B C / Yuk on Distr ict
Th e P en te co s tal As s e m blie s o f Can a da 20411 D ougl as C res c ent, Langl ey, B C V3A 4B6 p: 604 -533-2232 │ e: offic e@ bc.paoc .org │ w ww.bc .paoc .org
BC Yukon PAOC District
ISSUE 1 | VOLUME 49 | MARCH 2012
Close the Doors Permanently? John Telman, Senior Pastor of Abundant Life Pentecostal Assembly, Cranbrook
In July of 2010, the members of Abundant Life had to answer this question, “Do we close the doors permanently?”. A number of the members moved away to attend Bible College, work, and do ministry. The finances of the church were devastated. What were we to do? The first step was to call the District Office and let them know we needed prayer, wisdom, and help.
The church is slowly growing and recently my salary was increased to full-time; but that is not the end of the story. The board and I budgeted to double our missions giving in 2011. We were praying that $3,000 would come in for missions. It didn't...but, over $6,000 came in! Can you say, “Praise God”? All this is to encourage you that God is good and He will make a way. The existence of trouble does not erase the fact that God is great. He pours His blessing out upon His people. He is our Provider and He has not forgotten His people! To all of the churches who gave to us, Carole and I want to thank you from the bottom of our hearts, and we are now requesting that you direct your funds elsewhere.
Our Assistant District Superintendent, Dave Solmes, travelled to Cranbrook and met with our members. At that meeting we answered the question with a resounding “NO”. God was going to make a way, so we went to prayer.
We are so blessed to be a part of this District. Our first three years of ministry in Cranbrook have been amazing. We know there is much more to come. A big thanks to Pastors Ken, Dave, and Ron for their loving and kind support.
As their Pastor, I reassured the congregation that I was not going to leave. But the finances would not allow for a full-time salary. So, for a year and a half, my salary was dropped to parttime. That didn't matter because my wife and I knew that we were sent by God to serve this congregation and city. So we prayed.
Be encouraged churches and Pastors of the District. God doesn't love us any more than He loves you. He will make a way.
It looked difficult, but “the Lord is my Shepherd”. Can I get an Amen? In the most amazing ways, we have seen our God provide. Through the generous gifts of churches throughout the District, we have been able to get through the deep dark valley. Not only that, but we have continued to minister and have seen people come to know Jesus Christ as their Saviour.
God bless you all. Rev. John W. Telman
By the way, please visit us to see how God has showed His kindness to us by visiting our church website www.abundantlifepa.com and our personal website www.trulyworship.com.
His will
Hebrews 13: 20-21
Conference on the Ministry BC/Yukon District The Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada
March 12-14, 2012 Abbotsford Pentecostal Assembly www.bc.paoc.org Pre-registration deadline: March 7, 2012
this issue Close the Doors Permanently? 1 Next Generation Ministries 2 Children, Preteen and Family 2 District Superintendent 3 BCYD Global Workers 3 Women 2 Women 4 University Christian Ministries 5 Marketplace/Chaplaincy Ministry 5 Aboriginal and Cultural Ministries 5 Assistant Superintendent 6 Happenings Around the District 7 District Calendar 7-8
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Next Generation Ministries, Ben Johnson @nextgenbc
In early February, Vancouver Island youth pastors and their leadership teams gathered in Victoria for our NGM Regional Youth Leaders Clinic (YLC). Both North and South Island sections were represented. Evan Allnut (South Island Cluster) and Mark Lamden (North Island Cluster), pulled together 52 youth leaders for a great day of training and equipping. The theme was “Multiply”, focusing on multiplying leadership hearts and strategies in youth disciple making. Multiply is the second year of our four year training strategy: It was great to have Mark Colwell with us again this year as one of our trainers. Mark is Western Ontario’s PAOC youth director. Mark’s heart beats for discipleship and he has been a key part of our national youth team’s focus on Discipleship. Also, Ryan Morgan helped with some training. Ryan is the new youth pastor at Evangelistic Tabernacle in Nanaimo. If you haven’t met him yet, say hi and check out his blog. TimeOut is designed for children's pastors, youth pastors, ministry leaders, young missionaries, lay leaders, and spouses.
