March 2014 bcyd fellowship news

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20411 Douglas Crescent Langley, BC V3A 4B6 p: 604-533-2232 | f: 604-533-5405 e: | District Superintendent, Ken Russell

The Opportunities and Uncertainties of “CHANGE” Creatures of habit and routine like myself do not necessarily welcome change! Over the course of my life, I’ve been lovingly mocked for having a “Hebrews 13:8 hairstyle”… “Hair that is the same yesterday, today and forever!!” It also occurred to me recently, that I have been shaving my face the same way from the time I was fifteen years old. I always start with an application of shaving cream on the same cheek, and then begin removing my bristles with the same systematic shaving pattern. While this may not seem significant to some people, it made me realize how entrenched I had become in some patterns in my life. Whether in life or ministry, managing the tension and uncertainty of “change” is an essential component of growth and progress. No one ever stays the same. People are either progressing or regressing. No one has the option of staying the same. In fact, every cell of our body is renewing itself constantly. Micro changes are happening in our body, even as we read this article. Change confronts complacency and apathy. Stagnation is the hallmark of affection for the “status quo” and the “plateaued life.” Personally and vocationally, people must avoid stagnation by changing things around themselves, which will challenge their need for a static life. People can typically change their conduct—things they do and how they react—but only the Holy Spirit can change their character. Change creates renewal and revitalization. On New Year’s Day, most of us feel an automatic sense of renewal. Sure enough, the calendar rolls

over to a new number, but in reality December 31st is not much different than January 1st. With that being said, there is something beneficial about creating a deadline for change, new resolutions, altered habits, and transformed routines. Change censures our dependency on repetition. If you study successful business leaders today, you quickly discover that they aren’t reactive, they’re proactive. They make new things happen and seldom repeat old patterns. Apple, Microsoft, Walmart, Facebook, Starbucks, or Google…these organizations constantly apply new changes to their methodology and products in order to meet the needs of their clients. Churches that resist change cease to accomplish their mission or connect with their communities. The mission of Christ is too important. We must not allow our resistance to change to lead the church into irrelevancy. Our God specializes in change, deliverance and transformation. Isaiah 43:15-19 says, “I am the LORD, your Holy One, Israel's Creator, your King. This is what the LORD says--he who made a way through the sea, a path through the mighty waters, who drew out the chariots and horses, the army and reinforcements together, and they lay there, never to rise again, extinguished, snuffed out like a wick: ‘Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland.’” With all of this mind, I remind myself that Jesus took my life, when I was far from Him, and made me brand new. He took that which was broken and He transformed it. He broke my passive and aggressive disobedience and gave me a submissive, willful desire to emulate Him. Therefore I must embrace change, rather than fear it or grieve what was once my comfortable nature.

this issue District Superintendent 1 BCYD Global Workers 2 Aboriginal and Cultural Ministries 3 Assistant Superintendent 3 BC Campus Ministries 3 Youth, Young Adults, Family 4 Children & Preteen Ministry 4 Director of Crisis Intervention 5 Summit Pacific College 5 Happenings Around the District 6 District Calendar 7 BCYD COTM Promo 8

BC Yukon PAOC District @bcydist

BC/Yukon District and our Global Workers and Mission Canada WE ARE BETTER TOGETHER!

Kirsten Arding (Eurasia)

Sheldon & Anna Armitage (Europe)

Racheal & Kodo Komant-Ngabane (Rwanda)

Sergio & Nancy Bersaglio (Zambia)

Dan & Mardell MacTavish (Romania / Spain)

Phil & Judy Bowler (Senegal)

Bill & Linda Mercer (Mozambique)

Steve & Kathy Bowler (Malawi)

Rainer & Elizabeth Mittelstaedt (Sri Lanka)

Dave & Connie Buzikievich (Kenya)

Dawn Ellwyn (Kenya)

Peter & Cavelle D. (Thailand)

Nelson & Lisa Monteiro (Brazil)

Peter & Arlene Paluch (Europe)

Christo & Sarah Emmanuel (Indo-Asia)

Alexey & Tonia Pankov (Siberia)

Tom & Laura Fodor (Brazi)l

Joel & Avin Reimer (Cambodia)

Gerald & Pat Golbeck (Africa)

Kim Hodgkiss (Honduras)

Mark & Kim Steinfield (Armenia)

Bapu Desai & Frank Juelich (Prem Sewa Shikshan Sanghsia)

Jonathan & Vera W.

Mission Canada

We also have restricted access workers that either consider BC their home district or are connected to the district, including 11 families that minister in unspecified nations.

Jeremy & Candace Postal (Whistler)

Karen Reed (Vancouver)

District Missions Representative Doug Smith The District Missions team has taken on a new look with some new members and we’re excited about the way forward. The newly reconstituted team held its first meeting on February 4th and after reviewing the status of our District Global Workers, we moved to discuss the team’s mandate to be amongst other things, a catalytic influence in the BC Yukon District and to ensure our Global Workers feel connected and cared for.

