==== ==== Learning to live off the grid? Lets Mastermind ! www.timhill.me/living-off-the-grid ==== ====
One of the things that people who have made the decision to start living off the grid have done is prepared themselves for any event where grid power fails for some reason. Now this isn't some case where people are waiting for an impending apocalypse where life as we know it crumbles. It isn't waiting or anticipating some new attack on home soil where grid power disappears and people are left without power. While missing out on or not being effected by these are things that could be a benefit of living off the grid, there are other things that could happen. Winter storms is an issue for many. It could be because of ice storms or heavy snows that people lose power. Power lines fall as they are hit with branches or poles are hit by cars that have lost control. For many this can be a horrible situation...to be without power and heat can be dangerous. For many this is a scenario that happens all to frequently. It could be a matter of hours that the power is off but in some situations it could be a matter of days. This is not a good time to be without electricity and heat. These are moments that living off the grid can be a huge benefit. Not only are you protected but those close to you can have a place where they can be safe. Winter isn't the only time that storms can happen. Hurricanes and tornadoes are a reality for many. In those cases it could be weeks that you are without power as communities and power sources are rebuilt. It could even be that you are cut off from civilization and left without communication for a long period of time. Had you been able to go living off the power grid this could have been something that was avoided. Then there are floods to consider. The power companies that we have become dependent on are not immune to the forces of nature. Off grid living doesn't make you immune from the consequences of these natural occurrences but it does enable you to be much less effected by them. This isn't the only situation that power companies and our dependence on them can be a problem for us. As costs and taxes rise and fossil fuel runs scarce for a variety of reasons we become enslaved to the electricity grid. Living off the grid protects us from all the things that effect grid power negatively. While thousands and even millions are effected by blackouts and brownouts or the rolling blackouts that people have had to endure, you can hold off and withstand the effects by living off the grid.
Do you want to know how to make yourself prepared? It doesn't have to break the bank to get you ready for whatever happens. Think-home-made-energy.info [http://www.think-home-madeenergy.info] is a place where you can find ideas to help get you more ready. Click here [http://www.think-home-made-energy.info/home-made-energy] to find out what is available to you and how you and your family can stay safe and assured that you will be taken care of.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Everette_Wooten
==== ==== Learning to live off the grid? Lets Mastermind ! www.timhill.me/living-off-the-grid ==== ====