20411 Douglas Crescent, Langley, BC V3A 4B6 p: 604-533-2232 │ e: office@bc.paoc.org │ www.bc.paoc.org
ISSUE 2 | VOLUME 49 | JUNE 2012
I remember years ago, a preacher was in a prayer line and he noticed an elderly woman, quite well dressed and refined looking, swaying back and forth a few persons down from where he was praying for someone. The elderly woman was saying in a commanding voice, “Take it away Lord, take it away!” When the preacher finally got to where she was, he asked her what it was that she wanted God to take away. She replied, “Snuff. God, take away my snuff chewing.” The preacher, in a moment of great wisdom said to the elderly woman, “God is not going to take it away; you are going to have to give it up.” To which she replied, “What, give up good old snuff?” Emotional and Spiritual freedom come through many differing vehicles of intervention. Many times when we are struggling with something in our lives, we just want God to take it away. For example, deliverance is one way that God has provided for believers to become free from the stronghold of the demonic influence that may have entered into his/her life because of a variety of circumstances. God can take this away because He has provided us with His power to set the captives free and to cast out demons in His Name. A chemical imbalance in a believer’s life can lead to a depletion of certain chemicals within the body, resulting in a short-circuiting of the normal functioning of the brain to send messages to the rest of the body. For example, the depletion of serotonin, the feel good chemical produced by the body may lead to depression, and in extreme cases, suicide. Many times in these situations, a doctor is able to prescribe an antidepressant medication to re-balance the depleted natural chemical within the person’s body. This allows functionality to return and life becomes manageable once again. For many believers, taking an antidepressant has a certain negative stigma attached to it. The same person who struggles with taking an anti-depressant may not struggle with taking insulin if they were a diabetic. Freedom from addiction is yet another vehicle the Lord uses to bring healing and freedom. I have never met a
person with a drinking problem, but I have met many people with problems that have caused them to drink. The descriptor: drinking problem could be replaced with any of the following: drug problem, workaholism, pornography addiction, sexual addiction, gambling, hoarding or eating disorders. These all represent different forms of self-medication. Medicating manages pain, but does not address or heal the cause of the pain. Therefore, it is not a matter of concern that you use whatever you have found helpful to ease the pain. God wants to heal the source of the pain. I personally know more about this struggle to medicate than just reading the many excellent books on this subject over the last few decades. I had self-medicated my pain with a bottle of whiskey or a case of beer everyday for quite a few of my teenage years. The most difficult thing for me when I finally quit drinking was that I had to face reality, and that reality included deep emotional pain. The question, what is the source of the pain? The difficulty with giving up, “good old snuff” or in my case, “good old whiskey or beer” was how would I numb the pain without my whiskey/beer medication? That was when the Holy Spirit became real in my life. He offered something I never had before, healing for the pain. It was a process. God brought many wonderful people into my life. People who were led by the Holy Spirit and used their spiritual gifts to bring healing. Gifts like, compassion, mercy, discernment, wisdom, and knowledge. Some of these people were professional counsellors; others were professors, pastors, board members, congregation members and close friends.
