2017 Best of the Best

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2 | Friday, January 27, 2017


Friday, January 27, 2017 | 3

A Commitment To...



For Voting Princeton Health Care Center Readers’ Best Of The Best Nursing Home 3 Years In A Row!


Health Care Center 304-487-3458 315 Courthouse Rd. Princeton, WV 1090381358

4 | Friday, January 27, 2017

Four of the best foods that can boost energy levels Diet can go a long way toward increasing or lowering energy levels. No one wants to consume foods that will make it harder for them to get through the day, so the following are a handful of foods that pack an energetic punch. 1. Cashews: Cashews, which are high in magnesium, help to convert sugar into energy. Magnesium deficiency can lead to low energy levels, so nuts that are high in magnesium, including cashews, can provide that mid-afternoon jolt that some people are seeking. Cashews are high in calories, so it’s best for those looking to lose weight or maintain healthy weights to adhere to serving suggestion guidelines. 2. Skinless chicken: A study

from researcher Judith Wurtman of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Clinical Research Center found that alertness tends to increase when the brain produces the neurotransmitter dopamine and the hormone norepinephrine. Skinless chicken contains an amino acid known as tyrosine that helps in the production of both dopamine and norepinephrine. If skinless chicken is not available, other foods that may provide this same effect include fish, lean beef and eggs. In addition, lean meats like skinless chicken contain enough vitamin B to help ease insomnia. 3. Salmon: Omega-3 fatty acids can help the body fight inflammation, which has been linked to a host of ailments, including chronic fatigue. Salmon is also high in pro-

tein, which can eliminate the midto late-afternoon hunger pangs that can derail healthy diets and contribute to weight gain. 4. Beans: Beans are loaded with fiber, and that’s a good thing for energy levels. Like magnesium, which can also be found in beans, fiber takes awhile to digest, extend-

an h T

ing the energy-boosting properties of foods loaded with fiber. In spite of the growing movement to eat and live healthier, many adults still do not include enough fiber in their diets. Men and women can consult with their physicians to determine how to make that happen, but eating more beans is a good start.

r M a g n i f i c e nt C u O o t lie ks



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Friday, January 27, 2017 | 5

Top tips for professionals returning to school When a new school semester starts, children and young adults may not be the only ones who are returning to the classroom. Many adults resolve to expand their professional horizons by returning to school even after they have established themselves in their professions. Some may aspire to develop skills specific to a particular job, while others may want to make it easier to transition to a new career. The number of adult undergraduates continues to grow. The National Center for Education Statistics says 33 percent of the 18 million undergraduate students in the United States are over the age of 25. Students over the age of 30 make up 22 percent of the student body in colleges and universities. The NCES also projects a continued rise of older students through 2020. Going back to school can be an exciting time, but one that also comes with a bit of trepidation. Many adults may not have been in a classroom in more than a decade. Many things have changed with

regard to academia in recent decades, and adults may need some extra time and help to make their transition back to student go smoothly. • Schedule a campus visit. Choosing a school is an important decision, and even though you might not be spending as much time on campus as you did when you were younger, don’t overlook the importance of a campus visit. A member of the admissions faculty or even a current student may be able to offer a guided tour, explaining the layout of the campus, amenities and resources. • Secure financial aid if necessary. School is expensive, but keep in mind that scholarships and other forms of financial aid are not exclusive to younger learners. Speak with a financial aid counselor about programs that might be available to you. In addition, check with your employer to see if they offer incentives for returning to school. • Brush up on school skills. Start reading more to refresh your vocabulary and other language skills. College

involves critical thinking and reasoning, so explore free online courses or games that cover critical thinking skills. Refresh your memory on basic writing rules if essays and reports will be part of your curriculum. • Create a support system. Going back to school will require you to rearrange schedules and make certain sacrifices. Such adjustments may require the assistance of friends and family. Stop by your

school’s student services department and ask if they have help in place for nontraditional students. They may have guidance on balancing work, life and school. Such departments may also assist you with scheduling classes at the times of day that fit best with your work schedule. Many adults return to school for personal reasons or to advance their careers. Having a plan in place can make the transition go smoothly.

