2014-2015 Teacher Handbook

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New Market Elementary Faculty Handbook 2014-2015

6096 US Highway 311 Sophia, NC 27350 Phone: (336) 495-3340 Jennie Williams, Principal Bryant Voncannon, Assistant Principal

New Market Elementary Mission Statement Together we will develop life-long learners by preparing and inspiring students to be literate, responsible, productive members of a diverse society.

Randolph County School System Mission Statement The mission of the Randolph County School System is to maximize educational opportunities for every student by focusing on continuous improvement and having high expectations for students and staff, while preparing students for multiple options to be competitive in a diverse 21st Century global society.

Dates to Know Listed below you will find important dates. There will be other dates that will be given to you as the school year progresses. Please mark these dates on your calendar. AUGUST 15 18 19-22 21 25 28 SEPTEMBER 1 2 9 11 12 15 16 17 19 25 29 OCTOBER 6-10 9 10 14 20 21

First Day for Teachers Required Teacher Workday Teacher Workdays Open House 4:00-6:00pm First Day Of School, Cookie Dough kickoff PAYDAY

Labor Day Holiday Fall Pictures Leadership Meeting @ 3:00 pm, Bojangles’ Night PTO & Title I Meeting/Open House (6:00pm) Field Trip Forms Due to Principal Cookie Dough Sale Ends Staff Meeting (3:00 pm), Young Rembrandts After School Club Begins, Subway Night Field Trip Committee Meeting (3 pm) PDP’s Due to Administrators Progress Reports, Faculty Picture (3pm) PAYDAY

27 28 30 31

Book Fair Reading Night(6:00 pm) Fall Festival 4:00-7:00 pm Leadership Meeting (3:00pm), Bojangles’ Night Picture Retakes Staff Meeting (3:00pm), Final Young Rembrandts After School Club, Subway Night End of 1st Qtr. 2nd Qtr.Begins 2 Hour Early Dismissal Workday

NOVEMBER 4 10 11 12 18 25 26 27-28

Mad Science Afterschool Club Begins, Bojangles’ Night Report Cards Veterans Day Holiday Leadership Meeting(3:00pm) Staff Meeting(3:00pm), Subway Night PAYDAY Annual Leave Holiday


Progress Reports Leadership Meeting(3:00pm), Bojangles’ Night

11 16 18 19 22-23 24-26 29-31

PTO Meeting and Christmas Event Staff Meeting(3:00pm), Final Mad Science Afterschool Club Ends, Subway Night Midyear PDP’s are due, PAYDAY 2 hour Early Dismissal(12:40pm) Annual Leave Holiday Annual Leave

JANUARY 1 2 6 13 16 19 20-21 20 22 27 29

New Year’s Holiday Workday Bojangles’ Night Leadership Meeting(3:00pm), End of 2nd Qtr. Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday Workdays Subway Night 2nd Semester/3rd Qtr. Begins Staff Meeting(3:00pm), Report Cards, PAYDAY

FEBRUARY 5 10 12 13 16 17 24 26

100TH DAY, Math Night Leadership Meeting(3:00pm), Bojangles’ Night PTO Meeting and Wax Museum 1st Semester Awards Day Assemblies (3-5), K-2 Awards in classrooms Workday Staff Meeting(3:00pm), Subway Night Progress Report PAYDAY

MARCH 6 10 12 17 24 27 30 3/30-4/2

120TH Day Leadership Meeting(3:00pm),Bojangles’ Night Science Night, 6:00 Staff Meeting(3:00pm),Subway Night Mad Science Afterschool begins End of 3rd Qtr. th 4 Qtr. Begins, PAYDAY Book Fair

APRIL 2 3 6-9 10 13 14 16

Book Fair Ends, End of the Year PDP’s are Due for Probationary Teachers Good Friday Holiday Spring Break, Annual Leave Workday 140th Day Leadership Meeting(3:00pm), Bojangles’ Night PTO Meeting and Talent Show

20 21 22 29

Report Cards, Spring Pictures, Class Pictures, 5th grade Cap and Gown Staff Meeting(3:00pm), Subway Night Administrative Professional Day, Earth Day PAYDAY

MAY 4-8 5 7 11 12 15 19 22 25 28

Teacher Appreciation Week Mad Science Afterschool Ends Progress Reports 160th day Leadership Meeting(3:00pm) Teacher Input on Teacher Assistants Evaluations Due to Administrator Staff Meeting (3:00pm),Subway Night End of Year PDP’s are due Memorial Holiday PAYDAY

JUNE 2 4 5 8

10-11 16 26

Staff Meeting(if needed) K-2 Field Day 3-5 Field Day End of Year Celebrations and 3-5 Awards: 5th at 8:30 am; 3-4 at 1:00pm, K-2 in classrooms 180th Day/Last Day for Students/Early Dismissal 12:40pm, Leadership Meeting(if needed) Workdays Subway Night PAYDAY






ACCIDENTS Please report all accidents involving injury to students or damage to school property immediately upon discovery. This is particularly important in the case of student injury. If students are injured during structured play or at any other time during the school day, the teacher must complete a student injury report form. Student injury report forms need to be submitted to the following people: nurse, teacher and Mrs. Oakley. Student injury report forms must be completed and filed in the office. A copy of the form is in your handbook. Please be certain that the school nurse has a copy of this form so she can follow up with the child and parents, if

necessary. Parents must be called by the teacher to notify them of the accident. Please carefully choose your words when speaking with parents so that other students are not falsely blamed for accidents. AFTER SCHOOL CHILD CARE POLICY (DAYCARE) Randolph County School policy states that students are not to remain at school after regular school hours unless they are enrolled in after school childcare, pre-approved after school activities or academic remediation. This guideline includes children of employees. Due to safety reasons, ALL students are required to go to the afterschool program, be a car rider, or ride the bus home at DISMISSAL time. New Market employees only, will be charged ½ of the regular daycare rate. The weekly rate for employees is $17.50. It is a weekly rate, with no exceptions. Additionally, children of employees are not allowed on campus on Teacher Workdays, due to liability and supervision concerns. APPLIANCES Per district practice, small appliances such as coffee makers, refrigerators, microwave or toaster ovens, and the like are to be restricted in schools to teacher lounges and larger workroom type settings. Such appliances are not to be kept in individual classrooms, small offices, small storage areas, etc. ASSEMBLIES It is very important that students are taught the proper way to conduct themselves during an assembly. Before any assembly, please review rules with your students…..proper way to sit, no talking, etc. You may even want to tell them that you will be looking for good behavior and then reward them for this good behavior after the assembly. ATTENDANCE: It is very important that all staff members are at school every day. • All teachers/assistants must be in their classrooms by 7:25am unless you are assigned other tasks. • All staff members are required to be in the building by 7:20am each morning. • Teacher Assistants are required to sign out Monday-Thursday at 3:05pm. • All certified staff members are required to sign out Monday-Thursday any time after 3:05pm. • On teacher workdays, all staff members are required to work seven hours. All staff members should arrive by 8:00am on teacher workdays. All staff members should depart by 4:00pm on teacher workdays. Absences In the event that you are absent, the following steps should be taken: 1. All staff members must call Ramona if you are absent at (336) 498-2395 or (336) 963-3136. If you cannot reach Ramona, please call Mrs. Williams at (336) 676-0659. Calls must be made by 6:00am or by 11:00pm the night before. 2. Teacher Assistants who opt to take Annual Leave Days on student days require prior approval of the principal. . Please see Mrs. Oakley for the annual leave request form. 3. No comp. time will be given during the 2014-2015 school year. 4. All certified teachers who have accrued personal leave have the option to take up to five personal leave days with no deduction on non-mandated workdays only. All personal leave days require prior approval from the principal. 5. Teacher Assistants will not be permitted to substitute for classroom teachers. 6. Sick days are to be used when you are sick and not when you are well. The county office will be monitoring excessive staff absences. BATHROOM BREAKS