March 10-12, 2012
Join us for a "relational retreat" in beautiful Whistler, BC, with emphasis on building a strong life foundation for leadership! We see this as a 'heart' event - a safe place for our leaders to be ministered to and to build life long, Christ centred friendships. Click here for more information and registration details.
Children, Preteen and Family Specialist Caroline Durocher-Bergeron
“Millennials have the potential to be the most civic minded generation since those of the early to mid 20th century. Experts agree that children of this generation have the potential for living unselfish lives. We would do well to expose them to areas of service and mission in our churches.” - Ivy Beckwith, author of Postmodern Children's Ministry In the past few months, we have challenged students and leaders to become involved in mission and social justice causes. I’m glad to report that many have embraced the vision. At Spark, preteens across the province raised $1,500 towards the Boomerang Project; a Next Generation Ministries initiative that raises funds to provide meals to the children and youth of Haiti (under the ministry of Michel and Louise Charbonneau). At Spark, each student also made teddy bears that will be sent to Haitian children. It is an honour to serve alongside such fine leaders and pastors who believe that kids can do BIG things. At our last Children's Ministry Leadership Clinic in Victoria, 40 of us discussed the characteristics of the ultimate disciple. Without a doubt, we concluded that to raise ultimate disciples of Jesus Christ, we must continually place children and youth in a place where they serve and experience the Great Commission. Together, with the power of the Holy Spirit, we are raising world changers! Supporting the Boomerang Project Rob Young, Youth Pastor of Bethel Tabernacle, Whitehorse, shared with me how his youth leaders and preteens raised $1,200 for the Boomerang Project, by bagging groceries for one evening at Superstore, during the Christmas season. There is still time for your ministry to participate, click here to find out how.
Kids in Missions Kathy Zelman, Children's Pastor of Richmond Pentecostal Church, took her preteen group to Missions Fest Vancouver in January. Kathy writes: "The preteen age is the perfect age to get kids to take ownership of making a difference not only in their “world” but to begin to develop global concern for other parts of the world. Taking our preteen group to Missions Fest was a great introduction for them to witness what God is doing through many people to accomplish the Great Commission and also to look after needy people by providing humanitarian aid. They realized kids in different countries experience living conditions much less comfortable than their own, and by the end of the evening, some of my preteens donated their spending money to the Watoto Children’s Choir organization on their own initiative! They loved the evening, and definitely want to return next year!" Raising Kids & Youth in Ministry Sarah Warriner, Children's Pastor of Evangel Chapel, Fort St. John, took a team of preteens and youth on a mission's trip to Fort Nelson, where they ministered to the congregation through drama, singing and teaching. You can read an article from Sarah on “Raising Kids and Youth in ministry” on my iLead blog. Collide Our children and youth network leaders from the Okanagan (Trevor Finstad, Ben McGillivray and Matt Jaggers) directed Collide, a sectional rally that welcomed 120 preteens. Students were challenged to be leaders in their schools and among their peers.
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“Be Anxious for Nothing”…Seriously? Ken Russell, District Superintendent It was 10:48am on a Sunday morning. I found myself standing in the congregation of a great church in our District, moments before I was to speak. I could hear some music, I was singing some words, but my mind was engaged in a battle with anxiety. The words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart were not in sync. My mouth was singing, “Your grace is enough, more than I need, and Your Word I will believe…” but my mind was wrestling with a serious crisis affecting one of our churches. I turned on my smartphone to search for the verse I was about to exegete, and what actually popped up on my screen was a devotional “verse of the day”, Philippians 4:6-7 (from the Message), “Don't fret or worry. Instead of worrying, pray. Let petitions and praises shape your worries into prayers, letting God know your concerns. Before you know it, a sense of God's wholeness, everything coming together for good, will come and settle you down. It's wonderful what happens when Christ displaces worry at the center of your life.” Here’s what I believe God’s Holy Spirit (through the Apostle Paul) was showing me… Place God in Charge…really. Don’t just offer God some ‘lip service’, really place Him in charge. Stop trying to control adversity and chaos on your own. For many of us, Philippians 4:6 might have started off as a Wee College memory verse, but often we allow it to disappear from our minds during seasons of chaos. Hmmm…‘Place God in Charge’. In other words, if you’re anxious about a serious matter – go to God in prayer and actually tell Him precisely (with exactitude) what you need, in order to resolve the problem. Use loud words if necessary…God’s not deaf, but it may help you relinquish a sense of territorialism, ownership and control. When you do, God will hear your prayers, loud and clear, and He will move into your situation, to help you handle the pandemonium.
