20411 Douglas Crescent, Langley, BC V3A 4B6 | p: 604-533-2232 | f: 604-533-5405 | e: office@bc.paoc.org | www.bc.paoc.org Assistant Superintendent, Dave Solmes @solmes_ I am often asked, ”How are things in the District?” I confess in the last 7.5 years I have never once answered that question well. It has been more awkward on my part than necessary. I realize that my hesitation in answering good or bad is because the question triggers two pictures and I never know which picture to speak of. The first picture I see is of how things are now. The second picture relates to a picture of a preferable future. All leaders are continually faced with the challenge of narrowing the gap between the real and the ideal. This is not what I am hesitant to speak about. I must say I am thankful for the real. There are some fantastic things happening across our District. God is using so many people in great ways. It really is really awesome! To me, the ideal is to see more of God working among us. I picture a PAOC District that has many more churches serving the people living in British Columbia and the Yukon. What do you see? I believe an appropriate response to the needs and spiritual landscape within British Columbia and the Yukon is to plant many more churches. During our annual Cluster Leaders’ Retreat in October, we were pleased to welcome Gordon Fleming and Bill Hogg, both of whom are C2C Network national leaders. Both Gordon and Bill shared a prophetic word about why our PAOC District needs to plant more churches. Among the many words spoken, eight reasons were shared: 1. 2. 3. 4.
In order that we as a PAOC District may contend for the gospel - “So Jesus can have dominion of sea to sea” - Psalm 72:8 It's biblical - we extract ideas from the book of Acts. Multiplication is God’s design scripturally and historically - Acts 6:7, Acts 9:31 To magnify King Jesus - Romans 15:15-16 To saturate British Columbia and Yukon with the gospel - Acts 8:14, Acts 19:10
5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
To get in sync with Jesus - Matthew 16:18 For sanctification of the soul - Ephesians 3:21 Because it is a journey towards fruitfulness 2 Corinthians 9:10, John 4:35 It is stewardship of gifts within the body - Luke 10:2 Pentecostal people have been empowered to extend the church - Acts 1:8
During our 2015 Conference we initiated a “Partnered to Plant” initiative for these eight reasons. I am thankful for our District Superintendent, Ken Russell. I appreciate his passion for growth and multiplication of the church for the glory of God and his whole-hearted interest in seeing our churches and ministries partner to plant. As budgets are prepared, prayers are shared, and goals are set for 2016, I trust your efforts will be centered on evangelism and the extension and multiplication of the church. I trust that your 2016 budgets and plans include involvement as a Partner in Planting within British Columbia and Yukon.
this issue Assistant Superintendent 1 BCYD Global Workers 2 BC Campus Ministries 3 Youth, Young Adults, Family 3 Aboriginal & Cultural Ministries 4 District Superintendent 4 Children & Preteen Ministries 5 Happenings Around the District 6 District Calendar/Events 6-7
Involved as a PLANTER: Congregations calling forth entrepreneurial leaders as “sent ones” to neighborhoods and communities across our district to plant churches. Involved as A PARENT: Congregations planting an offspring of a new congregation through multi–site, multi– campus or simply by strategically releasing people to gather others for the purposes of evangelism and discipleship. Involved as a PARTNER: Congregations serving in a supportive role by each year being fully engaged in strategic relationships that supply resources and facilities or some congregational members being sent to support another plant’s people.
Pray to the Lord of the Harvest...
BC/Yukon District and our Global Workers and Mission Canada WE ARE BETTER TOGETHER!
