Jacqueline R. (Martel) Black, 91, of Coventry, RI currently residing in Little Compton, RI with her daughter, passed away on Monday, June 24, 2024 at the Grand Islander. She was the wife of the late Gerald J. Black.
Meet Miss Annabelle Broccoli (Annie for short)! Our sweet miniBernedoodle couldn’t be more cuddly, but there’s so much more to her than that! She’s expressive, sharp as a tack, and at only 11 months old, already understands over a dozen commands! Favorite things include chasing leaves, stealing socks, and licking her daddy’s head. We sure love our Annie!
Loving companion of Ariel and Avery Broccoli
Mrs. Black was born in Pawtucket, daughter of the late George A. and Rose E. (Lima) Martel and grew up in Riverside, RI. She was a longtime resident of Coventry, RI before relocating to Little Compton. Prior to retirement, she worked as a secretary. She was a part of the East Bay Community Action and Thundermist Health Care, both in Warwick. She belonged to Sweet Adeline's International Organization for many years. She sang chorus and Barber Shop Quartet. She was a communicant of St. John and St. Paul Church, Coventry. Mrs. Black loved her family dearly, especially all of her grandchildren and great grandchildren. Survivors include her daughter: Deborah A. Wordell of Little Compton; her son: David W. Black of Fall River; 7 grandchildren: Brian A. Sylvester & wife Heather of Coventry, RI, Christopher G. Sylvester of N. Kingstown, RI, Michael D. Sylvester & fiancée Kelly Petersen of Coventry, RI, Elizabeth R. Moreira & husband David of Tiverton, RI, Hilary R. Black of N. Kingstown, RI, Jonathan R. Holland & wife Kandace of Richmond, RI and Ali G. Black of Warwick, RI; and 16 great grandchildren: Stephen, Brandon, Matthew, Kalie, Kyle, Miranda, Addison, Juliana, Jaxon, Audrey, Jewel, River, Landon, Christian, Sophia and Haisley. She was the mother-in-law of the late James A. Wordell. Funeral to which relatives and friends are invited to attend will be Friday, June 28, 2024 from the Potter Funeral Home at 9:30 A.M. followed by a Mass of Christian Burial at St. Catherine of Siena Church, Little Compton at 11:00 A.M. Calling hours Thursday from 5-8 P.M. Interment in Pleasant View Cemetery, Tiverton. To sign the online guestbook, please visit www.potterfuneralservice.com.
Prayer to the BLESSED VIRGIN
(Never known to fail). O Most Beautiful Flower of Mt. Carmel, Fruitful Vine, Splendor of Heaven, Blessed Mother of the Son of God, Immaculate Virgin, assist me in my necessity. O Star of the sea, help me and show me here in, you
that can withstand your
conceived without sin,
have recourse to thee (3 times.) Holy Mary, I place this cause in your hands (3 times). Say this prayer for three consecutive days. You must publish it and it will be granted to you. Grateful Thanks. LR
Coventry Public Library is offering Computer Basics Classes on Mondays at 3PM, July 15-August 5. This is a 4-week session and will cover computer basics such as hardware, software, & the internet. Space is limited. Registration required by contacting the Reference Desk at 822-9105. No laptop required, the library will provide one to use during the class.
Join us at Greene for a performance by the Coventry Senior Band on July 9 from 4-6PM! No registration required.
CodeRed is a very helpful service in which you can receive important town information in a timely manner. Alerts include important town matters, COVID-19 vaccinations, weather emergencies, sex offender notifications, etc. To sign up for automated calls and/or texts on your cell phone or landline, register your phone numbers at the town’s website, www. coventryri.org or through the Coventry Police Dept. website, www.coventrypd.org
Learn to speak, read & write English. Enroll in Literacy Volunteers of Kent County’s free learning program. In just a few hours per week, you can improve your English skills in speaking, reading and writing. You will be paired with a Tutor who will instruct you, one-on-one according to your individual needs. Lessons are scheduled at your convenience and all information exchanged remains confidential. Please call 822-9103 or email lvkc@coventrylibrary.org for more information.