On March 5th the team will meet again for a strategy session aimed at developing a number of forward-moving priorities, along with some framework planning. Our team members are Marg Foreman; Lynn Gettel; Luke Liable; Paul & Wanda Moore; Kory Sorensen; Dave Solmes and Doug Smith. Please know we are here to serve the District and are happy to hear from you at any time. The team would also like to take this opportunity to invite you to the District Conference’s Missions Breakfast on Tuesday March 11th. Our featured speaker will be Ian Green. Please ensure you book in advance as last year was sold out!

Peter & Cavelle D.

David & Connie Buzikievich

Joel & Avin Reimer

website: to donate:

email: to donate:

website: to donate:

Peter & Cavelle and family live in South East Asia. Imagine Thailand works in the crossroads between leading universities, progressive businesses and children at risk in poor and marginalized communities. Two of their main programs are aimed at children at risk and emerging leaders.

David and Connie have transitioned to new ministry positions based in PAOC's All Africa offices in Nairobi, Kenya. Connie is the Administrative Assistant to Rev. Stephen Chaloner, PAOC's Africa Regional Director and to our 60+ global worker families across Africa. She also provides logistical support to the Pentecostal Assemblies of Africa (PAOA), a fellowship of our Africa church leaders, and is involved with TELTAC, an advisory Phil & Judy Bowler council for theological training and leadership email: to donate: development. David is now the Property Manager for PAOC Kenya. His main focus is PAOC’s facilities in Phil is the regional educational resource Global Worker Nairobi. He is available to assist all of PAOC’s Global for West Africa - teaching, administrating and consulting Workers in the Kenya field with special projects. in the three PAOC fields of this region: Senegal, Liberia, and Guinea. Judy works with womens ministry, teaching Kim Hodgkiss and strengthening women. Together with their team, to donate: Phil and Judy work to develop Christian Schools in the country, and micro enterprise development with 125 Kim is back in Honduras as Director of a Ministry/ Vocational Training Centre for girls after being in BC for women. Christmas. She is blessed to have a great new class of students and faithful staff. She will be commissioned at Steve & Kathy Bowler to donate: COTM. Steve & Kathy, Amy & Alisa will be in Canada June-August 2014. Kathy is the director of Children of Blessing Trust, where rehabilitation services are offered to over 550 disabled adults and children. Steve is director of Fountain of Life, which provides support services for victims of sexual assault and promotes awareness among other activities.

Racheal & Kodo Komant-Ngabane

website: to donate:

Racheal is based in Rwanda and the vision that God has placed on her heart to start a Leadership Development Center in Kigali, Rwanda is happening! Racheal married Kodo in August 2013. He is a worship leader in their church and works at UNAIDS. They are hoping to be in Canada for Home Assignment this summer.

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Joel and Avin work in South East Asia. Together they are thrilled to partner with what God is doing in Cambodia, and know there is a plan far greater than they are even able to comprehend at this time. Their continued focus will be on church planting, growing national leadership and discipleship. They returned to Cambodia November 2013 after the birth of their baby girl, Mya. They will be church planting this spring in Poi Pet, and will be here on home assignment in late summer 2014.

Mark & Kim Steinfield

to donate:

Mark & Kim are transitioning to Spain with their family. Later this year Mark will be Director of Education for the Eurasia region, and will continue with international teaching and facilitating the charity “Loads of Love”, helping poor families with food and medical needs. Kim will be the Member Care Director for Eurasia.

Conference February 28th to March 1st, hosted by Radical Faith Pentecostal Church in Surrey.

Aboriginal and Cultural Ministries Edgar Lapeciros

Vancouver Celebration Christian Fellowship in Burnaby, the church we are leading, will be celebrating its 8th year. God is moving in this church after Faith and I took a trip in January 2014 to visit Philippines, our home country. many years of struggles. It was a good time to reunite with family and friends. But at the same time we visited areas devastated by Typhoon Haiyan. Over all, we thank God for the sufficiency of His grace giving us strength and direction during two decades of ministry. We have hope because of the We are happy to be back and continue on with what the Lord has entrusted Lord’s great love. We are not consumed, for His compassion never fails. to us. We will resume teaching at our All Nations College Foundation, both They are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness. Lam.3:21-13. in the Lower Mainland and at Glad Tidings Church in Victoria. It’s a privilege to serve, On a case by case basis, we are assisting newcomers through our Cross Cultural Outreach Society. We’ve been heavily involved with our Native and International church plants. For this year, we will have our Prayer Maranatha, Edgar and Faith