Kirsten Arding (Eurasia)
Sheldon & Anna Armitage (Europe)
Curtis & Nicole Mittelstaedt (Senegal)
Sergio & Nancy Bersaglio (Zambia)
Phil & Judy Bowler (Senegal)
Rainer & Elizabeth Mittelstaedt (Sri Lanka)
Steve & Kathy Bowler (Malawi)
Nelson & Lisa Monteiro (Brazil)
Dave & Connie Buzikievich (Kenya)
Paul & Ruth O. (India)
Brent & Carina Cantelon (Vancouver)
Marj & Glen Pettinger (Africa)
Calvin & Laura Chan (Thailand)
Peter & Cavelle D. (Thailand)
Jeff & Danielle S. (Bangladesh)
Peter & Arlene Paluch (Europe)
Christo & Sarah Emmanuel (Indo-Asia)
Tom & Laura Fodor (Brazil)
Alexey & Tonia Pankov (Siberia)
Kim Hodgkiss (Honduras)
Bapu Desai & Frank Juelich Racheal & Kodo Komant-Ngabane (Prem Sewa Shikshan (Angola) Sanghsia)
Matt & Amber Price (Thailand)
Thomas & Lilianna Spiridigliozzi (NLI Canada)
Dan & Mardell MacTavish (Romania / Spain)
Mark & Kim Steinfield (Armenia)
Bill & Linda Mercer (Mozambique)
Zach & Megan Wylie (Thailand)
Mission Canada
We also have restricted access workers who either consider BC their home district or are connected to the district, including families that minister in unspecified nations. Jeremy & Candace Postal (Whistler)
Jamie Rauch (Vancouver)
Karen Reed (Vancouver)
Videos, updates and resources available on PAOC’s International Missions Website (https://paoc.org/missions/resources) including the latest edition of, “A Guide to Church Missions”
District Missions Representative, Marg Foreman margaret.foreman@paoc.org GLOBAL WORKERS TRANSITIONS
Who we are…our partners in Canada and around the world Establishing Missional Priorities Forming a Missions Church Team Best Practices for Church & Global/Missions Canada Worker Connection Budget Template – A Vision Document
Welcome NEW BCYD Global Workers – get to know them, invite them to share their stories: Matt & Amber Price (Thailand) Zach & Megan Wylie (Thailand) Paul & Ruth O. (India) Leila S (Eurasia – RAN)
SAVE THE DATE: Missions Dinner Banquet | March 7, 2016 (during Conference on the Ministry) at Christian Life Assembly, Langley
Global Workers Available for Ministry in BC December – March 2016: Jeff & Danielle S – Eurasia April – June 2016: Kirsten Arding – Eurasia
SHARED MINISTRY…GOERS AND SENDERS How then shall they call on Him in whom they have not believed... And how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard... And how shall they hear without a preacher… And how will they preach [GO] except they are SENT? When Paul embarked on his missionary journeys so long ago, he made it very clear that reaching the Gentile world was a shared ministry – it needed both GOERS…AND SENDERS. NOTHING has changed! It still takes two kinds of people to bring salvation to our world – those who GO, and those who SEND. Paul never travelled alone. The Epistles record his letters to his support teams commending churches, women and leaders who continued to pray and encourage and provide the finances (the SENDERS), so that Paul and his team could be the GOERS. Paul affirmed that the SENDERS were an integral part of the team – equally important. It seems to me that sometimes there has been a shift in our perspective, thinking that providing $’s is all that our Global Workers need from us. But being a SENDER is so much more than showing up for a farewell party or providing financial support.
SENDERS must be involved in every aspect of the life of the Global Worker – from their initial commitment, to preparation, to “departure”, to on the field, to “home assignments” and to re-entry and coming home. Acts 13-14 provides the biblical model for GOERS and SENDERS. The Global Workers (Paul & Barnabas) - full of the Holy Spirit and faith The local church (Antioch) - praying/worshipping/fasting/filled with the Holy Spirit, obedient to the Spirit to set Paul and Barnabas apart for the ministry Praying partners supporting and encouraging the missionary team (i.e. Romans 16) Financial support from Jerusalem, Philippi and others Fulfillment of the God-given vision: people’s hearts changed and churches planted Paul & Barnabas returning to that local church and reporting all that God had done Are you a GOER or a SENDER? Do you understand that this is a SHARED MINISTRY? What an amazing opportunity to be an integral part of what God is doing to reconcile the nations to Himself! For more info contact: Marg Foreman, margaret.foreman@paoc.org
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John Engels | www.bccampusministries.com
January 15-17, 2016 Hope, BC If you are a young adult or student, consider going to EMERGE
The evening of November 7th was fantastic at UBC Vancouver. The founding members of UBC’s original campus group University Christian Ministries (UCM) were present, on up through current student members. It was a special evening of fellowship across the generations. Our time together celebrated the history of God’s work through someone who was obedient to the vision of reaching students on campus. That initial seed of faith has grown immensely over the past three decades. In 1980 there was one campus group at UBC, now there are eight in BC. Campus ministries have grown to 50 across Canada. We give God all of the glory for multiplying the great fruit in so many lives around the world.
