a l C oventr y Fir e Di s t r ic t Bud ge t for F i scal Year 202 5, (2 ) aut h orizing th e a s s essm ent of all t h e tax a b l e pers onal a n d re al pr operty of the D i s t r ic t ; (3) authorizin g the co llection of taxes; (4) a u thorizing an ann u a l bud get t o pro vide f or the pu rchas e and m ain t enance o f e quipmen t, appar atus, r eal and personal p r o p er t y, t h e pa yme n t of w a ges and s a l a ries , a n d for such o t h er expe ndit u r es d eemed ne ce ss a ry b y the q u a lified v ot er s o f t h e D i str i ct; (5 ) f o r such othe r l awful pur p oses deem ed n ec essa ry a n d p r o p er b y e it h er the Board of Dir ec to rs o r qualifi ed vote rs o f the Di st rict, and ( 6) electing two ( 2) Boar d o
e Coventry Planning Commission will conduct a Public Informational Meeting for a PreApplication Review of a Major Land Development/Comprehensive Permit Application on the proposed “Village at Tiogue” project, submitted by 232 Realty Associates.
e meeting will be held on Wednesday, July 24, 2024 at 6:30 p.m. is meeting will be convened in-person at Coventry Town Hall and will also be available for public participation using Zoom Video Conference Technology to allow timely and e ective public access to deliberations of the Coventry Planning Commission.
Please follow the link below to join the webinar: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85112500598?pwd=IWo6W6Db2SI0AJgavhnGWlkDWieL fR.1
Passcode: 875437
Or by telephone dial toll free any of the numbers below:
Webinar ID: 851 1250 0598
Passcode: 875437
International numbers available: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kwY62qytw
e applicant is proposing to develop 176 units comprised of a mix of single-family units, duplex cottages, and multifamily units. e subject parcel is located o Tiogue Ave., East Shore Dr., Minglewood Dr., and Ti any Rd. It is comprised of four lots (AP 32, Lots 149, 150, 151, & 153). Units are proposed at roughly 800 - 2,000 SF in size.
Copies of the proposed plans are available for examination at the Department of Planning and Development, Town Hall Annex, 1675 Flat River Road, Monday-Friday, 8:30 am –4:30 pm. e application materials are also available for review on the Town’s Planning Department webpage by following the link for “Planning Commission” for the July 24, meeting. Written comments from the public on this project may be submitted prior to the meeting to Doug McLean, Director of Planning and Development, at dmclean@ coventryri.gov. All written comments will be forwarded to the Planning Commission for their consideration at the July 24 meeting.
e proposed development may be revised by the Planning Commission as a result of further study and/or views expressed at the meeting.
Per order of the Town of Coventry Planning Commission Ronald Flynn, Chairman
e public is welcome at any meeting of the Town Council or its committees. If communication assistance is needed or any other accommodation to ensure equal participation, please contact the Town Clerk at (401) 822-9173 at least two (2) business days prior to the meeting
Town of Coventry Technical Review Committee Meeting
Monday, July 15, 2024 at 1:30 PM
is meeting will be convened in-person in the Coventry Town Hall Annex Planning Conference Room, 1675 Flat River Road, Coventry RI 02816.
You are invited to a Zoom webinar.
When: July 15, 2024 1:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Topic: Town of Coventry Technical Review Committee Meeting July 15, 2024
Or by telephone dial toll free any of the numbers below: 1-833-548-0276
Webinar ID: 851 1250 0598 Passcode: 875437
International numbers available: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kwY62qytw
4.1 April 15, 2024
4.2 May 13, 2024
4.3 June 17, 2024
5.1 “New London Preserve”
For comments to the Planning Commission Pre-Application, Major Land Development
Owner/Applicant: Alpha Holdings, LLC AP 7, Lot 25; AP 8, Lots 2, 3, 9, & 10; AP 16, Lots 133 & 138; Zone R-20 (Residential) New London Turnpike
Applicant proposes to develop 90 detached, single-family-style condominium units, each of which would be roughly 2,000 SF in size and include 2-3 bedrooms and an attached two-car garage. e project will also include pedestrian walkways, lighting, landscaping and other site amenities.
