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2021 Building Design Awards
Open the door to greatness: Enter the 2021 Building Design Awards
It is the hard work of Design Matters National Members which proves to new clients and the greater industry that we are a building design community to be acknowledged and respected.
– Ingrid Hornung, President
The Design Matters National Annual Building Design Awards have, since 1996, recognised and celebrated the best of the best designs created by Design Matters Members in the Australian built environment.
In 2020, the Awards went online (and STILL managed to finish in the wee hours!) and soon after, Design Matters National expanded its national footprint by amalgamating with the BDAWA and the BDANT.
In 2021, the Design Matters National Building Design Awards have also expanded their reach and will recognise talent in EVERY state of Australia, raising the bar for building design across the nation.
As usual, judges will critique entries from every state, on how well they showcase design excellence, innovation and sustainability considerations, and how effectively they respond to the client’s brief.
The winners in each of the State Awards will automatically progress to the National Building Design Awards, which also include winning Members from the BDAQ, in November.
It’s an historic year for Design Matters National, so we’re calling on every Member of Design Matters National, wherever you are and wherever your projects may be, to be part of the 2021 Awards and open the door to greatness.
How to enter:
Visit bit.ly/2021DMNAwards
Read the Building Design Awards Guidelines: https://www.designmatters.org.au/common/ Uploaded files/Awards/2021/April/NEW DMN 2021 State Building Design Awards Guidelines. pdf
Email Elaine Centeno at e.centeno@designmatters.org.au or Hayley Sims at h.sims@designmatters.org.au
What’s new in 2021?
The Awards are open to full Members and it only costs $516 p.a. to sign up so call us on 03 9416 0227 to join. DMN has responded to Member calls for an extension to the Awards submission deadline by relaxing the rules to enable all Members to register project entries beyond 1 June. This means Members have until 2 August to complete an Awards entry in the Award Force platform.
New Award categories
In 2021, Members will have more chances to win with the addition of several new, New Residential Awards which bring the total offerings to seven: Up to $300K; $300,001$500K; $500,001-$750K; $750,001-$1M; $1,000,001-$2M; $2,000,001-$3M; Over $3M. And we’ve drawn inspiration from WA and added Best Rural Design and Best Conceptual/ Unbuilt Design to every State Awards.
Less writing required
Entrants only need to answer the following four questions with maximum wordcounts totalling just 700 words:
• What was your project brief? (up to 100 words) • What was your project solution? (up to 200 words) • What was the inspiration behind your project? (up to 300 words) • What were your sustainable design elements? (up to 100 words)
Completion period now three years
Due to COVID’s effects on our built environment professions, in 2021 DMN is increasing from two to three the number of years a project needs to have been completed within (i.e. since the date of the Certificate of Occupancy) to be eligible to be entered in the 2021 Building Design Awards. The period has been revised down from the previouslyannounced five years because of the increase in building material costs in recent years. To register interest to submit an entry, visit the Awards platform.
All Award entries displayed at the Melbourne or Perth Home Shows
With hundreds of innovative home products, exclusive Show specials, FREE seminars, expert advice and some of the best homegrown Aussie renovation businesses, the Home Show is the place to start when considering a home improvement project, which is why DMN is taking a stand for our building designers in 2021 at both the Melbourne and Perth Home Shows in August. We’ll showcase your entries in the 2021 Building Design Awards, and give you an opportunity to be on the stand for a session and interact with visitors at the Shows. We’ll contact all Award entrants in August to book their timeslot.
In-person Awards nights
This year, (Covid-19-willing) we’ll be picking up where we left off (and then some) and gathering to hear the announcement of the Award winners at sit-down dinners, in person, in Perth and Melbourne in October. Every Member is welcome to attend and invite their partner, family, colleagues, clients, mentors and best mate!
State winners receive free flights to attend Perth or Melbourne Award Nights
Winners of state Awards outside Victoria and WA will be flown to their respective Awards capital (Melbourne or Perth) to attend the Awards ceremony in October. For the first time in DMN’s history, BD Awards are being run in every Australian state and territory in 2021 and there will be two cities where Awards ceremonies will be held: Melbourne and Perth. Melbourne will be the venue for announcing Award winners in Victoria, and the states of NSW, ACT, SA, Tasmania and Queensland; and Perth will be where Award winners from WA and NT will be announced.
More help on hand
If you’re time-poor and need assistance to find a photographer or get your thoughts down by the 2 August deadline, contact Elaine Centeno at e.centeno@designmatters.og.au.
