BCYD Fellowship News June

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20411 Douglas Crescent, Langley, BC V3A 4B6 | p: 604-533-2232 | f: 604-533-5405 | e: office@bc.paoc.org | www.bc.paoc.org Assistant Superintendent, Dave Solmes @solmes_

Favourite Moment at District Conference Our District Conference in April 2015 gathered around the theme “Multiply”. A clarion call for expansion and extension of ministries. While the conference held many highlights for me, I deeply appreciated the few minutes we shared during this picture. I was so thankful for the many who moved from their seats on Wednesday morning to stand and pray with families in our District who are church planting or leading a church revitalization strategy. Following the prayer I witnessed the distribution of partnership cards. It takes many partners to plant a sustainable ministry. That special moment reminded me of two things: Firstly, as a District family we do have momentum in multiplication. We presently have many church multiplication stories to tell. Secondly, I was reminded that we have opportunity for greater momentum. Pastor Edgar Lapeciros reminded me Wednesday morning that scientifically, momentum increases when either mass or velocity increase. Our “District Partnered to Plant Churches” introduced at District Conference this year, identified new planters and churches (to create mass), and new partners and providers (to create velocity). Momentum=Mass x Velocity.

The question that continues to be asked post Conference 2015 is, “What role will each of our churches and credential holders pursue in the next few years?” Will it be to help with mass and/or velocity? I am confident that as each pastor brings these questions to their leadership teams and as each family considers what the Lord Pray to the Lord is asking, that God will speak of the Harvest... and will do great and mighty and many things across British Columbia and Yukon District. Good days ahead!

this issue Assistant Superintendent 1 BCYD Global Workers 2 Summit Pacific College 3 District Secretary Treasurer 3 BC Campus Ministries 3 Children & Preteen Ministry 4 Youth, Young Adults, Family 4 District Superintendent 5 District Calendar/Events 5 Happenings Around the District 6 BC Yukon PAOC District

Worship Cluster Looking for resources for your worship ministry? Want to find out what songs other churches are singing in their services? Encourage your worship leader (and worship teams!) to “like” BC/YUKON WORSHIP CLUSTER on Facebook, a page dedicated to investing into our worship ministries, hosted by Phil Spoelstra from Broadway Church.”

@bcydist @bcydpaoc

BC/Yukon District and our Global Workers and Mission Canada WE ARE BETTER TOGETHER!

Kirsten Arding (Eurasia)

Racheal & Kodo Komant-Ngabane (Rwanda)

Sheldon & Anna Armitage (Europe)

Dan & Mardell MacTavish (Romania / Spain)

Sergio & Nancy Bersaglio (Zambia)

Bill & Linda Mercer (Mozambique)

Phil & Judy Bowler (Senegal)

Rainer & Elizabeth Mittelstaedt (Sri Lanka)

Steve & Kathy Bowler (Malawi)

Nelson & Lisa Monteiro (Brazil)

Dave & Connie Buzikievich (Kenya)

Brent & Carina Cantelon (Vancouver)

Jeff & Danielle S. (Bangladesh)

Peter & Cavelle D. (Thailand)

Peter & Arlene Paluch (Europe)

Christo & Sarah Emmanuel (Indo-Asia)

Alexey & Tonia Pankov (Siberia)

Tom & Laura Fodor (Brazil)

Kim Hodgkiss (Honduras)

Thomas & Lilianna Spiridigliozzi (NLI Canada)

Bapu Desai & Frank Juelich (Prem Sewa Shikshan Sanghsia)

Mark & Kim Steinfield (Armenia)

Mission Canada

We also have restricted access workers who either consider BC their home district or are connected to the district, including families that minister in unspecified nations. Jeremy & Candace Postal (Whistler)

Jamie Rauch (Vancouver)

Karen Reed (Vancouver)

District Missions Representative, Marg Foreman

Global Missions Banquet What a great way to kick off this year’s BC/Yukon District Conference, “Multiply”. More than 150 delegates, plus several retired Global Workers, came together to celebrate all that God is doing through PAOC Missions around the world. Rev. Murray Cornelius (Assistant Superintendent for International Missions) was the special guest speaker. He stated that while we are all excited about the new Global Workers just getting started (like those who were commissioned to RAN countries that night), we need to truly celebrate Global Workers who have been on the ground for many years and have lived their lives for the cause of the gospel.

