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2 • 2015 Dear Santa






2015 Dear Santa • 3

Dear Santa, My name is Charlie and I’m 3 the only thing I want for christmas is time with my older sister diana, we are 5 hours away from each other and I never get to see her much please ask your reindeer if they will bring her to me Love, Charlie Dear Santa, My name is Brodie Peyton. I am 6 years old. What I want for Christmas is Max the Tow truck. It will pull 200 lbs so I want to pull my sister with it! I also want a game called Pass The Gas! And I really want Ship Wreck Rails for my Thomas the Train collection. I will leave you some Chex Mix for Rudolph and a couple of Oreo’s with milk for you. Please be safe on your trip. Love, Brodie Peyton Dar Santa My name is Emilee Kay. I am 3 years old. I have been good all year This year can you bring me guitar and presents. Thank you, Emilee Kay Dear Santa, My name is Maliah Lambert and I am 7 years old. I know I have been a little bad this year and I am sorry for that. I would like the following for Christmas: shopkins ipod hoverball snackeez green machine kala doll and clothes jj walking dog justice clothes and shoes pet jet. Dear Santa, Would you like to have a toy for your little boy? I would like a Transformer that turns into a dinosaur. You should make your little boy a carrot cake. I would like a new car toy. My sisters would like a pretty pink pony. My grandma would like a lizard. My grandpa would like new big hammer. My mom would like a pink scrub brush to wash dishes. I think my daddy would like a book, so he can read it to me. I think they will all like their gifts. Lastly, I would like a cute pink dog. Sincerely, Marshall Fox Dear Santa, I want Mario game for Nintendo. I also want Mario Olympics. My Aunt Leah would like board games. Sincerely, Easten Baker Dear Santa, I would like to have another baby brother. I already have a baby brother, and he is one year old. I would like to also have a dinosaur. Mommy and daddy would like Christmas decorations. My baby brother, Isiah, would like baby blocks. I would like to talk to you someday. Sincerely, Zack Miller Dear Santa, I want a puppy for Caroline. I want a horse for myself. I want makeup. My coat has pockets right here. Sheyenne isn’t big for Christmas. She can have a baby toy. I know what she wants. She wants a rattle. Mommy and daddy can flipper shoes. I want a rocking chair for daddy. Mommy can have a rocking chair too. I want a slide. Sincerely, Amaya Thompson

needs new curtains. Daddy needs a new work shirt. Sincerely, Natalie Horton

Dear Santa, I want a big truck. I like animals too. Sincerely, Casen Honaker

Dear Santa, I would like to have My Little Pony and a little stuffed animal. Bubby like Hulk stuff. Mommy love hair stuff. Daddy likes getting new hats. I love you. I would love to give you a big hug for Christmas. Sincerely, Abby Allen

Dear Santa, I love you. I want a sand art set, and I want a doll for Christmas. Sincerely, Gracie Lilly

Dear Santa, I want to tell you a secret. I want to get Snackies. I want drinks. I want Ellsa, Ahna and Olfoo. My brother he getting a Ninga Turtle, and he can get Snackies too. I want to buy mommy clothes. I want daddy a mask. Santa, you got candy canes. Sincerely, Hanna Robinette Dear Santa, I want it has two cars and a boy shark with a little boat. I want a dinosaur. I want a start puzzle. I want you to bring my mommy a shirt. I want you to bring my daddy an army shirt, because he is in the army. I want a dinosaur toy with a man. Sincerely, Bentley Redden Dear Santa, My mommy wants a new desk. She wants all her earrings to be in one place. Marcus wants a boat. Isabella wants a baby. My daddy wants a computer for his homework. He usually doesn’t have a lot of homework. Grayson want robot. I want a Paw Patrol toys. Sincerely, Phoenix Wright

Dear Santa, I want a doll for Christmas. I love you so much. You can bring Andrew a truck for Christmas. Sincerely, Katie Jenkins Dear Santa, My name is London Woods. I’m 7 years old and I attend Dudley Primary School. This yea for Christmas I would like the Monster High School, Monster High Dolls, a Barbie camper and anything else you want to bring me. I’ve been a good girl this year. I’ll leave milk & cookies Love London Dear Santa, Tanner wants baby toys and a blanket. Tanner Null Age 7 months Princeton written by his big sister Kinley Null Dear Santa, i want My Little Pony and a real phone. I want gum and mints. Love Santa Kinley Null Age 5 Princeton and Wytheville, Va.

Dear Santa, I want a police car that works. I want a toy car that rolls around on a track. I want a Barbie. I want Santa to bring mommy a necklace. I want Santa to bring daddy a car. Sincerely, Opal Bailey

Dear Santa, Please bring me a zomrpetcat, wv bubl ball, on bell, yum nums, ga typewriter, elf costom, ping pong tennis set, new boks. I have been good. Love Toryo 2nd grade Ms. Lambert’s class Memorial Elementary

Dear Santa, I would like a chainsaw so I can help my daddy and paw paw. I want a four wheeler. I would like a cell phone to call my paw paw and mommy if I get sick. I want a radio on my four wheeler, so I can listen to music. My paw paw needs a new saw mill. Mommy would like a lovely garden. Daddy needs a bench to work on. Sincerely, Cooper Bennett

Dear Santa, How are you? How’s the elfs? How[’s MNrs. Claus? May I have an elf? An tablet. May I have an family game? I’v cleaned my room. Your Friend Jayden 2nd grade Ms. Lambert’s class Memorial Elementary

Dear Santa, I need new arrows for my bow. Actually I could use a new bow. I want a bike too. Laken would like doll. My mommy needs a new phone, and my daddy needs a new charger. Sincerely, Michael Thompson Dear Santa, I want a dinosaur for Christmas. My mommy wants a necklace, and my daddy wants a car. I love you so much. Please come to my house for cookies. Love, Grayson Hale Dear Santa, I love you Santa this much. I like your reindeers. I love you so much. I want a doll like the one on tv. I want you to come by my house. Love, Sophie Bumgarner

Dear Santa, Happy Christmas Santa! I want chocolate for Christmas and a Barbie Doll. I would also like a new jacket. You can bring Eli a dinosaur. Mommy

Dear Santa, I want a truck for Christmas, and I want a four wheeler. I love you so much. Merry Christmas. Sincerely, Nathan Wills

Dear Santa, I love you. I would like a Doc McStuff Pet Vet. I want a Hello Pony Castle and Hello Kitty. Sincerely, Kynlee Truitt

Dear Santa, I helped my mom and y friends to when someone fall I help them. I love to help people. P.S. Thank you neighbors for decorating our school yard. Your friend, Maliah 2nd grade Ms. Lambert’s class Memorial Elementary Dear Santa, How is Mrs. Cluse? I would like to pursuade to bring me a tablet , a doll, a monser high doll. becuase I helpedy mom clean the house P.S. Thank you neighbors for decorating our school yard. Your friend Brayanna 2nd grade Ms. Lambert’s class Memorial Elementary Dear Santa, Am I good? I think I am, I’m awesome right? I bet I am!@ Thankyou Santa Claus for making the est holiday eer! Merry Christmas! P.S. Thank you neighbors for decorating our school yard. Your friend Victoria 2nd grade Ms. Lambert’s class Memorial Elementary


