BCYD Network News | June 2018

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From our District Leaders.

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Ministry Updates, Birth Announcements and Churches in Transition.

Information about our current summer appeal in Chetwynd.



Events around our district and upcoming summer camps.




Len DenBraber | Assistant Superintendent for Multiplication When I began ministry in the early 90’s, the church growth movement was in full swing. Books, articles and tapes (yes, cassette tapes!) circulated espousing the latest method or idea to grow your church. On the heels of the growth movement followed an emphasis on small groups which led to the emerging church movement, which in turn gave birth to the debate over attractional church versus missional church. Just a decade ago multisite was a new thing,

then church planting gained prominence, and now the dialogue is focused on multiplication. Does this mean that the church is just into the latest greatest, casting about for the next new thing? Maybe, but what is clear to me is the thread that connects all of these trends: the passionate desire to reach more people for Jesus. In many ways, the shifting focus reflects a statement I’ve heard Craig Groeschel

make: “We’ll do anything short of sin to reach people who are far from Jesus!” In other words, we will gladly adjust our methodology and models if it means others find new life in Jesus! I think the current focus on multiplication is both compelling and biblical. It reflects the mission of Jesus (Luke 19:10) while using the language of scripture. A quick Bible survey underscores the theme of multiplication, starting with the first >> CONT. PAGE TWO



commandment God gave his creation: “Be fruitful and multiply” (Genesis 1:28).

the reach of the gospel, and the letters Paul and the other apostles penned multiplied the message as they were read publicly, copied and distributed.

But multiplication is not just about increasing in number: when Jesus multiplied the loaves and fish, he showed us that he can take a little and multiply it so that we have more than enough. When Jesus sent out the 70, he multiplied the impact of his ministry. The Great Commission (“make disciples”) reminds us to reproduce Godly character in others, Pentecost was a multiplication of power for all believers, the diaspora multiplied

The term multiplication may be replaced with something else in the future, but the heart of God and the mandate of the church will not change. In the meantime, let’s invite the Spirit to multiply our numbers, multiply our resources, multiply our impact, multiply our influence, multiply our power, multiply our reach and multiply our message!

ELEVATE CONFERENCE serves and resources children’s ministry pastors, leaders and their leadership teams. Early registration is now open! Register yourself and your team for the best available rates at www.elevateconference.ca. 2

Tom Harbour | Marketplace Ministers & Chaplains Coordinator Sometimes I find inspiration deep within my sole. No, that’s not a misprint.

into something. Like an open book, you watched me grow from conception to birth; all the stages of my life were spread out before you. The days of my life all prepared before I’d even lived one day.”

I recently purchased a pair of hip, trendy shoes (at least by my 51-year-old way of thinking). After I did the “test walk,” paid an uncomfortable amount of cash, and got them home, I flipped them over (a 50+ faux pas, of course, since it’s always important to make sure you have sensibly appropriate tread levels) and discovered my inspiration. Instead of tread, I discovered these words engraved on the sole of my shoe: “Reach for the Extraordinary.”


 Concerning the universe we find ourselves in, again David writes in Psalm 8:3-4, “I look up at your macro-skies, dark and enormous, your handmade sky-jewellery, moon and stars mounted in their settings. Then I look at my micro-self and wonder, why do you bother with us? Why take a second look our way?” Paul, too, extolled reaching for the extraordinary nature of our amazing faith. In Romans 1:16a, he says, “It’s news I’m most proud to proclaim, this extraordinary Message of God’s powerful plan to rescue everyone who trusts him, starting with Jews and then right on to everyone else!” Again, in Ephesians 3:9 Paul declares, “And so here I am, preaching and writing about things that are way over my head, the inexhaustible riches and generosity of Christ. My task is to bring out in the open and make plain what God, who created all this in the first place, has been doing in secret and behind the scenes all along. Through followers of Jesus like yourselves gathered in churches, this extraordinary plan of God is becoming known and talked about even among the angels!” [my emphasis]

What a challenge – reach for the extraordinary. Reach for the unexpected. Reach for the surprising. Reach for the astonishing. If I’m honest, I know I can simply go through the motions at work, home, or church (or commuting to any of those places), not drinking in the amazing, creative diversity in the people and landscape that can be found in any of these places, or the larger world around me, and instead look down, either lost in my thoughts or drawn to the lure of my ubiquitous iPhone. The shoe’s manufacturer actually tapped into a broader Biblical truth. In the Psalms, David exhorts the same kind of searching for awe and wonder about God, ourselves, and our place in creation:  Concerning our creation, David reports in Psalm 139:13-16, “Oh yes, you shaped me first inside, then out; you formed me in my mother’s womb. I thank you, High God – you’re breathtaking! Body and soul, I am marvellously made! I worship in adoration – what a creation! You know me inside and out, you know every bone in my body; You know exactly how I was made, bit by bit, how I was sculpted from nothing

Since discovering the exhortation, to reach for the extraordinary, I find that I am trying to… at least when I’m wearing those shoes. My goal and encouragement? That reaching for and seeing the extraordinary would become my default way of seeing the world, my faith, and the places God has placed me. Thank you, Mr. Fluevog, for the reminder. 3

Edgar Lapeciros | Director of Cultural and Aboriginal Ministries The first ever Filipino Pentecostal Pastors & Leaders in Canada Dinner Fellowship taken during the 2018 PAOC General Conference in Victoria, BC.

The word DIASPORA is a transliteration of a Greek word that means “to sow throughout,” “to distribute in foreign lands” or “scatter abroad.”

An estimated 500,000 evangelical Filipino Christians are working outside the Philippines. In Greater Vancouver Area, we have 50 Filipino Lead Evangelical Churches, 15 of which are in fellowship with PAOC/BCYD. All Nations College Foundation (ANCF) had trained 150 Filipino Greater Vancouver Church Leaders and 10% are already planting churches.