District Clergy Care Coach 1 District Superintendent 2 Children, Preteen and Family 2 Assistant Superintendent 3 BCYD Global Workers 3 Next Generation Ministries 4 University Christian Ministries 4 Women 2 Women 5 Aboriginal and Cultural Ministries 5 PAOC Rebranding Initiative 6 District Calendar 6 & 8 Happenings Around the District 7 BC Yukon PAOC District @bcydist
As you are reading this article, perhaps you are struggling with an addiction, a chemical imbalance, or a need for deliverance. You may be a mom, dad, teen, pastor, youth leader, counselor, Bible college professor, member of a police force, lawyer, barista in a coffee shop, a new believer, or a seasoned follower of Christ; you need to know that you can be free and whole in Christ. I encourage you to talk with someone you trust; someone who is safe and presents Christ in a real way. May I encourage you to “give up good old snuff”. Jim Caruso DMin. District Clergy Care Coach jcaruso@bc.paoc.org Page 1
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Perhaps the reason why many evangelical churches in Canada have plateaued with numerical growth, is because we have not fully developed an effective missiology to reach the affluent people of our society. I believe one of the greatest challenges facing the “Canadian Church” today is the mission of reaching upper middle class people of our cities. Historically, our churches have done very well with the missional priority of reaching poor, marginalized, displaced, and underprivileged people. However, we have not done so well with our mission to reach those who are self-sufficient and have no “perceived” need of God. For many upper middle class people, money, fame, success and materialism has become “the god” they worship. The prevailing demographic of affluent people in Canada should compel our churches to develop an effective missiology that reaches affluent people with the gospel of Jesus Christ. Our numerical statistics may never change, unless we address this important missional priority. I was deeply moved by Pastor Carter Conlon’s message during our General Conference in Ottawa. He spoke with such deep passion about his church’s mission (Time Square Church, New York), to reach the homeless, the destitute and the poor of New York City. He shared a powerful story about a life altering moment when God prompted him to give away his brand new overcoat to a homeless man. It was at that moment God prompted an internal question, “How will we reach people who have no need for an overcoat?” God then reminded me of the following scripture: …Now a man came up to Jesus and asked, "Teacher, what good thing must I do to get eternal life? Why do you ask me about what is good?” Jesus replied, "There is only One who is good. If you want to enter life, obey the commandments." "Which ones?" the man inquired. Jesus replied, "Do not murder, do not commit adultery, do not steal, do not give false testimony, honour your father and mother, and love your neighbor as yourself." "All these I have kept," the young man said. "What do I still lack?" Jesus answered, "If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me." When the young man heard this, he went away sad, because he had great wealth. Then Jesus said to His disciples, "I tell you the truth, it is hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God." Matthew 19:16-24 (NIV).
What is it? The Children’s Ministries Leadership Certification is a practical tool to INSPIRE, EQUIP and EMPOWER children’s ministry leaders. The different modules provide an excellent training to help leaders be more intentional and effective in their ministry to children. This certification will enhance the training of anyone wanting hands-on coaching in children’s ministry. Seasoned practitioners representing a variety of churches and ministries across Canada have written this course especially for you, sharing a wealth of experience, information, biblical truth and helpful tips that will expand your thinking and sharpen your skills. It is also a privilege to count our own Kathy Zelman, Jannah Dalke, Monica Columbus and Ramona Maurer as special contributors.
What prompted the rich young man to approach Jesus? A compelling impulse that caused him to realize he lacked something which money could not buy. Eternal Life is something people cannot purchase, earn or gain through good deeds. The upper middle class often struggle with a deep sense of spiritual deficiency in their lives and have many questions about life, death and eternity. While affluent people may not have a lack of material things, they do have some very significant spiritual needs. The church must develop key missional strategies, which effectively deliver the good news about eternal life, to affluent people. But where do we start? We begin at the delivery point of “God’s peace that transcends human understanding”. Stress often consumes the heart of a prosperous individual. According to the American Psychological Association (APA-2004), the three leading causes of stress are due to: 1. Financial Issues; 2. Health Issues; and 3. Employment Issues. Matters relating to interpersonal relationships are not too far down the list. Ecclesiastes 5:12 states, “The sleep of a laborer is sweet, whether he eats little or much, but the abundance of a rich man permits him no sleep.” The rich man’s greatest need involved a deficiency of peace, not a lack of material wealth (provision). Inner peace will flood a human soul at the very point of reconciliation with their Heavenly Father through the sacrificial provision of Jesus Christ. Missional churches would do well to provide unreached people with training on how to deal with stress and anxiety, in the context of receiving supernatural peace through Jesus Christ. Many centuries ago, Solomon inadvertently provided us with a missional strategy to reach the affluent people of our world. He said, “Whoever loves money never has enough; whoever loves wealth is never satisfied with his income. This too is meaningless. As goods increase, so do those who consume them. And what benefit are they to the owner except to feast his eyes on them?” Ecclesiastes 5:10-11 (NIV). The god of greed is so prevalent in our society today. But people who worship the god of greed find themselves empty and hollow. Their lives become meaningless. The only way to conquer the god of greed and restore true meaning to one’s life is through generosity. Missional churches invite affluent people to join them in transformational assignments of generosity. Biblical generosity brings true meaning and significance to people who are prosperous. Friends, we must reach the affluent, upper middle class people of our cities, without neglecting the poor and marginalized ones. I believe the best days for God’s people are still ahead! Let us live our lives with missional intentionality.