Please limit class bathroom breaks to no more than two per day. Much time is wasted when a whole class is taken to the bathroom. While waiting in the hallway to go the bathroom, students should not be talking. K-1 students should not be using the hall bathrooms. BOMB THREATS In the event that a bomb threat is issued to the school, the following procedure should be used: 1. First of all, BE CALM and try to get as much information as possible from the caller. A. LISTEN TO THE VOICE – Is it male, female, young, or old? B. LISTEN FOR ANY BACKGROUND NOISE, which may give a clue as to the location. C. ASK “Who’s calling?” “Where is the bomb?” “When is it supposed to go off?” 2. After the caller hangs up, use the same phone line to immediately dial *57 before the line is used again. 3. The person receiving the call needs to notify Mrs. Williams, Principal and/or Mr. Voncannon, Assistant Principal immediately. 4. The person receiving the call along with Mrs. Williams and/or Mr.Voncannon will call 911 and report the threat. 5. An announcement will be made to evacuate the building and possibly other details. 6. All classes will evacuate the building following the emergency exit plan posted in your classroom. Remain there until directions are given to return to the building. In the event of inclement weather, put (3-5) students on buses and K-2 students go to the Community Building. (See other plan) 7. The secretaries will operate the phones as the building is being evacuated. 8. NCWISE Data Manager will call the Superintendent’s office (318-6140). 9. Mrs. Williams & Mr. Voncannon will assist officers, etc. with the search of the building. 10. Mrs. Williams or Mr. Voncannon will announce when it is safe to enter the building. BUS SAFETY (Responsibilities of Teachers) 1. Teach all students their responsibilities as bus riders. 2. A minimum of four sessions must be taught annually. The first session will be conducted on the first day of school. Others should be taught at the beginning of each quarter. An additional session should be taught just prior to the last day of school. 3. Students should be escorted to the buses each afternoon. 4. If you have students who ride a school bus, it is imperative you inform the bus driver of any existing medical condition of a student(s) who may need close monitoring in the event of a medical emergency while riding a bus. Best practice would be a personal contact with the bus driver instead of either communicating a child's medical condition electronically or in the form of written communication. As always, student information must be kept completely confidential in accordance to the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act. For more information regarding the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act, please review the following link: http://www2.ed.gov/policy/gen/guid/fpco/ferpa/index.html

Bobcat B.E.S.T. Bus Program In an effort to promote the safety of ALL students on our school buses, New Market Elementary will continue the Bobcat B.E.S.T. Bus Program this school year. This program will not only promote safety on the buses, but will decrease the number of bus referrals sent to the office. Moreover, this program should assist in lost instructional time that occurs when conducting investigations with regard to the individual(s) who fail to comply with bus regulations and any witnesses who either may have observed, or have knowledge regarding misconduct on the school buses.

Within the school, there will be a bulletin board designated to the Bobcat B.E.S.T. Bus Program where students will be able to view individual bus data that is collected based on the number of referrals that are sent to the office from bus drivers. The bus(es) which have the smallest amount of referrals will receive prizes each month to recognize the Bobcat B.E.S.T. bus riders. Consequently, the bus(es) that have the least number of referrals will receive a party at the end of the year. Please encourage your students weekly to do his or her Bobcat B.E.S.T. in helping to keep our buses safe. Thank you for your cooperation and support! CALENDAR Please list everything on the master calendar in the office, i.e.: field trips, committee meetings, and special days in your classroom. Do not schedule activities in the gym on Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday. CAFETERIA All grades K-5 teachers need to assign sweepers for the cafeteria. Train students to use inside voices. Please make sure that you monitor students as they are eating their lunches. Students should not be eating desserts first. Teach healthy eating habits and manners. If you are expecting extra parents for lunch please let Mrs. Hayes know in advance. Breakfast and lunch will be priced a la carte for all adults. It is very important that students are taught from day one that there is no talking in the lunch line. All students will have a period of silent lunch each day. Music will play in the cafeteria, which is the designated silent lunch time. When the music is off, students will be permitted to talk. Please teach your students not to talk while the music is playing in the cafeteria. CAFETERIA CHARGE PROCEDURES In an effort to decrease the number of cafeteria lunch charges, we need teachers to call parents when a child receives their second charge notice. Many times the cafeteria notice may not be received by parents in a timely manner and student charges continue. This will help ensure that parents are quickly notified of problems. Also, if you find that parents are experiencing financial difficulty, please offer to send a free lunch form to them. We would like to keep everyone in a situation that will allow students to receive the cafeteria lunch of their choice. Please keep in mind that our school will be responsible for all unpaid charges at the end of the year. Thanks for your help with this concern. CELL PHONES Personal cell phones should only be used in emergencies. Cell phones should never ring during regular school hours. CEU REQUIREMENTS FOR STAFF There is a new state-mandated requirement that all K-12 certified staff must collect 3.0 CEUs in their content area. A reminder that all teachers in grades K-8 have a state-mandated 3.0 CEU requirement in reading and all Certified Personnel have a locally-mandated 2.0 CEU requirement in technology during each five-year cycle. CHECK-OUT Any staff member leaving the school grounds for any purpose during the regular school day must checkout with the principal or assistant principal. Teachers who will be absent from a class must make arrangements with the administration for someone to supervise their classes. Under NO CONDITIONS are classes to be left unsupervised! If you need to leave school prior to 2:30 p.m., you will need to take a half day or whole day. CHECK-OUT PROCEDURES (STUDENT) The following guidelines are part of the Randolph County School Board Policy and New Market School’s check out procedures.

1. All students must be checked out through the office. 2. Office staff will check identification as needed. 3. Parent permission must be provided to the school for a student to be checked out by anyone other than a parent or legal guardian. If any police or court official requests the dismissal of a student during school hours, parents shall be notified as soon as possible and permission obtained first if possible. 4. Parents will be asked to give the school a list of people who may check their child out. Staff will accept from a parent or legal guardian a signed note as authorization for someone else to pick up their child. If you question the signature, attempts should be made to contact the parent by phone to verify it. 5. If the parents are divorced or separated, the student may be released to either parent unless the school has been provided with a copy of a court order or a separation agreement that specifies one parent as the primary custodian of the student, or which specifically prohibits the non-custodial parent access to the child. 6. Students will not be called to the office for checkout until the person picking up the student has been appropriately identified. 7. A student checkout log will be kept in the office, which includes the signature of the person checking out the student, the student’s name, purpose of checkout, time and date. CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS The Randolph County Fire Marshall has some rules concerning decorations. NO LIVE TREES are to be placed in any school building. Artificial trees can be used; however, some documentation that the tree is fire or flameretardant or fire or flameproof must be on hand should the Fire Marshall do an inspection. Trees should never block an exit. The small UL approved lights can be used on the trees, but are not encouraged by the Fire Marshall’s office. If lights are used, they must be plugged directly into an electrical outlet. NO EXTENSION CORDS are to be used with the lights or any other decorations. CLASSROOM HOUSEKEEPING 1. Teachers & students should strive at all times to keep the classroom as neat as possible. All desks should be cleaned once a week inside and out. 2. It is highly desirable that teachers assign student helpers to do general housekeeping duties (i.e. cleaning of tabletops, cabinet tops, bookcases, window ledges, etc.) on a regular basis. Require students to keep neat desks and be responsible for the area around them. 3. Before you leave each day, be sure to do the following: secure all windows, unplug all AV equipment, log off the computer and turn off the monitor, turn off lights, close blinds. Lock outside doors but leave hallway doors unlocked for the custodians. 4. Notify our head custodian if custodians are not properly cleaning your classroom. 5. Notify the head custodian (in writing) of any maintenance needs that your classroom might have. The head custodian will then notify proper personnel. 6. You are responsible for the condition of the furniture in your room. Please stress to students to keep chairs & desks clean. If students put stickers on desks, it will be your responsibility to remove these, not the custodians. 7. Do not allow students to tamper with the blinds, windows, heat controls, etc., this is your responsibility. Please do not let students play with your classroom supplies or equipment. 8. Staples are to be put in the trashcan. Otherwise, they will work into the carpet or cause problems with our cleaners. Paper clips need to be picked up off the floor. 9. Please help our custodians by picking up books and papers from the floor each afternoon. Make certain students clean up the area around their desks before they leave. Strive to keep your room neat throughout the day. 10. Do not leave books, papers, etc. on tops of student desks at the end of the day. This creates problems for our custodians. 11. Dusting is the responsibility of the classroom teacher. You may see a custodian for dusting spray. Each person is responsible for supplying his or her own dust rags.