As in Acts 8:1-4, Jewish Christians spread out, and consequently, the gospel spread in the First Century. In post-modern times and due to deep financial need, Filipinos were “scattered” or “dispersed” in all nations of the world.

The Filipinos have a servant's heart. We always find them as caregivers, waiters, cleaners and nurses in many of our hospitals. Their smiles are constant and are very resilient even in adverse conditions. May it be that God will use them in this 21st century. May they continue to reach out the Muslim world as they work as caregivers – raising up and influencing Muslim kids for the Lord.

Statistics: 10 million Filipinos live outside of the Philippines: 5 million in the United States, 1 million in Canada, 2 million in the Middle East and 180,000 in BC (mostly metro Vancouver). Additionally, there are approximately 10,000 seamen and 15 thousand caregivers.


Missiology: Filipino DIASPORA is the largest network in the world. Filipino Christians are overflowing their country’s borders to reach the world for Christ. Filipino Christian leaders had been working abroad for 60 years now. There are estimated 4,500 full-time missionaries and another 50,000 tent-making missionaries.


John Engels | Director of University Christian Ministries

BC Campus Ministries has changed its official name to University Christian Ministries! For decades at a provincial level, BC Campus Ministries has been our organization name under the PAOC BC & Yukon District Network. Our campus club names had various names bringing some confusion to our identity. Through it all, God continued to bless and expand campus ministries with all the micro-brands! This past year we have been taking leaps and bounds in working together for God's glory. We decided to seize the moment to refresh our brand and refocus our vision as a team of campus missionaries in BC. Check out our new website at www.joinucm.org. One of our ministry values is “on campus hospitable community.” Here’s a testimony from Pierre Desjardins, Campus Missionary Apprentice at UBC Okanagan:




Minister to Parents Yes, you should have a plan to minister to parents of students. Adolescence can be difficult for parents. Being an ally for parents builds trust and friendship. For ideas to build trust with parents:  Bring in a specialist who speaks on topics such as the digital age, pornography, relationships or parenting teens. You don’t HAVE to minister directly to parents, but you can give opportunities for parents to experience ministry,  Pray with them and for them – ask for strategic ways in how you can partner with parents in prayer,  Get parents to minister to each other. Stories, testimonies and “doing real life” with each other helps as well. If you can get a few parents who would be willing and able to share their story or minister with parents who have had teenagers, it will go a long way. Andy Gabruch | Director of Youth, Young Adults

Administrate Well Parents need to trust you IF you want their students to experience an off-site event. Having updated parental release forms, permission forms, registration forms, check-ins and sign-ups ahead of time communicates that you are ahead of the game. Not only that, but it also communicates that you are building a culture of fun in a safe and appropriate matter (which teens need to experience, too). If you are looking for some great forms, feel free to contact me anytime.

& Family Ministries Parents in youth ministry: you may or may not like your student's parents. In my experience, they can be your best allies (not axis) because they can:  Be a great volunteer (if their student is cool with them helping) Support you financially  Praise you in front of others (including parents and better yet, your leader)

Be consistent Lastly, I encourage you to partner with parents by being consistent. For me, my annual plan to partner with parents consisted of:

 Be a great recruiter for volunteers Or, parents can be your worst enemies by:  Overly criticizing you

 Once a year parent conference (Saturday from 10am-2pm including lunch) with a specialist

 Communicating to others that you are a terrible youth worker for their kids

 Once per-semester parent meeting after the Sunday service (for 15 minutes) including a parent newsletter

 Micromanaging you  Being over-protective of their student (because they don’t trust you)

 A weekly parental email update, social media page and/or texting options to communicate upcoming events and programs for their students

In any case, parents can be your ally or your enemy based on YOUR choices. Here are some proven ways to make your student's parents (both community and church parents) your ally:

 Prayer and relationships  Opportunity to serve at programs

Over-Communicate If you’ve been in youth ministry long enough, you’ll know that students rarely communicate what’s happening at your program, including their everyday lives. That means, when parents hear from YOU, they are in the loop. Ideas would include:

For me, I have experienced the awesome privilege of partnering with parents. They have been the best recruiters of killer volunteers, financial supporters and key helpers in key outreach events. I strongly encourage you to make the most out of your student's parents. You won’t regret it.

 Start a social media page for parents,

Action Steps

 Text parents once-a-week reminding them of the youth program,

 How can you start partnering with your youth ministry parents today?

 Once per-semester parents meeting (before/after Sunday morning is best),

 What are some ways you can strengthen ministry to parents?

 Have a semester-based newsletter for parents including calendar, theme and website resources for parents,

 What is ONE thing you can do to connect with parents to be allies rather than an axis in your youth ministry?

 Build relationships 7

Marg Foreman | District Missions Representative  SEGUE – Global Worker Missions Training 2018: What a great two weeks interacting with new and returning Global Workers at this year’s SEGUE – and what a heavy workload for the missions staff from both the East and West International Missions Offices who plan and care for hundreds of details for these events back-to-back. But, it was so worth all the effort learning (or re-discovering) missional principles, updated methods and challenges in sharing the gospel in diverse contexts around the world. Special guests included Rev. Murray Cornelius (Executive Missions Director), Dr. Kirk Kauffeldt (Global Ed Director), Rev. Darcy McAlister (Personnel & Family Life Director) and others. I love being able to connect with our BCYD Global Workers and meeting some of the ‘new recruits,’ and I take my hat off to parents with young children who travel and engage with such grace. They really are amazing.

“All over the world this gospel is bearing fruit and growing, just as it has been doing among you since the day you heard it and understood God’s grace in all its truth.” Colossians 1:6 May 2018 has been an amazing month in the missions world of the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada!  General Conference in Victoria: picturing 100 years of ministry and outreach around the globe – looking back, celebrating all that God has done in the past, and looking forward to all that God will do in the future!  Global Retreat 2018: It’s been ten years since our only other Global Retreat and what an awesome three days of celebration and fellowship this year was. 300+ Global Workers from around the globe gathered in Sidney, BC for our second Global Retreat.