How does it work? This self-study model allows you to work at your own pace through this course. The 24 sessions cover relevant topics such as spiritual growth in children, hearing God’s voice for your life and ministry, recruiting with a vision, training and coaching volunteers, theological development in children, conversion and baptism. This course is ideal for those who desire to train their leadership teams toward greater effectiveness and fruitfulness in God’s Kingdom. The course manual can be purchased for only $32 by email to wordcom@paoc.org. I encourage all lead pastors to get ahold of this resource and invest in their children’s pastors and lay leaders. It is a privilege to work along-side of you. Caroline Durocher-Bergeron
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I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people - for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good and pleases God our Savior.” 1 Timothy 2.
@DaveSolmes Of all the various responsibilities given to church and ministerial leaders, none would be more important than the priority that must be given to prayer. The apostle Paul said, “Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord. Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.” Romans 12:11-12. “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” Philippians 4:6. Of all that, Paul would be recognized as a pastor, missionary, church planter, teacher, and apostle. I read his pastoral letters and would see that before everything else, he was a man of prayer. The New Testament gives four specific instructions for Christian leaders: “I have not stopped giving thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers.” Ephesians 1:16. “I thank God, whom I serve, as my ancestors did, with a clear conscience, as night and day I constantly remember you in my prayers.” 2 Timothy 1:3. We are encouraged to pray for people by name and need. Do for one what you wish you could do for many. I was recently so encouraged by a prayer board I saw. Written on a chalkboard, were a list of people’s needs and the miracles they received. WOW!
Paul said to Timothy, before you do anything, pray for those in authority over you. A great exercise would be to list the names of the people who have authority “over you”. The exhortation in Scripture encourages humility, admiration, respect, and intercession to those God has placed in our lives at this time. Therefore He is able to save completely those who come to God through Him, because He always lives to intercede for them.” Hebrews 7:25. I encourage you to consider that God is right now interceding for you and your ministry. Carrying the concern of the Lord is critical for long-term strategic ministry. I appreciate what God is doing in Fort St. John though our PAOC churches. God is at work at Evangel Church as they have recently begun a third Sunday morning service. God is at work in the midst of a church plant called The Journey in Fort St. John. Many have blessed this congregation, as they just moved into a leased building.
Church Plant The Journey, Fort St. John
Donated chairs for new building The Journey, Fort St. John
God is concerned about the people in Fort St. John and forever lives to intercede for each of the 20,000 or so who live in this rapidly growing community. God cares as well about each village, town and city across our BC/Yukon District. I encourage you to pray, pray, pray. Give God a chance to work on behalf of your ministry and the great needs of the people within your community.
Miracle Board posed in the prayer room at Kimberly Pentecostal Church (April 2012)
Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that He will send forth laborers into His harvest.“ Matthew 9:38.
“Talking to men for God is a great thing, but talking to God for men is greater still.” Edward M. Bounds
Jesus asked us to pray for more partners, co-workers, resources, and evangelists. Our ministries often run on near “empty” of finances, resources, and volunteers. How critical it is that leaders pray as they gather a team for strategic ministry and community transformation.
Worship Team from Desert Streams Church Plant (Burnaby/Richmond) called by God to serve together
Special thanks to Darcy McAlister and Kory Sorenson for leading Church Missions Committee workshops in Prince George and Kamloops this past Spring. These workshops were inspirational and further help churches establish best practices for strategic partnerships.
