2015 Women's Expo

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2015 Women’s Expo • 3

The 2015 Women’s Expo is only a few days away The 2015 Women’s Expo is almost here!!! Please join us on Friday October 23rd from 9:00 a.m. – 7:30 p.m. and Saturday October 24th from 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. at the Brushfork Arm o ry. The two day event will be packed full of fun and excitement and guaranteed to have something for everyone. We are excited to have many of our past exhibitors and some new ones along with our crafters. The Princeton Community Hospital booth will be offering FREE flu shots and what a great time to join The Princeton Health & Fitness Center. They will be offering HUGE savings off their initiation fees for the two day event. Be sure and stop by all the booths where you will be able to shop and get some great information. We will continue to excite our crowds with our stage activi-

ties and new this year will be the Chick-fil-A Princess and Pirate Party on Friday the 23rd. There will be two different opportunities to enjoy this event- one at 5:30 and one at 6:15. Come out and enjoy dinner with a Pr i n c e s s and Pirate. There will be fun activities for the kids and an opportunity to have your child’s picture taken with them. Tickets are $10.00 which includes your admission to the Expo and your dinner. For ticket inform ation please call the Chamber at 304-487-1502. There is limited seating so please don’t wait. And yes BINGO will be back. Bingo will be held Friday aft e rnoon from 1:30 – 3:00 with lots of prizes donated by our exhibitors. There is limited seating so come early. On Friday the Princeton Community Hospital will sponsor a Community Luncheon open

to everyone with guest speaker, Bluefield native, Eva Pierce from 11:30 – 1:00. Ms. Pierce is the Executive Director of A Hand Up For Women. Tickets are available at the Mercer County Chamber of Commerce Office for $10.00 which include admission the Expo and lunch. Join us Saturday m o rning at center stage with Dr. Sunil Dhar for heart health information and enjoy a yogurt parfait complements of Bluefield Regional Hospital. Also Saturday there will be a fashion show sponsored by Leslie Ann’s Fashion from 12:00 – 1:30 with lunch provided by Chick Fil-A. Tickets for this event are available at Leslie Ann’s located in Bluefield VA for $8.00 which also include admission to the Expo. Other stage activities include The Princeton Middle School Band,

Pikeview Middle School Band, Princeton Health & Fitness Center, Crossfit, S t a rz Performing Arts Academy and a performance from Distraction/One Voice Project. Expo visitors can register through-out the weekend for a host of fantastic prizes which includes a mattress set from Aaron’s, $1,000.00 gift card from Grand Home Furnishing a vacation getaway from J104.5 plus many more prizes. Chick Fil-A of the Mercer Mall will be back to our Café’ serving breakfast and lunch. We encourage you to spend the day with us to learn about new products, get the latest information on health issues, and we can’t forget SHOP! Advance tickets are available at the following locations for $3.00: City National Bank, Concord University,

First Century Bank, First Community Bank, Frameworks Plus, Leslie Ann’s, MCNB Banks, Mercer County CVB, New Peoples Bank Stafford Drive, Princeton Health & Fitness Center and PrincetonMercer County Chamber of Commerce. Tickets can also be purchased the day of the Expo for $5.00. We are very thankful to be able to celebrate our 14th year of the Women’s Expo. This event would not be possible without the wonderf u l support of our community and our local businesses. On behalf of the 2015 Women’s Expo Committee and the Princeton Mercer County Chamber of Commerce we thank you and look forward to seeing you at the Expo. Karen Morris – Co Chair Kathy Kirk – Co Chair Tammy Radford – Co Chair

4 • 2015 Women’s Expo

Leslie Ann’s Fashion Show Women’s Expo 2015

Leslie Ann’s highlights the Saturday Fashion Show and Luncheon! adies – Picture it!!! Fall is in the air! The leaves are starting to change their color. Now, “Picture Yourself ” in new styles from Leslie Ann’s. You can Picture Yourself ” at Leslie Ann’s Fashion Show on Saturday,


Octover 24. The luncheon will be provided by ChickFil-A. Tickets are $8 per person and can be purchased from Leslie Ann’s Bluefield, Virginia or by calling 276-322-2274. Tickets are also available from the PrincetonMercer County Chamber of Commerce 304-487-

