30 minute read

Presenters & Events in June, July, August


Stuart Braine

Kingspan Insulation Australia kingspan.com/au/en-au

Stuart is the National Specification Manager at Kingspan Insulation Australia. He has a Bachelor of Science in Chemistry as well as an MBA, and has been working in a sales capacity within the commercial side of the construction industry for over 20 years. Combining his academic background and professional experience, Stuart possesses extensive knowledge of plumbing and insulation products, as well as compliance issues, A&D and on-site construction methodologies.

Stuart’s event

Critical NCC Changes - Designing for Thermal Performance Wednesday 9 June 2021, 11AM AEST Register: http://bit.ly/kingspan0906

Theresa Braunsch

SPECTrum Building Energy spectrumbuildingenergy.com.au

Working directly with architects, builders, sub-contractors, ESD consultants and homeowners, provided great opportunities for me to be involved in projects at various stages, experiencing different perspectives. Applying best-design practice, the following aspects have to be taken into consideration: Thermal Performance; Indoor Environment Quality; Acoustics; Product Structural Requirements; DDA Compliance; BAL Ratings; Aesthetics; Product suitability and performance; Product availability/Manufacturing Capabilities; and Project Budget. Design Matters National and the AIA have given me opportunities over the years to be involved in Continuous Professional Development programs by presenting to their members. I very much enjoy engaging with building designers, architects, ESD consultants, builders and students across Australia, sharing my knowledge regarding building compliance, regulations, and best practice.

Theresa’s event

TPA Chit-Chat: Airtightness Thursday 10 June 2021, 12:30PM AEST Register: http://bit.ly/TPAairtightness

Geoff Hoare

Graaph Design graaph.com.au

Geoff is a Past President and Life Member of Design Matters National. He runs Graaph Design, a successful, award-winning building design firm. Geoff served on the Building Practitioners Board for 11 years up to it being wound up in 2016, and still assists the VBA when called upon. During his BPB activities, he was involved in the audit of Building Designers, as well as inquiries involving Registered Building Practitioners, and also carried out more than 1,200 draftsperson registration assessments. He also prepared VCAT expert evidentiary reports on behalf of the BPB in defence of rejected application appeals. Geoff is a passionate advocate for ensuring all designers continually improve their professionalism, and all his presentations for DMN have always been highly acclaimed. This is a great workshop opportunity to learn from a very experienced and highly-respected professional.

Geoff’s events

Contract Administration Workshop Tuesday 15 June 2021, 10AM AEST http://bit.ly/CAworkshop1506

Pre-Registration Workshop Tuesday 22 June 2021, 10AM AEST Register: http://bit.ly/BDPreReg2206

Robert Romanous

BCA Energy bcalogic.com.au/services/#energy

Robert is the ESD Manager at BCA Energy. He has a Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical) from the University of Technology Sydney, with a Diploma in Engineering Practice, and Cert IV in NatHERS Assessment. During his study and consultancy work, he has focused on the sustainable design, thermal comfort, and energy efficiency of residential and commercial buildings. He also has experience in thermal and energy modelling software, including IES VE, BERSpro and FirstRate5, combined with an understanding of building principles. Due to the introduction of tighter thermal bridging restrictions into the NCC 2019 Section J, Robert and his team have been working with architects and Façade product manufacturers to streamline this transition across all building sectors.

Robert’s event

TPA Intensive Thermal Bridging in relation to NatHERS & residential buildings Tuesday 15 June 2021, 12PM AEST Register: http://bit.ly/ ThermalBridgingNatHERS

Darren O’Dea Rob Hamilton

Speckel speckel.io

Darren is a Director at Speckel, a start-up software company aiming to create better opportunities for building design and construction teams to work together to improve outcomes for the built environment via easy-to-use design tools. Over the past 20 years, Darren has developed a wide range of technical and business development expertise covering the assessment, delivery and management of Building Physics consultancy. Darren has authored 50+ articles in blogs, in the media and in publications on the subject of Building Physics and its role in architecture and engineering. In addition, Darren has advised the ABCB, ClimateWorks, and the Green Building Council of Australia on matters of energy efficiency and is a Technical Director at the Australian Passive House Association.

