Living 60+ Spring 2025

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Health, fun, fitness, finances, and more for Maine’s fastest growing population


Hitchin’ a Ride


Bangor can be a tough town to get a taxi in.

It can be a challenging place to get around in, period, if you’re an older adult without access to a car.

Many people give up driving as they age for a variety of reasons, health-related or otherwise. Many no longer need a car in their daily lives but still need to get out to appointments, stores, and social events.

Several services are available in the greater Bangor area for those who live in their homes but no longer drive. It may take some planning and a few phone calls to get where you need to go, but it’s usually possible, within limits.

The Community Connector bus system offers half-price fares to all area residents 60 and older. Half-price fare cards can be obtained at the Bangor, Brewer, and Old Town city halls, and at the town offices in Hampden, Orono, and Veazie, with a photo ID as proof of identity.


In addition, half-price fares are available to persons with a Medicare card, on SSDI (Social Security Disability Insurance), or with a valid ADA Paratransit ID card.

The Community Connector provides curb-to-curb ADA Paratransit transport anywhere within three quarters of a mile of its fixed-route bus system. Individuals

interested in using this service must apply and be found eligible, according to guidelines established by the Federal Transit Association. Fares are currently $3 oneway and $6 round trip, double the regular price of a fixed-route ride. Applications are available on the Community Connector page of the Bangor City website.

Unfortunately, the Community Connector has recently suspended Saturday service, and its range is limited to the communities along its routes. Those who live outside this area must find another way to get around.

The Eastern Area Agency on Aging serves area residents 50 and older.

“Transportation isn’t one of our internal focuses,” said Communication and Development Director Christopher Hill. “A lot of what we do is connect folks to other industry leaders that can better serve them. We have resource specialists, almost like case workers, but not exactly, who take all the information down and do their best to connect them with transportation resources.”

Primarily, EAAA contracts with Penquis, which serves Penobscot and Piscataquis counties, and Downeast Community Partners, which serves Washington and Hancock counties.

Penquis Lynx provides a variety of transportation services that are available not only to seniors but to the general public, according to Leeann Stackpole, Transportation Analysis Manager.

“We have a variety of funding sources that help pay the fares for seniors and people with self-declared disabilities,” Stackpole said.

Every town in the two counties is served at least one day per week. Fees, hours, and days of service depend on where a person lives and where they are traveling. Three days’ advance notice is required to schedule a trip.

For more personalized transportation service, Visiting Angels, a national organization with a franchise in Bangor, offers a variety of options.

“We provide companion services, light housekeeping, in-home care, meal preparation, and also rides,” said owner and director Alecea Pineo. “It’s up to them where they want to go, to a doctor’s appointment or grocery shopping, or just down to the waterfront to get out of the house. There are no rules.”

Visiting Angels provides overall care tailored to each person’s needs. An initial consultation is required, usually at the client’s home.

“For me to come out and meet with a potential client, there’s no charge,” Pineo said. “We sometimes use taxis, if one’s available,” Pineo said. “But with the help of our caregivers, we help people get to their destination, and we’re happy to accompany them anyplace they desire to go.”





VISITING ANGELS: (207) 573-1861

“I’M WATCHING THE MAINTENANCE MAN SHOVEL THIS MORNING AS I SIT INSIDE ON THIS SNOWY DAY,” said Rick Bowles with a chuckle, as he shared the endless benefits of living in an active 55-plus community.

“Our decision to move from our home state of Texas was very difficult, but we wanted to be closer to our children and grandchildren,” said Bowles, whose wife Joy chimed in. “We enjoy the Penobscot Shores community and the new friends we’ve made here, the unfamiliar but wonderful wildlife and marine environments, the opportunities to go sailing, and experiencing unfamiliar dining experiences.”

Three years ago they settled into a cottage on the shores of Penobscot Bay in Belfast with their yellow labs, leaving their small ranch in the Texas hill country near Austin. Initially, their biggest challenge was the physical uprooting, but now it’s “the lack of food ingredients we had become familiar with in Texas,” Rick said.

