From our District Leaders.
Ministry Updates, Birth Announcements, Memorials and Churches in Transition.
New Introductions to our District Network.
Events around our district and upcoming summer camps.
Ken Russell | District Superintendent Words of appreciation seem wholly inadequate as expressions of gratitude to everyone who participated in and served at our District Conference in Kelowna. My life was enriched by all of our presenters, volunteers and co-labourers. This year we are delighted to welcome four new leaders onto our district team. Mrs. Rachel McAlister was appointed as the Director of Children, Preteen and Family Ministries. Rachel formerly served
as a teacher for a Christian school in Surrey, working with children and preteens. She also served as the Director of Barnabas Family Ministries on Keats Island where she provided vision casting, the development and implementation of programs, development of spiritual curriculum, leadership care and mentorship for staff members. Rachel holds two Bachelors degrees from York University in Toronto (Bachelor of Education and Bachelor of
Arts in English, Minor in Music) and she has earned a Masters Degree in Education from the University of British Columbia in Vancouver. Rev. Len DenBraber was elected to the position of Assistant District Superintendent for Multiplication. Pastor Len currently serves as the Executive Pastor of Glad Tidings Church in Victoria and formerly served as Lead Pastor of Gateway Church in Kamloops >> CONT. PAGE TWO
and Assistant Pastor in Abbotsford and Gibsons. Pastor Len's experience with church multiplication initiatives in both Victoria and Kamloops will be a great benefit to our network.
her husband attend Bethel Church. Marj also teaches a counselling course through Pan African Christian College in Zimbabwe and is completing a new book titled, "Christian Counselling in the Twenty-First Century."
Rev. Phil Spoelstra was elected to the position of Assistant District Superintendent for Revitalization. Pastor Phil currently serves as the Associate Pastor of Broadway Church in Vancouver and formerly served as an Associate Pastor in St. Catherines, Kelowna, Orleans, Greenly and Toronto. Pastor Phil has been involved with several revitalization initiatives during his ministerial roles and will certainly enhance the priority of regeneration within our network.
Please join me in prayer and thanksgiving to God. His provision for our Network's missional priorities has been copious. Each year our shared missional priorities are well funded by almost $2.7 million. Click here to view some highlights of our ministries. We are truly grateful for the strong sense of unity, confidence and commitment of every church and credential holder within our network. You are loved and appreciated.
Dr. Marj Pettinger was appointed as our District Counselling Coordinator. Marj has served as a Registered Clinical Counsellor for many years and currently resides in Penticton, where she and
We are truly 'better together.'
John Engels | Director of University Christian Ministries
That's when a guy from another campus came up to me and said that God told him to give me this seed and tell me that I’ll be a light in this world, and that when I surrender all to him is when I’ll shine the brightest.
Thank you for praying for our annual student conference, Emerge. We asked that God would keep everyone safe in hazardous road conditions and that lives would be transformed in many ways. God did it! We had over 200 arrive safely for a weekend focused on equipping and encouraging students to be “On Purpose” (theme) with their lives. 10 campuses were represented from BC to Alberta with several students expressing interest in missions and giving a year to campus ministry after graduation. Here are some testimonies.
That’s when I decided to surrender all to God, starting with my past. When I confessed to my friends it was like a weight was lifted off my shoulders. No guilt. No shame anymore. Jesus took my sin to the cross and carried my sin, so I didn’t have to.
“The weekend re-affirmed that I would like to go into missions full time. [The speaker’s] picture of all of the unreached people groups was a big wake up call.”
Ever since then I’ve been incredibly happy. God is so amazing! I did nothing to deserve his forgiveness, yet he forgave me anyways."
“He refreshed my memory of my faith and that I do believe in Him!” >> LEARN MORE AT WWW.BCCAMPUSMINISTRIES.COM
“I feel more challenged to build a stronger relationship with God and not be ashamed of my faith, but proclaim Jesus to everyone around me.” Another student writes about her God encounter during a snack time:
“At Emerge on Saturday morning during the time alone with God, I was praying to God and He told me that I need to confess my sins. Not just confess them to him, but actually tell someone. We’ve all done things we’re ashamed of and this was one thing I didn’t want people to know. Throughout the whole day I kept on making up excuses about why I shouldn’t tell anyone; I was mentally fighting with God. But every time I came up with a reason why not to, I could hear God saying that I don’t need to carry this weight on my own. He kept saying that I don’t need to be holding on to my past. In the evening during the worship time, God continued to speak to me through the songs and the speaker. There were small things that were said that would apply to my situation, but I continued to resist. Then, after the worship time, my friends and I went to get a snack. 5
Dr. Van Johnson | Hosted by Summit Pacific College
Dr. Van Johnson, Chair of the PAOC's Theological Studies Commission, will lead a discussion on the coming revitalization of our Statement of Fundamental and Essential Truths. This event is part of a national tour led by Dr. Johnson as our fellowship prepares for our general conference in Victoria this May.