5.2 “Village at Tiogue” For comments to the Planning Commission Pre-Application, Major Land Development/ Comprehensive Permit
Owner/Applicant: 232 Realty Associates AP 32, Lots 149, 150, 151, & 153; Zone R-20 (Residential) Tiogue Ave, East Shore Dr, Minglewood Dr, & Ti any Rd e applicant is proposing to develop 176 units comprised of a mix of single-family units, duplex cottages, and multifamily units.
Meeting materials can be found on the Coventry Planning Department’s webpage at the following link: https://www.coventryri.gov/planning-development
Verbal comments from the public will not be taken during Technical Review Committee meetings. However, the public is welcome to submit written comments on any agenda item prior to the meeting. Please direct comments to dmclean@coventryri.gov
e public is welcome to any meeting of the Town Council or its committees. If communication assistance is needed or any other accommodation to ensure equal participation, please contact the Town Clerk at (401) 822-9173 at least two (2) business days prior to the meeting.
WANTED: Junk lawn mowers & air conditioners. Will take for free. 829-0377.
FIREWOOD FOR SALE: JW Studley & Sons. Cut & split seasoned wood. $250/ cord. Est. 1982. Not a fly by night! 641-0212.
CLEANUPS: Attics, cellars, garages, buildings, yards, leaves. Some cleanouts for content. Anything hauled away. Very reasonable. Reliable service! Free estimates. Call for your small moving needs. Lic. #37379/Insured. 30 Years of reliable service. 3972781 or 741-2781.
Sell your no-longer-used items with a REMINDER READER AD. Now it’s easier than ever. Call 8212216 for information. All Credit Cards accepted.
DUMP RUNS: Furniture, appliances, construction debris, sheds, junk. 1-860304-6740.
BOXES: New, used, reconditioned. 2-Pedestals, NOS “07”. Call Bob, 5245274.
CHICKERING BABY GRAND PIANO with bench & love seat, fully refurbished. $4000 OBO. You move. Antique Victorian love seat, like new. $200. Dennis, 7382648.
WANTED: Antiques and collectibles. Moving or just cleaning out? We pay more for your old jewelry, glassware, furniture, pottery, clocks, paintings, military items, crocks, post cards, cameras, photos, old coins, etc. For prompt and courteous service call Bill, 821-0381.
DINING ROOM TABLE, 2 leaves, 6 chairs, 2 Captain chairs & hutch. Very Good condition. $600 OBO. Moving. 401-623-1387 or 401-569-1225.
402 Fairview Avenue, Coventry: Saturday July 13, 7AM-2PM. Proceeds to benefit St. Anthony’s Church.
7 SIDNEY STREET, West Warwick: July 13, 8AMNoon. Large assortment!
46 SHARON DRIVE, Coventry: Saturday, July 13, 8AM-2PM. Moving! Everything must go. Rain or shine.
2435 Nooseneck Hill Road, Ste. A-1, Coventry, RI 618 Toll Gate Road, Warwick, RI
OPEN Laser & Cosmetic Clinic, 100 Valley Rd, Middletown, RI
Prayer to the BLESSED VIRGIN
Call Bill
Martha & Mary’s Shop at Riverpoint Congregational Church, 75 Providence Street, West Warwick, will hold a Rummage Sale on Saturday, July 13 & 27 & Wednesday, July 17 & 31 from 9AM-12PM. Children’s clothing $.25/piece, adult clothing $.50/piece. Donations greatly appreciated. No furniture, computers, printers or TV’s please. Call 826-3150 for information.
West Warwick Public Library, 1043 Main Street, West Warwick is offering free exercise classes on Tuesdays at 3PM & Thursdays at 10AM, hosted by Mind and Body Studios. You’ll move & groove to a playlist of greatest hits while laughing and having fun. This program is open to all fitness levels and all ages. Registration required by visiting wwpl. org/calendar or call 828-3750, Ext. 0 or Ext. 1. Space limited to 35 participants.
