2015 Bluefield Chamber Magazine

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Welcome . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Transportation & Location . . . . . . . . . . . 8 History & Heritage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Residential Life . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Retirement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Mercer County Tourism. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Tazewell County Tourism . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Culture & Entertainment . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Lodging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Government . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

Shopping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Dining . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Recreation & Leisure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Education . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Healthcare . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Annual Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Business & Industry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Faith . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Chamber Membership Directories . . . . . . . . . . 49 Index of Advertisers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68


Mission Statement To provide vision and leadership for the Greater Bluefield Community with a commitment to strengthen economic development, stimulate growth with area businesses, and enhance the quality of life for all its citizens. To receive your information on becoming a Chamber member contact us at: Greater Bluefield Chamber of Commerce 619 Bland Street • P.O. Box 4098 • Bluefield, WV 24701 • Phone: (304) 327-7184, Fax: (304) 325-3085 Web Site: www.bluefieldchamber.com • E-mail: info@bluefieldchamber.com • Facebook: www.facebook.com/greaterbluefieldchamber Copyright© 2013, 2014, 2015 • Date published: 1/31/2015 This publication was created and produced for the Chamber by the Bluefield Daily Telegraph. Every effort has been made to assure the accuracy of the information in this publication. The Chamber and the Telegraph assumes no responsibility for misinformation. Please contact the Chamber with any additions or corrections. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission of the Chamber is prohibited. Photo Credits/contributors: Bob Little, Steve Coleman Photography, Kim Hernandez, Lesley Catron, Grubb Photo, Bill Archer and Jamie Null.




From the Greater Bluefield Chamber of Commerce


he Greater Bluefield Chamber of Commerce is pleased to present this Community Guide and Business Directory to all of you. In it you will find valuable information about our wonderful area and all that there is to see and do in Four Seasons Country. Coal mining and the railroad formed the foundation for our entire region. While mining faces many challenges, the railroad continues to move forward. As we enter 2015 we are optimistic that the coal mining will rebound and continue to supply excellent jobs for our people.


Education and healthcare are two of our strongest indusMarc Meachum tries and certainly President & CEO represent the largest employers in the area. Our local hospitals continue to modernize to bring the latest in quality care to the region. Indeed, you can now receive treatment for almost any illness. Our public schools are recognized as some of the best both in West Virginia and Virginia. In addition, we have colleges and universities offering two and four year degrees along with very strong technical education programs. Students in the area can receive an excellent and affordable education while staying close to home. We are known as Four Seasons Country and our mild climate is the envy of those living in other

Debbie Maynard

Karen DeHaan

Executive Vice President Director of Membership

Jessica Mounts Secretary/Receptionist

regions. The Chamber is proud to continue serving free lemonade on the rare occasions when the temperature reaches 90 degrees. Our climate and proximity to major cities makes us an attractive destination for business as well as a great retirement location. We are once again pleased to present this publication to you. The Chamber staff has had a major role in the publication along with the sales and editorial staff of the Bluefield Daily Telegraph. We strongly encourage you to support the advertisers who have made this possible as well as the Chamber members listed in the guide. The Greater Bluefield Chamber of Commerce is recognized as the region’s strongest voice for business and overall seen as the most influential organization. This would not be possible without the great support from our members, volunteers, and the entire community. A talented and dedicated staff works each and every day to truly make your Chamber “The Voice of Business” in the Bluefields and surrounding region. We look forward to serving you for years to come. Marc Meachum President & CEO


Welcome to the Bluefields!


he two Bluefields are the cornerstone and gateway to the coal fields of Southern West Virginia and Southwest Virginia. The economy has always been supported by the mining industry and to a large extent that remains the same today. Only the state line separates the two communities and its effect is minimal. In fact, the Bluefields were joined in “marriage” in a symbolic ceremony in the 1920’s. In July 2014 the marriage of the Bluefields was re-created at Bluefield City Park. It was a joint event between the City of Bluefield, WV and the Town of Bluefield, VA.


The residents of the area enjoy many amenities not often found in one area. We are located within a days drive from over 50 percent of the nation’s population. We have easy access to many places featuring excellent roads, nearby rail transportation, airports and bus service. You can live in Mercer or Tazewell Counties knowing that it is safe and convenient. We call ourselves Four Seasons Country for a good reason. Moderate temperatures prevail most of the year, but we do have some winter weather. The summers are particularly nice and mild. In fact, if the temperature reaches 90 degrees in Bluefield, WV free lemonade is served on the


streets. This promotion began in 1939 at the Chamber and continues today. With its unique climate, Bluefield is called “Natures Air-Conditioned City.” Our sometimes rugged terrain offers spectacular changes of season with vibrant spring colors, magnificent fall foliage, a hint of snow and delightful summers.

Famous Bluefielders

Within close proximity, there are many recreational opportunities. Skiing, boating, fishing, hiking, biking and other sports offer a wealth of choices. You can now access the Hatfield-McCoy Trail system from right here in Mercer County. This system is one of the premier trails of its kind in the country. The Spearhead Trail in Tazewell County has now become a great addition for the county for tourist for the original

During its 124-year history, Bluefield has been the birthplace to many people who have gone on to achieve great accomplishments in the arts, sciences, communications, education and military. • John Forbes Nash Jr., Ph.D., born June 13, 1928 received a one-third share of the Nobel Prize in Economics in 1994 • Lt. General Walter J. Woolwine, born in Bluefield, graduated from Bluefield College and the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, served in command capacities in Korea and Vietnam • Ruth Bowman, mother of General H. Norman Schwarzkopf Jr. • Maceo Pinkard, born in Bluefield on June 27, 1897, composed “Sweet Georgia Brown” among other hit songs and established one of the first black-owned music publishing businesses in New York • Vice Admiral Douglas J. Katz, born in Bluefield, retired as commander of U.S. Navy’s Atlantic Surface Fleet • Staff Sgt. J.I. “Junior” Spurrier, received Medal of Honor in 1945, enlisted in U.S. Army from Bluefield • John S. Knight, born in Bluefield on Oct. 26, 1894, received the Pulitzer Prize in 1968 for his editorials in the Akron, Ohio Beacon-Journal, and founded the KnightRidder News Agency. • Ahmad Bradshaw, Born in Bluefield on March 19, 1986, Ahmad Bradshaw was a star running back for the Graham G-Men before entering the collegiate ranks where he served as the feature back for the Marshall University Thundering Herd. He is now with the Indianapolis Colts, but during his years with the New York Giants, Bradshaw was the leading ground gainer in Super Bowl 42 (2008) and scored the winning touchdown in Super Bowl 46 (2011).

Pocahontas trail. Both trails systems for ATV riders attracts tourists from around the eastern part of the country. Employers will find a hardworking population with a strong work ethic and civic responsibility that is a valuable asset to business and industry. We feature low taxes, a safe environment, excellent educational opportunities and first-rate healthcare as making Four Seasons Country so attractive to anyone wishing to begin or expand a business. Tourist attractions abound due to our rich heritage. While the mining industry forms our backbone, you will find many other things as you explore our region. A variety of museums, rich farmland traditions and an active artist community are only part of what you will find. Warm hospitality and a wealth of activities and events await visitors in Four Seasons County. Those looking to the two Bluefields as a permanent destination will discover a great place to live, work, raise a family, retire and establish or relocate a business. We invite you to discover how this can be just the place for you!


o t s s e c c A y s Ea . S . U n r e t s a E

Transportation & location F


our Seasons Country area is situated at a number of major highway intersections, which allows easy access to all of the eastern United States. Interstate 77 is only a short distance away and connects directly with I-81 north and south, as well as I-64 running east and west. US Route 460 is a major corridor linking Mercer and Tazewell counties to the interstate system. Norfolk Southern Corporation offers freight rail service to a number of states and connects with other carriers for service around the country.

Passenger bus service is provided locally by several systems and nationally by Greyhound bus lines. Rail and ground transportation make this region easily accessible for all types of development. Major highways criss-cross both Mercer and Tazewell counties while well-maintained secondary roads continue to offer a more leisurely travel pace. Public transportation systems include Bluefield Area Transit and Graham Transit, providing reliable travel throughout the communities. The region of Four Seasons Country is situated perfectly within a one-day drive from over onehalf of the country’s population. Major cities in all eastern states are easily accessible as well as many favorite tourism destinations. New road construction is ongoing throughout our area. While funding challenges continue, progress is being made on the King Coal Highway and Coalfields Expressway in Southern West Virginia and Southwest Virginia. In addition, the area is served by two general aviation airports making this region accessible to and from any part of the country.


H istory & heritage 10


he history of Tazewell ell and M Mercer ercer Countyy ccan a an be traced back to the 1700s, thanks to American pioneers, who helped shape the mountains, into what we now call home. These first families created the values and traditions maintained by the region’s modern-day families. The Bluefield, West Virginia, area traces its origin back to 1780 when two American pioneers, Andrew Davidson and Richard Bailey, built a fort here to protect their families from hostile Indians. The land was used mainly for farming until the discovery of the Pocahontas Coalfields, which marked the beginning of the Bluefield area’s development as a commercial and industrial center. Bluefield, WV, named by early residents for its blue landscape colored by blooming chicory, is a “sister” city to Bluefield, VA. The Virginia City had been known as Graham in honor of community leader and railway surveyor Thomas Graham, but residents

Fascinating & Highly Significant voted in 1924 to change the name to Bluefield to reflect the close economic and social ties with its West Virginia “sister.” The event was memorialized by a day of celebration that included the marriage of a bride from Virginia and a groom from West Virginia. Bluefield, VA is Virginia’s tallest town in Virginia and Bluefield, WV is the highest city of its size east of

Denver, Colorado. Nature has endowed the Bluefields with spectacular scenery. The community itself is in a valley, with a level, narrow center section being occupied mainly by the railroad and businesses. Tazewell and Mercer county area’s early settlers were predominately farmers, and followed the traditional pattern of foothills farming that characterized pioneering settlements all along the eastern slope of the Allegheny Mountain Range on the western fringe of the fertile Valley of the Virginias. But that way of life would change dramatically with the largescale commercial exploitation of the region’s rich mineral and forest resources. The Norfolk & Western railway drove a line from Radford, Virginia to the eastern Tazewell County town of

Pocahontas in 1882, and started hauling out coal the following year. In 1905, the Virginian Railway brought a rail line through Princeton that sparked coal rail competition through the first half of the 20th Century that ended with the merger of the two railroads in the mid-1950s. Within a few years of the start of commercial coal mining in the region, huge timber companies emerged throughout the region to take advantage of the region’s incredible forest resources.


Residentiallife F

our Seasons Country’s natural beauty of the Bluefields, set 12 within the mountainous terrain, offers a large variety of housing solutions to find the house of your dreams.

From secluded mountain hideaways to stately city residences, or if your desires are for seeking townhouse, condominium, apartment and mobilehome dwelling, you will not be disappointed. For those seeking a peaceful place to retire, the area is known for having one of the lowest crime rates in the

nation making it more favorable for personal safety. And, with variety in the types and price ranges of housing available, residents agree that the quality of our housing is one of the most desirable aspects of living in the two Bluefields.




orches with rocking chairs are 14 plentiful in the two Bluefields, but for retirees who would rather stay busy, the region has much to offer.

Much to Offer to Retirees

to interesting destinations or volunteer for church-related projects.

Retirees willing to volunteer can also offer their time and talents to nationally-known civic organizations or to hospitals, nursing homes, libraries, A strong religious food pantries, and schools through such heritage dating back to the 1700s has programs as the Retired and Senior Volunteer continued throughout the region’s history. Program (RSVP) and Foster Grandparents. Churches of all sizes representing a broad Other senior-focused volunteer and activity range of denominations reach into their surrounding communities with programs that programs are available through CASE of WV and the Clinch Valley Retired and Senior provide opportunities for retirees to gather for events, dinners, programs, travel together Citizen’s Program. Cultural events such as

plays and concerts allow retirees to actually be part of the cast and crew or to relax in the audience and enjoy the performances. Health and housing are critical areas to consider when choosing a retirement destination, and the two Bluefields have much to offer in these categories. Modern hospitals, fitness centers, and doctors performing state-of-the-art procedures will help you maintain your active lifestyle, along with your choice of pharmacies that are part of national chains or locally-owned. You may be surprised at the affordability and variety of housing available in the area. Whether you prefer land for building, a small house in town, or a big house in the country, these choices and more are waiting for you at a

cost much less than you would be asked to pay in other parts of the country. If services are needed, assisted living and nursing facilities are available throughout the area and one facility, a faith-based retirement community, offers independent living, assisted living and skilled nursing care all in one location. Whether your time is spent enjoying the view from a porch rocker or taking in all that the two Bluefields have to offer, your mind will be put at ease with the knowledge that you have retired in an area with a surprisingly low cost of living and one of the lowest crime rates in the nation. Safe, affordable, and fulfilling - what more could you ask for from your retirement destination?



ounty Mercer C Tourism H

ere in Mercer County, you will find a destination unlike any other in Southern West Virginia. From thrilling ATV getaways to relaxing tours of historical towns, our communities have small-town charm, rich history, exciting cultural events and beautiful scenery. Looking for adventure? We aren’t afraid to get dirty in the mud. Want more history? We have plenty of stories to share. Want the arts? There are talented artists, inspiring murals and world-class musical performances. Mercer County has it all. Start planning a getaway and discover Mercer

County. We are waiting for you. Connect with us on social media, email or by phone. We are here to help plan an unforgettable experience. Nestled in the Appalachian Mountains, Mercer County, located in the southern part of West Virginia, is home to America’s coal story. It is a story about hard work, determination and family.

When coal was discovered deep in the mountains, immigrant workers came to the area to work and live in the communities surrounding Athens, Bluefield, Bramwell, and Princeton. They became coal miners. Businessmen, also known as coal barons, also came to make their fortune in the coalfields. The railroad was not far behind, as men needed ways to ship coal all over the world. These men needed a way to travel from their homes to the big cities of New York and Pennsylvania. The wealthy built lavish houses for their wives and children in small towns. Business emerged, creating downtowns that flourished with people. The past is Mercer County’s future. America’s coal story in Mercer County will never be forgotten. The railroad, lavish houses and coal mines still stand, ready for rediscovery. Combined

with a new sense of excitement in the outdoors and the arts, Mercer County is a perfect combination of history and adventure. Here you will find all four seasons in bloom, no matter when you visit. Explore winter, fall, spring and summer and discover all we have to offer you and your family. Bramwell Bramwell is the hidden gem in Mercer County. In the late 1800s and early 1900s, wealthy coal barons built beautiful Victorian homes for their families while they managed the mines in nearby Pocahontas, Va. The Pocahontas Exhibition Mine, only a few miles away, is open for tours. The quaint town features brick streets, local dining and ATV lodging. The Pocahontas Trail, part of the larger Hatfield-McCoy ATV Trail system, is located in Bramwell. Continued on Page 18


Continued from Page 17

The town also boasts of the Coal Heritage Trail Interpretive Center located in a reconstructed train depot. Inside, you can walk through decades of coal mining, railroad memorabilia, and Bramwell’s famous socialite history. Home tours, a look inside the mansions, are available in June and December. An evening ghost tour through the streets of Bramwell happens in October.

baskets adorn the sidewalks. Summertime is also a perfect chance to get a free glass of lemonade, but only if the temperature in Bluefield reaches a scorching 90 degrees! The Norfolk-Southern Rail yard stills runs, shipping coal to places outside of the area. Also, antique enthusiasts will be happy to know the downtown area boasts of several shops.

At the Bluefield City Park, children can ride For more information about Bramwell, call (304) the popular Ridge Runner train from April 248-7114 or visit www.visitbramwell.com. 1-September 30. There is so much to do in Bluefield that it is impossible to list them. Popular Bluefield attractions include the East River Overlook and Once called “Little New York,” the city of sports fans will love catching a baseball game Bluefield’s downtown area is famous for nine historical buildings, all registered on the National at Bowen Field with the Appalachian League’s Register of Historic Places. You can walk and Bluefield Blue Jays. admire the buildings from the 1920s. Bluefield For more information about Bluefield, call (304) is also home to Bluefield State College, the first black college in southern West Virginia. Today, the 327-2401 or visit www.cityofbluefield.com. college serves students from southern West Virginia For more information about Mercer County, call and across the country. the Mercer County Convention and Visitor’s Center at 800-221-3206 or visit www.visitmnercercounty. In the summer, beautiful flowers and hanging




Tazewell ounty C Tourism

t has been said that mountains have a way of drawing you into a slower pace and heightens your senses. Nestled in the majestic Appalachian mountains of southwestern Virginia, Tazewell County is home to spectacular mountain views, diverse history and exciting outdoor recreational opportunities.


Start your journey through Tazewell County at the Visitors Center. The Visitors’ Center is an historic cottage located at 200 Sanders Lane in Bluefield, Virginia, where listings of local events, festivals, and points of interest as well as information on attractions, lodging, restaurants, ATM machines, churches, repair shops, etc. can be found. Maps and brochures are available at the center to assist you as you chart your course through the area.

Historically, the diversity of Tazewell County was based on the many ethnic groups who came to the region to find work during the industrialization of the nation. Now, the diversity is based on the variety of experiences you can enjoy. If you’re looking for a slower pace, Tazewell County has it or if you’re looking for an exhilarating, heartthrobbing experience, you’re in the right place. Touted as Four Seasons Country, Tazewell County has exquisite foliage and is a natural habitat for an abundance of birds, wildlife and rare fresh water species. The forest

resounds with nature’s musical ensemble of songbirds while white-tail deer, wild turkey, and ruffed grouse occasionally make an appearance. Six of eight designated points on the Mountain Heritage Loop of the Virginia Birding and Wildlife Trail are located in Tazewell County and include Sandy Head Ostrich, Burke’s Garden, Lincolnshire Park/Lake, Cavitt’s Creek/Lake Jack Witten, Historic Crab Orchard Museum, and The Cove. The Clinch River basin which is located at the headwaters of Tazewell County has been declared by the Nature Conservancy as one of only twenty “Last Great Places” in the world (1990). The world’s largest collection of rare and endangered fresh water species is located here. Each year thousands of visitors experience the unparalleled beauty of Burke’s Garden, a National Historic Continued on Page 22


Continued from Page 20

Rural District which is the highest valley in Virginia at an elevation of 3,086 feet. Sometimes referred to as God’s Thumbprint, Burke’s Garden is home to the “Varmint Run”, one of Virginia’s smaller half marathon events where athletes can test their mettle around the loop course through the valley between two mountains. Numerous visitors also tour “the Garden” as a side trip from the Appalachian Trail, or the Heart of Appalachia Bike Route. The Town of Pocahontas is the gateway of the Virginia Coal Heritage Trail and has numerous historical sites including the Pocahontas Exhibition Mine , a Registered ed National Historic Landmark, and the Pocahontas Cemetery designated a Virginia Historic Site. The Coal Heritage Museum in Pocahontas recounts the story of how “King Coal” fueled America’s industrial revolution. Historic Crab Orchard Museum gives a comprehensive overview of Southwest Virginia history in its galleries and living history events. The museum hosts annual events such as the Skirmish at Jeffersonville Civil War Reenactment and the Tazewell County Old Time & Bluegrass Fiddlers’ Convention.