1502. The fashion show and luncheon will be held in Center Court. The $8 ticket will include your entrance to the Expo. All the Fall and Winter fashions will be modeled by local ladies. You will be able to get a head start on your holiday shopping

and plan for your upcoming parties and gift giving. There will be entertainment by Mary Jackson. Darlene, owner of Leslie Ann’s, will have special door prizes for this year’s fashion show. The Fashion Specialists will be available to discuss your wardrobe. Leslie

Ann’s will have clothing and scarves on site for you to purchase. Seating is limited. Purchase your tickets early for this popular event. We encourage you to bring a friend, enjoy a nice luncheon and enjoy all the activities at the 2015 Women’s Expo.

2015 Women’s Expo • 5

The Behavioral Health Pavilion Celebrates 5th Anniversary The Behavioral Health Pavilion of the Virginias commemorated five successful years this spring with an anniversary reception for area residents, local and state officials, and the media. Since the spring of 2010, The Pavilion has admitted 8,588 patients and provided comprehensive psychiatric care that included step-down

services in the form of intensive outpatient programming, traditional outpatient counseling, and medication management. Outpatient visits since 2011 have totaled 7,819. The facility attracts patients from throughout West Virginia and southwest Virginia. Jeffry T. Gee, MD, Medical Director and Chairman of Psychiatry, said, “I

see The Pavilion as the preferred destination in our region for mental health treatment provided by caring, knowledgeable, well trained, psychiatrists, nurse practitioners, nurses, and counselors. We have had dramatic expansion and improvement of psychiatric services here at The Pavilion in the past five years and my vision is to continue to guide that

clinical growth to ensure superior care to those people in need of our services; not just in our local area but region-wide.” The Pavilion has 64 beds for inpatient care on three different units. One unit is devoted to geriatric care and is customized for adults age 55 and older who experience mental or emotional health issues.

Exercise and ailments: How exercise can help prevent disease The benefits of routine exercise are plenty. Daily exercise can improve mood, help reduce stress and make it easier for men and women to maintain healthy weights. Regular exercise also can help men and women combat or reduce their risk for various ailments, including some potentially deadly diseases. Osteoporosis Osteoporosis is a condition in which bones become brittle and fragile from loss of tissue. Though post-menopausal women are most susceptible to osteoporosis, anyone can get the condition, which can lead to fractures and other bodily injuries. But routine weight-bearing exercises, including strength training, walking and jogging, can strengthen bones and prevent osteoporosis and bone loss. A Nurses' Health Study published in The Journal of the American Medical Association found that women who walked for four or more hours per week had 41 percent fewer hip fractures than women who walked less than one hour per week. Back pain People experiencing back pain may feel that inactivity is the best approach to overcoming it. But prolonged inactivity may only exacerbate back pain. Men and women dealing with back pain should always consult a physician for the best approach to alleviating their pain. Don't be surprised if, during such consultations, your physician prescribes certain back exercises. According to www.spine-health.com, a Web-based resource for back and

heart function more efficiently. Even moderate physical activity can have a profound impact on heart health. Type 2 diabetes A joint study from the American College of Sports Medicine and the American Diabetes Association found that participation in regular physical activity can prevent or delay type 2 diabetes, a potentially deadly condition, the prevalence of which has increased considerably over the last several decades. The American Diabetes Association rec-

neck pain sufferers developed by a multi-specialty group of medical professionals, certain back exercises can distribute nutrients into the disc space and soft tissues in the back to keep the discs, muscles, ligaments, and joints healthy. Heart disease According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, heart disease is the leading cause of death in United States, while Statistics Canada notes it is the second-leading cause of death among Canadians. Regular exercise can greatly reduce a person's risk of developing heart disease by strengthening the heart, lowering blood pressure and helping the

ommends that people who already have type 2 diabetes check their blood glucose levels before and after exercise to see how their bodies react to different activities. Understanding such reactions can help people with type 2 diabetes prevent their blood glucose levels from getting too high or too low. Exercise is essential to a healthy lifestyle. But while regular exercise can instantly improve your quality of life, it also can reduce your risk for a host of potentially deadly ailments.