Assistant Superintendent, Dave Solmes @solmes_ The old saying, “You can’t teach an old dog new tricks” is not true. Our dog just learned a new three-part trick: shake both paws, high five, and a roll-over sequence, a big win for Duke Solmes! I am of a mind that if we change some thinking about our habits, things may look a little different. Charles Duhigg wrote in his book The Power of Habit – Why We Do What We Do In Life and Business, that habits emerge because the brain is constantly looking for ways to save effort. If left to its own devices, the brain will try to make almost any routine into a habit, because habits allow our minds to ramp down more often. Bob Burns in his book Resilient Ministry, states that 95% of what we do occurs automatically or in reaction to a demand or anxiety. If we understand the process of how habits are developed, we can use that knowledge to intentionally develop habits that will serve us. It’s a powerful tool to bring change and forward movement into your life. Duhigg says a new habit is created by putting together a cue, a routine, and a reward, and then cultivating a craving that drives the loop. For example, if you want to start a new habit like running each morning, it’s essential that you choose a simple cue, (like leaving your running shoes next to your bed) and a clear reward (a simple treat, a sense of accomplishment from

John Engels

recording your miles, feeling an endorphin rush, etc.). Duhigg goes on to say that a cue and reward aren’t enough by themselves for a new habit to last. It is only when your brain starts expecting the reward—craving the endorphins or sense of accomplishment—that a habit is formed. Yesterday I completed a half marathon race in Fort Langley. Certainly not my personal best, but one of the things that motivated me to train was the anticipated reward of running across the finish line and heading to the food tent for “carbs and chocolate.” Because I have felt that reward five or six times before, it really did motivate me, even when I was trying to talk myself out of training. Completing the race delivered that sense of accomplishment and reward that I had anticipated. It was worth it! I would now do it all over again, absolutely! Some habits have the power to start a chain reaction. Some, in other words, matter more than others. These “keystone habits” can influence how people work, eat, play, live, spend, etc. by starting a process that over time, can transform. As you look back over the times in your life when you felt most productive, what keystone habits were laying the foundation for your consistent accomplishments? A keystone habit that the apostle Paul referred to is kneeling in prayer. In Ephesians 3:14, Paul writes, “For this reason I kneel before the Father.” Paul provides us with a good example and invitation. We need to have a reason for why and what we do because day in and day out we reap our habits’ yield. Finding the means to increase our capacity to learn and lead is a necessity for growing leaders. This journey begins by examining habits. So to move forward, ask yourself, why do you do what you do?

Open Doors with Muslims at SFU

Nearly 200 people from 11 campuses were in attendance at Emerge. We were blessed to have Rikk Watts from Regent College and two other speakers share engaging topics, as well as organized outdoor adventures. God touched students in many encouraging ways. One student was baptized in a very cold lake. Another shared about receiving the gift of tongues, and has been experiencing new freedom and growth in Christ ever since. Another shared about “the sense of my sins being taken away.” A group of 15 students stayed up all night sharing testimonies. Someone else desires to start a new group on their campus, where none has existed!

“Last spring I had the opportunity to speak at the SFU Shia Muslim Society's celebration for the end of the world! They asked me to speak on the Christian expectation of Jesus' return. I had a great time and they said it was their most popular event! In early January they invited me back for the celebration of the birth of Muhammad, and to speak on the role of faith in society today. I chose to speak about loving your enemies and blessing those that persecute you, from Jesus' Sermon on the Mount. It was well received and inspired a good Q&A. I am looking for a way for UCM to host them at an event later this semester.” Seth Greenham, SFU Campus Missionary/Chaplain

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Youth, Young Adults & Family Ministries Ben Johnson


A Young Adult Conversation Broadway Church in Vancouver hosted the event, A Young Adult Conversation, on February 7, 2014. The one-day session brought together about 20 Young Adult pastors to share, strategize, and brainstorm on how to reach the YA demographic. The YA age group is currently the most vulnerable to falling away from the church YA Conversation, Broadway Church February 7, 2014 and their faith. Ben Johnson, PAOC Director of Youth, Young Adults & Family Ministries, facilitated the session. This recent conference followed the initial event hosted in 2012 at Glad Tidings Church in Victoria and sought to build upon what was learned from the first. Segments on “Church Culture and The Culture” led by Andy Moore of Glad Tidings Church and “Creating a Sandbox To Experiment Within Culture” led by Luke Knight of Living Waters Church in Fort Langley explored leadership theory and examined models of engagement of culture. The group came to the consensus that having the right outlook and mindset before developing programs and leaders is a vital first step that cannot be omitted. Starting with intentional foundations will allow for relevant and sustainable YA programs to flourish and function most effectively. YA groups can be the most challenging to reach due to the great diversity of their members, their unique and constantly changing needs and priorities, and the daunting social pressures they may face. However, there is also Children and Family Caroline Durocher-Bergeron

much to celebrate, as we see many Young Adults being saved and positively impacting the world for Christ. A third Q&A style session allowed newer youth and YA pastors to hear how experienced pastors handle things and what works for them. These practical tips along with the compilation of resources based on information brought forward during the event are some of the key deliverables that were achieved. The first two openinvitation, extended YA Conversation sessions were intended to get the ball rolling. Going forward, the format will shift toward a smaller focus group structure, incorporating direct input from Young Adults. This YA Conversation session and other efforts to connect with Young Adults to keep them in the fold will ensure the type of future we want for our churches in which we continue to develop our Young Adults into godly Christian leaders. 2014 Focus—Empower Youth and children's leadership clinics are well underway for 2014. This year's theme is Empower - focusing on practical aspects of youth and children's ministry as well as hearing the voice of God and spiritual gifts.