The event will include: • An overview of our refreshment process • An update on potential changes to our statement • Reviews & discussions of relevant books and studies on pneumatology and eschatology • Q&A time with Dr. Johnson
This conversation is open to all PAOC credential holders, lay ministers and current Summit students. It will be an invaluable look Friday, April 6 at 9:00am-12:00pm at our refreshment process, and we hope you can join us. For more information visit the Facebook event page.
Andy Gabruch | Director of Youth, Young Adults & Family Ministries What does it take to be disciples of Jesus?
young people to serve in ministry. In Ephesians, we see that EVERYONE and ANYONE can be in ministry. We need structures and cultures for EVERY single person to serve and be the Church. Young people especially need to serve as it helps them solidify their identity in Christ (rather than in sexuality, individualism, personalization, secularism, humanism, etc.) and DISCOVER their calling. For us, we used SHAPE (feel free to contact me about this).
Simply put, a disciple of Jesus is someone who has a lifelong relationship with Jesus (Mark 3:14). This relationship includes three different realities: 1) the calling to have relationship with Jesus Himself (Mark 1:17; 2:14), 2) to let go of the past - sin, brokenness, regret - and follow God, and 3) the calling to build the kingdom of God (i.e. Galatians 5:22-23). For discipleship to happen, every youth ministry needs three distinct things to build a healthy culture:
Intentionality - lastly, young people need a voice. They need to be influencing the Church as they are the church of today. This takes intentionality.
Relationships - if you want to build confident followers of Christ who are confident in your youth ministry/church and their relationship with Christ, you have to build disciples around relationships. We can see this through Jesus' ministry and all throughout the New Testament that discipleship flourished in relationship. In fact, I would suggest to you that the New Testament was written not for YouVersion (even though I love it) or for personal devotions (which is still important), but to be worked out in relationships... we NEED to build cultures of relationship.
If students experience meaningful and authentic relationships, have opportunities to work out their faith in practical ways and have a voice in an intentional way that influences the Church for TODAY, you will have confident young people in their faith and youth ministry. When that happens, a church, a community, a city and a nation can be changed. This is what it takes to build healthy cultures for discipleship to thrive.
Opportunities - the second thing we need to do to build healthy and confident disciples of Jesus is to allow opportunities for 7
LEADFORWARD.CA Resources + Podcast for Empowering Church Ministry Leaders 8
Indridi Kristjansson | Executive Director of the Global Emergency Missions Society (GEMS) Global Emergency Missions Society (GEMS) is a group of volunteer individuals who believe that ordinary people make a difference when they work together. GEMS is committed to bringing relief to people affected by poverty and disasters. We gather and facilitate the distribution of humanitarian goods (such as blankets, clothing, food, medical supplies) to places of need around the world. As an organization that is founded on demonstrating the “Love of Christ,” we are pleased to announce that we will be reaching out to our local communities here in British Columbia. It is our pleasure to partner with the founders of “Proficient Disaster Response Society,” Glenda and Andrew Bashor. We look forward to working together to spread awareness, as well as helping to educate our local community on how to be prepared in the event of an emergency.
Please consider becoming a partner with your finances, or donating a gift. You can donate directly at www.GemsCanada.ca or by sending cheque/money order to: GEMS 2870 Crossley Drive Abbotsford BC V2T 5H3 For more information on how you can help please e-mail info@gemscanada.ca or visit us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/GEMScanada.
