Family Table FIRST PEOPLES VOICE | June 2018 The Pentecostal British Columbia & Yukon District First Peoples Newsletter the winds, giving to the needy in reckless abandon. His right-living, right-giving ways never run out, never wear out” (2 Corinthians 9:8, MSG). I have always been inspired by the generosity that is culturally ingrained in the indigenous peoples of Canada’s way of life. In the potlatch system, every need will be met, sometimes tens of thousands of dollars at a time. On one occasion I witnessed a donation of a $10,000 cheque being contributed to the expenses of the funeral feast by the person who had passed. Generosity at its best. Best life insurance ever. I Corinthians 9:7-9: I want each of you to take plenty of time to think it over and make up your own mind about what you will give. That will protect you against sob stories and arm-twisting. God loves it when the giver delights in the giving. God can pour on the blessings in astonishing ways so that you're ready for anything and everything, more than just ready to do what needs to be done. As one psalmist puts it, “He throws caution to
Often time the greatest hindrance to generosity is our perspective. When our focus is on our need and not on that of another, we will be then influenced by our own need, whether we will give or not, or to what extent we will give. Generosity is not something that is mandated; it is something that is an outflow of our nature. The character of God created into us. This is not only cultural, but it is the nature of God that is far too often repressed in us. We need not misunderstand tithing as generosity. Tithing is obedience. “Tithing is training wheels for generosity.” As we start with 10%, we will find that this will not be enough. There will be needs that exceed our obedience to tithe. Generous - ἁπλότης haplotēs: singleness, simplicity, sincerity, mental honesty, the virtue of one who is free from pretence and hypocrisy, not self-seeking, and
openness of the heart manifesting itself by generosity (Strongs Concordance). Hebrews 10:24 says “Let us spur one another unto love and good works…” To what can we give? If Generosity is anything other than a joyful willingness to give it has become hypocrisy and an attempt at accolades. “God loves it when the giver delights in the giving” (2 Corinthians 9:7). ἱλαρός hilaros: willing, cheerful, joyous, and prompt to do anything. This word is translated in many of our English texts as cheerful. The original language is hilaros, from which we get hilarious. Our needs are great. Our capacity to give is greater. As we go into summer let us consider ways in which we can generously bless others and God. Let us be “hilaros” in our approach to the opportunities before us to give. Give with abandon. Give generously. Give often. Hilaros days are ahead of us.
We need to pray the Lord of the Harvest to send forth Labourers into the harvest field. There are over 300 reserves in our province with very little evangelical witness. There is a Pentecostal presence in these communities : So Pray for Edgar and Faith Lapeciros (Directors)
Terrace (Waaps Nagwaadm Church Tsim Genx Network) Pastor Dan and Starlene, Pastor Jaron, and Pastor Blake and Ashley
Vancouver (VNPC) Pastor Bruce and Adaline Brown (Potters Place Mission) Pastor Debra Chin Chilliwack (Chilliwack Native Pentecostal) Pastor Patti and Gary Victor and Pastor Andrew and Melanie Victor Salmon Arm (Shuswap Outreach) Tina Spear Williams Lake (Vacant)
Gitaus (Gitaus House Church Tsim Genx Network) Pastor Dan and Starlene and Pastor Blake and Ashley Kitimat (Haisla Pentecostal Assembly) Pastor Dan Martin Haisla (Haisla House Church Tsim Genx Network) Pastor Dan and Starlene and Pastor Blake and Ashley Gigolx (Gingolx Church Army) Pastor George and Christine Moore
Anaheim Lake (Vacant) Bella Coola (Vacant)
Prince Rupert (Prince Rupert Native Pentecostal) Pastor Charlie Carlick
Prince George (All Nations) Pastor Larry and Sharon Pinchback Fort St James (Zion Pentecostal) Pastor Samuela and Bali Burns Lake (Living Waters Fellowship) Pastor James and Sarah Kim Kispiox (Kispiox Pentecostal Tsim Genx Network) Pastor Sam and Cathy Derrick
Gitanyow (Kitwancool Pentecostal Assembly Tsim Genx Network) Pastor Don and Pastor Leonard and Eva Mercer
Bella Bella (Bella Bella Pentecostal) Pastor Glenna Hunt Quatsino (Living Watters) Pator Robert Alert Bay (Glad Tidings Church) Pastor Rick and Paula Nanaimo (Nanaimo Native Victory Chapel) Pastor Joon and Christine, Youth Pastor Coming
If you have any prayer requests that you’d like to share with our Aboriginal Section, please email them to us and we’ll lift up our prayer requests together. Prayer requests can be emailed to Rev. Edgar Lapeciros at (Executive Director for Cultural and Aboriginal Ministries) or Rev. Dan Starlund at (Aboriginal Section Pastor).
JULY 2-12 Skee-Nass Camps, JULY 22-28
Rugby youth sports outreach with Global Fijian Church in Fort St. James JULY 29: ANCF (All Nations College Foundation) Graduation*
Mt. Zion Chapel, Fort St. James AUGUST 17-20 Nanoose Bay Native Youth Family Camp SEPTEMBER 17-20 Aboriginal Ministries Leadership Summit
Zion Chapel Pentecostal Church, Fort St. James *The All Nations College Foundation (ANCF)
provides ongoing discipleship and church planter training. For more information about individual or church training, please contact Pastor Edgar at or 604-533-2232.
GUESTS: Robert and Irene Linklater LOCATION: Zion Pentecostal Church, Fort St. James ACCOMMODATIONS: The View Hotel (309 Stuart Dr W, Fort St. James, BC) Call 250-996-8737 for reservations and mention PAOC Seminar at Zion Pentecostal.
20411 Douglas Crescent, Langley BC V3A 4B6 | T: 604-533-2232 | F: 604-533-5405
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