2017 Tea for Teachers

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2 | Thursday, May 18, 2017


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Thursday, May 18, 2017 | 3 To preserve the honesty and charm of these letters, they were typed without correction to spelling or grammar. We hope you see past the errors and feel the genuine affection these students have for their teachers. Please enjoy them as much as we did. I would nominate Patti smith at Princeton senior high school because I love the way she teaching and she makes math class much !! She is the best. she also takes that extra step to make us actually understand what we are doing. Thank you for all you do Miss smith. Morgan B. Dear BDT, I nominate Mrs. Ruble from Oakvale Elementary School. She helps us with Reading and Math. She helped me in elementary school. She always has a smile. She’s never mad and always happy. She is my favorite teacher. Sincerely, Landyn Dear BDT, I think the best teacher at Oakvale Elementary School is Mrs. Reid. She is the best teacher to me because I like music. She teaches calming music even when we talk a lot she does not yell. Clearly, Mrs. Reid is the best teacher to me. Sincerely, Courtney Dear BDT, Mrs. Bennett is my favorite teacher at Oakvale Elementary because she is always happy and is always on point when she teaches. She encourages us on anything we to. Mrs. Bennett helps us every day when we are stuck. When we went to the long in, she thought she was going to get soaked. It was funny. She is the funniest teacher and she is my favorite. Sincerely, Caleb To Whom It May Concern, I think Mrs. Stefancic from Oakvale Elementary is the best teacher. She likes to challenge her groups with higher grade work because she thinks we can handle it. She’s also really nice to every one except if you aggravate her, which is rarely done. She also gives me clothes and hoodies and I need hoodies. In the end, my three reasons make up the conclusion that Mrs. Stefancic is the best teacher. Sincerely, McKenzie W. 4th grade Oakvale Elementary To Whom It May Concern, My favorite teacher is Mrs. Inman. She is my favorite teacher because she is really nice. She lets us play with iPods. She lets us do what ever we want at recess. Sincerely, Cole H., Oakvale School Dear BDT, Ms. Cookie is a nice teacher. She helped me when I was in kindergarten. We had fun with Ms. Cookie. She taught us math with

blocks. She worked hard for us to learn and we have had fun with her too. Joshua W. Oakvale Elementary To Whom It May Concern, My favorite teacher at Oakvale is Mrs. Bennett. She is my favorite teacher because she always throws us big parties. Also, she lets us watch movies a lot. She gives us pop at the parties. She is also very funny and crazy. That is why Mrs. Bennett is my favorite. Sincerely, Ryan T. My son Christopher P. is a 10th grader at PikeView High School, and these two JROTC instructors is who he wants to nominate they are 1st Sergeant Compton and MSGT Riggs instructors at PikeView High School JROTC. These two men teach the kids in JROTC how to give back to their communities, and also by having kids do community service. My son Christopher has a lot of respect and thinks very highly 1st Sergeant Compton and MSGT Riggs, they have helped him in a lot of ways by showing him that he doesn’t need to let his epilepsy keep him from doing things in JROTC, and for that my son is very grateful he has done color guard, drill team and raider’s team. 1st Sergeant Compton and MSGT Riggs deserves to receive this award they put a lot of time, dedication and hard work with the kids in JROTC, and they work and help the kids in JROTC with JROTC competitions this is why my son Christopher is nominating them for 2017 Excellence in Education Award not only for their dedication but for all the hard work they put into teaching JROTC. My name is Heather P. My Favorite Teacher!!! My Favorite Teacher is Ms. Delida. Ms .Delida is my favorite because She is funny, loud, cool, and fun. She does all kinds of fun stuff like math Bingo, multipulaction cards, we get to play Swater Vocabulary it’s really fun. Also, we get to color. We get to go on the coolest fieldtrips to. Sincerely, Kaylee Ceres Elementary My favorite teacher is Mrs. Delida. She is fun, wonderful, funny, pretty, cool, and one of a kind, creative, young, kind etc…She always has a story to tell, and lets us play very fun games. If we get out on the wrong side of the bed, se makes us get out on the right side of the bed. She always makes uf happy. She sometimes has crafts, and for recess we go outside, or she has a fun game for inside planned. Mrs. Delida is the BEST TEACHER EVER! Sincerely, Adreanah G. Ceres Elementary Dear Mrs. Riffe, You are my favorite teacher because you was always good to me. When I left Straley you started to cry. I came back and you said, “what are you doing back and smiled.” I seen you at the mall and said, “ I miss you” Mackenzie M. My favorite teacher was Mrs. Dell. I Love Mrs. Dell even to this day. She under stood us she loved us and we all loved her. Mrs. Dell cared about us and we cared about her. She gave all the kids a second chance. She was the Best teacher that I ever had. From Taylor S., Ceres Elementary Mrs. Dell, Brushfork School Mr. Woody, Ceres Elementary School. He is supportive and respects people. He cares for the classes and treats them well. I also

like that he teaches gym. He does very fun games and challenges. I bellive he is a competive teacher. He nows his math and knows his money. I think he deserves a award. Jason R. H. Mr. Jones is a great teacher. He makes learning fund and interesting. He want sall his students to achieve and be successful. He is always there to help and listen with problems you may have. Mr. Jones is also kind and friendly. He makes learning fun because he talks to his students and makes us feel like we are important. Mr. Jones is a wonderful fun Joking kind and frindley teacher that’s why hs is considered my faviorte teacher. He should win the Cole Chevy 2017 excellence in Education award! GO Mr. Jones! Alexus B. Ceres Elementary 5th grade Dear Newspaper, I would like to nominate coach Woody. He is my favorite teacher because he pushes us to do our best in gym. He is really nice and fun! He is the coach at Oakvale Elementary School. Thank you, Emma R. Oakvale Elementary School To Whom It May Concern, My best teacher at Oakvale Elementary that I have had is Mrs. Cookie. I think Mrs. Cookie is the best teacher because she was my kindergarten teacher and my first teacher. She also always did crafts and songs with us. I like Mrs. Cookie because she is always nice. Sincerely, Karsynn W. Oakvale 4th Grade To Whom It May Concern, My favorite teacher in Oakvale is Coach Woody. He pushes me to do good in exercises. He had my sister and he saw me when I was a baby. I love doing exercises and being athletic. Coach Woody is the P.E. teacher. He encourages me. I can fun fast because of practicing with Coach Woody. Sincerely, Hannah H. Oakvale Elementary 4th grade To Whom It May Concern, My favorite teacher is Coach Woody. He makes me laugh and smile. Coach Woody pushes us to a good limit so we can do what we have to do when we get in harder grades. Coach Woody is hard headed like me. Coach Wood is sarcastic like me. Coach Woody is fun a lot of times. Sincerely, Elizabeth Oakvale Elementary 4th grade Dear Coach Woody, You are the best teacher if gym class. We love you. You teach us a lot of things. You teach us math and how to do gym. I remember the day I first started school here and you taught us a lot of gym stuff. We love you so much. You are cool. Love, Kiley Oakvale Elementary School 2nd grade Dear Newspaper, My favorite teacher is Mrs. Ruble. I am choosing Mrs. Ruble because she loves like an owl and is funny and sweet and fun. She gives hard word work to do and she is

pretty. I love her too. Thank you, Haylynn Oakvale Elementary 2nd grade Dear Newspaper, Mrs. Ruble is my favorite teacher because she is cool and she teachers me a lot and fun. Zach Oakvale Elementary 2nd grade Dear Newspaper, My favorite teacher is Ms. Inman. She is my favorite teacher because she is nice and she gives me a hug and a prize. Heidi Oakvale Elementary 2nd grade Dear Newspaper, My best teacher is Mrs. Ruble because she teaches me a lot and makes me smart. From Eva Oakvale Elementary 2nd grade Dear Newspaper, My favorite teacher is Mrs. Peggy. I talk to her every morning. I love her so much. Madison Oakvale Elementary 2nd grade Dear Mrs. Ruble, You are a great teacher because you get us science experiments and you get us everything. That is why I love you so much. Madelyn Oakvale Elementary 2nd grade Dear Newspaper, My favorite teacher is Ms. Swim because she is fun and nice and funny and cool. She gives me hugs. She is a fun teacher. She helps me. I love Ms. Swim. Brook-lynn Oakvale Elementary 2nd grade Dear Newspaper, My favorite teacher is Mrs. Cookie because she is kind and sweet. Mrs. Cookie is the best teacher ever. She is also really fun to be with. I love Mrs. Cookie. Love, Riley, Oakvale Elementary 2nd grade Dear Newspaper, I love Miss Fancy. I love Miss Fancy. You are the best teacher ever. I love you from the moon and back. You are beautiful. Hoot! Hoot! Isabella, Oakvale Elementary 2nd grade Mrs. Shelia Ingram, gifted coordinator for Tazewell County Schools. She challenges students to excel in areas not usually covered in school. A humanities challenge at Bluefield State, Envirothon competition (they placed 2nd in regionals and going to state), a concert by a violinist from Brazil, meeting an author from Russia. She opens up the world to them and makes learning fun and exciting. Beckie Totten, Parent Tazewell VA I nominate Mrs. Jennifer Furches for the Excellence in Education award. I think she’s the best teacher because she is funny, smart

and patient. She tells jokes during class and makes everyone laugh. She is smart because she never makes mistakes and knows what she’s teaching. Mrs. Furches is also patient. She does not get angry easily and hardly ever fusses at our class. Caleb C., 4th Grade SunValley Elemantary My name is Wesly David D. I am a 4 grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Mr. Lewis, who teaches 4 grade at gis school. Last summer. I heard a abowt Mr Lewis. He sound so cool I could not wait to see him. Then the first day of school I saw him he was he was so tall and he was so nice he let us have extra recess and he didn’t let us have to much home work. He was so silly. Good thing I pick him !! from Wes. My name is Isabella S. I am a 4 grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Mr. Lewis, who teaches 4 I am a 4 grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Mr. Lewis, who teaches 4 th grade at Graham Intermediate School. Mr Lewis is a nice teacher who wants to be nice to the students and he’s cool, funny, helpful and wants us to be safe and be nice to others and helps us when we are stuck on a question. And makes sure we are not lost at field trips in big areas. And he makes sure we are not sad or hurt. And he sometimes makes Jokes when we are learning or writing about something. And that’s why he is my favorite teacher. My name is Kiowa. I am a 4 th grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Cook, who teaches Guidance at (GIS) Graham Intermediate School. Mrs. Cook is a nice, sweet, loving teacher. She Never Ever Get Mad She Gives My class Candy Because we are Good and Sometimes Quiet. She is always Calm and She Brags (If I spelled it wrong) She is always polite to everyone She has a daughter who seems nice. Mrs. Cook is different then other teacher Because She has a king heart. She is Brave too and I thank her for that and biend kind hearted to everyone thank you. My name is Jillian B. I am a 4 grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. O’Neal, who teaches therd Grade at GIS School. Mrs. O’Neal She was a grat teacher for theard grad. She understud me when I had problems. And She helped me when I need help. She needed me to help her and She I are of her Best studens. My name is Landon F. I am a 4 grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Scarberry, who teaches 3 rd grade at GIS School. Mrs. Scarberry is a very nice teacher that allways fun. She was the best 3 rd grade teacher in my opion. Now im in 4 th grad and I still feall the same way. My name is Sophie H. I am a 4 grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Scarberry, who teaches third grade at Graham Intermediate School. Mrs. Scarberry is one of my favorite teachers because she is very nice. She helps you win you need it. She explains things well and when you do not understand something she will explain it to you agin. And that is why she is one of my favorite teachers. My name is Donovan L. I am a 4 th grade student at Graham Intermediate school. My favorite teacher is Mr. Lewis, who teaches

4 | Thursday, May 18, 2017 the class at GIS School. Hes funny, nice and a good teacher he let’s us watch movies and eat candy he’s the best just like Mrs. Cook, sometimes she lets us have free time even when the class is bad he’s nice he dose funny stuff sometimes he lets us do so much fun stuff on Friday. My name is Emmy P. I am a 4 grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Mr. Jones, who teaches 1st grade at Springville Elementry School. Mr. Jones was my 1st grade teacher. He is really funny and liked to Joke with me. He likes to play with us to. When we did partner work he paid us up will people we would work will. And that is why Mr. Jones is one of my favorite teachers. My name is Persepchone B. I am a 4th grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Ms. Tucker, who teaches 5th grade at I don’t know school. She is my Gramaw and I love her she is so awesome she helps me with work even know she is not my teacher if your reading this I Love you so much you the Best teacher ever. My name is Xavier J. I am a 4 grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Coach Louthan, who teaches gym at Graham Middle School. Coach Louthan is very nice. He used to work at Dudly Primary and Graham Intermediate but know He work at Graham Middle School. Coach Louthan is also a basketball COACH. He has a good coaching set. Coach Louthan has a very loud voice. My name is Kaylee Bell D. I am a 4 grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Ms. Brown April, who teaches 4, 3, 5 grades at Graham Intermediate School. Ms. Brown April is fun and she is nice to me and she is cool. My name is Christian G. I am a 4 grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Miss April Brown, who teaches 4 grade math at GIS School. She is nice fun and she helps us wine we are stuk and she wants us to get a prize from the prize box. My name is Samuel G. I am a 4th grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Eathan Lewies, who teaches 4th grade at GIS School. Mr. Lewis helps us, understand the subject that we are learning about. He also makes teaching even funner. He does not overload us with home work of school work. He also gives us more time to play outside and the gym. He does not give to much work that school is boring. My name is Jullian B. I am a 4 grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Mr. Lewis, who teaches 4 grade at GIS School. Mr. Lewis is one of my favairt teachers at GIS. He is nice because he bose not give striks that ofton. He is kind becuse he helps us if we need help. He helps us understand reading, math, vs. I am happy that I got him. He is Alsom. He is funny he plays triks on people. And he gust alsom. My name is Kiowa. I am a 4th grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Mr. Lewis, who teaches fourth grade at (GIS) Graham Intermediate School. Mr. Lewis is a fourth Grade teacher. He smiles a lot, probably 50 or 100 times a day!! That is one thing I like a out him. He is nice. Sometimes he gets mad Because we get loud and Be silly. I (Kiowa) don’t laugh at Every thing. But I sometimes get worked

up over Nothing too (and the kids in my class do too) But sometimes Mr. Lewis Lets us Do Fun things like… 1: Lets us do our homework in class (sometimes). 2: He lets us study a little Bti more. And he changes the date for the test). 3: He lets us do more fun things then normal teachers. But you won’t Ever see Mr. Lewis get really mad. He only gets mad. But not to mad. He Helps us with most things in class. But I wish that we would (or class) Be Quiet and Great for Mr. Lewis. My name is Jackson Tyler K. I am a 4 grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Mr. Lewis, who teaches 4 grade at GIS School. I like him because he’s funny and teach’s us disaplen and how to do hard work. And he nice and wonderful and gives us extra resese and sometimes give us free time and gives us fun Friday. And is very athletic and he will help you is need help. My name is Persephone B. I am a 4 grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Ms. Cook, who teaches Giudece at Graham Intermediate School. She helped me throw some hard times She is really fun I would love her like my mom or aunt. She is the Best Giudece teacher ever she lets us have more time with her. She don’t Judge you. My name is Landon F. I am a 4 grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Mr. Lewis, who teaches 4th grade at GIS school. Mr Lewis is the best teacher ever because he is funny kind and helps his students in evry way he can. He is alloways eather helping a sudent or looking up inportent info. To me I think he is the best teacher I have ever had. Mr. Lewis beaarly ever gits angry and allways smiles. He is allways making work a little fun and I like it. I have have inproved on handwrighting math and social skills because of him. So I just want to say than Mr. Lewis is you’ve ben so kind to all of us thank you. My name is Danaylla C. I am a 4th grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Mis. Walkup, who teaches Kindergraden at Glenwood School. Mis. Walkup is kind is helpful She teaches realy good, and she is supportive. And she works hard. My name is Persephone B. I am a 4th grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Ms. St. Louis, who teaches 2nd grade at Dudley elamenchery school. Ms. St. Louis was the Best teacher ever when we had work to do she told us like five hints she help us with all our work she never left the class room when we where doing class work when we had a test she would give us the aswer sheat and we could study it then she would ask us the question and we would get it right but some of the people would get it wrong. I wish she was my teacher for ever. My name is Sophie H. (AKA: Ronda). I am a 4th grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Mr. Lewis, who teaches forth grade at Graham Intermediate school. Mr. Lewis is one of my favorite teachers because he is very helpful and very kind to all of the student in his classroom. He explains thing really good. And that is why he is one of my favorite TEACHERS. My name is Noah D. I am a 4 grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Mr. Lewis, who teaches 4 grade at Graham Intermedeat School. Mr. Lewis

helps every body and he lets us have exra reses and he lets us do fun and he plays Dodgeball with us and he lets us play Quietball some times. And he takes us outside to do are Virginia Studies sometimes. My name is Jackson D. I am a 4th grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Kade, who teaches Kindergarden at Dudley School. She was the nicest teacher ive ever had. She let us do puzzles toys at the end of the day we would sing that was the funest teacher ive ever had and the nicest. My name is Sophie Isabella D. I am a 4th grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Cook, who teaches guidance at GIS School. Mrs. Cook is amazing because she is fair and understands that students are people and can mess up and get stressed. She is fabulous teacher! My name is Emmy P. I am a 4 grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Duncan, who teaches 3rd grade at Springville Elementary School. Mrs. Duncan was my 3rd grade teacher. She is the best teacher ever. Mrs. Duncan gave us candy when we did a good job on our test. Mrs. Duncan was only angry when someone did something bad. And that is why she is my favorit teacher. My name is Marquel M. I am a 4 grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Mrs Roach. She helps me. She makes sure I don’t get hurt. She checks on me. She Loves everbody in the class. My name is Marquel M. My favorite teacher is Carrie Atkins, She makes sur Im OK, Im fine. She makes sure everybody in the class is OK. She Loves everybody in the class. My name is Danaylla C. I am a 4th grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Mr. Lewis, who teaches 4th grade at GIS School. My. Lewis is awesome! He helps you when you need it. He is one of my favorite teachers. And he is one of a kind. And he is very helpful. He is a realy good teacher. My name is Persephone B. I am a 4 grade student at Graham Intermediate School. MY favorite teacher is Ms. Gilbert, who teaches 2nd grade at Dudley elamechery school. Ms. Gilbert was allways full of energy. She helped us with stuff that we should know. I miss Ms. Gilbert she loved us like her own children. She retired after teaching for seven years. She never said on called somebody names and she if we had a test she would study with us in class instead she would give us barely any home work she is awesome I wish she was my teacher today. My name is Ben R. I am a 4th grade student at Graham Intermediate School. MY favorite teacher is Mrs. Bowers, who teaches 2 grade at Dudly Primary School. Mrs. Bowers was the nicest teacher Ive ever had shes funny kind and helped us the best she could t the class and she did. My name is Kaylee L. I am a 4th grade student at Graham Interediate School. MY favoarite teacher is Mrs. Cook. She is really nice and careing. She is butiful. She will talk about anything with us. Like Bully’s. My name is Kaylee L. I am a 4th grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Mr. Lewis, who teaches Fourth Grade at Graham Intermediate School. He is nice all the time. When we

plays Dogeball with us. My name is Addison S. I am a 3 grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Spurgeon, who teaches 3 grade at GIS school. Dear. Mrs Spuregeon. Mrs.Spuregon is a great teacher because she is very very nice and let us do fun stuff she has taught at 3 school and she taught me a better way to do math and I understand it that is way she shud win. My name is Addison S. I am a 3 grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Cook, who teaches Guedance at Graham Intermediate school. My name is Ellie Grace L. I am a 4th grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Holly Dillon, who teaches 3rd grade at Abbs Valley School. Mrs. Dillon I love her so so so so so so so much I miss her she was my only therd grade teach I miss very much. My name is Ellie L. I am a 4th grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Mr. Crepel, who teaches KG at Abbs Valley School. My name is Ellie L. I am a 4th grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Morolus, who teaches 4th grade at Abbs Valley school. My name is Ellie L. I am a 4th grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Mr. Brown, who teaches preneple at Abbs Valley school. My name is Ella D. I am a 4th grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. O’Neal, who teaches 3rd grade at Graham Intermediate School. Mrs. O’Neal is the best because she is so fun. I loved her as my teacher in 3rd grade! I was also proud to be on her team. (O’Neal’s Orange Crush) I loved her so much! She is fun Amazing, Great, wonderful and pretty. I’m glad she was my 3rd grade teacher! My name is Ella D. I am a 4th grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Scarberry, who teaches 3r grade at Graham Intermidite School. I chose Mrs.Scarberry because she is a FUN AWESOME ACTIVE Teacher and she is the most Pretty AMAZING Fun teacher! My name is Ella D. I am a 4th grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Mitchem, who teaches 5th grade at GIS school. I may not have had her as a teacher yet but I will! I’ve heard so many great things about her I’ve heard that she’s fun doesn’t give A LOT of homework! I already know she is a very pretty teacher!! My name is Ella D. I am a 4th grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Repass, who teaches 4th grade at GIS school. She is my teacher! She is very very pretty! She helps me with what I need. I love her so so so so so much she is the most amazing kind pretty but a little stricked! (in a good way) But overall she is AMAZING!! My name is Ella D. I am a 4th grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Kade, who teaches Kindergarden at Dudley Primary School. I loved her so so so much because she is so amazing, pretty. Excelent, awesome teacher in the WHOLE ENTIRE WORLD!! I love you so much. My name is Elizabeth C. I am a 3rd grade

student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Ms. Shony, who teaches 3rd, 4th 5th grade at GIS school. She is butiful she cares for us she Cheers for us becus She Loves us! My name is Kaleigh. I m a 3rd grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Mis Shonnie, who teaches Coulsaler at GIS school. She is nice and kind because whe helps peple she help’s me she is a person that is full of OnvoyI. Love her as a teacher. My name is Kaleigh. I am a 3rd grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Mr. Elliot, who teaches music at GIS – Dudly School. He teaches me music and he’s very nice and kind. He help’s us have perfekt toon he owas blevs in us too that help’s me do my best. My name is Elise J. I am a 3rd grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Mr. O’Neal , who teaches 3rd grade at Graham Intermediate School. I think Mrs. O’Neal should win because she is always nice and kind. She never yells, I love her so much. She teches us songs to remember things. I will never forget her. One of her students, Elise J. My name is Kaleigh. I am a 3rd grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Murphy, who teaches subsetot at Dudly nad GIS school. She’s nice and kind she’s butiful she came to subsutot my teache Mis. Jones for math and Solshall study’s I love her as a teacher. My name is Gabby James R. I am a 3rd grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Cook, who teaches Guidance teacher at Graham Intermediate School. Mrs. Cook because she helps us learn about friedship and be nice to one another. Mrs. Cook vote to be on the Newspaper please. My name is Ellie W. I am a 3 grade student at Graham Intermediate Schoo. My favorite teacher is Mr. Louin, who teaches Sub/ Retired at Sub School. Funny Smart Nice. My name is Sara H. I am a 3rd grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Mr. Louthan, who teaches substot at All school/Substot. I picked him because he is a (savage) teacher who wants you to get everything right. My name is Bronson#7. I am a 3rd grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Mr. Louthan, who teaches retired, sub 3rd05th grade at GIS school. Really good teacher he’s a savage he calls people’s singing horrible and he hates rap music but he raps. My name is Xavier. I am a 3 grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Mr. Louthan, who teaches sub at Graham School. My name is Jared L. I am a 3 grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Spurgeon, who teaches 3 grade at GIS School. 1. She helps us on our math. 2. She helps us on our Reading. 3. She helps us on our since. 4. She helps us on our SOL. 5. She helps us on our SS. My name is Ariel B. I am a 3 grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Mr. O’nel, who teaches 3rd grade at Graham Intermediate School. He is so fun.

Thursday, May 18, 2017 | 5 My name is Ellie W. I am a 3 grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Mr. O’Neal, who teaches Sub / Retired. He is fun nice and funny. My name is Jamie Allyson Q. I am a 3 grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Cook, who teaches fun stuff in guidance at GIS school. 1. She lets us do fun stuff. 2. She lets us watch movies. 3. She bought couches she bought 9. 4. She let us make snowflakes. 5. And she also let us make Valetine card for our parents. My name is Isabella Farris. I am a 3 grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Mr. Lawven, who teaches all grades at any school He is nice. My name is Ariel B. I am a 3 grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Smith, who teaches Kendergarten at Dudley School. She was the best kendergarden teacher in Dudley. My name is Ellie W. I am a 3 grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Scarberry, who teaches 3rd grade at Graham Intermediate School. She is very nice and helpful. She helps us when we are clueless. She is very polite and careing. My name is Bronson. I am a 3rd grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Mr. Louthan, who teaches retired, sub 3rd- 5th grade at GIS school. He teaches really good. He’s a savage, and his glasses are cool. One time he called someone singing and he called it horrible so bruh choose him!!!!!!! Now!!!!! My name is Olivia R. I am a 3 grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Kerri Spurgeon, who teaches 3rd grade at Graham Intermediate School. She is my favorite teacher in the world. And she is very nice. When you need help she will help you. A if you are not filling good she will let you go to the nurse. And she has teached me a lot of Math, Reading, Seince, and Socal Studies. My name is Xzavier Phoenix B. I am a 3 grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Mr. Elliot, who teaches music at Graham Intermediate School. He’s nice, respectful, helps when needed.

My name is Aaliyah V. I am a 3 grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Mr. John O’Neal, who teaches retired / sub at Graham Intermediate School. Mr. O’Neal is my favorite teacher because he is nice and he is funny and a realy good teacher he says good things about me and my class mates a he is patient with me and he complements me that is why Mr. O’Neal is my favorite teacher. My name is Marcus P. I am a 3rd grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Mr. Louthan, who teaches retired/substatute 3-5th grade at Graham Intermediate School. He is Prankster, amazing, and boss. He is a savage. And his glasses are better than everyone else’s. Bru! Choose him! My name is Ellie W. I am a 3 grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. McGlothlien, who teaches K grade at Dudley Primary School. When we are good She gets very happy and it fun. She helps us a lot. My name is Chloe B. I am a 3 grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Stephene Bowers, who teaches 1st grade at Abb’s Valley is my favorite teacher because she is nice and she is my mom and I love her because she takes good care of me and a lot of kids know her. She is my favorite teacher in the world because she is a relley good teacher. My name is Marcus P. I am a 3rd grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Mr. Louthan, who teaches retired/substatute 3-5th grade at Graham Intermediate School. I am M. P. L. and I think Mr. Louthan is PRANKSTER GANGSTER and should win. If you want to see the reasons he should win. P.G.N. forever (Prankster Gangster Nation) My name is Ariel B. I am a 3 grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Spurgeon, who teaches 3rd grade at Graham Intermediate School. She is the best teacher ever and she is fun. My name is Ellie W. I am a 3 grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Saver, who teaches 2 grade at Dudly Primary School. She is nice, pretty, and super fun. She loves and cares for all.

My name is Ariel B. I am a 3 grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Kelsie Farmer, who teaches sub. And Graham Intermediate School. She is in my family and She is my cousin’s mom. My name is Gabby R. I am a 3rd grade student at GIS. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Spurgeon, who teaches 3rd grade at Graham Intermediate School. She help’s us if we don’t understand she will repeat it She nice, helpful, graceful, Mrs. Spurgeon the best. I love Mrs. Spurgeon She’s Nice. I pick Mrs. Spurgeon to be on the newspaper. My name is Ellie W. I am a 3 grade student at Graham Intermediate School. MY favorite teacher is Sintha Stacy, who teaches 2 grade at Dudley Primary School. She is fun and cares about all. She is very understandive. She is very different and makes everything fun. My name is Ariel B. I am a 3rd grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Gilbert, who teaches 2and grade at Dubley School. She is the best teacher she is best and she make math and reading fun. My name is Isabella F. I am a 3rd grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Cook, who teaches Giudance at Dudley and GIS School. She has time for everyone and she love’s us she is the best teacher She is funny She put on movies for us and everything. My name is Owynn B. I am a 3 grade student at GIS. My favorite teacher is Kelsie Farmer, who teaches Substitute at GIS GMS, GHS School. 1. She’s my mom. 2. She helps you when you are stuck on a question. 3. She is nice (Not at home). 4. She gives you chances. 5. Shes good math, science, Social Studies, Reading. 6. She likes kids. 7. She likes salt and vinger chips like I do. 8. She things some work is over my grade. 9. She lets us take a break. 10. She give me things at lunch and gives me ice cream money. My name is Bronson. I am a 3 grade student at GIS. My favorite teacher is Mr. Louthan, who teaches retired sub 3rd-5th grade at GIS School. He’s funny he teach’s really good and I think he should win!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My name is Marcus P. I am a 3rd grade

student at GIS. My favorite teacher is Mr. Louthan, who teaches retired / substitute 3rd-5th grad at GIS School. Mr. Louthan is the teacher I have nominated for this award or whatever it is. These are the reasons I nominated him: 1. He is overall very funny. 2. He is very nice 3. His glasses are prankster gangster. 4. Bru. I just want him to win!!! My name is Allyson A. I am a 5th grade student at GIS. My favorite teacher is Anita Littlejohn, who teaches 4th grade at Graham Intermediate School. I think Mrs. Littlejohn should win because she is the nicest teacher in the world. If you have a question, she will answer it in a way you can understand it. She is very patient and very kind. If you are getting bullied or having problems with someone she will do something about it. She is a good person to talk if you are having a bad day or you just want to talk. She boost your confidence and she brightens you day. She is very fun and funny. She is fair to everyone. She is very organized and neat. She loves to play games and have fun. She even makes learning fun. This is just a few reasons why I think she suld win. There is a million other reasons why she should win. She is the best teacher in the world!!! My name is Zachary C. I am a 4 grade student at GIS. My favorite teacher is Jennifer Brewster, who teaches 5th grade at GIS School. On time I was bad and school so I lost my fieldtrip, # Best Mistake ever. So I went to Mrs. Brewsters class we sat at the back table there was Carla, Kaleigh, and me she gave us chex-mix and we at it I fell asleep. Then we went to lunch ther recces. I made more friends Tyler and Jason. Then 4th graders came back and I went back to my class. And if you get a hundred on a paper you get chex mix. That why she is the best teacher ever. My name is Ben T. I am a 3 grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Jones, who teaches 3 grade at GIS School. She lets us do something ever Friday evening. She lets us Free draw when we have free time. She does funny exsaples. She mgsmere sites than chairs. She lets us get toy or cards. My name is Carson R. I am a 3 grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Hale, who teaches Reading Workshop at GIS School. 1. She

let’s us watch cool videos about Mardi Gras. It is super fun. 2. Also we read were the red fern grows it was sad, but fun. 3. She is lucky to have in reading workshop and you also care about us and give us prizes. We love You Mrs. Hale. My name is Kyllian W. I am a 3 grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Jones, who teaches 3rd grade at GIS School. On Fridays she lets us go to her desk and get a card or a prize and on spcishal acations like on reading math, sochile stuties and since she lets us make shaks of what we are doing some times if we haven’t done something in for along time if we get on of the questions write we get a piece of candy. My name is Haylie. I am a 3 grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Huffman, who teaches 5th grade at Graham Inermediate School. She is nice, she give out candy and She doesn’t yell. She helps us with are work she is so, so, so, so sweet sometimes she are recess but not all, all, all, all the time. My name is Grayson Chadwick W. I am 3rd grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Jones, who teaches 3rd grade at GIS School. She lets us have different seat like, bean bags, ball, rugs and plain chairs. She lets us rotate the stuff we want to. She let us eat all day long. We got stamp and get things like sit at teacher desk back table with a friend no me work pass. We have fun Friday. My name is Elizabeth C. I am a 3rd grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Smith, who teaches 2nd grade at MEMorial Blufild School. She is the best and she is so so KIND! A butiful she is always there for Me! She Love me Dear Mrs. Smith. My name is Kaleigh J. I am a 3 grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Miss Jones, who teaches 3rd grade at GIS School. I love Miss Jones as a teacher because she is asem She cales are class a falily becales we cindof ae she is nice and kind she’s beautiful too. My name is Emily N. I am a 3 grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Cook, who teaches Guidence at G.I.S. school. I love Mrs. Cook. She helps us with our feelings. Mrs. Cook is fun and

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6 | Thursday, May 18, 2017 sweet. She doesn’t yell at us. She hardly gives out strikes. She teaches us to be kind and caring to others. She helps us when we need it. She is my favorite teacher. She is the best. She is my favrite because she love us. She if the Best. My name is Terrwen. I am a 3 grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Sant Lois, who teaches 2nd grade at Dudly School. She is my faorit teacher because she is soft spocn and nice. She card for us my BFF Kylee, Candnce was in that class too she Loved is as well. I love Mrs. Sant Lois. My name is Emily T. I am a 3rd grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is The Nurse, who teaches you health at G.I.S. school. She’s funny and nice. She loves us and cares for us. I love her because she listins and She doesn’t yell. And she’s like family. She helps my scratches and cuts. She keeps us healthy. She gives me hugs. And she takes care of me by a hug. I visit her every morning. When I cry she gives me a hug and I love her. And I thank her. My friend are her friends and her frinds are my friend. Than you. My name is Gretchen S. I am a 3rd grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Hale, who teaches reading workshop at Graham Intermediate School. GIS. Mrs. Hale is a very nice teacher. She teaches us about contrys, books, and once even weather! She is kind because helps us and ansews our questions. She is a special teacher because she teaches kids who are at a high reading level. One time she was teaching us about New Orleans and a cople days later we had a New Orleans party. It was very fun! She has my 3rd favrote things in her classroom! Plants She has a whole bunch of “em”! There really cool. My name is Bryce Xander L. B. I am a 3rd grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Mr. Chance, who teaches Gymnastics at Peak Gymnastics School. We have to work to 6:30 to 7:30. If I master something he gives me a popsicles if I ask nicely. If I think I can’t do it he’ll help me. Your sincerely Bryce. My name is Carson R. I am a 3 grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Smith, who teacher 2 and K grade at Dudly Primary School. 1. She loves me and my sister, cause my mom knows her and my sister Gabriella in Mrs. Roches Class today at GIS was in Mrs. Smiths Class and I know her because my sister and mom does. 2. She let’s us play games. She let’s me do word searches and that is what I like to do. 3. Mrs. Smith is a lucky teacher to have in Kndergarden or 2nd Grade. We love you Mrs. Smith! My name is Kylee. I am a 3rd grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Hale, who teaches Computer at GIS school. Mrs. Hale is so nice. She gives us candy and Never gives us a grade. She is Never Mean and she teaches us new thing every day. She is awesome. She is sweet as a peach. She Never is strict. She is amazing. I love her so much. She is very pretty and I could not think of a better Teacher. My name is Paige C. I am a 3 grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Miss Wenborn, who teaches 2 grade at Bain Elimety School. She was the best teacher ever when she got mad she was never mean about it. She always was careing she aways made people feel beter

but I was aways Loud and the only thing she said was “Plese Be Quiet” She laght a lot she was the best when I had to go for third grade I cryed I hugged her and when we got close to the door I ran back to hug her agien when I said I will miss you she said I can see her in the morning evryday So then I said bye till next year. My name is Kaleigh J. I am a 3 grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Mis. Gilbert, who teaches 2 grade at Dudly School. She tight me everything I deded to now. She is very nice and kind becales she was full of joy and I love her as a teacher I think that that every one who is in her class will learn osomly. My name is Cadence. I am a grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Kade, who teaches K grade at Dudley Primary School. Mrs. Kade helps us learn our letters and win it was raining for recess She would let us play with blocks, Legos, and Lincon logs. She helped me when I had trouble with math I would start to cry she told me that everyone has trouble with math and it is ok. My name is Terrwyn. I am a 3 grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Mr. Eliot, who teaches music at GIS Dudly School. Mr. Eliot is my favorite teacher because I Love Love Love music. I am in choir. Mister Eliot comes to all the concerts. I was in the Paper for Christmas. We start bake next week. I Love Mr. Eliot. My name is Elizabeth C. I am a 3rd grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Ruble, who teaches 3rd grade at Gram Intermediate School. GIS She is so sweet She is there when we need her she helps us whith anything She is beautiful and she Loves us for who we ARE She the best She’s kind She is genaris Shes the Best! I Whis I Would be in her class for ever! My name is Taylor. I am a 3 grade student at Graham Intermediate School. mY favorite teacher is Mr. St. Louis, who teaches 3 grade at Dudly Primary school. 1. Mrs. St. Lois is my favorite teacher because when we did homework for 10 days we got to get something from the treasure box. 2. Mrs. St Louis would always want me to go take papers to the office and she would give us candy. 3. Mrs. St. Louis would want me and my BFF from 2nd grade would want us to change the calender every day. My name is Courtney. I am a 3 grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Jones Mrs. Huffman, who teaches 3rd 5th grade at Graham Intermediate school. The reson I like Mrs. Jones is she had caner and I feel bad. She understands every thing we say. She loves us she helps us with math. Sience and soil things. I Love her so so so so much. My name is Gretchen S. I am a 3rd grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Mrs, Jones, who teaches 3rd grade at Graham Intermediate school. GIS Mrs. Jones is caring and cares for us. She helps us with our work and helps us with almost all our needs that she can help with. When we get carried away by talking. She remides us that it could distract us from learning. She also is always what a smart group we are if we try! She wants whats best for us and she loves us and I love her. She is very kind and she is my favrote teacher. My name is Carson R. I am a 3 grade

student at Graham Intermediate school. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Jones, who teaches 3 grade at Grham Intermediete School. 1. She Gives us 2nd chances on test. She also gives us stamp pages and we can get cards to turn in like sit at her desk for a day, wear slippers, hats, and no shoes for a day. 2. We can sit at bean bags, yoga balls, rugs, and like regular chairs, I love her because she is nice, kind, and sweet. 3. She let’s me do my homework that I forgot to do. I always finishit in The mornings. We Love you Mrs. Jones! My name is Johnathan F. I am a 3 grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Mr. Eliot, who teaches music at GIS school. I like Mr eliot he’s good at teaching I like singing the songs that he make us sing if we are good he gives us extra sticker he’s really nice I like music. He’s great at teaching music he’s a nice teacher. He’s great at music He’s a amazing music teacher. My name is Kole. I am a 3rd grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Jones Mrs O’Neal, who teaches 3rd grade at Graham Inermediat School. Mrs. Jones is very nice and kind. She barely yells The only time is if you talk if your not supposed to she lets you get candy when you get the answer correct the first time. She is strickt sometimes only when you keep on and keep on. My name is Anthony P. I am a 5th grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Brewster, who teaches 5th grade at GIS school. Shes nice to us. She teaches math, science, Language, and Spelling. She cares about us. She’s helped me get beter with science. She helps us if we don’t understand something. She gives us exrtra recess if were good. She answers all of our questions. She listens to all of us. She gives us rewards for good grades like skittles. Shes kind and caring to us. Shes the nicest teacher ive ever had. She doesn’t yell at us . She loves us. Thank you Mrs. Brewster. My name is Evan R. I ama 5th grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Andrea Rice, who teaches title one at Whitethorn elementary school. Mrs. Rice is helpful, she can communicate with her students dns she never yells at us. She gives me spelling lessons, Math tutoring, and is a very nice teacher. She was there for the best day ever, January 31, 2006. I was born. Mrs. Rice is the best teacher ever! She is my mother. My name is Daniel N. I am a 5th grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Brewster, who teaches 5th grade at Graham Intermediate School. She is very nice. She teaches math, reading, ad science. She provides us with snacks when we are hungry. She helps us become better at subjects. She answers all of our questions when she is teaching. She rewards us when we get good grades. She cares about us. She is very strict when she is teaching. She sometimes lets us have extra recess. She doesn’t yell at us. Thank you My name is Alexis L. I am a 5th grade student at Graham Intermediate school. My favorite teacher is Jennifer Brewster, who teaches 5th grade at GIS school. Mrs. Brewster is an amazing teacher. Sence we have are last year if intermediate school she gives us valueable advice about middle school. Mrs. Brewster cares about us so much, when one of us is sad she fells our pain and helps any way she can. Mrs Brew-

ster is very creative never down she has a bright personality. If one of her students need help she will get them the help they need. Mrs Brewster is not to strickt but she keeps her class in order. She dosen’t just teach she interacts with her class to help us learn. Mrs. Brewster is one of best teachers and if your and upcoming 5th graders I home you have her.

we don’t do are work or we have a addtue. She has all the partent phone number. She is collest teacher ever she makes funny face She is a smart lady. She has eyes in her back of her head. And if we don’t do are homework we do it during resore and if we have problels at home she understand that when I think she the collest, smartess, teacher around.

My name is Abigail W. I am a 5 grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Brewster, who teaches 5th grade at GIS school. Mrs. Jennifer Brewster is one of the nicest teachers to me. She is kind and very, very, very smart. She is so wise and she is brave. She is my faviorte teacher because for one she treets us like her own, good hearted she helps us so much. She is the best teacher ever. She tells us pointers and always helps in need. I don’t know if I could have a better teacher. And teaches us new things every day.

