2017 Consumer How to Guide

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Friday, May 26, 2017

ONSUMER How To Guide


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2017 Consumer How To Guide


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2017 Consumer How To Guide

How to


WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW • Do not guide a nursing home on the basis of a guided tour or the nice furniture and wallpaper in the lobby. • In selecting a nursing home make personal visits. • Ask a lot of questions about any nursing home you’re interested in. • Planning ahead is one of the best ways to ease the emotional stress when seeking a nursing home.

It is vital for your family member that you spend a considerable amount of time researching the nursing home before you send them to the home. It is much easier to pick a good home in the beginning than it is to choose a poor home and have to go through the many obstacles to improve the care or try to transfer your family member to another facility. It is important not to judge the nursing home on the basis of a guided tour or the nice furniture and wallpaper in the lobby. You must remember that, especially in a for-profit nursing home, they put a lot of effort in marketing to convince you to bring your family member to their home. The pictures of happy grandmas in their brochures, nice dining rooms and landscaped entrances do not give you an idea of the quality of the basic care that your family member will receive. There are many ways to go about selecting a nursing home that will be right for you. Besides researching state inspection reports, getting word of mouth recommendations and looking at promotional literature. Nothing is more valuable than the insight you gain from making personal visits. Visit more than one nursing home, and visit more than once. Ask a lot of questions, and trust your feelings about the places you visit. Find out as much as you can about each nursing home. A good way to do this is to talk to: • The long-term care ombudsman, who visits nursing homes and investigates complaints. • Doctors, nurses, hospital social workers, clergy, and other professionals who are familiar with nursing homes. • Family members and friends of people who live in the nursing homes. •Residents of the nursing homes. •Nursing home employees, especially nursing assistants, who give 90 per cent of the care. Ask a lot of questions about any nursing home you’re interested in. Examples: • Do people you talk to regard this as a good nursing home?

• Has the state licensing agency found an unusual number of violations here? •Does the home have enough staff, especially nursing assistants, to give residents the care and personal attention they need? • Are staff friendly, considerate, and helpful? • Are residents treated with dignity and respect? • Are there a lot of staff changes because workers leave? • Do staff do their jobs well? • Does the nursing home provide the special services your loved one needs? • Are there always enough linens and other supplies? • Are families concerned about fee increases or extra charges for supplies or services? • Is the “quality of life” good such things as choices of food at meals and which clothes to wear, a homelike environment, and interesting or entertaining activities? • Does the nursing home have an active resident council? An active family council? • Are there some really good things about this facility? • Visit rooms where various therapies and recreational programs are held. • Observe the dining area, beauty salon and the schedules for each. • Inquire about security measures, especially for residents who have a ten-

dency to wander. • Ask about facility policies regarding use or installation of telephones, cable television and bring personal items into the facility. • Observe how the staff meets with you and how they interact with other residents during your visit (are they respectful, caring, and attentive?) • Observe if the residents are occupied, supervised, satisfied, well groomed and if the rooms are personalized. • Is the facility free of overwhelming unpleasant odors? • Is the home clean and well-maintained? • Do chairs and other furniture seems sturdy, attractive and comfortable? • Is the facility well lighted? • Taste the food, is it good? • Are the residents who need help eating receiving assistance? • Are there hand rails in hallways and grab bars in bathrooms? • Is the temperature comfortable? • Do patients rooms have windows? PLANNING: Planning ahead is one of the best ways to ease the emotional stress when seeking a nursing home. Id you are helping a relative or a friend find a nursing home, involve them in the process as much as possible. If the person is mentally alert, it is essential that their wishes be considered every step of the way. By planning ahead and educating yourself and your family about nursing home care and services, it will become a much easier transition when you can no longer put off admitting someone to a nursing home. It will also put the future resident’s mind at ease to know what to expect in the admission process and the first few days in their new home.

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2017 Consumer How To Guide

Friday, May 26, 2017 | 5

2017 Consumer How To Guide

How to


Questions To Think About... • Have you selected a cemetery or memorial location? • Are certain religious customs to be followed? • Are there any special readings, biblical passages or musical selections your prefer to use in the memorial service? • Do you prefer a specific charity or organization as the recipient of memorial gifts? • Do you want to name pallbearers? A solid pre-planning session can prevent complications which can loom very large at a time of pain and sorrow.