Be inspired and refreshed in a beautiful setting with student led worship, great speakers & great fun! Price includes lodging and meals. For more, email info@bccampusministries.com
administrate budgets, timelines, service orders, volunteer schedules, training, hiring/firing and everything in between.
@andy_gabruch / agabruch@bc.paoc.org Youth, Young Adults & Family Ministries, Andy Gabruch
NOW...here are some thoughts for you:
THREE SKILLS EVERY #YOUNGPASTOR NEEDS TO GROW AND KNOW EVERY #youngpastor needs to work on these three skills to GROW into their FULL potential/calling: 1.
Leading: Leaders MOVE a church from where they are (POINT A) at to a preferred future (POINT B) through vision. Vision needs to be bought into, built, communicated, and implemented. EVERY #youngpastor needs to be a visionary.
Shepherding: A shepherd takes care of the flock. Shepherding is teaching God's Word, prayer and providing pastoral care. As most #youngpastors spend most of their time training in this skill, this is ONE that most #youngpastors get.
Managing: Managing people into effective God-given and servant-based ministry is extremely important. It takes skill to
What skill(s) are you naturally gifted at? Most pastors would gravitate to one or two...but NOT all three. (There are VERY FEW people who have all three skills perfected).
What skill(s) do you need to focus on to help you GROW in your calling? Practically speaking, how are you going to grow into your calling for 2016?
What type of people are on your team - paid or not - who can help you in your weaknesses? In other words, do you have people on your team who are gifted in areas that you are not? Do you have someone gifted in administration to help with volunteers? Leaders who can share a common vision?
Feel free to leave a comment and add to the conversation at www.andygabruch.ca
Government of Canada
2016 Application for Summer Student Grants Please note that the period to apply for Canada Summer Jobs 2015 will be from January 4, 2016 to February 26, 2016. click here for more info.
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Aboriginal and Cultural Ministries, Edgar Lapeciros / elapeciros@bc.paoc.org
Mission said, “The hardest mission in the world is submission to God.”
UNITY LEADS TO MORE SIGNS AND WONDERS. RESULTING IN CHURCH MULTIPLICATION. I am amazed at how the First Century Church did ministry. In Acts chapter 4, we can visualize that because of unity of the apostles, more signs and wonders happened. We can easily glean that in the lives of the apostles there were no alternatives. They were arrested and willing to die for the cause of the Gospel. They were radicals. They challenged the status quo. They become uncomfortable with the norm set up by the Roman Empire, the Pharisees and Sadducees. They became advocates and were always on a collision course with what was politically correct. This year our core leadership, partners and volunteers decided on the theme, “Mighty In Spirit” based on Zechariah 4:6. Truly God granted our desire. We have been involved in coaching/training 10 leaders/pastors and helping them fulfill their call to multiply ministries and plant churches. We have gained momentum in this area. Praise the Lord! We have learned to submit totally to God. In the natural, we have meager resources and are barely able to survive, yet we don’t just survive, but thrive. Hudson Taylor, the founder of China Inland District Superintendent, Ken Russell