For mor e infor ma tion a nd r es our c es , c onta c t Ma r g For ema n ( M i s s i o n s D i r e c t o r ) a t ma r g ar et.for ema n@pa oc . or g


Phil Spoelstra | Assistant Superintendent for Revitalization I play hockey on Thursday nights. We try to talk about anything other than work, but word got around the dressing room that after ten years of serving as the Associate Pastor at Broadway Church, I’d taken this new position at our District Office.

At the end of the day, while we applaud hard work and faithfulness, Jesus holds us accountable for fruitfulness. I am so grateful that God equips and empowers us for what He calls us too. He has called us to lead fruitful congregations. Our hope lies in the truth that the Holy Spirit has not diminished in His ability to work in and through us, and there are more church leadership tools and resources to assist us than ever before.

After trying to explain what my new position was (and what a District Office was), I simplified everything down to stating that my goal was to try to assist churches that have plateaued or declined in attendance to find health and growth again. The room got a bit quiet as they considered my description when the goalie asked, “Isn’t that, like, every church?”

I LOVE the fact that our District Leadership Team and our National Office have essentially sounded the alarm across our Fellowship with the message, “Stop everything. Let us simplify our efforts and regain focus on what needs to matter NOW.” They’ve redefined our priorities for us: Church Multiplication and Revitalization.

The short answer is… pretty much. According to our newly formed National Revitalization Committee who led a breakout session at our General Conference in Victoria, I was reminded that church attendance in Canada is trending in decline; attendance in PAOC churches nationally is doing the same but at less of a slope than other denominations. Said differently, we’re leaking slower than most others. Hardly a statistic to celebrate, wouldn’t you agree?

There’s an urgency to this, and it’s bigger than trying to meet the goal of our national 2020 Initiative. Lost people are still in need of a Saviour and Jesus is still coming back soon.

The truth is, if we were completely honest with ourselves, we all need to be continually revitalized, both personally and corporately. Sin is still destroying lives, lost people are all around us, and who of us would ever claim to be fully discipled?

So friends, buckle up! We are collectively about to make history together! Our churches are about to experience a new season of LIFE in our Fellowship, and I believe that many of us who are leading churches are about to experience a fresh new joy in serving the Kingdom of God with it.

That’s not to say that we’re not working hard. I see a lot of my friends in ministry trying to be a Ministry Superman, but are not seeing the changes that we want and as a result, are looking very, very tired.

I am praying that Revitalization will touch each and everyone one of us. Allow me to close by honouring Pastor Dave Solmes for his leadership and the investment of his life into this role when he sat at the desk I now sit at. As a newbie looking into the world that he led, I am reminded of how generously he gave of his time and talents to serving us all so well. We wish him God’s best as he now leads our Living Waters Church in Fort Langley.

Ministry success used to be measured in many circles by hard work and faithfulness, but at some point, those metrics changed. While we had our heads down, with our hands firmly gripped to the plow, leadership dynamics in churches changed. Corrections needed to be made, and frankly, we weren’t all exactly sure what changes needed to be made, when they needed to be made, and worst of all, how they were supposed to be made.

The future is bright.

For some of our churches, revitalization is a simple matter of minor recalibrations. For others, it’s a cry for the equivalent of a spiritual defibrillator. 9

Darwin Pichette | Assistant Superintendent for Operations Welcome to summer! Finally, the pace is about to slow down a little in our lives. May God spread His sunshine your way as you tie up some administration details. If you have any questions about these helpful tips or any other areas of church administration, please feel free to contact me any time at dpichette@bc.paoc.org. May God bless you, your family and your ministry as you move into the next season ahead.

Incorporated Societies It is vital that you complete the process of updating your Constitution and Bylaws documents, as well as complete your Transition, prior to November 28, 2018 or the Provincial and Federal governments will close your Society and Charity. Constitution and Bylaws – 2018 Amendments Vital Importance: If you were at the recent General Conference in Victoria, you may remember the Conference approving amendments for the Local Church Constitution. In keeping with this, as you may know BC Legislation established regulations, where new Constitution and Bylaws documents were created for all churches and ministries that are Incorporated Societies. You might also remember that the District created new templates of these documents, to assist these churches and ministries. In this process, the Incorporated Constitution and Bylaws documents were drawn from the standard Local Church Constitution. Therefore, the amendments that have been established by the General Conference are applicable to both Incorporated and Unincorporated churches. As a result, please click on the amendments box below, or type www.bc.paoc.org/ news/constitution-and-bylaws-2018-amendments in your search box, and present them as Resolutions at your next church members General Meeting (AGM or SGM) for adoption.

BCYD Name and Charity Number Change As a point of notice, I would like to inform you that CRA has changed our BC/Yukon District charity number to 888671500 RR0001, as established under the name The Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada British Columbia and Yukon District Society. Please update our charity number and name in your database and contact information. When you are reporting your transfers to Qualified Donees, on your 2017 CRA T1236 forms, please indicate this new BN number for the tithes and offerings transferred to the District in 2017. As a safeguard, if you have already reported for 2017, CRA will correct this for you. Kechnie Benefits Kechnie Benefits has created a brand new benefits plan at a reduced rate for churches with general revenues less than $60,000 per year. If your church would qualify and if you might be interested to learn more of this Essential Core medical and life benefits plan for your employees, please contact Linda Kajba at linda.kajba@kechnie.com for more information.

2018 Amendments Following the adoption, if your church is Incorporated, please register the amendments with BC Societies Online and then mail or fax both signed documents with Charities Directorate. If your church is Unincorporated, please mail or fax your new full 2018 LCC with Charities Directorate. Both steps of adopting and registering are vitally important for your church. During the recent BC Societies change, we realized that many churches and ministries had not registered amendments even as far back as 1939. The result, of not registering, is that no amendments would apply or protect your church in a court of law. In our day of decreasing morals, this would leave your church at great risk. Following the registration, please email a pdf copy of your Constitution and Bylaws to dpichette@bc.paoc.org.