In addition to quality museums depicting the heritage of Tazewell County, tourists will find landmarks such as the Coal Miners’ Memorial of the Commonwealth located in Richlands, murals, unusual brick sculptures, an abundance of historic homes, churches, and business facilities gracing the landscape throughout the towns and county. Visitors are invited to drive along the newly created trails such as the Virginia Coal Heritage Trail which depicts the history of industrialization in the region. Drive the Clinch River Artisan Trail to discover the numerous artisans and, unique restaurants throughout the counties of Tazewell and Russell. You’ll also want to hear the traditional mountain music along The Crooked Road trail. Reeve up the pace if you’re really feeling adventurous, and check out the Back of the Dragon on Route 16 in your sports car or on your motorcycle where you will discover 32 miles of knee-draggin’ excitement on 15 mile per hour curves. In addition, Pocahontas ATV Trails are being developed for the off-road vehicle enthusiast. So keep checking our website at www. visittazewellcounty.org or call 1-800-588-9401 for updates.

C& Entertainment ulture


here ree is is no no shortage shortagge of of entertainment entertainment in in the the Bluefields. The area is vast becoming known for a rising art scene - on stage and on canvas. From music and theater to art and dance, the two Bluefields offer something for those who like to perform and those who perform to applaud.

The Bluefield Area Arts Center in downtown Bluefield, WV, is home to the award-winning Summit Players. The shows are held throughout the year and most are accompanied with dinner; reservations are required. Made up of community members, the group has been performing for decades. 4PALS Productions is also a hit with audiences. This community theater group performs at various locations and is always good for a laugh. The center, which is on the National Register of Historic Places and the former Bluefield City Hall, also hosts art exhibits on the first floor. Brainerd

h c i R A y r t s e p Ta

Galley, work Hal Brainerd, is G alley ffeaturing eaturing tthe he w ork ooff aartist rtist H al B ra located on the third floor.

23 The Blue Mountain Performing Arts Series in Bluefield, WV, and the Chuck Mathena Center in Princeton, WV, enhances the region’s cultural appeal with touring performances such as musical theater, symphonies, ballets and nationally-acclaimed artists. More theater shows are available during the Bramwell Theater Festival held each summer in historic Bramwell, WV. Music is definitely part of the entertainment scene in the two Bluefields. Live music can be found all-year round. The region’s mountain heritage shines through in the old-time and bluegrass music in auditoriums, local nightspots and at parks and festivals. Dedicated to preserving the music of the hills, several groups sponsor monthly concerts Continued on Page 26



Continued from Page 23

showcasing the region’s up-and-coming bands along with more established groups. For history buffs, the Those Who Served Mercer County War Museum in the Princeton Memorial Building contains an impressive collection of military artifacts from conflicts throughout this nation’s history. Also in Princeton is the Railroad Museum where train enthusiasts will find memorabilia from the days of the railroad. Next door, the Mercer County Agricultural Museum depicts life as a farmer. Coal mining’s impact on the region is preserved at the Eastern Regional


Coal Archives in the Craft Memorial Library in Bluefield, WV. The archives contain photographs, equipment, documents and other mining artifacts. In Bramwell, the Coal Heritage Trail Interpretive Center, also gives a glimpse into the coal mining and the lavish lifestyles of coal barons that lived in the town. The region’s coal legacy is also spotlighted at the Pocahontas Exhibition Coal Mine and Museum in Pocahontas, Virgnia. Art galleries, public libraries, movie theaters including the Pipestem Drive-In Theatre and artist and lecture series at the region’s colleges and universities add to the area’s cultural and entertainment lineup.


Relaxing Stays Close to Attractions N

o matter your traveling style, the Greater Bluefield Area has multiple options for the family and individual. The Bluefield Inn is a favorite among guests who like to stay in a bed and breakfast. Guests will love the historical setting and service. Campers will enjoy the close proximity to Camp Creek State Park and Pipestem Resort State Park. ATV riders will also find accommodations at various locations in Bramwell, Bluewell and Bluefield.

National hotels are located near major highways, business centers, restaurants and area attractions. Most hotels offer various accommodations such as swimming, fitness rooms, dining, conference centers and more.


overnment G T 28

azewell County, VA., and Mercer County, W.V., were once part of Virginia’s large West Augusta region. However, on December 20, 1799, the region became part of one political entity called Tazewell County. The county was named for Henry Tazewell, a Virginia political leader who was among the framers of the Virginia Constitution in 1776, and was a U.S. senator from Virginia when the county was established.

Revolution, but several tracts of land in the region were subject to the land speculation boom of the late 18th and early 19th centuries.

Some of the land in the region was granted to soldiers of the Continental Army in return for service during the American

Virginia is the nation’s oldest representative democracy and is a commonwealth. Thus, the state’s governing

As population grew in various parts of the huge county, new political entities were created. Mercer County, Virginia was formed in 1837.

But of course, a major change in the parallel development of both counties The original Tazewell County was occurred during the American Civil War formed from portions of Wythe and Russell when Mercer County joined the group of counties and included parts of what are now Giles, Bland and Buchanan counties in 55 western Virginia counties that broke off Virginia and Logan, Mercer, McDowell and from the Old Dominion to form the 35th state on June 20, 1863. Wyoming counties of West Virginia.

body is a General Assembly with a senate and house of delegates. The governor is limited to a single four-year term and the other two statewide positions are lieutenant governor, who presides over the senate, and attorney general. The local elected constitutional officers include a county board of supervisors, sheriff, commissioner of revenue, circuit court clerk, treasurer, commonwealth attorney and school boards. Circuit court judges are appointed by the general assembly.

and board of education. The City of Bluefield, WV has a paid city manager form of government with a five member elected Board of Directors. Similarly the Town of Bluefield, VA, has five council members, an elected mayor and town manager. The border between the two Bluefields offers many unique opportunities for cooperation between the two entities.

West Virginia has a state legislature with a senate and house of delegates and the governor, secretary of state, treasurer, attorney general and commissioner of agriculture serving as statewide officeholders. County elected officials include three county commissioners, a sheriff, circuit court clerk, county clerk, assessor, two circuit court judges, a family law judge, magistrates, prosecuting attorney

Being a part of the community. It takes more than having a branch here. B A N K I N G



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e u q i n U g n i p p Sho nce e i r e p x E


he Bluefields, WV, VA and the surrounding area offers the enjoyment of small town shopping with one-of-a-kind specialty shops, art galleries, antique stores and gourmet foods where you can discover hard-to-find collectibles. This area is also home to many national chains stores located in our shopping malls, furniture and appliance stores, ladies boutiques, office products and supplies, grocery stores, art galleries and antique stores. The Greater Bluefield Area offers you one-stop shopping all with the southern charm and Appalachian hospitality.

th a i w s n Optio e! r a l F l Loca

D ining M

ercer and Tazewell ewell Counties have more than 100 cchoices of restaurants ranging from fine dining, familiar chain favorites, down-home cooking and family-friendly diners.

The area is proud of local cuisine that offers guests and residents a combination of taste and experience. In downtown Bluefield, WV, The Railyard offers an exciting menu for dinner and into the night. Options include a variety of different sliders, a unique twist on the southern classic chicken and waffles and more. The Savory Haven, located inside the Bluefield Area Arts Center, dishes up a pleasing lunch menu of salads, sandwiches and more. Bramwell, WV also has a fair share of eateries for ATV riders and visitors who want an old-fashioned ice cream soda, a juicy hamburger and a West Virginia fried green tomato sandwich. Foodies will find a large range of cuisine ranging from Mexican, Chinese, Italian and American. Fine dining is available at David’s at the Club and The Fincastle on the Mountain in Bluefield, VA.


R ecreation & leisure o t s l l i r Th n o i t a x Rela


p for adventure and recreational leisure? The Greater Bluefield area is one big playground with plenty of ways to relax and rest or gear up for a fun outing with friends and family. Four Seasons Country has outdoor activities that range from fishing, hunting, boating, camping, horseback riding, rock climbing and other adventure-packed opportunities.

ATV enthusiasts can ride on the Hatfield-McCoy’s Pocahontas Trail System in Bramwell, WV. On the Virginia side, the Spearhead Trail in Tazewell County is open for riders. 32 Bike trails, including a family loop and single track trails, are part of the trails at Bluefield City Park, which lies on the border of Bluefield, WV and Bluefield, VA. The heart of Appalachia bike route and scenic drive begin its 128-mile journey across southwestern Virginia in Tazewell County’s Burke’s Garden. An 18-mile scenic side trail loops this fascinating area known as God’s Thumbprint. Of course, the famous Appalachian Trail and various trails

in state parks, city parks and forests is also a favorite among hikers.

Fairs and festivals in the area are held every summer as well. The Greater Bluefield Chamber of Commerce hosts the Cole Chevy For those who prefer to drive, the East River Mountain Festival during late May. The event Mountain Overlook offers a panoramic view features musical entertainment, carnival of Bluefield. At an elevation of 3,500 feet rides, arts and crafts, food vendors, outdoor above sea level, this mountaintop site was recreational events and more. County fairs West Virginia’s first Visitor Information Center are also a favorite during the warm months. in 1960. The annual Tazewell County Fair, held the Outside of the area, other outdoor activities, first week in August, draws big crowds. For such as whitewater rafting can be found at the more than 50 years, The Mercer County Fair Gauley and New River. Another popular spot has hosted a rodeo, livestock competitions, a among tourists and locals is Winterplace Ski pet show, horticulture judging and live music. Resort, located off 1-77 near Ghent, WV. From Lemonade Days to street fairs, to band competition events and more, the area presents The region’s sporting and recreational a venue for all types of recreation and culture complexes and facilities offer opportunities for events. In the fall, fairs and events, such as all ages. Golf, tennis, bowling, roller skating, Princeton’s AutumnFest and the Autumn softball, Little League, gymnastics, indoor and Jamboree in Bluefield, VA, are held during outdoor swimming, exercise classes, weight September. lifting, skateboarding, ballroom dancing and other activities keep visitors and residents on the move. In summertime, America’s favorite pastime comes to life in Mercer County. Two professional minor league baseball teams - the Bluefield Blue Jays and the Princeton Rays play during the summer months in Bluefield, WV and Princeton, WV. The two teams have a friendly competition for the Mercer Cup every year.




E ducation

Traditional & Special Education Programs

Education in the Greater Bluefield Area The Greater Bluefield area recognizes that education is needed in order to grow as a community. The area offers a multitude of traditional and special education programs. As a community, we are fortunate to have so many educational opportunities available in our region.

K-12 Education A wide spectrum of both public and private K-12 education opportunities provides families with many choices in the Mercer/Tazewell area. The area school systems incorporate technology into traditional classroom. Many of the schools have video classrooms for distance learning, which provides links to local colleges, universities and other area secondary schools. In addition, there is a long tradition of private education, providing choices that accommodate individual religious beliefs and different preferences for educational methods and approaches.

Higher Education in the Bluefields Area residents do not need to travel far from home to seek a higher education. Whether it be a recent high school graduate or the working adult wanting to obtain a college degree, there are many different options to receive a college degree. The region has

top-notch technical education with several schools for specialization, as well as private and public colleges and an internationally recognized university. Many of the colleges and universities in the region stress international learning. Students come from a variety of foreign countries to learn about our people and culture. Tazewell County is home to Southwest Virginia Community College, which offers more than 70 different programs of study leading to associate degrees, diplomas, certificates and career studies certificates. The school is also an advocate of the arts and participates in many exhibits, art festivals and more. Bluefield College, located in Bluefield, Virginia, is a private four-year, Christ-centered, liberal arts college that offers 17 majors. The college boosts nationally recognized academic and athletic programs. While attending Bluefield College, students will have an opportunity to see and change the world through international mission trips to places like South Africa, China, Austria and South America. Bluefield State College is a four-year state supported commuter college serving southern West Virginia offering career, and technical two and four year programs. The college offers a variety of Continued on Page 38


Continued from Page 37

baccalaureate and associate degrees that include business, teacher education, arts and science, nursing and engineering technologies. The W. Paul Cole School of Business has released a new baccalaureate program in health services management. Concord University, founded in 1872 in Athens, West Virginia, is a four-year public liberal arts university with a student-to-faculty ratio of 22:1. More than 2,700 students attend the university and have opportunities to study abroad in countries like Germany, England, Spain and Scotland. The University has been ranked multiple times by “U.S. News & World’s Report’s America Best Colleges.” American National University offers bachelor’s and associate’s degrees and diploma programs. Class sizes are generally smaller, with a 15:1 student teacher ratio. In addition to the programs of study, students are also given mock interviews, help with resumes and cover letters and other tips to succeed in the job world. New River Community and Technical College has a local campus that provides comprehensive high-


quality post-secondary education, and workforce training programs to meet the needs of business and the community. Other quality education opportunities in technical and certificate program include Valley College, Mercer County Technical Education Center and Tazewell County Career and Technical Center. Valley College offers degrees in a variety of medical fields including nursing assistant, clinical assistant, health service administration, and many others. In addition, degrees are available in business administration and HVAC work.


H ealthcare 40

Excellent & Progressive Medical Care


ealthcare is one of the most important issues in the United States. At the local level, the commitment to healthcare continues to grow in the Greater Bluefield Area. Mercer and Tazewell counties boast of four quality hospitals: Bluefield Regional Medical Center, Princeton Community Hospital, Carillion Tazewell Community Hospital and Clinch Valley Medical Center. In addition, there are a substantial number of physicians available covering basically any special need. Advanced oncology cancer care is just one of the many areas of available health care. Both counties are

served by county health departments. Clinics are also available, as well as two local Med Express centers, both in Princeton and Bluefield, WV. The area also has well-trained and staffed rescue squads that serve the entire area.

Continued from Page 40

The Behavioral Health Pavilion of the Virginias is an inpatient behavioral health facility, also offering outpatient services. The area also has a number of rehabilitation and nursing facilities to help you return to a normal lifestyle. For our senior citizens, many healthcare companies provide services whether to meet simple lifestyle needs or

handle complex situations. Assisted living locations and nursing homes can be found throughout the two counties. The area is home to many healthcare professionals, some of who have graduated from area colleges, universities and technical schools. The region is fortunate to have training programs in nursing, dentistry, radiology, laboratory and

many other technical fields to provide support to the various clinics and hospitals.

Quality healthcare is the cornerstone of our community, which makes retirement possible in both Mercer and Tazewell Counties.


Calendar Days

Annual Events A partial calendar of regular annual events for Mercer and Tazewell counties




✧ Annual Dinner - PrincetonMercer County Chamber of Commerce, (304) 487-1502

✧ Mid June-Late August – Bluefield Blue Jays Appalachian League Baseball Season Bowen Field, Bluefield City Park (276) 326-1326

✧ Lemonade Days in the Bluefields (304) 327-7184

✧ Mid June-Late August – Princeton Rays Appalachian League Baseball Season, Hunnicutt Field, Princeton (304) 487-2000

✧ Lemonade Night at the Ball Park (304) 327-7184

✧ 2nd Chance Rocks the Two Virginias Concert Mitchell Stadium, Held by Second Chance Learning Center (276) 326-1078

✧ Tazewell County Fair, Tazewell County Fair Grounds. (276) 322-2366

✧ Bramwell Millionaire Homecoming (304) 248-7114

✧ 2015 - The Greater Bluefield Chamber of Commerce Bluefield Coal Show Biennial event, Brushfork Armory Civic Center (304) 327-7184

February ✧ Concord University Ground Hog Day Breakfast (304) 384-5348

March ✧ Greater Bluefield Chamber of Commerce Four Seasons Women’s Conference (304) 327-7184 ✧ All Together Arts Week (304)425-6425

April 42

✧ Greater Bluefield Chamber of Commerce 36th Annual Better Living Show Brushfork Armory Civic Center (304) 327-7184


July ✧ Pipestem’s Summer Outdoor Amphitheatre Series (304) 466-1800

✧ Greater Bluefield Chamber of Commerce Cole Chevy Mountain Festival, Bluefield City Park Area (304) 327-7184

✧ Independence Day Celebration and Open House, Historic Crab Orchard Museum (276) 988-9400

✧ Bramwell Spring Home Tour (304) 248-7114

✧ Blue-Gray Shriner’s Horse Show, Bluefield City Park

✧ Blues & Bluegrass on the Bluestone in Bramwell (304) 248-7114

✧ Athens/Concord Town Social, Concord University (304) 384-5348

✧ Mercer County Fair, PikeView High School Complex. (304) 425-7262


✧ Burke’s Garden Fall Festival, Burke’s Garden, VA (276) 988-5091 ✧ Bluefield Autumn Jamboree, Graham Recreation Park, (276) 322-4628 ✧ Princeton-Mercer County Chamber of Commerce, Princeton Autumnfest, Downtown Princeton, WV (304) 487-1502



✧ Bramwell Oktoberfest (304) 248-8004

✧ Pocahontas Chapter – NRHS Train Show, Bluefield Youth & Recreation Center (304) 431-2593

✧ Italian Heritage Festival, Bluefield Youth & Recreation Center (304) 589-3317 ✧ Princeton-Mercer County Chamber of Commerce Women’s Expo, Brushfork Armory Civic Center (304) 487-1502 ✧ Shriner’s Oyster Dinner, Brushfork Armory, (304) 248-7347 ✧ Tazewell County Business to Business Showcase, Southwest Virginia Community College, (276) 988-1270 ✧ Bramwell Ghost Walk (304) 248-7114

✧ Shriners Circus – Brushfork Armory, (304) 248-7347 ✧ November 26 - December 31 - Holiday of Lights, Bluefield City Park (304) 327-8770

December ✧ Bramwell Christmas Home Tour (304) 2487114 ✧ Holiday Reception – Greater Bluefield Chamber of Commerce, (304) 327-7184