Don’t Nurture an ‘Anxious’ Mind. The New King James Version of Luke 12:29 says, “And do not seek what you should eat or what you should drink, nor have an anxious mind”. Eugene Peterson’s paraphrase of Luke 12:29 says, “What I'm trying to do here is get you to relax, not be so preoccupied with ‘getting’ so you can respond to God's ‘giving’. People who don't know God and the way He works fuss over these things, but you know both God and how He works. Steep yourself in God-reality, God-initiative, God-provisions”. If you make God, and His kingdom #1 in your life, by seeking after Him and His perfect plan and destiny for every situation – then God will make sure you have every little thing you need, to perfectly walk out your calling from Him. Don’t allow a Rogue Imagination to Magnify your Monsters. Worry, fear and anxiety have absolutely no power to change a bad situation into a good situation. These things only serve to magnify and amplify the deception of paranoia in our lives. The Apostle Paul instructs us to reset the default settings of our minds, in order to prevail during times of spiritual battle. From Eugene Peterson’s paraphrase of 2 Corinthians 10:3-6 we learn that, “The world is unprincipled. It's a ‘dog-eat-dog’ out there! The world doesn't fight fair. But we don't live or fight our battles that way - never have and never will. The tools of our trade aren't for marketing or manipulation, but they are for demolishing that entire massively corrupt culture. We use our powerful God-tools for smashing warped philosophies, tearing down barriers erected against the truth of God, fitting every loose thought and emotion and impulse into the structure of life shaped by Christ. Our tools are ready at hand for clearing the ground of every obstruction and building lives of obedience into maturity”.
Once you know that ‘God is now on the job’ to help you take care of the severe storm – the peace of God starts flowing into your thoughts and emotions, because you know that God will help you overcome the problem or crisis with His power, resources and wisdom.
BCYD Global Workers Update Gerald & Pat Golbeck are in BC until the end of March. They work in South Africa training leaders through Missions Exposure & Training (MET), to equip the African church to arise to a new day in global missions. No longer just a recipient of missions but a sender of missions! http://www.metmissions.org.za Phil & Judy Bowler will be in BC this summer to share what is happening in Senegal! Phil and Judy are teachers, and coach the people to work in microenterprise groups. They do much to advance the community and work of God there. Bill & Linda Mercer have just left for Mozambique to work until the end of 2012, when they plan to retire in BC! We look forward to seeing them and wish them well as they work through the remainder of the year.
bcyd Mission’s Committee Workshops March 3: April 14:
Gateway City Church, Kamloops (Thompson-Shuswap Section ) Prince George Pentecostal Tabernacle (Caribou/Prince George Section )
contact Dawn Steinke for more information p: 604-533-2232 │ dsteinke@bc.paoc.org
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Women 2 Women, Andrea Critchley
Partners In Ministry (PIM) Special announcement for those who attend the PIM breakout at COTM. This year we will be joining together with the W2W session on Women Leadership Today, and will be highlighting you as our PIM. There will be something special waiting for you as well, so please come let us treat you, and be blessed.
Wonder Women Conferences We are excited that our 2012 District Women’s Conferences will be branching out into six locations to better serve our churches and connect with the women of our District! With a power team of women speakers, worship leaders and recording artists, along with Miss Canada/BC Tara Teng, we are looking forward to seeing what God will do as we join together!
Tara Teng Miss Canada/BC 2011
We have organized these six events to bring support, appreciation and encouragement to our valued District churches and pastoral leadership! We will also share about the great things God is doing in our local churches.
Marika Siewart Recording Artist
Conference Dates and Locations May 25-26: Colwood Pentecostal Church; Victoria, BC June 1-2: Glad Tidings; Kootenays, BC September 21-23: Evangel Chapel; Fort St. John, BC September 28 -29: Bethany Tabernacle; White Horse, YK October 26-27: Christian Life Assembly (CLA); Langley, BC November 2-3: Calvary Community Church; Kamloops, BC This year our focus is raising up the giftings that God has placed in each one of us and calling the women to return to their Pentecostal roots of walking, living and moving in the Holy Spirit - the supernatural and practical applications for everyday living. This makes us, Wonder Women! Register at w2wonline.ca.