It was Ben Franklin who said nothing is certain but death an taxes. This article does not deal with taxes, but rather the other certainty of life. Everyone dies, so a discussion of funeral planning is never irrelevant. When someone dies we love, there are varying states of anger, confusion and numbness. The funeral is one of the most significant means we have of dealing with grief. The funeral ritual helps us focus our emotions and brings a sense of meaning to death. It confirms the reality of death and provides a catalyst for mourners to begin talking about the deceased. Experts tell us being able to talk about the life of a deceased loved one is one of the first steps towards accepting death. PREARRANGING YOUR FUNERAL Prearranging your funeral is not much different than any other planning you have carried out during your lifetime. You buy insurance in case of fire, flood, theft or death. These coverages are purchased as an act of love and responsibility for those you love in case an unfortunate incident occurs. A pre-planned funeral accomplishes the same goals. A pre-planned funeral can prevent your family members from having to make a number of significant decisions at a time when they are confused and upset. They will have enough on their minds without having to make more important decisions in a very short period of time. Experts tell us there are an average of 50 decisions to be made when arranging a funeral. Adding to the need for pre-planning is the fact that our lifestyle is more complex in today’s world. Family members often live in different states, complicating rapid decision-making. Further complications stem from frustration that occur when dealing with government agencies in different states. HOW TO PLAN A call to a funeral director is a good beginning in making sure you have covered all your bases in your planning. He or she can lead you through a process to ensure you don’t forget vital information

in your plan. Some funeral directors offer free booklets that provide a “punch list” of topics to think through and record your wishes. Topics in these guides include funeral details ranging from visitation to the memorial service and alternatives from burial, cremation or entombment. These are obvious decisions, but other important topics include categories that will provide a helping hand to your family. Additional topics include organizations to be notified with phone numbers, persons to be notified, medical history, estate information, banking information, real estate holdings and insurance policies. Many include obituary information outlines, personal property inventories and special instruction and information pages. There may also be information regarding the importance of your will and how to go about ensuring it is accurate and updated. PRE FUNDING YOUR FUNERAL Pre-funding your funeral also is an important consideration. Your funeral director can show you options which will wave your family from possible financial burden later. You may take out a life insurance policy which would cover

funeral expenses, or invest in a funeral trust account or final expense insurance policy. In most cases, funds invested today would be enough to cover the total cost of the funeral since interest earned by the funds will offset the effect of inflation. Government regulations safeguard your investment so funds will always be available for use. Another important part in your plan is to make sure your loved ones know where your recorded wishes can be found. Millions of dollars in government and insurance death benefits go unclaimed because family members do not know where to find needed information at the time of death. Some considerations that also need to remain in the forefront of the pre-planning agenda: • Social Security — When a loved one dies, dependents and survivors maybe eligible for certain benefits such as death payments, survivor’s benefits and Medicare. Qualifications depend on several factors such as age, marital status, number of dependents and whether employment was under Social Security. Your Social Security account should be verified periodically to ensure contributions are posted. All benefits must be Continued on page 8

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2017 Consumer How To Guide

How to HOW TO READ A PRESCRIPTION Most prescriptions are made up of Latin abbreviations. The following is a short list of some of the more common ones and what they mean: i one ii two iii three iv four po take by mouth QD take once a day BID take two times a day TID take three times a day QID take four times a day q12h take every 12 hours q4-6h take every 4 to 6 hours prn as needed or if needed pc after a meal ac before a meal as left ear ad right ear ou both eyes od right eye os left eye tsp teaspoonful ml milliliter