6 • 2015 Women’s Expo

2015 Women’s Expo Exhibitors 100 ......Grand Home Furnishings 101 ..........................Bronze Look 102-104 ........Bluefield Telegraph/ P rinceton Times 103 ............................Star 95-FM 105 ................Martha's Creations 106......MedExpress Urgent Care 107-109 . . . . . . . . . .Bluefield Regional Medical Center 108-110 . . . . . . . . . .Bill Cole Auto Mall 111 ............................Sam's Club 112 ........................Alabaster Box 113 ................Concord University 114-116....P rinceton Health Care 115 ..................Gutter Pro of WV 117-119 ....................Leslie Ann's 118-120 ................WV-VA Media 200 ..................Alliant Wellness & Chiropractic 201-203 ......................WVVA-TV 202 . . . . . . . . . . . .A AA Travel/Insurance 204 ..................Death By Crossfit 205 ..................................Aaron's 206 ..................................Doterra 207 ..................AMFM Nursing & Rehabilitation Center 208 ..........................Origami Owl 209 ........................P CH Pavillion 210 ..............A m e rican Nat'l Univ 211-213-215 ................Princeton Community Hospital

212..............................Thirty-One 214 ....................Cupcake Kisses 216-218 ......................Chick Fil-A 217-219 ........P rinceton Health & Fitness Center 300....Rogers & Brooke Jewelers 301 ......New River Community & Technical College 302 . . . . . . . .Four Seasons Advisors 303 ....................................Bella's 304 ..................Council on Aging 305........Victory Communications 306 ............Starz Performing Arts Academy 307 . .P ri m a ry Care & Prevention Clinic 308 ....................Stanley Steemer 309-311 ........Alpha Broadcasting 310 ........Bluefield Yarn Company 312..............Sabika Tanya Barker 313 ..................................Scentsy 314....Beltone Hearing AidCenter 315-317 ........Ramey Auto Group 316 ..............................Bath Fitter 318 ................Universal Systems 319 ........All Creatures Veterinary Clinic 321 ..............................Roselawn 400 .............................................. . . . . . .Appalachian Teen Challenge 401..........New Opportunity School for Women@Bluefield College

402 . . . . . .W.I.S.E. Women's Center 403 ............American Society for Suicide Prevention 404 ....................DLH Associated 405 .............................................. ........Bland County Medical Clinic 406..............................Pink Zebra 407 . .UniCare Health Plan of WV 408 ..............WV Attorn ey General Consumer Protection Division 409 ............Old Dominion Flori s t / Graham Floral 504 ....Real Living Solutions Real Estate 505 ..Permanent Makeup by Tina 506............................S ecure One 507................................Advocare 508 ..................................MCTEC 509............................Stella & Dot 600 ................Crafts & Creations 601 . . . . . .Linda Hoagland Afghans 602 ..........................Patti's Beads 603 ..............Monica's Gifts for All 604 ....................Heartbeat of WV 605 ....................Wendy's Jewels 606 ..............DJ Fashion Jewelry 607..............Lisa Dawn's Coal Candy 608-609 ..............Amish Heirloom Baskets & More

2015 Women’s Expo • 7

8 • 2015 Women’s Expo

Make the most of ‘dinner and a movie’ night The "perfect date night" differs depending on the couple. Some couples might prefer a night on the town during which they get dolled up and visit a five-star restaurant, while others might find a laid back night at home makes for the ideal night for two. Dinner and a movie has long been a go-to for couples who prefer something short of a fancy night out but more extravagant than a relaxing night at home. While making plans to dine out and catch a movie is not complicated, there are some things couples can do to make sure such nights go off without a hitch. • Make a dinner reservation. If you're going out on a Friday or Saturday night, be sure to make a dinner reservation in advance. Chances are strong other couples have similar plans, and you don't want to miss the movie because you were stuck waiting for a table at the restaurant. Dinner and a movie nights tend to be impromptu, but make a reservation a few nights in advance if you're planning on going out on a popular date night. • Leave ample time between dinner and the start of the movie. No one wants to rush through a meal, especially couples who may not get too many chances to dine out and enjoy each other's conversation. If your movie begins at 9 p.m., make a dinner reservation for 6 or 6:30 so you have ample time to eat, enjoy each other's company and make it to the theater on time. If you're planning on

