FELLOWSHIP NEWS Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada
June 2016
HistoryMaker Update, by Andy Gabruch EVERY year HistoryMaker becomes a catalytic weekend for teens and leaders to encounter God in a life altering way so that they can be encouraged, equipped, and empowered to reach their friends for Jesus. The theme for HistoryMaker 2016 was Acts 1:8. It is reality that #weareallwitnesses empowers to make Him known. This reality happened over the weekend as:
1900 students and leaders participated at HM,
200 teens came to Christ for the very first time or rededicated their lives to Christ,
1600 students and leaders went through REAL talks to help equip them to be effective witnesses for Christ,
“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”
$11,000 was raised for missions, and over 500 students responded to be empowered for witness.
Acts 1:8
Isn’t this amazing? Students hungry to know God and to make Him known? What a great weekend to see God move in and through a generation. Feel free to check out the HistoryMaker social media platforms for more details. Thank you for your prayer, support, and love for teenagers. You are making a difference for HIM.
In This Issue 1 HistoryMaker Update 2 District Superintendent, Ken Russell 3 BCYD Calendar 4 Summit Pacific College 5 Secretary-Treasurer, Darwin Pichette 6 Youth, Young Adults & Family, Andy Gabruch 7 BCYD Global Missions, Marg Foreman 8 Aboriginal & Cultural Ministries, Edgar Lapeciros 9 Children and Pre-teen, Caroline Bergeron 10 BC Campus Ministries, John Engles
11 Around the District View all our photos here at www.historymaker.ca
4 Things
Wise Christians Never Do or Say…
Over the course of three decades in pastoral leadership, I have discovered that people occasionally do and say things they later regret. Some people, including myself at times, offer huge generalizations and make sharp adjudications about politics, religion, pop-culture and current events; only to regret those statements later on. Many years ago there was a popular quote that said, “Caution – my brain might be disengaged while my lips are moving”. Wise Christians never publicly disparage the work of another Christian Minister or Ministry Organization. I have not witnessed anything positive arise from a competitive criticism of other Christian ministers or ministries. While it may be appropriate, at times, to disagree with the doctrines and ethical conduct of another minister or ministry (yes, even another ‘Christian’ minister or ministry), it is never appropriate to publicly disparage their character or stand in judgement over them. That is God’s job, because He is the only righteous judge among us. Psalm 96:13 says, “Let all creation rejoice before the Lord, for he comes, he comes to judge the earth. He will judge the world in righteousness and the peoples in his faithfulness”. Unfortunately, within our politically charged world, some people use slur campaigns to elevate their cause or reputation at the expense of another. Christians who speak negatively about other Christians, denominations or religious groups simply confirm the misconception held by many non-Christians who believe that Christianity is judgmental, intolerant, negative and pejorative. Instead of disparaging the work of other ministers or ministries, why not simply celebrate the work of Christ within your own life, church and community. Wise Christians never use unsubstantiated statistics and/or generalizations to manipulate a point or inflate their own ego.
District Superintendent, Ken Russell
Someone once said that “90% of all statistics are usually established as needed!” I just made that up! Wise Christians are very careful not to over exaggerate or misquote statistics, inflate results, overstate church attendance or financial figures in order to promote their personal perspectives or enlarge their own egos. Ephesians 4:25 says, “Therefore each of you must put off falsehood and speak truthfully to your neighbour, for we are all members of one body”. Wise Christians never condone ethnocentrism, racism, gender or generational discrimination. Ethnocentrism is a belief in the inherent superiority of one's own ethnic group or culture. Canada’s rich history was built upon the inclusion and equality of people from all nations. In fact, the expansion of Christ’s church was established upon a mandate to make it a house of prayer and refuge for all nations. Jesus quoted the prophet Isaiah by saying, “Is it not written: ‘My house will be called a house of prayer for all nations,” Mark 11:17. Wise Christians do not look down on people from other cultures and ethnicities. Wise Christians celebrate ethnic diversity and seek to learn from others of dissimilar ethnic origins. Our fellowship has celebrated a rich history of gender and generational equality. We believe the Holy Spirit is poured out on all people, which includes the young and old, rich and poor, servants and rulers, and men and women. The Apostle Luke reminds us of the prophet’s words, Acts 2:17-18; “In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams. Even on my servants, both men and women, I will pour out my Spirit in those days, and they will prophesy”. Wise Christians never underestimate the power of prayer. All things must be established in the ‘spiritual realm’ before they are accomplished in the ‘natural realm.’ Hudson Taylor said, “It is possible to move even stubborn men, through God, by prayer alone.” Wise Christians have learned the discipline of daily prayer. Andrew Murray said, “Prayer is not monologue, but dialogue; God's voice is its most essential part. Listening to God's voice is the secret of the assurance that He will listen to mine.” Wise Christians have developed a supernatural intimacy with God their father, through the practice of ‘listening prayer.’