If you’re like most people, you didn’t choose a pharmacist, you chose a pharmacy for your medication needs. Your pharmacist is a very important part of your health care team and should be chosen carefully. In between doctor visits, your pharmacist can be an important resource for you. This is especially true if you are using multiple medications or need help with products such as blood glucose meters, asthma inhalers, or other special care items. Some key questions to ask when choosing a pharmacist include: • Does the pharmacist take time to answer your questions in a manner that you understand? • Does the pharmacist tell you about each new medication and explain such things as how and when to take the medi-

cation and what you can and cannot take with it? • Does the pharmacist offer flavoring for liquid meds for children • Does the pharmacist show concern for you and your family? • Does the pharmacist recommend vitamins or supplements to take or tell you which ones you should NOT take with your prescriptions? If your current pharmacist doesn’t meet your needs or doesn’t take the necessary time to make sure that you understand your medictions, visit other pharmacies and ask if the pharmacist has any special certifications or training. Find out if the pharmacy has any special services that they can offer you such as demonstrating a new inhaler. See if you can find a pharmacist that is easy to talk to, yet

shows concern and is able to explain what you need to know as a consumer of both prescription medications and vitamin supplements.

WHAT TO LOOK FOR IN A PHARMACY Where your family pharmacist works should also be an important consideration when deciding where your medication needs are going to take place. Most people taking medications visit a pharmacy monthly and should consider several factors when choosing which pharmacy to patronize. Convenience is an important issue with all of the time pressures that people feel these days. The pharmacy should be in a convenient location with convenient parkContinued on page 8

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How to




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Friday, May 26, 2017 | 7

2017 Consumer How To Guide

Hearing is something many people take for granted. While it’s certainly possible to a lifetime without so much as a single hearing problem, nearly anyone who has ever been to a musical concert has no doubt considered the possibility of hearing loss, be it temporary or permanent. Just as common as the consideration of hearing loss are the myths associated with hearing loss and treatment. The Better Hearing Institute (BHI), a not-for-profit corporation with a goal of educating the public about hearing loss and what can be done about, breaks some of those myths.

can benefit hearing loss, only 5-10 percent of adult cases of hearing loss can benefit from surgery or other treatment.

* Minor surgery can fix my hearing. Though medical treatment or surgery

* Hearing loss is for the elderly. Arguably the most common misconception about


* I have one good ear and one bad ear. When one ear is bad, the natural tendency is to begin favoring the other ear when using the telephone or having face-to-face conversations. This creates the illusion that the so-called “better ear” is normal when it really isn’t. In fact, according to the BHI, most type of hearing loss affects both ears equally and roughly 90 percent of hearing loss patients are in need of hearing aids for both ears.

hearing loss, this is also entirely untrue. In fact, only 35 percent of people with hearing loss are over the age of 64. Nearly 6 million people in the United States alone between the ages of 18 and 44 have some hearing loss, and more than one million are school age.

* My doctor would have told me if I had hearing loss. According to the BHI, only 14 percent of physicians routinely screen for hearing loss during a physical. Due to the quiet nature of a doctor’s office, it’s easy for the physician to assume your hearing is fine because the environment is quiet and you likely are not exhibiting any symptoms of hearing loss. When visitContinued on page 8

If you experience difficulty hearing, now is the time to stop in for a Free Precision Hearing Screening by the experts. There’s no charge or obligation, and you’ll be amazed by how comfortable, effective and discreet today’s digital hearing aids can be!

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8 | Friday, May 26, 2017

2017 Consumer How To Guide


ing the doctor for your next physical, ask him to look for any signs of hearing loss during the physical. * Hearing loss is normal for my age. Hearing loss isn’t normal for anyone, no matter what a friend, relative or even physician might say. * Hearing loss is untreatable. Hearing loss might have been untreatable years ago, but technology has changed that. Though surgery might not be the answer, the BHI notes that 95 percent of people with sensorineural hearing loss can be helped with hearing aids. The good news is that there is a local company with an outstanding reputation who can help you get back the hearing that was once considered “lost”!