seeing a highly anticipated movie on its opening weekend, be sure to leave enough time between dinner and the start time of the movie so you can get to the theater early enough to get good seats. • Buy your movie tickets in advance. Much like you want to make a dinner reservation so you can get a table, you also want to buy your tickets in advance so you aren't shut out if the theater sells out. If you're worried about committing to the movie too far in advance and want to wait to buy tickets, choose a fallback movie to see just in case the film you were hoping to see sells out before you can buy tickets. • Know the addresses of nearby theaters and show times. Many a couple has arrived at a movie theater only to find the movie thay planned to see is sold out. Oftentimes, such letdowns can be remedied by driving to another theater nearby that is showing the movie at a slightly later time than the initial theater the couple visited. Know your movie schedules and theater addresses so you have options should your movie be sold out. Download an app like Fandango on your phone so you don't waste precious time trying to find show times and addresses on the Internet. Dinner and a movie is a staple for couples' date nights, and there are some tricks of the trade couples can employ to ensure their next date night is memorable for all the right reasons.

Dining out still possible even if you're on a diet Dining out at a restaurant is a treat for many people, while for others it's a way of life. On-the-go professionals often find that dining out is simply more conve nient than cooking at home. However, large portion sizes and dishes that tend to contain a lot of sodium and fat can make dining out less healthy than eating at home, which is a concern for those men and women who want to shed a few pounds. But dining out does not have to be done at the expense of your waistline. The following are a few ways dieters can still enjoy their favorite restaurants without having to wo r ry about their weight. • Order foods that are broiled, boiled or roasted. Foods that are broiled, boiled or roasted tend to be healthier than foods cooked in other way s. When o r d e ring your meal, ask that oils be used sparingly if not removed completely. When foods look somewhat greasy, dab them with a napkin in the same manner you might dab the grease from a slice of pizza. • Don't fill up before your meal arri ves. Once you have been seated, skip the unending bread basket, forgoing this free appetizer altogether or asking for raw vegetables instead. When fellow diners order potentially fattening appetizers, ask to have a side salad with lowfat dressing on the side instead. • Leave a little behind on your plate. Restaurant portions can be substantial, so don't feel as if you need to finish your entire meal. You can always ask the waiter to pack up what you have left

behind, or, when ordering, ask if the restaurant offers smaller portions at lower prices. • Skip the dips and dressings. Many condiments can add unwanted calori e s to a meal, making even a healthy entree a calorie-laden meal that's best avoided. For example, a salad covered in creamy Caesar salad dressing can take away from the overall nutritive value of the salad. Don't be afraid to ask for substitutions or simply ask to have dressings put on the side so if you must indulge you can do so without going overboard. • Eat in the hours leading up to yo u r dinner. Low-fat snacks eaten throughout the day will reduce the likelihood that you will overeat at the dinner table. Drink a tall glass of water and enjoy some low-calorie fruit so you won't be famished once you arri ve at the restaurant. • Avoid buffet-style restaurants. Many people cannot help but overeat at buffetstyle restaurants, where the size of a typical spread can make it hard for dieters to stay disciplined. If you must eat at a buffet-style restaurant, choose healthy fare like salad and steamed vegetables. • Look for a low - c a l o rie menu. Many restaurants now supplement their existing menus with a menu of low-calorie fare for those customers who want to eat out but want to do so without abandoning their diets. When visiting a restaurant, stick to ordering from the low-calorie section of the menu. The food will likely be just as delicious, though not as dense or as large.

2015 Women’s Expo • 9

Natural ways to relieve chronic pain Chronic pain can be debilitating and interfere with daily life in various ways. Over-the-counter, anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs are some of the most widely used medications in the United States, but when such medications prove ineffective, prescription pain relievers, which can be addictive, are often a pain sufferer's next choice. Consumer Reports indicates that roughly 45 people per day in America die from overdoses of opioid-containing pain medications, which include methadone, morphine, oxycodone, and hydrocodone. Prescriptions for these drugs have climbed 300 percent in the last 10 years. Although opioids can be safe when used properly to treat short-term pain, too often their usage leads to misuse and dependence, especially when they are used to treat chronic pain. For long-term pain from arthritis, research suggests that nonopioid medications and even nondrug treatments often provide relief with less risk of addiction and overdose than opioids. Reducing pain using altern ative methods with less risk can involve rethinking trips to the medicine cabinet. Doctors and naturalists may advocate for natural pain relievers as a first step to managing pain. Massage There's more to massage than working out the kinks of tight muscles. Massage may help boost the body's levels of endorphins and serotonin, both of which are natural painkillers and mood regulators. The Mayo Clinic's Complementary and Integrative Medicine Program has conducted a number of studies on massage as treatment for pain following surgery, ultimately finding that massage significantly relieves pain and reduces anxiety. Dietary changes Pain is often linked to inflammation in the body. When eating, choose foods that won't worsen existing inflammation. Eating less sugar, dairy, and gluten products, which can contribute to inflammation, can help a