Girls Eyes Only at HistoryMaker We are excited for the second year, to be hosting the “GIRLS EYES ONLY” hub at HistoryMaker. What amazing testimonies and connecting times we had last year as we invested in the next generation of women. We were able to talk about girl issues, values, respecting God by respecting yourself, who not to date, social media devices and vices, and modesty. Thank you to all of the youth pastors who gave us feedback from these sessions and who have requested that we continue them again this year. We are honoured to invest in our young women, and see them grow in all that God has for their lives. Special thanks to Ben Johnson and NGM for seeing this need and inviting W2W to partner and invest in our girls’ lives! Website Watch our website for upcoming events, relevant encouragement blogs, girls ministries and resources, endorsed speakers and ministries, Christian businesses and sponsors, health tips, regional representatives, contacts and conference registrations. Please feel free to contact us for continued encouragement, resources, fresh ideas, or anything concerning your women’s ministry. We are here to support the local church leadership vision and want to encourage those who serve you to continue to do the same! Email us at w2wadmin@bc.paoc.org. It is truly a blessing to be serving this District! We continue to dream of creative and innovative ways to support you, our leaders, and to see you thrive in your ministries and callings!
Andrea Critchley
Women Leaders Today Join us at the BC/Yukon District Conference on the Ministry (COTM) for our W2W luncheon in the Lucas Center at Abbotsford Pentecostal Assembly on Tuesday March 13th, from 11:30am - 1:00pm! This session will focus on what leadership for women looks like today and where we have come from. Join in the discussion with our panel of powerful women who are making a difference in their world today! Registration fee is included with your conference registration.
A Good Friday Prayer (Charles Spurgeon – the Wonders of Calvary) A fantastic prayer from Charles Spurgeon, so appropriate for We also bless You, O God, as the God of our redemption, for You Good Friday: have so loved us as to give even Your dear Son for us. “Great God, there was a time when we dreaded the thought of He gave Himself, His very life for us that He might redeem us coming near to You, for we were guilty and You were angry with from all iniquity and separate us unto Himself to be His peculiar us, but now we will praise You because Your anger is turned people, zealous for good works. away and You comfort us. Never can we sufficiently adore free grace and undying love. Yes, and the very throne which once was a place of dread has now become the place of shelter. I flee to You to hide me. O bring us, we pray You, now near to Yourself. Let us bathe ourselves in communion with our God. Blessed be the love which chose us before the world began. We can never sufficiently adore You for Your sovereignty, the sovereignty of love which saw us in the ruins of the Fall, yet loved us anyway.
The wonders of Calvary never cease to be wonders, they are growing more marvelous in our esteem as we think of Him who washed us from our sins in His own blood. Nor can we cease to praise the God of our regeneration who found us dead and made us live, found us at enmity and reconciled us, found us loving the things of this world and lifted us out of the muck and mire of selfishness and worldliness in the love of divine everlasting things.”
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John Engels
Our seventh annual Emerge weekend’s topic was about Sabbath keeping. This was a first time topic for the majority who attended. What better place to gather together than at a snowy seventh Day Adventist camp facility? We honoured Friday dusk to Saturday dusk by not doing any “work”. Joyce Rees’ messages were timely and exhorted us to take time off for rest and renewal. Sabbath keeping is a faith and discipleship issue for many in our driven higher educational culture. Here’s what some said about the weekend: “There will definitely be lifestyle change in my life because of Joyce's messages about Sabbath and work. I felt so much joy this weekend, and feel refreshed to start off this term with passion and love for God.” “I got the gift of Sabbath. Thank you so much for putting on such an amazing event.” “The prayer on Saturday night was really powerful; I really appreciated everyone coming together like that. The feeling of everyone praying together in one room like that is amazing!” “I found her messages to be very relevant to the stage of life that we students are in and it was very honest and real. Please bring her back!”
The 7th annual Emerge student retreat had our most in attendance yet!
