts
susan mcmanama gianinno ’70 Chairman and CEO Publicis Worldwide, North America New York, New York
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douglas w. marcouiller, s.j.
peter k. markell ’77 Vice President of Finance Partners HealthCare System, Inc. Boston, Massachusetts
kathleen m. mcgillycuddy nc ’71 Executive Vice President (Ret.) FleetBoston Financial Boston, Massachusetts
board of trustees
o robert j. morrissey, esq. ’60
rev. nicholas a. sannella ’67
Senior Partner Morrissey, Hawkins & Lynch Boston, Massachusetts
Pastor Immaculate Conception Parish Lowell, Massachusetts
john v. murphy ’71
bradley m. schaeffer, s.j., m.ed. ’73
Managing Director Korn|Ferry International Boston, Massachusetts
Rector Faber Jesuit Community Brighton, Massachusetts
r. michael murray, jr. ’61, m.a. ’65
susan martinelli shea ’76
Director Emeritus McKinsey & Company, Inc. Chicago, Illinois
Special Education Teacher (Ret.) Berwyn, Pennsylvania
stephen p. murray ’84
Managing Partner Dorsey & Whitney LLP Minneapolis, Minnesota
President and CEO CCMP Capital Advisors, LLC New York, New York
brien m. o’brien ’80 Chairman and CEO Advisory Research, Inc. Chicago, Illinois
david p. o’connor ’86 Senior Managing Partner and President High Rise Capital Management, LP New York, New York
rev. brian g. paulson, s.j. Rector Loyola University Jesuit Community Chicago, Illinois
scott r. pilarz, s.j. President University of Scranton Scranton, Pennsylvania
paula d. polito ’81 Chief Marketing Officer UBS Financial Services Inc. Wealth Management Americas Weehawken, New Jersey
richard f. powers iii ’67 Advisory Director (Ret.) Morgan Stanley Hobe Sound, Florida
pierre-richard prosper ’85 Counsel Arent Fox LLP Los Angeles, California
thomas f. ryan, jr. ’63 Private Investor (Ret.) Boston, Massachusetts
marianne d. short, esq. nc ’73, j.d. ’76
richard f. syron ’66, ll.d. ’89 (hon.) Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts
david c. weinstein, esq. ’75 Executive Vice President (Ret.) Fidelity Investments Newton, Massachusetts
joseph e. corcoran ’59, d.b.a. ’09 (hon.) Chairman Corcoran Jennison Companies Boston, Massachusetts
john f. cunningham ’64 Chairman and CEO Cunningham & Company Boston, Massachusetts
brian e. daley, s.j. Huisking Professor of Theology University of Notre Dame Notre Dame, Indiana
andrew n. downing, s.j. Doctoral Student University of Notre Dame Granger, Indiana
emilia m. fanjul Palm Beach, Florida
john f. farrell, jr. Greenwich, Connecticut
yen-tsai feng
trustee associates mary jane vouté arrigoni Greenwich, Connecticut
peter w. bell ’86 General Partner Highland Capital Partners Menlo Park, California
geoffrey t. boisi ’69 Chairman and Senior Partner Roundtable Investment Partners LLC New York, New York
wayne a. budd, esq. ’63 Senior Counsel Goodwin Procter LLP Boston, Massachusetts
Roy E. Larsen Librarian (Ret.) Harvard College Lexington, Massachusetts
charles d. ferris, esq. ’54, j.d. ’61, ll.d. ’78 (hon.) Senior Partner Mintz, Levin, Cohn, Ferris, Glovsky, and Popeo P.C. Washington, D.C.
thomas j. flanagan ’42 Retired Madison, Connecticut
thomas j. galligan, jr. ’41, d.b.a. ’75 (hon.) Chairman and CEO (Ret.) Boston Edison Company Westwood, Massachusetts
d.h. carroll ’64
paul f. harman, s.j., ’61, m.a. ’62
President Pro Equine Group, Inc. Deerfield, Illinois
james f. cleary ’50, d.b.a. ’93 (hon.) Advisory Director UBS Boston, Massachusetts
Special Assistant to the President College of the Holy Cross Worcester, Massachusetts
daniel j. harrington, s.j., ’64, m.a. ’65, d.h.l. ’09 (hon.) Professor of Theology Boston College School of Theology and Ministry Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts
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board of trustees
o john l. harrington ’57, m.b.a. ’66, d.b.a. ’10 (hon.)
catherine t. mcnamee, c.s.j., m.ed. ’55, m.a. ’58
Chairman of the Board Yawkey Foundation Dedham, Massachusetts
Member, Congregational Leadership Team Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet St. Louis, Missouri
daniel s. hendrickson, s.j.
john a. mcneice, jr. ’54, d.b.a. ’97 (hon.)