Embracing Community Living

Susan Remsberg has been a resident of Penobscot Shores for seven years. When she and her husband moved from Northport, their daughter inherited their home and gladly assumed responsibility.

“Actually, we became more active moving here,” Remsberg said. “There are raised garden plots here for residents to grow their own veggies or flowers.”

In 2023, Remsberg’s husband passed away, but today she is managing. “Folks here are great, and with all the activities available, you can participate as much or as little as you want.”

Steve Bowler, executive director of Penobscot Shores, said the main reasons why older adults look for a community like this is so they don’t have to worry about any home repairs.

“As we age, we physically can’t do the work ourselves any more,” Bowler said. “I see a huge relief from residents when they move here.”

Philip Seib, who resides at Parker Ridge Retirement Community in Blue Hill, agrees.

“I definitely do not miss such tasks,” Seib said when talking about household maintenance.

Seib moved to Maine over three years ago from California.

“I was tired of big-city crowds, traffic, crime, and such,” Seib said. “My parents had lived on Rackliff Island near Spruce Head, so when considering where to live after retirement, Maine was at the top of my list.”

Seib not only enjoys exploring Maine’s coast, but has explored Baxter State Park and Rangeley and Moosehead lakes.

His comfortable apartment is nestled amongst what he called a “community that comprises people of varied backgrounds and ages. We interact as much or as little as we choose, and the same goes for the many activities that are offered. Also, the food — we are provided dinner every night — is consistently excellent.”

Senior community living can be expensive. Meredith Townsend, director of marketing and community relations for Parker Ridge, said, “For a community like ours, residents have either planned financially for quite some time, their careers have afforded them the ability to live here, or some people have the ability once they sell their homes.”

Alice Drinkwater lives at Solstice Senior Living in Bangor and agreed.

“You have to have the financial means,” Drinkwater said. “You need to consider the safety of the grounds, research meal plans because of particular dietary needs, and the activities available.”

“Socialization is a key factor to a healthy lifestyle and we offer exercise programs, educational lectures, musical programs, field trips, and so on,” Bowler said.

If retirement community living is on your mind, it’s suggested you act now. “Someone coming on our waiting list today can expect to wait seven years before there is an opening for them to purchase,” Bowler said. If you plan to rent, your wait time averages two to four years.


Woodlands Senior Living First in Maine to Earn Accreditation for Assisted Living at All Ten Locations



I have some exciting news to share with you! Woodlands Senior Living is proud to announce that we are the first Assisted Living organization to have earned the Gold Seal of Approval from the Joint Commission in the state of Maine!

Now, what does this mean?

The Joint Commission’s Gold Seal of Approval is earned by demonstrating continuous compliance with its rigorous performance standards. The Gold Seal is a symbol of quality that reflects a health care organization’s commitment to providing safe and quality resident care. To receive this reputable accreditation, we invited surveyors from The Joint Commission’s esteemed surveyor force into each of our 10 Assisted Living and specialized Memory Care communities across the state of Maine.

While present in our communities, the surveyors observed and evaluated compliance standards focusing on resident safety and quality, while evaluating actual care

processes and technology. The Joint Commission reviewers are highly experienced Masters and PhD prepared RNs and administrators who have careers that have focused on Senior Care in the healthcare continuum. They are informed by scientific literature and expert consensus to help health care organizations measure, assess and improve performance.

After careful review, the surveyors were able to recognize that our Woodlands Senior Living organization was going above and beyond the state and federal standards in providing a safe, engaging and comfortable environment for the residents in our communities!

I am thrilled to share that after a year of diligent work by all our community leaders, direct care staff and managing members, all TEN of our Woodlands Senior Living communities have received the official Joint Commission Gold Seal of Approval – The FIRST Assisted Living community in the state of Maine to do so!