CHRISTMAS GENEROSITY A recent survey, directed by Com.Res, revealed some interesting results: 83% of respondents agreed that Christmas is about spending time with family and friends. 62% of respondents agreed that Christmas is a time when we should be generous to people less fortunate than ourselves. 41% of respondents agreed that Christmas is about celebrating God’s love for humanity. The majority of people surveyed by Com.Res (both Christian and non), felt that “generosity” was an integral part of Christmas, which was clearly experienced by the giving of time, money and worship. There seems to be something in the air, during the month of December, which prompts generosity. Television commercials, sidewalk Santa’s, workplace charity campaigns, Salvation Army kettle’s and grocery-store donation boxes for local food banks all seem to retell the story of benevolence…everyday, everywhere. Perhaps, the greatest act of generosity in history brings the subject of generosity to the forefront of everyone’s mind. After all, God gave His one and only son, as a sacrificial Christmas gift to everyone for the salvation of our souls. If that doesn't prompt generosity, I’m not sure what would? Allow me to present you with a proposal for generosity that could impact an entire church. In scripture, we’re often reminded that “little becomes much” when it’s placed in the hands of God. Whether we consider a little boy’s lunch, which provided food for a multitude of hungry people, or recall the narrative of a handful of flour and quarter cup of oil, which sustained a widow’s family – God is a generous provider for His people.
The harvest is plentiful but the laborers are few. Pray for the Lord of the harvest to send more laborers. These are our marching orders at All Nations College Foundation. For nine years now, we have trained 300+ students and have been involved in 30 church plants. God is great. He did provide. We just keep planting/sowing seeds and the harvest will surely come. In order to plant and sow the powerful seed of the Word of God, called Gospelthe Good News, we need to receive and believe. Church planting is a movement. I believe with all my heart we will have the Joy of the Harvest if we are willing to endure the pain and agony of sowing and planting. Just wondering if the apostles in the first century were united? Did signs and wonders occur? Did thousands of conversions occur? Did church multiplication break out? The harvest Mark 4:26-29.
These are just some of my thoughts for PAOC’S VISION 2020. Maranatha! district family the privilege of investing in God’s work - throughout many communities of BC and the Yukon, without actually living there. Since inception, Ministry Investors Group Appeals have raised over $1.34 million through the generosity of our churches and individual donors all across our district. This generous support has enabled our smaller churches (especially those in rural or remote locations) to accomplish many necessary capital improvement projects. If you are considering various options of generosity this Christmas, why not consider becoming a partner of our Ministry Investors Group. As a private donor you will receive up to three appeals a year, each time with an explanation of the critical need. In response, you are asked to send a donation of $10 or more. This amount does not purchase much today, but put together, little becomes much and these gifts achieve major positive results. Please consider joining today. For more information on how you can become a “Ministry Investor” and donate online, by cheque or text message – please click on the following link, http://bit.ly/1HniIe4 Investing in God’s work on earth pays eternal dividends. Please prayerfully consider becoming a generous and wise investor! Pastors and church leaders, please encourage the members of your congregation to consider this option for their generosity toward God’s Kingdom. Thank you so much. Merry Christmas everyone…from the Russell family. We love you so deeply, and feel honored to serve as your District servants. We are grateful for the trust you’ve placed in our leadership, and will continue to serve with integrity, passion and vision.