Darren’s event

TPA Intensive: Can VURB for residential buildings ever be a good thing? Wednesday 16 June 2021, 12PM AEST Register: http://bit.ly/TPAintensive1606

WFAANZ wfaanz.org.au

As a pioneer of WERS For Film in Australia and after 16 years in the window film industry, Rob is one of the country’s leading experts on the relationship between window film and energy. Previously an ABSA assessor and with an Engineering Technology degree under his belt, Rob is well equipped to present this webinar exploring the ways window film, NatHERS and WERS For Film can work together to deliver optimal thermal efficiency. Speaking in his capacity as Vice President of the Window Film Association of Australia and New Zealand (WFAANZ), Rob also sits on the AFRC board and represents the industry on the Australian Standards committee.

Rob’s event

TPA Intensive: Window Film, NatHERS and WERS For Film Thursday 17 June 2021, 12PM AEST Register: http://bit.ly/ TPAIntensiveWindow1706

Rebecca Robins

Efficiency Assessment efficiencyassessments.net

Rebecca is a foundation NatHERS Assessor with extensive experience across all parts of the NatHERS industry. Since 1996, she has worked with a focus on both the success of her TPA business, Efficiency Assessments, as well as the growth, development and professional recognition of all Assessors through behindthe-scenes work to improve the systems, information and regulatory environment. Over the years she has coupled working in the private sector with providing services to all levels of government and AAOs. She is accredited in three NatHERS programs software and has worked with ABSA, BASIX & NatHERS on various projects. Rebecca has recently joined the DMN TASC and is looking forward to further contributing to NatHERS and to working with the TPAs within the scheme. Her aim is to encourage assessor autonomy and the ability to make professional judgments based on a sound understanding of building efficiency principles and the underlying processes of the NatHERS software and Chenath engine.

Rebecca’s event

Deanne Hislop

Building Biology WA buildingbiologywa.com.au/deanne-hislop

Deanne is a Certified Building Biologist, with advanced studies in Mould testing and EMF testing, Geobiologist, Certified GAPS* (Gut and Psychology Syndrome) Health Practitioner, Psych K Facilitator, Speaker, Author and Activist with more than 20 years’ experience in the Environmental health arena. A Practitioner member of the Australasian Society of Building Biologists, Deanne practices through Western and South Australia, the ACT and the Northern Territory, runs numerous workshops and seminars from beginner to practitioner level and sits on several Environmental Health Groups as an adviser. She is the founder of Building Biology WA and Geo Harmony and passionate about creating healthy living spaces, spending most of her time working with health practitioners and integrative GPs to identify issues within the build that are leading to poor health.

Deanne’s event

Mould Aware Thursday 24 June 2021, 12PM AEST Register: http://bit.ly/mouldaware2406

TPA Intensive: Best practice in NatHERS software modelling Friday 18 June 2021, 12PM AEST Register: http://bit.ly/TPAbestpractice1806

Rebecca Stefanonni

Big Ass Fans bigassfans.com.au

Rebecca came to Big Ass Fans with a Bachelor of Business and Commerce and has been with the company for six years with experience working across the residential, commercial and industrial markets. Her special interest in passive design and sustainability led Rebecca to help develop Big Ass Fans growth in new construction and retrofit projects where energy efficiency is key.

Rebecca’s event

Learn & Lunch: Air movement for energy efficient comfort in conditioned spaces Tuesday 6 July 2021, 12PM AWST Register: http://bit.ly/Learnandlunch0607

Vincent Wardill

Technoform technoform.com

Vince is the national business development manager for Technoform Group. Vince has more than 26 years’ experience in the building, construction and window industries. Vince’s mission is to make every building in Australia energy efficient, through high-performance glazing solutions. He has worked for companies including Ramset Fasteners, Architectural Window Systems, CSR Hebel, and successfully ran his own business, ESD Solution, consulting to the A&D industries and multi discipline engineers. Technoform, is a world-leading manufacturer, specialising in the development and production of high-precision polyamide (glass reinforced nylon) thermal insulation products for numerous industries. In Australia, the business is predominantly focused on high-performance aluminium windows, doors, and façade glazing systems.

Vincent’s event

Designing High-performance Facades: Spec The Edge Tuesday 20 July 2021, 11AM AEST Register: http://bit.ly/Facades2007

Chris Marshall

Hunt Heating huntheat.com.au

With over 12 years’ executive experience in the HVAC&R sector, Chris has directed and guided the Hunt Heating residential and commercial divisions since arriving from Europe eight years ago. With a keen eye for detail and innovation, Chris manages his forwardthinking team to work closely with clients and project influencers to deliver sustainable and modern buildings. For commercial projects across Australia, Chris and the team have guided the successful integration of HVAC&R products sourced from some of the world’s most technologically-advanced manufacturers.