CHOOSE A PHARMACIST Continued from page 6

ing nearby. If you are unable to get to the pharmacy, the pharmacy should make sure that your prescriptions are mailed to your home or delivered to your home or work. Having the ability to open a charge account or have a credit card kept on file for charging prescriptions is a convenient feature, especially when you are on a trip or someone else is picking up the prescription for you. The pharmacy may offer any special services that

PREPLAN A FUNERAL Continued from page 5

applied for since payments are not automatic. • Veterans Benefits — Honorably-discharged veterans are entitled to benefits that may affect decisions about funeral arrangements. For example, veterans may qualify for a cemetery plot and burial allowances, a headstone and burial flag, as well as pension for survivors. • Medicaid — There are provisions under Federal Title 19 that allow an individual to shelter funds to serve the family later by providing for funeral arrangements. Since qualifications vary for each of these options, it is best to discuss your situation with your funeral director. Choosing a funeral home is often the first step in preparing for death and dealing with emotional decisions that must be made. A funeral is a one shot deal-you only have one chance to get it right. Choose a funeral home with which you feel comfortable. You need a trusted professional that will be honest about the processes, the procedures, and the costs.

Hear Again can help you take charge and change your life! Now is the time to do something for yourself. Start with a hearing evaluation. Hear Again offers professional complimentary hearing exams and evaluations. James “Jim” Meredith, MS, CCC, A/SLP is a Board Certified Audiologist who does live speech mapping. This is a process whereby probe microphones are used with real-time speech to show the benefits of finding the appropriate hearing aid system for the patient.

Susan “Tootie” Meredith, BC-HIS, ACB, Board Certified Hearing Instrument Specialist then provides expert fitting for the patient with the correct hearing instrument. Hear Again offers the latest technology in computerized digital hearing aid systems. They offer Siemens, Starkey, Phonak and Resound Hearing Systems, many of these devices being nearly invisible having the receiver in-the-canal, leaving the ear drum open. Buy the best! You deserve to remain a part of life. Don’t be fooled by sales gimmicks and special pricing come-ons. Hear Again’s prices are always fair! They accept a wide range of insurance providers, Worker’s Compensation, and United Mine Worker’s of America Benefits. They never charge for office visits or regular maintenance. Hear Again also has the best service in southern West Virginia and southwestern Virginia. Home visits are not a problem and evening and Saturday appointments are available upon request. Appointments are always professional and confidential. Help yourself at Hear Again, Inc., 900 Stafford Drive, Princeton, WV. For more information, please call (304) 487-0821.

set them apart from the other pharmacies. You might be interested in special packaging to make it easier to remember to take your medications. If you have diabetes, finding a pharmacy that can demonstrate several glucose monitors to find which one works best for you can make testing your blood sugar easier. This will help both you and your doctor control your diabetes. Look for a pharmacy that offers a private counseling area so you can ask personal questions without being overheard. Other conveniences that should be taken into account include fast friendly service and workmans comp billing. It’s a good idea to get all of your prescriptions filled

at a single pharmacy. The pharmacy keeps a complete medication profile on you. These profiles record all medications that you are taking, health problems, and drug allergies that you have told your pharmacist about. By going to one pharmacy, your pharmacist will be able to continuously update your patient profile — making sure all the information is accurate. This will help avoid problems that occur when some medications are mixed. With a little effort, you should be able to find a pharmacy that will be your partner in your goal living a healthful life.

Your funeral director will be like a trusted family member in your time of need and will treat you with respect and compassion. Today, funeral homes, like other service professions, are changing rapidly. There are more and more corporate buyouts that focus on the bottom-line. This gives more reason to choose one’s funeral director with care. The Princeton Independent Funeral Home recommends that families should gather information BEFORE the funeral home is needed. Phone calls to local funeral service providers can be a key element in choosing a funeral home. Begin by asking these questions: 1. Are you an independent funeral home? Independent funeral homes are locally owned by people who are an active part of the community. 2. Are your funeral directors fully licensed and do they have advanced training? 3. Does the funeral home offer opportunities for prearrangement? 4. Does the funeral home honor pre-arrangements from other funeral homes?

5. Is a price list available (including services and merchandise such as caskets and vaults)? This should be given to you at no obligation. These types of questions will help you determine if the service provider will be available to meet your personal needs. Most people simply go back to the funeral home that their family has always used. Your family may find it advantageous to research their choices. Princeton Independent Funeral Home will always answer any of your inquiries openly, honestly, and with no obligation. Since 1844, it has been a tradition of our family serving your family. We continue to live in this community and serve this community. Serving you means providing you with information that is helpful in all areas of grief and loss. If you would like more information, please contact us and we will help you anyway we can.