12. All cleaning supplies must be kept out of the reach of children and away from food stored in cabinets. The school is notified of this directive annually by the Health Inspector. Kindergarten teachers and assistants should not store any cleaning supplies with food items. 13. Notify a custodian or the front office if you have a spill on the carpet. The soiled carpet area will then be treated immediately. 14. Nothing should ever be stored on top of the heating and cooling units. All furniture needs to be at least three feet away from the unit. 15. Objects must not be placed on the heating/air units within the classroom at any time. CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT (INSTRUCTIONAL) It is necessary that each teacher maintain a neat and attractive classroom that is conducive to learning. Neatness always counts. 1. The room should be organized around a major unit of study with appropriate bulletin boards and learning activities. 2. Student work should be displayed in a neat and attractive manner. This helps to give the student a sense of pride in his/her achievement. Make sure you also place students’ work samples outside the classroom. 3. Teachers K-5 should use the last few minutes of the day to summarize the day’s activities. 4. A daily schedule should be posted in the classroom. CODE OF CONDUCT See statement of student rights and responsibilities-Code of Conduct-Board Policy Manual or Student-Parent Handbook. All students in the Randolph County Public Schools have certain rights, among them, the right to learn. Similarly, all students have the responsibility of using this right and preserving it with their own conduct. Each student at this school is expected to display proper conduct at all times. Some students have difficulty following rules so they are normally punished by suspension, Redirect and Rethink, Intervention Center, or notification of parents. Students will be punished for the following: • • • • • • • • • • •

Use of tobacco on school grounds (smoking, chewing, using snuff) Carrying weapons or any object which can be used as a weapon Using profanity (cursing), threatening, or abusive language Theft of student property or school property Vandalism (destroying school or others’ property) Fighting Gambling Possession or use of drugs (except prescribed drugs), or any alcoholic beverages including beer and wine Assault or physical injury to any school employee, students, visitors at school during school functions Leaving the school grounds without permission Any other disruptive or harmful act

A suspended student will not be permitted on school property during the time of suspension. This includes any school-sponsored event. The administrators will make all attempts to notify parents prior to the suspension of any student. All Board Policies on students’ rights and due process will be followed. COMMUNICATING WITH PARENTS

If you have students who are at-risk or already have a failing average, please be sure to contact parents by phone or in a conference to let them know that you need their help in working with their child. A phone call will help create an open line of communication between you and parents that a report cannot create. It is so much easier to be proactive than answer questions after the report cards go home. Take time to communicate with parents when you can say something positive about their child. COMP TIME No comp time will be given during the 2014-2015 school year. COPY MACHINES Two copy machines are located in the faculty copy room, one in the office and one on the 5th grade hall. These machines are very expensive to operate and should be used very carefully and only as absolutely necessary. Only school materials are to be copied on these machines. The secretary will be our key operator and problems should be reported immediately. Each teacher will have a limited number of copies allotted to him/her per year and will receive an allotted amount of paper. Remember copyright laws! Conserve copies and paper! CUMULATIVE RECORDS (FILE ALPHABETICALLY) ALL RECORDS MUST BE REVIEWED BY THE TEACHER PRIOR TO THE FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL. Each teacher responsible for homeroom students’ records will check to be sure that a student is properly classified. The cumulative record is the single most important item about a student that is compiled during his/her school career; and teachers must take great care in filling out the records clearly and accurately. A mistake could haunt a student the rest of his/her life. Cumulative files are NEVER to be given to students for recording information, and are NEVER to be left out overnight anywhere but in the office. Cumulatives are NEVER to leave the school campus. At the end of the year, a detailed list of items to be completed will be furnished to each teacher. It is the teacher’s responsibility and not the teacher assistant’s responsibility to review every child’s cumulative records before the first day of school. DISCIPLINE Proper class discipline is the responsibility of every teacher. If proper discipline is not maintained, very little can be accomplished from an educational standpoint. A firm policy of classroom regulations at the start of the year will diminish most problems. Sometimes there are individual discipline problems beyond the teacher’s control, and these should be referred to the principal or assistant principal. Proper supervision by the entire faculty is a required expectation. Total school discipline is everyone’s responsibility. Please keep all parents/guardians informed when disciplinary infractions occur during the school day with students. When referring a student to the office, all faculty/staff members must complete a discipline referral form that should be presented at the time of the office referral. Factors to consider concerning class discipline: 1. Proper and complete preparation for each class will increase interest and keep students busy for the entire class period. 2. The level of relationship with students should be such as to command respect and camaraderie at the same time. 3. Sarcasm should be avoided at all times. Respect for the students usually results in respect for the teacher. 4. Class punishment for the action of one is not permitted. 5. The assignment of classwork for punishment just adds to the dislike for schoolwork. Do not assign punishment that you cannot defend. 6. No teacher has the authority to expel a student from class without conferring with the principal.

7. Sending students from the room is poor practice. Do not have students sit or stand outside your room. If it is necessary to send a student from the room, please contact the office. 8. Every teacher is responsible for the conduct and discipline of every student, not just those you teach personally. Such an attitude, clearly displayed by all faculty members, will greatly aid in improving student conduct. 9. Be FIRM, be FRANK, but above all, in your dealing with students, be FAIR. 10. Treat the child that is the most difficult the way you would want your own child treated. 11. Do not single out students. 12. NO TALKING IN THE HALLWAY. DRESS CODE FOR STAFF Please make sure that you dress neatly and professionally each day. No blue-denim jean pants, shower flipflops, short shorts, or revealing clothing. Every Friday is a jean day and a day when we can look a little more casual. You may also wear jeans on field trips. E-MAIL and SOCIAL MEDIA Please check your e-mail mornings and afternoons. Please do not check it at any other time unless your students are not in the classroom. Please do not post to social media during school hours. EMERGENCY RESPONSE TEAM This team will assist with emergencies that involve situations other than physical injury. be called if physical injuries require their assistance. Jennie Williams Bryant Voncannon Cheryl Rebert Laurie Prince Paige Linthicum Ramona Oakley Micah Sandt John Deaton (business partner) Donny York(parent) Kevin Farlow(business partner)

First Responders will Dina Fletcher Steve Baker Jason Coltrane (parent)

FACULTY MEETINGS Faculty meetings and Leadership Team meetings will be scheduled on Tuesday afternoons. Please do not schedule appointments or conferences on Tuesdays. We will only have faculty meetings if it is necessary. Do not schedule appointments during grade level meetings. FINANCE All money collected must be turned in on a daily basis by 10:00am. Receipt book and cash transaction sheet must be turned in along with your moneybag. Monies turned in from each classroom will be checked with the receipt book and cash transaction sheet for that day. The receipt issued to the teacher by the secretary will be stapled in the teacher receipt book. If monies received do not correspond to the amount written in the receipt book and/or cash transaction sheet, the receipt book, cash transaction sheet and money will be returned to the teacher to check and return to the secretary ASAP. If a receipt has to be voided due to an error, please leave both the white and yellow copies in the receipt book, and write “void” on it. Auditors check teacher receipt books as well as the secretary’s books. Please do your best to keep them up-to-date and accurate. When collecting money for field trips, etc. please write clearly the name of the student paying, the amount and date. A receipt must be written for each individual student regardless of the amount. Under no circumstances are teachers to take cash with them on a field trip or hold monies until after the field trip is taken.

All money collected for field trips must be turned in to the secretary. If the source of lunch for the trip is a fast food restaurant, the exact cost per child must be ascertained, collected and turned in to the secretary. Once the request for payment is received, the secretary will write a check to pay for the meals. A receipt from the fast food restaurant must be obtained and turned in to the secretary upon return from the field trip. When collecting money for book orders, please have all checks written to New Market School. This money is deposited in our local bank and invoices are paid when the books are received and the invoice along with the returned envelope has been given to the secretary. No money is to be kept in the classroom, taken home or taken away from school for any reason other than to be deposited in the bank. This is against Randolph County Schools Board Policy and in some instances may be in violation of federal and state law. Randolph County Schools Board Policy requires that all money collected on any given day be turned in to the secretary on that same day. The money is then to be counted, receipted, and deposited in a timely manner. Teachers DO NOT receipt children for fundraisers. We will no longer be able to charge a “cooking fee.� If cooking supplies are needed, teachers have the option to ask for DONATIONS of items or money. If money is received, it must be receipted in the receipt book just as other collected fees specifying DONATION. Teachers please check with the school secretary before purchasing cooking supplies. When teachers purchase the cooking supplies, a receipt should be turned into the secretary for reimbursement and attached to the request for payment form. Upon approval by the principal and available cooking funds, the teacher will be reimbursed. Cooking fund balances are readily available from the secretary. Teachers please check with the school secretary before making a purchase to ensure that funds are available. When asking for reimbursement, the sales receipt must be attached and a request for payment form must be turned into the secretary, who upon approval from the principal will write a check to cover expenses incurred. The rule of thumb is, NO RECEIPT-NO REIMBURSEMENT. If you become aware of a mistake that has been made, please notify the secretary immediately. The sooner a mistake is realized, the easier it is to correct. If a child/parent needs a refund, a request for payment form must be completed and turned in to the secretary as soon as possible. Please indicate the reason for the refund and the amount. Teachers should make sure the parent, student, and teacher’s names are on the request for payment. FIELD TRIPS No field trip is to be scheduled until it has been approved by the Field Trip Committee. If plans need to be made before the committee meets, see Mrs. Williams. Arrangements for buses, tour reservations, tickets, etc. are the responsibility of the teachers planning the trip. All field trips must be curriculum related and the necessary forms are to be submitted to the principal. The teacher must provide each student with a parental permission slip to be signed and returned. Each teacher using the bus must submit to the secretary the odometer reading before the trip begins and after the bus has been returned. The teacher is responsible for seeing that the bus is cleaned out and all windows closed after the trip has ended. Field trips cannot be denied to students based on behavior. However, we may request the presence of an adult chaperone for students with severe behavior concerns. Prior to your departure on a field trip, you must notify the school secretary of your destinations and a phone number where you can be reached in the event of an emergency. You must have a cell phone with you on the trip.