Youth Clinic in Victoria January 25, 2014

Young adult conversations are about discovering key strategies in order to collectively resource BCYD churches and leaders in areas related to reaching, retaining, and discipling young Christian adults—namely twentysomethings. God is at work doing something fresh within our district. Although some call them the “goodbye generation,” we choose to recognize the “hello” that we see springing to life in the ministry of several of our BCYD churches. There is something awakening within our Canadian context that is worthy of our attention, prayer, and discovery. Please pray with us as we create next steps in developing resources and tools that will help us all reach & disciple young adults within our district. kids, preteens, and families that contribute and advance the Kingdom of God.

Provincial Spark Leadership Clinic Our very first SPARK preteen ministry leadership clinic took place at Christian Life Community Church in Abbotsford. What a great start to the New year! More than 30 leaders were inspired, challenged and equipped by our various speakers. Andrew Evans spoke on identity formation, Evan Allnutt on intentional discipleship, Chris Luff on strategic transitions, Ben McGillivray on reaching high risk preteens, Mike Brownlee on creative communication, and I spoke on partnering with parents. It’s encouraging to see churches placing a growing value on preteens, who often feel “stuck” between childhood and adolescence. Training leaders to minister to them effectively is a high priority for our team.

Our first clinic took place in Williams Lake, where 20 leaders of the Cariboo region attended. I’m always blessed by the devotion and faithfulness of the leaders serving in their local churches. ***Wait to hear more about the upcoming Fraser Valley and Comox clinics 2014 Upcoming Children’s Ministry Clinics: • Okanagan/Thompson/Shuswap: April 12 at Emmanuel church, West Kelowna • Kootenay: September 27 at Gateway Christian Life Centre, Trail • North/Peace River: October 4 at Evangel Chapel, Fort St-John

Children’s Leadership Clinics Nine children’s leadership clinics are planned for 2014, encompassing every area of our great province. We are thrilled about the momentum that these • Northwest Northland: TBD at Mountain View Assembly, Smithers clinics have brought to the various regions and about the lives that have been impacted by them. Our theme is: “Empower”. Our heart is to raise • South Island: TBD 50th Anniversary Celebrations We will be highlighting our 50th Anniversary during Conference on the Ministry, as well as honouring our past directors and hosting a stand-up tea following the Saturday morning session May 17th at Historymaker. It’s good to remember what God has done as we look ahead to the future for what He is going to do. Please mark these upcoming dates on your calendars and plan to join us for these legacy events! More information available at Page 4

Youth & Children’s Clinic Williams Lake | Feb 1st, 2014

Coordinator of Counseling and Director of Crisis Intervention Jim Caruso

Fear Not The last two days have been very difficult: I have had a gun put to my head, a knife to my throat, and had a man in his mid-thirties who is a world class black belt expert in martial arts attack me with a baseball bat. These incidents caused me some serious anxiety. Had I not been in a two-day training session on Strategies for Controlling and Restraining Aggressive Behaviour, my anxiety in such circumstances would definitely have accelerated further into full blown fear. We live in a world in which we are constantly inundated with opportunities to fear. God understands our fears, whether real or imagined, and encourages us to embrace His presence in our lives. King David understood fear. His life was threatened many times, he was a man of war, his family turned on him, and he was hunted down like a wild animal by the king he was to succeed. He writes these comforting words in the 23rd Psalm verse 4, “Even if I walk through a very dark valley, I will not be afraid, because you are with me. Your rod and your shepherd’s staff comfort me.” (New Century Version). The key word here is comfort. When we are comfortable, we feel safe enough to relax, fully aware of our surroundings, but assured that we know what to do to avert serious injury or personal damage. Let me give you an example from my last couple of days: The black belt martial artist has his arm around my neck and holds a knife to my throat. At the same time he instructs me on how to take control of this situation and protect myself from being killed. His first words are, “Jim, just relax.” To be honest with you, I was not in a mindset that allowed me to “relax.” My mind was telling me, this guy who is holding the knife at my throat is a lethal weapon without the knife, and he could snap me like a twig, albeit an old twig. Still, I was in danger, serious danger. His words were truth, and as I relaxed, I was able to capture his hand holding the knife, drop, and get him off balance and head-butt him, allowing his death grip on me to be released and my life to be free from danger. Each one of us struggles with fear; it may be of past incidents, present crises, future uncertainties, or a combination of all three. King David penned these words for our comfort and to help us as we battle our fear, “Even if I walk through a very dark valley, I will not be afraid.” Darkness is frightening because we are at a disadvantage within our environment when