My name is Tyler B. I am a 5th grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Brewster, who teaches 5th grade at Graham Intermediate school. Mrs. Brewster is nice and kind because she helps us with our work when we are confused. She is always patient with us and works problems out to help us in math. She gives us treats when we get a one hundred on a test. She makes up jingles to help us with work. She walks us through science experiments step by step and always goes over work with us.

My name is Ella Grey W. I am a 5th grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Brewster, who teaches 5th grade at Graham Intermediate School. Jennifer Brewster, who teaches 5th grade is probably the best teacher I have ever had. She makes learning seem so easy! Her favorite subject is math. She loves us (students) like we are her own children. She is always trying to help us, as best she can. She gives us second chanes on Math Test, Maths Is not my favorite, and probably never will be but Mrs. Brewster makes is seem fun and easy. Mrs. Brewster is very kind hearted, and she always gives us candy if we do really good on a difficult test. She loves us (students) so much. We lover her too! I am so glad I got Mrs. Brewster for 5th grade!

My name is Michael Andrew C. I am a 5th grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Brewster, who teaches 5th grade at GIS School. Mrs. Brewster is the kindest teacher she loves mat and always teaches it. She always have fun.

My name is Mandy B. I am a 5th grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Ms Laura Blevins, and Mrs Jennifer Morgan, who teaches Library and 1st grade at Graham High School and Dudley Primary school. My 2 teachers that are 2 of my favorites are Laura Blevins and Jennifer Morgan. Laura L. Blevins is a Librain at Graham High School. Jennifer Morgan is the Kindest 1st grade teacher ever. Laura L. Blevins I nice She has book clubs and when ever it’s you r birthday and you are one of the bookworms or in a bookclub you get cupcakes. Sometimes not always but sometimes. Mrs. Jennifer Morgan is so nice. One time I got a card form her. She always has a smile on her face. Mrs. Jennifer Morgan and Laura Blevins are one of the kind. Plus my mom lets you check out a book during school hours. But you have to have a not from your teacher. My name is Joseph H. I am a 5th grade student at Graham Intermediate school. My favorite teacher is Mr. Lewis, who teaches 4 grade at Graham Intermediate School. Mr. Lewis is my one of my favorite teachers because he likes sports, he plays doge ball with us and that was the first year I liked math and mat has been my favorite subject. My name is Brittney Brooks. I am a 5 grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Brewster, who teaches 5 grade at GIS school. Mrs. Brewster is a wonderful teache She gives us a pice of candy before test. She away bat a smile on every one face. She is really pretty. She gives us 2st chance on are test so we will do good my faviore subject is reading we have a hoar in reading she makes sure we under stand it. And if we don’t she will make sure we do beore she leaves the subject. She donst scream alot alonely if

My name is Braiden Michael B. I am a 5th grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Jones, who teaches 3rd grade at GIM School. Mrs. Jones is fun she does a lot of cool activities with us students she don’t yell. She taught us a lot of stuf we will nead in our life as we grow up and taught so many things for us to know. My name is Samara B. I am a 5th grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Neal, who teaches 5th grade/math at BIS school. Mrs. Neal was my math teacher in BIS. She was the best math teacher ever. She would make math fun and she would always help me if I needed help. Sometimes she would tell us stories. Mrs. Neal is very thoughtful, nice, and pretty she is such a kind and helpful person and I appreciate everything she’s done for me. My name is Sara B. I am a 5th grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Apirl Brown, who teaches special needs at GIS School. April Brown helps special needs kids. She is super nice, kind, lovely, and helpful. She feels like a aunt to me. My mom and her use to work together. I love spending time with her. She has s pet hedge hog. I haven’t meet her yet but, I saw pictures. She sometimes take me home I love Apirl Brown, she is the best in the world. All the other teachers her, I love to. Apirl loves anything Disney I like that about her. Apirl is best in the world. My name is Victoria E. I am a 5th grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Brewster, who teaches 5th grade at Graham Intermediate School. She helps you when you need it. She about never get mad She loves to sing and dance and tell storys if yu are having troble she will help you. She will put your need befor her own. She is sweet, loveable, and kind harted. She is the most sweetest peson. You will ever meat. She loves to teach math that make you look smart. And never make her mad that will be you worst nightmare. She is the most kindharted teacher you will ever meet and she is realy funny and smart when it come to math. My name is Aiden G. I am a 5th grade

student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Sara Jones, who teaches 3rd grade at Graham Intermediate school. The reason that I picked Mrs. Jones is, she was so brave. How was she brave? She faught Canser! Last year she was a 4th grade teacher. I was lucky enough to get her as a teacher. My name is Jimy R. I am a 5th grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Brewster, who teaches Math, reading, sinence at GIS School. She cares for what happens in our lives. She helps everyone in their need. She makes smart. She gives us advice. She cares for us. She try her hardest for us. Mrs. Brewster really does car for what is going on in peoples lives. She will help anyone in need. She will help you in math, reading, sinence or others. She will give us advice in life. She will care for her students. She trys very hard for us! Mrs. Brewster is there for us when we need her. She is a very good listener. My name is Grace D. I am a 5th grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Brewster, who teaches 5th grade at GIS School. Mrs. Jennifer Brewster is the best teacher I have ever had. She is kindhearted, funny, and full of energy. She loves each one of her students like her own children, and helps them any possible way she can. Mrs. Brewster has so many songs, stories, and sayings to help us remember the things she teaches us. She always keeps in touch with all of our parents, and cares about how we are feeling. Mrs. Brewster is the best teacher ever! My name is Sophie S. I am a 3rd grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. O’Neal, who teaches 3rd grade at Graham Intermediate School. Mrs. O’Neal is patient with us. She tells funny stories. She tells us a head of time so we can study and be ready for tests She makes everything fun! She helps us remember our continents and oceans by singing a song. Mrs. O’Neal is super organized and helps our class stay organized. Mrs. O’Neal is the coolest and nicest teacher!!! Mrs. O’Neal is kind hearted. She never yells at us. Mrs. O’Neal always answers our questions when we ask. I feel lucky to have you as a teacher. My name is Maddee Y. I am a 3rd grade student at Graham Intermediate school. My favorite teacher is Mrs. O’Neal, who teaches

Thursday, May 18, 2017 | 7 3rd grade at Graham Intermediate School. Dear whoever is reading this letter, Mrs. O’Neal should win because she is so patient with us, she helps us understand everything. She is out going and fun. She is the best teacher in the world. Sincerely, Maddee Y. My name is Jillian T. I am a 3 grade student at Graham Intermediate school. My favorite teacher is Mrs. O’Neal, who teaches 3 grade at Grame Intermedidte School. Mrs. O’Neal is my faverot teacher in the world and. She makes me laigh so much and she lets us do fun stufe and. She helps me get good graids on my SOL’s and. She lisen to me if I have trub on my Reading and math and she is sow pullit to us when we talke in the clase. And she makes us lern more. And more and more, and she makes me smile. And she is so organized in her clase room. My name is Trinity O. I am a 3 grade student at Graham Intermediate school. My favorite teacher is Mrs. O’Neal, who teaches 3 grade at Graham Intermediate School. Mrs. O’Neal Is my favirot teacher in the world and she is funny. And When I say I need to use the bathroom she says yes. And she helps get my grades beatter by helping us. She makes us laugh when she dance. She helps other people with there home work. She makes me smile. My name is Jillian M. I am a 3 grade student at Graham Intermediate school. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Altice, who teaches K at Dudley school. She is sweet, nice and funny and keeps us confunit. My name is Gavin O. I am a 3 grade student at Graham Intermediate school. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Cook, who teaches Guidance at GIS School. Mrs Cook is nice, kind, friendly, good, she is the frindlyes, person in the world. My name is Elise J. I am a 3rd grade student at Graham Intermediate school. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Cook, who teaches Guidance at Graham Intermediate School. Mrs. Cook is the best teacher because she always helps if something is bad. She always listens to you. She lets you talk when she is not talking. She has taught for 13 years. She is the best! My name is Keith S. I am a3 grade student at Graham Intermediate school. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Carrie Adkins, who teaches

Special Edd at GIS School. Mrs. Carrie is nice because she let me spend the night wither son and her son is really nice She let me eat at Chick fala, and the arcade at Mercer Mall. Love, Keith My name is Blake H. I am a 3 grade student at Graham Intermediate school. My favorite teacher is Jessica Huffman, who teaches 5th grade at GIS School. Dear Mom/Jessica Huffman. Thanks for the Mario 3D world game and for all the things you have gave me. She is a good teacher because she respects her class. My name is Maddee Y. I am a 3rd grade student at Graham Intermediate school. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Young, who teaches Algebra at Graham High School. Dear whoever is reading this letter, Mrs. Young is the best teacher ever. She helps me understand everything. She is so, so, so, so patient. She is a High School Teacher at Graham High School. She has taught for 21 years. She was a teacher at Patrick County Public Schools before she came here. Sincerely, Maddee Y. My name is Riley G. I am a 3 grade student at Graham Intermediate school. My favorite teacher is O’Neal, who teaches 3 grade at Graham Intermediate School. Because she is helping me study for the SOL and she helps me if I have a problem. She is a ausom teacher. She is a nice teacher. I like her as a teacher. My name is Blake A. I am a 3 grade student at Graham Intermediate school. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Carrie Adkins, who teaches Special Edication at GIS School. Dear Mrs. Carrie, You are my mom. You are my favorite teacher because you are my me and you feed me, give me clothes, and help me with homework. All the kids like her because she is nice and she is kind. Love, Blake My name is Jillian M. I am a 3 grade student at Graham Intermediate school. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Stacy, who teaches 2nd grade at Dudley School. Mrs. Stacy is the BEST teacher because she is nice, sweet, and funny. That’s why I like her. My name is Madeline T. I am a 3 grade student at Graham Intermediate school. My favorite teacher is Mrs. O’Neal, who teaches 3 grade at Graham Intermediate School. Mrs. O’Neal makes me laugh and she is not mean. She is nice and she is not loud and

when we got to go to the bathroom she says yes and she is my best teacher ever. My name is Gavin O. I am a 3 grade student at Graham Intermediate school. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Linda O’Neal, who teaches third grade at Grahm Intermediate School. Mrs. O’Neal is a nice teacher she is nice, good and fair She is kind, greatful. From Gavin My name is Christopher D. I am a 3 grade student at Graham Intermediate school. My favorite teacher is Mis. O’Neal, who teaches 3 grade at G.I.S. School. Mis. O’Neal is the best teacher ever had in the world She never yells, she always tells me ahead of time and she is funny everything we lean she makes a song out of. My name is Raliyah P. I am a 4th grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Tammy Steel, who teaches 3rd grade at Anawalt 5t School. 1. Mrs. Steel is a good teacher. 2. She tought us how to make experments. 3. She has the prettyets smile. 4. She is very smart. 5. She play with us and help’s us. My name is Johathan Conner C. I am a 4th grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Mr. Lewis, who teaches a 4th grade at Graham Intermediate School. I’m not in his class but he’s good nice one he plays recces with us and he helps and that’s why I nominate him. My name is Rosalyn G. I am a 4th grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Ms. Angles, who teaches gifted at GIS School. Ms. Angles is my favorite teacher because she never gives use homework. She is never mean unless you talk to much and don’t get your work done. Once we got to play games instead of finishing the work that we had to do. Probably because we were almost done with it anyways. She never gives us too much work, the work is actually fun to do, but we only go to gifted on Tuesdays. I wish we could always have gifted, but going to gifted once is better than never. She also helps with the work that we don’t know how to do. Once we learned how much our bones weigh. Right now we’re learning about the human body. The last time we went to gifted we finished the skeletons we were making and then we made long bones. Believe it or not long bones are long bones! They are located

in your arms and legs. In the middle of the long bones they are hollow. She is one of the best teachers I know! My hame is Alyssa Jade B. I am a 4th grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Mr. Lewis, who teaches fourth grade class at Graham Intermediate School. Mr. Lewis is my favorite teacher because he inspired me to be a better person. He makes my work fun and easy for me. When I first came to meet the teacher I was so scared, but when I actually started learning in his class I know he was the right teacher for me. He taught me all kinds of stuff. I could not ask for a better teacher. When I am stuck he helps me through it. We get extra play time and gives second chances. He is so kind. Before we test he gives us extra studie time. When we play doge ballhe play’s to.I wish he could move up a grade with me. When I be good he lets me do more. He is the best in the world for what he does for me and I would never ask for more. Thank you Mr. Lewis. My name is Talia Marie F. I am a 4th grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Cook, who teaches Guidance at Graham Intermediate School. The reason why I think Mrs. Cook is my favorite teacher is because I acutally feel comfortable telling her my fellings. She tells me what to do and she is very understanding. When I talk to other teachers I don’t feel comfortable telling them what I’m feeling But when it comes down to Mrs. Cook I can tell her anything that’s on my mind. I just want to thank her for her exalent guidance and her love to all. Thank you for understanding my problems. All the other teachers are great to but when it come to my problems there only one person I can talk to. My name is Olivia P. I am a 4th grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Mr. Baker, who is a Principal at Graham Intermediate School. He’s nice. He makes sure were sage. He lets us have recess. He makes us work. He makes our school big. My name is Kaleigh N. M. I am a 4th grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Peery, who teaches independent living at Graham Middle School. 1. She does a lot of fun projects. 2. She’s really nice. 3. She gives you second chances (extra credit). 4. She gives really

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8 | Thursday, May 18, 2017 good grads. 5. She teaches things you need to know for the future. The end.

get people in funny ways. He is friendly to our class. He is nice in almost every way.

My name is Caitlin R. I am a 4th grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Ethan Lewis, who teaches 4th grade at Graham Intermediate School. Mr. Lewis is one of the best teachers that I have ever had. He is very patient, caring, and lenient. He always plays dodge ball with us. If a student needs help or doesn’t understand their work he will take his time and explain it. He always lets us play games like Monopoly or The Game of Life. If we do game boards for fun Friday. He is very playful. He will joke around with other students and teachers. I am very, very, glad that I am in his class.

My name is Kaleigh N. M. I am a 4th grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Jillian McCoy, who teaches Library at GIS School. She helps you when you need something. She helps you find books. She gets along with everyone really well. She does a lot of good stuff for us.So that is why she is very nice and my favorite.

My name is Madelyn D. I am a 4th grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Mr. Lewis, who teaches 4th grade at Graham Intermediate School. Mr. Lewis is one of my favorite teachers because he is not mean to us. He also plays dodgeball with us and it is funny when all of the kids on the other team run when he plays. When we have time off of reses he allways lets us play longer than any other class in the 4th grade. And almost every night we don’t have homework. And it is really funny because he is 6 ft. 3 and I am only 4ft 3 he is two feet taller than me. My name is Olivia P. I am a 4th grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Mr. Lewis, who teaches 4th grade at Graham Intermediate School. He’s nice. He lets us play dodgeball. He smiles a lot. He doesn’t make you do a lot of work. His classroom smells good. He’s cool. Hes good at dodge ball. My name is Skyler K. I am a 4 grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Cook, who teaches guidance at Graham Intermediate School. She’s nice, funny and a good teacher. She cares about people. She makes sure we’re safe. My name is Kaylee L. I am a 4th grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Altice, who teaches Kindergarden at Dudley Primary School. She was my favorite teacher because she was caring for her students. Like when I forgot my homework She would say it ok. I know you did you work because you are responsible. She was inspireing me. She let us play games, Color, read, whatever you wanted to do. So I’m very thankful for her teaching and making me move on. I Love an miss you very much – Kaylee. Thank you My name is Kordell M. I am a 4th grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Mr. Lewis, who teaches all kinds of stuff at Graham Intermediate School. He lets us play extrer resause. He lets us play his computer. He good at dogball. He’s good at basketball.He let’s us have two computer lab on Wesenday. My name is Olivia P. I am a 4 grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Ms. Cook, who teaches Guidance at Graham Intermediate School. Shes Nice. She sings with us. She gives us candy. Shes pretty. She helps us with our problems. She un-stresses us if were stressed. If my days bad she makes it better. My name is Jacob T. I am a 4th grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Mr. Lewis, who teaches 4th grade at GIS School. He gives out lite homework assignments, lets us have fun fun Friday’s. Makes funny jokes and likes to

My name is Blake A. I am a 4 grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Mr. Lewis, who teaches fourth grade at GIS School. He’s really nice and let’s you eat in class and he gives you extra recess and he plays with his students and overall he a nice teacher. My name is Ashton W. I am a 4rh grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Cook, who teaches self control at Gram Intermediate School. She teaches kindness and Gidaince. 1. Calm down song 2. Kindness 3. Self control. 4. Moves 5. Talk about mores at the End. My name is Tristen. I am a 4th grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Littlejohn, who teaches everything at GIS School. She is a great nice fun when we Knownas me, Isiah, Aj and Eathan went on a field trip she let us jump in at the same time then we fell in the cubes. I was at the bottom ad was at the top eathan was trapped Isiah was as top and Ms Littlejohn tried to find us Mwahawaha! My name is Xavier E. I am a 4 grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Bowers, who teaches at Dudley Primary School. 1. She was a nice teacher. 2. She teached good workshop. 3. She did fun things with us. 4. She was nice to me every day. 5. She makes us do work in workshop. My name is Olivia P. I am a 4th grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Ms. Littlejohn, who teaches 4th grade at Graham Intermediate School. She is nice. She lets us have recess. She plays games with us. She gives us snacks at snacktime. She lets us wisper. She gives us a lot of chances. My name is Conner F. I am a 4th grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Mr. Baker, who is Princabal at G.I.S. School. He’s really nice and he’s really patienent and when you get in trouble he talks to you and tries to work things out and doesent fuss. My name is Jordan C. I am a 5th grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Jessica Huffman, who teaches 5th grade at Graham Intermediate School. 1. Your funny. 2. Your fun. 3. Your nice. 4. You make things easier. 5. You help a lot. My name is Ja’Mashia M. I am a 5th grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Jessica Huffman, who teaches 5th grade at Graham Intermediate School. She is my favorite teacher cause she helps me understand science when I am a little confused. She believes in me even when I don’t believe in myself. Shes very kind and sweet. I think she has a very smile. She’s very funny. Mrs. Huffman is the best teacher I could ask for. My name is Gracie W. I ama 5th grade student at Graham Intermediate School.

My favorite teacher is Mis Huffman, who teaches 5th grade at GIS School. She is very kind, happy. She is artic. She is helping me croprohed. She is very funny.

teaches 5th grade at Graham Intermediate School. Shes nice and funny and pretty and smart and lets us have more recess She gives us candy.

My name is Paige M. I am a 5th grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Huffman, who teaches 5th grade at Graham Intermediate School. She’s kind. She’s understanding. She’s a good teacher. She tries to help any way possible on a test. She’s like a substitute mom.

My name is Izeah M. I am a 5th grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Jessica Huffman, who teaches 5th grade at GIS School. She gives us extra recess. She lets us eat whenever we want. She gives us some food. She jokes aroung. She has a sinse of humor.

My name is Aiden Aaron C. I am a 5 grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Huffman, who teaches 5 grade at GIS School. 1 Mrs. Huffman helps me get math. 2. She let’s us have more recess. 3. She is nice. 4. She is fair. 5. She is a really fun teacher. My name is Alton D. I am a 5 grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Jessica Huffman, who teaches fifth grade at GIS School. These are reasons she is my favorite teacher she helps us with are work, and gives us candy, and helps get stuff for us, also she lets us get exrra recess, lets us play what ever we want. My name is Isaiah. I am a 5th grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Huffman, who teaches 5th grade at GIS School. 1 She lets me have more recess. 2. She gives me snacks. 3. She lets me play games. 4. She helps me with work. 5. She is nice. My name is Cory J. I am a 5th grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Jessica Huffman, who teaches 5th grade at Graham Intermediate School. She gives us candy. She is a very nice person. She doesn’t give us a lot of homework. She gives us extra recess. She helps me with the work Im stuck on. My name is Benny C. I am a 5th grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Huffman, who teaches 5th grade at GIS School. She always gives us extra recess, very good at explaining, she is super funny, she always helps us when we need it and she always lets us do fun games at the end day. My name is Cameron F. I am a 5th grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Sherry Cook, who teaches Guidence at Graham Intermediate School. Ms. Cook is so nice. She helps me stay focused. She let me sleep when I had no sleep at all. She helps me dill with my voices in my head. And Ms. Cook is the best Person ever. Sincerily Cammie My name is Jakyna A. I am a 5th grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Gilbert, who teaches 2nd grade at Dudley Primary School. I like the way she teaches. She helped me learn my multiplication. She helped me learn to be respectful. She helped me be kind hearted. She helped me become who I am today. My name is Slhyler. I am a 5 grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Jessica Huffman, who teaches 5 grade at Graham Intermediate School. 1. She is awesome. 2. She nice to me. 3. She Helps us out. 4. She gives us some answers. 5. She has her own dodge balls. My name is Shaylen S. I am a 5th grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Jessica Huffman, who

My name is Rex T. I am a 5 grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Miss. Quill, who teaches 2nd grade at Whitethorn Primary School. There resons I like Miss Quill is because she made us right and type storys and helped us understand fractions. Miss Quill was a very nice teacher and helped us prepare for 3rd grad. That is why she is my favoret teacher. My name is Jaiden B. I am a 5th grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Bailey, who teaches 1st grade at Bluewell Elementary School. She’s nice, strict, funny. I have made her really mad, but I still feel like she’s one of the nicest, friendliest, and happiest teacher I have ever seen. I remember she gave me a dictionary that didn’t have a cover. She gave me Dr. Pepper, witch that’s a whole other story. She was definetly one of the nicest people I know. My name is Gracie W. I am a 5th grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Coach Sarh, who teaches cheerleading at GIS School. She is fun, helps us table. She is funny, she is cool too. She helped me get my backhand spring with a spot. My name is Emily A. I am a 5th grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Jessica Huffman, who teaches 5th grade at GIS School. Case she helps me and when im sick she tells me she hopes I fill better when I make up ork she helps me and she is so nice to me and that is why she is my favorite teacher. My name is Conner K. I am a 5th grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Huffman, who teaches 5th grade at GIS School. We can chew gum in class and eat food and she loves. We go extra playtime out side. My name is Parker C. I am a 5th grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Huffman, who teaches 5th grade at Graham Intermediate School. The reason I like her is…. She is very nice. She helps us with all of our work (except tests). She gives us candy if were good. On Fridays she bring new, good movies. She gives us extra recess…. And that’s why I like her. My name is Mikayla L. I am a 5th grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. O’Neal, who teaches 3rd grade at Graham Intermediate School. Why I like her is because, she’s good at teaching, helps us when we, need it, she encourage’s us, she’s kind, and she was good at explaining things. My name is Andrew S. I am a 5 grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Akers, who is a retired / sub at Graham Intermediate School. She helps us with work. She gives us treats. She lets us have extra recess. She subed when Mrs. Jones was sick. She is so nice

My name is Hannah T. I am a 5th grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Jessica Huffman, who teaches 5th grade homeroom at GIS School. I like Mrs. Huffman because… She is always patient and kind. She gives us treats and extra recess. She tries her best to explain stuff to us and make our lessons fun. When she teaches I feel as if I understand what she is saying more than ever before. My name is Ian S. I ama 5 grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Mr. Loughan, who teaches VA grad at GIS School. Mr. Louthan is a great and funny, and a forgiving friend. My name is Myles Thomas R. I am a 5 grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Mrs Jones / Sarah Jones, who teaches 3rd grade at Graham Intermediate School. Hi. My name is Myles and I am in 5th grade and my favorite teacher is Mrs. Jones. She taught me in 3rd grade. She is so funny and cool. She is the best. I loved her as a teacher.

My name is Ayden C. I am a 5 grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Shonnie Wyatt, who teaches everything at Graham Intermediate School. Mrs. Shonny.

My name is Jarrett Wanye S. I am a 5 grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Miss Friclh, who teaches Reading at GIS Graham School. She teaches reading. She help us they well help whith. And she dose math and raeding so I get test she get us reide for testing. My name is Michele B. I ama 5th grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Sharon Altice, who teaches Kindergarten at Dudley School. She was very calm, she is very gentle. Mrs Sharon Altice is my favorite teacher. Everyday I see her and I give her a hug and I think she is the best teacher ever. I love her so much that I chose her. Thank you teaching me Mrs. Sharon Altice. My name is Arin R. I am a 5th grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Vance, who teaches she is retired from 2nd grade at Dudley Primary School. Mrs. Vance never yelled very often. She was one of my nicest teachers I have had. She let us have a class pet. It was a fish. It died halfway through the year. She gave us candy if we got a question right. She played a lot of games when we did work. At the end of th year I wrote her a story I never wanted to leave. Thank you Mrs. Vance for being an amazing teacher. My name is Lilly G. I am a 5th grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Melody Gray, who teaches 1st grade at Montcalm Elementary school. I think Mrs. Gray is a very good teacher because she teaches her students a lot. She teaches very well. She teaches students even when they don’t know much. I tink she is very smart. Those are the reasons I think Mrs. Gray is a good teacher. My name is Kaylee C. I am a 5th grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Stephene Carr (my mom), who teaches 3rd grade at Abbs Valley Elemetry school. Mrs. Carr is a great teacher because she is my mom, She’s very funny, creative, ans strict. Also she is a good teacher because she makes fun games out of work. I love her. She is a great teacher and all her students liked her a lot. I think she’s the best teacher there at Abbs Valley

Thursday, May 18, 2017 | 9 My name is Jarrett Wayne S. I am a 5 grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Sherry Cook, who teaches Gidsance at GIS Graham Intermediate School. Sherry Cook is a good teaches at ever thing to teaches us to be nice. My name is Harrison K. I am a 5 grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Niven. Mrs. Niven was fun. Mrs. Niven was my Favorite because she was nice fun funny. She helped me become who I am today! My name is Lilly G. I am a 5th grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Mr. Justin Gray, who teaches 6th grade Special Ed, at Graham Middle School. I think he is a good teacher because he is very smart and listen to his students He would do anything to be a good teacher. H helps his students understand things they don’t I think he helps everyone in anyway they can. These are the resons I think Mr. Gray is a good teacher. My name is Alex P. I am a 5 grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Brewster, who teaches all 5th grade subjects at GIS school because I was here last year and she was nice and pacent and calm. And always knew how to handle things and more. That’s why he is my favorite teacher. My name is Nathaly. I am a 5th grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Vance, who teaches 2nd grade at Dudley Primary School.. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Vance. She was very nice and caring but she is retired now. She always let us get a piece of candy or a book if we were good. She always helped us if we didn’t understand. My name is Dylan N. I am a 5th grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Kade, who teaches Kindergarden at Dudley Primary School. She has nice, never yells, and she helped me in Kindergarden. My name is Peyton L. I am a 5th grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Connie Akers, who teaches sub at Graham Intermediate School. Mrs. Akers was my sub teacher all of last year, because my teacher had cancer in her

leg. When she would teach math she would always make everyone laugh. My name is Lilly G. I am a 5th grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Ethan Lewis, who teaches 4th grade at Grhamah Intermediate School. I think he is a good teacher because he was very patient. He is very kind and always lisened to me. He helped me a lot and taught me just as much. These are just a few of the resons I liked having him for a teacher. I liked Mr. Lewis a lot for more resons that I can not list. He was kind and he taught me many things I have more resons I liked having him but I would run out of room very quickly. My name is Annalea T. I am a 5th grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Andrea Mitchem, who teaches 5th grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is at G.I.S. school. Andrea Mitchem is my favorite teacher because she’s nice she helps us learn if we need help she would help us she’s funny she gave us a candy in on the first day of school We and she’s smart and cool and sweet and nice She lets us watch movies on Fridays she lets us have long play time. My name is Jerry Lee M. I am a 5 grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Eathan Lewis, who teaches 4th grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is at GIS School. He was the best teacher in the 4th grade. He was very strikt in school. Eathan is the best I will sixth grade to be in his class. My name is Bruce T. I am a 5 grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Eathan Lewis, who teaches 4 grade at GIS school. He was the first boy teacher I ever had. He made learning fun. He always made the work make the most amount of sense. My name is Jarrett Wanye S. I am a 5 grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Eathan Lewis, who teaches 4 gard at GIS Graham Intermediate School. He never yall at me when I had to sate withhimn aat the School house he is a good perose. My name is Jewelle S. I am a 5th grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My

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favorite teacher is Mrs. Andrea Mitchem, who teaches Math science spelling laugnege arts at Graham Intermediate School. Mrs. Mitchem is my favorite teacher cause she is nice to me and is careing and she thinks about other people than he self and I thank her for that. My name is Ryan K. I am a 5th grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Andrea Mitchem, who teaches 5th grade at Graham Intermediate school. She is fun to be around. She is really cool because she likes to talk about sports and teaches sports. The sport she teaches is cheerleading. She can be strict sometimes but she is only strict when you talk really loud. She is a really big VT fan. VT stands for Virginia Poleylehnic Institute. My name is Chase B. I am a 5th grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Ms. Shonnie Whyatt, who teaches 3 4 5 grade at GIS school. I think Ms. Shonnie Whyatt because she has always been nice to me. She always says hi to me in the hall, and she if I get near and when she sees me she always asks me how I am doing. I love Ms. Shonnie even know I have not had her as a teacher. I have known her for a long time. She lived in my naighberhood. I love Ms. Shonnie because she is a great mother and teacher and she has always been a great friend to me and my family. Thank you Ms.Shonnie Whyatt! My name is Jerry Lee M. I am a 5 grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Sherry Cook, who teaches gidence at Gis School. She likes to have fun, but with learning. She is the nicest teacher in the school. My name is Lilly G. I am a 5th grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Debbie Gray, who is retired from Summerville Elementary school. I think Mrs. Gray is a very good teacher because she listens to her students. She teaches her students a lot. She always had fun things for her students to do. Those are some of the resons I think Mrs. Gray is a good teacher. My name is Isaac K. I am a 5 grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Mis Moralos, who teaches reading at Abbs Valley Bosavaine school. Mis Moralos is the best teacher in every Tazewell county public school ever in the

hole intire world. She is nice to her class and good at all the subjects. My name is Raliyah P. I am a 4th grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Kristen Keyser,who taught 4th/5th grade at Anawalt school. 1. She is the best 2. And super fun. 3. She let’s of have fun all the time and 4. And we get to play with her 5. Last of all she even play with us when we are playing baskball. That’s why she is my faviot. My name is Ellie L. I am 4th grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Pam Cannoy, who teaches 2nd grade at Abbs Valley Bosivain Elementary School.. 1 She is so so so vary nice. 2. She lets you talk sometimes!!!!! 3. She gives you easy work. 4. She gave me money for the book fair on year. 5. She gives you a snake for snake time. That is why I miss her. My name is Chase D. I am a 4th grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Ms. Repass, who teaches 4th grade at Graham Intermediate School. 1. My teacher is so nice. 2. She lets us have fun Friday. 3. She likes me. 4. She lets us have lunch. 5. I really like my teacher. My name is Isaiah S. I am a 4th grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Peggy, who taught Pre-K at Dudley Primary School. She brought me candy. She took me to basketball games. She even came to my house. My name is Mason O. I am a 4th grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Phillips, who teaches 3rd grade at Christ The Teacher Catholic School. Mrs. Phillies is my favorite teacher because she always lets us have fun but learn at the same time. I only got 1 B while I was in her class. She was very smart when we went on our field. She taught us stuff like the instructor did on the field trip. She let us eat lunch outside and go and play early. My name is Troy A. I am a 4th grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. O’Neal, who teaches 3r grade at GIS school. Mrs. O’Neal is my favorite teacher because she gave us extra recess and she helped me learn cursive. She helped me with math. She never yells at us. She was nice. You’re the best . By Troy

My name is Noah M. I am a 4 grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. O’Neal, who teaches 3rd grade at Graham Intermediate school. She was very nice and reasonable. She was very helpful. She was funny. My favorite subject in her class was reading and she always wanted me to get a 600 on my SOLs. She was very pretty. My name is Sammy K. I am a 4th grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. O’Neal, who teaches 3rd grade at GIS school. Mrs. O’Neal is the best teacher ever! Never yells or fusses. Helped me in science math and language. Extra recess!! Very nice. Helped us learn cursive. Wich I did not know how to do. Love, Sammy My name is Elias J. S. I am a 4th grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Angles, who teaches gifted at GIS school. She is really, really nice. She would let us play games sometimes. She teaches us a lot of thing we didn’t know. Close to the election she let us pick anyone who we think would be a good president. My name is Ella D. I am a 4th grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Ethan Lewis, who teaches 4th grade at Graham Intermediate School. He is my favorite teacher because hs is really fun at resess when we play dodgeball, and when we see each other in the hallway we play mini games of dodgeball, tag, and football!!!!!! He also is good at math, reading, history, and I be eh is good at science!! He is very very nice and he is the best dodgeball player in the school!!!! He is amazing and a great teacher!!! This is why he is my FAVORITE teacher!!!! My name is Robert S. I am a 4th grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Scarberry, who teaches 3rd grade at GIS School. Mrs Akers was so so nice. She was fun. She did a good job teaching. She gave us recess. We played games at the end of school. THANK YOU Mrs. Scarberry. My name is CMax S. I am a 4th grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Scarberry, who teaches 3rd grade at Graham school. She was nice. She gave us recess actually. She gave us good teaching lessons. She was the

Whatever it is, clothes for school or supplies for your class project,


Elemetry School I hope you like her too.

10 | Thursday, May 18, 2017 best teacher ive ever had. Thank you!!!! Mrs. Scarberry. My name is Cole S. I am a 4th grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Judi Scarberry, who teaches 3rd grade a GIS school. She was nice. She taught us how to do multiplication. She gave recess allways. She had good fun Friday. She let us have candy when we got all of the questions right. Thank you Mrs. Scarberry. My name is Aidin M. I am a 3 grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Scarberry, who teaches 3rd grade at GIS school. She’s very, very, very, very, very nice. she’s very fun She’s grateful. She’s very caring. She laugh at all my jokes. She;s very gerenus. She is fun. She’s a genus. She’s very competiv. She makes math easer. She is amazing. My name is Dalton R. I am a 3rd grade student at Graham ntermediate School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Scarebarry, who teaches 3rd grade at GIS School. She’s very, very, very, nice. She very fun and grateful. She’s funny. She laughs at our jokes, She genuris and caring very caring. She lets us watch movies. She’s very, very, very, very, very, competive just like me and all my friends and she like sports just like us to shes just the very best teacher ever!!!!! She is patient with us. She’s very smart. She lets us whisper in class and she’s very, very, very, fun and we love it so much she the teacher that helped me with cursive she’s very fun. Just like everyone in our class. My name is Marley P. I am a 3rd grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Cook, who teaches Guidance at GIS School. 1. She is cool. 2. She is paitiont with me. 3. Guidance is my favorite. 4. She is my favorite teacher. 5. We have the same haircut. My name is Madison Gullett S. I am a 3 grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Mr. Jones, who teaches first grade at Springville Elementry School. 1. H is a good person. 2. He is kind. 3. He is funny. 4. He is cool. 5. He is my friend. My name is Haley H. I am a 3rd grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Scarberry, who teaches 3rd grade at GIS school. Mrs. Scarberry is my best teacher because she is loyal to me and nice to me. She’s beautiful she listen to me. My name is Aubree R. I am a 3 grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Tina Ruble, who teaches 3-5 grad at GIS school. 1. She is a good teacher. 2. Because she is good. 3. She is nice to me 4. And vary vary vary muth. 5. She is sometims timsmian. My name is Kaden P. I am a 3 grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Cook, who teaches guidance at GIS school. 1. She is nice. 2. She is fair. 3. She is kind. 4. She is fun. 5. She always helps me. My name is Sarah E. I am a 3 grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Altice, who teaches Kingergarden at Dudley Primary School. 1. Funny. 2 nice. 3. Weird laugh. 4. Kind. 5. Patent with people. My name is Aerial S. I am a 3rd grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My

favorite teacher is Mr. Elliott, who teaches 3d-5th grade at GIS school. 1. He is kind. 2. He is funny. 3. He is AMAZEING, 4. He is the BEST. 5. He is one of the best teachers at this school. And I hope his leg fills better.

with me. 4. She tells jokes. 5. She tought us cursive. 6. We do fun activities in math. 7. She does fun activies with us. 8. She is the best teacher. 9. She is funny. 10. She is cool. 11. She is amaizing.

My name is Shyann. I am a 3 grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. O’Neal, who teaches 3 grade at GIS School. 1. She is king. 2. She helps everyone. 3. She is always fair. 4. She is fun. 5. She is so smart.

My name is Cooper H. I am a 3rd grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Lori Hale, who teaches 6-8th grade at GMS School. 1. She is pretty. 2. She is loyal to her kids. 3. She is very nice. 4. She is fun. 5. She is king.

My name is Sophie P. I am a 3rd grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Jodi Scarberry, who gteaches 3rd grade at GIS School. 1. Mrs Scarberry makes things more fun and easy for the class. 2. She’s very nice to me. 3. Miss Scarbarry is loyal to me. 4. She does crafs and stuff for fun Friday. 5. She is very patient with me. 6. She explains things to make them easy.

My name is Eli Wilkinson. I am a 3rd grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Scarberry, who teaches 3rd grade at Graham Intermediate school. 1. She is nice. 2. She helps me. 3. She teaches me new things. 4. She is fun. 5. She is kind.

My name is Alexander B. I am a 3 grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Jody Scarrbarry , who teaches 3 grade at GIS school. Mrs. Scarbarry is nice to me. She is pashent with me. She understands me and helps me with my problems and she is funny. She helped me understand math brung up my speret when I am sad and that is wy I Alex B. nomanat Jody Scarbarry for teacher of the year. My name is Madison. I am a 3 grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Evens, who teaches guidance at Springville Elementry school. 1, She is kind. 2. She has beyoutiful eyes. 3. She makes me feel beter when Im sad. 4. She is a good guidance teacher. 5. She has a lovely voice. 6. She is lovely. 7. She has a nice room. 8. She wares beyoutiful clothes. 9. She has lovely glasses. 10. She is a good person. My name is Sarah. I am a 3 grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Pruede, who teaches 1st grade at Dudley Primery School. 1. Nice. 2. Funny. 3. Is pretty. 4. Smart. 5. Blue eyes. My name is Aidan M. I am a 3 grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Stacy, who teaches 2nd grade at Dudley Primary School. She is the best. She let me flicker the lights on and off. She let us play bord games. She would tell us stories when she went too scuba dive. She helped me with cursive. She got to put up with me Cooper, Dalton, She was reall nice. She gave us a buch of candy. She laughted at all my jokes. She has a bunch of humer. My name is Marley Perdue. I am a 3rd grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Debra Hatfield, who teaches English at GMS school. 1. She is awesome. 2. She is cool. 3. It would mean a lot to me if she wins. 4. She is patient wither students. 5. She is good with her students.

My name is Dalton R. I am a 3rd grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Stacy, who teaches 2nd grade at Dudley Primary School school. She is the best teach because She’s funny has a sence of hummer. Best part is she deals with me, Aidan, and Cooper and she’s fun, helpful, and She’s nicest teacher Ever!!!!!!! And she let us play a lot She Let us goof around. I loved her great stories and they were so Good and tought me to do cursive. Like this. And was funny and Gave us a lot of candy. My name is Aerial S. I am a 3rd grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Scarberry, who teaches 3rd grade at GIS School. 1. She is kind. 2. She is asome. 3. She helps us. 4. She gives us knowledge. 5. She is one of the best teachers at this school and I just love her so much. My name is Katie R. I am a 3rd grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Scarby, who teaches third grade at GIS school. She is cool. She is very patint. She likes to read to us. She loves all of her students. She is very pretty. My name is Jared Hubbard. I am a 3 grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Michele Hubbard, who is the school nurse at GMS school. She is really nice. She helps people. She takes people to the hospital if they need to go. She helps me when I’m sick. She helps me with my homework. My name is Sarah E. I am a 3 grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Stacy, who teaches 2nd grade at Dudley Primary school. 1.. went scuba diving. 2. Nice. 3. Kind. 4. Dunny. 5, has a funny laugh. My name is Cameron M. I am a 3rd grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Connoy, who teaches 2nd grade at Abbs Valley school. 1. She’s nice. 2. She helps me. 3. She teaches me math. 4. She teaches me reading. 5. She teaches me new things.

My name is McCartney H. I am a 3 grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Puckett, who Sub. at GIS school. 1. She is nice. 2. She is funny. 3. She is pretty. 4. Her son is my friend. 5. She tells jokes

My name is Shyann. I am a 3 grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Scarberry, who teaches 3 grade at GIS school. 1. She helps us when we need it. 2. She make everything fun. 3. She is so smart. 4. She is nice and fair with everything. 5. She helps everyone.