A Diverse & Powerful Workforce

Business & industry W

ith a history rich in coal, timber and railroad, it is no wonder that today’s workforce is still involved in the same businesses and industries that start44 ed in our area. However, throughout the years, a variety of different businesses and industries have grown, making our area versatile for thousands of businesses and workers. Several businesses evolved in the MercerTazewell region to provide support services to the rail industry as well as the extractive industries of coal and timber. In addition, some service-based businesses evolved to provide support for the management, workers and families of the primary industries. The region benefits from a wealth of healthcare facilities as well as excellent public schools, colleges, universities and technical schools that enjoy broad-based


system also allows many medical professionals a place to live and work. Highway growth and Mercer and Tazewell Counties have a variety technology has also allowed many urban busiof vibrant businesses and industrial parks with nesses to find rural settings in our area. This has infrastructure in place. The labor pool is skilled stimulated growth for both Mercer and Tazewell and available to work in numerous industries County. On the tourism side, ATV businesses, area wide. Flexible job training opportunities are including lodging and dining, are in demand, to also available throughout the two-county region. keep up with the rising popularity of ATV riding The area is home to major global industries and outdoor activities. 45 to small entrepreneurships. Related industries include primary and secondary wood industries, coal mining support companies, telecommunications, healthcare, retail, services and hospitality. Tazewell County is served by the Economic Office of Development and Mercer, the Development Authority of Mercer County. The Greater Bluefield Chamber of Commerce is the sponsor of the Bluefield Coal Show and Bluefield Coal Symposium. Both counties are home to many educators in the area, both at the higher education level and at the public schools. An expansive healthcare

Demographics and Labor Force Mercer County Labor Force Year


Unemployment Rate



Unemployment Rate

2000 2005 2008 2010 2012

28,246 23,870 24,280 22,210 21,152

4.3 5.3 3.4 8.6 7.9

2000 2005 2008 2010 2012

19,337 19,492 19,386 18,623 20,244

5.4 4.4 4.4 6.7 8.5

Bluefield, WV Demographics 2005 Population . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11,119 2009 Population . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11,068 2011 Population . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10, 482 % White . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .73.7 % Black . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23.0 % Other . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4.0

Mercer County Demographics 2005 Population . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61,247 2009 Population . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61,921 2011 Population . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62,465 Median Age 2010 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42.5 % White. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91.6 % Black . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.1 % Other . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.2 Mean Household Income 2010 . . . . . . . . . . $42,972 Per Capita Income 2010 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $18,431

Active Job Applicants 46

Tazewell County Labor Force

(Cumulative Totals for the Two Virginias) Field Number Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12,278 Mining . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 967 Construction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4,645 Manufacturing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1,328 Transportation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1,516 Trade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9,689 Government . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3,946 Other . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4,881 Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .39,250

Data continued on Page 47

Bluefield, VA Demographics 2005 Population . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,989 2009 Population . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,162 2011 Population . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,402 % White. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89.8 % Black . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.1 % Other . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.9

Tazewell County Demographics 2005 Population . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43,886 2009 Population . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44,907 2011 Population . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44,715 Median Age 2010 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43.2 % White. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95.1 % Black . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.1 % Other . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.4 Mean Household Income 2010 . . . . . . . . . . $35,215 Per Capita Income 2010 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $19,016

Wage Rates Classifications Median/Mean (Hr.) Computer Programmer. . . . . . . . . . $23.64/ $26.42 Shipping / Receiving . . . . . . . . . . $12.54 / $14.04 Machine Operator . . . . . . . . . . . . $13.16 / $13.39 Construction Laborer . . . . . . . . . . $13.51 / $15.95 Sales . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $10.86 / $13.14 Office /Admin Support. . . . . . . . . $14.66 / $15.45 Electronic Technician . . . . . . . . . . $27.36 / $27.52

Demographics and Labor Force Population by Age Group

Communications (con’t)

Mercer County Tazewell County Under 5. . . . . . . 3,562 . . . . . . . . . . 2,325 5-17 . . . . . . . . . 9,947 . . . . . . . . . . 9,466 18-24 . . . . . . . . 4,928 . . . . . . . . . . 3,135 25-34 . . . . . . . . 7,031 . . . . . . . . . . 5,237 35-44 . . . . . . . . 7,526 . . . . . . . . . . 5,720 45-54 . . . . . . . . 8,615 . . . . . . . . . . 6,924 55-64 . . . . . . . . 9,442 . . . . . . . . . . 6,839 65-69 . . . . . . . . 3,322 . . . . . . . . . . 2,437 70-74 . . . . . . . . 2,614 . . . . . . . . . . 1,833 75 + . . . . . . . . . 5,277 . . . . . . . . . . 3,487

Radio Stations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 Daily Newspapers . . . . The Bluefield Daily Telegraph Weekly Newspapers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 Telephone Companies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Verizon South Frontier, A Citizens Communications Co.

Utilities Electric Service • Appalachian Power Company Natural Gas • Bluefield Gas Company Water Service • West Virginia - American Water Company Town of Bluefield, VA • Tazewell County Public Service Solid Waste Disposal • Mercer County Solid Waste Authority • Tazewell County Sanitary Landfill

Communications Television • WVVA • WVNS - Fox 59 Cable Providers • Comcast • SuddenLink

Tax Information Mercer County Property Tax Multiplliers Intangible Personal Property Class I . . . . . . . . . . 14.30 Residential Class II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28.60 Commercial Class IV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51.20 B & O Taxes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rate Per $100.00 Applies to only Bluefield and Princeton, WV Gross Income of Retailers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50/$100 Professionals/Service/Rentals . . . . . . . . . . . 1.00/$100 Banking and Financing Business . . . . . . . . 1.00/$100 Contracting Business . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.00/$100 Wholesale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15/$100

Tazewell County Property Tax The Personal Property Tax Rate for the Town of Bluefield is $.60/ $100 of the assessed value. Real Estate taxes on all land and houses owned, rated at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.185/$100 Retail Sales . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16/$100 Gross Sale Repair, Personal and Business Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21/$100 Gross Sale Financial, Real Estate and Professional . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41/$100 Gross Sale Contractors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15/$100 Gross Sale Wholesale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .05/$100 Gross Purchases

General Tax Information Sales Tax

WV 6%

VA 5%


Mountains of

F aith


he two Bluefields have always had a strong religious heritage. Since the 1700s, settlers established a broad range of denominations that now represent churches throughout the area. From traditional to contemporary places of worship, the structures represent the relationships between man and the spiritual. This melting pot of religion includes Baptist, Protestant, Catholic, Orthodox churches and a Jewish synagogue.


The careful planning and architecture of these buildings speaks of a deep commitment to faith in the area. Many of these beautiful churches are located in downtown Bluefield, WV, as well as in Pocahontas, VA. In addition to traditional worship services, gospel concerts are held at many different churches and venues in the two Bluefields. Youth and other special events are also part of the faith movement in the area. Those looking for find a spiritual home will find compassion and togetherness in a small town.

Listings as of 1/21/2015

Chamber Members Listed by business category

Accounting/CPA Brown, Edwards & Company Phone: (304) 325-8157 Web Site: www.becpas.com W. David Burnette II CPA Phone: (304) 327-2453 Web Site: www.burnettecpa. com Henry H. Jones, CPA Phone: (304) 809-0022 Web Site: www.hhjonescpa. com LeRoy Mabe Phone: (304) 327-2542

Advertising Agencies High Impact Media, Inc Phone: (276) 322-2741 Web Site: www. highimpactmedia.com

Advertising Outdoor Gearheart Enterprises, LLC Phone: (304) 320-0879 Lamar Advertising Phone: (304) 325-3655 Web Site: www.lamar.com New Image Signs, Inc. Phone: (304) 327-6946 Web Site: www. newimagesignsinc.com Tammy Lynn Outdoor, LLC Phone: (304) 320-1885

Airport Mercer County Airport Phone: (304) 327-5308

Antiques Landmark Antiques, Inc. Phone: (304) 327-9686 Web Site: landmarkantiquemall.com

Apartment/Home Rentals Tinder Enterprises, Inc. Phone: (304) 323-3379

Architectural Services Thompson & Litton Phone: (276) 988-7921 Web Site: www.t-l.com

Associate Member John A. Ayers Phone: (304) 325-8089 Gene F. Bailey Phone: (276) 326-6401 Cathy Corte Payne Phone: (304) 320-7439 Jerry Crews Phone: (304) 327-8595 Ulysses Cundiff Phone: (276) 326-2513 Dr. and Mrs. Albert Paine Phone: (304) 325-9577 H. L. Graham, Jr. Phone: (304) 327-8909 Eugenia Hancock Phone: (304) 325-7643 Hopkins, A. A. “Lon”, Jr. Phone: (304) 325-8012 Jovon, Horton Phone: (304) 325-8472 Jim Justice Phone: (276) 322-3648 Don Kersey Phone: (304) 910-3855 William H. Looney, Jr. Phone: (304) 325-3481 George McGonagle Phone: (304) 324-0634 Edward J. McQuail, III Phone: (304) 327-8202 A. A. Modena Rosa Lee Nuckolls Phone: (276) 326-1393 Mary Raub Phone: (304) 324-0924

Don A Rice Phone: (276) 326-1315 Jim Russell Phone: (304) 325-7759 Lou Stoker Phone: (304) 248-7402 Shirley Vest Phone: (304) 589-4336 Joe Vinciguerra Phone: (304) 248-7347 Nelson R. Walker Phone: (304) 327-0130

Attorney/Attorney at Law

Cole Chevrolet-Cadillac, Inc. Phone: (304) 327-8116 Web Site: www.colechevy. com Ramey Ford of Princeton Phone: (304) 425-2128 Web Site: www.rameycars. com

Automotive Rental Enterprise Rent-A-Car 683B Phone: (304) 431-3030 Web Site: www.enterprise. com

Automotive Service Stations

Brewster, Morhous, Cameron, Caruth, Moore, Kersey & Stafford, PLLC Phone: (304) 325-9177 Web Site: www. brewstermorhous.com

Hometown Service Center, Inc. Phone: (276) 326-1929

Katz, Kantor, Stonestreet & Buckner, LLC Phone: (304) 431-4050 Web Site: www.katzkantor. com

Kings Tire Service Inc. Phone: (304) 325-0575 Web Site: www. kingtireservice.com

Richardson & Davis, PLLC Phone: (304) 327-7158 John H. Shott Attorney at Law Phone: (304) 327-0573

Audiology Miracle-Ear Phone: (304) 324-8358 Web Site: www.miracle-earbluefield.com

Automotive New & Used Car Bill Cole Auto Mall Phone: (304) 327-0511 Web Site: www.coledirect. com

Automotive Tires

Automotive Wash Bluefield Laserwash Phone: (276) 326-6454

Banquet/Private Event Facility The Historic Bank Lobby Phone: (304) 323-2265 Web Site: www. historicbanklobby.com

Beer & Wine 1 Stop Beverage Mart Phone: (304) 325-7523 Web Site: www.1stopbev. netfirms.com

Beer Wholesale Cole Auto Outlet, Inc. Phone: (276) 326-1300 Web Site: www. coleautooutlet.com

The American Beer Co. Phone: (304) 392-6311


Listings as of 1/21/2015 Bottled and Canned Drinks Coca-Cola Bottling Company Consolidated Phone: (304) 589-3321 Web Site: www. cokeconsolidated.com

Business Consultant Beyond Communication Consulting LLC Phone: (717) 574-6629

Business Services Hollins Exhibits Inc. Phone: (540) 362-3940 Web Site: www.hollins-expo. com

Candy & Miscellaneous Deskins Wholesale, LLC Phone: (304) 324-1938

Catering Your Grate Escape Phone: (276) 988-7867 Web Site: www. yourgrateescape.com

Cellular Service Provider AT&T Phone: (304) 324-0180 nTelos Wireless Phone: (304) 395-0297 Web Site: www.ntelos.com



Dales Chiropractic Phone: (276) 326-3852 Web Site: www. daleschiropractic.com

Civic & Social Organizations American Cancer Society Web Site: www.cancer.org American Red Cross Phone: (304) 327-5017 Web Site: www.redcrosswv. org Bluefield Area Arts Center Phone: (304) 325-8000 Bluefield Preservation Society Phone: (304) 589-0239 Web Site: bluefieldpreservationsociety. com

Bluefield Union Mission Phone: (304) 327-8167 Web Site: www. bluefieldunionmission.com Sales Executives Club, Inc. WISE/WV Comm. Serv. for Women Inc. Phone: (304) 324-5809 Web Site: www. wisewomenscenter.org

Coal Sales Classic Coal Sales, Inc. Phone: (276) 322-4900

Coalbed Methane & Natural Gas Exploration and Production CNX Gas Corporation Phone: (304) 323-6501 Web Site: www.cnxgas.com

Colleges/Universities/Jr. Colleges American National University Phone: (304) 431-1600 Web Site: www.an.edu Bluefield College Phone: (276) 326-3682 Web Site: www.bluefield.edu Bluefield State College Phone: (304) 327-4030 Web Site: www.bluefieldstate. edu Concord University Phone: (304) 384-3115 Web Site: www.concord.edu New River Community and Technical College Phone: (304) 929-5445 Web Site: www.newriver.edu Southwest Virginia Community College Phone: (276) 964-7388 Web Site: www.sw.edu Valley College Phone: (304) 425-2323 Web Site: www.valley.edu WVU State, Corporate and Local Relations Phone: (304) 400-4963

Commercial Food Store Equipment Sales & Service Douglas Equipment Phone: (304) 327-0149 Web Site: www. douglasequipment.us

Concrete Block and Brick Boxley Phone: (276) 326-2691 Web Site: www.boxley.com

Construction Rental Equipment United Rentals Inc. Phone: (304) 920-4403 or (304) 487-6099 Web Site: www.unitedrentals. com

Consultant Shale Advisory Group, LLC Phone: (304) 320-3927 Web Site: shaleadvisorygroup.com

Contractor/Commercial Building Swope Construction Company Phone: (304) 325-8146 Web Site: www.swopeco.com

Contractors/General Claude Erps Construction, Co. Phone: (304) 327-0413 DCI/Shires, Inc. Phone: (304) 323-1996 Web Site: www.dcitm.com MAC Contractors Phone: (304) 327-6440

Conveyor Belt Manufacturer & Conveyor Belt Service Fenner Dunlop Americas Phone: (276) 322-1426 Web Site: www. fennerdunlopamericas.com

Copier Rutherford’s Electronics Phone: (276) 326-3880 Web Site: www.copyit.biz

Country Club Fincastle on the Mountain, Inc. Phone: (276) 326-1178 Web Site: www. fincastleonthemountain.com

Credit Counseling Apprisen Phone: (304) 325-5144 Web Site: www.apprisen.com

Dentists James M. Godwin III, DDS Phone: (304) 327-6082 Dr. Harold L. Goforth, Jr. DDS Phone: (304) 327-7135

Dermatology Beckley Dermatology, Inc. Phone: (304) 252-2673

Development Authority Development Authority of Mercer Co. Phone: (304) 431-8523 Web Site: www.mercercoeda. com

Ear Nose Throat Mountain State ENT Phone: (304) 255-2341

Education South Central Educational Development, Inc. Phone: (304) 325-6105

Electric Motor Services T & N Electric Phone: (800) 513-7931 Web Site: www.tnelectricinc. com

Electrical DE Thompson Electric Phone: (304) 920-6618

Employment Services Saunders Staffing, Inc. Phone: (304) 325-3369 Web Site: www. saundersstaffing.net

Engineering Conveyor Manufacture S & K Welding Phone: (276) 988-5591

Pruett Engineering Phone: (304) 327-8636

Listings as of 1/21/2015 Engineering Surveying The Thrasher Group Phone: (304) 431-7800 Web Site: www.thrashereng. com

Entertainment Big Walker Lookout Phone: (276) 663-4016 Web Site: www.scenicbeautyva.com Bluefield Baseball Club, Inc. Phone: (304) 324-1326 Web Site: www.bluefieldjays. com Chuck Mathena Center Phone: (304) 425-5128 Web Site: www. chuckmathenacenter.org Historic Crab Orchard Museum & Pioneer Park, Inc. Phone: (276) 988-6755 Web Site: www. craborchardmuseum.com K & K Music Company/ Randomworld, LTD Phone: (304) 327-9309 Web Site: kandkgames.com Mercer County CVB Phone: (304) 325-8438 Web Site: www. visitmercercounty.com Mercer County Fair, Inc. Phone: (304) 887-6716 Web Site: www. fairofmercercounty.com Mountaineer Bowling Lanes, Inc. Phone: (304) 325-7037 Web Site: www. mountaineerbowling.com Pocahontas Exhibition Coal Mine & Museum Phone: (276) 945-9522 Web Site: www.pocahontasva. org

Fab. Structural Steel Virginia Steel & Fabrication Inc. Phone: (276) 688-2125

Federal & State Mandated Board Region I Planning & Development Council Phone: (304) 431-7225 Web Site: www.regiononeplc. org

Financial Advising/ Planning Ameli Financial Group Phone: (304) 589-3317 Ameriprise Financial Phone: (276) 326-1670 Web Site: www. ameripriseadvisors.com/ peter.r.romano AXA Equitable Phone: (276) 322-1950 First Community Wealth Management Phone: (304) 325-7334 Web Site: www. raymondjames.com/IPC

Financial Institution BB&T Phone: (304) 487-5965 Web Site: www.bbandt.com BB&T Phone: (276) 322-3084 First Bank and Trust Company Phone: (276) 245-5478 Web Site: firstbank.com First Century Bank Phone: (304) 325-8181 Web Site: www.firstcentury. com First Century Bank, Inc. Trust Department Phone: (304) 324-3348 Web Site: www.firstcentury. com First Community Bank Bluefield Phone: (304) 325-7151 Web Site: www.fcbresource. com First Community Bank, Corporate Office Phone: (276) 326-9000 Web Site: www.fcbresource. com First Sentinel Bank Phone: (276) 322-1380 Web Site: www. firstsentinelbank.coma MCNB Banks Phone: (304) 325-6500 Web Site: www.mcnbbanks. com

National Bank Phone: (800) 552-4123 Web Site: www.nbbank.com New Peoples Bank Phone: (276) 326-2265

Flight Instruction Appalachian Flying Service LLC Phone: (304) 323-3040 Web Site: www. flyappalachian.com

Florist Brown Sack Florist, LLC Phone: (304) 327-9999 Web Site: www. brownsackcreations.net

Foundations Community Foundation of the Virginia’s Inc. Phone: (304) 324-0222 Web Site: www.cfvinc.org Shott Foundation, The Phone: (304) 327-8907

Fraternal Organizations Bluefield Elks Lodge Phone: (304) 327-9822 Web Site: www. bluefieldelkslodge269.org Bluefield Lions Club

Funeral Parlors Mercer Funeral Home Of Blfd Inc Phone: (304) 327-6155 Web Site: www. mercerfuneralhome.com

Furniture, Appliances & Mattresses Kammer Furniture Co., Inc. Phone: (304) 327-6917 Web Site: www. kammerfurniturecompany.com

General Merchandise Stores Mercer Mall Phone: (304) 327-2509 Sam’s Club Phone: (276) 326-1583 Web Site: www.samsclub.com Wal-Mart Store 1763 Phone: (276) 322-3144