(Never known to fail). O Most Beautiful Flower of Mt. Carmel, Fruitful Vine, Splendor of Heaven, Blessed Mother of the Son of God, Immaculate Virgin, assist me in my necessity. O Star of the sea, help me and show me here in, you are my mother. O Holy Mary, Mother of God, Queen of Heaven and Earth, I humbly beseech you from the bottom of my heart to succor me in my necessity (make request). There are none that can withstand your power. O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee (3 times.) Holy Mary, I place this cause in your hands (3 times). Say this prayer for three consecutive days. You must publish it and it will be granted to you. Grateful Thanks. LR
Exeter Grange is working on a new challenge. The Grange is participating in the ìGo Bananas Challengeî for Project Saving Species in conjunction with the Cincinnati Zoo. They are asking for donations of used and broken cell phones, smart phones, IPAD/IPODS, tablets and charging accessories. Many of these items contain metals and materials that need to be recycled and not tossed in the landfill. Eco-Call, a Louisville based company, will break down and recycle the items and has a no landfill policy. Donations can be left on the steps of Exeter Grange Hall, 469 Ten Rod Road (Rte. 102) in Exeter. If there are any questions or a donation is left, please feel free to call Amanda or Peggy at 401-397-8058 and leave a message.
$95000 Atty. Fee
Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Payment Plan Available
Attorney David B. Hathaway
Former Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Trustee
e Coventry Planning Commission will conduct a Public Informational Meeting for a Pre-Application Review of a Major Land Development Application on the proposed “New London Preserve” project, submitted by Alpha Holdings, LLC.
e meeting will be held on Wednesday, July 24, 2024 at 6:30 p.m. is meeting will be convened in-person at Coventry Town Hall and will also be available for public participation using Zoom Video Conference Technology to allow timely and e ective public access to deliberations of the Coventry Planning Commission.
Or by telephone dial toll free any of the numbers below:
Webinar ID: 851 1250 0598
Passcode: 875437
International numbers available: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kwY62qytw
e applicant is proposing to develop 90 detached, single-family-style condominium units on the subject parcel, which is located o New London Turnpike and is comprised of seven lots (AP 7, Lot 25; AP 8, Lots 2, 3, 9, & 10 and AP 16, Lots 133 & 138). Units are proposed at roughly 2,000 SF in size, with 2-3 bedrooms and attached two-car garages. e project will also include pedestrian walkways, lighting, landscaping and other site amenities. Public water and sewer connections are anticipated.
Copies of the proposed plans are available for examination at the Department of Planning and Development, Town Hall Annex, 1675 Flat River Road, Monday-Friday, 8:30 am –4:30 pm. e application materials are also available for review on the Town’s Planning Department webpage by following the link for “Planning Commission” for the July 24, meeting. Written comments from the public on this project may be submitted prior to the meeting to Doug McLean, Director of Planning and Development, at dmclean@ coventryri.gov. All written comments will be forwarded to the Planning Commission for their consideration at the July 24 meeting.
e proposed development may be revised by the Planning Commission as a result of further study and/or views expressed at the meeting.
Per order of the Town of Coventry Planning Commission Ronald Flynn, Chairman
e public is welcome at any meeting of the Town Council or its committees. If communication assistance is needed or any other accommodation to ensure equal participation, please contact the Town Clerk at (401) 822-9173 at least two (2) business days prior to the meeting.
Home Improvement
No job too small. Free estimates. RI #A4602. Insured. Jay, 8262826.
JUNK REMOVAL, Dump Runs & Property Clean-outs. Call Pat, 2066404.
CARPENTER: 35 Years experience. Licensed & insured, references and rates. Text or call 1-508-272-1786.
Are you or is someone you know an elder in Coventry or West Warwick? St. Vincent de Paul Society is offering a warm meal from their Saturday Grab & Go weekly meals. To schedule a delivery or pick up of a warm meal, please call 828-3090 before 3PM on Wednesdays. If picking up your meal, please go to the OLC School Gym, 445 Washington Street in Coventry, between 11AM-12PM on Saturday.
Literacy Volunteers of Kent County is offering free English tutoring to individuals 18 and older. In just a few hours per week you can improve your English skills in speaking, reading, and writing. You will be paired with a tutor, who will instruct you, one-on-one, according to your individual needs. Lessons are scheduled at your convenience. All information exchanged remains confidential. For more information, please call or email Literacy Volunteers of Kent County (LVKC). 822-9103, lvkc@ coventrylibrary.org
HOME ENERGY ASSISTANCE PROGRAM (HEAP) Have trouble paying your heating bill? The Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP) helps income eligible families pay their heating bills. The HEAP is a Primary Grant that is sent directly to your utility company or fuel provider, and it will be credited on your bill. You don’t need to have an unpaid bill, you can either rent or own your home, and must meet current gross income guidelines. Please call 732-4660, Ext. 175 for more information.
