September 2016 Fellowship News

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FELLOWSHIP NEWS Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada

September 2016

In this Issue 2 Youth, Young Adults & Family, Andy Gabruch 3 District Superintendent, Ken Russell 4 Secretary Treasure, Darwin Pichette 5 District Calendar 6 Global Missions, Marg Foreman 7 Assistant Superintendent, Dave Solmes 8 Cultural & Aboriginal Ministry, Edgar Lapeciros 9 Children & PreTeen, Caroline Bergeron 10 Campus Ministry, John Engels 11 Around the District

20411 Douglas Crescent Langley, BC, V3A 4B6 | (604) 533-2232 |


Five Ways to Lead Up LAST week I had a call from a #youngpastor who's having a difficult time with his lead pastor. This isn't the first time I have heard this. I hear it MORE + MORE:

"My lead pastor doesn't take time for me." "My relationship with my lead pastor is not strong.” “I am on a different wave length than my pastor.” “My pastor does not pastor me well. EVEN though I hear this over and over, there are ways to influence your #leadpastor. Here are some suggestions to lead UP:

TRUST + RELATIONSHIP = INFLUENCE Even though you don’t have the “position” to lead up, you do have the ability to “influence” up. Here are five ways to influence through relational trust: TAKE your lead pastor for coffee… and pay for it Be intentional to take your lead pastor out on a monthly basis. Even though your lead pastor might be busy, they long for healthy relationships.


ASK great questions Asking great questions helps you learn and glean from others. Questions like, “what has been a joy for you in ministry (in the last 6 months)” or “what has been a challenge in your ministry?” and/or “what are some keys/advice you would share with a young pastor?” are great to build relationship, trust, and influence. You might learn MORE from your lead pastor than you might think. DO what you say and say what you do Building trust is about building reputation. Believe it or not, your pastor NEEDS you to be trustworthy… and this builds relationship to influence. SPEAK honour HONOR your lead pastor well (Romans 12:10). Respect is earned, but honor is given. It is a choice to SPEAK blessing. IF you honor your lead pastor, your lead pastor will honor you. Believe me, a successful youth ministry is ONLY as successful as the lead pastor wants it to be. They have the power and position to allow you to be successful or not. BE faithful Fruitfulness FOLLOWS faithfulness (see John 15). Be faithful to serve and God will do the rest. IF you are willing to spend time with your lead pastor (on your own initiative), ask questions, build a reputation of honor and faithfulness, you WILL lead up. Keep LEADING well.

The purpose of a local church should be defined by the fundamental reason why it exists. Unfortunately, the primary purpose of some churches, becomes clouded by the development of religious programs and practices. Weekly events, programs and church practices must fulfil the primary purpose of a local church, rather than detract from it. The purpose of a church is not found in the answer to this question… “What do we do?” This question typically focuses on weekly programs, the consumers of religious goods and services, and special events. Instead, the primary purpose of a church is found in the answer to a more important question… “Why is the work we do, essential to the cause of Christ?” A kingdom-centric purpose has the power to shape congregational sub-culture, by forcing people to focus on the priorities of Christ rather than the fulfilment of their own personal needs and preferences.

church. Biblical practices for the local church include… worshipping God (Luke 4:8; John 4:23; Rev. 4:10), studying His Word (2 Tim. 2:15; 1 Cor. 4:6), prayer (Acts 2:42), loving one another and our neighbors (John 13:35; Phil. 1:1-4), helping each other (Gal. 6:2), participating in water baptism and the Lord's supper (Luke 22:19-20), living as godly people (Titus 2:11-12), and being equipped to evangelize the world (Eph. 4:12; Matt. 28:18-20). All of these practices point to a primary purpose for the local church, but they do not ultimately answer the question “why is the work we do, important to the cause of Christ?”. Therefore, the primary purpose is still about seeking people who don't know Jesus Christ (essential purpose), and developing them into fully devoted followers (essential practices).

exclusive. Every ecclesiastical process must be linked to the primary purpose of Christ, lest it becomes a meaningless man-made tradition. Jesus responded to the Pharisee’s objection to His disciples’ civil disobedience with this rebuke… “You leave the commandment of God (purpose) and hold to the tradition of men (process). And he said to them, “You have a fine way of rejecting the commandment of God in order to establish your traditions!” Mark 7:8-9.