we are unable to see what we are battling. Our fear may be a memory of a traumatic situation that damaged us when we were younger. We may find ourselves right back there because of the present situation, not realizing that we are in the present and the memory has no power over us today. The situation might be very real in the moment, as we may be facing results from our doctor, divorce papers from our spouse, two police officers and a chaplain knocking on our door at 2:00am, or when we know that the news we are about to hear is not possible and that it can’t be happening. Fear of the future is terrifying as well because we try to figure out “what if.” What if I lose my business, what if I do have cancer, what if my child doesn’t get off the street and into a rehab centre? These are real fears and many of us and many of the people we know and love are facing them every day. King David wrote these words to encourage us today, not to shame us by indicating that we have no faith to believe, and if we did, we would never fear. Instead, he is instructing us to relax, that we will go through this valley of darkness (fear of the unknown and uncertainty) and we will not be alone or unprotected, because, “I will not be afraid, because You are with me. Your rod and Your shepherd’s staff comfort me.” We are not alone. Jesus has overcome death and the grave; its sting is gone. Fear is the sting– so relax. Someone told me long ago, Jesus is not only walking with you in the valley of deep darkness, but He is at the end of the valley waiting for you as well. When I signed up for this course I had great anxiety. I thought, I am 61 years old and I could get seriously injured. The anxiety level rose slightly when I heard that a black belt martial artist was in the class. When I realized that we would be participating in classes that would involve guns, knives and baseball bats, my slight fear became heavy danger. My fear diminished as I was instructed in the use of the tools and techniques that would change my fear of the situation to actually being able to take control of potentially lethal situations. I am not arrogant enough to think that I can now take on anyone with a black belt, a gun, knife or baseball bat, but I am more confident that I can protect myself in the event that one of these things should actually happen. That realization has reduced my fear considerably. Are you struggling with anxiety or fear? You are not an anomaly; you are in a large group of believers, amongst some of the super heroes of our faith, including King David. His words to us, wrapped in the Holy Spirit’s anointing are that if we will embrace these words of truth, doing so will transform our fear into trust and faith. May I encourage you, that by talking with someone to bring your fears out of the darkness and into the light, you will break the back of the enemy’s power.

SPC Recruitment Counselor, Darin Graham

More 14 Looking ahead, we are preparing and getting increasingly excited for our Spring conference; More 14. More is a weekend-long conference with the goal to equip youth, young adults, and youth pastors for a deeper ministry in the place that God has called them to. Last year we had over 200 guests on our campus to take in this event. This year, More will take place on March 21-23, 2014.

For further information, visit!

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Happenings Around the District Transitions:


Baker: Appointed as Family Pastor of Point Grey Community Church, Vancouver (Church from the Hollywood).  Tyson Beelsey: Concluded as Campus Missionary, University of Christian Ministries (BCCM) of the University of British Columbia, and appointed as Assistant Pastor of Point Grey Community Church, Vancouver (Church from the Hollywood).  Brent Cantelon: Concluded as Lead Pastor of Christian Life Assembly, Langley and has accepted the invitation from the PAOC International Missions in fulfilling the role of a “missionary/evangelist”.  James Caswell: Concluded as Music Pastor of Surrey Pentecostal Assembly.  Andrew Cheung: Concluded as Spiritual Formation Pastor of Harvest City Church, Vancouver.  Raymond Green Jr.: Concluded as Assistant Pastor of Gateway Christian Life Centre, Trail and accepted the call as Lead Pastor of Crossroads Christian Fellowship, Salmo.  Wesley Harder: Called as Regional Lead Pastor for Cedarview Community Church, Port Clements, & Bethel Assembly Community Church, Queen Charlotte City.  Benjamin Johnson: Will conclude as Director of Youth, Young Adults and Family Ministries of the BC/Yukon District and accepted the call as Lead Pastor of First Assembly, Calgary and will be transitioning after the Historymaker Conference in the Spring.  Patrick Lau: Concluded as Assistant Pastor of Vancouver Chinese Pentecostal Church.  Fred & Kay Nerling: Concluded as leaders of our Retired Pastors and Missionaries Cluster Group.  Ron Michalski: Concluded as Lead Pastor of Glad Tidings Pentecostal Church, Victoria.  Cam Milliken: Concluded as Urban Missionary of Broadway Pentecostal Church and accepted the call as Lead Pastor of Central Christian Assembly, Burnaby.  Jeremiah Modino: Appointed as PreTeen Pastor of Broadway Pentecostal Church, Vancouver  Doug Reimer: Concluded as Campus Lead Pastor of Christian Life Assembly, Maple Ridge.  Sara Tilley: Concluded as Children’s Pastor of Central Christian Assembly, Burnaby and appointed as Children’s Ministry Assistant of Broadway Pentecostal Church, Vancouver.  Jamilee Stanley: Appointed as Director of Children’s Ministry of Harvest City Church, Vancouver.  Chelsea Wood: Concluded as Public Relations Officer of Summit Pacific College and accepted an appointment as Programs Administrator of City Reach Care Society (a ministry of Broadway Church, Vancouver).  Katherine Zelman: Concluded as Children’s Pastor of Richmond Pentecostal Church and accepted an appointment as Children’s Pastor of Millwoods Pentecostal Assembly, Edmonton.

