MARCH 2014
INDIGENOUS IMPACT If God could answer one prayer for the Aboriginal people of BC and Yukon, what would you pray? “Lord, Make Us …” In British Columbia and Yukon Territory there are a total of 203,650 Aboriginal people (2006 Census). The Aboriginal Ministries of the PAOC BC/Yukon District have committed to reach out and touch these people for Jesus Christ.
Edgar Lapeciros
VISION 2014 Edgar Lapeciros, Executive Director of Cultural and Aboriginal Ministries for the PAOC, has designed the summit around his vision for 2014 for Aboriginal Ministry: “God reminded us of the many things He had done in the past. All good things - manna and miracles. God also promised us that He is doing new and good things which means we are at a crossroads. If we trust in God and remain totally dependent on Him, we will find rest for our souls. Things will be alright as we find new beginnings and new Hope. We should not dwell on what went wrong in the past, but move forward and focus on the future.”
Through Indigenous Impact, during the month of June 2014, you will be able to join with believers throughout the PAOC BC/Yukon District as we unite together to influence the Aboriginal people by the power of God. We are joining forces through shared teaching, fasting, praying, giving, and serving. As we stand together we will see God radically transform individuals, families, communities and cultures. The website www.paoc.chilliwacknative.com will provide you with resources for preaching, teaching, and prayer focus. Each individual church will decide how they will participate in giving to a meaningful cause that will impact the Aboriginal community in their own area as well as find creative ways to serve their local Aboriginal community. Join us as we show God’s love to the Aboriginal people of the BC and Yukon through he Indigenous Impact movement this coming June 2014.
SAVE THE DATE | SUMMIT 2014 We look forward to the upcoming Native Leaders Summit this fall. Rev. Patti Victor will host the event at the Central Pentecostal Assembly at 9535 Williams Street in Chilliwack, BC from September 25-27, 2014. The conference theme is “Moving Forward in the Lord” - Isaiah 43:16-21. Our guest speakers this year are District Superintendent Ken Russell and Rev. Robert McLean.
All attendees must register for the event. Registration is by donation to cover the cost of the event. Offerings will be taken during the evening services. Please call Rev. Patti Victor at 604-794-7431 or e-mail her at pastor@chilliwacknative.com to register. 1
It is my honour and privilege to serve the Aboriginal section of 2 BCYD Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada. I have been involved with PAOC fellowship since October 5, 1979, when I trained at Summit Pacific College (formerly WPBC). Since then I have planted two Aboriginal churches in the Lower Mainland along with my husband Gary Victor. I presently serve as the National Coordinator for Aboriginal Ministries for Mission Canada and pastor with my husband Gary and our son Andrew Victor in Chilliwack, BC.
My vision for Aboriginal Ministries is based on 1 Peter 2:9, 10 “But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvellous light; who once were not a people but are now the people of God, who had not obtained mercy but now have obtained mercy.” Many of our Aboriginal people know of the Creator and honour Him through ceremony and thanksgiving. However, knowledge and understanding that the Creator has a Son, that His name is Jesus, and that He is the One who transforms lives is significant. It enables Aboriginal people to embrace the truth of coming into the Light; to obtain mercy, freedom, healing, and unconditional love. There are many barriers to overcome to bring Aboriginal people to this place of understanding. However, nothing is impossible with God. When the message of hope is heard in the context of Aboriginal worldview and Aboriginal story, the falsehood that the Gospel is a “white man’s religion” is exposed. I am so thankful to God for our leaders who have blazed the trail before us and that He places His call upon men and women who have compassion for Him. I am also grateful for Aboriginal people who are willing to walk in obedience even in hard places and isolated places - at great personal sacrifice and for the sake of the Kingdom. I am so thankful for the current leaders working in the field to bring in the harvest of the Lord amongst the Aboriginal people. May the Lord continue to strengthen each one of us; uphold them in His Mighty Right Hands; giving wisdom and courage to continue fighting the good fight. May the Lord grant us a mighty reaping of souls amongst the Aboriginal people.
Patti Victor is a busy and capable lady, doing God’s work as Pastor of Chilliwack Native Pentecostal Church, in her leadership roles within the PAOC, and as University Siy:am (Aboriginal Student Advisor) at Trinity Western University.
Patti Victor, Aboriginal sectional pastor and National Coordinator of Aboriginal Ministry for Mission Canada, shares her background and vision with Aboriginal News.
SUMMER CAMPS Some of our PAOC Aboriginal Churches hold annual summer camps as an opportunity to provide ministry and outreach to children and youth in local aboriginal communities. This summer, the long-standing SkeeNass camps out of Terrace and Nanoose Bay camps on Vancouver Island will run again to the delight of many return and first-time attendees. Nanoose Bay Pastor Per Knudsen and Chris Knudsen of Nanaimo Victory Chapel host the Nanoose Bay camps each year for native youth and their families. Tabita Marks is Camp Director and Brody Naknakim is the Teen Director.
