01 What’s Up
From the President
By Ingrid Hornung, President, Design Matters National, 2020-2022
Welcome to our first INTERSECT of 2022! I’m so proud of the entire Design Matters community, for the way you have responded so creatively, to the many challenges over the last two years. As has been brought home to us over that time, it has been a different ‘pandemic’ for each and every person; and I know I am not alone in looking forward to a fresh start this year! In this issue, with International Women’s Day almost upon us, we take the opportunity to profile many of the wonderful women in our midst. In particular, we celebrate the life and achievements of Yael Kurlansky, of Yael K & Associates, who passed away late last year. I was not fortunate enough to know her personally; but have found myself touched and inspired, learning about her, nevertheless. I hope you do too. Enjoy!
Ingrid Hornung President
I’m so proud of the entire Design Matters community, for the way you have responded so creatively, to the many challenges over the last two years.