Dear Santa, How is Mrs. Claus?i would like a V+3DSXL Pokeman yogo cods P.S. Thank you neighbors for decorating our school yard. Your friend Donovan 2nd grade Ms. Lambert’s class Memorial Elementary Dear Santa, I am good i am a help to y om, I’ve been cleaning with her since 5 months ago, Also, how are the raindeer and I ould like to have a meccanc G15, phone, case. P.S. Thank you neighbors for decorating our school yard. Your friend Cameron 2nd grade Ms. Lambert’s class Memorial Elementary Dear Santa, I help my gama with the dogs. I bo my homwrc. PS, Pokeman, apps. P.S. Thank. Your friend Rhianna 2nd grade Ms. Lambert’s class Memorial Elementary Dear Santa, how are the randirs. I would like to persuade you to braning me 2 American girls dolls, my ife dolls, arts and cras, and all. I have been good this year! I’m helping mom whith dishes! I do ny home wrk everynite. P.S. Thank you neighbors for decorating our school yard. Your friend Kadence 2nd grade Ms. Lambert’s class Memorial Elementary Dear Santa, Hello Santa, how are the elvs. I wuld like to persade you to bring me a puppy. I have heen helping my mom. Sincerely Jposiah Saunders Love your friend. 2nd grade Ms. Lambert’s class Memorial Elementary Dear Santa, I do my homework for my mom so I do not hve to wake her up from her nap. P.S. Thank you neighbors for decorating our school yard. Your friend, 2nd grade Ms. Lambert’s class Memorial Elementary Dear Santa, I help my mom set the taebl. I help my brothr take up the tras can to the graj. I help my mom fiend things win she looses them. Yor friend, Sammy 2nd grade Ms. Lambert’s class Memorial Elementary Dear Santa, Hi how is Mrs. Claus? I am fine. I woiuld like to persuade you to bring me a barbie dreamhouse, some baby alive dolls, and a new ike. I have been good this year. I have helped my mom do dishes. P.S. Thank you neighbors for decorating our school yard. Your friend, Brooklynn 2nd grade Ms. Lambert’s class Memorial Elementary Dear Santa, I thank you for evrethang that you do for us . I luv you vere much? And I’m thankfl for elbs. Lov you Dennis 2nd grade Ms. Lambert’s class Memorial Elementary Dear Santa, How is Miss Claus? I would like to persuade you to bring me taldit,


fish and sufioslo Your friend Anna GC 2nd grade Ms. Lambert’s class Memorial Elementary Dear Santa, Hello, santa, how are the elf doing I have been good. Your frind Marian 2nd grade Ms. Lambert’s class Memorial Elementary Dear Santa, All I want f Chrismis is a dinosaur. tour friad den 2nd grade Ms. Lambert’s class Memorial Elementary Dear Santa, All i wont for Cistmas four-wheeler, a toy car and a pack of chotkux. Your friend Alex 2nd grade Ms. Lambert’s class Memorial Elementary Dear Santa, All I want for Christmas is an Batman and Batman clothes and Batman car. Your firend Dejon 2nd grade Ms. Lambert’s class Memorial Elementary Dear Santa, All I want for Christmas is American girl doll and make up kit and Elsa. Your friend Jayla 2nd grade Ms. Lambert’s class Memorial Elementary Dear Santa, All I want for Christmas is a pink Monster high doll and an Elsa doll, and an a make up kit. Your friend Hannah 2nd grade Ms. Lambert’s class Memorial Elementary Dear Santa, All I want for Christmas is a V wheeler, blind box, phone. Yor friend Alex 2nd grade Ms. Lambert’s class Memorial Elementary Dear Santa, All I want for Christmas is blind box 55. yor friend Rylee 2nd grade Ms. Lambert’s class Memorial Elementary Dear Santa, All I want for Christmas is a reel dag, en iPod La Shon 2nd grade Ms. Lambert’s class Memorial Elementary Dear Santa, All I want for Christmas is a Elsa-car and an American girl doll and Elsa clothes. Your friend Angela 2nd grade Ms. Lambert’s class Memorial Elementary

Dear Santa, All I want for Christmas is four wheeler and phone and clothes and jacket. our friend Lesan 2nd grade Ms. Lambert’s class Memorial Elementary Dear Santa, All I want for Christmas is a phone and cDts and race cars and Batman toys. Love love. Your frind Louis 2nd grade Ms. Lambert’s class Memorial Elementary Dear Santa, All I want for Christmas is a Batman toy and phone and a toy car and toy American girl doll. and a Elsa and a make up kit. your friend Iyanna Patton 2nd grade Ms. Lambert’s class Memorial Elementary Dear Santa, All I want for Christmas is a telescope and phone. Your friend Niko 2nd grade Ms. Lambert’s class Memorial Elementary Dear Santa, All I want for Christmas is a puppy dog, and a i phon. Your frind Autumn 2nd grade Ms. Lambert’s class Memorial Elementary Dear Santa, AllI wanmt for Cristmas is an American Girl doll and phone and telescope, bat and Elsa and make up kit and toy car and my frub, Shayla 2nd grade Ms. Lambert’s class Memorial Elementary Dear Santa, All i want for Christmas is a vide game, a pack mavnt toy and an box cun . Love Isaac Flanery 2nd grade Ms. Lambert’s class Memorial Elementary Dar Santa, Hello Santa. My name is Aryanna i am six years old. I would love an Elsa dress and high hees and fun Chrshmas. i have been good. Love Ayanna Bouden 1st grade Ms. Sandifer’s class Memorial Elementary Dear Santa, Hi Santa! My name is Hayden. I live in Bluefield Westvirginia. I am 7 years old. Can your elfs make me a bike, coloring book, a pair of earrines, a new pair of shoes and playdoh set. Thank you for all you do. Love Hayden 1st grade Ms. Sandifer’s class Memorial Elementary



4 • 2015 Dear Santa

Dear Santa, Hi Santa my name is Nautica. I live in Bluefield West virginia. I am 6 years old. What I want for Christmas is a cute big bike, and I want a pair of glass hillls and nike shoes. Christmas is areal fun! I hope you have a good time delivering toys to all the boys and girls. I will leave you cookies and milk. Love Nautica 1st grade Ms. Sandifer’s class Memorial Elementary Dear Santa, Hi Santa! My name is Amar I live in Bluefield, West Virginia. I am seven years old. i want a skateboard and a car for Christmas. Love Amar 1st grade Ms. Sandifer’s class Memorial Elementary Dear Santa, Hi Santa my name is Kyndra! I live in Bluefield West Virginia. I am 7 years old can your elfs make me a pair of skates and puzzle. I will leave you some cokes and they will be under the tree. Thoonk you Santa. love Kyndra 1st grade Ms. Sandifer’s class Memorial Elementary Dear Santa, My names Sean. I want a gas remote control car for Christmas. a computer so I can do IXL and read. And a skateboard. Thank you! u luve. Sean 1st grade Ms. Sandifer’s class Memorial Elementary Dear Santa, Hi Santa! My name is Cade. I live in Bluefield, West Virginia. I sam six years old. If your elves can make a Lego Charlie Brown set and a skateboard I would love to have them. Love Cade 1st grade Ms. Sandifer’s class Memorial Elementary Dear Santa, Hi Santa. My name is Harper. I live in Bluefield Westvirginia. I am 6 years old. Can your elfs make me baby twins. I will leave you some cookies and milk too. Love Harper 1st grade Ms. Sandifer’s class Memorial Elementary Dear Santa, hi Santa! My name is Paulaylah. I live in Bluefield West Virginia. I am 6 years old. I want a frozen Princess set with Anna Else an a Olaf. Thank you. I have been a good little girl. Love Paulaylah 1st grade Ms. Sandifer’s class Memorial Elementary Hi Santa my name is Jayla I live in Bluefield West Virginia I wot a tablet. love Jayla 1st grade Ms. Sandifer’s class Memorial Elementary Dear Santa, Please brung me some Wrestlers. I’ve been good this year. Love, Michael Mrs. Carson’s class Memorial Elementary Dear Santa, Please bring me a frozn dress and wig. I have been good this year. Love, Aaleahya Mrs. Carson’s class Memorial Elementary