Chris’s event

Happy Hour: Networking with Stiebel Eltron Thursday 26 August 2021, 5PM AEST Register: http://bit.ly/HappyHour260821

Sam Frost

Stiebel Eltron stiebel-eltron.com.au

Sam has come from a background in interior and exterior construction design and sales, working closely in the past with several premium German kitchen, wardrobe and furniture manufacturers on modular and custom fit outs in a variety of residential and commercial spaces. Sam joined Stiebel Eltron two years ago and had been encouraged by the high uptake of energy efficient all electric solutions offered by Stiebel Eltron. With Australia becoming increasingly more aware of renewable solutions, Sam champions all-electric energy-efficient solutions for homes. Since Joining Stiebel Eltron, Sam has used his contacts and industry knowledge to engage with building designers, architects, builders and trade services to assist in promoting Stiebel Eltron products out into the broader construction and building design market. Sam has been actively involved with the APHA and continues to follow the increasing trend in Australia towards a better than minimum standard building practice being employed by an increasing number of design professionals.

Sam’s event

Hydronic Heat Pumps: Proposed Changes to the NCC & VBA Regulations Tuesday 27 July 2021, 11AM AEST Register: http://bit.ly/Hydronicheat2707

Kyle Stacey

Stack stackdesign.com.au

Much of what drives Stack’s ethos and design approach has been influenced by Director Kyle Stacey’s upbringing on the family farm. His experience of living on isolated expanses of bushland has informed the idea that the places in which we live are special in themselves and the spaces we design to sit within them can only accentuate the inherent beauty of what already exists on each site. Leading the practice to approach every space as an extension of the spaces beyond the building itself and in doing so, creating homes that are exceptionally unique to those people living amongst them. Stack’s portfolio consists of projects across Perth’s inner suburbs and rural landscapes across WA. As a practice Stack strives to design spaces that represent the individuality of its clients and respect a sense of place. Stack’s design ethos is to create houses that focus on quality, character and sustainability over quantity, tackling many of the shortcomings of typical infill development in Perth and create spaces that connect our clients into the local environment, both built and natural.

Adam Butcher

Darklight Design darklightdesign.com.au

Adam is director and principal designer of Darklight Design with over 18 years’ experience in the design/construction industry. His expertise crosses multiple sectors in rural and metropolitan areas around Australia. He has experience in the commercial and residential sector working for boutique archgitects, developers and builders. Darklight Design core values are a reflection of Adam’s design ethos in producing quality design in line with budgets, timeframes and realistic construction methodologies. Since its inception, Darklight Design has worked on multiple, complex, bushfire projects - a continuing growth area in the industry.

Adam’s event

Pin-Up Networking Thursday 22 July 2021, 4PM AWST Register: http://bit.ly/Pin-upNetworking

Kyle’s event

Pin-Up Networking Thursday 22 July 2021, 4PM AWST Register: http://bit.ly/Pin-upNetworking

Matthew Graham

Graham Energy graham.energy

Matthew is considered to be a subject matter expert in the Nationwide House Energy Rating Scheme. Matthew is a long-term accredited TPA, Trainer and recognised Mentor in AccuRate, BERS Pro and FirstRate5.

Matthew’s events

HERO Introductory Workshop Wednesday 23 June 2021, 10AM AEST Register: http://bit.ly/HERO2306

FirstRate5 Introductory Workshop Thursday 1 July 2021, 10 AM AEST Register: http://bit.ly/FR5Intro0107

HERO Introductory Workshop Monday 16 August 2021, 10 AM AEST Register: http://bit.ly/HEROintro1608

FirstRate5 Intermediate Workshop Wednesday 18 August 2021, 10 AM AEST Register: http://bit.ly/FR5intermediate1808

Nick Bishop

HERO Software hero-software.com.au

As an ESD engineer and energy rater with more than 10 years’ experience, Nick founded HERO Software to help deliver better tools for energy raters; to allow the industry to deliver a higher standard of work; and to help drive the Australian construction industry toward a low carbon future. Throughout his ESD and energy modelling work, Nick started developing scripts and tools to automate processes and deliver in-depth, efficient outcomes for his clients, with highlights being the Nightingale 1 project in Brunswick, Victoria -- one of Australia’s first net-zero emissions, all-electric multi-residential projects. Many of those ideas laid the ground work for HERO and its capabilities.