All field trip amounts need to be approved by the principal before sending home field trip permission forms. When submitting field trip permission slips for approval to the principal, the following needs to be submitted: number of students attending the trip, a set of mapquest directions to the destination (add ten miles for each bus), cost of admission and cost for food. This will ensure the field trip is accurate prior to sending out permission slips. If you will have a group of students away from school during the lunch hour, it is your responsibility to notify the cafeteria manager at least 2 weeks in advance. Food is ordered in advance and should a teacher wait until the day of the field trip to notify the cafeteria, food and menus have already been set up for the day. PLEASE PLAN AHEAD. Forms are located in this handbook and on the RCS website. If checks will be needed for your trip, you must take care of this at least 48 hours before the trip. DO NOT WAIT UNTIL THE MORNING OF THE TRIP TO NOTIFY THE SECRETARY THAT A CHECK NEEDS TO BE WRITTEN. If an emergency or illness occurs, the principal and/or the secretary may not be available to sign checks. All teachers should check the master calendar before scheduling field trips. All field trips must be written on the master calendar. Please include departure and return times. Additional things to remember for field trips include: • Be certain the cost of your driver is included in your field trip cost to students. • Children other than those who are in your class may not attend your field trip. This is a safety and supervision issue and should be included in your letter to parents about field trips. Parents who insist on taking a child on a trip must not be given students to supervise. They may simply join you at the destination and follow your classes. • Parents may not ride activity buses. This is an insurance issue. If you are using chartered buses and have extra seats available for parents, please be certain they know up front how many seats will be available for them on a first come first served basis. • If the activity bus is dirty or not running properly, please let the school where it is based know of the problems. • Before the activity bus or bus departs from campus, the bus driver must complete a pre-trip inspection. • A seating chart of the first and last names of all passengers who are riding a bus(es) must be on file in the school office before a bus(es) leaves campus. • Trashcans should not block the rear emergency door. Be sure the trashcan is always pushed away from the emergency door. • No items are to be stored or blocking the side passenger window on the C2 Buses. Items include jackets, book bags, trash boxes, band instruments, etc. There is sign that indicates "DO NOT BLOCK WINDOW, NO ITEMS ALLOWED IN THIS AREA!" • Make sure the number of individuals who are riding a bus/activity bus does NOT exceed the required seating capacity of a bus. This information may be located on the right front panel above the driver’s front window. A bus that is overloaded will NOT be permitted to leave campus until the bus is in compliance with the required seating capacity. • Individuals are NOT allowed to stand on a bus while the bus is in operation. • Please be courteous with your bus driver in being sensitive to their needs while driving a bus. Please monitor ALL students in maintaining and promoting a safe environment. Often, a bus driver is unfamiliar with destination routes and need to be where they can concentrate more on his or her driving. • Remember, TEAMWORK is the key to SUCCESS! Please work together in loading and unloading materials, baggage and students SAFELY. It is NOT the bus driver’s sole responsibility to load and unload a bus.

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Refrain from over packing a bus with bags and unnecessary luggage, which could potentially result in an injury to an individual(s). Refrain from using the back seat when traveling on the Interstate. The reason for this is to reinforce best SAFETY practice on the bus in the event a bus was rear ended by a vehicle. However, you may place a cooler in the back seat if necessary. Extend professional courtesy to your bus driver in allowing them to have a break once your class/classes reach their destination. The bus driver break is negotiable based upon the length of a bus route that a bus driver is required to drive. Driving a bus is a very demanding responsibility that takes lots of hard work and effort. Please make sure you return the bus in a CLEAN condition. Remember, the bus driver is the individual in charge on the bus! Ultimately, it is the responsibility of a bus driver to adhere, maintain, and execute mandated federal, state, and county transportation directives. Violation of safety procedures and transportation directives may result in a bus driver losing his or her bus license.

Field Trip Supervision Policy Teachers & Assistants, if you would like to go on a field trip with your child’s class (NMS, RMS, RHS, etc.); you can take a leave day. This would relieve you of your school responsibilities and allow you to go as a parent. Teacher Assistant Drivers on Field Trips Teachers, if you need a Teacher Assistant to drive a bus for a field trip, other than the person assigned to you, this should be worked out between the TA and the teachers involved. The Teacher Assistant hours should be paid back to the teacher whose assistant is driving by the assistant who does not drive. (This should be done during a 2-3 week period following the trip.) Example: If a 4th grade or a 5th grade class needs a K-3 assistant to drive for a trip, then the 4th and/or 5th grade Teacher Assistant would replace the Teacher Assistant who is driving for the same amount of time taken by the field trip. FIRE DRILLS Fire drills will be held at least once each calendar month as required by State Law. Teachers should attend to necessary responsibilities such as windows, doors, etc. All teachers should assume that the fire signal means the real thing and act accordingly. Classes should exit the building in an orderly, single file manner, the teacher being the last to leave. Classes should remain in their locations away from the building until they are instructed to return to the building. Teachers are to get students completely away from all buildings. Do not simply move outside for a few feet and stop, but move at least fifty (50) yards away. Post emergency exit diagrams in your room. Be completely familiar with both primary and secondary evacuation plans. ALWAYS COUNT YOUR STUDENTS AND REPORT ANY MISSING STUDENTS IMMEDIATELY TO OFFICE ADMINISTRATION. Inform students that pulling a fire alarm will be reported to the police and it is an automatic suspension. FIRST RESPONDERS Dina Fletcher Laurie Prince Ramona Oakley Shannon Heiney FRONT OFFICE

Cheryl Rebert Jennie Williams

The front office is usually a very busy area of the school. We must assure it is professionally operated at all times. The secretaries have the responsibility of assuring that the office area is neat and well operated. You must assist them in their difficult job by: 1. Please limit unnecessary calls to the office. Office staff is limited. Also, if you have called a parent, please let the office know. If the office is not aware you have contacted a parent, the call will not be put through to you. 2. Office telephones should not be used for personal calls and should rarely be used for business calls. Please make all personal calls before or after school if at all possible. 3. No congregating in the office. Much of the secretaries’ work requires a great deal of concentration and frequent interruptions make it difficult to complete daily assignments. 4. Do not leave students unsupervised in the office at any time. Make certain that someone in the office is aware of the student and why he or she is being referred to the office. Be mindful of conversations that occur in the front office relative to students and school business in the presence of parents who may be sitting in the front office. Simply, do not openly discuss students or parents in a negative manner in the front office in the presence of any visitors or guests. As always, student information must be kept completely confidential in accordance to the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act. For more information regarding the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act, please review the following link: http://www2.ed.gov/policy/gen/guid/fpco/ferpa/index.html The front office is often the first place observed by parents and other visitors and guests. Help us to keep it a place that is well organized and with a pleasant atmosphere. HALLOWEEN COSTUMES Halloween masks, costumes, painted faces and painted hair are not allowed for Halloween. Please remind parents of this in newsletters prior to Halloween. These things create a disruption in our learning environment and could get out of hand. Students will probably get plenty of exposure to Halloween outside of our school environment. HOMEWORK GUIDELINES Board policy: 1. Homework should be an opportunity for independent practice and an extension of classwork. The student should understand the assignment. New skills should not be a part of homework assignments. 2. Lengthy, detailed, and long-range assignments should be made in writing. 3. Homework should be checked and/or acknowledged by the teacher. 4. Homework assignments should not be made on weekends or holidays, except where needed in individual cases. 5. Homework should be assigned using the 10-minute rule. 6. Punishment for failure to do homework is left to the discretion of the teacher. However, teachers should be aware of parental attitude, home facilities, and other factors of home life. 7. Reading and math should be assigned each night. 8. Grade levels should assign the same amount of homework. Homework among grade levels should be uniform. IEP AND 504 PLANS All teachers must be familiar with each student’s individualized education plan and follow the guidelines on a daily basis. This is a legal requirement that cannot be overlooked. E.C. teachers will be sharing IEPs with classroom teachers. The school guidance counselor will share 504’s with classroom teachers. A form will be provided by E.C. teachers for documentation purposes. In addition, a form will also be provided by the guidance counselor. If parents contact you about the possibility of their child needing a 504 plan or IEP plan, please notify Mrs. Fletcher immediately.