Dear Santa, Please bring me a Ninja Turtles. I have been good this yer! Love Nicholos Mrs. Carson’s class Memorial Elementary Dear Santa, Please bring me new legos, fool the frog. I have been good this year. Love Maxwell Mrs. Carson’s class Memorial Elementary Dear Santa, Please bring me a big brown skirt. I have been good his year. Love Jazismyr Mrs. Carson’s class Memorial Elementary Dear Santa, Please bring me a go cart thast goes fast. I have been good this year. Ethan Mrs. Carson’s class Memorial Elementary Dear Santa, Pleas bring me a big Brown play jorse and bring tinsel. I have been Love Lindsey Mrs. Carson’s class Memorial Elementary Dear Santa, Plealse bring me Batman toy, soldierman. Mammy wants clothes. Dad wants a puppy. Sincerely Tymarr Mrs. Carson’s class Memorial Elementary Dear Santa, Please bring me a shotgun with bullets. I have been good this year. Love, Jeremiah Mrs. Carson’s class Memorial Elementary Dear Santa, Pleas bring me an Ipad. I have been good this year. Love, Madison Mrs. Carson’s class Memorial Elementary Dear Santa, Please bring me a horse. I haev been good this year. Love Emma Mrs. Carson’s class Memorial Elementary Dear Santa, Pleas bring me a Bapbed dream house, Barbie’s and St. shoes. Love Sariha Mrs. Carson’s class Memorial Elementary Dear Santa, Please bring me an Ipad. I have been good this year. Love Mary Mrs. Carson’s class Memorial Elementary Dear Santa, Please bring me new clothes. I have been good this year. Love Autumn Mrs. Carson’s class Memorial Elementary Dear Santa, Please bring me a motorcycle racer. I have been good this year. Love DaMaurla Mrs. Carson’s class Memorial Elementary Dear Santa, Plase bring me Star wars. I’ve been good this year. Love Kayden Mrs. Carson’s class Memorial Elementary Dear Santa, Please bring me a zoomer dog , sweater is back jacket, easy bake. Lovoe Garesea Mrs. Scott’s class Memorial Elementary

Dear Santa, Please bring me a zoomer pet cat, my own TV, a heated print swiming pool and a new siming siut and a cat, I have been good this year. Love, love, Marissa Mrs. Scott’s class Memorial Elementary Dear Santa, Please bring me a green wubbubel bolls, jack sow, I have been good this year. Love, Brioan Mrs. Scott’s class Memorial Elementary Dear Santa, Please bring me a scooter wih two sides, phone, I hav been good this year, boucy houose. Love Charis Mrs. Scott’s class Memorial Elementary Dear Santa, plea bring me a xbox and GTO 5 an a basketball and a new TV I have been good this year. Love Garrison Mrs. Scott’s class Memorial Elementary Dear Santa, Please bring me a now game is pabmak with hat and I want a phone and I bee good’ Love Santa Isaah Mrs. Scott’s class Memorial Elementary Dear Santa, Please bring me a zoomer weltherpts. I ahve been good his year. Love Emily Mrs. Scott’s class Memorial Elementary Dear Santa, Please bring me lots of things or my dolls, remote control airplane, new cat a girl cat, a new phone.I have been good this year Love Gracie-Jean Maire Mrs. Scott’s class Memorial Elementary Dear Santa, Blease bring me a new tablot, football dolls edrayo, a stucio, NY VSGno. I was good. I love Santa, you aer my fride. Love Jessiah Mrs. Scott’s class Memorial Elementary Dear Santa, Please bring me a dirt bike and a car I have a remote control car. Love Kaleb Mrs. Scott’s class Memorial Elementary Dear Santa, Please bring me a Gtab xbox1, I have been nice this month. Love Damien Mrs. Scott’s class Memorial Elementary

Sinserley Nick Mrs. Smith’s class Memorial Elementary Dear Santa, Area you ready fo Christma I would like to persuade you to bring me a pogosick becuse I am going to be jamping all ove the pase. I have been vey good this year! P.S. Thank you Blufield friends for our decorations. Sincerely Gage Mrs. Smith’s class Memorial Elementary Dear Santa, Area you ready for cristmas? I would want to persuade you to bring me a walking doll it woul be great to play with. I have ben good this year and I do my homework. Merry Chistmas. P.S. Thank you Bluefield friends for our decorations. Sincerly Allxis Mrs. Smith’s class Memorial Elementary Dear Santa, I know you are vere busy this year, but there’s one thing I wunt for Christmas. I wunt hotrod cars. Here are my reasons. I have been kind to Autumn and Brydeyn and I have also kept hand, feet and obiers to myself. I hope you will consider my reasons. I’ll eep you a present, Sincerly Darron Mrs. Smith’s class Memorial Elementary Dear Santa, Are you ready for some milk and cookies. I really need a new Ipad because y Ipad broken. I’ve been kind to my brothers, and I got them birthday presents. I hope you will consider my reasons, Merry X-mas. P.S. Thank you Bluefield for decorating our school. Sincerely Grant Mrs. Smith’s class Memorial Elementary Dear Santa, Are your reinder ready fto fly? I would like to persuade you to bring me anything because it wil make me and yu happy! I always do my homework. I always share with my brothers. Merry Cristmas. P.S. Thank you for your decoration my Bluefeild freind/. Sincery Darrell Mrs. Smith’s class Memorial Elementary Dear Santa, Are the reindeer happy? I would llike to persuade you to bring me a Monster High High School. I do my home work and I helped fluff the tree. P.S. Thank ou Bluefild friends for our decora-

Dear Santa, Please bring me a novallenybox nd can ouplease aea me. Happy Mery Cresmas Love Drake Mrs. Scott’s class Memorial Elementary Dear Santa, Plese bring me a Xbox2, Xbox1, Xbox360. I have been good this year. Love Joey Mrs. Scott’s class Memorial Elementary Dear Santa, How are the reindeer? I wojld like to persuade you to bring me a sled. It will make me and you happy. I can ride it down big hills an share it with my sister, Merry Christmas. P.S. Thank you Bluefield friends for our decorations.