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Over 3,000 youth and young adults gathered for our annual HistoryMaker conference in Abbotsford, BC, May 18-20, 2012. Our theme for this year’s HistoryMaker (HM12) was “Glory”, and the presence of God was very strong among us as we gathered to seek His face. Literally hundreds of young people were seeking God during altar times, and many also testified of receiving the baptism of the Holy Spirit for the first time. What a privilege we have in our district to see thousands of young people each year encountering God in such a powerful and personal way. Many testimonies are streaming in from both students and leaders, as to how God radically impacted their lives through this year’s HM12 weekend. Highlights and video testimonies are available online at www.youtube.com/HistoryMakerbc “This was my first HistoryMaker and I wasn't sure what to expect. It absolutely blew my mind and I had an amazing experience with God and have a whole new confidence in myself because of it! Can't wait till next year! See you there history makers!!” ~ Laya “Received the gift of tongues!” ~ Tylar “Already seeing some kids in my youth group telling kids in our school about HM and about God! It’s amazing! God is sooo good and soo amazing” ~ Matthew, Youth Pastor
Special guests at HM12 included: Leeland; Elijah Waters; Eric Samuel Timm; Jake Hamilton from Jesus Culture; Resonate from Summit Pacific College; Press Play; Greg Sczebel; and Sonya Balmores from the Soul Surfer movie. Following the HM12 conference weekend, two expressions of HistoryMaker were extended to the local church: HM Live in Downtown Vancouver with Jake Hamilton at Coastal Church; and, HM Night of Worship in Abbotsford featuring, HM Got Talent finalists, along with spoken word artist Propaganda, and worship with PlanetShakers from New Zealand. Thank you to all of our volunteers, churches and youth ministries who participated this year. Once again, a major emphasis was placed on prayer leading up to and during HM12 weekend. A special thank you to our core intercessory prayer team as well as all those who participated in our 40 days of prayer. Join us for HistoryMaker 2013 on May 17-19. We get to do this together! Ben Johnson and the HistoryMaker Team Photos credited : @JeremyPostal │ @MelanieWoo
The University of the Fraser Valley also recognized our UCM group for their service on campus. It is a great affirmation of the group that has been faithfully serving weekly pancake breakfasts and participating in leadership forums over the years. Our student group at the University of the Fraser Valley hosted another noon hour free lunch held outdoors in the middle of campus. An art display called “Impressions of Jesus” featured caricatures with quotes from famous pop-culture icons about Jesus. Quotes from Bono, Katie Perry, Einstein, and Richard Dawkins proved to be great conversation starters. Between 150-200 students stopped by for lunch. Several verbally shared their impressions of Jesus and wrote on the dry erase board. Feeding hungry students and sharing Christ in a creative way made for a great afternoon. It was fun to help setup and to watch the students in action. We thank Cobs Bread for donating the sandwich bread, and the University for providing the funds for the rest of the lunch! Are you a high-school grad going to a university or college this fall? Check this out http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RpgaOrnNAVE
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We are excited to have started our District women’s conferences. Our six locations this year are spread out across BC and the Yukon to better serve our churches and connect with the women of our District! With a power team of women speakers, worship leaders, recording artists, alongside Miss Canada/BC Tara Teng, we are looking forward to seeing what God will do as we join together as a team! W2W conference dates and locations are as follows: Spring: completed: May 25-26 completed: June 1-2 Fall: September 21-23 September 28-29 October 26-27 November 2-3
Colwood Pentecostal Church: Victoria Glad Tidings: Kootenays Evangel Chapel: Fort St. John Bethany Tabernacle: White Horse Christian Life Assembly (CLA): Langley Calvary Community Church: Kamloops
*This year, our focus is raising up the “giftings” that God has placed in each one of us, and calling the women to return to their Pentecostal roots of - walking, living and moving in the Holy Spirit - the supernatural and practical applications for everyday living. This makes us,
Wonder Women!
Register for your FALL Conferences @ w2wonline.ca Our conferences are to bring support, appreciation and encouragement to our valued District churches and pastoral leadership! We will also share about the great things God is doing in our local churches. We want to thank you for your continued support and investment into the women’s ministries. You are the reason we can make a difference!!
Our Aboriginal Section Meeting was held on March 12, 2012 at Abbotsford Pentecostal Assembly as part of the BC/Yukon Conference on the Ministry. The meeting was opened by a word of prayer from our Section Pastor Bruce Brown, followed by worship lead by Pastor Lesi Korobasaga and the Eagle Wings group from Fiji. Steve Nicholson from Christian Life Assembly, Langley, spoke on how their church is partnering with our Aboriginal Ministries and our native churches. Rev. Dan Starlund, Senior pastor of Waaps Nagwaadm, Terrace, gave the devotional on Hearing God’s Voice. This devotional was filmed to be used for Indigenous Impact.
