March 2013 BCYD Fellowship News

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ISSUE 1 | VOLUME 50 | MARCH 2013

2 0 4 1 1 D o u g l a s C r e s c en t , L a n g l e y , B C V 3 A 4 B 6 | p : 6 0 4 - 5 3 3 - 2 2 3 2 | f : 6 0 4 - 5 3 3 - 5 4 0 5 | e : o f f i c e @ b c . p a o c . o r g | w w w . b c . p a o c . o r g

The Benefit of a Servant Leader Bob Lenz in Town

Children, Preteen and Family Specialist

by Andy Gabruch NGM Pastor of Emmanuel Church, West Kelowna

Caroline Durocher-Bergeron

I believe the greatest benefit of a servant leader is to come alongside and serve NEEDS. A servant understands needs, the relationships, and the dynamics to serve accordingly. It is truly an art. Servant leadership isn’t about being a doormat or meeting EVERYONE’s preferences or to be at every beck and call…it is about being a servant of a higher purpose and calling. Furthermore, serving and meeting needs builds trust. Trust is the currency in relationships. Relationships bring influence. I encourage you to prayerfully seek the needs in your current context, community, and city. It is worth it! Servant leadership is the highest call! Here is a recent example. One of our values at Emmanuel Church NGM is to meet needs in the local middle and high schools of West Kelowna. We started by evaluating the needs on campus, developing relationships with the administration/leadership, and serving needs accordingly. It was strategic, beneficial, needed… Out of this, on February 12-14, 2013 we were able to bring in Bob Lenz and Life Promotions, 6 school assemblies, 5,000 students, 3 outreaches, and 75 students who gave their lives to Christ for the first time - many who have NEVER been to a church. We would NEVER have this type of influence on our campuses unless we had trust. Servant leaders see the needs, meet needs, and build trust accordingly…why? To expand influence…Kingdom influence. Matthew 20:28, “the Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve.” – Jesus

Elevate | April 4-5, 2013

Elevate is more than a conference, it is a time where leaders working with children, preteens and families from across our nation come together united by a common passion, “raising up world changers”. Elevate is about connecting with the heart of God so that His light will shine brightly through us and ILLUMINATE the world. Relax. Be refreshed. Get inspired. Move forward. We are delighted to welcome Revolution Band, a group of young musicians and songwriters who have a contagious love for God and His people. Our main speakers, David Wakerley, Children’s Pastor of Hillsong Church, Australia, and Mike & Marilyn Seth, from Kids in His Presence Ministries, will bring a series of messages that will refresh your soul and empower you to reach this generation. At Elevate our goal is to offer you both an inspirational experience as well as hands-on training. Our Learning Labs address some of the most relevant topics and provide practical solutions to the challenges we face on a weekly basis. Throughout our time together, you will hear stories of leaders just like yourself who have seen God move in astonishing ways in their ministry, and who broke new ground for the Kingdom of God. God is at work in our nation and using kids and preteens in meaningful and powerful ways. Networking is always a highlight of our time together. We invite you to be part of our dessert reception on Friday night. It’s always a great time to connect with other leaders and enjoy some sweet treats. We hear countless stories of how attending Elevate Conference as a group was beneficial to their local ministry: visions are birthed, friendships are deepened, and commitments to the ministry are renewed. This is why we provide a cost effective way to bring your entire team of 10 or more. This is a great opportunity to train and honour your volunteers; they will head home with a fresh vision of their calling and be better equipped to accompany children in their spiritual journeys.

this issue The Benefit of a Servant Leader 1 Children, Preteen and Family 1 BCYD Global Workers 2 District Superintendent 3 University Christian Ministries 4 Summit Pacific College 4 Legacy Builders (50+) 4 Next Generation Ministries 4 District Clergy Care Coach 5 Assistant Superintendent 5 Aboriginal and Cultural Ministries 6 Women 2 Women 6 Happenings Around the District 7 District Calendar 7 District Conference 8 BC Yukon PAOC District @bcydist

For more information and registration, visit our website at: Together, let’s raise spiritual champions and world changers. Let’s ILLUMINATE our world.

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BC/Yukon District and our Global Workers WE ARE BETTER TOGETHER!

Kirsten Arding (Europe)

Sheldon & Anna Armitage (Europe)

Bill & Linda Mercer (Mozambique)

Pascal & Caroline Bergeron (Haiti)

Len & Marilyn Mittelstaedt (Tanzania)

Sergio & Nancy Bersaglio (Zambia)

Marty & Marjit Mittelstaedt (Tanzania)

Phil & Judy Bowler (Senegal)

Rainer & Elizabeth Mittelstaedt (Sri Lanka)

Steve & Kathy Bowler (Malawi)

Dave & Connie Buzikievich (East Africa)

Nelson & Lisa Monteiro (Brazil)

Dawn Ellwyn (Tanzania)

Christo & Sarah Emmanuel (Indo-Asia)

Peter & Arlene Paluch Jeremy & Candace Postal (Europe) (Canada)

Tom & Laura Fodor (Brazi)l

Matt & Amber Price (Poland)

Gerald & Pat Golbeck (Africa)

Karen Reed (Canada)

Bapu Desai & Frank Juelich Racheal Komant (Prem Sewa Shikshan (Rwanda) Sanghsia)

Joel & Avin Reimer (Cambodia)

Joel & Brandi Reimer (India)

Greg & Andrea Laing (Thailand)

George & Eileen Werner (Europe)

Dan & Mardell MacTavish (Romania / Spain)

Jonathan & Vera Willoughby (Sri Lanka)

Celebrating Global Workers Departing for their Field Soon! Kirsten Arding Kirsten has attained the 75% support level and was able to depart for United Kingdom on March 8, 2013! She is hopeful to reach her budget goal of 100% so that she is able to fully organize, develop and release transformational mission teams from around the world to support the work of the church planters involved in the Balkan Region as she co-labours with the team at the NLI Network. Having experience in both the participating and receiving end of teams, she realizes how vital short-term teams are, and how much they can impact people’s lives. God really uses these teams to do some extraordinary work for His purpose.