INTERIM REPORTS Interim reports are sent home to every child on assigned dates. LAMINATOR The laminator will be available for use on Tuesdays and Thursdays only and all day on workdays. The laminator will be turned off at 4:00 p.m. on these days. LESSON PLANS Please e-mail Mrs. Rebert your nine-week grade level lesson plans. Please be sure that lesson plans are visible on your desk at all times. If instruction becomes a concern, lesson plans will be requested from the administration on a weekly basis. Plans will also be called for or checked in class regularly. LICE PROCEDURES The following lice procedures should be followed: 1. All students may be carefully checked for lice on the morning of the first day after a holiday or extended time away from school. 2. Any student with lice should be sent immediately to the office and parents should be called by the teacher to pick their child up at that time. The teacher or assistant must fill out the information in the nurse’s office in the lice notebook. Children must be isolated from other students to help prevent the spread of lice. If you know of siblings who may have lice, please inform the office. 3. The packet of lice information (available in the office) must be sent home with any child found to have lice or nits. This information should be signed and returned by the parent to the school with proof of treatment (box top of the shampoo, etc.). 4. A letter of notification about lice being found in the classroom should be sent home with every student in the class. This form can be found in the handbook. 5. Information about any student who has lice must be kept CONFIDENTIAL and shared only with school employees who are dealing with the problem. Randolph County Policy states that students must be lice free upon returning to school. Students must be brought back to school by their parent and be checked in the office. Students who are not lice free will be sent back home for further treatment. Students who are sent on the bus to school should have their head checked immediately upon arrival at school. CLASS CELEBRATIONS There are two approved celebrations each year – Winter Break and the End of Year. These are the celebrations at which grade-parents may attend and assist. Other celebrations should be treated as “desert with lunch.” However, foods prepared as an instructional aid and in conjunction with a particular unit are not considered parties. Please follow the “Recommended Policy for Safe Food in Classroom” found in your handbook under General Information. PERSONALIZED EDUCATIONAL PLANS (PEPs) It is very important that all students who are performing below grade level have a Personalized Educational Plan (PEP). Portfolios should show careful documentation of student’s progress and achievement levels. It is possible that a student entering New Market Elementary later in the year may be overlooked in the PEP planning and conferencing; especially, if they did not have a PEP at their previous school. Please be absolutely sure that all students who are below grade level have the necessary documents. This is a state and/or county requirement. ALL PEPs must be signed by the student’s parent following a parent-teacher conference to review the child’s performance.

PROMOTION-RETENTION – See RCS Board Policy K-5 New Market Elementary Retention Procedures: 1. As appropriate by age, make sure the student is aware of his/her failure and the subjects involved. 2. Make the parents well aware of the situation by notes, telephone calls, sending home tests/classwork to be signed, interim reports, report cards, and notification of potential retention beginning in January. Document these contacts. 3. Make suggestions to the student and parents that might remedy the situation. 4. Document all failing grades with tests, homework, etc. 5. Involve all teachers who instruct the child in conferences. 6. Inform the principal of the failing student. 7. Students, parents, and the principal should be aware of the possible failure by the end of the first nine weeks that the child is failing. 8. Document methods of remediation in a portfolio (PEP) and keep samples of testing and student work. 9. Read and be familiar with Board Policy. 10. Parents need to support the retention of their child for it to be a successful experience. It will be important that you fully convince the parent if it becomes necessary to retain their child. 11. Retention lists of students at risk of retention must be submitted to the principal by mid-February and midApril at the latest. 12. A retention committee will review all recommendations for retention. The final decision rests with the principal. PTO MEETINGS The PTO officers and volunteers work very hard to insure that we get needed supplies that are not normally provided through county, state, or federal funds. You are asked to support the PTO and to attend PTO sponsored activities. Your willingness to work will create a most successful team and be a tremendous benefit to our total program. 1. You are expected to attend PTO meetings that are relevant to your grade level. 2. Any person not attending PTO meetings must furnish a suitable reason and have the principal’s prior approval. PURCHASES All purchases of school supplies or any items requiring the use of school funds must be approved by the principal. All approved purchases must be made using requisition forms or local purchase orders. You are asked to have your order sent to your attention. This makes it much easier to determine who gets a package when it arrives. TEACHERS WHO MAKE UNAUTHORIZED PURCHASES WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE BILL. When your order arrives, check to see that it is complete. Turn in your packing slip and report any shortages or problems to the secretary immediately. Outside vendor orders, which are nonconsumable will go to the media center to be entered on the inventory. When this is completed, your order will be given to you. REPORT CARDS As a rule, report cards will be issued within one week of the end of a grading period, and should be returned, signed by parents, within two days. TEACHERS ARE REQUESTED TO CONTACT PARENTS OF STUDENTS WHO FAIL TO RETURN REPORT CARDS. Please check all returned report cards for notes or conference requests from parents. Make sure your report card grades are in line with probable End of Grade Scores. REPORT CARD GUIDELINES AND REMINDERS

If a student is working on material that is not on that child’s grade level, BGL should be marked on their report card. For example, if a 5th grader is working on a 4th grade math assignment in a 5th grade math class he or she is BGL. If a student is working on grade level material but is given modifications such as less problems to solve that does NOT constitute BGL. Underneath Performance Level on the report card, please write With Modification (w/mods). If a student is given extra time this is not modifications but is accommodating. On an IEP for testing purposes, this is considered mods but not a reason for us to give as BGL. Make sure the parent has been informed that their child is BGL and explain it during the report card conference. The Classroom Teacher and EC teacher should meet to review data documentation to determine whether BGL should be placed on an EC student’s report card. SCHOOL AND PUBLIC RELATIONS New Market in the past several years has had good relationships with our communities. Parents generally support what we are doing here and we can see a growing interest from the public in what is going on in our school. We want to help that interest continue and expand, if possible. The best way to do that is to be united, to depend upon each other, and to work cooperatively. If you are dissatisfied with administration, peers or policies, the principal requests that you discuss these concerns with her/him, or the person directly involved. Please do not discuss school problems in the community or with anyone who is not directly involved. Through open communication, solutions can be found. The people inside the school give the school its reputation. Every comment made by school personnel outside of school should be positive. The old saying, “If you can’t say something good, don’t say anything,” is so true. If you have an opinion about a certain staff member, then please keep that opinion to yourself. “Coming together is the beginning, working together is success, staying together is progress.” ~ Henry Ford~ SCHOOL POSTPONEMENT In the event that inclement weather occurs and it appears school opening might be delayed or cancelled, the following local stations will carry the news: Radio WMAG-99.5 FM