On July 1, 2018, Kechnie Benefits will be making adjustments to our plan, in keeping with our 2017 claims history and the ongoing strength of our plan. On June 1, 2018, Kechnie Benefits sent emails and/or letters to each church of the current adjustments and steps of a strong future for every church or ministry employee in the PAOC fellowship. If you have any questions regarding this update, please contact Jeff Kechnie at Jeff@kechnie.com or Craig Thompson at craig.thompson@kechnie.com.


The Ministry Investors Group is formerly known as the Minutemen/Women program. This program assists smaller and pioneer assemblies with the purchase of property and the construction or renovating of church buildings. It is a creative plan that allows us the privilege of investing and having a share in God’s work in many communities without actually living there. Since 1957, we have raised over $1.4 million through the generosity of our churches and individuals donors. This generous support has enabled our churches to accomplish many necessary capital improvement projects. We invite you to participate with us in God’s Kingdom.

As part of the Ministry Investors Group, three appeals per year are expressed with an explanation of the need and opportunity to give in response to the project (donations of $10 or greater are eligible to receive a tax receipt). Please consider joining today. Investing in God’s work on earth pays eternal dividends. Be a wise investor!

1: Text2Give: text “Give20” or any other amount to 604-757-2609 2: Make a donation online at www.bc.paoc.org/giving 3: Mail a cheque to our office with “MIG” in the memo

SUMMER 2018 APPEAL Thank you for your generous response in our last appeal to help Atlin Christian Assembly in Atlin, BC. Together we were able to send $7950 to help them with the much needed furnace and electrical upgrades to their building. May God bless you for your ministry. Our winter project is to assist Chetwynd Gospel Tabernacle in Chetwynd, BC. Due to the age of the existing church facility, we would like to help the congregation with replacing the ceiling, lights, and flooring in the multipurpose room and auditorium, painting the entrance to the foyer, and removing an old wall partition. May God bless you as you consider to be a part of improving the Lord’s house in Chetwynd. Thank you immensely for your heart of generosity. 11


Ken Russell | District Superintendent In a post-truth, non-absolute culture of ambiguity and confusion, some of us are asking how we can hold to an uncompromising view of Biblical sexuality and divine design while showing other people who don’t, that God loves them and cares deeply about their eternal existence.

Research the facts. Hearsay, propaganda and half-truths have created paranoia about this important issue. Make sure you have accurate information from reliable Christian and non-Christian sources. Partner with other Christian leaders who are well-informed about these issues.

Conversations about sexual orientation and gender identity are often charged with negative emotions and end up becoming arguments riddled with malicious rhetoric. The Apostle Peter was careful to teach ‘Christ-followers’ how to handle complex cultural issues. “But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to answer everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect, keeping a clear conscience, so that those who speak maliciously against your good behaviour in Christ may be ashamed of their slander.” 1 Peter 3:15-17. When it comes to engaging conversations about sexual orientation and gender identity; hostility, anger and confusion prevent authentic communication from occurring. People who are far from God continue to wrestle with these important ontological issues while seeking to understand and to be understood. Understanding SOGI doesn’t require agreement with, or the endorsement of, a particular ideology, lifestyle or sexuality. When a believer engages others from the LGBTQ community, they gain access to having a crucial conversation.

Inform and educate your congregation (especially parents). SOGI 123 is currently used by some (but not all) school districts across British Columbia. While it has not become mandatory curriculum yet, some educators are obliging young children to learn about sexual orientation and gender identity from a narrow, biased perspective. Parents should be well informed about their rights within the educational system of our Province. Become involved with your local school’s parent advisory council. It is always easier to exercise influence and bring about substantive change in our school systems when Christians are involved. Encourage parents to join the Parent Advisory Council in their children’s local school. Pray. The prayers of faithful people produce Godly outcomes. Pray for the protection of children and youth, especially those who are exploring the complex issues of homosexuality and gender fluidity. Pray that our children and youth will experience God’s perfect love and feel valued by their creator. Mentor and disciple the next generation. Establish relationships with children and youth in your church, through which you will have an opportunity to speak about God’s divine design for human sexuality and their identity in Christ.

Some of our churches have taken proactive steps to understand better and inform their congregations about the SOGI 123 curriculum, which may be used by some schools within their city. I applaud their efforts and encourage all our churches to do the same. Later in this article, I have attached two pastoral perspectives on this important issue. Here are some practical things that our churches can do:

The next two articles are by pastors within our network: Wes Daase (Lead Pastor of Surrey Pentecostal Assembly) and Mike Bidell ( Associate Pastor of Christian Life Assembly in Langley). 12

Wes Daase | Lead Pastor of Surrey Pentecostal Assembly

Children who are already unsure about their sexuality are now falling into the “Gender Identity Disorder” category where one remedy that has been suggested is “Gender Reassignment” starting with puberty blocker medication.

I remember when my kids were young and the thrill it was to walk them to kindergarten on their first day of school. They were growing up, hallelujah, and it meant we had a few hours of peace in the home before the endless questions and demands started all over again (come on parents, you know what I’m talking about!).

So, whose idea was it to introduce this new curriculum? Well, SOGI 123 was created by the ARC Foundation, an organization associated with the Vancouver Queer Film Festival, Out in Schools, and Out on Screen. All three of these organizations promote gay porn.

You know, I can’t remember a time I was concerned that my children would be forced by their teachers to learn about or participate in something that was not only against my principles but was also dangerous for their future development. I can’t say that any more. There is a new curriculum that has hit the classrooms and it’s something we really need to be concerned about; it’s called SOGI 123.