Nick’s events

HERO Introductory Workshop Wednesday 23 June 2021, 10AM AEST Register: http://bit.ly/HERO2306

HERO Introductory Workshop Monday 16 August 2021, 10AM AEST Register: http://bit.ly/HEROintro1608

Anthony Wright

CSIRO csiro.au

Anthony first registered as a FirstRate4 energy rater in 2007. He’s also a building designer and a long-time Design Matters National Member. For the last five years, Anthony has led CSIRO’s residential energy efficiency program, covering the NatHERS tools, Liveability Real Estate program, the Australian Residential Energy Rating Conference, the Australian Housing Data Portal, an active social science and communications program, as well as a large research agenda.

Anthony’s event

TPA Chit-Chat: Thermal performance research, risks & mitigation Thursday 8 July 2021, 12:30PM AEST Register: http://bit.ly/TPAchit-chat0807

Richard Haynes

eTool etoolglobal.com

Maryia Perthen

eTool etoolglobal.com

Rich is an engineer with over 20 years’ experience in consulting, management and software design. His experience spans multiple sectors including mining, electricity utilities, renewable energy and construction. He is passionate about the environment and continuous improvement. His real journey towards co-founding eTool started back in 2008 on a week-long expedition across a remote Canadian icecap. He saw first-hand the damaging effects of climate change on the glaciers and made a personal promise to dedicate what talents he had to reducing global warming. Since then, Richard has been the driving force behind software development bringing eToolLCD market and making sure it leads the construction sector towards a low carbon future. Outside of work Rich is a proud and active father of three boys whom he is slowly introducing to the wilderness. He’s looking forward to them accompanying him more on his trekking, climbing, biking, and backcountry skiing adventures where he’s been most moved by nature. Maryia is an electrical engineer and business development manager at eTool - an Australian company which aims to help people design and build better buildings. During her studies in Germany, she chose the environmental path and has been working in the industries providing renewable energy and electric vehicles. After moving to Australia, she dedicated her work to making the construction industry more sustainable and environmentally friendly.

Maryia’s event

Net Zero Carbon Design Tuesday 8 June 2021, 12PM AEST Register: http://bit.ly/NetZeroCDesign

Richard’s event

Net Zero Carbon Design Tuesday 8 June 2021, 12PM AEST Register: http://bit.ly/NetZeroCDesign

Nic Graham

Nic Graham & Associates nicgraham.com

Interior Design Studio Nic Graham & Assoc. was established by Nic in 1998 in Sydney. The studio primarily focuses on hospitality, commercial and high-end residential projects. It is celebrated for bold use of colour and graphics and eccentric memorable designs, while maintaining a true sense of warmth and comfort and a hands-on approach in each project. The team frequently collaborates with local artists, crafts people, florists, graphic and fashion designers and even chefs to achieve unique character for every project. Their dedicated personal approach has helped them maintain lasting partnerships with various clients for over two decades of a design work.

Nic’s event

Design Narratives in Hotels: enhancing guest experience Thursday 29 July 2021, 12PM AEST Register: http://bit.ly/HotelInteriorDesign

Dr Philip Christopher

The University of Melbourne unimelb.edu.au

Philip is a Research Fellow in Infrastructure Engineering at the University of Melbourne and is currently working with a range of industry leaders on prefabricated systems and advancing the thermal performance of the residential housing sector. He specialises in sustainable materials for construction and the thermal performance of building fabric. Since completing his PhD in 2018, Philip has worked extensively with industry on testing the structural performance of Australian-made cross laminated timber and glulam for the commercial market. Philip is also currently a theme-coordinator in the Building 4.0 CRC for sustainable materials and design.

Philip’s event

How We Can Build Australia’s Future 7 Star Homes Tuesday 31 August 2021, 11AM AEST Register: http://bit.ly/Future7Starhomes

Xavier Papuraj

Box Hill Institute boxhill.edu.au

Xavier is Senior Teacher of Building Information Modelling in the Faculty of Trades at Box Hill Institute of TAFE in Melbourne. He is a BIM expert and evangelist, specialising in BIM/Integrated Design/Project Delivery Solutions. His academic background is in architecture, engineering, urban planning and multi-media development. He also has 35 years’ field experience in the AEC industry, specialising in Revit/BIM Implementation for 20 of those years.

Xavier’s event

Get to know BIM Wednesday 7 July 2021, 11AM AEST Register: http://bit.ly/Get2KnowBIM


A packed calendar of events lies in store for Members in June, July and August. Webinar topics cover insulation, air tightness, thermal bridging, window film, mould, fans, facades, heat pumps, net zero carbon design and more. Title: TPA Chit-Chat: Airtightness Date: Thursday 3 June 2021 Time: 12:30PM AEST Location: Webinar Cost: $44.00 Register: http://bit.ly/TPAairtightness Duration: 1 hour CPD points: 1 Presenter: Theresa Braunsch, SPECTrum Building Energy

Content: Airtightness, including: air pressure differentials; potential leakage; penetrations; air exchange rates; regulations and standards - draft; windspeed/indoor pressure; airtightness materials and products/wall assembly; airtightness and heating loads; window installation; airtightness and controlled ventilation; and blower door test.