Dawn Ellwyn May 1, 2013 is the projected day for Dawn’s departure to Zambia, Africa for orientation, then on to the Village of Hope in Kisumu, Kenya! ( kisumu/)

Dawn will be receiving training from VOH Directors, Sergio & Nancy Bersaglio in Chongwe, then onto Kisumu to work with the established school that is part of the Village of Hope. Being a fully certified teacher will be a major help to this school, and Dawn is eagerly anticipating what the Lord has for her in Kisumu and the children’s lives that she will be able to influence with the love of God. She will be assisting with the Child Care Plus program, training teachers, ESL The Balkan Region has emerged from Communism and dictatorships, with program, and helping the teachers find methods to help children with learning declarations of independence for many nations that have only been recently difficulties. recognized internationally. The after-effects of the ethnically fuelled wars that crossed geographical boundaries, are still reflected today in the people, 83% of the budget has been raised and Dawn is very hopeful to reach her 100% infrastructure and governments. As the Balkan region continues to develop, the goal before departing. potential for positive input and impact of communities is both striking For more info please visit: and unparalleled! For more details on Kirsten’s mission please visit : |

BCYD Global Worker Updates Sheldon & Anna Armitage Sheldon is currently on home assignment in BC. You can contact Sheldon at Sheldon & Anna have officially accepted the role of pastoring Bratislava International Fellowship which has a vision to serve, love and reach the English-speaking and international community of Bratislava. They will be relocating to Bratislava in the summer so lots to do – please pray! Sheldon will be continuing in his role as Assistant Regional Director for Eurasia Now, and Anna with her ongoing work in combating Human Trafficking and Sexual Exploitation and involvement in the European Freedom Network. Sergio & Nancy Bersaglio They are currently on home assignment in BC. You can contact Sergio at Sergio & Nancy oversee the Villages of Hope - Africa Society which presently has villages in Burundi, Kenya, Malawi, Tanzania, Zambia (Chongwe, Kitwe & Mongu) and Zimbabwe. The Villages of Hope provide education, medical care and nutrition for over 2,400 orphans and vulnerable children. Pascal & Caroline Bergeron They are in the midst of their fundraising journey. Click here for more info.

Marg Foreman Steve & Kathy Bowler Marg has now retired and moved back The Children of Blessing Trust and to BC. We look forward to hearing Fountain of Life projects continue to about the faithfulness of the Lord in pour into the lives that are brought to them in Malawi. Your prayers and support are these last several years serving at the Africa Regional Office. Marg, believing passionately that the only invaluable. Click here for more info. hope for Africa is in Christ, has worked in administration to reach the lost, to plant churches, David & Connie Buzikievich David & Connie are currently on home and to enable both global workers and national assignment visiting BC as well as leaders bring hope and healing to the people of You can contact Marg at Ontario. You can contact them at Africa . They are starting a new season of ministry when they return to Africa in July. Dan & Mardie MacTavish Located in Nairobi, Kenya, Connie will be the Dan & Mardie work in partnership with executive assistant to Stephen Chaloner, Africa the Bucharest International church in Director for PAOC Missions, and David will be Romania, the Salem Church network in heading up facilities management for PAOC in Nairobi, as well as doing special projects for Pan Spain, and cross-cultural outreach in BC as well as Africa Christian University and various other PAOC providing pastoral care for the Global Workers in ministries. Connie will be replacing Marg Foreman, the Eurasia region and national leaders in these who is retiring after many years of faithful service to countries. For more info, please visit their website at or contact them at God in Africa . They spend a total of six months of the year in the Eurasia region, and the Christo Emmanuel Christo is currently on home other six months in BC. Their next trip to Eurasia is assignment in BC. You can contact in April. Please pray for them as they reach out to Christo at their partners in Romania and Spain, and provide Christo & Sarah serve in southeast Asia, them with encouragement, Life Coaching, working with children, reaching Mentorship and Leadership Development. hundreds throughout the community Jonathan & Vera Willoughby and in the slums, youth outreaches, 30 cell groups They will be heading to Sri Lanka in within the community, and have adopted a local August. Click here for more info. unreached people group.