tions! Sincerly Maria Mrs. Smith’s class Memorial Elementary Dear Santa, ARe ou ready for Christmas! I want to persuade you to bring me ads. I ve been good by staying in my house. P.S. I Love Santa, Love Birtie Mrs. Smith’s class Memorial Elementary Dear Santa, Are you ready for Christmas. I want to persuade you to bring me a new game. My reason is that I always listen to my mom. love, T. Mrs. Smith’s class Memorial Elementary Dear Santa, Are the reindeer ready to take off? I would like to persuade you to bring me shopping bubbleisha becuse I do unbelievably well in school an at home. Don’t fall off the Sleigh! P.S. Thank you Bluefield friends for our decorations. Hayla Mrs. Smith’s class Memorial Elementary Dear Santa, Did you get the rendeer? I would like to persuade you to bring me and Ruby a Robot cart. We will share and take great-care of it. It will be fun to take iton walks! Merry Christmas P.S. Thank you Bluefield friends for our decorations. Sincerely Rachel Mrs. Smith’s class Memorial Elementary Dear Santa, How are the reindeer? I would like to persuade you bring me an Elsa toy. Becauses I have been kind. My sistert wants a pak of playdough. She is a good sister. Meer Chismas. P.S. Thank you ofr the decorations! Sincerly Thelena Mrs. Smith’s class Memorial Elementary Dear Santa, How’s the raindeer. I wot to persuade you to get me a Xbox 360, and adctice and a Xbox game and a ball doll. I am nice to my sissesan. P.S. THack you for my elf. Deuce Mrs. Smith’s class Memorial Elementary Dear Santa, Are you ready for Christmas. I would like to persuade you to get a water bed so I can have a bed. I would also like a phone. P.S. Thank ou Bluefield for decorations. Merry Christmas Sincerly

Jamarion Mrs. Smith’s class Memorial Elementary Dear Santa, How are the raindeer? I would like to persuade you to bring me a tablet so I can get more work done after school. I have been good this year. Merry Chismas. P.S. Thank you Bluefild friends for our decorations! Sincerly Elizzbeth Mrs. Smith’s class Memorial Elementary Dear Santa, How are you and Mrs. Claus. I would like to persuade you to get me an Ipod for Christmas. I share with others. I help my classmates. I’m kind to others. Merry Christmas! P.S. Thank you for Bluefild for decorating our school. Sincerly Jayaha Mrs. Smith’s class Memorial Elementary Dear Santa, I would like to persuade you to bring me a bike. I will share with my cousin. A bike would be fun to ride on the weekends and in summer! Merry Christmas! Ho Ho Ho. P.S. Thank you Bluefield friends for our decorations! Sincerly Aleesiya Mrs. Smith’s class Memorial Elementary Dear Santa, Are you ready for Christmas? I would like to persude you to bring me a Sky Walker because I play with others, and share with my couins. I hope you will consider my reasons. Merry Christmas. P.S. Thank you for Bluefied for decorating our school. Sincerly Trinity Mrs. Smith’s class Memorial Elementary Dear Santa, How are you? I wowuld like to persuade you to breing me playdoh for Christmas. I helped my mom ash dishes and I helped my dd put p t helights. I’ve been good al year. Merry Christmas! P.S. Thank you for Bluefiled for decorating our school. Sincerly Olivia Mrs. Smith’s class Memorial Elementary Dear Santa, Are you ready for Christmas. This year I wold like a freddy mask. I listen to my mom and have been good. From Elijah Kinder Ms. Angell Memorial Primary



2015 Dear Santa • 5

Dear Santa, Are you ready for Christmat. This year I would lovee a monsterr hig doll. Thnk you! Love, Destiny Olivio Ms. Angell Memorial Primary

Dear Santa, Please bring me a doll, roller skates, and a duck for my dog. I have been good this year! Love, Jocelyn Ms. Browning Memorial Primary

Dear Santa, How are the reindeer? Can I please hae a real car? I have been good by making my bed. Love, Keilahi Ms. Angell Memorial Primary

Dear Santa, I have been good. Please me a doll and a bike. See you soon, Tye via Ms. Luterick Memorial Primary

Dear Santa, Please bring me a bigger drumset. I have been good this year! Love, Brent Ms. Browning Memorial Primary Dear Santa, Please bring me a monster truck. I have been good! Love, Luke Ms. Browning Memorial Primary

Dear Santa, I hnve been good. Please bring me a Batman car. Sue you soon, Zachary Ms. Luterick Memorial Primary Dear Santa, I have been good. Please bring me a shopkin and a riding car. See you soon, Sally Ms. Luterick Memorial Primary

Dear Santa, Please bring me a kitchen set. I have been good. Love, Joseph Ms. Browning Memorial Primary

Dear Santa, I have been good. Please bring me a moster high doll and shopkins and a guitar. See you soon, Olyvia Cottman Ms. Luterick Memorial Primary

Dear Santa, Please bring me a nurf gun and paw patrol pad. I have been good this year! Love, Jackson Ms. Browning Memorial Primary

Dear Santa, I have been good. Please bring me a sled a bike car puppy dinosaur. See you soon, Jurrien Tabb Ms. Luterick Memorial Primary

Dear Santa, Please bring me light up ball Xbox 3 game set. I have been good this year! Love, Trey Ms. Browning Memorial Primary

Dear Santa, I have been good. Please bring me a sled. See you soon, James Ms. Luterick Memorial Primary

Dear Santa, Please bring me a box of Ninja Turtle legos and a toy car. I have been good this year! Love, Isaiah Ms. Browning Memorial Primary Dear Santa, Please bring me a toy kitten, roller skates, knee pads. I have been good. Love, Katelyn Ms. Browning Memorial Primary Dear Santa, Please bring me a Elsa singer light up ball globe. I have been good this year! Love, Halle Ms. Browning Memorial Primary Dear Santa, Please bring me a stuffed mouse and make up set. I have been good. Love, Olivia Ms. Browning Memorial Primary Dear Santa, Please bring me a playdoh Barbie princess doll. I have been good this year! Love, Abigail Ms. Browning Memorial Primary Dear Santa, Please bring me an Ipad, toy dog, story book, light up ball. I have been good this year! Love, Rockay Ms. Browning Memorial Primary Dear Santa, Please bring me a cleaning kit and kitchen set. I have been good this year! Love, Ciara Ms. Browning Memorial Primary

Dear Santa, I have been good. Please bring me a 4x4 truck. See you soon, Caleb Ms. Luterick Memorial Primary Dear Santa, I have been good. Please bring me a doll, a riding car. See you soon, Mackenzie K Ms. Luterick Memorial Primary Dear Santa, I habve been good. Please bring me a sled, sled a bike a car puppy a horsey a guitar a truck. See you soon, Jaleel Ms. Luterick Memorial Primary Dear Santa, I have been good. Please bring me a, a horsey a guitar, See you soon, Grace Ms. Luterick Memorial Primary Dear Santa, I have been good. Please bring me a ppy, a ridingcar. See you soon, Gabe B. Ms. Luterick Memorial Primary Dear Santa, I have been good. Please bring me a Hot Wheelis Gorage. See you soon, Gavin G. Ms. Luterick Memorial Primary Dear Santa, I have been good. Please bring me riding car and a guitar. See you soon, Jamal Ms. Luterick Memorial Primary Dear Santa, I have been good. Please bring me a white pony.