My name is Chloe R. I am a 3rd grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Scarberry, who teaches third grade at GIS School. 1. She is kind. 2. She is pretty. 3. She is paitent

My name is Kaden P. I am a 3 grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Scar berry, who teaches 3 grade at GIS schoo. 1. She is nice. 2. She is fun. 3. She is kind. 4. She is patitint. 5. She

is funny. My name is Cooper Hall. I am a 3rd grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Stacy, who teaches 2nd grade at DPS school. 1. She is loyal. 2. She is fun. 3. She is nice. 4. She helped me. 5. She is a terrific teacher. My name is Katie R. I am a 3rd grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Dee Puckett, who teaches 3RD-5TH grade at GIS school. She is funny. She is pretty. She is cool. She is pacint. She is nice. My name is Zoie M. I am a 3 grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Cook, who teaches gidents at GIS school. 1. I think she awesome. 2. Gidents is my favrite. The teaches it. 3. She is pacent for me. 4. She is nice. 5. She is pretty. My name is Chloe R. I am a 3rd grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Mr. Elliot, who teaches Music at Graham Intermediate school. I like music because I like to sing. Do music papers, Draw Instruments from the mats, get in our folders and color, watch a movie. Mr. Elliot is fun music teacher. My name is Patrick P. I am a 3 grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Scarberry, who teaches 3rd grade at GIS school. She is nice. She is fun. She is funney. She is cool. She lets us have fun. My name is Sarah E. I am a 3 grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Scarberry, who teaches 3 grade at Graham Intermediate school. 1. Nice to me. 2. Paitent with me. 3. Funny. 4. Tells jokes. 5. Kind to the class. My name is Hayden Jase P. I am a 8 grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Ms. Scarberry, who teaches 3 grade at GIS school. 1. She is awesome. 2. She is fun. 3. She helps us. 4. She is nice. 5. She teaches us new things. My name is Aerial S. I am a 3rd grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Cook, who teaches 3d-5th grade at GIS school. 1. She is nice. 2. She is fun. 3. She is AMAZING. 4. She is cool. 5. She is the BEST 6. She isjust one of the Best person I’ve ever met. 7. She gives us help. My name is Shakyra B. I am a 3rd grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Scarberry, who teaches 3rd grade at Graham Intermediate school. My teacher Mrs. Scarbarry is my Favorite teacher because she listing to me when im talking. She’s nice. When I need help whith my work she helps me with it. My name is Cooper H. I am a 3rd grade student at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Jodi Scarberry, who teaches 3rd grade at GIS school. 1. She is loyal. 2. She is nice. 3. She is patient. 4. She is very fun. 5. She is helps me. My name is Ellie W. I am a 3 grade student at GIS. My favorite teacher is Kerri Spurgeon, who teaches 3rd grade at GIS school. She helps us when we don’t understand things. She is fun and creative. And is very understanding. My name is Campbell L. I am a 4th grade student at GIS. My favorite teacher is

Mrs. Scarberry, who teaches 3rd grade at Graham Intermediate School. Mrs. Scarberry, she was so nice to me. I was in 2 class with all my best friends. She explained everything to make you understand it. She made everything funner than it was I love her. Thank you for always making sure I understood it. If I cried she would give me a hug and told me I didn’t have to cry and that it was going to be OK if I felt sick. She would give me crackers and some water and if I told her again She would tell my parents that I’m really sick and she would tell me to have a good rest of the day. She told me to rest up. My name is Campbell L. I am a 4th grade student an GIS. My favorite teacher is Antia Littlejohn, who teaches 4th grade at Graham Intermediate School. Antia Littlejohn is nice to me when I’m mean and I have an additude. She educates me she understands when I don’t she’s the nicest forth grade teacher there is. Thank you Ms. Littlejohn. Thank you My name is Campbell L. I am a 4th grade student at GIS. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Gilbert, who teaches 2nd grade at Dudley Primary School. She was always nice to me. She read books she taught me to read. She let me and Ella have her school supplies at the end of the year. She told me stories of her as a little kid, I just Loved her. Thank you. My name is Helena P. I am a 4th grade student at GIS. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Keisha Duncan, who teaches 3rd grade at Springville Elementary School. I Thank she is nice. She is kind. She pashint. Mrs. Duncan is pretty. She helps us if we need it. She relly nice. So if you see her tell her hi. Thak you! My name is Emma N. I am a 4th grade student at GIS. My favorite teacher is Anitia Littlehjohn, who teaches 4th at Graham Intermediate School. Anitia Littlejohn is special to me because, when I have trouble with the work, I don’t have to worry about getting embarrassed because she always helps me. I understand the work. That is why she is important to me. I’m very glad sne is my teacher. My name is Emma N. I am a 4th grade student at GIS. My favorite teacher is Kerri Spurgeon, who teaches 3rd grade at Graham Intermediate school. Mrs. Spurgeon is important to me because she always helped me. She let me have as much time as I needed and always made sure that I could understand the work before she moved on.Mrs. Spurgeon is an amazing teacher. She always let us do fun activities as long as things didn’t get out of hand. We got to listen to songs and play games and we got to do a lot of fun things so we didn’t have to worksheets all the time. She is also very caring and understanding. That is why she is my favorite teacher. My name is Zachary C. I am a 4 grade student at GIS. My favorite teacher is Kerri Spurgeon, who teaches 3rd grade at GIS school. She is very nice. She corrects mistakes, Mrs. Spurgeon, is a very cool teacher. She’s nice when you don’t disrupt her in class, you shouldn’t mak her mad unless you brobly gonna lose recess. But that’s a good thing, because she corrected you. She is the awesomeest teacher in the world. When I was in 3rd grade she was very nice, she can be miserable because us the kids in her class did it. She lets us do games and if were good we get candy. That’s why Mrs. Kerri Spurgeon is the best teacher ever.

Thursday, May 18, 2017 | 11 My name is Summer C. I am a 4th grade student at GIS. My favorite teacher is Linda O’Neal, who teaches 3rd grade at GIS School. Linda is my favorite teacher cause she’s funny. Cool, Pretty, says Jokes, lets us laugh, creative and is not so strict. The other reason I like her is when she teaches when she’s done she asked, does any not get this, are there any questions and she always wants us to do our best and have faith you can do it. My name is Dakari E. I am a 4th grade student at GIS. My favorite teacher is Sabrina Gilbert, who teaches 2nd grade at Dudley Primary School. She is nicest teacher ever. She is kind to anyone. If you don’t understand a question she gives you help. She would help me if I didn’t understand anything. She tells jokes to make us laugh. And at the end of the year she would let us play her wii for a gift for the year. My name is Devin W. I am a 4th grade student at GIS. My favorite teacher is Sabrina Gilbert, who teaches 2nd grade at Dudley Primary School. She helped me in the morning if I needed turdeing and other things to. She was very pasont with us and other people to. She would be very very very nice to us. My dad knew her from other thing when I had truble with things in school and she would help me with them. She bought us snakes for us to eat and that she is all wanting us to do our best. Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My name is Carson H. I am a 4 grade student at GIS. My favorite teacher is Neal, who teaches 3rd grade at Mercer School. Mrs. Neal is my favorite teacher because she’s nice and if you get a math problem right she gives you candy. My name is Brayden C. I am a 4 grade student at GIS. My favorite teacher is Kerri Spurgeon, who teaches 3rd grade at GIS School. Kerri Spurgeon is the best teacher bescause she is fair to all the kids. She teaches us. She listion to us. She help us then we need help she gives us ressec. She don’t give much home work. Thank you for helping me and my classmates. My name is Carla V. I am a 4 grade student at GIS. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Sharon Altice, who teaches math at DPS School. She is really good teacher Shes the best Kindergartener teacher. My name is Carla V. I am a 4 grade student at GIS. My favorite teacher is Anita Littlejohn, who teaches math at GIS school. She is fun or cool. Her hair beautiful blondie white color. She is funny. She is very helpful. My name is Carla V. I am a 4th grade student at GIS. My favorite teacher is Laura Hrovatic, who teaches 4th grade at GIS School. 1. She a very cool teacher. 2. She is fun and good at helping 3. Us. 4. She is a funny teacher. 5. She was a great third grade teacher. My name is Adam M. I am a 4th grade student at GIS. My favorite teacher is Anita Littlejohn, who teaches 4th grade at GIS School. She is nice lets us go on the computer. Lets us sit on bean bags and read. We have fish bowl where we get to eat gum, take our shoes off and we get to write with a marker all day. My name is Adam M. I am a 4th grade student at GIS. My favorite teacher is Sabrina Gilbert, who teaches 2nd grade at DPS

School. She is funny nice and kind we get to get prizes from a treasure chest and basket if we are good for her. My name is Adam M. I am a 4th grade student at GIS. My favorite teacher is Sharon Altice, who teaches K at DPS School. She is kind she lets us bring Ds’s on fun Friday. We get to play with legos at recess when we have to stay inside. My name is Helena P. I am a 4 grade student at GIS. My favorite teacher is Karen Franklin, who teaches 4th grade at GIS School. She is funny and pretty and helpful. Thank you! My name is Helena P. I am a 4th grade student at GIS. My favorite teacher is Anita Littlejohn, who teaches 4th grade at GIS School. She is a pretty and funny. Thak you! My name is Natalie G. I am a 4 grade student at GIS. My favorite teacher is Anita Littlejohn, who teaches 4th grade at GIS School. Anita Littlejohn teaches 4th grade and she is one of the best teachers ever. She helps us for tests she gives us time to work problem out and she has a fish bowl and you win cool things out of it and do it and she does a lot of crafts with us and that is why she is one of the best teachers and Thank you for being a 4th grade teacher. My name is Natalie G. I am a 4 grade student at GIS. My favorite teacher is Cynthia Stacy, who teaches 2nd grade at Dudley Primary School. Cynthia Stacy is one of the best teachers because She never get mad at us and was always happy. She helped us and let us do work while we were playing and having fun. We played a lot of games we never got bored of sad. Thank you for being a 2nd grade teacher. My name is Jordan M. I am a 4th grade student at GIS. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Altice Sharon, who teaches K at Dudley Primary School. Sharon is my favret techer because she is funny she is nice she is patient. My name is Alexis G. I am a 4th grade student at GIS. My favorite teacher is Anita Littlejohn, who teaches 4th grade at GIS School. She is always nice. My name is Haley N. D. I am a 5th grade student at GIS. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Littlejohn, who teaches 4th grade at Graham Intermediate School. I think Anita Littlejohn should win for multiple reasons. She is very patient. When you ask her a question, she tries her best to help you as fast as she can. She is also a good person to talk to if your having problems. She also loves to have fun at the same time. Mrs. Littlejohn is very kind once again I believe and caring. One more thing is she is always fair to everyone and anyone. My name is Spencer B. I am a 5 grade student at GIS. My favorite teacher is Conny Akers retired. Mrs. Akers is nice and really funny. She makes things fair. She is my favorite teacher until I get in Middle School. My name is Cherl B. I am a 5 grade student at GIS. My favorite teacher is Conny Akers retired/sub. Mrs. Akers is really funny, fair. She is so fore my favrite teacher intille I get into Middle School. My name is Peyton B. I am a 5th grade student at GIS. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Sheri Brown, who teaches 5th grade at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Brown because she is really

nice and she always makes sure we understand what she is teaching. Mrs. Brown would never let us do something we don’t understand or don’t know how to do. My name is Logan M. I am a 5th grade student at GIS. My favorite teacher is Connie Akers Mrs Akers. She is retired and subs now. At GIS School. Mrs. Akers (sub) teaches GIS. She is nice and tells jokes. She is good at teaching and gives shortcuts. My name is Ja’Nise C. I am a 5th grade student at GIS. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Sheri Brown, who teaches 5th grade at GIS School. I think Mrs. Brown should win because she believes in everone, even when they don’t believe in there self. She will help you with many many problems. Like homework and people problems. She is one of the best person to go to with your problems. My name is Ethan B. I am 5th grade student at GIS. My favorite teacher is Sheri Brown, who teaches 5th grade at GIS School. Mrs. Brown is a 5th grade teacher here at G.I.S. She is very nice and calm. Mrs. Brown teaches us math, reading, science, and language. We don’t have homework unless we don’t finish work in the class Mrs. Brown is a very good overall teacher, I home she keeps doing well. My name is Adrian B. I am a 5th grade student at GIS. My favorite teacher is Connie Akers, who teaches retired/substitute at Graham Intermediate School. Hi, my name is Adrian B. My favorite teacher is Connie Akers. Mrs. Akers been teaching for a very long time now, and last year she was the best teacher ever. She let us have extra recess, not a lot of homework, and even free time to talk. I don’t know about ya’ll but I think she should be picked. My name is Sam T. aka Sambunns. I am a 5th grade student at GIS. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Connie Akers, who teaches retired substitute at Graham Intermediate School. Hi, my name is Sam T. My favorite teacher is Connie Akers. Mrs. Akers has been teaching for a long time. Last year I had Mrs. Akers for one hundred twenty eight days. She taught math, social studies, language, and spelling. My name is Javon W. I am in the 5th grade student at GIS. My favorite teacher is Anita Littlejohn, who teaches 4th grade at GIS. Anita Littlejohn is one of the best teachers because she don’t fuss a lot. She is realy nice. She lets us get a lot of recess. The only time she is mean is when you get on her nerves. Anita Littlejohn is realy fun. She lets us sleep if were watching a movie she lets us walk bare footed in the class. She lets us lay in bean bags and lets us read a lot.

pleasurable. My name is Landon H. I am a 5th grade student at GIS. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Sherri Brown, who teaches 5th grade at GIS School. There are many reasons why she is my favorite teacher. And the first one is that She is always nice to us. And the ways she is nice is she gives us a lot of free time to do our work. She lets us play on the computers and she makes learning fun. The other reason is that she makes learning fun and easy. Like when we do math she sometimes makes jokes and she makes it clear when she tells us a lesson. So this is why I like my teacher and why shes the best. My name is Tyler “Take Off” M. I am a 5th grade student at Graham Intermediate. My favorite teacher is Connie Akers, retired/ subbing at Graham Intermediate School. My name is Tyler M. Connie Akers is my favorite teacher. She is retired but she does sub at Graham Intermediate School. She is the nicest person I’ve ever met. She jokes a lot. She taught my sister so she knows my family really well. She always brightens up everyone’s day. This is why she is my favorite teacher. My name is Ashlynn S. I am a 5th grade student at GIS. My favorite teacher is Jodi Scarberry, who teaches 3rd grade at Graham Intermediate School. I feel that Mrs. Scarberry should be picked because She’s smart and patient. She would spend an equal amount of time with each kid. She also ared for each kid. That’s why I think she should be nominated. My name is Raygan V. I am a 5 grade student at GIS. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Anita Littlejohn, who teaches 4th grade at Graham Intermediate School. My favorite teacher is Anita Littlejohn because she would help me with math and also she would help me with my reading if I needed any help with it. And if she needed any help I would do it. So that’s why my favorite teacher is Mrs. Anita Littlejohn. My name is Emily C. I am a 5th grade student at GIS. My favorite teacher is Sherr Cook, who teaches Gidence 5th grade at Gram Intermediate School. I am so glad to have Sheri Cook. Because she teaches us how to do things in life no one els will. If we are strugglen or angry or even sad. She will either talk us threw it. She is very helpful ad smart And helps us to. She makes stuff with us and she helps with are buket to. She is very fair and kind and sweet. If I was going threw anything she would be the first one I went to because she cares and helps us with the situation. That’s why I think she should be nominated.

My name is Cameron H. I am a 5th grade student at GIS. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Sheri Brown, who teaches 5th grade at GIS School. I like Mrs. Brown cause she makes learning fun on Fridays we watch movies and helps me understand things.

My name is Blake G. I am a 5th grade student at GIS. My favorite teacher is Stephanie Bowers, who teaches 2nd grade at Abbs Valley School. Mrs. Bowers was my favorite teacher because she was never mean unless she had to be. She taught every subject and taught us everything we needed to know for 3rd grade.

My name is Danialle F. I am a 5th grade student at GIS. My favorite teacher is Sheri Brown, who teaches 5th grade at Graham Intermediate School. Mrs. Brown is the best choice because she has a sense of humor but can be serious. She has a fun way of teaching unlike other teachers I have had in the past. Her entertaining style of teaching makes it much easier to learn. She takes all questions very seriously. There are many more reasons I could tell you but these are the best. She has made my school year very

My name is Stella C. I am a 5th grade student at GIS. My favorite teacher is Sheri Brown, who teaches 5th grade and also is my teacher at Graham Intermediate School. The reason why I choose Mrs. Brown is because She has helped me though many problems and most of those where school problems my mom and her talked a lot and found some problems in school and helped me though all of those bumps in school. I have enjoyed my short year because I did not come her in the beginning of the year

that is also another thing she has helped me with that is why I choose Mrs. Brown. My name is Brandon W. I am a 5 grade student at GIS. My favorite teacher is Ethan Lewis, he is funny, smart, athletic, who teaches 4th grade at GIS School. I like Mr. Lewis because he takes learning seriously and at recess he plays with us He should win because he taught me a lot. My name is Ethan A. I am a 5 grade student at GIS. My favorite teacher is Sherri Brown, who teaches at Graham Intermediate School. Ms. Brown is a great teacher. She gives me chances to change. She is patient with me and I will do good and better. Sincerely, Ethan A. My name is Blake K. I am a 5th grade student at GIS. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Sabrina Gilbert, who teaches 2nd grade at Didley Primary School. I picked Mrs. Gilbert because she is funny, nice, carrying, and more that’s why I picked her to be my favorite teacher. When I needed help she help and when I couldn’t understand the lessen she helped my understand it she made learning fun to she did a lot of fun things and at the end of the year in second grade she brought a wii and I loved that we didn’t have to do work those days we go to play and talk almost all day those are almost all the reasons I picke Mrs. Gilbert to be my favorite teacher. My name is Maddox S. I am a 5th grade student at GIS. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Brown, who teaches 5th grade at GIS School. I picked Mrs. Brown because she is smart friendly and helpful. She is smart because she is a teacher shes helpful because she helps us everday and shes friendly because she is my friends and I teacher. Maddox S. My name is Tegan M., I am a 1 grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs Stiff, who teaches student teacher at Dudley School. Mrs Stiff is the best becoase she help us with math and I Love her so much and thank you Mrs Stiff. My name is Elaila N. I am a 1 grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mis Sarver is the best who teaches 1 grade at Dodly School. 1. Mis Sarver is the Best techer. 2. Mis Sarver is the best becos she is nis. 3. I love Mis Sarver becos she tethes my good stuf. My name is Nick B. I am a first grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mis Sovr and Mis Stif, who teaches frst grade at dadle pimere school. Mis Sovr and MisStif is asum in the how world. God at ski if you be a pris. Both of my techrs or preete. She gots a lots ov bocks, and she gots a lot uv deferent crasee pensls. My name is Willie. I am a 1 grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Norrisrey, who teaches Shilah at Dudley School. Mis Pardue tch P.E. My name is Laken H. I am 1 grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Saver, who teaches 1 grade at Dudley School. 1 . She helps me. 2. She teach me so much. 3. She is nice. 4. She is smart and pretty. 5. She is cool. My name is Brooklyn P. I am a 1 grade student at Dudley Primary School.

12 | Thursday, May 18, 2017 My favorite teacher is Sarver, who teaches First grade at Dadley School. 1. She is a grat teacher. 2. And she is a grat teacher 3. Because she is grat 4. To her toudth! 5. I lik her.

My favorite teacher is Mrs. Chere, who teaches workshop at Dudley School. She is the best because she is so funny sometimes. She makes us think a lot but it is so fun. I like her hair color. I love her. She is so funny.

My name is Tate M. I am a 1st grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Cheryl Sarver, who teaches 1 st grade at Dudley School. She is nice. She is cool. She is awesome. She is the best. She is good at teaching.

My name is Palyn G. I am a 1 grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Cheryl Sarver, who teaches 1 grade at Dudley Primary School. The reason I picked Mrs. Cheryl Sarver is because she is nice. I like Mrs. Cheryl Sarver because she is fun. She is fun because she lets us play games. When she lets us play games we play like hangman. And sometimes we play with shapes.

My name is Sanai F. I am a 1 st grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Gilbert, who teaches Student Teacher at Dudley School. Mrs. Gilbert is the best teacher because she is kind. She is loving. She is carefull. She is fun. And she is pretty. My name is Tegan M. I am a 1 grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Sarver, who teacher student teacher at Dudley School. My teach is awesome becoas she teaches my and and try to keep everybody safe when we have fire driles and lock down griles and tornado driles. My name is Evie P. I am a 1 st grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Cheryl Sarver, who teaches 1 st grade at Dudley School. She is awesome because she is very nice. I like her hair color. Sometimes she helps me. She is like my friend. I think she is so pretty. My name is Summer R. I am a first grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Perdue, who teaches First grade at Dudley Primary School. She is the Best teacher ever Becase she is nice and she is my favorite a lot She is the Best in the world. Qekfol. My name is Jackson T. I am a 1 grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Sarver, who teaches first grade at Dudley Primary School. She takes us outside. She helps me. She is very nice. She lets us play hangman. My name is Rylie Z. I am a First grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Miss Sarver, who teaches First Grad at Dudley Primary School. I like miss sarver because she is nice. and she is beautiful and pretty. And she is very very cind to us. She is my first faveret teacher. I like her clase room. My name is Tegan M. I am a 1 grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Parry, who teaches student teacher at Dudley School. Mrs. Patty is the greates teacher becoase she helps people that need help with words and quishtion and everything.

My name is Douglas. I am a 1 grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Cheryl Sarver, who teaches 1 st grade at Dugly School. She is awesome because she helped me whit my math and reading. Becase she is nice. She likes other kids. Because she helped other kids to get kids to 2 grade. She help kids to blend words. My name is Brooklyn. I am a 1 grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Ms. Stiff, who teaches First grade at Dudley School. Ms. Stiff is a grate teacher. My name is Khloie B. I am a PreK grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Cantrell, who teaches PreK at Abbs Valley School. I your belly hurts she get you a Dr. and a Roll up Bucket. We play at Playtime. My name is Isaac L. I am a PreK student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs Spencer at Dudley School and Mrs Cantrell at Abbs Valley School. I like Mrs Cantrell she writes my name down. Mrs Spencer hugs me when I get up and hug her again. She hugs me over and over again. My name is Hannah T. I am a PreK grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs Sarver, who teaches 1 st grade at Dudley School. Shes sometime nice to my brother. Mrs. Oakes. She like to do work with us and its really fun. My name is Sirena S. I am a PreK grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs Murphy, who teaches at Dudley School. She gives me Ice Cream. She hugs me. She lets me play. Lets me talk and do the letters. My name is John D. I am a PreK grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Sherry Cook, who teaches Guidance at Dudley School. She do’s good stuff. Sing songs, fill a bucket. I like her. I like her purse.

My name is Tate M. I am a 1st grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Shilah sStiff – Student Teacher, who teaches 1 st grade at Dudley School. She is nice. She is a good student teacher. She is the best teacher. She is awesome. She is a great teacher.

My name is Jordan R. I am a PreK grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mr. Elliott, music, Mrs. Oakes PreK, who teaches music at Dudley School. She lets us play with toys only on Friday. MR. Elliott because he let us watch TV and he let us play music.

My name is Chase. I am a 1 st grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Melissa Cumb ow, who substitutes at Dodly School. My mom is awesome becoase she is fone and nis and cole and vare vare vare resqekfol.

My name is Jay H. I am a PreK grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs Spencer and Mrs H, Mrs. Oakes, who teaches PreK grade. Mrs Spencer writes on the smart board. Mrs Higginbothan reads books and that all she does and check out books. Mrs. Oakes writes names down just do that.

My name is Evie P. I am a 1st grade student at Dudley Primary School.

My name is Kayden H. I am a PreK grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mr. Elliott, who teaches music at Dudley School. He sings songs. I been good all the times. He let us play instrument. My name is Colten H. I am a PreK grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs Spencer and Mrs. Oakes, who teaches PreK at Dudley School. We play outside. We color. We paint. My name is Maverick C. I am a PreK grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Oakes, who teaches PreK. We have to follow directions. She watches us. She fun. My name is Maverick C. I am a PreK grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs Spencer, who teaches PreK at Dudley School. Because I just like her. She just gives us papers. She gives us tests. She have to follow directions. My name is Hannah C. I am a PreK grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs H, who teaches at Dudley School. Mrs H because she loves to have me get books. My name is Landon E. I am a PreK grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs Oakes, who teaches PreK at Dudley School. I have a pet at home. My name is Madison C. I am a PreK grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs Spencer, who teaches PreK at Dudley School. She lets me go to the bathroom. I do all my work snack time. My name is Keaton B. I am a PreK grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Spencer, who teaches PreK at Dudley School. My name is Gavin B. I am a PreK grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs Spencer, who teaches PreK at Dudley School. She me how to Read Beautiful. My name is Elivia A. I am a PreK grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Spencer, who teaches PreK at Dudley School. I like her She’s nice pretty. My name is Janie. I am a Kindergarten student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Cook, who teaches Guidance at Dudley Primary School. She lets us watch movies. She reads books to us. She teaches. I like her bag. I draw pictures for her. She teaches Guidance. My name is Callie. I am a Kid student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Kade, who teaches Kindergarten at Dudley Primary School. That’s she’s nice. That I like her. She’s my favorite teacher. My name is Shae. I am a Kindergarten student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Kade, who teaches Kindergarten at Dudley Primary School. She’s nice. She’s cool. She’s fun. I love her. She’s the best teacher. I wouldn’t wish for another teacher like this. You’re my favorite teacher of all. My name is Walker. I am a Kindergarten student at Dudley Primary School.

My favorite teacher is Mrs. Kade, who teaches Kindergarten at Dudley Primary School. She learns me stuff. My name is Noah. I am a Kindergarten student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mr. Litz, who teaches Gym at Dudley Primary School. Sometimes he takes the basketball goal out. He’s nice. My name is Anyah. I am a Kindergarten student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Crews, who teaches student teacher at Dudley Primary School. She teaches other kids. I love her. She lets us color. She teaches kids that don’t listen. My name is Cadence. I am Kind student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Reynolds, who teaches to be nice at Dudley Primary School. She’s kind. My name is Ashton. I am a Kindergarten student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mr. Litz, who teaches Gym at Dudley School. That he teaches gym. I really like gyms. Gym is really fun. My name is Landon. I am a Kindergarten student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Kade, who teaches money at Dudley School. That she teaches good. She is really nice. She is a good teacher to have. My name is Lexi. I am a Kindergarten student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Reynolds, who teaches Kindergarten at Dudley Primary School. She helps me write sentences. She does the Calendar with us. She does coins with us. My name is Hayden. I am a Kindergarten student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Kade, who teaches Kindergarten at Dudley Primary School. That I get on green and get some play time. My name is Brooklyn G. I am a K grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs Kathy Kade, who teaches K at Dudley School. Shes nice and pretty. I learned to count to 100. She lets us have snack. She passes out paper. She lets us go to the bathroom. My name is Brooklyn Graham. I am a K grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Miss Peck, who is a substitute at Dudley School. Shes Pretty. Shes a really great teacher. She be nice to us. Whoever be mean they move their car. My name is Jax G. I am a K grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs Altice, who teaches K at Dudley School. Shes nice to my brother Andor. That she real nice. Shes a Real Miss because shes so nice. Shes the best teacher in the whole wide world. She has better toys for us to play with. Shes the nicest person ever I met in my entire life and shes pretty. My name is Lucas F. I am a K grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs Kathy Kade, who teaches K at Dudley School. Mrs Kade is nice and sweet. I miss her. I learned numbers that’s allI know right now. My name is Lucas F. I am a K grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Crews, who is

a substitute at Dudley School. I love her because she’s nice. Her’s very cool to us. My name is Eddie F. I am a K grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs Crews, who is a substitute at Dudley School. I like her face. She lets us watch TV. My name is Kelley E. I am a K grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs Crews, who is a substitute at Dudley School. Her best teacher in the whole wide world. Her always be nice and always lets the kids have play time. Her will move our cars if we be bads. My name is Kelley E. I am a student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs Kathy Kade, who teaches K at Dudley School. Her teach us a lot of math. We have playtime. Learn a lot of fun and math. My name is Beth D. I am a student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Abigail Peck, who is a student teacher at Dudley School. She was nice to us because she helped us. We learned stuff. We learn 10 frames. She liked everybody in our classroom. My name is Beth D. I am a K grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Kathy, who teaches at Dudley School. She is a really nice teacher. She puts bandaids on us when we are bleeding. When we are sick she don’t let us to outside for playtime. I learn to count by 2. She loves everybody in the classroom. My name is Tinley C. I am a K grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mr Litz and Mrs Harriett Pardue, who teaches P.E. at Dudley School. He knows when were supposed to go outside and make sure were safe. He makes sure people don’t fall or get sick and makes sure we have enough playtime. My name is Mason C. I am a K grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs Amanda Crews, who substitutes at Dudley School. She is sweet. I like when she teaches. Shes nice to everybody. I love her. My name is Parker B. I am a K grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Sherry Cook, who teaches Guidance at Dudley School. I live beside her parents. She always come to my room. She nice and sweet. She is pretty. I saw her husband one time too. My name is Gage B. I am a K grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Kathy Kade, who teaches K at Dudley School. She helps us lern. She lets us have playtime and shes nice and shes funny. My name is Blaire A. I am a 1 st grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mis. Natalie Perdue, who teaches 1 st grade at Dudley School. I love you Mis. Perdue you tech use so well and you teched us like you never did befor. You Mis. Perdue I love you like never befor. You tech use like a cannonball! I Love Mis. Perdue so much. Love Blaire My name is Connor C. I am a 1st grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Perdue, who teaches 1 st grade at Dudley School. I love my teacher. She is nice. I am in her work-

shop. I am in her class. She is the best. My name is Rhana Grace W. I am a 1 grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Natalie Perdue, who teaches 1 grade at Dudley School. 1. She takes good care of all of us. 2. Her perfume smells good. 3 Her clothes look good. 4. Her shoes are pretty. 5. Shes nice to every one. My name is Jacob T. I am a 1 st grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Perdue, who teaches at Dudley School. I like Mrs. Perdue because she is the best teacher in the hole earth. And she is so nice she can be the nices persen. And she gives us math and I like it. My name is Cannonball E. I am a student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Natalie Perdue, who teaches at Dudley School. I Love Love Mrs Perdue!!!! She gevs us play time. And win I see her I just smil. My name is Morgan L. I am a 1 grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Natalie Perdue, who teaches first grade at Dudley School. I really really love my teach she is awesome like really awesome she really smells really good with all her perfumes and her makeup she is also pretty and sweet she is nice. Mrs Perdue! My name is Kaleb T. I am a 1 grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Natalie Perdue, who teaches 1 grade at Dudley School. I like her because she is nise. I love every teachers in the world! You are the best. Think you. My name is Nathan C. I am a 1 grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Natalie Perdue, who teaches 1 grade at Dudley School. My name is Matthew B. I am a 1 grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mes Perdue, who teaches at Dudley Primary. Mrs. Perdue is a super teacher. Mrs. Perdue is vary nice. Mrs. Perdue takes us everevpry. Mrs. Perdue is fun. Mrs. Perdue is nise. My name is David G. I am a 1 grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs Perdue, who teaches 1 grade at Dudley School. She tot me to read and she tot me to lean upper case, and tot me to lean measureing, and the same mening in the word and tot me to learn cowting coins. My name is Addison M. I am a 1 st grade student at Dudley School. School. I Love Love Mrs. Mitchem. She is the Best teacher ever! When someone gets hurt she will send them to the nurse. She takes them on trips to. I love her a lot plus she’s my mom. I Love you a lot. My name is Hayden L. I am a 1 st grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Natalie, who teaches one grade at Dudley School. My favret teacher is Mrs. Natalie. She is nice to us. She loves us to and we do to. She tech us. She tellz us theas. That are good. My name is Morgan. I am a student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Altice, who teaches Kindergarden at Dudley School. I

Thursday, May 18, 2017 | 13 really miss her she was very sweet and kind she always smelled good and she was an happy teacher. Love, Morgan, My name is Addy S. I am a 1 st grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Perdue, who teaches 1 st grade at Dudley School. My teacher is very nice. She takes us outside. And I love her very very much. She is the best teacher in the whole wide world. I Love Mrs. Perdue. My name is Avery Diann F. I am a 1 st grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Perdue, who teaches 1 st grade at Dudley School. My teacher is so nice. when my sister is in 1 st grade I hope that she has Mrs. Perdue. She is so sweet and so pretty. I love her so much. My school is Dudley Primary School. She gives us a 2 nd canche when we get in trouble. She takes us outside. Sumtimes she will let us whoch a movie. My name is Alea R. I am a 1 grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs Natalie Perdue, who teaches at Dudley Primary School. I Love Mrs. Perdue. She is so cool. She’s so so much fun. We go outside for a log time. She’s the best!!! My name is Gariel P. I am a 1 grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mis Perdo, who teaches at Dudley. Mis Prdo teachec math I lik mis prod becose sh gis os sokeintkans. Becos se gevs us. My name is Katelyn C. I am a 2 grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Cook, who teaches Guidance at Dudley Primary School. She is sweet. 1. Mrs. Cooks last name is the as my ant Charity and cousins too! 2. Mrs. Cook is also sweet to avredote. 3. Mrs. Cook icspashule reds to us. 4. Mrs Cook always is nics to us. 5. Mrs Cook icspashule is the Best techre in the world! My name is Natalie J. I am a 2 nd grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Jerri St. Louis, who teaches 2 grade at Dudley Primary School. Mrs. St. Louis is nice she is even helpful. She is the best teacher ever. I like her. She helps us if we have trouble. She is the nicest person. My name is Mekia. I am a 2 ent grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. St. Louis, who teaches 2 ent grade at Dudley Primary School. My techer is a nice techer my techer helps me whith stuf whin I need it. She helps me whith my math and writing and all kinds of stuff. My techer never bes meen to me. And my techer is kind. My name is Summer R. I am a 2 nd grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. H., who teaches libry at Dudley Schhol. She awesome because she lets us chek out books and she lets us do crafts sometimes and she helps us chek out books and helps us with stuff and she so nice and she loves kids. My name is Haley H. I am a 2 grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Ms. Kristen Ewing, who teaches 2 grade at Dudley Primary School. 1. I like Ms Ewing because she teche us. 2. I like her because she is the best tcher in the holz world. 3. I like her because she is the good techer. 5. I like Ms Ewing because she helps me with math.

My name is Summer R. I am a 2 nd grade student at Dudley Primary School. My avorite teacher is Mrs. Pardue, who teaches p.e. at Dudley School. And she is fun becase she lets us play games and she lets us go outside and play and she is nice and she loves kids. My name is Caleb C. I am a 2 grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Jerri St. Louis, who teaches 2 grade at Dudley School. Mrs. St. Louis is Good because when I have troble with my math she helps me. She is a fun teacher Because she lets us play games. She is nice, kind, helpful, and fun. She lets do crafts and fun stuff. She reads us books. My name is Brianna. I am a 2 nd grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. St. Louis, who teaches 2 nd grade at Dudley Primary School. 1. Mrs. St. Louis is always nice to me and is smart! 2. And she is awsom Best techer! 3. She is sweet nice and happy. 4. And if I need help she helps me. 5. She finds a way for me to understand. My name is Hayleigh F. I am a 2 grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. St. Louis, who teaches 2 grade at Dudley Primary School. I like Mrs. St. Louis Because she is very nice to me and she helps me. And I Love her very much. And I do Love are student techer. I do like more techers but that’s gust right now. My name is Lily M. I am a 2 nd grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Cos, who teaches 1 st grade at Indepencence Elem School. Mrs. Cox was great. She lets us to outside after math. She doesn’t get mad ofen. She lets us play games. She lets us have snack every day. She lets us go to letter land. My name is Colton C. I am a 2 nd grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. St. Louis, who teaches second grad at Dudley Primary School. My techer is … helpful, patent, kind, nice, and obedient. My name is Summer R. I am a 2 nd grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Ms Krsten Ewing student teacher, who teaches 2 nd grade at Dudley School. She talks to us and she is very good at teaching and she loves kids and she is very nice and she is very awesome. My name is Haley H. I am a 2 grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. St. Louis, who teaches 2 grade at Dudley Primary School. 1. I like Mrs. St. Louis because she helps me do evry thaning. 2. I think Mrs. St. Louis is so pretty. 3. I think she smell so good. 4. I think she is the good thecher. 5. I think she is so good to me. My name is McKailyn C. I am a 2 nd grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Liby Corner, who teaches 4 th grade at Fall River Elem School. She is my faverit teacher because she is my grandma. When I go to her house we go to the mall. When we get back she always lets us color. She is an aowsome teacher even thogh I’m not in her class when she’s teaching aowsome. My name is Tyler. I am a 2 grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Jerri St. Louis, who teaches 2 grade at Dudley School. 1.

She is nice and helps me with reading. 2. She is nice, helpful, and pretty. 3. She is fun ad let us play games. 4. She is interesting. 5. She is fun when she does math. My name is Eden H. I am a 2 grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Jerry St. Louis, who teaches 2 grade at Duddly Primary School. I love Mrs. St. Louis because she is the best teacher. She takes her time to grade pappers on her weekends. She takes her time helping us. She is the best teacher ever. I love her so much. My name is Jordan. I am a 2 grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Ms Ewing, who teaches class at Dudley Primary School. She hleps us with math. And she help us with math test. She lets us play games. She helps us do soshl shudes. And she helps us with our reading senses. My name is Cyhajia. I am a second grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Cook, who teaches Guidance at Dudley Primary School. She is so nice to me. She is pretty. I love her hair. She is interesting with us. She is popyler at school. She is helpful to us when we need it. My name is Aiden B. I am a 2 nd grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Jerri St. Louis, who teaches 2 nd grade at Dudley School. I think Mrs. St. Louis will win because she is nice and she is very thoughtful and teaches use very good makes use very smart. And lests use go outside. My name is Caydin. I am a 2 grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. St. Louis, who teaches 2 grade at Dudley Primary School. 1. She helps me with my math. 2. She helps me with cursive. 3. She is the nice teacher ever. 4. She helps me read. 5. She helps me lern words. My name is Dihein A. I am a 2 nd grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Pardue, who teaches P.E. grade at Dudley Primary School. 1. Mrs. Pardue lets us go outside. 2. And Mrs Pardue even lets us play inside. 3. Mrs. Pardue is thoughtful. 4. Mrs. Pardue helps us do stretching. 5. And she is the best teacher I ever know. My name is Parker F. I am a 2 grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Jerri St. Louis, who teaches 2 grade at Dudley Primary School. I love Mrs. St. Louis because she is so nice. And she helps me with math. And she lets us go out side when it is warm. Sometimes we get to play a game. My name is Summer R. I am a 2 grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Jerri St. Louis, who teaches 2 nd grade at Dudley School. I Like Mrs. St. Louis because 1. She is nice and 2. She loves kids and 3. She helps us and 4. She lets us have fun and 5. She lets us do crafts an some Fridays. My name is Hannah L. I am a 2 grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs Gilbert, sho teaches 2 grade at Dudley Primar School. Mrs Gilbert is nice and helpful. And very hard and the best. She is the best. My name is Joselyn P. I am a 2 nd grade student at Dudley Primary School.