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Courage by Ken Russell, District Superintendent Christianity is not for the cowardly or the faint-hearted. The Christian walk requires valor, moxie and tenacity. In fact, scripture prompts people to “take courage”, “be bold”, “fear not” and “be not afraid”. The Bible provides more than 350 direct references to being, “strong and courageous”. Yet, throughout history “fear and terror” has reigned in the hearts of so many people. Even today, words like “cancer”, “terrorism”, and “tsunami warning” seem to petrify the most stalwart of believers. Nelson Mandela once said, “I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear.” Courage may not always evaporate in the face of adversity; sometimes courage erodes during times of prosperity, comfort and complacency. Comfortable Christians tend to take fewer risks and create for themselves a lifestyle of safety, shelter and security. Steve Jobs founder of Apple Computers Incorporated, made this statement just before he passed away, “Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma - which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition.” We know the Holy Spirit speaks to the inner conscience (heart and intuition) of men and women. True courage is found when leaders listen to the voice of God’s Spirit, even when everyone around them is saying something contrary. When facing the vile threats of a towering Philistine named Goliath, a young shepherd named David found true courage by listening to his God. Perhaps we could gain some fresh insight about courage from David’s experience… First, Courage is a By-product of Discerning the “Supernatural” Realities of our Earthly Battles. 1 Samuel 17:45-47 “David replied to the Philistine, ‘You come to me with sword, spear, and javelin, but I come to you in the name of the Lord of Heaven’s Armies - the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied. Today the Lord will conquer you, and I will kill you and cut off your head. And then I will give the dead bodies of your men to the birds and wild animals, and the whole world will know that there is a God in Israel! And everyone assembled here will know that the Lord rescues his people, but not with sword and spear. This is the Lord’s battle, and he will give you to us!’” The enemy we struggle against, and the battle we engage, does not involve flesh and blood alone. We’re engaged in a supernatural conflict, but the Lord of Heaven’s Armies is on our side. David gained supernatural courage because he would not focus on the physical circumstances of his situation (he was shorter, weaker, younger, and less experienced in battle). David recognized the unseen reality of God’s power and presence, which gave him courage to slay the giant. Secondly, Courage is a By-product of “Supernatural” Faith, not Superior Force and Armor. 1 Samuel 17:38-40 “Then Saul gave David his own armor - a bronze helmet and a coat of mail. David put it on, strapped the sword over it, and took a step or two to see what it was like, for he had never worn such things before. ‘I can’t go in these,’ he protested to Saul. ‘I’m not used to them.’ So David took them off again. He picked up five smooth stones from a stream and put them into his shepherd’s bag. Then, armed only with his shepherd’s staff and sling, he started across the valley to fight the Philistine.” Using another person’s strategy or possessions never increases one’s courage. While fear and panic is very contagious, people of courage and confidence usually stand apart. The opposite of courage is not cowardice, it is conformity. Facing the Philistine giant was not a committee decision. When David stepped forward, with a slingshot and five smooth river rocks, the heavily armed soldiers of Israel (which included David’s brothers) stepped back and cowered with fear and trepidation. Bravery is lonely. Attempting the impossible is often left to very few individuals who dare to defy the odds. Most people would rather play it safe and suffer the ill effects of adversity, captivity, suffering and pain.

Thirdly, Courage is a By-product of Recalling the “Supernatural” Victories of Your Past. 1 Samuel 17:34-37 “But David persisted. ‘I have been taking care of my father’s sheep and goats,’ he said. ‘When a lion or a bear comes to steal a lamb from the flock, I go after it with a club and rescue the lamb from its mouth. If the animal turns on me, I catch it by the jaw and club it to death. I have done this to both lions and bears, and I’ll do it to this pagan Philistine, too, for he has defied the armies of the living God! The Lord who rescued me from the claws of the lion and the bear will rescue me from this Philistine!’” Courageous people draw strength from past victories, while those who lack bravery continually rehearse their failures. Victory is never final, and failure is never fatal if they provide us with the courage to face adversity with confidence in Christ.

BCYD District Conference | April 29 - May 1, 2013 Please accept my personal invitation to our annual District Conference in Victoria, this April 29th to May 1st. Our “Family Gathering” will be hosted this year by Pastor Ron Michalski and the wonderful leaders of Glad Tidings Pentecostal Church. The theme for this year's District Conference is “Courageous”, which is based on the scripture found in Joshua 1:6, “Be strong and courageous, because you will lead these people.” Pastor Carter Conlon (Lead Pastor of Times Square Church in New York City) will be our plenary speaker this year. Pastor Carter will be sharing some inspiring messages during our Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday evening services. This year, the first 300 pre-registrants to our District Conference will receive one of Pastor Carter's books, “Fear Not” or “The 180° Christian”. If your church is located near the city of Victoria, please let your congregation know that our evening sessions will be open for general attendance at no extra charge. This year's District Conference will include the election of our District Officers, District Leadership Team, and during one of the business sessions, we shall receive nominations for our Section Pastors Team. We will be using an electronic voting system again this year to conduct our elections; however, paper ballots shall be available for those who prefer the hard-copy method. During the business sessions, our District Leadership Team will be introducing some proposed changes to our District's missional priorities, organizational structure and 2013 budget. We deeply value your input and hope you will participate in these very strategic conversations and proposed resolutions. Please come to our District Conference this year with a renewed urgency to hear from our Lord, and be empowered by His Spirit. Let me encourage you to register as soon as possible, using the EventBrite registration system which is available on our website, Conference Schedule: Monday April 29, 2013 9:30am District Leadership Team Meeting 10:00am Aboriginal Group Meeting 1:30pm Registration Desk Open 6:00pm Dessert Reception 7:00pm Evening Service Tuesday April 30, 2013 8:30am Registration Desk Open 8:30am Prayer 9:00am Missions Breakfast Reception 10:30am Morning Service 12:00pm Lunch 12:00pm Legacy Builder’s Luncheon (at North Douglas Tabernacle) 2:00pm Partners In Ministry 2:00pm Business Session I 7:00pm Evening Service | Missions Emphasis