A solid pre-planning session can prevent complications which can loom very large at a time of pain and sorrow.

Friday, May 26, 2017 | 9

2017 Consumer How To Guide

How to


One springtime task on homeowners’ to-do lists is checking cooling systems to ensure they are ready for summer. Proper maintenance of cooling systems is essential to saving energy and keeping utility costs down. Fortunately, homeowners need not be certified HVAC technicians to maintain their cooling units. • Clean filters. Whether a home is kept cool by a whole-house central air conditioning system or window units, clean filters are necessary to keep the units working efficiently. Routinely replacing or cleaning filters is one of the most important maintenance tasks to improve airflow and increase efficiency. The U.S. Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy

says replacing a dirty, clogged filter with a clean one can lower an air conditioner’s energy consumption by anywhere from 5 to 15 percent. • Know the square footage. When replacing a cooling system, have an understanding of the size of your home (or room if installing an window unit). Determine the area of the home so you buy a unit that suits your needs. Air conditioners use BTUs (British Thermal Units) to define cooling power. The more BTUs, the larger the space that can be cooled. However, homeowners do not want to exceed the necessary cooling power. This leads to energy waste. EnergyStar.gov can help homeowners find the right cooling system

for their needs. • Inspect system coils. The evaporator and condenser coils on air conditioners can collect dirt, even when filters are maintained. Dirty coils are less efficient at absorbing heat, so periodically remove the dirt. Outdoor coils can be kept cleaner by cutting back foliage from the unit to allow better air flow. • Inspect condensate drains. Energy. gov also suggests making sure condensate drains, which take moisture pulled from the air away, are functioning properly. If they’re clogged, they may not be effective at reducing humidity in a home, and they may even leak.

Continued on page 11

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10 | Friday, May 26, 2017

2017 Consumer How To Guide

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With the economy on the rebound, shopping trips are once again becoming an indulgence for men and women alike. Responsible shoppers know to spend within their means, but shopping excursions can still be enjoyable even for those shoppers with limited budgets. The following are a handful of ways shoppers can make the most of their next shopping trips. * Employ the buddy system. Most activities are made more enjoyable when friends are along for the ride, and shopping is no exception. Shopping with friends can make the trip more fun, and friends can offer their opinions on everything from clothing to appliances. In addition, friends

can discourage one another from spending beyond their means. * Comparison shop. Many shoppers feel that finding a good deal is the most fun part of shopping. Anyone can walk in off the street and pay full price for an item, but savvy shoppers pride themselves on finding the best deals. Shoppers can start their comparison shopping even before they visit their favorite retailers, comparing online prices with the prices they are likely to pay in-store. Such research may also unearth sales that are not heavily advertised, netting shoppers even more savings. Shoppers who find items at heavy discounts online may even be able to find retailers who will match those discounts

in-store. But that requires shoppers do their homework first. * Take advantage of retailer apps. Many retailers now have their own smartphone apps, which can net shoppers even more savings. Before heading downtown to shop till they drop, shoppers should download apps from their favorite retailers. Such apps can alert shoppers to any sales and may even make them eligible for special discounts available only to the smartphone users who have downloaded the store app. In addition to retailerspecific apps, shoppers may be able to take advantage of coupon apps that collect information on various in-store and Continued on page 11

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Friday, May 26, 2017 | 11

2017 Consumer How To Guide


online promotions and alert customers to such deals when they are within spitting distance of the stores. Such apps are typically free and can save shoppers substantial amounts of money. * Develop a plan. Once they have set aside a day for some retail therapy, shoppers should plan where they want to shop and make a list of what they need. Shoppers can still make some time for window shopping, but spending too much time gazing into store windows can cost

shoppers time to purchase those things they truly need. Make a list of stores anyone going on the trip wants to visit, and then allow yourselves ample time to get what you need and gaze at what you want. Many shoppers find their shopping trips are now few and far between. But there are ways that savvy shoppers can still visit their favorite retailers without busting their budgets.