CHEVALIER CESSPOOL CLEANERS: Cesspools and septic tanks pumped. New systems installed. Sewer connections. 736-8313. ELECTRICAL
RICHARD J. PIZZI Electrical Contractor: 550 Providence Street, West Warwick. Residential Wiring (home repairs). No job too small. A145, insured. 580-8803.
THE REMINDER’S FAX SERVICE. Now you can send or receive letters, statements, invoices, etc. in seconds by using The Reminder Fax Service. Want more details? Call The Reminder and ask about our fax: 821-2216. Fax Number: 732-3110. To Send: $3.00 (+tax) for the first page, $1.00 for every additional page. To receive: 75¢ ea. page (+tax).
VENTURA FENCE CO., INC.: Serving Rhode Island since 1975 for all your fencing needs. Insured. RI Reg #7260. Call anytime 821-7200.
K.C. FENCE CO.: There’s no job too big or too small... We do them all! Specializing in all types of fencing. In business for over 40 years. RI Reg. #15748. Insured. 397-5076.
MOFFITT & ASSOCIATES, LLC.: Financial Services and Investments, Retirement Planning and 401K rollovers. www.moffittassociates. com1260 Main St. (Rte. 117), Coventry (401)828-0097.
LEWIS & CLARKE ENTERPRISES, INC.: New homes, additions, garages, kitchens, bathrooms, family rooms, roofs, and repairs. 3453227. RI Reg. #5646.
ALL SEASONS LAWNCARE, INC.: Full Service Landscape Maintenance and Construction Company. Now doing walkways, patios & firepits. 732-7993. RI Reg. #43492.
WINFIELD TERMITE & PEST CONTROL: All your pest needs. 8217800.
KENT COUNTY PEST CONTROL, LLC: Residential and Commercial. Certified in Industrial, Structural and Health Related Pest Control. 100% Guaranteed. 401-569-0212.
JOHN P. KEOGH PLUMBING & DRAIN CLEANING: Electric sewer rooter service. Master Plumber Lic. #1881. 401-862-8810. A GOOD PLUMBER: Plumbing, heating, drain cleaning. 8082284. RI Lic. #MP002399.
Consign or Sell?
The Choice Is Yours!
By Travis Landry Auctioneer & Specialist
& Co. Auctioneers
Cranston, RI
Whether you are a discerning collector or someone helping settle a family estate you always wonder what your options are when it comes to selling. When bringing any antiques or collectibles to market you have several avenues from the random Craigslist Ad “Buying Your Modern Furniture” to estate liquidators, auction houses, or your own hard work, sweat, and tears. I will preface this article that working in an auction house environment does tend to make me biased, but that is because I always hear the private selling horror stories!
Let’s investigate the options. There is no denying that selling outright is certainly your fastest and easiest option. You make the phone call or email, the buyer shows up or maybe you take it to their store, a price is offered, cash is accepted, and you carry on
with your day. If you are too busy of a person or don’t care to wait for consignment this is the option for you. However (with major emphasis), just know you are going
to be selling the items at a great discount. A private dealer or store owner is someone who works for their best interest, not your own. A dealer’s goal is to buy at the
cheapest price possible to maximize return. It is just the nature of the beast. Again, some people don’t care, and I have delt with several of them, they just want
whatever cash they can get and continue on. I will note though that there are good dealers out there who are upfront and honest who do treat people fairly, but unfortunately that is the minority. Make sure to do your homework on who you are dealing with! Prime example, and one of my favorite stories while working at Bruneau & Co… Last year we were referred to an original owner collection in New Jersey from another auction house who did not deal with comic books. Prior to being introduced to us, they planned to sell the books to a local comic shop. What at first sounded great as a $30,000 cash offer turned into over $100,000 at auction after having the collection properly managed. That is the benefit of consignment. When working with an auction house it becomes a team effort, the more you make the more the auction house makes. Now depending on value and work involved you may need to pay upwards of 30% commission, but that will ultimately get you the most money in the end. It will take time, but if you can wait it is worth it. The biggest piece of advice I can leave you with is do not rush into anything. Take your time, do some research, and find the option that is best suited for you.
The Household Hero/Bug Buster
Eliminating pests while protecting your family & pets
By definition, a “pest” is an insect which harms both crops and plants and is an overall nuisance to humans. While a “pest” can also refer to small animals, anyone who lives in New England knows that the worst kinds of problematic “pests” are the mosquitos, ants, fleas, ticks, beetles, gnats, roaches, flies, spiders and fruit flies that live amongst us in this wet and lush region of the country. Pests are a reality that we must simply live with, right?? Wrong.