How Will it Affect Our Families? Ok. We have a little bit of an idea of what this curriculum is all about but the question is, should we be concerned? Well, if we believe John 10:10, then I would say a resounding YES! Jesus said, “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” Satan is desperately trying to destroy our society, and he is attempting to do so by dividing the family.

SOGI 123: What is it? SOGI stands for Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity, and the curriculum is broken into three parts: SOGI 1 explains key policies and procedures, SOGI 2 deals with environments, practices and behaviours that lead to inclusiveness, and SOGI 3 is the resource arm, or the lesson plans, for children in kindergarten through grade 12. These lessons were developed under the anti-bullying campaign. It seems that since samegender-attracted children are being bullied in school (or so we are told), the school board decided that the best course of action is to introduce this new curriculum that would allow children to express their sexuality in the way they feel most comfortable. Let me quote from the SOGI Education website which describes what will be taught to our grade 4/5 students:

It’s interesting to note that the school act states under “Parents' entitlements and responsibilities,” 7 (1) A parent of a student of school age attending a school is entitled (a) to be informed, in accordance with the orders of the minister, of the student's attendance, behaviour and progress in school… 2 In spite of this mandate, SOGI uses “confidentiality” as grounds to keep you, as parents uninformed as to the details of the curriculum or when your child is suspected of behavior you may not agree with. Morgane Oger, a transgender woman and vicepresident of the BC NDP party stated, “Actually, in Canada the parent's rights are limited and children's rights are put ahead, so the child has the right to be protected from the parents when the parents behave badly.”

“This lesson will explore the difference between a person’s biological sex and their gender identity, and that gender roles and expectations are socially constructed, influenced by media and evolve or change over time. It highlights that everyone defines their own gender identity and that this identity needs to be respected." 1

Bad parent behavior in this case is disagreeing with the direction SOGI is going. Do you see the wedge the enemy is using to try to divide children from their parents? How will this affect our families? I am wondering how you would feel if a member of the opposite sex was using the changing room your child was in? This is the direction SOGI is taking us.

As children entered the classrooms in the fall, many were asked to introduce themselves and the pronoun they would like to be referred as: he, she, or gender neutral (it, they). Children in one kindergarten class were read books such as “Jacob’s New Dress” and “Not All Princesses Dress in Pink” by an individual dressed fully in “drag.”

What can we do about it? It’s important that we approach this with grace and truth. Know the truth about this issue but be full of grace, not full of arrogance or retaliation. Can I encourage you to love LGBT people? Love them with all your heart because Jesus does. Treat them with respect. It’s not an “us against them” issue. We are ALL sinners and we ALL need God’s grace. We must start with love.

The desire is to “educate” even the youngest children to not only accept this alternative lifestyle but to embrace it or even experiment with it. In the curriculum, different terminology is discussed including sexual orientations, gender expression, two spirit, gay, intersex, gender fluid, and many other terms. I don’t have the time or even the desire to explain all these terms other than to say, the one word that was glaringly missing from their list was heterosexual. The closest term I could find was “cisgender.” Now, if you are as confused as I am, just imagine how our kids feel!

What else can we do? The most obvious answer is we need to pray. Paul says in Ephesians 6:12, “For our struggle is not against 13

flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” This is a very real battle that needs to be fought on our knees. But we can’t stay there. We need to get the facts. The fact is that 80-90% of children/adolescents with gender dysphoria (not certain of their sexual identity), will desist after puberty. 3

drawn in the sand and we need to decide which side we are on. I will stand for our children, for the truth as written in God’s Word. I will love LGBT people with all my heart so “that by all possible means I might save some.” 5 Will you join me?


www.bc.sogieducation.org/gender-identity-elementary-2 School Act [rsbc 1996] chapter 412 3 Steensma, 2011, Desisting and Persisting 4 www.erlc.com/resource-library/articles/4-reasons-christians-should-care-aboutpolitics 5 1 Corinthians 9:22

The fact is that God has created male and females very different. One question the SOGI group has a difficult time answering is, “What do you think is valuable about women?” This is a difficult question for SOGI proponents to answer for it leads to the conclusion that there are distinctions between the sexes that just don’t change with a “gender reassignment” operation. We need to be very intentional in our churches in telling girls that God created them special and there are differences we need to celebrate.


Mike Bidell | Associate Pastor of Christian Life Assembly, Langley The ever-changing landscape of Canadian society and spirituality provides the church with some great opportunities for growth, doesn’t it?

What else can we do? Encourage our parents to get involved in their school PAC’s (Parent Advisory Committees) or DPACs (District PACs) and get informed.

Our nation appears to be becoming more and more post-Christian, post-modern and secular. This is the new context the church finds itself in. And while this may present challenges, fear not! All through history and at present, where the message of Jesus has been resisted and opposed the fiercest it seems to advance the strongest. Comfort and convenience versions of Christianity die and pure and vibrant expressions blossom into life!

Pastor Kevin Cavanagh outlines four common reasons people feel they should not get involved in this debate: 1. Jesus never confronted the Government of Rome and the church grew like wildfire. Jesus came to set up His Kingdom on this earth and encourage us to be salt and light. I love the Southern Baptists answer to this question. 4 2. If we get into this battle, it will jeopardize our witness and keep us from reaching those from the LGBTQ community. Our responsibility is to stand for truth - truth and grace. We don’t shy away from truth in other situations so why should we do so here? It should be noted that there are those in the LGBT community that don’t agree with SOGI.