Title: Net Zero Carbon Design Date: Tuesday 8 June 2021 Time: 12PM AEST Location: Webinar Cost: $44.00 Register: http://bit.ly/NetZeroCDesign Duration: 1 hour CPD points: 1 Presenters: Richard Haynes, eTool & Maryia Perthen, eTool

Content: Demand for zero and low carbon design is growing as urgency on climate action increases. Richard and Maryia will explain the construction sector emissions, carbon measurement standards, and available technology solutions. They will also demonstrate how to optimise the life cycle impacts of a design using RapidLCA.

Title: Critical NCC Changes - Designing for Thermal Performance Date: Wednesday 9 June 2021 Time: 12PM AEST Location: Webinar Cost: $44.00 Register: http://bit.ly/kingspan0906 Duration: 1 hour CPD points: 1 technical Presenter: Stuart Braine, Kingspan Insulation

Content: Who is Kingspan; Planet Passionate; What is Rigid Board insulation; Thermal insulation Science; Material R-values and Total R-Value calculations; NCC2022 – Class 1, 2 and 4; NCC2019 – Changes to Section J; Changes to material R-Values (AS4859.1) – all classes of buildings; Changes to total R-values (AS4214) – NCC volume 2; Thermal Bridging vs Thermal Breaks; Designing using NatHERS requirements; Kingspan Kooltherm K17 insulated plasterboard; and Fire Compliance and rigid board behaviour in fire (AS1530.1 and AS5637).


Title: Contract Administration Workshop Date: Tuesday 15 June 2021 Time: 10AM AEST Location: Online - Zoom Cost: $350.00 Register: http://bit.ly/CAworkshop1506 Duration: 4 hours CPD points: 4 Presenter: Geoff Hoare, Graaph Design

Content: This workshop is delivered online. Materials will be provided in electronic format and assessments is provided on attendance. This well renowned program assists building designers develop the knowledge and skills to: Manage and administer standard form building contracts; develop administrative and reporting systems to manage a building contract on behalf of a client; to enable participants to confidently offer Contract Administration as another service within their practice. The workshop will introduce participants to: the principles of selecting, advising and administering a standard for a building contract for both residential and commercial building projects; examine those contracts and identify the benefits and/or disadvantages of the various contract suites; and examine the Design Matters National standardform contracts, the appendices and various forms and instructions that are referenced within the contract to gain an understanding of each component. The workshop also assists building designers seeking registration as a building practitioner in Victoria to enable applicants who have successfully completed this course to produce a certificate and various work examples to satisfy the contract administration experience criteria required for registration as a Building Design - Architectural. Title: Thermal Bridging in relation to NatHERS and residential buildings Date: Tuesday 15 June 2021 Time: 12PM AEST Location: Webinar Cost: $44.00 Register: http://bit.ly/ThermalBridgingNatHERS Duration: 1 hour CPD points: 1 technical Presenter: Robert Romanous, BCA Energy

Content: It has been demonstrated that the use of NCC2019 vol 1 thermal bridging provision can result in a significant reduction i n expected building fabric performance within the commercial industry. In this tech webinar, we will explore what would happen if similar thermal bridging criteria were to be implemented for residential developments. Learning outcomes: evaluate the impact of energy-efficient housing on the overall reduction of GHG emissions; explain the effect of the substandard installation of insulation on the thermal efficiency of buildings; list innovative products to achieve high NatHERS star ratings and a net-zero energy home in practice; describe the recent changes to AS/NZS 4859.1; state the impact of thermal bridging (including: define thermal bridging; identify AS/NZS 4859.2 and NZ 4214; explain downrating total R-value due to thermal bridging; and describe the effect of thermal bridging on different building methods); and explore what would happen if thermal bridging criteria were to be implemented for residential developments, including the impact on the NatHERS rating.