Reporting: COTM W2W breakout - March 13, 2012. We had an excellent session with a panel of godly women who are making a difference for women in leadership. There were some hot topics discussed, great feedback, and gratefulness for the transparency shown by our leaders to today’s generation of women leaders. We had a moment to bless the Partners in Ministry ladies and were thankful for our Superintendent’s amazing wife, Brenda Russell, who gave out hugs and treats to all of our PIM. We were excited for the second year, to host the “GIRLS EYES ONLY” breakouts at HistoryMaker. What amazing testimonies and connecting times we had as we invested into the next generation of women. We were able to talk about girl issues, values, respecting God by respecting yourself, who not to date, social media devices and vices, and modesty. Special Guests included: Miss Tara Teng (Miss Canada 2011); Laura Silletta (Adore); Amy Olsen (District Girls Rep); Kim Moran (Tattered Tiaras); and Andrea Critchley (W2W Director). We are honoured to invest in our young women and see them grow in all that God has for their lives. Special thanks to Ben Johnson and NGM for seeing this need and inviting W2W to partner and invest in our girls lives! We are also extending a special discount for our Wonder Women conferences to the girls who attended this year’s HistoryMaker! See our website for more details. Watch our website for upcoming events, relevant encouragement blogs, girls ministries and resources, endorsed speakers and ministries, Christian businesses and sponsors, health tips, regional representatives, contacts and conference registrations. Please feel free to contact us for continued encouragement, resources, fresh ideas, or anything concerning your women’s ministry. We are here to support your vision as the local church leadership and want to encourage those who serve you to continue to do the same! w2wadmin@bc.paoc.org It is truly a blessing to be serving this District and we continue to dream of creative and innovative ways to support you as our leaders, to see you thrive in your ministries and callings!
Andrea Critchley Women's Director -BC/Yukon PAOC www.w2wonline.ca
We then heard various pastor/ministry reports from Lesi Korobasaga, Deborah Chien, Dorothy Lewis, Glenna Hunt, Robert Nelson, Larry Pinchbeck, Dan Starlund, Patti Victor, Jone Senebici, Jack Minor, Tina Spear, Charlotte Cyr, and Erwin Kumins. These reports were presented before and after the lunch break with the District Leadership Team. During the lunch break, we handed out certificates to our Aboriginal churches who have faithfully submitted their tithes over the past five years. The meeting was then closed in prayer. The Regional Coordinators and Phil Mittelstaedt, Senior pastor at Bethel International Church, Vancouver, then met to discuss the Native Pastors/Leaders Summit in September. The last program for the summit was finalized and is now ready to be emailed/mailed to everyone.
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12 13 18-19
Legacy Builders Luncheon, Kamloops Legacy Builders Luncheon, Armstrong Vision Retreat for District Leadership Team, Section Pastors, and Ministry Department Heads, Abbotsford
65+ Pastors & Missionaries Annual Potluck Picnic, Langley
20 21 22-24 26-27 27
NGM: Youth Leadership Clinic, Prince George University Ministry Sunday, District-Wide Licensed Ministers Network #1, Stillwood Retreat Centre Women 2 Women Conference, Lower Mainland Summit Pacific College: Dinner & Auction Fundraiser
2-3 9-10 22 26-28
Women 2 Women Conference, Kamloops NGM: Spark “Glow”, Abbotsford NGM: Fundraiser Evening, Surrey District Leadership Team meeting, Langley
Canadian Pentecostal Seminary: Summer Course, Langley
14 21-22 21-22 24 27-29 28-29
bcyd: Webinar - Unreached People Groups in the BC/Yukon Women 2 Women Conference, Fort St. John 15-16 All Nation Pentecostal Church of Prince George: Women’s Conference Marketplace/Chaplaincy Cluster, Langley Native Pastors/Leaders Summit, Vancouver 5-6 Women 2 Women Conference, Whitehorse, Yukon 26 27-29 29-May 1 Cluster Leadership Training, Stillwood Retreat Centre Adore Conference, hosted by Glad Tidings Church, Victoria Global Leadership Summit, hosted by Broadway Pentecostal Church 17-19
1-3 12-14 18-19
Summit Pacific College: Discovery Days, Abbotsford NGM: Elevate Conference, Langley Summit Pacific College: Graduation Ceremony NGM: TimeOut, Victoria BC/Yukon District Conference, Victoria NGM: HistoryMaker (Youth & Young Adults Conference)
The 2012 General Conference in Ottawa, Ontario on May 7-10 was the As we settled on these messages as ones that held true to our identity as a Fellowship, a new logo was designed to represent this united voice and launching pad of our PAOC Rebrand Initiative. messaging. We are thankful for the logo that has served us so well for many A rebrand isn’t just a name change. True rebranding actually involves years – the globe set on God’s Word. That premise does not change. It is updating your goals, your message and your culture. The mission statement our continued desire to stand strong on the teaching of God’s Word and to take it into all the world, just as Christ has commanded us. The Word is our of the PAOC has not changed. It is at the core of who we are: foundation, as you will see represented in our rebrand. With vibrancy of colour, design and bilingualism, this new logo design speaks of our key messages:
Passionate commitment to telling the transforming story of Jesus Christ Radical obedience to God’s Spirit Celebration of diversity and interdependence
Here are the key messages that have been crafted and approved to describe who we are as a Fellowship of believers:
In all we do, we present the Gospel and the transforming power of the saving grace of Jesus Christ.