would like to thank their customers for voting them

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6 | Friday, January 27, 2017

Few of the best ways to tame indoor home odors




Buy Lawn Equipment” in the 2017 Best of the Best.



smells are prevalent on rainy days, while cat litter boxes can pack a pungent punch. Cleanliness can cut down on smells. Use activated charcoal in litter products to tame smells and empty the litter box frequently. Make sure dogs are dried off thoroughly when coming in from the rain, and use a deodorizing spray on pet fur. Regular grooming can help as well.

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*Offer available January 4, 2017 through February 28, 2017. Prices are suggested retail prices only and are subject to change without notice at any time. Prices and models may vary by dealer. Dealer may sell for less. Taxes, setup, delivery, freight and preparation charges not included. Attachments and implements sold separately. Some restrictions apply; other special rates and terms may be available, so see your dealer for details. Offers available on new equipment and in the U.S. only. Prices and savings in U.S. dollars.


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disposal to remove many odors. • Air out the washer. New washing machines have tight seals and gaskets that do not allow air to penetrate (or water to leak out). Mildew can grow as a result. Leave the washer door open after a round of laundry to let things dry and air out. • Tame pet odors. Pets contribute heavily to odor in a home. Wet dog


windows and doors when weather permits to eliminate the concentration of pollutants and help air out odors. Use exhaust fans in kitchens and baths to pull indoor air to the outside. • Invest in an air filter. A high-efficiency particulate air filter will force air through a fine mesh and trap harmful particles, such as pet dander, smoke, pollen, and dust mites, that can build up in a home. Remember to change the filter regularly. • Increase the number of plants. Plants can brighten interior spaces, and they’re also remarkable at cleaning indoor air. The Clean Air Study conducted by NASA set out to find out the best way to clean the air in space stations. The association found that the Boston fern, spider plant, Chinese evergreen, weeping fig, variegated snake plant, and English ivy, among many other plants, were ideal for filtering air and removing harmful contaminants. • Ditch disposal odors. Food can become trapped and decompose in garbage disposals. Cut citrus fruit into chunks and drop them into a running

A clean home interior can make a strong first impression on prospective buyers, but only if that home is accompanied by pleasant scents. Odors can make a strong impact on buyers’ perceptions of a home, including its level of cleanliness and upkeep. Although dirt and other grime can contribute to the odor of a home, additional culprits can contribute to foul smells as well. Everything from pets to the foods cooked in the kitchen to the hidden presence of mold can impact air quality and odor inside a home. Fortunately, there are ways to remedy stinky problems and come away with sweet-smelling solutions. It’s important for homeowners to realize that foul air inside a home can be the result of poor indoor air quality - which can be a health hazard. The United States Environmental Protection Agency ranks indoor air quality as a top five environmental risk to public health. So how does one remedy poor indoor air quality and odors inside a home? These tips can improve conditions. • Ensure adequate ventilation. Open

Friday, January 27, 2017 | 7

Storage solutions for shop, home and job sites Bringing order to a daily routine often requires creative solutions. Let Woodcraft lend some assistance with handy products for storage and transport that make organizing shops, kitchens, bathrooms, craft rooms, and even job sites that much simpler. Versatile Storage and Transport “One of the most versatile storage products in the Woodcraft line is the Tanos systainer® family of containers,” said Woodcraft product manager Jessica Douglas. “The basic unit, the systainer T-LOC, comes in five sizes and eight colors and is stackable and lockable, with easy access to even the middle container through the T-LOC mechanism. Add the Caster SYS-Cart, and you can easily transport your stored tools and materials whenever necessary without the need to pack.” Other systainer® options include the SYS-Combi II and III units that offer the open storage space of SYS-II and SYS-III systainers on top and a handy small parts storage drawer on the bottom. The pullout drawer provides divided storage compartments for small parts. For more customizable storage, the Tanos T-LOC SYSSort IV/3 systainer has three levels of parts and tool storage, and each drawer opens within the stack for easy access. Drawers can be customized with bins or the optional drawer accessory pack (both sold separately) to fit your needs exactly. Like