We shouldn’t be surprised by the new challenges for the Canadian church like the attestation statement, the TWU court case and the SOGI. But this doesn’t mean we have to accept them either. We are, after all, salt and light bringing flavour, preservation and illumination. How we do this matters. Our church has been learning lots about this from our journey in response to the advent of SOGI. Concern began mounting among many parents and pastors. We decided to prepare a process, especially oriented around helping parents, as this issue in particular is first about parenting and home-discipleship before being about shifting culture. Our process included gathering those who were concerned or uniquely informed on the issue and then listen. We then deployed a research team so we could learn. We reviewed over 300 pages of material that was forwarded to us and we approached those who could help us understand things from the most accurate views. Findings were synthesized and forwarded to our leadership team, which then planned an information meeting for parents. Derrick Hamre, our Lead Pastor, hosted the meeting which featured segments answering: what is SOGI? what are the real concerns? what should our posture be in response? what are the best practices for sharing concerns with teachers, principals or politicians? and, how do we best disciple our children in this cultural moment? We had pastors and parents share, and also had members of our

3. We cannot confront this issue because the people in our own churches are so messed up. Yes, they are but that doesn’t stop us from reaching our world for Jesus. We ALL need salvation folks! Remember Paul’s words in Romans 10:14-15? “How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? And how can they preach unless they are sent? As it is written, ‘How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!’” 4. We won’t be invited to the table. We haven’t been invited to the “table” to debate social changes from a Christian perspective for some time. Truth is, in many situations, we aren’t even in the room! Folks, SOGI is a real threat to our children and the future of the church. We cannot cover our ears and hope it goes away. We cannot depend on others to take a stand. There is a line 14

research team sit on a panel for Q&A. While the vast amount of feedback from parents was extremely positive for how informed and helped they felt, it is not surprising that issues like these can be polarizing. And a church like CLA is not immune to these tensions. Some feel compelled toward activism in varying degrees. Our response is to direct those with that interest toward preferred paths – organizations with credibility and with experience addressing issues of deep concern successfully at the highest levels in Canada while also maintaining good witness. We decided to have materials and/or representatives from a few such groups available at tables at the meeting as well.

suicide attempts, shouldn’t the church have actually been the first to develop programs to help protect those in the margins? Shouldn’t we still?

3. We must approach issues like this with Civility. “Christian belligerence” misrepresents Christ and damages witness. Truth can and must always be represented with love, grace, and respect (John 1.14, Colossians 4.5, 1 Peter 3.15). Issues like these do not usually just ‘go away’ suddenly. Ongoing prayer, partnerships and biblical illumination are needed. This Spring we have embarked on a 12 week preaching series, teaching through the book of Revelation. The last book of the bible was written to strengthen churches facing the mounting pressures of opposition and to encourage Christians to remain focused on the priorities of worship and witness – so timely for us today!

I believe that the most important thing we shared in our meeting is something we learned from another church in our city. Another local pastor shared in the ministerial three things he had been teaching his church as they navigate their response, and his points are excellent.

You can tour around the ruins of the Roman Empire today if you like. It tried to stamp out the church, but instead, it is history. In fact, this story has repeated itself over and over again and no empire has successfully removed the message or people of Jesus from this world.

1. We must approach issues like these with Conviction. Be clear on God’s heart and His Word. Be sure your mind is settled on right and wrong according to Christ.

2. We must approach issues like this with Compassion. How did Jesus treat people caught on the wrong side of morality issues? (John 8.1-11). In the midst of issues of disagreement there are still people worthy of care and love. Further to this, if SOGI finds its origins in protecting those being bullied and those at disproportionately high rates of

Be encouraged. The changes and pressures we face will ultimately be overcome. The Church and the truth and love it proclaims will remain!



Rachel McAlister | Director of Children, Preteen & Family Ministries

It’s been a few weeks since I stepped into the role of Director of Children, PreTeen & Family Ministries, and they have been weeks jam-packed full of learning. Every day, I continue to meet more of whom I like to call “the extended family” – that’s you, by the way – and I get the immense privilege of getting to know you and what makes you come alive for the sake of the Kingdom. It is such a great honour.

my activity included writing a letter to God and expressing all that was going on in my head and heart. My job was then to wait, and listen to His voice. As He began to respond to me, I penned a letter back to myself. The Lord met me in such a beautiful and profound way. As a teacher to Grade Ones, my kids and I were able to have transparent conversations on what it means to hear God’s voice. Our conversations had to be transparent, because, well… they’re six. I had just shared with them the story of Samuel and Eli, and my little friends were curious about how they, too, could hear God’s voice. Before I could even open my mouth, the Lord spoke so plainly through one of my boys: “Sometimes, you don’t hear God’s voice through your ears, you hear him in your head! Or maybe when you’re walking outside. Even when you’re playing music! You can hear God in so many different ways!”

Lately, the Lord has been taking me on an adventure of hearing His voice. That sounds kind of basic, but I’ll explain. Over the past few years, the Lord has been stirring my heart about stepping into the “more” of God. I often feel, that in our Western culture, we approach the throne of God with such a consumerist mentality that we miss out on relationship – friendship – with the King of kings and Lord of lords. I have been convicted, in my own life, to push past feelings of complacency and to seek the heart of God, getting to know His nature – getting to know Him as my dear friend, going far beyond what I’ve known in the past. I believe that sweet spot of friendship houses revival.

I believe it is so important to be able to recognize and hear the voice of God as a young person. My heart is for the next generation of our district to know the voice of God like never before; to begin listening to His heart for things big and small, knowing that they don’t need to wait to be adults to hear God’s voice and make a significant Kingdom difference. My prayer is that they might be a generation that can confidently step into the fullness of their God-given potential, becoming everything He’s called them to be. My desire is that we would set a good example as forerunners.