Wednesday May 1, 2013 8:30am Registration Desk Open 8:30am Prayer 9:00am Morning Service 10:45am Leadership Forum 12:00pm Lunch 1:30pm Business Session II 7:00pm Evening Service | Honouring 50yrs in Ministry Affirmation Service of Ordinands Thursday May 2, 2013 9:00am District Leadership Team Meeting

visit our website for more info and to register online

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Summit Pacific College John Engels

Emerge 2013 Marked by God Healing University Students This year’s Emerge weekend was highlighted by God mercifully healing some people of physical issues. A physical healing happened even before the weekend began. One of our newest part-time campus workers (Dave), was suffering from a bulged disc in his back and was getting ready to apply for disability because he was no longer able to work. He could not even attend our staff meetings this past semester because of the debilitating pain. Dave was not going to be able to attend our Emerge retreat either. Then, the Sunday before our retreat, Dave’s church prayed over him. The very next day he went to work pain free! Dave was able to come to Emerge and continues to do well! Several students also experienced healings over the weekend. A couple of students who had longterm breathing difficulties along with depression were healed during Emerge. One of these students even went for a run after the service to prove to herself that something real happened. Another student shared, “I became a Christian...was healed, and celebrated communion for the first time.” This all occurred as students and staff prayed together, worshipped, and joyfully celebrated God’s goodness. No hype or “one man show”, just the Students praying over each other at Emerge blessed work of Christ touching our lives!

Legacy Builders (50+), Carl Sawler

by Darin Graham, Recruitment & Admissions Officer

More.13 Conference Summit Pacific College is excited to announce a brand new conference specifically designed for empowering young leaders to know more of God, do more through Him, and be more in Him. More.13 is a conference for high-school students, adult leaders, and youth pastors. Hosted by Summit Pacific College, More.13 is about more effectively reaching those we're engaged with. Practical workshops led by experienced ministers will provide you with insights and guidance as you seek to do more in the context in which God has placed you. It is open to any leader, 15 years of age and up. This means Youth Leaders, Youth Pastors, Youth who are leaders, and anyone who leads others and wants to lead them deeper in to Christ. SPC is very excited about this amazing opportunity that is focused on providing more for the local church and to leaders like you. For more information and to register, visit

generation and the generations to follow. Those who “fear His name” are transmitting the truths of this heritage while they live and even after they pass on.

Heidi (Graham) Olivares is a young person living this out as she and her husband, Mynor, and their two daughters minister to children and families through Seeds International in schools in Guatemala, and through a feeding program at the local dump in their home city of Jalapa. Her life is an example of spiritual heritage passed onto her from godly grandparents and parents, which she now teaches to her own children. We celebrate Heidi’s passion for ministry knowing that there are many other such stories in the BC/Yukon District. Although Heidi has chosen this path, there are many other young people who have chosen different paths where they are just as passionate in their love for God and transmitting His truth which has been passed to them from their previous generations. Be encouraged God’s people are called to leave a godly legacy, not a self-aggrandized list of their today that God is working through all generations to accomplish His plans and own accomplishments. As I consider those whom I personally know who have left purposes for His own Glory. a godly legacy, I realize that most were not famous and their sphere of influence was relatively small. However, they left a spiritual impact on their family, their Join us for the Legacy Builder's Luncheon during District Conference, on Tuesday, church and their community. A godly legacy is developed over a lifetime as we April 30, at North Douglas Church, Victoria with guest speaker Rev. Jim Caruso. choose day after day to live for Christ. The Psalmist stated in Psalm 61:5, For more info and to register, please contact me at or by “You have given me the heritage of those who fear your name.” Fundamentally, this phone: (250) 428-3476. heritage is the truths we transmit and the life we live that is passed on to our own Last week we attended a funeral service for a 61 year old man. We did not know him very well, but knew that he loved the Lord. It was quite apparent, as his young son shared the eulogy, that his dad was a man of faith, courage and determination. A loving tribute reflected on his solid faith and shining example as a man of God. The son stated that although his dad was not perfect, he laid down a foundation of faith, “one brick at a time”. This young man, in eulogizing his father, left no doubt to anyone, that he personally, was enjoying the benefits of a godly heritage as he now continues his career in the Canadian military.

Next Generation Ministries, Ben Johnson @nextgenbc Elevate 2013 - April 4-5, 2013

TimeOut is for Youth & Young Adult Pastors, Children April 27-29, 2013

& Preteen Pastors, Young Missionaries, Lay Leaders & Spouses.

Ministry has some unique demands on leaders, both emotionally and spiritually, yet Jesus still calls us to a lighter burden. He has called us to an extraordinary life in Him. He has called us to live “Freely and Lightly”. In Matthew 11, Jesus says, “Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.” (MSG). Heather and I look forward to a rich and refreshing time with you in His presence. See you in Victoria! TimeOut will be held in Victoria on April 27-29, 2013. For more info and to register visit:

Click on the image below, to view David Wakerley’s video invitation to Elevate Conference on April 4-5, 2013 at Christian Life Assembly, Langley.