Television WFMY Greensboro FOX 8 High Point Please do not call the school, the county office, or these stations – LISTEN FOR THE NEWS. Unnecessary calls only delay the process of getting the news out. In most cases, all staff members will receive a recorded phone message relating to school closings or delays. SEXUAL HARASSMENT (Policy GBAA) Work/learning environments in the Randolph County Schools will be free of sexual harassment, and employees and students will have the opportunity to perform their duties in a safe setting. Should an incident occur, students/employees should follow the established procedure. A student/employee who believes that he/she has suffered sexual harassment should report the matter to the school principal or assistant principal. A prompt investigation will then occur. STUDENT CHEATING The first time a student is discovered cheating on a test, his/her paper work will be destroyed after it is taken up. Give the student an opportunity to take the test again in a setting where cheating is impossible. The test can be altered since the original test’s administration was compromised. Do not create an additional problem by accusing the student in front of the rest of the class, or making a show of taking up his/her paper while the test is

going on. A conference with parents and the student should occur. The principal will be happy to sit in on this conference. Be certain the student is cheating before making an accusation. If he/she is merely suspected, moving the student will likely solve the problem before it continues and without unnecessary drama. If cheating occurs again, refer the student to the principal or assistant principal as soon as possible. Parents will be notified of this infraction. STUDENT HANDBOOK & STUDENT CODE OF CONDUCT All staff members are responsible for reading and being knowledgeable of items in the student handbook and Randolph County School’s Student Code of Conduct. You are also responsible for having a copy of these materials on file in your classroom. During the first week of school, please make sure that you go over the handbook with students. Please make sure the forms go home with students documenting that parents and students have read the handbook. STUDENT INSURANCE Students are NOT automatically covered by insurance when an accident occurs at school. Therefore, insurance for dental and/or student accidents is available to students. Information on these plans, along with a health care plan, is included in one brochure, which will be given to each child. The brochure contains a payment envelope for parent’s convenience. PAYMENT SHOULD BE MADE DIRECTLY TO THE COMPANY. The brochure should be kept by the parent for future reference as a summary of coverage and how to file a claim. THE SCHOOL IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR STUDENT ACCIDENTS that occur in the school unless negligence is proven on the part of the school. Unfortunately, many parents are not aware of this until it is too late. STUDENT TARDIES Students are to be in their class on time. Excessive tardies by students should be referred to the office. This will be handled on an individual basis. The teacher and principal will decide the most appropriate manner in which to deal with this problem. Please notify the data manager if you have a student that is repeatedly tardy. The school will send a notification letter to parents. Students are considered tardy after 7:45a.m. SUBSTITUTE TEACHERS Good substitutes are always hard to find, and teachers who do not leave substitutes all necessary information may cost us the services of these people. It is imperative that you have clear lesson plans for the substitute to follow. You should also be sure to have a class and homeroom roll posted if the substitute does not have access to your rollbook. A lesson that requires written work of the students will greatly assist the substitute. It is your responsibility to prepare adequately so that the substitute will be more than a babysitter. Be sure your substitute folder is updated and placed inside your desk. Substitute teachers will be provided for the following staff members: BEP teachers, media teacher, classroom teachers, and EC teachers. SUPERVISION (Classrooms and Halls) Classrooms – We are dealing with young people, and they often get themselves involved in problems when they are not supervised. It is one of your top priorities to keep students under control and constantly supervised. Do not leave your students unsupervised at anytime. Their supervision and welfare is your responsibility. Budget your time so that work you need to do away from your room is done when students are not in your room. Further, every teacher has the responsibility of supervision and discipline for every student here. Please familiarize yourself with the student regulations so that you may carry out your responsibility of calling down any student who is in violation of a rule, regardless of the person, place or time of day. This responsibility simply cannot be over-emphasized.

Halls – In order for student hall conduct to be properly supervised while going to the buses, you are asked to escort your class to the bus parking lot each afternoon. This is an expected practice for the entire year. No talking in the halls. It is an expectation that ALL students move quietly within the school building in a single file line. TELEPHONE CALLS Should any person need to make a long distance call for personal reasons, we must have the name and number called. NO TEACHER WILL BE INTERRUPTED WITH TELEPHONE CALLS DURING THE INSTRUCTIONAL DAY EXCEPT IN AN EMERENCY SITUATION. OTHERWISE, MEMOS OF CALLS WILL BE PLACED IN TEACHER’S MAILBOXES. IF YOU ARE EXPECTING A CALL AT A PARTICULAR DAY/TIME, NOTIFY OUR SECRETARIES SO YOU CAN BE PROPERLY NOTIFIED. IF YOU CALLED A PARENT PLEASE LET THE OFFICE KNOW SO WE CAN PUT THE CALL THROUGH TO YOUR CLASSROOM. CONVERSATION WITH PARENTS SHOULD NOT DISPLACE INSTRUCTION. TEXTBOOKS The assistant principal serves as the textbook coordinator for the school in supervising the charge of textbook allocations and returns. Please note the following procedures for textbooks: • At the beginning of the year, teachers will be issued consumable textbooks for student use. Teachers will be issued a packet that contains the barcodes that are to be placed on each of the consumable textbooks by the teacher/teacher assistant. All bar codes should appear on the back of the textbook cover. • Teachers/Teacher Assistants are required to complete and submit the below Textbook Distribution Inventory Worksheet to the Assistant Principal by the end of the second week of September of each school year: • The textbook coordinator will checkout bar coded textbooks to all teachers through the Destiny Program used within the school district at the beginning of the school year. Likewise, all bar coded books will be checked in at the end of the year. • All textbooks must be accounted for during the end-of-the-year checkout process. Hence, the Assistant Principal MUST sign off on each faculty member’s End-of-the Year Checkout Worksheet in assuring the textbook inventory is complete. • Any student losing a textbook will be financially liable in paying for the replacement cost of the book. • Faculty and staff members are financially responsible for all textbooks that are checked out in their name that are lost or damaged. • All teachers are required to submit the Total Sheet for Lost/Damaged Textbooks Closeout Form if he/she has lost or damaged textbooks. • Any teacher requesting additional textbooks MUST submit an email request for textbooks to the Assistant Principal. • Additional forms may be submitted to teachers to be completed and forwarded to the county office. • All textbooks that are lost are the responsibility of the school in compensating the school district. TOBACCO All Randolph County Schools are now Tobacco-Free. No Exceptions! TRANSPORTATION CHANGES FOR STUDENTS Parents must make transportation changes for their child in writing. It is absolutely important that we have documentation of their request. ALL transportation changes must be recorded in the notebook in the office by teacher or assistant and written on a yellow change slip so that bus drivers are notified.

VIDEOS All videos must be approved by the principal. If the video is not part of the school collection, a teacher must have the appropriate form signed by the principal at least one week prior to viewing the video. WEEKLY FOLDERS Each Monday all students are expected to bring home folders containing work samples, graded papers and important information.

Effective Instructional Practices Reading Instruction What you should see when you walk into a classroom… • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Books, Books, Books Combination of whole group, small group, and one-one instruction Guided Reading Flexible small groups Teacher modeling of strategies/think alouds Reading of continuous texts for increasing amounts of time Students reading most of the time at an instructional or independent reading level. On harder texts, teachers may read aloud, peers may read to more struggling students, or students may listen to an audiotaped version. Regular time for self-selected reading at an independent level Wide range of reading material taught/available to students Areas of word study, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension are addressed Reading lessons follow a before, during, and after format Incorporate quality literature that allows students to problem solve social and global issues with regard to diversity. Guide students in making text-to-text, text to self (limited!), and text to world connections. Use of non-fiction text/expository text Balancing Informational and Literary Text Knowledge in the Disciplines Staircase of Complexity Text-based Answers Writing from Sources Academic Vocabulary

What you should NOT see when you walk into a classroom… • Round robin reading of whole texts • Teacher assistants as the primary reading teacher • Students who are reading too much text that is too hard, however, some perseverance is good.

Effective Instructional Practices Writing Instruction What you should see when you walk into a classroom…

• Safe climate with positive attitudes about writing • Instruction guides students through the stages of the writing process (prewriting, drafting, revising, editing, and publishing) • Teacher modeling of own writing • Mini-lessons on elements of focus, elaboration, organization, style, and conventions • One on one and/or small group conferences with students to address one or two critical need in student writing • May incorporate peer conferencing • Writing for real audiences/authentic purposes • Writing across the curriculum • Evaluation: few pieces are completely evaluated, most are reviewed for one or two focus areas

What you should NOT see when you walk into a classroom… • Writing to a different prompt every week • Teacher assigning writing, not modeling

Effective Instructional Practices Math Instruction What you should see when you walk into a classroom…

• Use of manipulatives • Teaching for understanding rather than memorization • Discussion of mathematics o Justification of thinking (Why did that work? How did you get that answer?) o Justifying answers and solution processes o Questioning and making conjectures • Writing about mathematics • Cooperative group work • Teacher as facilitator, not lecturer. However, don’t be afraid to model. • Explicit and focused instruction on problem solving strategies o Problems with a variety of structures and solution paths • Use of calculators and technology on a regular basis • Development of number sense (mental math skills) • Connecting mathematics to other subjects and to the real world • Connecting topics within mathematics • Applying mathematics • Minute by Minute Assessments • Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. • Reason abstractly and quantitatively. • Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. • Model with mathematics. • Use appropriate tools strategically. • Attend to precision. • Look for and make use of structure. • Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.