In 1957, our District’s Leadership Team established a method of practical generosity, through a concept of “Crowd Funding”, which has provided essential funding for hundreds of local churches in our District. The Ministry Investors Group (formerly known as the Minutemen/ Women Program), assists smaller and pioneering assemblies with the purchase of property and/or construction or renovation projects for their church facilities. This creative “crowd funding” plan allows everyone in our Page 4
Children and Family Lisa Mitchell, Interim Director
you don't praise God as a leader, but you're attached to your group, celebrating the lives that you know and love. From the side of the SPARK stage it was an awe-inducing On November 13 & 14 we welcomed 387 moment watching all of these dear students to Spark Conference in Abbotsford. ones encounter God in a fresh and I have attended and served at the conference in real way, understanding that each is years past and have always been amazed at the known and loved. I was so thankful faithfulness of God to meet with our students. again for the amazing men and This year, I saw the whole event through a women God has called to pastor each of these students. Please be in completely different lens. prayer for these leaders as they go through the follow-up and The theme for the weekend was mentorship with these students. BOLD, based on 2 Corinthians We were challenged to be BOLD in obedience as we submitted 3.12,18: “Since we have such hope, we ourselves to the leading of the Holy Spirit before the event, during are very bold…and we all with unveiled worship and as each of our ministry guests shared their hearts with faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are our students. In addition to our team from Spokane, we were being transformed into His image with blessed to have Chris Luff, Matt & Amber Price, Zach & Megan ever increasing glory.” Our students Wylie, and We Cultivate, present to share and shape the preteens were challenged to be BOLD in faith, hope and obedience. In the who attended. same way, this weekend challenged us as leaders and volunteers to be BOLD in faith, hope and obedience. We were BOLD in faith as I have been so honoured to be part of an incredible team at the we prayed and waited for students to register, we received just District Office. I know that we, as a Fellowship, recognize the gift about 100 registrations on the two days before Spark began. that each of our Officers and District staff is to us; however these We also dealt with our own faith struggles as we met with obstacle two months serving alongside them has been eye-opening. The long after obstacle, such as our insurance company not wanting to insure hours on the road, the excellence with which they execute the inflatables, or our incredible ministry guests: David Lewellyn and everything they do, their heart for us as leaders within this District the team from Life Centre Church in Spokane having travel I can't say enough as to how grateful I am for each person who would call that office their role. As a leader in this fellowship, difficulties. I would urge us all to remember them in prayer. Far more than I We were challenged to be BOLD in hope as we prayed and waited know I personally do, I would urge us to encourage and affirm them. on God to meet with the students present. God was faithful again Thank you Ken, Dave, Darwin, Andy, Caroline, John, Edgar, Devan, this year as many students made first time decisions for Jesus and Janet, Nicole, Carol, Val and Cynthia; you are appreciated far more countless others rushed the altars to receive the Holy Spirit. than you know. From this side, it was an incredibly miraculous moment. It's not that
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Happenings Around the District TRANSITIONS
Shane D.C. McIntyre, born November 30, 1959, passed into the presence of his Lord on October 20, 2015. He transferred into the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada in 1994 from the Australian Assemblies of God. He served as the Assistant Pastor at Harvest City Church (formerly Fraserview) in Vancouver and Senior Pastor at Gateway Christian Life Centre in Trail. He is predeceased by his wife Paula and survived by his wife Angelika and his children Eleasah (Brett) and David. A memorial service was held on November 13, 2015 at Gateway Christian Life Centre, Trail. Walter Reimer, born April 20, 1933, passed into the presence of his Lord on Sunday October 18, 2015. He attended British Columbia Bible Institute for 3 years, received his Licensed Minister credentials on May 1, 1955 and was Ordained on May 9, 1957. He pastored with his wife Fay across British Columbia in Penny, Port Hardy, Fort Rupert, Hixon, Telkwa, Hope, Cherryville and Vernon. He also pioneered the building of Chubb Lake Bible Camp in 1965, served on the Fraser Valley Camp Executive from 1978-1982, was the camp President of Okanagan Pentecostal Camp from 1988-1990 and published his biography in 2001. He is survived by his wife Fay and their children Dale (Marjorie), Kerry (Carol), Maureen (David), Elaine (Mike), as well as 9 grandchildren and 2 great grandchildren. A memorial service was held at Colwood Pentecostal Church, Victoria. Edith Sandercock, born November 5, 1924, passed into the presence of her Lord on November 9, 2015 at the age of 91. Edith was a member of the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada her entire life and enjoyed her time in ministry with her husband, Roy. They ministered together in Nakusp, Victoria, Keremeos, Osoyoos and Vanderhoof. It was while in Vanderhoof that Roy was diagnosed with cancer in November of 1980 and he passed away July 2, 1981. After Roy’s death Edith moved back to Abbotsford and she received her Recognition of Ministry credentials. She found employment at Western Pentecostal Bible College (Summit Pacific College) and worked in the kitchen for 10½ years before her retirement in 1992. She is survived by her son Earl, daughter Ruby (Les) Stobbe, son Darcy (Lorna), 6 grandchildren, 18 great-grandchildren, and 1 great greatgrandson. She was predeceased by her husband Roy (1981), son Stuart (1957), great granddaughter Taylor (2013), one brother and two sisters. A Celebration of Life was held on November 16, 2015 at Abbotsford Pentecostal Assembly.