on Education and Right Choices, Drugs and Alcohol, and Long Term Plans. Aside from the activities and spiritual guidance and support in a family environment, it’s also a great opportunity for campers to meet new friends from other Nations. Last year’s camps were very well attended, with over 100 campers. The camps also incorporate the celebration and honouring of Native culture and traditions, including opportunity for intergenerational interaction through Native artwork and many cultural feasts prepared by Native cooks. The Knudsens and their camp staff look forward to another inspirational and fun round of their summer camp this year as they share the Gospel with aboriginal youth and their families. Skee-Nass Camps
The camps offer a wonderful time for f a m i l i e s . Te e n s m ay c o m e b y themselves, but kids 12 years old and under must be accompanied by an adult. Those who attend can expect lots of activities, time in God's presence, and traditional foods. Some of the activities include: Music, Canoeing, Archery, Swimming, Mini Golf, Team Relay, Capture the Flag, Native Art, Cedar Work, Hip-Hop, and other Sports. Sessions w i l l feature topics such as Va l u a b l e L i f e Lessons for Family Life, Talks
Skee Nass camp ministry reaches out to youth in the Skeena and the Nass River valleys as well as Haisla territory, encompassing the inland north coastal area of BC. The camps were founded in 1989 by Pastor Dan Starlund and his wife Starlene Starlund of Waaps Nagwaadm (Our Fathers House) Church in Terrace, who have run the camps annually for children 8-16 years old. The church ministry and summer camps are a family affair, as their son, Associate Pastor, Jaron Starlund, is also Children’s Director for the camps. The duration of each camp is five days. The children’s camp for 8-12 year olds is held the first week,
followed by the teen camp for 12-16 year olds, switching over midway through. The 12 year-olds can go to both camps or either one, as they prefer. This year’s event will be held from July 1-11, 2014. The campers are blessed to use the beautiful Lakelese Pentecostal Campgrounds. Some of the activites and events include: basketball, soccer, fastball, softball, a day at the pool and waterslides in Kitimat. The kids especially love the swimming activity when it’s hot out. The kids predominantly come from more remote aboriginal communities. It’s like a field trip for them. It’s exciting for them because they jump on the bus and get to spend time at camp and receive three meals a day, with lots of activity going on, and enjoy a faith-based environment in which the facilitators speak life into them. The hosts have contact with the kids throughout the year as well. They ensure to have contact people in their home communities who keep on top of things to make sure they are being discipled properly. About 90% of the children who attend the camps were not raised in the church. Many children may have grandparents who suffered the abuses of Residential Schools. “Since the church was the abuser,” says Pastor Dan, “We have to overcome the hurdle that we are presenting a Christ that is not an abusive Christ, but one who can heal the hurt.” The registration fee for five-day camp is $125, which basically covers the cost of food. About 75% of the
children are sponsored by Ministry of Children and Families or by churches in the north. One lady in particular sends monthly donations so that ten kids can come to camp each year. Morning and evening chapel services are held as well as devotional time every evening that the counsellors participate in with the children. There is always a spiritual focus and component to the camps. When asked if they find running the camps uplifting and rewarding, Pastor Dan responds, Yes, very, very much so,” he says, “Star and I have been doing the camps since 1989. By the end of the camp season we are weary and tired and think maybe we will take a sabbatical from it next year but by the end of s u m m e r we a re already thinking camps again, so we can’t get it out of our blood!”
SAVE THE DATE Nanoose Bay Native Youth and Family Camp August 22 to 26, 2014 (Friday to Tuesday) Location: 2531 Nanoose Beach Road, Nanoose Bay, BC Adults/ Teens: $150 Elders: $140 Children: $90 Children – under 5 years old: Free *An all-inconclusive holiday - food and lodging provided. Find us on Facebook: Nanoose Bay Native Youth and Family Camp Registration: nanoosenativecamp@gmail.com Skee-Nass Camps Location: Lakelse Pentecostal Camp | 3511 Eby Street, Terrace, BC Dates: July 1-11, 2014 Children (8-12 years): $125 Teens (13-16 years): $125 *Food and lodging included in registration fee. Registration: http://www.lakelsecamp.org/
• General support: Mail a cheque to PAOC BC & Yukon District today. Please write Aboriginal Ministries in the memo. • Church support: Influence your church to donate regularly. • Prayer: Commit to praying regularly for Aboriginal Ministries. Other ministries I can help? • Aboriginal Ministries support: Mail a cheque to PAOC BC & Yukon District today, memo Aboriginal Ministries. • Cross Cultural Outreach Society: Serving mostly newcomers to Canada. We have been assisting them with their immigration and settlement needs. Mail a cheque made out to Cross Cultural Outreach Society to the PAOC BC & Yukon District office. • All Nations College Foundation: 3 campuses teaching lay leaders to plant churches. Mail a cheque made out to All Nations College Foundation to the PAOC BC & Yukon District office. Please contact us if you would like to sponsor a student. • Church Planting: We are very active in planting new churches. Mail a cheque to PAOC BC & Yukon District today, memo Church Planting • Prayer: Commit to praying regularly for all our ministries. As a reminder to everyone to please remember to continue to send in your tithes. The money goes for training and church planting sessions throughout the year, as well as the Native Pastors/Leaders Summit at the end of September each year. “Remember this, whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly. And whoever sows generously will also reap generously.” 2 Corinthians 9:6
Publication Credits: Cheri Brown PAOC Communications Assistant Intern Editor Devan Sylvester PAOC Communications Coordinator Layout and Publishing BCYD - PAOC Administration Office 20411 Douglas Crescent, Langley, British Columbia, V3A 4B6 web: bc.paoc.org twitter: @bcydist
If you would like to feature a news item, contribute a photo or idea to Aboriginal News, please call 1-604-533-2232 or email elapeciros@bc.paoc.org