What you should NOT see when you walk into a classroom… • • • •

Excessive practice and rote memorization of rules Single answers and single methods to find answers Teaching by telling Memorizing rules and procedures without understanding

Effective Instructional Practices Science Instruction What you should see when you walk into a classroom… • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Inquiry-based science instruction Students identifying their own real questions to investigate Focused, hands-on activities that encourage investigation and exploration Variety of teaching techniques including reading, investigation, lecture, etc. Integration of other subjects and content areas Teaching facilitating students’ investigative steps Information provided to explain data only after students have engaged in investigation process Collaborative small-group work Discussion of science (talking and writing) o Justification of thinking o Questioning and making conjectures Application of science learning to real world contexts and contemporary issues Encouragement of student’s curiosity and positive attitudes toward science for all students Students making observations and collecting data/information in a systemic way Use of science notebooks to record data, observations, predictions, questions, and investigations Students as scientists and problem solvers Using technology and performing experiments in science labs Use a variety of sources (books, magazines, encyclopedias, internet, etc.) to seek answers to meaningful questions

What you should NOT see when you walk into a classroom…

• Cookbook labs in which students follow steps without purpose or question of their own • Memorizing detailed vocabulary, definitions, facts, and explanations without thorough connections or understanding • Activity limited to texts, lectures, and tests • Questions, concepts, and answers provided only by the teacher (teacher as the “expert”)

Effective Instructional Practices Social Studies Instruction What you should see when you walk into a classroom… • • • •

Regular schedule for social studies instruction Integrated with reading when possible Active, hands on experiences such as simulations Create a classroom that encourages students of all ability levels to engage in interactive and cooperative learning. • Integrate social studies with other areas of the curriculum (e.g., language arts, science, and mathematics). • Provide instruction whereby students engage in inquiry and problem solving related to significant human issues.

What you should NOT see when you walk into a classroom…

• Teacher lecture only • Students completing busy work/worksheets • Superficial coverage of curriculum based on scope and sequence, which covers everything but allows no time for a deeper understanding of topics. • Rote memorization of isolated facts in textbooks • Instruction that isolates students from the actual exercise of responsible citizenship • Instructional activities that include only textbook reading and test taking • Engaging in instruction practices that privilege one dominate cultural heritage and/or viewing cultural heritage and/ or viewing other cultural heritage as a deficit • Instructional activities that leaves students disconnected and unexcited about social studies

Gause, C., P. (2010). 201+ Strategies for Successfully Transforming Today's Schools. USA: BookLocker.com, Inc.

Textbook Distribution Inventory Worksheet Teacher Name:_____________________________________ Class:____________________ Book Title:_________________________________________ Issue Date:_______________ Student Name

Barcode Number

Book Condition N=New G=Good F=Fair P=Poor

Return Date and Condition








(+) $____________


(+) $ ____________




Student Injury Reference Form Student Name:__________________________________________ Homeroom:____________________________________________ Date of Injury:__________________________________________ Time of Day:___________________________________________ Person in Charge at the Time of Injury:______________________ Injury Reported To:______________________________________ Time of Day:___________________________________________ Parts of Body Affected:__________________________________ (For example: right leg; left wrist; lower back; forehead; chin; left eye; etc.) Please be specific: Thoroughly describe the incident (what, how, where, equipment activity, etc.): _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ What first aid was administered following the injury:__________________ _____________________________________________________________ Was a parent or guardian contacted:________________________________ Name:______________________Date:_________________Time:________ Other notes or comments:________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ 3 copies,(Teacher,Nurse,Secretary)

Emergency Plan for Allergic Reaction to Stings Pupil’s Name: _______________________________Grade: _________________ Date to Begin: _______________________________ Date to End: ____________ This plan should include medical directions for the immediate care of the child; first aid measures; procedures to be followed, if necessary, to transport to emergency room of doctor’s office; side effects, if any; prescribed medication, and/or complications. The attending physician will determine the after care of the child. After the child reports he/she has been stung to his/her teacher, the school will implement the following immediate care plan to meet the unusual health hazard imposed: Step 1. _______________________________________________________ 2. _______________________________________________________ 3. _______________________________________________________ 4. _______________________________________________________ 5. _______________________________________________________ 6. _______________________________________________________ * * * * _____________________________________ ____________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature Physician’s Signature _____________________________________ Address

____________________________________ Address

_____________________________________ City/ State/ Zip

____________________________________ City/ State/ Zip

_____________________________________ Emergency Telephone

____________________________________ Telephone

_______________________ Date

Reference: G.S. 143-509

Guidance Referrals At various times of the year, you may need the school guidance counselor to see individual children. Personal issues or concerns regarding a child’s safety and well-being are of the utmost concern. In order to best serve the child and keep documentation, you should fill out a Referral Form for these students. The information will assist greatly in addressing student needs. Forms are available in the office or from the counselor. COUNSELING REFERRAL Student Name: Teacher: Date: Reason for Referral:


Request for Pre-Approval for Educational Trip Please excuse the student listed below from school. He/She will be absent due to an educational trip. Student Name______________________________________ Date(s) of Absence__________________________________ Teacher Name______________________________________ Trip Description_____________________________________ Please give a brief description of how you feel this trip will be educational for the student. ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ _____________________________. In addition to getting prior approval for this trip, the student must complete a brief report, keep a journal of his/her trip and also complete all work given by his/her teacher. Parent signature_________________________________________ Student signature________________________________________ Approved_________ Reason if not approved___________________________________ Principal’s Signature____________________________________

Field Trip Guidelines When a teacher is planning a field trip, please send home a form asking the parent if they would like a bag lunch to be provided for their child (same status applies, free/reduced/paid). We suggest combining this with the permission form. Once the teacher knows how many bag lunches are needed, this information should be provided to the manager. On the day of the field trip, a roster should be checked identifying the students who received the lunches so the manager can enter this into the point of sale for that day. The cafeteria manager is able to print a roster of students by teacher to simplify this process. In some schools, the students pick up their lunch and are entered into the point of sale at that time. We cannot file a claim for federal reimbursement when just preparing a bag lunch; it has to be identified with a student. Regulations regarding confidentiality also must be followed. They have to be identified in our Point of Sale system and we are the only ones who know their students. Any questions should be directed to the Child Nutrition Office.

Randolph County Schools Child Nutrition Department Field Trips The Child Nutrition staff in your school will pack bag lunches for your field trips or for any special day at school. We ask that you please give the nutrition staff at the school a minimum of two weeks notice before the scheduled event. If you do not want bag lunches, the nutrition staff needs to know the number of students that will not be eating in the cafeteria. This information is important in planning and ordering food products two weeks in advance. Following this further, when you notify the Child Nutrition Manager of your absence, it will allow him or her enough time to reduce the quantities of food that need to be ordered. ________________________________(number of students) will be on a field trip on___________________________(date). We need_____________________bag lunches. Other food arrangements have been made __________________ (yes or no). **Please return to the Child Nutrition Manager at least two weeks before the field trip.** Teacher’s Name __________________________________ Date: ________________________

Dear Parent(s): Head lice were found in your child’s class today. Head lice do not carry disease, nor does it mean that the effected child is dirty. It is very important to check your child and other family members each week for the next month for head lice. If you have any questions, please call me. Thank you for your help. Sincerely, Classroom Teacher

Date: ___________________________ Student’s Name: _______________________________________________________ Dear Parent, Your child was found to have lice today. Please do not be upset. Head lice are very common and easy to spread from one person to another. You will need to get rid of the head lice and nits (eggs) before your child can return to school. This is the only way to stop the spread of lice from one child to another. Attached to this letter are the steps to take to kill the lice and remove the eggs from your child’s head. You will also want to follow the steps for killing lice in your home. Please read over the instruction sheet and if you have any questions, call the school, your doctor or the Health Department. Getting rid of lice involves a lot of work, but it will be worth the trouble for you to eliminate them now. We hope that we can control the lice by checking the children’s heads from time to time so that you do not have to go to all this trouble again. Thank you for your help. ___________________________________________ Signature Notice After treating your child for lice, you must bring him/her to the office to be checked before the student may return to class. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Please return this note to the school when your child returns. I treated my child with _______________________________on______________. (Name of shampoo or conditioner) (Date) (Send to school the empty box or bottle with this note.) ______________________ Parent(s)/Guardian Signature -----------------------------------------------------------------------------A second shampoo will be needed after the first treatment. Attached is a reminder note. Please complete ***REMEMBER*** Shampoo again on _________________________ (7 days after the first shampoo) to make sure all the lice are dead. (Date)