Geological Cardno MM&A Phone: (304) 809-0629 Web Site: www.cardnomma. com Clark Testing Phone: (412) 387-1013 Web Site: www.clarktesting. com

Glass Bluefield Glass & Interiors Phone: (304) 325-0588

Government & Government Agencies Bluefield, VA Town Of Phone: (276) 322-4626 Web Site: www.bluefieldva.org Bluefield WV, City Of Phone: (304) 327-2401 Web Site: www.cityofbluefield. com CASE, WV Phone: (304) 327-3506 Web Site: www.casewv.org King Coal Highway Association Phone: (304) 664-6200 Mercer County Commission Phone: (304) 487-8306 Town of Tazewell Phone: (276) 988-2501 WV Parkways Authority Phone: (304) 926-1900 Web Site: www.wvturnpike. com

Grocery Food City Phone: (276) 322-2515 Web Site: www.foodcity.com Grant’s Supermarkets Phone: (304) 324-2260 Web Site: www. grantssupermarket.com

Hardware and Building Supply Citizens Building Supply Phone: (304) 327-6118 Web Site: www. citizensbuildingsupply.com


Listings as of 1/21/2015 Health & Fitness Greater Bluefield Community Center Phone: (304) 325-5707 Web Site: www.GBCConline. org

Health Services Hospice Compassus Phone: (304) 431-2000 Web Site: www. hospicecompassus.com Med-Response Inc Phone: (304) 589-3365 Web Site: www.medresponse. com

Heavy Equipment Sales and Service Rish Equipment Company Phone: (304) 817-7434 Web Site: www.rish.com

Home Improvement Raleigh Tile of Princeton Phone: (304) 425-2245 Web Site: raleightileinc.com

Hospitals/Rehab Bluefield Regional Medical Center Phone: (304) 327-1100 Web Site: www. bluefieldregional.net


Health South Southern Hills Rehab. Hospital Phone: (304) 487-8248 Web Site: www.healthsouth. com Princeton Community Hospital Affiliates Phone: (304) 487-7263 Web Site: www.pchonline.org

In-Home Services for Aged and Disabled Council on Aging, Inc. Phone: (304) 294-8800 Web Site: www.wccoa.com

Industrial Manufacture Charlatte of America Phone: (276) 326-1510 Web Site: www.charlotteus. com

Information Technology Advanced Network Systems, Inc. Phone: (276) 322-1555 Web Site: www.getadvanced. net Sibley Communications Phone: (304) 589-3550 Web Site: www.sibleycomm. com

Insurance Agents/Carrier Barry Perdue Agency “Allstate Insurance” Phone: (276) 326-6969 Web Site: www. allstateagencies.com/52870 Brandon Disney State Farm Phone: (304) 327-7631 Web Site: www. drivewithdisney.com BrickStreet Insurance Phone: (304) 941-1010 Ext:5047 Web Site: www.BrickStreet. com DLH Associates Phone: (304) 324-8001 Web Site: www.dlhinsurance. com First Community Insurance Services Phone: (304) 425-8793 Web Site: www.fcis.com Hartzog Insurance Agency Phone: (304) 325-3406

Investment/Insurance/ Employee Benefits Investment Planning Advisors Phone: (304) 327-0401 Web Site: www:ipabluefield. com

Days Inn Phone: (304) 425-8100

Investors Scott & Stringfellow Invest. Corp. Phone: (276) 322-2900 Web Site: www. bbtscottstringfellow.com

Janitorial & Cleaning Services Systems Maintenance Service Phone: (304) 248-7009

John Deere Dealer Conn’s Service Center Phone: (304) 327-8531 Web Site: www.jddealer.deere. com/conn

Land Company

Quality Hotel & Conference Center Phone: (304) 325-6170 Web Site: www.choice hotels. com Sleep Inn & Suites Phone: (304) 431-2800 Web Site: www.choicehotels. com

Magazine West Virginia Executive Magazine Phone: (304) 941-0600 Web Site: www.wvexecutive. com

Pocahontas Land Corporation Phone: (304) 324-2402

Manufacturer All Purpose Cleaners

Pocahontas Resources LLC Phone: (276) 628-5399

BlueWolf Sales & Service, Inc. Phone: (276) 326-2583 Web Site: www. bluewolfcleaner.com

Lawn Care and Landscaping Grasshoppers Lawn Care and Landscaping Phone: (304) 320-6706 Web Site: www.grasshoppersonline.com


Michael J. Romeo/Nationwide Insurance Phone: (304) 325-9357 Web Site: www. Nationwideinsurance.com/ AGENTS/ROMEOM.htm

Craft Memorial Library Phone: (304) 325-3943 Web Site: www.craftmemorial. lib.wv.us

Professional Insurance Services, LLC Phone: (304) 324-0921

Bluefield Inn Phone: (304) 323-2200 Web Site: www.bluefieldinn. com

Southern Insurance Agency Inc. Phone: (304) 436-2438 Web Site: www.sia-wv.com

Comfort Inn, Bluefield, VA Phone: (276) 326-3688 Web Site: www.choicehotels. com

USI Insurance Services Phone: (800) 343-9914 Web Site: www.usi.biz

Country Inn & Suites Phone: (304) 425-2200 Web Site: www.countryinns. com/princetonwv

Manufacturing Lawrence Brothers, Inc. Phone: (276) 322-4988 Web Site: www. lbimanufacturing.com Watts Transformer Phone: (304) 327-9288 Web Site: www. wattstransformer.com


Comfort Inn, Princeton Phone: (304) 487-6101 Web Site: www.choicehotels. com

Massage Therapy/ Bodywork The Massage Suite Phone: (304) 431-3535

Medical Services Community Radiology of Virginia Phone: (304) 327-7177 Web Site: www. communityradiologyofvirginia. com

Listings as of 1/21/2015 Meeting & Conference Center Wytheville Meeting Center Phone: (276) 223-3416 Web Site: www. wythevillemeetingcenter.com

Mining Alpha Natural Resources Services, LLC Phone: (276) 791-3550

Mining Machinery Manufacture American Mine Research Phone: (276) 928-1712 Web Site: www. americanmineresearch.com Bluefield Manufacturing, Inc. Phone: (276) 322-3441 Web Site: www.bluefieldmfg. com Bunker Repair Service Phone: (276) 322-2273

Monument Bluefield Monument Company Phone: (276) 326-1174

Motorcycle Dealers Cole Harley-Davidson Phone: (304) 324-8116 Web Site: www.coleh-d.com Hawgpit Cycles Inc. Phone: (304) 324-4294 Web Site: hawgpitcycles.com

Newspapers Bluefield Daily Telegraph, The Phone: (304) 327-2800 Web Site: www.bdtonline.com Coal News, Inc. Phone: (304) 327-6777 Web Site: www.coalnews.net Princeton Times Phone: (304) 425-8191 Web Site: www.ptonline.net

Non Profit Organization J & R Manufacturing, Inc. Phone: (276) 322-5431 Joy Global/Underground Mining, LLC Phone: (276) 326-5144 Web Site: www.joyglobal.com

People Inc. Financial Services Phone: (276) 619-2239 Web Site: www.peopleinc.net

Office Products & Services Bluefield Office Supply Phone: (304) 327-6818 Bristol Office Supply Phone: (276) 669-7131 Web Site: www.bos-inc.com

Optometrists Blaydes Eye Associates Phone: (304) 327-8128 Family Eye Health Care Clinic Phone: (304) 325-3603 Web Site: drfrankbritton.net

Paper Supplies JANPAK Corporate Operations Phone: (304) 325-8160 Web Site: www.janpak.com

Paving Sealpro Asphalt & Paving, Repair & Maintenance Phone: (304) 425-9559

Petroleum Southern Gas & Oil Phone: (276) 326-1143

MEFCOR, Inc. Phone: (276) 322-4695

United Way of Southern WV Inc. Phone: (304) 253-2111 Web Site: www.unitedwayswv. org

Pemco Corporation Phone: (276) 326-2611

Nursing Services/ Retirement

Coal Fillers Phone: (276) 322-4675

Peters Equipment Co., LLC Phone: (276) 322-5451 Tabor Machine Company Phone: (304) 431-4100 Web Site: www.tabormachine. com The Daniels Co. Phone: (304) 327-8161 Web Site: www.daniels-wv. com W & B Fabricators, Inc. Phone: (276) 928-1060

Mining Supplies Belcher Mining & Industrial Systems Phone: (304) 589-5656 ORICA Phone: (304) 327-5007

Glenwood Park Retirement Village A Stonerise Healthcare Company Phone: (304) 425-8128 Web Site: www. stonerisehealthcare.com Mercer Nursing and Rehabilitation Phone: (304) 325-5448 Web Site: www.amwmwv.com The Havens at Princeton Phone: (304) 431-3544 Web Site: ridgecare.com The Maples Phone: (304) 327-2485 Westwood Center Phone: (276) 322-5439

Petroleum and Coal Products

Pharmacies and Gift Shops Four Seasons Pharmacy, Inc. Phone: (304) 487-0015 Web Site: www. willowgiftgallery.com Goodykoontz Drug Store Phone: (304) 325-7121 New Graham Pharmacy Inc. Phone: (276) 326-1166 Web Site: www.newgraham. com

Photography and Art Steve Coleman Photography Phone: (304) 887-7606 Web Site: www. stevecolemanphotography. com

Grubb Photo Service Phone: (304) 327-7876 Web Site: www.grubbphoto. com

Piano, Theory, Composition Lessons Feuchtenberger Music Studio Phone: (276) 322-2354 Web Site: www. blackandwhiteclassics.com

Plumbing, Heating, Air Conditioning Contractors Fox & Thompson Plumbing and Heating Phone: (304) 327-6212 Hypes, Bud Plumbing Phone: (304) 425-7208 Web Site: www.budhypes.com

Printing/Specialties Central Printing Co. Phone: (304) 252-5303 Web Site: www. centralprintingwv.com Proforma Four Seasons Solutions Phone: (304) 887-1710 Venture Printing & Office Supply, Inc. Phone: (276) 326-3931

Radio Alpha Media Phone: (304) 324-0570 Web Site: www.J1045.com L & P Broadcasting Phone: (304) 425-2151 Web Site: www.STAR95.com WJLS-FM Phone: (304) 253-7311 Web Site: www.wjls.com

Railroads, Line Rail Norfolk Southern Corp. Phone: (304) 325-4348 Web Site: www.NSCorp.com

Real Estate Agents Century 21, Select Properties Phone: (304) 323-2491 Web Site: www.c21wv.com ERA Advantage Realty Phone: (304) 425-3400 Web Site: www.ERAAdvantageRealty.com


Listings as of 1/21/2015 Premier Realty Phone: (276) 326-6920 Web Site: www. premierrealtyhomeconnection. com Cameron Clement (ReMax Refined Realty Agent) Phone: (304) 952-6600 Web Site: www. cameronclement.com

Restaurant Chick-Fil-A at Mercer Mall Phone: (304) 327-6008 Dairy Queens of Bluefield Phone: (304) 325-6652 Web Site: dairyqueen.com David’s At the Club Phone: (304) 327-9822 Charlie Middleton Kentucky Fried Chicken Phone: (304) 325-7858 LaFiesta Fresh Mexican Grill & Cantina Phone: (276) 322-4745 Little Caesars Pizza Phone: (304) 325-8111 Web Site: www.littlecaesars. com McDonald’s Phone: (276) 988-2558 Savory Haven Cafe & Catering Inc. Phone: (304) 324-8900 Web Site: www. savoryhavencafe.com

Restaurant & Nightly Cabin Rentals


Buffalo Trail Properties, LLC Phone: (304) 324-3204 Web Site: www. buffalotrailcabins.com

Restaurant/Bar The Railyard Phone: (304) 800-4141 Web Site: www.railyardwv.com

Retail Ammar’s Inc. /Magic Mart Phone: (276) 322-4686 Web Site: www. magicmartstores.com Belk Phone: (304) 327-0561 Hobby Lobby Phone: (304) 323-1640 Web Site: www.hobbylobby. com

Roof and Ground Control Products KMS/Jennmar Corporation Phone: (304) 320-0197 Web Site: www.jennmar.com

Roofing Commercial/ Residential Frye Roofing, Inc. Phone: (304) 327-5314 Web Site: www.fryeroofing. com

Schools Mercer County Board Of Education Phone: (304) 487-1551 Web Site: boe.merc.k12.wv.us

Screen Printing Specialty Advertising Phoenix Sports and Advertising Inc. Phone: (276) 988-9449

Security Agency Wallace Security Agency, LLC Phone: (304) 323-2542 Web Site: www. wallacesecurityagency.com

Social Service Planning Children’s Home Society of WV Phone: (304) 425-8428 Web Site: www.childhswv.org Community Connections Phone: (304) 913-4956 Web Site: www. strongcommunities.org

State Employment Agency Virginia Dept. of Rehabilitative Services Phone: (276) 963-1028 Web Site: www.vadrs.org

Structural Steel Fabrication and Metal Warehousing Virginia Steel & Fabrication Inc. Phone: (276) 688-2125

Student Residence & Conference Center MountainView Student Residence & Conf. Ctr. Phone: (304) 324-3800 Web Site: www. mountainviewsrc.org

Telephone/ Cellular Service Provider Frontier Communications of West Virginia Phone: (304) 325-1216 Web Site: www.frontier.com

Television/Cable Suddenlink Media Phone: (304) 253-8899 WVNS TV Phone: (304) 929-6409 Web Site: www.wvnstv.com WVVA Television Phone: (304) 325-5487 Web Site: www.WVVA.com

Sanitary Board of Bluefield Phone: (304) 325-3681 Web Site: www. bluefieldsanitary .org WV-American Water Company Phone: (304) 425-9631 Web Site: www.amwater.com

Vending Machines & Supplies Kwik Kafe Company, Inc Phone: (276) 322-4691 Web Site: www.kwikkafeco. com

Veterinary Veterinary Associates Phone: (304) 327-8554 Web Site: www.vetassoc.com

Web Development WV Parkways Authority Phone: (304) 926-1900 Web Site: www.wvturnpike. com

Travel Services AAA Bluefield Phone: (276) 988-6800 Mullens Travel, Inc. Phone: (304) 327-2424

Truck Parts Cole Truck Parts, Inc Phone: (304) 325-2223 Web Site: www.coletruckparts. com

Trucking and Storage Industrial Transport Inc. Phone: (276) 326-2052

Miller Interactive, Inc. Phone: (276) 322-4636 Web Site: www. millerinteractive.net

Wholesale Distributor State Electric Supply Company Phone: (304) 327-3464 Web Site: www. STATEELECTRIC.COM

Women’s Apparel Bunny’s Suburban Shoppe Phone: (304) 327-6313 Casablanca Boutique Phone: (304) 327-8197 Maurices Phone: (304) 327-7581 Web Site: www.maurices.com

Workshop Urgent Care Center MedExpress Urgent Care Phone: (276) 322-2085 Web Site: www.medexpress. com

Utilities Appalachian Power Phone: (304) 256-4805 Web Site: www.aep.com Bluefield Gas Company/ ANGD, LLC Phone: (276) 698-3127 Web Site: www.bluefieldgas. com

Mercer County Opportunity Industries Phone: (304) 425-3810 Web Site: www.mcoicrp.org

Yarn Store Bluefield Yarn Company Phone: (910) 580 2159 Web Site: www:bluefieldyarncompany. com

Listings as of 1/21/2015

Chamber Members Listed alphabetically

1 1 Stop Beverage Mart P. O. Box 1259 Bluefield, WV 24701 Phone: (304) 325-7523 Fax: (304) 323-3037 Web Site: www.1stopbev.netfirms. com Mr. Robert I. Deeb Beer & Wine A AAA Bluefield 4003A College Avenue Bluefield, VA 24605 Phone: (276) 988-6800 Fax: (276) 322-2329 Ms. Kathy Combs E-Mail: kcombs@aaa-alliedgroup. com Travel Services Advanced Network Systems, Inc. 801 South College Avenue, Suite 3 Bluefield, VA 24605 Phone: (276) 322-1555 Fax: (434) 973-9322 Web Site: www.getadvanced.net Ms. Lorri Haney E-Mail: info@getadvanced.net Information Technology Systems & Services (Network Design, Installation & Maintenance) Barry Perdue Agency “Allstate Insurance” 2005A Leatherwood Lane Bluefield, VA 24605 Phone: (276) 326-6969 Fax: (276) 322-2626 Web Site: www.allstateagencies. com/52870 Mr. Barry Perdue E-Mail: barryperdue@allstate.com Insurance Agents/Carrier Alpha Media 900 Bluefield Avenue Bluefield, WV 24701 Phone: (304) 324-0570 Fax: (304) 325-7850 Web Site: www.J1045.com Mr. Danny Clemons E-Mail: danny.clemons@ alphamediausa.com Radio Alpha Natural Resources Services, LLC P. O. Box 16429 Bristol, VA 24209 Phone: (276) 791-3550 Mr. Mark Stowers E-Mail: mstowers@alphanr.com Mining

Ameli Financial Group 4109 Coal Heritage Road Bluewell, WV 24701 Phone: (304) 589-3317 Fax: (304) 589-7217 Mr. Nick Ameli, Jr. E-Mail: nameli@ft.newyorklife. com Financial Advising/Planning American Cancer Society 1700 MacCorkle Avenue SE Charleston, WV 24314 Phone: (304) 347-5850 option 3 Ms. Jessica Stone Web Site: www.cancer.org Civic & Social Organizations American Mine Research P. O. Box 234 Rocky Gap, VA 24366 Phone: (276) 928-1712 Fax: (276) 928-1814 Web Site: www. americanmineresearch.com Mr. David Graf E-Mail: dgraf@ americanmineresearch.com Mining Machinery Manufacture American National University 421 Hill Top Drive Princeton, WV 24739 Phone: (304) 431-1600 Fax: (304) 487-3852 Web Site: www.an.edu Mr. Denver L. Riffe Ms. Elaine Owens E-Mail: driffe@an.edu Colleges/Universities/Jr. Colleges American Red Cross 267 Mercer Mall Rd., Ste 150 Bluefield, WV 24701 Phone: (304) 327-5017 Fax: (304) 325-2206 Web Site: www.redcrosswv.org Alayne Chapman E-Mail: alayne.chapman2@ redcross.org Civic & Social Organizations Ameriprise Financial 524 Virginia Avenue Bluefield, VA 24605 Phone: (276) 326-1670 Fax: (276) 326-6550 Web Site: www. ameripriseadvisors.com/ peter.r.romano Mr. Peter R. Romano E-Mail: peter.r.romano@ampf.com Financial Advising/Planning