In 2017, our province declared a state of emergency; 65,000 British Columbians were displaced from their homes due to natural disasters. In view of this, GEMS faced the challenge to provide help in our own back yard. This partnership with PDRS became a natural fit for us. GEMS is best known for connecting with people and partners in other nations who receive our containers and ensure every item donated goes directly to the source of need. GEMS is fully reliant on the generous freewill gifts and donations of people like you, who desire to make a difference. 10
Bill Gibson | Member of the Graduate Studies Advisory Committee Many reasons exist for engaging in Graduate Studies after starting in ministry. One rationale concerns the rapid changes happening in society. To stay relevant in these changing times requires not only refresher courses, but studies we might not have imagined. I remember taking a graduate course on church revitalization during my time as a senior pastor. Needless to say, it allowed me to focus my preaching and leadership both in my church and later in the District. Another incentive for continuing education throughout one’s ministry relates to its immediate usefulness. In most cases, knowledge gained in undergraduate studies must wait until
graduation and entrance into ministry before implementation. With graduate studies, and assuming one is in active ministry, any lessons learned may be applied right away. What one learns, for example, in Hermeneutics, Homiletics or Pastoral Theology can be implemented the next day. Let me recommend to you The School of Graduate Studies at Summit Pacific College. Not only will these studies benefit you and your sphere of ministry, but they can help you be more creative, innovative and in touch. In addition to being exposed to new ideas and ways of doing things, the existing tracks can lead to advanced degrees with partner schools.
Summit Pacific College offers a Master’s level certificate program through its School of Graduate Studies. The degree completion is available through our partner universities (Southeastern University, FL; ACTS Seminaries, BC; and Regent College, BC). The 2018 courses below can be taken for credit or audit.
SEMESTER: Spring 2018 COURSE: BIBE 501 Contemporary and Pentecostal Approaches to Biblical Texts PROFESSOR: Dr. Riku Tuppurainen INTENSIVE MODULE: April 16-17 & 19-20 LOCATION: BCYD Office, Langley
SEMESTER: Summer 2018 COURSE: THEO 503 Pentecostal Distinctives: Theology of Luke-Acts in Pentecostal Tradition PROFESSOR: Dr. Martin Mittelstadt INTENSIVE MODULE: May 28-31 LOCATION: Summit Pacific College Campus
SEMESTER: Summer 2018 COURSE: THEO 502 Pentecostal Pastoral Theology PROFESSOR: Dr. Jim Lucas INTENSIVE MODULE: May 10-12 LOCATION: TBA
Darwin Pichette | District Secretary-Treasurer Spring has sprung and so has the ever-anticipated tax season, which each year seems to creep up ever so quickly leaving everyone in search of correct answers and correct practices. I am hoping the following information will assist you and your ministry with information to bring you effectively to the other side of tax season and back into the life of ministry to people again. If you have any questions about these helpful tips or other areas of church administration, please feel free to contact me any time at dpichette@bc.paoc.org. May God bless you, your family and your ministry as you move into the next season ahead.
proof of the value of their accommodation. This can be either a professional analysis of the current fair-rental value of their owned residence or a rental agreement, where in either case it would include utilities of electricity, gas and water. This also must be kept for 6 years plus the current year. BC Societies If your church or ministry is a Society, you have until November 28, 2018 to update your Constitution and Bylaws and complete the Transition process. New templates, along with full instructions, can be found at www.bc.paoc.org. When updating your Constitution and Bylaws, it is important to first obtain District approval (via dpichette@bc.paoc.org), prior to obtaining approval from your voting Members in order to protect your church and avoid any contesting of your legal documents.
Donation Tax Receipt Change CRA has changed their website this year: all future donation tax receipts must now display “canada.ca/charities-giving” (see Official Receipts). It is equally important, following 2015, that every donation receipt must now indicate the middle initial as part of the full name of each donor. Please obtain and keep in your records each donor’s middle initial, if they in fact have a middle name.
If your church or ministry is a Society, one new requirement of the Act is to personally, or by email, give each voting Member a copy of the meeting place with the time and date, as well as a copy of each Resolution to be voted on at least 14 days before the meeting. No longer are public announcements with posted information enough. To learn more of the new requirements, please contact me or visit BC Societies.
T1223 (Clergy Residence Deduction) CRA brought clarity by updating their T1223 form for Clergy Residence Deduction for Clergy tax deductions (see T1223). You will notice that most Clergy in our Fellowship would fit B.1.a with a credential (MR, ROM, LM or ORD), while some might fit B.1.b with a letter of appointment from their board. In either case, the Clergy would either be B.3.a in charge as the Lead Pastor, B.3.b assisting as a pastor or B.3.c the full-time chief administrator of finances and policies. If this is the case, then the Clergy must indicate 4. their job title and keep a copy of their job description showing the average weekly percentage of time in each category (i.e.. 50% sermon delivery and preparation, 20% leadership and development, 10% program planning, 10% visitation, 10% administration). Please note: a copy of both the applicants credential certificate or letter of appointment and job description must be kept for 6 years plus the current year.