DUMP RUNS: Furniture, appliances, construction debris, sheds, junk. 1-860304-6740.
Call Rev. Deb to officiate your special day. Rev. Deb will let your love story be told as it should be. Call today! 487-0553.
COINS! Local Coin Collector looking to buy some coins, or call me and I can give you an idea of what your coins are worth. 60Year Coventry resident. My house, your house or Library. A Collector, not a Dealer. Call Mark, 556-4703.
WANTED: Antiques and collectibles. Moving or just cleaning out?
We pay more for your old jewelry, glassware, furniture, pottery, clocks, paintings, military items, crocks, post cards, cameras, photos, old coins, etc. For prompt and courteous service call Bill, 821-0381.
BINGO AT NORTH ROAD TERRACE on Mulhearn Drive the last Friday of the month! Doors open at 4PM, Bingo starts at 6PM.
FIREWOOD FOR SALE: JW Studley & Sons. Cut & split seasoned wood. $250/ cord. Est. 1982. Not a fly by night! 641-0212.
$35 Average. Free estimates. Senior Citizens’ Discount. Weekly/Bi-weekly. Call/ Text Sal at 855-9028. Leave message.
CLEANUPS: Attics, cellars, garages, buildings, yards, leaves. Some cleanouts for content. Anything hauled away. Very reasonable. Reliable service! Free estimates. Call for your small moving needs. Lic. #37379/Insured. 30 Years of reliable service. 3972781 or 741-2781.
THE REMINDER, 1944 Warwick Avenue, Warwick. Our business is making your business successful!
FREE BUREAU: 12 Drawers with mirror, off-white. Pick-up in Coventry. 401-397-3741.
GAMEWELL FIRE ALARM BOXES: New, used, reconditioned. 2-Pedestals, NOS “07”. Call Bob, 5245274.
We could all use a little good news to brighten our day... Have you witnessed a “Random Act of Kindness” lately? “The Reminder” would love to hear about it. Please submit your entry in writing and we will print them anonymously on a space available basis. Please mail your “Random Acts of Kindness” (with contact information) to The Reminder, 1944 Warwick Avenue, Warwick RI 02889 or email your submission to mail@rireminder.com
NATIVE WHITE PINE LUMBER: Boards 4”-24” Wide, dimension stock, live edge thru & thru and custom sawing. 380 Tripps Corner Road, Exeter. Call 490-1937.
YARD CLEAN-UPS & Grass Mowing: Starting my own business. Very reasonable. Senior Citizens’ Discount. Free estimates. Please call 585-8128.
TO OUR READERS And Advertisers... We’d like to thank you for your ongoing support. “The Reminder”
BINGO AT KNOTTY OAK VILLAGE! Every Saturday, except the last Saturday of the month. Doors open at 1PM, games start at 4PM.
EVERY WEEK “The Reminder” brings you important money saving values from local merchants and service providers. Plus news of what’s going on around town... from Church Bazaars to meetings to helpful hints from experts. “The Reminder”, your local free community paper!
FREE WOODEN PALLETS: Great for Summer campfires. 64 Hope Avenue, Hope (side of red building).
SINGER SEWING MACHINE: Vintage. Excellent. Extras. Great condition. $95. Call 4395827.
WANTED: Junk lawn mowers & air conditioners. Will take for free. 829-0377.
ROLAND DIGITAL PIANO: Model RP501R. $600 OBO. Call or text 401-326-5884.
MAKE YOUR CLASSIFIED POP with a splash of color! For only $1.50 extra, you can draw more attention to your ad.
MULTI FAMILY! 12 Paul Sprague Drive, Coventry: July 6, 7AM-1PM. Lots of clothes, baseball pants, household items. Rain date July 13.
The West Warwick Assistance Agency operates a food cupboard at 1293 Main Street serving all West Warwick residents living at or below three times the federal poverty level. We are open Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 10AM-2PM, unless there is a town-wide parking ban in effect. We offer standard amounts of core groceries based on household size as well as self serve selections of produce, bread and assorted other non-core grocery items we have on hand. If you have any questions, feel free to call us at 8280310, and no appointment is necessary to visit our facility.
Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Payment Plan Available
Attorney David B. Hathaway Former Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Trustee 401-738-3030 dhathawaysr@gmail.com
This firm is a debt relief agency
e Coventry Planning and Zoning Department has received a Modi cation Application from Seth Wise, seeking to align lot lines as part of an Administrative Subdivision concerning AP 80, Lot 12 and AP 79, Lot 81. is application will result in the need for zoning relief for AP 80, Lot 12 to reduce lot frontage from 120’ to 100.44’ which is below the minimum requirement for area in the Residential 20 (R-20) zone. e di erence between the proposal and the required frontage would not exceed the 25% requirement threshold for a Modi cation in the Town of Coventry.
Questions or concerns regarding this application should be directed to Kerrie Karwoski, Zoning Enforcement O cer at 822-9196 or kkarwoski@coventryri.gov. e application and associated plans are available for review at the Department of Planning and Development, 1675 Flat River Road, Coventry, RI 02816. Any objection to this application must be received in writing no later than 4:00 p.m. July 16, 2024. e Modi cation will be granted if there is no objection to the application within the speci ed time period.
The Coventry Cares Community Care Clinic Nurses Hours are Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday from 8:30AM12:30PM with Nurse Jane or Nurse Carolyn. The Clinic is set up at the Coventry Resource & Senior Center, 50 Wood Street, Coventry.
will host
GENERATORS: Transfer switches installed. Master Electrician. RI #A4602. Insured. Call Jay, 826-2826.
SERVICES: Local and reliable carpentry & handyman services. Free estimates. Frank, 4794588.
SUMMER CLEANUP: Yards raked, lawns mowed, shrubs trimmed, trees cut down, brush hauled away, debris hauled away. Quality work. Excellent rates. Doug, 826-3444.
Deck repair
Doors & Bulkheads- ScreensChimney caps - Pressure washing. KEVIN,8233572 (cell).
$35 Average. Free estimates. Senior Citizens’ Discount. Weekly/Bi-weekly. Call/ Text Sal at 855-9028. Leave message.
Mowing: Starting my own business. Very reasonable. Senior Citizens’ Discount. Free estimates. Please call 585-8128.
SERVICE: Tree removal, tree trimming & stump grinding, yard clean up. Expert Climber. Free estimates. Contact 2861407.
HOME REPAIRS, PAINTING & CLEANOUTS: Free estimates. Felix, 3462729.
JMD LANDSCAPING & REMOVAL SERVICES, LLC.: Yard cleanups, shrub trimming, mulching, crushed asphalt driveways, pool removal, yard debris & junk removal. Insured. RI Reg. #001732056. Call 688-4242.
By Joel Bohy
s I left off in my last article on cataloging Bunker Hill documents and searching in the newspapers, on May 1, 1822, the land on Breeds Hill had been purchased and an association formed to make plans for it. They decided that: “It is intended to erect at MONUMENT, which shall be consecrated to the great leading characters and events, both civil and military, of the American Revolution, up to the 17th of June 1775, to bear appropriate inscriptions of the names and dates.”
By 1824, the Bunker Hill Monument Association had come up with a plan for the monument and published an article which stated: “We understand, that the summit of the Hill, where the Redoubt of the 17th June was raised, is to be laid out in an oblong square, six hundred feet long, and four hundred broad. This quadrangle is to be surmounted by a double row of trees, including a walk, within which is to be placed the MONUMENT. The whole, we learn, is to be so arranged as to disturb the form of the land and the relics of the works, as little as possible.” It is pretty obvious that the plans they were making would disturb the land and graves of men from both sides who fought and died during
the battle. The bodies of those killed had been buried close to where they had fallen.
Donations to the monument came in, and in June 1825 work commenced on the foundation. Stone blocks were brought in from a nearby quarry in Quincy, Massachusetts. As workmen began: “In Digging for laying the foundation of the Monument on Bunker Hill, a few days since, a considerable number of human bones were found, which were carefully preserved to be deposited in a suitable place.” This certainly wouldn’t be the last time that human remains
were found while working in that area of Charlestown.