While this accolade helps us to tell the story of the work that we do, it also provides us an opportunity to

confidently state that Woodlands Senior Living and our team of committed staff members, work hard to live our mission of making each day the best day possible for the residents we serve, while helping to bring peace of mind to those who love them.

I welcome you to visit any of our communities, in Brewer, Bridgton, Cape Elizabeth, Farmington, Hallowell, Lewiston, Madison, Rockland or Waterville, to experience our commitment of providing excellent service to your loved ones. For more information, visit our website at

We are Mainers taking care of Mainers and we couldn’t be happier to share this exciting accomplishment with you!

As always — If you need us, we’re here.


Woodlands Senior Living LLC

AARP Maine: Championing the Unsung Heroes

Our Family Caregivers

IN THE HEART OF MAINE , a quiet yet powerful force is at work every day. This force comprises the 166,000 family caregivers who selflessly dedicate their time, energy, and love to support their aging or disabled loved ones. At AARP Maine, we recognize and deeply value these unsung heroes, understanding the immense challenges they face and the critical role they play in our communities.

Family caregivers are the backbone of our healthcare system, providing essential care that allows their loved ones to remain at home, where they feel most comfortable and secure. This care often includes managing medications, assisting with daily activities, and coordinating medical appointments, all while balancing their own personal and professional responsibilities. The dedication and resilience of these caregivers are nothing short of extraordinary.

AARP Maine is committed to advocating for the


needs and rights of family caregivers. We fight for policies that provide better support and resources, such as paid family leave, respite care, and financial assistance. Our goal is to ensure that caregivers have the tools and support they need to continue their vital work without sacrificing their own well-being.

One of the key reasons we value family caregivers so highly is the profound impact they have on the quality of life for their loved ones. Studies have shown that individuals who receive care at home often experience better health outcomes and a higher quality of life compared to those in institutional settings. By supporting family caregivers, we are not only helping them but also enhancing the lives of those they care for.

However, we know that caregiving can be an isolating and overwhelming experience. Many caregivers feel alone in their journey, unsure of where to turn for help. This is why AARP Maine is dedicated to creating a supportive

community where caregivers can connect, share their experiences, and access the resources they need.

We invite all family caregivers in Maine to share their stories with us. Your experiences are invaluable in helping us understand the unique challenges you face and the types of support that would be most beneficial. By sharing your story, you can help us advocate more effectively for the services and policies that will make a real difference in your lives.

Please reach out to AARP Maine and share your caregiving journey. Together, we can build a stronger, more supportive community for all caregivers. Your voice matters, and we are here to listen and fight for you.

You can contact us by emailing AARP Maine at or calling 1-866-554-5380 .

Apartment rental suites available now!

Avalon Village

Open a New Door at Avalon Village in Hampden

DO YOU EVER WONDER how your later years will turn out? Where will you be? What will you be engaged in? Sometimes, opening one door will open many others. At Avalon Village in Hampden, we believe that the simple act of choosing Avalon Village as a home community has opened many doors that our residents weren’t aware of before they moved in. Avalon Management’s philosophy of ensuring that there are ample opportunities for the community to be both physically and socially active is one way that new doors are opened. Activities such as Yoga, Tai Chi, Strong for Life, and bocce are offered on a regular basis. Walking opportunities are available across Avalon's 60 acres as well! We believe that remaining physically active, even with gentle but regular exercise, will help to ensure that folks who choose a cottage at Avalon will remain independent. The physical and emotional benefits of exercise are by now well documented and, if the benefits of exercise could be captured in pill, every American would undoubtedly be taking it. Our community encourages the active choice at every opportunity.