Ammar’s Inc. /Magic Mart 710 South College Avenue Bluefield, VA 24605 Phone: (276) 322-4686 Fax: (276) 326-1060 Web Site: www.magicmartstores. com Mr. K. A. (Trey) Ammar, III Mr. Richard F. Ammar Mr. K. A. Ammar, Jr. Mrs. Sara A. Whitt E-Mail: ammars@ magicmartstores.com Retail Appalachian Flying Service LLC 300 Markell Drive, Suite 300 Bluefield, WV 24701 Phone: (304) 323-3040 Fax: (304) 323-3042 Web Site: www.flyappalachian. com Mr. Randy Carpenter E-Mail: rcarpenter@ flyappalachian.com Flight Instruction Appalachian Power P. O. Box 949 Beckley, WV 24802 Phone: 304-256-4805 Web Site: www.aep.com Mr. Ronn Robinson Mrs. Tracy Hertig E-Mail: rgrobinson@aep.com Utilities Apprisen 258 Blue Prince Rd. Ste. 101 Bluefield, WV 24701 Phone: (304) 325-5143 Fax: (866) 733-2227 Web Site: www.apprisen.com Ms. Rhonda Bishop E-Mail: rhonda.bishop@apprisen. com Credit Counseling AT&T 261 Mercer Mall Rd., Suite 310 Bluefield, WV 24701 Phone: (304) 324-0180 Fax: (304) 324-0297 Ms. Tammy R. Collins E-Mail: Tammy.Collins.1@att.com Cellular Service Provider AXA Equitable P. O. Box 1067 Bluefield, VA 24605 Phone: (276) 322-1950 Fax: (276) 322-1961 Mr. Charles E. Green, III E-Mail: charles.green2@axaadvisors.com Financial Advising/Planning

John A. Ayers 1608 College Avenue Bluefield, WV 24701 Phone: (304) 325-8089 Fax: (304) 325-6172 Mr. John A. Ayers E-Mail: jaasales@frontiernet.net Associate Member B Gene F. Bailey 128 Fawn Circle Bluefield, VA 24605 Phone: (276) 326-6401 Mr. Gene F. Bailey E-Mail: gene_golf@hotmail.com Associate Member BB&T 1309 Stafford Drive Princeton, WV 24740 Phone: (304) 487-5965 Fax: (304) 487-5928 Web Site: www.bbandt.com Mr. Mori Williams E-Mail: lmwilliams@bbandt.com Financial Institution BB&T 502 Commerce Drive Bluefield, VA 24605 Phone: (276) 322-3084 Fax: (276) 322-2892 Mr. Kenny Billings E-Mail: KBillings@BBandT.com Financial Institution Beckley Dermatology, Inc. 100 New Hope Road, Suite 102 Princeton, WV 24740 Phone: (304) 252-2673 Fax: (304) 929-2350 Nelson Velazquez, DO,FAOCD Dr. Frank Poland E-Mail: drv@suddenlinkmail.com Dermatology Belcher Mining & Industrial Systems P. O. Box 3006 Bluefield, WV 24701 Phone: (304) 589-5656 Fax: (304) 589-5935 Mr. Roland W. Belcher E-Mail: rwbelcher@citlink.net Mining Supplies Belk P. O. Box 7155 Bluefield, WV 24701 Phone: (304) 327-0561 Ms. Sandra Sluss E-Mail: sandra_sluss@belk.com Retail


Listings as of 1/21/2015 Beyond Communication Consulting LLC 1913 Apt. A Washington St. Bluefield, WV 24701 Phone: (717) 574-6629 Ms. Maureen B. Paradee E-Mail: beyondcommunicationconulting@ gmail.com Business Consultant Big Walker Lookout 8711 Stoney Fork Rd. Wytheville, VA 24382 Phone: (276) 663-4016 Web Site: www.scenicbeauty-va. com Mr. Ron Kime E-Mail: sales@scenicbeauty-va. com Entertainment Bill Cole Auto Mall P. O. Box 1810 Bluefield, WV 24701 Phone: (304) 327-0511 Fax: (304) 323-2362 Web Site: www.coledirect.com Mr. Bill Cole E-Mail: bill@coleautomotivegroup. com Automotive New & Used Car Blaydes Eye Associates P. O. Box 1380 Bluefield, WV 24701 Phone: (304) 327-8128 Fax: (304) 327-5912 Dr. Stephen Blaydes Optometrists


Bluefield Area Arts Center 500 Bland Street Bluefield, WV 24701 Phone: (304) 325-8000 Fax: (304) 325-8855 Mrs. Betty Brainerd E-Mail: thesummit@frontiernet.net Civic & Social Organizations Bluefield Baseball Club, Inc. P. O. Box 356 Bluefield, WV 24701 Phone: (304) 324-1326 Fax: (304) 324-1318 Web Site: www.bluefieldjays.com Mr. Jeff Gray E-Mail: jeff.gray@bluefieldjays. com Entertainment Bluefield College 3000 College Drive Bluefield, VA 24605 Phone: (276) 326-3682 Fax: (276) 326-4467 Web Site: www.bluefield.edu Dr. David Olive E-Mail: dolive@bluefield.edu Colleges/Universities/Jr. Colleges

Bluefield Daily Telegraph, The P. O. Box 1599 Bluefield, WV 24701 Phone: (304) 327-2800 Fax: (304) 325-3351 Web Site: www.bdtonline.com Mr. Randy Mooney Mrs. Terri Hale Ms. Samantha Perry Mrs. Sue Richmond Mrs. Rhonda Watson E-Mail: rmooney@bdtonline.com Newspapers/Publications Bluefield Elks Lodge P. O. Box 1217 Bluefield, WV 24701 Phone: (304) 327-9822 Fax: (304) 325-0541 Web Site: www. bluefieldelkslodge269.org Ms. Jeanne Simmons E-Mail: bookbpoe269@blfdelks. comcastbiz.net Fraternal Organizations Bluefield Gas Company/ANGD, LLC P. O. Box 2543 Abingdon, VA 24212 Phone: (276) 698-3127 Fax: (276) 698-3136 Web Site: www.bluefieldgas.com Mr. John Ebert E-Mail: jebert@appna+gas.com Utilities Bluefield Glass & Interiors 510 Blue Prince Rd. Bluefield, WV 24701 Phone: (304) 325-0588 Fax: (304) 325-7450 Mr. Charles E. Collier E-Mail: bluefieldglass@frontiernet. net Glass Bluefield Inn 2109 Jefferson St. Bluefield, WV 24701 Phone: (304) 323-2200 Fax: (304) 323-2203 Web Site: www.bluefieldinn.com Ms. Kitt McCarthy E-Mail: info@bluefieldinn.com Lodging Bluefield Laserwash 1000 Leatherwood Lane Bluefield, VA 24605 Phone: (276) 326-6454 Fax: (336) 218-8056 Mr. Lawrence M. Smith Automotive Wash Bluefield Lions Club P. O. Box 804 Bluefield, WV 24701 Mr. Eddie McQuail Fraternal Organizations

Bluefield Manufacturing, Inc. 215 Suppliers Road P. O. Box 1010 Bluefield, VA 24605 Phone: (276) 322-3441 Fax: (877) 326-2255 Web Site: www.bluefieldmfg.com Ms. Rita Peery E-Mail: rita@bluefieldmfg.com Mining Machinery Manufacture Bluefield Monument Company P. O. Box 985 Bluefield, VA 24605 Phone: (276) 326-1174 Fax: (276) 326-1175 Mr. Gary E. Neal E-Mail: blfdmonument@wvva.net Monument Bluefield Office Supply 327 North St Bluefield, WV 24701 Phone: (304) 327-6818 Fax: (304) 324-8305 Mr. Sam Gentle E-Mail: bbm@citlink.net Office Products Bluefield Preservation Society P. O. Box 4044 Bluefield, WV 24701 Phone: (304) 589-0239 Fax: (304) 589-5715 Web Site: bluefieldpreservationsociety.com Ms. Debrah Ammar E-Mail: skipcrane@hotmail.com Civic & Social Organizations Bluefield Regional Medical Center 500 Cherry St Bluefield, WV 24701 Phone: (304) 327-1100 Fax: (304) 327-1705 Web Site: www.bluefieldregional. net Mr. David Henry Mr. Mike Makosky Ms. Laura Martin Ms. Rebekah Ritter E-Mail: David-Henry@chs.net Hospitals/Rehabilitation Bluefield State College 219 Rock Street Bluefield, WV 24701 Phone: (304) 327-4030 Fax: (304) 327-4581 Web Site: www.bluefieldstate.edu Dr. Marsha Krotseng E-Mail: mkrotseng@bluefieldstate. edu Colleges/Universities/Jr. Colleges Bluefield Union Mission 2203 Bluefield Avenue Bluefield, WV 24701 Phone: (304) 327-8167 Web Site: www. bluefieldunionmission.com Mr. Craig Hammond Civic & Social Organizations

Bluefield, VA Town Of P. O. Box 1026 Bluefield, VA 24605 Phone: (276) 322-4626 Fax: (276) 326-1204 Web Site: www.bluefieldva.org Mr. Mike Watson Mayor Don Harris E-Mail: watson@bluefieldva.org Government & Government Agencies Bluefield WV, City Of 200 Rogers Street Bluefield, WV 24701 Phone: (304) 327-2401 Fax: (304) 327-8670 Web Site: www.cityofbluefield.com Mr. Dane Rideout Mr Tom Cole Mr. Josh Cline Police Chief Dennis Dillow E-Mail: citymanager@ cityofbluefield.com Government & Government Agencies BlueWolf Sales & Service, Inc. 653 Camp Joy Rd. Bluefield, VA 24605 Phone: (276) 326-2583 Fax: (276) 595-1957 Web Site: www.bluewolfcleaner. com Mr. Sean Lester E-Mail: sean.lester@ bluewolfcleaner.com Manufacturer All Purpose Cleaners Bluefield Yarn Company 313 Federal Street Bluefield, WV 24701 Phone: (910) 580-2159 Web-Site: www:bluefieldyarncompany.com Mrs. Karen Rideout E-Mail: bluefieldyarncompany@ gmail.com Yarn Store Boxley 101 Westview Avenue Princeton, WV 24740 Phone: (304) 320-6194 Web Site: www.boxley.com Mr. Sammy Geso E-Mail: sgeso@boxley.com Concrete, Block and Brick Brandon Disney State Farm 513 Cherry St. Bluefield, WV 24701 Phone: (304) 327-7631 Fax: (304) 323-2225 Web Site: www.drivewithdisney. com Mr. Brandon Disney E-Mail: brandon@drivewithdisney. com Insurance Agents/Carrier

Listings as of 1/21/2015 Brewster, Morhous, Cameron, Caruth, Moore, Kersey & Stafford, PLLC P. O. Box 529 Bluefield, WV 24701 Phone: (304) 325-9177 Fax: (304) 327-9178 Web Site: www.brewstermorhous. com Mr. Jerry J. Cameron Mr. Kermit J. Moore Mr. Lawrence E. Morhous E-Mail: jcameron@ brewstermorhous.com Attorney/Attorney at Law BrickStreet Insurance 400 Quarrier St. Charleston, WV 25301 Phone: (304) 941-1010 Ext:5047 Fax: (304) 941-1202 Web Site: www.BrickStreet.com Ms. Nancy Dodson E-Mail: nancy.dodson@ brickstreet.com Insurance Bristol Office Supply 28 Moore Street Bristol, VA 24201 Phone: (276) 669-7131 Fax: (276) 669-7259 Web Site: www.bos-inc.com Mr. Dean Edwards E-Mail: deanedwards@bos-inc. com Office Products Brown Sack Florist, LLC 2011 Coal Heritage Hwy Bluefield, WV 24701 Phone: (304) 327-9999 Fax: (304) 327-9990 Web Site: www. brownsackcreations.net Mr. Jim W. Webb E-Mail: brownsackfloristllc@ yahoo.com Florist Brown, Edwards & Company P. O. Box 1697 Bluefield, WV 24701 Phone: (304) 325-8157 Fax: (304) 327-8571 Web Site: www.becpas.com Mr. Gary Cornwell Mr. Brian Fields Mr. Domenic E. Pellillo, E-Mail: gcornwell@becpas.com Accounting/Tax Services Buffalo Trail Properties, LLC 190 Buffalo Trail Bluefield, WV 24701 Phone: (304) 324-3204 Fax: (304) 324-4224 Web Site: www.buffalotrailcabins. com Ms. Regina Peters E-Mail: reservations@ buffalotrailcabins.com Restaurant & Nightly Cabin Rentals

Bunker Repair Service 383 Industrial Park Rd. Bluefield, VA 24605 Phone: (276) 322-2273 Fax: (276) 322-1353 Mr. Stephen Bunker, Jr. E-Mail: b.r.s@comcast.net Mining Machinery Manufacture Bunny’s Suburban Shoppe 1607 Bland Street Bluefield, WV 24701 Phone: (304) 327-6313 Fax: (304) 327-6313 Mrs. Bernice Burnette E-Mail: bburnette2002@yahoo. com Womens Apparel W. David Burnette II CPA 1704 Vineyard Street Bluefield, WV 24701 Phone: (304) 327-2453 Fax: (304) 327-2455 Web Site: www.burnettecpa.com Mr. W. D. Burnette II E-Mail: bbcpa1@frontiernet.net Accounting/Tax Services C Cardno MM&A 534 Industrial Park Rd. Bluefield, VA 24605 Phone: (304) 809-0629 Fax: (276) 322-3102 Web Site: www.cardnomma.com Mr. Scott Keim Mr. David Jones Mr. Peter Taylor E-Mail: scott.keim@cardno.com Geological Casablanca Boutique 1603 Bland Street Bluefield, WV 24701 Phone: (304) 327-8197 Mrs. Pat McCormick E-Mail: pmccormick1106@gmail. com Womens Apparel CASE, WV 307 Federal Street, Suite 323 Bluefield, WV 24701 Phone: (304) 327-3506 Fax: (304) 327-8822 Web Site: www.casewv.org Mrs. Oraetta Hubbard E-Mail: ohubbard@casewv.org Government & Government Agencies Cathy Corte Payne 500 Country Club Drive Bluefield, VA 24605 Phone: (304) 320-7439 Mrs. Cathy Corte Payne E-Mail: ccpayne48@comcast.net Associate Member

Central Printing Co. 205 Central Avenue Beckley, WV 25801 Phone: (304) 252-5303 Fax: (304) 252-5310 Web Site: www.centralprintingwv. com Mr. Scott Fazio E-Mail: central@centralprintingwv. com Printing/Specalties Century 21, Select Properties 3501 E. Cumberland Rd. Bluefield, WV 24701 Phone: (304) 323-2491 Web Site: www.c21wv.com Mr. Brian Cox E-Mail: brian@c21wv.com Real Estate Agents Charlatte of America Box 968 Bluefield, VA 24605 Phone: (276) 326-1510 Fax: (276) 326-1602 Web Site: www.charlotteus.com Mr. Mike Fuller E-Mail: mikefuller@charlatteus. com Industrial Manufacture Chick-Fil-A at Mercer Mall 261 Mercer Mall Road, Suite 515 Bluefield, WV 24701 Phone: (304) 327-6008 Fax: (304) 327-0232 Mr. Michael A. Wade E-Mail: 00177@chick-fil-a.com Restaurant

Clark Testing 1801 Route 51 Jefferson Hills, PA 15025 Phone: (412) 387-1013 Web Site: www.clarktesting.com Ms. Kate Rostek E-Mail: krostek@clarktesting.com Geological Classic Coal Sales, Inc. P. O. Box 1030 Bluefield, VA 24605 Phone: (276) 322-4900 Fax: (276) 326-3152 Mr. Dick Johnson E-Mail: classiccoal@comcast.net Coal Sales Claude Erps Construction, Co. P. O. Box 1462 Bluefield, WV 24701 Phone: (304) 327-0413 Fax: (304) 327-0415 Mr. Claude Erps E-Mail: claudeerpsconstruction@ yahoo.com Contractors/General CNX Gas Corporation 2481 John Nash Boulevard Bluefield, WV 24701 Phone: (304) 323-6501 Fax: (304) 323-6549 Web Site: www.cnxgas.com Mr. Mike Onifer E-Mail: mikeonifer@cnxgas.com Coalbed Methane & Natural Gas Exploration and Production

Children’s Home Society of WV P. O. Box 5533 Princeton, WV 24740 Phone: (304) 425-8428 Fax: (304) 431-3443 Web Site: www.childhswv.org Mrs. Joanne Boileau E-Mail: jboileau@childhswv.org Social Service Planning

Coal Fillers P. O. Box 1063 Bluefield, VA 24605 Phone: (276) 322-4675 Fax: (276) 322-4677 Mr. Charles Bibbee E-Mail: cbibbee@coalfillers.com Petroleum and Coal Products

Chuck Mathena Center 2 Stafford Commons Princeton, WV 24740 Phone: (304) 425-5128 Fax: (304) 431-5460 Web Site: www. chuckmathenacenter.org Mr. Choskie Harmon Entertainment/Event Facility

Coal News, Inc. 106 Tamarack Street Bluefield, WV 24701 Phone: (304) 327-6777 Fax: (304) 327-6777 Web Site: www.coalnews.net Mr. Bill Reid E-Mail: billreid007@comcast.net Newspapers/Publications

Citizens Building Supply P. O. Box 1668 Bluefield, WV 24701 Phone: (304) 327-6118 Fax: (304) 325-2030 Web Site: www. citizensbuildingsupply.com Mr. Carl S. Thomas, III Mr. Carl S. Thomas, Jr. E-Mail: cbsi@citlink.net Hardware and Building Supply

Coca-Cola Bottling Company Consolidated Rt. 5, Box 419A Bluefield, WV 24701 Phone: (304) 589-3321 Fax: (304) 589-6650 Web Site: www.cokeconsolidated. com Mr. Bob Stalnaker Bottled and Canned Drinks


Listings as of 1/21/2015 Cole Auto Outlet, Inc. Box 235 3085 Stadium Drive Bluefield, VA 24605 Phone: (276) 326-1300 Fax: (276) 326-1601 Web Site: www.coleautooutlet. com Mr. Mike Johnston E-Mail: mjohnston@ coleautooutlet.com Automotive New & Used Car

Community Connections 215 South Walker Street Princeton, WV 24740 Phone: (304) 913-4956 Fax: (304) 913-4964 Web Site: www. strongcommunities.org Mr. Greg Puckett E-Mail: cci@strongcommunities. org Social Service Planning

Cole Chevrolet-Cadillac, Inc. P. O. Box 688 Bluefield, WV 24701 Phone: (304) 327-8116 Fax: (304) 325-3074 Web Site: www.colechevy.com Mr. Tom Cole Mr. Paul Cole Mr. John Mahood E-Mail: tcole@colechevy.com Automotive New & Used Car