other systainers, the SYS-Combi II and III and T-LOC SYS-Sort IV/3 can be connected by the T-LOC to other systainers, Tool-Box, Storage-Box and systainer® Classic Line to make the ultimate storage system. Racks & Shelves Keep long material - lumber, PVC/ copper pipe, molding, millwork and similar items - handy but out of the way with the Lumber Rack Storage System. System includes all the uprights (24” and 55”) and brackets (10”, 14” and 18”) needed to efficiently store a variety of 8’ lengths of material. The 18” bracket will support a 300lb. load at the tip. Shorter brackets will support even more weight. Add a board and use the system for general storage. Another option for expanding storage space is to build shelves for all the “empty” spaces along walls or in corners with Baltic Birch Plywood. This finished plywood comes in 3/4” x 12” x 60” pieces and features a clear durable topcoat on both sides that resists scratches and chips, making it perfect for building custom shelving in rooms, closets, garages and shops. Customize your lumber, pipe and accessory storage with six shelf brackets included with the WoodRiver HD Shelf System. Moving them in 6” increments on the upright supports accommodates a wide range of long materials. Add a flat board to store boxes, bins, cans of finish and more.

Other ready-made racks include the Akro-Mils 24” Tool Storage Rack that holds up to 96 tools, and Monkey Bars Racks that are available for just about everything, from garden tools to coats to bikes to camping gear. Other Handy Storage Options • Heavy-Duty Casters mobilize shop machines and even furniture for easy storage and use. Castors have easy rolling, non-marring polyurethane wheels that will not “flat spot” from remaining stationary. • A Grip Magnetic Bit Holder will keep 36 driver bits, 1/4”-shank router bits or CNC bits organized. · The WoodRiver Blade Keep 10” Red Silicone Saw Blade Cover protects saw blades. • Wrap N Strap Adjustable Straps for Cords and Cables come in 5-Piece Sets. The adjustable cord organizer consists of a rubber strap (available in 6”, 7” and 9” sizes) and a plastic

fastener for attachment. Straps will corral power and extension cords of all sizes, organize computer cables and bundle and carry everything from quarter round to water pipe, including dust collection hose. • The Rotating Bur & Tool Holder, set on a lazy Susan mechanism, will keep all your small tools, burs and drill bits within easy reach. • Woodcraft’s 30-Pocket Tool Roll and 21-Pocket Tool Bag provide portable storage and transport to keep tools or other similar items safe.

• Pick & Pluck 10mm Rigid and 25mm Smooth Foam, closed cell foam specially designed for Systainer® T-LOC 1-5 (I, II, III, IV & V), fits snugly into the base of the systainer. Each unit features a grid of perforated cubes, 15mm x 15mm, so you can customize the inside shape of just about anything you wish to store or transport.

Cravens - Shires Funeral Home Est. 1967

Would like to Thank the Readers of the Bluefield Daily Telegraph voting us #1 of the Funeral Homes in the area!!!

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8 | Friday, January 27, 2017

Bluefield Daily Telegraph 2016 Readers’ Choice Award Winners

The Best Place To Buy…

Art, Antiques & Collectables 1st Place: Landmark Antiques 2nd Place: Four Seasons Antiques Carpet 1st Place: Family Carpet, LLC 2nd Place: Lowes of Princeton #1984 Clothing 1st Place: Belk of Mercer Mall #408 2nd Place: JCPenney #995 Bluefield Furniture 1st Place: Kammer Furniture Co. 2nd Place: Grand Home Furnishings Groceries 1st Place: Grants Supermarkets 2nd Place: Food City Lawn Equipment 1st Place: Meade Tractor 2nd Place: Lowes of Bluefield, Va. New Car 1st Place: Ramey Chevrolet Princeton New Truck 1st Place: Ramey Chevrolet Princeton Plants, Flowers, Shrubs 1st Place: Hurley’s Greenhouse 2nd Place: Lowes of Bluefield, Va.