EVER WONDER how your later years will turn out? will you be? What will you be engaged in?

es, opening one door will op en many others. At illage in Hampden, we belie ve that the simple act of Avalon Village as a home community has opened ors that our residents weren’t aware of before they . Avalon Management’s philosophy of ensuring that ample opportunities for the community to he both y and socially active is one way that new doors are Activitie s such as Yoga, Tai Chi, Strong for Life , and e offered on a re gular basis . Walkin g opportunities able acr oss Avalon's 60 acre s as well! We believe aining physically active, even with gentle but xercise, will help to ensure that folks who choose a

The highly cited Harvard Study of Adult Development, in analyzing individuals over an eighty-year span, found that the happiest individuals were those who had

good relationships in their lives. Good relationships not only protect our bodies but also our brains. At Avalon Village we recognize that you could purchase the most exquisite home but, if the relationships within the community aren’t nurtured, the life experience will not be all that it can or should be. Accordingly, regular social events are scheduled to accommodate a wide variety of interests — monthly wine and cheese socials, ladies’ lunches, first Friday of the month dinners, pub nights, visiting speakers, as well as various other themed luncheons and dinners throughout the year.

walking paths offer many opportunities to experience the magic of the site. Many of our residents take advantage of the raised vegetable beds that are made available for any interested resident and a drive through our community will reveal the extraordinary gardening skills that many of our residents possess as Avalon Village permits individual modification of vegetative cottage plantings. Avalon Village’s pond has been designated by the National Wildlife Federation as a certi-

Participation in one of Avalon Village Owners Asso standing committee s or on the Board of Directors o chance to build and nourish qu ality relationships. A Village , our neighbors really matter!

Participation in one of Avalon Village Owners Association’s standing committees or on the Board of Directors offers the chance to build and nourish quality relationships. At Avalon Village, our neighbors really matter!

The third critical element in our community philosophy is a deep connection with nature. Avalon Village is blessed with one of the most exquisite natural settings of any retirement community in the northeast. Its central building sits on a high bluff above the Penobscot River and its sixty acres contain a spectacular stand of white pine over a hundred years old. Almost all our residents express a love for the natural world and our

Anyone wishing to open a new door and find out more about Avalon’s cottages or its apartments can call 862-5100 during the week to arrange a tour.

The third d critical element in our community philos deep connection with nature. Avalon Village is ble s one of the most exqu isite natural settings of any re community in the northeast. Its central building high bluff above the Penobscot River and its six contain a spe ctacular stand of white pine over a years old. Almost all our residents express a lov natural world and our walking paths offe opportunities to experience the magic of the site.

Is Your Back or Neck the Real Cause of Your Pain?

BACK AND NECK PAIN are common ailments that affect millions of Americans each year. While many people experience occasional discomfort, for some, it becomes a chronic issue that disrupts daily activities and reduces overall quality of life. What’s less commonly understood is that problems in the spine can also be the hidden cause of pain in other areas, such as the shoulders, elbows, knees, or even feet.

UNDERSTANDING SPINE-RELATED PAIN: The spine plays a crucial role in overall body function, and when issues arise, they can have widespread effects. Several conditions may contribute to spine-related pain, including: Bulging or Herniated Discs: The soft cushions between spinal bones may press on nerves, leading to pain, tingling, or numbness.

• SPINAL STENOSIS: A narrowing of the spinal canal that puts pressure on nerves, often causing discomfort in multiple areas.

• DEGENERATIVE DISC DISEASE: Wear and tear on the spine that results in stiffness and chronic pain.

• ARTHRITIS: Though it commonly affects joints, arthritis can also contribute to spinal pain and reduced mobility.

• OTHER CAUSES: Fractures, infections, tumors, muscle strain, and conditions like fibromyalgia can also lead to back and neck pain.

HOW SPINAL ISSUES AFFECT OTHER PARTS OF THE BODY: Between each spinal bone, discs act as cushions to absorb shock and provide flexibility. Over time, or with high-impact activities like running or heavy lifting, these discs can wear down. When a disc bulges or degenerates, it may press on nerves that extend to different parts of the body, leading to pain, numbness, or tingling in areas far from the spine.