Segue 2015 Segue is an intensive 2-week training program for new Global Workers and those on Home Assignment. For the first time, Segue was held on May 25-June 5 at Summit Pacific College in Abbotsford. During Segue, a big highlight was the Alumni night, when former PAOC Global Workers were invited to join in. It’s an exciting time of connecting with, and praying for, current Global Workers and those preparing to go. Check out www.paoc.org/missions for updates and information on, Global Workers, opportunities, resources, Short Term Missions Network, and great videos to share with your church or small group (paoc.org/missions/resources/videos). PAOC General Missions Video: vimeo.com/128429203 “Together we are responsible for this generation of souls. It is good to dream together about reaching our world.” ~Murray Cornelius

Two years ago Elmer & Sherry Komant moved to Burundi to plant another city church in this war-torn country. They are working together with a team of mature African pastors from Kenya, Uganda and Rwanda – pastors fully supported by their home churches. This is true missions when the receiving church becomes the sending church!!! OR like Sergio & Nancy Bersaglio, Directors of Villages of Hope, Africa with eight current Villages committed to bringing hope to children and communities in need. After 16+ years in Africa, the Bersaglios tell so many great stories about the young adults who grew up in a Village, and who now are contributing members of society and the church.


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Summit Pacific College Canadian Pentecostal Seminary Dave Demchuk

Seeking a Part-Time Academic Dean To help facilitate the consolidation between Canadian Pentecostal Seminary, and Summit Pacific College, we are looking for a part time Academic Dean (2 days/week) who will give oversight to the new department of Graduate studies at the College. Interested candidates should submit their Curriculum Vitae to the President no later than June 30, 2015 (ddemchuk@summitpacific.ca).

Secretary-Treasurer, Darwin Pichette @pichettedarwin Summer is finally upon us! With the focus of ministry shifting gears, I want to extend a further invitation for you to contact me at dpichette@bc.paoc.org or ph: 604-533-2232) if any questions arise during the next few months of planning. May God bless you and give you rest during the months ahead.

**URGENT: Your Health and Life Benefits**

It is imperative that you initiate either option as soon as possible, as our current Great West Life Benefits program will officially come to a close on June 30, 2015. Therefore, if you currently are covered through Great West Life, Great West Life will no longer provide coverage to you after June 30, 2015. If you currently are not with Great West Life and would like to know more about what Kechnie Benefits offers, please contact myself at dpichette@bc.paoc.org or Kechnie Benefits directly at jeff@kechnie.com or linda.kajba@kechnie.com.

Kechnie Benefits: As the District Approved Health and Life Benefits Program will officially change from Great West Life Benefits (Deacon Insurance) to Kechnie Benefits on June 30, 2015, I welcome you as credential holders and churches to investigate this option further or begin to register today. Kechnie Benefits has provided PAOC Districts and credential holders with benefits for over 10 years; 75% of PAOC Districts are now covered by Kechnie Benefits. If you are currently with Great West Life, Kechnie Benefits registration forms have been issued to you.

John Engels | www.bccampusministries.com

Serving and Sharing the Gospel After Final Exams Over 20 students were sent on missions trips after final exams. Teams from SFU and UBC went to Guatemala and a Washington State university campus. The Holy Spirit gave both teams great favour both in service and in sharing the gospel! Evergreen State University (Olympia, Washington): “Anthony (SFU) connected with a student named Mark on last year’s trip and texted him right before their campus’ weekly gathering. Mark came out for his first ever Christian event. He was so moved by the