• Clear debris. Remove fallen leaves or other plant material from condenser units and fan blades. Obstructed components can cause the system to retain heat, compromising its ability to work effectively. Some homeowners prefer to cover their condensers at the end of the cooling season to keep leaves and dirt out of the unit. • Check window unit seals. When installing window units, make sure all seals around the air conditioner are in place to prevent cool-air loss. • Hire a technician. Air conditioner technicians can be veryhelpful and will know how to

prepare a system for hot weather. Technicians typically conduct multipoint inspections and measure such things as refrigerant levels and duct leakage. Airflow through the evaporator coil also may be checked. If a homeowner suspects the thermostat is not working properly, a technician can verify if that is true and even install a new one if necessary. As summer approaches, homeowners should prepare their air conditioning units for the busy months ahead.

12 | Friday, May 26, 2017

2017 Consumer How To Guide

How to

CHOOSE A FITNESS CENTER especially to a beginning trainer. • Look for a wide variety of cardio machines as well. TIPS FOR JOINING A CLUB The main thing you want to consider before joining is what you will need and want from a health club. Here are a few simple tips to consider when choosing a fitness facility that is right for you. The first thing you want to look for is a friendly qualified staff with solid credentials. Don’t feel bad about asking for credentials. Ask what services they offer to help with your goals. Services should include nutrition, personal training, group exercise and

strong personal programming.

THE QUALITY OF THE FACILITY • If the gym is dirty and the equipment is falling apart then chances are it is not a good choice. • Look for well-maintained equipment and a clean facility. • Check the benches and machines for fraying cables and stitching. • Check dumbbells for loose plates and rust. • Look at the cardio machines for wear and tear and listen for strange noises. Overall the facility should make you feel good. A good club will be packed with lots of energy and a positive


You’ve heard it before: Regular exercise increases your energy and metabolism, improves strength and flexibility, decreases stress, brightens your mood and helps fight disease as you age. With all those fantastic benefits, why would you ever skip a workout? Alas, fitting it in can be difficult as your life gets busier. What you need is a place where you’ll have fun working out and a plan that makes doing so as second nature as brushing your teeth. Joining a fitness or sports club carries many benefits. Some join for the chance to meet other like-minded people. Others join such clubs for the convenience of being able to play and socialize on their own schedules. Some join simply because it may be cheaper to have a membership than pay entrance or game fees each time. But as with any other activity, the benefits of joining a club can be enhanced and bad experiences can be avoided with some thought and planning. HERE ARE SOME THINGS TO THINK ABOUT: Ten questions to ask before joining: 1. Will I have fun? 2. Will I have the opportunity to make new friends while maintaining previous friendships and family ties? 3. Do I agree with the purpose or mission of the club? 4. Why am I joining the club? 5. What can I offer the club? 6. Will this group challenge me to improve? 7. Will I be able to get the most out my membership, as well as balance other things in my life, such as job, family and church? 8. How will membership in this group help me reach my personal goals? 9. What are the requirements of membership? 10. What does this club have to offer me? EQUIPMENT • Find out what equipment and amenities the club offers — such as free weights and exercise machines. • Equipment selection is a very individual point that holds varying weights for different people. • Some people like a wide variety of equipment and machines while others just need some benches, dumbbells and barbells. • A club that has too much equipment can be just as bad as a club that doesn’t have enough as they can be quite confusing,

Friday, May 26, 2017 | 13

2017 Consumer How To Guide

How to


Upon making the transition to a new job or retiring, many people are unsure about what to do with their 401(k) or other retirement plans linked to their employer. Handling this transition can be costly, and many men and women might benefit from the advice of a professional financial advisor to help them navigate these waters without breaking the bank. Some men and women may think they’re forced to cash out their retirement accounts when moving on to new companies. But, depending on a person’s age, that’s a potentially costly option that can incur heavy penalties. Fortunately, cashing out is not the only option men and women have as they try to figure out what to do with their retirement accounts after retiring or moving on to new companies. • Keep the money with your former