Purpose vs. Position… The Apostle Paul was very clear about the spiritual gifts Christ gave to His local church. Unfortunately, many people have misinterpreted the five-fold ministry gifts, as positional offices in the church rather than supernatural gifts. If spiritual gifts are used to create positions of power or ecclesiastical authority within the Purpose vs. Process… local church, it will cause great The disciple-making process of a local confusion and conflict. “So Christ Purpose vs. Practices… church becomes an integral part of their himself gave the apostles, the prophets, The primary purpose of Jesus Chris, overall purpose and the reason why they the evangelists, the pastors and teachmust take priority over a congregation’s exist. ers, to equip his people for works of participation in weekly programs. To service, so that the body of Christ may define the purpose of a local church by built up until we all reach unity in the “The congregation who be focusing on their weekly activities and faith and in the knowledge of the Son of programs would fall short of why Jesus God and become mature, attaining to is effective in making called His church into being. There whole measure of the fullness of fully devoted followers the seems to be some confusion between Christ”. Ephesians 4:11-12. These the ‘mission’ and ‘the primary purpose’ spiritual gifts are not ‘officers of the local of Christ, ultimately of a local church. Jesus himself was church’, but ‘empowered ministers given fulfils their primary very clear about His mission and the to the church’. Their combined ministry primary purpose of His local church. effort must bring all believers to maturity, purpose and Jesus’ Jesus stated His mission… “For the where everyone contributes to great commission.” Son of Man came to seek and to save advancing worship, evangelism, the lost” Luke 19:10. Jesus stated the discipleship, and kingdom expansion. A The confusion between ‘purpose and primary purpose for His church (or balanced placement of gifted leaders great commission)… “Go therefore and process’ arises from people’s within the body of Christ, serves to fulfil misunderstanding of ‘what the church make disciples of all nations, baptizing the primary purpose of Christ. In order does’ as opposed to ‘how the church them in the name of the Father and of to equip people for missional does it’. “ How” answers questions the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching effectiveness… apostles, prophets, about, ‘…the manner in which we them to observe all that I have comevangelists, pastors and teachers were behave; or …the way we conduct manded you.” Matthew 28:19-20. The given (as ministerial gifts) to His local ourselves’. “What” answers questions confusion about ‘purpose’ often stems church. Be encouraged… the best about the identity of a ministry program, days of Christ’s local church are still from the fact that scripture also highlights several essential practices (rather discipleship process or a special event. ahead! Both are important, and not mutually than one singular purpose) for the local 3

Clergy Residence Deduction

are presently finalizing a full Constitution ‘Transition Packet’ to make this transition easy and cost effective It’s that time of year again, to consider applying for a for you. This packet will be available over the next few Deduction at Source, relating to your 2017 Clergy Res- weeks on our website (, and will be disidence Deduction. By being approved for a Deduction cussed further at the reGroup Leadership Seminar at Source, you would receive a portion of or all of your coming to your area. This Packet will include step-byClergy Residence Deduction through monthly instalstep instructions, two optional Constitutions (one for ments on your 2017 pay cheques. This option is availa- Elected Board and one for Pastors Council), drafted ble to you, or you may prefer to wait to receive it all at Resolutions to be presented at your next Business once when you file your income tax claim in the spring Meeting, drafted BC Society transition forms, and draftof the 2018. If you would like to apply for a Deduction ed CRA transition forms prepared and ready for your at Source for 2017, please remember to do so before use. Some churches may want to adopt the ConstituOctober 31, 2016. To do so, please complete the foltion as written, while others may want to contextualize lowing steps. You will need to fill out a T1223 with pro- it to better suit their situation. For the churches that posed 2017 income figures, which you will need to re- have minimal or no changes, the transition will be able do in in March 2018 with exact figures when filing your to take place at no further charge to the church. 2017 taxes. To apply for Deduction at Source, comFor the churches that would like to make several or plete the following steps and have a signing Officer complex changes, the district lawyers would be availa(typically the Lead Pastor, Board Treasurer, Board ble to assist at a reduced price of approximately $400 Secretary) form your church sign where needed. instead of the average price of $2500. Please keep in mind, that constitutionally your church will not be able  Download and fill in the T1213 (used to apply for a to make changes without District approval, where 2017 Deduction at Source) to do so would breach your laws and potentially leave room for contesting of your documents. Our District  Download and fill in the T1223 (used to calculate Constitution Committee, in consultation with the district your proposed 2017 income and lawyers, will be more than ready to assist you in any deduction) way necessary over the next two years to make contextualizing easy for your church.  Obtain a copy of your Credentials (Ie. Ordination or License Minister certificate) If you would like further assistance regarding these items or others, please free to  Obtain a copy of your Full Job Description, includcontact myself anytime at or ing a percentage breakdown of all your weekly 604-533- 2232 (office). May God bless you as you hours move forward in the great days ahead. (Ie. 40% sermon and preparation, 30% ministry events and preparation, 10 % leadership, 10% “Welcome back to the best visitation, 10% administration, etc.) BC Societies If your church or ministry is a BC Society (about half of our churches are), I would like to remind you that you will need to transition your Constitution & By-Laws between November 2016 and November 2018 to be in line with the new Societies Act. Our District Lawyers have worked the past few months on our behalf and