To aid in my pursuit of “the more,” I’ve dedicated my Friday mornings to the discipline and practice of hearing God’s voice. These are moments that stretch beyond my daily devotional times. I come armed with my journal, pen, Bible, and hot cup of tea, and go through an activity that pushes me outside of what seems to come naturally. For example, I find it easy to approach the Lord before making a big decision. It comes naturally to have “listening ears” as I’m leading worship. What doesn’t come as naturally is listening to God’s voice for our city. Or, asking Him to show me His heart for someone who has hurt me. Last week,

May we not only set a good example as forerunners, but may we be a people that prays big out-of-the-box prayers, listening and responding in kind, with childlike obedience, making Jesus’ name known on earth as it is in heaven. 17

Len DenBraber | Assistant Superintendent for Multiplication

General Conference 2018 was, by some accounts, the best-attended Conference in PAOC history – which was appropriate as it also marked the beginning of the 100th anniversary of the Pentecostal movement in Canada. Victoria shone with fabulous weather, but the spirit of the conference was even more vibrant with more than 1000 delegates worshipping together and engaging with the Holy Spirit during the event. The week began with a reception at the Royal BC Museum, hosted by BC & Yukon District Superintendent Ken Russell and the leadership teams in the BCYD. “Picture This” was the theme of the conference, starting with a beautiful picture of faithfulness as some heroes of the faith shared stories of God’s sustaining power with candour, humour and honesty. The plenaries continued with invitations to picture multiplication, transformational truth, the nations and the future – all through the lens of Pentecostal vitality. As the week progressed, it became abundantly clear that even though the PAOC is in its centenary year, the movement is not The 2020 Initiative highlighted a sobering but inspiring reminder waning. Instead, it’s on the threshold of even greater days than of our opportunity and holy responsibility to reach our nation those of the past. The challenges are real, but the opportunities for Jesus with Spirit-filled vitality. The vision is that by 2020 we are even greater; and there are greater days of health, vitality and will have 1% of all Canadians (350,000 people) serving Jesus multiplication for the movement ahead. within 1500 disciple-making communities. While this is an audacious pursuit, the conference demonstrated a renewed vitality spiritually, in pursuit of mission and theologically. Of special interest was the dialogue around a refresh of our Statement of Fundamental and Essential Truths, especially in the area of eschatology and pneumatology. While they had the potential to be divisive topics, instead they sparked a healthy and spirited debate that will continue to inform the restating of these key convictions. There was also renewed conversation around our egalitarian views on women in ministry, reaffirming the Spirit-led contribution women have made – and will continue to make – in our movement.

PAOC's Centenary Celebration Book: Picture This - Reflecting

on 100 Years of the PAOC To order your copy, visit www.wordcom.ca, phone 905-542-7400 ext. 4248 or email wordcom@paoc.org. The cost is $15.50 per copy, and $9.50 each per copy for orders of 10 or more.

Business is not (for many) typically a highlight, but it’s important to note that the Conference also elected a new General Executive and reaffirmed the appointments of Murray Cornelius (Executive Director of International Missions) and David Hazzard (General Secretary-Treasurer).


LEADFORWARD.CA Resources + Podcast for Empowering Church Ministry Leaders 19

 Rob Bedard has been appointed as an Associate Pastor (Serve) of Christian Life Assembly in Langley. He will be relocating from the Alberta and NWT District and will begin his role in July.  Adam Browett has been appointed as Executive Pastor of Glad Tidings Church in Victoria. He will be relocating from the Alberta and NWT District and will begin his role in August.  Evan Fletcher is concluding his role as Associate and Youth Pastor at Calvary Pentecostal Tabernacle in Williams Lake and has been called as the Lead Pastor of Kimberly Pentecostal Church. He will begin this role on July 15.  Ken Keber will be concluding his role as Associate and Family Ministries Pastor of Bethel Pentecostal Church in Dawson Creek and has been called as the Lead Pastor of New Life Assembly in Tumbler Ridge. He will begin this role on July 1.  Shawn Robillard has been called as Lead Pastor of Alexis Park Church in Vernon. He will begin this role on July 8.  Chad Verge has been called as Lead Pastor of Comox Pentecostal Church. He will be relocating from the Alberta and NWT District in June and will begin this role on July 8.  Barry Wong has been called as Lead Pastor of Redemption Church in Vancouver. He will be relocating from Hawaii and will begin his role on August 15.  Timothy Yu has concluded his role as Lead Pastor of Sunshine Hills Chinese Church in Delta. His final day will be July 31.

 Devon and Tori Martinsen are excited to announce the birth of their daughter, Karen Sara-Lee.

 Anahim Lake Chapel (Church Replant Opportunity)

 Hazelton Pentecostal Church (Bi-Vocational)

 Bella Coola Pentecostal Assembly

 Hixon, Lighthouse Community Church

 Burnaby Christian Pentecostal Church (Cantonese)

 Port Alice, Oceanview Assembly (Bi-Vocational)

 Cherryville, Gospel Church (Bi-Vocational)

 Prince Rupert Pentecostal Tabernacle

 Chilliwack, Central Pentecostal Assembly

 Salt Spring Island (Church Replant Opportunity)

 Delta, Sunshine Hills Chinese Church

 Vanderhoof, Glad Tidings Church

 Fernie, Show Valley Christian Fellowship

 Vernon Family Church

 Golden Pentecostal Church

 Congratulations to Jim and Olive Brown on their 50th wedding anniversary. Friends and family gathering on June 29 at 6pm (2495 Bernard Road, Prince George) and a reception on June 30 at 6pm (Prince George Pentecostal Tabernacle). For more information please email Jim Brown Jr. at sales@cantileverconstruction.ca.  Eastern Pentecostal Bible College will be celebrating reunions of the Swordsmen Class (1965-1968) and Emissaries Class (1966-1969) on June 27-28, 2019 at Lakeshore Pentecostal Camp in Cobourg, Ontario. If you were a former student who attended during these years, please contact Diann Thompson Butt (diann1432@gmail.com) or Hope Macdonald (macdonald_hope@yahoo.com) for more information. 20

September 17-20 – ABORIGINAL MINISTRIES LEADERSHIP SUMMIT, Fort St. James October 12-13 – ELEVATE CONFERENCE (Children’s Ministry Leadership Conference), Langley November 17 – SENT GENERATION (Young Adult Conference), Abbotsford 2019 April 6-8 – TIMEOUT (Next Gen Leaders Retreat), Squamish April 8-10 – DISTRICT CONFERENCE, Vancouver August 27-30 – 25th PENTECOSTAL WORLD CONFERENCE, Calgary