& Trisha Aristizabal are happy to announce the birth of their son, Joshua José born February 1.  Mike & Liz Hoffman are excited to announce Halleyah Mercy born (September 17, 2013), joined their family through adoption on February 16.  Shane & Rachel Johnston are excited to announce the birth of their daughter Aviya Miracle Deborah born on February 27.  Pat & Erin Latham: are happy to announce the birth of their son, Kesler Roy Latham born January 21.  Jesse & Desiree van der Meulen are happy to announce the birth of their daughter, Avaya Joy born January 10.

 Lisl

BCYD Office Transitions:

 Kelly Hsu: Appointed as full-time seasonal Administrative Assistant.  Nicole Preston: Appointed as part-time seasonal Administrative Assistant.  Doug Smith: Appointed as BC/Yukon District Missions Representative.

Churches in Pastoral Transition:

 Alert Bay, Glad Tidings Church (Aboriginal)  Atlin Christian Assembly  Burnaby, Central Christian Assembly (Cantonese)  Burns Lake Pentecostal Church  Chetwynd Gospel Tabernacle  Cherryville Gospel Church  Chilliwack, Central Pentecostal Assembly  Fernie, Trinity Pentecostal Church  Kitamaat Village, Haisla Pentecostal Church (Aboriginal)  Langley, Christian Life Assembly  Princeton Pentecostal Tabernacle  Quesnel, Bethel Pentecostal Tabernacle  Salmo, Crossroads Christian Fellowship  Summerland Pentecostal Church  Surrey, Revival Church (Korean)  Victoria, Glad Tidings Pentecostal Church  Victoria, North Douglas Pentecostal Tabernacle Regional Pastorates:

 Anahim Lake Chapel

& Bella Coola Pentecostal Assembly (Aboriginal)

visit our website for other ministry opportunities (

 Eduardo

Memorials:  Bill

Ashbee’s father Rev. Ronald William Ashbee passed away January 21. Ronald served as a credential holder and pastored with the PAOC in Saskatchewan, Manitoba & NW Ontario, BCYD as well as in Los Angeles as an evangelist. He was a long-time member at Calvary Temple, Kamloops. Bill Ashbee serves as the Care Ministries Pastor at Christian Life Assembly in Langley.

 Eli Chiarelli (born in Montreal on September 21, 1928) passed into the presence

of his Lord on February 11. Eli received his Licensed Minster credentials in 1972 and was Ordained in 1977. Eli alongside his wife Elsa, were appointed as PAOC missionaries in 1964 where they taught in Kenya for four years, then they returned to Canada where Eli continued his teaching profession. In 1972 they returned to minister in Kenya for another four years. From 1985 to 1991, they pioneered works in Seychelles, Guinea and the Congo. Their ministry to the French language peoples of Africa has continued to this day. They also served as visitation pastors at University Gospel Temple in Windsor, ON; pastored Marlborough Pentecostal Church in Calgary; and served as Interim Pastors in various churches in the BCYD. Eli is predeceased by his beloved wife Elsa and is survived by his son Gary, daughter Gina and their families. A memorial service was held on February 22 at Point Grey Community Church, Vancouver.