Summer is on its Way! To find out more information about our up-coming summer camps, visit us online at: www.bc.paoc.org Summer camps are a great way to get your kids involved. Sign them up today so they can meet new friends and experience the love of Christ through one of our amazing Christian camp facilities.
BCYD Calendar & Events June 20 & 23 DIVE | Children’s Cluster Network www.nextgenbc.ca/events
July 17-23 Camp Yukon | Teen Camp www.camp-yukon.com
July 3-9 Camp Yukon | Kids Camp #1 www.camp-yukon.com
July 22-24 Okanagan Family Camp | Faith Missions Camp www.facebook.com/OkanaganFamilyCamp www.alexisparkchurch.com
July 4-9 Lakelse Pentecostal Camp | Teen Camp www.lakelsecamp.org
July 24-29 Lakelse Pentecostal Camp | Kids Camp www.lakelsecamp.org
July 9-16 Chubb Lake | Kids Camp www.chubblake.ca
July 29-31 Camp Yukon | Filipino Retreat www.camp-yukon.com
July 10-15 Nanoose Bay | Kids Camp www.nanoosebaycamp.ca
July 29-31 Chubb Lake | Family Camp www.chubblake.ca
July 10-15 Nanoose Bay | Mids (Pre-Teen) Camp www.nanoosebaycamp.ca
August 7-13 Chubb Lake | Teen Camp www.chubblake.ca
July 10-16 Camp Yukon | Kids Camp #2 www.camp-yukon.com
August 8-11 Nanoose Bay | Legacy Builders Retreat www.nanoosebaycamp.ca
July 11-16 Skee-Nass | Kids Camp waapsnagwaadm@telus.net
August 21-26 Revolution Summer Camp | High School Camp www.clachurch.com
July 16-21 Skee-Nass | Teen Camp waapsnagwaadm@telus.net
August 28-Sept 1 Revolution Summer Camp | 6-7-8 Camp www.clachurch.com
July 16-23 Nanoose Bay | High (Teen) Camp www.nanoosebaycamp.ca
Summit Pacific College Visit us online at www.summitpacific.ca
Summit Pacific College – School of Graduate Studies will offer this coming academic year (2016-2017) all five core courses leading to a Graduate Certificate in Pentecostal Studies. These courses can also be audited for personal learning and refreshing at a reduced cost.
The Courses Are: Riku Tuppurainen
Contemporary and Pentecostal Approaches to Biblical Texts
Pentecostal Pastoral Theology
Pentecostal Preaching in Post-Christian Culture
Canadian Pentecostal History
Pentecostal Distinctives
For More Information: For more information about application/registration, dates for the intensive modules, professors and fees, go to www.summitpacific.ca/graduatestudies or contact the dean of graduate studies, Riku Tuppurainen. (deanofgradstudies@summitpacific.ca ; tel. 604-851-7217).
Summit Pacific College also Serving Local Churches: Opportunities are available for the 2016-2017 academic year if you would like to host a music team from Summit for your Sunday service or your youth/young adult service/retreat and you are located within a 6-hour drive from the college. Arrangements can also be made for one of our faculty to speak at your church on an individual basis. For more information, please contact Gerry Rehder (604.851.7221; studentlife@summitpacific.ca) before June 27.