fellowship and talk, that when the speaker invited anyone to stand if they felt they weren’t satisfied with their life, and wanted God to come in and help them, Mark stood up. Anthony and the team prayed for him and he cried, explaining that he had never been prayed for before and wanted to learn more about Jesus. Anthony connected him with students who were part of the Evergreen campus ministry, so they could continue to invite him into a relationship with Jesus.” Guatemala: “Our (UBC) team had the privilege of spending time with four local pastors and each one of them encouraged us by sharing stories of God's provision and faithfulness in their lives. We were also blessed to serve their churches by leading Vacation Bible School for the kids and going for hamper runs, where we delivered food and groceries to families in need.” The organization that the UBC team served wrote this encouraging note: “To the amazing team from University Christian Ministries, a campus group from UBC: you are completely beautiful. You truly blessed Guatemala and the people there, our staff, our children, and the pastors that we served. You are sensitive to the Spirit and walk in humility and love and unity and honour. It was truly a privilege to work with you and I was personally very impacted and ministered to by your team. Thank you for who you are and for all your love. xoxo K”

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Children and Family Caroline Durocher-Bergeron

God is at work in our nation and using kids and preteens in an incredible and powerful way. Here is what our leaders had to say about Elevate 2015:


Elevate 2015 Elevate, our Provincial children, preteen and family ministry leadership conference took place April 10-11 at Christian Life Assembly in Langley. Every aspect of Elevate featured our theme “Above and Beyond” and stimulated our faith to embrace this promise, “Now to Him who is able to do above and beyond all that we ask or think according to the power that works in us.” Ephesians 3:20. We had the privilege of welcoming David & Beci Wakerley from Hillsong Church, Australia, and Dr. Alan Nelson, Director of KidLead and a leadership development specialist. I often hear how leaders who serve with kids don’t have many opportunities to attend a church service. This is why Elevate provided a space for worship and a time to respond to His word; knowing that our ultimate inspiration comes from God, spending time in His presence and listening to what He has to say. We lavished leaders with love and appreciation during the Friday night dessert extravaganza called our Hero’s Banquet. One of my highlights was to hear stories of incredible people who are charting new ground for the Kingdom. Youth, Young Adults & Family Ministries, Andy Gabruch

@andy_gabruch Why @HistorymakerBC is #morethanaconference Throughout the years, Historymaker has been a catalyst for life change and transformation for thousands of students. Of course, Historymaker includes all of the crazy lights, electric sound that you feel more than you hear, and great shows…YET it is so much more as…  @HistorymakerBC is #morethanaconference because it has been – and will always be – about life change! HM's purpose is to offer an opportunity for every person who attends a life-altering encounter with the living God so that they will be encouraged, equipped, and empowered to reach their friends for Christ. Dozens of stories have been coming to my desk of young people encountering Christ. In fact, one student was so motivated to come to HM, she started a lemonade stand to get herself and her friends to the event. Her first customer gave her $100- (and didn’t even take a cup of lemonade). She said that “#hm15 was the best weekend of her life”.

“I heard it described a lot as inspirational, and it was, but it was so much more than that. I feel really affirmed and supported in the small part I play in the bigger picture. One more thing, I have collected so many practical pieces that my team and I can work on right away that will really make a big difference for us. SO once again, THANK YOU!” Sarah, Kamloops, BC “We had such a good time at the conference...thank you for all of the effort and hours each of you has put in to make Elevate possible. You created an atmosphere for us to be filled with Truth, ideas, clarified vision and passion; a space for us to hear from God and connect in a special way with our team; a platform for godly mentors to effectively encourage and build into us as leaders. Thank you!! Our hearts and minds are overflowing - as a team - and we thank you for creating a catalytic space for that to happen. From our team, our church and the families in our communities...Thank you!!!” Candi, Victoria, BC “I found Elevate Conference practical and very encouraging. As a Senior Pastor, Elevate challenged me, rekindled my vision and stirred up fresh thinking in reaching this generation.” Dave Postal, Comox, BC To view more video highlights visit our website: www.nextgenbc.ca/news/elevate-conference-highlights