season of the year – Fall Kickoff. As you move into another new ministry year, I wanted to send you a few items that may take some of the load off your mind.”

Summit54 September 9 2016 | Westwood Mennonite Brethren Church

Regroup Church Leadership Seminars | Register online at September 16-17 2016, Grace Christian Fellowship, Creston BC September 30-October 1 2016, Prince George Pentecostal Church, Prince George BC November 4-5 2016, Generations Church, Nanaimo BC November 18-19 2016, Emmanuel Church, West Kelowna BC January 20-21 2016, Christian Life Assembly, Langley BC

Aboriginal Ministries Leadership Summit September 19-23 2016 | Central Pentecostal Church, Chilliwack

Island Youth Worker Conference October 1 2016, New Life Community Baptist Church, Duncan BC

Pastor Appreciation Sunday October 9 2016

Stir Conference October 14-15 2016, Evangel Church, Kelowna BC

Spark PreTeen Conference October 14-15 2016, Christian Life Assembly, Langley BC

Campus Ministry Sunday October 16 2016

The Global Leadership Summit October 20-21 2016, Christian Life Assembly, Langley BC

Worship Central Conference October 22 2016, Vancouver BC


Global Workers in Transition… changes do you need to make? How August/ September 2016 Matt & Amber Price (Thailand) Bill & Linda Mercer to Mozambique (PAOC Veteran GW’s) -Bernie & Celia Mascher returning to Kenya, (Helping Hands) -Zach & Megan Wylie (Thailand) -Kelvin & Laura Chan (retuning to Thailand with new baby, Ember-Ling) Oct/Dec 2016 -Sergio & Nancy Bersaglio (Villages of Hope – Africa) October 2016-Elmer & Sherry Komant (Burundi) Jan/Aug 2017-Sheldon & Anna Armitage (Bratislava Int. Fellowship, Slovakia) February 2017-Christo & Sarah Emmanuel (Chennai, India) SHARED MINISTRY: GOERS AND SENDERS, (cont’d…) It’s budget time in many churches – so it’s time to evaluate the missions side of your budget too. What worked last year? What didn’t? Who do you support – and why? What level of support? Missions giving increases when there is a vision and a plan! What

can you make room in your budget for new Global Workers? All valid questions as you consider what God is calling YOU to do in 2017.

 The Poor and Marginalized: How  

“How shall they hear… and how will the preach… unless they are sent?” A Guide to Church Missions (2016) is an awesome resource to help you through the process of establishing missional priorities. Copies are available from the District Office or on line at: www.paoc.orginternatonalmissions/ resources . Here are some ideas to get you started.  Least reached peoples: How can we be part of ensuring that Christ is made known where He is currently unknown? (REACHING and PLANTING)  The Next Generation: Youth and Children

 

can we ensure our impact is long-lasting and sustainable? Leadership Development: (EQUIPPING and TRAINING) Urban Centres: (macrocosms of all the above) What specific burden do we feel God has brought to our congregation? Developing a Missions Team/ Strategy/Budget

It is good to balance local church commitments between these priorities and between regions of the world. Check out the BCYD Missions Webcast – Building a Missions Strategy in your Church: for insight from key missional churches in BC.  Videos & Resources always available from PAOC International Missions  Church Guide to Missions – 2016 (ENG & FR)  Global Worker Profiles

One Accord


SEEING IS BELIEVING One of my summer highlights was a hike and overnight stay at Elfin Lakes in Garibaldi Provincial Park. Thanks to Google images I had a picture in my mind as to what these two turquoise-coloured glacier fed lakes would look like. If truth be told these pictures in my mind provided me a great deal of inspiration during our 11 km hike up and through the mountain on one of the hottest days of the summer. For close to three hours we trekked swatting off bugs which were especially bad when we stopped for our water breaks. I was elated when I hiked beyond the final crest to look down upon these two lakes, finding many fellow hikers swimming and finding their relief after their long trek. Diving into that lake and swimming across it will be remembered as one of my favorite swimming experiences.