Facts About Head Lice 1. People get head lice from direct contact with other people who are infested, by wearing infested clothing, using infested brushes and combs, lying on infested carpets or beds and from resting the head against upholstered furniture or car seats formerly used by an infested person. 2. ANYONE can become infested with head lice, rich or poor, dirty or clean. 3. Lice are small, grayish-white, wingless bugs (about the size of tiny ants). They cannot fly and they do not jump but they do move quickly. They lay oval, whitish-silvery eggs called nits. 4. Nits are whitish eggs that are attached to a hair shaft with a cement-like substance located close to the scalp. They are not to be confused with dandruff, hair casts (debris), or hair spray droplets which are flakey. Nits are attached to a single shaft of hair and will not come off like dandruff. Nits are the most common sign of lice found during screening. 5. Intense itching caused by feeding of the lice is the other major symptom of live infestation. 6. Lice and their nits are usually found in the hairy surface of the scalp, behind the ears and at the back (nape) of the neck, though they may be found on other areas of the scalp. 7. Once lice infestation starts, it can spread like wildfire. Prompt action is required to rid you of this tormenting pest. Be sure to check all family members, especially those who sleep with the infested child. 8. Lice and nits can survive (48 hours) off the human host. It is very important that infested persons and their personal articles that may become infested be treated promptly. 9. The eggs of lice (nits) hatch in one week and become sexually mature (adults) in 2 weeks. 10. Treatment a. Several shampoos to kill lice are available in stores and can be bought over-the-counter. b. Shampoo hair and scalp according to doctor’s instructions or label instructions or use the crème rinse according to the directions. c. Put on freshly cleaned clothes. (Use clean towels and bed linens). d. Comb hair well with a clean fine toothcomb to get rid of remaining nits. Removing nits manually using fingers on individuals is best. For best results, nit removal should be conducted in a well-lit area. If nits remain, they may reinfest. e. The U.S. Government’s Public Health Service recommends a second shampoo (with the medicated shampoo) to kill (live) nits that were not killed with the first treatment. It is important to follow the directions on the label for the shampoo you select. Do not treat more than twice in one week. f. Machine-wash all washable clothing, such as hats, coats, bed linens, and towels that were in contact with anyone infested with head lice. Wash using very hot soapy water, dry and/or iron on hot setting. You may also dry articles for at least 20 minutes on high setting of clothes dryer for those articles that cannot be washed. g. Personal articles of clothing, bedding, or stuffed animals that cannot be washed or dried may be dry cleaned or left in a plastic bag and sealed for 14 days. h. Combs, brushes and similar items can be disinfested by soaking them in the special shampoo or crème rinse for an hour. i. Mattresses, blankets, pillows, rugs, upholstered furniture and car seats need to be treated. Vacuuming these articles will work. Lysol, Clorox, or other such cleaners do not affect the head lice. 11. To prevent the spread of head lice, persons should not share articles that come in contact with head, neck, or shoulders (combs, brushes, hats, coats, towels, scarves, etc.).

Dear Parent: Our school has a written policy to assure the safe administration of medication to students during the school day. If your child must have medication of any type given during school hours, including over-thecounter drugs, you have the following choices: 1. You may come to school and give the medication to your child at the appropriate time(s). 2. You may obtain a copy of a medication form from the school nurse or school secretary. Take the form to your child’s doctor and have him/her complete the form by listing the medications needed, dosage, and number of times per day the medication is to be administered. The physician for both prescription and over-the-counter drugs must complete this form. The form must be signed by the doctor and by you, the parent or guardian. Prescription medicines must be brought to school in a pharmacy-labeled bottle, which contains instructions on how and when the medication is to be given. Over-the-counter drugs must be received in the original container and will be administered according to the doctor’s written instruction. 3. You may discuss with your doctor an alternative schedule for administering medication (i.e., outside of school hours.) School personnel will not administer any medication to students unless they have received a medication form properly completed and signed by both doctor and parent/guardian, and the medication has been received in an appropriately labeled container. In fairness to those giving the medication, and to protect the safety of your child, there will be no exceptions to this policy. If you have any questions about the policy, or other issues related to the administration of medication in the schools, please contact the school nurse at the following number___________________________. Thank you for your cooperation, School nurse_____________________________ Principal________________________________

Media/Technology Program Handbook


Randolph County Schools Video/DVD Permission Form Teacher Name _________________________________________________________________ Grade Level/Subject ____________________________________________________________ Topic of Study _________________________________________________________________ Goal/Objective _________________________________________________________________ Title of Video __________________________________________________________________ Length of Video ________________________________________________________________ Rating ___________________________ (Parental permission may be required) Date to be Shown _______________________________________________________________ I have been informed of the appropriate uses of instructional media, fair use guidelines, and the compliance policy of the Randolph County Schools. I understand these policies and guidelines and that any uses I may make of instructional materials in a classroom setting will be in accordance with both federal law and said policies and guidelines. The above-named video/DVD meets all copyright guidelines. It has been legally acquired in one of the following ways: Purchase, Rental, and Taped off-air by a teacher or media specialist within the last 10 days. This video/DVD meets the following criteria: • • • •

This video/DVD has been selected because it is appropriate for the unit of study and the age group listed. The video/DVD will be used in face-to-face instruction. It will not be used for recreation, reward, or entertainment. I have previewed the video/DVD prior to use.

Teacher Signature ________________________________________ Date __________________ Principal Signature _______________________________________ Date __________________

Randolph County Health Department Asheboro, North Carolina 27205-7368 Ira McDowell Governmental Center 2222-B South Fayetteville Street Telephone (336) 318-6200 Fax (336) 318-6234

Recommended Policy for Safe Food in the Classroom Any meal or snack to be served to the students in the school should be prepared by a permitted food establishment. These include the school cafeteria or an establishment that has been provided with a permit from the health department to serve food. Birthday and holiday celebrations that serve lower risk foods such as cake and cookies can continue with these additional precautions: • •

No cream or custard pies No cake or cookies with cream filling or cream frosting unless it is commercial frosting

Raw fruit and vegetables are fine if they are washed thoroughly in an appropriate sink. This sink must be located in a food service kitchen. Do not wash any fruit or vegetable in a bathroom or classroom sink. Any fruit that has to be peeled prior to eating (bananas, oranges, etc.) are okay to serve. Never allow the following food items in the classroom. These foods are high risk for E. Coli and have been implicated in outbreaks in schools and daycares: • • • •

Ground beef products (hamburgers or any dish with ground beef) Venison in any form Raw milk, raw eggs, homemade butter, cheese or ice cream made from unpasteurized milk Homemade apple cider or any unpasteurized juice

If you have a class going on a field trip where they will bring a lunch from home, encourage parents to send something non-perishable such as a peanut butter sandwich. As a safety precaution, have a cooler with ice to keep any perishable items from getting too warm.

New Market 2014-2015 ~ Phone List OFFICE WILLIAMS,JENNY

GUIDANCE FLETCHER, DINA 103 102 NURSE HEINEY, SHANNON 109 VONCANNON, BRYANT 104 SOC. WORKER CRANFORD 101 OAKLEY, RAMONA 105 CONF. ROOM CAMPBELL 130 PRINCE, LAURIE 100 AFTERSCHOOL TAYLOR, ANGIE 419 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------KINDERGARTEN ALLEY/HUDSON CROTTS/TURNER TUCKER/CROTTS

EXT/RM 215 214 216


EXT/RM 507 502 503 505 506



213 210 212 211

202 204 206 304








402 404




408 413 414

209 207 405 419








411 302 131 111 412 308


To Access the following forms, go to the link below: 2014-2015 Master Staff Development Application for NCLB Certification Community Use of Facilities Field Trip Approval Request Form Field Trip Information Permission Form Field Trip Information-Permission Fill-in Form Spanish Homework Brochure (Spanish) Homework Brochure Personal Leave Form RCS Employee Equipment Checkout form Request for Extended Sick Leave Request for Leave of Absence Form Request for Professional Leave Form Research Guidelines Use of Facilities Exhibit Regulation Code Weather Information http://www.randolph.k12.nc.us/staff/Pages/Default.aspx

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