My favorite teacher is Mrs. Stacy, who teaches 2 nd grade at Dudley Primary School. I Love Mrs. Stacy she is awesome she taught us lower case and upper case A threw Z in cursive. She also gave us second chances to be good. She is going to envite us over to her house for a cookout and play games. She is a very nice teacher. She taught us Money, Math, Reading, Spelling, Dictation, and Dictanary skills, and social studies. She takes us to P.E. Library Guidance, Music. And gets us ready for third grade, plays games, and math games. She even gets us a chance on the computer. I Love Mrs. Stacy. I Love School. She takes us outside. And takes us on trips. Always helps us to be safe. And when it snows she still finds something to be fun. I Love, Love, Love, Love, Love, Love, Love, Love, Love, Love, Love Mrs. Stacy. My name is Janey. I am a 2 grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Bailey, who teaches at Dudley Primary School. You are the best. I hope you are at 3 rd grade. My name is Joselyn P. I am a 2 nd grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Perdue, who teaches 1st grade at Dudley Primary School. I Love Mrs. Perdue. She is very helpful, she one time when. I was having trouble with my spelling She sound it out for me. And when I was having trouble again with my home work. When I bbroke my arm she Brang me presents and a balloon. She is very helpful. I Love Mrs. Perdue. My name is Nilhole E. I am a 2 grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Stacy, who teaches 2 grade at Dudley Primary School. She is the bet proson ever well Mrs Stacy Loves math and cursive to. I Love math she is good proson and I wish I was her she gives us partys evre 2 weks. My name is Evan B. I am a 2 nd grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Cynthia Stacy, who teaches 2 nd grade at Dudley Primary School. Today was a beautiful day ever because she put me in special classes and she taught me mathematics. She has done so many things for me. She can help students more than any other teacher. She taught me uppercase and lower case cursive. She gives us second chances, for us to be good she does much better things like help kids do math problems. She works herself to death for us. She gives us ice cream on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Please like this note. Thank you for reading this letter. She helps us spell and she gives us parties every 2 weeks. Thank you My name is Abby H. I am a 2 nd grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs.Stacy, who teaches 2 nd grade at Dudley Primerey School and she tought me cursive and math and dictation and even spelling and she takes care of my when I am hurt and she is very nice and she gives us 20 minuts outside. My name is Atata N. I am a 2 nd grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Cynthia Stacy, who teaches Mrs. Mopin grade at Dudley Primery School. Mrs,. Stacy is loyal she helps me with math because she wants me to learn math and our math map test is coming up soon and our class is exceted about it so much. I Love Mrs. Stacy. Rom Atata I love you My name is Dominic. I am a 2nd grade

14 | Thursday, May 18, 2017 student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Stacy, who teaches 2 grade at my School. 1 School is good. 2. We can lern. 3. We can read. 4. We can put or head down. 5. We can go to lunch. My name is Lucas N. I am a 2 nd grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Bailey, who teaches 2 nd grade at Dudley Primary School. I like her because she gave us a breakfast party, she’s loyal, she taught me every type of flower, she taught me how to multiply and divide, and she gave us suckers. My name is McKinley C. I am a 2 nd grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs Sarver, who teaches 1 st grade at Dudley Primary School. Mrs. Sarver is my best teacher in 1 st grade. She helped me with Math. She helps me with tutoring. The is a cool teacher. My name is Tristan. I am a 2 nd grade student at Dudley Primary School My favorite teacher is Mrs. Stacy, who teaches 2 grade at Dudley School. She is nice. She helps us with our home work. She tought us cursive. She is fun. She is smart. My name is Noah G. I am a 2 nd grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Stacy, who teaches 2 grade at Dudley School. She is very helpful, she helps you with cursive when you need help, she will come to your games, she lets you come to her has on April 5, She will throw pizza partys after the end of the year test. My name is Eli P. I am a 2 grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Stacy, who teaches 2 grade at Dudley Primary School. My teacher is kind. She greeted me on the first day of school. And she helped me with time. She lets us go outside. She reward us. My name is Ivory M. I am a 2 nd grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. McClothlin, who teaches Kindergarden at Dudley Primary School. My favorit teacher is the trust wothey and she always came to me when I needed help. She wold read to us at the end of the day. When we were doing a craft she would always give us a sticer. Every holiday we got no homework. My name is Gage. I am a 2 nd grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Ms. Sarver, who teaches 2 nd grade at Dudley Primary School. She plays music. She lets us go out for 45 minus. She tolt me cursive. When someone push me she sent a not to their parnts. Sent them to the office. My name is Abby H. I am a 2 nd grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Morgan, who teaches 1 st grade at Dudley Primerey School and she helped me with reading and spelling and she was very nice to me. My name is Nevach F. I am a 2 grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Foy, who teaches at Mermorail School. Mrs. Foy was nice she help me with math and she let me be her helper and she intuerdosted me to the class and she is really really nice and I mess her she was the best and I miss my classmate I Love you Mrs. Foy. From, Nevach

My name is Joselyn P. I am a 2 nd grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Kade, who teaches Kindergarten at Dudley Primary School. She helped me with y math and Reading. When I get hurt she helped me. When I had trouble Reading she came over and told me. She is awesome, beautiful, kind, smart, helpful, and special. My name is Christian W. I am a 2 grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mis. Stacy, who teaches 2 grade at Dudley School. My teacher is so nice. And she is so nice and pashent. She helps me with my cursive, She is prity and she always help me. She help me read faster to read. My name is Jamey. I am a 2 grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Stacy, who teaches at Dudley Primary School. She helps me in clas. She helps me in math. She helps me with everything. She teaches everything. She is the best of all. My name is Bailey G. I am 2 nd grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Sarver, who teaches 1 st grade at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Sarver. She teaches 1 st grade. Mrs. Sarver is nice and kind because she helped us with math and reading and subjects like that. The taught us how to spell words and sometimes she lets us play games. My name is Brock K. I am a 2 nd grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Sarver, who teaches 1 st grade at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Sarver she had a lot of courage for me and all the thigs I wanted to learn it happed and that was all because of my teach Mrs. Sarver and I hope I can see her again. My name is Collin M. I am a 2 nd grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Stacy, who teaches 2 nd grade at Dudley Primary School. She is awesome I thank she could be the best in the world she helps everybody in the class. She is kind and helpful. My name is Lillian W. I am a 2 nd grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Cynthia Stacy and Mrs. Sarver, who teaches 2 nd grade at Dudley Primary School. Mrs. Stacy is the best teacher in the school. Mrs. Stacy taught me how to write cursive. Mrs. Stacy is teaching second grade. Mrs Stacy is so nice. Mrs. Stacy is so funny and she is so pretty. My name is Abby H. I am a 2 nd grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Altice, who teaches Kindergarden at Dudley Primery School. She helped me do math and her husband trand my mimis dog. My name is Angel Faith L. I am a 2 nd grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs Cynthia Stacy, who teaches 2end grade at Dudley Primary School. My teacher is the best because she is pretty and she is the best at teaching. She teaches 2end grade. She is the best teacher of all. My name is Dawson G. I am a 2 nd grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs Sarver and Mrs Stacy, who teaches 2 nd grade at Dudley Primary School. Mrs Stacy is the best teacher becase she helps me in stuf that I

do not know. My name is Stephanee W. I am a K grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Higginbotham, who teaches Library at Dudley School. Cause she help read. Help us learn. She nice and so shes kind and she help us with read books. When its like Valentines Day she help us do a craft and so she very very nice. She let us She help us check out books. Sometimes she let us do puzzles. My name is Chris W. I am a K grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Tami Smith, who teaches K at Dudley School. She help me Read. She help me count to 100. She help me how to spell. She help me how to learn everything. Days of the week, spell words a lot of them. Done a lot of things for me and open stuff. Ad she nice and shes good. My name is MaKayla V. I am a K grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Diane Ott, who teaches computer at Dudley School. She teaches us well helps us learn a lot in workshop she helps us on the computer. My name is Declan W. I am a K grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Tami Smith, who teaches K grade at Dudley School. Its good for me to be the leader of the day. Toys have parties. My name is Bella L. I am a K grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Ms Smith, who teaches K grade at Dudley School. Shes nice to me and my brother Brian. She gives us work that we can do. She lets us play outside. Lets us have snacks, 20 minutes of play time. She helps with our sight words. Helps me read. My name is Bella L. I am a K grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Altice, who teaches workshop at Dudley School. She nice. She lets us do fun things in workshop. She helps us say our sight words. We play Bingo. My name is Caleigh C. I am a K grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Tami Smith, who teaches K grade at Dudley School. Teach us good stuff we play with baby dolls and Legos. On day we had popcorn and drinks. When we are at the door we say our words. Lets us have the cars out. My name is Gordon S. I am a K grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Ms. Tami Smith. She make me read and say my sight works. Lets us play. Lets us watch movies. My name is Carl M. I am a K grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs McGlothlin, who teaches K (retired) at Dudley School. She lets us play with toys, Legos and play outside. My name is Aubrey J. I am a K grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Cook, who teaches Guidance at Dudley School. She does class with us I like beingin class with her. My name is Eli H. I am a K grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Cook, who teaches Guidance at Dudley School. Some-

times she does crafts with us, puts music on for us. Sometimes we watch a movie. My name is Camryn H. I am a K grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Ms. Smith, who teaches K grade at Dudley School. She teach us to do letters. She reads. She lets us play. My name is Jace G. I am a K grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Fran Delasantos, who teaches workshop at Dudley School. She helps us read, helps us put our words in alphabetical order. Helps us learn vowel words. She helps us read backwards. Gives us candy. My name is Tyler G. I am a K grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Ms Altice, who teaches K grade at Dudley School. Teaches me a lot. Helps me play games. Helps me do my work. My name is Brantley G. I am a K grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Ms Smith, who teaches K grade at Dudley School. Her teaches me everything and like watch stuff. Teaches me like play at play time. My name is Caleigh S. I am a K grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Ms. Cook, who teaches Guidance at Dudley School. I like to do crafts. She read us books. My name is Brantley G. I am a K grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Ms Lori Havens, who teaches Speech at Dudley School. Her a great workshop teacher. She teaches me about like how to blend something. We have to do Rhyming things. My name is Brogan G. I am a K grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Spencer, who teaches Pre K at Dudley School. I like to play in school. I like crafts. When we go to lunch we go to the front. My name is Brogan G. I am a K grade student at Dudley Primary School My favorite teacher is Ms Smith, who teaches K grade at Dudley School. I like to do crafts. I like when she reads books. I like to do calendar and person of the day. My name is Katelyn C. I am a K grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Ms Smith, who teaches K grade at Dudley School. Teach letters, a book, person of the day, the smart board. My name is Madison C. I am a student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Ms Cook, who teaches Guidance at Dudley School. She let us do tons of fun stuff. We make a lot of stuff. My name is Logan O. I am a K grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Ms. Smith, who teaches K grade at Dudley School. She is a good teacher. She teach us a lot of things that’s why I like her. She teach us math, to color the fish. She let us do a lot of things. My name is Mia B. I am a K grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Ms. Smith, who teaches K grade at Dudley School. Learn us to color. Learn us to draw. Taught our ABC’s. She teach us on the smart board.

My name is Micah B. I am a K grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Ms Smith, who teaches K grade at Dudley School. I write to 100 and I color to 100. We had to do adding on the back and I forgot about the back and she let me remember when its playtime she lets us play. My name is Kendyall B. I am a K grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Altice, who teaches K grade at Dudley School. Shes pretty and nice She make us be good so we get green dots. My name is Auryana B. I am a student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Sharon Altice. She always teach us to take away (math) and play. Teach us sight words.

My name is Paylin C. I am a K grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Sharon Altice, who teaches K grade at Dudley School. She Be’s nice to me. She teaches us about letters and number. My name is Thomas C. I am a student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Altice, who teaches K grade at Dudley School. Shes nice My name is Joseph F. I am student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Altice. She give us skills and tell us to be quiet. I have her. She gives us ork I gave her a present for her bag. It’s a A for Altice. My name is Mason C. I am a K grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Cyntha Bailey, who teaches 2nd grade at Dudley School. She helps kids. She is sweet. My name is Lillith H. I am a K grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Kade, who teaches K grade at Dudley School. She helps her kids learn Shes so pretty. Shes very sweet. My name is Elyssa A. I am a K grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Altice, who teaches at Dudley School. Her a Best teacher cause her teach us bout letter A. My name is Talen H. I am a K student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Sharon Altice, who teaches K grade. She filled up the bucket and I like it. And we can get a prize if we are good. I have my name in there 3 times. She let us have playtime. My name is Michelle H. I am a K grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Sharon Altice, who teaches K grade at Dudley School. Shes nice. Lets us put our name on white piece of paper when Im good. My name is Aubrey K. I am a student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Sharon Altice, who teaches K grade at Dudley School. She helps us with homework and helps us learn how to read. She lets us put our name on a white sheet of paper if we are good. My name is Madison L. I am a K grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Sharon Altice, who teaches K grade at Dudley School. She nice Lets us play. My name is Vanessa L. I am a K grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs Sharon Altice, who teaches K grade at Dudley School. Her help me teach. Her nice to me.

My name is Abigail M. I am a K grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Altice, who teaches K grade at Dudley School. Shes so sweet. I don’t want to move in another class. Her help me learn help me wisten My name is Chance M. I am a K grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Sharon Altice, who teaches K grade at Dudley School. She teaches good stuff we get to eat a lot. My name is Eli M. I am a K grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Sharon Altice, who teaches K grade at Dudley School. Shes nice to me. Makes us do our homework. She likes me. My name is Addysin N. I am a K grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Altice, who teaches K grade at Dudley School. Shes nice. She lets us play. She lets us play outside when its warm. She lets me put my name on an white piece of paper for copying good. My name is Andon M. I am a K grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Robin Musick, who teaches preschool. Shes my favorite teacher cause shes my mommy. She works very well. She is nice and pretty. She loves me. My name is Gabriella S. I am a K grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Altice. She is kind to us, helps us do our homework and she is a very confident teacher. She lets us watch a movie She teaches us how to read. My name is Hunter R. I am a student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Maupin. She’s nice because she helps people sometimes helps us to be quiet. My name is Hunter R. I am a student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Elliott who teaches at Dudley School. He lets us sing a lot and use bells. He’ll let us watch movies sometimes. My name is Hunter R. I am a student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Altice. Shes nice and helps us learn to read. Shes nice and kind and helps us do our homework and of that. My name is Jacob S. I am a K grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Altice, who teaches K grade at Dudley School. We do reading. We get to do 1+1=6. We do numbers 1 to 10 and 1 to 100. My name is Michael W. I am a K grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Sharon Altice, who teaches K grade at Dudley School. She helps us with our homework. My name is Jensen P. I am a 2 grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Cindy Bailey, who teaches 2 grade at Dudley Primary School. 1. She teaches the class cursive a lot. 2. She is very nice. 3. She helps us with our work. 4. She is prity every day. 5. She is very smart. My name is Ashton P. I am a 2 grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Cindy Baily, who teaches 2 grade at Dudley Primary School. She is fun. She teaches all kind of stuff. She is the best teacher. She teaches us cursive.She teaches us the dictionary.

Thursday, May 18, 2017 | 15 My name is Aiden P. I am a 2nd grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Cindy Bailey, who teaches 2nd grade at Dudley Primary School. She is lots of fun and she loves to teach she also teaches us cursive she teaches subtraction addision She is the best teacher I have ever met. My name is Channing D. I am a 2 grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Owen, who teaches art at Dudley School. 1. She is a good artist. 2. She helps me with my art. 3. She is nice. 4 She goes by sections so people can catch up. 5. She does cool stuff. My name is Rache T. I am a 2 grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Fran, who teaches workshop at Dudly Primay School. 1. Cool. 2. Funny. 3. Nice. 4. Pretty. 5 help’s My name is Kveon W. I am a 2 grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Bailey, who teaches at Dudley Primary School. She is nice. She helps me. She is awesome. She is helpful. She teaches 2 grade. My name is Ryleigh W. I am a 2nd grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Chere Esters, who teaches workshop at Dudley Primary School. She is pretty. She helps me with my work. She helps me read. She lets us play games. She is nice. My name is Dezmoha O. I am a 2nd grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Baily, who teaches 2nd grade at Dudly School. She lets us do recess. She helps me with Math. She is Kind. She is patient. Gives extra time to do my work.

ley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Susan Mapin, who teaches the school at Duley Primary School. 1. Nice. 2 cool. 3. Funny. 4 intelagent. 5. Helps My name is Willie C. I am a 2 grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. St. Louis, who teaches workshop at Dudley Primary School. She is kind and nice to people and she has fleeings. She’s loyalty, courage. Shes smart. Teache antonym. My name is Channing D. I am a 2 grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is David Litz, who teaches gym at Dudley School. 1. Fun. 2. Good. 3 smart. 4 funny. 5 does fun things. My name is Ashton P. I am a 2 grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Fran Dela Santos, who teaches workshop at Dudley Primary School. Funny, helps, cool, nice, perrty. My name is Logan G. I am a 2 grade student at Dudley Primary School. 1. Mrs. Pardue helps us get exercise. 2. She is nice. 3. She lets us go outside. 4. She lets play games inside. 5. She knows fun games. My name is Iyahna G. I am a 2 grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Bailey, who teaches 2nd grade at Dudley Primary School. 1. She teaches cursive. 2. She lets us have playtime. 3. She gives us treats is were good. 4. She teaches sience. 5. She is the best teacher. My name is Rachel T. I am a 2 grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Ott, who teaches Computer at Dudley Primary School. 1. Pretty. 2. Help’s. 3 cool. 4. Intagent. 5. Funny.

My name is Chloe. I am a 2 grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Pardue, who teaches Wus my teacher at Dudley School. She was sweet to me and nice.

My name is Madeline C. I am a 2 grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Owen, who teaches art class at Dudley School. She is nice and she is kind. And She is a relly good at drawing.

My name is Rachel T. I am a 2 grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Higginbotham, who teaches libray at Dudley Primary School. 1. Funny. 2. Pretty. 3. Cool. 4. Help’s. 5 intugent.

My name is Chloe E. I am a 2 grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Sherry Cook, who teaches 2 grade at Dudley School. She is nice and sweet she teackece us gdens. She likes to play and laugh letce have a blacet and play ol day.

My name is Andrew H. I am a 2nd grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Jenny Hubbard, who teaches Workshop and D.I. at Dudley School. She is nice and kind. She helps kids in workshop. She sometimes is a substitute teacher. She is a good D.I. teacher. She is my favorite teacher and she is my mom.

My name is Rachel T. I am a 2 grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Owen, who teaches art at Dudley Primary School. 1. Cool. 2. Has talent. 3 funny. 4 help’s. 5. Pretty.

My name is Kylie O. I am a 2 grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Stacy, who teaches workshop at Dudley School. She helps me. She helps me study. She helps me with my work. She helps me with lots of things. She helps me find things.

My name is Ryleigh W. I am a 2nd grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teache is Mrs. Courtney West, who teaches headstart at CASE headstart school. She is my mom. She takes care of me. She helps me with my homework. She meen very much to me. She is very important to me.

My name is Jensen P. I ama 2 grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Higginbotham, who teaches library at Dudley Primary School. 1. A good libraryen, 2. Funny. 3 tall. 4. Pretty. 5. Nice

My name is Channing D. I am a 2 grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Tami Smith, who teaches Kindegarden at Dudley School. 1 fun. 2. Nice. 3 good teacher. 4. Funny. 5 smart.

My name is Grace D. I am a 2 grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Bailey, who teaches 2 grade at Dudley School. Helps me with work. Smart. Nice. funny. Pretty every day.

My name is Colton G. I am a 2 grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Anglis Trigg, who teaches in school Detention at Graham High School. He takes care of me. He does detention. He is nice. He is my Grandpa. He helps me in life.

My name is Rachel T. I am a student at Dud-

My name is Kylie O. I am a 2 grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Bailey, who teaches 2 grade at Dudley School. She is nice and sweet. She helps us with our work. She lets us have play time. She helps us read. She lets us go to computer lab.

teaches math at Dudley Primary School. I Love Mrs. Morgan’s hare and her glasis. My name is Ayden F. I am a 1 grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Morgan, who teaches Mejrment at Dudley School. She nise. She is the best teacher.

My name is Grace D. I am a 2 grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Owen, who teaches art at Dudley School. She is very very good at drawing. She is cool. She is very very nice. She is pretty. She loves to color and draw.

My name is Lorelai. I am a 1st grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Morgan, who teaches math at Dudley Primary School. Counting coins, math time, Learning to measure, Learning tens, counting to 100.

My name is Rachel T. I am a 2 grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Sharon Altice, who teaches K grade at Dudley Primary School. 1. Funny. 2 inteigent. 3. Cool. 4. Help’s. 5. Pretty.

My name is Zayden. I am a 1st grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Owen, who teaches Art Class at Dudley Primary School. She is the best Art teacher!!!

My name is Iyahna G. I am a 2 grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Miss. Brittany, who teaches sub at All Tazewell Schools. 1. She is funny. 2. She is sometimes in my school. 3. She is sometimes giving me a ride home. 4. She is the best. 5. She is my Mom.

My name is Randy H. I am a 1 grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Kade, who teaches at Dudley School. She is the best teacher and it is fun to play with her toys and she liks me.

My name is Tyler M. I am a 2nd grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Crews, who teaches Sub at Dudley School. Mrs. Crews helps us and shusatuts us sometimes at School and she helps Mrs. Bailey sometimes. And she’s fun and par tof my family teaches cursive when Mrs. Bailey is not here. My name is Landen M. I am a 2 grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Cindy Bailey, who teaches 2 grade at Dudley Primary School. Mrs. Bailey teaches us how to write cerseff. She even teaches us how to us a dictionary. She is efen fun. She even lets us play games to! She is awesome! My name is Shaelyn S. I am a 2 grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Owen, who teaches art at Dudley School. 1. Her art is always fun. 2. She is very nice. 3. She always show’s us what to do. 4. I Love to do he art. 5. I Love the picture’s she breing us. My name is Joseph C. I am a 2nd grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Cindy Baily, who teaches 2nd grade at Dudley Primary School. She is fun. She is nice. She helps us. She helps us with the Dictionary. She helps us with math. My name is Ryleigh W. I am a 2nd grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Cindy Bailey, who teaches 2nd grade at Dudley Primary School. She is very nice. She helps us spell. She reads to us. She teaches us cursive. She helps us with test. My name is Colton G. I am a 2 grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Linda Trigg, who teaches computer at BSC School. She is my Grandma. She is important to me. She helps me with my work. She helps me fix my mistakes. She takes care of me. My name is Rachel T. I am a 2 grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Cindy Bailey, who teaches 2nd grade at Dudley School. 1. She’s nice. 2. Cool. 3 Pretty. 4. help’s. 5 She’s funny. My name is Alexix. I am a 1 grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Cook Mrs. Morgan, who

My name is Alexix C. I am a 1 grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Degray, Mrs. Cook, and Morgan, who teaches ABC order grade at Primary School. Mrs. Morgan help me do adding. And count by ones. Thank you for helping me Mrs. Morgan and helping me learn new things. Love, Alexis My name is Levi. I am a 1st grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Spencer, who teaches ABC order. Mrs. Spencer has a fit bit and we get steps on are fit bit. Mrs. Morgan spelling words on then white bord. Mrs. Pardue teaches PE. Mrs. Ott teaches lab. Mrs. Degray teaches workshop My name is Isabella C. I am a 1st grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Morgan, who teaches 1st grade at Dudley School. She is nice. She is cute. I love her. She is my faveret teacher. And I like her hare. My name is Zayden. I am a 1st grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. McGlothlin, who teaches Now No one at Dudley Primary School. She is the best I Now in the whole wide world. My name is Gavin G. I am a 1 grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Morgan, who teaches 1 grade at Dudley School. Mrs. Morgan has pretty clos and pretty har and she is the best techer I nowe. I even like her vois and her glasis. My name is AJ B. I am a 1st grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Degray, who teaches workshop at Dudley School. Mrs. Degray is the best. She is pretty. And she is funny. And she has a big room. And she is nice. My name is Addisyn C. I am a 1 grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Degra, Mrs. Morgan, who teaches workshop at Dudley School. I Love Mrs Degray because she is nice. I love her. She is the best. I love Mrs. Morgan to. She is the best to. My name is Jaevi. I am a one grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Krista Surface. Mrs. Krista she let me play games. She let me play. She give me toys. She let me write. She is going to pin me up et the end of the school.

16 | Thursday, May 18, 2017 My name is Jonathan. I am a 1 grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Morgan, who teaches 1 grade at Dudley School. She hops weth math cating mone time machering sad at. My name is Isabella C. I am a 1st grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Degray, who teaches workshop at Dudley Primary School. 1. She is nice. 2. She’s my friend. 3. I uses’t to be in her workshop. 4. She teached me on the bord. 5. And she like’s me. My name is Lake M. I am a 1 grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Altice, who teaches Kindergarden at Dudley Primary School. She got the best room. She helps me. She teachs me. She knows me ad she got a betuful scarf. My name is Gracie H. I am a 1 grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Degray, who teaches workshop at Dudley Primary School. She is the best teacher ever!!! I like her because she is the best teacher!!! She is a good teacher. She teachs good. And she is a very good teacher. My name is Aiden H. I am a good grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Krista, who teaches to be good at Dudley Primary School. 1. She’s good to me. 2. She lit’s me play gams. 3. She pics me up at music. 4. She tac’s me to my car. 5. On Fridays wen I am good she giv’s me prisis. My name is Zayden. I am a 1st grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Degray, who teaches workshop at Dudley Primary School. SHE IS THE BEST! I like her so much! She is the Best workshop teacher ever!!! My name is Ryder B. I am a 1 grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Morgan, who teaches workshop at Dudley School. She is nice. She is funey. She is prettey. She is cind. She is fun. My name is Gracie H. I am a 1 grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Morgan, who teaches 1 grade at Dudley School. She is the best teacher I have ever had. She teachs me how to read. She teachs math. She teachs time. She is pretty. My name is Isabella C. I am a 1st grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Cook, who teaches Gidens at Dudley School. I love her. I like her hare. I love her fase. I like her eyes and her shert. My name is Carleigh. I am a 1st grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Kade, who teaches money at Dudley School. She is The BEST! She is nic. She is pritte. She has a nice shert. She has pritte hair. My name is Hawken N. I am a 1 grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Diane Ott, who teaches no class at Dudley School. She lets us on the computer. She is nice. She give us candy. I like going to her class. My name is Nora P. I am a 1 grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Natalie Perdue, who teaches at Dudley School. 1. She is very nice. 2. She dus speshle stuff. 3. She is a very good teacher.

My name is Addy C. I am a 1 grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Bronwyn Owen, who teaches me at Dudley School. She is cool. She is funy. She is a good artest to. She is nice. She is creatav. My name is Anna W. I am a 1 grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Bailey, who teaches 2 grade at Dudley School. 1. She has bin there sits my brother Grant was in first grade. 2. She is a very nice teaches for me and I love her. 3. She will move your clips back. 4. She has s treser box whith candey in it. 5. She may will yell but don’t be mad. She is a good teacer. Love Anny to Mrs. Bailey. My name is Dalton N. I am a 1st grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mis. Degray, who teaches 1st grade at Dudley School. She is nice and a good and good to teacher. and cool. And nice to me. My name is Kiann. I am a 1st grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Morgan, who teaches 1st grade at Dudley School. She is nice. She is not mean. She is good. She is on time. She dosint give us tow much home work. She lets us dos not give us a lot. My name is Austin B. I am a 1 grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Sharon Altice, who teaches kindergardin at Dudley School. She leted us play! She made us work. She was funny. My name is Jevemion W. I am a student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Ms. Mitchem, who teackes 1 grade at Dudly School.I Like her because she give my stuff. She give us toy. She give us purple. My name is Addy C. I am a 1 grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mis. Cheryl Sarver, who teaches me a Dudley School. She is cool. She gives me a chans. She is nice to me. She helps me. She is clever. My name is Zjahyeir H. I am a 1st grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Altice, who teaches K grade at Dudley School. She is nice, she is cool. She knows how to solves problems, and she let’s us go outside, she heps us. My name is Brooklyne L. I am a 1st grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Altice, who teaches me at Dudley School. I like her a lot. She is always nice. She helps me when I need help She is an awesome teatcher. She is the best. My name is Lilly. I am a 1st grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Sharon Altice, who teaches Kindegarden at Dudley School. She is very nice. She solves problems. She lets us bring toys on fun Friday. She lets us go outside if it is nice and warm. She helps us if we don’t now something. My name is Ty M. I am a First grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Miss. Saver, who teaches 1st grade at Dudley School. She is nice. She lets us go out side. She dose not yell. She lets us get candy. She lets us have a free drawing. My name is Jack c. I a a 1st grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Amanda Crews, who teaches 1st substitute at Dudley School. She is my mom. She bonesat give much papers. She give

candy. She is pretty. She lets us play a lot. My name is Kay. I am a 1st grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Perdue, who teaches 1 grade at Dudley School. She is nice, sometimes moves our name up. My name is Ca’ron. I am a 2 grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Sabrina Gilbert, who teaches 2 grade at Dudly School. 1. She is nice. 2. When we need help she helps us. 3. On are test she helps us. 4. And she give us more chance. My name is Joshua M. I am a 2 grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Sabrina Gilbert, who teaches second grade at Dudley Primary School. She is funy. She is so cool. She doint be mean to me. She is nice. She lets us play fun games. My name is Health C. I am a 2nd grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Jessica Turner, who teaches all grade at Dudley and other schools. 1. She is nice. 2. She plays games with us. 3. She does not yell. 4. She gives more than one chance. 5. She does not give lots of work. My name is Kiley B. I am a 2 grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Sabrina Gilbert, who teaches 2 at Dudley grade at Dudley School. 1. She is very nice. 2. I have nevery got on green. 3. She has a treasure chest. 4. She makes stuff fun. 5. She dose not yell. My name is Jenna K. I am a 2 grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Jessica Turner, who teaches every grade at Dudley School. Why Mrs. Turner is great. Mrs. Turner is very nice. Mrs. Trner is very funner, She helps me with every subject. She lets us do cool thangs. She is very patient with me. My name is Ta’lease P. I am a 2nd grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Sabrina Gilbert, Mrs Jessica Turner, who teaches 2 grade at Dudley School. 1. Thay are ver very nice. 2. Thay take us out to play. 3. Thay help us win we need help. 4. Thay are nice to ever one. 5. Thay are nice win somedody talking to them. My name is London W. I am a grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Sabrina Gilbert, who teaches 2 grade at Dudley Primary School. She teaches math. I love math. I also love recess. It’s so fun! My name is Chase R. I am a 2 grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Jessica Turner, who teaches 2 grade at Dudley School. She’s kind tome. She plays games whith us. My name is Alexandra G. I am a 2 grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Sabrina Gilbert, who teaches 2 grade at Dudley School. 1. She help’s me and she is 2. Nice to me and is fun. 3. She has a tresher box. 4. And make’s it easy. 5. And lets us eat in the room. My name is Bytsyda. I am a 2 grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Sabrina Gilbert, who teaches 2 grade at Dudley Primary School. I pick her because she is nice. She is pretty. She helps me. She plays gams. She is worm. My name is Owen. I am a 2nd grade

student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Sherry Cook, who teaches Guidance at Dudley Primary School. Mrs. Cook is so nice. She helps my class. She helps us relax. She do’s not make us go crazy. She gives us ideas. My name is Heath C. I am a 2nd grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Amada Crews, who teaches all grades at Dudley and other schools. 1. She is very very nice. 2. She is my mom. 3. She gives you more than 1 chance!! 4. She is not mean. 5. She plays games with us. My name is Ethan L. I am a 2 grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Sabrina Gilbert, who teaches 2 grade at Dudley School. She is nice. I like her. She is pretty. I love wen she teaches math. She lives rite beside of my house. On wl. She has three kids she has a noow baby. My name is Kiley B. I am a 2 grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Sharon Alitce, who teaches K at Dudley School. 1. She is very nice. 2. She techt me a lot. 3. She let us have along time of playtime. 4. She makes stuff realy fun. 5. I never had to move to yellow. My name is Chya. I am a 2 grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Sabrina Gilbert, who teaches 2 grade at Dudley School. Shes nice and prity. She helps me on my tests. She helps me whith math. She help me with reading. She likes hugs. My name is tyler. I am a 2 grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Ms. Cook, who teaches second grade at Dudley School. 1. My teacher is nise. 2. My teache is amazinge. 3. My eacher is creative. 4. My teache is sweet. 5. My teacher is trifick. My name is Ethan A. I am a 2 grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Ms. Turner, who teaches 2nd grade at Dudley Primary School. My teacher is nice. My teacher is cool. My teacher is fun. My teacher is watchful. My teacher is mindful. My name is Jenna Kidd. I am a 2 grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Sabrina Gilbert, who teaches 2 grade at Dudley School. Why Mrs. Gilbert is so nice. Mrs. Gilbert helps me with every subject. Mrs. Gilbert does not yell. She very funny. She lets us do fun stuff. She is pretty. My name is Cassidy D. I ama a 2 grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Sabrina Gilbert, who teaches 2 at Dudley Primary School. I pick Sabrina Gilbert because she is nice. She is really pretty. She does nice thins for s. She helps us with hard questions. She lets us do fun stuff. My name is Jysip. I am a 2 grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Sabrina Gilbert, who teaches at Dudley School. She is nice. My name is Andrew. I am a 2 grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Gilbert, Mrs. Tuner, who teaches 2 grade at Dudly Primary School. She has a tresher box. She is nice. We play games. We get prizes. She is Asowm My name is Jazeezz. I am a 2 grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Turner, who teaches 2 grade at Dudley School. Hates when she cry. My name is Victoria Ann A. I am a 2 grade

student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Sabrina Gilbert, who teaches 2 grade at Dudley School. 1. I like Mrs. Gilbert because she is very very nice she is the best teacher ever!. 2 I seen the pictures of her kids and there so cute. 3. She teaches the best math ever!. 4 She teaches the best reces every! 5. She teaches the best sience ever! My name is Kendall H. I am a 2nd grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Jessica Turner, who teaches 2nd grade at Dudley School. 5 reasons why I love this teacher: 1. She has a treasure box. 2. She is very pretty. 3. She likes hugs like me! 4. She is always nice to me. 5. She let’s us play cool games. My name is Norman. I am a 2nd grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Gilbert, who teaches 2 grade at Dudley School. My teacher taks me outside My teacher helps me whith my worke. My teacher lets use play outside or play inside. Are teacher gives us peas of candy if we get A on are test. My name is Alexandra G. I am a 2 grade student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Jessica Turner, who teaches 2nd grade at Dudley School. 1. She is fun nise. 2. She dos’s fun Friday. 3. She give’s us candy. 4. She let’s us eat in the room. 5. She let’s us draw. My name is Health C. I am a student at Dudley Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Brooke Mulkey, who teaches library at Abbs Valley School. 1. She is nice. 2. She is my aunt. 3. She gives more than one chance. 4. She does not yell. 5. She plays games. I believe Mrs. Burton is the best teacher because she is interesting. When we do book reports they are like recreation. She is cordial but she can lay down the law. What I like most about her is during testing she gives rewards if you follow instructions. That is what I like about Mrs. Burton. Jayda C. 5th Grade I nominate Mrs. Burton from Ceres Elementry. I nominate Mrs. Burton because I have learned a lot from her. I have been with her all year; it’s been very fun in her classroom. She teaches in very exciting ways. She has also prepared me for middle school for what’s to come. Haley 5th Grade I nominate Mrs. Burton because she is a fun and interesting teacher. I nominate her as my favorite because she is funny and sometimes cheeful. Another eason is because she incourages us and helps us learn things we dont understand. Lastly is she is really exciting and loud if someone lies or talks back she screams. Tyasia St. 5th Grade I nominate Mrs. Hicks for the 2017 Excellence in Education Award. The reason to nominate her is because she is sweet, anexcellent teacher, and a loving and caring person. She has been my favorite teacher since I had her in first grade. That’s why I nominate Mrs. Hicks. Addison M. 5th Grade Hello! My name is Noah. The teacher I nominate for Excellance in Education 2017

Thursday, May 18, 2017 | 17 is Mrs. Jones. Our Math Teacher at Ceres. In 4th Grade, she made me excel in math. I learned all of my math rules quickly! Like my multiplacation facts and division. Noah

facts. Mrs. Burton encourages our class to try our hardest, so we will do well. That is wy she is the best teacher ever. Hannah B. 5th Grade

I nominate Mrs.Hicks for the 2017 Excellence in Education award because Mrs. Hicks was my 2nd grade teacher. She was very inspiring and she was a very fantastic teacher to hve because at the end of the day she would play a movie and let us take a nap. Hannah H. 5th Grade

I nominate Mrs. Buron because she taught me everything I needed to know. She is fun, nice, smart, terrific. She helped me when I needed help like helping me with math. Also reading and other subjects, too. Also, she is the best teacher. Hailey C. 5th Grade

My favorite teacher is Mrs. Hicksbecause she is just so caring and kind. I can’t describe her in just one word and if I had to, it would be she is amazing!! Still, I need more words to describe Mrs. Hicks the most awesome, amazing, cool, caring, and kind teacher ever. Katie G. 5th Grade I nominate Mrs. Clinton-Smith. She has given me so much knowledge for the future. Her class is very fun and colorful. She teaches in a unique way. She also has a great persanality and makes learning exciting. Do you know the saying “time flies when your having fun?” In her class it was like five minutes every day. Bailey S. 5th Grade I nomiate Mrs. toney from Beasley Elementary Virginia. She used to try to help when I was failing, bud she would talk to me and try to make things better. When she found out I had got into a fight on the bus, she tried to talk to me, I I didn’t talk back. She used to give extra recess, give homework passes, and best of all, she gave us ice cream parties for holidays like, Halloween, easter, and Christmas. Ethan I would like to nominate Mrs. Connor from Bluefield Intermediate for the Excellence in Education Award. The reason why Mrs. Connor is my favorite teacher is because she has always encouraged me to be myself. She has also helped stop bullying for me. She has always been there for me. Angel R. 5th Grade I nominate Mrs. Blankenship because she helped me when I was being bullied. She is the best. She helpd me when I was sad. She is the best and she deserves this award. Anthony My favorite teacher is Mrs. Triplet that teaches at Straley Elementary School 4th grade. She is awesome, smart, cool, and the best teacher in that school. She helped me with reading, math, and other subject’s, and she let’s the class have holiday parties. Roger M. I nominate Mrs. Burton. I nominate her because she’s fun and teaches cool ways to keep stuff in your head. She’snt mean unless we get on her bad side which she says we heaven’t seen, but I’m sure we’ve gotten close! I’ve learned a lot this year, and so I thank Mrs. Burton. Brenden B. 5th Grade I nominate Mrs. Burton for the 2017 Excellence in Education Award because she taught me how to make my handwriting better.Mrs. Burton is the best teacher ever. She helped me memorize mymultiplication

I think the ward should go to Mrs. Burton because she is nice, and she love kids alot. We love her and she teaches us a lot like math, reading, spelling and grammar, too. She can teach anything if you gie it to her, she can do it. She will never give up on you. Kyla S. 5th Grade I would like to nominate Mrs. Debby from the New Hope Headstart in Glenwood. I would like to nominate her because she made preschool amazing for me. She also gave us free time and nap time if we were excellent! I still remember Mrs. Debby; I still go visit her! She’s outstanding! Brooklyn T. 5th Grade I think Mrs. Buron should get the Excellence in Education Award because she has taught people so much, and shemakes learning fun. Students don’t get bored ot oftheir minds. She doesn’t give up on people; she helps them. She gets us ready for middle school, so we don’t fail in life. Mrs. Burton is the best teacher I have ever had. Samantha N. I would like to nominate Mrs. Myers from Ceres Elementary. I like her because Mrs. Myers helps me get ready to state testing. She is very small. She helps us on our spelling words. She tells me how to spell the word and she lets us play Bingo. She reviews skills from the past. Chloe S. 3rd Grade I would like to nominate Mrs. Cundiff from Ceres Elemntary because she helps go over out state test before we take it. She also does papers with us like sight word popcorn and we make words with letters and she teaches reading. Reading helps me with words. Breanna C. 3rd Grade I would like to nominate Mr. Jones from Ceres Elementary. I like him because he teaches language, math, reading on read naturally. Then he lets us do Moby Max and on read naturally it helps you to read, on Moby Max and he let us do an XL and he does homework. Joshua C. 3rd Grade I would like to nominate Coach Woody from Ceres Elementary. He helps me with my pull ups, push ups and he helps me get stronger and I can be healthier. Kaylee H. 3rd Grade I would like to nimnate Coach Woody from Ceres Elementory. He inspires me to be health & be strong as I can. He also makes me so happy when I’m sad. Reagan P. 3rd Grade

I would like to nimnate Coach Woody from Cerec Elemntory Coch Woody is the Best Gym techer because he inspires me to keep up and always try agin. Janlin C. 3rd Grade I would like to nimnate Mrs. Blankenship from Ceres Elementory because she tought me division, multiplication and grammar and we play fun games like spelling basketball, around the world and sparkle! Jona L. 3rd Grade I would like to nominate Mrs. Blankenship from Ceres Elementary. Sometimes we get to watch movies related to what we are learning about and another thing is she does fun activites and she practices our spelling words and we paly spelling basketball. For Earth day we got to plant flowers. Alyx H. 3rd Grade I would like to naminate Mrs. Blankenship from Ceres Elemntary. I want to naminate her beacues she is a very nice teacher and when she teaches us we get to learn in a fun way. When it was close to Earth Day we did a Earth day unit and we made cool things called a grass head. It was very fun. We also got to plant flowers in front of the school. That was also very fun. Emilee E. 3rd Grade I would like to nominate Mrs. Blankenship from Ceres Elementary. She is my favorite teacher because she lets us watch scientific movies related to what we talk about in class and when we don’t understand something she breaks it down into steps. She taught me much, I hope she wins. Kiarah G. 3rd. Grade I would like to nominate Mrs. Blankeship from Ceres Elementary becuse she makes learning fun like spelling baskeball and science experiments like grassheads poisonous snot, and more. Jazlen T. 3rd Grade I would like nominate Mrs. Cundiff from Ceres Elementary because she lets us watch introduction videos of reading, vocabulary. Plus, she tells funny jokes like “why did the dog cross the road to get to the barking lot” and more funny jokes. Plus she helped me with my reading for 3rd grade. Jordan S. 3rd Grade I would like to niminate Mrs. Cundiff because she teaches me a lot of stuff like reading. She does a lot of fun with me. and she helps me play games like popcorn. She also does papers with me it helps me with words. She helped me with Earth Day activities. Raymond C. 3rd Grade I would like to nominate Mrs. Blankenship from Ceres Elementary because she makes learning fun. She does fun units every holiday. She practices our spelling words with us by letting us play spelling basketball. She buys different things for the class treasure box. She is the best teacher ever! Amya C. 3rd Grade I would like to naminate Mrs. Blankenship from Ceres Elementary. When we pactice before our test on tursday she wil let us

paly spelling basketball. We play because it will help us for our spelling test next day. She also lets us have water bottles on our desk. She lets us do science. She also lets us make kites. Patience M. 3rd Grade I would like to nominate Mrs. Blankenship from Ceres Elementary. Because she review plays spelling basketball. She’s fun and she has board games and teaches us science. She let me get student of the mounth and she’s always happy and smart and is sweet like honey. Emily S. 3rd Grade My favorite teacher is Mrs. Hicks from Ceres Elementary because she taught me how to do math. I did not know how to do math and she taught me how to do the project with paper. We used paper to build a reindeer and that’s how we biled the reindeer. Damarea W. 2nd Grade My favorite teacher is Mrs. Delida from Ceres Elementary. She has been good to me. She teaches me reading and Math. She helps me do activites. I Love Mrs. Delida and I think she is the best teacher. Katie T. 2nd Grade My favorite teacher is Mr. Woody from Ceres Elementary. He made me stronger. Now I know how to do pushups. I can do 26 total. In the future, I can protect my self instead of other people doing it for me got me to do 80 paces. And I can do 80 setups. John M. 2nd Grade My favorite teacher is Mrs. Sexton, Seabolt from Ceres Elementary. She helped me red with stories. I learned how to count money. We watched shows about money. I made a grass head in 1st grade, and we had fun. Landon N. 2nd Grade My favorite teacher is Mr. Woody at Ceres Elementary. He helps me to be healthy by teaching us exercises like trunk twisters, push up, heel touhes and pacers so he is the best. Jack B. 2nd Grade My favorite teacker is Mrs. Hollifield from Ceres Elementary school she taught me how to tell time, do math, shapes, fractions, Science, spelling and I am goining to grauate one day! Because she is the greatest teacher since the day I was in Kinderfarden to second grade. I am learning more every day. I love my second grade teacher. But I am going to move on to the third grade and don’t want to move away from her. :( Jamari B. 2nd Grade My favorite teacher is Mrs. Hollifield from Ceres Elementary. When I was in first grade I did not know how to read but when I cam in second grade I learned how to read. We started to read in books more and more and I learned how to read. She helped me learn money too. We had to use fake money. The next day I was counting money fast. She helped me spell words when we started the spelling words. Katlyn M. 2nd Grade My favorite teacher is Mrs. Hollified at