Title: TPA Intensive: Can VURB for residential buildings ever be a good thing? Date: Wednesday 16 June 2021 Time: 12PM AEST Location: Webinar Cost: $44.00 Register: http://bit.ly/TPAintensive1606 Duration: 1 hour CPD points: 1 technical Presenter: Darren O’Dea, Speckel

Content: VURB (Verification using a Reference Building Method) is a Performance Solution (Verification Method – V2.6.2.2) within the National Construction Code 2019. Introduced to provide flexibility against meeting the Performance Requirements of P 2.6.1 (except NSW), it has become synonymous as a ‘loophole’, allowing builders to avoid complying with the six-star NatHERS minimum requirement. Within this presentation, Darren will use the platform Speckel to undertake the freshly released VURB assessments against V2.6.2.2, to argue the benefits of a standardised reference building and a repeatable calculation procedure for the industry.

Title: TPA Intensive: Window Film, NatHERS & WERS For Film Date: Thursday 17 June 2021 Time: 12PM AEST Location: Webinar Cost: $44.00 Register: http://bit.ly/TPAIntensiveWindow1706 Duration: 1 hour CPD points: 1 technical Presenter: Rob Hamilton, WFAANZ

Content: This technical presentation will cover the: energy impact of window film; technical aspects of window film specification – site considerations (building orientation, external shading, etc.), U-value, TSER, SHGC, and situations where window film offers a viable and efficient thermal alternative, for example where double glazing has been specified but is prohibitive due to cost; case studies demonstrating the energy impact of window film; window film and NatHERS; and WERS For Film, the independent energy rating program for the window film industry. Participates will learn more about awareness of where, when, why and how window film can be used to improve the thermal performance of a building; understanding of how window film can be used to its best effect within NatHERS; and inspiration and advice on using window film to meet or exceed energy requirements.


Title: TPA Intensive: Best practice in NatHERS software modelling Date: Friday 18 June 2021 Time: 12PM AEST Location: Webinar Cost: $44.00 Register: http://bit.ly/TPAbestpractice1806 Duration: 1 hour CPD points: 1 technical Presenter: Rebecca Robins, Efficiency Assessments

Content: This presentation ensures Assessors have the knowledge, skills and tools to inform decision making in NatHERS assessments and promote autonomy and professional judgement. The webinar will touch on the basics to ensure a solid foundation on which all assessments can be based. It will refresh attendees knowledge on the NatHERS basics, key principles of building thermal performance, principles of data entry, key assumptions of the Chenath engine and explore how they link together. In addition, the presentation will look at the importance of a systematic approach in all NatHERS assessments to elevate efficiency and ease, including steps outside of data entry that are fundamental to quality, consistent and accurate results. Title: Pre-Registration Workshop Date: Tuesday 22 June 2021 Time: 10AM AEST Location: Workshop Cost: $120.00 Register: http://bit.ly/BDPreReg2206 Duration: 2 hours CPD points: 2 Presenter: Geoff Hoare, Graaph Design

Content: This course is aimed at building designers preparing for registration with the Victorian Building Authority. The workshop covers a broad range of relevant topics including: the legislative requirements for registration under the Building Act; the role of the VBA; the current registration process; dispelling the myths of registration and why and when you need to be registered as a building practitioner; what the differences are between a registered architect and draftsperson; a comparison of Victorian registration with other states; mutual recognition and whether it is applicable when seeking registration within Australia; what are the required qualifications, and what may be considered as being equivalent; how to demonstrate an appropriate level of experience; evidence you should gather in support of your application; how best to present and formulate your application; the competencies required for registration as at Draftsperson; various forms that will make up your application; the declarations and police checks required; appropriate insurance required; how to build a ‘best practice’ application; what the VBA and its assessors might be looking for in your application; what to do if you receive a request for further information; what to expect if you are asked to attend an interview or online assessment; and what happens if your application is refused and including options available if you are refused.


Title: HERO Introductory Workshop Date: Wednesday 23 June 2021 Time: 10AM AEST Location: Online - Zoom Cost: $225.00 Register: http://bit.ly/HERO2306 Duration: 4 hours CPD points: 9 technical Presenters: Matthew Graham, Graham Energy & Nick Bishop, HERO Software

Content: Join subject matter expert Matthew Graham and HERO developer Nick Bishop in an intensive workshop tailored for those using or considering using HERO. This interactive session provides technical guidance and capability in proficient use of this software.

