2015 Best of the Best
2015 Best of the Best
2015 Best of the Best
Embrace the wonders of wireless at home lectronic devices enable us to access information, communicate and engage in entertainment. Consumer electronics also have transformed the typical household. Data from the Consumer Electronics Association, CTIA and U.S. Census Bureau paint a picture of just how immersed in new technology society has become. Statistics indicate the typical home of 2.6 people has an average of 24 electronic gadgets in use, including one or more smartphones. These devices include eReaders, HDTVs, laptops, tablets, printers, digital cameras, DVRs, Bluetooth speakers, portable GPS devices, and more. To meet the demands of all of these devices, some homes need an electronics overhaul, including beefing up the capabilities of Internet connections and wireless networks. Many Wi-Fi routers claim to be capable of supporting as many as 255 connected devices. While this is theoretically possible, having that many devices on a standard home wireless router can compromise how well a network works. The results may include slow Internet browsing abilities, long lag time and even connection i n t e rference or droppage. When considering renovation projects around the home, it may be worth it to pay attention to electronic devices and their connectivity.
Start with the router The wireless router in your home is a technological workhorse. When the router goes down, your devices follow suit. Without a router you will not be able to access the digital signal from your Internet Service Provider and send it out to all of your devices. Many older routers broadcast on a 2.4GHz signal, the same as many other radio devices. Crowding on the 2.4GHz spectrum could cause slowdown during the busiest times of the day for Internet traffic. It may be worth it to invest in a new router that can search for other channels that have less traffic and broadcast through them. Test your speed Relatively inexpensive software can show you your Internet speed numbers to see if your connection is meeting the speeds promised by your ISP. If your speed is slow when tested at various times in a given day, you may want to upgrade your service package to a faster service plan. If the speed is adequate, you can invest in some other options. Get new hardware Routers should be placed in a central location so that the signal can be accessed throughout the house. But router placement may depend on where your cable or fiber optic lines enter the home. If router
signal interference seems suspect in slower connections, hardware, such as a greater-range antenna, wireless access points, and wireless repeaters can help expand your router signal throughout the house. Speak with a wireless network expert about the options that may be best for your home. Another consideration is a Wi-Fi plug that uses existing electrical circuits in a home to expand the signals offered by the router. Expand your gadget list Once a wireless signal is verified and con-
f i rmed as adequate, you may be interested in additional devices that can tap into the wireless network and make your home run more efficiently. Manufacturers now offer everything from wireless door locks that can be controlled with a smartphone to wireless flash memory cards that can easily transfer photos from a camera to computer to wireless lighting control throughout the entire house. With wireless speakers, you can instantly beam music to any number of units in a home or use a NAS (network attached storage) drive as a backup for photos, videos and other large files.
2015 Best of the Best
Did you know? Cigarette smoke may be a personal health hazard, but it also can be classified as an environmental risk. The Clean Air Council states environmental tobacco smoke, or ETS, contains more than 4,000 substances. Of those, 40 are known to cause cancer in humans or animals. ETS also is responsible for an estimated 150,000 to 300,000 lower respiratory tract infections annually in children under 18 months of age. The Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety defines ETS as the second-hand smoke from someone else's cigarette, cigar or pipe
smoke. It also can be described as the residual material from tobacco smoke in indoor air. Breathing in ETS may be referred to as "passive smoking" or "involuntary smoking." Solid particles that make up about 10 percent of tobacco smoke include tar and nicotine. Gases and other vapors represent the rest of tobacco smoke and may include ammonia, nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide, formaldehyde, and vinyl chloride. Various studies suggest that passive exposure to ETS over an eight-hour day is comparable to directly smoking one to three cigarettes.
2015 Best of the Best
2015 Best of the Best
Best ways to shorten duration of a common cold Few things can be as uncomfortable as the common cold. In their book "Common Cold," authors Olaf Weber and Ronald Eccles say the common cold has been around since the ancient times. More than 200 virus strains can contribute to colds, but the rhinovirus is the most common. Colds produce a bevy of symptoms, including runny nose, congestion and sore throat, so it should come as no surprise that sufferers want to find relief fast. Colds typically last for a week or more. While there's no cure for the common cold, according to The Mayo Clinic, there are some remedies that can help cold sufferers feel better more quickly.
• Rest: One of the best things to do when you have a cold is to get adequate rest. Your body's immune system is working overtime to combat the cold virus, and restricting activity can help it direct efforts where they're needed most. Keep away from strenuous activities, and spend more time relaxing or sleeping to let your body do its job. • Hydration: Consuming plenty of clear fluids can reduce congestion and ensure that you do not get dehydrated. Plus, warm beverages can be soothing to an irritated throat. Avoid coffee, caffeinated sodas and alcohol, which can exacerbate dehydration.