 @HistorymakerBC is #morethanaconference because it is about the whole year – not just the May long weekend. Historymaker is more than the May long weekend because Historymaker resources #youngpastors and students with year long mentorship, discipleship streams and leadership coaching. You can check out all of the details at nextgenbc.ca. Also, over 200 students, leaders, and pastors signed up for the “SEND ME” campaign to engage students in a conversation of the Gospel of John on campus. AWESOME!  Finally, @HistorymakerBC is #morethanaconference because it is about family…family on a Mission. This year, Historymaker sold out at First Avenue Assembly in Chilliwack, BC. Over 1,800 teenagers engaged in worship, responded to the WORD, and gathered for our “REAL Talks” breakouts; it was a great sight to see! Historymaker is designed to be a family on a mission; to support, encourage, fight and come alongside each other in every season of life. Historymaker is family…and as family, #hm15 raised over $12,000 for MISSIONS; teenagers giving to missions to reach their friends for Christ. You can check out all of the details at historymaker.ca/onmission. I hope you can be a part of the Historymaker family…partner with us in prayer and missions to reach a generation with The Hope of the World. Your Friend, Andy

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District Superintendent, Ken Russell

Don’t Give Up...Press On! I’m sure you’ve heard the survey results which inform us that almost 20,000 ministers in North America leave vocational ministry every year. That is over 1,500 every month. I’m certain this number would not include those who are so discouraged, that they would leave the ministry if they thought they could make a living any other way. I suppose these statistics should be contrasted by the number of individuals who are being called into vocational ministry each year, and those who have served in ministry for decades without any “professional designations”. That being said, I’ve been curious about why ministers in our District would become discouraged and feel like giving up. Here are the results of my informal research. Mismatched Expectations: Most of the pastors I spoke with said they were shocked to discover their actual ministry role and the expectations of people in the church were vastly different from what they thought they would be. The pastors anticipated spending far more time studying, preaching and teaching, and doing things they enjoyed. They did not anticipate the demands of church administration and people management, which were required by their congregation. Blindsided by People Problems: I discovered that most pastors had grown weary with “people’s problems” and “problem people”. They were tired of cantankerous people who relentlessly challenged their new initiatives. Pastors who were discouraged did not like having to confront staff members and/or volunteers who were under-performing or apathetic. They were tired of having to put up with overly sensitive leaders and volunteers. Discouraged by Financial Stress: For many pastors, the viability of serving in full-time vocational ministry, at a salary level that did not meet the needs of their family, caused significant

discouragement and disillusionment. For some pastors, their financial struggles created a “faith crisis”. They were trying to do their best to answer God’s call and believe Him for supernatural provision, but could not survive financially in the community they were called to. Coupled with the stress of personal finances, was the added stress of declining and/or roller coaster church giving. Here Are Some Words of Encouragement: Do not let the enemy make you feel guilty for taking time to replenish your emotional, physical and spiritual resources. Find some things you and your spouse enjoy doing, and do them together at least two or three times a month. Have at least one fun night for your family each week, especially when your children are younger. Don't force your family to do what is fun for you; discover activities that are fun for everyone. God did not call you into the ministry to frustrate you. He wants your ministry to fulfill His will. He wants you to enjoy the work of the Lord. Spend most of your time with people who replenish your soul, and devote less time to those who drain your soul. Pastors are called to minister to wounded and hurting people. However, if all of your time and energy is spent on encouraging wounded and discouraged people – you will experience “compassion depletion” and end up being of no good to anyone else. Don’t be afraid to serve “bi-vocationally”. The added financial resources are secondary to the amazing ministry opportunities that arise when you work with non-Christian people in your community. That being said, don’t try to serve two full-time roles. Divide your time and allocate your energy wisely. Remember the Apostle Paul’s advice, “So don’t get tired of doing what is good. Don’t get discouraged and give up, for we will reap a harvest of blessing at the appropriate time. Whenever [not 24/7, not always] we have the opportunity, we should do good to everyone, especially to our Christian brothers and sisters”. (Galatians 6:9,10) […parenthesis are my words.]