Used Vehicle 1st Place: Ramey Chevrolet Princeton Windows 1st Place: Window World of Beckley 2nd Place: Citizens Building Supply The Best…

Accountant 1st Place: Brown, Edwards & Company L.L.P 2nd Place: Lively and Associates Ambulance Service 1st Place: Princeton Rescue Squad 2nd Place: Bluefield WV Rescue Squad Auctioneer 1st Place: Regency Real Estate & Auction Company 2nd Place: Twin City Auction Company, LLC, Eric Altizer Auto Repair Center 1st Place: Bland Street Auto 2nd Place: Estep Tire and Auto Center Bank 1st Place: First Community Bank — Bluewell Branch 2nd Place: BB&T Stafford Drive

Recreational Vehicle 1st Place: Millers ATV 2nd Place: SwampFox Motorsports

Cardiologist 1st Place: Dr. Ward — Bluefield Cardiology 2nd Place: Dr. Shahid Rana, MD

Tile/Hardwood Flooring 1st Place: Lowes of Bluefield, Va. 2nd Place: Raleigh Tile, Inc.

Carpet Cleaning Service 1st Place: Stanley Steemer 2nd Place: Sears Carpet Cleaning

Cemetery 1st Place: Roselawn Cemetery 2nd Place: Restlawn Chiropractor 1st Place: Dales Chiropractic 2nd Place: Alliant Wellness and Chiropractic College 1st Place: Concord University 2nd Place: Bluefield College Day Care 1st Place: Kirks Blessing, LLC Childcare Center 2nd Place: Westminister Preschool Day Spa / Massage Therapy 1st Place: Crystal White, CMT 2nd Place: Beauty Concepts Dentist 1st Place: Dr. Jon Lovern, DDS 2nd Place: Dr. Lynn E Veneri, DDS Dermatologist 1st Place: Dr. David Tolliver, DO 2nd Place: Dr. Velazquez, Family Physician 1st Place: Dr. Todd A. Smith, DO 2nd Place: Dr. Ronald W. Billips, MD Financial Advisor 1st Place: Chris Benson — Edward Jones 2nd Place: Joe Keatley Florist 1st Place: Brown Sack Creations 2nd Place: Roller Floral — Designs by Ray’s and Lilly’s

Friday, January 27, 2017 | 9

Bluefield Daily Telegraph 2016 Readers’ Choice Award Winners

Funeral Home 1st Place: Craven-Shires Funeral Home 2nd Place: Memorial Funeral Home Hair Salon 1st Place: Centre Stage Hair Salon 2nd Place: Beauty Concepts

Obstetrician 1st Place: Dr. Robert W. Edwards, MD 2nd Place (Tie): Dr. Joe Ellington Jr., MD 2nd Place (Tie): Dr. Lori A Tucker, DO

Health Club 1st Place: Princeton Health & Fitness 2nd Place: Bluefield Community Center

Optometrist 1st Place: Dr. Stephen Blaydes, MD 2nd Place: Dr. Scott Carpenter, DO — Lindsey Optical

Heating/Cooling 1st Place: The Furnace Man, Inc. 2nd Place: J&M Heating and Cooling

Orthopedic Surgeon 1st Place: Dr. Fredrick B. Morgan, DO 2nd Place: Dr. Philip Branson, MD

Hospital 1st Place: Princeton Community Hospital 2nd Place: Bluefield Regional Medical Center

Pediatrician 1st Place: Dr. Asma Safder, MD 2nd Place: Dr. Ryan Cicenas, MD

Insurance Agency 1st Place: Ramella & Associates 2nd Place: Mike Romeo, Nationwide

Pet Grooming 1st Place: 4 Paws N Claws Pet Grooming 2nd Place: Lou’s Pet Grooming