See you soon, Milaune Ms. Luterick Memorial Primary

Dear Santa, I have been very Good this year. will you please Bring me a phone, tablit, and Ipad? Have a merry Christmas And a happy new year! Love, Hailey Lashmeet Matoaka Elementary

Dear Santa, I have been good. Please bring me kiet. See you soon, Dominic D. Ms. Luterick Memorial Primary Dear Santa, I have been good. Please bring me a shopkin. See you soon, Aireonna A. Ms. Luterick Memorial Primary Dear Santa, I have been very very very Good This year. Will you please being Me a Hellokitty, a surpriz 12, and a cat. have mery chris and a Happ new year. Love, hayleigh M Lashmeet Matoaka Elementary Dear Santa, I hav been very good this year. will you please bring me a fohn, and a toy for my dog. Love, Summer Lashmeet Matoaka Elementary Dear Santa, I have been good this year. Please bring me a xbox360, puppy and some pokemon. Have a Holly jolly Chrismis and a happy new year. Love, Hayden Lashmeet Matoaka Elementary Dear Santa, I have been very good thisy yeaer ples bring me 2 dogs, graf, and a real shark? Merr Christmas and happy new year! Love, Abby Lashmeet Matoaka Elementary Dear Santa, I have been good this year pleae bring Me a laptop, pirt rangr set, and pokemon. Have a happy a happy new year. Love, Dustin Lashmeet Matoaka Elementary Dear Santa, I HAVE BEEN VERy GOOD THIS YEAR WILL YOU PLEASE BRING me an IPOD, TABLIT, AND a PHONE? HAVE A MERRY CHRIST AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR. LOVE, TANNER Lashmeet Matoaka Elementary Dear Santa, I have BEEN VERY GOOD THIS YEAR. WILL YOU PLEAS BRING ME A DOG, A CAT AND, A 64 GAME? HAVE A MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR! LOVE, GRACIE Lashmeet Matoaka Elementary Daer Santa, I have been Very good This year. will you piease bring me a remote control monster truc, and xbox gam, and a tv? Have a merry christmas and a Happy New year. love, Carter Lashmeet Matoaka Elementary Dear Sanxa, I Have BEE V Y O BI MB RRYC HRIS TM BA SA ND AHAP PYN EW YEO RAI DE AN EY AA MERC OA ND H O V R E PA Y UJK RUAIDEAN. (power rangers, race car, army tank, ninja) From Aidean Lashmeet Matoaka Elementary


Dear Santa, I have been very This year. Will you Please bring me a dog and a barbe movie? Have A merry Christmas and a Happy new year. Love, savannah Lashmeet Matoaka Elementary Dear Santa, I have beeh very good This year. Will you please bring me a dog, a cat, and toys? Love, Nevaeh Lashmeet Matoaka Elementary Dear Santa, I have been very good this year. will you please bring me an ipad and som racing gams? have a Merry chrismas and a happy new year Love, rodney Lashmeet Matoaka Elementary Dear Santa, I have been very good this year. Will you please braing me a laptop, toys and phone? Have a Marry Christmas and aHappy new year. Love, Miley Lashmeet Matoaka Elementary Dear Santa, I have been very good this year. will you please bring me a new ipod, a slap watch, and a new hard drive for my xbox? have a good Christmas and happy new year. Love, Lucas Lashmeet Matoaka Elementary Dear Sana, I have been good this year. Will you please bring me An ipad, pokemem, and Vacktion? Have a merry Christmas and a happy new Year! Love, Blake Lashmeet Matoaka Elementary Dear Santa, I have been good this year. Will you please bring me frozen castle, baby clothes frozen bike, and frozen scooter? Have a merry Christmas and a happy new year! Love, Shay Lashmeet Matoaka Elementary Dear Santa, Thank you for the toys you brought me last year. I have been good Please bring me a cop suit and a Monster truck. Thank you for the bringing me this Christmas. Love, Veda Lashmeet Matoaka Elementary Dear Santa, Thank you for the toys you brought me last year. I have been good please bring me a Dirt bike and high top Football cleats. Thank you for the toys you will be bringing methis Christmas. Love, Bradley Lashmeet Matoaka Elementary Dear Santa, Thank you for the toys you brought me last year. I have being good. Please bring me a tablet and Cop suit. Thank you for the toys you will be bringing me this Christmas. Love,


Rosie Lashmeet Matoaka Elementary Dear Santa, Thank you for the toys you brought me last year. I have been good. Please bring me a stuffed puppy puppet tiger. Thank you for the toys you will be bringing me this Christmas. Love, Haley Lashmeet Matoaka Elementary Dear Santa, Thank you for the toys you brought me last year. I have been good. Please being me an I-Pad and a computer. Thank you for the toys you will be bringing this Christmas. Love, Shyann Lashmeet Matoaka Elementary Dear Santa, Thank you for the toys you brought me last year. I have been good. Please bring me a X Box 360, and a lap top. Thank you for the toys you will be bringing me this Christmas. Love, Wyatt Lashmeet Matoaka Elementary Dear Santa, Thank you for the toys you brought me last year I have been good. Please bring me a phone an a bike with pegs. Love, Audrey Lashmeet Matoaka Elementary Dear Santa, Thank you for the toys you brought me last year. I have been good. Please bring me a Wii-U. Thank you for the toys you will be bringing this Christ mas. Love, Josh Lashmeet Matoaka Elementary Dear Santa, Thank you for the toys you brought me last year. I have been good. Please bring me a wii-u, and a toy pony. Thank you for the toy you will be bringing me this Christmas. Love, Nick Lashmeet Matoaka Elementary Dear Santa, Thank you for the toys you brought me last year. I have been good. Please bring me a big bike and wood for a tree house. Love, Kayley Lashmeet Matoaka Elementary Dear Santa, Thank you for the toys you brought me last year. I have been good. Please bring me a remote control dirt bike and football. think you for the toys Love, Mikey Lashmeet Matoaka Elementary Dear Santa, Thank you for the toys you brought me last year. I have been good. Please bring me an I-pad that has Mine Craft and a pet bunny with a cage. Thank you for the toys you will be bringing me this Christmas. Love, Gracie Lashmeet Matoaka Elementary Dear Santa, Thank you for the toys you brought me last year. I have been good. Please bring me football and a football suit. Thank you for the toys you will be bringing me this Christmas. Love, Kyle Lashmeet Matoaka Elementary

Dear Santa, I’ve been very good this year. I’ve kept my room clean (I tried), made my bed (most of the time), did all my chores (usually) and did all my homework. I hope you will come to my house on Christmas Eve and bring me: paw patrol, WWE, cars, football, bike, trucks and toy guns. I know you and all the elves are very busy making toys for all the kids around the world. Thank you for making us all very happy at Christmas. Love, Colton Caves Kimball Elementary Dear Santa, I’ve been very good this year. I’ve kept my room clean (I tried), made my bed (most of the time), did all my chores (usually) and did all my homework. I hope you will come to my house on Christmas Eve and bring me: toy gun, cars, trucks, army stuff, WWE stuff, John Cena, cash register and paw portal. I know you and all the elves are very busy making toys for all the kids around the world. Thank you for making us all very happy at Christmas. Love, Brayden & Brandon Eldridge Kimball Elementary Dear Santa, I’ve been very good this year. I’ve kept my room clean (I tried), made my bed (most of the time), did all my chores (usually) and did all my homework. I hope you will come to my house on Christmas Eve and bring me: monster truck, train, dog, flower, baby doll, Frozen doll, hair bows and puzzles. I know you and all the elves are very busy making toys for all the kids around the world. Thank you for making us all very happy at Christmas. Love, Madison Rose Kimball Elementary Dear Santa, I’ve been very good this year. I’ve kept my room clean (I tried), made my bed (most of the time), did all my chores (usually) and did all my homework. I hope you will come to my house on Christmas Eve and bring me: basketball, football, soccer ball, baseball, paw portal headphones, paw portal set, 4 wheeler and power wheel car. I know you and all the elves are very busy making toys for all the kids around the world. Thank you for making us all very happy at Christmas. Love, Aaron Hood Kimball Elementary Dear Santa, I’ve been very good this year. I’ve kept my room clean (I tried), made my bed (most of the time), did all my chores (usually) and did all my homework. I hope you will come to my house on Christmas Eve and bring me: Mind Craft, tablet, xbox, basketball, football, soccer ball, baseball and blue bike. I know you and all the elves are very busy making toys for all the kids around the world. Thank you for making us all very happy at Christmas. Love, Makhi Cowans Kimball Elementary Dear Santa, I’ve been very good this year. I’ve kept my room clean (I tried), made my bed (most of the time), did all my chores (usually) and did all my homework. I hope you will come to my house on Christmas Eve and bring me: clothes, bike, cat,