Students embraced this little taught subject and are discovering that doing less often results in “more” renewal for our lives, relationships, and fruitful work in God’s Kingdom. You can find the teachings online at www.ucmonline.ca/Emerge/emerge.html
Marketplace/Chaplaincy Ministry Highlights
to be spending time with my family, watching a movie, and then church on Sunday. He just said, “I envy your life”. It’s been neat to be an example of a minister in the marketplace. And I take time to encourage others that they too can have an impact on Here are some ministry highlights from our marketplace/ the people they encounter by simply looking for small opportunities to talk about God’s blessing in everyday life.” chaplains serving our District. Norm Sowden (Cowichan Valley Capitals Chaplain) writes, “Yesterday, for the second Wendy Murchy (Chaplain) writes, “On November 4-5, 2011 a group of volunteers from year in a row, the Caps management asked me to accompany our entire team in the a local church came to the institution to put on a two-day women’s conference called procession for Remembrance Day. (The team’s bus was donated to the Legion to “The Transformer”. Thirty-two of our inmates attended (about half were transport their members for the gathering after the Remembrance Day unbelievers). There was special music, speakers and a variety of activities all geared Ceremony). What an honour to have that very emotional time with our guys. I was to help the inmates understand that God is the only one who is truly able to transform able to share with a couple about my own father`s experience of surviving WWII and their lives. Everyone had a great time and at the end of this conference, five women then being killed in a farm accident nine years later.” accepted Christ. It was an exciting time. Please pray for them as they begin this new Curtis Reimer (Prince George Cougars Chaplain) writes, “God has really been moving journey of faith and for me as I endeavour to disciple them in this very challenging forward our ministry and Brian and I are very excited about it. Tonight is our first Faith environment.” Night. It's starting small but they've already committed to holding one next Kenny Toews (Marketplace Ministry) writes, “I’ve been working with a few new guys year. Tonight we are having a food drive for the Salvation Army, I'm opening the game lately on a new construction job site and was sharing with my boss about life. We in prayer, there are a couple of choirs singing...small steps. But we're excited none the spoke about a friend who had marriage problems and I took some time to talk about less. Also, at our Christmas chapel on Tuesday evening we had the entire team in how God longs to bring us peace and joy in life. I said that it was my hope to be faithful attendance! They met and decided they wanted to do it together, as a team building in honouring God with the things He has blessed me with. So later that day (it was a thing...pretty cool.” Friday), he asked me if I had plans for the weekend. I was able to say that I was going
Don Richmond
Aboriginal and Cultural Ministries, Edgar Lapeciros
Miracles to Mission (2011-2012) 2011 was a difficult year for us. Like all ministries, we had our struggles this past year, but we were able to meet our budget, and many great things are happening in our ministries for 2012. First, we would like to thank the District Officers and the District Leadership Team for allowing us to increase the hours of our Administrative Assistant, Randy Fisher, from part-time to full-time. He originally worked for just the Aboriginal Ministry, but now he works in both the Aboriginal and Cultural ministries. Having a full-time assistant allows us to work more efficiently and on more projects. Aboriginal Ministries: Planning is well underway for our annual Native Pastors/ Leaders Summit, with a venue and guest speakers arranged. There is still much planning to do, but we are looking forward to another great summit in September.
We are also conducting meetings to birth a satellite church from one of our native churches, and to start a training centre specifically for teaching native people to become leaders/pastors in existing native churches and future native church plants. Cultural Ministries: In this area, we are seeing a number of church plants. The All Nations College Foundation is teaching ethnic leaders, but has been open to aboriginal people as well, to become pastors and to encourage them to plant churches to reach the various ethnic language groups in the area. The school has begun classes again, and church planting retreats have been planned for various times in the year. Cross Cultural Outreach Society is working to meet the practical needs of newcomers and refugees.
2011 Graduates All National College Foundation
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Dave Solmes, Assistant Superintendent
Planting Brand New Churches
District Church Multiplication Host Culture │ International
Don’t Dream of Winning, Train For It I recently read a sign on a poster: “Don’t dream of winning, train for it”. This could be said of many things in life. Not long ago I was speaking with two senior pastors who are dreaming of multiplying this year. One through a multi-campus strategy and one by planting a new church. They have both set aside significant amounts of money to fund this when God brings all the pieces together. They are dreaming and planning all at the same time. I am convinced something significant happens when we dream and prepare simultaneously. Planting churches, sites, and campuses is more than a nice idea. It involves strategic focus and resources. For years, church planting movements have focused on the issue of planting more and more churches. Many have stated that church planting is the best strategy for evangelism. Over the past number of years there has been evidence of progress in this; we need to celebrate what God is doing in our District, and other denominations that God is using very strategically. I want to see many churches planted, but I am also very concerned about the kind of church that is planted. I am not talking about the model or the structure, but rather about the nature of the church being planted. As Pastor Cam Roxburgh, Director of Forge Canada says, “The key components of churches that I hope to see planted in Canada” are five-fold: 1.