Law Firm 1st Place: Dudley Law Office 2nd Place: Smith, Lilly & Ball, PLLC

Pharmacy 1st Place: New Graham Pharmacy 2nd Place: Four Seasons Pharmacy

Lawn Care Service 1st Place: The Lawn Ranger 2nd Place: Kelly Green Lawn Spray

Radio Station 1st Place: J104.5 2nd Place: Willie 97.3

Locksmith 1st Place: Howell’s Locksmith Service 2nd Place: Mountain State Locksmith Nursing Home 1st Place: Princeton Health Care 2nd Place (Tie): Glenwood Park — A Stonerise Healthcare Company 2nd Place (Tie): Westwood Center/ Genesis Healthcare

Real Estate Agency/Broker 1st Place: Century 21 Four Seasons Select Properties 2nd Place: Barker Realty/Sue Williams Real Estate Agent 1st Place: Katye Willis 2nd Place: Charles Eller

Retirement Community 1st Place: The Havens at Princeton 2nd Place: GlenWood Park — A Stonerise Healthcare Company Specialty Gift Store 1st Place: Corner Stone Gifts 2nd Place: Paper and More Sporting Goods Store 1st Place: Hibbett Sports 2nd Place: H&S Sporting Goods Tire Dealer 1st Place: King’s Tire Service Inc. 2nd Place: Kitts Tire Service Tree Service 1st Place: Lester’s Tree Service 2nd Place: Shrewsbury Tree Service TV Station 1st Place: WVVA 2nd Place: WVNS — CBS 59 Veterinarian 1st Place: Happy Tails Veterinary Clinic 2nd Place: All Creatures The Best Place To Eat… Breakfast 1st Place: Cracker Barrel #65 2nd Place: Hardees — A Boddie - Noell Restaurant Lunch 1st Place: Big Whiskey BBQ 2nd Place: Hardees — A Boddie - Noell Restaurant Dinner 1st Place: Outback Steakhouse 2nd Place: Cracker Barrel #65

10 | Friday, January 27, 2017

Great ways to to spend more time outdoors

Getting outside to enjoy the great outdoors can reduce the likelihood that a person will live a sedentary lifestyle that can negatively affect long-term health. But many adults are spending too much time indoors. The National Recreation and Park Association found that 28 percent of adults in the United States do not spend time outside daily. The survey, conducted by Ipsos Public Affairs on behalf of

the NPRA, asked 1,005 adults to share their opinions and behaviors regarding outdoor time. While 35 percent of respondents said work was getting in the way of their spending time outdoors, 39 percent said their computers, tablets, smartphones, and televisions were keeping them indoors. • Take up hiking. While some hiking trails are best left to seasoned hikers, many are built for hikers of all ages

and abilities. Men and women who are overweight should not be intimidated by hiking, as even the simplest trails can help them get back on a healthy track. • Ride a bike to work. Adults whose homes are in close proximity to their offices may want to try riding a bike to work instead of relying on their cars or mass transportation. Cycling improves cardiovascular fitness and increases muscle strength and flexibility.

• Grow your own foods. While the cost of fruits and vegetables may not be busting your monthly budget, growing your own fruits and vegetables is a cost-effective way to find more time for the great outdoors. In addition, a study from researchers in the Netherlands suggested that gardening is better for fighting stress than reading indoors. Nature awaits, and adults should know that some playtime is not just for kids.

1 st


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“Best of the Best”

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to everyone for voting us the



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Friday, January 27, 2017 | 11

