E.A.G.Le. 2.0 Evo Enhanced Absolute Glass Level
E.A.G.Le 2.0 Evo The New Generation Glass Level Measurement System • • • • • • •
No contact with glass nothing in movement Absolute level meAsure Easy to install Maintenance-free Self-calibrating Vibration proof
The system E.A.G.Le. 2.0 Enhanced Absolute Glass Level (Patented) allows to measuring the glass level through the optical reflection of a fixed pointer mounted out of contact with glass. Innovative and technologically advanced, the new release 2.0, the evolution of E.A.G.Le., offers renewed features and improvements in the measurement and performance. Electronics, fully contained in the camera, ensures a small footprint and makes the product easier to handle for easy installation and minimal maintenance. E.A.G.Le. 2.0 is composed of a watercooled fixed steel pointer (probe) in INCONEL and video camera placed in a rigid industrial casing and mounted at approx. 2 meters from the measurement point using a small hole in the furnace working end.
All the parameters of calibration and tuning can be read and set from whatever PC (Personal Computer), conveniently linked to the Ethernet video camera port and visible on a normal browser. E.A.G.Le. 2.0 acquires and processes the images through advanced algorithms controlled by a system of Artificial Vision in a module inside of the video camera. The real pointerreflected image are acquired at high frequency enabling thus to establish the actual level of glass with absolute precision higher than ±0.05mm. E.A.G.Le. 2.0 is self-calibrating and vibration-proof.
E.A.G.Le. 2.0 system is set up with a TCP/IP address, as consequence, the tele-diagnostic is easily reachable both from the plant and from any remote place. E.A.G.Le. 2.0, thanks to the characteristics described, is the most advanced glass level measuring device present on the market.
Technical Features Measurement Fleld: from -15 to +15 mm Resolution: higher than ±0.05 mm lmage Elaboration: 30 frames/sec. Pointer and Camera Cooling: demi water Dimensions: marker L. 2400 mm; DN 25, (1” Gas), diam. ext. 33,7 mm; support h 1000 mm; trimmed ± 160 mm Power supply: 24 Vdc
The System Provides Analog Signal 4+20 mA (which represents the level measurement) • Two digital outpup: watch dog - alarm • Two digital input: zeroing level - reset alarm • All the signals mentioned above, properly codified, are available on Ethernet
Options Mounting Kit for existing pneumatic system.
Manufactured by
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www.bdf.it BDF INDUSTRIES S.p.A. - Head Office and Sales Department Via dell’Industria, 40 - 36100 Vicenza - Italy phone +39 0444.286.100 - fax +39 0444.286.299 - e-mail: bdf@bdf.it MCR SYSTEMS S.r.l. - Technical Department Torre WTC. - Via De Marini, 1 - 16149 Genova - Italy phone +39 010.315.007 - fax +39 010.362.34.89 - e-mail: info@mcrsrl.it
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