Over the years as the monument rose from its foundation, monies ran out and construction stopped. More funds would need to be raised to continue. Other than donations, how could they raise the funds? The association held the land surrounding the monument and the rise of the hill was cut, and other areas filled to create house lots. A May 17, 1834, newspaper article states that fifty house lots prepared for sale were all sold, and the association was now out of debt and could continue the monument. Not everyone was happy about the desecration of the land: “How the wicked populace of Suffolk and Middlesex counties may relish this imputation, is their business. They are inferentially charged with being stupid, ignorant, and prone to encourage “a wanton destruction of PUBLIC PROPERTY.” It is to be presumed that if the accuser should ever find him-
self across a rail upon Bunker hill, clad in a comfortable dress of tar and feathers, he would feel the same reasonable disposition to recommend a removal of the Monument itself, out of the precincts of such a community of vandals!” Grading work continued and more human remains were found. Finally, the monument was completed and dedicated in 1843.
Today, Charlestown is a bustling city with the massive Bunker Hill monument as its centerpiece. I often wonder if the land could have been left alone and saved? I guess it doesn’t matter anymore. I still go there and try to envision what it looked like at the time of the battle.
The ancient Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu once penned the words “Watch your thoughts, they become your words; watch your words, they become your actions; watch your actions, they become your habits; watch your habits, they become your character; watch your character, it becomes your destiny.”
For Qigong and Shaolin Kung fu instructor Veronica Samos, these words are more than just a catchy phrase, they are a guiding principle in her life. Character is everything to this martial arts teacher and lifetime student. A native Rhode Islander who moved to New York City as a young woman to “spread her wings”, Veronica is now the founder and owner of Ocean State Shaolin in Coventry.
It is here where she lives this mantra day in and day out. It is here where she shares this message
of empowerment, accountability, self-help, and self-awareness through the ancient practice of Qigong (pronounced “Chee Gong”) and the Shaolin Martial Arts of Kung Fu. Ocean State Shaolin is located right near the Home Depot in Coventry. The studio is sunny, bright, and equipped with everything Veronica needs to teach and guide her students through the various movements and postures of these age-old practices.
Veronica’s goal is that everyone who enters her studio is successful in whatever it is that led them there to begin with. To her, nurturing the human spirit is the primary focus of her practice. As an instructor, her manner is strong but patient, thoughtful, and inspiring.
She was taught by a true Shaolin Master, Shifu Guolin and his brother,
Meet Veronica Samos, the founder and owner of Ocean State Shaolin in Coventry. She is a talented and dedicated Qigong and Shaolin Kung fu instructor. To learn more, visit www.oceanstateshaolin.com.
Shifu Chao Hai Lan while living in Manhattan where her own training began. (“Shifu” means Master.) She learned that the power of these practices is not in the physical postures but rather in the passion and the purpose they endow within its students.
Many may ask, what exactly are Qigong and Shaolin Kung fu? Both have roots in ancient China that date back to
the sixth century. Qigong combines deep breathing, postures and stretches to improve the body’s flow of Qi (uninhibited energy). Qigong benefits the body and spirit by helping it manage anxiety, achieve mind/ body unity, sharpen the mind, provide emotional balance, strengthen immunity, and improve coordination.
Shaolin Kung fu is one of the oldest, largest,
and most famous forms of martial arts. Veronica explains that kung fu is a complete workout that develops strength, balance, flexibility, stamina, and “explosive power” with stretches, plyometric drills and calisthenics. In addition to its matchless physical benefits, Shaolin Kung fu also has countless mental benefits such as improved memory and concentration.
Qigong and Shaolin Kung fu are for all ages and ability levels (even ~ and especially ~ for children!) To learn more and to get a full breakdown of classes and the studio’s frequent specials, visit the website at www. oceanstateshaolin.com. Ocean State Shaolin is found at 716 Centre of New England Boulevard in Coventry. Veronica can be reached at 401-7024243.
Don’t let the state of RI control what happens to your assets. Contact Roy & Cook, Attorneys at Law Today!