“Summer is just around the corner and the season for a break is almost here. As you gear down for the summer, I wanted to send you a few items that may help you enjoy your break that much more.”
Secretary–Treasurer, Darwin Pichette
Please feel free to contact myself at dpichette@bc.paoc.org or 604-533-2232 (office) if I can assist you with either of these or any other item. May God bless you as you move forward in the great days ahead.
BE IT RESOLVED THAT By-Law 2.1.5 be amended by addition as follows: BY-LAW 2.1.5 EXTENDED ABSENCE: In the event that the pastor is or may be absent for an extended period due to inability or ineligibility to serve, the District Superintendent or their authorized representative may, in conjunction with the board, assist in arranging for pulpit supply and chair the board. AND FURTHER, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the remaining items be renumbered appropriately.
Darwin’s Did You Know? BC Societies If your church or ministry is a BC Society (about half of our churches are), I would like to remind you that you must transition your Constitution & By-Laws to be in line with the new Societies Act between November 2016 and November 2018. Following November 2016, until your Constitution is transitioned, prior to November 2018, you will need to abide by any regulations contrary to your current documents. Please note, that Constitution Templates will be presented to you in the summer of 2016, for your church to adopt as is or to contextualize upon District approval if needed. Please wait on the templates prior to moving forward. Constitutionally, your church is not able to make changes without District approval, where to do so would breach your laws and potentially leave room for contesting of your documents. Our Constitution Committee, in consultation with legal advice and PAOC Fellowship Services, will be more than ready to assist you in any way necessary over the next two years to make this process easy for your church. If there are ever any questions that you may need help with regarding these items or others, please free to contact me at dpichette@bc.paoc.org or 604-533-2232 (office). May God bless you as you move forward in the great days ahead. Local Church Constitutions - Amendment (via General Conference 2016) As you may know, the PAOC General Conference (2016) approved the following amendment for your church’s Local Church Constitution. This amendment is intended to assist your church in the event of the Senior Pastor being absent for a long period of time, for any cause. To move forward with this assistance, please present the following Resolution at your next Congregational Business Meeting for Congregational approval. If you have kept up with the ongoing Local Church Constitution amendments, the following By-Law numbering would match your Constitution. If not, you would need to confirm and correct the numbering, by turning to By-Law 2 “Pastor and Board (or if applicable Pastor’s Council)”, under 2.1 “Pastor”, following 2.1.4 “Vacancy” and prior to 2.1.5 “Pastor/Congregation Relationship”, simply insert the following By-Law 2.1.5 “Extended Absence”. As indicated in this Resolution, the numbering of the subsequent items would be automatically revised. Following your Congregation’s approval, you would need to register this Resolution with BC Societies (if you are a Society) by simply copying and pasting this entire Resolution on a BC Societies Form 10 (http://www.bcregistryservices.gov.bc.ca/local/bcreg/documents/ forms/0782fill.pdf , with instructions at the bottom of http://www.bcregistryservices.gov.bc.ca/ bcreg/corppg/societies/index.page). After receiving confirmation from BC Societies as to whether or not you are a Society (if you are, every year you would file a report with BC Societies), you will need to register your documents with the CRA (http://www.cra-arc.gc.ca/chrtsgvng/chrts/prtng/chngs/bylws-eng.html). 5
5 Practical IDEAS to Reach & Engage Millennials
Youth, Young Adults & Family, Andy Gabruch
