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How to Nurture your Gifted Child - Bryan Dunst | Food Blog
How to Nurture your Gifted Child by bryandunst | Feb 9, 2022 | Blog, Bryan Dunst
Giftedness in children is usually designated when intelligence tests indicate that a child is rating above 140 in I.Q. These children generally show high levels of curiosity about the world and how it works, may always be asking questions, and may spend a great deal of time reading and investigating various subjects that interest them. They may be far ahead in subjects at school, which offers challenges for their teachers trying to keep them interested and engaged. Here are a few ways parents can nurture their gifted children, to help them make the most of their gifts.
Offer Enrichment in Many Areas Parents can help gifted children make the most of their heightened talents by providing an enriched environment at home, with books, movies, art, creative work, puzzles, sports equipment, and other items that will help them to develop skills on many levels. In addition, trips to museums, the theater, local parks, preserves, and nature centers will provide mental stimulation to offer new ideas and concepts to ponder.
Letting Kids Be Kids https://bryandunst.com/how-to-nurture-your-gifted-child/