This year, there are 51 Awards on offer - including seven ‘New Residential Project’ categories - and we have expanded the time limit for projects to three years – up from two in 2020 – to reflect the times in which we live. The best way to get an idea of the calibre of the competition is to read the magazine which contains words about and pictures of every 2021 winner: “AWARDED”. Read it here: http:// bit.ly/DMNAWARDED20
The 2021 Residential Awards:
• New Residential Project Awards: Up to $300K; $300,001-$500K; $500,001-$750K; $750,001-$1M; $1,000,001-$2M; $2,000,001-$3M; Over $3M. • Multi-Residential Awards: Up to $6M; Over $6M. • Alterations & Additions: Up to $350K; $350,001-$800K; Over $800K. • Small Home/Dwelling 150sqm-250sqm • Best Heritage Design • Best Interior Design • Best Bathroom Design • Best Kitchen Design • Best Environmentally Sustainable Design • Best Outdoor Space • Best Group Dwelling Design • Best Small Works Project • Best Conceptual/Unbuilt Design • Best Rural Design
The 2021 Non-Residential Awards:
• New Commercial up to $2M • New Commercial over $2M • New Industrial • New Public Buildings • New Unique Project • Best Interior Design • Best Heritage Design • Best Outdoor Space • Best Environmentally Sustainable Design • Best Small Works Project • Best Conceptual/Unbuilt Design • Best Rural Design • Best Group Dwelling Design To see the calibre of entries these Awards attract, read last year’s “AWARDED” magazine: http://bit.ly/DMNAWARDED20
All entrants will have their work publicly displayed at the Melbourne Home Show or Perth Home Show in August.
The 2021 Excellence Awards will also showcase excellence in the use of steel, glass, bricks, timber, concrete, lighting, light-weight materials, recycled materials, documentation, and natural stone.
• Excellence in the use of Steel • Excellence in the use of Glass • Excellence in the use of Bricks • Excellence in the use of Timber • Excellence in the use of Concrete • Excellence in the use of Lighting • Excellence in the use of Light-Weight
Materials • Excellence in the use of Recycled Materials • Excellence in the use of Documentation • Excellence in the use of Natural Stone
The 2021 Special Awards will recognise outstanding individuals, publicly-popular projects, and projects acclaimed by past Design Matters National Presidents. And of course, the Building Design of the Year will bestow the greatest accolade on a worthy winner.
• Past Presidents’ Prize • People’s Choice • Ronald Pickford Award • Building Design of the Year
To increase your professional credibility
With resources stretched, putting yourself forward for awards is not always top of the agenda but entering awards is vital because it acts as third-party endorsement for your business, signalling professional quality to clients and differentiating your company from competitors.
To gain nationwide recognition
Entering awards is an inexpensive way of getting PR to improve brand awareness. While winning Awards opens doors to new business, even if you don’t win, you can leverage the benefit of calling your project an entrant and promote your business to new customers.
Winners may be invited to present at the Annual General Meeting, at DMN’s trade show, InspoExpo, and may also be interviewed in a DMN podcast. Building Design of the Year Winners receive a trophy, while all winners receive framed awards. DMN’s “INTERSECT” and “AWARDED” magazines, distributed among 2,000+ Members around Australia, and publicly available online, also showcase the talents of entrants and winners of the annual Awards. Awards provide platforms for sharing the story behind your project with judges and potential customers. Make it compelling so you can reap the rewards of great PR and, afterwards, repurpose it for your marketing channels. In 2021, your story will be shared across DMN’s Facebook & Instagram; “AWARDED”; Melbourne & Perth Home Shows; Sydney’s DesignBuild Expo; and via the multiple, far-reaching channels of our major media partner.
To benchmark your work against your competitors
Applying for any sort of award forces you to look at your projects from a different perspective, and makes you compare your work against your competitors’. The benefits of competitive benchmarking are clear: you get a better understanding of your industry position, find new ways of doing things, and discover areas for improvement... all business benefits that could be more valuable than the Award itself.
To reward your team and have a great night out!
It’s not just the winning that counts! The Awards put all building designers on the map. They’re also an opportunity to recognise the contributions of your employees by inviting your team to the Awards and celebrating your collective efforts. Giving them a great night out will boost motivation and offers experiences and opportunities, like networking with sponsors and partners, which extend far beyond a single, winning moment.
• The one-off entry fee includes a ticket to the Awards ceremonies event in either
Melbourne or Perth. • For one flat fee, you can enter your project in as many Award categories as you like. • All Award entrants – not just the winners – will receive digital assets to use in their e-signatures, and on social media and websites.
A to Z of BD Awards
When construction cost is mentioned, it should include GST, and should be portrayed a realistic value of construction price, based on commercial rates. The build cost is just for the building, and should exclude landscaping cost. Entrants should use “Rawlinson’s Guide” to assist in the correct allocation to categories.
Entries must demonstrate innovation in design and appearance of the kitchen or bathroom.