A few ideas on how to enlarge our picture of God include:

As a young man, Isaiah testified in Isaiah 6:1 how he “saw the Lord high and lifted up”. In the midst of their national crisis of Assyrian and Babylonian rule and moral decay this young prophet became highly motivated and convinced that Yahweh can and is able to save his people. His ability to speak about the potential of God saving, delivering, and restoring the nation qualified him as a long serving major prophet.

Psalm 107:11 - In all their thoughts there is no room for God.

“How important as leaders to paint a really big picture, in front of ourselves and those we serve, of how great and amazing God is”


Rehearsing the Righteous Acts of God:

Judges 5:11 ASV - Far from the noise of archers, in the places of drawing water, There shall they rehearse the righteous acts of Jehovah, Even the righteous acts of his rule in Israel. Then the people of Jehovah went down to the gates. 2. Asking God to Enlighten your Eyes: Psalm 13:3 …. “Look on me and answer, LORD my God. Give light to my eyes, or I will sleep in death”. 3. Making room in your thoughts for God:

Psalm 121: 7 A song of ascents. I lift up my eyes to the mountains-- where does my help come from? 4. Not always asking God to change our circumstance but instead asking for more of God within our circumstance. 5. Finding friends that encourage you spirituality: I Samuel 12:24 – Samuel said to the people, “look what the Lord has”.

As I said, I find leadership much easier when I have a picture in my mind of what things could look like? Just as I had the amazing images of Elfin Lakes in my I have found discussions about the future and vision mind to encourage me to keep going, despite the hard- casting much easier if I can describe this picture of a preferred future. Whether it is describing a new minisship of the climb, we need to do the same with our try, an outreach event, church multiplication initiatives, relationship with God and our ministries. At times we can feel discouraged, frustrated, and feel like giving up or building projects it is important to see it so you can believe it. Helping people see it so they can believe it but we need to keep the mental picture of the goal is a leadership quality that must be developed. ahead.


It’s been two decades of my life and ministry journey here in Greater Vancouver Area and BC. Some of the words in Scripture that keep me going include the following : Judges 18:6 – “Go in peace, your journey has the LORD’s approval”. NIV 1 Peter 1:18 – “Your life is a journey, you must travel with deep consciousness of God”. The Message Psalm 121:8 – “The LORD will keep your going out and your coming in from this time forth and forevermore”. ESV

“A good life is when you assume nothing, do more, need less, smile often, breath big, laugh a lot and realize how blessed you are.”

Sometimes the people around you won’t understand your journey. They don’t need to, it’s not for them.” Life is an echo. What you send out, comes back What you sow, you reap What you give, you get This Summer of 2016 had lots of ups and downs. As I What you see in others, exists in you. Do not judge, so you will not be judged grow older, I became more and more dependent on God. Body aches, some memory lapses and my speed Radiate and give love, reduces. But life must go on. I’ve come across some And love comes back to you. wise words from two anonymous authors I will share Don’t’ rush, relay and enjoy the ride. with you. Welcome Fall Season. Let’s talk more about life……


DIVE 2016 With an intent to stimulate regional connectivity and conversation, we created DIVE: a brand new initiative gathering leaders serving in Children, Preteen/Middle School and Family ministry. Wondering what to expect? We will create a space and opportunity for us to Dream for the future, Increase our leadership impact, Value prayer, family and unity and Encourage one another in our ministry journey. Understanding that every region in our district has distinct needs and reality, the topics addressed, the format and the time frame will differ from one region to the other. Through DIVE lower mainland and DIVE North Island, more than 65 leaders were impacted spiritually, equipped practically and connected relationally. Note that all upcoming DIVE will be integrated as part of reGroup Seminars on these following dates:

and to spark the church to reach them. Throughout the years, many preteen and middle school ministries have started as a result of parents and church leaders attending Spark for the first time; loving the experience and being propelled to reach this specific age group. We value relationship and unity, the transformative presence of God through Worship and Word, age targeted and safe environments, accessibility, and affordability. In light of these values, we have made the following changes for Spark 2016: Reduced Price. While we have not increased the registration cost though the years, it is with a great deal of faith and excitement that we are reducing the early registration cost by $20. This brings the registration cost down from $69 to $49. Sign up before September 19th to get this great deal.