employer - Some employers allow former employers to keep their retirement savings in their plans. This allows men and women to avoid early withdrawal penalties and lets them continue to defer paying taxes on retirement savings accounts until they reach retirement age and need to start withdrawing money. Another benefit to keeping money in an employer retirement plan even after you leave the company is it protects you if there are rollover restrictions governing any additional accounts you might have transferred the money into. Employers who do allow former employees to keep their money in retirement plans likely included certain language in those plans that govern how the account is managed after employees leave the company. For example, former employees

may no longer be able to contribute to the plan or take out plan loans. In addition, when the time comes to withdraw money, you may or may not be allowed to make partial withdrawals from accounts linked to former employers. Read the fine print to determine if keeping the plan with a former employer makes the most sense for you. • Rollover into your new employer’s retirement plan - Some people have the option to rollover a 401(k) from a previous employer into their new employer’s plan. But not all companies allow this. If you are allowed to do so, this can make the transition that much easier while still allowing tax-deferred growth on your assets. In addition, if you can rollover into your new employer’s plan, you may be Continued on page 15

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14 | Friday, May 26, 2017

2017 Consumer How To Guide

How to


American Board of Dermatology, Inc. Henry Ford Hospital 1 Ford Place Detroit, Michigan 48202-3450 Office: (313) 874-1088 Fax: (313) 872-3221 www.abderm.org

What is a Dermatologist and what it means to be Certified by the American Board of Dermatology? Recognizing that patients need a way to identify trained specialists, the medical profession long ago (as early as 1916) established certifying Boards. These 24 Boards have played a major role in setting the standards of training. In keeping with these standards, a fully trained dermatologist has completed a minimum of four years of postgraduate training after graduating from medial school, including at least three years of full-time training in an accredited dermatology residency program. Then The American Board of Dermatology administers an examination after the physician completes his or her training. Dermatologists who pass the examination become certified by the

Board. You can confirm the certification by calling toll-free the American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS) at 1-800776-2378. Finding a Dermatologist that is right for you Finding a dermatologist can be an important step in taking care of your skin and your health. Starting early will allow you to get the right long term care for your skin and a chance to develop a great relationship with your dermatologist. It is important to find the right dermatology professional that will fit your schedule, personality and location. Ethnicity also plays a role in dermatology. Patients should ensure the practice can work well with variations in skin color. You should consider what type of skin treatment you

think you need. Ask yourself if the problem is a medical condition or a cosmetic concern? Some factors you might consider to help you pick out a dermatologist are - their location, their experience dealing with similar situations as yours and their success with these cases, their personality and demeanor and whether this is someone you could entrust your health to, how they work with your insurance, and finally what atmosphere and professionalism of their office and office staff. You may also want to ask them, on the phone or in-person, whether they specialized in specific forms of dermatology, and if they cannot treat you whom they would refer you to. Finding the right dermatologist for yourself and your family’s health needs is an important decision to Continued on page 15

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Friday, May 26, 2017 | 15

2017 Consumer How To Guide

CHOOSE A DERMATOLOGIST Continued from page 14

make and one that can provide long-term benefits.

Where to turn When you don’t know who to turn to for advice, your family physician can be a big help since they are familiar with many of the local medical professionals. Word of mouth is always a great way to get honest feedback. Consult someone who’s experienced many trips to the dermatologist instead of just one or two times. Lastly, the dermatologist you select should be receiving continued academics to be able to offer the latest treatments since new problems and new methods continuously happen.

HANDLE AN OLD 401K Continued from page 13

allowed to take out loans based on the amount of your combined plan instead of just loans against new contributions. Rollover and plan loan eligibility should be confirmed with your new employer. Before rolling over money into your new employer’s plan, confirm your investment options under the new plan. If they pale in comparison to an IRA, you might want to rollover your retirement assets into an IRA that offers

more investment options. • Rollover into an IRA - Many men and women look to rollover an old 401(k) into an IRA, as traditional and Roth IRAs may offer a wider variety of investment options than a previous or current employer’s retirement plan. Taxes differ depending on which type of IRA you choose to roll your funds into, so discuss your IRA options with your financial advisor to determine if this is the best way to go.

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