 Carman

William Lynn (born in Sunberry, ON on September 28, 1917) passed into the presence of his Lord on February 7. He received his Recognition of Ministry credentials in 1936, his Licensed Minster credentials in 1939 and was Ordained in October 1940. He began preaching in the small Sunbury Pentecostal Assembly and surrounding churches at age 17 and completed his Bible Studies by correspondence. C.W. Lynn as he was known, received his PAOC ministry papers in 1935. In 1953, he was elected District Superintendent and for the next 14 years, he was “Bishop” to the growing BC & Yukon District. At the national PAOC Conference in 1966, he was elected Overseas Missions Director, and served literally around the globe. In 1980, he joined the faculty of Eastern Pentecostal Bible College, where he taught and did editorial work until 1990. The Lynns did interim ministry and seminars in Ontario and overseas until 1994 when they moved to Shepherd Manor. He is survived by his 5 children: LaVerne (Herb), Douglas (Lowana), Hazel (Fred), Helen, and Lois, 12 grandchildren, and 13 great grandchildren. A memorial service was held at Shepherd Village Church in Ontario on February 12.  Wilbur V. Morrison (born in Alliston, ON on July 23, 1927) passed into the presence of his Lord on February 23. Wilbur received his Ordained Minster credentials in 1953. Wilbur and Ruby were appointed as PAOC Missionaries in 1953 where they served in Kenya from 1949 to 1967, Uganda from 1982 to 1987 and South Africa from 1987 to 1991. Wilbur is predeceased by his beloved wife Ruby and is survived by his daughter Donna and sons Paul, Ken and Gordon, as well as brothers LeRoy and Gerald, and sister Eleanor Kennedy and their families. A Memorial service was held on March 1st at Emmanuel Church, West Kelowna.  Irmgard Nerling passed into the presence of her Lord on February 17 at the age of 79. Eduard and Irmgard were married for 59 years and served in ministry together in the PAOC since 1965. Eduard and Irmgard pastored in Ferintosh, Alberta; Vernon, BC; Vancouver, BC; and spent 12 years in the Eastern Ontario District at Warden Full Gospel, Toronto. They were also involved in Itinerant Ministry work with GW Evangelism, Brazil Argentina and E. Germany and Inspired Word International before retiring. A funeral service was held in Scarborough, ON on Saturday, February 22.  Peter Gerald Paras (born in Wakaw, SK on May 14, 1921) passed into the presence of his Lord on January 12. Peter graduated from Prairie Bible College in 1945. He was first credentialed with the Western Slavic Branch of the PAOC in 1971, then received his Licensed Minster credentials in 1986 and transferred his credentials to the BCYD in 2008. He married his wife Sarah on October 14, 1950 and although he worked as a tent maker for his income, they ministered together through their lives and serving as Pastors for Langley Full Gospel Church. When they retired they served as chaplains together at Surrey Memorial Hospital for many years. Peter is survived by his wife Sarah of 63 years, their children Sharon (Jim), Sam (Judy), Steve (Glenda), Peter and Philip; and 12 grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren. A memorial service was held on January 18.  Keith Howard Pennoyer (born March 22, 1930) passed into the presence of his Lord on January 13. Keith attended Bible College and graduated in 1953 and received his Licensed Ministerial Credential on August 15, 1953. Together with his wife Viola, they were involved in pastoral ministry in North Vancouver, Fernie, Rossland, Hope, Creston, Grand Forks, Maple Ridge, Penticton, and Kamloops. Keith also served as the World Missions Promotional Representative for Western Canada, in missions and evangelism in Albania, and was the Vice President of Global Christian Centre Ministries. Keith is survived by his loving and faithful wife Viola of nearly 61 years, two sons, David (Valbona) and Wesley (Angie); his sister Dorothy Campbell, and two brothers, Roy and Harold; and his 7 grandchildren and 10 great grandchildren. His memorial service was held on January 18 at Gospel Chapel in Grand Forks.

Page 6

District Calendar MARCH 2014 March 8-10 NGM: TimeOut, Vancouver Mar 10-12 BCYD: Conference on the Ministry, Abbotsford March 12 BCYD Legacy Builders Luncheon, Abbotsford March 14 Legacy Builders Spring Celebration Rally, Chilliwack Mar 14-15 Living Waters: Free to Lead Women’s Conference, Langley March 18 Legacy Builders Spring Celebration Rally, Nanaimo March 20 Legacy Builders Spring Celebration Rally, Comox March 23 BCYD: District Day of Prayer for Church Multiplication March 21-23 Summit Pacific College: More.14, Abbotsford Mar 31-Apr 1 Kootenay Section: Pastoral Development Retreat APRIL 2014 April 2-13 April 4-5 April 12 April 12

Kootenay Section: Church Leadership Development Women’s Conference , Gateway Christian Life Centre, Trail NGM: Youth Leadership Clinic, Thompson/Shuswap/Okanagan NGM: Children/Preteen/Family Leadership Clinic, Shuswap/Okanagan/Thompson April 25 Summit Pacific College: Graduation Ceremony, Abbotsford Apr 28-May 1 PAOC General Conference, Saskatchewan MAY 2014 May 16-18 May 23-25

MAY 2014 (continued…) May 30-31 BCYD: Vision Retreat (DLT, SP, District Ministry Dept. Heads) May 30-31 BCYD: Church Multipliers Retreat, Abbotsford May 30-31 Women’s Conference, Bethel Chapel, 100 Mile House JULY 2014 July 13-19