Ceres Elementary School She helped me read and o math. She’s awesome! In math we learned how to count money, tell time, and she made fractions fun. We did science to. She is the best teacher ever! I love my teacher! Isabella D. 2nd Grade My favorite teacher is Mrs. Hollifield, Ceres Elementary. Mrs. Hollifild help us to pass on in school. She is a sweet teacher. She taught us how to count money. Jasmine S. 2nd Grade

My favorite teacher is Mrs. Hollifield from Ceres Elementary. She helps me read and do spelling and helps me get better at school. She is a good teacher and helps me with math. She is sweet. She helps me with time. She helps me with counting money. Carmen C. 2nd Grade My favorite teacher is Mrs. Hollifield form Ceres Elementary. She is the best teacher in the world. She helps us with reading by small groups and math, science, reading and in the future I will know all that stuff. She teaches us new stuff too. Kaden W. 2nd Grade My favorite teacher is Mrs. Hollifield form Ceres Elementary because she taught us very well. She made fractions fun, how to subtract and add, and she taught us how to read. She also made learning math fun too. In Science she taught us about Earth Day and she taught us how to make grassheads. and that is why I piked Mrs. Hollifeld. Lexi S. 2nd Grade

My favorite teacher is Mrs. Hollified from Ceres Elementary because she taught me how to read and to do math. She taught us to read a clock and how to spell. She figures out different ways to help us learn our story. Ryshad C. 2nd Grade My favorite teacher is Mrs. Hollifield at Ceres Elementary. Mrs. Hollifield teachs us reading because reading is amazing and fun and when we grow up ew need to be able to read. She taught us how to make grassheads and we went around the school and picked up cans, bottles, and paper. And we learned Science. She helps us learn math because math is fun. She is the wonderful teacher in the whole entire world and she is pritty and sweet teacher in the world. Ashley V. 2nd Grade My favorite teacher is Mrs. Cundiff from Ceres Elementary. She taught me to read. That will help me in the future, and she is fun. She is alwasy happy! I love her. She taught me my vowels and she is sweet thats why I lov her. She taugt me spelling. Elizabeth S. 2nd Grade My favorite teacher is Mrs. Cundiff from Ceres Elementary, because she teaches me reading so I will know it when I grow up. She is always my favorite teacher. Now I know reading. I think that I am good at it now. We do activities and papers too. Sometime swe do some games. I love her. Alexis H. 2nd Grade My favorite teacher is Mrs. Cundiff form Ceres Elementary. I chose her because she

18 | Thursday, May 18, 2017 helped me learn how to read and write my ABC and when she helps us learn in a fun way. Even when I grow up she will still be my favrit teacher I never wil forget her. but I don’t want to leave this school becuse if I do I will not see her. Kylie H. 2nd Grade My favorite tacher is Mrs. Kessler in 4th grade at Lashmeet Matoaka because she told us stories. She taught me stuff I did not know she gave us candy. She was funny sometimes. Mason R. 4th Grade My favorite teacher is Mrs. Kesler. Mrs. Kessler is my favorite because she is funny. She taught in a fun way. The most funny thing was when she watched paddington when he drank Grue. Mrs. Kessler is my most favorite teacher. I think she will always be. Logan H. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Rickman because she is nice. She hardly even give us homework. She is the best teacher I had. Mrs. Rickman is my favrorite teacher! Jerimiah T. 5th Grade My favorite teacher is Mrs. rickman because shehelps people when they need it with math and reading. She is a very special teacher to me. She is pretty and nice. She is so cute she is so fancy and nice. She even has a cool car! She looks like a princess and she is the best teacher I ever had. Mary T. 4th Grade My favorite teacher is Mrs. Rickman because I learned alot this year. Mrs. Rickman is a great teacher and she likes to joke around sometimes but when its math time she don’t play no games. She wants us to pass and do good and sucessful in our life like othe rpeople. Andrew 5th Grade Mrs. Rickman is my favorite teacher. She helped me I am on the 4th grade and I go to Lashmeet Matoaka School. Richard S. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Rickman becease she helps me in math class. Next we have fun in class we get to talk alot and my name is Derrick and imin 4th grade and my scool is Lashmeet Matoaka scool. Derrick My favorite teacher is Ms. Tucker becuse she is a good teatcher but I stil love Ms. Rickman for ever and animals come to ower school omost a day and you can shape cloudes. Sky Mareigha 4th Grade My favrite teacher Mrs. Rickman because she has been very good to us and we did a lot of projects. For example, like egg drop, slime and we went to Charelston and we watch movies. I like her class because my friends we get recess at the end of the day and we have reading and math. Dylan T. 5th Grade My favorite teachers is Mrs. Rickman because she likes teching math and I like math. We get prizes for caught being good. Mrs. Rickman likes to play games with us. Hunter L. 5th Grade

My favorite teacher is Mrs. Rickman strict but fun hellps me lorn to spell feor tock us on filld trips there fun like to caristlh on a carder bus. Mrs. rickmen is the best. James R. 4th Grade My favorite teacher is Mrs. Rickman. She helped me learn many things I didn’t understand, like angles. I even learned this new thing called volume. She is very kind. She also cares about every kid in her class. I hope every kid cares about her too! She is a very good at math and helping us learn it. I hope she continues being the great teacher she is. Brooklyn G. 5th Grade My favreite teacher is Ms. Ricmman she is fun and smart! Ethan G. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Rickman. She helps me to understand my work and she is a late of fun and nice. Anthony F. 5th Grade My favorite teacher is Mrs. Rickman because she lets us go in the gym and play and outside and also watch movies. The whole class went to the capital and the courthouse. Dewayne B. 5th Grade My favorite teacher is coach woody. He let us play dog catchers, cowboys and indians and free play. He was strict but was fun and he did his job well. He would talk to us when we needed to mbe talked to he helped us through what ever go thrownat us. Garret O. 5th Grade Teacher is mrs. rickman 4th grade She is my favorite teacher because she is very fun because we did the egg drop. are school is lashmeet. Philllip My favrite techer is Mrs. rickman because she has a great personality. Also, she is funney and she helped me learn multiplication and I love her. Junior B. 4th Grade My favorite teacher is Mrs. Rickman because she helped me learn math, reading, and marcial arts. I like Mrs. Rickman as my teacher becase she is nice and my mom said that she is pretty. Blake L. 4th Grade My favorite teacher is Mrs. Johnson. She is kind. Peyton D. Kindergarten My favorite teacher is Mrs. Barret. Dalton W. Kindergarten My favorite teacher is Mrs. Misty Meadows and Mrs. Melinda. They are funy. Mary B. Kindergarten My favorite teacher is Mrs. Barret Chase C. Kindergarten My favorite teacher is Mrs. Misty Meadows

and Mrs. Melinda. They are funny. Ryan D. Kindergarten My favorite teacher is Mrs. Misty Meadows and Mrs. Melinda. She helps me learn. Kamryn N. Kindergarten My favorite teacher is Mrs. Misty Meadows. She helps me learn and is funny. Braxton M. Kindergarten My favorit teacher is Ms. Barrett. Autumn H. Kindergarten My favorite teacher is Mrs. Misty Meadows and Mrs. Melinda. They help us learn. Aleigha C. Kindergarten My favorite teacher is Mrs. Misty Meadows and Mrs. Melieda. They help us learn. Kaleigh K. Kindergarten My favorite teacher is Mrs. Misty Meadows and Mrs. Melinda. they help us learn. Ryland B. Kindergarten My favorite teacher is Mrs. Meadows and Melinda. Malachi W. Kindergarten Mis gipin (Mrs. Gibson) cols she is nic and pridy I like her dlows and herhare and her shos and hor isys. Marissa Ms. Lester. She is nice and helpful. Anthony Ms. Gesn (Mrs. Gibson) becous she help me lurie and she nose my mommy and she is sow sow sow prede and I love her and my mommy love her She is my favret I love her bege my teacher and I wute her in 4th and my mommy love her bege my teacher I love her so sos so so muth and if you had her you wold love her to and or mammy well love to Ms. Gesn is the bast teacher. Madison Mrs. Remnd (Rickman) she fun and she hepe she make my happe for won I meak that is wiy she is my fied thesu. Mrs. Remna Makayla W. Mis. rickman I love min rickman because you are smart and party and I love you Mis. rickman Vacie B. Mrs. Gipson becos she is fone she halps us she is nise. Alex S. Mrs. Gibson She helps me and she is nice. Braxton I am a 5th grade student at Lashmeet Matoaka School. My favorite teacher is Ms. Brooks. She is my favorite teacher because she taught me most of my stuff. She is a really nice teacher. This is why Ms. Brooks is my favorite teacher. Gavin K. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Burks. Mrs. Burks is my favorite because she always helped me with my work, spelling, (ect.). She always did fun activities with our class. Thank you for being a great teacher. Penelope B.

I am a student at Lashmett Motoke School (L.M.S). My favoret thecher is Mrs. Barrett. She is my favoret techer because I loe how she teches. She lets us do difrent sports. Also she is very nice to us. I like how most of the time she talks in a relly nice and kind voce. Her class is so much fun. Samantha My favirote teacher is Miss Brooks. Becuse she is nice and she is funny and pretty and she is msarte She is niver mean not in less you are mean and she teches good and I love Miss Brooks. Kelsefi S. My favorite teacher is Ms. Brooks. One reason why is because she jokes arund with us. Another reason is hse helps us with our education. Thefinal reason is she is very nice and encourge us to do our work. This is why I picked Ms. Brooks for my favorite teacher at Lashmeet Matoaka. Megan G. I am a student at Lashmeet Matoaka school. My favorite teacher is Ms. Barret. She is my favorite teacher because she has fun games to play. Another reason is she helps us get in shape and that’s important. This is why she is my favorite teacher. Isaac My favorite teacher is in LMS. Her name is Mrs. Brooks. the readon why is she is nice. Unlike other 5th grade teachers, she give us recess. that’s why I like Mrs. Brooks. James B. My favorite teacher is Miss Brooks because she puts up with my crap. She is also good reading teacher. She is a good teacher in math and science and history and stuff too. AJ My favorite teacher is, Mrs. Barrett because she will let do free play.The reason I picked Mrs. Barrett for T for Teachers is because she will also let us play dog cathers and cowboy’s and Indians. My favorite thing about Mrs. Barrett is that she keeps our body healthy by letting us exercise out self. Mrs. Barrett wants us to exercise because she wants us to stay healthy and fit. I think Mrs. Barrett is a nice gym teacher because she exercises us. Dillon F. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Kessler. Sheis only my favorite cause she would do games at certain times. Sometimes we would have extra receeces. We also can have free time when were done doing work. Nic In my opinion, my favorite teacher would have to be Ms. Brooks. There are many reasons why she is my favorite. One reason is because she makes things so much more fun. Also I love when she jokes around with us. Another reason is if it was not for her I might have done terible in ELA. last butnot least she is my favorite because she is just an amazing teacher. Faith

she is kind. She is also sweet. The main reason is because she is paishint exseshaly in math class. Lisa W. I am a student at Lashmeet Matoaka School. My faveret teacher is Mrs. brooks. Because she has been good to me. Another reason is she is a good teacher. Final reason is she has help me with stuff that I have trouble with. Luca My favorite teacher is Mrs. Rickman, because Mrs. Rickman, makes math fun. Mrs. Rickman, let us play bingo and other stuff dealing with math. Mrs. Rickman is funny. Mrs. Rickman, helps us when we need it and she just make every thing fun. This is why Mrs. Rickman, is my favorite teacher. Michael I am a fith grade student at L.M.E.S. I have chosen Mrs. Brooks for tea for teachers. The reson why I have chosen Mrs. Brooks is she puts up with some crazy things and some crazy students. Mrs. Brooks does not go boom and does not let herself trigger in simple ways. Mrs. Brooks is truely amazing and truely has my vote. Ashton I am a student at lashmeet Matoaka school. My favorite teacher is Ms. Brooks. The first reason Ms. Brooks is my favorite teacher is that she is very kind she spreads positivity through out the school like a plauge. The second reason is that she is very funny. Justin I am a student from lashmeet Matoaka. My favorite teacher is Ms. Brooks. She is my favorite teacher because we are always doing something. Another reason why she is my favorite teacher is because she is very funny. The third and final reason is because she is a great teacher. Summer S. I am a student of Lashmeet Matoaka school. Some people call it LMS. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Barrett. She is the gym teacher at LMS. She is my favorite because she is nice to the class and me. Aaron My fave teacher is Mrs. Brooks. Shes my fave teacher because she is always leting us do fun things! If you behave she will be nice and let you watch movies and have fun. She even gives exstra recess. And I thing shes the best teacher in the world. Ashelin I am a fith grade stundent at Lashmet Motkoa school. My favrotie teacher is Mrs. Ricman for teacing me a hole lot about math. Teaching me odoes of operations. And divison. This is my faverite teacher. Destiny S.

I am a student at Lashmeet Matokak. I nomanated Mis. Rickman because she is a grate teacher. She all ways helps me in math. Also she ansers any question I have. Finaly these a couple reason why I noanated Mis. Rickman. Brett

Dear Bluefield Daily Telegraph, I would like to nominate Mrs. Vicky Burks for the Excellence in Education Award. The first reason why Mrs. Burks should get this award is she spends all of her time making lesson plans so we can learn. Another reason why she should get this award is she loves teaching us. Finally, she doesn’t believe in quoting. She won’t let us quit. Her moto is Endeavor to Preserver. You should consider Mrs. Vicky Burks for this award….. Love, Abby S. Lashmeet Matoaka School

I’m Lisa W. I go to Lashmeet/Matoaka School. I am in 5th grade. My favorit teacher is Mis. Rickman. The reason is because

Dear Judges, I would like to nominate Mrs. Kessler for Cole Chevy’s Excellence in education

Thursday, May 18, 2017 | 19 awards. I would like to nominate her because she is nice, helpful, and always believes in us…..Sincerely, Erica H. Lashmeet Matoaka School Dear Judges, I would like to nominate Miss Kessler for cole Chevy’s Excellence i Education Award. I would like to nontnnte Her Because She is nice, and Funny and pretty and she Hel’s Me with Math and Reding……Love, Karlee H Lashmeent School Dear Judges, I would like to nominate Ms. Mcendee for cole chevy’s excellence in education award. I would like to nominate her because she was nice she was heLPful…..Sincerely, Reilly Lashmeet/Matoaka Dear Judges, I would Like to nominate Mrs. Kessler for Cole Chevy’s Excellence in Educatio Award. I would like to nominate him/her because Mrs. Kesser L eiah’ is so funny she make my lauch…..Love, Rerae Lashmeet/Matoaka Dear Judges, I would like to nominate Msr. Taylor for Cole Chevy’s excellence in education award. I would like to nominate her because she alway almost told us all the answer. She made me laugh and she was the funny teacher in the school…..Love, Hayley Lashmeet/Matoaka Dear Judges, I wold like to nominate Mrs. Mcendry for Cole Chevy Excellence award because she’s nice. Mrs Mcendrie moved away but last year but when I had her last year she was great!….Sincerely, Joshua D. Lashmeet/Matoaka Dear Judges, I would like to nominate Mrs. Kessler for Cole Chevy’s excellencies education award. I would like to nominate her because she is funny and she plays with us. And she love us and call us love. So she call us Kessler’s cuties. And if we do not do your work she lays the smack down on us. And if you do your work she rewards us…….Sincerely, Dennis W. Lashmeet/Matoaka Dear Judges, I would like to nominate Mrs. Kessler for Cole Chevy’s excellenciein education award. I would like to nonfinite her because she is funny and she play with us. And she lays the smack down on us. And if you do not do your work she said she will hang us up by are toenails…..Love, Chelsea Lashmeet/Matoaka Dear Judges, I would like to nominate Leigh Kessler for Cole Chevy’s excellencein education a ward. Because she is funny. She will Play with us and she is very nice……Sincerely, Dakota Lashmeet/Matoaka Dear Judges, I would Like to nominate Leigh Kessler for Cole Chevy’s ercein-education Award I would like to nogoenonlinate him because she’s funny and she plays games, she’s nice…..Love, Makayla W. Lashmeet/Matook Dear Judges, I would like to nominate Leigh Kessler for letting students play with figet spinners. i would like nominate her because she lets students play with fight spennes……Sin-

cerely, Alex H. Lashmeet/Matoaka Dear Judges, I would like to nominate Mrs. barrett for Cole Chevy’s Excellence in Education Award. I would like to nominate her because she is fun and she lets the hole class play a game she is so kind to us. She is the best techer in the hole world and we write letters to her she is so cool she the best teacher I ever had…..Sincerely Hastin E. Lashmeet Dear Judges, I would like to nominate Leigh Kessler for Cole chevy’s Excellencies in Education Award. I would like to nominate her because She is a very nice teacher. She does silly stuff to get our attention. She is keeps the class quiet. She is so nice thats Why I nominated her…..Love, Destiny S. Lashmeet/Matoaka Dear Judges, I would like to nominate Mrs. Kessler for Cole Chevy’s Excellence in Education award. I would like to nominate her because she’s fair about things and Kind. Also she does fun things like play games. Also she’s caring and she is funny and she is nice. And she has cool ways to help you learn things….. Sincerely, Alec Lashmeet/Matoka Dear Judges, I would like to nominate Mrs. Kessler for Cole Chevy’s Excellence in education Award. I would like to nonlinale him/her because Mrs Kessler is fune and Hlareu and smart and cool and….Alex S. Lashmeet/Matoaka Dear judges, I would like to nominate Mir. Kessler for Cole Chevy’s excellence in Education Award. I would like to nominate her because she is sweet loving and she is so nice to us….. Love, Elizabeth L. My favorite teacher is Coach Woody. He always challenges us and helps us. He always tries to answer all our questions as honestly as possible without hurting our feelings. Coach Woody is also very smart and funny. He always has us play a game or he lets us do free play. I really like Coach Woody…..Joey R. Lasmeet/Matoka My favorite teacher is Coach Woody. My first reason is that Couch Woody is fun. Another reason is that he has fun games. M third reason is that he is funny. My last reason is that he is sweet!…..Jackson L. Lashmeet/Matoaka My favorite teacher is Mrs. Brinkley because she is nice and kind She is the funnest teacher ever. She let us build a zoo to practice Math. Mrs. Brinkley is the best teacher in the world! She let us play board games. Mrs. Brinkley is going to give us a pizza party for giving good erport. She taught us everything that we need to know…..Nevaeh N. Lashmeet/Matoaka My favorite teacher is Coach Woody. because he was nice an helpful to me….. Echo P. Lashmeet/Matoaka My favorite teacher is Coach Woody because he was good to every body. One more thing is he let us have fun and he made us laugh all the time…..Jayden B. Lashmeet/Matoaka

My favorite teacher is Mrs. Brinkley. She is the best teacher I ever had because she helps me when I need help. She is always there when I need her. She makes me feel better when I am sad. I wish I had her every year. She is sweet and kind. Sometimes she is funny and she is a lovable teacher. She is the best teacher in the world and I hope she wins!…..Grayce B. Lashmeet/Matoaka My favorite teacher is Mrs. Brinkley because she helps us with math and reading. She always helps me when I need it. our teacher is awesome! She takes us outside sometimes and takes us on field trips…..David S. Lashmeet/Matoaka My favorite teacher is Mrs. Brinkley. Mrs. Brinkley is my favorite because she helps me and she is nice…..Mason N. Lasmeet/Matoaka My favorite teacher is Mrs. Lester because she is funny and awesome and smart. i think she is the best teacher in the world for ever. She Lets us talk and play outside and she is pretty and also I Love her. She is the Best teacher for ever…..Marissa A. Lash meet/Matoaka My favorite teacher is Mrs. Brinkley because she helps us do math and reading. She lets us play games at recess and she takes us on field trips. She let us build a zoo to practice math She also let us use Lego’s to practice reading skills. Mrs. Brinkly is a good teacher……Brennon P. Lashmeet/Matoaka I like Mr. Botts. He is a good Bible teacher. I Like to Learn about the bible. He is a nice teacher and I hope he Wins. His classes are interesting. In conclusion I think that Mr. Botts should win the contest. He is a good bible teacher……Nathan M. Lashmeet/Matoaka My favorite teacher is Mrs. Barrette. She lets us have free play. She lets us play sports. She’s really fun. I like her class so much! She is the best!…..Emily S. Lashmeet/Matoaka My favorite teacher is Mrs. Anita because she let us play with toys and watch tv. Also she took us on the best trips ever. But the best part is that Mrs. Anita let you take toys and stuffties to school and gave you gummy bears in class. She turned on Music SO you can dance to it and you got to go the playground all the time…..Willow C. Lashmeet/Matoaka My favorite teacher is Mrs. Brinkley because She is the nicest teacher in the world. When Se teaches, I listen to her. If I was not in her class I would not know anything. She taught me everything I know. She is the best teacher. She taught me to do Multiplication…..Rachel H. Lastmeet/Matoaka My favorite teacher is Mrs. Harshbarger because she’s nice and thoughtful. Mrs. Harshbarger lets us do fun stuff and she’s understanding as well. Mrs. Harshbarger is a very good teacher. She will help you if you get stuck on something or if you can’t figure something out. In conclusion that is why Mrs. Harshbarger is my favorite teacher…..Johnathan M. Lashmeet/Motoaka My favorite teacher is Mrs. Samosky. I like Mrs. Samosky because she is cool and always helps me…..Kyra B.

Lashmeet/Matoaka My favorite teacher is Mrs. Brinkley because she lets us play fun games and board games. She is very supportive when we are testing. She lets us do fun work. She is giving us a pizza party for effort on the test. She reads to us in the morning. She is the best teacher ever…..Kalum K. Lashmeet/Matoaka My favorite teacher is Mrs Brinkley because she is nice and kind to every one! She does fun things. She lets us do fun work. She lets us sit were we decide as long as we are learning. She Lets us build our Dream house to practice area and perimeter. She lets us use Legos as reading test for one of are stories. In conclusion Mrs brinkley is the best…..tyler G. Lashmeet/Matoaka My favorite teachers was Mrs. Samosky and Mrs. Moulder. I liked Mrs. Samosky because she was funny, kind and she was a 1st grade teacher. And the things I like about Mrs. Moulder is she reads books like Junie B, Jones or Magic Tree house. Mrs. moulder is a 2nd grade teacher. She is nice and kind. They are the best teachers ever!….. Lashmeet/Matoaka My favorite teacher is Mr. Woody. He is nice, funny, and Kind! In gym he would give the girls or boys a math question. If we got it wrong we would run more laps then the others. We would have to run 5 laps! We all were tired from all that running, but, we had fun. And my other is Mrs. Moulder. She’s soo fun. she does fun things with us. We all love our teacher a lot. i’m going to miss her a lot. Lashmeet/Matoaka My favorite is Ms Anita she was the wonderful teacher I had she was the nice teacher she let us play what we like I wiss she was My teacher all the time And I love win me and Hayden play the and we play on the playground and she was funny she sed i look like my dad and she sed she miss me i miss you to Ms Anita miss I cod say in yoru class. P.S. Lashmeet/Matoaka My favorite teacher is Coach Woody because . He would let us play fun games when we were done. We would sometimes play Animal catchers and also free play. Hecould also shoot a half court. He also picked leaders to do some of the exercises. i was one of the leaders. e would play football with me, Blake, jaden, Hayden, Tanner and Bradly…. Lashmeet/Matoaka Ms. Walker because she loved me a lot. And she was so nice. We all loved her alot. But when she retired. we still miss her alot. And Coach Woody was the best Coach I could ever wish for. But he had no choice and had to go to a nuther school but I will never forget him. And 1 more thing he loved us girls so much. i love even more teachers I’m sticking to two on this page…..Gracie M. Lashmeet/Matoaka My favorite teacher is Mrs. molder because she’s WONDERFUL! She helps me learn a lot! And I also like Coach Woody, but he retired! He helped e Learn in P.E. he is super awsoum And I hope he comes back! Coach Woody Let us play games when we where done! ….Brianna Lashmeet/Matoaka My favorite teacher is Mrs. Peggy because she lets us play.

Kayne Preschool Mrs. Emily is my favorite teacher because Ilike to see her at school. We learn things. Benjamin Preschool Mrs. Emily is my favorite teacher because she teaches us stuff. Laiken Preschool Mrs. Emily is my favorite teacher because I want to be like her. Allison Preschool Mrs. Emily is my favorite teacher because she teaches us and gives ushugs. Caitlin Preschool Mrs. Emily is my favorite teacher because she lets me have nap time. Tyler Preschool Mrs. Emily is my favorite teacher because I love her. Darren Preschool Mrs. Emily is my favorite teacher because she lets us play. Shaelynn Preschool Mrs. Peggy is my favorite teacher because I love her. Jody Preschool Mrs. Emily is my favorite teacher because she watches all the kids and is the best in the world. Makalyn Preschool Mrs. Emily is my favorite teacher because she is nice and pretty Taylor Preschool Mrs. Barrett is my favorite teacher because I love her. Weston Preschool Mrs. Johnson is my favorite teacher because she is nice and shows movies. Payton Preschool Mrs. Barrett is my favorite teacher because she teaches us fun games and running. Brody Preschool Mrs. Fox is my favorite teacher because she is so nice. Adaleigh Preschool Mrs. Johnson is my favorite teacher because she shows us movies. Xavier Preschool Mrs. Barrett is one of my favorite teachers because we can run. Mrs. Anita and Mrs. Kristie are my favorite teachers beause they let us play! Olivia My favorite teacher is Mrs. Kristie because she’sn ice to me! Patrick

20 | Thursday, May 18, 2017 Mrs. Barrett is my favorite teacher because she has long hair and pretty shoes. Adelina Mrs. Anita is my favorite teacher because she’s nice to me!! Tierney Mrs. Barrett is my favorite teacher because I want to stay in the gym. Mrs. Fox ismy favorite teacher because I love her movies. Mrs. Johnson is my favorite teacher in the world. Mrs. Anita and Mrs.Kristie are my favorite teachers because I can go back and forth to home and school. Bentley Mrs. Kristie is my favorite teacher because I love her. Tyler Mrs. Barrett is my favorite teacher. She makes us run and play games in the gym. Peyten Mrs. Anita is my favorite teacher because she teaches me. I can write. Anta I like Mrs. Kristie the best. Maria Mrs. Anita is my favorite teacher because she takes me to church. Noah Mrs. Barrett is my favorite teacher because she plays games with me in the gym. Gary Mrs. Kristie is my fvorite teacher because she calls on me. Brock Mrs. Anita and Mrs. Kristie are both my favorite teachers because they are at school every day. Jayce My favorite teachers are Mrs. Anita and Mrs. Kristie because they come to my house. Kinley Hi my name is Madison. I go to Memorial Primary. I am good in school and my favorite is Mrs. Rowe She is my favorite because she is nice and help me learn. Madison Hi my name is Gabe. I go to Memorial Primary School. I am in first grade. is my favorite teacher Ms. Debbie she is my favorit because she is so nice to me and to everone else to. Gabe Hi my name is Madysan. I go to Memorial Primary. I am in 1st grad. My favorite tech is Ms. taylor she is my favorite because she makes us smart I love shool we have so much fun good by. Madysan Hi my name is Marlie. I go to Memorial Primary School. I’m in 1st. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Rowe. She is my favorite because she is nice and helps me learn. Marlie My name is Halie. I go to Memorial Primary School. I am in 1st grade. My faverite teacher is Mrs. Rowe. She is my favorite because she is nice. She teaches us. Halie My name is Mrs. Natalie. I go to Memorial School.My favorite teacher is Mrs. rowe

favorite because she is nice. Natalie My name is Katelyn. I go to Memorial Primary School. And I am in firstGrade. My favorite teacher is Mis Rowe. She is my favorite because she is nice to me your frend Katelyn See you soon. Katelyn My name is Alaya. I go to Memorial Primary School. I am in first grade my favorite teacher is Mrs. Foly. She is my favorite because she lets us paint. Alaya My name is Jurrien. I am good in school. and I am in first grade and I’ll respect my School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Rowe. because she helps me learn. lets us paint in class. She is great. Jurrien My name is Logan. I go to Memorial Primary School. My favorite teacher is Mis. Taylor. She is my favorite because she helps me learn. She teaches us. Lets us paint in class. Logan My name is Olyvia. I go to Memorial Primary School. I go to first grade. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Rowe. She is my favorite because she lets us pai Olyvia My name is Zay. I go to memorial school. I am in first grade. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Rowe. She is my favorite because she is nice and because she lets us paint in class and helps me learn. Jaizaiah My nam is Trey. I am a studnet and I go to memorial primary school. I am in first grade. My favorite teacher is Ms. Lambert. is because she lets me be mirols and the u thrse fall and Your friend Trey My name is Isaiah. I go to Memorial Primary School. I am in First grade. My favorite teacher is Ms. Taylor. She is my favorite because she is nice. Isaiah My name is Jazismyn. I got to Meorial Primary. I am in first grade. My favorite teacher is Miss Rowe. Hse is my favoriate because she do fun stuf and she is nice. Jazismyn My name is MadisonI go to Memorial primary School in Bluefield. My grade is 2 grade. My favorite teacher is Mrs.Rowe because she is generous to me and my friends. She is the nicest in the wold she loves me and i love her to she is the best. Madison My name is Garrison. I go to MPS. I am in second grade. My favorite teacher is Mr. Wright helps us git in fite so we can win games in gime we love him! Jorrison My name is Jude, I am in 2nd grad, I go to MPS in Bluefield. My favrite teacher is Ms. Sudduth She helps us in math because she tote us times. Jude My name is Kaleb. I go to Memorial Primary school in Bluefield. I’m in 2 grade. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Black because she’s awsom Ane she’s calm. She loves us ane she’s generous. We love her. Kaleb

My name is Jacob. What’s you name. My grade is second grade. My shool is memorial. what do you work. my favrite techer is ms. carson becouse she was one of my firs taches and she was gineres. Jacob My name is Jayla. I am in second grade. I go to school at Memorial Primary. My favorite teacher is Ms. Adkins. She help my teacher and she helps us works and even though she came in late now I know her she is the best. Jayla My name is Kaprease I go to Mamorial and I am in 2nd grade. My faverrite teacher is Mrs Smith. Shes my faverirte techer becase she loes me and I love her back. Becase she takes us outside and she takes care of me and I am redy for the 3rd grade. Kaprease My name is Harper I go to Memorial Primary School in Bluefield. I’m in 2 grade. My favorite teacher is Ms. Adkins because she is the kindest person in the world, she helps us, and great helper. Harper My name is Nina. I go to school at Memorial Primary School in Bluefield. I am in second grad. My favret teacher is Ms. Adkins because she is kind and helps me with things that are hard for me and her hlps us get ready for 3rd grad. And also loves me too. Nina Hi! My name is Cade. I’m in 2nd grade at Memorial Primary School in Bluefield. I do math and reading. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Smith because she is funny Generous and she perpars us for 3rd grade. We love her! Cade My name is Daynaja. I og to memorial primary school. I’am in second grade. My favorite teacher is mrs. smith. I love her so much because she love all her student. and she make me smile and I love her so much. Daynaja My name is Shea and I go to memorial primary school in Bluefield. I am in second grade. My favorite teacher is Ms. Smith. She teach us reading and math ana training us to do it and do good on a le math and reading test. Shea I’m Iyanna. I’m in second grade. I go to Memorial primary school in Bluefield. I read every night. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Browning. She happy like her sister Mrs. Smith. She is very lovely. She never is mean. She is a very great teacher. She so nice you will even won’t to go to her class and you are in second grade. I love her. She is all ways joyful and never mad. Iyanna

Carson. hsisinis hsi like cuz I wuz fun kid. Elijah My name is Emma. I am in 2nd grade. I go to MPS in bluefield. My favorite Mrs. Browning. She is very sweet and nice beuase she teaches me all the thangs that I want to learn. Emma I’m Patience. I go to Scool at Memorial Primary. I’m in 2nd grad. My favorite teacher is Ms. T because she helps me Ms. Carson do stuff and shehelps us on are work. She retired last summer. Patience My name is Marissa. I go to school at Memorial Primary in Bluefield. I am in Second Grade. My favorite teacher is Ms. Peery. She is my favorite teacher because, she takes care of our school. She also gives me a prize when I read to her. Shes even is very nise when I go to the office when I am sick. Marissa My name is Hannah. I am in second grade at Memorial in Bluefield. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Rowe. She is my favorite because my sister is in her classroom and she is nice to me. and she is nice to everyone. Hannah My name is Andy and my favorite teacher at Memorial is Mrs. Sandifer because she gave us really hard home work. She did recess. We got to 200,000 answers on IXL. She is very nice like the other teachers in Memorial. Andy Hello my name is Kynara and my shcool is name is Memorial Primary and I am in second grade and my favret teacher is Mrs. Sandifer is becuse is she is nice to all was and she gives me candy she is allsome. Kynara My name is Autumn. I am from Memorial Primary. Mrs. Smith is my favorite because she is good at math and reading. Autumn My name is Jaden. My school is Memorial Primary. My Grade is 2 and grade. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Taylor. She is my favorite because she hleps me with my tests. And teaches us math and reading. And always is kind to everyone in the school. Jaden Dear Judges. My name is Madison, I go to Memorial Primary. I’m in scend Grade. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Taylor. She is my favorite Because she helps learn, and she taught use reading, and she is helpful. Madison Hello My name is Dean Ms. Taylor is my favorite Teacher because she is cool and kind and funny. Dean R.

My name is Natha. I go to school at memorial primary. I’m in second grade. My faverit techor is Mrs. Smith becuse she helps me learn. Nathan

My name is Kemora. I go to school at Memorial Primry School. My favoriate teacher is Mrs. Taylor because she help me do math. I in 2 Grade. Kemora

Hi! I’m Alex. I’m from Memoril Pramary and I’m from 2nd grade. My favorite teacher is Ms. Taylor because she is so friendy and loves us. #1 she is really helpful and #2 she prepares us for 3rd grade. Alex

My name is Rikki. I am at Memorial Primary in Bluefield. I am in second grade. My faverit teacher is Miss Taylor. She is my favorite teacher because kind! Sweet, helpful! Rikki

My name is Elijah Memorial Primary Whaat grade 2 reading. My favorite teacher is Ms

My name is Jayda. My school is Memorial primary. I am in 2nd Grade. My favorite teacher is Ms. Taylor because she helps me

read and she is smart and helpful. Jayda

M P My name is Josh. I’m in Memorial and I’m t in 2nd grade. My favrite teacher is Ms. b Taylor. Ms. Taylor is because she’s nice, and a D funny and cool. Josh M My name is Niko, I am a scond grader. My P T school is Memorial Primary in Bluefiled West Virginia. Mrs. Foy is my favrite Teacher m because she taught me math, multiplica- S tion, and cursive. M Niko r My name is Anne. And I go to Memorial pri- c mary school. And I am in the second grade. S My favorite teacher is Mrs. Foy. Because she m had my brother and sister she also taught h us reading and also she is so kind and nice. J Anne M r My name is Sean. And I am at remoryol. and I am in secint grade. My favorite techer f is Foy. and I hope Miss Foy wins. and she s gives me home wark. She teaches us math h and reading and crores. and she teach us N science. M Sean a c Hi! My name is Joey, I go to Memorial f primary in Bluefield. I am in 2nd Grade. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Foy. She is my f favorite because she is super kind, she helpss n everyone, she is also super smart. M Joey C.