person feel better. Increase consumption of foods that reduce inflammation, such as raw vegetables. Hot and cold therapy Cold compresses can reduce inflammation quickly and also serve as a local anesthetic. Heat therapy can ease aches and pains and make muscles more flexible. Try applying a hot compress prior to stretching to make limbs more limber. Take the sun A Boston University study that examined 221 men and women with knee osteoarthritis found that those who spent 15 to 20 minutes in the sun increased their body's production of vitamin D and experienced less pain as a result. When the sun is scarce, it's adviseable to get between 400 and 800 IUs of vitamin D daily through supplements and foods. Brisk walking Fast walking is a low-impact cardiovascular exercise that utilizes most of the body. Walking encourages blood circulation, removes toxins, burns calories, and stabilizes blood fats and sugars. Plus endorphins released from exercise can help a person feel good. A great thing about walking is just about anyone can do it. Mind-body exercises

Exercises that combine focus with stretching can alleviate physical pain and improve mental clarity. Look for yoga, pilates and meditation classes and give them a try.

Chronic pain may be relieved with the use of natural remedies, which help pain sufferers reduce their reliance on over-the-counter or prescription medications.

10 • 2015 Women’s Expo

Wardrobe tips for every woman Celebrities and public figures make many things look easy, especially when it comes to fashion. Deep pockets and stylists on the payroll make it easy for celebs to project a polished appearance. But money alone does not buy style, and chances are the average woman has the wardrobe staples necessary to look her best. Such essentials need not cost a fortune to produce a seemingly endless array of outfits. Take inventory of the basics Women should go through their closets and find the wardrobe pieces that can be put to use in multiple combinations. Timeless styles can be used over and over, and some items work well as a base for a multitude of outfits. For example, a simple sleeveless dress in a neutral color can be worn alone, paired with a cardigan for a professional or casual look, or even made to look corporate with a blazer for a business meeting. A sheath in black, tan or navy can be worn repeatedly and matched to a bevy of other pieces. In addition to a simple dress, a pair of black pants, a knee-length skirt, a few tanks or camisoles, a pair of dark-colored jeans, and solid-colored cardigans can be mixed and matched in different ways. Women can make a running list of the staples they already own and then fill in the missing pieces on their next shopping trip. Add some pieces that pop Spice up the basics with some new items that feature hot colors of the season. Pastels, orange and neon colors are big for the spring and summer. Orange can also carry into autumn. A bold blazer will add appeal to an office combination. A printed scarf paired with a neutral blouse and pants adds some color and whimsy without being too bold. Printed pants can be a fun choice for a night on the town. Those who prefer to play it safe may lean toward classic lines and colors, but don't forget to add some punch with strapped shoes or flashy accessories. Know the cuts and colors that work Looking polished means finding the hues and styles that fit with a particular body type and skin coloring, more so than simply following the latest trends. A woman who understands her body type can rely on pieces that are designed to flatter. Not all colors