Community Foundation of the Virginia’s Inc. 121 North Street P. O. Box 4127 Bluefield, WV 24701 Phone: (304) 324-0222 Fax: (304) 324-7716 Web Site: www.cfvinc.org Mr. James H. Shott E-Mail: execdir@cfvinc.org Foundations

Cole Harley-Davidson 1804 Bland Street P. O. Box 1376 Bluefield, WV 24701 Phone: (304) 324-8116 Fax: (304) 324-8627 Web Site: www.coleh-d.com Mr. Chaz Cole E-Mail: chaz@coleh-d.com Motorcycle Dealers

Community Radiology of Virginia P. O. Box 17 Bluefield, VA 24605 Phone: (304) 327-7177 Fax: (304) 327-5850 Web Site: www. communityradiologyofvirginia.com Ms. Diane Dawson Medical Services

Cole Truck Parts, Inc 1015 Bluefield Avenue Bluefield, WV 24701 Phone: (304) 325-2223 Fax: (304) 325-2229 Web Site: www.coletruckparts. com Mr. Chip Brooks E-Mail: cbrooks100@ coletruckparts.com Truck Parts


Steve Coleman Photography 495 Blue Prince Rd., Suite 108 Bluefield, WV 24701 Phone: (304) 887-7606 Web Site: www. stevecolemanphotography.com Mr. Steve Coleman E-Mail: stevecoleman76@hotmail. com Photography and Art Comfort Inn, Bluefield, VA 38769 Governor G. C. Peery Highway Bluefield, VA 24605 Phone: (276) 326-3688 Fax: (276) 326-3002 Web Site: www.choicehotels.com Mr. Harry Patel E-Mail: gm.va447@choicehotels. com Lodging Comfort Inn, Princeton 136 Ambrose Lane Princeton, WV 24740 Phone: (304) 487-6101 Fax: (304) 425-7002 Web Site: www.choicehotels.com Mr. Perry Newton E-Mail: newton@sdcmotels.com Lodging

Concord University P. O. Box 1000 Athens, WV 24712 Phone: (304) 384-3115 Fax: (304) 384-9044 Web Site: www.concord.edu Ms. Kendra Boggess E-Mail: president@concord.edu Colleges/Universities/Jr. Colleges Council on Aging, Inc. P. O. Box 130 Itmann, WV 24847 Phone: (304) 294-8800 Fax: (304) 294-8803 Web Site: www.wccoa.com Ms. Jennifer Gibson E-Mail: gibsonj@wccoa.com In-Home Services for Aged and Disabled Country Inn & Suites 111 Halls Ridge Road Princeton, WV 24740 Phone: (304) 425-2200 Fax: (304) 425-2201 Web Site: www.countryinns.com/ princetonwv Mr. Gerard Caron E-Mail: cx_prwv@countryinns. com Lodging Craft Memorial Library 600 Commerce Street Bluefield, WV 24701 Phone: (304) 325-3943 Fax: (304) 325-3702 Web Site: www.craftmemorial.lib. wv.us Ms. Eva H. McGuire E-Mail: mcguiree@mail.mln.lib. wv.us Libraries

Jerry Crews 711 Edgewood Rd. Bluefield, WV 24701 Phone: (304) 327-8595 Mr. Jerry Crews Associate Member Ulysses Cundiff 405 Hillcrest Drive Bluefield, VA 24605 Phone: (276) 326-2513 Mr. Ulysses Cundiff E-Mail: ucundiff@verizon.net Associate Member D Dairy Queens of Bluefield 3138 Cumberland Road Bluefield, WV 24701 Phone: (304) 325-6652 www.dairyqueen.com Mrs. Gail Satterfield Restaurant Dales Chiropractic 111-A Sanuders Lane Bluefield, VA 24605 Phone: (276) 326-3852 Fax: (276) 322-3308 Web Site: www.daleschiropractic. com Dr.’s Joe & Kay Dales E-Mail: joedales2074@yahoo.com Chiropractic/Health David’s At the Club 1501 Whitethorn Street Bluefield, WV 24701 Phone: (304) 327-9822 Mr. David Hardin Restaurant Days Inn 347 Meadowfield Lane Princeton, WV 24740 Phone: (304) 425-8100 Fax: (304) 487-1734 Ms. Verna Blankenship Lodging DCI/Shires, Inc. P. O. Box 1259 Bluefield, WV 24701 Phone: (304) 323-1996 Fax: (304) 323-3037 Web Site: www.dcitm.com Mrs. Catherine Deeb E-Mail: cathydeeb@dcishires.com Contractors/General DE Thompson Electric P. O. Box 1432 Bluefield, WV 24701 Phone: (304) 920-6618 Mr. David Thompson E-Mail: dethompsonelectric@ comcast.net Electrical Deskins Wholesale, LLC 1808 Jefferson Street P. O. Box 1255 Bluefield, WV 24701 Phone: (304) 324-1938 Mr. Bob Deskins Candy & Miscellaneous

Development Authority of Mercer Co. 1500 W. Main St. Princeton, WV 24740 Phone: (304) 431-8523 Fax: (304) 487-5616 Web Site: www.mercercoeda.com Mrs. Janet Bailey E-Mail: mercercounty@citlink.net Development Authority DLH Associates P. O. Box 910 Bluefield, WV 24701 Phone: (304) 324-8001 Fax: (304) 324-8033 Web Site: www.dlhinsurance.com Mr. C. Connor Litton Mr. Charlie Carter E-Mail: connorl@dlhinsurance. com Insurance Agents/Carrier Douglas Equipment 301 North Street Bluefield, WV 24701 Phone: (304) 327-0149 Fax: (304) 325-3848 Web Site: www. douglasequipment.us Mr. Larry Douglas Commercial Food Store Equipment Sales & Service E East River Financial, Inc. Enterprise Rent-A-Car 683B 464 Old Bluefield Road Princeton, WV 24740 Phone: (304) 431-3030 Fax: (304) 431-3005 Web Site: www.enterprise.com Mr. Brent Ball E-Mail: brent.a.ball@ehi.com Automotive Rental ERA Advantage Realty P. O. Box 586 288 Courthouse Road Princeton, WV 24740 Phone: (304) 425-3400 Fax: (304) 425-7300 Web Site: www.ERAAdvantageRealty.com Mr. Mike Hazlewood E-Mail: mike.hazlewood@ERA. com Real Estate Agents F Family Eye Health Care Clinic 3101 Cumberland Road Bluefield, WV 24701 Phone: (304) 325-3603 Fax: (304) 325-3605 Web Site: www.drfrankbritton.net Dr. Frank Britton, III Optometrists

Listings as of 1/21/2015 Fenner Dunlop Americas 578 Camp Joy Road Bluefield, VA 24605 Phone: (276) 322-1426 Web Site: www. fennerdunlopamericas.com Mr. Mark Myers Conveyor Belt Manufacturer & Conveyor Belt Service Feuchtenberger Music Studio 804 Fincastle Drive Bluefield, VA 24605 Phone: (276) 322-2354 Web Site: www. blackandwhiteclassics.com Ms. Pat Feuchtenberger E-Mail: pfeuch@comcast.net Piano, Theory, Composition Lessons Fincastle on the Mountain, Inc. 1000 Country Club Drive Bluefield, VA 24605 Phone: (276) 326-1178 Fax: (276) 322-3469 Web Site: www. fincastleonthemountain.com Mr. Rick Compton Country Club First Bank and Trust Company P. O. Box 548 Wytheville, VA 24382 Phone: (276) 245-5478 Web Site: www.firstbank.com Mr. Jeff Forlines E-Mail: jforlines@firstbank.com Financial Institution First Century Bank P. O. Box 1559 Bluefield, WV 24701 Phone: (304) 325-8181 Fax: (304) 325-3727 Web Site: www.firstcentury.com Mr. Frank Wilkinson Mr. William E. Albert Mr. J. Ronald Hypes Mrs. Barbara Moore Ray E-Mail: fwilkinson@firstcentury. com Financial Institution First Century Bank, Inc. Trust Department 500 Federal St. P. o. Box 1559 Bluefield, WV 24701 Phone: (304) 324-3348 Fax: (304) 327-9437 Web Site: www.firstcentury.com Mr. John Beckett E-Mail: jbeckett@firstcentury.com Financial Institution First Community Bank Bluefield 211 Federal Street P. O. Box 950 Bluefield, WV 24701 Phone: (304) 325-7151 Fax: (304) 327-9663 Web Site: www.fcbresource.com Mr. Larry Ratliff Mrs. Elizabeth Brewster Ms. Beverly H. Damron Mr. Bruce Terry (Wells Mgt) Financial Institution

First Community Bank, Corporate Office P. O. Box 989, One Community Place Bluefield, VA 24605 Phone: (276) 326-9000 Fax: (276) 326-9010 Web Site: www.fcbresource.com Mr. Gary R. Mills Mr. Robert L. Buzzo Mr. E. Stephen Lilly E-Mail: gmills@fcbinc.com Financial Institution First Community Insurance Services 1 Stafford Commons Princeton, WV 24740 Phone: (304) 425-8793 Fax: (304) 431-9090 Web Site: www.fcis.com Mr. Daniel O. Dunn E-Mail: ddunn@fcis.com Insurance Agents/Carrier First Community Wealth Management P. O. Box 1728 Bluefield, WV 24701 Phone: (304) 325-7334 Fax: (304) 325-7620 Web Site: www.raymondjames. com/IPC Mr. Sam Hill Financial Advising/Planning First Sentinel Bank 801 South College Avenue, Suite 5 Bluefield, VA 24605 Phone: (276) 322-1380 Fax: (276) 322-1385 Web Site: www.firstsentinelbank. coma Mr. Rick Worley E-Mail: richardworley@ firstsentinelbank.com Financial Institution Food City P. O. Box 1028 Bluefield, VA 24605 Phone: (276) 322-2515 Fax: (276) 322-4796 Web Site: www.foodcity.com Mr. Steve Remines E-Mail: 852smgr@foodcity.com Grocery Four Seasons Pharmacy, Inc. 300 Morrison Drive Princeton, WV 24740 Phone: (304) 487-0015 Fax: (304) 487-0005 Web Site: www.willowgiftgallery. com Mr. Kenneth Reeves Pharmacies and Gift Shops

Fox & Thompson Plumbing and Heating 1701 Bluefield Avenue Bluefield, WV 24701 Phone: (304) 327-6212 Fax: (304) 327-6212 Mr. James Graham E-Mail: jimmy.graham@ foxandthompson.com Plumbing, Heating, Air Conditioning Contractors Frontier Communications of West Virginia 300 Bland Street Bluefield, WV 24701 Phone: (304) 325-1216 Fax: (304) 325-1483 Web Site: www.frontier.com Mr. Mike Swatts Mr. Johnny Bailey Mr. Kevin Compton Mrs. Angie McCall Mr. Rick Umberger E-Mail: mswatts@czn.com Telephone/Cellular Phone Service Frye Roofing, Inc. 2000 Princeton Avenue Bluefield, WV 24701 Phone: (304) 327-5314 Fax: (304) 325-3700 Web Site: www.fryeroofing.com Mr. J. C. Robinson E-Mail: info@fryeroofing.com Roofing Commercial/Residential G Gearheart Enterprises, LLC 131 Henderson Drive Bluefield, WV 24701 Phone: (304) 320-0879 Mr. Marty Gearheart E-Mail: marty.gearheart@ martygearheart.com Advertising Outdoor Glenwood Park Retirement Village A Stonerise Healthcare Company 1924 Glenwood Park Road Princeton, WV 24739 Phone: (304) 425-8128 Fax: (304) 487-1338 Web Site: www. stonerisehealthcare.com Mrs. Angelia L. Peterson E-Mail: apeterson@glenwoodwv. com Nursing Services/Retirement James M. Godwin III, DDS 2400 Washington Street Bluefield, WV 24701 Phone: (304) 327-6082 Fax: (304) 325-2611 Dr. James M. Godwin, III Dentists Dr. Harold L. Goforth, Jr. DDS P. O. Box 607 Bluefield, WV 24701 Phone: (304) 327-7135 Fax: (304) 327-0758 Harold L. Goforth, Jr. DDS E-Mail: lucky54@frontiernet.net Dentists

Goodykoontz Drug Store 2924 West Cumberland Road Bluefield, WV 24701 Phone: (304) 325-7121 Fax: (304) 327-9701 Mr. Jerry A. Bovenizer E-Mail: jbov@citlink.net Pharmacies and Gift Shops H. L. Graham, Jr. 1604 Jefferson Street Bluefield, WV 24701 Phone: (304) 327-8909 H L. Graham E-Mail: lynden24701@gmail.com Associate Member Grant’s Supermarkets 1808 Jefferson Street Bluefield, WV 24701 Phone: (304) 324-2260 Fax: (304) 324-2262 Web Site: www. grantssupermarket.com Mr. Ron Martin E-Mail: ron_grants@frontiernet. net Grocery Grasshoppers Lawn Care and Landscaping 139 Angles Hollow Rd. North Tazewell, VA 24630 Phone: (304) 320-6706 Web Site: www.grasshoppersonline.com Mr. Larry K. Dalton, Jr. E-Mail: skip@grasshoppersonline.com Lawn Care and Landscaping Greater Bluefield Community Center 703 College Avenue Bluefield, WV 24701 Phone: (304) 325-5707 Fax: (304) 327-0872 Web Site: www.GBCConline.org Monica Shrewsbury, Manager Health & Fitness Grubb Photo Service 1316 Bland Street Bluefield, WV 24701 Phone: (304) 327-7876 Fax: (304) 325-7222 Web Site: www.grubbphoto.com Mr. David McNeil E-Mail: grubb@grubbphoto.com Photography and Art H Eugenia Hancock 2515 Cliffmont Bluefield, WV 24701 Phone: (304) 325-7643 Mrs. Eugenia Hancock E-Mail: thegenie@citlink.net Associate Member


Listings as of 1/21/2015 Hartzog Insurance Agency P. O. Box 1419 Bluefield, WV 24701 Phone: (304) 325-3406 Fax: (304) 325-3404 Mrs. Julie H. Hurley E-Mail: hartzog@citlink.net Insurance Agents/Carrier Hawgpit Cycles Inc. 4775 East Cumberland Road Bluefield, WV 24701 Phone: (304) 324-4294 Web Site: www.hawgpitcycles. com Mr. John H. Boothe, Jr. E-Mail: jboothe40@gmail.com Motorcycle Dealers HealthSouth Southern Hills Rehab. Hospital 112 12th St. Ext. 120th St. Ext. Princeton, WV 24740 Phone: (304) 487-8248 Fax: (304) 425-7435 Web Site: www.healthsouth.com Mr. Robb Williams E-Mail: robert.williams@ healthsouth.com Hospitals/Rehabilitation Henry H. Jones, CPA 3511 E. Cumberland Road P. O. Box 1897 Bluefield, WV 24701 Phone: (304) 809-0022 Web Site: www.hhjonescpa.com Mrs. Kim Jones E-Mail: kim@hhjonescpa.com Accounting/CPA High Impact Media, Inc P. O. Box 1129 Bluefield, VA 24605 Phone: (276) 322-2741 Fax: (276) 322-2742 Web Site: www.highimpactmedia. com Mr. Brad McMillion E-Mail: bradm@highimpactmedia. com Advertising Agencies


Historic Crab Orchard Museum & Pioneer Park, Inc. 3663 Crab Orchard Rd. Tazewell, VA 24651 Phone: (276) 988-6755 Fax: (276) 988-9400 Web Site: www. craborchardmuseum.com Ms. Charlotte Whitted E-Mail: cwhitted@ craborchardmuseum.com Entertainment/Museum Hobby Lobby 261 Mercer Mall Road Bluefield, WV 24701 Phone: (304) 323-1640 Web Site: www.hobbylobby.com Mr. Brandon Coomes Mr. Kyle Crawford E-Mail: brandon.coomes@ hobbylobby.com Retail

Hollins Exhibits Inc. P. O. Box 7001 Roanoke, VA 24019 Phone: (540) 362-3940 Fax: (540) 362-8698 Web Site: www.hollins-expo.com Mr. Bill Coburn E-Mail: bcoburn@hollins-expo. com Business Services Hometown Service Center, Inc. P. O. Box 235 Bluefield,, VA 24605 Phone: (276) 326-1929 Fax: (276) 322-5532 Mr. Brad Greene Automotive Service Stations Hopkins, A. A. “Lon”, Jr. P. O. Box 881 Bluefield, WV 24701 Phone: (304) 325-8012 Mr. Lon Hopkins Associate Member Jovon, Horton 730 Parkway Bluefield, WV 24701 Phone: (304) 325-8472 Mr. Jovon Horton Associate Member

JANPAK Corporate Operations P. O. Box 130 Bluefield, WV 24701 Phone: (304) 325-8160 Fax: (304) 325-8325 Web Site: www.janpak.com Mr. Keith Hayes E-Mail: khayes@janpak.com Paper Supplies/Industrial Supplies Joy Global/Underground Mining, LLC 1081 Hockman Pike Bluefield, VA 24605 Phone: (276) 326-5144 Fax: (276) 326-5147 Web Site: www.joyglobal.com Ms. Dora Shrader Mr. Allen Dougherty E-Mail: dora.shrader@joyglobal. com Mining Machinery Manufacture Jim Justice 15 Fairlane Drive Bluefield, VA 24605 Phone: (276) 322-3648 Mr. Jim Justice E-Mail: jyjustice@aol.com Associate Member K

Hospice Compassus 1330 Mercer Street Princeton, WV 24740 Phone: (304) 431-2000 Fax: (304) 431-2002 Web Site: www. hospicecompassus.com Ms. Stori Pugh Health Services Hypes, Bud Plumbing 203 Thorn Street Princeton, WV 24740 Phone: (304) 425-7208 Fax: (304) 425-7355 Web Site: www.budhypes.com Mrs. Patty Hypes E-Mail: budhypes@frontiernet.net Plumbing, Heating, Air Conditioning Contractors I Investment Planning Advisors 3008 E. Cumberland Road Bluefield, WV 24701 Phone: (304) 327-0401 Fax: (304) 327-0499 Web Site: www:ipabluefield.com Mr. Michael Patton E-Mail: michael.patton@lpl.com Investment/Insurance/Employee Benefits J J & R Manufacturing, Inc. 351 Industrial Park Road Bluefield, VA 24605 Phone: (276) 322-5431 Fax: (276) 322-5433 Mr. Roy C. Riley Mrs. Teresa B. Barringer Mining Machinery Manufacture