Inspiring Giving The most effective way to inspire giving is to explain its eternal value. Another great way is to remind donors of our government’s gift to them at tax time. In BC, donations over $200 per year result in a refund of 43.70% of their gift at tax time. Donations in BC of $200 per year or less result in a refund of 20.06% of their gift at tax time. This is a great gift at year end, which can be used to give again or give as a blessing to others without announcement. How long to keep Records I would like to remind you of the Canadian Council of Christian Charities’ (www.cccc.org) record retention recommendation (to be confirmed by your legal counsel).
As well, it is vitally important for the Clergy to obtain and keep 12
Marg Foreman | District Missions Representative
We have so many reasons to CELEBRATE… In 1908, eleven years before the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada (PAOC) organized as a fellowship of churches, two families left Toronto for the mission field: Charles and Emma Chawner to South Africa and Arthur and Jessie Atter to China. These pioneers were soon followed by workers to Liberia (1910), Egypt and India (1911), Argentina (1913), Tanganyika (1914), Kenya and the West Indies (1918). Over the last 110 years more than 3,000 Canadian Pentecostals have served as messengers of the gospel in over 80 countries. Yet, 3.1 billion people still need to hear about Jesus. Today… 340 PAOC Canadian Global Workers serve in 75 countries around the world. Our PAOC International Family includes: 55 national fellowships 51,900 churches 12.2 million believers 40,000 national pastors We are currently engaged significantly in 20 international/ urban church plants and have planted over 100 Great Commission Churches in urban centers around the world. We partner with 4 universities and 51 pastoral training centers with over 12,500 students and thousands of extension program students. We sponsor 8000+ children and minister to thousands of vulnerable and orphaned children. We are engaged significantly in Disaster Relief & Food Security.
Does the number 3.1 billion mean anything to you? It may seem like an abstract number, but to God, this is a deeply personal number. It represents each person on the planet who has not yet heard the Gospel. Many are prevented by their government and/or culture, from hearing the truth about Jesus. God cares for these people with an unrelenting love. Together, we are raising funds to send 100 new global workers in the next five years - the next generation of pastors, evangelists, humanitarian workers, business people and church planters to where they are needed most, among those who have never heard. Will you act with that same love to help send a global worker to bring the Gospel to all people and nations? It’s personal. Reach out with love. Give generously. Your compassion can change the world. “Do you not say, 'Four months more and then the harvest'? I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest.” John 4:34-38
Every church in the BCYD is invited to join us in a nation-wide global emphasis event on April 29 and May 6 to celebrate 100 Points of Light. Host a Global Worker and download information and resources at:
For mor e infor ma tion a nd r es our c es , c onta c t Ma r g For ema n ( M i s s i o n s D i r e c t o r ) a t ma r g ar et.for ema n@pa oc . or g
www.paoc.org/missions/100-points-of-light or contact Marg Foreman at
margaret.foreman@paoc.org. 14
The Ministry Investors Group is formerly known as the Minutemen/Women program. This program assists smaller and pioneer assemblies with the purchase of property and the construction or renovating of church buildings. It is a creative plan that allows us the privilege of investing and having a share in God’s work in many communities without actually living there. Since 1957, we have raised over $1.4 million through the generosity of our churches and individuals donors. This generous support has enabled our churches to accomplish many necessary capital improvement projects. We invite you to participate with us in God’s Kingdom.
As part of the Ministry Investors Group, you will receive up to three appeals a year, each time with an explanation of the need. In response you are requested to send a donation of $10 or more. This amount does not purchase much today, but put together, these gifts achieve major positive results. Please consider joining today. Investing in God’s work on earth pays eternal dividends. Be a wise investor!
1: Text2Give: text “Give20” or any other amount to 604-757-2609 2: Make a donation online at www.bc.paoc.org/giving 3: Mail a cheque to our office with “MIG” in the memo
Thank you for your generous response in our last appeal to help Pentecostal Hi-Way Tabernacle in Fort Nelson, BC. Together we were able to send $8528 to help them with the much needed furnace and electrical upgrades to their building.