Start with Theology – Far too often we worry about what works instead of what is correct. We have focused on forms and models of church growth instead of being centered on our understanding of who God is. We would do well to reorient our efforts around a pursuit of the nature and holiness of God and then asking what He is doing in our midst and how we might be invited to participate, rather than just worrying about how to grow our churches. Produce Missionaries – What are we inadvertently doing that is producing consumers instead of missionaries? Is there a difference between being a missionary and a disciple? In church planting, we need to be helping each so-called Christ follower accept the invitation, not only to “Follow Me” from Christ, but to hear the imperative to “Go.” Are Collaborative – Too often we see other churches or organizations as competition. We need to be planting churches that are about the Kingdom of God, work together with other churches in their neighbourhood and look for evidence of God at work in social groups in their neighbourhood. We play the role of servants. Are Neighbourhood-Focused – We need to be planting churches that are concerned for the spiritual health of their neighbours and neighbourhoods. If the gospel is about the redemption of all things through Jesus, then we must be concerned about social issues right in the area where we live. Have New Metrics – The old measuring stick of “butts, bucks and bricks” needs to change. Many have begun to move toward new ways of measuring faithfulness to God in church planting. Let’s stop asking each other the question at all of our conferences about how many people we have attending and replace the question with, “How are You Being Obedient?”
I am very committed as the District Church Planting Director to foster a culture of multiplication among our Host Culture, International, and First Nation Churches. Our stated strategies seem to be: planting new churches, revitalization/replanting of existing churches, church multi-site and church multi-campus. However, it is not just planting for the sake of planting; it is about multiplying for maximum effectiveness in reaching unsaved people and discipling the body of Christ for all that God has for them. It is going to take all of us sharing the vision and partnering with one another in order to strategically serve the people in British Columbia and Yukon Territory. The question that each credential holder and church must ask is, “What role and responsibility do I have?”
│ First Nation
Church Multi-Campus
Church Multi-Site
District Day of Prayer for Church Multiplication: Sunday, May 27, 2012 We are encouraging credential holders and churches to pray on Pentecost Sunday for church multiplication effectiveness across our District. Promotional material will be sent to churches in our District. Lead Forward @Lead_Forward
The writing team for this new blog are as follows:
Luke Knight (editor) lknight@lwchurch.ca twitter: @lukedknight
Graeme Horton (team member) graemehorton@gmail.com twitter: @graemehorton
Devan Sylvester (team member) devansylvester@gmail.com twitter: @dsylvester
Trisha Donkers (consultant/editor) trisha@trishaevelyn.com twitter: @evelyntrisha
This blog is dedicated to serving people crazy enough to give a sermon. The team is hoping to inspire, equip, and connect Jesus followers who still believe in the fine art of preaching. We will post articles, and post links/resources as we find them. You won’t find any gurus here, just learners. Here are some recent posts: Tips from a new Christian Preaching to aliens (Jason Ballard) bcyd first “All District” Church Planters Retreat June 1-2, 2012 The theme for our first District Church Planters Retreat is: “Great Expectations” We are interested in bringing together key leaders to further discuss best practices and strategies for church multiplication. This two day retreat will include over-night accommodations at Summit Pacific College. It is designed for pastors of existing church plants, campus pastors, and those who are strategizing to plant churches in the next few years.
Buried in the books You’d have to be crazy…
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Happenings Around the District Transitions
Emily Cuthbert: Concluded as Administrative Assistant to Caroline Bergeron of NGM
John & Dawna Caplin are happy to announce the birth of their grand-daughter,
Children & Family Ministries. Emily will continue her role in the communication department at Christian Life Assembly, Langley.
Mark deHoog: Appointed as Associate Pastor of Mountain View Assembly, Smithers. Bruce Greenwood: Concluded as Lead Pastor of Cache Creek Pentecostal Church and was called as Lead Pastor of Elim Tabernacle, Port Alberni.