• Saline rinses: Intra-nasal saline sprays, neti pots and similar products can help loosen mucus that is clogging the nose and sinus cavities, allowing it to flow out. This makes blowing your nose more effective and may help prevent post-nasal drip. Avoid prolonged use of medicated decongestant sprays. They may work well, but they can cause rebound congestion that's worse than the original stuffiness. • Vitamin C: Vitamin C will not prevent colds, but it could help in other ways. Taking vitamin C before the onset of cold symptoms may shorten the duration of symptoms. Vitamin C also may provide benefits for people at high risk of colds
due to frequent exposure, offers The Mayo Clinic. • Soup and tea: Soup is an easy-to-digest meal that provides many of the necessary remedies for a cold, including warm broth to hydrate and soothe, antioxidant-rich vegetables and protein to help fuel the body's recovery process. In 2000, Dr. Stephen Rennard of the Nebraska Medical Center in Omaha actually tested if chicken soup clinically makes people with colds feel better. He found that chicken soup inhibited neutrophils, immune cells that cause congestion. Decaffeinated tea also may help you stay hydrated and relieve many cold symptoms.
Bluefield Daily Telegraph 2015 R The Best Place To Buy… Art, Antiques & Collectables 1st Place: L a n d m a rk Antiques 2nd Place: Four Seasons Antiques Carpet 1st Place: Family Carpet 2nd Place: Lowes of Princeton Clothing 1st Place: Belk of Mercer Mall 2nd Place: JCPenney of Mercer Mall Furniture 1st Place: Kammer Furniture Co. 2nd Place: Grand Home Furnishing Groceries 1st Place: Grant's Superm a rkets 2nd Place: Kroger of Pri n c e t o n
Windows 1st Place: Window World of Beckley 2nd Place: Windows Direct
Day Care 1st Place: K i rks Blessing 2nd Place: (Tie) - Lifeline C
The Best…
Day Spa / Massage Thera 1st Place: Crystal White/Da 2nd Place: Beauty Concept
Accountant 1st Place: Kevin Wo rl ey 2nd Place: Raymond Froy Ambulance Service 1st Place: P rinceton Rescue Squad 2nd Place: Bluefield WV Rescue Squad Auctioneer 1st Place: Eddie Pauley, Regency 2nd Place: Twin City Auction
Dentist 1st Place: Dr. Charles Lane 2nd Place: Dr. David Kovac Dermatologist 1st Place: Dr. David Tolliver 2nd Place: Dr. Nelson E. Ve Family Physician 1st Place: Dr. Ronald W. Bil 2nd Place: Dr. Pamela Faul
Auto Repair Center 1st Place: Bland Street Auto 2nd Place: B a rker Tire Pros
Financial Advisor 1st Place: Peter Romano 2nd Place: Kevin Worley
Bank 1st Place: First Community Bank 2nd Place: BB&T
Florist 1st Place: Brown Sack Crea 2nd Place: Myra’s Flowersh
Cardiologist 1st Place: Javed Cardiac Center PLLC 2nd Place: Dr. Stephen Ward, MD
Funeral Home 1st Place: M e m o rial Funera 2nd Place: Craven-Shires F
Carpet Cleaning Service 1st Place: Stanley Steamer 2nd Place: Sears Carpet Cleaning
Hair Salon 1st Place: Centre Stage Ha 2nd Place: Beauty Concept
Cemetery 1st Place: Roselawn Cemetery 2nd Place: Woodlawn Memorial Pa rk
Health Club 1st Place: P rinceton Health 2nd Place: Bluefield Comm
Tile/Hardwood Flooring 1st Place: Family Carpet 2nd Place: Raleigh Tile
Chiropractor 1st Place: Dales Chiropractic 2nd Place: Dr. Randy Maxwell
Heating/Cooling 1st Place: J&M Heating 2nd Place: The Furnace Ma
Used Vehicle 1st Place: Cole Chevrolet, Buick, GMC, Cadillac 2nd Place: Ramey Ford Pri n c e t o n
College 1st Place: Concord University 2nd Place: Bluefield State College
Hospital 1st Place: P rinceton Comm 2nd Place: Bluefield Region
Lawn Equipment 1st Place: Country Power 2nd Place: Lowes of Bluefield, Va. New Car 1st Place: Cole Chevrolet, Buick, GMC, Cadillac 2nd Place: Ramey Ford Pri n c e t o n New Truck 1st Place: Cole Chevrolet, Buick, GMC, Cadillac 2nd Place: Ramey Ford Pri n c e t o n Plants, Flowers, Shrubs 1st Place: Hurley’s Greenhouse 2nd Place: Cutlip’s Recreational Vehicle 1st Place: SwampFox Motorsports 2nd Place: Millers ATV
Readers’ Choice Award Winners
Child Care/Mother Goose
Insurance Agency 1st Place: Romeo Insurance Agency 2nd Place: Bill Lewis Insurance Agency
py ales Chiropractic ts