Great ways to fight back against fatigued eyes • Sore, tired, burning, or itching eyes • Abnormally watery eyes • Abnormally dry eyes • Blurred or double vision • Headache • Increased sensitivity to light • Feeling that you cannot keep your eyes open How to address eyestrain If you remain uncertain about what is causing your vision troubles, consult your eye doctor. If eyestrain is the culprit, then there are some ways to remedy your problems. • Adjust lighting. The American Academy of Ophthalmology notes that reducing glare from the screen can reduce symptoms of eyestrain. If necessary, use a screen filter when staring at a computer screen. When you will be spending long hours at a desk, the Mayo Clinic suggests lighting your work area with a shaded light positioned in front of you. Such an arrangement can prevent light from shining directly into your eyes. • Take frequent breaks. Another way to combat eyestrain is to take frequent breaks from whatever your eyes are focusing on. When sitting at your desk,

look away from your monitor. The Mayo Clinic notes that looking at something 20 feet away for 20 seconds every 20 minutes can provide the respite your eyes need. • Make yourself cry (artificially). Artifical tears are a proactive way to combat eyestrain. The AAO notes that artificial tears, which are over-the-counter products that can be found at many

pharmacies, can refresh dry eyes. But artificial tears also can be used to prevent eyes from drying out. Even if your eyes feel normal, a few drops of artificial tears can keep them lubricated and prevent the onset of eyestrain. Speak with your eye doctor about which artificial tears to use, as all products are not the same and you may need to follow specific instructions depending on your eyes.


Looking forward to seeing you soon!


Eyestrain affects people from all walks of life. Many professionals suffer eyestrain as a result of too many hours spent staring at computer screens. The same can be said for children, who might spend hours doing homework on their computers before hitting the couch for a few spirited rounds of video games. Whatever the cause of your eyestrain, it’s important that people recognize they are not defenseless against this common foe. But before you can combat eyestrain, it’s best to confirm that your vision troubles are the result of eyestrain and not something more serious. Eye doctors can provide such confirmation, but you can also be on the lookout for common symptoms of eyestrain. Symptoms of eyestrain Perhaps the most common side effect of eyestrain is how annoying it can feel. Professionals working at their desks, truck drivers spending long, uninterrupted hours on the road and students working on schoolwork can attest that time tends to fly once they get in a zone. The Mayo Clinic notes that the following are some symptoms of eyestrain that can pop up when eyes are overused.

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12 | Friday, January 27, 2017

Best ways to wash your car like a pro to protect its value Drivers who live along or near coastal areas may need to wash their vehicles frequently to combat sea salt buildup. Garage-kept vehicles may be able to go longer between washes, but in general washing a vehicle every two to three weeks is a good rule of thumb. In addition, a good sealant will protect the paint and other trims throughout the year. The following are some other car-wash tips to follow. • Always use a proper washing soap solution. This will preserve the car’s finish better than other homemade soaps. Avoid using dishwashing liquid, which can strip protective wax coatings. • Be prompt when cleaning off bugs, sap and bird droppings that may stick to the paint and become difficult to remove over time. • Wait until a car has cooled down before washing. Heat speeds up the drying of soap and water and can make it more difficult to clean. • Always use a clean, non-abrasive sponge. Resist the urge to move the sponge in circles as you clean. Doing

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water on the body of the car after washing and rinsing. Blot up any extra water with a chamois. • Wax the car every season to ensure it has maximum protection. In between, apply a liquid spray wax to touch up spots. Water beading is not an ideal indicator of whether or not the car needs a coat of wax.

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so can create noticeable swirl scratch marks. Instead, move the sponge lengthwise across the body panels and hood. • Keep a separate rinsing bucket to clean the sponge or washing mitt so that dirt is not mixed into the clean, sudsy water. • Consumer Reports suggests using a soft squeegee to remove most of the

Thank you for voting for Kelly Green Lawn Spray one of the Best in Lawn Care Service! 1090381355

Vehicle owners know maintaining a vehicle can be a lot of work. Taking the time to properly care for a vehicle can prolong its life expectancy and help owners avoid breakdowns and other issues along the way. Regular washing is an aspect of vehicle maintenance that some may classify as a purely cosmetic benefit. Certainly a car wash can keep the vehicle looking its best, but there are other advantages to washing as well. Washing offers preventative maintenance for the car’s paint and can help prevent rust and corrosion resulting from dirt, acid rain and road salt. Rust can compromise hydraulic brake and fuel lines, as well as many moving parts in the chassis and frame. Corrosion of electrical connectors and other parts under the hood can lead to leaks, electrical shorts and a host of additional problems. It’s easy to see how washing the car is more essential than one might have suspected. If you live in an area with a high amount of dust or industry, you may need to wash your car as frequently as once a week.