September 29 – SUMMIT AUCTION March 15-17 – MORE 19 April 26 – GRADUATION CEREMONY

To find othe r e v e nts ha ppening ar ound our dis tr ic t a nd for more infor ma ti on v i s i t bc .pa oc .or g /e ve nts

For mor e infor ma tion a bout S PC ’ s ev ents v is it s ummitpa c i fi c . c a



BIBE 501*

Contemporary and Pentecostal Approaches to Biblical Texts


Pastoral Theology

THEO 502

Pentecostal Pastoral Theology


Pentecostal Theology

THEO 503

Pentecostal Distinctives: Theology of Luke-Acts in Pentecostal Tradition


History/Historical Theology

THEO 504

Canadian Pentecostal History



THEO 505

Pentecostal Preaching in Post-Christian Culture


*BIBE 500 Theory and Application of Biblical Interpretation is an option (recommended) for students who haven't previously taken a course in Biblical Interpretation.

 Pentecostalism and Pneumatology in Global Perspective

These institutions receive transfer credits from our certificate program:

 Gospel of John: Exegetical Study for Theology and Preaching  Studies in Pauline Writings: Doctrine and Spirit for Today’s Church

 Southeastern University, FL, USA – MA in Ministerial Leadership  ACTS Seminaries, BC – MA in Christian Studies, or M.Div.  Regent College, BC – M.Div.

Contact the Dean of Graduate Studies, Dr. Riku Tuppurainen by telephone at 606-851-7217 or by e-mail at deanofgradstudies@summitpacific.ca. You can also visit us online at www.summitpacific.ca/graduatestudies.



classroom setting was a unique experience and incredibly beneficial to my learning. On a vocational level, I feel more qualified and prepared for further ministry roles within the Pentecostal movement. Consisting of more than just academic exercises, each course has practical and tangible applications for real-world ministry. Under the guidance of prominent contemporary leaders, the Graduate Studies Program is an incredible asset for those serving or pursuing a future in the Pentecostal church. - Josh Reynolds

My time in the Summit School of Graduate Studies has been a remarkably rewarding experience across a wide spectrum of areas. Personally, I gained a fuller understanding of my faith which was stretched and enriched. Every course was deeply applicable to daily life, and I always left feeling challenged and encouraged. Academically, the quality of scholarship ensured strong, thoughtprovoking dialogue and study. World-renowned faculty in a small 22

Kids Rock Camp (Big Bar Lake)

Lakelse Pentecostal Camp

Okanagan Family Camp (Falkland)

July 8-12 | Kids Camp (ages 8-12) July 13-19 | Teen Camp (ages 13-18) www.kidsrockcamp.com

June 1-3 | Family Camp July 14-20 | Kids Camp (ages 8-12) July 22-28 | Teen Camp (ages 13-18) July 1-12 | SkeeNass (Aboriginal) Camp www.tpalife.org/lakelse-pentecostal-camp

July 13-15 | Okanagan Family Camp www.facebook.com/OkanaganFamilyCamp www.alexisparkchurch.com

Camp Yukon July 1-7 | Kids Camp #1 (ages 8-12) July 8-14 | Kids Camp #2 (ages 8-12) July 15-21 | Teen Camp (ages 13-18) July 27-29 | Kampo Filipino www.camp-yukon.com

Misty Isles July 8-13 | Kids Camp (ages 8-12) July 15-20 | Teen Camp (ages 13-18) 250-557-4508 (Cedarview Community Church)

Chubb Lake

Nanoose Bay

Camp dates will be posted online in April www.chubblake.ca

June 29-July 2 | Connections Family Camp July 8-12 | Kids Camp (grades 2-5) July 15-20 | Mids Camp (grades 6-8) July 21-28 | Highs Camp (grades 9-12) August 13-16 | Legacy Builder’s Retreat www.nanoosebaycamp.ca 23

Revolution Camp August 19-24 | High School Camp (grades 9-12) August 26-30 | Middle School Camp (grades 6-8) www.revcamp.ca

Green Bay Camp August 19-23 | Pastor’s Camp www.greenbay.bc.ca

Listed in alphabetical order

Len DenBraber – Assistant Superintendent for Multiplication John Engels – Director of University Christian Ministries Andy Gabruch – Director of Youth, Young Adults and Family Ministries Edgar Lapeciros – Director of Cultural and Aboriginal Ministries Rachel McAlister – Director of Children, Preteen and Family Ministries Darwin Pichette – Assistant Superintendent for Operations Ken Russell – District Superintendent Phil Spoelstra – Assistant Superintendent for Revitalization

Kirsten Anonby – University Christian Ministries Assistant Director Kailei Chang – University Christian Ministries Ministry Support Specialist Carol McPhail – Bookkeeper Laura O’Reilly – Admin for Events Cynthia Oldendorf – Admin for Ministry Operations Janet Rana – Admin for District Conference and Seminars Devan Sylvester – Admin for Communications Val VanderMeulen – Admin for Church and Clergy Records

Marg Foreman – Missions Coordinator Tom Harbour – Marketplace Ministers and Chaplains Coordinator Dave Knudsen – Church Multiplication Coach Les & Pat Markham – Prayer Ministry Coordinator Marj Pettinger – Counselling Coordinator

Dave Demchuk, Len DenBraber , Hannah Dutko, Jeff Dyment, Derrick Hamre, Edgar Lapeciros, Darin Latham, Lucas Mitchell, Rebeca Monzo, Andy Moore, Darwin Pichette, Ken Russell, Doug Smith, Phil Spoelstra


20411 DOUGLAS CRESCENT, LANGLEY BC V3A 4B6 BC.PAOC.ORG | INFO@BC.PAOC.ORG T: 604-533-2232 | F: 604 -533-5405 24

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