Our winter project is to assist Atlin Christian Assembly in Atlin, BC. Due to the age of the existing church facility, there was need for building upgrades as well as expansion due to the growth in church attendance. They will increase the seating capacity from 45 to 75, replace old windows, add a bathroom addition, improve electrical and plumbing, install new LED lighting and finish with drywall, painting and flooring. May God bless you as you consider to be a part of improving the Lord’s house in Atlin. Thank you immensely for your heart of generosity. 15
Melanie Bott has been appointed as the Children’s Ministry Director of Bethel Pentecostal Tabernacle in Penticton. Len DenBraber will be concluding his role as Executive Pastor of Glad Tidings Church in Victoria and has been called as Assistant District Superintendent for Multiplication for the BC And Yukon District. His new role begins in May. Anne Donkers has been appointed as the volunteer part-time Pastor of Pastoral Care of Genesis Christian Centre (Life Church) in Nanaimo. Her first Sunday was February 25. Don Huston will be concluding his role as District Counselling Coordinator. His final day is May 31. Rachel McAlister has been appointed as the Director of Children, Preteen and Family Ministries for the BC and Yukon District. Ben Pedilla has been appointed as a Rural Apprenticeship Pastor of New Life Assembly in Castlegar and will work alongside James and Maria McFaddin. His first Sunday was February 1. Marj Pettinger has been appointed as the District Counselling Coordinator. Brenden Sharp has been appointed as the Director of Communications and Connections at CityLights Church in Burnaby. He begins on May 1. Phil Spoelstra will be concluding his role as Associate and Worship Ministries Pastor at Broadway Pentecostal Church in Vancouver and has been called as Assistant District Superintendent for Revitalization for the BC and Yukon District. His new role begins in May. Edwin Valles will be concluding his role as Youth and Young Adults Pastor of Coquitlam Christian Centre and has been called as Lead Pastor of Nationside Pentecostal Church in Chesterville, Ontario. His final Sunday is March 25. Vera Zimmerman will be concluding her role as Youth and Children’s Pastor of Connaught Heights Pentecostal Assembly in New Westminster. She will finish on March 30.
Rev. Roy M. Durman (born November 27, 1926) passed into the presence of his Lord on March 9, 2018. Roy received his Church Related Licensed Provisional credentials in 1958, was reclassified to Licensed Minister in 1961 and was later Ordained in May of 1962. He served as Associate Pastor in Glen Eden, New Zealand for five years before moving to Canada to serve at Port Moody for six years as Associate Pastor and two as Senior Pastor. He then served at Fraserview Pentecostal Assembly (now Harvest City Church) in Vancouver for thirteen years. He also founded and served as the President for Evangelistic World Outreach Inc. and held crusades in South America and other third world countries. .
Roy is predeceased by his first wife, Eileen, and is survived by his wife Georgette, daughter Suzanne (Stuart), grandson Tyler and two great-grandchildren. .
The funeral will be held at Royal City Community Church (601 - 8th Ave., New Westminster) at 1:00pm on Saturday, March 24, 2018. In lieu of flowers, donations can be made in Roy's memory to Evangelistic World Outreach Inc. Mrs. Dorothy Ivy Holder was born May 17, 1912 in London, England and passed into the presence of her Lord on Thursday, March 8, 2018. She received her Ministerial License for Women credentials in 1986. Dorothy ministered alongside her husband, Frank, with the Assemblies of God in the UK, China and Zaire. They also served with the PAOC in Kenya, Uganda, Hong Kong, Taiwan and South Africa. .
She is predeceased by her husband, Frank, and her daughter, Dorothy Betty. She is survived by her son Ron (Lin), three grandchildren Dorothy Jane (Bill), Stephen (Donna) and Tracey (Des), nine great-grandchildren and one great great-grandson. .
A memorial service was held on March 14, 2018.
Samuel and Christian Drouin are excited to announce the birth of their son, Joseph Lévi.