6 • 2015 Dear Santa

shoes, coat, my bake oven, soda maker and a baby alive. I know you and all the elves are very busy making toys for all the kids around the world. Thank you for making us all very happy at Christmas. Love, Mynaya Jones Kimball Elementary Dear Santa, I’ve been very good this year. I’ve kept my room clean (I tried), made my bed (most of the time), did all my chores (usually) and did all my homework. I hope you will come to my house on Christmas Eve and bring me: wrestling game, underwear, pants, trucks, army men, fire truck, indian men and hot wheels. I know you and all the elves are very busy making toys for all the kids around the world. Thank you for making us all very happy at Christmas. Love, Jason Jones Kimball Elementary Dear Santa, I’ve been very good this year. I’ve kept my room clean (I tried), made my bed (most of the time), did all my chores (usually) and did all my homework. I hope you will come to my house on Christmas Eve and bring me: Frozen doll, baby doll, shoes, clothes, rings, hair bows, make up and nail polish. I know you and all the elves are very busy making toys for all the kids around the world. Thank you for making us all very happy at Christmas. Love, Marissa Church Kimball Elementary Dear Santa, I’ve been very good this year. I’ve kept my room clean (I tried), made my bed (most of the time), did all my chores (usually) and did all my homework. I hope you will come to my house on Christmas Eve and bring me: basketball game, shoes, football, ipad, car, green bike, xbox and swing. I know you and all the elves are very busy making toys for all the kids around the world. Thank you for making us all very happy at Christmas. Love, Zaylen Jackson Kimball Elementary Dear Santa, I’ve been very good this year. I’ve kept my room clean (I tried), made my bed (most of the time), did all my chores (usually) and did all my homework. I hope you will come to my house on Christmas Eve and bring me: easy bake oven, baby doll, doll house, umbrella, baby bed, barbie dolls, books and purple bike. I know you and all the elves are very busy making toys for all the kids around the world. Thank you for making us all very happy at Christmas. Love, Savasia Martin Kimball Elementary Dear Santa, I’ve been very good this year. I’ve kept my room clean (I tried), made my bed (most of the time), did all my chores (usually) and did all my homework. I hope you will come to my house on Christmas Eve and bring me: doll, puppy, doll house, clothes for doll, shoes for doll, hair bows, make up and nail polish. I know you and all the elves are very busy making toys for all the kids around the world. Thank you for making us all very happy at Christmas. Love, Rashayla Mitchell Kimball Elementary

Dear Santa, I’ve been very good this year. I’ve kept my room clean (I tried), made my bed (most of the time), did all my chores (usually) and did all my homework. I hope you will come to my house on Christmas Eve and bring me: super mario, 3Ds, 3Ds games, shoes, santa toy, mario stuffed doll, mario shirt and mario movie. I know you and all the elves are very busy making toys for all the kids around the world. Thank you for making us all very happy at Christmas. Love, Jacob Curry Kimball Elementary Dear Santa, I’ve been very good this year. I’ve kept my room clean (I tried), made my bed (most of the time), did all my chores (usually) and did all my homework. I hope you will come to my house on Christmas Eve and bring me: a baby alive, easy bake oven, soda maker, dolls, rings, make up, earrings, high heels and dress. I know you and all the elves are very busy making toys for all the kids around the world. Thank you for making us all very happy at Christmas. Love, Sa’Niya Smith Kimball Elementary Dear Santa, I’ve been very good this year. I’ve kept my room clean (I tried), made my bed (most of the time), did all my chores (usually) and did all my homework. I hope you will come to my house on Christmas Eve and bring me: xbox, bike, four wheeler, cars and trucks, dirt bike, basketball and football. I know you and all the elves are very busy making toys for all the kids around the world. Thank you for making us all very happy at Christmas. Love, Ja’ron & Je’von Lane Kimball Elementary Dear Santa, I’ve been very good this year. I’ve kept my room clean (I tried), made my bed (most of the time), did all my chores (usually) and did all my homework. I hope you will come to my house on Christmas Eve and bring me: basketball goal, shoes, clothes, cars, trucks, blocks, puzzles and phone. I know you and all the elves are very busy making toys for all the kids around the world. Thank you for making us all very happy at Christmas. Love, Desmond Myers Kimball Elementary Dear Santa, I’ve been very good this year. I’ve kept my room clean (I tried), made my bed (most of the time), did all my chores (usually) and did all my homework. I hope you will come to my house on Christmas Eve and bring me: baby doll, stroller, barbie house, bratz doll, puppy, doggy dish, doggy house and baby clothes. I know you and all the elves are very busy making toys for all the kids around the world. Thank you for making us all very happy at Christmas. Love, Raylee Christain Kimball Elementary Dear Santa, I am only 1-year-old, don’t know nothing about Christmas but my daddy, mama and grandparents does so whatever is under the tree means I’ve been a good girl. And Santa tell them I love them and can’t wait to

see snow. Love, Ja’Mia Crenshaw Dear Santa, I whant a viteo game for a 3D ase and toy munkey and a number line and later line and a pet fish That is a good kind. Love, Noah Ms. St. Louis Dudley Primary School Dear Santa, For Christmas I yould like a real siad by siad and a dartbike and a rial full willer and a rial phone and a toy minin. Love, Riley Ms. St. Louis Dudley Primary School Dear Santa, I want a tablet and shopkins. Amarcin girl doll. Then i whant an iphone 6 plus. Then i whant a new bike. And a baby doll. I have been good this year. Love, Olyvia Ms. St. Louis Dudley Primary School Dear Santa, For Christmas I would Like a bike, chocolate pen, monster high doll, phone, MinecrAFT XBox game, pokemon cards, yugyo cards. Love, Zoie Ms. St. Louis Dudley Primary School Dear Santa, For Christmas I wan’t a Green Marchine and an Xbox 360 Mincraft game. I wan’t a IPhone 6 plus and a go cart and a forwheeler play station gta5 and a bike I hope I have a good Christmas. Love, Hayden Ms. St. Louis Dudley Primary School Dear Santa, For Christmas I will be a good girl. May I have a Baby Alive doll? How is rodof and your rain diers going? May I have a knew doll house? Is it going to snow in Virginia? I would like a house thats my size. I would like a car thats a bairde drem house car thats my size. May I have the clay set? May I have a play doah ice cream set? Love, Gabby Ms. St. Louis Dudley Primary School Dear Santa, For Christmas I want a toy car for my doll. And a new waterbotle, Dolls and a elf and. A set of books, a new biner. Love, Addie Ms. St. Louis Dudley Primary School Dear Santa, I have been a good girl this year. Here are somethings I would like for Chrismas. A tablet, shopkins myetry case, clay set, and a techer learning set. Also a girl elf and stuff for the poor. and a elf raindeerpet. Love, Sara Ms. St. Louis Dudley Primary School Dear Santa, I would like you to give presents to the nursing home in Bluefield, West Virginia. Please give them socks, books, lotion, photo albums, sugar free candy, word searches, and all occasion cards.For Christmas I would like a clay set, a case of Shoppkins, and presents for my mom and dad. Love, Kylee Ms. St. Louis Dudley Primary School Dear Santa, What I want for