According to Stephen Gustafson, (also known as the Household Hero and “Bug Buster”), we don’t have to resign ourselves to a life with these pesky creatures at all! Gustafson has a personal vendetta when it comes to controlling troublesome insects. As an avid outdoorsman, he spent a lot of time in
nature until a dangerous bite from a diseasecarrying tick sidelined him several years ago. That experience was a catalyst in his decision to become a pest control technician. After months of extensive training, Stephen fulfilled that goal. Today, he has earned the moniker “Bug Buster” and licensed pest control expert. But he took this pursuit to a next level when he stepped outside the more commonplace toxic treatments used by larger brands (you know them, they are ones that leave behind signs on your lawn like this one: “chemicals applied, do not walk on this grass”).
Instead, he chose to work exclusively with a product line which is non-toxic and environmentally friendly.
The cedar-based solution which Stephen
at MelissaM@RhodyBeat.com or Linda at LindaN@RhodyBeat.com for more information!
Meet Stephen Gustafson, a licensed pest control technician who uses environmentally friendly, all-natural products which kill
Gustafson apart from his competitors is that he does not require you to sign a long-term contract. He is available for a one-time job or an ongoing commitment.
bees and butterflies which breathe differently than their insect counterparts and therefore do
The Bug Buster will come to your home and, after a free consultation, will get right to work spraying this cedar-oil
Don’t let the state of RI control what happens to your assets. Contact Roy & Cook, Attorneys at Law Today!
R C OY OOK & Attorneys at Law
Edward C. Roy, Jr., Esquire
Edward C. Roy, Jr., Esquire
Geralyn M. Cook, Esquire geri_cook@hotmail.com 577 Tiogue Avenue, 2nd Floor, Coventry, RI 02816
Phone: 401-823-0488 Fax: 401-823-0486
Geralyn M. Cook, Esquire
geri_cook@hotmail.com 577 Tiogue Avenue, 2nd Floor Coventry, RI 02816
Phone: 401-823-0488
6-Week Commitment. Includes Print, Web and 1 Feature Story & Photo of Your Business. Call Today To Reserve Your Space 821-2216 lindan@rhodybeat.com melissam@rhodybeat.com
insects in the all-natural products used by Mr. Bug Buster.
One of the other things that sets
Pests driving you crazy? Call The Bug 2715 and get started today. Gustafson is also a licensed and bonded HANDYMAN
plus Support for Your Local Merchant Keeps Your Money in Town to Fund Local Schools, Local Families and More! Watch for
CLEANERS: 1st & 2nd Shift, 20-25 hours per week, Monday-Saturday. $15/hour. Must have valid Driver’s License, reliable vehicle and clean BCI. Great job for retirees! Call 301-1162.
FULL TIME SERVICE TECHNICIAN for Water Filtration Systems & Well Pressure Tanks. Must have good Driving Record. $20-$25/Hour dependent on experience. Will train. Paid Holidays, Blue Cross & Dental. Ample overtime available. Company contributes to IRA. Paid Vacation after 1 year. Contact Jeff @ 401-3920199 or Email resume to jeff@newenglandwater. com
Real Estate Transactions
300 John Franklin Rd Alexander, Brian J Boscia, Cheryl and Boscia, David V 6/18
33 Blackrock Rd Brennan, Jessica and Brennan, Stacie Carnago, Robert 6/17
33 Lane F Butmarc, Richard Laliberte, Nicole C 6/21
36 Meeting St Driven Realty LLC Zampini, Michael A and Renehan, Katherine 6/21