Doctoral Student Columbia University New York, New York
john j. higgins, s.j., ’59, m.a. ’60, s.t.l. ’67
Chairman and CEO (Ret.) The Colonial Group, Inc. Canton, Massachusetts
giles e. mosher, jr. ’55
Executive Assistant to the Provincial Jesuits of the New England Province Watertown, Massachusetts
Vice Chairman (Emeritus) Bank of America Wellesley, Massachusetts
richard t. horan, sr. ’53
robert j. murray ’62
President (Ret.) Hughes Oil Company, Inc. Newton, Massachusetts
Chairman and CEO (Ret.) New England Business Service, Inc. Boston, Massachusetts
george w. hunt, s.j.
therese e. myers nc ’66
Director Archbishop Hughes Institute on Religion and Culture Fordham University Bronx, New York
Chief Executive Officer Bouquet Multimedia, LLC Oxnard, California
richard a. jalkut ’66 CEO TelePacific Communications Los Angeles, California
anne p. jones, esq. ’58, j.d. ’61, ll.d. ’08 (hon.) Consultant Bethesda, Maryland
michael d. jones, esq. ’72, j.d. ’76 Chief Operating Officer PBS Arlington, Virginia
edmund f. kelly Chairman, President, and CEO Liberty Mutual Group Boston, Massachusetts
robert k. kraft Chairman and CEO The Kraft Group Foxborough, Massachusetts
robert b. lawton, s.j. President Loyola Marymount University Los Angeles, California
edward m. o’flaherty, s.j., ’59, th.m. ’66 Treasurer Boston College Jesuit Community Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts
thomas p. o’neill iii ’68 Chief Executive Officer O’Neill and Associates Boston, Massachusetts
sally engelhard pingree Director and Vice Chairman Engelhard Hanovia, Inc. Washington, D.C.
r. robert popeo, esq. j.d. ’61 Chairman and President Mintz, Levin, Cohn, Ferris, Glovsky, and Popeo P.C. Boston, Massachusetts
john j. powers ’73 Managing Director Goldman Sachs & Company New York, New York
randall p. seidl ’85 Senior Vice President, Americas Enterprise Servers, Storage & Networking Hewlett-Packard Company Marlborough, Massachusetts
john j. shea, s.j., m.ed. ’70 Director Seven Fountains Spirituality Center Chiang Mai, Thailand
sylvia q. simmons m.ed. ’62, ph.d. ’90 President (Ret.) American Student Assistance Corp. Roxbury, Massachusetts
patrick t. stokes ’64 Chairman Grey Eagle Distributors St. Louis, Missouri
robert l. sullivan ’50, m.a. ’52 International Practice Director (Ret.) Peat, Marwick, Mitchell & Co. Siasconset, Massachusetts
salvatore j. trani Executive Managing Director BGC Partners, Inc. New York, New York
thomas a. vanderslice ’53, d.b.a. ’03 (hon.) Osterville, Massachusetts
jeffrey p. von arx, s.j. President Fairfield University Fairfield, Connecticut
vincent a. wasik Principal and Co-founder MCG Global, LLC Westport, Connecticut
benaree p. wiley d.p.a. ’09 (hon.) President and CEO (Emeritus) The Partnership, Inc. Boston, Massachusetts
jeremy k. zipple, s.j., ’00 Coordinating Producer National Geographic Television and Film Washington, D.C.
nicholas s. rashford, s.j. Professor St. Joseph’s University Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Vice President and University Secretary
thomas j. rattigan ’60
University Chancellor
Natick, Massachusetts
j. donald monan, s.j., ll.d. ’96 (hon.)
b o s t on c ol l e ge a n n ua l r e p or t 2 010
mary lou delong nc ’71
Morine Cebert ’12 in gargan hall, Bapst Library.
produced by the office of marketing communications 9/10 editor: Maureen dezell, managing editor: maria palomino, writer: William Bole art director: Christine Hagg, designer: Lee Allen Kreindel photography: Gary Wayne Gilbert, printed by rr donnelley, bedford, Ma
inward journey Student formation at Boston College
chestnut hill, massachusetts 02467
annual report 2010