For the first time in history, the millennial generation (born 1980-2000) has surpassed the boomer generation in population - OVER 78 million people in North America. In addition to that, this generation is the least reached people group with the Gospel. We have to ask ourselves, why? Why is the largest generation of our time unreached and disengaged from Church? So, here are some thoughts to reach and re-engage millennials: Millennials Want and Need Shared Influence and Purpose - Like any generation, they have to FEEL (in a whole new way) listened to and engaged with. - IDEA: Have a set of questions to engage millennials. Get to know them relationally Relationship is the currency of influence for millennials. Millennials won’t engage in the WHAT if they don’t know the WHY - The good thing is, millennials will engage in the WHAT when they know (and are a part of) the WHY. - Communicate the WHY. Too often we start with the WHAT. If this happens, millennials will disengage. - IDEA: Be intentional in relationships. This is the first generation WHO doesn’t need the older generation to start things. They desire to have quality relationships over stature or power. Give them opportunities to lead in significant ways - This is a generation that has been raised with everything done quickly. They have never waited for anything. - Millennials are MORE led (than any other generation before them) by their peers. Social media, networks, connectivity are their primary influences and outlets for influencing. - IDEA: Let Millennials be the FOUNDERS of the FUTURE. Help them find their place. Do you have millennials in areas of significant leadership? Millennials have a new set of employment expectations - If expectations aren’t met, millennials will start up things themselves. These new standards of expectations are based on an EPIC generation (Leonard Sweet): E – experiential P – participatory I – image enriched C – connected IDEA: Build an advisory group that can engage and influence millennials and their social networks. Millennials are loyal to relationships and common purpose, not to pay or opportunity (they can find that anywhere) - Millennials stay single later in life; that gives them the freedom to wander and not take on responsibility. - IDEA: Give them space to lead in the bigger picture of the organization and lead relationally. Ultimately, Millennials HAVE the majority of influence in present history. I encourage you - with ALL diligence – to reach and engage millennials so that the next generation of the Church will thrive and succeed. For more information on Next Gen Ministries visit: http://www.nextgenbc.ca/
BCYD Global Missions, Marg Foreman margaret.foreman@paoc.org
At Conference on the Ministry in March we commissioned several new Global Worker families hoping to deploy to the field in 2016. Here’s an update to what is happening among our BCYD GW’s: Paul & Ruth Oorebeek left for India at the end of March to work among the women and children on the streets of Kolkata. They are excited to be there – in spite of the extreme heat & humidity (37-45 °C this week) – and are adjusting to their new life. Language learning is their #1 priority right now, as well as finding a scooter for transportation and a more permanent place to live. Pray for them today!
Matt & Amber Price and Zach & Megan Wylie have been busy preparing to go to Thailand as a team. Megan & Amber knocked it out of the park at the Legacy Builders Luncheon in Kelowna in April... Zach & Amber travelled with the OMEGA students to Thailand in May… Amazing times of ministry! They are on track to deploy this summer. Pray for them today! https://thepricepost.files.wordpress.com/2015/09/wylie-price-imagine-thailand-one-pager.pdf Leila S. continues to build partnerships so that she can return to the Eurasia region to continue to build relationships, make disciples and reach many people via internet and conferences. She has an amazing story to share with your congregation! Pray for her today! Kelvin & Laura Chan are home for a few months as they connect with churches and wait for the arrival of their new baby this summer. They would love to share the story of God at work among refugees on the border of Thailand and Myanmar. Pray for them today! http://www.journeyalongwith.us/
“The Wisdom of Solomon”
Aboriginal & Cultural Ministries, Edgar Lapeciros
The weather forecast is for an early summer. My grandson, Nicholas, saw ants and I asked him, “What causes ants to come out?” Nicholas answered spontaneously, “Because it’s warm already, Grandpa.” Amazing how kids can explain natural occurrences. A posting on Facebook caught my attention and it stated: “Consider the lilies of the field, they Google not, neither do they Twitter.” This connects easily to Matthew 6:28 – And why do you worry about clothes? See how the flowers (lilies) of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. God considers even insects, like ants, which seemed to be insignificant. My grandson opened my eyes about ants. Proverbs 6:6-8. Go to the ant, you sluggard; consider her ways, and be wise. They have no leader, chief or ruler, but they store up their food during summer, getting ready for winter. Ants have no leaders to motivate them. They just love to work within a simple lifestyle. They live in a hole and always carry food with them. They gather food during the summer. Ants play an important role in ecology. They turn and