Avenue, 2nd Floor Coventry, RI 02816 R C OY OOK & Attorneys at Law
Edward C. Roy, Jr., Esquire edward_roy@hotmail.com
Geralyn M. Cook, Esquire geri_cook@hotmail.com 577 Tiogue
lindan@rhodybeat.com melissam@rhodybeat.com
ANY AND ALL CARS & TRUCKS CASH WAITING! 401-345-2122Autos for Sale/Wanted Trucks & Vans
Sport Utility Vehicles 2004 NISSAN TITAN 4X4: 4-Door, runs & drives like new. Florida truck, very well maintained, lots of new parts, too much to list. Body has some faded paint. $6000 OBO. Call 390-0696 for more information.
TOWING Highest Prices Paid for Scrap Cars & Metal 401-318-1776
2001 BUICK LESABRE: Good condition. Silver, leather interior, 92,800 miles, new brakes. $5000. Call 1-865964-8939.
Boats for Sale Motorcycles Personal Watercraft 2010 19’ NITRO Z-7: 150 Hp. Excellent condition. $15,300. Call Jack, 742-2837.
Estate Wanted
Real Estate Services Real Estate for Sale We Buy UNWANTED HOUSES Fast! Offer in 48 Hrs. CASH... Any situation. Any condition. Call today, 595-8703.
Commercial For Sale/Rent/Lease
Room For Rent
CHEVALIER CESSPOOL CLEANERS: Cesspools and septic tanks pumped. New systems installed. Sewer connections. 736-8313. ELECTRICAL
JADE ELECTRIC: Wiring, emergencies. Prompt and courteous. 8285908, 738-7835. Lic.# A1538. Insured.
RICHARD J. PIZZI Electrical Contractor: 550 Providence Street, West Warwick. Residential Wiring (home repairs). No job too small. A145, insured. 580-8803.
THE REMINDER’S FAX SERVICE. Now you can send or receive letters, statements, invoices, etc. in seconds by using The Reminder Fax Service. Want more details? Call The Reminder and ask about our fax: 821-2216. Fax Number: 732-3110. To Send: $3.00 (+tax) for the first page, $1.00 for every additional page. To receive: 75¢ ea. page (+tax).
VENTURA FENCE CO., INC.: Serving Rhode Island since 1975 for all your fencing needs. Insured. RI Reg #7260. Call anytime 821-7200.
CLEANERS: 1st & 2nd Shift, 20-25 hours per week, Monday-Saturday. $15/hour. Must have valid Driver’s License, reliable vehicle and clean BCI. Great job for retirees! Call 301-1162.
FULL TIME SERVICE TECHNICIAN for Water Filtration Systems & Well Pressure Tanks. Must have good Driving Record. $20-$25/Hour dependent on experience. Will train. Paid Holidays, Blue Cross & Dental. Ample overtime available. Company contributes to IRA. Paid Vacation after 1 year. Contact Jeff @ 401-3920199 or Email resume to jeff@newenglandwater. com
CARPET CLEANING TECHNICIAN/ TRAINEES: $700+/ Week. Valid Driver’s License. BCI required. Call Joe, 258-9648.
COVENTRY: Furnished. Access to kitchen, laundry, bathroom, internet option. Single person only. $550/month, $200 security. Smoking permitted. 823-3663. GROUND PERSON FOR TREE CREW: Dependable with good driving record a
Call 941-4440.
The Reminder Classified Ads
K.C. FENCE CO.: There’s no job too big or too small... We do them all! Specializing in all types of fencing. In business for over 40 years. RI Reg. #15748. Insured. 397-5076. FINANCIAL SERVICES
MOFFITT & ASSOCIATES, LLC.: Financial Services and Investments, Retirement Planning and 401K rollovers. www.moffittassociates. com1260 Main St. (Rte. 117), Coventry (401)828-0097.
HOME IMPROVEMENTS _____________________
LEWIS & CLARKE ENTERPRISES, INC.: New homes, additions, garages, kitchens, bathrooms, family rooms, roofs, and repairs. 3453227. RI Reg. #5646.
LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE & CONSTRUCTION ALL SEASONS LAWNCARE, INC.: Full Service Landscape Maintenance and Construction Company. Now doing walkways, patios & firepits. 732-7993. RI Reg. #43492.
PEST CONTROL _____________________________ WINFIELD TERMITE & PEST CONTROL: All your pest needs. 8217800.
KENT COUNTY PEST CONTROL, LLC: Residential and Commercial.
in Industrial, Structural and Health Related Pest Control. 100% Guaranteed. 401-569-0212.
146 Pierce Ave Mckeever, Lindsay A and Mckeever, Michael H Gagnon, Jamie 6/10
15 Relph
107 Sefton Dr Fox 3rd, Paul J and Fox, Megan A Stonehart, Michael
136 Waterman Ave
799 Rosa, Manuel S and Rosa, Maria L Mustafa, Farhan
136 Waterman Ave Lot 800 Rosa, Manuel S and Rosa, Maria L Mustafa, Farhan
158 Westcott Ave Montenegro, Denise M Garcia, Benjamin
17 Invernia Rd Manocchia Paola A Est and Nicholls, Sandra Ducharme, Constance
176 Highland St Del Padre, Marie A Stawinska, Ewa A
179 Jordan Ave Madonna William A Est and Colagiovanni, Robert V Rojas, Nancy B 6/14
185 Oxford St Cotoia, Anna and Cotoia, Valarie A Yu, Qiaoye and Chen, Qiwen 6/10
25 Butler St Janis E Hey Lt and Byrne, Susan Charlestin, Jean Y and Bonhomme, Christlene 6/12
266 Legion Way Lobdell, Gloria P Rhaney, Jacqueline and Acuna, David A 6/10
30 Hobson Ave Pagliarini, Pompei and Brown, Marylou Pagliarini, Michael A and Pagliarini, Melissa
4 Crescent Ave Lot 2142 Dipippo, Richard A and Dipippo, Lydia M Chavez, Juan and Cerritos, Anabell 6/11
400 Meshanticut Valley Pkwy Lot 13 Andrew J Taxiarchos Lt and Taxiarchos, Andrew J Sanford, Richard
43 Bagley Ave Lot 129 Stenberg, Phoebe J Hagin, Sarah E
43 Bagley Ave Lot 131 Stenberg, Phoebe J Hagin, Sarah E
44 Vallette St Simon, Marin D and Simon, Irene L Dana, Taryn B
47 Willow Dr Marcello, Luigi and Dipietro, Cynthia Nahabedian, Susan
60 Hemlock Ave Grogan, James M Deleon, Ronald
60 Stony Acre Dr Domenic F Ribezzo Irt and Ribezzo, Steven Say, Mony and Khoun, Moey
71 Lake St Tims Roofing & Siding LLC Dfi Bldg & Dev LLC
82 Garland Ave Guerra, Mitchell L Mitchell, Ronald A and Rue, Patricia
1 Coddington Ct Rychlik, Rafal D and Reynolds, Bligh R Geffert, Sara and Geffert, Jason
Cedar Ave Ri Hsng & Mtg Fin Corp Chen, Grace
425 Stone Ridge Dr Lessard, Anita and Vandesande, Wendy S Lowenthal, John and Parente, Alicia
5 Mawney Brook Rd Casinelli, Michael S Guarino, Alexander
Silas Hill Way Lot 57 Stark, Michael J and Boyce, Lucille M Devine Jr, Owen B and Devine, Maureen M
12 Susan Ave Perry Alan D Est and Storm, Henry Sheldon, Michael
ARIES (March 21 to April 19) Your Arian leadership qualities can help bring order out of confusion, whether it’s on the job or at home. But be careful to guide, not goad, others into following you.
TAURUS (April 20 to May 20)
Applying a more personal view to a job-linked issue could help provide better insight into persistent problems. Use your keen Taurean logic to cut through the double talk.
GEMINI (May 21 to June 20) Taking some time off could be the best way to get through a seemingly endless round of demands. You’ll return refreshed and ready to tackle things from a new perspective.