District Calendar JUNE 2015 Jun 12-13 BCYD Church Multipliers Retreat (Abbotsford) Jun 20 ANCF: Graduation (Victoria) Jun 27 Women’s Conference (Punjabi Masihi Church, Surrey) AUGUST 2015 Aug 24-28 BCYD: Pastors Camp (Greenbay Camp) SEPTEMBER 2015 Sept 28-30 BCYD: Licensed Minister Network #1 (Stillwood) OCTOBER 2015 Oct 2-4 Women’s Conference (Bethel Chapel, 100 Mile House) Oct 5-7 BCYD: Cluster Leadership Retreat (Stillwood)

Oct 18 BCYD: Campus Ministry Sunday (District-Wide) Oct 22-23 Global Leadership Summit (Langley) Oct 24 Summit Pacific College Auction (Vancouver) NOVEMBER 2015 Nov 13-14 Canadian Youth Workers Conference (Kelowna) Nov 21 ANCF: Graduation (Delta) Nov 23-25 BCYD: District Leadership Team Meetings (Langley) 2016 UPCOMING EVENTS Jan 22-23 Canadian Youth Workers Conference (Abbotsford) Mar 7-9 BCYD Conference on the Ministry (Langley) May 2-5 PAOC General Conference (Quebec)

2015 Summer Camps BCYD PASTORS CAMP Green Bay Camp, Kelowna August 24-28

CHUBB LAKE BIBLE CAMP www.chubblake.ca June 1-13 July 4-10 July 31-Aug 3 Aug 9-15

50+ Camp Kids Camp Family Camp Teen Camp

LAKELSE PENTECOSTAL CAMP www.lakelsecamp.org June 28-July 10 July 12-17 July 20-25

Skee Nass Camp Kids Camp Teen Camp

NANOOSE BAY PENTECOSTAL CAMP www.nanoosebaycamp.ca July 12-17 July 12-17 July 18-25

Kids Camp Mids Camp High Camp

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OKANAGAN FAMILY CAMP July 17-19 | Faith Mission Camp, Falkland contact Alexis Park Church, Vernon p: 250-542-4135

CAMP YUKON www.camp-yukon.com

June 5-7 June 12-14 June 28-July 4 July 5-11 July 12-18 July31-Aug 2 September 4-7

Adelphe Women's Ministry Men’s Fishing Retreat Summer Kids Camp 1 Summer Kids Camp 2 Summer Teen Camp Filipino Camp Family Camp

Happenings Around the District Transitions

 Ted Boodle: Concluded as Lead Pastor of Westwinds Community Church, Surrey.  Mark deHoog: Concluded as Assistant Pastor of Mountain View Assembly, Smithers.  Joseph & Hannah Dutko: Joseph has concluded his role as Christian Education Pastor of Richmond Pentecostal Church and he and his wife Hannah, accepted the Call as Co-Lead Pastors of Oceanside Community Church, Parksville.  David Field: Appointed as Associate Pastor of Central Pentecostal Assembly, Chilliwack.  Marg Foreman: Appointed as BCYD Missions Representative.  Darin Graham: Appointed as Assistant Pastor (part-time) of Abbotsford Pentecostal Assembly and Campus Missionary with BC Campus Ministries at UFV.  Lowell Holmquist: Concluded as Lead Pastor of Terrace Pentecostal Church and accepted the Call as Campus Pastor of Christian Life Assembly, Sooke Harbour.  Cal Krahn: Appointed as Associate Pastor of Emmanuel Church, West Kelowna.  James Manky: Appointed as Assistant Pastor of Seaview Pentecostal Assembly, White Rock.  Devon Martinsen: Appointed as Youth Pastor of Surrey Pentecostal Assembly.  Rachel Lefebvre: Concluded as Youth Pastor of Full Gospel Tabernacle, Vernon (Okanagan Landing Community Church) and was appointed as Youth & Children’s Pastor of First Avenue Assembly, Chilliwack.  Steven Moore: Concluded as Associate Pastor of Richmond Pentecostal Church and has engaged full time responsibilities as the Lead Pastor of Canyon Heights Christian Assembly, North Vancouver and will continue as the Administrator of the day care ministry at Richmond Pentecostal Church.  James Noble: Appointed as Assistant Pastor (Youth & Next Gen. Ministries) of Evangel Chapel, Fort St. John.  Keith & Anita Parks: Concluded as Senior’s Pastor and Congregational Care (respectively) of Seaview Pentecostal Assembly, White Rock. They will continue their ministry with Seeds International on a full-time basis.  Ralph Peters: Concluded as Missionary in Residence at Summit Pacific College and was appointed as Community Engagement Pastor of Elim Church, Saskatoon, SK.  Nathaniel Prakash: Concluded as Cross-Cultural Ministry Pastor of Surrey Pentecostal Assembly.