Environmentally Sustainable
Entries must demonstrate that various issues of sustainability have been combined in a cohesive and innovative fashion to achieve a low environmental impact, and must be supported by relevant technical information:
• Energy rating by an accredited assessor • Greenhouse gas assessment (if using BERS Pro) • BESS/STEPS report (including STORM WSUD), or equivalent • Specify the building area • Passive solar design/thermal modelling • Successful re-use of second-hand materials • Successful re-use of recycled materials • Successful use of build waste management • Embodied energy • Operational energy indoor air quality • Summary of site-specific climate conditions • Schedule of materials - to identify recycled materials, materials sources, low WOC board products and coatings, etc. • Summary of energy efficiency systems employed (e.g., energy saving appliances, lighting, power generation) • Summary of water efficiency measures employed (water usage from water utility accounts if connected to town supply).
Excellence in Documentation
Entries must recognise an individual’s excellence in either computer-generated or manually generated documentation as well as assessment of the building scope for the purpose of costing, construction and permit requirements through the preparation of outstanding documentation for the nominated project. Contenders must have worked for the Design Matters National Member at the closing date of the competition (1 August 2021), and must have made a significant contribution to the project. Contenders must demonstrate, in a written statement of up to 100 words, how they provided documentation excellence in the nominated project. Their nomination must be supported by two written testimonials from the builder, building surveyor, or engineer involved in the project. The submission must include four pages of drawings from the project, in PDF format.
Excellence in the use of materials
Entries must reflect the significant role of and an innovative use of the respective material in the design solution.
Entries must involve an existing dwelling that either: • Is included in the Register of the National Estate; and/or is registered with Heritage Victoria or equivalent; and/or • Complies with the basic principles of the Burra
Charter; and/or is listed with the National Trust; and/or • Is subject to a planning scheme heritage overlay.
New Residential
Entries must demonstrate levels of innovation in progressing an understanding of quality rather than quantity, and future directions in domestic accommodation, as opposed to just ‘looking good’. Construction cost should include GST and should be portrayed a realistic value of construction price based on commercial rates. The build cost is just for the building, and should exclude landscaping cost. Entrants should use “Rawlinson’s Guide” to assist in the correct allocation to categories.
Entries can include any non-residential project. e.g., commercial, industrial, hospitality, entertainment, retail, medical, educational, religious, and public buildings.
Residential – Multi-residential
Entries must demonstrate benefits of urban consolidation.
Small Home
Entries must be a single dwelling less than 150sqm on a single lot. A dwelling on a multi-residential development is not permissible.
Small Works Projects
Entries must be small structures which, when viewed as stand-alone elements, exhibit originality, inventiveness and architectural skill. Such structures may include: garages/carports, pergolas, decks, fences, letter boxes, cubby houses, pool facilities, wood sheds, dog kennels and other pet houses, etc..
Special Project
Entries must be any project that does not fall within any other award category but is considered to be unique in nature. Residential projects may not be submitted for this category.
I have included a Dropbox link with 12 x high-res photos. I have included a photo of every design element that I have mentioned in the written entry. My photos show building design works, not just the interior finishes. My photos show the whole of the rooms/spaces, not just close ups. My photos show both internal and external spaces. I have included Floor Plans with North signs. I have written my four answers (totalling a maximum of 700 words) in a Word document first, then cut and paste them into the relevant parts of the Awardforce online form, so I can re-use them. I have included an existing floor plan and new works plans in renovations and extensions. I have clearly defined new from existing. I have included plans and elevations clean from amendment clouding. I have included Elevations. I have included Site Plans. I have included, as attachments, the NatHERS energy rating for new homes (or the DTS report for renovations; ESD; BESS report; Passive House certification, etc.) under ‘Sustainability Considerations’. I have included attributions. I have downloaded the product spreadsheet template. I have not identified myself anywhere on images, floorplans or written support materials, including within the amendment box. NB. To maintain anonymity during judging, no names of applicants or collaborating parties may appear. I have considered other Award categories for my project and if I do not have time to enter the project in the other categories, I have sought assistance from Elaine at e.centeno@designmatters.org I have submitted the entry by 2 August 2021. I have the up-to-date DMN logo on my website (and not the BDAV or BDAWA or BDANT logos). My website/social media accounts have images of my latest work. I am preparing to email staff, friends, family, past clients, etc. to vote for my entry in the People’s Choice Award. I have searched for other awards I can enter my project into, now I have text and images to hand. I have saved the date in my calendar for the Awards Night (Friday 15 October in Perth; Thursday 28 October in Melbourne). I will prepare to be contacted by Danielle Johnston, DMN’s Ntl. Communications Mgr, who will need my biography and a statement about the project for the “AWARDED” magazine and other promotional purposes. I have completed this checklist.