I am never hungry eating like this.

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==== ==== After my heart attack my cardiologist told me to get away from the high protein diets. Since I am a diabetic I gravitated to a raw food diet. http://eating-for-health-and-the-nutritarian-lifestyle.reviiew.com ==== ====

For most people, raw food weight loss is very swift. There are often raw food weight loss stories from people who lose enormous amounts in the first couple of weeks or months. However, this is water weight. When we lose vast amounts in a week or so, it is certain that the weight we are losing is water and not fat. Of course whether it is excess water or excess fat it all needs to go, so losing some water weight is a good thing. Fat loss is a different matter, and bringing down your body fat percentage is a challenging process that requires focus and dedication. Calories In, Calories Out In terms of the standard adage, calories in, calories out, it obviously does apply whether you're eating a raw diet or cooked. However, there is more at play than JUST calories, for example, not all calories are created equal. In "The China Study: The Most Comprehensive Study of Nutrition Ever Conducted" it was found that people in China consume more calories than Americans, yet they are thinner. WHAT you eat is often more important than how much! An excess of fat calories in the diet will be far more easily stored as fat on your body than an excess of carbohydrate calories. And when I'm talking about carbohydrates I am not talking about baked goods, I am referring to fruit and vegetables. If you had to overeat on fruit, your body would be far more likely to burn off the excess calories as heat. However, if you overeat on fat, then it is the simplest and most energy efficient thing for the body to simply store them. For every 100 calories of excess fat, 97 calories are effortlessly stored. It only costs the body 3 calories in order to complete the deed. However, for every 100 calories of excess carbohydrates, it would cost the body 35 calories in order to convert it to fat to be stored, so it is often more energy efficient to simply burn off the excess. Restricting your calories in order to lose weight, is often a self defeating measure, as your metabolism slows down in the process, making all future weight loss attempts even harder! This is why the best way to lose weight is to adopt the BEST POSSIBLE diet, which is the low fat raw vegan diet, and then ensure you are getting ENOUGH calories to fuel a great exercise program.

Raw Food weight loss is best achieved through a low fat raw diet What you DON'T eat is just as important as what you DO eat. For instance, if you are eating a 75% raw diet, but the other 25% is made up of ice cream and alcohol, you are going to struggle. You may not even feel any better than you did before. Similarly, if you are 100% raw, but you live off avocados and nuts and raw puddings, you will not feel or look your best. Eating a lot of greens is important, and I find the easiest way to do this is with Green Smoothies. If you love salads then go for it. Raw food weight loss is made easier by eating tons of greens. The more greens, such as spinach, lettuce and celery, the better. They are filling, satisfying and contain very few calories. You can also eat unlimited quantities of fresh, whole ripe fruit together with minimal amounts of dried fruits, nuts and seeds.

Alison Andrews is a raw food writer and coach. She is also a singer/songwriter, actress and author. For fabulous tips on raw food weight loss check out Alison's ebook: http://www.loving-itraw.com/raw-food-and-weight-loss.html To find out more about the raw food diet, see Alison's website: http://www.loving-it-raw.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Alison_H_Andrews

==== ==== After my heart attack my cardiologist told me to get away from the high protein diets. Since I am a diabetic I gravitated to a raw food diet. http://eating-for-health-and-the-nutritarian-lifestyle.reviiew.com ==== ====

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