Cristmas is a StarWars lightsaber, StarWars MilleneumFalcon, StarWars x wing, Minecraf lego’s the end, and a Minecraf Noch. Have a grat X-mas Love, Kyllian Ms. St. Louis Dudley Primary School Dear Santa, For Christmas I would like a new Lightsaver and a rmotecnhrol car And Skylander super charge that is all. Love, Kaden Ms. St. Louis Dudley Primary School Dear Santa, How are the raindeers and the elvs doing. Let me tell you what I want for Christmas. I want skylander superchargers, Minecraft Legos, Science exsperments, and fosels. Love, Bryson Ms. St. Louis Dudley Primary School Dear Santa, For Christmas I would like you to get me a new babiedreamhouse. Please let me have a good Christmas. Love, Trinity Ms. St. Louis Dudley Primary School Dear Santa, I been a good boy this year. How are you doing. All I want for Christmas is a xbox one. Sinsearly, C.J. Ms. St. Louis Dudley Primary School Dear Santa, For Christmas I would like a new red or blue car for my Mom and Dad. For me could I have a 6+Phone or a computer that is all. Love, Sophie Ms. St. Louis Dudley Primary School Dear Santa, For Christmas I would like a call of Duty black ops 3 for a ps4. Love, Jaidyn Ms. St. Louis Dudley Primary School Dear Santa, How are you and your raindeer? For Christmas I would like a phone, a bike, minecraft, and a xbox. Love, Anthony Ms. St. Louis Dudley Primary School Dear Santa, For Christmas I would like a new pair of pink Shox and orbeez crush, chocolate pen, Barbie Dream House, Xbox 360, 3des, play-doh, easy bake, foam, gac, expo markers, bedos, 30 pack shopkins, crazy sand float, orbeez, Dry earse board, bean bosele spener, lollalopse potty suprise, chocolate egg, how the Grinch stold Christmas coloring book, orbeez seat, orbeez footspa, bingo and power car frozen. Love, Taylor R Ms. St. Louis Dudley Primary School Dear Santa, How are Mrs. Claus and the reindeer doing? I bet its cold in the North Pole. I would like to have a Lego police set, football jersey and helmet, and a couple of movies. How are the elves doing? Love, Grady Mrs. Stacy Dudley Primary School Dear Santa, Can I please have a Baby Alive Doll, an ornament, a toy dog, a barbie baby sitter, and my dog would like a chew toy.


Love, Sophie Mrs. Stacy Dudley Primary School Dear Santa, Can you get earrings for my mom? Can you get me a Wii U? You’re the nicest person. Love, Keiran Mrs. Stacy Dudley Primary School Dear Santa, I want a Cincinnati Bengals t shirt, Marcus Mariota jersey, and an A.J. Green jersey. Thank you for the Christmas presents. Sincerely, Blake Mrs. Stacy Dudley Primary School Dear Santa, I love the gifts you give me each year. You are the best. This year my sister and I would like a trampoline. I love you! Love, Elise Mrs. Stacy Dudley Primary School Dear Santa, I want a green lightsaber that lights up and has sounds. You are a good person Santa. Are the reindeer ok? Your friend, Sarah Mrs. Stacy Dudley Primary School Dear Santa, I want to give Ethan a lego star wars game and a lego set. Then I want to give my friend a book. Love, Eli Mrs. Stacy Dudley Primary School Dear Santa, I love the gifts. You are the best. I would like a reindeer for my elf Buddy. I would like a few presents this year. Love, Aidan Mrs. Stacy Dudley Primary School Dear Santa, Can I please have Grace and her French Kitchen? For my dog, can I have a bone? For my dad, I would like some tools. For my mom I would like a pocketbook, a pair of shoes, and a scarf. Thank you. :) Your friend, Cydney Mrs. Stacy Dudley Primary School Dear Saint Nick, How is Mrs. Claus doing and the reindeer? I want a MP3 player and a new bike. Is the sleigh ready for your long trip? I hope I have the best Christmas ever!! I will have my cookies ready for you. Merry Chrismas! Love, Cooper Mrs. Stacy Dudley Primary School Dear Santa, Thank you Santa for all the elves. You are my best friend I ever met in the whole world. I want a book for Christmas about Rudolph. Your Friend, Colton Mrs. Stacy Dudley Primary School Dear Santa, I want Lego Dimensin and a remote control helicopter. How is Clark doing? My friend, Eli, would like Minecraft and I would like a f ta t ball. Your friend, Dalton Robinson Mrs. Stacy Dudley Primary School Dear Santa, I want a costume for my cat and American Girl stuff, money, a bike, a toy ball for my cat, and a toy mouse for my cat. How is Mrs. Claus doing? Your friend,

Chloe Mrs. Stacy Dudley Primary School Dear Santa, How are you? If you ask, I am good. Is Mrs. Claus okay? Is the reindeer ready to pull the sleigh? Well, my brother Dalton want legos, legos, and more legos. I would like a chpter book, an American girl doll and an Ever After High doll. My mom would like a new cookbook. My dad would like a bigfoot shirt. My dog would like a new chew toy. Love, Sophia Robinson Mrs. Stacy Dudley Primary School Dear Saint Nick, How old are you really? How did you give the reindeer their names? And just so you know, I touched Yoda Elfy. Sincerely, Marcus Mrs. Stacy Dudley Primary School Dear Santa, How was your summer? All I want for Christmas isa bike. I love Christmas! I have so much ask for but I will wait for my next Christmas list. Your friend, Emily Mrs. Stacy Dudley Primary School Dear Santa, For Christmas, can you please bring me some American Girl Doll accessories, and a trampoline? Can I please have some stuff for mom and dad? Oh, and please get something for Sally. Love, Ellie Mrs. Stacy Dudley Primary School Dear Santa, What I want for Christmas is shopkins season 1, 2, 3, and 4. Mydadand mom want a coffee pot and coffee. My sister Jordan needs a new water bottle. I want shoppie, a zoomer pet, Justice gift cards, a softball bat size 31 bat. Love, Jillian Mrs. Stacy Dudley Primary School Dear Santa, Can you please get a big bone for my dog and toy mice for my cats? Can you surprise me please? Thank you for coming every year. And can I get a Cincinnati Bengals tshirt, please? Love, Dalton Mrs. Stacy Dudley Primary School Dear Santa, I hope that you are going to come to my house on December the 25, 2015. I love christmas and I love you. Your friend, Tristan Mrs. Stacy Dudley Primary School Dear Santa, My sist wants a doll, a big doll house, and a cat toy. My brother wants car, and trocks, and I want an Easy Bake Oven, Legos, and an ice cream maker, Tablet, Minecraft toys, areal cat and kitten, Minecraft blindboxtoys, and see my baby cousins have a nice day on Christmastas, and competers. Love, Haley Mrs. Stacy Dudley Primary School Dear Santa, I have been good this year. How are you this year. I Love you Santa. I would like a laptop, pjomus, a card, I wish for money. Love, Grayson Dudley Primary School