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District Clergy Care Coach, Jim Caruso

Life In Balance You may have watched as Nik Wallenda walked across Niagara Falls on a tight rope on June 15th 2012. Wallenda carried a long balance pole to aid him as he crossed over from the American side of the falls to the Canadian side. If you watched this historic crossing on that June day, Nik who was in direct communication with his father, also a tight rope walker, you would have heard Nik Wallenda giving praise to Jesus all the way as he crossed over the falls. Balance is essential to performing an aerial act such as Wallenda successfully did that summer day. Our walk with God is not unlike the trip across Niagara. We are traversing, going from point A (our day of birth) to Point B (our destination in Heaven with Jesus) and we need to have good balance to avoid a serious fall. The health and well-being of body, soul and spirit are adversely affected by an unbalanced life style. As believers, there is a tendency to focus more on developing the spiritual component of life while seriously neglecting the remaining two components, body and soul. The Creator wove these three components together in mankind to function as a perfect balance. When one segment becomes unbalanced, the whole being begins to lose its equilibrium and spins out of control. The results are disastrous. This triune composition of the human being is underscored in Paul’s writing to the body of believers in Thessalonica, “May God himself, the God who makes everything holy and whole, make you holy and whole, put you together - spirit, soul,

Assistant Superintendent, Dave Solmes @DaveSolmes


During our 2013 mid-winter Minister Seminars, I heard a challenge for us to believe God for a tithe of our community. To be honest, I don’t remember him explaining this in any great depth. What I do remember is the invitation he gave us to “BELIEVE”. This idea rattled me a bit. I have always tried not to be a “numbers guy” or ever try to “quantify things”. Whenever I talk with a friend, the thought of how “big” his church is, never ever crosses my mind. For real! When I was a senior pastor in Montreal, I purposefully did not check the Sunday attendance or offering numbers for four or five days. I would usually check the numbers after our staff and planning meetings that would happen at the beginning of the week which would focus on specific health and vital signs, not vital stats. I must admit that in Montreal it never crossed my mind to believe God for a tithe or any attendance number for that matter. I suppose our church did grow numerically during my pastorate. In the months following the Quebec referendum on October 30, 1995 we saw 90 people from our congregation move out of province. Ouch. This exodus affected the financial and human resources of our congregation. Absolutely! However, during this time we added an additional Sunday morning service to accommodate growth that was happening despite the exodus, and we undertook a two year construction and renovation initiative that doubled the physical size of the church building simply because we were of a mind God wanted us to. Why am I telling you this? My strategy for church health and growth has involved the combination of two words that interplay quite nicely, the Work of the Holy Spirit, and Human Wisdom. WORK: This is the idea that the Work of the Holy Spirit is necessary to see lives changed and ultimately lead to a growing congregation. In Matthew 16:18 Jesus made it very clear that He would build His church. I have always read this as Jesus saying, “back off, these are my people”. As leaders we are powerless to change the mind or heart of a man. We can teach and foster relationships but at the end of the day, salvation and discipleship is a supernatural thing. My prayer focus has always been “Holy Spirit You are Welcome Here”. WISDOM: We need wisdom to be an effective leader. I so appreciate the District Senior Pastor Affinity Clusters that gather twice a year. These spiritual learning groups nurture relationships and foster strategic conversation that increase wisdom. Half of our senior pastors from across our District gather in one of our Senior Pastor Clusters. I appreciate the honesty and authenticity that shapes the conversations within these meetings. The third session of each Senior

and body - and keep you fit for the coming of our Master, Jesus Christ. The One who called you is completely dependable. If he said it, he'll do it!” These words resonate with the idea of perfect balance in the life of church leaders. Paul is confirming that God put us together, has called us and desires to keep us fit (balanced) for the return of Christ. Paul adds that Jesus is perfect in faithfulness and has made provision for church leaders to live a balanced life. With spirit, soul and body in sync with each other, believers will experience balance and stability in their lives. According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, the definition of balance is the state of “mental and emotional steadiness.” The opposite to balance is imbalance and may include unhealthy choices such as; workaholism, materialism, affairs, pornography, over spending, or the use of drugs or alcohol. These unhealthy choices may lead to depression, anger, burnout, or suicide. The continuum of imbalance in a believer’s life may end with serious spiritual, physiological and psychological problems. The challenge to live a balanced lifestyle is presented by Mary Oliver in her poem, The Summer Day, asking the reader, “Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?” The use of these two adjectives wild and precious to describe life, leaves the reader with a challenge: enjoy a wild life full of excitement (eustress and distress), while maintaining a balance, respecting and regarding this same life as precious (having worth, value and purpose, needing care). How is this possible? There is only one way and that is to accept the gift of life that Jesus offers. Jesus said, “A thief is only there to steal and kill and destroy. I came so they can have real and eternal life, more and better life than they ever dreamed of.” John.10:10 (MSG). The solutions are simple: discipline, meditation, physical exercise, proper nutrition, adequate sleep, Sabbath observance, and humour. The balance of life is a delicate dance for most people, a dance in which we must allow Jesus to lead.