Churches in Pastoral Transition:

 Burnaby, Christian Pentecostal Church (Cantonese)  Cherryville, Gospel Church  Nakusp, Saddleback Community Church  Salt Spring Island, Bethel Pentecostal Assembly  Sidney, Highway Christian Fellowship  Smithers, Mountain View AssemblySmithers,  Surrey, Revival Church (Korean)  Terrace Pentecostal Church  Trail, Gateway Christian Life Centre  Tumbler Ridge, New Life Assembly Regional Pastorates:  Anahim Lake Chapel & Bella Coola Pentecostal Assembly (Aboriginal) visit our website for other opportunities (www.bc.paoc.org)

Births:  David & Kristen Anonby are excited to welcome their daughter Joy Elizabeth, born prematurely on April 7, 2015.  Paul and Wanda Moores are please to announce the arrival of their chosen daughter, Winnie-Jean Madelyn Moores, born April 4, 2014.


 Edith Leona Osborne (nee Crocker) (born August 21, 1937) passed into the presence of her Lord on March 9, 2015. Edith served God beside her husband Don, who pastored in numerous churches in British Columbia and Ontario, ministered at the first Canadian Teen Challenge centre in Vancouver, at 100 Huntley St. in Toronto, and numerous years in evangelism. She also worked in Data Entry services in many companies and management positions. Edith is survived by her husband of 58 years, Don, their children Robert (Susan), Diane (Keith), and Donna (Kevin), her 5 grandchildren, one great grandchild, her brother Bill (Grace), sister Irmgard (Gene), brother Walter (Lorena), sister Charlotte (Dan) and many nieces and nephews. She is pre-deceased by her parents, Peter and Marie, brothers Bob (Joan), Ed (Grace), Norman, Richard (Rachel, also deceased), and sister Ruth (Art). A celebration of Edith's life was held on March 16th at North Douglas Pentecostal Church, Victoria.  Rev. Keith R. Evans (born September 13, 1926) passed into the presence of his Lord and Saviour on March 29, 2015. Keith received his Ministry License April 28, 1960 and was reclassified to Ordained Minister in April 1962. Together with his wife Rhelda, he served as Senior Pastor at Mayerthorpe (AB), Innisfail Pentecostal in Innisfail (AB), Burdett Pentecostal in Burdett (AB), Oliver Pentecostal Assembly, Houston Pentecostal Church and as Associate Pastor in Tsawwassen, BC. Keith also served as the Dean of Men at Western Pentecostal Bible College and was also involved at various camps serving as Director. Keith is survived by his wife of 60 years, Rhelda, their children Nadine (Richard), Willow (Paul), Steven (Anna), Stuart (Maria) and Russell, 13 grandchildren and 15 great grandchildren, his brother Ralph (Norma), sister Glenda (Jack) and many nieces, nephews and friends. He is Online Prayer Wall predeceased by his parents bc.paoc.org/prayer-wall Ken and Myrtle Evans, his brother Bill (Morris) Evans. A Celebration of Life was held on April 4th at Summit Drive Baptist Church, Kamloops.

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