M I am Abe. I am a Memoral 2nd grade p student. I’m in Bluefeild. Mrs. Foy is my favorite because she has helped me learn t multiplication and helped my star Reading a and math scores boost up high. She is good H at math and reading. She also taught me H cursive. P Abe v Hi! My name is Aiden. My school is Memori-b al primary in Bluefild My Grade is second i grade. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Foy. Mrs. i Foy helps us by helping us get smart and A anuther one is she teaches us stuff we do M not know about and math and very had f stuff. m Aiden a My name is Garrin. i am in sencnd Grade G and the name of our school is Memerile primary and my teathers name is Ms. Lambert. M My vaverite teather is Ms. Taylor because g she does stuff with us plays games with us fi m and nice to us. w Garrin J Hi I’m Jessiah. I go to memorial primary. I’m in 2 grade. My favorite teacher is Ms. M Lambert. She helps my freids all lot. She’s P the best-better then ever! She’s love to me. t b Jessiah r i My name is Brian. I am in Second grade my school is memorial. My favorite techer C is Ms. Taylor. She is nice, plays 4 corners, & M helps me. r Brian i My name is Paulaylah. I learn at Memorial f Primary. I’m in second grade. My favorite w teacher is Mrs. Sandifer. She is my favorite R becase Mrs. Sandifer is nice to us, helpful, M andhelp us be good. M Paulaylah i s My name is Jadalyan. I go to Memorial Primary. I’m in second grade. My favorite t techer is Ms. Browning. Becuse shes nice H helpful and beatiful. She is a good worker. M Jadalynn

My name is Damien and I go to Memorial Primary School in Blufild 2 grade. My favorit teacher is Ms. taylor she is my favorite because help read, Teach cursuve and sweet and she lets us do gonodle. Damien My name is Shayla. I go to Memorial Primary School. My favorite teacher is Ms. Taylor. She is so nice to us. She is helpful to me, beautiful, and fun. Shayla My name is Jessica. I go to memorial primary school in Blue field. I’m in Ms lambert’s class. My favorite teacher is ms. Lambert. She is my favorite beouse she teachs us math, she’s beautiful, she’s sweet and she help’s us read. Jessica My name is Nautica, My school is Memorial primary, and I’m in second Grade. My favorite teacher is…Mrs. Browning. I think she’s a good teacher because she’s nice, she hleps, and she’s beautiful. Nautica My name is Mikel, and I go to memorial and I am in second grade. Your child shold come to Memorial—it’s a good school. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Taylor. She is my favrite becuse she is so aowsome becuse she’s good at reading and math and read naturally. Mikel My name is Halea S. I go to Memorial primary school 2nd grade and my favorite teacher is mrs. Taylor because she is nice and she is beautiful. Shehelp me read. Haylea Hi My name is Angela. I go to Memorial Primary School. I’m in 2nd grade. My favorote techer is Mis Taylor. She is my favrot becuse Mis Taylor is os beautiful and allso in kindergardin she helped us read and she is very sweet. Angela My favorite teacher is Ms. taylor. She is my favorite becouse she is fun and she helps me when I need help. My name is Gracie C. and I go to memorial primary. Gracie My name is Jamarcus. Ima nad secoed grade at memorial primanry school if Blefield. My favorite teacher is mr wright he is my favorite because he helps me get faster when we are play dog canter. Jamarcus My name is Christian. I go to Momorial Primary school on Bluefield. My favorite teacher is Mr. Wright he is my favorite because he helps my 2nd grade friends be ready for 3rd grade he is a hard worker he is also nice to me. Christian My name is Rylee. I am a student at memorial Primamary School. My favorite teacher is mrs. taylor. Shehelps my 2nd grade freinds be ready for 3rd grade. She is a hard worker. She is also nice to me. Rylee My name is Hayden. I am in second grade. My school is Memorial. My favorite teacher is Ms.Sudduth. She is my favorite becase she helps us eith math! She dose fun activities.She is very sweet. Hayden My favorite teacher is Ms. Luterick. She is

Thursday, May 18, 2017 | 21 my favorite because she loves me. Tyler My favorite teacher is Ms. Luterick. Se is my favorite becuse she loves me. Bentley My favorite teacher is Ms. Thmposon. She helps me nice to me hctoretom nic helps me. Melik My favorite teacher is favorite becouse Ms. Luterick. She is nice. Elysas My favorite teacher si Ms. Luterick. She loves me. Katorri My favorite teacher is Ms. Thompson. She is my favorite because she helps. Akeina My favorite teacher is Mr. Wright He is fun. Joey My favorite teacher is Ms. Taylor. She is my favorite because she loves me. Antonio F. My favorite teacher is Ms. Thompson. She Tymeir My favorite teacher is Mrs. Taylor because I love her. Crystal My favorite teacher is Ms. Luterick. She makes me the helper hugs me. Jayveon My favorite teacher is Ms. Taylor. She is my favorite because she love me. Matthew R. My favorite teacher is Ms. Luterick. She helps me learn. Makenzie My favorite teacher is Ms. Thompsom. She is my favor because she takes car she heps me Zamir My favorite teacher is Ms. Luterick. She is nice and helpful. Ryan F. My name is Olivia. I go to Memorial Primary School. I am in Kindergarten. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Browning. She is my favorite because she is amazing! She is here for us! Olivia My name is McKenzie. I go to Memorial Primary School. I am in Kindergarten. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Browning. She is my favorite because help us learn. McKenzie My name is Jayden. I go to Memorial Primary School. I am in Kindergarten. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Saunders. She is my favorite because she helps everybody out she loves us! I love Mrs. Saunders. My name is Braylen. I go to Memorial Primary School. I am in Kindergarten. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Browning. She is my favorite because she helps us learn. You are the best. Braylen My name is Kristian. I go to Memorial Primary School. I am in Kindergarten. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Browning. She is my favorite because she is nice. I love her! Kristian

My name is Julia. I go to Memorial Primary School. I am in Kindergarten. My favorite teacher is Ms. Browning. She is my favorite because she is very good to us. She helps us with our work. Julia

My name is Chloe. I go to Memorial Primary School. I am in Kindergarten. My favorite teacher is Ms. Taylor. She is my favorite because she does stuff with me. I play with her hair. It smells good. I love her! Chloe

My name is Peyton. I go to Memorial Primary School. I am in Kindergarten. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Browning. She is my favorite because she loves us and she is here for us. Peyton

My name is Braydyn. I go to Memorial Primary School. I am in Kindergarten. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Black. She is my favorite because she lets play at the computer we play starfall. Braydyn

My name is Autumn. I go to Memorial Primary School. I am in Kindergarten. My favorite teacher is Ms. Taylor. She is my favorite because hopcuseat. Autumn

My name is Gracie. I go to Memorial Primary School. I am in Kindergarten. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Black. She is my favorite because I love her. She lets us Play outside. Gracie

My name is Tyrone. I go to Memorial Primary School. I am in Kindergarten. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Browning. She is my favorite because she is smart. Tyrone

My name is Delilah C. I go to Memorial Primary School. I am in Kindergarten. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Black. She is my favorite because she is nice. She is nice because she reads us books. Delilah

My name is Brooklyn. I go to Memorial Primary School. I am in Kindergarten. My favorite teacher is Ms. Taylor. She is my favorite because she is always nice! Brooklyn My name is DJ. I go to Memorial Primary School. I am in Kindergarten. My favorite teacher is Ms. Saunders. She is my favorite because she helps us! DJ My name is Lily. I go to Memorial Primary School. I am in Kindergarten. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Browning. She is my favorite because she helps us learn! Lily My name is Tucker C. I go to Memorial Primary School. I am in Kindergarten. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Browning. She is my favorite because she is smart! Tucker My name is J’ah. I go to Memorial Primary School. I am in Kindergarten. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Browning. She is my favorite because she is always here for us! J’ah My name is Hamson. I go to Memorial Primary School. I am in Kindergarten. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Browning. She is my favorite because helps me learn new things. Hamson My name is Clay. I go to Memorial Primary School. I am in Kindergarten. My favorite teacher is Ms. Taylor. She is my favorite because she Clay My name is Josie. I go to Memorial Primary School. I am in Kindergarten. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Browning. She is my favorite because she is very nice! Josie My name is Jerry. I go to Memorial Primary School. I am in Kindergarten. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Black. She is my favorite because she likes me. She is good to me and she likes to plays with me you are my favorite. Jerry My name is Isaiah. I go to Memorial Primary School. I am in Kindergarten. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Peery. She is my favorite because she helps us out. Isaiah

My name is Konnor. I go to Memorial Primary School. I am in Kindergarten. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Black. She is my favorite because she teaches me everything. She is nice and sweet. Konnor My name is Joseph. I go to Memorial Primary School. I am in Kindergarten. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Black. She is my favorite because she teaches me. Joseph My name is Victor. I go to Memorial Primary School. I am in Kindergarten. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Black. She is my favorite because she gives us nsacks. She gives us play dough. Victor My name is Mattey. I go to Memorial Primary School. I am in Kindergarten. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Black. She is my favorite because she teaches the kids. Shelets us play games. Mattey My name is Alexa. I go to Memorial Primary School. I am in Kindergarten. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Black. She is my favorite because teaches me. I love Mrs. Black. Alexa My name is roman. I go to Memorial Primary School. I am in Kindergarten. My favorite teacher is Ms. Sudduth. She is my favorite because she does all the homework. Roman My name is Kamryn M. I go to Memorial Primary School. I am in Kindergarten. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Jones. She is my favorite because she does hard work. I love her. Kamryn My name is Kerstyn S. I go to Memorial Primary School. I am in Kindergarten. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Black. She is my favorite because I love her. She lets us play games. Kerstyn My name is Lainyah. I go to Memorial Primary School. I am in Kindergarten. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Proffit. She is my favorite because she teac hes us music. We sing with her. Lainyah My name is Fatimah. I go to Memorial

Primary School. I am in Kindergarten. My favorite teacher is Mr. Wright. She is my favorite because he is a good teacher! Fatimah My name is James. I go to Memorial Primary School. I am in Kindergarten. My favorite teacher is Ms. Peery. She is my favorite because she makes us happy. James My name is leland. I go to Memorial School. My favorite teacher Ms Scott helps us lern. Leland Hi! My name is Max. I go to MPS. My favorite teacher is Miss Taylor. Shelets us play telephone. She helps us read. Max My name is Karely. I go to Memorial. Also I’m in first grade. My favorite teacher is Ms. Scott. Because she is kind, and smart. Karely My nam is Gavin C. I go to Memorial. I m in first grade. My favorite teacher is Ms. Taylor. She is smart and helps us learn. Gavin My name is Louis. I go to Memoria. My favorite teacher is Ms. Scott. because she is a nice teacher. Louis Hi my name is Ciara. I go to Memoria. I am in first grade. My favorite is Miss taylor because she helps me. Ciara My name is Emma. I go to Memorial. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Browning. She is smart and helps us learn. Emma My name is Nick. I am or 1 ci go to memorial. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Tayor She play games. She helps me read. Nick My name is Jackson. I go to Memorial. I am in first grade. My favorite is teacher is Mrs. Browning. She nice and smart too. Jackson Hi my name is Michael. I go to Memorial. Ms. Taylor is My name is Dominic. I go to memorial. I like Mrs. Scott. She is nice. My name is Aaleahya. I am in first grade. I go to memorial. My favorite teacher is Miss Luterick. She is favorite she has my little bruther in her class. Aaleahya Hi my name is Milaune. I go to memorial. I am in first grade. My favorite teacher is Ms. Sudduth. She helps us learn math. Milaune I would like to nominate Mrs. Sandifer for teacher of the year because she loves me. She pushes us to do high levels in math. She dus shaving cream tests. We love reding and tests on books. Chrisma I would like to nominate Mrs. Sandifer for teacher of teyear. She loves me! because Fun Friday and becauas she makes us harder work and art projects. She is lots of fun. Kayden I would like to nominate teacher of the year. Mrs. Sandifer is the best of all teachers. She gives us big hugs. She makes us work hard.

22 | Thursday, May 18, 2017 She pushes us. She lets us do shaving cream spelling. She is fun. De’Mari

because their fun. Tyler D. Kindergarten

I would like to nominate Mr. Sadifer she loves me! so much and she allwalls says nothingless than the best. On Friday we get to have Fun Friday. We play with play dough work puzzles count money and do art projects. Sally

My favorite teacher is Mrs. Hartwell because very very nice. MacKenzie K. Kindergarten

I would like to nominate Mrs. Sandifer. She expects us to go to the top Green all the way all we got to do is set are maindst oit buckle down do dont. Go all the way to the top. Grace

My favorite teacher is Mrs. hartwell fun fun fun fun fun Kendal W. Kindergarten :) I (heart) u Mr Buckner My favorite teacher Mr is Mrs. Buckner because Butter Brysen R. Kindergarten

I would like to nominate Mrs. Sandifer for teacher of the year bcuause she pulls your teeth and she is the best teacher ever. Madison C.

:) My favorite teacher is Mrs. Wyatt because helps me Fallyn M. Kindergarten

I would like to nominate Ms. Sandifer for the teacher of the year. Ms. Sandifer makes do hard work. She lets us do Fun Friday. She dosnet mak us do homework. She loves me! And I love her! Aireonna

My favorite teacher is Mrs.Wyatt because fun Khloe C. Kindergarten

I would like to noinate Mrs. Sandifer for letting us have great fun Friday. She lets us point and makes us do handwork she lets us do art projects. Kayleigh I would like nominate Mrs. Sandifer she allways says nothing less then the best. She do nice things. Mrs. Sandifer is the best teacher in this school. Jocelyn I would like to nominate Mrs. Sandifer, for theacher of the year. She helps us and give us harder work she is very, nice and she gives us big hugs. I know she love’s us very much she makes us go to the top. Mackenzie H. I would like to nominate Mrs. Sandifer for teacher of the year becaus she helps us pull our teeth and she will not let us down. She always says nothing less then the best. She gives me the biggest hugs and she loves us. Ethan L. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Wright because she is nice. Eli S. Kindergarten My favorite teacher si Mes Hartwell Becauses she sweet. Maci S. Kindergarten My favorite teacher is Mrs. Hartwell Because she is Nice. Mary Ellen B. Kindergarten My favorite teacher is Mrs. Hartwell because she nice. Carlee G. Kindergarten My favorite teacher is Brown because she nice. Cayden M Kindergarten My favorite teacher is Mrs. Brown and Wright. Brayden T. Kindergarten My favorite teacher is Heye and Berkey

My favorite teacher is Mrs. Brown Haye Hartwell Brown Weiss Farley nice Wyatt Poe Hartwell Mahayla C. Kindergarten My favorite teacher is Mrs. Hartwell Because Mrs. helps me. Jordyn L. Kindergarten My favorite teacher is Haye beause he is nise Isaac W. Kindergarten My favorite teacher is hartwell Wright because fun fun fun Abby N. Kindergarten My favorite teacher is Mrs. Haye Abbie J Kindergarten My favorite teacher is hartwell because she is nice nice nice nice nice Kara B. Kindergarten My favorite teacher is Wright because she nice. Jemma B. Kindergarten My favorite teacher is Mrs. Poe because she was PK Blake J. Kindergarten I would liek to nominate Mrs. Compton a teacher at Athens Elementary School for the Excellence in Education Award. Mrs. Compton is an excellent teacher because she excused me from work when my brother was born. Joshua I would like to nominate Mrs. Poe, a teacher at Athens Elementary School, for the Excellence in Education Award. Mrs. Poe is an excellent teach because she let us take naps every day, and she let us just play and learn. Zoe I would like to nominate Mrs. Compton, a teacher at Athens Elementary School, for the Excellence in Education Award. Mrs. Compton is an excellent teacher because

she is a nice and good teacher. Bryson I would like to nominate Mr. Haye, a teacher at Athens Elementary School, for the Excellence in Education Award. Mr. Haye is an excellent teacher because he is fun. Aubree I would like to nominate Mrs. Barr, a teacher at Athens Elementary School, for the Excellence in Education Award. Mrs. Barr is an excellent teacher because she is nice and she makes math fun. She makes reading fun, and we get to play games and gonoodle. Carson J. I would like to nominate Mrs. Compton, a teacher at Athens Elementary School, for the Excellence in Education Award. Mrs. Compton is an excellent teacher because she is awesome at every thing. Maddie I would like to nominate Mrs. Compton, a teacher at Athens Elementary School, for the Excellence in Education Award. Mrs. Compton is an excellent teacher because she teaches alot of stuff and she is a good teacher. Gracie I would like to nominate Mrs. Compton, a teacher at Athens Elementary School, for the Excellence in Education Award. Mrs. Compton is an excellent teacher because she makes learning fun. Dalton I would like to nominate Mrs. Compton, a teacher at Athens Elementary School, for the Excellence in Education Award. Mrs. Compton is an excellent teacher because she is nice, funny, and outstanding. Brianna I would like to nominate Mr. Haye, a teacher at Athens Elementary School, for the Excellence in Education Award. Mr. Hay is an excellent teacher because he lets us play fun games, and he lets us play some exercise games too. Mckenzie I would like to nominate Mrs. Compton, a teacher at Athens Elementary School, for the Excellence in Education Award. Mrs. Compton is an excellent teacher because she is always making everything fun! She is the Best techer ever. She is also very helpful. I love her very much Jayda I would like to nominate Ms. Wyatt, a teacher at Athens Elementary School, for the Excellence in Education Award. Ms. Wyatt is an excellent teacher because she showed us how to do stuff and she is nice to other students. Scarlett My favorite teacher is Mrs. Justice because she always help me with my work. Mrs. Justice alwasy took care of me. Autumn

voice unles she has to and shes kind, sweet, and genorous… Brooklyn My faverite teacher is Jillian Tieman. Jillian is my faverite teacher because she does fun activities with us and we play a lot of fun games at recess. She is also my faveirite teacher because she’s realy kind. Alex L. My favorite teacher is Mis. Bailey is my favorite is becuce she’d use discoe friday and she is a nice teacher and every teher is a nice hiwtiver and she see me she sise a good here a reley nice and she is oseme and cool and she gives os ech ray recsase that she is a nie teacher. I love Athens School and I now you do to. Brandan W. 3rd Grade I want to nominate Mrs. Baxter for being such a good teacher at Battle of the Books. She also very nice because we played games. Matthew I wood like to say that Mr. T is a good teacher I like Mr. T he is won of the best teachers ever and i think he is aesome and cool I like Mr. T because he is athletic and that why I like Mr. T. Sidney I think Mr. T is a good sudsitute because he did a lot of fun things and he made pe a lot funner. He is athletic and good at basketball and very day at lunch he high fives us every time he walks by are table. and he is relly cool. Conner I would like to nominate Jillian Tieman a 3rd grade teacher. She is realy nice teacher. She helps us hwen we need it. She is fun. She does spellin and math games with us. She is a great teacher. Kanzi L. I been waiting at the edge of the water, waiting to right this letter. If I have to chose, I’m going to chose Mr. Haye. For basketball, pacman, and more. We keep movig and moving without stop. Jonah I would like to nominate Mrs. Amanda M. Cole. She is my mother and a wonderful teacher. She quit her job 10 yars ago for me but teaches me at home. She taught at Mercer School until 2007. I hope you consiter my nomination. Madelyn C. 3rd Grade I nominate Mr. Hay because he let us play pacman, scoocer, parashout, and shout basball and he helped me up. Jayce May favorite teacher is Mrs. Brezinski. She was very nice and she would sing songs like a song about suffixes like ing, es, and s. She also was nice about teaching. That is why she is my favorite teacher. Eli

My favorite teacher is Mrs. Tieman because, she teaches me history, science, reading and math. She also is strict but kind, she also orders books for the class. Mrs.Tieman also has let us play math games. Mrs. Tieman is a awesome and great teachers. Gracie W.

I want to nominate my mom. She teach at Concord University. Her name is Angle Addair. She work in the business department. She went to scool there. And got maried there. Now she is teaching there to. Christian

My favorite teacher is Jillian Tiaman a thrid greade teacher and some details are that she is very nice and she don’t raide her

Dear Mr. Haye i thank you are the funest teacher ever ecouse you let us play sharks and we play to ball socer and packman and

flag tag and with balls and hooloops and 5 strach bands and let us exercise in the gym and let us play outsid where fun. I Rylan T s I would like to nominate Mr. Hay he’s the t best PE teacher in the world because he’s a nice and he’s pashint with us and as the j best games. We play volleyball, racing, two a a ball soccer, and frezze tag, get the gold o before you get taged. s Nolan R Dear Mr. haye I like PE because we do fun 5 stuff like sharks, cops and roberts and exercises. If we didn’t have P.E where would be I get exercises from. Mr Haye is an awsome h k P.E teacher w Denton g t I am nominating Melanie Basham for 2017 excellence in education. She was the M best teacher I have had. She always made 5 learning fun. That was the year I learned the most too. She taught us our multiplication I tables that is extremely iportant. The things e b she taught us stuck and it has helped in a later years. I appreciate thta so much. i Mrs. Basham aslo taught us to be caring to everyone. And not to leave anyone out. a That year their was a girl who was different.J She taught us to be very kind to different people.. She said is just like us but doesn’t I P learn as fast. I still wave say hi to her in the hallway. Therefore I nominate her for E M Excellence in Education. k Brynne P. t 5th Grade a I nominate Mrs. Donna Ball. She is a won- H derful teacher. Sh has helped us in social o o studies a lot. She has constantly made h school fun. She made it where we could learn in a safe enviroment. She has taught o H us so many things. I think she is a good o candidate! d Austin J. Z I think Lisa Hale deserves the Teacher of the Year Award. She is a very good teacher. I l I had her in fourth grade. She got me prepared for fifth grade. She also took us on r an amazing field trip. She played fun math O games with us too. I feel she deserves The g fi Excellence in Education Award. a Chloe C. f I am nominating Jill Tieman for 2017 Ex- s cellence in Education Award. She is a good p teacher and put alot of effort in teaching a me how to write. She helped me on narra- H tive, persuasive and much more. She helped j me on math too but not as often as reading w and writing. This is why I am nominating B Jill Ieman. I Gillian F. t 5th Grade p I am nominating Carrie Brezenski for 2017 m b Excellence in Education Award. I think this because Mrs. Brezenski always made t learning fun with a song and activities. She w was always nice to us and sang us a song b when we were down. She also let us have m I pie on pi day (March 14th). t Alex H. D 5th Grade I am nominating Kimerly Yahya for 2017’s Excellence in Education Award. She was more fun than any teacher I have had. She taught us easy ways to do diffrent types of math and strategies for reading that everyone enjoyed! Mrs. Yahya helped us to be more fluent readers. She really helped us understand. Overall she’s a magnificent teacher. Eddie

I 2 a i w y E J 5

Thursday, May 18, 2017 | 23 5th Grade I think Carrie Brezenski should win 2017 Teacher of the year. I think she was an awsome first grade teace. She taught me how to read, spell, and how to do math. She was also very sweet and funny! I loved all her jokes, and how much she helped me. When anyone needed help she would right there and help them. I also loved how at the end of the day we would sing songs. That is some of the reasons I think she should be. Rylee V. 5th Grade I think Susan Ofsa is the best teacher I have had! She taught me many things in kindergarden. She was also very fun.She was super nice to all of us and almost never got mad at us. These are the reasons why I think Susan Ofsa is my favorit teacher I had. Mason M. 5th Grade I nominate Brenda Cannon for 2017 Excelence in Education Award. I think she is the best teacher because she made learning fun and she could always help you if needed it. That is why Mrs. Cannon deserves this award. Jasen H. I am writing to recommend Mr. Pat Haye, Physical Education Techer at Athens Elementary school, for teacher of the year. Mr. Haye has taught me many things since kindergarten. Two of the things he has taught me are the importance of sharing and the importance of being kind to others. He has always taught us how to share with our best friends as well as those who aren’t our closest friends. He also has shown us how to be kind to others who may feel left out at times. In conclusion, I feel that Mr. Haye is a really great candidate for Teacher of the Year because of this many years and dedication. Zach R. I am nominating Pat Hay for 2017 Excellence in Education. These are some of the reasons I think he should be nominated. One of the reasons are he always plays fun games. He usually takes us outside on the field. Some things we do inside are soccer and volleyball. All of the things we do are fun. There are lots of other reasons he should be nominated. Here are some. We play things like pac-man and flag tag. Those are some things we do and on the field. He teaches us lots of things like inside like juggling. These are some of the fun things we do. So that is why I nominate him. Brynne P. I would like to inform you about my favorite teacher, Mr. Mclanahan. He is from my previous school, Straley Elementary. He was my favorite because he was funny and gave barely any homework at all. He let us watch the news in the morning during breakfast. I was sad when I had to transfer to Athen’s, but I think it was for the better. There are many things that are new in this school that I don’t like but some things are better than the old school that I seem to like! Dillon L. I am nominating Carrie Brezenski for the 2017 Exellence in Education Award. There are many reasons Mrs. Brezenski should win including that she is nice and mannerly. She walways had fun ways to teach subjects. As you can see Mrs. Brezenski should win the Exellence in Education Award. Jared V. 5th Grade

I am nominating Susan Ofas for 2017 Excellence in Education Award. Susan Offsa has always been my favorite teacher. She taught kindergarten at my school. I think she is very deserving of this award. I learned a lot from being in her class. She always believed in me! Henry K. 5th Grade I am writing this letter to tell you about one of my favorate teachers, Mrs. Carrie Brezinski. She was one of my favorite teachers because she would let her two older boys play around the work (a math game) and one of them would juggle! Joe M. 5th Grade I am nominating Terri Bailey because she was nice ot me, even when I didn’t understand something. Learning was always fun. When someone was sad she would comfort you so you would feel better. She taught me cursive writing. She taught me to add large numbers, too! As you can see this is why I nominate Terri Bailey for 2017 Teachers Award. Lauren J. 5th Grade I am nominating Charlotte Keener for 2017 Teacher’s Awards. The reason why is because I have known her since first grade. She has taught me to play the recorder, bells, and even the clarinet! She does os much for Athens School. She puts all of the recordles together. This is why I am nominating Charlotte Keener for 2017 Teacher’s Award. Kya H. I nominate Kym Yahya she toat me how to count by my 9s, 8s, and 12s. She toat me how to do division. Also she makes learning fun. Also if we would win a game she would give us prizes! Kim Yahya is the best fourth grade teacher ever. Mattix My favorite teacher is Mrs. Yahya because she is fun and she help people when they need help on math is the best teacher ever. Noah My favorite teacher is Pat Haye because he is very fun. Ilike the ecology club because he teaches us recycling. 1 time we got to plant a tree. I love jump rope for heart because he gives us a chance to get out of class and have fun. Madalyn L. My favorite teacher is Jeanette Justice because she was fun and we always made crafts with us. Forexample, we would make hats for ourselves if it was your birthday. Also for easter we made these bunnies out of paper.Another craft we did was we made a book about everyone in the class. Haley My favorite teacher is Mr. Haye because he helps me wake up in hte mornings and also he wayse has new and fun activies. I perisonally love Mr. Haye and thats why is is fun and awsome. Teyona O. My favorit teacher was my 3rd grade teacher Jillian Ieman beause she played games like doggy doggy wheres your bone, bingo, around the wold, and Hello Mr. Judge. She was such a good teacher I’ll miss you Mrs. Tieman. P.S. I coming to third grade. Arianna I nominate Carrie Brezinski because she let

us set in the back and we played this cookie jar game and doggy doggy where my bone and we played all kinds of stuff like hello mister judge. Cheyenne My favorite teacher is Mrs. Shari Spangler. The reason Mrs. Spangler was and is my favorite teacher is because she did Accelarated Reader and always complemented me on my reading. That is why my favorite teacher. :) so please nominte Shari Spangler. Deuce R. I whant to present Mis. Kim Yahya at Athens Shool as the best teacher ever becuse when there is hard work Mis. Yahya makes the hard work easy and fun. She also lets us play fun games like magic number and sometimes math bingo. And she gives out prizes. Daniel My favorite teacher is Kim Yahya because she is fun and funny. I also like her because she teaches alot of un stuff. She also gives us prizes. Madalyn K. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Justice at Athens School because she runs day camp and she makes jewelry. Joel B. My favorite teacher is Ms. Adkins at Spanishburg Elementary. She done so much fun math games and she was the coolest first grade teacher ever. Ms. Adkins was a fun first grade teacher ever in the world. James B. My favorite teacher is Carri Brezinski at AthensSchool. Because she done a fun game called cookie jar and she made learning fun. She would also read us light in the attic she was so fun. Alyssa My favorite teacher is Ms. brezinski She did fun stuff and every time she had a neckless that had a frog on it and drew came over to her to give her a hug and his hair got stuck in the frog. Luke My favorite teacher is Carrie Brezinski because she played a game called who stole cookie out of the cookie jar and we sang songs we did fun math we also played doggy doggy where your bone, hello mr. Judge for math we did adding and subtraction sometimes multiplication. Landon I would like to nominate Mrs. Poe, a teacher at Athens School, for the Excellence in Education Award. Mrs. Poe is an excellent teacher because she taught me my shapes and aptterns and to add and subtract. Mrs. Poe is an amazing teacher! Riley C. I would like to nominate Mrs. Bailey, a teacher at Athens School, for the Excellence in Education Award. Mrs. Bailey is an excellent teacher because she teaches us to read and do math. She has taught us tricks in math. I really liked learning how to round numbers. Mrs. Bailey is a great teacher! Conor O. I would like to nominate Mr. Haye, a teacher at Athens School, for the Excellence in Education Award. Mr. Haye is an excellent teacher because he lets us play tag and what time is it Mr. Fox? Braden H.

I would like to nominate Mrs. Bailey, a teacher at Athens School, for the Excellence in Education Award. Mrs. Bailey is an excellent teacher because she makes us better students. We work hard to read better and do better in math. Mrs. Bailey tells us to never quit and to do our best. Aubryanna B.

I would like to nominate Mrs. Bailey, a teacher at Athens School, for the Excellence in Education Award. Mrs. Bailey is an excellent teacher because she teaches us manners and she makes math fun. She makes us work hard. Mrs. Bailey is the best teacher ever. Gavin P.

I would like to nominate Mrs. Bailey, a teacher at Athens School, for the Excellence in Education Award. Mrs. Bailey is an excellent teacher because I have learned a lot from her. I love my teacher Mrs. Bailey. She incourages me to help others when they need help because that’s what everybody is here on earth for. Mrs. Bailey is an awesome teacher! Nate V.

I would like to nominate Mrs. Bailey, a teacher at Athens School, for the Excellence in Education Award. Mrs. Bailey is an excellent teacher because she helps me learn a lot of things. She teaches me math, reading, and spelling. She also makes me work hard. She helps me when I have trouble with my work. Mrs. Bailey is awesome!! Emma C.

I would like to nominate Mrs. Bailey, a teacher at Athens School, for the Excellence in Education Award. Mrs. Bailey is an excellent teacher because she taught me how to do my multiplation tables and division. She also taught me my letters in cursive. She lets us have Diso Fridays. That is why I think she should win! Joselyn R. I would like to nominate Mrs. Bailey, a teacher at Athens School, for the Excellence in Education Award. Mrs. Bailey is an excellent teacher because she teaches us math, reading, and manners. I have learned a lot. She makes me work hard. Brady Z. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Mullens from Oakvale School. She taught me in first grade. She helped me with math and reading. She is a great teacher! Madison J. I would like to nominate Brenda Harshbarger an enrichment teacher at Athens School, for the Excellence in Education Award. I like this teacher because she pushes us to the limit. What I also like about her is her fun-loving attitude. These reasons are why I like Mr.s harshbarger. Aedan O. I would like to nominate Mr. Haye, a teacher at Athens School, for the Excellence in Education Award. Mr. Haye is an excellent teacher because he lets us run laps and he lets us do Jump Rope for Heart. He encourages us to play fair Mr Haye is a great teacher. Logan O. I would like to nominate Mr. Haye, a teacher at Athens School, for the Excellence in Education Award. Mr. Haye is an excellent teacher because he us do Poison Ball and Jump Rope. He also lets us play mouse Trap. Mr Hay is a wonderful P.E. teacher. Kambry D. I would like to nominate Mrs. Bailey, a teacher at Athens School, for the Excellence in Education Award. Mrs. Bailey is an excellent teacher because she make sme work hard and she walways says “If you work hard you can learn new things.” Mrs. Bailey is my favorite teacher! Addison P. I would like to nominate Mrs. Bailey, a teacher at Athens School, for the Excellence in Education Award. Mrs. Bailey is an excellent teacher because she pushes us to do our best. Mrs. Biley also taught us a lot. She loves math and I do too! Mrs. Bailey is a great teacher. Landon

I would like to nominate Mrs. Bailey, a teacher at Athens School, for the Excellence in Education Award. Mrs. Bailey is an excellent teacher because she helps me with my math, spelling, and reading. I think my teacher Mrs. Bailey is an excellent teacher. Ava L. I would like to nominate Mrs. Bailey, a teacher at Athens School, for the Excellence in Education Award. Mrs. Bailey is an excellent teacher because she teaches math, reading, and a lot more. She teaches us manners and how to work hard. She is the best teacher in the world. Addyson K. I would like to nominate Mrs. Keener, a teacher at Athens School, for the Excellence in Education Award. Mrs. Keener is an excellent teacher because she helps me sing, dance, and she makes music class fun! Lydia F. I would like to nominate Mr. Haye, a teacher at Athens School, for the Excellence in Education Award. He is my P.E. teacher. He helps us stay fit and have fun! Todd B. I would like to nominate Mrs. Bailey, a teacher at Athens School, for the Excellence in Education Award. Mrs. Bailey is an excellent teacher because she makes us work hard and she makes math fun. She also lets us have Disco Fridays! But the best thing I like about Mrs. Bailey is that she loves us and wants us to be the best students we can be. Mrs. Bailey is oustanding. Melony D. I would like to nominate Mrs. Bailey, a teacher at Athens School, for the Excellence in Education Award. Mrs. Bailey is an excellent teacher because she makes us work hard and she makes math fun.She also taught me cursive and division. Mrs. Bailey is a great teacher! Lily W. I would like to nominate Mrs.Wyatt because she was the bestest the. She taught me to skip count math. happiest the funniest and she was the nicest teacher she bestest buddies and will never forget her the moment I sent her those were the best most bestest. Chase W. 3rd Grade I would like to nominate Mrs. Bailey teacher to Athens School. The reason I am nominating her because she was a alsome teacher she let us play games at recess and she taught us and we learned a lot from Mrs. Bailey I think she was a alsome teacher to have in 2nd grade. Kennedy P. 3rd Grade

24 | Thursday, May 18, 2017 I would like to nominate Melanie Basham because she love reeses and she tought me to do comparing fraction by myslef and she is the funiest and niceist. Larry S. I would like to nominate Mrs. Pettrey, teacher at Bluewell School. The reason I amnominating her because she is my mom, I Love her, and she is the best in the world. Abby T. 3rd Grade I would like to nominate Melanie Basham because she is one of my faorite teachers and she is also one of thenicest teachers I have ever had and she lets us go outside and if it’s rainy she let’s us go to the gym. She also taught me multiplication she is an exellent, funny, cool teacher. Gavin O. 3rd Grade I would like to nominate Mrs. Basham a epic teacher at athens school because she likes the same type of candy as me shelikes Reese’s and she taught a lot of stuff and her most favorite book is Charlott’s Web and she likes sock monkeys. Gabrial S. 3rd Grade I would like to nominate Mrs. basham Athens school beduses she is super nice and kind and sweet. Tanner W. 3rd Grade I would like to nominate Melanie Basham, teacher at Athens School. The reason I am nominate her because she is the best teacher you could ever have. She is my favorite. The I also like my teacher because we both like Reese’s and we both like Charlotte’s Web, Magic School Bus. A nother reason she is the Best is because she is really funny She is the best when you have her in 3rd grade then you will think she is the best teacher ever. Emma B. 3rd Grade I would like to nominate Mrs. Bashman, teacher at Athens School. The reason I am nominating her because she is so awsome and fun, she makes me love to learn and hse and I have 1 thing in comen we both love reee’s and the onley resion I really love to come to come to school is because of ehr. Abigail M. 3rd Grade I would like ot nominate Mrs. Basham teacher at Athens School. the reason I am nominating her because she is the nicest teacher I know one like’s reese’s and I like them to she helps me whever I need it. Her favorite books is my favorite book. Isaiah G. 3rd Grade I would like to nominate Mrs. Basham Because she is fun and funny and she loves sock mnkey like me and she loves Reese’s eggs and her favorite and she is nice and she likes to read Magic Scool bus. and her favorite number is 48 and she loves Jimmie Johnson. Chelsey M. 3rd Grade Mr. Haye would have to be my favorite teacher because he lets us have fun while still being active. Mr. haye would be good for this award because he deserves osmething for teaching us how to do the right things the right way. Mr. Haye should be awared this year.

Lauren C. Helo, my name is Peyton and today I will be telling you about my favorite teacher. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Basham because she let me sit beside my best friend Joanna and she also letmy other best friend Avaree bring a toad into the classroom. Peyton S. Mr. Haye would have to be my all time favorite teacher because, he lets us talk while playing fun games like, Tammy Or Tommy Tucker Land or animal freeze tag. Mr. haye should win this award becase he works hard to edicate us in a Pysical way. Sydney P. Hi my name is Keelee. I’m from Athens Elmentary School and my favorite teacher is Mr haye he is a gym teacher at my school. I picked him because he is awesome because he does fun things with us and I like to be active. Keelee B. 4th Grade Mrs. Bailey is my favoite teacher. She is my favroit teacher because she intriduced me to one of my bestest friends, Abbie. Another reason is she told me about Nancy Drew books, it is now my favorite book siries. The last reason is she was very nice. P.S. She taught me 2nd grade. P.S.S. Her current shcool is Athens School. P.S.S.S. She helped me find my love of drawing Isabella 4th Grade My favorite teacher is Mrs. Basham. She is my favorite teache because she played games that made reading, vocabulary, and math fun. She taught us tips, tricks, and more to help make things eaiser. She did treasure box and let us listen to music during a test. Hayden P. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Basham. Becouse she was fun andnice but strict she always had a great attitude she was a very great teacher and always listend shenever missed a day of shcool Mrs. Basham was the best teacher I have had so far and I hope she wins because we need more teachers like her. Davis My favorite teacher is: Deborah (heart) baxter, because she is the funniest teacher in school, we all had a spring party, she teach 5th grade. She is at Athens Elementary School; she is helping me so I can go to Pikeview Middle School, I wouldl like to go to Pikeview Middle School, so I can see my friends. Randal H. 5th Grade My favorite teacher is Lisa Hale. She was strict but not to strict. She did fun things she teaches at Athens Eleamentry. She teaches 4 graded she taught a lot of things like. She was a great teacher I wish I could have back that how good she was. Well that is my favorite teacher. Nicholas C. 5th Grade My favorit teacher is Megan Frye. She is a pull out teacher but winever I go in there she is very helpfull. She toght my how to add, subtract, divide, and mutaply fractons. She help more kids thin my she is very grate. We all like her! Bryce B. 5th Grade

Mrs. Baxter is my favorite teacher because she is very solemn. She doesn’t fool around very much either. Another reason is that I ws the new kid and she expected me to do well. The school she teaches at is Athens Elementary School. Finally, the grade taught is fifth grade. Lizzi A. 5th Grade My favorite teacher is: Deborah Baxter because she is nice and all the other teachers are too but she is different she is really sweet sometimes but she does stuff for us and I just love her for who she is and what she does for all of us kids here in Athens. And she teaches at Athens too. She teaches 5th Grade and she loves her kids too that she teaches she does her best for the children but most don’t listen to her but she still does her best for us she done almost everthing for me she helps me with stuff that I don’t understand and everthing eles that is my favorite teacher. Harley B. 5th Grade My favorite teacher is: Kimberly Yayah because shemade verything fun like she made me want to learn. She would make up jokes about what we are learning. She oges to Athens Elementary School. She would make me laugh when i was down she did that for everybody she would act silly to make us laugh. She taught 4th grade. Logan T. 5th Grade Mrs. Baxter is my favorite teacher because she cares about every tudent and is very kind hearted she supplies us with everything we need to know. What she did for us was help us get a 6th and 7th grade level in math and readin I really like dhow we learned the things that we needed to know and then went over it. Mrs. Baxter is located at Athen Elementary School. Mrs. Baxter teaches 5th grade. What she has done for me is help me understand math because math isn’t my favorite subject in school. Isabella M. 5th Grade Mrs.Baxter is my favorite teacher that I have had so far. When I changed schools to Athens, I didn’t know many people. She kind of scared me at first. She teaches fifth grade at Athens School. After you get to know her she you get used to her. Brooke C. 5th Grade I like Mrs. Basham because she works at athens and I like Athens. She teaches 3rd grade. I was in her class and she was amasing when I was in her class. She did for me was she helped me learned and she helped me on some things. She works as a teacher at Athens. Bradley L. 5th Grade My favorite teacher is Mrs. Baxter because she will always love you and you don’t make her angry just disappointed but she still cares about you. She shows us that because she will go back over everything that she can in our reference book but if you don’t listen to her she will move you. I like outher teachers at Athens but she is different. Not better or worse just different. She helped me by saying things that I fell were ment for me. I think she has a lot of education and passes it on. I trust her a lot and lover every science I met her when my brother was here for years ago. She makes my day and I feel smarter just being around her!

Sommer S. 5th Grade

Preston R. 5th Grade

My favorite teach is Shelley Wiess because she is the school principle and she has done a lot of stuff for the school and the teachers and the studen’ts in the school and she is nice, kind, helpfull and shows pride for Athens Elementry School. She has helped me a lot in different ways for me and outher’s. Hunter C. 5th Grade

To Whom it may concern, My mom Mrs. wright is my favorite teacher Mom, I luv you mom. Marina 2nd Grade

Kimberly Yahya teaches fourth grade a tAthensElementy School. She has better me an inspired me so much. I have ADHD and when I whold get upset she whold confoint me and tell me every thing whold be ok. Ilove all of my teachers so much Mrs. Yahya was diffenet. If you where felling down or upset she whold allwas cheer you up. She treats all kids equally and fair. Summer M. 5th Grade My favorite teacher is Kim Yayah. I liked her because she made learning fun for us. She wouldalways have fun songs to help us ramber things. the school she is teching at athens elmentary School. She teches the fourth grade at athens eleamnetry school. She was a hard worker and supporter to me. Katie C. 5th Grade Mrs. Baxter is my favorite teacher because she teaches the things that we need to know. She tought me to open the book. Mrs. Baxter works at Athens Elementary School. She teached the 5th grade. What she did for me was helped me get A’s. Megan C. 5th Grade My favorite teacher is: Deborah Baxter. She is my favorite teacher because she makes you feel happy and she jokes and she laughs. She teaches 5th grade at Athens Elementary School. What she did to touch my heart was when she shared the story of why she didn’t retire. He words truly touched my heart. Carsyn B. 5th Grade The reason why Stefany Sprauge is my favorite teacher is because, she is realy good with children, makes people happy, and she is always happy too. The way I met her is her daughter is my brothers best friend and when they came to meet us her and my mother instantly became best friends. The day after that they came again me and her daughter became friends and she is my favorite teacher. Sarah S. 5th Grade My favorite teacher is Kimberly Yahya or Mrs. Yahya. She is my favorite because she care about everyone and she made something boring into something fun. She taught 4th grade, she made learning easy. She taught at Athens Elementary the home of the Trogans. Even if I’m going to pikeview next year she will still be my favorite teacher. Preslee 5th Grade My favorite teacher is: Mr.s baxter. One of the reasons i like mr.s baxter is because she is very truthful andnice. One of the things he dose is help me out alot and helped me with my hand wrriting. Mr.s baxter works at Athens elementary Slholee. Mr.s baxter teaches 5th grade. Mr.s baxter got me a lot of help.

To Whom it may concern, Mr. Ofsa is a good Art teacher. He is cool becase he does fun stuff. Chase C. 2nd Grade To Whom it may concern, Mrs. Sisk is my favorite teacher. She came tos to me when I was in the hospital. Colten R. 2nd Grade To Whom it may concern, Mrs. Workman is my favorite teacher. She is the best teacher because she gives us recess. Tyler T. 2nd Grade To Whom it may concern, My favorite teacher is Mrs. Meadows. She gave us new basketballs for recess. She is kind. Holly S. 2nd Grade To Whom it may concern, Mrs. Redman is my favorite teacher because she brought eggs to school and let us watch baby chicks hatch! She reads to us and she is nice and she is pretty. Thomas M. 2nd Grade To Whom it may concern, My favorite teacher is Mrs. Meadows. She is nice. She makes1st grade fun! Ilike getting things out of the treasure box. Landin E. 1st Grade To Whom it may concern, Mrs. Johnson is my favorite teacher because she is nice. She took us to the air room to mak play dough. Matthew T. 2nd Grade My favarite techer is mis. meadows I like hre because she lese us do daeleye 5 Also I lik hre because she lirnse us evre thag. Lacey C. 1st Grade My favorite teacher is mrs. Barret. I like her because she lets us play my favorite gam dog catchers. also I like her because she teaches us to play soccer now I play soccr because of her. :) Karson H. 1st Grade I like Mrs Bryant. My favorite teacher is Mrs Bryant. Sawyer S. 1st Grade myfavor teacher is Mrs. Meadows. Ilike her because she help me lern. ana I like her beacuse she is nice. Bandi T. 1st Grade My favorite teacher is Mrs. Meadows. I like them because Mrs. Meadows. Also I like them because. Mr.s Meadows Isabella M. 1st Grade My favorite teacher is mrs Bryant Ilike them because she is fun and she is good to us and I like her because she is smart.