Michelle Allen: Concluded as Preteen Pastor of Colwood Pentecostal Church, Victoria. Jason Ballard: Appointed as Assistant Pastor (part-time) of Christian Life Assembly, Langley. James Cornock: Concluded as Lead Pastor of Hope Pentecostal Tabernacle. Michael Emig: Appointed at Youth Coordinator (part-time) of Evangel Pentecostal Church, Powell River. Gary Forsyth: Concluded as Lead Pastor of Bethel Chapel, 100 Mile House. David Hanson: Appointed as Pastoral Care Assistant Pastor of Emmanuel Church, West Kelowna. Blake Holenstein: Concluded as Assistant Pastor of Terrace Pentecostal Church. Harry Holmquist: Concluded as Lead Pastor of Logan Lake Pentecostal Assembly, but will remain as Lead Pastor until a new pastor is installed. Mark Lamden: Transitioned from Youth/Young Adults Pastor to Family Ministries Director (part-time) of Evangel Pentecostal Church, Powell River. Clinton Lange: Appointed as Senior Interim Pastor of Bethel Chapel, 100 Mile House. Terrance Martin: Appointed as Youth Pastor of Barriere Christian Life Assembly. Debbie Newton: Concluded as Children’s Ministry Director of Delta Pentecostal Tabernacle. Nicole Preston: Concluded as Events Coordinator for the BC/ Yukon District. Danielle Savage: Concluded as Children + Families Pastor of Central Christian Assembly, Burnaby (effective December 30, 2015). Chad Schellenberg: Concluded as Lead Pastor of Dawson Christian Fellowship, Dawson City, Yukon (effective December 27, 2015). Jaron Starlund: Appointed as Youth Pastor of Terrace Pentecostal Assembly and will continue as Associate Pastor (parttime) of Waaps Nagwaadm, Terrace. Jeff Zimmermann: Appointed as Worship & Arts Pastor of Westwinds Community Church, Surrey.
Anahim Lake Chapel Bella Coola Pentecostal Church (Aboriginal) Burnaby, Christian Pentecostal Church (Cantonese) Cherryville, Gospel Church Hazelton Pentecostal Church Hope Pentecostal Church Logan Lake Pentecostal Assembly One Hundred Mile House, Bethel Chapel Salt Spring Island (Church Replanting Opportunity) Smithers, Mountain View Assembly Surrey, Revival Church (Korean) Terrace Pentecostal Church Tumbler Ridge, New Life Assembly visit our website for other opportunities (www.bc.paoc.org)
Visit our website for a list of events within our District www.bc.paoc.org. SUMMIT PACIFIC COLLEGE SCHOOL OF GRADUATE STUDIES “Preaching in a Post-Christian Culture: The Power of Imagination to Transform Lives” with Dr. Mick Nelson Being held March 7, 10-11 in conjunction with District Conference and is available for credit or audit. For more info and to register visit, www.summitpacific.ca
Terry & Julia Burns are happy to announce the birth of their son, Jeremiah born September 28, 2015. Ben & Natasha McPherson are excited to announce the birth of their daughter Olive Louise born September 27, 2015. Page 6
Book Reviews & Summaries by Rev. Kenton J. Kutney Click here or this month's Lead Forward book review also see October's Introduction and check back for a new review each month.