All ministry activities are empowered by God’s Spirit.
Diverse, yet unified, we demonstrate our spirituality by the way we care for one another and compassionately reach out beyond our own community.
You’ve probably heard rebrand projects affectionately referred to as “facelifts”. Getting a face-lift means having a revitalized look for years to come … one that has attraction, relevancy, has been repositioned, and is ready for all that the future holds. May we be known not just for a fresh new look, and a unified message, but by the harvest of souls who will come into the kingdom through the work God has called us to do. For His Glory! For more information please visit www.paoc.org
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Christian Brouwer:
Appointed as Youth Pastor of WestWinds
Nick & Tara Astle are happy to announce the birth of their daughter,
Brent Demchuk: Appointed Youth and Children's Pastor of Bethel
Jeff & Nancy Cox are happy to announce the birth of their son,
Community Church. Pentecostal Assembly, Mission.
Jaspal Ghag: Called as Lead Pastor of Christian Life Assembly, Gibsons. Calvin Krahn: Appointed as Associate Pastor of Gateway City Church, Kamloops.
Reuben Kramer: Concluded as Student Ministries Pastor of WestWinds Community Church, Surrey and appointed as Pastor of Young Adults & Life Groups of Living Waters Assembly, Fort Langley.
Laceydawn Loeppky:
Concluded as Youth Pastor of Summerland Pentecostal Church and has accepted the role as Director of the Community Youth Center, Summerland Asset Development Initiative.
Rainer Mittelstaedt: Concluded as Associate Pastor of Bethel International Church, Vancouver. Rainer and Elizabeth have transitioned as full-time Global Workers with the PAOC, training leaders at the River of Life College in Sri Lanka.
Marcel Morneau: Concluded as Lead Pastor of Park Drive Pentecostal
Adelaide Faith Rita, born on June 4, 2012. Alexander Jonathan born on January 25, 2012.
Simon & Ashlee Gau are happy to announce the birth of their son, Sawyer Clifford, born May 20, 2012.
Mark & Melanie Lamden are happy to announce the birth of their son Noah, born on May 8, 2012.
Cheryl & Dave McManus are happy to announce the birth of their daughter, Sydney Hope born on April 6, 2012.
James & Andrea Perreaux are happy to announce the birth of their son, Solomon Jean born on April 9, 2012.
Jabin & Andrea Postal are happy to announce the birth of their son, Lincoln Elias born on March 15, 2012.
Justin & Jennifer Reimer are happy to announce the birth of their son, Arrow Benaiah born March 5, 2012.
Zachary & Megan Wylie are happy to announce the birth of their daughter, Eleanor Catherine Grace, born June 2, 2012.
Assembly, Oliver.
Rex Ng: Called as Lead Pastor of Chinese Pentecostal Church, Vancouver.
Keith Parks: Appointed Pastor of Discipleship of Bethel Pentecostal
Ella McBride passed into the presence of her Lord on Thursday, May 3,
Church, Creston (July 31st). Carl will continue his role as Director of the Legacy Builders (50+) Ministries for the BC/Yukon District.
2012. Ella held her Deaconess credentials with the PAOC since 1939. Working alongside her husband John, they served as missionaries for 40 years in Africa and spent their honeymoon while travelling on a freighter to Africa during World War 2. Ella also ministered as a missionary and evangelist across Canada; and, from 1968-1971 they served as the Senior Pastors of Richmond Pentecostal Church, BC. Ella and John would have celebrated their 69th wedding anniversary on July 29, 2012. She is survived by her husband, John and their four children: Cheryl, Bruce, Maureen, Sandra and 12 grandchildren; she is predeceased by her eldest son, Douglas. A memorial service was held at Seaview Pentecostal Assembly, White Rock on May 14.
