sam humphries jerry gaylord
sam humphries jerry gaylord
sam humphries jerry gaylord
sam humphries jerry gaylord
Written by
Sam Humphries Art by
Jerry Gaylord Ink Assists by
Colors by
Letters by
Penelope Gaylord
Nolan Woodard
Ed Dukeshire
Cover A
Cover B
Cover C
Cover D
Humberto Ramos
Ale Garza
Khary Randolph
Matteo Scalera
Colors by
Colors by
Colors by
Colors by
Nei Ruffino
Nei Ruffino
Archie Van Buren
Cover E
Cover f
Cover G
Cover H
Ulises Farinas
Ale Garza
Humberto Ramos
zombie king
Arthur Suydam eccc exclusive cover
phil noto Fanboys Vs. Zombies Character Designs by Humberto Ramos
Assistant Editor
Eric Harburn
Bryce Carlson
FANBOYS VS. ZOMBIES Created by Ben Silverman and Jimmy Fox FANBOYS VS. ZOMBIES #1 — April 2012. Published by BOOM! Studios, a division of Boom Entertainment, Inc., 6310 San Vicente Boulevard, Suite 107, Los Angeles, CA 90048-5457. Fanboys vs. Zombies is TM & © 2012 Boom Entertainment, Inc. and Electus LLC. All rights reserved. Comic-Con®, San Diego Comic-Con®, SDCC Eye Logo®, and all related logos and indicia are registered trademarks of San Diego Comic Convention and used by permission. Copyright © 2004-2012 San Diego Comic Convention. All rights reserved. BOOM! Studios™ and the BOOM! Studios logo are trademarks of Boom Entertainment, Inc., registered in various B O O M - S T U D I O S . C O M countries and categories. All characters, events, and institutions depicted herein are fictional. Any similarity between any of the names, characters, persons, events, and/or institutions in this publication to actual names, characters, and persons, whether living or dead, events, and/or institutions is unintended and purely coincidental. BOOM! Studios does not read or accept unsolicited submissions of ideas, stories, or artwork. For information regarding the CPSIA on this printed material, call: (203) 595-3636 and provide reference #EAST – 999999. PRINTED IN USA.
Pretty gnarly ending, huh? I mean, everyone knows about the “con flu,” but this is just ridiculous! Thanks for picking up FANBOYS VS. ZOMBIES #1 and becoming our very own Patient Zero. Trust us, the adventures of Rob & Co. are just getting started. But before we press “play” on the zombie apocalypse, welcome to the very first installment of FvZmail, your one-stop shop for all things fanatical and/or gurgling. [I’ll try to keep Eric’s zombie puns to a minimum--Bryce.]
Fanboy/ Fangirl? Love zombies? Ever wondered what you would look like if you were a zombie? Well, here’s your chance -- in each issue of FANBOYS VS. ZOMBIES, one lucky fan will get zombified by our very own caricaturist supreme Jerry Gaylord. So send in your favorite snapshot -- the nerdier, the better!
You can’t talk FvZ without mentioning the brains [Not even one paragraph. I tried--BC.] behind it all -- Sam Humphries and Jerry Gaylord. It’s rare that you find a writer and artist that are so perfectly suited for a series, but the stars aligned for FvZ. But, oh no, it doesn’t stop there -- inker Penelope Gaylord, colorist Nolan Woodard, and letterer Ed Dukeshire round out one of the most complete creative teams in comics. Yeah, I said it. There’s nobody I’d rather face a zombie outbreak with than these awesomely talented, awesomely awesome people. [#awesomewithawesomesauce--BC.] But seeing as how “fanboy” is smack-dab in the series’ title, the last thing we want this letters page to be about is us. No, FvZmail is all about you -- what you’re reading, what you’re watching, whatever’s on your mind. Snail mail, email, tweets, carrier pigeon… Pick your poison and let us know what’s got you geeked, because that’s what makes this little thing we call comics so damn cool in the first place -- being able to share what you love most with a community of like-minded dudes and dudettes. See you in 30!
--Eric Harburn, Asst. Editor [bryce carlson, Editor ] @FvZ_BOOM @Eric_BOOM @brycercarlson
Snail Mail FvZ c/o BOOM! Studios 6310 San Vicente Blvd., Ste. 107 Los Angeles, CA 90048-5457