Naomi Lily born on February 6, 2012.
Jeff & Nancy Cox are happy to announce the birth of their son, Alexander Jonathan born on January 25, 2012.
Brett & Natalie Donald are happy to announce the birth of their son Mattias Brett born on February 12, 2012.
Carol Griffiths: Concluded as Lead Pastor of Aldergrove Christian Assembly. Calvin Krahn: Concluded ministry at RAN Network / Asia Span International. Greg Laing: Concluded as Lead Pastor of Point Grey Community Church, Vancouver. Stephen Liu: Appointed as Pastor of Cultural Ministries of Richmond Pentecostal Church.
James Mason: Appointed as Youth Pastor of Christian Life Assembly, Barriere. Cam Milliken: Transitioned from Youth/Young Adults Pastor to Urban Missionary (Now Generation Ministries) of Broadway Pentecostal Church, Vancouver.
Jack Minor: Concluded as Lead Pastor of Bella Coola Pentecostal Assembly. Steve Moore: Appointed as Church Re-Planter of Canyon Heights Christian Assembly,
North Vancouver. Pastor Steve will continue as the associate pastor of Richmond Pentecostal Church.
Dennis Smith: Concluded as Lead Pastor of Bethel Chapel, 100 Mile House.
Churches in Pastoral Transition Alert Bay-Glad Tidings Church (Aboriginal) Anahim Lake Chapel Bella Coola Pentecostal Assembly Cache Breek Pentecostal Church Coquitlam Christian Centre Dawson City Christian Fellowship Gibsons, Christian Life Assembly New Denver-Gospel Light Chapel 100 Mile House, Bethel Chapel Port Alice, Ocean View Christian Assembly Port Clements, Cedarview Community Church Surrey, Revival Church (Korean) Vancouver Chinese Pentecostal Church Vancouver, Point Grey Community Church White Rock, Seaview Pentecostal Assembly
Matthew & Amber Price are happy to announce the arrival of their son, Daxon Reid born on December 20, 2011.
Memorials Shirley Engels (John Engels’ mother) went home into the presence of her Lord on
January 23, 2012. A memorial service was held at Hillcrest Chapel, Bellingham, WA on February 4, 2012. Please pray for John and Nancy Engels and their family as they grieve the loss of John’s mother. John is the Director for the BC Campus Ministries, BC/Yukon District.
Edna Grace Lynn passed into the presence of her Lord on December 14, 2011 at the
age of 98. She met her husband John in 1940 and together they took up the pastorate in Wiarton, Ontario. They went overseas to Africa in 1946. Edna and John served in various capacities overseas, and particularly in Kenya, Zambia and Mozambique for 43 years until their retirement in Kelowna, BC where they continued to inspire and encourage others in the Missions calling. Edna is survived by her children Janice Scheske (Don) and Jillian Lynn-Lawson (John), grandchildren, and great-grandchildren and predeceased by her husband John and their son Jesse. A Memorial Service was held on Friday, January 6, 2012 at Evangel Church, Kelowna.
Harold Rowledge passed into the presence of his Lord on February 24, 2012. Harold is
the beloved husband of Tina; father to his daughters: Cyndee Fair (husband, Rod), Marg Street (husband, Don), and Connie Dunton (husband, Steve); grandfather to their children; and dear brother of Elaine Gibson (husband: Bill). Harold held his credentials with the PAOC since 1960, pastoring at Assembly of God in Fernie (1960-1962); Port Hardy Pentecostal and Fort Rupert Native Church in Port Hardy (1962-1968); Kitwancool Pentecostal (1968-1970); Evangel Chapel in Fort St. John (19701980); Parksville Pentecostal (1980-1990); Chetwynd Gospel Tabernacle (1991-2001); and Pastor to Senior’s at Lake Cowichan Christian Fellowship (2001-2011). Harold was also the Children’s camp Director at Nanoose Bay Camp in the 1980’s. A memorial service will be held on Saturday, March 3rd at 1:30pm at Evangelistic Tabernacle, Nanaimo.