Pastor Cluster addresses common barriers to growth as it relates to certain church sizes. Our senior pastors engage in these conversations so well as Proverbs 4:5 encourages us to “get wisdom, gain understanding.” So today I am adding a third word to my thinking, BELIEVE! As a senior pastor or any Christian leader for that matter, we must BELIEVE. Again, as I consider the tithe challenge it doesn’t take me to the “numbers thing”. It takes me to the core of who I am. We have to BELIEVE in order for us to be optimistic, inspired, hopeful, and in order for us to have a bit of grit when we need “staying power”. We have to BELIEVE that God is working and using us. We have to BELIEVE the Holy Spirit is working within the lives of all people in our community. John 16:8 says, “and when He has come, He will convict the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment.” We have to BELIEVE in the power of the gospel to change lives as recorded in Romans 1:16, “for I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes.” We have to BELIEVE that when we preach a sermon, pray with someone, or lead a couple exchanging wedding vows that we are praying to a mighty God who is able to save and keep on saving. We cannot afford to be double minded; there is too much at stake. James Allen says, “A man's mind may be likened to a garden, which may be intelligently cultivated or allowed to run wild; but whether cultivated or neglected, it must, and will bring forth. If no useful seeds are put into it, then an abundance of useless weed-seeds will fall therein, and will continue to produce their kind. Just as a gardener cultivates his plot, keeping it free from weeds, and growing the flowers and fruits which he requires so may a man tend the garden of his mind, weeding out all the wrong, useless and impure thoughts, and cultivating toward perfection the flowers and fruits of right, useful and pure thoughts.” The Lord is not asking us to believe in ourselves, He is asking us to single-mindedly BELIEVE in Him to be great and do great things in our day. Ephesians 3:20 says, “God is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us.” If we do not BELIEVE we will never ask God for anything. What has caught my attention with this “tithe challenge” is that we must have something in our hearts and minds as we plan and pray. If we don’t BELIEVE then our imagination will never be stirred to consider how things could possibly be different in any way than they are now. The purpose of this article is to put a new word into the mix of our conversations. The word is BELIEVE. Let’s let God do His part as He WORKS by His Spirit. As strategic leaders let’s do our part to get WISDOM and gain understanding. Finally, let us singlemindedly BELIEVE God when there appears to be gaps between these last two.

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Aboriginal and Cultural Ministries Edgar Lapeciros

Church Planting: There will be a number of Aboriginal and Cultural Ministry church plants in 2013. Working alongside Dave Solmes and the Church Multiplication Guiding Group, we are helping these churches start on a firm As it was for so many, 2012 was a very challenging one for our ministry. foundation so they can serve the Lord for years to come. With God’s grace we made it through and are looking forward to what 2013 will All Nations College Foundation: bring. In 2012, the Foundation expanded, Aboriginal Ministries: Our 2012 Native Summit was opening a third campus in New held at Bethel International Church, Vancouver. Our 2013 Westminster, adding to the two existing Summit will be held at Terrace Pentecostal Assembly on campuses in Surrey and Abbotsford. September 26-28, with various seminars, rallies and camps. In November, we celebrated a total of 42 graduates from all levels of the Love Corp and the Youth Leadership Development college; 10 of these graduates are among Program will continue to send Korean youth to the those who are planting multicultural churches and reserves with their summer outreach program. We are also looking churches. forward to the revitalizing several of our Native churches, as well as the planting of new churches on some of the reserves. We are working and praying about Cross Cultural Outreach Society: The society was created to serve opening a new training centre to teach Aboriginal Leaders and pastors for our newcomers to Canada. It is our goal to assist them with their immigration and Native churches. settlement needs. We have regular spiritual counselling, and look forward to moving forward with more projects in the future. Cultural Ministries: This will be a great year in Cultural Ministries. In addition to helping some of our churches that are in transition, we are seeing a number of We pray that 2013 will be a great year of anticipation. That God will open doors church plants. We are also looking forward to having our first Ethnic/Cultural of opportunity on these many needy ministries. Summit in addition to the other seminars, rallies and camps these churches normally have.

Andrea Critchley @w2wonline

2013 Women’s Conference Our 2012 Wonder Women conference year was a great way to connect with our churches around the District, and our regional conference rotation will continue in 2014!! This year however, we will return to a gathering of the churches in the northern and southern District areas - Prince George on September 2021, 2013, and Surrey on October 25-26, 2013. PURE is our theme, drawing women into a relationship as the bride of Christ; preparing her for the Bridegroom. We are excited to have Christian businesses and sponsors who come alongside of us to make these events fun for our ladies; including gifts, prizes and the opportunity to relax and receive from the Lord during our conference weekends. Our guest speaker for both conferences will be Caroline Reimer, former model and beauty queen, now teacher and mother of three, who will challenge you to walk a life of integrity and holiness in the midst of oppositions from this world. As our goal is to support, build up and strengthen our local church women's ministries, we will be hosting numerous events to pour into your leaders and leadership teams throughout this year. Visit our website ( for more information on these events. During our 2013 District Conference in Victoria, Women2Women will be hosting a booth, providing packets filled with encouraging literature, resources and support for our church women's ministries. Please stop by our table and connect with our team reps and leaders.