K & K Music Company/ Randomworld, LTD P. O. Box 1561 Bluefield, WV 24701 Phone: (304) 327-9309 Fax: (304) 324-2397 Web Site: kandkgames.com Mr. James W. Knowles, Jr. E-Mail: jknowles7@gmail.com Entertainment Kammer Furniture Co., Inc. 400 Bland Street Bluefield, WV 24701 Phone: (304) 327-6917 Web Site: www. kammerfurniturecompany.com Mr. Harry S. Kammer E-Mail: kammerfurniture@ frontiernet.net Furniture, Appliances & Mattresses Katz, Kantor, Stonestreet & Buckner, LLC 207 S. Walker St. Princeton, WV 24740 Phone: (304) 431-4050 Fax: (304) 431-4060 Web Site: www.katzkantor.com Mr. Wayne Stonestreet Mr. Norris Kantor E-Mail: wstonestreet@citlink.net Attorney/Attorney at Law Charlie Middleton Kentucky Fried Chicken 3300 Cumberland Rd Bluefield, WV 24701 Phone: (304) 325-7858 Mr. Charlie Middleton Restaurant

Don Kersey 1415 Lebanon St. Bluefield, WV 24701 Phone: (304) 910-3855 Mr. Don Kersey E-Mail: donkersey1955@gmail. com Associate Member King Coal Highway Association Box 1448 Gilbert, WV 25621 Phone: (304) 664-6200 Fax: (304) 664-6266 Mr. Mike Mitchem E-Mail: mmitchem57@yahoo.com Government & Government Agencies King’s Warriors USL Soccer Team P. O. Box 126 Forest Hill, WV 24935 Web Site: www.wvkingswarriors. org Professional Soccer Team Kingís Tire Service Inc. P. O. Box 3511 Bluefield, WV 24701 Phone: (304) 325-0575 Fax: (304) 325-0572 Web Site: www.kingtireservice. com Mr. Randolph King, Jr. E-Mail: king8@earthlink.net Automotive Tires KMS/Jennmar Corporation 56 Pisgah Lane Princeton, WV 24739 Phone: (304) 320-0197 Fax: (304) 431-3749 Web Site: www.jennmar.com Mr. Joey B. Blankenship E-Mail: jblankenship@jennmar. com Roof and Ground Control Products Kwik Kafe Company, Inc 204 Furnace St Bluefield, VA 24605 Phone: (276) 322-4691 Fax: (276) 322-4694 Web Site: www.kwikkafeco.com Mr. Dave Herndon E-Mail: kwikkafe@4seasonswireless.net Vending Machines & Supplies L L & P Broadcasting L & P Broadcasting P. O. Box 5588 Princeton, WV 24740 Phone: (304) 425-2151 Fax: (304) 487-2016 Web Site: www.STAR95.com Mrs. Pat Tolley Mrs. Linda Witt E-Mail: pattolley@star95.com Radio

Listings as of 1/21/2015 LaFiesta Fresh Mexican Grill & Cantina 504 Commerce Drive Bluefield, VA 24605 Phone: (276) 322-4745 Mr. Larry & Amy Price, Owners Mr. George Castillo, Manager E-Mail: jboothe40@gmail.com Restaurant Lamar Advertising 5507 Ingleside Road Princeton, WV 24740 Phone: (304) 325-3655 Fax: (304) 325-3657 Web Site: www.lamar.com Mr. Don McMahan E-Mail: dmcmahan@lamar.com Advertising Outdoor Landmark Antiques, Inc. 200 Federal Street Bluefield, WV 24701 Phone: (304) 327-9686 Fax: (304) 322-5345 Web Site: www. landmarkantiquemall.com Mrs. Christine Bordeaux E-Mail: landmarkantiquesbluefieldwv@ yahoo.com Antiques Lawrence Brothers, Inc. 203 Lawrence Road Bluefield, VA 24605 Phone: (276) 322-4988 Fax: (276) 322-5436 Web Site: www.lbimanufacturing. com www.facebook/lbi Mrs. Melanie Protti-Lawrence E-Mail: melaniepl@lbiweb.com Manufacturing/Custom Furniture/ Home Décor Little Caesars Pizza 1817 Bland Street Bluefield, WV 24701 Phone: (304) 325-8111 Fax: (304) 325-8111 Web Site: www.littlecaesars.com Sabrina Donahue-Moore E-Mail: sabrinad@vdm-group.com Restaurant William H. Looney, Jr. 212 College Avenue Bluefield, WV 24701 Phone: (304) 325-3481 Fax: (304) 325-3482 Mr. William H. Looney, Jr. E-Mail: whlooneyjr@aol.com Associate Member M LeRoy Mabe 403 Bland St Bluefield, WV 24701 Phone: (304) 327-2542 Fax: (304) 327-2543 Mr. LeRoy Mabe Accounting/Tax Services

MAC Contractors 1159 Bland Street Bluefield, WV 24701 Phone: (304) 327-6440 Fax: (304) 327-6449 Mr. Chuck McGonagle Mr. Tom Cole E-Mail: maccontractors@frontier. com Contractors/General Maurices 595 Mercer Mall Ste 225 261 Mercer Mall Rd. Bluefield, WV 24701 Phone: (304) 327-7581 Web Site: www.maurices.com Ms. Cassandra Fox E-Mail: cfox2372@gmail.com Womens Apparel McDonald’s 120 McDonald Street Tazewell, VA 24651 Phone: (276) 988-2558 Fax: (276) 988-3789 Mr. Tim Plumbley E-Mail: gfmcdonalds@adelphia. net Restaurant George McGonagle 1304 Woodrow Avenue Bluefield, WV 24701 Phone: (304) 324-0634 Fax: (304) 324-0634 Mr. George A. McGonagle E-Mail: GMcGonagle@Comcast. net Associate Member MCNB Banks 3152 E. Cumberland Rd. P. O. Box 170 Bluefield, WV 24701 Phone: (304) 325-6500 Fax: (304) 436-5614 Web Site: www.mcnbbanks.com Mr. Bernard L. Pauley Mr. Glenn T. “Tom” Hall E-Mail: bernard.pauley@ mcnbbanks.com Financial Institution Edward J. McQuail, III P. O. Box 146 Bluefield, WV 24701 Phone: (304) 327-8202 Mr. Edward J. McQuail, III E-Mail: ejm111@frontiernet.net Associate Member Med-Response Inc P. O. Box 3225 - Bluewell Station Bluefield, WV 24701 Phone: (304) 589-3365 Fax: (304) 589-6319 Web Site: www.medresponse.com Mr. William E. Clarke, Jr. Health Services/Supplies

MedExpress Urgent Care 4003 College Avenue, Suite B Bluefield, VA 24605 Phone: (276) 322-2085 Fax: (276) 322-2590 Web Site: www.medexpress.com Ms. Kelly Jennings E-Mail: kjennings@medexpress. com Urgent Care Center

Mercer County Opportunity Industries 238 Career Path Princeton, WV 24739 Phone: (304) 425-3810 Fax: (304) 487-6621 Web Site: www.mcoicrp.org Mr. Stephen Dickerson E-Mail: s.dickerson@mcoicrp.org Workshop/Specialty Advertising

MEFCOR, Inc. P. O. Box 818 Bluefield, VA 24605 Phone: (276) 322-4695 Fax: (276) 322-4696 Mr. Kyle Hurt E-Mail: kyleh@mefcor.com Mining Machinery Manufacture

Mercer Funeral Home Of Blfd Inc 1231 W. Cumberland Road Bluefield, WV 24701 Phone: (304) 327-6155 Fax: (304) 325-3650 Web Site: www. mercerfuneralhome.com Mr. Gary Boyce E-Mail: mercer@ mercerfuneralhome.com Funeral Parlors

Mercer County Airport 300 Martell Drive, Suite 201 Bluefield, WV 24701 Phone: (304) 327-5308 Fax: (304) 327-5308 Mr. Clint Ransom E-Mail: mercerap@citlink.net Airport Mercer County Board Of Education 1403 Honaker Avenue Princeton, WV 24740 Phone: (304) 487-1551 Fax: (304) 425-5844 Web Site: www.boe.merc.k12. wv.us Dr. Deborah Akers Schools Mercer County Commission 1501 Main Street Princeton, WV 24740 Phone: (304) 487-8306 Fax: (304) 487-8370 Mr. Mike Vinciguerra E-Mail: mercercocommission@ frontiernet.net Government & Government Agencies Mercer County CVB P. O. Box 4088 704 Bland Street Bluefield, WV 24701 Phone: (304) 325-8438 Fax: (304) 324-8483 Web Site: www.visitmercercounty. com Ms. Jamie Null E-Mail: jamie@visitmercercounty. com Entertainment/Bureau Mercer County Fair, Inc. P. O. Box 457 Athens, WV 24712 Phone: (304) 887-6716 Web Site: www. fairofmercercounty.com Mr. Dusti Snider E-Mail: info@fairofmercercounty. com Entertainment

Mercer Mall P. O. Box 7111 Bluefield, WV 24701 Phone: (304) 327-2509 Fax: (304) 327-8504 Mr. Dennis McAllister E-Mail: dmcallister@ ershigproperties.com General Merchandise Stores Mercer Nursing and Rehabilitation P. O. Box 410 Bluefield, WV 24701 Phone: (304) 325-5448 Fax: (304) 327-7660 Web Site: www.amwmwv.com Mr. Matthew Tucker E-Mail: mtucker@amsmwv.com Nursing Services/Retirement Michael J. Romeo/Nationwide Insurance 3144 E. Cumberland Road Bluefield, WV 24701 Phone: (304) 325-9357 Fax: (304) 325-9357 Web Site: www. Nationwideinsurance.com/ AGENTS/ROMEOM.htm Mr. Michael J. Romeo E-Mail: ROMEO@Nationwide.com Insurance Agents/Carrier Miller Interactive, Inc. P. O. Box 610 Bluefield,, VA 24605 Phone: (276) 322-4636 Fax: (276) 322-4639 Web Site: www.millerinteractive. net Mr. Frazier Miller, Jr. E-Mail: sales@millerinteractive. net Web Development Miracle-Ear 465 Blue Prince Rd. Bluefield, WV 24701 Phone: (304) 324-8358 Fax: (304) 324-8308 Web Site: miracle-ear-bluefield. com Mr. Gregory L. Wimmer Audiology


Listings as of 1/21/2015 A. A. Modena 2007 Camelia Circle Midlothian, VA 23112 Mr. Al Modena E-Mail: almarymodena@yahoo. com Associate Member Mountain State ENT 2 Westwood Medical Park Bluefield, VA 24605 Phone: (304) 255-2341 Fax: (304) 255-2343 A.James Paine, M.D. E-mail: leslie.farr@msent.com Mountaineer Bowling Lanes, Inc. 3224 Cumberland Rd Bluefield, WV 24701 Phone: (304) 325-7037 Fax: (304) 323-2370 Web Site: www. mountaineerbowling.com Mr. Carl Mariotti, Jr. Mrs. Loretta Hammond E-Mail: mountaineer3@ frontiernet.net Entertainment MountainView Student Residence & Conf. Ctr. 704 Bland Street, Box 101 Bluefield, WV 24701 Phone: (304) 324-3800 Fax: (304) 324-3801 Web Site: www.mountainviewsrc. org Mr. Gerald James E-Mail: gjames@bluefieldstate. edu Student Residence & Conference Center


Mullens Travel, Inc. P. O. Box 406 Bluefield, WV 24701 Phone: (304) 327-2424 Fax: (304) 325-3004 Mr. Edward R. Tomchin E-Mail: edwardtomchin@yahoo. com Travel Services N National Bank 2070 Leatherwood Lane Bluefield, VA 24605 Phone: (276)326-3932 Fax: (276) 326-6202 Ms. Kelli Sparks E-Mail: ksparks@nbbank.com Web Site: www.nbbank.com Financial Institution New Graham Pharmacy Inc. 566 Virginia Ave Bluefield, VA 24605 Phone: (276) 326-1166 Fax: (276) 326-3784 Web Site: www.newgraham.com Mr. Michael Dye E-Mail: mdye@newgraham.com Pharmacies and Gift Shops

New Image Signs, Inc. P. O. Box 295 Bluefield, WV 24701 Phone: (304) 327-6946 Fax: (304) 325-2019 Web Site: www. newimagesignsinc.com Mrs. Geneva M. Looney E-Mail: newimagesignsinc.@ citlink.net Advertising Outdoor New Peoples Bank P. O. Box 517 514 Commerce Drive Bluefield, VA 24605 Phone: (276) 326-2265 Fax: (276) 326-1324 Mrs. Jane Carter Ms. Sharon Borich E-Mail: jane@newpeoplesbank. com Financial Institution New River Community and Technical College 221 George Street, Suite 2 Beckley, WV 25801 Phone: (304) 929-5445 Web Site: www.newriver.edu Ms. Lori Midkiff E-Mail: lmidkiff@newriver.edu Colleges/Universities/Jr. Colleges Norfolk Southern Corp. 800 Princeton Avenue Bluefield, WV 24701 Phone: (304) 325-4348 Web Site: www.NSCorp.com Mr. Floyd Hudson Mr. Paul Anderson Mr. Jim Skeens Mr. Ryan Stege Mr. Dave Stinson E-Mail: floyd.hudson@nscorp.com Railroads, Line Rail nTelos Wireless 500 Summers St., Suite 200 Charleston, WV 25301 Phone: (304) 395-0297 Fax: (304) 353-8939 Web Site: www.ntelos.com Ms. Holly DesMeules E-Mail: desmeulesh@ntelos.com Cellular Service Provider Rosa Lee Nuckolls 204 Fincastle Lane Bluefield, VA 24605 Phone: (276) 326-1393 Mrs. Rosa Lee Nuckolls Associate Member

O ORICA 394 Shott Court Bluefield, WV 24701 Phone: (304) 327-5007 Fax: (304) 327-2588 Mr. Danny Whitlow E-Mail: danny.whitlow@orica.com Mining Supplies

P Dr. and Mrs. Albert Paine 2120 Mountain View Bluefield, WV 24701 Phone: (304) 325-9577 Dr. and Mrs. Albert Paine E-Mail: beacpaine@gmail.com Associate Member Pemco Corporation P. O. Box 1319 Bluefield, VA 24605 Phone: (276) 326-2611 Fax: (276) 326-2616 Mr. James J. Johnson E-Mail: johnson-j@pemco.net Mining Machinery Manufacture People Inc. Financial Services 1173 West Main Street Abingdon, VA 24210 Phone: (276) 619-2239 Fax: (276) 525-1211 Web Site: www.peopleinc.net Ms. Deborah Wagner E-Mail: dwagner@peopleinc.net Non Profit Organization Peters Equipment Co., LLC P. O. Box 1050 Bluefield, VA 24605 Phone: (276) 322-5451 Fax: (276) 322-3991 Mr. Bob Ramsey Mr. Charles Peters E-Mail: bramsey@petersequip. com Mining Machinery Manufacture Phoenix Sports and Advertising Inc. 625 East Riverside Drive North Tazewell, VA 24630 Phone: (276) 988-9449 Fax: (276) 988-9449 Mr. Steve Thrift E-Mail: phoenixsport@richl.twcbc. com Screen Printing - Specialty Advertising Pocahontas Exhibition Coal Mine & Museum P. O. Box 128 Pocahontas, VA 24635 Phone: (276) 945-9522 Fax: (276) 945-9904 Web Site: www.pocahontasva.org Mr. Greg Jones E-Mail: pocahontasva@comcast. net Entertainment/Museum Pocahontas Land Corporation P. O. Box 1517 Bluefield, WV 24701 Phone: (304) 324-2402 Fax: (304) 324-2443 Mr. John Payne Mr. Richard ĂŹBudĂŽ Clapp Mr. R. N. Stephens Land Company

Pocahontas Resources LLC 16325 Taylor Place, Suite 500 P. O. Box 1837 Abingdon, VA 24212 Phone: (276) 628-5399 Fax: (276) 628-1396 Mrs. Pam G. Blackburn E-Mail: pam@ pocahontasresources.com Land Company Pounding Mill Quarry Corp. 171 St. Clairs Crossing Bluefield, VA 24605 Phone: (276) 326-1145 Web Site: pmqc.com Mr. Ed Treadway E-Mail: etreadway@pmgc.com Quarry Premier Realty 111 S. College Avenue Bluefield, VA 24605 Phone: (276) 326-6920 Fax: (276) 326-6922 Web Site: www. premierrealtyhomesconnection. com Mrs. Carmen Stuart E-Mail: premierrealty1@verizon. net Real Estate Agents Princeton Community Hospital Affiliates 122 12th St. Princeton, WV 24740 Phone: (304) 487-7263 Fax: (304) 487-2161 Web Site: www.pchonline.org Mr. Frank Sinicrope E-Mail: fsinicrope@pchonline.org Hospitals/Rehabilitation Princeton Times 213 South Walker St. P. O. Box 1199 Princeton, WV 24740 Phone: (304) 425-8191 Fax: (304) 487-1632 Web Site: www.ptonline.net Ms. Tammie Toler E-Mail: ttoler@ptonline.net Newspapers/Publications Professional Insurance Services, LLC 123 Oakgrove Avenue Bluefield, WV 24701 Phone: (304) 324-0921 Fax: (304) 324-0921 Mr. Wm. Alan Light E-Mail: alight@citlink.net Insurance Agents/Carrier Proforma Four Seasons Solutions P. O. Box 917 Bluefield, WV 24701 Phone: (304) 887-1710 Mr. Gary Denardo E-Mail: gary.denardo@proforma. com Printing/Specalties

Listings as of 1/21/2015 Pruett Engineering 1629 College Avenue Bluefield, WV 24701 Phone: (304) 327-8636 Mr. Roy Pruett E-Mail: r.e.pruett@comcast.net Engineering Q Quality Hotel & Conference Center 3350 Big Laurel Highway Bluefield, WV 24701 Phone: (304) 325-6170 Fax: (304) 323-2451 Web Site: www.choice hotels.com Ms. Kim Bowman Smith E-Mail: kbowman.staffordhosp@ gmail.com Lodging R R. K. Partnership, L.L.P. Raleigh Tile of Princeton 315 Thorn Street Princeton, WV 24740 Phone: (304) 425-2245 Web Site: raleightileinc.com Mr. Brad Brush E-Mail: raleightileofprinceton@ gmail.com Home Improvement Ramey Ford of Princeton 498 Courthouse Rd. Princeton, WV 24740 Phone: (304) 425-2128 Fax: (304) 487-2414 Web Site: www.rameycars.com Mr. David Sluss Automotive New & Used Car Mary Raub P. O. Box 800 Bluefield, WV 24701 Phone: (304) 324-0924 Mrs. Mary Raub Associate Member Region I Planning & Development Council 1439 E. Main St. Ste 5 Princeton, WV 24740 Phone: (304) 431-7225 Fax: (304) 431-7235 Web Site: www.regiononeplc.org Mr. Jason Roberts E-Mail: jasonroberts@ regiononepdc.org Federal & State Mandated Board Cameron Clement (ReMax Refined Realty Agent) 610 Canary Circle Bluefield, VA 24605 Phone: (304) 952-6600 Fax: (304) 325-3705 Web Site: www.cameronclement. com Mr. Cameron Clement E-Mail: cclement@remax.net Real Estate Agents