Dalton L. 1st Grade My favorite teacher is Mrs. Cecil. I lik them beacuse she is good to us. Also I like them because she tech good. Ally G. 1st Grade My favorite teache is Mrs. Wormin. I like then because the are nis. I like thim because she are kind. Kensie H. 1st Grade My favorite teacher is mrs. Meadows. I like her because she lets us go to gym. Also I like her besause she lets us play outside when its hot. Dylan M. 1st Grade My favorit teacher is mrs. cecil. I like her because she used to teach my big brother in 4th grad. Also I like her because she is so sweet! Sheyenne S. 1st Grade My favorite teacher is Mrs. Raban. She is my mommy and her name is tracy and she has bad kids do not worry I take care fo that wen I am not they but win I am not they are not rily good. Peyton R. 1st Grade My favorite teacher is Mrs. Cecil. I like her because she used to teach my sister when my sister was home shcooled. Sebastian C. 1st Grade My favorite teacher is Mrs. Katie Pack. She is my favorite teacher because she does fun stuff with us. Eli M. Pre-K My favorite teacher is Mrs. Wright. She is my favorite because she helps me with reading and we play reading games like aro and jenga. Mom I luvy you. Marcus W. 2nd Grade My favorite teacher is Mrs. Pack She is my favorite teacher becuas she is fun andnice and cool I love her. Laken T. 2nd Grade My favorite teacher is Mrs. Johnson. She is my favorite teacher because she is funny. She is cool. Henry C. 2nd Grade Mrs Fox is nice because she lets us do a lots of fun with sogs and do muisc with beat buddys this is why she is my favorite teacher. Zeke V. 2nd Grade My favorite teacher is Mrs. Meadows. She is my favorite teacher because she is fun and not mean. Kaden D. 2nd Grade My favorite teacher is Mrs. Meadows. She is my favorite teacher because she is nise and fun. Josh H. 2nd Grade My favorite teacher is Mrs. Barrett. She is

Thursday, May 18, 2017 | 25 my favorite techer because sometimes she lets us have free time. Tyler H. 2nd Grade My favorite teacher is Mrs. Johnson. She is my favorite teacher because she has been so nice things for us and she shows us stuff and she gives us candy like jelly beans and different candy. Ryan R. 2nd Grade My favorite teacher is Mrs. Johnson. She is my favorite teacher because, she has fun things to do. She plays the same game on her hone hungry shark I have it too. But why i think she is my favort teacher because she is funny. JakeR. 2nd Grade My favorite techer is Mr. Ofsu. He is my favorite teacher because he is a good at Art and he is Cool. Chase C. 2nd Grade My favitet teacher is Mrs. Johnson. She is my favoir teacher because she lets us go play with fidget spinners. Steve A. 2nd Grade My favorite teacher is Mrs. Shrewsbery. She is cool funny a good teacher she lets you have alot of recess. Ryleigh L. 2nd Grade My favorite teacher is Mrs. Shrewsberry because she played games with us. Christy G. 2nd Grade My favorite teacher is mrs. Barrett. She is my favorite teacher because she lets us play games and she lets us have free time to play basketball untill its time to line up. She picks Star Student and then we go to the buses and go home and we all love Mrs. Barrett. Shea B. 2nd Grade My favorite teacher is Mrs. Meadows. She is my favorite teacher becouse she lets us color and do math Aleigha M. 2nd Grade My Favorite Teacher Name: Tracey Trexlor Why: I am choosing mrs. Trexlor because she is the most fun, loving teacher I have ever met. Until I came to her class I never really liked science but the moment she started teaching my interest sparked dramaticly. What/Where they taught you : She taught me to take learning seriously, but that doesn’t mean you can have fun while doing it. Where they teach you: Princeton Middle School Aerial R. My name is Alecia M.. My favorite teacher is Ms. Karen Henkes. She is a math teacher at Princeton Middle School, and she always makes sure we’re on the right track. I never enjoyed math until I had her as a teacher. Her class is the highlight of my dad. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Trexlar. She is so funny and very awesome. She always wants to have fun. When I come to her class it would be cool most of the time. And I need

my vocab grade in thank you. Jacob M.

friend to all students. Cheyenne M.

and laughs with her students. Cassandra P.

I like Pamela Smith. She teaches at PSHS. I’ve known her for all of my life. She has never let me down and I can count on her always. She has taken good care of me

My favorite teacher is Mr. Farra because he makes class enjoyable while still being educational. He taught me about the Civil War, equal rights, different counties, and so on. He teaches at Princeton Middle school. Jasmine P.

Fav Teacher My fav teacher would be Mrs. Trexler. She is really funny and would do anything to help her students. She doesn’t expect us to get everything 100% correct, but she wants us to try. I’m not horrible at science class but I’m not the best either. I love how she always gives us extra credit if she knows we really need it. She in general is just a really good teacher and you’ll learn some interesting stuff. She makes science less boring. I love her class. Kelsey D.

My favorite teacher is Mrs. Belcher because she has taught me so much and has made me feel so comfortable being in her class. She feels like a very funny but caring cousin. She teaches in ways that are very easy to understand and she teaches a lot of good things that help you a lot thoughout testing and years to come. She teaches Reading, ELA to eighth graders at Princeton Middle School. Hailey F. My favorite teacher was my 5th grade teacher Mrs. Marshall. She gave me a lot of chances. She teaches at Mercer Elementary. Kazhaun Teacher: Mrs marshall she teaches Reading, english, science she taught at Mercer school she has reteried to a guidence councler now Why: because she would pick with me and give me time to do work. She sould win Because: She is alsome and she trys her best to make class work and have fun at the same time And she is alsome. Rose H. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Trexler because her class is alot of fun. They taught me at Princeton Middle School. I also like her class because we do alot of fun experiments and labs. That’s why her science class is the best. Shylah W. My favorite teacher throughout my school career has been Mrs. Trexler. Mrs. Trexler has used has used many things to teach us new and interesting things. My favorite thing about Mrs. Trexler is that she uses many hands on learning activities to help us learn. She is not only a teacher, but a mentor. Not only for me, but for many kids at princeton Middle School. Sarah J. Mrs. Trexler Because she stays lit science at Princeton Middle School Tyler F. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Trexler. Because she has taught me alot and she made learning fun. She taught me that science can be fun. Kirsten C. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Trexler because she is awesome. She helps me with my work. Terry J. Mrs. Trexler is my Favorite teacher because shes funny, fun and awesome Arecna Mrs. Trexler is my favorite teacher. When she teaches she makes it fun. She lets us listen to music on the smart board when we work. We disected frogs for a whole week. Thats why I love her. She makes Princeton Middle School better. Sarah A. Mrs. Trexler is my favorite teacher because She makes learning fun and enjoyable. Mrs. Trexler teaches at Princeton Middles school. Mrs. Trexler is the first teacher I would come to talk to. She is not only a teacher she is a

My favorite teacher is Tracy Trexler. She teaches 8th Grade Science at Princeton Middle School. This teacher is engaging and adds intrest to all the materials she teaches. During the span of my 8th grade year I have learned many different things about science. We did a lab about germs. We disected frogs, and we have learned the many stages of the growth of a frog. These are few of the many reasons she deserves Teacher of the Year award. Faith A. My favorite teacher is my 3rd grade teacher Mr. Neal. She was my favorite teacher because we always had fun and learned. She mostly taught me how to do good things. She use to teach a Mercer, but I don’t know now. Demarae E. My favorite teacher that I’ve had was Mrs. Marshall. The reason why she is my favorite teacher is because as I went threw fifth grade, people were very rude and she would tell me as I got older, it would get worse. She would support me as much as possible. When I would get upset, she would hold me in her arms and let me cry on her shoulder. Mrs. Marshall taught me Health, Math, and Science and she was good at teaching those subjects. She was my fifth grade teacher at Mercer but she now is a Guidence Counsler at Melrose and Mercer. Kyleigh J. My favorite teacher I have had would have to be my third grade teacher Mrs. Halstead, but today she is a title one teacher and is known as Mrs. Gracon. She made class exiciting every single day, and I have yet to experience anything like my third grade year at Straley Elementary with Mrs. Halstead. Laken My name is Raegan. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Gracon. When she taught me she was my 3rd grade teacher at Straley Elementary School. She had many different methods of fun teaching and she taught core subjects. She now goes around the county as a substitute teacher helping others learn through the way she taught me. Hello, my name is Tyanna. The person that I would like to nominate for teacher of the year is a English teacher from Princeton Middle School. Her name is Jennifer Belcher. The reason I nominate her is because she encourages everyone to do their best. My favorite teacher Mrs. Trexler Why: She is nice and gives us easy work. What/where: She taught me about the heart, frogs, bullying. She taught me at school. She also taught me about the circultary system. Destiny M. Fav Teacher My favorite teacher is Mrs. Trexlar she’s a science teacher that teaches 8th grade. She makes everything fun even though its simple. She makes the best jokes and show us how to make an assiment fun and enjoyable. She is at Princeton Middle School. Even thought she has bad days she smiles

1.Mrs. Trexler is my favorite teacher 2.She taught me chemical equations 3.Princeton Middle School 4.She’s very nice to me and doesn’t yell very much 5.Bryan F. 6.8th grade My favorite teacher is Mr. Farra. He teaches me at Princeton Middle School. He teaches us about our history. He makes it fun by telling us really corny jokes. I know that as a teenager school isn’t how we wanna spend our day. But his class I look forward to, he makes his class so fun. My name is Ashlee C.. My favorite teacher that I have had has been Mr. Farra. I have learned so much from him this year, while having fun. I know as a student school isn’t our favorite thing in the world, but I know that everyone enjoys his class. Brooke B. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Christa Fama because she is kind, caring, and teaches me to play music. She teaches at Princeton Middle School and Oakvale Elementary School in the mornings. Amethyst C. My favorite teacher is Christa Fama because she is kind and caring. She cares about all her students and teachs us to play music. She shows us that we can learn anything with hardwork, and makes each one of us feel special. Zoë McClanahan My favorite teacher is Mrs. Trexler Because we get to do a lot of fun stuff in her room and plus because she teaches us science and i like science It is fun. Phillip W. My favorite teacher was Mrs. Price from mercer school. She taught reading and all that stuff. She taught me to be respectful and to love others no matter what. I really like her even though I only had her when we switched classes. J’lya My favorite teacher is Mrs. Trexer Because we don’t do book work, we do alot of fun things in her class. It’s alot easier then though class. She taught me how to dissect animals. She teaches at Princeton Middle School. Ethan P. My favorite teacher is my mom but she is a principal now. She care about all her kids and her school kids. She works 24/7 For my 3 other siblings and me also 150 kids at her school. She takes care of a lot. My mom is Lacosta Hodges and she is my favorite. Olivia H. My favorite teacher at Princeton Middle

26 | Thursday, May 18, 2017 School is Mr. Blankenship. He is an over acheiver. He teaches Math 8, 8th grade math, and Math 1, 9th grade math. I have had him for both being in gifted math. He has been an excellent teacher. This is why I would nominate Mr. Blankenship. Abby B. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Long. She is a very amazing teacher. She always smiling. She also wants to see everyone smiling. She taught me to look on the bright side of things. Whenever I needed her she’s there. She works at Princeton Middle school. Love you Mrs. Long ! Emily L. My favorite teacher ever was Mrs. Lester and she was a 4th grade elementary teacher. Mrs. Lester taught me to be respectful and never talk when she was talking. She also taught me that a Teacher can be your best friend she was there for me whenever I needed her. Morgan S. My favorite teacher is/was Ms. Lester. I had her for a switch class we learned about animals and I think verbs and how to make a slide on the computer. She was a fun, chill, cool teacher! She was mean when she needed to be and fun whenever. She was like a second mom to me. Shariston J. My favorite teacher would have to be Ms. Long. She teaches meat Princeton Middle School for math. She is my favorite teacher b/c she has helped me though alot and helped me do good in math. Kinzee H. My favorite teacher is mrs. Trexler Because she cares about us she teacher us, science because we need to learn to teach ourselves. She cares about the worlds Futuer and, the Futuer starts with us. Diana M. Ms. Trexler is my favorite teacher becaus she teaches us in fun ways. She taught us science because we need to know how to learn because she cares about the future of our world and the future begins with us. Stephen F. My favorite teacher is Mr. Shrewsberry. Mr. Shrewsberry is the 7th grade teacher at Princeton Middle School. He is funny, he supports his students and changes his lesson to make it so that the kids understand him, and he helped me with bullies. This is why I think he’s the best teacher I had. Matthew L. I pick Mrs. Trexler. She is a cool helpful teacher. I always love having teachers like her. She is the teacher that makes me like school. Im gonna truly miss Mrs. Trexler. She is always there for you when you need something. Plus I like the subject she teaches. Mrs. Trexler rocks!! Hunter F. I believe Mrs. Trexler should be teacher of the year she is cool, funny, and not afraid to have fun. Her classroom is always happy and full of exitement! Stormie C. Mrs. Pinter is my favorite teacher. She is a kind thoughtful teacher. She teaches at Princeton Middle School in Mercer County. I am Amir P. Mrs. Pinter is the best teacher. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Pinter. She is my favorite teacher because she is nice and she teaches in a different way then other

teachers and she teaches in ways that kids can understand. Kendrick M. My favirote teacher is mrs.trexler Because she is so chill and never gives no homework and she teaches science. And she teaches at Princeton Middle. Robert My favorite teacher is Mrs. Trexler. The reason why is because, She is a fun teacher to have. And she is funny everyday. She has tought us a lot of things like how to read a periodic table, and all kinds of things. She also teaches 8th grade at Princeton, West Virginia. Mrs. Trexler is like the best in the whole wide world. My name is Jacob S. My favrot teacher is mr. blankenship, he teaches 8th grade math at princeton middle school. I like the way he teaches, he knows how to the point of what hes talking about. we work in there all the time thoe but I guess he does it for us. Jacob D. My favorite teacher is trexler she’s a good teacher and teaches you alot of things like how to solve science equations and taught us how to do a Punnet square She’s let us dissect frogs and cut them out and let us see the guts and their hearts She’s given us more chances in her class and helped us get our grades up she has been a big help at a lot of our activings and made a huge diffrence in our shcool and made it more lit. Ja’marien H. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Trexler. The reason she is areally fun and educautional. She makes learning fun. For example we are making solar ovens out of shoes boxes, pizza boxes, and packing boxes. We are making them for Earth day, even though it is a little late. We are learning how the sun will reflect off the aliminum foil to cook smores. Mrs. Trexler works at Princeton middle school. Haley B. I, Noah V., vote Mr. Riffe for teacher of the year. He is great at teaching and can really get you into a subject. He can make every student in the room engaged into one subject. If its reenactments to PowerPoints, the subject will be clear. He teaches West Virginia History for the 8th Grade at Glenwood Middle School. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Trexler because she is fun and she is fair to all of her classes. She teaches 8th grade science at Princeton Middle School. Laila H. My favorate teacher I miss trexler because she is sweet carring and funny. Miss trexler has taught me about atoms I learn it in her class at Princeton middle school. My names is Brianna D. Mr. Farra Because he helped me out with several things when I was upset He teaches History He teaches here Kiyah G.

My favorite teacher was Mrs. Marshall in the 5th grade. She taught math and science at Mercer school. She now teaches as a guidance counciler. Bryce F. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Trexler because she makes class fun while teaching science at the same time She teaches at pms. Jerrell I. Mrs. Trexler Mrs. Trexler is very confident in what she teaches. She is caring for all her students no matter what. There for That is why Mrs. Trexler is my favorite teacher. Science at Princeton Middle School Ben B. Mrs. Winter/ cause she has always been there for me and has tought me alot of new things this year. Princeton Middle School, reading, English Dustin F. My favorite teacher mrs. Trexler. The reason mrs. Trexler is my favorite teacher is because I’m the brother of her daughters best friend. Another reason mrs. Trexler is my favorite teacher is because we do awesome activities in her class. My name is Daniel/ Alex K. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Trexlar because she is very fun and creative teacher. She makes sure to include each and every student in class work and she likes to find fun and inventive ways of teaching us. She is a science teacher at Princeton Middle School and she is currently still teaching here. Destiny D.

many lessons from her, as she is an 8th grade science teacher. Olivia M. Mrs. Trexler because she is a really great teacher and she always helps me when I need advice or help. Princeton Middle School Madison R. I nominate my favorite teacher Mrs. Lester from Straley Elemenary School. She taught me things I still use to this day. She teaches all subjects at Straley for 4th grades Bailie C. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Trexler. Miss trexler taught me how to be myself and taught me how to have fun and learn at the same time. Shes always there when you need to talk to when you need someone. Kaya H. My favorite teacher is Mr. Fara. He is my favorite because he is very funny and teaches us alot. He teaches History. He teaches at Princeton Middle School. I’m Cathy Jo D. My favorite teacher that has ever taught me is from Giles High School. His name is Mr. Wright aka Coach Wright, he’s in Giles County. He is a wonderful science teacher. He taught me a lot more stuff science then I actually knew. He has his funny moments, but he’s always stays serious when I comes to working. Thank you Lori M. Mrs. Trexler She makes class fun Princeton Middle School Gabriel B.

Mrs. Trexler is my favorite teacher. Because she’s a savage. She taught me science. She teaches me at PMS. Jonathan (Jimmi)

My favorite teacher is Mr. farah because hes cool and funny and he likes basebal. Teach at PMS and taught WV history Ian

My favorite teacher is Mr. Blankenship. He is because he explains and teaches very well. He taught me for math one in eighth grade. His class taught me the most I’ve ever learned. He teaches at Princeton Middle School. That is why he’s my favorite teacher. Evan B.

My favorite teacher is Mr. Fara. Though my experience in the eighth grade in Princeton Middle school, he has taught me a lot about world history and I love his class. He’s fun to be around because he’s like a kid at heart. My name is Alyssa D.

My favorite teacher is Miss Rutledge She taught English/ LA. She teaches at Princeton Middle School. She gave us extra credit. We did fun projects to improve our grade, we watched movies when we had extra time. We wrote poems for a easy grade. She was always nice. Nicolas H. My favorite teacher is Mrs. T. The reason why is because she’s really cool and nice. She also isn’t so strict as the other teachers. She taught me science in 8th grad at Princeton Middle School. Delathan W. Mrs. Trexler because she is an amazing teacher plus she’s really fun. Princeton Middle School is where she works. My name is Jessica F.

My favorite teacher is Mrs.Trexler. She is awesome and is lit. Dustin E.

Mrs. Trexler because she a really good teacher, and really fun. Princeton Middle School. My name is Katie G.

Mrs. Trexler She is funny and tought me alot this year. She teaches at Princeton and her class is always lit. Cole H.

I vote Mrs. Trexler because her class is easy, she has a good sense of humor, and we get to do fun projects. All of the seventh and sixth graders also like her. She makes your school year 100% better. I have learned

My favorite teacher is Ms. Guill because she let’s us make things. I made vines for our Wicked Castle. It was so cool and we made all the stuff for out parents to see. Oliva 2nd Grade My favorite teacher is Ms. Guill. She is the nicest teacher! She taught my brother Joel and was nice to him too. Plus, Ms. Guill helps me get smarter every day. I want to be a teacher just like her! Liliana 2nd Grade Ms. Guill is my favorite teacher. She acts like a Drill Sergeant when we work on place value. We get to research on the computers. She let’s us have math dhowdowns. She calls it Windows versus Doors. She challenges us al the time and that makes us smarter! Devin 2nd Grade Ms. Guill should win the Excellence in Education award because she is the nicest and funniest teacher I have ever met. Isaac 2nd Grade

Ms. Guill is the best teacher because she always does so much for us. She makes learning fun and she can ever rap. Willis 2nd Grade

Ms. Gull is my favorite teacher because she helped me with math. She letus pain and we even made spiders. Ms. Guill let us invite our parents to class so they could watch a play we practiced. She makes class fun! Jamarius 2nd Grade Ms. Guill is my favorite teacher because she is getting us ready or third grade. We get to pain and do plays to help us learn. Hannah 2nd Grade My favorite teacher is Ms. Guill. She let’s us have fun even when it’s not recess! We do a lot of arts and crafts and that makes learning enjoyable. Plus, she cares about us! Macey 2nd Grade Ms. Guill is my favorite teacher because she let us build a wicked castle. We made the vines that covered it and even apinted some wicked webs. It was wicked cool! Jiniya 2nd Grade Ms. Guill built a wicked castle for us to fill with wicked spiders and insects. We got to paint webs and compare and contrast spiders and insects. This made learning science fun! Carson 2nd Grade Ms. Guill is nice to me. She teaches so good yet to play and paint. We have math showdowns too. She is the best teacher ever! Abby 2nd Grade My favorite teacher is Ms. Guill. She is fun and let’s us paint in class. I think she should win the Excellence in Education Award because we always have so much fun in class! Mackenzie 2nd Grade My favorite teacher is Ms. Guill because she plays with us. We get to play Sparkle and dance to gonoodle.com. She makes class fun! Tyriq 2nd Grade My favorite teacher is Ms. Dyson from Whitethorn Primary. She was the best teacher and she was the funniest and fun! I like Ms. Dyson because she was nice to me. Emilea P. 2nd Grade My favorite teacher is Mrs. Seabolt from Whitethorn Primary. She is the best teacher. She is fun and she is nice to me and she’s funny. I like Mrs. Seabolt. Mrs. Seabolt you are the best Emilea P. 2nd Grade My favorite teacher is Ms. Seabolt she is kind and sweetand fun. and she helps me read. she is awsome. she teaches at Whitethorn Primary. Emma S. 2nd Grade Mrs. Gusler from Whitethorn Primary is my favorite teacher. She is my favorite teacher because she likes to make people learn why we’re having fun. She is really nice. That is

Thursday, May 18, 2017 | 27 why Mrs. Gusler is my favorite tacher. Nyla R. 2nd Grade

teacher! Elaina C. 2nd Grade

My favorite teacher is Ms. Seabolt because she is nice and kind to people. She makes sure we don’t get hurt or get in any trouble. This teacher is form Whitethorn Primary. Brooklynn H. 2nd Grade

My favorite teacher is Mrs.Gull, my preschool gym teacher. The reason ilike her is that she did stuff with me like reading, working, and other stuff. She loves clocks like me she will be m favorite teacher forever. maby she likes prediction to. I love Ms. Gull!

My favorite teacher is Mrs. Browning from Memorial because she let us do reading. She let us read books during recess. She is nice. She funny and she is fun. Andrew P. 2nd Grade Ms. Kniht is form Whitethron Primary. She is my favorite teacher because she makes me laugh so hard.She teaches us how to read and understand. Jordan C. 2nd Grade Ms. Guill is my favorite teacher because she helps me read and I love her for that! Also, she helps the school students with math and reading and spelling. She is form Whitetorn Primary. Jaeda H. 2nd Grade My favorite teacher is Mrs.Anderson from Whitethorn Primary. I like her because she is awesome. She helps me solve problems. That’s hard stuff! She’s run and nice. Shamarhinna M. 2nd Grade My favorite teacher is Mrs. Knight from Whitethorn Primary because is funny and she is sweet and is fun. I like her because she helps me read. She is my best friend. I like Mrs. Knight a lot. She is ice to me, and Emma and Nyla too. Emilea P. 2nd Grade My favorite teacher is Mrs. Knight because she is funny and kind and sweet and she is fun. I like her because she helps me read. She teaches at Whitethorn Primary.She is my best friend. I like her a lot. Emma S. 2nd Grade Mrs. Knight is my favorite teacher at Whitethorn. She is funny. She’s nice and kind and really cool. She’s good at reading and writing. Jaylen T. 2nd Grade Ms. Shaw is my favorite teacher because she is very nice. She helps me and my friends with reading. Malachi B. 2nd Grade Mrs. Anderson is my favorite at Whitethorn Primary School. She is the best teacher I could have. She is intelligent and nice and very, very kind. I couldn’t have a better teacher in the whole entire universe. She could not be replaced. Victoria M. 2nd Grade My favorite is Mrs. Bailey. She always helps me when I need help. She gives us treats when we get our calendars signed at the ned of the month. Mrs. Bailey taught us the number multiplication and she explained how to do it. We also do a lot of fun things like fraction bingo, fraction hunts, lock hunts and lock bingo! She also lets us have drownie points parties. She’s a relly great

My favorite teacher is Mrs. Bailey. Mrs. Baile is my favorite teacher because she let’s us do fun activities. Mrs. Bailey is a very hard working teacher. Everyday she tries her best to teach us something new. Everyday we learn something new from Mrs. Bailey. Another reason why Mrs. Bailey is my favorite teacher is because she teaches me things that I never knew how to do like division. Mrs. Bailey is the best teacher I’ve ever had and she probably will still be the best eacher I’ve ever had. Zilx 2nd Grade My favorite teacher is Mrs. Bailey. She lets us go to the computer lab and the second computer lab at the end of the day. Gavin 2nd Grade My favorite teacher is Ms. Baily. Shehelps me learn author’s purpose, time, cursive and money. We got to make Venus Fly Trap and fireflies. That is why she is a great teacher. My favorite principal is Mrs. Anderson. She checks on me and looks at my work. She lets me her take appers to teachers. I get to help with the Wade Center bus line. She wears cut clothes. She lets me ride in her car and put on sun glasses. She is the funniest and collest principal ever! Kijah W. 2nd Grade My favorite teacher is Mse. Bailey at Christmas. We decorated a tree I love looking at her hunting pictures and animals Mrs Bailey is cool! She takes us outside to run. Jhamar J. 2nd Grade My favorite teacher is mr. Bailey we made a fly trap and a firefly. we go running outside. I love doing gonoodle videos in class. Nolan 2nd Grade My favorite teacher is Mrs. Bailey. She is the best of all the teachers. She teaches Math all the time and she loves math. We get to d goNoodle videos. Sometimes she messes up a little bit. She got us some presents for Chritmas. She teaches us less than, equal to, and greater than. That is why she is the best teacher of all the teachers. Hailey S. 2nd Grade My favorite teacher teacher is Mrs. Guill. She is kind, sweet, lovely, thankful, nice, special. She likes kids and she likes all teachers and she likes to have fun with kids. I appreciate her all the time. My favorite teacher is Ms. Bailey. thank you for helping me read. Thank you for helping on math. You got us read for third grad! Thank you for helping us count money. Thank you for letting us do jobs. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Bailey because she is kind. I did not know how to tell time and she is helped me learn. I love Mrs. Bailey because she is the nicest teacher

ever. She thought how to you make fireflies. She is beautiful. My favorite teacher is Mrs. bailey She is fabulous at math and reading. She helps me and she is smart. She is a star at art. I have never had a teacher that is so, so fun! She is the best teacher I have ever had she does fun stuff and protects with us. She put our monsters on the wall. She is the best teacher ever! Chadney 2nd Grade My favorite teacher is Ms. Bailey. I love it when she helps me learn. She is very nice to me. Ms. Bailey is the greatest teacher I have ever had. She like to watch me play basketball. Jaleigh 2nd Grade My favrite teacher is Ms. Sebolt. M. Bailey, and Ms.Guill. They are nice to me they help us learn. They do boring stuff sometimes. And they do fun stuef with us.Ms. bailey lets us run and do gonoldde. ms. guill is the fest teacher. I see her at atlen velle all the time. Ms. sebolt is nice because lets her class play after lunch. ms. bailey and ms. Stonstreet watched me and Chadney play baeet ball and football. TyLee 2nd Grade My favorite teacher is Ms. Cristy, my preschool teacher. She told me how to be brave. She taught me my numbers and how to count money. She let us sing songs and they were funny. I miss her class. we got to paly outside with the bikes and chalk. It was also fun reading books she had because they were funny. When we tok pictures, they were cute. We hade treats and they were delicious! Jazzi 2nd Grade

I want nominate Mrs. Wyrick for my favorite teacher. I picked Mrs. Wyrick because I loe her so much! Jade 1st Grade I want to nominate Mrs. Wyrick for my favorite teacher. I picked Mrs. Wyrick because she is nice, sweet, and funny! Deanna 1st Grade I want to nominate Mr. Wright because he is nice and he’s fun! I love P.E! Treyvon 1st Grade I want to nominate Mrs. Wryick for my favorite teacher. I pciked Mrs. Wyrick because she teaches math. Ethan 1st Grade I want to nominate Mr. May for my favorite teacher. I picked Mr. May because I learned a lot of Bible. Jeremiah 1st Grade I want to nominate Mrs. Wyrick for my favorite teacher. I picked Mrs. Wyrick because she is thenicest teacher I had in my hole life! Keyala 1st Grade I want to nominate Mrs. Wyrick for my favorite teacher. I picked Mrs. Wyrick because we do work. Kaliel 1st Grade I want to nominate Mr. Wright for my favorite teacher. I pciked Mr. Wright because he let’s us do Exercise and tag! Jaleel 1st Grade

I want to nominate Ms. Becky for my favorite teacher. I picked Ms. Becky because I love you! She was my Pre-K teaher. Travis 1st Grade

I want to nominate Mrs. Estep for my favorite teacher. I picked Mrs. Estep because she is a nice guidance teacher! Brayden 1st Grade

I want to nominate Mr. Wright for my favorite because he is fun, and kind and nice to people! Beniah 1st Grade

I want to nominate Ms.Wyrick for my favorite teacher. I pciked Ms. Wyrick because you are the best teacher! Ryan 1st Grade

I want to nominate Ms. Wyrick for my favorite teacher I picked Ms. Wyrick because I like class. Carson 1st Grade

I nominate Ms. Bailey formy favorite teacher because she is so sweet! Luke 1st Grade

My favorite teacher is Ms. Harmon because she helps me learn to read. Zi’Mez 1st Grade I nominate Ms. Higgins for my favorite. She is so nice to us! Aiden 1st Grade I want to nominate Miss Jamie for my favorite tethcer. I picked Miss Jamie because Miss Jamie is a good Pre-K teacher! Layla 1st Grade I want to nominate Ms. Wyrick for my favorite teacher. I picked Ms. Wyrick because she is the funny teacher! Mattox 1st Grade

My favorite teacher is Mrs. Goodman. she is sweet and nice because she loves us so much. Her heart is big and beautiful. Trayce 1st Grade My favorite teacher is Mrs. Goodman because she makes us do math, and reading, and also lets us do recess. She does other things like sparkle for spelling. Gabriel 1st Grade

teaches us reading. Rolon 1st Grade My favorite teacher is Mrs. Goodman. She helped me learn my math. She is good. Trey 1st Grade My favorite teacher is Mrs. Goodman. She has tuaght me adding and subtracting. She has also taught me how to read. Braiden 1st Grade My favorite teacher is Ms. Pain because she does fun crafts with us. She taught us lots of things such as how to read. Charity 1st Grade My favorite teacher is Mrs. Goodman. She is my favorite teacher because she is nice. She is the nicest teacher in the whole world! Giada 1st Grade

My favorite teacher is Mrs. Goodman. She is special because she helps us read and write. Aiden 1st Grade Mrs. Goodman I love you because she likes to bring us outside. She also helps us with math. Marissa 1st Grade My favorite teacher is Mrs. Goodman.She taught us math. She taught us Science. Damauria 1st Grade My favoite reacher is Mrs. Goodman because she helps me do math and reading. Keieiah 1st Grade I love you Ms. Goodman. I want to be a teacher too. Jaylen 1st Grade My favorite teacher is Ms. Goodman because she helped me with reading and math. Shelets us have recess, and shelets me hold the hamster. Kylee 1st Grade My favorit teacher is Mrs. Shaw because she taught me math. and she lets us play. She taught me my letters. She also taught mehow to read books. Kymereon 1st Grade My favorite teacher is Mrs. Goodman. She is good to me. She does math. Keleian 1st Grade My favorite teacher is Mrs. Goodman. We learned math and we also learned how to do our days of the week. Caniya 1st Grade

My favorite teacher is Mrs. Goodman because she helped me learn math, and she helped me read. She lets us have recess. Shelets us do GoNoodle. Jarrett 1st Grade

I naminate Mrs. Courtney because she is nice. she is nice because she helped me on hard stuff. She is smart because she helped hard problems. Isabella R. 1st Grade

My favorite teacher is Ms. Shaw. First, Because Ms. Shaw gives us snacks. Next, Ms. Shaw lets us go outside. Last, Ms. Shaw

I nominate Ms. Clark because she helps me a lot. I love her very much. She is my favorite teacher.

28 | Thursday, May 18, 2017 Zack 1st Grade I nominate Ms. Folden because she makes me happy and shemakes me more happy. and I have fun. and more fun! Claire 1st Grade I nomnate Ms. Clark bcause She’s taught me. She’s heped me with my work. She’s so sweet. Natalya T. 1st Grade I nominate Ms. Clark because she is cool. She nice. She funny. Heidi 1st Grade I nominate Miss Clark because she does the monkey dance. She is funny. She puts goodies in the jar. Iylea 1st Grade I nominate Ms. Clark becuse Ms. Clar is my favorite teacher in the world. I love Ms. Clark as much as apple cimmine pie. She funny and sweet. She is prettyest. And very very very sweet. Deyiala 1st Grade I nominate Ms. Clark because she is nice. She is funny. She is smart. Cohen 1st Grade I naminate Ms. clark because she is nice and because she helped us with math. Rason 1st Grade I nominate Ms. Clark because she is nice, she is funny, and I love love love her. xoxo I nominate Ms. Clark Clark becauss she is a nice teacher. She is a funny teacher. She is a pretty teacher. Labron 1st Grade I nominate Ms. Clark because she is nice because she helps kids. Elijah 1st Grade I nominate ms. clark because She’s taught me a lot. She’s kind. She’s preety, She’ helps me with my work. Natalya T. 1st Grade I nominate Ms. Clak you are nice, you have a good heart, and funny. Jericho 1st Grade I nominate Ms. Clark because she is funny. I nominate for Ms. Clark because she give me hugs. She is nice. I will hug her. (heart) Jahnashia 1st Grade Mr. Green should be teacher of excellence because he helps me exercise. Isabella P. Mr. Green should be teacher of excellence because he plays exercises with us. Kyce M. Mrs. Hulsey should be teacher of excellence because she helps me learn. Emma M. Dear Mrs. Green

You are the best Pe teacher the school and you do fun stuff with the class and you try to be fun but some times you haft to yeal some times. Logan S. I nominate Mr.Green, because even though he has only been here a year he is still the best. He works at Bluewell elementary. He is my P.E. teacher he does a lot of activites with us, he is very polite. I hope when I go to middle school e comes. I realy hope he gets picked. Madison L. Ms. Rutherford at Montalm High. She is nice. She makes good cakes. Mason I thing Mrs. Cahill should win. She will help you with reading she helps with speling too. She helps the teachers to make sure that they don’t need help. She is sweet and kind. I thang you should nominate Mrs. Cahill. Kari S. I think that Mrs. Whitt is a good teacher because she helps me through a lot of stuff like I was in the 300’s in star Reading so she helped me again and again and then finnaly I reached 600 or more. Last year I was so sared of the reading part of the State Testing but anyway she also plans fun things! She’s so nice and fun! Emily B. I thing Miss Hincher should win because she is sweet and she gives us a hug and she whoud play at recess with us she would alway let us play with her clicker so I relly relly relly relly relly relly relly!!! thing she should win!!!! relly relly!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Kaylee M. I nominate, Mrs. Whitt because she is a great fun wonderful teacher. I have had her for two years and she has been wonderful she has probbably been my most favorite techer of all time. Cailyn

where ready tol a test. No Name Mr. green Bluewell School. he is a very good gym teacher he lets us play a lot of games. The test we have to take he makes it fun. Brooklyn S. Mr. Green he let’s us play game’s and he test us fun stuff. And he is a kind teacher. Mariah M. I think Mrs. Whitt is a very good teacher and is very nice. She works at Bluewell Elementary School. If you get her you will love her as your new teacher! Jillian S. Dear Mis. Whitt Bluewell. You are the best teacher. You put stuff in a inderstandable way. You are a good teacher you are a good persion. Brayden Mr. Tibbs is my teacher of excellence because he is strict, sweet, caring. He cares for his students. He is a good listener, he is so funny. I love how he is nice but strict. Mr. Tibbs is my band teacher and he’s amazing. Annabelle A. 5th Grade Suttle is my favriote teacher because she helps with bus duty. And is sweet also kind and helps with anything she can. She also helped me and a couple other freinds when are teacher is not there she will let us come in her room and will help and watch us and let us have a little fun also. I love her because how she acts towerds me and I could eve say she also helps me because she is nice also I want to say that she is not mean She’s strict bearly though and she is just my favirote teacher. Allison L. I nominate Mr. Williams or teacher of the year. He could control the class room. He’s also very calm. Nate H.

Mrs. Shellie is my favorite teacher at Bluewell elementary. She is kind. She makes us be safe. She makes me feel special. Respectful. Omar P.

My favorite teacher is Mrs. Cadle because she’s nice and is my best friends mom. Also she took me on a field trip. Please nominate Mrs. Cadle for teacher of the year. Nathan B.

Mr. Green works at bluewell elementary. Mr. green is my favorite teacher because he is the Jym teacher and Jym is my favorite class and he’s really really fun we play all kinds of games and he works at Bluewell elementry my favorite school Samuel

Mrs. Cadle is my nomanate for best teacher award beacause she’s nice and takes me on feild trips sometimes with my friends nomanate ms. cadle for best teacher. Core C.

Mr. Green, Bluewell School I think Mr. Green should win because he does our tests while making fun. And we get to play alot of games it is really super duper fun. Once again I think he should win. Zoe F. I think Mrs. Whitt is a very good teacher to all the students of Bluewell Elementary. She is nice and a good teacher and nice to her coworkers she does will help you. Raven H. I think Mrs. Whitt should win the award because she is good to cilldren, she is nice, a graet influence, and she helps you if you are stuk one a problem. Mrs. Whitt is from Bluewell Elemetary Madison A. Mrs. Whitt is my favorite teacher because she teaches us lots of things and plays fun games with us. and will always make sure

Mr. Tibbs is my nominee for TT because he makes you laugh. He is the teacher thans fun but makes you work. He is reall leanight of work for us. Emily S. Mrs. Hall, she might be strickt. If you listen you will learn alot. She is very pertty and glows in light. She tought my mom in music also. She’s nice and wonderful. That s Mrs. Hall to me. Samantha S. 5th Grade Mr. Tibs He is the teacher or excellence because he is aways chill never gets mad when someone is talking he nicely ask them to quit. James I vote for Ms. franks cause she is the best teacher but she tetiered. Matojah Mrs. Hall. Rose are red violets are blue most

of all my favorete is you. you are very pretty and that look is not new. Jessie

growth mind set, you can really teach good, I’m lucky that I’m with Mr. Wolkoff. Gage

Ms. Corvin is a fun teacher. I learned alot in math.She gives us recess when she has time. Alex

My teacher is Ms. tompson because she does fablos things for us she is from bluewell school. Calder L.

I vote for Ms. Corvin because she can handle problems, help, teach. She does what every good teacher does. I beleive in her. When I first met her, I knew she would be the best teacher EVER!! Aidan B.

My favorite teacher at Bluewell Elem is Mr. Green because we play fun games. I like pirate. Christopher R.