• • • • • • • • •
Anahim Lake Chapel (Church Replant Opportunity) Bella Coola Pentecostal Assembly Burnaby Christian Pentecostal Church (Cantonese) Cherryville, Gospel Church (Bi-Vocational) Chilliwack, Central Pentecostal Assembly Comox Pentecostal Church Fernie, Show Valley Christian Fellowship Golden Pentecostal Church Hazelton Pentecostal Church (Bi-Vocational)
• • • • • • • • •
Hixon, Lighthouse Community Church Kimberly Pentecostal Church Port Alice, Oceanview Assembly (Bi-Vocational) Prince Rupert Pentecostal Tabernacle Salt Spring Island (Church Replant Opportunity) Tumbler Ridge, New Life Assembly Vanderhoof, Glad Tidings Church Vernon, Alexis Park Church Vernon Family Church
April 1-30 – 4-14 Prayer April 6 – Refresh of our Statement of Faith, Summit Pacific College April 27 – Summit Pacific College Graduation, Abbotsford Pentecostal Assembly April 29 – 100 Points of Light May 6 – 100 Points of Light To find other ev ents ha ppeni ng a r ound May 7-10 – PAOC General Conference, Victoria our dis tr ic t a nd for mor e infor ma ti on May 25-27 – Historymaker, Chilliwack dis tr ic t v is it www.bc .pa oc .or g /e ve nts August 19-23 – Pastors Camp, Green Bay, West Kelowna August 27-30, 2019 – 25th Pentecostal World Conference, Calgary
DAWSON CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP | Dawson City, Yukon Dawson Christian Fellowship is now accepting applications for summer 2018 ministry and employment. Ministry includes preaching opportunities, sharing your faith, witnessing/prayer with people, weekly outreach functions, community events, and volunteering at Camp Yukon for kids and/or teen camp (Plan to Protect and a Criminal Record Check is required for camp). Full time employment is also available with the Westmark Hotel. Here, a variety of jobs are offered with provided staff housing and daily buffet meal on work days. For more information and to send your application, please contact Pastor Yale Barrett at 778-908-2633. 17
Big Bar Lake
Lakelse Pentecostal Camp
Okanagan Family Camp (Falkland)
July 8-12 | Kids Camp (ages 8-12) July 13-19 | Teen Camp (ages 13-18) www.merrittcrossroads.com
June 1-3 | Family Camp July 14-20 | Kids Camp (ages 8-12) July 22-28 | Teen Camp (ages 13-18) July 1-12 | SkeeNass (Aboriginal) Camp www.tpalife.org/lakelse-pentecostal-camp
July 13-15 | Okanagan Family Camp www.facebook.com/OkanaganFamilyCamp www.alexisparkchurch.com
Camp Yukon July 1-7 | Kids Camp #1 (ages 8-12) July 8-14 | Kids Camp #2 (ages 8-12) July 15-21 | Teen Camp (ages 13-18) July 27-29 | Kampo Filipino www.camp-yukon.com
Misty Isles July 8-13 | Kids Camp (ages 8-12) July 15-20 | Teen Camp (ages 13-18) 250-557-4508 (Cedarview Community Church)
Chubb Lake
Nanoose Bay
Camp dates will be posted online in April www.chubblake.ca
June 29-July 2 | Connections Family Camp July 8-12 | Kids Camp (grades 2-5) July 15-20 | Mids Camp (grades 6-8) July 21-28 | Highs Camp (grades 9-12) August 13-16 | Legacy Builder’s Retreat www.nanoosebaycamp.ca 18
Revolution Camp August 19-24 | High School Camp (grades 9-12) August 26-30 | Middle School Camp (grades 6-8) www.revcamp.ca
Green Bay Camp August 19-23 | Pastor’s Camp www.greenbay.bc.ca
Listed in alphabetical order
Len DenBraber – Assistant Superintendent for Multiplication John Engels – Director of University Christian Ministries Andy Gabruch – Director of Youth, Young Adults and Family Ministries Edgar Lapeciros – Director of Cultural and Aboriginal Ministries Rachel McAlister – Director of Children, Preteen and Family Ministries Darwin Pichette – Assistant Superintendent for Operations Ken Russell – District Superintendent Phil Spoelstra – Assistant Superintendent for Revitalization
Kirsten Anonby – University Christian Ministries Assistant Director Kailei Chang – University Christian Ministries Ministry Support Specialist Jordan Jeans – Admin for Events Carol McPhail – Bookkeeper Laura O’Reilly – Admin for Events Cynthia Oldendorf – Admin for Ministry Operations Janet Rana – Admin for District Conference and Seminars Devan Sylvester – Admin for Communications Val VanderMeulen – Admin for Church and Clergy Records
Marg Foreman – Missions Coordinator Tom Harbour – Marketplace Ministers and Chaplains Coordinator Dave Knudsen – Church Multiplication Coach Les & Pat Markham – Prayer Ministry Coordinator Marj Pettinger – Counselling Coordinator
Dave Demchuk, Len DenBraber , Hannah Dutko, Jeff Dyment, Derrick Hamre, Edgar Lapeciros, Darin Latham, Lucas Mitchell, Rebeca Monzo, Andy Moore, Darwin Pichette, Ken Russell, Doug Smith, Phil Spoelstra
20411 DOUGLAS CRESCENT, LANGLEY BC V3A 4B6 BC.PAOC.ORG | INFO@BC.PAOC.ORG T: 604-533-2232 | F: 604 -533-5405 19