In fact, the more compressed a nerve becomes, the farther from the spine the symptoms may appear. This can cause pain that mimics conditions like tennis elbow, shoulder injuries, knee problems, or even Achilles tendonitis—when the true issue is in the back or neck.

RECOGNIZING SPINE-RELATED PAIN: If you’re experiencing persistent pain, there are five key signs that it may be originating from your spine:

1. NUMBNESS OR TINGLING (Paresthesia): Sensations of pins and needles or unexplained numbness.

2. PAIN THAT CHANGES WITH SPINAL MOVEMENT: Discomfort that worsens or improves when you adjust posture.

3. PAIN RELIEF WITH IMPROVED POSTURE: Symptoms lessen when maintaining a proper spinal position.

4. LIMITED SPINAL MOVEMENT: Stiffness or difficulty bending and turning.

5. NORMAL MOBILITY IN THE AFFECTED LIMB: The painful limb moves well despite the discomfort. If at least two of these signs apply to you, your pain may be stemming from your spine rather than the affected limb itself. The good news? Effective treatment options are available.

TREATING SPINE-RELATED PAIN: The first step to relief is proper diagnosis. If your pain is coming from your back or neck, specific exercises and physical therapy can help reduce disc bulging, relieve nerve compression, and restore mobility. Seeking treatment early can prevent the condition from worsening and improve long-term health outcomes.

However, if you experience symptoms such as sudden changes in bowel or bladder control, unexplained weight loss, or have suffered a recent traumatic injury, consult a doctor immediately. For those struggling with persistent pain—whether in the spine or elsewhere—specialized care can make all the difference. A targeted treatment plan can help you regain mobility, reduce discomfort, and get back to Loving Your Life. If you suspect your pain is spine-related, reach out to a healthcare professional today and start your journey toward recovery.

Financial strategies to consider as retirement draws near


Freedom is often cited as a benefit of retirement. Many professionals look forward to the day when they retire and have more free time and the freedom to spend that time however they choose. Of course, the opportunity to spend retirement how one sees fit typically requires considerable financial freedom. Financial planning for retirement is often emphasized to young professionals beginning their careers. But it’s equally important that people on the cusp of retirement continue to look for ways to protect and grow their wealth. As retirement draws near, professionals can consider these strategies to ensure they have the financial freedom to make their golden years shine even brighter.


It’s widely assumed that retirees need less income after calling it a career because the need to save for retirement is no longer present. However, some expenses, including health care, may rise in retirement, which underscores

the need to continue growing your wealth. Cost-of-living also will increase over the course of your retirement years, which highlights the need to keep growing wealth in retirement. It can be tricky to protect your existing retirement savings as you approach the end of your career while also growing that wealth, so it is best to work with a financial planner to navigate that situation.


Though conventional wisdom suggests limiting risk as retirement nears and eliminating it entirely upon retiring, modern retirees are living longer and may therefore need to maintain a mix of investments to ensure they don’t outlive their money.

MAKE THE MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE CONTRIBUTIONS. Many aging professionals may not have saved as much for retirement as they might have hoped to upon starting their careers decades ago. In fact, a 2024

survey from Prudential Financial found that many 55-year-olds have fallen far short of establishing the level of financial security they will need in retirement. The Prudential survey found that 55-year-olds had a median retirement savings of less than $50,000, a number that falls considerably short of the recommended goal of having eight times one’s annual income saved by this age. If that situation sounds familiar for professionals nearing retirement age, now is the time to begin catching up. Make the maximum allowable contributions to a 401(k) plan ($23,000 in 2024) and/or an IRA ($7,000). In addition, the Internal Revenue Service notes that IRA catch-up contributions remained $1,000 for individuals age 50 and over in 2024.

Retirement can provide a sense of freedom professionals have worked hard to achieve over the course of their careers. Some simple strategies can help professionals on the cusp of retirement achieve the financial freedom they’ll need to enjoy their golden years to the fullest extent.

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