(You will need to take the 3pm ferry from Swartz Bay.) We will also drop you off at a selected venue on Friday night and pick you up on Saturday morning to head back to CLA. We will then drive you back to Tsawwassen in time for you to catch the 7pm ferry back to Swartz Bay. Different format. In addition to our Friday night main session, we are thrilled to host Legacy One in concert. On Saturday, groups will rotate between three Zones. In the first zone students may choose an elective such as hip hop, beat boxing, Nerf gun zone, painting, hockey and soccer. In the second, they can choose between a variety of hubs addressing relevant topics such as friendship, sharing your faith, bullying and social media. In the third, groups will take part in a team building exercise called “BE1 Challenges.”

Don’t miss out! Register early to get the Date Change. While doing Spark in best deal. Let’s reach this generation November is convenient for many leaders, we noticed that it also prevented together! certain groups from attending the event because of the possibility of snowfall. In “I am praying not only SPARK | Over the last 12 years, Spark an effort to make Spark more accessible, has gathered hundreds of students grade to all our leadership team decided to hold for these disciples but 5 through grade 8 and created a safe Spark on October 14-15. We are excited also for all who will ever and engaging space for them to be about the positive responses being believe in me through transformed through a personal received from leaders in remote areas. encounter with the living God. This year, We are a family and don’t want anyone their message. I pray Spark will take place on October 14-15 at to be left behind. that they will all be one, Christian Life Assembly in Langley. Our theme is BE1 and will bring to life the Low cost accommodation. We are just as you and I are powerful words of Jesus: John 17:20-21. partnering with various churches who can host groups for a very low cost. one—as you are in me, It is our desire for every student to be Father, and I am in you. one with God and each other so that the Ferry Pick up/drop off. As ferry costs world will see the goodness of our increase steadily, we will be providing a And may they be in us creator. Our vision is to bring preteens pick up option: for $15/pp we will pick up so that the world will together to encounter the love of God, to registered students and leaders at the plant seeds of God-dreams in our youth, Tsawwassen ferry terminal at 4:30pm. believe you sent me.” Kootenays I September 16-17 Prince George | September 30-October 1 Vancouver Island | November 4-5 Okanagan Shuswap | November 18-19


They’re Back! Over 200,000 post secondary students are converging on BC campuses.  Our back to school events are happening! Help connect students you know through our campuses locator link at or contact our campus staff. LOWER MAINLAND • SFU - Seth Greenham • UBC - Diane Buermans • BCIT – Calvin Weber • UFV – Darin Graham VANCOUVER ISLAND • UVic & Camosun Tony Janzen • VIU - Samuel Drouin OKANAGAN • UBCO - – James Perreaux

Please Pray With Us: For good connections with first year and new students who are arriving on campuses.

Students would take the opportunity to follow Jesus right where they are.

Sharing the Gospel in many creative ways!

Campus Ministries Sunday, Oct 16. This is a suggested date for an opportunity to highlight what is happening on BC’s post secondary schools. A campus missionary can come and share live, or you can show one of our videos. for media downloads. Contact John Engels for more information


Debbie Tonn has been appointed as the Women’s Pastor at Christian Life Assembly, Langley.

Carlee Brown has concluded her role as Ministry Assistant at he PAOC District Office.

Laura O’Reilly has been appointed as Ministry Assistant at the PAOC District Office.

Rachel Lefebvre has concluded her position as Youth Pastor of First Avenue Christian Assembly in Chilliwack.

John Telman will conclude his ministry as Lead Pastor of Abundant Life Church in Cranbrook on October 30th Pastor John has accepted a position as the Associate Pastor of Rosewood Park Alliance Church, in Regina.

Rebecca Monzo has resigned at Delta Pentecostal Church and has been Appointed as Youth Pastor at Living Waters in Fort Langley.

Eldon Schultz has concluded his ministry as Pastor of Senior Adults and Visitation at Evangel Church in Kelowna

Michael D’Abadie has been appointed as Pastor of Congregational Care at White Rock Seaview Church.


Save The Date! Hebrews 10:25 “let us consider how we must provoke one another to love and good works.� Kootenays | September 16-17, 2016 Prince George | September 30-October 1, 2016 Vancouver Island | November 4-5 , 2016 Okanagan | November 18-19, 2016 Lower Mainland | January 20-21, 2017 RSVP online at

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