MUCH LOVE and MANY THANKS: We are grateful for the 10 years of leadership that Sandra Packer has given to Women2Women as the representative for the Okanagan. She has been an inspiration and support to many over the years. Her heart for women and leadership has resulted in many lives coming to know Jesus, and being discipled in their faith. Sandra will be passing the torch to a new rep, but will continue to support women's ministries as she always has. Sandra, we love you and are blessed by your life and ministry. Thank-you for your heart for women of all generations! We are so grateful for all of the women who give leadership and support to our churches across this District: Sue Gibbs (Yukon), Leanne DenBraber (Interior), Noreen Phillips (Cariboo North), Cynthia Knutson (Kootenays), and Sandi-Jo Ayers (Vancouver Island). We continue to invest in our younger women through HistoryMaker (girls hub), and the junior girls, by bringing a guest speaker and providing sessions for them at every event we do. We can only continue to grow effectively as God's church when we value all generations. We want to be an example to the younger generation who are chasing after God; to be godly leaders who they will follow. We also want to welcome to our W2W team, our administrator Sherri Moore. Sherri started in September 2012 and did an amazing job in managing four conferences back-to-back with no prior experience. I am so proud of the quality of young people that God is raising up to minister, to lead and inspire the next generation for Christ! Sherri has volunteered at our conferences with Women's Ministries for the past five years, so she is a natural fit to the team. Thank you for all of the prayers and support for our Women's Ministries. A group of women who sponsored financially this past year helped us reach the regional ladies with our Wonder Women conferences. This team of women served, supported financially, and gave of their time and talents as a team to bless the ladies of our regions: Amy Baker, Annette Denny, Lacey Forward, Kim Moran, Marika Siewert, Kamal Dhillon, Connie Jakab, Anne Donkers, Sherri Moore, Kirsten Arding, Irene Waldack, Janyce Beswitherick, Sarah Loosdretch, Leanne McAlister, Tara Teng, and our regional reps! Thankyou all for serving and blessing the women of the BC Yukon District, and also to our honorary W2W Figure, Pastor Phil Spoelstra!

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District Calendar

Happenings Around the District Transitions

MARCH 2013 15-17 NGM & Summit Pacific College: More.13, Abbotsford

Ministries of the University of British Columbia.  Mike & Julie Furtado: Appointed as Campus Pastors of Christian Life Community Church, Aldergrove (formerly Aldergrove Christian Assembly).  Erin Latham: Appointed as Assistant Children’s Ministries Director of Broadway Pentecostal Church.  Laura Lim: Concluded as Youth & Children’s Ministries Pastor of Bethel International Church, Vancouver.  Krystle Oudit: Appointed as Children’s & Youth Ministries Pastor of Bethel International Church, Vancouver.  Kirsten Smith: Appointed as Children’s Ministries Director of Broadway Pentecostal Church.  Gabriel Torrealba: Concluded as Youth Pastor of Ladner Christian Fellowship, Delta.  Stephen Valcourt: Concluded as Worship & Arts Director of Abbotsford Pentecostal Assembly and was called as Lead Pastor in Pincher Creek, Alberta.


 Amber Barker: Concluded as Campus Missionary of University Christian

(Conference for Youth, Youth Pastors and Leaders)

APA: Empower Men’s Conference, Abbotsford

APRIL 2013 5-6 Elevate (Children, Preteen & Family Ministry Leadership Conference), Langley 7 Broadway Pentecostal Church: Family Focused Service with guest 21-27 26 27-29 29-May 1

speaker, David Wakerley, Children’s Pastor of Hillsong Church, Australia NGM: HistoryMaker Week of Prayer, Twitter: @HMPray #hm13

Summit Pacific College: Graduation Ceremony, Abbotsford NGM: TimeOut, Victoria BCYD: Conference, Victoria

MAY 2013 4 NGM: Youth Leadership Clinic, West Kelowna 5 BCYD: District-Wide Day of Prayer for Church Multiplication 17-19 NGM: HistoryMaker (Youth & Young Adults Conference), Chilliwack JUNE 2013 7-8 BCYD: Church Multipliers Retreat, Abbotsford JULY 2013 17-18 CLCC: Man Up Conference, Abbotsford

Churches in Pastoral Transition Alert Bay-Glad Tidings Church (Aboriginal) Creston, Glad Tidings Pentecostal Church Kitamaat Village, Haisla Pentecostal Church Port Alice, Ocean View Christian Assembly Prince George, Hart Pentecostal Church Steveston Christian Church, Richmond Surrey, Revival Church (Korean)

Regional Pastorates: Anahim Lake Chapel & Bella Coola Pentecostal Assembly (Aboriginal) Port Clements, Cedarview Community Church & Queen Charlotte, Bethel Assembly visit our website for other ministry opportunities (

SEPTEMBER 2013 20-21 BCYD: Women2Women Conference, Prince George 26-28 BCYD: Native Pastors/Leaders Summit, Terrace 27-28 CLA: Church Conference, Langley OCTOBER 2013 7-9 BCYD: Cluster Leadership Retreat, Stillwood Retreat Centre 18-19 PAOC: Global Summit, Langley 20 BCYD: University Ministry Sunday, District-Wide 21-23 BCYD: Licensed Ministers Network #2, Stillwood Retreat Centre 25-26 BCYD:Women2Women Conference, Surrey 25-27 GT: Adore Conference, Victoria 2013 Fellowship News Submission Deadline Dates: May 15 | Aug 15 | Nov 15


 Reuben & Lisa Kramer are happy to announce the birth of their son, Zaden Metske born December 26, 2012.

 Stephen & Embree Valcourt are happy to announce the birth of their daughter, Rebecca Lynn born December 28, 2012.