aerate soil, allowing water and oxygen to reach plant roots. They eat a wide range of organics and provide food for many organisms as well. In wondering why ants are especially in abundance during the summer, I learned that our roads, with their open spaces, offer an all day all-you-can-eat buffet. They are small, but they thrive in their colonies. Without insects like ants, we could not have birds. The pollination process and ecology would be greatly disrupted otherwise. The Fable “The Ant and The Grasshopper” reminds us that the ant saved seeds for the winter while the grasshopper enjoyed the summer. Some outstanding contributions of ants : They are the most successful ecologists and considered one of the most intelligent units in the animal kingdom. They are small, but come in the millions; large, self-organized colonies commonly called ‘superorganisms.’ They can also lift heavy weights as they have well coordinated action, precision and hive minds. And, they cooperate with other species. There is much to learn from the ants thanks to the Book of Proverbs. Challenged with these lessons from Proverbs, we don’t want to be sluggards. We want to be wise and successful ecologists/environmentalists, like the ants. We are trying our best to sow the seeds of the Gospel to all nations. For our International Ministries, we’ve started offering classes through All Nations College Foundation in five campuses: Victoria, Richmond, Surrey, Gibsons and Coquitlam. About 100 students are participating. We also conducted seminars/leadership training and retreats to about 80 pastors, leaders and church workers. Summer will include a full schedule of camps, retreats and training. There are many unlimited ways we can prepare not only for winter, but for the coming of the LORD. Always, we pray to the LORD of the harvest for provision… We have to work while it is still day time… 8
Children & Pre-Teens
Children & Pre-Teens, Caroline Bergeron
DIVE - a family adventure DIVE is a gathering of leaders serving in Children’s, Preteen/Middle School and Family ministry. Wondering what to expect? We will create a space and opportunities for each of us to Dream for the future, Increase our leadership impact, Value prayer, family and unity and Encourage one another in our ministry journey. DIVE Lower Mainland, June 20th DIVE will include “Ted Talk” style training (Dee-Ana Goodman-recruiting volunteers, Lisa Mitchell-building a team, Kara-Lee Choi-creative storytelling and Caroline Bergeron-self leadership) followed by group dialogue, vision casting and prayer. The gathering will be held at 20761 Duncan Way, Langley (in the club house) from 10:00am-2:00pm. Registration is free and lunch is included. Please RSVP at cbergeron@bc.paoc.org. Come DIVE with us. Explore new depths. Deeper than ever before. DIVE will be merged with the upcoming Church Leadership Seminars and will be complimentary with your registration Nanaimo | June 23-24th 2016 Kootenays | September 16-17 2016 Prince George | September 30-October 1 2016 Vancouver Island | November 4-5 2016 Okanagan Shuswap | November 18-19 2016 Lower Mainland | January 20-21 2017 SPARK 2016. YOU SPOKE. WE LISTENED. Spark, our preteen/middle school conference has been a pillar event in our province. Countless lives have been transformed through a personal encounter with the living God. In our desire to improve the event and better serve leaders, we have been listening attentively to the input and suggestions we’ve received. 2016 is a year where we are able to bring some of those recommendations about. Here are the four main changes we’ve made to make Spark 2016 more accessible to students across BC: Reduced Price. While we have not increased the registration cost through the years, it is with a great deal of faith and excitement that we are reducing the early registration cost by $20. This decreases the registration fee from $69 to $49. Date change. While doing Spark in November is convenient for many leaders, we noticed that it also prevented certain groups from attending the gathering because of the possibility of snowfall. In an effort to make Spark more accessible, our leadership team agreed to hold Spark October 14-15 in Langley. We are excited about the positive responses we have been getting from leaders of remote areas. We are a family and we don’t want anyone to be left out. Low cost accommodation. We are partnering with various churches who can host groups for a very low cost. You will be able to find information at www.sparklive.ca Different format. In addition to our Friday night main session, we are thrilled to host Legacy One in concert. On Saturday, the groups will rotate between three zones. Students may choose an elective such as hip