Light the World Spring Campaign Newsletter

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the campaign newsletter of boston college

world spring 2011, vol. 4, no. 2

Carney Family Drives Campaign Forward $10-million lifetime commitment underscores deep bc connection Some of Patrick Carney’s most vivid childhood memories are of watching football games with his father in Alumni Stadium. Hugh Carney never had the opportunity to pursue his degree, but he loved Boston College, and that passion left an indelible impression on his young son. Unfortunately, his father died when Patrick Carney was just 13 years old, so when it came time to choose a college, he felt inspired to attend BC. He considers it one of the best decisions he ever made, and he continues to say thank you by making the University a philanthropic priority. His recent gifts to the Light the World campaign—including a $3.5-million legacy provision— have elevated his family’s lifetime commitment past the $10-million mark as they advance some of the campaign’s key initiatives. “Like so many alumni, I’m proud of the special relationship I have with the University,” says Carney ’70, a parent of four BC graduates and a trustee since 1994. “It’s an emotional attachment, one that inspires my wife, Lillian, and me to be part of BC’s continuing success story.” An Enduring Commitment Today, Carney is chairman and CEO of Claremont Companies, a real estate development firm he started as a BC student in the late 1960s. He recalls that period as one of uncertainty, when even the University’s future remained unclear because of financial concerns. And while BC has since become one of the nation’s top educational institutions, the need to secure its long-term prosperity remains crucial. Carney understands this and views his legacy commitment as a step all BC community members should consider. “The campaign’s legacy giving goal deserves serious attention,” says Carney. “When the Carney Family Athletics Scholarship endows permanently the starting center position on the men’s basketball team, Currently held by Josh southern ’11 (right).

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Benefactors Patrick and Lillian Carney have advanced many areas of the University through their lifetime commitment, recently providing a legacy provision that will help secure BC’s long-term future.

speaking with other alumni, I emphasize the remarkable impact these gifts can have, regardless of their size.” The Carney family is determining where to designate their bequest intention, but they have already earmarked part of their $3-million outright gift for undergraduate financial aid by establishing the Carney Family Athletics Scholarship, which endows the starting center position on the men’s basketball team. As longtime season ticket holders, the Carneys view their gift as a way to ensure the Eagles continue to compete at the highest level. Joining other trustees and leadership donors, the Carney family also contributed $1 million to the 2004 purchase of the Brighton Campus, which currently houses the new School of Theology and Ministry and, in the future, will also include new residence halls and athletic fields. Like Family Most poignantly, Carney commemorated his father’s love by naming the Carney Dining Room in McElroy Commons in his memory—with the dedication occurring in 1985. “I think of BC as a member of the family,” says Carney. “This perspective has enabled me to share in the University’s upward trajectory in a very personal way and reminds me just how much BC has enriched my life.” In addition, Carney and his family are proud to have endowed the Welles R. Crowther ’99 Directorship of Volunteer and Service Learning, named for the young equities trader and volunteer firefighter who sacrificed his life to save others during the 9/11 attack on the World Trade Center.

With earlier gifts, Carney also endowed chairs in the philosophy and English departments in honor of his friendships with the late Fr. Frederick Adelmann ’37, H’85, and University Senior Vice President James P. McIntyre ’57, MA’61, PhD’67, respectively. Furthermore, he has supported endeavors such as Pops on the Heights and the Real Estate Council and has served on several reunion gift committees and hosted numerous University events, including a reception during Fr. Leahy’s February visit to Palm Beach, Fla. “There are always inspiring options for those who wish to play a leading role,” says Carney. “I view our gifts and involvement as investments in BC’s Jesuit, Catholic mission, and the return on our investment is evident in the successes of students and faculty.”

inside A Fitting Tribute Volunteers honored for their gifts of time and talent

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Integrated Sciences Breakthrough page 3

Focus on Financial Aid BC community responds to the campaign’s call for undergraduate financial aid

pageS 4–5

Reunion Leader Q&A

back cover

4/29/11 4:46 PM

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