2015 Dear Santa • 7

Dear Santa, I have bean a good girl this year how have you ben this year! What drand fo cooke do you like? 1 pie in the face 2 new shoes 3 my brither is Dudley Primary School Dear Santa, I have been a good boy this year. how are all your elfes. what nd of cookies do you want this year. can I have a yoculaley, can I have a new pare of pants. more Quixels. A tool set. Love, Gavin Dudley Primary School Dear Santa, I have beena good girl this year. I thank Alvin agrees. How is Mrs. Close and theriandeer? What kind of cookies do you like? I want a cholklit pen and a new prettey dress for the chricmas play at church and a wish that will last ferever and all the anomils on Earth. Love, Mahayla Dudley Primary School Dear Santa, I have been a good girl this year. Molly and Alvin agree. pleaes cowd I have 2 moster high doll a moster high sloock and Five nighs as Freddys mug Foxy picher. Love, Sydney Dudley Primary School Dear Santa, I have been good this year. I think Alvin will agree. What kind of cookies would you like. A computer, socks, Mario car, and a Mario stop watch. That’s what I want for Chrismas. Merry Chrismas! Love, Carson Dudley Primary School

Dear Santa, I bine a good girl this year. Santa I like your wite beard and for crismis I want a toy cat and I need socks and you donot have to pay I want a big huge and my spechlle wish I love crismis. Love, Madeline Dudley Primary School Dear Santa, ive ben a good boy this year. what do you like do you love choklit chip cookie? I Love you santa and you are the best How are the rian deer and miss claus? I dont whant eney thang just close. my mom and dad mite whant something my mom whants you to be at her anuvrsary and my dad my dad whants some christmas liters. Love, Colin Dudley Primary School Dear Santa, I had bin a good girl this year and Alvin wus so nise and wut kind of cooke wood you wont. I wood love to have boots and paints and a short and my wish is that can stay for ever. Love, Jillian Dudley Primary School Dear Santa, I have been a good girl this year. I have enjoy Alvin he is rily cute. How are the raindeer and Mis Clos? What kind of cookies do you want. I would like a Amaickin girl. I need a scharf and a new coat. I would like a picher of you and Mis. Clos and Alvin pleas. I would like a lot of stuff for Chirsmas but want I want the most is to sepnd chirsmas with my family. HAPPY CHIRSMAS! Love,

Braelyn Dudley Primary School Dear Santa, I have been a good girl this Year. What kind of cookes do you want. I wood like school suplise, Art suplise a computur and a printer. A intermint set. Love, Haylie Dudley Primary School Dear Santa, I have been a good boy this year. Alvin mite agree a little bit hows roodolf the red nose riandeer. Alvin is a good helper he’s gotthis ebs on use and so do you. I really wacnta ipad mini this Year I need socks and some paJona pants and give you a present and my big big bigest wish of all a ps4. Love, Kole Dudley Primary School Dear Santa, I have been good this year. How is everything doing Santa. You are very nice to everyone in the whole earth. What kind of cookies do you want this year. What I want for Christmas is a American girl doll for Christmas what need is new stuffed animal and I want a new real puppy that is a Huskey and what really wish for is a easy bake oven. Love, Jamie Dudley Primary School Dear Santa, I have been a good girl. I think Alvin will agree. Thankyou for sendin Jingles this year. What kind of cookie do you want. What I want for Christmas is a America Girl Doll. Something I need is a new pair of


shows. And somethin I want that I donot need to pay for is a card for my mom. And my bigist wish of all is a cool Red Geep. Love, Cadence Dudley Primary School Dear Santa, I have been a good boy this year, how are yuo and Mrs. Cluas and the raindeer, what kind of cookies wood you lik, Alvin has been a funny elf, how is red nose, for Chrishmist I wood like a modersikele bike, I want some new shoes, a picher for chrimist, and if I get a modesikle bike. Love, Jermonte Dudley Primary School Dear Santa, I have beena good boy. How have you been this year? I will have Strwars rckbles and a soldier and a Zombie. I would also like a Car. I want a robot. Have a great day! Love, CJ Dudley Primary School Dear Santa, I have been a good girl this year, I Love you Alvin and Santa can I have Benmen ples santa and the baby alive that move Is moth and a phon. Mary Crimis Love, Angel Dudley Primary School Dear Santa, How is Mrs Clas and the raindeer? I have been a good boy. what kind of cookies wold you like? I wold like Skylanders super chargers. and a good dream. I need a water botle. and a xbox Love, Blake Dudley Primary School


Dear Santa, I have been a good boy this year, how is Mrs clos and the randier, Alvin is a nice elf. I would like a arkem night toy a pare of soks I whish I could see you in person. Love, Chris Dudley Primary School Dear Santa, I have bee n a good girl This year. I think ALvin will agree. I Like ALvin very very much. What kind of cookies would you like? How is Mrs. Claus and the reindeer? I want shopkins and I need a brand new scaf and I want from your elves a nice drawing and my wish is I want the cala doll that talks to you. Love, Chloe Dudley Primary School Dear Santa, I Like Alvln vere much I love you. you are vere nis santa how is the randir and mis is clos wut cindof cooces do you want. I wont a helocoptr ples sumting I ned and sumthing tat dusint coust mone and sumthing that I dont ned. Love, Danny Dudley Primary School Dear Santa, My name is Devin Rose, I’m in the third grade at Anawalt Elem. School. I have been very good this year. I love helping around the house. My wish list, is for everone to be happy. I want peace around the world, and love in all our hearts. my other wish santa, is for you to bring toys for all boys and girls around the world and food on all tables. my toy list is for a tablet to search things across the world, Lego

set of super Heroes, knew x-box games, and some clothes. merry Christmas and a blessed new year to everone. Devin Rose Dear Santa, My name is Jada Rose, I’m 5 years old. I am a PK student, at Anawalt Elem School. Santa Clause here is my wih list. I would love for the world to have peace, love and happiness in their hearts. I love my family, and I have been very good. The toys I wish for is Frozen Lego set, Frozen Ice Castle with dolls. and some cloths. merry Christmas and a blessed New Year to everone. Jada Rose Dear Santa, My name is Shane Rose. I’m 7 years old, I’m in the second grade at Anawalt Elem School. Santa here is my wish list. I want every child all over the world to have safe place to live, food on the table, and toys for the little ones. Next Santa we need peace, love, joy, and happiness in our hearts and all over the world. my toy list is Lego Ninjago building set. A Tablet. and xbox games, and cloths. merry Christmas and a blessed New Year to everone around the world. I love my family, and I have been very good. Shane Rose






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2015 Dear Santa

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