Luanne Sivertsen: Appointed as Pastoral Care & Administration of
Harold Nettleton passed into the presence of his Lord on Saturday,
Assembly, Mission.
Mike Pennington: Concluded as Associate Pastor of CityLights Church, Vancouver and was appointed as Assistant Campus Pastor of Christian Life Assembly, Maple Ridge.
Doug Reimer: Appointed as Campus Pastor of Christian Life Assembly, Maple Ridge.
Carl Sawler: Will retire as Lead Pastor of Glad Tidings Pentecostal
Bethel Pentecostal Assembly, Mission.
Alert Bay-Glad Tidings Church (Aboriginal) Anahim Lake Chapel Bella Coola Pentecostal Assembly Cache Breek Pentecostal Church Coquitlam Christian Centre Dawson City Christian Fellowship New Denver-Gospel Light Chapel 100 Mile House, Bethel Chapel Port Alice, Ocean View Christian Assembly Port Clements, Cedarview Community Church Surrey, Revival Church (Korean) White Rock, Seaview Pentecostal Assembly visit our website for other ministry opportunities (www.bc.paoc.org)
May 5, 2012. Harold held his credentials with the PAOC since 1952. He served as the Assistant Pastor and subsequently the Senior Pastor of Pentecostal Tabernacle in Montgomery, AB (1951-1955); Senior Pastor of Pentecostal Tabernacle in Peace River, AB (1955-1967); Senior Pastor Bethel Tabernacle in Ladysmith, BC (1967-1994); and in 1994, he and his wife Beth, retired in Ladysmith and remained as the Visitation Pastor of Bethel Tabernacle (1994-2008). Harold is the beloved husband of Beth; father to sons: Paul Nettleton (wife, Elite), Rev. Joel Nettleton (wife, Rhonda), Daniel Nettleton (wife, Francis); father to daughters: Ruth Cowley (husband, Phil), Joy McGrath; grandfather to 16 grandchildren, 8 great grandchildren; and dear brother of Phil. A Celebration of Life Service was held at Bethel Tabernacle, Ladysmith on May 12.
Anna Tymos passed into the presence of the Lord on November 8, 2011 at the age of 90. Anna received her credentials with the PAOC, Western Slavic Branch Conference in 1950, serving as an evangelist amongst the Slavic people in Ontario and British Columbia. She is predeceased by her husband, Max, and will be sadly missed by her daughter, Kasandra Hasel and two granddaughters.
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CHUBB LAKE BIBLE CAMP www.chubblake.ca Jun 8-11 50+ Camp Jul 8-13 Kids Camp Aug 3-6 Family Camp Aug 12-18 Teen Camp KOOTENAY www.kootenaycamps.com Jul 29-Aug 2 Teen Camp Aug 26-30 Kids Camp Aug 31-Sept 2 Family Camp
LAKELSE PENTECOSTAL CAMP www.lakelsecamp.org Jul 1-11 Skee-Nass Camp Jul 15-20 Kids Camp Jul 23-28 Teen Camp NANOOSE BAY PENTECOSTAL CAMP www.nanoosebaycamp.ca Jul 2-6 Kids Camp Jul 8-13 PreTeen Camp Jul 14-21 Teen Camp Jul 22-29 Family Camp
OKANAGAN FAMILY CAMP Jul 20-22 (hosted by Faith Mission Camp) contact Alexis Park Church, Vernon p. 250-542-4135 CAMP YUKON www.camp-yukon.com Jun 8-9 Men’s Fly Fishing Retreat Jun 8-14 Kids Camp #1 Jul 15-21 Kids Camp #2 Jul 22-28 Teen Camp Aug 31-Sept 3 Family Camp
is in need of a sound system and speakers. Please contact Lesi Korobasaga
p: 604-725-2945
married June 18, 1952
married July 12, 1952
Both couples attended Bethel Bible Institute in Saskatchewan Edwin and Ervin graduated in 1951 and both were ordained in 1953
Wonder Women Conferences click here for more info
2012 Fellowship News Submission Deadline Date www.paoc.org
August 17 │ November 16