45 Colvintown Rd Leod, Roxanne M Barbosa, Jordan K and Barbosa, Ashley N 6/21
6 Lucille St Lamont Jr, Raymond D Vaughan, Cheryl 6/18
61 Niblick Cir Lot 61 J&m Home Buyers LLC Bogosian, Gary D and Vento, Vanessa C 6/20
62 Pembroke Ln Deborah M Went T and Went, Deborah M Blankenship, Andrew A 6/18
62 Pembroke Ln Malbaurn, Jennifer A Blankenship, Andrew A 6/18
63 Twin Lakes Ave Zuba, Brian S Irizarry, Cesar 6/20
6466 Flat River Rd Jarvis, William R and Jarvis, Patricia L Ratner, Jeremy B 6/17
70 Teakwood Dr W Ludwig, Jennifer Andrade, Richard 6/18
110 Oxford St Purro, Virginia Vasquez-Avila, Jorge M and Vasquez-Natareno, Jorg M 6/17
110 Oxford St Lot 1087 Purro, Virginia Vasquez-Avila, Jorge M and Vasquez-Natareno, Jorg M 6/17 $415,000
12 Wisteria Ln Rivera, Jennifer P Bento, Paulo J and Bento, Lisa M 6/17 $475,000
135 Lippitt Ave Towd Point Mtg T2016-5 and Us Bank Na Supreme Enterprise LLC 6/17 $200,000
178 Thunder Trl Zito, John M and Zito, Lori F Sexton, Cynthia A and Guimont, Jean-Philippe 6/21 $800,000
18 Victory St Achetto Rental LLC Guan, Yingjie A 6/18 $315,000
183 Grace St Oneill, John G and Oneill, Virginia H Betsch, David and Buisson, Renee 6/20 $410,000
20 Apple Hill Dr Santiago, Lorraine L Rexter, Brett A and Bourbon, Kayla L 6/18 $560,000
20 Rosewood Ave Snyder, Stephanie C Allen, Jared R and Audette, Marie E 6/20 $670,000
30 Lark Ave Pena, Symphony Land, Brian R and Land, Bruna I 6/17 $392,000
31 Balsam Ct Flynn, Susan Correia, Lisa M 6/18 $226,250
31 Balsam Ct Patricia M Albanese Irt and Albanese, Patricia M Correia, Lisa M 6/18 $226,250
34 Bellevue Dr Souto, Marisa A Meimarides, Alexander and Humphrey, Paige 6/20 $482,500
44 Holburn Ave Supica, Sydney O and Smith, Emily V Wells, Nicole and Wells, Alexis 6/21 $405,000
51 Stone Dr Christy, Christine M Votto, Anthony S and Votto, Jordan A 6/20 $425,000
56 Julia St Ocean State Homes LLC Oladapo, Olakunle and Aderemi, Adedunmomi 6/20 $535,000
59 Howland Rd Krach, Mary E and Kocienda, Carolyn D Molina, Carolyn F 6/17 $421,500
6 Glen Ridge Rd Jennie A Fede RET and Valeff, Glen Haughey, Keith 6/18 $485,000
6 Harcourt St Paparelli, Anne Lauro, Frank 6/20 $250,000
6 Owl Ct Boscia, David V Watkins, Joseph S and Watkins, Christy L 6/17
62 Canonchet Trl Lot 159 Mumford, Sarah Taylor, Matthew and Taylor, Stephanie C 6/21
62 Canonchet Trl Lot 164 Mumford, Sarah Taylor, Matthew and Taylor, Stephanie C
76 W Hill Dr Gerchman, Jacqueline Damiani, Nicole E
78 Warren Ave Meimarides, Alexander and Humphrey, Paige Borch, Marcus and Borch, Lynn
81 Alpine Estates Dr Lentrichia, Paul and Lentrichia, Gayle Benitez, Jill and Canario, Dixon
Fuller St Dandridge, Christopher and Dandridge, Eileen Lisi 3rd, Randall S 6/17 $315,000
5 Larson Dr Chen, Sheng and Weng, Meiyin Tejeda, Kariana J
55 Huron St Lot 291 Navarro, Nery A Kinne, Michael A 6/20
55 Logan St Navarro, Nery A Kinne, Michael A
71 Limestone St Slade, Joshua D and Slade, Marsharose Watson, Maura
82 Massachusetts Ave Lin, Feng Mccarthy, Samantha B and Mccarthy, Kevin C 6/21 $341,000
87 Barton Ave Cavalieri, Hannah Mccomas, Daniel H and Mccomas, Mikaela M 6/17 $432,500
95 Reed St Lot 95 Bedard, Jodie A Glover, Sarah 6/17
west Greenwi C
197 Mishnock Rd Wade A Carson Lt and Smith, Wendy A Martin Jr, James
Donald Potter Rd Donald C Horne T and Horne, Donald C Factor, Casey T
Puzzle Page
Marianne Woodruff
All meals include milk, coffee or tea, bread/margarine