Goal Settings and S.M.A.R.T Goals - PDF

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….what we will learn today?

Set Goals That Motivates You

Set S.M.A.R.T Goals Set An Action Plan

Stick With It

“If you want to be happy, set a goal that commands your thoughts, liberates your energy and inspires your hopes.” — Andrew Carnegie


• What is goal setting? • Motivation is the key to achieving goals • Goals that has high priority in your life • Intrinsic Motivation

“Our goals can only be reached through a vehicle of a plan, in which we must fervently believe, and upon which we must vigorously act. There is no other route to success.” — Pablo Picasso


A BRIEF HISTORY OF S.M.A.R.T METHOD • The first contextual event in the history of S.M.A.R.T goals happened in 1968. Dr. Edwin Locke published a seminal paper called Toward a Theory of Task Motivation and Incentives • In 1981, George T. Doran published a work in the November issue of Management Review that extended upon Locke’s findings; With the title There’s a S.M.A.R.T way to write management’s goals and objectives • In this work, Doran laid out the main principles of S.M.A.R.T goals. He recognized that companies need to achieve goals and objectives, but often established goals were too diffuse to have a meaningful impact • He articulated in detail that goals are not amorphous, inarticulate things. Rather, they are measurable things that need to be achieved to move an organization forward

WHAT ARE S.M.A.R.T GOALS? The SMART method for goal development is a concise way to create goals that most people can agree with and follow

SPECIFIC Goal should be clear and specific, otherwise you won’t be able to focus your efforts or feel truly motivated to achieve it • What do I want to accomplish? • Why is this goal important? • Who is involved? • Which resources or limits are involved?

MEASURABLE It is important to have measurables goals, so that you can track your progress and stay motivated

• How much? • How many? • How will I know when it is accomplished?

ACHIEVABLE Goal also needs to be realistic and attainable to be successful • How can I accomplish this goal? • How realistic is the goal, based on other constraints, such as financial factors?


Goal must be realistic in that the goal can be realistically achieved given the available resources and time • Does this seem worthwhile? • Is this the right time? • Does this match our other efforts/needs? • Am I the right person to reach this goal?

• Is it applicable in the current socio-economic environment?


Goal must be time-bound in that it has a start and finish date; If the goal is not time-constrained, there will be no sense of urgency • When ? • What can I do six months from now? • What can I do six weeks from now? • What can I do today?

“The trouble with not having a goal is that you can spend your life running up and down the field and never score.” — Bill Copeland



Everyone has goals, but some people seem to be more successful than others in achieving them; that’s because people who accomplish goal at a higher rate are those who have developed a personal action

STEPS OF ACTION PLAN • Decide what exactly you want

• Write your goal or goals down on paper • Set a deadline • Make a list of everything you could possibly think of that you will have to do to achieve your goal • Schedule it into a comprehensive plan • Take action • Track your action and improve your action

“Be practical as well as generous in your ideals. Keep your eyes on the stars, but remember to keep your feet on the ground.” — Theodore Roosevelt


Achievement of goal depends upon level of motivation, relevance, value and its necessity

HOW TO STICK WITH IT? • Visualize Big goals can be overwhelming

• Small block approach No matter what we wish to achieve, we can divide it into small pieces

• Check on progress Keeping check on progress affirms correctness of path being followed

HOW TO STICK WITH IT ?contt… • Improvise By embracing proven strategies we must improvise in any unfavorable condition

• Being Motivated Motivation is a catalyst. Doing correct things and taking tough decision is a cake walk when one feels motivated

“Never give up. Today is hard, tomorrow will be worse, but the day after tomorrow will be sunshine.” — Jack Ma


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