Mr. Green because he is fun and I can exercise in a fun way besides recess. Caleb I nominate Mrs. Suttle because she is a good teacher and person. She always has a smile on her face. Mrs. Suttle is a good teacher and friend. So i nominate Mrs. Suttle the best teacher i know. Meghan M. Ms. Crovin she is the best teacher. She is a nice and caring person how will hlep you if you need hlep and she is so cool. She can have a great personality. Conner M. I nominate Ms. Franks because she is sweet, kind, and a good teacher and she is a retired school teacher and she has an amazing way of doing things and I miss her. Bodelyn A. Mrs. Franks. You are a lovely teacher and you would deserve this award. You are very pretty and very nice. You shine bright like the northern lights even though you can be strict you would never punch or kick. And when you are strong nothing go’s wrong. That poem was for you because you deserve it. April H. I nominate Ms. Franks because she is sweet and kind. She is not like anyone else she is special in her own little way I love Ms. Frants. She is a retired teacher but she is one of the best so I say. Ms. Frants you are a teacher I will like forever and beyond your light will shine I love you Ms. Franks like my own so I noinate her forever beyond. Chloe L. Teresa Steele. Mom is my favorite teacher. Zachary Mrs. Robinson should be the teacher of excellence. She has made me learn a lot. I can ride the bus now. Thank you Mrs. Robinson. Ritchie D. Dear lori thompsom, you are my favorite teacher because your nice and you are the sweetest and you just help us on papers. And you importent to me and lots of people so that is why i want you to win the award. Abby A. Grade 3 Mrs. Burnett is my faverit tehr becose shy allways stics up foor me and my sister and shy is the nicest techer ever. Thomas T. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Thompson becouse she teaches me responiblity and teaches me how to become a teacher she is my favorit teacher. Savannah My favorite teacher is Mr. Wolkoff because you are a great mentor. You have a great

My faverit teacher is Mrs. Willems because she was so nice. If you whent to her class room you wuld be blane away by how nice she and she is so nice to the students in her classroom. Go ask them your self. I bet they say hte same thing. She was so nice tom e too. And that is only some of the things she has done for us. She is so helpful. Jaxson My faviort teacher is Mr. green because he lets us play games and he’s fun. I like color tag the best. Christian B. My faverit teacher is Beasly doing the right thing because he was the best teacher. he plays basketball. He is my Dad! Andrew C. I nominat Mrs Thopson. I nominate Mrs. Thpson.She works with us. She dose fun activtys with us. sheas the funest teacher ever an whain I say ever I mean it! Haylee S. Dear Mrs. Suttle you are the best teacher because you’ve make me learn alot and you should be the teacher of execellence because your are mazing. Your the best teacher ever! Samara C. 3rd Grade My favorite teacher is Mrs. Robinson because she decorayts the lunch room for everything, and she sponsers student council. She is also lunch duty. Michaela P. Dear Ms. Hincher, You are the best teacher because last year you did really fun activities and you did a great job teaching it and you are beautiful and you are the youngest teacher in the school. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Robinson because she decorates the cafeteria for everything and for student council she kind so Mrs. will be the teach that should be the winner. ps. good luck Mrs. Robinson. Catherine Dear Mrs. Hincer. You are the best teacher because last year you did really fun activities and you did a great job teaching it and you are beautiful and you are the youngest teacher in the school. Dear Mrs. Hincher I love your voice plus you are very nice. I want to be in your class your the nicest teacher in the school. Mr. green lets us play biheybionk with the balls. Aston Miss Hincher is my favorite becous she is kind. Matthieu H Ms. hincher is nice Bluewell Bears teacher. Matthew

My favorite techer is Mrs. Cahill because she is nice to me and others sweet and kind and fun. and cool nice nice nice Chasity Mr. Green because my play, sum predander caler tag and we do exsersizes are fun. we all have fun. Logan Ms. Hincher shis a god teacher becuase she nice person I can ever meet. Zachary Ms. Hincher is the best! because she is so nice to me! She has fun work! and wen we are good she might give us a prize! And she gives us ice cream. She never gives us 100 math problems. We do fun things and we went on a feild trip! Abby P. Mr. Green cause he lets us play games and he’s nice to us he’s the greates jim teacher ever her let’s us play anything one time he let us play volleyball he the nies jim teacher in the world he let’s us help him clean up. Abby H. My faverite is Mr. Green becase he let’s us play balleyball he is nise and kind to us and is nise. Vonner Ms. Hincer is gate bluewell bears Justin Miss hicher she is the best wowmen in the world and nice to me. and she helps me larn. Thomas B. boots are great mommy told me to Ms. Hincer is my favorite teacher. She is pretty. She helps me learn. She holds my hand in the hall. Charlotte My favorite teacher is mis hincher becuase she loves everyone, she is a very nice, thats why Mis hincher is my favorite. Miss hincher is the best teacher in the world. Nathan S. Mismona. Why because she very nice. Shauna H. Mrs. Molly. You are so kind Mrs. Molly and pretty you make me smile like a butterfly I just love you Mrs. Molly and you know why cause you are the kindnest and you help peaple and make sure their alright so thats why so thank you for reading Mrs. Molly. Kash Mrs. Hall is the best teacher because she nice. She teaches music. We play balls with drumsticks. She works at Bluewell Elm. James Mr. Wolkoff Brandon Music sticks getare bells drums. To Ms. Hall. Sweet great good teach Jessie My favorite teacher is Ms Hall She is so sweet and Love her muic Cousin Mr. Green should be teacher of excellence because he lets us do fun games. Jordan W. Mrs. Hall should be teacher of excellence because she lets us listen to nice music. Skyler L.

Thursday, May 18, 2017 | 29 Mrs. Thompson should be teacher of excellence because she gives us treats and lets us clip up! Reece O. Mrs. Thompson should be teacher of excellence because she always checks folders and she helps us. Holly P. Mrs. Thompson should be teacher of excellence because she walways gives me candy when I am good. Dyllan G. Mrs. Burnette should be teacher of excellence because she is nice and helps people tie shoes. Gracie A. Ms. Halsey, should be the teacher of excellence because, she’s the best teacher. She fun things. She puts on a funny video. Kira Kindergarten Ms. Halsy, should be the teacher of excellence because, she plays games. Phone number game is my favorite. She makes me happy. Samantha Kindergarten Ms. Halsey, should be the teacher of excellence because, she is great teacher. She lets us do math games. She makes me happy. Landon Kindergarten Ms. Halsey, should be the teacher of excellence because, she is the best teacher. She makes me feel happy. She helps me learn. Tristan Kindergarten Mrs. Grose, should be the teacher of excellence because, she be nice to us. She says hello to all of us everyday. She is pretty. Jaden Kindergarten Ms. Halsey, should be the teacher of excellence because, she nice to me. She helps me with my work. She makes me feel special. Abby Kindergarten Ms. Lorna, should be the teacher of excellence because, she makes me dresses, and she made me a baby doll. Arieona Kindergarten Ms. Halsey, should be the teacher of excellence because she knows where my house is. She loves me. I know her mommy. Braden Kindergarten Ms. Windi, should be the teacher of excellence because, she got me award. I am a good counter. Levi Pre-K Ms. Cindy, should be the teacher of excellence because, she lets me get out legos. She gives us snacks. She takes me out to play. Liam Pre-K Ms. Windi, should be the teacher of excellence because she helps me with my work. She lets us play. I learn a lot. Madison Pre-K

Ms. Cindy, should be the teacher of excellence because, she makes us take naps. I love her. Ayden Pre-K

Mr. Green should be the teacher of excellence because, he lets us play color tag. He lets us play volleyball. He is sillly. He makes me laugh. Zaden Pre-K

Miss Cindy, should be the teacher of excellence because, I love her. She works with me at school. She is my friend. Olivia Pre-K

My favorite teacher is Mrs. Surface. She is nice and calls me pretty girl. I love her so much. Haleigh Kindergarten

Miss Windi, should be the teacher of excellence because, she lets us go outside. She is nice and I love my mommy and my sister. Danicka Pre-K

My favorite teacher is Mrs. Surface. She helps me learn reading. She gives me hugs. Autumn Kindergarten

Ms. Cindy, should be the teacher of excellence because she helps me with my work. She is funny. She is pretty. Savannah Pre-K Mrs. Cahil, should be the teacher of excellence because, she gives good parties. She is nice. always nice. She is pretty. She’s always pretty every single day. Zoey Pre-K Ms. Lorna, should be the teacher of excellence because she gives us good food to eat. Chloe Pre-K Ms. Cindy, should be the teacher of excellence because, she is nice. She helps me tie my shoes she gives us snacks. Carter Pre-K Mrs. Cahill, should be the teacher of excellence because, she takes me to school on Monday. She helps me. I like her. Riley Pre-K Ms. Latonya of Brushfork Elementary should be the teacher of excellence because she is nice. She lets us play the phone. She is good to everyone. She is happy. She buys me toys. Kelsey Pre-K Mrs. Cahilll, should be the teacher of excellence because, she helps me clean. I like cleaning. She helps me with my homework. She is very kind. She is always nice to me. She misses me. Her happincess and stuff. She sleeps with me. She takes me to work with her. She is my Mom. I pick her flowers because I love her. Elin Pre-K Ms. Cindy, should be the teacher of excellence because, she takes care of us. She gives us snacks. She lets u sleep. Landry Pre-K Ms. Cindy should be the teacher of excellence because, she be good to me. She makes me get in other peoples spots when they are not there because, I don’t have anywhere to put my feet. Bently Pre-K Ms. Cindy, should be the teacher of excellence because, she puts our folders in. She lets us go on field trips. She lets us have stuff at school. Wyatt Pre-K

My favorite teacher is Mrs. Cox because she teaches us good stuff. Peyton Kindergarten My favorite teacher is Mrs. Cox. She ehlps us learn. She helps us do math. She reads us stories. Emily Kindergarten My favorite teacher is Mrs. Surface. She helps me learn. She ties my shoes and smiles at me. Anniston Kindergarten Mrs. Cox should be the teacher of excellence because, she teaches me math. She takes us outside to play when it’s hot. She is good to us. She lets us read. Hannah Kindergarten Mr. Green, should be teacher of excellence because, he is funny. I like to play gas. Colton Kindergarten Mrs. Cox, should be the teacher of excellence because, she helps me with my work. She helps me with my math. Izahhitt Kindergarten Mr. Green, should be the teacher of excellence because, he does fun activities. I love color tag. Gage Kindergarten Miss Hincer, should be the teacher of excellence because, I love her because she is good to me. I always give her a hug and she gives me one back. Levi Kindergarten Miss Hall is the best teacher in the school. Lucian Ms pettrey should be the Teacher of excellence because, beautiful and friendly and great and like hearts in the sky. Ariona I like Mrs. Pettrey should be the teacher of excellence because she is nice, preety I am so hankful for my new teacher She is great to us and most about her is she comes to work Jaylah

Charton Miss Pettrey should be the teach of excellence because every boby Bluewell Elem I love miss pettrey because she is a great Xavier Mr. green thank you for being the best PE teacher ever you teach us how to be healthy Your the best. Cayden Ms Pettrey you should be the teacher of excellence because you are the greatest teacher in the school. Ben Ms. Pettrey should be the teacher of excellence because teacher in the school Khloe mr. green should be the teacher of excellence because you teach us how to be healty Your the best. Joe ms. Pettrey should be the teacher of excellence because because she teches us about new thagse. Evly Ms. Pettrey shoud be the teacher of excellien because she make us do work to make us learn more. Grayson I think Mrs.Whitt should be picked because she ben my teacher since I came here and she is the very good teacher. She playes learning games with us. She is always helping us win we need help. Mrs. Whitt teaches us lots of thangs. My favoright thangs to learn is math because we do lots of fun thangs with math. Mrs. Witt tells us a lot about her life win she was little. Mandy H. I choose Mrs. Whitt because she helps me learn she is super fun That is why I want to nominate Mrs. Whitt. Eli I nominate Mrs. Bay Bay because she is more like a friend and thats more comfortable to me. That’s why I nomonate, Mrs. bay bay Magical resons why I (heart) Mrs. Bay Bay Selestical Beutiful amazing yay Best teacher All the reasons why yay Ms. Pettrey should be the teacher of exCellence because I Love Her Leah Miss Hall should be The Teacher of excellence because she is pretty and good Teacher to me every body Jordyn L. Ms. pettrey should be The Teacher of exceheace because she is pretty and a good teacher every body Madison H. Ms. Hall my music teacher is nice. Mrs. Pettrey is nice. Alex Ms. Pettrey should be the teacher of excellence I love Ms. Pettrey because sey helps us Nathan

Ms. Pettrey should be the teacher of excellence because she is the greatest she helps us and she is the nicest in the hole intire world thanks ms pettrey Gerald

My faviort teacher is Mrs. Whitt and she goes to BlueWell Elementry. I think Mrs. Whitt should get the rewared because she is kind, helpful, nice, and funny. James

Ms. Pettrey you are nice

I choose Mrs. Scrugs because she is very

30 | Thursday, May 18, 2017 nice and she is a very good teacher, and makes things fun while learning. and is verrry verrry genorous. Cierra Mr. Green beause He is nice to me. And He gives me disceplin and we get to play games. and he is fun to play with and leaning and verrry verrry cool, sunoroos. Elijah W. Ms. Suttle, should be the teacher of excellence because, she is inspiering to do your best. She halps understand things we dont. She is smart and intelligant. She gives us second chances. She is fun and creative. Sara M. Ms. Folden, should be the teacher of excellence because, she’s the most kind teacher in the world i’ve ever had. Jeremy Ms. Halsey she exlent she worderful she nice to us we play game whath her she is thankful she is the bast student teacher we love her she is pread. Janan D. Mr. Scruggs should be the teacher of exellence because, he teaches my friends and I the bible. He allso gives us points for sayig the books of the bible. At the end of school Mr. Scruggs does a contest. Who ever finds the book of the bible he says under 30 or 15 seconds gets a circle. Who ever gets the most gets a gold or silver lightning bolt shape. Kylee Ms. Hall should be the teacher of excellence because she is nice and pretty, thankful, sweet, the greatest teacher ever, lovely, nicest ever, let us dance to songs. Makayla W. Mr. Green is fun and he let us play lots of games and he should be the teacher of excellence because you are fun and nice, my best friend and he makes us do lots of running and thowing and exersize and make us do work to, and he makes us healthy too and he responsible. Maia G. Mr. Walkoff should be the teacher of excellence. He helps us with math reading and test and he lets us get us in the treasure box at the end o Friday. Brandon Mrs. Suttle, should be the teacher of excellence because, because she teaches very good and she proveds love and careness when you need it and she displinces bad behavior. Christian F.

Mr. Green should be the teacher of excellence because, he is nice he explains the game to us he lets us have fun. and he lets us exercice. Brendan Mr. Green He makes exrsize and have fun. H should be the teacher. Aidan Mrs. Whitt, should be the teacher of excellence because, she is nice, respectfull, and knows how to teach a class. She also allways on alert for good maners. Mr. Schruggs is awsome and cool. Zachary B. Mr. Green should be the teacher of excellence because he is nice and helps kids get beter at stuf. He asow lets kids get all of ther energy out. If they are bad he will schraten them up he helps with shchrece. Mason S. Mrs. Whitt, should be the teacher of excellence because, she is loving, caring, sweet, and when your miss behaving she is discipline, she is funny and fun. Aaliyah E. Suttle is my avirote teacher because she helps with bus duty and is sweet and kind and helps with any thing she can. Allison L. Ms. Folden should be the teacher of excellence because, she is the nicest teacher I’ve ever met in my life! Eli R. Ms. Folden, should be the teacher fo excellence because she is fun. Amani Mrs. Williams, should be the teacher of excellence. Because, she is one of the sweetest person alive. I love her so much she’s so nice. And she is a Lovebug. she is nice to children. I love you. Ashly B. Mrs. Williams should be the teacher of excellence because, she is the best and the greatest and sweetest person ever. And I love her so much. So times she lets do anything. Ava S. Mrs. Williams, should be the teacher of excellence because, she’s fun and nice she’s fair and amazing I love Mrs. Williams. Riley H. Mr. Green, sould be the teacher of excellence becaues, he is cool he is awsome he is the Best. Eli S.

Mrs. Folden should be the teacher of excellence because she is nice She is sweet She is kind She does not fus. Samiya W.

Ms. Hulsey Becuse she is responsible of her actions and she never tells our secrets and I wus gratfull that I had her. Lillian P.

Mr. Walkoff should be the teacher of excellence, because he helps us with math reading and test and he lets us get in the treasner box. Jayden

Mr. Green, should be the teacher of excellence because, he is kind and fun. He is my favorite gym teacher. And He likes the color is green. Brady E.

Mrs. Suttle, should be the teacher of excellence because she nice, she carring to us, she teaches us, she can be men but you have to tect her mean, but she is an butful, and awsom teacher, she teaches us what we need to know for test and that why mrs. suttle should teacher of excellence. Ragan D.

Ms. Folden should be the teacher of excellence because, she is the nices teacher in the world. Ryan Ms. Folden, should be the teacher of excellence because best teacher. Lucas

Mrs. Folden should be the teacher of excellence becase she is so nice. When someone has a bad day Mrs. folden chers them up but she can not stay for the hole year. She was funny to She’s so funny she used to play with my hiar. She was fun to play with She was veary funny She is aosmoe I like her becase she is the niceist prosn I ever known She makes me so happy intil one day she had to go to another classroom sometimes we get to see her She waves when we say Hi. Amelia W. Ms. Folden, should be the teacher of excellence because, She is the Best, Shes help, she is kind, and nice, She is cool. She love us, she is cool I Love her. Ms. Foldens Favorites She is the best sow I love her. She is cool and awsome, I love her, thank you Ms. Folden. Hannah S. Mrs. Hall should be the teacher excellence because she is the best music teacher ever. Ian Mrs. Williams should be the teacher of excellence because I like her because she puts movies. Alyssa L. Ms. Burnette, should be the teacher of excellence because, I (heart) you. Alexia R. Mr. Green should be the teacher of excellence because he’s fun nice and makes fun games. Trevor Ms. Cox I bet you are the best I love you I love you very much. I loved when I in kindergarten.I want to go back to kindergarten. Elan Mr. Green should be the teacher of excellence because he’s kind he’s my favorte teacher. Tyson Mr. Johnson is an excellence because he helps us strach our leg’s befor we go back to call’s and have to do work and he also gives us time for fun. He let’s us set with a friend at lunch if we were good the week he could be mein and not let us set with a friend at all but he let’s us do it if we are good this week. Allayla Mr. Johnson, should be the teacher of excellence because, He let’s us shoot basketball and go outside. Tyler W. Mrs. Hall, should be the teacher of excellence because, she is very veryy, nice she is so fun while she teaches. She try’s her best to teach everyone. Gage T. Mr. Johnson, should be the teacher of excellence because, he let’s us play basketball, football, soccer and when it’s nice outside he will let us run and play. He is also very nice and when somethings not fun he will make it fun. And when one of us gets hurt he is always there for us. And if one of us gets down on theirselve he will always tell you never give up. And that is why i think he should be the teacher of excellence. Tristen C. Mr. May, should be the teacher of excellence because, He is nice and He teaches Bible ver well. He also works realy hard.

Those are some reasons why Mr May should be the teacher of exelence. Aidan L.

a smile on your face when your frowning I Love her. (six hearts) Katelyn F.

Mrs. Fag, should be the teacher of excellence because, she has been my favrote teacher since I started school, she is the sweetest teacher I have ever meat in moncalm and southside K.8, she gave us easy homework to do, she has also gave us free candy!!!!!! That is why I think Mrs. Fag should be teacher of exellence. Hayley S.

Ms. Sharp, should be the teacher of excellence because, since I was in choir she has been nice to me. I will be in choir for 6th grade as well. Kori

Mr. May should be the teacher of excellence because, your bibble lesen because the pictures on the screen are sometimes funny, and your my favorite bibble teacher ever. and you let us turn the let. Isaish F. Mrs. Gray should be the teacher of excellence because, She is nice teacher and she don’t get mad a lot at the students. Gavyn N. Mrs. Ruby, should be the teacher of excellence because, she is very nice and was an amazing teacher. She is retired and I miss her! She taught me everything I needed to know, that’s why she’s my favorite teacher. Addison T. Mrs. Standiful, should be the teacher of excellence because, She is nice, funny, and I think she is a really good teacher. I think she should be the teacher of excelence. Chase Mr. May should be the teacher of excellence because, he is funny and nice to everone and our class takes turns wen we have bible because we have to bible teachers. Hope L. Mr. Johnson should be the teacher of excellence because, he is the best tech becase dos Pe and he is nice. Jeremiah Mrs. Miller should be exlence becaus she is the best teacher Montcalm elementry school. AAron J. Ms. Elliot, should be the teacher of excellence because, she gave the whole class a field trip. For being really good and our grade 5 were also good. Xavier Mrs. Standifur should be teacher of excellence because she drive a hour to get here. Ryan H. Mrs. Duncan should be the teacher of excellence because she is funny and she is a very good teacher and we talk about geting Big Mac’s all the time it is funny. Mady H. Mrs. Fagg should be the teacher of excellence because, we got alot of recess and watched movies. On the 100th day of school it was fun day and we got candy. She is nice and kind. I think she is great. Samantha E. Mr. Johnson, should be the teacher of excellence because, he is awsom and he lets day basketball, football, tag, and all of kinds of stuff he is fun than music because music is boring. Jazmine Ms. Kidd, should be the teacher of excellence because, she is very nice and she helps you when you fall down she can put

Mrs. Carver, should be the teacher of excellence because, she was my teacher. Mrs. Carver is my favorte teacher. Carly M. I think Mr. Tibbs, should be the teacher of excellence because, he tought me how to play trumpet. At the begining I didn’t want to play in the band because I thought I couldn’t. I went to band becuase my friends did. I tried trumplet, then I played it. Mr. Tibbs really made me believe in myself, and to this day I’m in band because Mr. Tibbs told me I could do it. Thanks Mr. Tibbs. John H. Mr. Johnson, should be the teacher of excellence because, he is the best he makes people laues he earn be mean if you andhe makes shor you or okay and if your not he will make you happy and he is a very good pe man and he should be slectioned and he is awsome and smart and he is do pe fild dayheis a awsome person he makes you smile, and happy, and lauges. Kari G. Ms. Kidd, should be the teacher of excellence because, she is nice and she takes it easy on you when you get in trouble and if you don’t get anything. Bethany G. Mrs. Bouldin is nice and she help me do my work. Jason Mrs. Hall should be the teacher of excellence because, she is so sweet to all of us and she takes us on fill trip’s like 3 times a year and she teaches u how to play balls She takes us out to play balls for old PeoPle no one eles will we love her so much she should be teacher of excellence She deserves it. Audrey R. Ms. Poff, should be the teacher of excellence because, she gives us candy and she inspires us. If you have a problem she will fix it. Trevor Mrs. Fagg, should be the teacher of excellence because, she was always nice and she was my kinderfarden teacher. She let you do coloring sheet and she is till really nice to me and I really want to go all the way from 5th grad to her class because she is so nice and she always loved me. I really hope she doesn’t retire. Mrs. Fagg took us on field trips and she did alot of stuff with us. We love you Mrs. Fagg. Autumn W. Mrs. Bouldin, should be the teacher of excellence because, she pushes you in a good way. All Mrs.Bouldin want’s you to do is succed in many way’s. Mrs. Bouldin would do anything in the world to help people, Mrs. Bouldin is helpful in so many ways. Everthing Mrs. Bouldin does helps me in math. Thank you Mrs. Bouldin for everything you do. Summer W. Mr. Johnson, should be the teacher of excellence because, he is the best he makes

people laugh he can be mean if you do stuff you not supposed to but he’s really nice and very funny I love to go to gym because we get to shoot basketball and that’s my favorite thing to do. Peyton Ms. Poff because she is funy and she makes lrning fun She will not git up on children. Devin C. Mr. Johnson, should be the teacher of excellence because, He is nice, He is fly, and He’s lit. In gym we get to do whater like basketball, And he sometimes lets us liestian to good music. Zoey S. Ms. Sharp, should be the teacher of excellence because, she is nice and she teaches us choir and if we do good at the end of the period we get gifts like candy. Zoe Mrs. Bonldin, should be the teacher of excellence because, she dose a lot of stuff for us She thro us party’s takes us places gives us stuff but that not it sometimes she really nice is teacher us math she one of my favor teacher so that way she shoud be Jayden W. Mr. Stanley should be the teacher of excellence because he inspires kids to follow God and give their lives to Christ. Dalton H. Ms. Ridd shoud be the of exellence because she is very nice to us and she helps us do thing if we don’t understand she explains thing to help us understand. Aaron Mrs. Sharp, should be the teacher of excellence because, she gives us oppertonitys to change how you are. fun trips, and trys to excell us in singing arts, and music. Makayla Mrs. Rickman should be the teacher of excellence because she helpt me with all my trubles and she is varey nice. Duane

Thursday, May 18, 2017 | 31 Mrs. Standrful, should be the teacher of excellence because, she is so smart, and she is so beautiful. She help a lot of people out. Faith H. Mis.Goins should be the teacher of excellence because, she help me win i realy need her she gave us kande i love her i wish i code stay in second forever. Melinda Mrs. Duncan should be the teacher of excellence because, She is nice and she does her job. And if one of use needs help she will be there. and she is so smart to be a teacher and she helps me with anything. Brianna The Teacher of Exellence should be Mrs. Duncan because she helps with everything and she’s very, very, very, very nice. Noah C. Mr. Johnson, should be the teacher of excellence because he let us set ther in the middle of class and play with are fidgetspiner. Deacon Mr. Johnson, should be the teacher of excellence because, he let’s us go outside and play basketball. Brady Mr. Johnson should be the teacher of excellence because, he helps us stay healthy and fit teaches us basketball and let us go outside. Hayley K. Mrs. Shellie should be the teacher of excellence because she helps me to be nice even when I get mad she is the funniest teacher and inspires me to be a good person and she always helps us if were in trouble. Taylor W. Mr. Johnson, should be the teacher of excellence because he does fun game and he does exercise.

lence because, she lets us play with toys. Arianeo Kindergarten Ms. Fagg, should be the teacher of excellence because, she helps us ead and know our sight words. She does funny things with us. She makes stuff with us. She puts us with partners. We play games and go outside. She gives us candy when we do something right. Charlize Kindergarten Ms. Debbie, should be the teacher of excellence because, she keeps us safe and she loves us. I love her, she loves all of us forever. Adasyn Kindergarten Miss Dreama, should be the teacher of excellence because, I dressed up like her. She was really, really nice to me. Riley Kindergarten Mrs. Hall, should be the teacher of excellence because, she teaches us songs song about Jesus. She lets us play with balls and stick horses. Arianna Kindergarten Mr. Johnson, should be the teacher of excellence because, he helps us be healthy. He helps us exercise. Easton Kindergarten Mrs. Fagg, should be the teacher of excellence because, she teaches us ABC’s. She makes me glad to learn. Elijah Kindergarten Mrs. Fagg, should be the teacher of excellence because, she teaches us. Meekah Kindergarten

Ms. Standifur, should be the teacher of excellence because, she is my favorite teacher and she does math. Logan L.

Mrs. Fagg, should be the teacher of excellence because, she lets us play and keeps us safe. She helps us. Noah Kindergarten

Mr. Johnson, should be the teacher of excellence because, He keeps me in shape. And he lets me trane for basketball and football. Dylan S.

Mr. Johnson, should be the teacher of excellence because, he lets us play with fidget spinners in the middle of class. He also inspires us to exercise and play out side. Jayden T.

Mr. Johnson, should be the teacher of excellence because, he lets us play basketball and keeps us safe. Micah Kindergarten

Mr. Johnson, should be the teacher of excellence because, he lets us play with are fidget spiners. Peyton H.

Mr. Johnson. He has helped me accomplished my goals. He’s the bestest teacher a student could ask for. Madison M.

Mrs. Duncan, should be the teacher of excellence because, you are so smart and help me in a lot of work. She does hard work and try her best. You are so beautiful. You have help me in away no other teacher has. You are the nice teacher I have met. I love her so smart. Trinity F.

Mr. Johnson, should be the teacher of excellence because, he teaches me how to play basketball. He helps us exercise so I can get big and strong. Conner Kindergarten

Mrs. Fagg, should be the teacher of excellence because, she teaches me and makes me smart. She gives us snack at the end of the day. She lets us play inside and outside. Darrell Kindergarten

Mr. Johnson should be the teacher of excellence because he helps me get fit. Issak A.

Mr. Johnson should be the teacher of excellence because he lets us play with fidget spinners in the midle of class and he teaches hw to be helthy and stay fit. Isaiah T. Mr. Johnson because after a exersise you can have free time and some times you can even play with a figed spinne in the middale of the class. Jaylen

Mr. Johnson, should be the teacher of excellence because, he lets us play basketball. He lets us play outside. Nathaniel Kindergarten Mrs. Fagg, should be the teacher of excellence because, she is nice to me. She helps me with my work. She is really smart. Emma Kindergarten Ms. Dreama, should be the teacher of excel-

Mr. Johnson, should be the teacher of excellence because, he’s fare and he pushes me to my limit and keeps me really fit and is nice also lets us dance, play basketball and throw football to each other. Ms. Cooper, should be the teacher of excellence because, she teaches me how to say my wrds bether and she lets me play bord games she is the Best Savannah Mrs. Poff, should be the teacher of excellence because, when we have groups with her, she teaches us about how to write 4 squares and storys, and also she gives us candy, pencils, and etc. on Fridays! She always encouraging us to do our best no

matter what. I love you Mrs. Poff. (heart) Kyleigh J.

teacher ever in the hold school. Zaclo

Ms. Poff, should be the teacher of excellence because, she gives us candy on Friday, and she’s super super nice, and very encouraging. Sometimes she takes the class outside to play on very nice days. love you favorite teacher Maddie

Mr. Johnson should be the teacher of excellence because he teacher ur how to be fitt and to be a fare game and he’s fare and caring about us. Rocky F.

Mr. Johnson should be the teacher of he aus lat us play futboll ann play basketbol. and he lat us pla gams. Tyler Mrs. Bailey, should be the teacher of excellence because she is a very nice and she encourages me to not give up when I dodn’t get stuf. when I do stuf bad some times she dosen’t care. Mrs. Goins, should be the teacher of excellence because, she is nice and treats us good and gives us attention and cares a lot about us. Mrs. Goins wants us to get a good education. And why I picked her is she like everyone it don’t matter if their new or not. Nicholas Should be teacher of excellence because, Mis. Shellie encourages me to be a beater person and not to be a bad person. Gavin Ms. Poff is the beast teacher in the world she geves aus candy and she teaches ous a lot of stouf we will learn and it fun she is a lot of fun she gives ous candy and chips and cakes and lots of stuf and she teaches ous of she she teaches of lot of lot we leusin to the teach so the teacher lisens to ous. Mis. Poff, shold be the teacher of excllence, because, she get us gum, she is nice, she is kind and she help win we nead it. Raven Mrs. Shellie, should be the teacher of excellence because, she will take care of bullying and teaches us what to do when a stranger comes up to us. She also teaches us how to be safe. Mrs. Shellie is relly nice and funny. She will suport you when you do something like a talent show, spelling bee, and testing. She teaches us important lessons by showing us what to do on a movie or a vidoe. She encourages us to get a good education. Thats why I think she should be picked. I love Mrs. Shellie. Ava M. Mrs. Goins, should be the teacher of excellence because, when I was sad she got me happy, she also is funny one time she had her pencil in her hand but couldn’t find it, and she encourage us. She gave us souveniers from New York. Mrs. Goins is really kind. Bryana M.

My faferet techer is Mrs. Lusk Now she works at Fall river She was here in 2 grad in 3rd she retierd. Only I like her becas she is my Mom and becas she work for a library techer and she is nise and she resas look at book forever therday and they have good books and she is the nise techer I know plus she is awsom, cool, bettr. Jordan L. Mr. Johnson, should be the teacher of excellence because, he gives us fun activeds and builds our muscles olso gets us ready for the future. Issac Mrs. Morris, should be the teacher of excellence because, she teaches us math, spelling and reading and she makes sure we are save at school and we learn and she puts videos about what we are studing that week and she nice to us and makes sure we pass. Christian

Mrs. Goins, should be the teacher of excellence because, she is super nice, does alot of fun things with her students, and when she goes to vacation she brung us back souveniers and postcards and she encouraged us to try our best. Kiley Ms. Poff, should be the teacher of excellence because she lets us have candy but she funny too. She is so awsome. Landy Mis Carie should be the teacher of excellence because, I love her and her is nice. Piper Mrs. Shall, should be the teacher of excellence because, she teac is ur reading Emily Mrs. Gray, Montalm should be the teacher of excellence because, cos she is nise to us Brooklyn Mrs. Fagg, should be the teacher of excellence because she’s nice and she lets me do hard work like first grade work and never let’s us lose our recess. gifts (heart) Love Mrs. Fagg (heart) kindergarden Dylan Mrs. Hall, should be the teacher of excellence because, she teaches us how to do music. (heart) I love Mrs. Hall Isabel

Mr. jonnson,sodog us respere in jim and let us p in jim and let us play Montiom

Mr. Johnson should be the teacher of excellence because, the great basketball escape Elijah

Mr. johnson, should be the teacher of excellence because, he helps us build strength to get us ready for the future. He does them by making them fun. He gets us ready for our future lives. Chance

Mrs. Gray should be the teacher of excellence because outside teaches nice. James

Mr. Johnson very cool. Jim teacher. Jim is fun.He tot us alot out being Fischer Mrs. Morris, should be the teacher of excellence because Mrs. Morris is the best

Mrs. Carver should be the teacher of excellence beezose I gt out of the treasure box. I love Mrs. carver she all always help me so she be the winner I love you. Shyanne Mrs. gray should be the teacher of excellence because she can teach me. Jonathan C.

32 | Thursday, May 18, 2017 Mrs. Gray should be the teacher of excellence because, she helps me with math. Khloe Mrs. Shelle shoud be the Teacher of excellence because. (2 hearts) Brianna P. Mrs. Fagg shoud be the teacher of excellence because, she is fun and helpful and (heart) i miss Mrs. Fagg! Jordan Kindergarden Mrs. Gray, should be the teacher of excellence because, she helps me read. She helps me work. Bryon Mrs. Shaw, should be the teacher of excellence because, you let us read and that mekes us learn and smart your my favorite I love you :) (heart)! Riley K. Mrs. Halsey of excellence besuuse whem I do well I gt to pick a toy out of the box. Vanessa Mrs. Gray should be the teacher of excellence becsuse, outside Isababella O. Mrs. gray should be the teacher of ecellence becalhace C.J. Ms. Poff should be the teacher of excellence because she give us gum on mondays Chase L. Mrs. Hall, should be the teacher of excellence because, Max Mrs. Gray should be the teacher of excellence becsuse, we get to read a story. Aiden Mrs. Reed should be the teacher of excellence because she lets us play outside. Jayden Kindergarten


Blake J.

Mrs. Carver should be the teacher of excellence because she helps us work. She lets us have fun. Crystal Kindergarten

Mr. Johnson, should be the teacher of excellence because he aint mean to us, I like to go to gym, He lets us play fun games, He lets us have free time if we are good, We get to listento music, He lets us watch TV, sometimes he lets us go outside. Ethan

Mrs. Reed should be the teacher of excellence because she lets me get things out of the treasure box. Braden Kindergarten Mrs. Carver should be the teacher of excellence because she lets us pla outside. Charlie Kindergarten Mrs. Fagg should be the teacher of excellence because she is nice and famous. I love her. MaKia Kindergarten Mr. Johnson should be the teacher of excellence because I love gym. He takes us outside. Brennen Kindergarten Ms. Debbie should be the teacher of excellence because she is nice. She helps us in the cafeteria and the classroom. Blake Kindergarten Mrs. Reed should be the teache of excellence because she helps me with my work. She plays with us. Caleb Kindergarten Mrs. Fagg should be the teacher of excellence because she is nice and pretty. She always gives me a hug when I get to school. Mashari Kindergarten Mrs. Reed should be the teacher of excellence because she helps us. She is always nice. Hannah

Mr. Johnson, should be the teacher of excellence because teaches how to stretch. I love gym. Kelsey Kindergarten

Mrs. Shellie should be the teacher of excellence because we watch movies. She tells us what we are supposed to do and what we are not supposed to do. Dalton Kindergarten

Mrs. Carver should be the teacher of excellence because she lets us play. Bentley Kindergarten

Mrs. Elloitt, should be the teacher of excellence because she inspired me to volunteer to help in a shelter. Jorsa

Mrs. Fagg should be the teacher of excellence because she is nice. She lets us watch T.V. Savannah Kindergarten

Mrs. Shellie should be the teacher of excellence because she is a good teacher and she lets us watch movies and she tells us not to be bulling and she is nice and shes my favorit teacher in school and she is great. She dous a lot of stuff with us and she loves all of her children here and I love Mrs. Shellie. She tells us if we need toalk we can come to her I inspir Mrs. Shellie. Mia

Mrs. Carver should be the teacher of excellence because she helps me do my work. She took our class to the park. Santanna Kindergarten Mrs. Reed should be the teacher of excellence because, she helps me with my work. She is really fun. Ryan Kindergarten Mrs. Carver should be the teacher of excellence because she is pretty. She teaches us stuff. She is really nice. Logan

Mrs. Bailey should be the teacher of excellence because she is nice to us and takes us outside and she does go-nottle with us and she does Tresure box withus too and lets us watch tv on the smart bourd and we listen to kidz bop and she reads us storys. Danicka Mr. Johnson, should be the teacher of excellence because he is nice. He lets us play fun games. He is funny, nice, respecful.

Mr Johnson Shld be the teacher of exlellellces. Becose I love gym andhe makes me nick names too. and pilss are favrit game. Derrick Mr. Johnson should be the teacher of excellence because he let’s us play game sand he let’s us play basketball. He let’s us play tag and what we won’t to do in free time. He let’s us listen to music. Landin Mrs. Shellie should be the teacher of execellence because she tells me about bulling, kind and nice, help my problem if im being bulling. and che lets us wach moves. Victor

Mr. Johnson should be the teacher of excellence because he’s nice and he lets everyone have free time. He makes us strong and he’s brave and funny. and he’s strong. Brady Mrs. Elliott should be the teacher of excellence because she is sweet, nice, kind, fun,I really hope she wins she is the best! at least I think so. I love her class and I really really hope she wins. To me I think she is fun, and very kind! Kelly Mr Johnson, should be the teacher of excellence because he inspied me that i can do anything especially sports. Xavier W. Mis. Goings is the Best teacher that i know so far that I know But I’m only in 2on grad so for i doing good because of Mis Goings cause she helps me a lotWine I get stuck on a pproblem she is relly nice to me and all of tchildren she is nice to every one in the contey Bella B.

Mrs. Bouldin should be the teacher of excellence because when I was stuck she would all was help me and my class to. She was very funny She was a graet teacher. She was good at telling storys to us. Her kids are fun they are in Montcalm high school. She was the best but I had to go to a nother grade. She inspired me a lot. She was the best. Caitlyn

Mrs Goins I am Hannah

Mrs.Bouldin, should be the teacher of excellence because she is nice and kind she is the best teacher that I have ever had she gave us candy when we would be good sometimes. She would sometimes give us stickers. She was sometimes funny it would make us laugh hard she would play games like sparkle it was fun and she would sometimes let us pick out our movies and let us pick out our pumkins when we went on a field trip and when we came back we played and after we played she let us watch movies she was the best. Kylee

I think Mrs. Goins Should Win becaus she is nice to us all The time and She let us watch Movies and read to us and let us color. Emma

Mrs. Bouldin should be the teacher of excellence because she was kind, funny teaches wrelly good. and got to pick pumpkins of our one. Devann Mrs. elloit she give me gifts and thew wath movies and good reading a good teaches grat thangs or help me with problem at the good teacher every. Meleana Mrs. Bailey should be the teacher of excellence because, Ilike her, reading and math skills. I like her because we can play inside with different things. We can read, do puzzles, and match cards for recess. We can also watch movies. She also let us listen to the cat in the hat, read his story. She teaches a lot of great teaching lessons. We get to also do gonoodle. And gonoodle is really fun. Chase G. Mrs. Shaw, should be the teacher of excellence because she is very nice to everyone. Mrs. Shaw does the work with us to. Mrs. Shaw says good morning to me to. Breanna Mrs. Shellie should be the teacher of excellence because she respects one another. the end. by Tivis

Mis. Hall should be the teacher of excellence beecause We git to licting to Music Lakin mrs Goins because she is nice Haleigh

Mrs. Goins, should be the teacher of excellence because she read’s book’s to us every morning she help’s us when we get stuke on a word she’s nice she love’s all of us shenever has a problem she like’s the gives that she let’s us watch movies and she gevis us work. Marley K. Mrs. Goins, should be the teacher of excellence because she lets us do gonoodly. Caylee J. Mis. Goins is my faverit teacker She helps me with my Math She Nice. She helps me larn. Shaun Mrs Johnson let play backetball. Mrs Hall she let me sing song. Mrs. Gray she let my do math. Mrs. Bailyshe let me do read. Mrs. Gong she let me playgonoodle. Mrs.fagg she let clove Chris Mr. Johnson, should be the teacher of excellence because Mr. Johnson it my favorite teaches beck He les us play basketbell Tyler H. Mr. Johnson is the best pe teacher because he let us play outside. Nathan Mrs, Gray should be the teacher of excellence because she lets us do gonoodle Madison Mrs. Standifr is the best teacher. Jerran 2nd Grade Mis. Shellie, should be the teacher of excellence because she lets ues watch tv and she stops bulling.

Tina M. Mrs. shellie should be the teacher of excellence she is nice and stop bulling from haping Ayden B Mr. Johnson shoud be the teacher of exellence becauce push ups pull ups and set ups Blake J. mrs. Goins is the best teacher because she teaches us Math and we get to go on field trips. Kurt Mrs. Poff should be the teacher of excellence because she les us chuw gume Ayden Mrs. goins because the teacher of excellence should be Andy Mrs. Elliot she figt some candy Logan Mrs. Baley shuld be the teacher of because excellence Jessie H. Mrs. Hall should be the teacher of excellence she help me with reading she is the best teacher in the wrld Gavin Mrs. Bailey should be the teacher of excellence because she is so good to all of us and she is a good teacher. Alaina Mrs. Poff should be the teacher of excellence because she gives us toys and candy. Allison Mrs Baley should be the teacher of because exellence she giving us candy Alexis Mrs. Bailey should be the teacher of excellence becuse that because she givs us candy. Brook mrs. carver should be the teacher of excellence because Best teacher in the world Caitlynn Mr. Johnson should be the teacher of excellence because Jason Mrs. Kide should be my favet I hope you teacher Get a lot us choklet. Zoey P. Should Mis Fagg be the teacher of because exellence Rylee Mrs. Bailey should be the teacher of elxellence because she is the good teacher ever Peyton Mrs. Bailey is the best teacher because she let us eat candy endearing class. Chloe Ms. Johnson should be the teacher of excellence because he dose great things Trey H. Mrs Bailey should be the teacher of excellence because she helps me lern. Zoe L.

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