 Marion Matilpi passed into the presence of her Lord and Saviour on

Saturday, January 12, 2013. Marion held her credentials with the PAOC from 1948 to 1976 in which she pioneered a number of our BC coastal reserves and various endeavors among the First Nations People across BC (cities include Alert Bay, Bamfield, Bella Bella, Bella Coola, Burnaby, Dawson, Nelson, New Westminster, Port Alberni, Port Hardy and Victoria). A memorial service was held on Wednesday, January 16 in Fort Rupert. Please pray for her husband, Peter and their family during this time.  Barbara Wightman passed into the presence of her Lord on Tuesday, January 22, 2013. Barbara received her Deaconess credentials with the PAOC in 1958. Working alongside her husband Ross, they pastored in Saskatchewan, Manitoba, and British Columbia. They were also involved in evangelistic crusades and travels throughout Canada, the USA, Great Britain, Europe, China, Korea and Japan. Barbara is the beloved wife of Rev. Ross Wightman; mother to their daughters: Gail Wightman; Donna Lou Gilbert (husband, Rick); Elaine Bergen; Rosslyn Delmonico (husband, David); and, grandmother to their 18 grandchildren and 18 great grandchildren. A celebration of life service was held Saturday, February 2 at Abbotsford Pentecostal Assembly.

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GUEST SPEAKER Carter Conlon is the Senior Pastor of Times Square Church, New York City, an inter-denominational church with more than 8,000 people in attendance, representing more than 100 different nationalities. He joined the pastoral staff in 1994 at the invitation of Founding Pastor, David Wilkerson (author of the best-selling book The Cross and the Switchblade). He was appointed to the office of Senior Pastor in 2001. In 1987, he left a successful 12-year career as a police officer to enter fulltime ministry. He founded a church, a Christian school, and a food bank east of Ottawa, Canada. During those years, he also traveled throughout the country, speaking at various churches in need of encouragement. Today, Pastor Carter continues to be a voice for God far beyond the pulpit of Times Square Church. He does weekly radio spots on 1010 WINS, the Nation’s longest-running all news station, and is invited to speak at numerous conferences each year. He has also traveled extensively around the world, preaching at outreaches in countries such as Burundi, Haiti, Argentina, Jamaica, Zambia and Nigeria, with some meetings reaching an estimated 500,000 in attendance. A shepherd not only to the sheep, in 2010 Pastor Carter created "For Pastors Only" in response to multiple requests he received from ministers seeking spiritual fathering. This online resource airs bi-weekly devotionals and is currently accessed by over 3,000 pastors worldwide. A long-time student of revival, Pastor Carter would have no greater joy than to see the Church of Jesus Christ walking in the fullness of strength and purpose which is available to all who long to glorify Him.

MISSIONS BREAKFAST RECEPTION Tuesday April 30 │ 9:00am Glad Tidings Pentecostal Church

complete the conference registration form to secure your reservation

LEGACY BUILDERS (50+) LUNCHEON Tuesday April 30 │ 12:00pm at North Douglas Pentecostal Tabernacle (675 Jolly Place, Victoria)

PRE-REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED TO ATTEND THIS LUNCHEON complete the conference registration form to secure your reservation

PARTNERS IN MINISTRY Tuesday April 30 │ 2:00pm Bethany Court

located across the courtyard from Glad Tidings Pentecostal Church

He and his wife, Teresa, have three children and four grandchildren.

WORSHIP BAND Luke Stones has served as Music Director at Glad Tidings Church Victoria since 2006, prior to which he studied guitar and voice at Capilano University’s Jazz Studies Program. Luke has a passion to see the Creator revealed through artistic expression and the exploration of music, and his desire is to see God’s people drawn to Him as they are confronted with His presence during corporate worship. In 2011 Luke and Adore released their first album, “Bread & Water” and in 2012 Luke contributed to the Worship Victoria album “Kingdom Come” which was recognized with a GMA award this past November. Luke and his wife Helena have two little boys and are expecting their third child this spring.

SCHEDULE Monday April 29, 2013 9:30am District Leadership Team Meeting 10:00am Aboriginal Group Meeting 1:30pm Registration Desk Open 6:00pm Dessert Reception 7:00pm Evening Service Tuesday April 30, 2013 8:30am Registration Desk Open 8:30am Prayer 9:00am Missions Breakfast Reception 10:30am Morning Service 12:00pm Lunch 12:00pm Legacy Builder’s Luncheon (at North Douglas Tabernacle) 2:00pm Partners In Ministry 2:00pm Business Session I 7:00pm Evening Service • Missions Emphasis

Wednesday May 1, 2013 8:30am Registration Desk Open 8:30am Prayer 9:00am Morning Service 10:45am Leadership Forum 12:00pm Lunch 1:30pm Business Session II 7:00pm Evening Service • Honouring 50yrs in Ministry • Affirmation Service of Ordinands Thursday May 2, 2013 9:00am District Leadership Team Meeting

visit our website for more info and to register online

nursery to grade 7 This year, we have a dynamic conference prepared for our pastors’ children and students (nursery to grade 7). This will include powerful worship time, afternoon outings, late night fun, snacks, and awesome activities. Your kids will be encouraged and challenged to be strong and courageous, living out their faith passionately, fearlessly and boldly. Schedule: Monday: 7:00pm - 9:30pm Tuesday:

9:00am - 12:00pm 2:00pm - 4:30pm 7:00pm - 9:30pm


9:00am - 12:00pm 1:30pm - 4:00pm 7:00pm - 9:30pm

Pre-Registration Costs: (lunch included) $12 per child per week | $30 maximum per family Drop-In Costs AT Conference: $5 per child per session; OR, $7 per day (lunch for post-registrants as quantities permit) Note: additional costs may apply for various outings PRE-REGISTER ONLINE at

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