Audrey Varcoe, wife of Donald Varcoe, passed into the presence of her Lord on
visit our website for other ministry opportunities (www.bc.paoc.org)
Wednesday, November 30, 2011 at the age of 77. In 1993, Donald and Audrey transferred from the Saskatchewan District into the BC/Yukon District where they were called as Lead Pastor of Princeton Pentecostal Tabernacle, before retiring in Port Moody. A memorial service was held on December 5, 2011 in Port Moody.
District Calendar MARCH 2012 9-11 Summit Pacific College: Discovery Days, Abbotsford 10-12 NGM: Timeout, Whistler 12-14 BC/Yukon District Conference on the Ministry, Abbotsford 18 Kootenay Regional Marriage Retreat, Fairmont Hot Springs 23 Passion Vancouver 24 NGM: Youth Leadership Clinic, Castlegar 26-28 Kootenay Regional Pastoral Development Retreat, Fairmont Hot Springs APRIL 2012 14 bcyd: Church Mission’s Committee Workshop, Prince George 14 NGM: Youth Leadership Clinic, Richmond 16-18 UCM Staff Retreat, Kelowna 27 Summit Pacific College Graduation Ceremony, Abbotsford 28 NGM: Youth Leadership Clinic, Kelowna MAY 2012 7-10 18-20 23-24 25 25-26
PAOC: General Conference, Ottawa NGM: HistoryMaker, Abbotsford bcyd: Introductory Coach Training Session, Langley bcyd: Webinar - Pastor/Staff Relationship Women 2 Women Conference, Victoria
JUNE 2012 1-2 bcyd: Church Planters Retreat, Abbotsford 1-2 Women 2 Women Conference, Kootenays 13-17 CPS: Seminary Course, Langley 18-19 Vision Retreat for District Leadership Team, Section Pastors, and Ministry Department Heads, Abbotsford SEPTEMBER 2012 14 bcyd: Webinar - Unreached People Groups in the BC/Yukon 21-22 Women 2 Women Conference, Fort St. John 21-22 All National Pentecostal Church of Prince George: Women’s Conference 27-29 Native Pastors/Leaders Summit, Location TBD 28-29 Women 2 Women Conference, Whitehorse, Yukon OCTOBER 2012 1-3 Cluster Leadership Training, Stillwood Retreat Centre 20 NGM: Youth Leadership Clinic, Prince George 21 University Ministry Sunday, District-Wide 22-24 Licensed Ministers Network #1, Stillwood Retreat Centre 26-27 Women 2 Women Conference, Lower Mainland NOVEMBER 2012 2-3 Women 2 Women Conference, Kelowna 26-28 District Leadership Team meeting, Langley
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2012 Summer Camps CHUBB LAKE BIBLE CAMP www.chubblake.ca May 25-27 Men’s Retreat Jun 8-11 50+ Camp Jul 8-13 Kids Camp Aug 3-6 Family Camp Aug 12-18 Teen Camp
LAKELSE PENTECOSTAL CAMP www.lakelsecamp.org May 25-27 Family Camp Jul 1-11 Skee-Nass Camp Jul 15-20 Kids Camp Jul 23-28 Teen Camp NANOOSE BAY PENTECOSTAL CAMP www.nanoosebaycamp.ca Jul 2-6 Kids Camp Jul 8-13 PreTeen Camp Jul 14-21 Teen Camp Jul 22-29 Family Camp
KOOTENAY www.kootenaycamps.com Jul 29-Aug 2 Teen Camp Aug 26-30 Kids Camp Aug 31-Sept 2 Family Camp
OKANAGAN FAMILY CAMP Jul 20-22 (hosted by Faith Mission Camp) contact Alexis Park Church, Vernon p. 250-542-4135 CAMP YUKON www.camp-yukon.com Jun 8-9 Men’s Fly Fishing Retreat Jun 8-14 Kids Camp #1 Jul 15-21 Kids Camp #2 Jul 22-28 Teen Camp Aug 31-Sept 3 Family Camp
Miscellaneous Computer Equipment The BC/Yukon District Office has some used computer equipment to donate (for churches in our District), flat screen monitors, keyboards, mouse, wireless routers. If interested please contact the District Office by phone: 604-533-2232
PRAY EVERYDAY 2012 http://www.paoc.org/about/pray-every-day-2012 @thePAOC
2012 Fellowship News Submission Deadline Date May 18 August 17 November 16