Always an Eagle
S tay i n g c o n n e c t e d t o B o s t o n C o l l e g e
welcome No matter when you graduated. No matter where you live. You’ll always be an Eagle.
The Boston College Alumni Association shares your passion and connects more than 150,000 BC alumni to the life of the University—and to each other.
The Alumni Association creates opportunities for alumni worldwide to renew friendships with fellow graduates and to support the work of BC, while offering exclusive benefits and services. Your active engagement in the Alumni Association helps Boston College achieve the transformative vision of the Light the World campaign by making the University a far richer place for both alumni and today’s students.
Read more to discover all the ways your Alumni Association can help strengthen your ties to the Heights.
Volunteer for Bos ton College
Participate in Your Loc al Alumni Chap ter
The spirit of service—the Jesuit ideal of “men and women for others”—truly sets BC graduates apart, and there are many ways to give back and to stay connected to your alma mater at the same time. Plan events with your local alumni chapter, serve on a national alumni committee, join one of our numerous affinity groups, and much more. Make a difference at
Alumni chapters bring the excitement of the Heights to your hometown, wherever you live. Become a chapter volunteer and help organize career-related programs, service projects, Masses, game watches, faculty lectures, and a host of other activities. Network with your local chapter at Reunite Your Cl a ss
The special bond between you and your classmates that began freshman year continues to grow stronger over time. Help plan your reunion with our expert staff and ensure that the year leading up to your celebration is memorable—highlighted by kickoff events in the fall and capped by your class party during an entire weekend of festivities in the spring. Likewise, capitalize on your class spirit and partner with the Alumni Association during non-reunion years on a variety of exciting social, cultural, and spiritual events that will bring your classmates together. Discover more at
Join an Alumni Commit tee
Advance programs and services for all alumni by participating in one of many national committees—such as those specializing in career services, athletics, student involvement, and communications. Committees meet several times each year, often by conference call, and play an instrumental role in shaping key alumni offerings. Alumni from across the country and the world can join. View a full listing of committees and get involved at
Be Part of an Alumni Affinit y Group
Grow your professional network and discover opportunities to give back with programming from such groups as the Wall Street Council, the Technology Council, and the Council for Women of Boston College. You can also explore unique offerings from the Political Science Alumni Network, the Arts Alumni Network, and the AHANA Alumni Council, among many others. Learn more at Engage in Spiritualit y and Service Opportunities
Submit a prayer request, learn about service opportunities, and attend Masses and spirituality programs offered through the Alumni Association and its many campus partners. Discover more at
Keep Up with Fellow GOLD Alumni
Join the Alumni Online Communit y
BC’s youngest graduates are among the most active and enthusiastic, and the Maroon & GOLD (Graduates Of the Last Decade) initiative embraces the energy of this group. Participate in career panel discussions, social networking nights, pre-reunion gatherings, and athleticsrelated events—all tailored to your needs as a recent graduate. Also join the Maroon & GOLD Executive Committee to help engage fellow alumni and build upon the success of this emerging group. Get involved at
Stay connected to fellow classmates with ease when you log on to the Alumni Online Community. Access a searchable alumni directory, social networking resources, and the Alumni Career Network. You can also submit entries to an online version of class notes, sign up for e-mail forwarding for life, update contact information, request a transcript, register for BC events, and more. Join now at Make a Gif t to Bos ton College
Expand your impact with an annual gift to Boston College. Gifts to the BC Fund benefit numerous areas of the University and provide critical resources for BC’s core priorities: financial aid, faculty support, and student formation programming. Every gift makes a difference—no matter the size—and your gift, together with the collective gifts of thousands, plays a significant role in the success of BC students and faculty. The BC Fund also offers volunteer opportunities: join the Maroon & GOLD Executive Committee, a Reunion Gift Committee, or a Gasson Society Regional Committee. Support your alma mater at Tr avel with Fellow BC Alumni
Enjoy the trip of a lifetime when you go abroad with the Alumni Travel Study Program. It’s an ideal way to experience new and exciting destinations with like-minded travelers. Trips span the globe, and recent destinations have included Italy, Ireland, Peru, and China. Explore current travel offerings at
Cheer on the E agles
Show your Eagle pride throughout the year by supporting BC student-athletes from the stands or by attending an alumni game watch in your area. During football season, alumni are invited to FanFest before each home game for traditional tailgate fare, music, and other family-friendly activities. Visit for BC game tickets or find a local game watch at Ne ver S top Le arning
Quench your thirst for knowledge by participating in the many seminars offered through the Alumni Education Program. Learn more about personal finance, first-time home buying, the culinary arts, scholarly subjects, career development, and much more. View the latest programming at Take Advantage of E xclusive Benefits
Make the most of the many perks available to all BC alumni, including use of the University libraries and an option to join the Plex at a discounted rate each summer. You and your family can receive special rates on auto, life, and health insurance. In addition, you can save 10 percent on gifts and apparel at the BC bookstores when you use a Boston College Platinum MasterCard速, which is available to all alumni and offers special BC rewards. You also receive a free subscription to the quarterly Boston College Magazine and the monthly Alumni Connections e-newsletter, which details the latest alumni happenings. Learn more at
B o s t o n C o l l e g e A l um n i Ass o c i at i o n
825 Centre Street Newton, MA 02458 617-552-4700 800-669-8430 617-552-4626 (fax)