THANK YOU FROM ALL NEW GRAHAM PHARMACY OF US AT YOUR #1 PHARMACY 566 Virginia Ave • Bluefield VA • 276-326-1166


Friday, January 27, 2017 | 13

Great ways to shorten the duration of a cold that you do not get dehydrated. Plus, warm beverages can be soothing to an irritated throat. Avoid coffee, caffeinated sodas and alcohol, which can exacerbate dehydration. • Saline rinses: Intra-nasal saline sprays, neti pots and similar products can help loosen mucus that is clogging the nose and sinus cavities, allowing it to flow out. This makes blowing your nose more effective and may help prevent post-nasal drip. Avoid prolonged use of medicated decongestant sprays. They may work well, but they can cause rebound congestion that’s worse than the original stuffiness. • Vitamin C: Vitamin C will not prevent colds, but it could help in other ways. Taking vitamin C before the onset of cold symptoms may shorten the duration of symptoms. Vitamin C also may provide benefits for people at high risk of colds due to frequent exposure, offers The Mayo Clinic. • Soup and tea: Soup is an easy-todigest meal that provides many of the necessary remedies for a cold, includ-


• Reinfection: Use cleaning products that are effective at killing viruses around the house to prevent reinfection and cold relapses. Also, avoid touching your nose, eyes and mouth between hand-washings to keep germs at bay. Colds can be a nuisance. Most medicines will help relieve symptoms but cannot make colds go away faster. Natural remedies can help the body’s immune system work at its best and lessen the severity of a cold.

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Dr. Joe Dales #1 in Chiropractor Crystal White #1 in Massage Therapy

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Thank You For Choosing Us As Your #1 Place To Buy Recreational Vehicles! We Appreciate All Of Our Customers Support Of Our Locally Owned Business Since 2005.

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ing warm broth to hydrate and soothe, antioxidant-rich vegetables and protein to help fuel the body’s recovery process. In 2000, Dr. Stephen Rennard of the Nebraska Medical Center in Omaha actually tested if chicken soup clinically makes people with colds feel better. He found that chicken soup inhibited neutrophils, immune cells that cause congestion. Decaffeinated tea also may help you stay hydrated and relieve many cold symptoms.


Few things can be as uncomfortable as the common cold. In their book “Common Cold,” authors Olaf Weber and Ronald Eccles say the common cold has been around since the ancient times. More than 200 virus strains can contribute to colds, but the rhinovirus is the most common. Colds produce a bevy of symptoms, including runny nose, congestion and sore throat, so it should come as no surprise that sufferers want to find relief fast. Colds typically last for a week or more. While there’s no cure for the common cold, according to The Mayo Clinic, there are some remedies that can help cold sufferers feel better more quickly. • Rest: One of the best things to do when you have a cold is to get adequate rest. Your body’s immune system is working overtime to combat the cold virus, and restricting activity can help it direct efforts where they’re needed most. Keep away from strenuous activities, and spend more time relaxing or sleeping to let your body do its job. • Hydration: Consuming plenty of clear fluids can reduce congestion and ensure


Thank You! BEST of the


Charles Eller, Broker/Owner RE/MAX PLATINUM 1208 Johnstown Road, Beckley, WV 25801 License #: WV0028355 Cell 304.809.5559 • Office 304.253.7999 • Licensed in WV & VA


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14 | Friday, January 27, 2017

7 ways to be kind to restaurant food servers

The restaurant industry is booming, with new restaurants entering the challenging foodservice market every day. The National Restaurant Association says restaurants in the United States’ generate roughly $2 billion in sales on a typical day. Media Edge, a Canadian trade resource, says the foodservice industry play a major role in Canada’s economic growth by providing so many jobs. Food servers are among some of the hardest working employees in the foodservice industry, but sometimes their efforts go unrecognized. The following are a handful of ways diners can show their appreciation to the men and women who work hard to ensure their customers enjoy their dining experiences. 1. Recognize that waiting tables is no easy task. Waiting tables is both physically and mentally demanding. Servers spend hours on their feet carrying and balancing plates of food during their shifts. Servers also must anticipate the


















