hop, spoken word, Nerf™ gun zone, worship art, hockey or dodge ball. They can also choose between a variety of hubs addressing relevant topics such as friends, sharing your faith, bullying and social media. In the third zone, the groups will take part in a team build ing exercise called the Be 1 challenges. Don’t miss out! Register early to get the best deal. Spark will be held October 14-15 at Christian Life Assembly in Langley. Our theme is BE 1, and will bring to life the powerful word of Jesus. I am praying not only for these disciples but also for all who will ever believe in me through their message. I pray that they will all be one, just as you and I are one—as you are in me, Father, and I am in you. And may they be in us so that the world will believe you sent me. - John 17.20-21 9
BC Campus Ministries, John Engels
Knowing Christ and Making Him Known! Our mission is to get to know Christ more intimately and make Him known to others. As the Holy Spirit is drawing in students on post secondary campuses, several have made public declarations to follow Christ with water baptisms in the ocean, a hot tub, ponds, and at churches. We are also excited about the many students engaged in small group discipleship. A way we made Christ known was through some creative campus outreaches: the SFU campus ministry set up a scripture reading display to engage students, the BCIT campus group brought in a speaker to talk about the historical evidence of the resurrection, and the group at VIU did an Easter egg hunt, complete with prizes. The true meaning of Easter was shared with over 100 students in their evening meeting. Another successful campus outreach was "A Taste of the World," where a wide variety of international cuisine was served. Many international students attended these events and seeds of the gospel and hospitality were sown. We trust God will bring forth fruit in many lives. Thank you for continuing to pray in the harvest with us!
One of our campus ministries ended the year with several unchurched students attending the largest meeting of the semester. For more information about BC Campus Ministries visit us online at www.bccampusministries.com
Contact Us Give us a call for more information Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada 20411 Douglas Crescent Langley, BC, V3A 4B6
(604) 533-2232 office@bc.paoc.org Visit us on the web at www.bc.paoc.org
Around the District...
David Nadon has concluded his ministry as Assistant Pastor of Bethel Assembly in Ladysmith. Brett Harrington has been appointed as the Worship Pastor of Bethel Church in Penticton. Tim Horman has concluded his ministry as the Lead Pastor of Redemption Church in Point Grey. Clark Moran has been called to be the Lead Pastor of Abbotsford Pentecostal Assembly. Scott Peterson has concluded his ministry as the Lead Pastor of Central Pentecostal Assembly in Chilliwack, and has accepted the position of Associate Pastor at Seaview Pentecostal Assembly in White Rock. Kyle Epp has been appointed as Field Pastor and Church Planting Apprentice at Living Waters Church and Urban Road in Fort Langley. Jasmine Wiebe has retired from ministry as the Director of Women’s Ministries at Christian Life Assembly in Langley. Jeremy King has been appointed as the Young Adults Pastor of Christian Life Assembly in Langley. Bryce Lefebvre has been appointed as the Worship Pastor of Christian Life Assembly in Coquitlam. Joon Cho has been appointed as the Lead Pastor of Nanaimo Native Victory Church. Jaron Starlund has concluded his ministry as Youth Pastor of Terrace Pentecostal Assembly. Daniel Gilmore has been appointed as the Lead Pastor of New Life Assembly in Tumbler Ridge. Jabin Postal has concluded as Lead Campus Worker with BC Campus Ministries at North Island College. Caleb Gait has been appointed as the Assistant Pastor of Bethel Church in Mission. Pastor Keith Gaetz has resigned as the Senior Pastor of Prince Rupert Pentecostal Tabernacle Darin Graham has concluded his ministry as Assistant Pastor of Abbotsford Pentecostal Assembly and will continue to serve as the Campus Worker for UCM at the University of the Fraser Valley. Gavin Brisco has concluded his ministry as Connections Pastor at First Avenue Christian Assembly and will continue to serve as Campus Pastor at Summit Pacific College. Josh Reynolds has been appointed to oversee Marketing and Media at Summit Pacific College. 11
Save The Date! Hebrews 10:25 “let us consider how we must provoke one another to love and good works.� Kootenays | September 16-17, 2016 Prince George | September 30-October 1, 2016 Vancouver Island | November 4-5 , 2016 Okanagan | November 18-19, 2016 Lower Mainland | January 20-21, 2017 RSVP online at bc.paoc.org