CANCER (June 21 to July 22)
Restoring a sagging professional relationship takes a lot of effort. By all means, state your position. But also make sure that you pay close attention to the other person’s point of view.
LEO (July 23 to August 22) A hot prospect intrigues the Big Cat, who is always on the prowl for a promising investment. But be careful that this “promise” has a chance of being kept. Check it out more carefully.
VIRGO (August 23 to September 22) A friend could use some of your compassion and concern. If they don’t ask for help, be sure that you step up and make the first move. Also, check out a new career possibility.
LIBRA (September 23 to October 22) You might have difficulty getting
your opinions heard because of all the noise being made by the other side. But hang in there. Others should line up with you once they learn the facts.
SCORPIO (October 23 to November 21) Offering to help a colleague is commendable. But before you commit your time and effort, check to see if this person’s situation is all that they have led you to believe it is.
SAGITTARIUS (November 22 to December 21) You should soon be seeing positive results from your recent efforts on behalf of a family member. On another matter, check that you have all the facts regarding a job assignment.
CAPRICORN (December 22 to January 19) Your aspects favor closer family relationships this week. Take time for visits, whether in person, by phone, by mail or in cyberspace. Let them know how important they are to you.
AQUARIUS (January 20 to February 18) A missed opportunity isn’t always a negative. Maybe your instincts are telling you not to rush into something you “thought” was worthwhile. Make time for family this weekend.
PISCES (February 19 to March 20) Your sense of humor helps you get through a tricky situation. But some stick-in-the-muds might not be so willing to make the changes that you and others agree are necessary.
BORN THIS WEEK: You have a gift for making everyone you know — or even just met — feel important and welcome in your life.
© 2024 King Features Synd., Inc.
All meals include milk, coffee or tea, bread/margarine
Wed. 7/3: Tossed salad, pub burger with cheese, pasta salad, charred broccoli, whole wheat roll, strawberry shortcake. OPTION: Turkey sandwich on roll.
Fri. 7/5: Tomato soup, Sloppy Joe, cole slaw, potato wedges, whole wheat roll. melon. OPTION: Egg salad plate.
Mon. 7/8: Navy bean vegetable soup, chicken Marsala, Parmesan rice, mixed vegetables, whole wheat roll, tropical fruit. OPTION: Spinach salad with chicken.
Tues. 7/9: Mushroom barley soup, sausage & peppers sandwich, chips, roasted zucchini, whole wheat roll, pudding. OPTION: Greek salad with chicken.
Wed. 7/3: Tossed salad, pub burger with cheese, pasta salad, charred broccoli, roll, dessert. OPTION: Turkey sandwich on roll.
Mon. 7/8: Navy bean vegetable soup, chicken Marsala, Parmesan rice, mixed vegetables, roll, dessert. OPTION: Spinach salad with chicken.
Tues. 7/9: Mushroom barley soup, sausage & peppers sandwich, roasted zucchini, chips, dessert. OPTION: Greek salad with chicken.
This summer, discover local history right here in Coventry! The Paine House Museum is an historic house museum that was built around 1691. Coventry Public Library is proud to offer a museum pass to this local museum! The pass admits up to 6 people at 50% off admission (Adult: $3, Children under 12: $2). For more information, visit the Circulation Desk or call 822-9100 and press 1!
The Gen. Nathanael Greene Homestead in Coventry is looking for individuals interested in becoming Tour Guides for the season. The Homestead, also known as “Spell Hall”, was built by Nathanael Greene in 1770 and has been authentically restored as a Museum dedicated to his memory. Tour Guides will learn about Gen. Greene, his family, and life in the 18th Century. Experience is not necessary. All information will be provided and scheduling is flexible. For more information, please email nathanaelgreenehmst@gmail.com Visit us at nathanaelgreenehomestead.org
The West Warwick Public Library, 1043 Main Street, West Warwick is accepting Passport Applications (DS-11 Forms only) on behalf of the US Dept. of State. Please contact Information Services at 828-3750, Ext. 1 or email ref@wwpl. org to schedule an appointment or for more information. For even more information, you can call 1-577-487-2778 or visit travel.state.gov