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dine out if you cannot afford or do not plan to tip. 7. Ask ahead of time if you need a split bill. Multiple checks can prove time-consuming. Address this need early on and pay as punctually as possible. The restaurant business is fast-paced and challenging. Customers can do their part by being patient and pleasant patrons and showing their servers the respect they deserve.


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busy times of year. 6. Tip with courtesy and respect. Tips are important to servers because their income may not be steady. Some restaurants do not pay servers minimum wage, expecting their salaries to be offset by tipping. Tip according to how the service was, not the taste of the food or beverages. A 15 percent tip is customary, but you may want to tip 20 percent for exceptional service. Don’t





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needs of diners and do their best to accommodate them. Acknowledge that servers’ jobs are not easy when dining out, and express your gratitude for their had work whenever possible. 2. Recognize that slow food often is not servers’ faults. Very often a food server has no control over how fast the food comes out of the kitchen. A very busy meal service can stall an inexperienced kitchen. 3. Look up at your server. Eye contact shows respect and it will help get your order across clearly - reducing the likelihood of a mixup regarding your order. 4. Put down your phone. Distracted diners are sometimes to blame for slow service. 5. Holidays can put a monkey wrench in restaurant flow. Certain times of the year are popular for dining out. Mother’s Day and Father’s Day, Valentine’s Day, and winter holidays are busy times for the restaurant business. Diners should recognize this and exhibit extra patience when dining out during these

Friday, January 27, 2017 | 15

Great green ways to clean up snow Although residents of chilly climates come to expect the flakes and gathering snow mounds, some people never quite get used to the cleanup involved in keeping neighborhoods safe and accessible. In March 2014, North America was covered by the third-highest amount of snow that late in the season since record keeping began in 1966, according to NOAA’s U.S. National Ice Center. Snow can begin in September and October in some northern areas and stretch on until early spring. It pays to learn the best ways to deal with snow and to incorporate some environmentally friendly strategies as well. The most eco-friendly way to remove snow is to wait until the spring thaw when it’ll melt. Unfortunately that is not practical for most people. Therefore homeowners and business owners need to look to other methods to clear driveways, parking lots and sidewalks of the white stuff. • Human-powered effort. The greenest method to clearing snow is to

get out the shovel or a broom and put in some hard work. Though seldom an easy task, manual power doesn’t rely on fossil fuels nor does it create emissions or loud noises that other methods of snow removal will. Plus, snow-shoveling also is the most cost-effective method of snow removal. Invest in a quality shovel and get used to angling the blade so that you’re doing more pushing than scooping and lifting. You also can use Mother Nature to your advantage. Try to clear snow early in the day, and then let the sun and any warming of the afternoon take care of melting some of the leftover thin coatings of snow. • Use an eco-friendly ice melt. The best way to break-up ice is to chop it up and clear it away. But when that isn’t plausible, use eco-friendly ice melting products instead of traditional salt or other melts. Run-off from certain products can increase salinity in bodies of water. Salt can prevent plants from absorbing moisture and nutrients, killing grass and gardens.

Plus, ice-melt products may leach heavy metals into the environment. • Electric power is better. If you need to rely on a snow blower, opt for an electric-powered model. It will be quieter than others and also the cleanest. If you can combine an electric blower with solar panels, you’ll be reducing your energy usage even further, all the while keeping a clean and safe landscape.

• Contract with an environmentally friendly service. Commercial snow-removal services and landscapers can make fast work of snow removal. These companies rely on equipment that reduces emissions, use eco-friendly ice melt and outfit their plows with blades that will minimize damage to roadways and driveways. Research the options in eco-friendly snow removal companies.

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16 | Friday, January 27, 2017


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