work on every person. While greens and yellows may look good on one person, a woman with an olive skin tone may look washed out wearing these shades too close to her face. Similarly, fair- or dark-skinned women may fade into their clothing if the pieces are too similar to their skin tone. Women can peruse magazines to find models of similar proportions and coloring, then experiment with the styles and hues they see. Once a match is found, these can be the go-to looks that enable her to always look polished. Make sure it fits Clothing that does not fit properly will not look good no matter how fashionable or expensive it might be. Rather than fixating on the size printed on the tag, women should shop for clothing based on fit. This could mean bringing a few different sizes into the dressing room and figuring out which one fits best. Not all designers run true to size, and some fabrics will have more give than others. A good rule of thumb is to always fit the largest part of your body. The other measurements can be tailored accordingly. It is a safer bet to purchase a size bigger if one is between sizes and have the item altered rather than trying to squeeze into something that is too small. Invest in good undergarm e n t s Sometimes it isn't the clothes that can make the woman, but the structure pieces she wears underneath. Fitting experts attest that nearly 80 percent of women are wearing the wrong size bra. Most women are slipping into bras that are too small. Although bras range in size from 28AAA to 56FF, the majority of department stores stock a limited number of the most popular sizes. Therefore, women may squeeze into bras that are not sized correctly. A better idea is to go to a specialty lingerie shop to get properly sized. Not only will a well-fitting bra support the breasts better, but such a bra also transforms the way shirts and dresses look and fit. Before investing in an entirely new wardrobe, women should invest in new bras. Looking good does not have to require spending a fortune or overhauling a wardrobe. Mix and match existing clothing with some new, wellfitting pieces to revitalize your look.

2015 Women’s Expo • 11

Let centerpieces add style to special occasions Design elements and decorations can help set the mood for special events. Centerpieces are one such design element that can set a strong tone for dinner parties. Centerpieces can be easy to create, even for hosts working with limited budgets. Decorating the dining table with a visually stunning centerpiece may be all the creative touch hosts need to impress their guests as they sit down to dinner. Whether you prefer simple centerpieces or something more elaborate, follow these tips for centerpiece success. Size To determine which centerpiece to use, party hosts must first calculate a few things to come up with an appropriate size for the centerpiece. The first consideration is the size of the table. Scale the centerpiece to the dimensions of the table. The more people you can seat at the table, the larger the centerpiece can be. Also think about the size of the room. Rooms with high ceilings or large architectural accents may accommodate larger or taller centerpiece more capably than smaller rooms. Centerpieces that are transparent can create height without blocking guests' views. Materials Hosts can use just about any materials they wish when creating centerpieces. Floral arrangements make for popular centerpieces because flowers are available in a wide array of colors, sizes and heights. Plus, flowers can be chosen based on personal preferences, season or budget. Their sweet aroma also adds another sensory

experience to a party. But hosts are not limited to centerpieces that feature flowers. Fresh fruit, seashells, pebbles, marbles, candy, and even live fish are just a few of the materials that can be used to create memorable centerpieces. Think about which materials might provide a conversation starter at the dinner table and build around that. Placement As their name implies, centerpieces generally go in the center of the table. But creative hosts you can play with placement if they so desire. Rather than one large centerpiece, consider creating a table runner of sorts through the middle of the table that features various smaller centerpieces. This can be useful when a larger element would take up too much room on the table. Factor the height and visual line of guests when arranging centerpieces as well. Sit at the table with your elbows on the table surface and arms bent up. The height of your fists is the general sight line. Avoid centerpieces that fall within this sight line. Use a pedestal to raise up a centerpiece or keep the centerpiece lower so guests can converse across the table. Think about placing smaller replicas of your main table centerpiece elsewhere in the entertaining space, such as near the entryway and in the powder room, to tie everything together. Centerpieces are a key design element when hosting a special event, adding visual appeal to a space while helping any party appear more upscale.

Princess Pirate Party sponsored by Chick-Fil-A set for Oct. 23 On Friday, October 23 the Women’s Expo is pleased to present a Princess-Pirate Party for the kids sponsored by Chick-Fil-A. This is a new ticketed event to the Expo and one we hope will become an annual event. Kids under 12 and a parent are invited to visit with Cinderella, Snow White and Pirate Jack at either 5:30 or 6:15. During this event attendees will be able to have pictures made with the characters, do a craft, and will get a boxed meal provided by Chick-Fil-A. Tickets are $10 each and everyone that attends must have a ticket. There will be two seatings, one at 5:30 and one at 6:15 and space is limited . Pre-sale tickets are currently available at the Mercer County Convention & Visitors Bureau in Bluefield and the Princeton Mercer County Chamber of Commerce. Any remaining tickets will be sold at the door and all ticketed events include your door admission to the expo. The tickets are reserved for each seating so they can’t be transferred between times.

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