Title: Mould Aware Date: Thursday 24 June 2021 Time: 12PM AEST Location: Webinar Cost: $44.00 Register: http://bit.ly/mouldaware2406 Duration: 1 hour CPD points: 1 Presenter: Deanne Hislop, Building Biologist WA

Content: Why mould is becoming more of an issue in today’s society and how we can address this in building design. ‘Learn about preventable mould issues in builds that result in increased microbial growth. From the choice of build materials, roofing design, waterproofing, water vapour and condensation allowance as ventilation, particularly in passive builds there are many factors to consider when designing a healthy home that will help reduce the likelihood of mould growth. This workshop provides a comprehensive look into why mould is becoming a greater issue within the built environment; common issues seen with builds today; why people seem to be more susceptible to mould; and of course, what considerations need to be made in the design stage.


Title: Happy Hour Networking - Melbourne Date: Thursday 24 June 2021 Time: 5PM AEST Location: The Albion Bar, 172 York St., South Melbourne, Vic. 3205. Cost: Free Register: http://bit.ly/HappyHour2406 Duration: 2 hours CPD points: 2


Title: FirstRate5 Introductory Workshop Date: Thursday 1 July 2021 Time: 10AM AEST Location: Online - Zoom Cost: $215.00 Register: http://bit.ly/FR5Intro0107 Duration: 4 hours CPD points: 9 technical Presenter: Matthew Graham, Graham Energy

Content: This four-hour workshop, exclusive for Design Matters National-accredited Thermal Performance Assessors (TPAs), and tailored for those using FirstRate5, is an interactive session which provides consolidation of the basics of the software and confirms your ability to use and apply both software attributes and the applicable technical note. Title: Learn and Lunch: Air movement for energy efficient comfort in conditioned spaces Date: Tuesday 6 July 2021 Time: 12PM AWST Location: The White Room, Home Base, 55 Salvado Rd, Subiaco, WA 6008. Cost: Free Event Link: http://bit.ly/Learnandlaunch0607 Duration: 1 hour CPD points: 1 Presenter: Rebecca Stefanonni, Big Ass Fans

Content: Identify the standard for thermal comfort compliance; name the 6 factors that affect thermal comfort; understand the use of elevated air speed to improve thermal comfort, air distribution, and energy efficiency in conditioned spaces; describe the design benefits of minimising ductwork, lowering HVAC first costs, and improving ventilation rates; explain stratification and the energy saving potential of de-stratifying a large open space.


Title: Get to know BIM Date: Wednesday 7 July 2021 Time: 11AM AEST Location: Webinar Cost: Free Register: http://bit.ly/Get2KnowBIM Duration: 1 hour CPD points: 1 Presenter: Xavier Papuraj, Box Hill Institute

Content: Xavier contributed to the article, “Is BIM now BAU?”, in this issue of “INTERSECT”. In this webinar, Xavier will continue the conversation about BIM, answer questions from Members, and talk about the BIM education offerings currently available at Box Hill Institute.

Title: TPA Chit-Chat: Thermal performance research, risks & mitigation Date: Thursday 8 July 2021 Time: 12:30PM AEST Location: Online - Zoom Cost: Free Register: http://bit.ly/TPAchit-chat0807 Duration: 1 hour CPD points: 1 Presenter: Anthony Wright, CSIRO

Content: Anthony will discuss CSIRO’s current research into slab-on-ground modelling, overheating and moisture including risks for homeowners and assessors, mitigation and possible next steps for regulation.


Title: Designing High-performance Facades: Spec The Edge Date: Tuesday 20 July 2021 Time: 11AM AEST Location: Webinar Cost: $44.00 Register: http://bit.ly/Facades2007 Duration: 1 hour CPD points: 1 Presenter: Vincent Wardill, Technoform

Content: Have you ever wondered why we, in Australia, are so reliant on Air-Conditioning in Summer and Heating in Winter? The FRAME of a window (our glazing) has a significant impact on the overall energy efficiency of any glazing system (Windows, Doors etc.) – including that of double-glazing itself. While double glazing is seen as a benchmark for energy efficiency, to select double glazing with a standard aluminium frame is only going halfway to achieving a high performing energy efficient window! We expand on this topic and explain how important glazing is in the building envelope and to make our built indoor environment more comfortable. Title: Pin-Up Networking Date: Thursday 22 July 2021 Time: 4PM AWST Location: The White Room, Home Base, 55 Salvado Rd, Subiaco, WA 6008. Cost: Free Register: http://bit.ly/Pin-upNetworking Duration: 2 hours CPD points: 1 Presenter: Kyle Stacey, Stack & Adam Butcher, Darklight Design

Content: The PIN UP is BACK. DMN Style! The pin up is the most feared element of all the design and architecture courses, but it is also a way to open one’s mind to healthy critique, different ideas and a whole range of new experiences. Two DMN Members will present a design/ design challenge they’re wrestling with, then the group asks questions and discusses the design or challenge. Pin-Ups are a great way to gather new solutions to tricky problems and have a laugh at the same time. Catering and drinks provided by our good friends at Home Base. Bring a colleague or friend at no charge.