Law Firm 1st Place: Harold B. Wolfe, III 2nd Place: Smith & Lilly
e, DDS ch, DDS
r, DO elazquez,
llips, MD lkner, DO
Lawn Care Service 1st Place: Lawn Ranger 2nd Place: Cutlip's Locksmith 1st Place: Loc Doc 2nd Place: Mountain State Locksmith Nursing Home 1st Place: Princeton Health Care 2nd Place: Glenwood Pa rk Retirement Village Obstetrician 1st Place: Dr. Robert W. Edwards, MD 2nd Place: Mountain View Obstetrics and Gynecology, Dr. Joe Ellington, MD
ations hop
Optometrist 1st Place: Dr. Donald K. Taylor 2nd Place: Dr. G. Frank Britton III
al Home Funeral Home
Orthopedic Surgeon 1st Place: Dr. Fredrick B. Morgan, DO 2nd Place: Dr. Philip Branson, MD
air Design ts
Pediatrician 1st Place: Dr. Asma Safder, MD 2nd Place: Dr. Ryan Cicenas, MD
h & Fitness munity Center
an, Inc.
munity Hospital nal Medical Center
Real Estate Agency/Broker 1st Place: Century 21 Four Seasons Select Properties 2nd Place: Country Roads Real Estate Agent 1st Place: Janeen Webb 2nd Place: Kathy Wolfe Retirement Community 1st Place: The Havens at Princeton Assisted Living 2nd Place: GlenWood Park Retirement Village Specialty Gift Store 1st Place: Willow Crossing 2nd Place: Cornerstone Gifts Sporting Goods Store 1st Place: B&G Pro Shop 2nd Place: H&S Sporting Goods Tire Dealer 1st Place: Kings Tire 2nd Place: Kitt's Tire Tree Service 1st Place: Lesters Tree Service 2nd Place: Shrewsbury Tree Service TV Station 1st Place: WVVA 2nd Place: CBS 59 Veterinarian 1st Place: Veterinary Associates 2nd Place: Green Valley Animal Hospital
The Best Place To Eat…
Pet Grooming 1st Place: Paws and Claws 2nd Place: Pet Zone
Breakfast 1st Place: Cracker Barrel 2nd Place: Omlette Spot
Pharmacy 1st Place: Four Seasons Pharmacy 2nd Place: Goodykoontz
Lunch 1st Place: Kathy’s Cafe 2nd Place: Portabella’s
Radio Station 1st Place: J104 2nd Place: Star 95
Dinner 1st Place: Outback Steakhouse 2nd Place: Texas Steakhouse
2015 Best of the Best
Best ways to get a more restful night's sleep A good night's sleep can benefit the human body in various ways, including increasing alertness and improving mood and productivity. But according to the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, chronic insomnia disorders, which are defined as insomnia that occurs at least three times per week for at least three months, affect 10 percent of the adult population, while an additional 15 to 20 percent of adults suffer from a short-term insomnia disorder (less than three months). Fortunately, insomnia is treatable, and many people who suffer from insomnia can address their conditions without use of medication. The following are a handful of strategies adults can employ to ensure a more restful night's sleep. • Reduce stimulant consumption. When consumed in large quantities or close to bedtime, stimulants such as caffeine can make it difficult to fall asleep.
Beverages such as coffee and soda contain enough caffeine to interfere with a person's ability to fall asleep, so keep your caffeine consumption to a minimum, resisting caffeine four to six hours before bedtime. Nicotine, which is the active constituent in tobacco, also can act as a stimulant, giving men and women another reason to quit smoking. If you must have soda, coffee or tea before, during or after dinner, drink only decaffeinated beverages. • Stop staring at the clock. According to the Sleep Health Foundation, staring at the clock as you are trying to fall asleep increases the stress hormone cortisol in your body, making it more difficult to fall asleep. Turn your alarm clock away from your bed so you cannot see the time. • Read before bed but not in bed. The National Sleep Foundation notes that calming activities such as reading can help the human body shift into sleep mode. But
reading in bed may have an adverse effect on your ability to fall asleep. Read in an armchair in your bedroom or another room, as you feel yourself growing tired, stop reading and get into bed. If possible, read print books, magazines or newspapers before going to sleep, as studies have shown that the blue light from electronics such as tablets and e-readers can disturb sleep.