Kootenay Section: Kidsfest Conference

AUGUST 2014 August 18-22 BCYD: Pastors Camp, Okanagan Lake SEPTEMBER 2014 Sept 27 NGM: Children/Preteen/Family Leadership Clinic, Kootenay/Trail OCTOBER 2014 Oct 4 NGM: Children/Preteen/Family Leadership Clinic, Ft. St. John/Far North Oct 6-8 BCYD: Cluster Leadership Retreat Oct 27-29 BCYD: Licensed Ministers Network #3 NOVEMBER 2014 Nov 7-8 CYWC Regional Training, Kelowna

2015 Jan 23-24 April 10-11

NGM: Historymaker, Chilliwack Kootenay Section: “Reach” Youth Conference

CYWC Regional Training, Abbotsford NGM: Elevate Conference, Langley

2014 Summer Camps CHUBB LAKE BIBLE CAMP May 23-25 Jun 13-16 Jul 6-11 Aug 1-4 Aug 10-16

Men’s Retreat 50+ Camp Kids Camp Family Camp Teen Camp

LAKELSE PENTECOSTAL CAMP May 30-Jun 1 Jun 30-Jul 12 Jul 13-18 Jul 21-26


Family Camp Skee Nass Camps Kids Camp Teen Camp

Jul 6-11 Jul 6-11 Jul 12-19 Jul 20-26

Kids Camp Pre-Teen Camp Teen Camp Family Camp

OKANAGAN FAMILY CAMP contact Alexis Park Church, Vernon p: 250-542-4135 July 18-20 | Faith Mission Camp, Falkland contact Alexis Park Church, Vernon p: 250-542-4135


Aug 24 -28

Kids camp


Jun 6 – 8 Jun 13 – 15 Jun 29 – July 5 Jul 6 – 12 Jul 13 – 19 Aug1 – 3 Aug 29 – Sept 1

Women’s Retreat Men’s Retreat Kids Camp 1 Kids Camp 2 Teen Camp Kampo Filipino Retreat Family Camp

Communion Table & Pulpit Celebration Christian Fellowship International (CCFI) in Surrey is in need of a communion table and pulpit. Please contact Pastor James Raman p: 604-526-9404 e:

AUGUST 18-22, 2014 Green Bay Bible Camp, Kelowna

guest speakers: Dave & Sue Well | lodging options | activities for kids A week of relaxing and renewal for PAOC BC/Yukon District pastors, church staff, global workers, chaplains, college/seminary faculty, and their families.

Page 7


Conference Guest Speakers:

Monday March 10, 2014 9:30am 4:00pm District Leadership Team meeting 10:00am 2:00pm Aboriginal Group meeting 3:00pm


5:00pm Registration Desk Open



5:00pm Canadian Pentecostal Seminary Course



6:45pm Ron & Holly Davis | Farewell Dinner



7:30pm Registration Desk Open


Evening Service | speaker: Pete & Geri Scazzero

Tuesday March 11, 2014

Pete & Geri Scazzero






12:00pm Registration Desk Open



10:45am Canadian Pentecostal Seminary Course



11:00am Morning Service | speaker: Pete & Geri Scazzero



11:15am Break






1:30pm Lunch






4:30pm Afternoon Session | speaker: Pete Scazzero



6:30pm SUMMIT PACIFIC COLLEGE ALUMNI & FRIENDS (on college campus in Abbotsford)


Ian Green

Evening Service | Missions Emphasis │ speaker: Geri Scazzero

Wednesday March 12, 2014

RON & HOLLY DAVIS | Farewell Dinner



9:00am Prayer



11:30am Registration Desk Open



10:45am Canadian Pentecostal Seminary Course



10:30am Morning Service | speaker: Pete & Geri Scazzero

10:30am 11:00am


11:00am Break 12:15pm LEARNING COMMUNITIES II



1:30pm Lunch | - Legacy Builders (50+) Luncheon





1:30pm 7:00pm


4:30pm Partners In Ministry Drop-In

Wednesday, March 12 │ 1:30pm | Abbotsford Pentecostal Assembly

Monday, March 10 │ 5:00pm | Abbotsford Pentecostal Assembly

MISSIONS & PRAYER RECEPTION BREAKFAST Tuesday, March 11 │ 8:00am | Abbotsford Pentecostal Assembly

MARKETPLACE CHAPLAINS CLUSTER LUNCHEON Tuesday, March 11 │ 12pm | ABC Restaurant (BestWestern Clearbrook)

SUMMIT PACIFIC COLLEGE | Alumni Dinner Tuesday, March 11 │ two seating times: 5pm or 6pm | on campus

LEGACY BUILDERS (50+) LUNCHEON Wednesday, March 12 │ 12:15pm | Abbotsford Pentecostal Assembly

Evening Service | Affirmation Service of Ordinands │ Honouring of 50 Years in Ministry │ Leadership Emphasis | Church Multiplication Focus | speaker: Ian Green

Thursday March 13, 2014 9:30am


11:30am DLT, Section Pastors, Care Coordinators: Cross-over Meeting and COTM Debrief Page 8

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