Title: Hydronic Heat Pumps - Proposed Changes to the NCC & VBA Regulations Date: Tuesday 27 July 2021 Time: 11AM AEST Location: Webinar Cost: $44.00 Register: http://bit.ly/Hydronicheat2707 Duration: 1 Hour CPD points: 1 Presenter: Sam Frost, Stiebel Eltron

Content: Stiebel Eltron is a German company committed to delivering sustainable, energy efficient hot water, heating and ventilation solutions. We’re currently in the midst of an energy revolution, and we can help you futureproof your home or office. At Stiebel Eltron, we were one of the first to realise that electricity is the energy source of the future. It’s an infinite resource – unlike oil and gas – so it’s eco-friendly and ideal for preserving our natural resources. With a rich heritage of more than 95 years in manufacturing innovative home appliances, we’re able to offer you products which will make your home or office fit for the future. Stiebel Eltron will be presenting on its range of all electric and renewable products as well as some exciting new additions to the line-up that are being released in the new year. The presentation will cover: a brief company overview and an introduction to the Stiebel Eltron Range; what are Hydronic heat pumps and why they can be used in new and existing buildings in Australia; energy efficiency and Heat pumps; the benefits Heat pumps and Solar PV; new products coming soon from the European market; Stiebel Eltron design service for building professionals; Q&A time.

Title: Design Narratives in Hotels: enhancing guest experience Date: Thursday 29 July 2021 Time: 12PM AEST Location: Webinar Cost: Free Register: http://bit.ly/HotelInteriorDesign Duration: 1 hour CPD points: 1 Presenter: Nic Graham, Nic Graham & Assoc.

Content: An exploration into various examples of how a design narrative can influence and guide hotel design and enhance a guest experience. Today’s travelers to the boutique and design-focused hotels of the world are intelligent, curious and mindful. They often want a deeper meaning to the spaces we create, in order to understand the obtuse or new idea. They pose questions which in the end can form a familiarity or deeper connection with a property. It used to be called a theme, now we say narrative, and do weeks of research into history, location and culture in search of a hidden idea that can influence planning, volume, artworks and graphics, design, palette and accessories.


Title: HERO Introductory Workshop Date: Monday 16 August 2021 Time: 10AM AEST Location: Online - Zoom Cost: $220.00 Register: http://bit.ly/HEROintro1608 Duration: 4 hours CPD points: 9 technical Presenters: Matthew Graham, Graham Energy & Nick Bishop, HERO Software

Content: Join subject-matter expert Matthew Graham and HERO developer Nick Bishop in an intensive workshop tailored for those using or considering using HERO. This interactive session provides technical guidance and capability in proficient use of this software. Title: FirstRate5 Intermediate Workshop Date: Wednesday 18 August 2021 Time: 10AM AEST Location: Online Zoom Cost: $240.00 Register: http://bit.ly/FR5intermediate1808 Duration: 4 hours CPD points: 4 technical Presenter: Matthew Graham, Graham Energy

Content: Modelling topics, including: your next-door neighbour; how to work smarter; keeping a roof over your head; not in my courtyard; to zone, or not to zone; analytics tab; more top tips; can you split this?; and complex errors from DMN audits.

NB. Registrants MUST have completed the Introductory workshop and bring a laptop with FirstRate5 v5.3.


Title: Happy Hour: Networking with Stiebel Eltron Date: Thursday 26 August 2021 Time: 5PM AEST Location: Stiebel Eltron’s Melbourne Showroom, Unit 4, 8 Rocklea Drive, Port Melbourne, VIC 3207. Cost: Free Register: http://bit.ly/HappyHour260821 Duration: 2 hours CPD points: 1 Presenter: Chris Marshall, Hunt Heating


Title: How We Can Build Australia’s Future 7-Star Homes Date: Tuesday 31 August 2021 Time: 11AM AEST Location: Webinar Cost: $44.00 Register: http://bit.ly/Future7Starhomes Duration: 1 hour CPD points: 1 Presenter: Dr Philip Christopher, University of Melbourne

Content: Seven-Star Minimum Energy Efficiency Regulations are coming in 2022 so we’ll discuss practical, cost-effective measures to meet 7-Stars in Australia’s major climate zones including bricks, cladding, insulation, windows, and walls.

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