Don A Rice 107 Fawn Circle Bluefield, VA 24605 Phone: (276) 326-1315 Mr. Don Rice Associate Member Richardson & Davis, PLLC P. O. Box 1778 Bluefield, WV 24701 Phone: (304) 327-7158 Fax: (304) 325-6483 Mr. C. William Davis Mr. J. Peter Richardson Attorney/Attorney at Law Rish Equipment Company P. O. Box 330 Bluefield, WV 24701 Phone: (304) 817-7434 Fax: (304) 327-8821 Web Site: www.rish.com Mr. W. D. Burke Mr. Myron Jones Mr. Steve Hamilton Mr. Buddy McGlothlin E-Mail: mjones@rish.com Heavy Equipment Sales and Service Jim Russell 108 Christie Manor Drive Bluefield, WV 24701 Phone: (304) 325-7759 Mr. Jim Russell E-Mail: we2hokies@Frontiernet. net Associate Member Rutherford’s Electronics 37709 Governor GC. Peery Highway Bluefield, VA 24605 Phone: (276) 326-3880 Fax: (276) 326-6054 Web Site: www.copyit.biz Mr. William C. Rutherford E-Mail: bill@copyit.biz Copier/IT Service S S & K Welding S & K Welding 8596 Baptist Valley Rd. North Tazewell, VA 24630 Phone: (276) 988-5591 Mr. Barnes Kidd E-Mail: lindagkidd@yahoo.com Conveyor Manufacture Sales Executives Club, Inc. 500 Federal Street Bluefield, WV 24701 Mr. Chris Catron Civic & Social Organizations Sam’s Club 601 Commerce Drive Bluefield, VA 24605 Phone: (276) 326-1583 Fax: (276) 326-1229 Web Site: www.samsclub.com Mr. Chuck Pennington Mr. Scott Barry E-Mail: cdpenni.508152.US@ samsclub.com General Merchandise Stores

Sanitary Board of Bluefield P. O. Box 998 Bluefield, WV 24701 Phone: (304) 325-3681 Fax: (304) 325-6838 Web Site: www.bluefieldsanitary .org Mr. Shannon Bailey Utility Saunders Staffing, Inc. 400 North Street Bluefield, WV 24701 Phone: (304) 325-3369 Fax: (304) 325-6817 Web Site: www.saundersstaffing. net Mrs. Connie Saunders E-Mail: saundersem@earthlink. net Employment Services Savory Haven Cafe & Catering Inc. 500 Bland Street Bluefield, WV 24701 Phone: (304) 324-8900 Web Site: www.savoryhavencafe. com Mrs. Kathy Matney E-Mail: savoryhaven@yahoo.com Restaurant Scott & Stringfellow Invest. Corp. 1934 Leatherwood Lane Bluefield, VA 24605 Phone: (276) 322-2900 Fax: (276) 322-3800 Web Site: www. bbtscottstringfellow.com Mr. Michael T. Wood, Jr. E-Mail: mwood@ bbtscottstringfellow.com Investors/Investment Planning Sealpro Asphalt & Paving, Repair & Maintenance 525 Maple Acres Rd. Princeton, WV 24739 Phone: (304) 425-9559 Mr. Eric Bowles E-Mail: ericbowles@hotmail.com Paving Shale Advisory Group, LLC 40 Oxenford Rd. Bluefield, WV 24701 Phone: (304) 320-3927 Web Site: shaleadvisorygroup. com Mr. Randy Albert E-Mail: alberrm@yahoo.com Consultant Shott Foundation, The P. O. Box 1559 Bluefield, WV 24701 Phone: (304) 327-8907 Mr. R. W. Wilkinson Mr. Ron Satterfield Foundations John H. Shott Attorney at Law P. O. Box 407 Bluefield, WV 24701 Phone: (304) 327-0573 Fax: (304) 327-0574 Mr. John H. Shott E-Mail: jshott@shottlaw.com Attorney/Attorney at Law

Sibley Communications 2994 Coal Heritage Road Bluefield, WV 24701 Phone: (304) 589-3550 Fax: (304) 589-3553 Web Site: www.sibleycomm.com Ms. Sherry Haskins E-Mail: sherry.haskins@ sibleycomm.com Information Technology Systems & Services (Network Design, Installation & Maintenance) Sleep Inn & Suites 1015 Oakvale Road Princeton, WV 24740 Phone: (304) 431-2800 Fax: (304) 425-7693 Web Site: www.choicehotels.com Ms. Doreen Koen E-Mail: gm.wv414@choicehotels. com Lodging South Central Educational Development, Inc. 601 Bland Street Bluefield, WV 24701 Phone: (304) 325-6105 Fax: (304) 325-6106 Mr. Darryl Cannady E-Mail: sced1@earthlink.net Education Southern Gas & Oil P. O. Box 1005 Bluefield, VA 24605 Phone: (276) 326-1143 Fax: (276) 326-1143 Mr. Jim Evans E-Mail: sgando@verizon.net Petroleum Southern Insurance Agency Inc. P. O. Box 370 Welch, WV 24801 Phone: (304) 436-2438 Fax: (304) 436-2208 Web Site: www.sia-wv.com Mr. Roy M. Ellison, Jr. E-Mail: southerninsurance@ yahoo.com Insurance Agents/Carrier Southwest Virginia Community College P. O. Box SVCC Richlands, VA 24641 Phone: (276) 964-7388 Fax: (276) 964-7615 Web Site: www.sw.edu Dr. J. Mark Estepp E-Mail: mark.estepp@sw.edu Colleges/Universities/Jr. Colleges State Electric Supply Company 820 Bluefield Avenue Bluefield, WV 24701 Phone: (304) 327-3464 Fax: (304) 325-6610 Web Site: www.STATEELECTRIC. COM Mr. Charlie Whitteker E-Mail: Charlie.Whitteker@ Stateelectric.com Wholesale Distributor/Mining Services


Listings as of 1/21/2015 Lou Stoker P. O. Box 282 Bramwell, WV 24715 Phone: (304) 248-7402 Mrs. Lou Stoker E-Mail: bluestoneinn@frontier. com Associate Member Suddenlink Media 308 George St. Beckley, WV 25801 Phone: (304) 253-8899 Mr. Jim Underwood Television/Cable Swope Construction Company 1325 Bluefield Avenue Bluefield, WV 24701 Phone: (304) 325-8146 Fax: (304) 327-9444 Web Site: www.swopeco.com Mr. Ron Mallory E-Mail: rmallory@swopeco.com Contractor/Commercial Building Systems Maintenance Service P. O. Box 1991 Bluefield, WV 24701 Phone: (304) 248-7009 Fax: (304) 248-8566 Mr. William Bowling E-Mail: bnjbowling@frontiernet. net Janitorial & Cleaning Services T T & N Electric P. O. Box 1086 Bluefield, VA 24605 Phone: (800) 513-7931 Fax: (304) 323-3459 Web Site: www.tnelectricinc.com Mr. Nick Hager E-Mail: hager@tnelectricinc.com Electric Motor Services


Tabor Machine Company 1176 Shelter Road Princeton, WV 24739 Phone: (304) 431-4100 Fax: (304) 325-2348 Web Site: www.tabormachine.com Mr. Greg Rayburn Mr. Thomas A. Warden, III E-Mail: greg.rayburn@ elginindustries.com Mining Machinery Manufacture Tammy Lynn Outdoor, LLC P. O. Box 50 Bluefield, WV 24701 Phone: (304) 320-1885 Fax: (304) 324-7610 Mr. Bud Acken E-Mail: Tammy.Lynn@ TammyLynnOutdoor.com Advertising Outdoor The American Beer Co. HC 71, Box 152A Meadow Bluff, WV 24977 Phone: (304) 392-6311 Fax: (304) 392-6313 Ms. Shirley Runyon E-Mail: shirleyfrunyon@gmail.com Beer Wholesale

The Daniels Co. 238 Markell Drive Bluefield, WV 24701 Phone: (304) 327-8161 Fax: (304) 327-5118 Web Site: www.daniels-wv.com Mr. Surendra M. Jain E-Mail: sjain@daniels-wv.com Mining Machinery Manufacture The Havens at Princeton 2205 New Hope Road Princeton, WV 24739 Phone: (304) 431-3544 Fax: (304) 487-0403 Web Site: ridgecare.com Ms. Lisa James E-Mail: ljames@ridgecare.com Nursing Services/Retirement The Historic Bank Lobby 401 Federal Street Bluefield, WV 24701 Phone: (304) 323-2265 Web Site: www.historicbanklobby. com Mr. Jay Disibbio E-Mail: info@historicbanklobby. com Banquet/Private Event Facility The Maples 1600 Bland Street Bluefield, WV 24701 Phone: (304) 327-2485 Fax: (304) 323-4103 Ms. Elizabeth Lockett E-Mail: elockett@ mapleshealthcare.com Nursing Services/Retirement The Massage Suite 463D Old Bluefield Rd. Princeton, WV 24740 Phone: (304) 431-3535 Ms. Amanda Stephenson E-Mail: amanda_stephenson77@ yahoo.com Massage Therapy/Bodywork The Railyard 530 Raleigh Street Bluefield, WV 24701 Phone: (304) 800-4141 Web Site: www.railyardwv.com Ms. Nicole Ayoub E-Mail Nicole.railyard@gmail.com Restaurant/Bar

Thompson & Litton P. O. Box 179 Tazewell, VA 24651 Phone: (276) 988-7921 Fax: (276) 988-5637 Web Site: www.t-l.com Mrs. Charlotte Sacre E-Mail: csacre@T-L.com Architectural Services Tinder Enterprises, Inc. P. O. Box 980 Bluefield, WV 24701 Phone: (304) 323-3379 Fax: (304) 327-5824 Mr. Frank C. Tinder E-Mail: ftinder@frontiernet.net Apartment/Home Rentals Town of Tazewell P. O. Box 608 Tazewell, VA 24651 Phone: (276) 988-2501 Fax: (276) 988-2505 Mr. Todd Day E-Mail: tazmanager@taztown.org Government & Government Agencies U United Rentals Inc. 319 Oakvale Rd. Princeton, WV 24740 Phone: (304) 920-4403 or (304) 487-6099 Fax: (304) 487-3809 Web Site: www:unitedrentals.com Mr. Aaron Bolen E-Mail: abolen@ur.com Construction Rental Equipment United Way of Southern WV Inc. P. O. Box 5456 Beckley, WV 25801 Phone: (304) 253-2111 Fax: (304) 253-2144 Web Site: www.unitedwayswv.org Ms. Margaret Ann O’Neal E-Mail: moneal@unitedwayswv. org Non Profit Organization USI Insurance Services 745 S. College Avenue Bluefield, VA 24605 Phone: (800) 343-9914 Web Site: www.usi.biz Ms. Martha Steele E-Mail: Martha.Steele@usi.biz Insurance Agents/Carrier V

The Thrasher Group 155 Blue Angel Lane Beaver, WV 25813 Phone: (304) 431-7800 Fax: (304) 425-0445 Web Site: www.thrashereng.com Mr. Wayne Morgan E-Mail: wmorgan@thrashereng. com Engineering & Surveying

Van’s Valley College 617 Mercer Street Princeton, WV 24740 Phone: (304) 425-2323 Fax: (304) 425-5890 Web Site: www.valley.edu Ms. Carrie Kennedy E-Mail: ckennedy@valley.edu Colleges/Universities/Jr. Colleges

Venture Printing & Office Supply, Inc. 514 Virginia Avenue Bluefield, VA 24605 Phone: (276) 326-3931 Fax: (276) 326-3931 Mr. David Moore E-Mail: dmoore@ventureprinting. us Printing/Specialties Shirley Vest 370 Saxon Pl. Bluefield, WV 24701 Phone: (304) 589-4336 Mrs. Shirley Vest E-Mail: shirleyv2121@frontiernet. net Associate Member Veterinary Associates 3717 E. Cumberland Road Bluefield, WV 24701 Phone: (304) 327-8554 Fax: (304) 425-7668 Web Site: www.vetassoc.com Dr. Joe Blair E-Mail: jblairdvm@yahoo.com Veterinary Joe Vinciguerra Box 95 Bramwell, WV 24715 Phone: (304) 248-7347 Mr. Joe Vinciguerra Associate Member Virginia Dept. of Rehabilitative Services 113 Short St., Suite 2 Pounding Mill, VA 24637 Phone: (276) 963-1028 Fax: (276) 964-7461 Web Site: www.vadrs.org Ms. Brenda Stacy-Byrd E-Mail: brenda.stacy@dars. virginia.gov State Employment Agency Virginia Steel & Fabrication Inc. 36 Progress Drive Bastian, VA 24314 Phone: (276) 688-2125 Fax: (276) 688-2129 Mr. David Stinson E-Mail: davidstinson@va-steel. com Structural Steel Fabrication and Metal Warehousing W W & B Fabricators, Inc. P. O. Box 179 111 Enterprise Lane Rocky Gap, VA 24366 Phone: (276) 928-1060 Fax: (276) 928-1062 Mr. Russ Boothe E-Mail: russ@wbfabricators.com Mining Machinery Manufacture

Listings as of 1/21/2015 Wal-Mart Store 1763 4001 College Drive Bluefield, VA 24605 Phone: (276) 322-3144 Fax: (276) 322-2079 Web Site: walmart.com/store/1763 Mrs. Teresa Harrison General Merchandise Stores Nelson R. Walker 108 Springdale Bluefield, WV 24701 Phone: (304) 327-0130 Fax: (304) 324-8647 Mr. Nelson Walker E-Mail: nrwalker@frontiernet.net Associate Member Wallace Security Agency, LLC 300 Blue Prince Road P. O. Box 5673 Princeton, WV 24740 Phone: (304) 323-2542 Fax: (304) 323-1950 Web Site: www. wallacesecurityagency.com Ms. Malinda D. Shrewsberry E-Mail: wsa1950@yahoo.com Security Agency Watts Transformer 300 Roanoke Bluefield, WV 24701 Phone: (304) 327-9288 Fax: (304) 327-9292 Web Site: www.wattstransformer. com Mr. Charlie Toney E-Mail: charles.toney@ wattstransformer.com Manufacturing

Frances Wayland 1916 Jefferson Street Bluefield, WV 24701 Mrs. Frances Wayland E-Mail: 7wayland@rcvideo.com Associate Member West Virginia Executive Magazine P. O. Box 6277 Charleston, WV 25362 Phone: (304) 941-0600 Fax: (304) 344-9237 Web Site: www.wvexecutive.com Ms. Maggie Matsko E-Mail: mam@wvexecutive.com Magazine Westwood Center 20 Westwood Medical Park Bluefield, VA 24605 Phone: (276) 322-5439 Fax: (276) 322-5442 Ms. Susan Williams Richmond E-Mail: susan.richmond@ genesishcc.com Nursing Services/Retirement WISE/WV Comm. Serv. for Women Inc. 511 Commerce Street Bluefield, WV 24701 Phone: (304) 324-5809 Fax: (304) 325-6817 Web Site: www. wisewomenscenter.org Mrs. Connie Saunders E-Mail: wisewomen@frontier.net Civic & Social Organizations

WJLS-FM P. O. Box 5499 Beckley, WV 25801 Phone: (304) 253-7311 Fax: (304) 253-3466 Web Site: www.wjls.com Mr. Mark Reid Ms. Lisa Stafford E-Mail: mreid@wjls.com Radio WV Parkways Authority 3310 Piedmont Road Charleston, WV 25325 Phone: (304) 926-1900 Fax: (304) 926-1998 Web Site: www.wvturnpike.com Mr. Tyrone Gore E-Mail: tgore@wvturnpike.com Toll Road WV-American Water Company P. O. Box 5389 Princeton, WV 24740 Phone: (304) 425-9631 Fax: (304) 425-1891 Web Site: www.amwater.com Mr. John Pentasuglia Mr. Gregg Vanpelt E-Mail: john.pentasuglia@ amwater.com Utilities WVNS TV P. O. Box 509 Ghent, WV 25843 Phone: (304) 929-6409 Fax: (304) 787-2440 Web Site: www.wvnstv.com Mr. Chris Leister Mr. Jeff Morrison E-Mail: cleister@wvnstv.com Television/Cable

WVU State, Corporate and Local Relations 601 Morris Street, Suite 200 Charleston, WV 25301 Phone: (304) 400-4963 Fax: (304) 400-4966 Mr. Travis Mollohan E-Mail: tmolloh1@mail.wvu.edu Colleges/Universities/Jr. Colleges WVVA Television 3052 Big Laurel Highway Bluefield, WV 24701 Phone: (304) 325-5487 Fax: (304) 327-5586 Web Site: www.WVVA.com Mr. Frank Brady E-Mail: fbrady@wvva.com Television/Cable Wytheville Meeting Center 333 Community Blvd. Wytheville, VA 24382 Phone: (276) 223-3416 Fax: (276) 223-3506 Web Site: www. wythevillemeetingcenter.com Ms. Rosa Lee Jude E-Mail: meetings@wytheville.org Meeting & Conference Center

Y Your Grate Escape 1133 East Fincastle North Tazewell, VA 24630 Phone: (276) 988-7867 Fax: (276) 988-4047 Web Site: www.yourgrateescape. com Mr. Clint Neel E-Mail: yourgrateescape@ earthlink.net


Listings as of 3/30/2013



Who’s Who


Advertiser Index AAA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .39 BB&T. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29 Bill Cole Auto Mall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34, 35 Bluefield College . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .37 Bluefield Inn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29 Bluefield Regional Medical Center . . . . . . . . . . . Back Cover Bluefield State College . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36 Bluefield Transit System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19 Buffalo Trail Property . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Central Printing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29 Citizens Building Supply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19 City of Bluefield. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24, 25 Consol Energy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 Cole Harley-Davidson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26 Concord University . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36 First Bank & Trust . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1

First Century Bank. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13 First Community Bank. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19 Frontier. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 J&R Manufacturing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 McDonalds. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26 Mercer County Convention and Visitor’s Bureau . . . . . . . .33 National College of Business and Technology . . . . . . . . . .37 New Peoples Bank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 New River Community and Technical College . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36 Norfolk Southern . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 Princeton Community Hospital . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Inside Cover Sams Club . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33 Southwest Virginia Community College . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .37 Valley College of Technology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .38 Town of Bluefield, Virginia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30

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