• Avoid alcohol. Men and women who struggle to fall asleep may find that alcohol helps to bring on sleep. While that's often true, a few hours after consumption, alcohol begins to act as a stimulant. That can affect both your quality of sleep and your ability to remain sleeping. Avoid consuming alcohol within three hours of your bedtime so you can sleep better and longer and are less likely to suffer from interrupted sleep.
2015 Best of the Best
Did you know? Pets play important roles in their owners' lives and are increasingly included in more activities, such as vacations, dining out and even weddings. The National Association of Professional Pet Sitters says more couples are customizing their wedding celebrations and bridal parties to include pets. Dogs and cats are turning up in wedding photos as well as trips down the aisle. Some pets even serve as ring bearers. Before giving your pet a job for the wedding, consider his personality and temperament. How does the pet
react around crowds? A dog or cat accustomed to a quiet home may behave differently when placed in a room full of excited people. In addition, confirm that pets are allowed inside your ceremony space. Certain venues may not allow animals that are not service dogs. Make sure to inform guests that an animal will be present, so those with allergies can take precautions. If it isn't practical to have animals in the ceremony, give them a primary spot in wedding or engagement photos.
2015 Best of the Best
Did you know? The home improvement market, which includes both improvements and maintenance, has rebounded considerably from its most recent low point in 2011. The Joint Center for Housing Studies (JCHS) of Harvard University indicated in early 2015 that the upcoming year would surpass the $324 billion spent on
improvements during the peak of the housing boom a decade ago. Even though homebuilding and the home industry in general is still not at complete recovery, trends within the home improvement industry do suggest that homeowners have once again become comfortable investing in their homes.
2015 Best of the Best
2015 Best of the Best
2015 Best of the Best
2015 Best of the Best
Best exercise tips for beginners The right combination of diet and exercise is one of the keys to a long and healthy life. While many people find adapting to a healthier diet challenging, that challenge often pales in comparison to the intimidation felt when working out for the first time in years. Exercising after an extended period of inactivity may intimidate people who choose to workout at gyms, where fellow gym members may appear to be in tip-top shape. Overcoming that intimidation factor can be as simple as working out with a friend or working with a personal trainer, each of whom can offer the support and guidance beginners need when reacclimating themselves to more active lifestyles. In addition to the buddy system, beginners can employ the following strategies to make their return to exer-
cise go as smoothly as possible. • Gradually build up your exercise tolerance. When you exercise, your body releases neurotransmitters known as endorphins, which trigger posi-
tive feelings in the body. Those positive feelings can be addictive, but it's important that beginners do not go too hard too quickly when beginning a new exercise regimen. Gradually build up your exercise tolerance, exercising two or three days per week and taking a day off between workouts when you start. As your body becomes more acclimated to exercise, you can start to workout more and with more intensity. • Stretch after working out. Stretching can improve flexibility, and that may decrease your risk of future injury. In addition, improved flexibility may improve your exercise perf o rmance by improving your range of motion and helping your muscles work more effectively. Muscles contract during a workout, and stretching after
workouts can help reset those muscles to their natural position. Include both static stretching and foam rolling in your post-workout stretching routine. • Find a routine that works for you. Many men and women feel they must sign up for a gym membership upon resolving to adopt a more active lifestyle. While gyms afford you the opportunity to strength train and get in your cardiovascular exercise, they're not for everyone. The best approach and the one that's likely to be most successful over the long haul is to find an exercise routine that engages you and that you find enjoyable. If the gym is not for you, try to find a routine that still includes both strength training and cardiovascular exercise. Strength training can make your body more durable, and cardiovas-
cular exercise can reduce your risk for various health problems, including heart disease. • Track your progress. One way to stay motivated is to keep track of your progress. If you're working out but not monitoring your results, you may not feel like you're getting anywhere. Keep a workout diary, tracking both your successes and failures, so you can see what's working and what's not. The longer you stay committed to your workout routine, the greater the likelihood that you will be tracking more successes than failures, and those successes can provide the motivation to keep you going on those inevitable days when you want to skip workouts. Returning to exercise after an extended period of inactivity can be quite the challenge, but it's nothing motivated men and women cannot overcome.